ATimesof Indiapublication SAL SPA coor OFF WiththeMin Stintfterop BEAUTY o"rQ crAssRooill SAM McKNIGHT OJAS RAJANI lt|ilil|il|ililililil l/A3014070't frIU1IITASKER ATERI! Minerol mokeup: beouty + skin-cor \\,.\ WATCH BEHINDT SCENESOFTHIS COVE SH00T.F0R|NSTRUC TURNTOPA}E YOU'V IhAIE MENHAV TAKEN THE M intoadion THEWELLNESS VISIONARY Rekhq Choudhori is o forceto reckon within theworldof spoond wellness, Epitomising theIndionspo industry's success, Rekho boosts of coreer on illustrious sponning over twodecodes ond numerous owords D)tuti ond potents. Mishrc finds outmoreobout hercontributions ondviews Jell yq obout your InsPrnng lourney. ;i*$"s" 72 tult- tuuzotqI rEmrNA sALoN AND spA I comefrom the smalltownof Nandurbarin Maharashtra, whereI havespentmost of my childhood.At 14,I started experimenting with beauty treatmentsand services. I usedto come up with my own inventions and recipes,mixing naturalingredients and trying them out. I starteda salonin my hometown.Initially, I used to run it on appointments-onl basis,and I had stricttimings and very limitedclientele, so that I couldbalancebothwork and my family.Although I triedto maintainexclusivity, my clientsreallylikedthe treatmentsI offered.ln a s m a l l t o w nt,h o u g h i,t wasvery restrictingand opportunities werelimited. Whenmy daughtersgrew up, my husbandand I moved t o M u m b a iH . e r e l, w a s exposedto a wholenewscale ofthe industry.I started workingwith a salonchainto "Unliketherosmelirbusiness, f_he spoindustrydoesn'lsinply relyontheeffertgof the producls. Whotmohesqll thedifference is the woy in whifi these lreolmenlsore impdrled." rlt intobeing.Therewas tremendouspotentialto k^ +^^^^! i^ ^-! uYrdppvurtdilu understandthe technical aspectsof the business. At a beautyexposition, I met representatives from RemyLaure,thfeFrench cosmeticsbrand.I thought they had reallyinteresting productsand wascurious to f ind out more.From thereon, I haven'tlooked back.The ideawas to provideinteresting productsand specifically developed servicesto the lndianmarket,whichwas in a nascentstage.Since then,my businesspartner JC Kapoorand I havebeen lookingat the spa niche specifically, and havebeen developing techniques and innovations to cater to this market. Why did you decide fo breok into fhe spo industry? WhenI started,the industryhadjust come "l experinenled with ond developedmy own productsond serui(er, qndmorketedthemol someof the top rpqsin the Gounlry.', I wantedto be a part of it. I experimented and developedmy own productsand services, and marketedthem at someof the top spasin India.Backthen,as these innovations werevery difficultto come by,many luxuryhotelsand spas showeda lot of interest. Forexample,I designed a treatmentcalledGeo ThermoTherapy-a hot stonemassagedonewith specificmovements,which increasecirculation and leavethe skinrejuvenated. Thesestoneswere specifically hand-picked to ensureoptimalpressure. WhenI approachedspas with this concept,I realised that whatthey reallylacked wasskilledprofessionals offeringthesetreatments. Unlikethe cosmetic industry,the spa business .' doesn'tsimplyrelyon the effectsofthe products. W h a tm a k e sa l l t h e differenceisthe way in whichthesetreatments are imparted.As someone who is self-taught and stiil learning,I havealways believedI shouldbe able to contributein more ways thanjust offeringservices and products.Thisis when I decidedto conduct workshopsand seminars alongside. To me,the spa and wellnessindustryhas alwaysbeensomething I wantedto work in-it wasa dream. How hos the industry grown srnceyou first siorted? W h e nl f i r s tv e n t u r e d intothe spaand wellness i n d u s t r yb a c ki n 2 O O 2 , it was in its infancy. Today,it haswitnessed a tremendousgrowth. Backthen,peopleweren't as awareand updated as they are today.The international marketwas wayaheadof us and we weregrapplingwiththe waythingsfunctioned. Now,we'reat par with international standardsin termsof technologyand treatments.Theconcept of spalons(spaand salons underone roof) hascaught o n e v e ni n t i e r l l a n d l l l cities,and peopleare+ FEMTNA sALoN AND spA I tutlr- tuuIotq73 M inlerunion bringingirtnewproducts to the Indianmarket. Oneof the most exciting projectswe areworking on presentlyis developing our own productline, whichwillcombinethe goodnessof Ayurveda and homeremedieswith scientificallydeveloped ' ,l iii ('\ $ nrnncdr rreq Annthor aspectforus important Wewantto iseducation. provide training sothat industry has thewellness professionals moreskilled $, \A/a hrria takinghealthandwellness Evenweat seriously. areintheprocess JCKRC of settingupspasand like inplaces academies We ShirurandManipur. havecomea verylong wayindeed. and innovation Research is of primeimportancebothfor JCKRCandfor We put me, personally, in a lot of effort andtry tn nracant tho hact productor possible inthemarket. service is Ournovelropemassage "Spolourisn is o big seclorwe could of look ot developing,but becouse the lqckof definedstondords dnd supporlfrom lhe gouernmentf our growthis of s slundslill." sALoN AND sPA 74 tutr-tuu lotqI TEMINA rn academyin the northeast and are lookingat opening a few more in smalltowns withinMaharashtra. Whot dre some of rhe chollenges foced in the rnsrkeN'f$doy? Your R&D teqm hos come up wifh remorkoble innovofions. from skin-cqre products to spo designs. Tell us more obout the reseqrch or J€KRC" nnanarl the best exampleof this. A s a k i d ,l r e m e m b e r my dad askingme to walkon his backto relievethe pain.Now, afterunderstanding anatomyandfitness, I understandthe science b e h i n dt h i s .D u r i n g thc rnno m2cq2ge the masseusewalks on the backwhile changingthe pressure by balancingherweight o n t h e r o p e sS . imilar effortsand researchhas goneintodeveloping our signaturetechniqueslike geothermotherapy,hand and foot spa,Lavashell massage,etc.My doctrine i st o b l e n ds c i e n c ea n d innovations technological withtraditionalbody the to provide treatments, The industryhascome a very longway srnce I first joinedit. However, hoct tho hiooesi e h:llcnqe nnccihlo rpst tltc Whot qre Your ol(Ins for expqnslon qnfi ihe future? Rightnowwe areonly focussingon creating a verystrongidentityand makingour presencefelt in the market.We offer completespa solutionsfrom in'spaproductsto treatments,designsand to customised innovations services.Becauseour focusis not just on one aspectbut on creating a wholepackage,we wantto be ableto provide the very best.We are workingon developing newertechniquesand eventodayis finding skilledprofessionals. Whilethe competitionis stiff andthereare newer spasburgeonrng every day,qualityis stillmissing from most places.We needmore defined standardsand welltrainedexpertsif we wantthe industryto matchits full potential. Anotherchallenge today is the lackof government involvement. Spatourism is a big sectorwe could but lookat developing, becauseof the lack of definedstandards and supportfrom the government, our growth hascometo a standstill.n