Spring, 2010-2019 - Student Government
Spring, 2010-2019 - Student Government
SPRING 2010 ELECTION RESULTS February 23 – February 24, 2010 BOLD PRINT INDICATES WINNERS TOTAL BALLOTS CAST: 9,775 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT TOTAL Ben Cavataro Sagar Sane STUDENT ALLIANCE 3,921 Ashton Charles Marcus Dixon UNITE 5,376 STUDENT BODY TREASURER TOTAL Rafael Yaniz STUDENT ALLIANCE 3,928 Virlany Taboada UNITE 5,281 HONOR COURT CHANCELLOR TOTAL Jonathan Lott Write-In 64 Jason Yoepp Write-In 8 SENATE - ACCOUNTING (1) TOTAL Michael Poiani STUDENT ALLIANCE 73 Seth Walker UNITE 78 SENATE– AGRICULTURE (3) TOTAL Chantel Carter STUDENT ALLIALNCE 145 Greg Correia STUDENT ALLIALNCE 148 Favi Faqeeri STUDENT ALLIALNCE 133 Travis Kuhn Ben Meyers Audrey Schnell SENATE – ARCHITECTURE (1) TOTAL Lizette Rios STUDENT ALLIANCE 63 Jeanette Holloway UNITE 30 UNITE UNITE UNITE 317 321 301 SENATE-BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION(1) TOTAL Justin Thibaut UNITE 85 SENATE- BUS. ADMIN (3) TOTAL William Ham STUDENT ALLIANCE 224 Jonathan D. Saxer STUDENT ALLIANCE 210 Ali Zuaiter STUDENT ALLIANCE 214 Kyle Deasy Alicia Holden Kara Olesky UNITE UNITE UNITE 445 465 452 SENATE-DENTISTRY (1) Dustin Pfundheller Write-In David Rosen Write-In Rouse Schwartz Write-In Robert Weaver Write-In Drew Hines Write-In SENATE-EDUCATION (1) Amy Rudman UNITE SENATE ENGINEERING (3) TOTAL TJ Boyd STUDENT ALLIANCE 393 Michael Crowley STUDENT ALLIANCE 397 Kevin Seymour STUDENT ALLIANCE 379 Victoria Cacicedo Melissa Devenbeck Sherwin Rivera UNITE UNITE UNITE TOTAL 64 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 86 SENATE-FINE ARTS (1) TOTAL Jennifer Senn STUDENT ALLIANCE 40 Dustin Kovacic UNITE 32 328 336 295 SENATE-GRADUATE (8) TOTAL Tyler Hisham Antar STUDENT ALLIANCE 489 Tovah Goldfarb STUDENT ALLIANCE 495 Brian Kirchberg STUDENT ALLIANCE 495 Alan Christopher Martin STUDENT ALLIANCE536 Matt Martz STUDENT ALLIANCE 484 Anu Pandey STUDENT ALLIANCE 510 Joanna Sandford STUDENT ALLIANCE 517 Zack Smith STUDENT ALLIANCE 451 S-HEALTH & HUMAN PERF. (1) TOTAL Dominique Ferro STUDENT ALLIANCE 43 Andrew S. Guglielmo UNITE Jonathan Lenner UNITE Ivan Martinez UNITE Matt Michel UNITE Tommy Robey UNITE Dan “The Fireman” Siegel UNITE Kunal Singh UNITE Lexi Wynne UNITE Jackie Hauser Aschelle Morgan UNITE UNITE SENATE - LAW (1) Gillian Leytham TOTAL STUDENT ALLIANCE 150 Tyler Yonge UNITE 204 206 222 289 211 191 234 272 Jennifer B. Hernandez UNITE 183 SENATE- JOURNALISM (2) TOTAL Matthew Christ STUDENT ALLIANCE 153 Ashley Taylor STUDENT ALLIANCE 161 335 294 168 S-LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCE (8) TOTAL Graham Clark STUDENT ALLIANCE 806 Neil Gundavda STUDENT ALLIANCE 792 Andrew Hart STUDENT ALLIANCE 793 Kevin Alan Kleponis STUDENT ALLIANCE 781 Cassia Laham STUDENT ALLIANCE 810 Keir Lamont STUDENT ALLIANCE 779 Michelle Loewenherz STUDENT ALLIANCE 795 Yevgen Sautin STUDENT ALLIANCE 722 SENATE - MEDICINE (1) TOTAL Brian Rossmiller STUDENT ALLIANCE 57 David Hankins INDEPENDENT 286 Jean-Luc Adrien Gil Ben-Ezra Renato Garcia Katherine Getty Matthew Lake Ethan McMahon Naadira Y. Renfroe Tiffany Sosa UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE 789 773 767 785 749 735 774 759 UNITE SENATE-PHARMACY (1) Nicholas Carris UNITE Chris Champion Anna Klausner Jason Tucker Bernie Zarco UNITE UNITE UNTE UNITE 457 493 459 447 39 TOTAL 33 S-PUBLIC HEALTH&HEALTH PROF. (1)TOTAL Kevin Cronin UNITE 115 S-VETERINARY MEDICINE (1) Kendra Pope UNITE S-UNDERGRAD. FRESHMAN(4) TOTAL Alex Aguilera STUDENT ALLIANCE 211 Jake Kennedy STUDENT ALLIANCE 212 Grace Kim STUDENT ALLIANCE 201 76 SENATE – NURSING (1) TOTAL Jimmie Seeley STUDENT ALLIANCE 44 Kendall Williamson John V. Callovi UNITE TOTAL 59 S-UNDERGRAD. SOPHOMORE(6) TOTAL Lane Brown STUDENT ALLIANCE 718 Chris Carusiello STUDENT ALLIANCE 716 Ford Dwyer STUDENT ALLIANCE 718 Melanie G. McCormick STUDENT ALLIANCE 755 Michael Morales STUDENT ALLIANCE 704 Jesse Schmitt STUDENT ALLIANCE 692 Brittnie Baker Beccah Clark Sean Fahy Joseph Pardo Aundré Price Thomas Vu UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE 1,193 1,202 1,232 1,201 1,203 1,181 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Should the Student Body Constitution be amended to: change the time for appointment of Summer Replacement Senators from May 1 to the last meeting of spring term; remove verbiage that purports to allow the Student Senate to contract on behalf of the student body; permit the Student Senate to amend election laws within four weeks, rather than five weeks, of an election; comply with Florida Board of Governors Resolution 08-23 by preserving the role of the Honor Code Chancellor, now referred to “Honor Code Executive Director,” and allowing this executive director to be appointed by the Student Body President; amend Article III to read "Funding Fee Increase Restrictions", instead of "Budget Restrictions"; ensure that terms of executive department heads expire concurrently with the terms of the elected executive officials; remove any reference to the "Student Honor Court" and “Student Honor Court Bar Association;” direct the submission of proposals by initiative to the Chief Justice of the Student Body; amend the proposal initiative process to provide that a petition carrying the signatures of 5% of the student body shall be placed on the ballot; authorize the Elections Commission to determine if initiative ballot titles and summaries are accurate and lawful and amend ballot titles and summary if they determine that they are not accurate, subject to appeal to the Student Body Supreme Court; require 2/3 of the trial body of the Student Senate for conviction of impeachment, instead of 3/4; make grammatical and other minor corrections and replacements. YES 5,525 NO 2,263 REFERENDUM QUESTIONS A Reitz Union fee has been proposed to repair and expand the facility. This fee would better student services, and increase space for students and organizations. Both USF and FSU have implemented fees: $20 per semester plus $1.50 per credit hour at USF, and a fee of $20 per semester plus $2 per credit hour at FSU. At UF the current proposed fee is $20 per semester plus $3 per credit hour. This will allow for students at the state’s flagship university to have access to the same level of quality in student resources as those offered at Florida’s other state universities and its peer universities around the country. A recent University survey shows the Reitz Union is in need of more than $40 million in deferred maintenance and repairs. The Reitz Union was built more than 40 years ago for the 19,000 students then enrolled. UF now has nearly 50,000 students and more than 900 student organizations, all in need of space, resources and support. Shall a new student fee be created to fund repairs of the J. Wayne Reitz Union? YES 4,103 NO 5,255 Shall a Reitz Union Fee, if implemented, be used to pay for additional expansions to the J. Wayne Reitz Union? If a fee is implemented, voting YES indicates the wish to fund an expansion of the Union. Voting NO indicates the wish to only fund necessary repairs. YES 4,182 NO 5,160 Should the University of Florida join the Workers Rights Consortium to help ensure that licensed merchandise with the University of Florida and Gator logos is not made in sweatshops? YES 7,246 NO 1,874 Results 2/21/2013 Election Administration Dashboard Manage Elections University of Florida Manage Voter Characteristics Manage Admins View Logs Logged in as Bourdon,Steven P Results as of 2/21/2013 10:30:33 AM Show Losing W rite Ins Hide Losing W rite Ins Update 10048 total ballots President/Vice President - 1 seats Christina Bonarrigo and Joselyn Rivas Swamp Party 6529 - 65.71% (55 votes from absentee ballots) 3349 - 33.71% Johnny Castillo and Jenna Goldman The Students Party Nicholas Noble WRITE-IN 4 - 0.04% Christina Bonarrigo WRITE-IN 3 - 0.03% Felix Chen WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Charles Barkley WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Patric Young WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Riley Cho WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Barack Obama WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matt Heckmann WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sara Mignano WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Johnny Castillo and Joselyn Rivas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tim Tebow and Jesus WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew OLSON WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicholas Taylor WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ronald Reagan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Barows WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% n/a WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Gio Laflotte WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nick dilts WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christina Bonarrigo andJoselynRivas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mark Julian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Teddy Egers WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Robert Wheeler Jr. and John Randolph Burks WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Hulk Hogan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% andrew sherman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Carolina Stark WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Luke Jeske andEnriquePinedo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Charlie Tabares WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christopher Spears WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew Molloy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Admiral McRaven WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Omair WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Johnny Castillo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rob Wheeler Jr. and John Randolph Burks WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% GUcci Swag WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christina Chan-Pong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jenna Goldman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicholas Nobel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christopher Asoian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Zack Gaynor accounting wizard WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 (12 votes from absentee ballots) 1/8 Results 2/21/2013 Gregory Kurth WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ted Nugent WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Barrows WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicholas Cage WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicolas Cage WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Maria Galindo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Charmander WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Batman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% megan huynh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Boshawn Rown WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryne Ferguson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% no one WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Treasurer - 1 seats Jayce Victor Swamp Party 6552 - 66.15% (53 votes from absentee ballots) 3320 - 33.52% Will "Billy" Farrell The Students Party Felix Chen WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Bob Law WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Riley Cho WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tim Geithner WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jimmy Moy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Logan Harrison WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Charles Barkley WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicholas Noble WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Vallejo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% andrew david olson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicholas Taylor WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Barows WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% N/a WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mark Julian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Carly Rey Jepson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Enrique Pinedo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Charlies Tabares WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew Molloy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% General Mattis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Omair WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrea Marton WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Zack Gaynor accounting wizard WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ronald Reagan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jordan Gilbert WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matthew Scheer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesus Christ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bailey McDaniel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cthulhu WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Robin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Boshawn Rown WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryne Ferguson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% no one WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% (14 votes from absentee ballots) Accounting Senator - 1 seats https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 2/8 Results 2/21/2013 Swamp Party 137 - 65.87% Jimmy Moy The Students Party 68 - 32.69% Felix Chen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.48% Jeff Bennett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.48% Nicholas Noble WRITE-IN 1 - 0.48% Liz Kleinfeld Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator - 3 seats Ethan Carter Swamp Party 422 - 29.22% Sloane Garcia Swamp Party 401 - 27.77% Jamie Lowstetter Swamp Party 393 - 27.22% Zack Guignardi The Students Party 214 - 14.82% Aimee Dolan WRITE-IN 2 - 0.14% Gilda Brown WRITE-IN 2 - 0.14% Charlie Tabares WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Alba Avila WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Maria Giani WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Luke Killam WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Zak Lash WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Keith Collins WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Devon Lundine WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Patrick Reddy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Dmitri Dranishnikov WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Ryne Ferguson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Architecture Senator - 1 seats Chris Yanes Katie Fisher Swamp Party 38 - 66.67% The Students Party 19 - 33.33% Building Construction Senator - 1 seats Marc Miller Swamp Party 40 - 100% Business Administration Senator - 2 seats Elliot Grasso Swamp Party Cory Yeffet Swamp Party 548 - 40.18% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 489 - 35.85% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 163 - 11.95% Shruti Shah The Students Party Jason Wasserman The Students Party Teddy Egers WRITE-IN 3 - 0.22% Nick Dilts WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Jake Schiff WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Jeffrey Hochsztein WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Phillip Schreiner WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Mit Patel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 156 - 11.44% (1 votes from absentee ballots) Dentistry Senator - 1 seats Patrick Fitzgerald Swamp Party 3 - 100% Swamp Party 69 - 98.57% Education Senator - 1 seats Maria Giana Devon Lundine WRITE-IN 1 - 1.43% Engineering Senator - 3 seats Drexel Forbes The Students Party 486 - 17.56% Ryan Barrows Swamp Party 473 - 17.09% Michael Fillipelli Swamp Party 457 - 16.51% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 3/8 Results 2/21/2013 Christopher Spears The Students Party 453 - 16.37% Umair Asghar The Students Party 451 - 16.29% Luke Killam Swamp Party 435 - 15.72% Troy Templin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Benjamin Willis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Beavis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Butt-Head WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Irene Ng WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Rusty P. Shackleford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Bruce Willis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Kyle Goldman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Marco Munizaga WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Jake Yap WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Katheryn Campbell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Kapil Dalal WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Zoidberg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Fine Arts Senator - 1 seats Swamp Party 43 - 51.19% The Students Party 41 - 48.81% Kyle Goldman Swamp Party 594 - 23.72% Jesse Archambault Swamp Party 583 - 23.28% Susan Webster Swamp Party 573 - 22.88% Bronco Vuskovich Swamp Party 537 - 21.45% Matt Mele The Students Party 203 - 8.11% Nick Dilts WRITE-IN 2 - 0.08% John Paul 2 WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Nicholas Knowlton WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% William Haines WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Megan Huynh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Christina Chan-Pong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Griffin Horvath WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Dante Frisiello WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Christina Chan Pong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Chris Parisi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Lukas Costas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% None WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Boshawn Rown WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Elizabeth LaRue Carlos Soto Freshman Senator - 4 seats Graduate Senator - 11 seats Kapil Dalal The Students Party 269 - 5.93% Jordan "Stonewall" Ball The Students Party 255 - 5.62% Ryan Whittingham The Students Party 251 - 5.53% Victor Olivieri The Students Party 248 - 5.47% Samiksha Rawool The Students Party 247 - 5.45% Jennifer Gunn The Students Party 245 - 5.4% Morgan Vollrath The Students Party 241 - 5.31% Ross Cotton The Students Party 235 - 5.18% Carlos Soria The Students Party 234 - 5.16% Nic Knowlton The Students Party 230 - 5.07% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 4/8 Results 2/21/2013 Alex Rabre The Students Party 225 - 4.96% Weili "Hillary" Wang Swamp Party 191 - 4.21% Rachel Chang Swamp Party 184 - 4.06% Subramanian Annamalai Swamp Party 176 - 3.88% Nicole Krassner Swamp Party 171 - 3.77% M. Rohit Divaker Swamp Party 169 - 3.73% Jacob Fischer Swamp Party 166 - 3.66% Jessica Witten Swamp Party 161 - 3.55% Tony Dieppa Swamp Party 159 - 3.51% Cecelia Hardwick Swamp Party 158 - 3.48% Jignesh Soni Swamp Party 158 - 3.48% Matthew Mountjoy Swamp Party 152 - 3.35% Sam Steckroth WRITE-IN 2 - 0.04% mickey mouse WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% superman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Taylor Armbrecht WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Cotton Hill WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Tim Wrzesinski WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Stephen Pridgen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Umair Asghar WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Shruti Shah WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Jimmy Moy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.02% Health and Human Performance Senator - 1 seats Christina Chan Pong Swamp Party 311 - 98.42% Mickey Mouse WRITE-IN 1 - 0.32% Ronnie from JerseyShore WRITE-IN 1 - 0.32% Carolina Stark WRITE-IN 1 - 0.32% Chuck Norris WRITE-IN 1 - 0.32% Shrisa Reid-Renaud WRITE-IN 1 - 0.32% Journalism Senator - 2 seats Garret Bruno Swamp Party 361 - 33.93% Lauren Verno Swamp Party 360 - 33.83% Rachel Godfrey The Students Party 190 - 17.86% Nicole Zakrewski The Students Party 150 - 14.1% Grier Ferguson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.09% Christina Ford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.09% Hillary Harper WRITE-IN 1 - 0.09% Law Senator - 1 seats Paul O'Quinn The Students Party 219 - 59.67% Lauren Humphries Swamp Party 147 - 40.05% Bryan Giribaldo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.27% Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator - 6 seats Megan Huynh Swamp Party Bruna Bouhid Swamp Party Alba Avila Swamp Party Farah Salem Swamp Party Jake Schiff Swamp Party https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 1008 - 9.56% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 976 - 9.25% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 972 - 9.22% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 970 - 9.2% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 967 - 9.17% (1 votes from absentee ballots) 5/8 Results 2/21/2013 Dylan DeFouw Swamp Party 949 - 9% (1 votes from absentee ballots) Christina Ford The Students Party 831 - 7.88% Dante Frisiello The Students Party 803 - 7.61% Michael Christ The Students Party 775 - 7.35% Lucas Novaes The Students Party 765 - 7.25% Dan Bergman The Students Party 754 - 7.15% Brandon Laines The Students Party 739 - 7.01% Shruti Shah WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Chris Richards WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Charles Barkley WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandon McCartney WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sean Quinn WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Felix Chen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Bogatz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joey Michaels WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Susan Webster WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brook Heavener WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mark Julian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ben Kenobi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Qui Gon Jin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Luke Skywalker WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Han Solo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Boba Fett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mace Windu WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Darien Williams WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christopher Purcell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Omair WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dwight Schrute WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Blake Giragos WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesus Christ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% ryan barows WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ivan Kurz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christian Torres WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Zoey Li WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Heather Landis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bjorn Stange WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% This shit is stupid WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Katie Campbell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bailey McDaniel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Zach Doniger WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Great Attitude, awesome charisma and very wellrounded person. WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Amit Gangrade WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% The Greater Evil WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Idiotic Waste of Money WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% no one WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Medicine Senator - 1 seats Jacob Burns Kyle Robinson https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 Swamp Party 49 - 81.67% The Students Party 11 - 18.33% 6/8 Results 2/21/2013 Nursing Senator - 1 seats Lauren Hood Eric Krantz Swamp Party 92 - 64.79% The Students Party 50 - 35.21% Pharmacy Senator - 1 seats Courtney Fosmoe Manny Mendez Swamp Party The Students Party 82 - 71.3% (47 votes from absentee ballots) 33 - 28.7% (17 votes from absentee ballots) Public Health and Health Professions Senator - 1 seats Aganette Joseph Kenan Tugrul Swamp Party 177 - 77.63% The Students Party 51 - 22.37% Sophomore Senator - 6 seats Katie Backstrand Swamp Party 1207 - 12.81% Savannah Bowdoin Swamp Party 1149 - 12.19% Nick Dilts Swamp Party 1125 - 11.94% Mitch Wilson Swamp Party 1116 - 11.84% Patricia Garcia-Linaries Swamp Party 1086 - 11.53% Shrisa Reid-Renaud Swamp Party 1061 - 11.26% Zach Doniger The Students Party 465 - 4.94% Sarah Miller The Students Party 465 - 4.94% Griffin Horvath The Students Party 452 - 4.8% Cameron Fraize The Students Party 434 - 4.61% Ezra Siegel The Students Party 428 - 4.54% Alexander T. Hlandik The Students Party 405 - 4.3% Bruna Bouhid WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% brian gilroy WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Chris Vallejo WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Christina Chan-Pong WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Dylan de Fouw WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cory Yeffet WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Xue Zhang WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Barows WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% George Bush WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kyle Archambault WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% chloe hale WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew Molloy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rachel Chang WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Megan Huynh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Pedro Sanchez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christina Ford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mickey Mouse WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dante Frisiello WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jake Shiff WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dante Friscello WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Frank Rutherford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jonathan Poisson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christina Chan Pong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jason Wasserman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Veterinary Medicine Senator - 1 seats https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 7/8 Results 2/21/2013 Shayda Samani Barak Obama Swamp Party WRITE-IN 67 - 98.53% 1 - 1.47% Referendum Currently clubs and bars are required by law to close at 2:00 a.m. in Gainesville. Known as a "hard close" all of the patrons, no matter what state they are in, must leave immediately at 2:00 a.m. A proposed change to a 3:00 a.m. "soft close" would mean the bars and clubs would be allowed to stop serving alcohol at 2:00 a.m. and close at 3:00 a.m. Do you support a change to allow a soft closing at 3:00 AM for all clubs and bars in Gainesville? Background: Campus safety is an important part of any university. The current "hard close" of all bars and clubs at 2:00 AM leads to many students and residents in Gainesville to wander around campus and on University Avenue, which can result in dangerous situations. A proposed soft closing at 3:00 AM would let bar and club patrons take their time to make sure they are in a state to leave and head home. Yes No 8137 votes - 89.98% 906 votes - 10.02% News Calendar Directory MyUFL ISIS W eb Site Listing Cam pus Map W ebMail Ask UF © University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; (352) 392-3261. Disability Services Privacy Policy Search This page was last updated 2/21/2013 10:30:33 AM https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/election/Results/21 8/8 2/25/2014 Results Election Administration University of Florida Results as of 2/25/2014 2:37:52 PM 7919 total ballots President/Vice President - 1 seats Cory Yeffet and Vivan Nguyen Swamp Party 7012 - 92.89% Stephanie Kreitzer and Juan Zapata WRITE-IN 49 - 0.65% Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 28 - 0.37% cory yeffet WRITE-IN 18 - 0.24% Vivan Nguyen WRITE-IN 11 - 0.15% Kamal Bharti WRITE-IN 8 - 0.11% Taco Libre WRITE-IN 7 - 0.09% Stephanie Kreitzer WRITE-IN 6 - 0.08% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 1/57 2/25/2014 Results Anyone else WRITE-IN 6 - 0.08% abstain WRITE-IN 5 - 0.07% Stephanie Krietzer and Juan Zapata WRITE-IN 5 - 0.07% Rick Steve WRITE-IN 5 - 0.07% We Shall Overcome WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% Mickey Mouse WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% not Swamp WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% Juan Zapata WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% Jordan Peterson WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% Not swamp party WRITE-IN 4 - 0.05% Peyton Hilford WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Tim Tebow WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Ian Matthews and Stephanie Kirkpatrick WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 2/57 2/25/2014 Results Jenna Goldman WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Taco Libre Party WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Steven Evens WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Rick Steve and John Randy WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Mica Montero WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Student Party WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Jesus WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Helix Fossil WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Vivian Nguyen WRITE-IN 3 - 0.04% Tony Lozado WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% James Taylor and Michelle Lee WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Stephanie kreitzer and Micaela Montero Dokser WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Christopher Lynch WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% South Park WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 3/57 2/25/2014 Results James Taylor WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Joseph Andreoli WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% none of the above WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Valerio Rasi WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Bardia Khajenoori and Nigel Farage WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Spike The Cactus WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Francis Underwood WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Fahad Ali Khan WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% tacos WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% tiran alon WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Javier Ramirez WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% students party WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Albert WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Demetri Stamas WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 4/57 2/25/2014 Results Frank Underwood WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% James Young WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Taylor McKeel WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Bardia Khajenoori and Anna Kendrick WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% cthulu WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Albert and Alberta WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Nacho Libre WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Adolf Hitler WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Mitchell Clarke WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Alex Sheppard WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Tommy Burt WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Bernie Machen WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Dylan Delucca WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Swikar Patel WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 5/57 2/25/2014 Results Mohammad Shatara WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taco Bell dog! WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Oliver Birman and Harris Yegelwel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ryan Wolf and Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jamie Lower WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matthew E. Morrow IV and Richard Coker WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% John Burks WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mike for Murph WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rick Scott and Rob Ford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% those taco libre guys WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% None WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tupac Shakur WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jared Ruddell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taco Bell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 6/57 2/25/2014 Results Stephanie Kreitzetr WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicole Saltiel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Suq Madiq and Muncha Ma Quchi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% TJ Oshie WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jan Itor WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bardia Khajenori WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ezra Siegel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% P.N. Hurbut WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% #sweg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Casey Blattel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesse Schmitt WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bryce Freeman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Will Yguette WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jacob Gabriel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 7/57 2/25/2014 Results Brett Olliff and Tyler Buffum WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taco Libre Party Candidates WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Hendon WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% John Lennon and Paul McCartney WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jessie Lawson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Thomas Vaseliou WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Al The Aligator WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% No Confidence In These Candidates WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joshua Stromberg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Robert Gresham WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Hanna Marcus WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% David Valancy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Daniella Gennaro and Ana Gonzalez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 8/57 2/25/2014 Results Logan Dubnick WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% A Two Party System WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Scottie Wilbekin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Christopher Falk WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anybody but the swamp frat WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Beyonce WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cory Yettef WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brian Srebrenik WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mike Hunt WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Parker Brown and Chris Burg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% SG is BS WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Austin Stone and Jin Kim Un WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jared Padgett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 9/57 2/25/2014 Results Jessica Lawson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Shyrone Carey WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alexander Rajender Webber WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Davis Bean Burrito WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Priya Parikh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tim Carney WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% We shall overcome! WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Klayman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ford Dwyer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Christ and Elizabeth Hyatt WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alexander Cruz and Dania Durnas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Batman and Robin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Alvarez/Matthew Angiulli WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 10/57 2/25/2014 Results Regina George WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Helie Dahria WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cory Corruption and Elliot the Deceiver WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joseph Mckeel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kevin Conley and Bobby Weil WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesus and Michael Crist WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Davis Bean and Next Year WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Naumaan Hafeez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jimmy Taylor WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Lol nope. WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tanner Stone WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cory Baach WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ron Paul WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kevin Elya WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 11/57 2/25/2014 Results Michael Christ and Dan Bergman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Aimee Dolan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Suroosh Mostoufi and Gabriel Navarro WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Elizabeth Divito WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Austin Stone and Jin Kim WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jeremy Sing and Michael Langer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Krystal Mejia and Sarah LYNCH WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jason Tiemier and Jason Tiemier WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% michael todd WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bobby Lester WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Vanesa Ucelo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anthony Kiessling WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Teddy Egers and Jacob https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 12/57 2/25/2014 Results Brownstein WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Walker WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Christ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joey Michaels and Leah Miller WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jonathan Ossip & Michael Morales WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nguyen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stefan Biniak WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Free Chris Walker WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Theodore Egers WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Teddy Egers WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Teddy Eges WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dakota Woll WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ross Corday WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Not them WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 13/57 2/25/2014 Results Michael Todd and Nick Caporicci WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Todd and Nicholas Caporicci WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Debora Fernandes WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kevin Doan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Elianne E. Vasquez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Free Chris Walker and Francis Underwood WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Kaladi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Wyatt Rudd and Tanner Crouch WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephanie Kretzer and Juan Zapata WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taco Libre Candidates WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Laree Thomas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Omid Armoon and Faris Hassan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 14/57 2/25/2014 Results Stephanie Kreitzer and Juan Debiedma WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Justin Yeung WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Courtney Kimbell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Steaphine Kreitzer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sam Godskind WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Marci Vallario WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anyone not in Swamp WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tommy Pickett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Samantha Williams WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% George W. Bush for president and Al Gore for VP WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ernesto Cejas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jack Cannon WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joakim Noah WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 15/57 2/25/2014 Results Micky Mouse WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tony Lazado WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% This is not fair at all. WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Arlie Slonim and Sami Klazkin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Corn Holio WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Karlie Wermolder WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% n WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Eric Post WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% His Emperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% SHINee WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Luis Diaz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephanie Kreitzer/Juan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cameron Fraize WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 16/57 2/25/2014 Results Steffanie Kreitzer and Juan Zapata WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Lee Braun WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Mazur & Abagail Doolan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Two-Party System WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jose Bigio WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Drake Castaneda WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Obama WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anyone but the Swamp Party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anna Morgan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Student's party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephanie Kreitzer, Taco Libre WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Henry Kissinger WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cory Teffet WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 17/57 2/25/2014 Results Evan Clark WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Boone Porcher WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tonty Rutinel and Ricardo Spence WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Vanessa Honorat WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% brock rydell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chadwick Rivera-Crum WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% ************* WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Catherine Kradel and Byeolah Henson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Thomas Pickett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matt Beck WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ferzan Uddin and Vicki Heda WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kevin Choi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% nah WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% NOT Swamp Party! WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 18/57 2/25/2014 Results Zachary Doniger WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Zach Doniger WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Alejandro III WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Evan Fleischmann WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bardia Khajenoori and Katie gresham WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chloe Hale and Katie Shepherd WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Azizur Aziz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Lauren Hemmingway WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ross Whetstone WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jonathan Chunn WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Donald Duck WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephanie Kreitzer and VP candidate for Taco Libre Party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 19/57 2/25/2014 Results Stephanie Wong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Johnathan Fischer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Not Cory Yeffet and Vivan Nguyen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% russell tarrant WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jeff Streitmatter WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Really, anyone else WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Billy Burchfield WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Not Cory Yeffet and Vivian Nguyen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Fahad Khan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rick Scott WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% No WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nick Kaufman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% John Stewart WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Neither WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 20/57 2/25/2014 Results Not the Swamp Party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cheesy Gordita Crunch WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brian Nezvadovitz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jonathan Ossip and Michael Morales WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joey Siracusa and Lukas Christensen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brock Lilley WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrea Pulgar WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matt Harrison WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Surya Nagesh and Noah Shaffer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Menendez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Fuck Swamp Party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anybody Else WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Amir Ahmadiavin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 21/57 2/25/2014 Results Anyone but those clowns WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% El Homber WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brent Kennicott WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matthew Diaz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jordan Peterson/Jordan Peterson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% P.F. Goodrich WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Jones WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephany Krietzer/Juan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bardia Khajenoori WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sg Isamonarchy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tania Jarquin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Donald Duck/Kanye West WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Purcell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Shahnawz Hardanian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 22/57 2/25/2014 Results Solidarity Forever WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Amber Todoroff WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew Mortellaro and James O'Connell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Olivia Barket WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Hernicz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Melody Kerr WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% #ShelbyIsFun WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Spike WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dylan DeLuca WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matt Sheehan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Anyone but them WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% taco WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Elianne Emma Vazquez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Christ and Daniella Saetta WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 23/57 2/25/2014 Results Leslie Knope WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandon Peebles WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tom Travis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Literally anyone else WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jared Padgett and Cooper Small WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% James Predelus WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% anyone else! WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tony Lozada and Kedrick Mir WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% My butt WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alexander Milian WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chase Lewellen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% andrew kays WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Arnold the Oak WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandoon Tom WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 24/57 2/25/2014 Results Milk Logan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taco Libre cantidates WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Beyonce Knowles/Sean Carter WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dmitri Dranishnikov WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rin Azrak WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tim Tebow/Forrest Ashby WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Justin Garland and Donovan Welch WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jebus Christ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jenna Goldman and Alex Klayman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Julie Coutu WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Treasurer - 1 seats Elliot Grasso Mica Montero https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 Swamp Party 6339 - 82.45% Taco Libre Party 1265 - 16.45% 25/57 2/25/2014 Results Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 10 - 0.13% Carson Drain WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% RICK STEVE WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% James Young WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Austin Ray WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Bobby Zvonchenko WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Tommy Burt WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Jesus WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% John Burks WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joe DiPaolo is a flake WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Christie WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicole Saltiel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Falcao WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Whatajoke WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 26/57 2/25/2014 Results Ezra Siegel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% #sweg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kristen Burke WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% A Two Party System WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Gary McGill WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jordan Belfort WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tim Carney WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandon Pinskiton WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% ElliotShouldve BeenPresident WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Stephanie critzer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Eddy Rams WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% nick caporicci WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jenna Goldman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Trogdor WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 27/57 2/25/2014 Results Abby is from Texas WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kelly Foy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesse Pinkman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Big Tuna WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alberta WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Haley Wathen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% We Shall Overcome WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% brittany doyle WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Taylor McKeel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Reg. Pol. Ad. K. Shanadi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tony Lazado WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Semeone not part of a social monopoly WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rebecca Saunders WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Biden WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 28/57 2/25/2014 Results Student's party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Hunter Oliver WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% *************** WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joakim Noah WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Azizur Aziz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Donald Duck WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Johnathan Fischer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mico Montero WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joshua Kimble WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Frank Plageman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jeff Atwater WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% albert WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Amir Ahmadiavin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Franklin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 29/57 2/25/2014 Results Matthew Diaz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jordan Peterson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Maddie Bottenhorn WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ben Bernake WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Peter Beter WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Helie Dharia WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dylan Fisher WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kamal Bharti WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chase Lewellen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% micah donaghy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Robyn Rihanna Fenty WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jeeby Chrizzy WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Accounting Senator - 1 seats Patricia Garcia-Linares Megan Jones https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 Swamp Party 161 - 86.1% Taco Libre Party 23 - 12.3% 30/57 2/25/2014 Results Kristopher Natale WRITE-IN 1 - 0.53% Frank Underwood WRITE-IN 1 - 0.53% Amir Ahmadiavin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.53% Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator - 3 seats Katie Backstrand Swamp Party 403 - 29.44% Clay Sapp Swamp Party 391 - 28.56% Kyle Hunter Swamp Party 383 - 27.98% Shannon Hill Taco Libre Party 78 - 5.7% Khaled Abdelghany Taco Libre Party 57 - 4.16% Zechariah Riojas Taco Libre Party 52 - 3.8% Keith Collins WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Kevin Morgan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Brian Hamberg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Frank Fish WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 31/57 2/25/2014 el hombre Results WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Architecture Senator - 1 seats Zachary Slagle Swamp Party 28 - 80% Kevin Lane Taco Libre Party 6 - 17.14% August Jellie WRITE-IN 1 - 2.86% Building Construction Senator - 1 seats Alden Jones Mark Werley Swamp Party 42 - 84% Taco Libre Party 8 - 16% Business Administration Senator - 2 seats Matthew Epstein Swamp Party 633 - 44.14% Robert Felder Swamp Party 596 - 41.56% Joanna Garcia Taco Libre Party 102 - 7.11% Kevin Chong Taco Libre Party 95 - 6.62% Andrew Kays WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% James Young WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 32/57 2/25/2014 Results Tim Tebow WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Rex Grossman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% David Murciano WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Max Klein WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Lebron James WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Megatron WRITE-IN 1 - 0.07% Dentistry Senator - 1 seats Paul Martin Swamp Party 3 - 100% Education Senator - 1 seats Maddie McClinton Paige Milch Swamp Party 59 - 86.76% Taco Libre Party 9 - 13.24% Engineering Senator - 4 seats Samantha Godskind Swamp Party 469 - 17.74% Brandon Peebles Swamp Party 469 - 17.74% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 33/57 2/25/2014 Results Brandi Recker Swamp Party 439 - 16.61% Tanner Stone Swamp Party 426 - 16.12% Matthew Ford The Students Party 144 - 5.45% Luke Hobden The Students Party 114 - 4.31% Jeff Rosenthal Taco Libre Party 114 - 4.31% Bobby Gresham The Students Party 113 - 4.28% Boone Porcher Taco Libre Party 113 - 4.28% Alexander Milian The Students Party 105 - 3.97% Jorge Norgaard Taco Libre Party 104 - 3.93% Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 3 - 0.11% q WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% w WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% e WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% #sweg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 34/57 2/25/2014 Results Not Austin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Kyle Foster WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% James Young WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Troy Templin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Thomas Taurasi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Scottie Wilbekin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Patric Young WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Will Yeguete WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Casey Prather WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Donald Duck WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Samantha Godskin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Bandon Peebles WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Logan Blue WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Ford Cheesman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Brett Rocklein WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 35/57 2/25/2014 Results Camden Mills WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Matthew Diaz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Brent K WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Brent C WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Eric Nieves WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% georgie barrett WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% andrew scarborough WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% frank penabad WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% roger kayaleh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Jusus Chrust WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Kate Upton WRITE-IN 1 - 0.04% Fine Arts Senator - 1 seats Quentin A. Peterson Jamie Miller https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 Swamp Party Taco Libre Party 42 - 75% 13 - 23.21% 36/57 2/25/2014 Connor Bass Results WRITE-IN 1 - 1.79% Freshman Senator - 3 seats William Foster Swamp Party 519 - 31.7% Kaley Pinner Swamp Party 508 - 31.03% Mitchell Smith Swamp Party 441 - 26.94% Chase Drayer Taco Libre Party 78 - 4.76% Melina Sajous Taco Libre Party 69 - 4.22% Tommy Burt WRITE-IN 4 - 0.24% Tony Lozada WRITE-IN 3 - 0.18% Alex Shepard WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Luis Diaz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Batman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Dillion Knox- Swamp Party WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Kyle Goldman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 37/57 2/25/2014 Results Aaron Blogg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Connor Bass WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Karlie Werdmolder WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% SHINee WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% John Stewart WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Alex Franklin WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Brent K WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Jordan Nasser WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Samantha Godskind WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% jesus WRITE-IN 1 - 0.06% Graduate Senator - 10 seats Karanbir Singh Sekhon Swamp Party 193 - 10.52% Victoria Colson Swamp Party 174 - 9.49% Jacob Landis Swamp Party 166 - 9.05% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 38/57 2/25/2014 Results Katie Jacob Swamp Party 162 - 8.83% Ryan Garcia Swamp Party 159 - 8.67% Cecelia Hardwick Swamp Party 158 - 8.62% Kwan Kim Swamp Party 155 - 8.45% Alireza Pourreza Swamp Party 154 - 8.4% Haley Sasser Swamp Party 153 - 8.34% Kamal Bharti WRITE-IN 86 - 4.69% Joe Andreoli The Students Party 82 - 4.47% Alyssa Freeman Taco Libre Party 77 - 4.2% Matt Pesek The Students Party 71 - 3.87% Eric Morgan WRITE-IN 2 - 0.11% Kamal Bharati WRITE-IN 2 - 0.11% Kamar Bharti WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Kelsey Lewis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 39/57 2/25/2014 Results Ansley Tuten WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Joel Mendelson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Chad Smith WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Andy Montee WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Lauren Wright WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Amber Brooks WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Rick Steve WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% David Bradshaw WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Kenton Ngo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Liz Lemon WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% GOB Bluth WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Ian Cornstock WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Matt Solomon WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Jeffrey Masse WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Jessica Oswald WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 40/57 2/25/2014 Results Derek LaMontagne WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Xirui Wang WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Juhee Choi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% ************ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% ************** WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% **************** WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% ***************** WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% ************* WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% I was given a voice to write in and I intend to use. WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% After 5 years I keep showing up to this computer to vote. I hope on a personal level things are different on a state level. I know they are not though. With changes in https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 41/57 2/25/2014 the geography of the district and the ebbs and flows of power change with them. It reminds me that my optimism might be misguided to assume many elected to this board will change how they operate when the geography of their district will lock them into a very similar system. I just want to give some advice. Cared about or not. 1st. Take more of an effort to follow up on the Student Position seats on Gainesville Advisory Boards. You can atleast pretend that you care to represent 50000 gainesville citizens at their functions. 2. On a personal note, there is a https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 Results WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% 42/57 2/25/2014 Results bicycle statute dedicated to 1996 bicycle victims. It deserves a plaque or something. 3. Keep doing referendums and listen to them. Cheers to the winners. WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Brett Musser WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Nicholas Alter WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% KAMAL BHARTHI WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Rin Azrak WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% KAML BHARTI WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Joseph Andreoli WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Erin Bunting WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Sheldon Waugh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Ryan Good WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Jessica Steele WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 43/57 2/25/2014 Richard Way Results WRITE-IN 1 - 0.05% Health and Human Performance Senator - 1 seats Savannah Bowdoin Swamp Party 252 - 89.05% Anja Fowler Taco Libre Party 14 - 4.95% Jacob Gabriel The Students Party 13 - 4.59% Kevin Conley WRITE-IN 1 - 0.35% Rick Steve WRITE-IN 1 - 0.35% Taylor McKeel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.35% Tim Tebow WRITE-IN 1 - 0.35% Journalism Senator - 2 seats Katie Burns Swamp Party 377 - 47.84% Nacuya A. Lewis Swamp Party 300 - 38.07% Brittany Birsner Taco Libre Party 63 - 7.99% Xander Hladik Taco Libre Party 45 - 5.71% Stephanie Wong WRITE-IN 1 - 0.13% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 44/57 2/25/2014 Results Mel Kiper WRITE-IN 1 - 0.13% Todd McShay WRITE-IN 1 - 0.13% Law Senator - 1 seats Ray Harrell Swamp Party 84 - 94.38% Andrew Steadman WRITE-IN 2 - 2.25% Anthony Klam WRITE-IN 1 - 1.12% Bryan Giribaldo WRITE-IN 1 - 1.12% Nick Camillo WRITE-IN 1 - 1.12% Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator - 6 seats Sarah Kaiser Swamp Party 941 - 12.38% Gianna McNealy Swamp Party 921 - 12.12% Stephanie Wong Swamp Party 917 - 12.07% Sol Ortega Swamp Party 914 - 12.03% Hadar Arazi Swamp Party 911 - 11.99% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 45/57 2/25/2014 Susan Webster Results Swamp Party 902 - 11.87% Brittany Doyle The Students Party 247 - 3.25% Brandon Laines The Students Party 231 - 3.04% Fahad Ali Khan The Students Party 225 - 2.96% Elianne E. Vazquez The Students Party 219 - 2.88% Tiran Alon The Students Party 202 - 2.66% Sarah Miller Taco Libre Party 184 - 2.42% Billy Burchfield Taco Libre Party 181 - 2.38% Miranda McCown Taco Libre Party 155 - 2.04% Carlotta Murri Taco Libre Party 145 - 1.91% Seth Singson Taco Libre Party 134 - 1.76% Daniel J. Solernou Taco Libre Party 117 - 1.54% Sean Quinn WRITE-IN 2 - 0.03% Rick Scott WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 46/57 2/25/2014 Results Carly Wilson complains WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chris Christie WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Howard Stern WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joe DiPaolo (The Flake) WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Baba Booey WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ronnie the Limo Driver WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Cravin Morehead WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andrew "Dice" Clay WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Alex Klayman WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% #sweg WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Nicole Saltiel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% wheredidunitepartygo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Ezra Siegel WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Connor Harrison WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sol Angel Canal WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 47/57 2/25/2014 Results Robert Weil WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tanner Stone WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Andy Mason WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bryan Davis WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Theodore Miller WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Austin Dailey WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Caleb Dahl WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Mike Cunt WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Yeah Jeets WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% The System WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Kobe! WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Lebron James WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Waka Flocka Flame WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Valerio Rasi WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 48/57 2/25/2014 Results Christopher Purcell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Godzilla WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bradford W. Smith WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Such WOW WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Much Election WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Parris Bell WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Johnathan Fischer WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Michael Christ WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Hashem ******* WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jordan Peterson WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Arielle Konen WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Olga Rodriguez WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Bardia Khajenoori WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% James Benjamin Sclater WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 49/57 2/25/2014 Results Julian Edward Wood WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% William Littleton Tazewell Bradford WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Two Chains WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Buster Chery WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Peter Beter WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jake Edelstein WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Medicine Senator - 1 seats Weston J. Bertot Zachary Boucher Swamp Party Taco Libre Party 92 - 93.88% 6 - 6.12% Nursing Senator - 1 seats Brooke Liston Natalie Aguilar Swamp Party 107 - 86.29% Taco Libre Party 17 - 13.71% Pharmacy Senator - 1 seats Victoria Mottola https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 Swamp Party 81 - 75.7% 50/57 2/25/2014 Aimee Dolan Results WRITE-IN 21 - 19.63% (19 votes from absentee ballots) Steven Tu WRITE-IN 5 - 4.67% (5 votes from absentee ballots) Public Health and Health Professions Senator - 1 seats Arielle Konen Swamp Party 217 - 98.19% Kara Sharp WRITE-IN 1 - 0.45% Anyone else WRITE-IN 1 - 0.45% Debbie Madelon WRITE-IN 1 - 0.45% Rose Wilder WRITE-IN 1 - 0.45% Sophomore Senator - 7 seats Thomas Burt Swamp Party 1267 - 12.36% Daniel Clayton Swamp Party 1263 - 12.32% Kyle Goldman Swamp Party 1230 - 12% Kevin Doan Swamp Party 1221 - 11.91% Dillon Knox Swamp Party 1184 - 11.55% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 51/57 2/25/2014 Results Jacob Visoky Swamp Party 1171 - 11.42% Bronco Vuskovich Swamp Party 1161 - 11.33% Victoria Balda Taco Libre Party 198 - 1.93% Daniel Barrera Taco Libre Party 193 - 1.88% Jordan Peterson The Students Party 186 - 1.81% Joshua Kimble The Students Party 183 - 1.79% Lauren Paton Taco Libre Party 181 - 1.77% Alex Sheppard The Students Party 178 - 1.74% Hashem Amireh The Students Party 168 - 1.64% Zoe Sieber Taco Libre Party 149 - 1.45% Josh Silverstone Taco Libre Party 142 - 1.39% Olivia Vega Taco Libre Party 133 - 1.3% Connor Bass WRITE-IN 5 - 0.05% tony lozada WRITE-IN 4 - 0.04% Stephanie Wong WRITE-IN 3 - 0.03% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 52/57 2/25/2014 Results Javier Ramirez WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Nacuya Lewis WRITE-IN 2 - 0.02% Logan Schaner WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Richard Petty WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Billy Madison WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Donald Trump WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Joey Michaels WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Katie Burns WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tanner Stone WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Robert Felder WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandon Peebles WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Rami Bustami WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Chief Keef WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Arnold sullivan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 53/57 2/25/2014 Results Sam lapeyre WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sarah Probst WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Tony Lazado WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Josh Goldsmith WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Trevor Morrison WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% John Falknor Hursh WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Azizur Aziz WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Matt Rabe WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Sol Ortega WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Connor Grill WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Dylan Fisher WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Jesus WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Brandon Tomo WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% Milk Logan WRITE-IN 1 - 0.01% https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 54/57 2/25/2014 Results Veterinary Medicine Senator - 1 seats Jennifer Gray Swamp Party 21 - 100% Amendment 1 Should the anti-discrimination policy of Student Government be updated to include genetic information, in compliance with the University of Florida s anti-discrimination policy, and read as follows: Student Government nor any organization that receives funds shall not discriminate with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information, and veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act, or any other classification as provided by law? Yes No 4516 votes 87.49% 646 votes - 12.51% Referendum 2 Currently, on campus, during home football game days, only people in https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 55/57 2/25/2014 Results attendance at functions that have been approved by administration may carry open containers containing alcohol. In any other circumstance, alumni, students and Gator fans are issued a civil citation by law enforcement in which they will have to pay a fee if cited for carrying an open container containing alcohol. A proposed change would allow those of the legal drinking age to carry an open container containing alcohol during home football game days. Do you support the University of Florida implementing an open container policy allowing those of the legal drinking age to carry an open container containing alcohol on campus during home football game days? Background: Other similar universities have incorporated an open container policy for home football game days including, University of Georgia, University of Missouri, Florida State University and University of Central Florida. The responsible consumption of alcohol has been integrated into the tailgating experience for many Gator fans. Yes https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 6236 votes 89.61% 56/57 2/25/2014 No Results 723 votes - 10.39% Referendum 3 Do you support the creation of a 50-cent per credit-hour Student Green Energy Fee that would be used to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects on campus? Yes No https://vote.sg.ufl.edu/s/admin/Election/Results/31 4010 votes 64.84% 2174 votes 35.16% 57/57 Election Administration University of Florida Results as of 2/25/2015 9:24:14 PM 12742 total ballots President/Vice President ‐ 1 seats Joselin Padron‐Rasines and Kevin Doan Access Party 6316 ‐ 50.11% (3 votes from absentee ballots) Joey Michaels and Tia Smart Swamp Party 6192 ‐ 49.13% Davis Bean WRITE‐IN 14 ‐ 0.11% Austin Young WRITE‐IN 6 ‐ 0.05% Teddy Egers WRITE‐IN 4 ‐ 0.03% Brandon Salky WRITE‐IN 3 ‐ 0.02% Joey Michaels and Kevin Doan WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Leslie Knope WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Troy Zednek WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% (9 votes from absentee ballots) Billy Donavon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% David Honeycutt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Joselin Padron‐Rasines WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ossip and Morales! WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Deutchsmann WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Senator Shaft WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bradley William Crocker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jack Trefry WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jeffrey Pippin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% John Herdbond WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Kevin Doan WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Corbin Emerson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Martin Dinkov WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Louis Trapanese WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% me WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% jude massanat WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Swamp Party made me vote WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Marc Overton WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gubey WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ric Biggs WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Travis Bowen WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% UCF Knights WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Joselin Pardon‐Rasines WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Peyton Manning WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Davis Bean And Ryan Wan WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jared Burns WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Elfrid Payton WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Not Drew Baker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gooby WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tyler Bruener WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Joey Mickaels and Tia Smart WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Preston Jones WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Mickey Mouse WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bradley Sifrig WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Andrew Bawtinhimer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Swaggy T WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% No Confidence WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jonathan Ossip and Michael Morales WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% James Barringer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Roger Yee WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Robert Lane WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Javier WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% deutschmann WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Fuck Student Politics WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Left Shark WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Michelle Tran WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% heather WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Cassidy Whitson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Deutchman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% anthony klam WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% greek life makes me vote WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Deutschmann WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Philip Greaver WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Trevor Forrester WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Blake Dixon and Kevin Weger WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Kevin Weger WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% jonathan blitman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Haley Wathen WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Reid Morelli WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bobby Walsh WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jamie Lower WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Lyle Houston WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Trevor Mott WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Michael Schmoll WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% 6482 ‐ 51.61% 71 losing write‐in candidates with 96 votes Treasurer ‐ 1 seats Nicholas Carre Access Party (5 votes from absentee ballots) Hadar Arazi Swamp Party 5998 ‐ 47.76% William Warden WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Harrison Koss WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Will Warden WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Ben Deutschmann WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.02% Hope Thiele WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Black WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Cole Kraft WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% (7 votes from absentee ballots) Harold Shaw WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Spencer Berman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Austin Schmidt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Robert Walsh WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Steph Curry WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Captian Douche WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Martin Dinkov WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Josh Venkataraman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% me WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Alexander Hamilton WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Daniella Saetta WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Marc Overton WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Brad Bosley WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% mickey mouse WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% n/a WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gubey WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Sean Gilmore WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Adolf Hitler WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% LEAH MILLER WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Travis Bowen WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% UC FKnights WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jonathan Jean‐Louis WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jorge Torres WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Mike Litoris WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Javier Ramirez WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Eggplant King WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Mackenzie Gusman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ron Swanson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jared Burns WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Not Michael buchanon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gooby WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Not Austin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% anyone but sherman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Hip‐Hop Duke WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Hannah Feldman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Preston Jones WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Troy Templin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Scott Alan Miller WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Katie Baker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Andrew Bawtinhimer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% swaggy t WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Teddy Egers WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% No Confidence WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bailey Moran WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tim Teboner WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Roger Yee WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tom Haverford WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Fuck This Corrupt System WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Left Shark WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% heather WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Cassidy Whitson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Justin Hall WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% sean belanger WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Trevor Forester WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% which is BS WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% mike mcneely WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% evan schauder WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nick Bond WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Vikram Ravoory WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Andrew Fastow WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bill Gates WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Reid Morelli WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Bobby Walsh WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Paul Bikowitz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tim Tebow WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Brandon Nero WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Veena Gosai WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Michael Schmoll WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% 146 ‐ 64.6% 75 losing write‐in candidates with 79 votes Accounting Senator ‐ 1 seats Megan Chung Swamp Party Elena Hernandez Access Party 79 ‐ 34.96% Nicolas Noble WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.44% 1 losing write‐in candidates with 1 votes Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator ‐ 3 seats Charlie Brown, Jr. Swamp Party 391 ‐ 17.72% Alec Cronin Access Party 376 ‐ 17.04% Nardin Derias Access Party 371 ‐ 16.82% Clay Hurdle Access Party 369 ‐ 16.73% Jaime Sebastian Natal Swamp Party 345 ‐ 15.64% Bronco Vuskovich Swamp Party 341 ‐ 15.46% susan webster WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% I don't know WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Cody C McMurrin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Albert and Alberta WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% David J Weil WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Cody D McMurrin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% T. Buddy WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% James Barringer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Nicholas Elmore WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Garrett Walsh WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Dill WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Tommy WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% Chuckie WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.05% 57 ‐ 80.28% 13 losing write‐in candidates with 13 votes Architecture Senator ‐ 1 seats Andrew B. Morrell Swamp Party Zachary Wignall WRITE‐IN 5 ‐ 7.04% ‐ WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Zach Wignall WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Elaine Allyn Irvin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Daniel Conrad WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Allyn Irving WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Laura Arboleda WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Kevin Lane WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% no confidence WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% Arnon Khantawang WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.41% 58 ‐ 76.32% 10 losing write‐in candidates with 14 votes Building Construction Senator ‐ 1 seats Jacob Duval Swamp Party Derek Vinluan Access Party 17 ‐ 22.37% Javier Ramirez WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 1.32% 1 losing write‐in candidates with 1 votes Business Administration Senator ‐ 3 seats Ty Robare Swamp Party 702 ‐ 22.75% Daniel Gridi Swamp Party 689 ‐ 22.33% Kadarius Gipson Swamp Party 689 ‐ 22.33% Zachary Bodden Access Party 352 ‐ 11.41% Alfonso Mejia Access Party 313 ‐ 10.14% Michael Cizek Access Party 313 ‐ 10.14% Jeffery Pippin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Josh Venkataraman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% bill tabor WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Jeremy "The Worm" Williams WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Kaley Jaslow WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Weston Noone WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Margaret Heekin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Gilbert Murimwa WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Ethan Kalish WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Jacob Holloway WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Not Drew Bakeher WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Not Austin Sherman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Not Noah Baker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Gerrett Rice WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Tanner Wilcox WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Senator Shaft WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Cole Hovey WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Cory Hartstein WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Mark Zuckerberg WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Mitchell Allen WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Nicholas Arena WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Patrick James WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Cassidy Whitson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Heather Blum WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% informed decision WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% if they can make an WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% people should only vote WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% Philip Greaver WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.03% 32 ‐ 56.14% 25 ‐ 43.86% 28 losing write‐in candidates with 28 votes Dentistry Senator ‐ 1 seats Siri Seebunpang Ramzy Lotfi Swamp Party Access Party Education Senator ‐ 1 seats Maddie McClinton Elizabeth Mason Swamp Party Access Party 79 ‐ 70.54% 33 ‐ 29.46% Engineering Senator ‐ 4 seats William Barefield Access Party 759 ‐ 14.54% Matthew Bill Access Party 751 ‐ 14.39% Brandon Stillword Access Party 706 ‐ 13.53% Hammaad Saber Access Party 706 ‐ 13.53% Sam Godskind Swamp Party 573 ‐ 10.98% Jacob Holloway Swamp Party 567 ‐ 10.86% Bruce Yang Swamp Party 554 ‐ 10.62% William Stahovec Swamp Party 549 ‐ 10.52% Nick Feroce WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.04% Luis Muniz WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.04% Joey Pellarin WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.04% tim tebow WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.04% David Honeycutt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% evan lambert WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% jordan battel WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Laura Turk WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% DAVID BELL WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% UTSAV PARAKH WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% YASH GARG WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% NISHIT SADHWANI WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Abraham Lincoln WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Sierra Stephens WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jonathan B Le WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Madison Greco WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Brett Swikle WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Kyle Johnson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Nick Genemaras WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jared Coldiron WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Kim jong un WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Kendrick Lamar WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% George Bush WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Not Austin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Tracey Adams WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jonathan Wood WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Ilija Pancevski WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Antonio Malouf WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Eggplant WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Kishan Patel WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jonathon Herd‐Bond WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Yosef Sadowsky WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Not Austin Sherman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Not Austin "small calves" Sherman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Derek Ramsburg WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% John Randolf Burks WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Matthew Clonts WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Quinn Pruitt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Max Schmidt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Ben Deutschmann WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Mathew Bieber Kuntz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% dante fowler jr WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% billy d WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% coach mac WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jin Kim WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Matt Kuntz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Alex Karpinia WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Domenic Luppino WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Hamaad Saaber WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Michael Schmoll WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% 80 ‐ 70.8% 33 ‐ 29.2% 50 losing write‐in candidates with 54 votes Fine Arts Senator ‐ 1 seats Francesca Levy Nikolas Fernandez Access Party Swamp Party Freshman Senator ‐ 3 seats Brandon Reemsnyder Swamp Party 514 ‐ 20.88% Shehzad Maniar Swamp Party 491 ‐ 19.94% Jommy Senatous Swamp Party 468 ‐ 19.01% Hannah Feldman Access Party 335 ‐ 13.61% Andrew Iglesias Access Party 329 ‐ 13.36% Oliver Telusma Access Party 306 ‐ 12.43% Uyen Vu WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Davis Bean WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Jake Koontz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Will Moor WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Carter Fish WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Jen Le WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Ian Green WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Tyler Richards access party WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Charlie Brown WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Kishan Patel WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Michael Comora WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Bailey Moran WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Debi lazarev WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Harrison Haines WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Samantha Bove WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Saneh St. Claire WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Audrey Guerra WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Aneer Bhula WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% Rachael Laky WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.04% 19 losing write‐in candidates with 19 votes Graduate Senator ‐ 10 seats Michael Christ Access Party 395 ‐ 7.64% David A. Bell Access Party 391 ‐ 7.56% Yash Garg Access Party 383 ‐ 7.41% Nishit Sadhwani Access Party 382 ‐ 7.39% Kamal Bharti Access Party 379 ‐ 7.33% Ustav Parakh Access Party 375 ‐ 7.25% Keith Saint Access Party 374 ‐ 7.24% Nhi Tran Access Party 373 ‐ 7.22% Karanbir Singh Sekhon Access Party 373 ‐ 7.22% Sakshi Sakshi Access Party 371 ‐ 7.18% Jing Yuan Swamp Party 150 ‐ 2.9% Robert Amor Swamp Party 147 ‐ 2.84% Jordan Eddy Swamp Party 139 ‐ 2.69% Sudarshan Aryal Swamp Party 139 ‐ 2.69% Tyler Alderman (Kury) Swamp Party 139 ‐ 2.69% Vaibhav Jain Swamp Party 137 ‐ 2.65% Annabelle Woodruff Swamp Party 133 ‐ 2.57% Scott J. Rothberg Swamp Party 129 ‐ 2.5% Ali Paykazadi Swamp Party 127 ‐ 2.46% Grant Kendzior Swamp Party 119 ‐ 2.3% William Barefield WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Xiang Zhang WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Zhenxiong Jia WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Daniella Saetta WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% David Schultz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Adolf Hitler WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Joey Michaels WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Joey Michael WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Scott J.Rothberg WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Khanh Ha WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Denae Campanale WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Jude Massanat WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Alisha Feldman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% Matthew "Beeber" Kuntz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.02% 14 losing write‐in candidates with 14 votes Health and Human Performance Senator ‐ 1 seats Katelynd Todd Swamp Party 237 ‐ 60.31% Shixiu Wang Access Party 153 ‐ 38.93% Cole Kraft WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.25% Mackenzie Gusman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.25% Francis Houseman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.25% 3 losing write‐in candidates with 3 votes Journalism Senator ‐ 2 seats Andrea Newport‐Jones Swamp Party 356 ‐ 25.69% Amaury Sablon Access Party 355 ‐ 25.61% Omari White Access Party 348 ‐ 25.11% Shalla Galanos Swamp Party 323 ‐ 23.3% n/a WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.07% #ButtsButtsButts WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.07% Andy Dwyer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.07% Ron Swanson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.07% 268 ‐ 53.92% 227 ‐ 45.67% 4 losing write‐in candidates with 4 votes Law Senator ‐ 1 seats Alisha Feldman Marie Moyle Access Party Swamp Party UCF WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.2% Jerry Gergich WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.2% 2 losing write‐in candidates with 2 votes Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator ‐ 6 seats Audrey Guerra Access Party 1435 ‐ 10.6% Chris Boyett Access Party 1423 ‐ 10.51% Amanda Nelson Access Party 1390 ‐ 10.27% Justin Mathew Access Party 1384 ‐ 10.22% Chizoba Ezenwa Access Party 1373 ‐ 10.14% Saneh Ste.Claire Access Party 1333 ‐ 9.85% (1 votes from absentee ballots) Benjamin Auyang Swamp Party 836 ‐ 6.18% Savannah Pellegrino Swamp Party 825 ‐ 6.09% Susan Webster Swamp Party 804 ‐ 5.94% Sofia Bever Swamp Party 798 ‐ 5.89% Megan Hirsh Swamp Party 790 ‐ 5.84% (1 votes from absentee ballots) Michael Schmoll Swamp Party 767 ‐ 5.67% Brittany Doyle Independent 309 ‐ 2.28% Gooby WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Chelsea Ogugua WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Anel Henry WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Charlie Brown WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Justin Heidt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Surf Club WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Saneh Ste. Claire WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Avery Smith WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Robert Taylor WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Robert C Taylor WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Swamp God WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% I need a Sticker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% The candle from Beauty and the Beast WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Joseph Stalin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Adolf Hitler WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gholam hossein WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nam Lam WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Stephen Coy WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Mariano Tomayo WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Walker Baird WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Max Morris WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Clay Walker WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nate Legum WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gubey WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Addison Biggs WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% John Galt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Azizur Aziz WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Joe Biden WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Artie Assrammer WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Corey Huff WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Daniel Clark WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Adrian Acuna WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Billy Donovan WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Will Muschamp WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Dcota Sims WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Robert Crago WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Rachel Bowden WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Vanesa Ucelo WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Mike Hawk WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Suq Madiq WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jordan Hamburger WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Josh Levey WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Harrison Koss WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jacob Gach WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% AAron levitats WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Brandon Salky WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Charles Render WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Cory Hartstein WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Alec MacKinnon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% No Confidence WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nardin Derias WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Horus Lupercal WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Of Meaningless Charity WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% With the Ostensible Purpose WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% And Money‐Grabbing WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% It's All Race Politics WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Fuck the Swamp Party Especially WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Fuck the Access Party WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Steven Dubberly WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Gabriele Rossi Lemeni Makedon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Justin Hall WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Deutchman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jorge Torres WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tyler Stokes WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Swaggy T WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Ben Deutschmann WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Preston Jones WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% taco libre party WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Not Austin WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Francesca Levy WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% 70 losing write‐in candidates with 71 votes Medicine Senator ‐ 1 seats Hunter Futch Jude Masannat Swamp Party Access Party 35 ‐ 59.32% 24 ‐ 40.68% 97 ‐ 67.36% 47 ‐ 32.64% 40 ‐ 93.02% Nursing Senator ‐ 1 seats Emily Kerr Vanessa Ucelo Swamp Party Access Party Pharmacy Senator ‐ 1 seats Tiffany Harris Swamp Party (11 votes from absentee ballots) Albert WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 2.33% Brad Philips WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 2.33% Marry Vuong WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 2.33% 3 losing write‐in candidates with 3 votes Public Health and Health Professions Senator ‐ 1 seats Janae Moodie Anthony J. Black Swamp Party Access Party Sophomore Senator ‐ 6 seats 182 ‐ 56.17% 142 ‐ 43.83% Carter Fish Swamp Party 1207 ‐ 8.83% Ian Green Swamp Party 1202 ‐ 8.8% Rachael Laky Swamp Party 1175 ‐ 8.6% Sloane Bochman Access Party 1155 ‐ 8.45% Jen Le Swamp Party 1135 ‐ 8.31% Kishan Patel Access Party 1132 ‐ 8.29% Isabella Muncan Swamp Party 1128 ‐ 8.26% Rick Garcia Access Party 1123 ‐ 8.22% Andrew Glenn Access Party 1108 ‐ 8.11% Tyler Richards Access Party 1103 ‐ 8.07% Uyen Vu Swamp Party 1070 ‐ 7.83% Michael Russel Access Party 1049 ‐ 7.68% Justin Matthew WRITE‐IN 4 ‐ 0.03% Anthony Black WRITE‐IN 3 ‐ 0.02% Diamond McNeil WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% kelly johnson WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Scott Pierce WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Francesca Levy WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Kadarius Gipson WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Leo Frias WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Preston Jones WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Saneh St. Claire WRITE‐IN 2 ‐ 0.01% Mitchell Lamoriello WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tommy Burt WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Tom Brady WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Trevor Forester WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Savannah Pellegrino WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% John Wu WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Emma Moscardini WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jack Donnelly WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Abe Lincoln WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Obama WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nicolas Cage WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jacob Halloway WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% William Barefield WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Albert WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Saneh Ste. Claire WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Chizoba Ezenwa WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Charlie Brown Jr. WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Oliver Telusma WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Patrick Goodrich WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Kia Rhamanian WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% MIckey Mouse WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Juan Lopez WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Lucas Lopez WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% casey irish WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Michael Russo WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Scott Alan Miller WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Sam Godskind WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% swaggy t WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Sami Bove WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Chelsea Goodman WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Brian McElligot WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Zachary Morris WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Chris Lynch WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Lucas Shaft WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Branden Reemsnyder WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Susan Webster WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% McLane Edwards WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Andrea Newport Jones WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Kadarius Gibson WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% James Predulus WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Omari White WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Sammi Bove WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Cookie Monster WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Chase "sap" Roberts WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Frank Fish WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Derek Vinluan WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Kacie Griffith WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Nick Noble WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Megan Conlon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Zach Bodden WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Clarke Conlon WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Michael Cizek WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% Jaime Natal WRITE‐IN 1 ‐ 0.01% 63 losing write‐in candidates with 76 votes Veterinary Medicine Senator ‐ 1 seats Denae Campanale Swamp Party 8 ‐ 100%
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