activation point earth


activation point earth
Dan Green
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Activation Point Earth
During 1938-9 as part of Hitler’s fanatical archaeological quest to retrieve forgotten
secrets, the Nazi regime sent an envoy into the mystical land of Tibet searching for
an origin of their intended Aryan ‘Super Race’.
This book explains how the Tibetan Buddhist was destined to herald the onset of the
eventual evolutionary appearance of genius individuals of an alternative brain-wiring,
an influx of births with a foot in two worlds.
With sublime deductions from a Lost Mother Tongue, the marvel of the Collective
Unconscious and Synchronicity, a coded message in a stain glass window in a
small Warwickshire church and its subsequent paper trail, the influence of starry
constellations and the talent of an assembly of psychics gifted with the ability to
sense unseen targets with their minds, not only is the final resting place of Mary
Magdalene –to some, the Grail herself – confirmed buried in a graveyard adjacent
Lincoln Cathedral, England, but an even more amazing and additional discovery
Through unexpected entanglements with the intriguing figure of Britain’s finest
poet, the Bard of Avon William Shakespeare, and an elite clandestine Victorian secret
society, a mission to find zealously guarded Geomantic Earth energy sites is resolved,
leaving us faced with one final question:
Have we found the Activation Point for communion with the stars?
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Activation Point Earth
Introduction 3
Nerve Cells in a Brain 8
Canine Conundrum 14
The Abomination of Desolation? 19
The Mystery of the Octave 25
Relocation of the Regent 34
Synchronicity and the Scarlet Saint 41
Robin and his new Flame 48
Windows to another World 57
Fits the Bill or Over the Hill? 63
Bright Lights and Sudden Flights 72
Out from Within 81
Sky Triangles and Earth Angles 87
Avon Calling! 94
Jacob’s Christmas Cracker 106
Supermen and Stupa Men 115
Remote Control 122
The Coming of Maitreya 131
A Weigh of Life 141
Was the Buddha Autistic? 145
The Mutation of a Nation 152
Undetected Aliens 160
Ice on the Sun 168
Magic Batons or Weather Patterns? 175
A Blip Down Memory Lane 180
The Black Rite - Hearthstone of War 189
A Bird On The Fence198
Addendum 1 - Remote Viewing Report 207
Addendum 2 - Runic Inscriptions 208
Addendum 3 - Giza Entanglement 209
Addendum 4 - The Murder of Mary Magdalene in Glass 210
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In 1989 the entertainer Madonna, (Italian, ‘My Lady’) recorded her hit pop rock
single ‘Like a prayer’ which starts with the opening lyric ‘Life is a Mystery.’ Indeed
it is. The video for the hit song matched the controversy of the words as it was
perceived as portraying Jesus as a black man and that Madonna might have
been having sex with him. In 2011, another Lady who would not be gagged, or
rather Gaga-ed, dressed as Mary Magdalene to take a bike ride with Jesus in
her ‘blasphemous’ video for the song ‘Judas’. Both songs with their shock tactic
and repercussions were an update of the persistent liberties taken by modern
day artists outside of the literary profession in a two millennium search and
expression for a truth within the historical and biblical Jesus-Magdalene
story line.
After Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ reminder of the hypothesis placed
before him by Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh’s ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’
-a one that had already been fading in and out of existence for at least one
hundred years earlier - in 2005 I started formulation on what was to become
my own, naturally and in keeping, controversial contribution that concluded in
my last book ‘The Murder of Mary Magdalene - Synchronicity and the Scarlet
Saint’, stating somewhat originally, that Jesus and Mary had not been married
but had instead been one and the same person, an allegory, the confusion (or
deliberately kept secret) arising from ‘marry’ originating from the Old French
‘Marier, a phonetic of ‘Maria’ as in Maria Magdalene. That it was a female on the
cross may be hinted at by the French novelist and artist Jean Cocteau (alleged
last Grand Master of the Priory of Sion) in his 1959 fresco at the Notre Dame
de France church in London where we see, among perhaps other hidden clues,
a tearful Mary Magdalene looking down into rose at the feet of the crucified
Christ. However, Cocteau has only painted the lower half of the crucified
figure so we cannot see what we expect to see a man. Further to the left, a
disgruntled looking ‘Jesus’ figure stares over. Are we being told that it is the
tearful Magdalene herself who has been put to the cross?
Almost as if in some ways approvingly of female saintliness, on December 2nd
2011 His Holiness the Dalai Lama was giving a speech at the Sathya Sai Centre
at New Delhi, India, and when touching on his role as an ever reincarnating
spiritual leader of his Tibetan race he conveyed, what was to many, this
astonishing admonition; ‘ I often express how a future Dalai Lama could be
female…a female Dalai Lama.’
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We will continue an extension of the word play and pun and words that had
been employed throughout history to ensure certain truths be kept away from
the profane originating from a lost Mother Tongue, lost until I came along that
is. Coupled with the mechanism of the Collective Unconscious, as found by
Carl Jung, I was unaware myself of my choice of pen name masking the word
‘endanger’, as my own declarations and by sharing a conclusive Magdalene and
Templar related location within a graveyard adjacent to Lincoln Cathedral were
certainly going to firmly place me in a newly fresh controversial territory.
For such a serious subject my ‘This Means This Means That’ can also be
playful as it embraces all within our language, alphabet being Mind. Expect
a lot of ‘whys’….for it is wise to do so, a lot of ‘Perhaps’…akin an American
pronunciation of Hollywood props in our play, lots of ‘Maybe’ as the swarming
busy bees in May, and lots of ‘Could’ as we will almost certainly be chewing
the cud, mediating and pondering. It is all rather like involvement in some great
ordained operation, and as one would if it where of a surgical nature, I will have
to prepare you before the procedure. The indications are that this operation
might be a micro-surgery!
We all know and experience the exoteric existence we recognise as the
struggle of daily life and there are those of us who know no other expression.
For others they either seek out the esoteric or it gate crashes into their domain
whether they might like the ensuing High Strangeness or not.
I seem to have had a mixture of both. From my own practices of Tibetan
Vajrayana meditations I have given myself permission to have embarked on a
modern day Quest, a Voyage, which I elect to share on the basis that Quantum
Entanglement in strident steps forward in physics assure us that everything
within our Universe is connected, or entangled with everything else, and
therefore it IS everyone else’s business, of course after offering them the choice
to be an interested audience or not. More and more amazing work the world
over from innovative researchers clearly and mathematically indicate that this
interconnectivity is also evident upon the surface of our planet and that there
is an energy grid, a geomantic Information System. Throughout my work I have
been fortunate to have entangled with a similar practitioner examining sacred
landscape geometry in and around Lincolnshire. How we like individuals find
ourselves is a rapid pursuant of the proven ‘Six degrees of Separation’ a theory
that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction,
from any other person in the world, that any two people can connect in a
maximum of six steps.
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Clearly, those of us who are entangled, agree we are the generation that is
experiencing a shift of consciousness, a new birth that is both issuing from the
planet itself and evolution. The current primary archetype for this has arrived at
and resurrected the mysterious Magdalene.
It is an experience when past meets with present, (although that other great
mystery, that of ‘Time’ blurs the two) and this happened in August 2012 when
below one of our modern day car parks in Leicester lay the bones of King
Richard III, last seen wearing a fleshly body in 1485. In 2008 I descended to
time travel back into the 14th century Templar related man made cavern of
Royston Cave Hertfordshire, with its extensive wall carvings of the crucifixion,
Holy family and Masonic carvings , I was only too aware that 30’ above me was a
modern day Social Services building.
Another experience that brings home to me potentiality is when travelling on
a bus often the reflection of houses and buildings along a street reflect upon
the adjacent bus window, and when seen transposes the illusion of the buildings
being placed upon a bare stretch of grass, a Common, where dogs are exercised
by their owners. The ghostly, see through buildings sitting upon the Common
make it wonderfully easy to believe that this is how inter penetrating dimensions
can be and how although our physical eyes can only detect that physical there
easily may be other landscapes occupying the same space.
I will ask that you bear this in Mind, for there is not only the possibility that the
deductions I will share with you within the pages of this book reinforce my
earlier of a Magdalene ‘treasure’ awaiting us opposite Lincoln Cathedral, but
there may also be a ‘something’ of an even far more astounding propensity, and
that the earth energy grid in conjunction with the collective Unconscious have
led us to that power point and a place of heavenly communion.
In the same way that meridians within acupuncture connect with further away
parts of the body, if we allow ourselves to think in terms of the earth body, we
will prepare ourselves for more than one good surprise within the following
pages, in which we will zencounter the failed fanatical search by Hitler’s Nazi
Germany to stand at this meridian, and how that very land that began his
obsessions, Tibet, have representatives also finding themselves drawn to
arrive here in Lincoln, England, (in 2014 a group of Tibetan Monks featured at
the very top of the ‘Welcome to Lincoln Cathedral’ notice board!) as my own
High Strangeness and peculiar entanglement with all things Tibetan dictated I
would too.
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Through their spiritual philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism we will also discover
how this deeply mystical and peaceful people had been a simple precedence
of a product of the evolutionary planetary consciousness shift replete with
an alternative brain wiring, neither a ‘Da Vinci Code’ style ‘holy bloodline’ nor
exclusively Aryan, an almost ascending ‘nation’ to lead us deeper into physics
and our understanding of life and our origins, a near a concept as possible of the
‘Super Race’ that eluded Nazi Germany and their search for the Holy Grail.
Very unexpectedly, not to be barred, and with a dash of poetic justice we
find thrown into this Mystery melting pot and mix our very own elusive and
enigmatic Bard of Avon himself, Shakespeare!
The concept of ‘Time’ and we know it will also come under my microscope with
a recommendation that the ‘way in’ to the mystery of life is what we like to call
the ‘way out’.
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Two hundred years ago we had no electricity and no computers within every
household. Should we not destroy ourselves in the following 200, then who
knows what advances will have established themselves to become passe in
everyday use, having accustomed ourselves to what is now in the earliest stages
of enhanced consciousness. Open Doorways to other Dimensions?
In April 2014 it was contested that there are only 7% of the UK population
practising Christians, and a mere 2% going to church on a Sunday. A momentous
find here in Lincoln, England, concerning the figure of Mary Magdalene may not
concern as many people as you think in simply a religious sense alone, but if you
feel you may have already comfortably adjusted to the shift in consciousness
now in action, I will equally feel comfortable that following pages will not waste
your illusion of time.
Lincoln England 2015
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Nerve Cells in a Brain
Back in February of 2008 an email sat awaiting my attention. It was a reply from
a fellow called Greg Rigby whom I’d approached concerning an idea and it read;
‘I am sure that you know the connection between Sirius and Isis and how the
heliacal rising of Sirius marked the Egyptian New Year. What you may not know
is that Gothic Cathedrals are a representation of the female body. A woman
lying on her back, the two towers are her two legs and the buttress her ribs. The
circular window between the towers represent her vagina. All the Cathedrals
have special alignments which allow a sun’s ray to pass through the window and
fertilise her on a particular day of the year.’
Wow! Well I already knew a little about the assertion that Cathedrals were
based on the dimensions of the working female body from the rose windows,
that flower of Venus worn as a badge by her sacred prostitutes, and all entrances
into Gothic style church buildings equated with female genitalia, but more emails
like this I could really enjoy and learn further. There was nothing for it but to
arrange an audience with this illuminating Mr Rigby.The email I had sent him
was, I now see, was enquiring about the ‘fertilisation day’ for the Gothic Lincoln
Cathedral for if it corresponded to the heliacal rising of Sirius, that would fit the
rebirth of the earth at the following Spring equinox.
My own deductions led me to think that the Cathedral, in a hidden aspect,
could be a Temple to Sirius and therefore needed to find evidence for it. Greg
went on to tell me that he would first have to know the alignment of the
Cathedral at Lincoln and kindly offered to come over from Florida and work
it out for me, taking measurements in person with his theodolite. Greg is a
graduate in mathematics who in 1991 retired to a renovated farmhouse in the
foothills of the French Pyrenees concentrating on his research and writing, the
product being his first book ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ in 1996, revealing how
a magnificently simple series of patterns linking key Cathedrals in the North of
France and a representation on the ground of Ursa Major by Druidic handiwork
(awareness of this known first to the Cistercians and then later the Knights
Templar) presented a basic foundation for the Grail legends as we know them.
A universal numerical constant was to be found when measurements linked.
Egyptian, Greek and Imperial units of measure. Avebury, Stonehenge, Philale in
the Southern region of Egypt, and Jerusalem providing direct links to the Ursa
duplication, the location of the pattern relating to these places being a 302.4
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mile span linking the centre of Chartres Cathedral to the centre of the Celtic
ringwall at Donnesburg, Germany, with the position of the ancient meridian
of Paris. Of course, Rennes-le-Chateau just HAD to be involved too, when it
appeared that the ancient Celts established their holy sites in Northern France,
the handle of the reflection of the Ursa constellation on the ground pointing to
the village as Polaris, the Pole star.
Underlining and emphasising that it was imperative, I made myself no stranger to
Greg’s original findings. As far back as 2000 he had found pentagonal geometry
in Nicholas Poussin’s oft investigated masterpiece ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’,
the key feature in the painting, he realized, being a fold in the clothes under
the arm of the standing shepherd. After Greg kept his tryst and promise and
aligned and orientated the Cathedral for me, we found that my hopeful Sirius
hypothesis didn’t appear to fit, but even better for my work emphasis fell instead
on Arcturus being reflected on the ground by the position held by Lincoln
Cathedral. Arcturus, home of Arthurian legend, is found in the constellation
of Bootes and is the third most brightest in the sky. It is the ‘Guardian of the
Bear’, the Bear being Ursa Major. January 17th is a most celebrated date in
the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. Not only is it a date when it is alleged certain
figures including parish priest Sauniere died, it is also the date when at midday the ‘blue apples’ feature of light passing through a pane glass of the church
appear, slowly moving along to settle on the statue of St Anthony the Hermit.
Lincoln Cathedral duplicates this phenomenon on July 22nd, the Feast day of
Mary Magdalene, at midday, and at mid-day on 17th not only is the constellation
of Ursa Major overhead, but the altar faces directly at Arcturus and resonates
with St Anthony at the Chateau when we learn that Kabbalists associate the star
with the 9th Tarot trump, The Hermit.
The Cathedral initially drew my attention to it when in 2005 I discovered
repeating dog symbology but as Greg and I struggled to find any confirmation
regarding Sirius I began to think that it was possibly only drawing reference
to the blazing star of Sirius that is found in Masonic Lodges, given that the
structure was laid out to Knights Templar influence, as was the very structure
of Masonry. However, according to Ancient China, the stars of the Great Bear
associated with the celestial Palace of the Lord on High, Star God of Longevity,
the Heavenly mountain, paradise of the immortals, and Sirius the Heavenly Wolf
guarded this celestial Palace. Utterance 302 of the Pyramid Texts found on the
Northern face of Unas’ pyramid, also provides a link that may exist between the
heliacal rising of Sirius and Ursa Major, and it is something that we should take
a little time to study, as there appears to be evidence that two step pyramids
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constructed at Saqqara, Egypt, were built as if to face one another being
designed deliberate to coincide and align with stellar symbolism and involving
Sirius and Ursa Major.
With strategic placed inclined Northern entrances, it appears that the notion
was to make a passageway accessible for the dead king to rebirth in the
preferred stellar region of Ursa Major, the ‘Great She Bear’. There are three
different ways of viewing this constellation, the ancient way providing the bear
with a tail so unusually long that it is out of character with the animal, and an
older way that has no resemblance of a bear at all. The Pyramid Texts are not
alone in suggesting that the most fortuitous time for this rebirth involved the
dawn heliacal rise of the dog star, later funerary texts attesting similar. The full
text of Utterance 302 of the Pyramid Texts tells us; ‘The sky is clear, Sothis
(Sirius) lives, I am a living one, the son of Sothis, and the two Enneada have
cleansed themselves for me in Ursa Major, the imperishable. My house in the
sky will not perish, my throne on earth will not be destroyed, for men hide, the
gods fly away. Sothis has caused me to fly up to the sky in the company of my
Brethren…’ In 1800BC the rising star Sirius coincided with the Ursa Major star
Al Kaid’s lower culmination, affirming a connection between these two stars,
at least, and so there is still some hope for a mystical and as yet undiscovered
relationship with Lincoln Cathedral and Sirius.
Before we take a closer look at Greg’s own work and the importance of starry
arrangements that govern our meaderings down here on earth, it is worthwhile
mentioning now and noting that at the Priory Academy at Cross O’Cliff Hill in
Lincoln, there is a labyrinth that is an exact copy of the one found at Chartres
Cathedral, France, and that a round replica Templar church constructed there
has on its roof seven stars, the number of stars of Ursa Major. Greg surpassed
himself with the 2009 publication of his book ‘The God Secret’ where he shows
how an interpretation of the Northern stars and the shapes they form was
the original thought behind the formulation of Egyptian, Hebrew and Christian
pantheons. Long ago the latitudes of the North were for much of their duration
in the darkness of winter. Priests of the era noted how certain unique stars
rotating around the ‘pole’ position failed to set below the horizon. This group of
stars portrayed a many aspected God in heaven, and priestly stories in relation
to this formulated allegorical birthing stories of the human race and the heaven
it aspired to reach. The strength of the stories ensured that they never lost
their impact throughout centuries. Greg explains; ‘Eight thousand years ago, at
the birth of civilisation the Northern pole was entering the constellation of
Bootes. This pole position was the point around which everything in the night
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sky appeared to circulate and therefore had significance as the hidden location
of the god who presided over it all. The stars were large and wondrous in a
vista that was unimpeded by reflected light. They had tremendous impact on
our early predecessors. In particular, the patterns that those early human beings
discerned in the stars were their explanation of all things spiritual’.
When the pole position slowly changed, patterns of their movements across the
sky and around the pole where put into Celt and Sumerian folklore. Taking their
beliefs with them, the Northern people moved southwards. Greg continues;
’By the time of the early Egyptian civilization, these stories had formalized into
a myriad of gods and aspects of gods both male and female. They combined
with similarly constructed legends created by star gazer priest and druids in the
northern hemisphere to form the basis of the biblical myths we know today.
The coincidence of pole position and early history persuaded early priests to
place Adam in the northern stars. In the Egyptian pantheon Adam was the first
god king and was known as Osiris. The area of the sky between Bootes and ‘The
Plough’ was the Garden of Eden with ‘The Tree’ at its centre.’ With matching
these stories to accurate star maps of the heavens, Rigby demonstrate how the
pole position moved into the constellation known as ‘The Plough’, laying over
Adam’s ribs, giving the myth makers the same opportunity to have Eve - the
Egyptian Isis - created out of the same ribs. With the Northern stars rotating
around the pole position, the seven stars of the Plough were believed to be the
home of the Gods, representing God in all his/her aspects.
Rotating in an inverse position gave birth to the figure Satan. As Satan whispered
in her ear, Eve plucked an apple from the tree holding it to Adam’s mouth and
as he ate it the pole position had moved into ‘Draco’,’ ‘The Plough’ driving
Adam’s head and heart out of heaven, and by the time the pole had entered
‘The Plough’, the only remaining aspects of his form were the reproductive
organs, put to productive and beneficial use in Egyptian and Judeo-Christian
philosophy thereafter.
Greg goes on to say ’The Mother Goddess assumed a new position in the
Heavens, her head crowned by Corona Borealis and the God child Ursa Minor
on her lap. Today the pole position is passing through the constellation of Ursa
Minor, exiting circa 2015 at which time the Judeo Christian pantheon will end.’
The Hebrew name of God appears in scriptures as the four Hebrew letters
Yed, He, Vav, He (YHVH) known as the Tetragrammaton, and is meant to be
unutterable. Jehovah and Yahweh originate from the same source.
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The first two letters represent the name God gave to Moses in the Old
Testament when he referred to Himself as ‘I am that I am’. The same form is
responsible for other sacred Hebrew names that include Elijah and Isaiah.
Moses had learned much of his education through studying Egyptian teachings,
the Egyptians themselves having located their Gods in a strategic section of
the heavens.
As Moses was out to overthrown the authority of the Egyptian gods of the
people replacing it with a singular deity, it would be expected to follow that the
name of God in Hebrew would be found hidden in the same place as those of
the Egyptian. Rigby, citing eminent Jewish authors, states that God or Its name,
existed in the stars.
YHVH, the name made known to Moses, was no longer used at the
approximate time of 520BC, the Hebrews wishing to make a distinction
between their own god from the ram headed god of the Egyptians. YHVH at
the time indicated ‘The God of Heaven’, implying ‘The god of the firmament’
when translated into Greek or Latin in a liable reference to a cosmic deity
belonging to Egyptian and Chaldean astronomers. This could be taken that ‘The
God of Heaven’ was involved in the sanctioning of the philosophy claiming this
new body of knowledge - astronomy.
Within ‘The God Secret’ Rigby goes on to show how a representation of the
Hebrew name of God YHVH is to be found in and around Ursa Major, many of
the stars forming an accurate representation of the Tetragrammaton, the name
hidden in the sense that this view of the constellation could only be had by an
observer in the Middle East by laying on the ground, face up, head facing north.
Sceptics who will undoubtedly assert that with all the stars in the sky it would
be possible to locate almost anything one was looking for, need to comprehend
the impossibility of reproducing the names in one single area of sky, centred on
one particular constellation, possibly explaining why the Book of Revelations
talks about ‘the mystery of the seven stars’ .Greg Rigby is currently attempting to
decode that very book and good luck to him!.
So, a fine opening Chapter emphasizing the obvious importance of all things
starry in what we consider our daily earthly existence. The stars were there first
and so what they hand down to us with their higher status entanglement - as
everything is connected - is more worthy of our attention as true starting point
for seeking our own understanding as residents upon planet earth.
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When I look up into heavens and view just the portion of stars visible to my eye
from this vantage point within the Milky Way - of which there are a thousand
million stars alone - I have wondered in a Theosophical sense if I might indeed
be looking at the brain cells of a Universal Mind, after all like brain cells stars do
die, and at the last estimated count there are a fairly inconceivable 100 billion
neurons or nerve calls, and for each neurons some 10-50 glial cells providing
structural support and protection, so certainly enough to go around.
We shall find ourselves returning skyward a number of times throughout this
book in acceptance of the influence these brain cells have upon our own
terrestial way of thinking. Let us begin with a 8.611 light year trip that will take
us to one of our reoccurring starry themes throughout, and to a heavenly body
that is the origin, for some reason, of being Man’s best friend.
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Canine Conundrum
Most of us at some point in our life have
noticed that the word God, the Supreme
Jesus, Mary
and Infinite Personal Being, in reverse
and child...
presents us with the word ‘dog’, man’s best
friend. Given the importance of the title
of our Creator, I could only wonder if they
could be any significance in why the mirror
imaging of the word should draw our
attention to a contract drawn up between
Man and dog, as remote as 10,000 years
ago. Who was responsible for the naming
of ‘God’, likewise who named the first dog?
The plot thickens when we discover that
the origin of both words is unclear, the
exact history of the word God remaining
unknown and the origin of dog tantalisingly
one of the greater mysteries of English
etymology having no known root in other
languages. What might be the concealed
...and Dog
connection? There are two possible
‘leakages’ within the religious spectrum.
The first concerns St Dominic, founder of the Catholic order of Dominicans
and, interestingly as we will see later, Patron Saint of astronomers. According
to his mother whilst pregnant she saw in a dream a dog holding torch in its
mouth that ‘seemed to set the earth on fire’. As in his name, the Latin version
of the Dominican order is Dominicanus, or, ‘Domini Canus’ translating as ‘Dog
of the Lord’. A second hint relates to Byzantine depictions showing the much
venerated Catholic Saint St Christopher as dog headed.
For me, the conundrum took on an even deeper adventure with the discovery
in 2005 of a most unexpected image upon Christ’s platter at the scene of the
Last Supper high up the stain glass Great East Window of Lincoln Cathedral,
England which, owing to its small size, had gone unnoticed until the glass was
inspected prior to cleaning. No loaf of bread or cup of wine on the plate as
one would expect, instead a dog! It was only in 2012 that I was contacted by an
informant who told me that the figure of Jesus is holding his hands in a certain
position that of the Freemasonic gesture of ‘Einweihung’, seen also in images of
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the Norse god Freyr. Einweihung is a German word that alludes to initiation or
induction. This was the beginning of an amazing quest that is still vibrantly on
going today, exposed as being allied to the global mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau
with metaphors and symbology pertaining to ‘The Holy Grail’. Additionally, along
the Nave within the Cathedral, at a 15thc German woodcut of Jesus on his
journey to Calvary, we see the same dog again, curiously and insouciantly apart
from the scene and yet staring up at the oppressed Jesus.
Two books and one movie documentary later on the subject, I still find myself
being led through the mechanism of synchronicity and the agency of the
Collective Unconscious to discover more. It would have been fortuitous to have
found the dog on the platter at Lincoln alone, but as the trail began to connect
with the biblical figure of Mary Magdalene, I found another unexpected dog on
stain glass, this time in France. The church of the Grail entwined Mary Magdalene
within the Languedoc town of Beziers in France has a significance in history,
for it was here on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene in 1209 that the entire
village of its 20,000 Cathar stronghold were mercilessly wiped out in an act of
genocide by the Catholic Church for the residents belief that Jesus and Mary
were husband and wife. Again, on stain glass, this time at the feet of the Virgin
Mary we find a dog, cryptically connecting the church and its history with that
of, Lincoln Cathedral. The dog is holding torch in its mouth, unmistakably allying
the image to St Dominic whose usual statues show with a dog holding a torch,
as well as a star above his forehead for at the time of his baptism his godmother
saw a star of extraordinary magnitude descend from the heavens to nestle
there. Traditionally the origin of the rosary is accredited to Dominic when the
Virgin Mary appeared to present him with it. From the Latin ‘Rosarium’ it is not
difficult to see its connection with ‘Rosa’, the rose, symbol of Mary Magdalene
and the Holy Grail.
In 2011, back in Lincoln at a Chapel in the General Hospital and led again by
serendipity, I found another representation of a on looking dog in a biblical stain
glass scene, this time of Joseph and Mary as she holds the baby Jesus. With these
constant reappearances of a dog, what are we being told, and who is telling
us? My understanding of the symbology that are employed in religious icons,
painting and sculptures, often going unnoticed as they are not expected to be
there, is that they are the handiwork of the Collective Unconscious working
through the unwittingly innocent artist or sculptor, it is as if Mind itself is ensuring
the placing of them there to guarantee true accounts of events are never truly
lost. That these anomalies often go without our recognition is explained by the
neurological phenomenon called Scotoma. It is simple - the brain only sees what
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it expects to see and bypasses what is actually there until it is pointed out at
length. Perhaps the best known example of this returns us to the Last Supper
where it went unnoticed for centuries in Da Vinci’s painting that the disciple John
alongside Christ actually looked like a woman, for many now, a representation of
Mary Magdalene.
The answer to why we are seeing this unexpected dog in Christly associated
presentations, and why the word god in reverse is dog does appear to be
emanating from the deep unconscious. Back in the early 90’s in the days when
many of us where still using word processors and ribbon, my wife made an
alarming discovery. Removing it from the machine, she took a look at my freshly
discarded ribbon and within moments exclaimed to me, ‘Why have you put
these messages in here?’ as she studied the sequence of words that obviously
were viewed in reverse. Sure enough, in amongst the vast length of unwinding
ribbon there were clear words and short sentences. How could I have created
this, something that would have belonged more appropriately in a spy movie
with its hidden script, let alone not notice? It was simply just the reversed
product of what I had written naturally and intentionally?
At that time I did not realise that I would not be alone in this phenomenon,
which I now recognise as a bi-product of what is now referred to as the
phenomenon of Reverse Speech - hidden backward messages in speech discovered by Australian David John Oates during the 1980’s who announced
that bi-level speech or language functions both backwards and reverse, giving
numerous examples of how on reversed tape amidst obvious and expected
of gibberish, intervals of short sentenced clear statements relating to the
forward speech constantly appear as unconscious thought patterns. David
claims that on average a casual conversation lasting once in 15-20 seconds
a person can produce a ‘forward spoken’ message heard consciously and a
‘backwards’ message embedded unconsciously in the persons speech. These
two related sentences and modes of speech, dependent upon each other, form
an integral part of human communication, in the dynamics of interpersonal
communication presenting the total psyche, conscious and unconscious, of
the speaker, both modes combining, with backwards always honest to reveal
both intentions and motivations of the speaker. As an example, Oates plays us
astronaut Neil Armstrong’s most famous speech as he first walked on the moon,
his ‘ One small step for man’ is reversed for us to hear ‘ Man will space walk.’
Given that some disbelieve that the 1969 lunar landing was faked in a studio
then this would have been a honest prophecy! Furthermore, these words and
messages is the unconscious and more truthful mind speaking correcting the
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inconsistencies - and deliberate lies - of conventional speech. In an email to me,
David confirmed that god and dog are what he calls constant reversals, ‘They
will always reverse to each other - I don’t document them when I hear them.’ Is
it possible that ‘dog’ is an older lost word than ‘god’, and if so, where or what is
the significance?
Outside of both a dog and, in a sense, Jesus being ‘Man’s best friend’, the most
famous of dog related instances is that of the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius,
apparently given the appellation ‘The Dog Star’ as it is the chief body in the
constellation of Canis Major, the Big Dog. If we read the word ‘canine’, like or
pertaining to the dog, as the sounding ‘K9’ and translate’ K’ to be the 11th letter
of the alphabet, and add the 9 to it, we total 20, the number of the Tarot card
that is Judgement, and ‘Judgement Day’ is also known as The Day of Christ. Time
now to embark (canine pun intended!) on a short paper chase investigating
links to the word that designates the young offspring of a dog. ‘Puppy’, a young
dog , diminutive ‘pup’, from the App. French ‘poupee’ - a doll or puppet, Latin
‘pupa’. Pupa is a word referring to an intermediate stage of development in
inveterbrates, an evolution, again from Latin ‘pupa’ which means ‘a girl or doll’.
‘Puppet’ comes from the Old French ‘poupette’ diminutive from Latin ‘pupa’.
It seems that from puppy we have traced both doll and girl. Time now to
look at a particular type of puppet, the marionette, its origin from the French
diminutive of the name Marion, itself a diminutive of Mary, of Mary. By taking an
investigation starting with puppy we have found a girl, Mary. Mary Magdalene?
The female of the dog, the bitch, is receptive for pregnancy when ‘in heat’, and
Sirius the dog star and its origin ‘Seirios’ (containing both anagrams ‘rose’ , the
symbol of the Magdalene, an ‘sire’ an animal term meaning to beget) means
‘scorching’ and to signify heat. In Revelations 16:22, Jesus refers to himself as,
‘the bright and morning star’. Sirius, seven times brighter than any other star in
the heavens is that very bright and morning star -if one knows where to look in
the southern sky in spring it can be seen with the naked eye in broad sunshine.
It is in perfect alignment with the star formation in the belt of Orion known as
the ‘The Three Kings’, those of the Orient - more correctly ‘orientation’ - who
followed the star of Bethlehem that led them to Christ’s birth place, the three
stars representing the three Magi who traced him to his manger. Given this,
it looks suspicious when we come across well known the phrase ‘A dog in a
manger’, the accepted explanation for the expression meaning someone who
has something of value that they cannot or will not use themselves but which
they won’t let anybody else have either…the secret of a connection with Sirius,
of which the five pointed blazing star, that blazing ‘torch,’ can be seen in every
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Masonic Lodge, and surely the same star associated with the Dog Lord Dominic?
Is the Collective Unconscious telling us that Sirius in some way is responsible for
the birth and evolution of the human race? The origin of the word ‘doll’ which
we found earlier, is another classic unknown which I have found to belong to
the word ‘model’, the original pattern and design of the human race. If Sirius is in
some way an Erik Von Daniken style substitute for our understanding of God’s
creation of mankind, it would make sense of the name of the tribe, the Dogon
of Southern Mali, when reversed - ‘No god’ - for it was this primitive African
tribe who first learned precise astronomical understanding of Sirius from their
ancestors, centuries before modern day astronomers finally made their own
discoveries that embarrassingly confirmed those of the Dogon. Radio astronomy
has proven to us that the iron content of the star Sirius is the same as the iron
in our blood and the iron of the earth and of our solar system.
The Blood and the Grail?
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The Abomination of Desolation?
In July 1995, Dean Brandon Jackson of the famous Gothic Cathedral of Lincoln
made a most puzzling and unexplained public announcement. Amidst clerical
rumours that currents of conflict, hate and evil had been swirling around the
Cathedral for centuries, he declared that he believed a battle of good and
evil centred on the ancient Minster and then went on to ask that he close
the Cathedral for six months for it to be exorcised by prayers. Top London
newspaper ‘The Sunday Times’ added fuel to the fire, carrying a report of a
‘swirling evil’ theory that had been repeated by Deans and Provosts at their
annual April conference that year, and also told of a Dean of another Cathedral
who said that Lincoln Cathedral was one of the most evil places he had been in,
yet another adding that he believed it sat on a junction
of ley lines.
Even the Cathedral themselves make a clear
distinction between their two adjacent
13thc Rose Windows, facing each other
across the North-South Transept, the
Dean’s Eye at the North symbolising
the shunning dark of oblivion and the
devil and the Bishop’s Eye of the South
the inviting light of the holy spirit and
Heaven. The Cathedral houses the infamous
Lincoln Imp demon statue, the original
hides within the
tale telling of two imps sent by Satan to wreak
Magic Eye window’
havoc in the Minster, this remaining one being turned to
stone by an angel, but the most curious legend tells us
that the devil is still inside the Minster afraid to
leave for fear of being blown away. In 1997
archaeologist David Stocker announced
that Roman Lincoln was a ‘Centre for the
cult of Mithras’ having identified a reset carving of a seated figure with the
head of a lion in short tunic with broad
waistband, winged, holding a staff in one
hand and a set of keys in the other, on
the outside wall of the 11th century tower
of St Peter-at-Gowts in Lincoln and thought
to have been a representation of either Christ or
and Imps in the Magic Eye’
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St Peter himself, as being of the Mithraic god Arimanius, opening debate that
Lincoln was a cult centre during 2nd and 3rd century AD for his worship. That
such a representation of Arimanius, or Ahriman, the evil spirit of the mysterious
Mithraic religion, had been introduced here by the Roman army, found and
still preserved in Lincoln, suggests that the worship of this negative archetype
has never gone away, somehow maintaining itself throughout the centuries to
transform into its more current image of the Cathedral’s Lincoln Imp.
I have written at length about these controversies in my ‘Lincoln Cathedral - The
Battleground of Light and Dark?’ which can be found on the World wide Web,
and since 2005 have undertaken the most exhaustive analysis of the psychology
of symbols and architecture in the Cathedral and now remain convinced that
these are the handiwork of the Collective Unconscious working through their
unaware architects, this in turn giving birth to my ‘Lincoln Cathedral Code’
of which the conclusion was the discovery of a location at a burial grounds
opposite the SE corner of the Cathedral, whereby all implications suggest
resides a hidden Knights Templar ‘treasure’ relating to the mysterious biblical
figure of a demised Mary Magdalene.
In February 2015 the BBC announced ‘ Lincoln Cathedral battles with Death
Watch Beetle’, revealing that the roof is infested with this insect, an omen of
impending doom, its characteristic ticking a harbinger of death. Cathedral works
manager Carol Heidschuster said,’ We are unable to replenish the timbers fully.
There will always be death watch beetle in this building.’ The beetle is renowned
in both superstition and mythology for keeping a vigil beside a dead or dying
person. Mary Magdalene?
After the Cathedral rescinded having originally agreed to a GPR scan of the
location in 2006, an unofficial scan of the ‘X marks the spot’ was conducted in
April 2011 by a renowned Rennes-le-Chateau researcher his accompanying
geophysicist, both still wishing to remain anonymous, which revealed that at the
exact location under the existing marker tomb there is an anomaly measuring
2.50 metres x 0.70 metres and nearby, a metal object measuring 0.5 metres x
0.5 metres.
‘Remote viewing’ which we will explain and take a closer look at later, has also
contributed some interesting and corroborative allied findings to suggest there
is , amazingly, a ‘something’ of potential value to all at this site possibly beyond
the physical.
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Since becoming aware of the Code, I have kept a close eye on out of the
ordinary events drawn to the Cathedral, the first being the visit of Hollywood,
no less, to shoot scenes for the movie version of Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci
Code’, a fictional search for the Grail whilst concurrently I was stumbling across
what appears to be a factual exploration. In March 2010 another unexpected
visit strangely brought us the only United Kingdom appearance of the golden
chalice soccer World Cup which in itself might seem simply a treat for fans of
the game but actually consolidated a triple Grail symbology as it was brought
by helicopter to the Sincil Bank local football ground (the origin of the name
Sincil is untraceable), the synchronised collection of blade and chalice, a sign and
the seal - the helicopter being the blade and, phonetically, ‘Sincil’ pronounced as
‘sign, seal’.
On November 23rd 2011, an even more significant arrival put in an appearance,
for 48 hours only. The mystical archetype of the Chartres labyrinth was chalked
on the stone floor of Lincoln Cathedral exactly in the middle of both the
opposing Light and Dark Rose Windows, at the area called the Crossing. (See
my YouTube: ‘Chartres Labyrinth at Lincoln Cathedral’) Was this the Collective
Unconscious at work yet again, resuming its Mind Games?
The centre of the labyrinth is known as ‘The Temple of Jerusalem’ and,
inexplicably, a mere three miles to the West of Lincoln Cathedral is the
enigmatically named village of Jerusalem. With the transposed labyrinth standing
in place here at a Cathedral notoriously considered a battleground of good
and evil, the very deep psychological suggestion brought to mind the biblical
prophecy we find in three texts in the book of Daniel, all within the literary
context of apocalyptic vision.
In further New Testament references we read in Matthew 24 15-26: ‘So when
you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel
standing in the holy place let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains’.
Mark 13-14; reads ‘ But when you see the abomination of desolation standing
where it ought not to be, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains’.
It is generally held and expected that when the Temple of Jerusalem is
‘desecrated’ then the abomination of desolation has been enacted. Can the
placing of the Chartres labyrinth standing in place in Lincoln Cathedral, the
battleground of Light and dark, be interpreted as desecrating the Temple that is
at the centre of the labyrinth, and therefore we have witnessed the enactment
of the prophetic abomination of desolation?
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Using the lost Mother Tongue that has assisted me in my research over the years
and of which the Templars may have had some knowledge, I took a close look
at the word ‘Chartres’ and found that it is anagrammatic of the word ‘ratchet’.
A ratchet is a bar that fits into the notches of a toothed wheel that allows
continuous linear or rotary motion in only one direction, preventing motion in
the opposite direction, and a ratchet wheel is a wheel with a toothed rim.
The Chartres labyrinth (which looks like a brain and contains the word ‘brain’
within ‘labyrinth’) has four quadrants containing seven 180 degree U-turns
equivalent to 28 directional changes. Lincoln Cathedral has 28 angels carved in
the Angel Choir and discoveries in my Cathedral Code revealed the key number
associated with the building to be 28. Has its appearance in the Cathedral
activated some sort of alchemical ‘reversal’ in much the way as a ratchet can
function? Can we hope that the flow of evil centred on the Cathedral is being
challenged or reversed, or stopped from further progression?
There is much concern at the moment that the sun has reversed its polarity,
the sun’s magnetic field having undergone a total reversal of its polarity as
announced on 29th December 2013 to mark Solar Cycle’s 24’s midpoint to be
completed in eleven years time, beginning on January 4th 2008 solar cycle 24
being the 24th solar cycle when recording of solar sunspot activity began since
1755. Moving in opposite directions, the magnetic fields have started moving
again to finish the 22 year long process which will end in the pole switching
planes once more.
According to NASA the sun has ‘flipped upside down’ - its north and south
poles having reversed - to reach the Solar Cycle’s 24’s midpoint. Polarity
tested in the sun has shown that a change is taking place and the same thing
is happening to the earth. NASA scientists who monitor the sun tell us that its
magnetic North pole now points South. Global magnetic fields of the earth
have reversed polarity many times in the past and a sudden twist in the poles of
our nearest star could also reverse our planet’s poles too. Solar Poles exchange
places at the peak of sunspot cycles. Aware of a correlation between sunspots
and earthquakes, suggesting changes in the sun-earth environment can affect the
earth’s magnetic fields that can trigger earthquakes in areas prone to it.
The key word in all of this is fast becoming ‘reversal’. Historically, Lincoln
Cathedral suffered a catastrophic earthquake in 1175 which cleaved the
structure in half, the tremors felt throughout England.
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In 1755 another earthquake was recorded as happening in Lincoln at 4.2,
although clearly nowhere near the scale of the 12 century devastation. In 2008
a worryingly sizeable 5.2 quake shook Lincolnshire, epicentre Market Rasen, 31.8
miles North East of Lincoln, felt across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and
perceptible in the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France. Interestingly, in
the days leading up to the quake, strange lights were seen in the sky. The best
case of these ‘earthquake lights,’ caused by changes to the electrical properties
of the ground, happened in 1976 at Tangshan, China, before a massive quake
killed 240,000 people in the country. Is it just coincidental or is it a synchronicity
that Tangshan happens to be Lincoln’s twinned town?
Roger Musson of the world famous British Geological Survey Centre told me,
‘Associating British earthquakes with faults is a vexed question. They occur at
considerable depth (5-20km), so geological maps that show what faults occur
at the surface are not much help.’ However, if an earthquake has struck Lincoln
in the past, as we have seen, could it do so again, perhaps along the same fault?
If we study the fault lines map of the United Kingdom we will see a small tear
which, if not the Lincoln area itself, is too near to argue should severe seismic
activity rear its ugly head.
In December 2013 findings presented by scientists at the American Geophysical
Union Fall meeting in San Francisco announced that the earth could have been
struck by many more huge earthquakes in its recent history than was previously
thought, research suggesting that half of all quakes measuring more than
8.5 in magnitude that hit in the 19th century are missing from records. Who
knows how big the original Lincoln quake registered. Worldwide earthquake
data now backs up an increase in the magnitude and a signify cant increase
in the 5.5+ frequency of earthquakes with current graphs clearly showing an
alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength magnitude 5.0+
and frequency.
Is there to be a ‘reverse’, in a sense’ of history, and a quake likely to strike again
on the level of the devastation experienced in 1175? If it did, it could easily rend
open the small burial grounds that faces the SE corner of the Cathedral where,
under the tomb recorded as number 28, may hide the lost biblical treasure
of the Templars and perhaps other levels of discovery. One possibility of such
another level of discovery could involve this location in the sense of earth
acupuncture, a blocked energy or geopathic stress residing here. In the same
way that the human body has energy lines and meridians so too does the planet.
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Our own energies constantly interact with the earth energies around us and
this is why some sensitive individuals tune into areas. As with acupuncture and
its meridians, or channel network, systems in the human body, belief of a path
through which the life energy Chi flows, one and the same as the earth energy
grid system of our planet, it can be surprising and unexpected which points
actually correspond with each other.
Failing a permitted excavation at our location, a natural opening from a tremor
or quake could, in theory, serve as an acupuncture to correct some geographical
problem elsewhere on the planet. Ninety-one earth tremors around New
Ollerton (20 miles East of Lincoln) have been recorded since December
2013 and two at Oakham, 40 miles South of Lincoln, in the second week of
April 2014! On 28th January 2015 another earthquake, 3.8 magnitude, had its
epicentre again at Oakham in the East Midlands, one day after a 2.9 shook the
Cathedral city of Winchester in the county town of Hampshire. With it being
common knowledge that earthquakes are on the increase now in the UK, BGS
seismologist Paul Denton who lives in Oakham said after the January jolt, ’What
make sit unusual is the fact we’ve had three similar sized earthquakes in more or
less the same place. I’d expect them to be more dispersed across the UK. The
fact that we’ve had three quite big ones here within a few kilometres of each
other, is unusual.’
In our Grail lore we will come across both the blade and the chalice, and
both terms we also find as one of the oldest symbol sets in human antiquity
containing parallels to the Chinese concept of the Tao. This blade and chalice
represent the competing polar energies of the masculine and feminine, an
upward pointing triangle of the solar and masculine Yang blade serving as a
rudimentary phallic symbol and the downward pointing triangle the lunar
feminine Yin energy symbolic of the womb. When both energies balance
they provide us with a harmonic interlocking blade and chalice seen as the
six pointed Judaic Seal of Solomon. As the sacred masculine solar energies
harmonise with the sacred feminine lunar energies Solomon - a combination of
‘Sol’ for Sun and Moon - created the ‘Blazing star’ of awakened consciousness…
this being related to the Blazing star symbol, that canine conundrum of the dog
star Sirius, and employed by Freemasonry. If this hypothesis is correct, then what
could possibly be going to awaken at the Cathedral Code Marker tomb area,
and has the initial stages, the Abomination of Desolation, already set the wheels
in motion?
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The Mystery of the Octave
Connoisseurs and collectors alike of coincidences would note that on the
final scheduled day of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ movie being filmed within Lincoln
Cathedral in the summer of 2005, the Circular Chess Championship - with
a board shaped like King Arthur’s Round table - was also being held in the
Cathedral, the first time it had featured in such an environment. For me, this
became a further clue to the Magdalene mysteries cloaked in and around this
great Gothic church, and that stayed on hold until now.
I had stated back then that I suspected that the Great East Window with its
64 roundels, was an covert chess board yet to be fathomed, and had already
noted that the famous Rennes-le-Chateau Parchment Two was decoded
by use of the Knights Tour, a mathematical problem involving a knight on a
chessboard, dating back to the 9thC. What further agitated my interest is that
the Knights Tour may avail itself to solution by way of the implementation of an
artificial neural network composed of artificial neurons thus mimicking neural
processing in the brain. Again, this appealed to me as I was looking for further
evidence to reinforce the stance that Lincoln Cathedral is a deeply psychological
battleground of Light and Dark, complementing that the squares of the
chessboard are even called ‘light’ and ‘dark’.
The hypothesis was beginning to take shape….the Great East Window as a
board of chess, that tactical game of strategy and war in which the object is
to take the opposing King, in a Cathedral whose hidden aspect is an actual
My ‘Lincoln Cathedral Code’ research has shown me already that a great secret
had been maintained here concerning a location a short distance across from
the South East corner of the edifice, and had it been preserved in moves of
strategy resembling a game of chess being played? For related to the Cathedral
we have all six chess pieces - the King (Edward) and Queen (Eleanor) both
stone statues at that very South East Corner, the Knight that is concealed as a
carving hidden under the Sub-Dean’s seat in the Choir Stalls, - in 2005 the Dean
of the Cathedral was even called Alec Knight! - the Bishop at the 12thc Bishops
Palace adjacent the Cathedral, and the Castle of Lincoln Castle alongside the
Cathedral, the piece now known as the rook, of which I will soon mention. Only
the pawn remains unaccounted for, unless it is Dan Green, drawn into this game
and used by the Collective Unconscious?
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The initial premise of a battle between Light and Dark suggested itself at the
19thC small church at Rennes-le-Chateau with its chequered floor of black
and white squares, a sure sign of Freemasonry as the floor or groundwork of
every Lodge denotes this dual nature, some say symbolising the Good and Evil
principles of the Egyptian and Persian creed. Staring across at each other in
this strange ornately decorated church are the figures of Jesus and the demon
guardian Asmodeus. The dual Light and Dark aspect of the Rennes mystery is
also clearly demonstrated in the name of one of its key players, who without
doubt was privy to the mystery, Marie de Negre de Blanchefort, whose name
means ‘Black Marie of the White Fort’.
Over the years it hadn’t missed my attention that there is a close relationship
between chess and the classical Chinese text the I-Ching, possibly the oldest
divinatory system known, often called the Book of Changes, with its 64
Hexagrams. The 64 squares of chess mirror the number of Hexagrams (64
also being the number of DND Codons), the 8 major trigrams replicate the 8
ranks, 8 files, six lines in a hexagram duplicate the 6 types of chess pieces and
both have two opposing modes, the Ying-Yang and the two opposing black and
white colours. Transformation in the I-Ching entails 8 major shifts paralleling the
musical octave, something we will be returning to.
Harking back to the strange symbology that first attracted my attention at the
Great East Window, a dog on Jesus’ plate at the Last Supper - which, using a
standard number grid system we find at 5th roundel down and 4th across - I
thought It would be interesting to introduce the 64 Hexagrams of I-Ching to
the 64 roundels of the chess board doing so, intuitively, in twisting, serpentine
fashion, starting with top left square as number one and continuing second
square down top left as number 9 and so on, in order not to break sequential
contact and also to symbolise the snake as guardian of temple treasure By doing
so, where the dog on the platter sits as a roundel, it arrived me at the very
apt Hexagram number 36 for Hexagram 36 is ‘Darkening of the Light’, loosely
translating as ‘By concealing your light when danger is around is an effective way
of avoiding detection’.
Given that my ‘Lincoln Cathedral Code’ that initiated with the discovery of the
dog on the platter leads to a location at a burial ground opposite the SE corner
of the Cathedral - whereby a secretive ‘treasure’ guarded by the Knights Templar
and relating to Mary Magdalene may await at a depth under an established
tomb - this hexagram serves superbly in intimating the wisdom and necessity for
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Even when employing a basic 1-8 line from left to right, continuing line two 9-16
and so on, one still arrives at the dog on the platter roundel being hexagram 36!
It would have satisfactory to have left it at that but turning my attention to the
‘Cullinane sequence of the 64 Hexagrams’, an arrangement discovered in 1989
during an investigation of the six-dimensional affine space over the two element
field, whereupon a geometry of the I-Ching is revealed, we then find the dog on
the platter sitting neatly on square 28…..a recurring key number associated with
Lincoln Cathedral and also the catalogued number of the tomb under where
the Templars Magdalene ‘treasure’ resides. This geometrical aspect is made all the
more interesting when we learn that the Great East Window was reglazed in
1762, the design at that time chiefly, if not entirely, of geometrical forms rather
than the current scenes from the Old Testament and life of Jesus.
So far, we have taken a deep psychological look at the alternative facets of the
Great East Window and the unsuspected possibility that a deeply psychological
game of chess is somehow being played out at Lincoln Cathedral. If an actual
‘Mind Game’ is being played here, could the opposing forces of light and dark be
found in the two hemispheres of the brain? If it is a likelihood that ‘evil’ emanates
from one side of the brain, and discussions of this kind first surfaced as far
back as 1854 in a book by American physician Joseph Buchanan, ‘Outlines of
lectures on the neurological system of anthropology’ in the chapter ‘Organology
- Hemispheres of Good and Evil’, I wondered if an area of brain hemisphere
could also be responsible for the unfortunate almost demon-like affliction
suffered by 10% of those with the neurological affliction we know as Tourettes
Syndrome, named after its founder Georges Gilles de la Tourette. It is sadly
misunderstood that sufferers of this fascinating disorder, who cannot but help
exclaiming obscene and derogatory remarks, are exerting their Tourettes, for this
involuntary swearing is an independent neurological disorder called Coprolalia
from the Greek ‘kopros’ meaning ‘feces’ and ‘lalien’, ‘to talk.’
Using the phonetic aspect of the Mother Tongue, we will discover some
interesting hidden connections.‘Tourettes’ is pronounced as ‘Turrets’, in
architecture a small tower, from the Old French’ tourete’. Magdala, the home of
Mary Magdalene, in Hebrew, means ‘Tower’. A turret is traditionally supported
by a corbel, a piece of stone jutting out of a wall. ‘Corbel’, is from the Late Latin
‘corvellus’ diminutive of ‘corvus’, a raven. A raven is a species of crow, in turn a
rook. The demonic Lincoln Imp guardian is seen on a spandrel squatting under
the corbal high up between two arches on the North side of the Angel Choir
within Lincoln Cathedral. Is he playing the part of the chess piece, the rook?
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The rook is most formidable towards the end of a game and a powerful piece
to deliver checkmate.
As there is now more and more mistrust in the police there is a growing public
suspicion about the grip of Freemasonry within the force, that leads to fears
of corruption. Both British and American police display the black and white
chequers of the Masonic Lodge floor on their uniforms. The most prevalent
of slang terms for a British policeman or woman is a ‘copper’. Amongst a few
contending theories as to why, we are told that the term originates from the
Latin ‘capere’ meaning ‘to seize, to take’.
The other contender is that it comes from New York’s first official police force
in the States who wore badges made from copper. However, ‘copper’ hides
neatly in ‘copralalia’ - copr.
Perhaps the unknown origin for another popular slang for police, ‘rozzers’,
can also be claimed in ‘Kopros’, containing both ‘cop’ and ‘ros’. Copper is also
a chemical element and ‘Old Nick’s Copper’ - the reason behind the (pun
intended) nick name of The Devil as ‘Old Nick’ comes from during the time
of the discovery of nickel German miners thought it was false copper, so they
called it Old Nick’s. In British slang to ‘nick’ someone is to arrest them.
We return for one final and potential covert explanation for the Great East
Window. It is known that cathedrals, like old churches were built to serve as
vibrational chambers, holding undetected acoustic and sonic properties, and
if one were to make the right sounds within them the effect can be Mind
expanding. Aware of the octave connection and the window through the
I-Ching, I was interested in taking a closer look at what is known as the ‘Liturgical
In Christian liturgical usage, octave is the 8th day after a feast, sometimes called
‘Octave Day’ as well as the entire period of these days during observance of
certain major feasts. In 2000, author of ‘Music and the Earth Spirit’, musician
Bob Dickinson, conducted research on particular acoustic properties of Lincoln
Cathedral which he focussed on some ‘ringing pillars,’ an octave and a fifth
apart, which connected with certain intervallic relationships of the harmonic
series. During the Easter Octave, for each of the days, there are specific chants.
Could an analysis of these chant melodic/pitch patterns reveal certain intervallic
relationships between notes that might connect with these ‘ringing pillars’?
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Scottish author Brian Allan is a firm believer that the musical notation given
the title ‘The Devil’s Chord’ by the Catholic church in the 12thC, and banned
throughout Christendom, this the musical interval of the augmented fourth,
could be the frequency and harmonic chord that holds the key (pun intended)
to the ultimate mystery of Rosslyn Chapel, perhaps precipitating the opening
of a portal of consciousness. In a prior article on the world wide web ‘Lincoln
Cathedral - Battleground of Light and Dark?’, I explained in length the numerous
‘Devil’ connections, and so it might not be unlikely to consider an involvement
with the ‘Devil’s Chord’ here.
The classical image of the devil with his pitchfork might actually be a visual
allegory of an acoustic resonating tuning fork which can be used to emit a pure
musical tone, key or pitch. For use in the opening of a dimensional ‘Portal’? is this
the ultimate secret allied to Lincoln Cathedral and its nearby proximity?
Until we have the arrival of a true genius who will make that conclusive
discovery and not only open our minds and eyes to a hitherto currently elusive
science that will show us the understanding required to reveal dimensional
doorways, there will be many unrecognised individuals who by virtue of their
own DNA encoded information will make some headway into revelationary
findings, singularly and alone. Theories abound and maybe some one day will
emerge from the one big melting pot to be substantiated. We will take a look at
a type of potential candidate later in the book.
A current effort can be found in music theory - the comma of Pythagoras,
vibrational physics and harmony, through non local entanglement in quantum
physics and which deals with the interaction of consciousness and noncommunicative mathematics. Employing logarithmic geometry’s attempt to
contain infinity our base assumptions in music theory has measurement of the
Perfect Fifth presenting as a closed circle.
However, if the actual harmonics are not logarithmic but complementary
opposites, we face instead complementary opposites, assymetric - infinite
resonate called ‘the Spiral of Fifths’. The ‘Power Axiom Set’ of mathematics can
be derived from the Devil’s Chord as the triton interval is the square root of
two. Philosophy based on Pythagoras reveals this spiral of fifths in an alchemical
sense. It is alleged that these secrets are kept by arcane freemasonry at its
highest level and that by sitting in a full lotus one can stir pyramid power in
order to ‘become’ the All Seeing Eye.
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The most basic form of this active complimentary opposite harmonic resonating
alchemically into infinity is the tetrahedron, sound becoming ultrasound ionising
electro-chemicals to transform matter through sonofusion light alchemy.
Sources claim that the freemasonic ‘Golden Ratio’ as complementary opposites
are the music intervals the major third and minor sixth, the minor sixth being 8:5
and the Golden Ratio through the Fibonacci Ratio and the major third music is
5/4, the cube root of two, the building block for three dimensional geometry.
Now for some seemingly complex music and maths which I do hope will not
lose the reader any more than it does myself for I will present it as we are told
is an accuracy; The Perfect Fifth as C to G is 3:2 and the Perfect Fourth, G to C,
is 3:4, replacing current western logistic which would have C to G as 2:3 and G
to C 3:2. The guarded geometry we are told being kept by the highest echelon
of freemasonry, the Devil’s Chord tritone, squares the Perfect Fifth as 3:2 to
become to 9:4, halving to 9:8 then cubed to the square root of 2.
Research speculatively suggesting a correlation between Pythagorean philosophy
and Chinese Taoism will confirm the Perfect Fifth as 2:3 or C to G as being the
male energy Yang with the Perfect Fourth , G to C, 3;4, as the female Yin. Further
Taoist thought confirms the ‘small universe’, a secret alchemical practice showing
the 12 notes of the music scale along the exterior of the physical frame as
harmonic nodes which start below the navel area and which can be practiced in
the same way as we might practice the music scale.
By meditating on the differing notes in a cyclic fashion, the resultant sound of the
mind resonating uplifts the body to an enhanced and uplifted frequency, a form
of transformed light, healing energy.
In a later chapter we will investigate the possibility of an internal portal
within our own brain, which either alone or in conjunction with one of other
dimensional reality could be the way in to the truly ‘way out’.
Sacred Geometry, such as can be found in Gothic cathedral design and
architecture informs us that geometry ‘earth measure’ is ‘number in space’ and
that music is ‘number in time’.
If so, may it really be a possibility that the structure of Cathedrals, stimulated
through the correct musical notes, might well be a provision of means for the
opening of alternative dimensional planes in space?
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International stone sculptor Michael Dan
Archer, who has used the tool of the
Collective Unconscious for some of his
work, in 2002 contributed numerous
examples of his sculptures in and around
Lincoln Cathedral, one he called ‘Portal 1’.
Although this has since been removed, at
the South East end of the Cathedral you
can still see his Gateway entitled ‘Between
two worlds’.
r Tomb
The Mar ke
seen thro
o Worlds’
A sarcophagus shape, since removed,
placed beneath the outside of the Great
East Window to point over at the St
Margaret’s burial grounds was entitled
‘The Secret’. Let Michael describe his
work; ‘My sculptures primarily invokes the
massiveness and physicality of stone and
its relationship to architecture, humanity and landscape. Architectural forms such
as portals, obelisks and towers play a central role in my sculptural exploration.
The portals deal with zones of transformation. The transformation implied can
be from one state of consciousness to another.’
Scientific researchers in archaeoacoustics are now convinced that the builders
of ancient monumental structures spread all over the globe have one thing in
common - they were deliberately designed in order to conduct and manipulate
sound so that they would produce certain sensory effects that would alter
mind. Although evidence foe this has been confirmed in such diverse places as
Ireland, Southern Turkey and Peru the best example appears to be within the
subterranean Hal Saflieni Hypogeum on the island of Malta, where in 1985 I
experienced my own example of this in this triple level 6,000 year old stone
structure where a low voice within its walls creates reverberating and eerie
echoes and where in certain places if a sound or word is spoken it will be heard
throughout on all three levels.
Certain sound vibration frequencies created by emitted sound within its walls,
heard by those within earshot, were being proven to alter human brain function
when monitored by EEG whilst being exposed to differing sound vibration
frequencies. Findings conducted by expert Linda Eneix at the Old Temples Study
Foundation in Florida indicated an abrupt in active shift in active patterns over
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the prefrontal cortex at 110 Hz deactivating the language centre to temporary
shift from left to right-sided dominance related to emotional processing and
creativity, switching on an area of the brain responsible for mood, empathy and
social behaviour. At 90 Hz or 130 Hz this did not occur. The conclusions were
that people who spent time in this environment and employing low male voice
in either a ritual chant or simple communication would, most likely knowingly,
be exposing themselves to vibrations that would alter their thinking - or
‘space’ them out. I contacted Linda in May 2012 to make her aware of my own
experiences at Hal Saflieni.
Acknowledging the Temple to be a liable means of connecting with the Earth
Mother I intoned into the Oracle Chamber niche the earliest basic word
associated with Her - ‘MA’. Instantly I had a déjà vu and strangely this was to
be the very last I have ever had. As far as I can see, the déjà vu phenomena
appears to locate in the left brain, the same area that the 110 Hz frequency
in the niche de-activates language and heightens sensation. I suggested to
Linda that may a deeply intoned ‘MA’ could be the missing mantra to use to
activate the temple to which she replied, ‘It really makes one think.’ Could we
expect similar experiences if only we had the key required to activate Lincoln
Cathedral? Incidentally, in early 2014 Lincoln Cathedral, after waiting since 1092,
finally got round to construction of a Chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary - at
the very South East corner where on the Feast of the other Mary, Magdalene, at
mid-day 22nd July, the optical phenomena of the ‘blue apples’ created by sacred
geometry falls on the stone floor there, as I announced in 2006, it being part
of the decoding of the Rennes-le-Chateau parchments, and this may well now
interfere with the visual. One wonders if this might be an unconscious hindrance
in some way. Or even a beneficial modification?
Not without its Alice in Wonderland absurdities and the inter-connectivity of
the Collective Unconscious when synchronicities collect up, let me share some
starting with Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ and what it has to say about the
keystone. Architecturally, the final piece placed during construction to lock all
the stones into position, Brown’s keystone in his novel was an encoded map
revealing the hiding place of the Holy Grail.
Given that we know that a key is the major or minor scale around which a
piece of music revolves, and that ancient South Indian temples were once built
by ancient kings who chose stone granite pillars which produced musical notes
when struck with a stick, we have to concede to a whole new and musical
meaning to ‘key’ stones.
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Returning to our investigation into police origins, ‘The Keystone Cops’ were
incompetent fictional police that featured in early 20thC silent film comedies
and in 2010 it was discovered a previously lost short was discovered featuring a
previously unknown cameo appearance from the famous English comedy actor
Charlie Chaplin. The entanglement here? Authoress of ‘City of Secrets’ is Patrice
Chaplin who claims that the Rennes mystery terminates at a portal upon a
mountain in Spain - and she was married to Charlie Chaplin’s son! The Chaplin
family made the Lincoln Cathedral connection when Charlie and his wife Oona
visited the Cathedral in 1964.
Amidst my speculative attempts, perhaps the final and ultimate mystery of
Lincoln Cathedral is that it conceals a consciousness portal of its own, fought
over by unconscious brain lobes of light and dark in a constant game of chess
(more correctly, ‘Chase’), one side keeping it closed the other seeking to open,
the start of the game of chess actually called ‘The opening’, of which the key is a
musical one.
For those of you who will ask where does the dog on the platter at the Great
East Window fit into that particular scenario, I will point out that the other
name for the Octave of Easter is known historically as Quasimodogeniti - find
him hiding amongst the word.
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Relocation of the Regent
In my book ‘The Murder of Mary Magdalene - Synchronicity and the Scarlet
Saint’ (Healings of Atlantis, Devon, 2013) I shared how the deductions of my
work of some 28 years has brought me to the conclusion that a historical
artefact - either Mary Magdalene’s remains or some vital association with
her - remains buried under the St Margaret burial grounds opposite the SE
corner of Lincoln Cathedral, England, a great ‘treasure’ sought after throughout
the centuries and guarded by the Knights Templar. The culmination of my
understanding suggests strongly that here may hide the final resting place of
the biblical figure known to us as Mary Magdalene, demised by a dagger whilst
pregnant, and whose lost identity may even surpass that of her alleged partner,
the biblical male Jesus.
Initially making this location known in 2005 and suggesting that her assassins had
been the Jewish contract-killing Zealots the Sicarii, known as ‘The Dagger Men’,
( see my World Mysteries feature ‘The Murder of Mary Magdalene and the
Hidden Encryption in Art’ on the world wide web’) I hadn’t given much thought
to the taken route the Magdalene may have been brought by to the historical
city of Lincoln, other than to note that her most famous stopping off point was
within the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau in France, at a sealed cave where I have
stood at myself back in 1986, and which is highlighted accurately at the top of
one of Da Vinci’s two paintings of ‘Virgin of the Rocks’, the version held at the
Louvre. Given that this was painted by Leonardo, who lived the last few years
of his years in France but is not known to have visited RLC, between 1483-87
suggests that at the time of the painting it was a well-kept secret that here was
the resting place of Mary Magdalene. Whilst it is near impossible to mention
Mary Magdalene without having Rennes-le-Chateau cited alongside, few are
happy to consider that at a date after the Da Vinci painting, she was relocated.
Since over the years many people have asked me the question, I shall now
attempt to address it and take a look at the possible peregrinations of the
demised Magdalene, a trail that would have to be afforded maximum secrecy, for
premature and unwanted discovery of her remains would destroy any chance of
a revelation of a more accurate understanding of the origins of a more truthful
Christianity. To do so, I will say right now, will incur the phenomenon of the
Unconscious Mind that lays dormant and will only tip us off at its own behest,
not ours. I have found during the course of my work that often its preferred
modus operandi is by way of impinging information upon the innocent sensitive
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and the systems such a person may have been assisted to ‘stumble upon’
themselves, often exploration of preserved legends and the wonder of invisible
track ways and alignments.
Given that my own conclusion brought me to the site of the once standing 12th
century St Margaret church in Lincoln and demolished in 1781, I discovered
that Margaret and her church had a hidden connection with the Magdalene.
As Margaret of Antioch, to give her full title, she is entwined with the legends
concerning St Pelagia who was known as ‘The Harlot Penitent’, an undeniable
resonance with MM. Long before they went to Jerusalem, the Knights Templar
had castles in Antioch and therefore must have been aware of, or acquainted
themselves with the Magaret-Pelagia figure, suggesting to me that her church
in Lincoln was a concealed Templar church thus confirming the legend that
the Grail is concealed under a hidden Templar church somewhere in England.
However, it is not Antioch where we will start our attempted back tracking,
instead it will be Spain.
Stunning confirmation of foul play concerning the Magdalene presented itself
from a 1692 terracotta by Spain’s first female sculptor Luisa Roldan (16521706). There is some evidence that before, during and after the time of the
Cathars who were exterminated for their belief in Jesus Christ being married to
a pregnant MM, the impending Grail legend had either originated (as Wolfram
Eschenbach thought) in Spain, or had found its way there, none so more than
in Catalonia, capital city of Barcelona, south of the Pyrenees where monks of
Monserrat believed it to be buried there. So many theories already! First, I will
pursue a lead afforded me by a correspondent who prefers anonymity so we
will visit the stone boat that arrives onshore at the ‘Coast of Death’ - Muxia, on
the Costa de Morte - carrying Mary the Virgin, supposed mother-in-law of MM,
who we are told came to encourage St James in his mission, and ponder over
whether this may have been a deliberate and construed allegory, the preserved
account instead hinting at the arrival of the relics of MM herself.
Legend holds that St James’ remains were carried by boat from Jerusalem
to North western Spain and buried on the site of the city of Santiago de
Compostela, now capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, the tale of
his body’s arrival similar to that of the three Mary’s ( take your pick!) arriving at
Saintes Marie-de-la-Mer. To further the hypothesis, we must consider that it was
the relics of MM that were taken to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela,
under the guise of St James, who today is believed to be safeguarded in a crypt
there. The Feast day of this saint happens to fall three days after that of the
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Magdalene and, significantly bearing in mind the manner
of her demise, his symbol of a red cross bears striking
resemblance to a dagger.
Santiago de Compostela Cathedral has been discovered to
fall on the same azimuth (an angular measurement in a coordinates system) as Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer where the
Magdalene was alleged to have arrived, by the untiring and
Cross of St James:
inspiring work of American author Cort Lindahl whose
a dagger?
many videos on YouTube
attempt to identify Grail
related geography. His work can be found at his
website ‘Geomantic Information Systems; Exploring
Axis Mundi, The Earth Grid, The Holy Grail and Ley
Lines’. The dome of the Cathedral has an all seeing
eye with a pyramid at the apex of the dome.
South East of Santiago, the original settlement
named after its original Irish inhabitants bears
the title Irea Flavia, and we will return to this Irish
connection later. I have made my own discoveries
concerning this great Cathedral too, where we find
a strange representation of Jesus in what appears
to be a dress. A clue in some way alluding to the
Magdalene perhaps?
Jesus in a dress?
Our next inspired hunch is that the relics of MM next moved from A Coruna,
once capital of Galicia, to a cave near Rennes-le-Chateau before having to be
moved to evade capture, to Ireland. Now we must look at the tale of St Bega,
reputedly a saint from the middle ages, an Irish princess valuing virginity, and lest
we forget, St Margaret too was a virgin saint. Bega fled from the Isle of Aran, SW
Ireland across the Irish Sea to escape a marriage to a Viking prince, son of the
king of Norway, to land on the Cumbrian coast at St Bees, and I have a suspicion
that this story line may also be an allegory referring to the relocation of Mary
Providing a connection with A Coruna and the Irish was the Celtic Broegan
whose gargantuan tower built at A Coruna provided sight of an unknown land
mass to which he sent his sons to discover. It was Ireland. Close to this tower a
huge Compass Rose mosaic includes a skull and cross bones.
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Alex Langstone, author of ‘Spirit Chaser - The Quest for Bega’ links her with the
constellation of Bootes, the same constellation that is entwined with Lincoln
Cathedral owing to its major star Arcturus in its role as guardian of the bear of
Ursa Major, the constellation that presides over Rennes-le-Chateau.
Bega has an association with a crown and seven stars (reminding us of Ursa
Major) which we find also on the coat of arms of Galicia, and again on the coat
of arms of A Coruna, surrounding a tower and skull and cross bones on a rock.
Mary Magdalene inherits her name from her birthplace of Magdala near Gallilee,
and it is the Aramaic word for ‘Tower,’ and so my suspicion that she is entangled
with the Bega story line strengthens. Much of Cort Lindahl’s Grail work revolves
around the Tower of the Winds at Shugborough Hall estate, a Compass Rose
from where places that have themes relating to the Holy Grail align, and he has
discovered that its azimuth points to Lincoln Cathedral, The Bishops Palace with
its own tower adjacent it that is an almost exact copy of the Tour Magdala at
Rennes-le-Chateau, and onto the West Wycombe estate of English politician and
occultist Francis Dashwood who built his own lighthouse style tower that aligns
with the discovered vast sacred geometry on the Lincolnshire landscape.
The Rose window at the North of the Lincoln Cathedral is itself a hidden
Compass Rose which highlights Arcturus in the night sky. Lindahl’s voluminous
work has discovered that a geographic azimuth on the globe travels in individual
straight lines from both Cathedrals at Valencia (who claim to hold the cup of
Christ) and also Santiago de Compostela to Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer, and by
doing so suggests a connection with both of them and the Magdalene in Europe.
In the same sense that the coastal arrival of St James and deposit at Santiago
de Compostela mirror that of the Magdalene, could the legend of St Bega also
conceal a truth concerning the movement of the Magdalene’s relics?
St Bega is reputed to have set sail from the Isle of Aran, SW Ireland to Cumbria
and it is here we make another link. I have already encountered how sensitive
artists often provide a channel for information that work through them direct
from the reservoir of the Collective Unconscious, through sculptor Dan Michael
Archer’s exhibition at Lincoln Cathedral in 2002.
It was at Cumbria that we find another such sensitive soul, the portraiture and
landscape artist Graham K Griffiths whose work hangs in the American White
House Permanent Collection, who in 2003 gave us his book ‘Behold Jerusalem!’
discovering within the 12 signs of the zodiac profiled in the British and Northern
Irish coastlines an almost 50 mile tall depiction of the crucifixion in the British
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landscape of not one, but two figures on the
cross thus reflecting images I have found at
Galicia. Jesus and Mary Magdalene? Jesus’ cross
was the Cumbrian tip of the one held by the
Lamb of God whose heart rests, geographically,
upon Lincoln, and it is only three miles to the
west of Lincoln Cathedral we find our own
unique and puzzlingly titled small village of
Jerusalem. I will ask the reader to be aware
that often images purporting to be of the
Blessed Virgin Mary are a smokescreen for the
Magdalene in the same way that the Templar
oath sworn to ‘God and the Blessed Mary’ was,
consequently the double crucified images we
see in Spain are a coded reference to a male
Jesus figure actually being the female Magdalene.
Jesus and
one and the
So here we have a clear connection between
Galicia in Spain, Rennes-le-Chateau, Ireland,
Cumbria and Lincoln. Was this the route taken
by the Templar guarded relics of the Magdalene?
Authoress Claire Nahmad, whose book ‘The Coming of the Holy Grail’
acknowledges my own conclusion, has also thought that the Grail did spend
time in Ireland. Remaining for a short while in Lincoln, allow me to introduce
some rather interesting synchronicities that have unearthed that also connect
the city and the Family Rayner Cathedral code marker tomb with Galicia. Key
to the decoding of the significance of the Rennes-le-chateau Parchments was
Lincolnshire’s own Poet laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson, born in Somersby a
village in the east Lindsey district of Lincolnshire. By synchronicity in 1806 a
George Clayton Tennyson became Rector at Somersby and the church there
is dedicated to St Margaret. Equally synchronous, between 1784 and 1798 the
Rector at Somersby was the Rev Burton Rayner - the same surname of the
family and the Cathedral Code Marker tomb at St Margaret’s burial grounds
opposite the Cathedral.
All this gets better when we find that there is a similar cross to the ones in
Galicia in the churchyard of St Margaret at Somersby. Somersby is 23 miles due
east of Lincoln and St Margaret’s church at Somersby is aligned perfectly eastwest, so a line drawn along the Church axis goes straight to Lincoln cathedral
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and its environs where possibly Tennyson’s statue is facing east because that’s
where his birthplace is. The Tennyson plaque, laden with clues, outside Lincoln
Cathedral cryptically refers to ‘Zero degrees’, the Greenwich Meridian lies
less than half a mile west of Somersby. A point in St Margaret’s churchyard
at Somersby, SW of the church, has a latitude of 53 degree 14.028N (the
same as the marker tomb) and a longitude of 0 degrees 0.681E, an interesting
appearance of our ‘681’ yet again!
There is a play known as ‘The Digby Magdalene’ written in the 1400’s by an
unknown author which was performed around the east Anglia and South
Lincolnshire area, portraying Mary Magdalene as a successful female preacher
as if some dim and yet distinct memory or connection concerning her had
survived in these parts. Furthermore, some synchronicities; a memorial plaque
inside Lincoln Cathedral commemorates one Magdalene Digby who died in
1797, her husband Prebend of the Cathedral at the time the St Margaret church
was demolished. Also, nearby we have the small village of Digby.
According to Irish lore, that other most famed of biblical treasures, the Ark of
the Covenant, is hidden at the sacred Hill of Tara nestled in the rural County
Meath, awash with Celtic mythology.
With incoming threats to Egypt, for safe keeping, we are told that the ark
was taken by boat to the end of the known world, which was Ireland, already
inhabited by people from the 5th tribe of Israel, the Danites or Tribe of Dan. All
original inhabitants of Southern Ireland arrived via different routes, times and
names. Vikings too were Danites and we recall Bega was promised to a Viking
prince. Could this assertion of a biblical treasure more correctly be a remnant
memory of how once the relics of MM resided awhile at Tara?
My own deductions has it that MM did stay hidden at the Knight Templar
Preceptory at Temple Bruer, 12 miles south of Lincoln Cathedral in a crypt
before moving to a similar hiding place at the then standing Templar church of
St Margaret. If you visit Bruer today you will not find an explanation for why the
entrance has been chiselled away to provide a larger opening, presumably to
make room for the carrying in and out of a something large.
It could be that arrival at Bruer came direct from Cumbria, before the eventual
short journey to the less obvious Templar influence at St Margaret’s. Again, at
Lincoln we find the two preferred circumstances that would secretly welcome
and protect the relics of a famous Jewish figure, it being the first and largest
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Jewish settlement in Britain back in the Middle Ages with the rich Aaron the
Jew underwriter of Lincoln Cathedral, and the near proximity of a thriving
Templar Preceptory.
Perhaps the real reason why our artefacts have been drawn to and deposited
where they are, belongs to that invisible unconscious level, a powerful energy point
upon the Lincolnshire geography where the symbology of its occupying ‘treasure’ is
amplified in the Collective Unconscious of all of us, awaiting that moment we can,
as individuals, awaken to realisation of its presence.
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Synchronicity and the Scarlet Saint
With Superman in his DC comic appearances from 1938 onwards, it was Lois
Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemuria and Lex Luthor…the reoccurrence of meaningful
figures in his life all having the same initials, an early public appearance of what
we now prefer to call ‘synchronicity.’ It was the Swiss psychotherapist Carl
Gustav Jung, along with Sigmund Freud, co-founder of 20th century psychiatry
who through his own repeated contacts with strange manifestations emanating
from his own psyche coined the term in the 1920’s, convinced that there
exist a linking process distinct from the relation between cause and effect but
complimentary to it, a non causal force within the Universe manifesting in a
collaboration between human psyche and the external world.
Let us listen a while to the wisdom imparted us by Jung who gave us both
terms ‘the Collective Unconscious’ and ‘Archetypes’. There are two layers of
the Unconscious, that of the personal which ends at the earliest memories of
infancy, and that of the collective comprising the residues of ancestral life or preinfantile period. Mages that are personally experienced by the individual become
filled out memory images of the personal unconscious in contrast to the
unfilled collective unconscious archetypes, forms that are not experienced
personally. In a situation where there is a psychic energy that goes beyond
the regress of early infancy breaking into the legated ancestral life we have an
awakening of the archetypes of mythological imagery and the opening of an
unsuspected interior spiritual realm and planes that by contrast with all that
we held in our earlier belief systems. Bringing us the concept of the Collective
Unconscious - responsible for all synchronicities and our entanglement with all
else - it was his work with schizophrenic patients at the Burgholzi psychiatric
hospital in Zurich from which he based his findings, having initially followed
the thinking laid down by Freud’s own theory of Unconscious, a psychic strata
forming from repressed wishes.
Jung broke away from his Freudian shackles and came up with that which is
responsible for the entire structure of the Collective Unconscious, the psychic
innate dispositions that allow experiencing and representing the basic
situations and behavior of the human, the Archetype. The Mother archetype
governing the mother-child relationship and Father archetype governing the
father-child, archetypes are responsible for all religious and mystical experiences,
with the extremities of birth and death and power and failure thrown in for
good measure.
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In all word cultures we see the archetype at work manifesting through imagery
in dream and visions from which symbolic interpretation plays a major part to
fathom and unravel the markings of the transforming psyche. Every human being
is born with this psychic archetypical layer innately and it cannot be acquired
by any other means other than by this universal library and datum of human
knowledge, the experience of the collective unconscious archetypes linking with
religious experience. Jung in his own works makes it clear that the Collective
Unconscious consisting of mythological motifs and primordial images of which
the myths of all nations are its real exponents, the entirety of mythology taken
as a projection of the Collective Unconscious Itself. There are two ways we
can carry out a study of the Collective Unconscious, one in mythology or, two,
analysis of the individual.
The Middle Ages was transformed by the Quest for the Grail , the discovery of
the role and importance of the female, a restoration in the West of the spiritual,
Jung himself declaring that he thought that one of the most important myths
in civilisation of the West was that of the Grail, and truly, it has perpetuated
itself to influence the making of such art forms as the Parsifal of Wagner, ‘The
Wasteland’ of T.S. Eliot and, of course more recently, Hollywood’s ‘The Da Vinci
Code’ of which my own humble offering is but an extension. The chief mystery
of the archetype concerns the Grail as a method of communication between
God and Man, this two-way interaction has also assimilated the archetype of the
Ark of the Covenant. This ‘Secret Church of the Holy Grail’, as Waite puts it, is
not ne where entrance can be gained through a physical door, the entrance may
as well be en-trance. As this Grail Church has no origin with human construct
it would appear that it resides in a spiritual realm drawing some of us to it in
archetypical hypnosis or somnambulism rather than leading us to a synthesized
belief in higher consciousness doorway. My discovery of a demised and pregnant
Magdalene from which a male Jesus story line was usurped was a deeply
submerged, sleeping and undiscovered archetype that I have now released from
slumber - The Sleeping Beauty has been awakened, by the kiss of an ‘X’, which
marks the spot at the Cathedral Code Marker tomb.
After a professional falling out with Freud over differing concepts of the
Unconscious, Jung crossed over into a territory we would normally associate
as accessible only through mental breakdown that invited him into a world of
strange experiences, dreams and visions, mindscaping adventures associated with
degree of controlled drug inducement or shamans.( My own ironic discovery
demonstrates how synchronicity can link us - Sigmund Freud was affectionately
known to Jung as ‘Siggy’ and if you take the initial letter of each of Carl Gustav
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Jung’s name, and allow for the fact that it is pronounced ‘Yung’, you arrive at
C-G-Y, to be pronounced as ‘Siggy’!) During this period his home assumed an
aura of haunting, his daughters claiming to have seen ghosts and Jung claiming
to have witnessed a crowd of spirits bursting into the house. Following all this
high strangeness, he went into a 72 hour state of automatic writing which
produced his 1916 work ‘The Seven Sermons to the Dead’, not widely available
until 1961, describing visitations from spirits claiming they were from Jerusalem,
full of strange language and imagery, and whom Jung announced as the voices
of the ‘Unanswered, the Unresolved and Unredeemed’, souls, like our troubled
generation of today, who were looking for answers they were unable to find in
their lifetime, the content of the conversations becoming the prelude to what
he would announce to the world about the Unconscious and its workings,
focusing on a marriage between the conscious and unconscious elements of our
psyche, for religious teachings has failed us in preserving key knowledge that is
exemplified and given expression in spirit through nature and instinct.
Jung went on to study obscure alchemical texts understanding them to be
expressions of the unconscious and believing that these experiences are
universal appearing at any age in an archetypical form. Further revelations and
elucidation from this period surfaced only in 2009 with ‘The Red Book, the
record of his ‘confrontation with the Unconscious’ eventually published by
Jung’s grandson. Interesting that it was simply titled as it was, with red being the
colour most associated with our mystery of the Magdalene. He worked on it on
and off for a total of sixteen years, and never quite finishing it locked it up in a
cupboard in his house in Zurich. Clearly, Jung has been in that twilight zone that
most people like to dismiss and discredit claiming that it is an undesirable state
of consciousness and best perceived as a treatable illness - dismissing in one foul
swoop the whole concept and reality of the mystic, relegating us again to a dull
and often meaningless random earth existence with little or no point.
Jung’s deliverance of us to the phenomenon of synchronicity is best understood
when we understand that synchronistic events - when two or more apparently
unrelated events occur together by what we understand as chance but that
clearly announced in a meaningful manner as opposed to a meaningless
‘coincidence’ - emanate from an underlying pattern and larger framework
encompassing any of the systems displaying the synchronisation. Known directly
to Mind, these archetypes arise spontaneously especially at times of crisis.
Poltergeist manifests when teenage girls experience puberty, a type of crisis
for the child, strange brain activity responsible for objects being thrown about
amidst kinetic activities and turbulence whilst chemical changes are occurring.
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Crisis becomes a gateway for the Collective unconscious to let pour out
revealing archetypes informing deep hidden truths stowed away from the
ordinary consciousness we use to go to work, catch buses and buy milk from
the corner shop. In the chapter ‘Remote control’ we will study results from
remote viewers who have ‘visited’ the Lincoln cathedral Code Marker tomb.
Jung demonstrated that normal sensory perceptions must be explained before
we can hope to understand extra-sensory perception, and how unconscious
archetypes make both sensory and extra sensory perception possible. As an
acausal connecting principle between mind and matter, synchronicity reveals a
mind-matter continuum which both establishes and links mind and space and
also science and religion. Such a link with synchronicity and divination validates
the possibility of remote viewing.
On a good day I can have about five synchronicities before breakfast! They all
started pouring in for me after a close encounter with a ‘UFO’ nearby Rennesle-Chateau, France, in 1986, synchronised events having led to the encounter
initially. There are no end of amazing stories concerning synchronicities all over
the Net and I’ll leave readers to Google for them, concentrating on only a few
of my own. Numerically it usually involves the number 23, which is strongly
associated with the Dog Star Sirius Mystery, (I was born on a 23rd) 22, and
the sequence 681, the latter, perhaps best recognised as a centred pentagonal
number 3 x 227, associated with the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery.
One day in 1989, I had turned up early for an appointment at a building that
was consequently still shut. As I waited, I looked over at the huge wire fenced
off car park belonging to the factory complex adjacent and mused to myself I
wonder if there are parked cars with the licence plate 681. After a thorough
visual search I found there wasn’t. However, there was one available car space in
the lot and just as I concluded my investigation along came a car to occupy the
gap - its plate was 681!
Exploring every possibility as I do, If we take a look at this 681 in accordance
to its numerical value to our English alphabet, we find F as 6, H as 8 and A and
by rearranging them we locate the musical note Fah, the 4th note in the sol-fa
musical scale.
Worth noting as we are still searching for musical note clues in relationship to
the possibility of opening a Portal, and in a much later chapter another meaning
of the word ‘Sol’ as in the solar deity in ancient Roman religion, hence our sun, in
connection with 681 will become apparent.
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During my Lincoln Cathedral Code investigations in 2006 in which the dog star
Sirius was constantly putting in synchronised appearances, I decided to attend
the Cathedral on the early morning of 23rd July the day known as Sirius Rising
and start of the ‘Dog Days’ when the star rises in conjunction with the earth,
in case of any undiscovered geometrical optical phenomenon such as the first
sun’s rays striking strategic masonry. This was to occur at 5.04am, and so I set off
walking the short distance from my home, some fifteen minutes away. I came
across no traffic or pedestrians along the walk, arriving to station myself at the
East Sun Dial at the Judgement Porch of the Cathedral, which I had discovered
conceals a 681 sequence within its dial markings. After nothing noticeable, I
decided to leave at about 5.15am and as I turned the corner my attention was
drawn to a solitary car slowly passing by - its licence plate contained a 681!
The remaining journey, as before, encountered no further vehicles or human
I mentioned in both my movie docu and last book the ‘Green Hill’, as an
alternative reference to the burial grounds where our Marker Tomb resides. On
11th March 2014 the signing of documents supposed to start changes in the
global financial system where conducted by a Mr Soegiharto, son of the late
President Soekarno of Indonesia who has his own organization of K681 as he
is the 681st king of a long line of kings, the result of centuries of intermarriages
between royal families worldwide. He is often referred to a Mr Sino AS, the ‘King
of Kings’ (‘Sino’ is an anagram of ‘Sion’!) President Soekarno, his father, signed a
document with President Kennedy called
‘Green Hilton memorial Agreement Geneva’
whichalso dealt with the changing of global
finacing. Here we have the rank 681 and my
‘Green Hill’ - GREEN HILton’.
One bitterly cold day in 2010 I had just
returned home from the local library
having collected an ordered copy of Robert
Temple’s’ The Sirius Mystery’ which I hadn’t
read for years, needing to check some
findings. It had been snowing that week and
as I approached my front door, there on the
bush nearest, was the outline of a dog on
the last few bits of melting snow, no other
remnants left!
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The same year I was leaving the Bishops Palace opposite Lincoln Cathedral
through an archway when awaiting me as I walked through was two parked cars
almost bumper to bumper. The first contained on its plate ‘681’ and the one in
front ‘DOG’! I had two witnesses with me on that occasion, one stopping me
from taking photos by reminding me the illegality of snapping car licence plates.
On 20th December 2013 a curious incident involving Sirius and synchronicity
when seventy six people were injured after part of a ceiling collapsed in
London’s Apollo theatre during the show ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in
the Night-Time.’ The incident happened at 20:15. At the latitude of London, the
dog star Sirius rose overhead at 20:19! The play was based n the 2003 mystery
novel and is narrated in the first-person perspective of a young mathematician
boy with behavioral difficulties who has Aspergers Syndrome, the significance of
this we will learn of in a later chapter. The plot is the young boys drive to solve
the murder of a dog.
In July of 2010 by way of a third party, I was forwarded an email which
contained a cryptic message reading, ‘Red Mary, Lincoln 22 07 10’. It had been
sent by a man called Ross Kelly who in 1996 was bit by bit presented his own
related Code through synchronicities, ‘God’s way of communicating with us’ as
he puts it, and it as at this point both his and mine were making a contact, the
Red Mary referring to a painting within Lincoln Cathedral that I had discovered
was of Mary Magdalene and not, as generally held, of the Virgin Mary.
The date, referring to 22nd July is
the Feast day of the Magdalene.
It transpired that events in Kelly’s
Code which he calls the Pi Code,
or Ana Code, had turned their
attention to the figure of the
Magdalene and the number 22’. On
22nd shortly around midday I had
an experience with a car halting
alongside me its plate reading RK
681 - RK being Kelly’s initials!
Kelly’s amazing and ongoing adventure in recalled in his online book ‘Little Book
Big Secret’ and his video ‘Five days in Varkala’, found on One amazing
synchronicity was in 2009 when Kelly was linked with a Turkish lady whose
initials are I.S.H. Turkish Flight 1951 crashed and showed ‘RK’ - his initials 46
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with ‘ISH’. His experiences read like something from a science fiction movie
which naturally attracts him critics, but then this is how it always is for those
brave souls, like Jung, who find themselves embarking on a solitary voyage of
alternative realit. Kelly says ‘This is not about Ross Kelly.
It wouldn’t matter who I was because we are all the same thing, its what I have
been given to show you that matter’. Kelly’s account, a trail of modern day
espionage involving British intelligence, M16 and the Vatican, gives an explanation
for the 1917 miracle of Fatima, the Rennes mystery, how Rudolph Hess brought
the Code to Britain in 1941, and implicates the death of Mother Teresa, Princess
Diana, Jill Dando and UN weapons inspector David Kelly, a series of current
timed coded links providing evidence that the whole of Time has been designed
by divine intelligence around the mathematical constant Pi.
By pointing out a collection of past and current global synchronicities, Kelly
passes on a stark warning that ‘The Omega signal’, two relatively small but
very destructive asteroid strikes, one in Oban in Scotland and the other in
Bowen in Australia, may occur as a final warning to mankind in the event that
the people in ‘high places’ who know about the reality of the direct warning
that took place in 1996 that was connected to the hidden 1917 Fatima events
and the synchronized code warnings that followed it, fail to generate a world
saving change of heart. On November 8th 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan struck
the Philippines causing widespread destruction in downtown Tacloban (Mother
Tongue; ‘Tackle Oban’) For a deeper study of his work go to:
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Robin and his new Flame
The synchronicities involved in what I have announced as the ‘Lincoln Cathedral
Code,’ are beyond meaningless coincidences, and all began happening after 1986
when I encountered a UFO in the close vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau, France.
The Collective Unconscious and its tool of synchronicity works through the
unwitting agency of the human and can employ whomever it chooses, often
sensitive painters and sculptors, to leave ‘clues’ wherever and whenever it wills
throughout the centuries. It was the author Henry Lincoln who primarily kick
started the modern day search for a symbolic Magdalene related Grail back
in 1982 as major author of three in the best seller ‘The Holy Blood and the
Holy Grail’. He went looking for evidence at Rennes-le-Chateau for clues. They
were there, but only I discovered they led back to the place name bearing his
surname, Lincoln in England!
The Chateau, dedicated to Mary, is high up a hill and the church has a demon
guardian statue inside. Lincoln Cathedral, high up a hill has its own demon
guardian, the Lincoln Imp, a ‘v’ notch on its left leg, the acknowledged symbology
of ‘the chalice’. A church of Mary Magdalene was demolished and built upon
to make way for the Cathedral in 1097. No sooner had I announced the code
in 2005 when who should come knocking on Lincoln Cathedral’s door to film
scenes for Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ movie, but Hollywood itself. True irony, a
fictional movie about a Code, in a Cathedral that actually does have one, which
I found in 2005 with Man’s best friend upon the platter at the Last Supper, the
dog a symbol for the dog star Sirius, the blazing emblem of all Freemasonic
When the HBHG authors Baigent and Leigh sued Random House, publishers
of Brown’s novel for plagiarism, they were represented in the Courts by QC
Raynor James, the same sounding Rayner being the name of the family tomb
that the Code finally leads us to the lost treasure of the Templars at a burial
grounds only yards adjacent the Cathedral. Lincolnshire has more than its share
of Templar activity and the Cathedral, viewed from the air, is in the shape of the
Cross of Lorraine, the original Templars’ emblem.
More so, it looks like by sitting upon a deliberately chosen earth grid energy line,
as often many high upon a hill are, the Cathedral also has another purpose its
entire structure and architecture is to act as that of a containment of certain
magical or sacramental properties which is open to provision of either good
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‘luck’, more correctly energy, and protect from evil or harm, or bad energies. The
cathedral seems to be open to either suggestion!
Talismans were believed to have been placed on ley lines and points of power
in order to affect the whole of the energy and in Templarism this alludes to
energies that the site is attached to. These include anything from buried artefacts,
of which one at least we have opposite the SE corner of the Cathedral, symbols
or statues to huge obelisks and could be placed there for a variety of purposes,
good or bad. The original meaning of the word ‘Gothic’ as in the Gothic
Cathedrals is not from the Goths but from the Greek word ‘Goetik’ meaning
‘magical’. Having been destroyed once by fire its past, an element of Yang it may
suggest that the cathedral is of that particular male energy and in need of some
balancing female Yin. By my suggestion that there is an awaiting ‘treasure’ at a
tomb opposite the Cathedral ‘drawing’ us to the burial grounds there, we make
a strong female Yin connection as historically feng shui, the Chinese philosophical
system f harmonizing human existence with surrounding environments, was
originally used for the auspicious orientation of, in particular, spiritual structures
and buildings such as tombs.
Depending on the specific style of feng shui being employed these auspicious
sites could be determined by referring to local features including the stars. The
sharp corner at the south east corner of Lincoln cathedral that points over at
the burial grounds suggest a bad feng shui, and would not be out of place with
the dagger theme that runs through our mystery here and we will meet with it
gain later when we turn our attention back to the starry skies.
Being led to a ‘lost’ historical artifact of the Knights Templar is rapidly appearing
to be only half of this ongoing story, with the potential of a far greater
implication awaiting us around this SE corner. To date we have had the eye
catching visits of Hollywood, the soccer world cup, the BBC Tv programme ‘The
Antiques Roadshow’ (which seeks out treasures) the Chartres Labyrinth and
in 2004 Tibet put in its first appearance - more involvement to come - when a
group of monks came on an unconscious pilgrimage from Drepung Monastery,
once held to be the most mystical place on earth, to the Bishops Palace only a
few hundred yards away from our marker tomb that pinpoints the Cathedral
Code, to construct a sand diagram mandala. Then in 2012 another global icon
announced it would be visiting Lincoln to brush past the Cathedral code marker
tomb….the Olympic Torch, travelling the British isles in what some saw as an
occult tradition inaugurated back in 1932 at the Nazi related Berlin Olympics.
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The 2012 Olympics more than any other were given pride of place in the occult
and dubbed the ‘Zion’ Olympics, as it had been spotted, quite reasonably, that
the logo that had been especially designed to represent the games seemed to
show a resemblance of the digits of the year to ‘ZION’, also by reversing the
word and turning the ‘N’ a full ninety degrees you discover ZIOZ resembling
the year 2012. Many asked why does it contain a random dot, and the simple
answer was that it had to in order to provide full containment of a hidden visual.
To students of the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau this Zion is interchangeable,
or one and the same as the secret society known (and argued over) as The
Priory of Sion. In June 2007 the logo for the Olympics, at a cost of £400,000
was unveiled and met with uproar, the general consensus being that it looked
quite horrible!
The International Olympic Committee were under much pressure to have it
changed but refused to budge fueling conspiracy theories that this HAD to
be the logo. Taking it very serious and adding credence to the dispute was the
Iranian government who lodged their own formal complaint threatening to
boycott the Olympics unless the logo was replaced as Tehran claimed too that
it spelled out the word ‘Zion’ and was racist as Zion is a term that refers to the
city of Jerusalem and Iran does not recognize Israel. Stratford in London was the
chosen venue on the grounds (pun intended) that it was the last area of suitable
land waste in London - or had it been deliberately neglected for years for its
imminent purpose? We will see in our later chapters involving Shakespeare that
this place name ‘Stratford’ in London is a Collective Unconscious synchronicity
for it is another, Stratford-upon-Avon where we will find our controversial poet
and his part in our collective mystery.
The late researcher Rik Clay from Leeds was acknowledged the first to note
that the entire site of the Olympic Village is surrounded by somewhat biblical
or mystical related names, the conspiracists claiming that here we had the
setting for the predicted and long anticipated ‘New Jerusalem’, a title that I feel
might be justifiably contestable viewed geographically as in Lincoln. The site was
also situated between Leyton and Leytonstone, the ‘ley’ found in both names
belonging to the earth grid vortices of ley lines.
The conclusion of all this, summarized, is that the deliberate placing of the
Olympic Village, lying dormant for years, was to be all part of some majestic
ritual to take place there. It was Glastonbury Tor that was thrust into the world
spotlight by its reimagination in the Olympic opening ceremony, a replica model
topped not with its tower, but a tree.
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Rik Clay was found dead soon after his expose of the Olympics, announced as
suicide at the age of 26, the conspiracy theorists naturally preferring to think he
had been murdered for his interference.
The blazing torch is a symbol of the Greek archetype Hecate Goddess of the
Underworld whose presence is associated with entrances, tombs and burial
grounds, and so it comes as no surprise that her torch will pass by the Cathedral
Code marker tomb and burial grounds of St Margaret’s. The synchronicities
unfold when we learn that the torch will be carried into Lincoln Cathedral to
stay overnight on 28th June, that reoccurring number associated throughout
the Code. Even more intriguing is that the surname of the Masonic number
and 33 year old carrier is HOPE. This is most interesting from the point of why
should the bearer, of all names, that is passing by our marker tomb express an
etymology that can be traced back to a Germanic word from the Dutch ‘hopen’
- phonetically ‘open’ - meaning a desire of good with some expectation of
fulfillment? Is our tomb destined to be opened ?
There is another number associated with our Code mystery that has been
deduced by American author Gary Val Tenuta by exploring the notion that
our English alphabet is encoded to synchronise with the numbers 1 through
to 9, useable as a form of Geomatria. This find is to use the basic single digit
numerology that is part of Ross Kelly’s ‘Ana Code’ (see ‘Synchronicitywins.’) 151 is the key number Kelly’s Code is based around and his
principle figure, the female ‘Ana’ or Isis, has the value 151. Using Tenuta’s findings,
both Rennes-le-chateau and Lincoln Cathedral, as well as numerous Templar
related words and short phrases, have a value of 151. Some of those other
phrases are; ‘South of France’, ‘Jesus Christ’, ‘Jesus Sangreal’, ‘Rosy Cross,’ ‘Knights
of Nine’ and ‘House of Magdalene’. If we accept the date 11 -23-11 for when
the Chartres Labyrinth arrived within Lincoln Cathedral we find the total 151
hides itself right in the centre - 112+311
Also, when I paid a visit to, a site that finds how many people they can
find with the surname ‘Kelly’, it came up with 151 Ross Kelly’s! Beat that !!
The geometry discovered by Tony Peart’s Templar Mechanics has shown that
the key measurement is 5.15 miles, a simple reassembly of 151. When I paid
a visit to a site that finds how many people they could find with the
surname Kelly, it came up with exactly 151 people named Ross Kelly. Studying
Kendrick’s 1928 famed and voluminous book of Lincoln Cathedral looking for a
ground plan, I found only one. It is figure 151!
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Kendrick’s The reason I mention the 151 association becomes clear when we
follow the Olympic torch out of Lincoln where it next heads to the Major Oak
in Sherwood Forest, the handover from one torchbearer to another taking place
at 11:11am, 11:11 being a noted phenomenon associated with synchronicity.
The Olympic symbol has five rings and through its Lincolnshire journey it visited
five major towns/cities - Lincoln, Mansfield, Newark, Grantham and Nottingham.
There were five torch bearers on the Sherwood Forest leg of the journey and
the combined total of all their ages added up to 151!
One diligent researcher using the very handy tool of Google earth has
demonstrated to me the existence of a landscape geometry surrounding the
village of Edwinstowe and the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest and have dubbed
it ‘The Sherwood Pentagram. With Lincoln to its east, Chesterfield to the west
and Nottingham to the south, it is formed by connecting the locations of Blyth
Priory church in the north, the deserted mediaeval village of Woodcoates to
the east, Southwell Minster to the south-east, Newstead Abbey to the southwet and Bolsover castle in the west. The hub and centre of the pentagram is the
major oak itself. The Major Oak is a huge oddly shaped oak tree which according
to local folklore was Robin Hood’s shelter where he and his merry men slept.
Robin has a strong connection with Lincoln in that Lincoln green is the colour
of the dyed woolen cloth worn by Robin and his men, produced by the dyers
of Lincoln. However, did the enigmatic figure of Robin ever really exist and the
same can be asked of his alleged wife Maid Marion, she of the same initials of
Mary Magdalene? Have we been the victim of a ‘hood wink’ over the traditional
story of this heroic outlaw in English folklore?
There is a very strong indication that throughout history, perhaps inspired by
the meanderings of the Collective Unconscious, couplet myths have maintained
the indication that once there were an original male and female of great
significance, Isis-Osiris and Mary Magdalene-Jesus being two examples and
forerunners to Robin and Marion, for each generation appears to have them
to keep the burning flame of memory alive. Whether all these couples actually
existed as recorded or where partly myth or archetypical is a moot question.
The fact remains that we have them in our memory for our own investigations.
One other line of investigation we could consider is that, perhaps, Robin Hood
was a legend created by the Knights Templar in ballads, their placing of their
preceptories on strategic energy grid landscape and in architecture, especially
their Cross of Lorraine shaped Lincoln Cathedral, and elsewhere to maintain
the ‘Grail’ legend that would one day lead either an intrepid or intrepids to the
location s that would unlock the key to the planetary Mystery.
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The author Tony Molyneux-Smith argues in his book ‘Robin Hood and the Lords
of Wellow’ for the case that Robin may not have just been the one man, Robin
of Loxley, around which the stories circulated suggesting that it is to the Knights
Foliot and several generations of them during 12th and 13th centuries,, living on
the edge of Sherwood Forest at Jordan Castle. We find Wellow Village on the
A616, the eastern edge of Sherwood Forest, once the ‘King’s Great Highway’
now the Great North Road (A1), running from Nottingham to Blyth.
The remains of Jordan Castle now an earthwork on private land, lie onequarter of a mile north-east of Wellow. In its pristine state it is believed to have
been a square structure with a tower in each of its corners. Unusual features
concerning Wellow include it being surrounded by the Gorge Dyke, the
rampart, double ditched moat. To the west there has been found remains of a
drawbridge over the road there. The ‘Community of Wellow’ received its own
seal in 1299 and their motto ‘fail me never’ is shown on a16thc map village map.
Tunnels from the 12thc St Swithin’s church in both directions of Jordan castle
and the nearer Rufford Abbey.
A permanent Maypole used for the yearly May Day celebrations is affixed upon
a triangular village green which once replicated a 12-13thc iron arrow head in
its landscape shape and pointing directly at Notttingham Castle. Rufford Abbey
was founded in 1146, and it is then Molyneux-Smith argues that monks cleared
several of the surrounding villages described in the 1086 Domesday Book for
the sake of the Abbey. His argument continues when he says that the new
Wellow village with nearby castle, omitted in the Domesday Book, were both
the product of their builder Sir Robert Foliot as lodgings for the ousted villagers,
becoming the villagers of Wellow, soon to become the stuff legends are made
from, Robin Hood’s Merry Men. Of the ballads recounting the adventures and
memory of Robin one line includes the following;
‘Then there was a fayre castell,
a little within the Wood,
double-ditched it was about,
and walled by the Road’.
Although Jordan castle was not double-ditched Wellow village was, it was also
a little within the wood walled by the Great North Road close to the castle.
The Foliot pedigree, themselves being knights, were in co-existence at the same
time as the Templars with some historical evidence that indicates there was
interaction between the two.
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‘The Knights Templar in Kesteven’, produced by Lincolnshire county Council,
recounts at least two intercations with individuals thought to be associated with
the Temple Bruer Preceptory, a Helias Foliot making a donation of a mill and
some cash to the Templars in the Beckingham parish and similarly, 20 acres of
land in Spanby parish was donated them by One Pagan Foliot. Reliable historical
sources cite the Templars having a chapel seven miles north of Doncaster at
Norton. 20 land acres at Fenwick, three miles east of Norton, given by Jordan
Foliot supporting Norton’s Chapliancy.
In medieval times much of what we now recognize as South Yorkshire was
covered, as Nottinghamshire was by Sherwood Forest, by the 30 square miles
Forest of Barnisdale. Today, the highest point in the area Barnsdale Bar is found
two and a half miles south west of Norton, and further South to this, Robin
Hood’s Well. Norton, along with Barnsdale Lodge and Fenwick, was once part
of the parish of Campsall where there is an ancient church, the significance of
which entwines both Mary Magdalene, Robin and Marion.
The church is dedicated to the Magdalene and local legend attests that it was
here that Robin wedded his Marion. Referring again to lines in a Hood ballad;
‘My Lord, the King of England,
Grant me my asking,
I made a chapel in Bernysdale,
That seemingly is to see,
It is for Mary Magdalene,
And thereto would I be.’
With the assumption that here we have reference to what is the latter day
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Campsall, in the old forest of Barnisdale, we
unite all three interests that are the Foliots, the legend of Robin Hood and the
Knights Templar. It appears that ‘Foliot’ is a French name the translation of which
is Feuille Verte or ‘Greenleaf ’.
The great grandfather of Sir Robert Foilot, who built Jordan castle, Rainald
Foilt accompanied William the conqueror to England having been gifted large
amounts of land for his part played in the Norman Conquest.
Calling again on another of those famous Robin Hood ballads;
‘Men call me Renynolde Grenelefe,
When I am at home.’
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If we accept the similar sounding ‘Rainald’ to be ‘Reynolde’, with ‘Greenleaf ’
translated as ‘Foilot’, then it becomes reasonable to assume that this ballad is
referring to Rainald Foilit and his descendants. Most of us have heard of the
figure ‘The Green Man’ and it is known to associated with the legends of Robin
Hood as well as being a regular figure carved in European Gothic Cathedrals
and churches…some of whom are in the Sherwood area. Noticeably, it is also
referred to as a foliated head. If we are becoming inclined to think that the
Foliots were Knights Templars then we will have to reappraise Jordan castle, the
village of Wellow and nearby proximities given that we know for certain that
the Templars would built their properties on powerful energy grids and would
construe landscape geometric figures consequently. Geometry around the
Wellow landscape relating to
Rufford Abbey and nearby
Ollerton village are examples.
Taking a look at The
Sherwood Forest
pentagram which includes
Wellow and with the Major
Oak as its hub, we see this
five pointed star resting its
two legs on Newstead
abbey and Southwell
Minster, the tip indicated
Blyth where this ancient
church once functioned as a
Benedictine Priory.
The western pentagram
arm is at Bolsover castle and
the eastern at Woodcoates.
Extending the line from
Bolsover to Woodcoates
it continues to Lincoln,
intersecting Thoresby Hall at which, in the centre of a courtyard we see a statue
of Robin Hood no less with his outstretched bow pointing into Lincolnshire.
When the torch headed for the Major Oak the flame was carried by five people
all with surnames relevantly significant to our Cathedral Code: SHEPPARD,
FOOTE, WILLIAMS, and particularly so, GRAVES and CHAMBERS.
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In Poussin’s ‘Shepherds of Arcadia’ the shepherd nearest to the Shepherdess
has his foot placed on a noticeably and strategic small raised rock, the same
theme duplicated with the Lincoln Imp’s placing of his ‘v’ notched left leg. The
Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the church in England at the time was
Rowan Williams. A trusty correspondent of mine bought to my attention their
‘Sherwood Forest Pentagram’ with the Major Oak at its centre, nearby the
landmark are two place names close to one another that return us to our
peculiar Holy Land associations, with ‘Jerusalem Well’ and ‘Jerusalem Plantation’.
There is a recent post to mark the site of the well, filled in decades ago,
records attesting to its very ancient history and the rumour that it served as a
watering hole for Crusades on their way to the Middle East. Neither historians
nor the Forestry Commission, can explain how Jerusalem Plantation got its
name. Indications are, led by the Collective Unconscious, the Lincoln leg of the
Olympic Torch is following an old Templar/Pilgrim pathway. Perhaps, the route
that furtively brought the mystery of Mary Magdalene, whatever that may be, to
its final resting place?
Oh, and we can’t leave out our
ever reappearing ‘681’ either, for
when the Olympic torch relay
was running through Magdalene
Street at Glastonbury, kit was
somewhat disrupted by one
unannounced runner who
thought it would be fun to appear
out of nowhere and overtake the
legitimate torch bearer.
This might not have been too interesting to us until we noticed the random
number he had selected for his runners number plate. It was ‘681’.
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Windows to another World
I could so easily have settled for the almost ending of the 1997 Hollywood
movie ‘Contact’ in which we were left awhile to ponder whether astronaut Jodie
Foster as Dr Ellie Arroway (possibly a subconscious anagram ‘a row - away’) had
actually made a physical trip out to the star Vega or if indeed the experience
had only taken place subjectively in her mind. The very last minutes of the movie
tipped the scales and a wink that the voyage had in fact been physical and that
she had traveled through a wormhole, Portal, Stargate to hyperspace, transit
tunnel, Window, call it what you will. Can such invites into other dimensions truly
avail themselves to a physical body, or is the genuine portal one that resides
within us, in our brain, access to it being though shamanic style trance states
enhanced by meditations or initiatory natural drug induction that cause time
warps in the mind? The thought is truly as fascinating as could be any reality.
Is a portal a two way doorway, you can go in it and return out? Maybe you can
enter through one but have to find another one to exit? This reminds me of the
most famous of all teleportation accounts, that of the Philadelphia Experiment
that we are told was conducted on July 22nd 1943 (as it happens, the Feast day
of Mary Magdalene). If true, here is an example of vanishing from one point on
the earth and reappearing elsewhere. Not exactly dimensional, but certainly
as unlikely. As the story is so well known I won’t go into another further detail
than necessary, but we are told that in an effort to produce an optical invisibility
around the warship SS Eldridge, the US Navy conducted a secretive experiment
involving both electric and magnetic fields at the Philadelphia Naval Yards. When
huge electromagnetic fields built up, a greenish fog appeared, engulfing the ship
and when it disappeared so had the vessel, invisible to both human eye and
radar. When the generators were shut down, the fog appeared as did the ship.
In October that year another attempt was made and this time the ship vanished
in a blue flash only to reappear for a few minutes hundreds of miles away in
Norfolk, Virginia, before returning to the Philadelphia yard. It is famously asserted
that the experiment was a success but the crew a failure, all sorts of horrendous
mishaps occurring to them including some being fused to the ship’s structure.
I have my own ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ story to tell, unexpectedly related
to me in confidence by way of anecdote in 1991. I was on business at a
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne solicitors, Williamsons, when the conversation with one
of the firm’s partners, James Muir, veered off from the legal issue at hand and
I found myself discussing how optical illusions can trick the brain. James then
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piped up somewhat timidly to take my wife and I into his confidence, giving
us the appearance that he was about to be disbelieved, and told us this story.
Sometime in the 1950’s he was working for the British Navy who were at sea
conducting a secret Government experiment. It involved a controlled explosion
of a vessel, full detonation occurring. He told us how he witnessed the exploded
ship rise straight upward into the air and, astonishingly, disappear completely
never to be seen again. He assured us there was no debris. I can only wonder if
this was some sort of British version of what had been enacted in Pennsylvania.
If the Philadelphia experiment really did occur then it is an example of how
physicality can relocate from one area to another, which leads me neatly to
two other beings who we are also told did just that, the children of Woolpit,
found green skinned and speaking an unknown language. Both were discovered
by the locals at the Woolpit village in Suffolk having made their appearance
after passing through a cavern in their world and hearing the sound of bells
before finding themselves in East Anglia, England. Had they passed through a
dimensional portal? Was their home of St Martins Land an actual place in timespace? Naturally there have been sober theories to discount and explain away
this 12th Century encounter.
So far we have looked at two possible teleportations through time-space and
in each case we have a ‘came from’ and ‘arrived at’. This can’t be said for perhaps
the most famous of vanishing tricks, the global Bermuda Triangle where we
are told that electromagnetic anomalies, the appearance of strange fog, and
deviations in magnetic fields off the coast of the Bahamas that may be caused
by micro-wormholes in the area, are the cause of numerous aircraft and surface
vessels vanishing without trace.
According to investigative Prof John Wheeler of Princeton University New
Jersey, who sadly left the earth by more conventional exit in 2008, the size of
these wormholes that exist or open for only a prescribed and limited period,
mini black holes blinking in and out of spatial geometry, may only be ‘a gigafraction of a square inch’, the equivalent of the number one followed by 33
zeros, preceded by a decimal point. Physicist John Michael Mallon, Queens
University of Belfast, has brought to our attention the theory of naturally formed
spiralling vortices, or scalar energy, many more times more powerful than
nuclear energy, evident throughout all of nature and in space, that could act as
wormholes or Stargates in miniature. Atmospheric wave disturbances forming
lenticular vortex formations, he points out, are often seen over mountains or
extinct volcanoes and could diminish the dimensional boundaries.
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Some of you may be aware that Scottish author and paranormal researcher
Brian Allan has his own strength of conviction about a portal awaiting opening
within the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, and is well documented in his book
‘Between two worlds’. In brief, it was during an investigation using psychics in
October 1998 when Brian, standing at a spot in front of the St Matthew Altar,
was ‘clearly lifted off the ground’. When his wife Ann stood on the same spot,
her arms spontaneously lifted from her sides. The two married couples who
were the mediums visiting the chapel for the first time that day described the
spot as being ‘unique’, declaring it to be an ‘astral doorway’. Brian reminds us
that oddly enough there is a legend, one of many, attached to the chapel that
suggests that the literal and physical doorway to heaven is secreted away in the
fabric of the building, leaving him to wonder if this is a reference to his spot.
Brian suspects from his own investigations that sound may play a key role in
the opening of the portal. ‘This specific sound frequency is contained in the
patterns carved in the stone cubes located in the ceiling of the Lady Chapel
which should really be called a retro-choir.’ He found through both luck and my
old friend synchronicity that the frequency could be refined to a specific, the
‘Devil’s chord’ an augmented fourth comprising the notes F#, C and A. Revisiting
the chapel in April 2005 to try this technique, Brian and his wife discovered that
the frequency had a marked effect on the portal area and that the chapel itself
produced two quite distinct and separate harmonics of the frequency. ‘Despite
our efforts we still could not induce the portal to open, then we were informed
by another medium, who like the others, had never set foot in the building,
that red light was a factor in this’. A further synchronicity located a red light in
the chapel, a long forgotten light box set high in the east of the chapel above
the retro-choir. ‘Twice a year the rising sun strikes a red crystal of some kind
projecting an orb of light into the chapel so now we have at least two elements
to open the portal, both types of frequency, one sound and one light.’
Our intrepid investigator rightly wonders, as all researchers involved in portal
activity from this side of life do, should it be opened? Information given to him
suggests it should, as it apparently contains some sort of profound secret and
he learned that it also permits access from both sides. He asks the obvious
question, why was it created in the first place, if not to be used? Concluding
his episode for now, Mr Allan believes his portal must be to either conceal
something or to transmit people or things to some other dimension, and no
doubt will continue his quest. As must I, and in amongst so many adventures
concerning alternate realities, I, too wonder, if the conclusion of my investigations
may actually be to locate an active portal.
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Even my 28 years work involving Rennes-le-Chateau that has brought me
to Lincoln Cathedral and a buried ‘treasure’ has that hint of dimensionality
connections with that teasing whisper from the unconscious mind of Michael
Dan Archer placing one of his works along the South Choir Aisle simply titling
the marble piece ‘The Portal I 1996’, hinting at me again as outside the building
at the Judgement Porch, his gritstone gateway entitled’ Between two worlds’
remains there today and if we look through it we can see our even more
hinting marker tomb number 28. I find it significantly synchronistic that the
surname of the man who brought us a gateway and window to another world,
the computer world, was the founder of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates - his
surname a reminder that a ‘Gateway’ in the world of computing - is a link that
enables information to be exchanged between one computer network and
another, or one ‘world’ to another.
During my visit to Rennes in 1986, a British family the Stewarts, living at
Lavaldieu, told me of legends in the area referring to ‘dissipation chambers’
hidden in caves, that had long since been deliberately smashed beyond repair.
And there is the aforementioned Patrice Chaplin, latter day Rennes author of
‘City of Secrets’, who announces a portal, requiring Kabbalistic ritual to open it,
residing upon Mt Canigou at Girona, Spain. ( A synchronicity here, in that her
novel ‘Siesta’ was made into a movie starring Jodie Foster.) We will deal with
her claim later as it has an entanglement with our own discoveries. Many a fog
and mist as encountered in the Bermuda Triangle and Philadelphia experiment,
not to mention numerous pilots who have flown into them before losing
control of their instruments, time and orientation often to witness Ufo’s, have
precipitated portal-like activity, and it is at one place that is often shrouded
in such watery vapours that I seem to find myself returning to - the Tor at
Glastonbury, which contains all the factors required for strange electromagnetic
anomalies, underground caves, quartz crystal and spring water activity.(I’ll quickly
mention that Lincoln Cathedral on many days in the year is engulfed in mist and
completely vanishes from sight at a distance!)
Soon we will read how we may already be in possession of a genuine photo
of a portal opening, at the summit of the Tor, and also how from 2005 -2010
and, and with no previous problems as far back as 1984, I found myself
inexplicably getting ‘stuck’ at a precise spot up the steep ascension to the summit
accompanied by a wash of sheer panic that entices me to turn around and want
to abandon the scale. What could it be? Why hadn’t I encountered it until now?
Could there have been a dimensional adjustment since 2005? Why is it only me
who experiences it?
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The only way I could continue comfortably was to climb down the slope, carry
on along one of the seven deep, rough symmetrical terraces round it, until I was
at a safe distance from the spot above me that would not allow me to progress,
and then scarper back up the slope and rejoin the path that leads to the summit.
This Tor episode is certainly one of the most puzzling incidents of my life.
Glastonbury Tor now has its own 24 hour webcam courtesy of CheckITlive.
com. In July 2010 a lady correspondent Carolyn Underwood sent me a still night
image taken from the webcam which defies cries of conventional camera flare
to show a strange insignia at precisely the spot I get stuck, Carolyn unaware of
it being my location. Slightly later in 2010 I came across a young intuitive
psychic lady who studies the webcam more than most, because she is
‘instructed’ to. Her name is Raven Jansson and she lives in a small town in
Sweden called Soderhamn, having lived there all her life. Describing herself as a
Pagan white witch, she first discovered the Otherworld at the age of was four
when, along with her older sister, she saw an angel in their bedroom and after
that the experiences just kept coming. Raven explains, ‘About six years ago
I first heard of Glastonbury from a friend who had been there. I was not so
‘connected’ back then to it, but it grew on me and the place of the Tor ‘wanted’
my attention and connection.’
Raven started watching the Tor webcam in early 2010 and has recorded footage
from April of that year. On July 25th, she tells me, she had a very interesting
dream about ‘Merlin’s Tower’ and that in the dream she was informed that after
midnight 00.00 on New Years Eve, the tower in her home town was going to
turn into Merlin’s Tower, a gateway into his world. ‘I found out afterwards that
many of the Cycles of time that are based on more authentic star count of
galactic and earth time begin their cycles on 26th July. I went outside to look
at my tower her in Soderhamn and it was covered in mist, so I did not see
anything, so I went inside again and looked at the Tor webcam instead, and then
it happened. The light-beings or inter-dimensional beings arrived, then several
times. The one that flew into my videos actually has a wizard’s hat and a staff.’
Raven is ‘tipped’ off when to study the webcam and sure enough when she
does there is this strange activity! She continues, ‘Well, the strangest thing is that
whenever they have appeared on the Tor webcam I have always got a message
in form of energy-vibes and every time I checked it out, they have appeared, so I
think they give me notice before their arrival. Also, when watching them I go into
a strange trance-like state, so it gets hard to even hold the cam up, but it’s a very
peaceful and comforting feeling.
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I think that some of them are indeed inter-dimensional beings or angels, and
some perhaps are from other planets. No human can fly yet as far as I know,
and the way they shimmer and morph tells me that they are not of this world.’
Raven has a number of her videos on YouTube - search for title ‘The Tor-spirits/
ufo’ - and has sent me private videos in which you can clearly see strange
flashings within the Michael Tower with ‘Ufo’s’ whizzing past.
I asked her if there was any reoccurring time the visits would happen or any
noticeable patterns. ‘It usually occurs around midnight - they always have a
‘scout’ it seems - that goes firstly around the tower, then walks down the hill,
then comes ‘flying’ by. I guess they are making sure that no humans are there to
disturb them. I think it happens when there is a surge of energy coming in from
some planetary alignment since my previous videos always had the same stars
in line above the Tor, so I’m thinking it’s all worked out carefully. That’s what I
think but its Them that call me, for some reason I think I am connected to that
crystal gate, as well as a few others, but the Tor is the strongest connection for
me. There is coming a huge gate opening soon, when I don’t know yet, they have
just told me this for now, I guess they will call me when its time.’
If she is right, and as many suspect there is Portal on the Tor, it may be about
to open soon - however ‘soon’ is in universal Time-Space. When that moment
happens, if ever, what can we expect to see? It might be safe to leave the
question there, but there is a more important one that precedes it and it
concerns not the Tor alone, for I will attempt to demonstrate the Isle of Avalon
does not stand alone in a potential capacity to open a window to another
world. Changing energies and the reversals we spoke of our ‘Abomination of
Desolation?’ make possible a transference of energy in the same way that in
the electrical polarity of alternating current circuitry, the two poles alternate
between negative and positive and the direction of the electron flow reverses.
Could a portal potential transfer itself from a hill in the South West of England
to a graveyard in Lincolnshire? Before we can tackle this query we will stop off a
short while at the most famed of small towns in Somerset.
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Fits the Bill or Over the Hill?
The small Somerset town of Glastonbury, like it sister centre the Hebridean Isle
of Iona, has enjoyed a celebrity status for some time now. Still a Mecca for those
seeking spiritual insight, magic or other worldly dimensionality and, of course,
host to the most famous and enduring music festival of them all. So how did it
all come about, this self-nomination of exceptionalness, a special place in England
above most all others?
Part of the answer lies with those naughty monks of the Abbey who in
1191 declared that they had found the bones of King Arthur and his Queen
Guinevere - or phonetic ‘Queen of Air’ as the alchemical phonetic of the (Dan)
Green Language prefer to call her. Given that these figures are more fantasy
than real, we can confidently surmise that they didn’t really find such bones at
all, but it didn’t stop them relocating and burying them in the Abbey’s chancery
in 1278 in front of reigning and certainly for real King Edward and his Queen
Eleanor at the time. This little incident added to the forthcoming consolidation
of Grail Romance that was bolstered by equal assertions that no less than Jesus’
uncle Joseph (he of Arimathea) had arrived at Glastonbury bringing with him
the Holy thorn legend upon Wearyall Hill. People, apparently, aren’t all weary of
this tale.
Only recently Glastonbury Abbey have now added to their tourist literature that
legend says Joseph also brought the youngster Jesus here and they built an old
wattle church now buried underneath the existing Mary chapel. Tying in anything
loosely Jesus-like with Arthur - possibly greedily claiming both legendary figures spawned the Grail stuff even more and so, hey presto, Glastonbury conceals the
Grail, no less, down Chalice Well. Well, many thousands of us have popped our
head down there in the hope that it could be that simple. No Grail - obviously,
not, that simple.
Many people are unaware of a fine book that was written in 1932 by a fellow
called John Cowper Powys (1872-19630) a Derbyshire born author and
lecturer who passed away before Glastonbury really took off big time. The
book was called ‘A Glastonbury Romance’ and for many hits the nail on the
head as valid and timelessly today as it did then. Described as ‘an epic novel of
terrific cumulative force and lyrical intensity’ the work weaving the ancient with
the modern probes the effect of this mystical and spiritual history upon the
residents of the town.
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The longest undivided novel in English, the 1120 pages book muses over the
possibilities upon the table - not Arthur’s Round one entirely - that Glastonbury
could become a place of pilgrimage, just as easily an experimental socialist
commune, or simpler still, a modern industrial town.
Well, today it appears to be a nation divided, with standardised Christians on the
one hand and the new age (surely Old age by now) mystics. It certainly reaps
the tourist benefits from either side, with the historical Jesus figure stuck in the
middle owing to Glastonbury being the first point of Christianity in England
and, of course, the lad’s cup so sought after by those on a Quest. John Michel’s
1972 book ‘City of Revelation’ mapping out the sacred geometry of Glastonbury
Abbey seemed to contribute to both camps.
Back in 1970 the first ever Glasto festival only drew 1,500 attendants but
today it draws some 180,000 over three days, praise the endurance of farmer
Micheal Eavis who once declared during the 90s that he made a 3m clear profit
each year. Unavoidably, the festival and its original association with travellers
and hippies and their drug habits have left a scar in the town and modern day
sociology will bear out that it harbours at least its fair share of drug addicts and
alcoholics. A lot of the hippies stayed and still stay. It reminds one a little of how
in 1978 hordes of Scotland football fans went to the World Cup in Argentina
and, running out of money, simply didn’t come back, hence the abundance of
Scottish surnames in many families in towns near Cordoba!
There is another facet and feature caught up in the tug of war of Christianity
and the mystical within Glastonbury with both sides vying for its ownership and
it is that pyramidical shaped natural hill the Tor which also has a dependency
on legend and myth for its celebrity status. Modern day magicians and Pagans
complicate things even a bit further by introducing a schism amongst their
occultists informing us that the energy harnessed upon the Tor can be utilised
for either good or bad. You can just imagine a patient line of queuing and at
odds sorcerers awaiting their turn! It’s equally funny and serious then, in this
respect, when in 2005 a Dalek,
those lunatic pepper-pot enemy of
Glastonbury Tor :
The original
the time travelling fictional Dr Who,
UK Portal?
was stolen from an exhibition staged
at nearby Wookey Hole Caves and
deposited at the top of the Tor as if
to claim it as its territory on behalf
of malefaction.
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A manifestation brought about by the Collective Unconscious perhaps?
Two years later the South face of the Tower was covered in paint and graffiti by
sympathisers of the voluntary run organisation Fathers4Justice. Negativity struck
again when in 2010 the Holy Thorn was vandalised, hacked down leaving only
its roots, the most likely culprits acting on behalf of those owed money by the
owner of the land upon which the Thorn bloomed, having been sent to prison
bankrupt owing the same figure as Michael Eavis’ annual profit. Another deficit
came the following April when the Glastonbury Anglican Annual Pilgrimage,
whereby 2,000 visit and ascend the Tor, and has been running since 1924, was
scrapped due to soaring petrol costs, its future now in doubt.
I have had the pleasure of hearing many a story concerning paranormal and
alien events occurring in Glastonbury from a number of local folk. My friend
Palden Jenkins who now lives in West Penwith, Cornwall, (and at times in
Bethlehem, Palestine) arrived a stone’s throw away from Chalice Well at a
property at the foot of the Tor in 1980, staying there until 2008. Palden, a writer
and true humanitarian, he was influential amongst the community - to me, he
was a humble mix of a down to earth and up into the stars ‘Mr Glastonbury’
- alone told me many of his encounters with High Strangeness during his stay
and upon the Tor. A fellow called Tom has lived there since 1978 and has lots of
his own stories but as he puts it to me, ‘ I’m in a bizarre position of not always
knowing what I’m seeing is a natural phenomena or me having a waking dream
which is a symptom of narcolepsy.’
He has seen mysterious lights which he believes really where there including
a very intense glowing orange plasma the size of a beach ball there, dripping
from a tree, only to fade quickly, the person he was with also seeing it. He has
told me he saw a huge spaceship/ufo over one of the Glastonbury festivals
during the early 2000’s whilst on a prescription drug, thinking this to have been
a spectacularly realistic waking dream, only to hear of another individual who
thirty years earlier had witnessed almost the same thing. Tom agrees with my
hypothesis that there may be a strange physics about the Tor that may trigger off
a reaction in the brain rather like some unknown epileptic episode and opening
their mind to such encounters, or whether it might be both - a point where it
doesn’t matter if it’s ‘real’ or awaking dream state, his belief being that one can
be as meaningful as the other as they are both states of consciousness, hence
the waking dream can be as meaningful and vital than what we call ‘reality’ and
vice versa.
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Tom has been fortunate enough to have caught a ‘Night rainbow’ cast over the
Tor by the moon during the Tor Jubilee celebration Beacon in 2012. However,
amidst all the ‘alien’ and ‘Ufo’s stories, that I hear first hand and take on face
value from those who tell me them - for who am I to doubt them after the
many personal experiences I have had of my own on this planet - I do prefer
the ones that are a little less obvious but just as strange and other worldly
provided. One such story was told me by Matt and Sue, who long ago before
they became married went to Glastonbury to buy two wedding rings, but after
deciding they were not what they really wanted returned to purchase two
second hand ones instead. This left them wondering why they had ended up
with two sets of rings and what to do with the spares, so they placed the first
set in a draw and eventually they were forgotten about. Matt told me that a few
years later the couple were firstly compelled to find rings and to connect them
together with a gold band and further compelled or ‘guided’ to drive to the Tor
to walk half way up the ascent and bury them in the turf. ‘As I was gently pulling
back the turf we noticed that a crow was watching us with great interest from
a nearby tree’, Tom relates. After the rings had been placed under the turf the
couple carried on their ascent to the summit and as they walked away the crow,
flying from its tree, landed itself on the precise spot where the rings had been
buried and looked at them both.
After a short exchange of glances Tom and Sue continued to the top of the Tor.
Arriving there they were greeted with a strong steady breeze. Along with a few
other people milling about and taking in the view they had a look at the Tower
then walked to the short stone plinth that is at the NW end of the Tor. At that
moment the crow that had been watching them flew up from where they
had left it to hover at an arms length from them both at shoulder height, the
wind being strong enough so that it could just hang in the air. Tom recalls how
it looked them both right in the eye and with that time gave the impression of
standing still. ‘I remember the blackness of its shining eye staring into mine as if it
were trying to communicate’.
The entire incident only lasted a few minutes and the ‘spell’ was broken by the
gasps of the onlookers who had swapped their attention away from the scenery.
Tom goes on, ‘As I came to my normal senses I reached out to the crow with
my hand and it let the wind carry him up and off.’ The couple remember the
events of that day well and describe the experience of it as ‘magical and strange’,
both comfortable in now knowing why they had bought two sets of wedding
rings. If, as some suspect, ‘reality is what you make it’, then I will give you my own
account of doing so, and, yes, it is quite an amazing share.
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On July 31st 2012 I was again at the top of the Tor, as I am annually at least once
during the summer. On this visit it was blackbird not a crow that came down
from its flight to ‘greet’ me. Certainly not timid it landed on the grass and came
directly over, all that was missing was a cursory ‘Hello’. The wind was blowing
fairly strong as often it does and my gaze spotted small name badge lodged and
therefore not moving in a tuft of grass. The name on it read ‘Fiona Philips’ and
along with it ‘Glastonbury Symposium 2012’.
Although I left it where I found it, I wondered if it was more than just a
randomly uneventful discovery and therefore whether the intention was
that I should make myself known to this lady. After my private and personal
consciousness exchange with the Tor I asked in word and thought if it had been
accepted by the Tor energy and that, before I left (meaning the Tor), could this
be confirmed by one solitary thunderclap or lightning flash. Oh yes, I don’t do
things by half! You can’t eat those old Cecil B. DeMille effects. The Wizard of Oz
would have loved me. After all what have you to lose, it’s nobody else’s business.
Two days later at 11pm at night, 12 miles outside of Glastonbury in our parked
caravan, the four of us inside saw on single flash of blue lightning through the
open skylight followed by one loud clap of thunder. I hadn’t told a soul about
my request to the Tor but it looks like I most certainly had created my own
reality with its help. The previous day I had been at an exhibition in Bristol and
as part of an exhibit there were 27 - I counted them - Encyclopaedia Britannicas
stacked up on top of each other. Pulling one out a random and equally randomly
opening it at a page, I silently and mentally asked the question ‘What was the
purpose of my Tor visit?’ I dropped my pointing finger down on the page and
where it landed the sentence read; ‘Developing a belief in a God’.
I next contacted Fiona Phillips and found it was she who had organised the
Symposium and she confirmed that the wild winds had swept away her name
tag. She was quick to tell me that she has had hundreds of synchronicities since
she was 21 noticing that they are becoming more ‘leading’. In full acceptance
that there was every chance we had to connect, she told me that that the day
she lost her badge she had noticed a book on the Priory of Sion in the large
second hand bookshop in Glastonbury. As I had mentioned the idea of portals
to her in my email, more significant was the fact that one of the speakers at
the Conference that she had listened to directly after losing her badge was Dr
Manjir Samanta-Laughton, the author of ‘Punk Science’ who explains that black
holes are everywhere within creation and that far from stuff disappearing into
them it is where higher dimensional stuff slows down to come into matter and
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enter our reality. Indeed, I think we did have to entangle as it was Fiona’s role to
introduce me to Dr Samanta-Laughton, for without me knowing, and additional
to her interest in Portals, she had been having visions of Mary Magdalene for
the last ten years, a fact that she had also kept relatively quiet. At the same
time, a gentleman named John Guest emailed me and wondered if I might be
interested in ‘The Epiphany Code’ in relationship to my own work. At the time
I felt it wasn’t one for me, but as we will see in a later chapter the Collective
Unconscious changed my mind for me. The name of the author who introduced
this unsolved code to the mainstream was… Graham Phillips.
High up on the Tor stands the Christian claim to the hill , the tower the
remnants of a St Michaels church destroyed by an earthquake in 1275, the
symbol of the Christian Prince of Peace meant to supplant all previous Pagan,
and earlier Druidic, ownership of their own sacred hill. Should we ask, would the
Christian god have destroyed his own church by his own act? Oh well.
The most famous legend concerning the Tor, upon whom many a visitors have
had a variety of weird experiences, is that in its ‘faery hill’ aspect it conceals
the entrance to the underworld kingdom of Gwyn Ap Nudd, this beginning to
touch on the hypothesis that Glastonbury is dimensional, which will please the
many who claim UFO sightings there. However, the suggestion that the Gwyn
Ap Nudd legend is a reminiscence of a long forgotten potential dimensional
opening based on the hill, currently referred to as a ‘portal’, may indeed be
Glastonbury’s best bet for a genuine claim of the paranormal. With this is mind,
or possibly Mind, although any such portal would be ancient, an interesting
photo was taken only seven years back by a local resident on one of his many
daily walks and I will relate this incident to you in the next chapter.
I will relate some of my own Tor experiences that date back as far as 1984 also
in the following chapter - and I emphasise, some! - but by 2011 all had returned
to normal for me and I could ascend the slope without getting stuck or filling
with fear, as once before, but not before another strange experience. For years
prior I had been attempting to have the unlikely situation of a butterfly land
naturally on the palm of my hand, whenever one flew nearby I would stick
the palm of my left hand out and hope for the best! Not surprisingly, nothing
ever happened! However, it was last year when I was some twenty miles
away from the Glastonbury and walking my Springer Spaniel along a country
lane at 8.20am, when one of the lovely creatures flew out of a hedge, and so
customarily, I stuck out my hand. This time it happened!
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The butterfly was still sitting there some four minutes later when I actually had
to scoot it off to reclaim both hands required by my dog walking duty.
The story next moves onto my Tor visit the following day. Finding myself a
private area and slope out of sight from anyone else, as a true investigator of all
possibilities, I attempted addressing the consciousness of the Tor and put out a
‘request’ regarding information about whether there was indeed a linear portal
here, as possibly photographed by Mike Chenery. I ‘asked’ the Tor if it would
respond in any fashion it may like to exude from itself by way of a reply.
Well, if you believe in such realities then perhaps reality IS what you make it and
matter IS an illusion created by will and therefore susceptible to alteration at the
behest of its Creator, Quantum Entanglement theory and all. I proceeded about
my visit which included the momentous return of my being able to ascend
the Tor without getting ‘stuck’ (held in an individual force field?) at the same
point that had inexplicably held me back and filled me with fear for the last
consecutive six years.
As I was leaving, having already marched back down the ascension and arrived
at the turnstile way below the foot of the Tor, I suddenly decided - well at least
‘I’ thought I had made the decision - to turn around and ascend one more time,
just to be absolutely certain that I was able to move past the point that had
once held me captive. Sure enough I could, but as I approached the Tor summit
I could see a young female who appeared to be seeking my attention. Now
in all my years of Tor visits I have never engaged in conversation with a soul
whilst there, but she quickly approached me asking in her broken English what
I was carrying in my right hand. Well, I wasn’t carrying anything at least as far as
the physical eye could see although I thought back to the butterfly encounter
the previous day with my left hand. The foreign lady, apologetic for the bizarre
message she had to convey to a total stranger, told me that I was to know that
both my hands are ‘different’. Having listened respectfully, I was about to leave
when I did something I have never done previously. I asked, ‘And your name
is…? ‘My name is Lynia’ (probable spelling), she replied. Lynia…the
same sounding ‘Linear’… the very descriptive word I had chosen to describe
any liable portal!
Am I to believe that the Tor had offered me a reply and what appears to be a
confirmatory one at that?! I am left with the thought that this entire meeting
had already been destined and that the component parts and engineering that
had gone into it meant my Collective Unconscious initially decided to ask a
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question, being called back up the Tor when I had officially left it, and to meet a
strategically positioned and awaiting foreign visitor with a specific name who felt
embarrassed to convey a ‘psychic’ message. Crazy stuff by conventional thought
but vindicatory by Quantum Entanglement! On my 2012 visit to the Tor, known
as Avalon or the Isle of Apples, I was inspired to carry a solitary apple to the
summit later realising that if we view ‘apple’ as a phonetic ‘APL’, then APL plus
TOR makes the anagram ‘PORTAL’.
In a world where photographic evidence is now furiously and casually
challenged, as well as the Chenery pic, maybe you saw another controversial
effort snapped by Glastonbury business women Cath Gray and Tracy Jones
whilst walking their dogs at the foot of the Tor in August 2010 in which a
highly unusual and still unexplained dark mass was to be seen moving behind
the Tower at the Tor, possibly freak evidence of an electromagnetic field?
(Alternatively, a fast moving insect or bird is the preference of the mundane,
neither proved conclusively)
Another supporter of the Portal on the Tor hypothesis is another local resident
Nicolas R. Mann author of the excellent ‘Energy secrets of Glastonbury Tor’
who argues for a ‘Avalonian Soul Portal’, an energy gateway for incoming and
outgoing souls brought about by the Tor’s watery aquifer dynamics and complex
vortices of energy. Physicist John Michael Mallon, Queens University Belfast,
brings to our attention the theory of such naturally forming spiralling vortices,
or scalar energy, many more times more powerful than nuclear energy, evident
throughout all of nature and in space, that could act as wormholes or Stargates
in miniature.
Another affirmative from the realm of physics, this time the late Prof John
Wheeler of Princeton University New Jersey, suggests the size of wormholes
that exist or only open for a prescribed and limited period are mini black holes
blinking in and out of spatial geometry and need only be a ‘giga-fraction’ of a
square inch, the equivalent of the number one followed by 33 zeros, preceded
by a decimal point.
Adding to the excitement is the dedication afforded us by Swedish psychic
Raven Jansson from her small town of Soderhamn, who since early 2010 has
been regularly tipped off by psychic means of late night dimensional activity that
will often occur undetected on the Tor. From her Swedish home she knows
when to watch on the 24 hour CheckItLive Glastonbury Webcam, and sure
enough, activity has occurred as expected.
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Those left brain cynics will be quick to dismiss all such activity as the horseplay
of drunken or mischievous human agency, preferring to accept she is being
psychically tipped off simply to watch otherwise undetected activity carried out
by bored locals, sadly, an activity that does occur and irritatingly hinders and
blurs the chance of researching any genuine phenomenon.
Maybe we should forget both Arthur and Jesus and their uncertain Glastonbury
history for a while, and think about what if there is a portal at the top of that
famous, and therefore justifiably so, hill. I will show you soon that the indication
is that this is so, as it will play a major part in , literally, opening up our Lincoln
Cathedral Code mystery. At least we can cite our rapidly increasing knowledge
in another field, that of Quantum Mechanics, as a liable hope for understanding
the mechanics of the present mystery.
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Bright Lights and Sudden Flights
The Tor at Glastonbury is a natural 520’ conical hill set in the Somerset
landscape, its legends and accolades are many ranging from a faerie hill, the
Entrance to the Underworld of King Gwyn Ap Nudd, a global energy point
where ley lines cross, and tales of people being suddenly levitating whilst up
there, as sworn by a group of Buddhist monks in 1969.So many are these stories
that is really is difficult to attempt writiang anything refreshingly new. A book
in 2005 by author Nicholas Mann who lives in the area, ‘The secret energies of
Glastonbury Tor’ goes some way to trying to explain with a scientific approach
electro-magnetic vortices at work, Can this hill justify the wondrous tales of
colored lights seen emanating from it, earth lights that can spiral, the least optical
phenomenon associated with any self respecting fairy hill? I personally know of
two friends, who, individually on separate occasions have experienced what they
describe as a ‘beam’ come down from the sky and pass from their head right
through their body. And so it goes on!
If it is an energy point then one fact that people of Glastonbury can’t be denied
is that every year the rock music festival that first started in 1970 now draws
into to the small town approximately 180,000 visitors camping out over its three
days in June every year - that’s a lot of energy to soak up! Now, as much as I
would like to dismiss all these tales as mere romance and declare the hill simply
that - a hill and nothing more - I have to admit on a personal level that I can’t!
Since 1984 I have had and have a strange relationship with this hill, like no other
place I have visited, it is almost as if it draws me to it. And if that were true in
any sense, for what purpose? I first went there at about 4pm on October 30th
1984, approaching the ascension from the far end of the Tor.
As I began the steep climb, a small breezy wind came out of nowhere, growing
stronger and stronger as I made my way up. By the time I had reached the top,
it was blowing a private gale! ‘Some welcoming committee’, I thought to myself,
as in those days I was well immersed in Theosophy and how geographical
areas can have elemental guardians called Devas, or landscape angels. The Tor
is associated with a wind that can whip up and can even blow people from
its summit. Accepting this baptism, I returned again that night as had been my
original intention, setting off up there at 11.30pm and intending to stay until
the hours moved into 31st of All Hallows Eve where we are assured the veil
between worlds thin, as far as our calendar is concerned. As an impressionable,
young scientifically minded intrepid and investigator, where better to be at a
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time where worlds may merge, than upon a faerie hill! With the absence of any
wind, I was no sooner up there when a silent silver streak at a height of above
four feet above my head flashed from left to right a short distance! Minutes later,
along came more phenomena - a speedy bombardment on either side of the
top of the slopes of what I must describe as grey ‘ping-pong’ balls, lasting only
moments! I have since learned that other people have also used the same term
‘ping-pong balls’ to relate their own similar experiences! A silent silver flash and
a bombardment of ping-pong balls, all within minutes of being up the
tender age of 28, I was fast beginning to learn that Glastonbury Tor IS more than
just an average high mass of land! I stayed a further two hours that cold early
morning with naught else to report despite my hopeful and sincere intonations
directed at the Archangel Michael whose tower sits upon the very top, calling
him by his magical names of Mikaal-Sabbathiel-Beshtar, (everything worth a try
for more pyrotechnical response!) returning through the wispy streams of mist
at 5am in the morning for one last effort.
Since that first acquaintance with the Tor, I have visited many times in all seasons,
with and without people, all times of the days and in all weathers whenever
the opportunity has arose, with nothing out of the ordinary to report. At the
time I would seek so-called paranormal experiences as they seemed to excite
- stationed up hills that can potentially emit sudden strange lights is a lot better
than your typical average evening television viewing! The more I read sensible
investigations into ‘earth lights’ and the fine book of that title by Paul Devereux,
the more I was beginning to accept this as the rationale behind most if not all
of the stories associated with the Tor. Without evidence, you can only listen
with wonder at anecdotal stories and should stick to you own direct empirical
experiences, as others are perfectly entitled to with my own offerings. Having
said that, one story did trouble my comfortably settling in theory. I received
an email from a previous Mayor of Glastonbury who one night saw a reddish
orange light appear ABOVE the Tor and sink into the summit, not come out of
it! He was convinced it had been the usual understanding of a ‘spaceship/Ufo’.
Sinking INTO the Tor? Over the years since the sixties and to this current day,
there have been a number of Ufo sightings associated with above Glastonbury
Tor, and amongst the many colored light sightings this orangey-red does seems
to be the most common. I wondered if this could have anything to do with the
fact that high up on the Tower is a carving, I’m not sure why, of the Phoenix, or
Fire Bird. Maybe the Collective Unconscious had been at work there influencing
the mind of the carver. The Phoenix rises from the ashes, and so I smile at the
synchronicity of knowing that at the foot of the Tor since the seventies, lives the
Arthurian author Geoffrey Ashe.
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With all this in my mind, I wondered if it could be possible to dare attempt to
pick up any aerial phenomenon on film, and so after last visiting the Tor in 1997 I
returned in 2005 this time, and for the very first time in all my visits, armed with
a camera (non digital as I learn this goes against critical analysis of phenomenon
on photos). At this point, let me clarify the situation for you. Here I am on my
own embarking up what has to be my favorite spot on earth, having been t
here numerous times in all weathers, seasons and times of the day - it simply
doesn’t matter, as nothing can affect that strange awe and respect I have always
held for this mound. The notion in my mind was to impress upon the Tor could
I possibly ‘be allowed’ something to pick up on camera. This of course would
imply that such a thing could happen. How? Well, for an answer to that one you
will have to bear with my preferred belief that, in harmony with Gaia Hypothesis,
the earth can be a living, thinking organism and biosphere. That Nature can hear
and think, and may even respond to an earnest request. Some will find this ‘far
out’ to which I respond, what gives people the authority to assume the world
to be as they think it? Sometimes the ‘way out’ is the way in! Having made my
thoughts known to anything that may exist to hear and respond to them, I
was approximately two-thirds up the Tor when something strange happened.
I was awash with a great irrational fear that was so strong my reaction was to
want to turn back and rush off down the Tor! But what about my attempted
photography that I had travelled 223 miles to Somerset to experiment? Who
cares, I could only think of resorting to what us British refer to as ‘doing a
runner’ - a swift retreat! Now, my ego must inform you, this is NOT my style
- I run away from nothing, neither have I ever suffered what are called ‘panic
attacks’, and yet this term certainly describes what had happened to me.
However, I steadied myself and sat down a while, then eventually continued
my way back up the remaining distance to the top, with tourists on either side
unaware of how I was still filled with this awful trepidation.
Once up there I took my pictures and was content to come away from
Glastonbury Tor as swiftly as I could. All the while up there I remained filled with
a fear that I have never experienced in my life or ever dreamt I could. What
on earth had happened to me? Perhaps a part of the strange answer involves
the series of dark aerial dots that were captured on film, moving themselves
about. There was nothing in the sky to declare at the time the shutter snapped,
no birds, planes, not a thing, but on sensitive film that can be known to capture
images beyond the human eye were the dots. Better than that, to the right at
the back of the Michael tower, a peculiar cross-shaped object had appeared!
Critics who weren’t there will invariably cite a bird or a plane, some have even
said an insect, but I repeat there was nothing in the clear sky, and this essay
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is not for the critics, but for those who also suspect there may be more than
meets the eye, literally, concerning this famous hill. In 2007, I returned again in
June to the Tor hoping to repeat the experiment, actually having filed the fearfilled attack away as a puzzling ‘blip’ on the radar. It wasn’t even fresh in my
fading memory - which some may find as hard to believe as the manifestations
- when I began my familiar ascent from the Chalice Lane end. Incredibly, and at
the EXACT same place point up the winding path as before, it happened to me
again, and just as frightening. I repeated my immediate thought of the earlier year,
“I’m off!’ having to freeze to the spot in order not to do a runner!
As before, I eventually managed some degree of composure to reach the tower
and to take more photographs in the clear blue and uninterrupted sky with
that horrendous fear of trepidation never leaving me for a moment. The best
description I can offer is a feeling that I was just about to drift off weightlessly
above! With the camera fulfilling its 27 exposure, I was more than pleased
to legitimately retreat. There were more dots appearing on the pix again, but
most amazingly, the cross-shaped ‘Ufo’ object had re-appeared in EXACTLY
the same position! I actually sent these pix to Palden Jenkins who passed them
on to an expert photographic friend of his in Sweden to study. Expecting to
be disappointed with the outcome I also sent my flying cross to BUFORA, the
British UFO research Association.
In both instances neither sources could state for definite what we were looking
at. In 2008 it was a sunny June again, and this time I was more than apprehensive
about the twice inexplicable panic that had filled me at the same spot the two
years running, and for good reason when in rushed the by now familiar alarm
at the same point of ascension, only this time it was worse than the last two
combined. I WAS going to run off this time for sure! In what was fast becoming
a tradition I didn’t, and continued after a long period to the plateau to use the
film up.
Now, this time, when eventually up there, I felt rather calmer, quite bearable. Two
friends accompanying me knew nothing of my earlier traumas or what I was
experiencing now. The developed film heralded no phenomenon. Desperately
trying to make sense of this trio of adventures I could only return to a
dependency on the Gaia Theory - had my thoughts and intent been received
and part of the ‘deal’ was that in order to be granted manifestations I would
have to forfeit an ordeal? Or could it not have been avoided? How could I know,
leaving me only to record the incidents and leave it at that.
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In August 2009 I ascended the Tor by my usual route, with two relatives who
were aware of my previous troubles. In order to change the factors involved,
I brought no camera and was seeking no photographs of any nature. Both my
daughter and grandson were shocked when I informed them - at the same spot
as the prior three years - that I could go no further! Leaving them to continue
alone, I sat there looking at the tower in the distance and saying to myself, “I can
never reach up there again!’, as that was how my feelings were translating.
How could I accept never being able to visit my favorite ever spot, even though
I now had to accept that this overpowering apprehension was now part of my
equation? After the customary time lapse, angry with myself, I came up with the
idea to climb down off the path to the left and along one of the embankments
some way and then continue back up the steep side to the path again. I
managed this and could continue the remainder of the walk where I again felt
quite calm at the top of the Tor. My theory of being ‘granted’ photos for a ‘forfeit’
clearly didn’t fit.
My step daughter took a picture of the spot where for consecutive years
approaching the Tor from Chalice Well I reached an area that against all
probability and rationale forbade me to cross and when I showed what
appeared to be a straightforward mundane snap of the spot to an extremely
sensitive lady who specializes in pointing out sublime images our protective
Scotoma tends to miss, she brought to my attention a ‘something’ that from
which ‘tentacles’ spread themselves across the path! Had this thing sat there
perhaps in no known linear time zone as we understand them to be until 2011
our time before removing itself to allow me to proceed as I had always done?
It’s tempting to suggest this could be some sort of weird Tor energy ‘force
field’ that I had now developed a sensitivity to? I have applied all logic to these
adventures. Had I suddenly at my age developed acrophobia, a sort of fear of
heights? No, my physiology did not meet the criteria anywhere near enough, and
there were no physical symptoms at all such as dizziness, heart palpitation or
lack of breath. Nothing but that irrational ‘panic attack’.
A part of me found this most ironical, as during the 80’s in conjunction with
my understanding of the Collective Unconscious I had conducted, with great
success, psychological experiments with the archetype of the nature god Pan,
whose presence instills instant panic! The rustic image of this half man-half
goat Greek god was shamelessly stolen by the Christian Church and used to
represent their Satan devil figure.
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Such echoes of dipping into, arguably, the realm of magick, were far from my
mind, but was the archetypical energy of the god - in myth Overseer of the
faery realm - awaiting me at the Tor?
The following day, again changing the factors involved in the total equation,
I ascended from the other available path at the far end of the Tor with my
grandson and Glastonbury resident Mike Chenery. This way up is quicker, but
much steeper. Apprehensively all the way, I made it up there without a fault!
I had arranged to meet with Mike, for he too has an amazing story to tell,
and again, I will tell it for those who can find it a possibility that the Tor is
simply more than just a steep hill. However, it is a sad fact that in this world
of computer wizardry there is very little that cannot be faked in the way of
photographs, which makes it nigh on impossible for people like Mike and myself,
with genuine unlikely pix, to be taken seriously. On February 26th 2007 at
4.33pm on a bright day Mike was walking up Chalice Orchard Lane when his
attention was drawn to the fact that all the singing birds had suddenly stopped
their song. This stillness and suspension reminds me of what occurs at the time
of a solar eclipse when birds become temporarily disorientated. He was now
at a gate that provides a vantage point view of one of the un-arched sides of
the tower. Casually looking up he saw a dazzling white ‘something’ that, in his
words, ‘glided’ a short distance from within the tower. At first it showed itself
as thin, linear’ long and very narrow, but then moved its perspective facing
Mike’s direction and in doing so widened, rather like at first being as a door
seen sideways on and then full frontal. As he always carries a camera during his
numerous excursions, he only just found the time to take a picture and then the
apparition that had only lasted seconds, simply ‘popped off ’!!
There had been nobody else up on the Tor at the time. The result on his
digital camera, which he showed me as it is still on there, confirmed what he
had seen with his own eyes, a spectre of some definition, but what could it
have been? Kindly critics will naturally say that the photo shows some blemish
associated either internally or externally with his camera, harsh cynics living in
their left brain hemisphere will and have inevitably harangued him with cries of
‘Photoshop!’ and then smugly walked away satisfied. The photograph never the
less as far as I am concerned remains genuine and has yet to be exposed as
fake. It wouldn’t be either if, by absolute chance and serendipity, Mike has been
presented with an authentic pic of a portal briefly opening and it’s as simple as
that. Check out his ‘The Spectre on Glastonbury Tor’ on YouTube. He also told
me something else that had happened just prior to the incident but as this was
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relayed to me in confidence I will keep it to myself as this was his wish, but I
will add that to my mind it adds credence to what was to follow .On the off
chance of things being so simple, I asked him to visit the Tor at exactly the same
time -4.33pm - the following February 26th - with video camera at the ready.
Predictably, nothing is that simple and no bright light showed itself although
Mike did report that a faint wind and short lived did get up at the precise time
as if to reinforce nothing is that simple! A personal entanglement with myself
and Chenerey’s encounter is that February 26th is my son’s birthday. (My
Granddaughter Katie has hers on July 22nd - Mary Magdalene’s feast day)
For some clues to this mystery I have taken a closer look at the carvings that
appear on the front of the Tor. My contention places firm belief that specific
works of architecture are often brought about by the Collective Unconscious
working through an unsuspecting human agency that if interpreted correctly can
afford us clues to something of a hidden value. I find it intriguing that the highest
carving on the tower is that of the Phoenix, a bird of Arabia so called owing to
it possession of a scarlet color - the color that is most prominent in the weird
earth light displays. The Phoenix also represents immortality, life after death and
mystical rebirth. So why should this be above the Tor? When the Rolling Stones
rock band finally played Glastonbury Festival in 2012 the backdrop they used
during their song ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ was a huge animated Phoenix rising
from the ashes! Below the carved phoenix on the tower, to the left, we see St
Michael and the devil, weighing souls. To their right is St Bridget milking a cow.
Bridget was originally the Celtic, and possibly pre-Celtic, goddess Brighde.
Her earliest representations associate her with fire. Why too should she
be situated there, is it because both Bridget and Phoenix have this red, fire
association? ( We will find her also in a church in Warwickshire in a later
chapter). It is said that the Gateway to the Underworld opens only on the days
of a fire festival, St Bridget having such a date on February 1st. Employing the
lost Mother Tongue language, a form of Esperanto that can link up languages and
sciences into a cybernetic fashion and revealed to me by my autistic savant wife
Avril, when we look at the name ‘Glastonbury’ we can see ‘Glass-stone-bury’ or
‘Glass stone ruby’. Is it that simple - a buried glass stone or buried glass ruby
stone is somehow associated with the Tor? Ruby, is of course, a pure transparent
(as would be a glass stone) red corundum. The key word here may be
‘transparent’ from Latin ‘parere’ meaning ‘to appear’. Back to Bridget-Brighde, and
by consulting the phonetic, visual pun and anagrammatic language of the Mother
Tongue, try pronouncing the name ‘Bridget’ without saying ‘Bridge shut’.
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Are we drawing attention to a shut bridge? Bridge comes from the old English
‘bryg’ and a ‘brig’ is a two masted, square rigged vessel from the word ‘brigantine’.
Does this ship have a porthole? Or, does this ‘spaceship’ have a ‘portal’? Looking
closer at the word ‘bridge’ we find that it is anything that connects across a gap
or makes an electrical connection between, and its synonyms include; ‘arch, link,
connection, connect’.
Under enlargement, the dazzling white shape caught on camera shows an
outline not unlike a tomb headstone and I wonder if we are seeing the actual
archetype and origin for such a structure, something of an arch whereby the
soul will pass through to liably voyage beyond. The dazzling bright white reminds
me of the descriptions seen down a tunnel in near death experiences. Is this,
indeed a time-space Portal, a normally ‘bridge shut’ and place of mystical rebirth
of the Phoenix? Can such a Portal exist on Glastonbury Tor and is this what
Mike Chenery has photographed physically opening for a few moments of our
known time? Is the Michael tower with its two-sided arch you can walk through
and out, a physical living unconscious memory of a replica, dimensional Portal? For some liable confirmation and a startling conclusion, my interpretation
returns to the stonework images on the tower that I believe to have provided
by that Collective Unconscious confirming the presence of a Portal. We see
Michael and the Pan-like figure of the devil weighing souls on a weighing scale,
the devil having a foot on his scale attempting to weigh it down. The key words
here are ‘Scales’ and ‘Way’ (phonetic of ‘weigh’). ‘Way’ means ‘passage’, and ‘scales’
in musical composition is a progression of single notes upwards or downwards
in steps.
The imagery of the devil tipping down his scale is to draw reference to the
infamous augmented 4th, or ‘Devil’s Chord’, prohibited by the church in the
12th century. Discussed earlier, my friend the Scottish author Brian Allan has
evidenced in his own work ‘Rosslyn, between two worlds’ a belief that there
is a Portal contained within Rosslyn Chapel and that this devil’s chord is a key
and sound frequency involved in opening the Portal. I smile when I recall how
the devil was always represented holding a pitch-fork which I think we now can
more correctly view as an acoustic resonating tuning fork which can be used to
emit a pure musical tone. The pan pipes, or syrinx, of the god Pan also involve
specific acoustic octave properties. As Allen suggests, does a specific frequency
or harmonic note, along with this devil’s chord, provide the science that opens
a Portal? It should therefore be no surprise that Glastonbury has this entwined
musical connection with its annual festival.
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We return next to the carved image of St Bridget seen milking a cow with a
pitcher, the musical term for pitch means to ‘set in a key.’ With Bridget we are
inviting in a ‘bridge’, which in classical music is also known as a ‘transition’, the
word meaning ‘a passage from one place’. Through the Portal... the mystical rebirth of the Phoenix allegory?
With the wonder and revelation of synchronicity in mind, a bridge, in music, is
formally known as a bridge-passage...
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Out from Within
We live in a time where most people are now educated to some degree
about the different functions attributed to left and right brain functioning. The
fact of the grey matter is that most of our planet’s population live in a left
brain dominated world, the area of the brain where we are home to routine
knowledge, logical thought, close mindedness and where we spend most of
our time worrying and acting out our anxieties. Here dwells the critic of all
things inventive and new knowledge that finds its way into the right brain. It
really is a waste of time being bothered by critics and sceptics and even more
wasteful trying to convince them to see your point of view if your creativity
has evolved from the unconscious right brain, for the critics remain true to
their nature and domain in the comfort of their left hemisphere, and they
are not going to cross over!
It is a safe bet that the majority of individuals who experience and are
comfortable with episodes once referred to as ‘psychic phenomenon’ or ‘the
paranormal’ spend more time in the unconscious realm of their right brain. It
would be easy to adopt a form of snobbery and announce that it’s a better
deal to function in your right brain than your left when it becomes a matter
of exploration of those realms usually reserved for the unseen, but the more
accurate statement (probably emanating from the left brain!) is that neither
hemisphere would be the more advantageous…it is in the middle that you need
to be otherwise you would be out of balance and it is balance, the ‘middle path’
spoken of in Buddhism, that is needed. Even a more exciting prospect is that
here in this region, is a ‘portal’ within brain totality, from where you can access
the multi-dimensions that interpenetrate and surround us everywhere.
So far we have looked at the possibility of there being what we describe as
‘portals’ as distinct from a ‘Stargate’ that might be located upon our planet indeed, currently, an outlandish thought that seems only reserved for the realms
of contemporary science fiction and Hollywood movies, and yet some physicists
remain hopeful if we are not going to be impatient in awaiting that day we
can witness an opening to another dimension with our own eyes. Top Harvard
University physicist Lisa Randall is one of them believing that an extra dimension
does lay close to our own, hidden by virtue of a bizarre sapping of the strength
of gravity, placing great faith in the Large Hadron Collider beneath the border
of Switzerland and France that smashes sub atomic particles into one another
at the almost speed of light and its ability to look into the Higgs particle telling
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us how elementary particle acquire mass. Although this extra dimension
could be separated from ours only by an unthinkable million trillion trillionth
of a centimetre it would interact with our own only by gravity which is weak.
Elementary particles at ordinary energies exert a negligible force of gravity.
If all this ideology is correct, then sooner or later discovery at the Hadron
Collider would produce evidence of this hidden dimension as particles carrying
momentum there would be observable. I smile at the term ‘Collider’ for its
unconscious suggestion is of a ‘Collider Scope’, or, a ‘Kaleidoscope’, the optical
toy in which one sees an ever changing variety of beautiful colours and forms.
Other dimensions? So,if there really are Portals out there, exactly where?
There appears to be a case for Glastonbury and Lincoln, but finding these
spots are only half the problem, the other being the near impossible task of
how to open them. Do they even open themselves and if so, when? Could
we ever witness such a spectacle in our lifetime, thought only at the moment
to be a fantasy of sci-fi? Will one day such a means of transportation be as
common as a computer or lap top is now in our homes? Now, I am going
to suggest these is allocation nearer home for us to access and maybe if we
were to visit a geographical location and open this nearer portal then we may
have accomplished the necessary physics/magic. At places like Glastonbury Tor
famous for its unexpected and occasional emanations of earth lights owing to it
comprising of strange properties, a strange physics might just be responsible for
triggering off an unknown epilepsy in the brain that can make a visiting person
susceptible to such encounters as seeing fairies and Ufo’s.
Lincoln Cathedral has a splendid library and in one of their archives is a rare
sketch of my Cathedral Code’s St Margaret’s Church before its demolition.
Shown is the symbol of the Vesica Piscis on the east end of its wall, the very
same Christian symbol that appears twice on the code encrypted plaque upon
the statue of Lord Tennyson in the precincts. The symbol is a shape that is the
intersection of two circles with the same radius and intersects so that the centre
of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other. From Latin, the meaning of the
term is ‘bladder of a fish’. It is also called ‘Mandorla, (similar to the Mandala of the
Buddhists )Italian for ‘almond’, and contains within this wording ‘La Man Door’ as
does ‘almond’ contain ‘La Mond’, the World card in the Tarot pack, in which we
see female dancing inside a thick green wreath. Where is this ‘Inside’? The symbol
is a tool in certain aspects of the kabbalah and the ancient Egyptians themselves
practised sacred geometry using it, the tradition allegedly passed on throughout
the centuries afterwards by Freemasonry its mathematics key in the structure
and a proportioning system of sacred buildings in particular Gothic architecture.
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It can be seen in the shape of any collar worn by officiants of the Masonic rituals
and has also been considered as the proper shape for the enclosures of the
seals of masonic Lodges.
The symbol sits upon the cover of the Chalice Well lid at Glastonbury where
the legend says below hides the Grail. Could the presence of the symbol of
the Vesica Piscis in general simply be hinting at an entrance to some greater
reality? As a Yonic symbol and a reference to female genitalia, the almond shaped
vagina, just as we enter this world through it, may we consider the symbol is a
portal which can also lead us out of this world, these two circles that overlap
showing us the collision of two worlds or realms? The Amygdala, translates from
the Greek ‘almond’ and is an almond shaped mass of nuclei that locates deep
within the temporal lobes of the brain. In our understanding of codes and ‘this
means this, means that’ we will find that the word ‘Amygdala’ conceals the place
name ‘Magdala,’ the birthplace of Mary Magdalene, and we will see in depth in
later chapter how it also conceals ‘Dalai Lama’. So, it appears not only to be
symbol that is hinting at a point of entry and exit but also it appears physically
in our brain. The Vesic Piscis is also a symbol irrevocably associated with Mary
Magdalene by the gematria of her epithet.
Anything else? Yes, indeed, for we find it again in quantum physics, to both join
and link with the common theme and thread that runs through geographical
power points, portals and the brain. In our chapter ‘The Coming of Maitreya’
we will see the hidden ciphers in the Summer Palace of Norbulingka in the
west side of Lhasa, Tibet. If we are on the look out for global power points that
inevitably all do connect on the spiders web then we can find the Collective
unconscious hinting at the place name of Lincoln hiding within the lettering of
Norbulingka, and in Tibetan the word means ‘Treasure Garden’. Equally, we will
see how in the hypothalamus within the brain, hides the phonetic ‘Pothala’, when
enunciated slowly, revealing ‘Portal’ leaving me wondering if either Norbulingka
or the Pothala Palace, both in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, are a global
acupuncture point connected with Lincoln.
Relying now on the subatomic level within quantum physics we can trace our
entanglement with the Vesica Piscis with photons, those elementary particles
and quantum of light interacting with the electromagnetic as the very depiction
of entangled photons clearly duplicate the Vesica Piscis double circles. We
now need a basic explanation of what quantum entanglement actually is as
sometimes when quantum conditions are just right something astounding can
happen within the human mind.
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As objects are not in such a separate state as we have previously believed.
As we had been told long ago by the ancient wisdom of the Buddhists and
Hindus, what we accept as seperateness, dissolves. Everything is At One and
is connected with one another, the universe a single self-entangled object
containing all else, the stars, animals, trees - everything. Einstein, an early autistic
savant, postulated that one particle could have an effect on another instantly
irrespective of whether they were alongside or on the furthest reaches of the
In 2013 physicists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem even succeeded
in entangling two photons that don’t even exist at the same time! This
entanglement suggests that we can have a relationship between a portal in our
own brain, that area sensitive and susceptible to otherworldly experience and a
specific land energy grid point where energies congregate and amass. If we can
synchronise both events then we may enhance the possibility of embarking on a
Portal journey. The appearance of the Vesica Piscis on the wall of the St Margaret
church and upon the Tennyson plaque that leads us there, and its association
with a doorway or entrance seems to suggest the possibility of an even greater
spiritual revelation at our location. And could that opportunity be bettered yet
again if the owner of that brain has an evolved alternative wiring from the norm
allowing him or her access to regions more cosmologically friendly? Could such
an individual perhaps work out how to construct an instrument that could lift
the veil?
I keep finding myself returning to the possibility of opening a portal - within
or without of ourselves - using the medium of music. In the summer of 2008
I made an observation involving the icon of Tibet’s Green Tara. So much is
owed to Tibetan Buddhism to her that often it is referred to as Taraism. Apart
from being the first ever feminist known to the planet by refusing to incarnate
as a male Bodhisattva, she is the Mother of all Buddhas and ‘The Mother of
all Liberators’. Onto my perhaps unconscious inspired, observation. The way
that she sits and holds he hands in position, thumb and next finger coiled in a
circle. Where had I seen it before in much more modern times? It was the way
performers also place their hands when playing the Theremin, forerunner of
the Moog synthesiser, originally known as the aetherphone, that early electronic
musical instrument the 1920 brain child of young Russian physicist Lev Segeevich
Termen, although known in the West as Leon Theremin, patented in the USA
in 1928 and originally the product of Russian governmental sponsored research
into proximity sensors.
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The unique thing about this eerie instrument, since its inception entangled with
almost all sci-fi and spooky Tv and movie soundtracks, is that you play it without
touching it. Sound without touch, language without words, feel without feel,
silence and sound.
I joined the ‘Theremin World’ internet website for seasoned Theremin players
and enthusiasts, to discuss my notion that there might be a link between the
instrument and Tibetan Buddhism and my suggestion was met with a healthy
response. I was reminded of the use of Tibetan music bowls for music and
contemplative training, the precision placings of classical Indian dance, finger
spelling and the power within sound. Tibetan singing bowls are a specifically
classed standing bell, that, rather than being hung inverted or attached to a
handle, sit with the bottom surface resting, their rim struck with a padded mallet
to vibrate, producing sound characterised by a first harmonic fundamental
frequency and two audible the harmonic overtones of the second and third
harmonic. Theremin players soon learn that they have changed in stance and
Listening, relaxation, focus and balance are key to Theremin playing and just as
common to many other disciplines; musical, spiritual and martial. I reminded
myself that any connection between the Theremin and spirituality is already
placed within us, it being our mental connection helping us in our search to fully
understand the potential of the instrument.
The combination of physical control, stillness and remaining present in the Now
along with the meditative state required for Theremin playing facilitates the
opening of our Mind - and perhaps that area of a portal - to an altered state of
One poster on the website shared how he had been working with chakra and
aura attunement along with the aid of the Theremin incorporating also various
crystals and meditative techniques especially kyanite, quartz, celestite, amethyst
and tourmaline which produced for him ‘remarkable results’ seeking a form
of healing music. The hand positioning of Hindu yogis and much later that of
Buddhist sects are ‘mudras’ symbolic of the Dharmachakra or ‘Wheel of the
Law’. Clara Rockmore, early virtuoso performer of the instrument, once said
that the reason behind Theremin players using the hand position they do is to
‘grip’ the notes in the air as if trying to physically grasp the non-physical. Not
only does this sound like trying to find our way into another reality it is also the
purpose of the spiritual path and teaching of the Buddhist Dharma.
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The music of Tibet is that of the folk tradition of songs and stringed instruments
similar to the music found a little east of Tibet upon the Mongolian plateau, their
religious music dominated by the chants, percussion and assortment of trumpets
played in an effort to summon and invoke various deities as consciousness
states. The folk music has no notation contrasting with the religious expression
that does , the ‘scores’ that the monks use are marvellous squiggles and lines of
curvature, guiding both rhythms and musical inflection. The point of interest is
that the only musical notation that looks anything like these Lamaist scores are
the ones that are specifically written for the Theremin!
I took a look back at one of Goddess Tara’s titles - Mother of all Liberators,
and noticed the almost match sounding the word Libretto, the text used in or
intended for extended musical work involving opera and cantata, the latter a
word meaning ‘sung’, a vocal composition with instrumental accompaniment
in several movements and often involving a choir. To ‘Liberate’ is to set free
and release from confinement, and the main duty of Green Tara is to remove
obstacles. Obstacles in the way of opening a portal, perhaps? As no form
of idom, phrasing, slang or any lingual structure escapes the expose of the
Lost Mother Tongue, the word ‘theremin’ can also be pronounced somewhat
alternatively as a revealing ‘There, I’m in’. ‘In’ somewhere as having just gone
through a Portal? Another closely allied word is ‘librate’ which means to oscillate,
to be poised. The sitting position of Green Tara, one leg outstretched, is such as
she is always poised to spring into action. Whilst in my own deep, meditative
states of Vajrayana and using the Green Tara mantra to conjure hypnotic
sonorous stones, something else came to my mind where had I heard this sound
before. I knew the answer in an instant. I was sounding like the oldest woodwind
instrument in the world, used by the indigenous Australians of northern
Australia 1,500years ago - the didgeridoo, used in mystical uses for meditation
and healing!
Returning once more to the theremin, the instrument is manufactured and built
and designed at in Mid-Wales by a very clever chap called Jake
Rothman. Jake is diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, the significance of this we
will discuss in great depth in a later chapter..
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Sky Triangles and Earth Angles
In my book ‘The Murder of Mary Magdalene - Synchronicity and the Scarlet
Saint’, I drew attention to the device at the top left of the Rennes-le-Chateau
Parchment One. This triangular shape can be seen on the West wall of the
Templars Preceptory at Temple Bruer and it reminded me strongly of how the
dog star Sirius, so reoccurent in my Mystery, along with Procyon (Pro-SION)
is one of the two vertices of what is known as the Winter Triangle, an almost
equilateral triangle mostly upon the Northern Hemisphere celestial sphere.
The Winter Triangle is not alone in the heavens so we also have the Summer
Triangle. And so, why am I drawing your attention to these two sets of triangular
stars visible in our night sky? Let us, without our telescope, a look, with the aid of
Google Earth and we will make a significant discovery.
Lincoln appears to be the pivotal point to both, the Winter Triangle in the North
and the Summer Triangle in the South if we allow them to translate perfectly
upon the landscape of the British Isles. Our Summer Triangle connects with
constellations Cygnus the Swan, Lyra the Harp and Aquila the Eagle, with its
Winter counterpart doing a similar job connecting Orion, Canis Major and Canis
Minor, creating the imagery of Orion the hunter along with his two hunting dogs.
(More dogs!) In its pivotal role, Lincoln represents both Deneb, the star in the
Cygnus constellation, and the dog star of Canis Major itself.
Looking firstly at the Winter Triangle the star Betelgeuse of Orion is represented
by Whitby, the seaside town and port in the Borough of Scarborough, whose
Abbey is associated with the legend of Bram Stokers Dracula, who in lore
reputedly was washed ashore there, and Pendle Hill in the east of Lancashire,
representing Procyon in Canis Major has its own ancient spooky association
with witchcraft and the story of the Pendle Witches one of the better known
and recorded examples dating back to the 17th century. Along with Lincoln,
both Whitby and Pendle Hill complete our Winter Triangle which is 253 miles in
total, an almost perfect equilateral with 81 miles being between Pendle Hill and
Whitby Abbey and 87 between Whitby-Lincoln.
Turning our attention now to its summer counterpart, we find that the star
Altair from constellation Aquila is represented by magical Glastonbury, Bury
St Edmunds represents Vega in the constellation of Lyra. There is an already
recognised connection between both Glastonbury and Bury St Edmunds as it is
part of the famous St Michael Line running from St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall
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to Hopton-on-Sea, Norfolk, aligning to both Beltane and Lammas sunrises. Along
with Lincoln, here representing Deneb from the constellation Cygnus, we have
our 423 mile Summer Triangle on the ground, Lincoln being 87 miles to Bury-StEdmunds, a further 165 miles taking us to Glastonbury and its Tor. Lincoln and
Glastonbury are 171 miles apart. Noting the 85 mile distance from Lincoln to
Stratford-upon-Avon it is feasible that an 85 mile radius draws around Lincoln
would enclose Stratford-upon-Avon, Bury St Edmunds, Whitby and Pendle Hill.
Allowing synchronicity to have its say, if we add the distance between Bury St
Edmunds and Glastonbury Abbey we find the 166 miles equals the sum total of
Whitby Abbey-Pendle Hill (81 miles) and Pendle Hill-Lincoln (85 miles).
We will see in due course the importance of a tangible connection with both
Lincoln and Glastonbury and that it is the former that will vie for the title of ‘The
New Jerusalem’. The line upon which both fall is part of the Roman Road, or The
Fosse Way running NE-SW aligning to both summer solstice sunrise and winter
solstice sunset. Equidistant to both is Stratford-upon-Avon and we will read
about this most significant location in the following chapter as we continue this
seemingly ever winding path of surprises.
An overall significance with the constellation of Cygnus is not yet over for us
as there for we can illustrate how the constellation, can be shown to fly out
of the northern winter triangle towards the southern winter one etched onto
the landscape stretching from North Yorkshire north-south through South
Yorkshire to the border of Nottingham and Derbyshire, and we can even show
how Lincoln itself with the Cathedral and castle as wings, Newport Arch its tail
and St Marys church, the oldest in the city, its beak, is in the shape of Cygnus.
Lincoln cathedrals patron St Hugh of Avalon who was inseparable from his own
pet swan came from Witham priory near Glastonbury, the river at Lincoln itself
called the river Witham, so again our attention is drawn to the city’s Collective
Unconscious connection with Glastonbury.
The constellation Cygnus has one other title and this is ‘The Northern Cross’.
The shape of Cygnus, and this Cross, is indisputable similar to the universal
archetype of the male Jesus upon his crucifixion. Including the bending of the
knees and the dangling elbows. In my book ‘The Murder of Mary Magdalene
- Synchronicity and the Scarlet Saint’ I showed a visual comparison with the
Fallopian Tubes announcing it as the representation of the traditional male
Jesus hanging on the cross, an image stolen by the Church from the female
and an actual woman teacher from which the male myth was taken, a gender
swap leaving us with a male Jesus to please both sexism and misogyny of the
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priesthood still resistant today to the ordination of women Bishops. Our Cygnus
Northern Cross is reasonably within the confines of saying it is dagger shaped,
the implement that I suggest was responsible for the death of a pregnant
Dominating the summer skies at night, the Summer Triangle is echoed by
its winter counterpart that similarly encapsulates the winter heavens during
winter, a window of 28 minutes reached daily when both triangles are above
the horizon simultaneously as Sirius rising completes the winter triangle as the
Summer triangle sets with Altair. This window may have more than one reality
for Lincoln, the centre point between the two terrestrial triangles with Deneb
in Cygnus and Sirius in Canis Major and therefore we should note its GMT
times; in Midsummer it takes place - dare we speak of some form of ‘opening’?
- between 8am and 9am and upon the mid-winter evenings between 8pm and
9pm, at the Spring Equinox between 2-3am and the Autumn Equinox between
2-3pm. Did this window have to equate with the key number already associated
with our Lincoln Cathedral Code Mystery number 28? At the scene of the Last
Supper at the Great East Window, hidden if we use all the circular roundels of
the 64, hides a perfect huge cross.There are 28 circular roundels!
In maths, the number itself is what is known as a ‘triangle’ or ‘triangular
number’, a number which counts the objects that can form an equilateral
triangle. Other notable and interesting features associated with 28 follow;
There are 28 angles carved high up the Angel Choir within Lincoln Cathedral.
According to the amazing local geometrical work unearthed by Tony Peart
at his ‘’, the sacred geometry of Lincoln Cathedral is
complex and consists of numerous 5.15 circles that upon completion show
a lattice ball effect, its inner circle pattern formed by the Flower of Life using
5.151 circles. Equating this Flower of Life, the name for a geometrical figure
composed of multiple evenly spaced overlapping circles, as a representation of
another flower of life, that of the sacred lotus flower of India, we begin to see
the dawnings of the intervention of all things mystical Tibetan, drawn to our 28
location. The currently recognised botanical name for the species is Nelumbo
Nucifera, which contains in its middle the word ‘Bon’ - the earliest form of
religion in Tibet and a branch of Vajrayana. Contained within the full title we
also see a hidden anagramatic ‘Lucifer’. However, it is with the knowledge that
there are 28 recorded and named Buddhas that reinforces Tibetan involvement.
The Tibetan word for ‘treasure’ is ‘Terma’, not only anagram for Mater - and we
will hear of their Mother Tongue later - but hidden within the name ‘Margaret’
under whose church our treasure awaits, ‘Margaret’ itself resident in the word
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‘Tetragrammaton’, the Hebrew theonym, one of the names of the God of Israel
used in the Hebrew bible.
To some, the ‘Grail’ is a life giving force, source, energy, and so it is well worth
my mentioning the following as the legend of The Swan Knight, Longhegrin is
plucked from Grail literature, and like his British counterpart Lancelot, became a
saviour of woman. Instantly, I notice how ‘Lonhegrin’ contains much of the letters
belonging to Longinus, the Roman Centurian who was the owner of what was
to become the Nazi sought after Spear of Destiny, and that the name Lancelot
speaks for itself when we know that this very spear is also known as The Holy
Lance. The demon statue within the doorway of the Mary Magdalene church at
Rennes-le-Chateau has a hand with a circular opening as we are told it started
life holding a trident removed almost instantly once its main responsibility
seemed to be how it would tear the clothing of too close visitors. It has been
speculated that the devil was holding this Spear of Destiny.
If we step back from his hideous presence we can see how he carries a
baptisimal font upon which four angels make the sign of the cross. Below them,
the English translation of the painted text reads; ‘By this sign you will conquer
him. Decoded, could this read; ‘By this CYGN (us) you will conquer him’, and
their sign of the cross be the Northern Cross that is the constellation of
Cygnus? There are 28 signs of the Cross done by the priest to the Mass! In
Gaelic Scotland, the symbol of Mary is that of White Swan. Back to the Grail
as life giving, for when consultants at the Jet propulsion labs at of California
founded the Meinel institute made the discovery that high level cosmic rays
emanating from and reaching the earth from Cygnus had an influence on
early human origins reflected in cave art from some forty thousand year ago,
intellectually removing us from our Stone Age.
After Carl Sagan piped up in 1973 to announce that he believed cosmic rays to
have had an evolutionary impact on life on earth his thoughts were taken up by
NASA who chose to monitor X-3, from the Cygnus constellation even though
the brightness from Deneb, the tail of the Swan, meant the star is not visible.
Their determination was that cosmic rays were emitting from X-3 and directed
at our Mother planet. It is still a debate now amongst geneticists that Man’s
evolution was at its most fast when high concentration of cosmic rays reached
earth. With all this is mind, we should recall how it was assured that ancient
global myths liked to assert Cygnus as being the doorway to the Sky people
with Cygnus the boat being pulled through the river of the Milky Way drawn by
a celestial bird.
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Staying with physics, and we see that 28 is the fourth ‘magic’ number in nuclear
physics, a number of nucleons - either neutrons or protons - arranged in such
a fashion that they are become complete shells within an atomic nucleus, the
dense region which is at the centre of an atom. There are currently seven most
widely acknowledged magic number and they are 2, 8, 20, our tomb marker
28, 50, 82 and 126 with 34 also suspected worthy to join the group. Interesting
to see that the first two numbers 2 and 8 make a 28, the third number in
succession is 20 (the first number reversed 02) and the second number after 28,
82 also a reversal of 28.
That we should ever have arrived at the term magic numbers within physics
is noteworthy when we are reminded that we also have in recreational maths
‘magic squares’, an arrangement of numbers in a square grid, the numbers
in each row and column and in forward-backwards main diagonals all add
ding up to the same number. Note the employment of reversals in amongst
the fun. These magic squares were known long ago in antiquity, to Chinese
mathematicians as far back as 650Bc and Arabian mathematicians as early as
the 7th century CE. The original physics of our universe hitherto known as and
experimented within as ‘magic’ both ceremonial and ritual, has associated each
planet in our solar system with a series of numbers and particular organisation
of them, this method producing the magic square. The one that catches my eye
is the magic square of Mercury, he being the god of magic and communication.
The silvery liquid of mercury is also a poison and we must recall how the shape
of Lincoln cathedral is that of the Cross of Lorraine and that too has been
associated with poison.
If this is telling us we have a communication with the archetypical god form of
mercury to do with the cathedral, then we must investigate further at his magic
square, which like the Great East Window contains the 8 x 8 64 numbers in
total - a fine synchronicity to start with. Each row, column and diagonal adds up
to 260 and all of the numbers of the square total 2080 containing our marker
tomb number 28. It gets more interesting and equally puzzling if we highlight the
magic numbers of the physicist contained within the Mercury square - there are
six. At our Great East Window we found our anomalous ‘dog on the platter’ at
the scene of the Last Supper by acrostic - 4th line along from the bottom and
then the fifth roundel up , or 5 x 4 providing the physics’ magic number 20. Now,
if we emulate this simple task using the Mercury square, 4 along 5 up, we arrive
at the number 29 which is the number of the Jackson tomb that is so strangely
attached to our number 28 Rayner marker even though there is no connection
between the two families. Furthermore if we reverse the process and venture
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5 along and 4 down on the Mercury square we will arrive at marker tomb
number 28. One cannot help but wonder that there is some deep Mind
connection between both arrangements and selection of these numbers in both
mercurial and nuclear physics, an ancient and the modern version of the same
thing. But what is it telling us?
In November 2013 a Japanese study from a team of researchers at RIKEN
Nishina Centre for Accelerator-base Science demonstrated for the first time
that their magic numbers 20 and 28 disappear from all neutron-rich magnesium
isotopes. To carry out their experiment they measured energy levels of gamma
rays emitted by the excited stages of isotopes having accelerated a beam 70%
the speed of light onto its target concluding that they had lost their magic
numbers 20 and 28. So, here we have a clear connection between the number
28 being involved in however we wish to perceive ‘magic’ and disappearance!
Apart from the obvious significance of the number 28 involved in the average
human menstrual cycle and the 28 heartbeats necessary in order that red
globule all the circuit of our body, in Gematria, the hidden home of our once lost
Mother Tongue and system of Hebrew numerology, it is found as ‘koakh’ meaning
‘Power’ and ‘energy’. Nuclear energy perhaps? Jewish traditions tells us of the
28 year solar cycle, the sun returning to its creation each 28 solar years. Ever
involving itself, Neo-Nazi interest has its own expression of the number in their
motto ‘Blood and honour’ arrived at by 28 = BH, the second and eighth letter of
the alphabet. Another unsavoury influence that allies itself to our Mystery is the
shadowy figure of the Devil and he too prowls nearby as the number 28 atomic
number for Nickel, not only the silvery-white element that with 28 neutrons
and 20 protons it is ‘double magic’ but the only element named after the devil
and origin of ‘Old Nick derived from the German ‘Kupfernickel’ meaning the
‘old Nick’s copper.’ 28 is the number of Chinese constellations, equivalent to the
12 western Zodiac, and inside the Egyptian Great Pyramid somebody has been
responsible for sculpting 28 miniature tombs in the ‘wall of Stone’ of the Great
Not to omit another of our vital and reoccurring imagery in our story we will
include the Phoenix for within this constellation there is the elliptical galaxy
and New General Catalogue object NGC 28 and another astronomical fact is
28 being the revolution time of the surface of the sun on itself. The Collective
Unconscious and the lost Mother Tongue will provide us with one less obvious
28 and it is the Duat, also Tuat, the realm of the dead of Egyptian mythology. Duat, Tu-at = 2 (Two) 8 (Eight). More importantly as we are seeking evidence for
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a portal between two realms or levels of existence, burial chambers - and we
have our tomb 28 at the St Margaret’s burial grounds - were believed to form
touching points between our mundane world of existence and the Duat, spirits
enabling themselves to travel back and forth from this mysterious realm of the
Duat. It was also the place where people’s souls went after death for Judgement.
Our tomb 28 Duat is faced a short distance across by the Judgement Porch
of Lincoln Cathedral bringing us back yet again to that precise unconscious
placing of Michael Dan Archer’s stone lintel ‘Between Two worlds’. Call me old
fashioned, but it all sounds reasonably portal-like to me.
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Avon Calling!
So far we have touched upon the thought of there being possible dimensional
portals at Rosslyn Glastonbury, Rennes-le-Chateau and Lincoln Cathedral.
Naturally, owing to my own work that has spanned almost 30 years and
brought me to live in the shadow of the Gothic Lincoln Cathedral, my main
interest remains here - and for good reason. Returning to a question I asked
earlier, if there is the reality -and there are many ‘realities’ in our Quantum
Entangled Universe it seems - of a dimensional portal, a place and means of
communication with the Heavens, available to open or, even more stupendous,
be opened, then which one? To try and suggest an answer to that I will have to
remind the reader that I was the first author to dare announce that the mystery
of Rennes-le-Chateau would not be solved there, and by bringing it to Lincoln
I was the first and only to prise the mystery out of France. Since doing so, only
one other individual has since popped up to suggest the solution does not
harbour at Rennes. Patrice Chaplin.
In her 2009 book ‘City of Secrets’ she presents that twin towers, one that
was once in Girona, Spain, of which the Tour Magadala at Rennes is, she says,
a deliberate and exact copy, deliberately cloned towers, were placed upon a
North-South energy grid line providing the opportunity for a portal situated
equidistant between them both to open if specific Kabbalistic rituals - ‘The
Calling of the Cup’ - were performed at the same synchronised time.
This middle distance is the location of Mount Canigou situated in the southern
French Pyrenees, due to its sharp flanks once thought to have been the highest
mountain there. This, Chaplin continues, is the culmination of the mystery of
Having the same respect for her work as I do for any hardened researcher who
will stand by their deductions and firm belief, I found her declaration interesting,
but of course had no option to be at odds with it. Respectfully placing her
assurances aside I was prepared to accept that she had, through maintained
occult sources, allied to whispers of a blue print of sorts and as no hard or
direct evidence of a portal opening at Canigou was a universal knowledge,
perhaps the theory of twin North-South energy centres with an equidistant
point, was, at least, possible. This still left us with the burning question ‘Well
where?’ Not surprisingly, I will unveil my evidence that suggests we return from
France and Spain…and back to Lincoln.
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To do so, we will make an unlikely detour. Allow me to take you to Stratford
upon Avon, home of the enigmatic figure of Shakespeare, as we are being
strangely drawn there, the objective being to try and root out hidden
associations with suspected portals at Lincoln and Glastonbury and a
connection the Olympic Games. Before we reach there, just a few miles north,
there is what some already see as a Templar related mystery hidden within the
small parish church at the village of Langley, an interesting place name that can
contain the anagram ‘Angle ley’, as we will be dealing with ley lines.
A stain glass scene showing a scene from
the twelfth night of Christmas Epiphany,
therefore spoken of as ‘The Epiphany
Window’, contains a rooster or cock, a
bright star and the three wise men. In
the Babylonian star catalogues of the
late Bronze Age it was the star Orion
referred to as the ‘Heavenly Shepherd’ or
‘True Shepherd’ and it was the figure of
the Rooster located below and behind
the figure of the true shepherd on their
star maps. Although Orion is involved in
this mystery at Langely - clearly yet again
some individual or member of a secret
society wanting to hint at what they
know - it is but a part of the whole, and
in the following chapter I will reveal its
amazing entirety and hopefully show you
that it is here in the rural Warwickshire
countryside also, that we will be led back
to Lincoln and the St Margaret burial grounds.
Epiphany Window
(Image courtesy of Graham Phillips)
Stratford upon Avon provided us with a good start for we find a town ten miles
south of a former Templar Preceptory. It has a famous son called Hugh, as did
Lincoln with its Patron St Hugh and like him associated with swans.
Furthermore there are links with St Helena, a church that is shown to be out
of alignment, hidden meanings appearing encoded in stain glass and similar
subterfuge on a monument of Shakespeare himself, a curse carried upon his
tombstone at The Holy Trinity church, which may be concealing what lays doesn’t! - beneath.
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Stratford-Upon-Avon can easily remind you of Lincoln for by a pool we have
a canal that meets a river with nearby boats moored and a gathering of local
students happily feed the hungry swans. So far so good, and we have yet to send
for Poirot!
Returning to Stratford-upon-Avon and its environs, we visit the 17th century
country mansion of Clopton Tower. Sir Hugh Clopton, living at a hamlet a
little over a mile from Holy Trinity, now known as Clopton, had his family and
descendants residing there for generations and in 1840 it changed hands to its
new owner Charles Thomas Warde who built Clopton Tower as an addition and
who six years later became High Sheriff of Warwickshire.
Clopton Tower precedes the Tour Magdala, such an important facet in Chaplin’s
story, by a decade or so. 1.35 miles north of Holy Trinity, the axis of Holy Trinity’s
transept finds itself pointing directly at it. Taking this line the same distance
through the south transept we arrive at the St Helen’s church in the village
of Clifford Chambers whose Manor House has entertained the presence of
Shakespearian contemporary poets Ben Johnson and Michael Drayton. St.Helen
is attributed as founder of the relic of the true cross worshipped by the guild of
the Holy Cross.
Authors Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare in their book ‘The Spine of Albion’
tell us that they have found that earth energy currents, which they call ‘the
Belinus Line, pass through Stratford-upon-Avon male and female currents (the
latter given the name ‘Elen’, so close to ‘Helen’, and travelling from St Helen’s
church at Clifford Chambers entering the church via the South transept)
converging at the crossing of Holy Trinity church.
Contrastingly, the male current departs Holy Trinity northwards to the Clopton
Tower providing us with two towers at a distance of 2.7 miles apart, the female
current flowing through the South tower and the male through the North, both
currents conjoining below the tower surmounted by a steeple in Holy Trinity
church at an equal distance between the two.
This scenario resonates strikingly with Chaplin’s towers at Girona and Rennesle-Chateau, leaving us to wonder if it is some sort of copy-cat attempt by 19th
century occultists in Britain, perhaps carrying on a guarded tradition, at Clopton
Tower, attempting to utilise the both energy currents, the female at Clifford
Chambers and the male at Clopton Tower to open a Holy Trinity Portal within
Shakespeare’s church?
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Shakespeare’s tomb has upon it a curse to ward away any attempts to take a
look at whatever may lay beneath.(It contains 28 words, as does the English
translation of the Rennes-le-Chateau parchment and the plaque at the Tennyson
statue.) Why? Shouldn’t is just simply be Shakespeare we would expect to
find? On Holy Cross day, September 14th, at Solar Noon, ‘red and blue apples’
cast from a pane glass window appear on it, just as they fall upon the tomb of
Eleanor at Lincoln Cathedral on 22nd July, Feast of Mary Magdalene.
Is the result of many a dark magical ritual being performed at Clopton
House the reason why today it boasts itself as being one of England’s most
haunted houses?
During his own investigations, Gary Biltcliffe describes how when he was
dowsing at St Margaret’s Well where Margaret Clopton drowned herself in the
grounds of Clopton House, he encountered an ‘out of balance and malignant
energy’, and consequently took ill from it.
St Helena at Stratford might well remind us of Lincoln’s connection with Queen
Eleanor whose plays a major part in my ‘Lincoln cathedral Code’ enacting the
role of the Shepherdess in the Rennes-le-Chateau parchments. In fact, owing
to her stop off point at St Catherine’s Priory in 1290 when her body was
embalmed, (her viscera placed in Lincoln Cathedral) the modern St Katherine’s
church in Lincoln in 2013 was rated equal status with the Cathedral - Lincoln
now has two Cathedrals! The name ‘Heleanora’ is on her tomb within the
Cathedral located under the East window. It is reasonable to assume that
Helena is derivative from Eleanor.
When Queen Eleanor left Lincolnshire after her death she embarked upon her
journey to Westminster Abbey. Not only is it interesting to note that Lincoln
Cathedral doubled for Westminster Abbey for scenes in ‘The Da Vinci Code’,
but also both have within their grounds a church dedicated to St Margaret.
At Lincoln it is here, in the burial grounds, that the conclusion of my Lincoln
Cathedral Code terminates. A wonderful synchronicity is the fact that the
person who built the small organ at the Westminster St Margaret’s church was
one Henry C. Lincoln!
The famous St Eleanor Crosses where erected to mark resting places where the
procession to Westminster stopped, and one of them we find to be at Stoney
Stratford, thus affording us synchronicity with St Helena who allegedly had her
True Cross and the twelve Eleanor Crosses, one situated at another ‘Stratford’.
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So much about Shakespeare is strange. For example, there are no reliable
descriptions of him, or how he looked and even a reasonable doubt that he ever
existed. Tellingly, if you study the face of the Jesus figure at Lincoln Cathedral’s
Great East Window ‘Last Supper’, you will see how it almost duplicates the
images we have been left of Shakespeare, leaving one to think, is this deliberate?
Another parallel with the Jesus story is that from the time he left school until he
was 28 (that number again), little is known about Will’s ‘Lost Years’. We have, at
the last count, 80 authorship candidates proposed for who may have written the
entire works attributed to him! We are told he was born and died on the same
day and month, St George’s day 23rd April. With this date we are looking almost
exactly nine months - the period of gestation - after the Feast Day of Mary
Magdalene on July 22nd, and a full nine months after the Sirius dog day rising
and conjunction with earth, July 23rd. If the existence of a real living Shakespeare
in in doubt, could it partially be an excuse for drawing attention to the 23rd
April date, and if so, for whom and for what?
The Great West Window, also known as the window of the Holy Trinity, in Holy
Trinity church at Stratford upon Avon has alongside it a window dedicated to
St George and St Michael although of the five images there we can only see
George who we know with his red cross on white background (similar to that
of the Templars) is the patron Saint of England. The correlation between George
and Michael is the dragon for it is a feature associated with both, Michael being
the supreme dragon slayer in his battle with the ‘dragon’ Lucifer, and George’s
encounter with the dragon a familiar and well recounted legend. If we are
to view both saints synonymously and extend that further to the oft interchangability of the Virgin Mary with that of the Magdalene, then maybe we can
say that Michael and the Virgin Mary are both symbolic and indicative of the
Heavenly realms whilst George and the Magdalene represent terrestrial.
Returning to those five images of George alone at the stain glass, we are
shown his laying of the dragon, the heathen proclamation, his martyrdom, him
appearing to Jerusalem crusaders who accept him as Patron saint, and his
reception of the crown of life.
After the martyrdom of George it was a further eight centuries before
the Templars were formed. Another parallel is how three centuries after
Charlemagne had his vision of St James on a white horse enabling him to win in
battle against the Moors, Richard the Lionheart, not to be outdone, witnessed St
George, also on a white steed, helping along to overthrow the Saracens.
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Consequently, from these heavenly apparitions, George was the chosen choice
of Patron Saint for the Templars and further down the time line of England,
whilst St James (Santiago) entrusted a similar role and accolade with Spain, his
remains, we are told, turning up in Galicia from which came the pilgrimage to
the city of Santiago de Compostela which figures in our Magdalene Mystery.
Both St George and St Margaret where beheaded, George martyred in 303AD
and Margaret the following year. The lasting images we have of them both is
George slaying the dragon with his spear and how Margaret escaped from one
using her Holy Cross, thus both are known as dragon slaying Saints and to this
list we can of course include St Michael bringing the total to three. The locations
of this trio and their windows at the Nave of the Holy Trinity church place
Margaret in the north, and the Saints George and Michael at the south west. Are
we being informed by that wondrous mechanism of the Collective Unconscious,
responsible for the precise and deliberate placing of all things by their architects,
that we are to note and look to the burial grounds of St Margaret at Lincoln
up North and to St Michael’s Tower high up Glastonbury Tor in the Southwest?
Could it be possible that both Lincoln and Glastonbury, both high above
ground, are in some way able to act together to form a portal - a ‘tunnel’ with a
‘Doorway’ at either end?
Using measurements from straight lines drawn on Google Earth on a map,
here is some interesting information. Stratford upon Avon is half way between
both Lincoln and Glastonbury on the Fosse Way, the Roman Road that linked
Exeter in the South-West to Lincoln. Drawing a right angled triangle between
Glastonbury, Lincoln and the Olympic Stadium at Stratford, London, bisecting
the triangle draws a straight line to Shakespeare’s tomb at Stratford-upon-Avon.
The distance between Lincoln and the Olympic Stadium = 119 miles, the
distance between Glastonbury Tor and the Olympic Stadium = 119 miles, the
distance between Lincoln and Glastonbury Tor is 171 miles. 119 + 119 + 171 =
409 miles. The distance between the Tour Magdala at Girona (which was pulled
down in the 1960’s) and Tour Magdala at Rennes-le-Chateau = 71 miles. The
distance between St Sulpice, which Patricia Chaplin claims is the activator for her
twin tower Portal, and Rennes-le-Chateau is 409 miles! (Losing the zero in the
middle, the distance from Girona to Mount Canigou is 49 miles). Glastonbury
is on the 51st Parallel (51.15 North), Stratford-upon-Avon on the 52nd Parallel
and Lincoln on the 53rd. The Olympic Stadium is 51.5 North. (50th Parallel
in the English Channel) You will note how these numbers reflect Tony Peart’s
Lincolnshire 5.151 landscape geometry.
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Stratford-upon-Avon, equidistant between Lincoln and Glastonbury, then
suggests itself, as in Chaplin’s scenario, as a liable portal should synchronised
rituals be performed at the North and South ‘Towers’ of Lincoln and
Glastonbury, and this is no doubt what a gathering of occultists in Stratford
where hoping to achieve in the Shakespeare church. However, whereas Chaplin
had an equidistant mountain as her active portal, this criteria is better met by
both Lincoln and Glastonbury high upon natural hills, Stratford-upon-Avon a
mere 33’ above sea level.
One other window at Holy Trinity is dedicated to Sir Arthur Hodgson, Knight
Commander of the Order of St George and St Michael, who bought both
Clopton House and the Tower in 1873. Becoming Mayor of Stratford and
also Chairman of the commission preceding the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust,
he played a part in restoring the Shakespeare monuments along with fellow
Freemason Alfred Shuttleworth who paid for the large refurbishment of St
Peters-in-Eastgate, both responsible for the coming together of all our clues with
the re-organising of the town landscapes at Stratford-upon-Avon and Lincoln
through the placement of new statues, memorials and church restoration.
If we may stop for a moment and look at the title of those most famous Knights,
the Templars. The French word ‘Temps’ means ‘Time’ and a proprietors of land
they were ‘Lords’ or, from the Scottish, ‘Lairds’.
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In this sense we may see the Templars as Time Lords, which will in an instant
remind of where we have heard this title before - Dr Who. If the Templars
existed outside the Laws of Time then they would indeed be the original and
archetypical ‘Out Laws’ true nominees for those band of men who assisted our
archetype Robin Hood.
Synchronistically, ‘The Shakespeare Code’ was the title of the second episode of
the third series of the sci-fi Doctor Who British TV series, now having celebrated
its 50th Anniversary. Broadcast in 2007 the Doctor arrives I Elizabethan England
where he meets with Shakespeare whom he encounters as he is writing his play
‘Love’s Labour’s Won’. The trouble starts when evil in the form of a witch plots
to end the world by the placement of a code in the closing dialogue of the new
play. ‘Love’s Labours Won’ was actually written by Shakespeare before 1598
and although appears to have been published in 1603 has completely vanished
as a lost work! One can only wonder why. One of the original companions
of Dr Who was Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and he too, as did Sir Arthur
Hodgson, wear as the highest of his decorations, the ribbon of the Order of St
George and St Michael. The character of the Brigadier was created by no less
a personage than the very same Henry Lincoln, co-author of ‘The Holy Blood
and the Holy Grail’ who brought us the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, and he still
retains the rights to it today.
In 2004 until 2007 a script writer bearing the same sounding surname as the
Cathedral Code family marker tomb became a script editor for the revived
version of the Doctor Who series. She was Helen Raynor having worked earlier
for the Royal Shakespeare Company based in Stratford-upon-Avon! The first
woman to write for the new series, she was also the first woman to write
a Dalek story, those top of the Glastonbury Tor marauders. During Raynor’s
episode came the return of the character of Martha Jones, companion of the
Tenth Doctor.
Martha Raynor is the name on the Lincoln Code Marker tomb, and the actress
who played Martha is the show was Freema Agyeman, whose name contains
the anagram ‘Free Magye’ = Free Maggie = Maggie an accepted shortened
version of the name Magdalene. The travelling companion of both ninth and
tenth Doctor also, was the character who contained the code name of the Grail
the Rose - Rose Tyler, played by actress Billie Piper, whose very next role after
the series was to play a high flying escort in the TV series ‘Secret Diary of a Call
Girl’, echoing the character assassinated Magdalene who was biblically portrayed
as a prostitute!
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The probable mythical figure of Shakespeare has also been whispered to
have been a member of the secret society associated with Freemasonry,
the Rosicrucians. Perhaps this is a gentle intimation that this mysterious
figure was not a figure at all but an organisation. A number of Freemasonic
sources have alluded to Shakespeare as ‘Brother Shakespeare’ and plays like
Midsummers Night Dream, The Tempest, and Macbeth all contain underlying
esoteric undertones. More suspiciously there is yet another gathering during
William’s time who had an interest in all things esoteric and they were called
‘The Spear Shakers’ no less, a gathering of Tudor writers, poets and actors who,
led by Francis Tudor Bacon, penned works of literature masked as ‘William
Shakespeare’, taking it in turns to dress as their fictional figure and members of
his family to appear in public to promote him as a real figure. Lord Tennyson
thought himself a reincarnation of one of the original Tudor Spear Shakers,
Edmund Spenser, English poet best known for ‘The Faerie Queene’.
The term ‘Spear Shaker’ seems to have originated from a deference to the
goddess Athene usually placed on Grecian temples shaking her spear and
responsible for Bacon’s ritualised creation of holding large spear in the hand
indicative of a pen to ‘Shake the Spear of Knowledge at the Dragons of
Ignorance’. The ‘Spear Shakers’ were born! Their entanglement is the with the
Spear of Longinus, Spear of Destiny, and unfortunately in the 20th century their
secrets will draw the attention and focus of a certain Austrian painter whose
spearheaded military thrust would shake more than one nation.
Let us spend a few moments taking our own alternative angular look at the
essence of the word ‘Shake’ and its offshoots. ‘Shaking’ means to cause to vibrate,
and vibration is the rapid linear motion of a particle, putting us within the scope
of physics. Another identical sounding ‘shake’ is the honorific Arabic term ‘sheik,
transliterated as ‘Shaykh’. It also hides almost imperceptibly within the title
Hakenkreuz, the name of the symbol used by the Nazi Party in Germany and
later by the Third Reich, and taken from the Hindu and Buddhist Swastika. In
the latter the design is squared within a square border and with the former the
design is at an angle. With its pronunciation being ‘Haken-kroits’ by simply placing
the final letter to the fore, we see the hidden word ‘Shake’. Author Ian Stewart
in his 1999 book ‘Life’s Other secret’ suggests that when parallel waves of neural
activity sweep across the visual cortex during altered states of consciousness,
due to the way quadrants in the field of vision map opposite areas in the brain,
a swirling swastika-like image is produced. Altered states of consciousness when
encountering a portal?
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Another unlikely and unsuspected contender that merges with orthodox
‘shaking’ is the word ‘Chicane, which in one of its various senses is a term
in auto traffic engineering and is an obstacle used to slow down traffic. Is it
also an obstacle to prevent the opening of a portal, and one that Green Tara
overcomes? Perhaps our most powerful investigation of the word ‘shaking’
reveals to us the phonetic pronunciation of ‘Shekinah’, the grammatically
feminine Hebrew name of God in Judaism, but more interestingly, the original
word means the dwelling or settling, denoting that of the Divine presence
of God especially in the Temple of Jerusalem. Is this dwelling through the
Portal? Are we looking at ‘Shakes’ - as in speedy vibration - ‘Appear’…ShakesAppear…a portal opens?
With so many hidden possibilities within the a term that may have been
selected carefully owing to precisely that, was it these Spear Shakers who had a
vested interest in guarding the 23rd April date?
Did they think they had some occult
means to open a portal to another
dimension on that date at the spot
guarded by the curse of the man
they would have us believe existed,
Shakespeare, on his tomb which
‘Good friends for Jesus, sake
forebear, to dig the dust enclosed
here, Blessed be the man that
spares these stones, and cursed be
he that moves my bones’.
Would it be reasonable to assume that this tomb is to be left alone and to date
has been successful for the fact that there have been no successful projects to
open the grave? That long ago nobody wanted anybody to actually take a look
in this tomb and see what is, or isn’t there? Has a tomb been placed over what
some once believed to be an inter-dimensional area? Did a covert organisation
once hope to achieve an opening by the use of lambic pentameter, a metrical
line used in traditional verse and verse drama, as used by Shakespeare in his
plays and sonnets,that can open a portal within the Mind?
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Note that Lincoln’s own Shakespeare, Tennyson, also used this fundamental
building block within his poetry.That it may conceal, at least, a source of earth
energy could be supported by the fact that each year on the Saturday closest
April 23rd Holy Trinity conducts a huge pageant with thousands in a procession
through the town filing through the church to the ringing of bells and music
from the organ to lay flowers at the Shakespeare grave.
Although this may not be on the same scale as the multi-thousands who yearly
visit Glastonbury for its music festival, it is a consistent ritual and ‘sacrifice’ of
energy to a designated spot. Spear Shakers apart, not only do we have within
Freemasonry the important position ‘The Sword Bearer’ but there is even one
more important pole weapon with a pointed head we can mention and it is
that of the biblical and historical Sword of Longinus, a holy relic searched for by
a belief in it by Adolph Hitler, which in the biblical story was purportedly thrust
into the side of Christ whilst upon the Cross.
In my previous book I explained how all this was allegory for a pregnant Mary
Magdalene. Peter Paul Reubens’ ‘The Martydom of St Thomas’ shows the apostle
being martyred having a lance thrust in the same side as I have shown the
Magdalene-Christ was pierced. St Thomas’ Cross shows a bird above it, flying
downwards, or South.
In my book ‘The Murder of Mary
Magdalene - Synchronicity and the
Scarlet Saint’, I drew attention to how
at Lincoln Castle we find the 13thc
Cobb Hall where the Knights Templar
were imprisoned, cob being the name
for a male swan and I suggested that
with an name for Grail Castle also
being Corbenic, we could phonetically
be looking at Cob neck instead, the
neck of a swan.
Lincoln City reflects Cygnus - Jesus on the Cross
With Lincoln’s starry connection with
the constellation of Cygnus In May 2013 a previously undiscovered church
thought to be 1,000 years old was found beneath Lincoln Castle 9.8’ below
the surface, when the area was been excavated by archaeologists before the
construction of a lift shaft as part of a revamp of the castle.
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An undisturbed late Saxon sarcophagus and skeleton discovered inside a stone
coffin added to the excitement and air of mystery, the body appearing to be
wearing leather boots or shoes, which is unusual for this period and suggesting
some person of high ranking. I wonder if local recorded history might have
gone a little askew in assuring us that an original Mary Magdalene church was
destroyed to make way for Lincoln Cathedral. There is no distance from the top
of the hill where the Minster was built and from where the Castle came into
being. My feeling is that this recently discovered church is the original Saxon
Magdalene church, not demolished but simply built over, forgotten and lost.
Asking Castle Site Co-ordinator Angie Clay (interesting surname for an
archaeologist!) about this, she told me, ‘Unfortunately the size of the excavation
trench is only around 4m2 which means that we are unlikely to be able to find
out any more information about which church it was.
Due to the proximity of other buildings it also means that we are unable to
extend the trench. It is unlikely we will ever be able to conclusively say which
church this could be.’ Even if this is not so, it qualifies rather in a symbolic fashion
as a reminder of her church at a time when discoveries are in the air. Whatever,
it certainly is an impressively significant archaeological find, one that would
have to be dwarfed by comparison if, ironically, the Magdelene figure herself or
artefacts relating to her mystery await a similar reveal only short walk away.
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Jacob’s Christmas Cracker
Time for us now to nip back to the strange stain glass at the Epiphany window
installed in 1907 in the small chapel at Langely endowed by one Jacob CoveJones where ingenious clues are left to lead to a ‘discovery of immense
importance’. For soon after parish priest Berenger Sauniere had set out his
own clues in his Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Chateau others in Stratford
were at it too, equally anxious to guide us to the St Margaret burial grounds in
Lincoln. Had the ‘Spear Shakers’ finally conceded defeat in their efforts to open a
dimensional portal within the Shakespeare church?
In 1835 our Cathedral Code Poet Laureate Lord Tennyson published a poem
containing references to Orion and the Pleiades, in his ‘Locksley Hall’ and in the
1850’s Cove-Jones purchased his Loxley House, likening it to ‘Loxley Hall’. Since
he had a church already on this estate one would ask why he should place his
Epiphany window in chapel seven miles away unless the location had some
unsuspected significance, this being that the window is looking South and at just
five miles in this direction is the Shakespeare church of Holy Trinity when viewed
from Langley at midnight on Epiphany 1907 the year the window was installed,
Orion and the Winter Triangle would be viewed in the heavens above it.
Let us look in depth at this intriguing window. We
will start by comparing the kneeling figure at the
front of the scene, looking very like the St George
figure in the window at
Shakespeare’s church
window at Holy trinity. The
Epiphany scene presumes
to show us that taken from
the 1857 ‘We three kings
of Orient are’, the wellknown Christmas carol. In
a diagonal line and sword
hanging from the belt of
the king in the foreground we can compare the belt of
Orion with sword - or dagger- hanging. If we take a look
at the female and child we can see that the appearance
of the child is arguably female. Above the mothers
head is a red light, which for me indicates the term
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associated with urban areas with a concentration
of prostitution, so here we meet again with the
character assassination of one figure in particular
- Mary Magdalene. There is even a further allusion
provided by the Collective Unconscious that
provided us with another ‘Three Kings, for the same
night of Epiphany 1907 directly over the head of
Orion was Pluto (God of the Underworld), with
both Jupiter (Zeus, King of the Gods) and Neptune
(Poseidon, God of the sea) over his left shoulder Three Great ‘Kings’.
Considering we are at the Nativity we see no
presence of either father Joseph or animals suggesting this is not really the
regular account of the birth of Jesus - no father means the female is not
the Virgin Mary with new born. To the left of the mother and child stands a
shepherds crook with no owner -a hint that we are better off thinking of St
Margaret the shepherdess in whose burial grounds stands our Lincoln Code
Marker tomb? Directly above and behind the head of who I feel is actually
Mary Magdalene ne panel each appears to confirm my suspicion, containing
the letter ‘M’ with a crown on top of it. Together we have ‘MM’, the Queen in
our chess game. Clues that draw our attention to Shakespeare’s own church
appear when we notice that Epiphany is the 12th night after Christmas a time
traditional for tomfoolery, servants dressing as their masters and gender role
reversals, men dressing as woman and vice versa. Leading us
to Shakespeare’s 1601-2 comedy ‘12th Night’, the plot has
a lady disguised as a man in search of her missing brother,
neatly supporting my hypothesis that here is the female
Christ which who was portrayed as a male Jesus. (At the
bottom of the window is an inscription that starts with ‘Jesu
whom’ before the lead casing breaks up the line. Or is it
hinting at Jesu who has womb?) Within the name of one of
the characters in the play, Orsiono, we find ‘Orion’.
Alluding again to the works of our fabled poet, on the cloak
of the middle king there are two ‘B’s - ‘To Be or not to be’
spoken in the tragedy play Hamlet during 1599-1602. The ‘B’
with a crown above it refers us to the Queen Bee, an epithet
of the Mother Goddess archetype whose current conscious
manifestation is the Magdalene.
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Above the illustration of a dove are two small panels of
which the top one contains the lettering ‘IHS’ often a
monogram for Christ but in this instance both ‘I’ and ‘H’
bend into each other providing us with a new monogram
- ‘WS’, William Shakespeare.
The figure in the panel below clearly is wielding a spear,
he is a member of the secretive ‘Spear Shakers’.
The five pointed Epiphany star flies in the face of the six pointed star of
Bethlehem for it is the five pointed bright and morning star of our canine
conundrum Sirius, brightest star in the night sky and known as ‘The bright and
morning star’ and classically depicted as Orion’s dog. An icon of Sirius as a five
pointed star has been found on the walls of the famous Temple of Isis/Hathor at
Dendera in Egypt and in Egyptian mythology Sopdet, deification of Sothis, Sirius,
is depicted as a woman with a five pointed star upon her head. The average
date for Matthew’s Gospel account of the announcement of the birth of Jesus
in relation to a star in the East and the Magi comes was 50AD.The sky at sunset
on 25th December that year, seen from the latitude of Alexandria, has the three
stars of Orion’s belt rising in the east, thus heralding the arrival of the birth-star
Sirius which would follow no more than one hour later.
The tile directly under the star shows architecture,
depicted sloping upwards imply different levels as if
on a hill, a place with a Cathedral and a Castle facing
each other, both with arched entrances below twins
towers - Lincoln Cathedral and Castle. The tile
adjacent and attached to the Cathedral-Castle has
an ‘M’ in gold, the odd one out at The Holy Trinity
church pane, St Margaret standing out from the rest being the only one of the
three where the ‘M’ is in gold. A most telling synchronicity is that the name of
the current Senior Stone Mason at Lincoln Castle is… Heath Shakespeare!
Closest to the church of St Peter, key to the
decoding of our stain glass, and very near to
both Lincoln Cathedral and our Marker tomb, is
the 1781 public house ‘Morning Star’ and the sign
for this inn shows us a bright star indeed, and
above it a Roman soldier spearing a dragon.
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I will explain more of St Peters church soon. The top of the window reads us;
‘Arise shine light on me’, the nearby rooster at the top would crow at dawn, the
time we would expect to see this bright and morning star rising.
‘The Morning Star’ is a 1781 public house close to the Cathedral and where we
will soon return in Lincoln, and here we see the inn sign showing us a star with
a Roman soldier on horse in the act of spearing dragon. Perhaps he is Longinus
with what will become The Nazi sought Spear of Destiny?
Deciding to view the Epiphany Window as map starting with North at the top
then the bearded and dressed in blue third king who being shown in this fashion
resembles the usual portrayal of St Peter would locate in the East. St Peter’s
church in Lincoln, firstly a 11th century church before falling into ruination, is no
distance away from the Cathedral and St Margaret’s burial ground. It had been
quietly acknowledged as being ‘The Freemasons Church’, the foundation stone,
after the second 1781 church was rebuilt, laid in 1869 by a member of Witham
Masonic Lodge in Lincoln by public subscription, mostly from the Freemasons,
and even having a corner stone laying ceremony.
The current Vicar who took over in 2003 aware of, in his estimation, its
undesirable previous history, took an intense dislike to and openly disposed
of the lectern that had Masonic symbology carved upon up, hiding it away,
and has stopped Freemasons holding private services there as they no doubt
had historically. Upon the door of this freemasonic St Peters is the perpetually
maintained same shade of blue worn by our blue king. At The Last Supper, it
is Peter who is at the left of Christ and in our window portrayal we find him
to the left of the Christ child. Traditionally we are to know this St Peter as
gatekeeper holding the keys of heaven and hell, but here in our Mystery he
is guarding the gates that stand firm in the east, for the Lincoln Freemasonic
church is located at St Peter-in-Eastgate.
Our map shows our
Magdalene with red lamp and
crook of St Margaret to the
south west of Peter. Drawing
a path in Google Earth and
click to get measurements, it
was found that the distance
from the Fleur de Lys marker
at St Peter’s church and the
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Margaret burial grounds Marker
Tomb is...681 feet or ‘Paces’…
the ‘Pace 681’ in the Rennes
If we liken the blue lamp above St Peter in the
east also to a bell, a reference to a church with a
bell cote, a bell gable or framework for hanging a
bell or bells, we discover that both Langley chapel
and at St Peters in Lincoln there is a bell cote at
the east end of the roof, the surroundings of the
blue lamp even appear to make the arch shape of
a bell cote. Our other lamp/bell in the West and
would therefore resemble the bell cote hanging
above the red brick of the Langley Chapel.
Here we link both St Peters in Lincoln with the
Warwickshire Chapel. Below St Peter and red
cloaked king we see what appears to be the small
dog and Masonic ‘Einweinhung’ that we find at The
Great East Window of Lincoln Cathedral. Next to
the Epiphany star is a representation of a Phoenix,
and it is known that the constellation of Cygnus
was once part of a larger constellation known as
the Phoenix.
Central within our map the middle king
hold aloft a golden jar with an eagle
upon it, the eagle that is commonly used
to represent the constellation of Aquilla
which, with Cygnus and Lyra, forms The
Summer Triangle.
Three small panes around the edges
of the window show us white five
petaled roses which we find at the
Lord Tennyson statue and also in
Shakespeare’s church.
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Although it can be seen symbolically as a pentagram, it is best known from being
the white rose of Yorkshire and House of York in the Wars of the Roses, fought
between the red rose House of Lancaster and York. Together with Lincoln,
the terrestrial Winter Triangle is made of Pendle Hill in Lancashire and Whitby
Abbey in Yorkshire. Both roses were amicably combined into one Tudor Rose
the upright and inverted pentagram of the blazing Epiphany star of Sirius.
Let us return to the Shakespeare church
at Stratford. The stain glass windows at
the North Wall depicts three people all with identical faces - at the second
window along the North wall flanked on
either side by, on the right, St Etheldreda
and on the left St Bride.
At the centre of this trinity is a regal
looking Margaret in Magdalene red robe
holding a cross in her right hand and a
golden sceptre and a book in her left.
A Patron saint of
pregnant women
and women in childbirth, her initials have her ‘S ’in silver
and in front of this her ‘M’ in gold, the other two saints
having their initials written in the same colour and
displayed equally.
The forefingers of her left hand and the angle of her
sceptre point to golden purse hanging from her belt.
The angle of her sceptre is the same as the line of the
Fosse way which is also the angle of the summer solstice
sunrise and winter solstice sunset. Resembling an arrow,
the top of the sceptre points to Lincoln. In the centre of
the sceptre, the book, equidistant as is Stratford-uponAvon between Glastonbury and Lincoln. Her cross may
be a representation of Cygnus. Underneath her is the
St Margaret
Honoured memory * of Emilie * Vick
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Ignoring the characters in a different case and taking into account symbols
between words, if we count the dots as a character we find 28 in the bottom
line , giving us an alternative reading of the inscription; ‘St Margaret 28’ - the
number of the marker tomb within her Lincoln burial grounds.
Dressed like a nun and wearing crown with a red
flame above, St Etheldreda in the right hand panel of
the window emulates the both other saints with white
cloak trimmed with gold, holds a bunch of white flower
in her right hand pointing to her initials SE, in her left
hand a beautiful white and gold bound book. Her image
strays from the usual where she will be seen holding a
Cathedral. With the written sometime between 15901596 Shakespeare ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in mind,
note that there is only three days difference in the feast
dates for both Margaret (20th June) and Etheldreda
(23rd) the dates the summer solstice always takes place
between, so the proximity of both these saints and the
angle of Margaret’s sceptre seems to be highlighting this
time of year. Mary Magdalene is known as the Red Lady
and an anagram of Etheldreda
provides us with ’The Red
Lade’. This stain glass Etheldreda
gives us a set of three clues;
her association with a Cathedral (missing here), a red
lady, and a SE, or South East, the very corner where at
Lincoln Cathedral we enter the graveyard of St Margaret
to find our Marker Tomb. The inscription under her
feet contains 33 characters, this being the number in
Freemasonry that informs us to be vigilant for clues.
Onto St Bride, a figure we have already came across
in our journey, associated with a potential portal and
etched upon St Michael’s tower at Glastonbury Tor,
who is dressed in blue, holding a shepherds crook in
her right hand and, like the two other saints, a book in
her left. In her blue robe reminding us of the mother
in the Epiphany map, her title of ‘Bride’ is more likely to
be hinting us that this is not the Virgin Mary but Mary
Magdalene the alleged bride of a male Jesus.
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The Epiphany lady dressed in blue has a red lamp over her head, a dove sitting
above her right shoulder and a shepherdess’ crook near to her left. Looking
facially like the Epiphany mother, Bride, a Patron saint of babies and illegitimate
births and midwives, is dressed in blue, a dove flying towards her face, and she
holds a shepherdess crook.
The blue robe duplicates the same blue worn by St Peter and the shade at St
Peters church in Lincoln. Bride, too, has an inscription at her feet;
…of which the hidden anagram is;
Now allow me to explain how we can interpret this coded inscription as it
was meant. Our Cathedral Code St Margaret’s church was demolished in 1781
and that year there was the amalgamation of Margaret-In-The-Close with
the parish of St Peter-in-Eastgate, our concealed Freemasonic church, thus St
Margaret became the WIFE or BRIDE of St Peter in EAST Gate, the WIFE , with
the demolition of her church, DIE d. If we take a look at the crook held by St
Bride, we see if points up the word ‘WIFE’, for not only are we to receive this
understanding of St Margaret becoming the bride of St Peter but it also serves
to remind us of the previously held secret that Mary Magdalene was once
thought to have been the BRIDE of Christ.
There is yet still more to share as we travel along the Fosse Way and back to
St Peters-in-Eastgate in Lincoln and to the East wall of the church to a window
which is part of the south aisle sitting above aside altar dedicated to St Margaret.
The window above St Margaret altar has five panels, but rather like St Michael in
the St George/St Michael window within Shakespeare’s church she is notable by
her absence. Although she can be located in the Holy Trinity church on a plinth
as a statue should, back in the porch of Peter’s church in Lincoln the plinth is
empty, above it the wording:
Carved adornments above the plinth closely resemble those above the image
of Margaret at Holy Trinity. There is a small picture of Christ dressed in red but
cloaked in blue sitting on the plinth at St Peters, a subtlety that may well suggest
that by finding St Margaret we will also find the female Christ.
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I am hoping I am constantly providing you evidence of sorts that suggest that
this is indeed what we may well have gone and done.
Thus far we have tackled the very far out (but hopefully nearing) subject of
portals, windows on other worlds, and a hypothesis that Lincoln is linked to
Glastonbury in this respect. The importance and role of efforts in Stratfordupon-Avon, the Shakespeare tomb, the ‘Spear Shakers’ and the Epiphany
Window at Langley, seem to have played their collective part in returning
us back to Lincoln as it appears that any potential portal at Stratford only
confirmed as a sealed vacuum, as empty and devoid as possibly Shakespeare’s
tomb may be of his bones. Could it be that straightforward? Find the Magdalene,
placed at a shifting earth grid power point, and you find a means whereby you
can communicate with the Stars? (Or one in particular).
I think we can all agree about the changes that visible around us, increasing
global natural disasters and the dramatic climactic changes in our weather
patterns that are bringing all sorts of chaos to our continents. Those axiatonal
lines, the earth’s meridians and matrices upon her energy grid at this time
of general upheaval are changing also, channels of resonance are shifting,
responsible for both tectonic plates and mental stress, as sensitive people
struggle tuning their bodies in relationship to the earth body, bringing about
changes in location for people not only the meridians in this preparatory birth
of consciousness.
If what we call a ‘portal’ is a tunnel, then it has an entry-exit point at both
ends with a vacuum (Stratford, in our case) in the middle. Whilst the Tor at
Glastonbury has had long associations with other worldly communications,
Lincoln has lain dormant, sleeping.
The focus of the energy once simply associated with the Isle of Avalon of
Glastonbury is shifting, manifesting itself at the opposite end of the tunnel, a
birth canal, for along with the Magdalene a place of communication awaits
exposure at the New Jerusalem of Lincoln, where the pause of the planetary
menopause, the change in life, a new consciousness, hides within the word in
anagram - ‘open sesame’ - concealed in the magical phrase where the mouth of
a cave concealing treasure, opens.
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Supermen and Stupa Men
Now we will take a closer look at the Nazi push for world supremacy and its
causation and try to show how it has something of a noticeable entanglement
with, of all places, the peaceful Tibetans. I will justify why I feel this is necessary
in the final few sentences of the chapter. It is the final days of World War
Two. Inside a cave in Central Europe American troops have made a startling
discovery. It is a vast hoard of secretive Nazi files and documents revealing one
of the Third Reich’s most nefarious ventures - a hunt to locate what was to
their beliefs the lost Aryan civilisation of Supermen from which they embraced
as their true origin of descent, a bold move to enhance and strengthen
A global search was undertaken to find the lost island of Atlantis and an
expedition sent to the Himalayan range with the objective of finding evidence
and traces of the Master Race - in Tibet - Himmler believing that the Aryan
master race had been weakened after the survivors of Atlantis mixed with the
Tibetans. Put under one obsessive banner it was to be the search for the Holy
Grail and he was so confident of finding it that he had prepared an empty plinth
in the basement at a castle at Wewelsburg in Westphalia, where it would sit
awaiting, a focus for the rebirth of The Knights of the Round Table with unknown
rites performed there.
Inflectional prehistorian Gustav Kossinna is thought to have been the first force
to influence with both his ideas and theories impressing both Nazi organisations
Amt Rosenberg and German-enerbe. The starting pistol was sounded when it
was said that Germany had been the cradle of civilisation. Stating that an ethnic
region should be recognised on material culture provided by an archaeological
site’s excavation, this justified, in their minds, taking over the lands of Poland
and Czechoslovakia. Comparing their history to the Roman Empire minus the
destruction of culture, and citing the French as just as culpable, the Nazi ideology
propelled itself forward as being the laudable foundation as locomotive for
the civilised world. Introducing culture and science as one thing, certain raceinherent values were thrown into the melting pot reincorporating sagas, stories
and legend into the mainstream culture and here on began an impatient march
to find the lost Atlantean Supermen that this new Germany aspired itself to be.
The SS brought in the reversed Swastika originally a symbol of peace, love and
good luck, Germanic legends and runic symbology and an insistence that the
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scientist of this Empire far outstripped any assumptions made by ’lesser race’
counterparts. The newly illuminated German was a ’pure Aryan’, survivors of a
natural catastrophe and during a long migration to Germany had developed an
envious and unparalleled culture. Claiming that certain Indo-Germanic artefacts
had been found in Greece, the Greeks were then included into their rapidly
snobbish equation referring to tem as Germanic, supported by a nefariously
spurious archaeology that would support any of their claims.
Soon I will share my thoughts concerning something of a new race, hiding no
excuse for the ambiguity of the word either for it seems that perhaps there is
some sort of ‘race’ going on, invariably one would think the between those two
age old warring factions of good and bad, or Light and Dark, both racing to
reach a finish post or goal so that this ancient battle can be declared over with
the arrival of a winner produced by evolution. Everything is subject to change so
it should come as no surprise that the human brain too has been mutating for
some time to provide us with this new race of still yet developing neurological
evolution. It could loosely be described as a super race for when it is perfected,
in time, it will be such a proposition. In the meanwhile we must regress a period
and remind ourselves of how not to so long ago there was a race whose
ambition was to trace what they thought was their origins and what an origin it
declared itself to be. On the one hand it was the survivors of the lost Atlantis,
and on the other it was what we refer to as the Aryan. Supermen - which if
nothing else is sexist to say the least!
And to embark on this search it was representatives of the German race who
thought it necessary to involve themselves in the affairs of the Forbidden Land
of mystical Tibet, laying the initial foundation for a theme that I have chosen
to highlight in what I believe is its evolved form, and which we will investigate
soon, the Nazis placing themselves in the middle of the common denominators
of Buddhism and their sought after Super Race, a very unlikely candidate for a
hidden ‘bloodline’. It is well known how high ranking Nazis, Himmler and Hess in
particular, in the year 1938-9, at the invitation of the Tibetan government sent an
expedition to Tibet in time for their New Year celebrations.
‘The Racial Elements of European History’ published by Hans Gunther in 1927
examined of busts and pictures of a selection of noted Europeans in an effort to
discern the strain of ancestry they might have. He described Leonardo Da Vinci,
Poussin and Tennyson all as Nordic, and that Shakespeare’s ideal of beauty was
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Much of an initial Nazi interest in what was to become for all to see an
unhealthy occult interest and fanaticism can be traced back to Friedrich
Nietzsche emphasis on the concept of the Superman in his 1888 work ‘The
Antichrist’ when alluding to Germanic stock he began with the following words
‘Let us see ourselves for what we are. We know well enough how we are
living off that track.’ The May 1938 to August ‘39 expedition to Tibet was led by
SS officer and zoologist Ernst Schafer, Himmler, fascinated by Asian mysticism,
desiring that once there research should follow the example and guidelines of
‘Glacial Cosmogony’ as promoted by the SS Ancestral Heritage Society. Himmler
was keen to pursue claims that early Aryans in 2000Bc had conquered much
of Asia, neither China nor Japan exempt. It was taken for granted that Buddha
himself was an Aryan offspring of Nordic descent, and it was later stated that
owing to them both having common heritage, Hitler and Buddha’s ideologies
corresponded. After an internal dispute the expedition was eventually organised
under the condition that all its members joined the SS.
Further argumentation ensued when Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels
maintained that the real reason behind the expedition was not scientific but
of apolitical and military nature, and eventually the expedition was not after all
sponsored by Himmler’s SS. Whereas one opinion was that the idea was to
establish base there from which to attack British troops in India, the other was
that the German presence on the Roof of the World was to confirm the Nazi
racial theory of Aryan settlers in the land. What may actually have transpired is
still open to question and whereas most historians would like to wave away any
indication of the Germans seeking to prise from the Tibetans anything they may
like to have shared by way of mysticism - most likely through Lamaism - authors
Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier stirred up an occult storm when their best
seller book ‘The Morning of the Magicians’ was published in 1960.
Their claim was that after Berlin fell to the Russians approximately one thousand
dead Tibetans, presumably monks and liable suicides, some say by knife stroke
to the stomach, were discovered in a cellar all wearing the German uniform
minus any indication of rank, although other versions have the number varying
for only six to one thousand. Having allegedly some association with the wearing
of green gloves, these were Tibetan adepts fetched over to commandeer certain
magical rituals.
Another story associated with this is that Hitler was supposed to have imported
a Tibetan High Lama to advise him during the war, and he was referred to as
‘The Man with the Green Glove’.
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Prior to the well-publicised expedition to Tibet in 1938, it has been whispered
that similar expeditions from within Germany had started as early as 1926
and ending in 1942 with the intent of seeking out the cave oracles and their
prophecies to further the Nazi cause. Speculation would have us believe that
under heavy Nazi security certain adepts - ‘The Society of Green Men - were
sought out and returned to Germany to form Lodges of which if any Berlin
seems to be the most favoured one to place any belief in. Failure of these
Tibetan mystics to later the course of the war precipitated the falling out
of favour and grace of this ‘Society of Green men’ their dwindling remnants
eliminated in 1959 after the Chinese annexation of Tibet.
Had the Nazis really at some stage bled the archives of the monasteries of Tibet
to find the evidence they were searching for to learn the purest preserved form
of mankind’s esoteric history and its connection with the Nordic race? Had
they been left heavenly star struck by their meditating mystical Buddhist hosts
assembled round their religious stupa monuments?
Prior to Tibet, numerous voyages were launched by the Himmler inspired
Ahnenerbe ‘Inheritance of the Forefathers’ institute with the intention of bringing
back proof that prehistoric Nordic populations relegated to mythology had once
ruled the world.
In 1936 a voyage was despatched with chosen representatives to record pagan
sorcerers and witches of the Karelia region of Finland. Petroglyph rock cravings
were investigated upon the region of South western Sweden’s Bohuslan, in the
belief that here was the most ancient of writing systems. Later that year the
German Island of Rugen and onto Backa where belonged the first recorded
rock art site in Sweden, ideograms containing lines and circles that the Nazis
were convinced were evidence of along lost alphabet.
The next trek took them to Norway’s island of Lauvoylandet, and after that Val
Cominica one of the largest valleys in the central Alps, eastern Lombardy with
the express intention to study prehistoric rock inscriptions there, the result
of this being the claim that traces of Nordic runes had been found there on
the rocks, the consequent conclusion being that ancient Rome had originally
descended from the Nordic and had been involved in an intercine struggle
involving Nordic and Semitic peoples. Bucharest, Istanbul, Athens, Lebanon,
Damascus, through Babylon, Baghdad and Assur before the final destination was
reached at the ruins of Hatra on the border of the Roman and Persian empires.
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A third Germanic expedition to the Antarctic took place in 1938-39, further
activity in 1937-38 saw excavating of the Grosse Hueneberg within the Murg
valley in the west of the northern Black Forest and probing of the Mauern caves
of the southern Jura mountains of Bavaria.
After leaving behind the caves of the Dordogne in 1941 interest turned to the
Bayeux Tapestry overseeing its transportation from the Cathedral in Bayeux
to Juaye-Mondaye and its notable abbey in the north west of France before
removal to the Chateau de Sourches, three years failing to retrieve it from a
basement in the Louvre owing to the proximity of the French Resistance in the
area. Other global expeditions were planned but for one reason or other failed
to materialise.
Whatever the reality, or lack of it, concerning German magical relations with
Tibet, there is at least one other and more recent other factual connection I
can share and it is where the past meets with the near present. Hitler once had
himself a property built on the top of a mountain on the border to Austria,
allowing him his express desire to view one mountain in particular, bordering
Germany and Austria - it was the ‘magical’ mountain of Untersberg, from where
deep within, he believed, harboured a mystical power that if he could access and
tap would be immeasurably to his advantage in overcoming his enemies and a
war that was he was losing. He viewed Unterberg from his spacious living room
window and also had a telescope trained on it outside.
During his 1992 visit to Salzberg in Austria, the Dalai Lama made a specific
request. He asked to be shown Untersberg and furthermore proclaimed it to
be a ’sleeping dragon’ and the heart chakra of the world! One wonders where
he got his information and arrived at conclusion for that, but there we have it
both Germany and Tibet sharing common thread again.
What could have happened if Hitler had successfully gotten his hands on
magical tools he could have used in his maniacal drive to promote his country
as a marching army of Supermen unleashed on all four corners of the globe?
Germany, being such a small country makes the proposition look risible.
Historians still refuse to acknowledge any occult influences in his regime and
yet by the very fact that he reversed the symbol of the swastika to use as his
flag is enough for me to think there must have been more to all this than simply
fanciful. His ‘Seig Heil’ salute is used by the magical Golden Dawn as their sign of
Gelator…more evidence, or Dark Ages coincidence?
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I have a curious story to tell that may involve reversal, brain reversal.
In 2000 I was related an anecdotal account from a Mr Clipsham who had been
a painter and decorator, living in Lincoln. He had a very traumatic accident falling
from a two storey window and the subsequent injury to his brain required prefrontal surgery with some of the brain being removed, leaving him with a rather
severe indent to the right hand side of his head.
After long recuperation from the trauma Mr Clipsham then found her had
inherited a fanatical interest and obsession with Hitler and the Nazis, something
that he had no previous attraction to whatsoever.
Such was the intensity of this monopoly on his life, his psychiatrist made it a
case history study declaring it unheard of. Injured in his right brain hemisphere
may well have stimulated an area in his left brain hemisphere owing to how the
right brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa and, in this particular
sense, how fascism is termed ‘Far Right or Right Wing’ in politics.
Was it significant that Mr Clipsham had been painter-decorator, as we are told
had been the Fuhrer before his political career?
‘The Magical Battle of Britain’ by Dion Fortune reveals how immediately after
war was declared in 1939 she began a series of instructive letters to
members of her ‘Fraternity of the Inner Light’ occult order organising
formulated visualisations or ‘seed ideas in the group mind of the race’ archetypes - invoking protection from the angelic hierarchy, magical meditations
to be performed each Sunday based on Golden Dawn protective ritual to
stir up a vortex of psychic imagery from the British ‘National Spirit’ which
she believed resided in Glastonbury alongside the Tor. She led magical ritual
attacks involving ‘astral plane’ battles her workers armed with visualised swords
and flaming torches aimed at Germany and into both headquarters and even
bedrooms of the main Nazi protaganists.
As a trained and practicing psychotherapist as well as any liable magician,
perhaps Fortune’s psychology - or magic - added to and bolstered the already
accumulating so called ‘Blitz Spirit’ an archetype of its own in the making.
Could Hitler have enacted his own negative version if he hadn’t been halted?
Was he fated not to invade the land that hid the one most treasured artefact he
was seeking?
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At least Dion was in good company. John Dee, Court magician and spy to
Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1588 was credited with the conjuration of a powerful
gale forcing the Spanish Armada to retreat in disarray and British south coast
witches similarly credited with turning back Napoleon’s 1807 invasion with their
psychological - or magical - rituals to instil within the French the doubt that they
could safely traverse the sea.
If Hitler had conquered or made inroads into England it is a certainty that his
aerial attacks would have laid waste if they could to Lincoln Cathedral which
was a marker for British aviators, and in doing so would have also destroyed the
hiding place of his sought after Grail.
As promised I will now explain the justification of why I have tackled this
Chapter. Hitler was searching for two things - archaeological evidence of the
origin of the Germanic race being Aryan and a holy artefact though to give
victory to anyone who would possess it. The name of the tomb that conceals
this ‘Grail’ is Rayner.
The double irony is that it is an anagram revealing Rayner = Rayna = ARYAN.
The double irony is that the entanglement with the search for the Grail and the
Germanic ensues for the geophysicist who GPR scanned my Cathedral Code
Rayner tomb site on April 16th 2011, - although I must make clearly plain not of
any Nazi-style persuasion - WAS a German from Hamburg.
With all the nations of the world to choose from, did he have to be?
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Remote Control
In October of 2013 a remote chance presented itself to my Lincoln Cathedral
Code. I had already consulted the starry heavens for clues and had the good
fortune of an unexpected GPR scan take place at the marker tomb location,
what and where else, or who else, could I enlist? I had recently watched the BBC
TV screening of ‘Uri Geller - Psychic Spy’ reminding me of how in the past Uri
had apparently been involved in all manners of subterfuge in a psychic fashion
involving the CIA and possibly Mossad. The programme seem to cast a little
further light on the last two organisations - the CIA we pretty much knew about
from Uri’s own admission - and the Argentinian Government turned out the
surprise package with well, maybe yes for Mossad involvement.
I had made Uri aware of my own inroads into my Cathedral Code some years
back and knew also that in 2009 he had acquired Lamb Island, a small volcanic
outcrop in the Firth of Forth north of Edinburgh, one of three rocky outcrops,
which he claims which he claims mirror the lay out of the Giza pyramids and
which conceals somewhere within its 100m long x 50m wide an Egyptian
treasure, and so we had something in common - allocation concealing some
sort of ‘treasure’. Whereas I have managed to nominate a precise location,
Uri seems to be struggling to find his own, which one would think a little bit
surprising given that he has used his talents to locate gold and oil for magnate
companies having met him in 2001 I asked him if he would be up for ‘remote
viewing’ my location to see what he might be able to tune into and ‘see’ there.
Defined as ‘a human perceptual ability to access, by mental means alone,
information blocked by normal perception by distance, shielding, or time’, Jung
thought it possible, and that is a good enough recommendation for me. Usually
referred to as RV, this technique is available to talented individuals a little bit
distinct from simply being that of a ‘psychic’, and is a practice where one can
seek impressions about a distant or unseen object using the subjective means
of sensing with the mind, or ESP. It has been suspected that the dark face of
Germany with Hitler and Himmler employed the technique - maybe with the
help of Tibetan Green gloved assistance?
Surely if the planet has its own Collective Unconscious it will know where
objects hidden from sight to humans are placed and can relay this information
through ‘sensitive’ seekers attuned to the planetary vibration, quantum
entanglement or ‘memory’? Distinguishing the term from clairvoyance, the RV
term was coined way back in the 70’s by the double act of pioneering physicists
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Russel Targ and Harold Puthoff during their parapsychology research at Stanford
Research Institute, headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Clearly Puthoff
wasn’t going to be put off. When documents were declassified from the $20
million research programme sponsored in 1975 by the American Government
Stargate Project using psychic phenomenon to determine if it had a worth
as a military action, the term RV really took off, introducing itself into public
awareness, despite the termination of the project in 1995 apparently having
produced no intelligence information. Of course, there are those who say this
was just a front and that experiments are still being conducted and talented
individuals sought for them.
Uri had undertaken experiments at Stanford and these are quite well
documented, and with some interesting results it must be said, however when
I spoke with him last in August 2013, before he left to return to Israel as him
home after 34 years here in the UK, he declined to involve himself in my own
project. I have often wondered exactly why I became entangled with Uri and
was always keen to tell him so many things of my own. I wonder, as we
both seems to be entangled with High Strangeness concerning all things
tellurian, or of the earth, I was unconsciously compelled to ‘Tell Uri’…from the
word ‘Tellurian’! When we look at his name ‘Uri Geller’ we hear an alternative
‘You wriggler’ and with the word ‘wriggle’ meaning ‘to twist to and fro’ and ‘to
use evasive tricks’, both descriptions spring to mind how he presents whilst
bending spoons! One further meaning of ‘wriggle’ is ‘a sinuous marking or bend’
- more spoons?
Since my location has been made public, invariably it has drawn a lot of visitors
to it, many who openly declare themselves as psychic, and on occasions, if I have
been available I have joined them during their scrutiny of the marker tomb.
As one might expect there have been all sorts of developments, perhaps my
favourite curio being when suddenly from out of nowhere as we stood around
it on an Autumnal afternoon the entire tomb was covered by what must have
been thousands of ladybirds, with no as much as one other insect about in the
area! The entanglement here is when we look at the patronal Banner of Lincoln
Cathedral, for contained upon it is…a ladybird!
In 2007 I enlisted the assistance of proven dowser Terry Welbourn who was
living in Lincoln at the time but now resides in Grantham. Terry is co-author of
the book ‘Echoes of the Goddess: A Quest for the Sacred Feminine in the British
Landscape’, along with Templar author Simon Brighton who also lived in Lincoln
and who was one of the early investigators in Temple Bruer.
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It was Terry, whose cousin the BBC correspondent Peter Clawson alerted my
attention to the mysterious ‘Wyville Document’ within Grantham Library, that
entangles with my Code and its location. Naturally, Terry knew a bit about my
work and agreed to dowse at the St Margaret’s burial grounds to see what
might transpire. I had asked him if we could keep a low profile on this one for
obvious reasons with every intention that I would be keeping my self well away
at a distance from the activity, and so it was a little along the lines of situation
comedy and not quite what I was expecting when he turned up on his bicycle at
6pm in the Autumn evening just as the light was rapidly fading, wearing a bright
yellow fluorescent jacket ready to glow in the dark!
I tasked him to dowse for any hidden artefact and it took him no time at all to
get into his stride. To add to the comedy it would have been very difficult for
any on looking passer-bys to have actually seen he was holding his divining rods,
and so to any puzzled audience they would see a fellow in a glowing yellow
jacket wandering about in a burial ground zig-zagging in all directions like a fly,
excitedly shouting developments over to a person who wasn’t visible, as I was
neatly hiding behind a sufficiently distant oak tree, and when a car window
wound down had its angry driver shout over, ’Get out, it’s a graveyard!’ I think
Terry was too buried in his own thoughts and probably didn’t hear this curt bit
of advice which I wholeheartedly took on board but without sometimes having
to take on that which would be easier to evade you risk making no progress at
all. ( I once was with some American tourists who without warning dove under
the rope sealed off area of the Choir Stalls to drop on all fours and lift the lid
upon the Sub-Dean’s seat to peep at the concealed wooden carved ’Falling
Knight’ Cathedral Code that is there, much to the chagrin of a watching frocked
Cathedral personnel).
Enough of my painting the scene in a somewhat slightly light hearted sense for
it was in fact a very sensitive issue and one from which Terry most certainly
excelled. When he had concluded, his twitching rods had outlined the very
ground plan of the St Margaret’s church that had stood there until 1781 and he
took delight in pointing out where the entrances had once been and the length
and breadth of its structure.
At Temple Bruer dowsing rods suddenly cross when you reach the four corners
inside the Preceptory - not only have I witnessed Tony Peart demonstrate but
he invited me to have a go, and although I had never dowsed in my life there
was no doubting the magnetic surge when this does happen!
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Terry told me, (and I recall his shouting over when it happened) that when he
stood less than eighteen inches to the left corner of my Cathedral Code Marker
tomb he and his rods received what he said was the biggest hit of his dowsing
career, the biggest ever ‘hot spot’ and that the hairs stood up on the back of his
neck. Given that he was instructed to search for ‘a lost artefact’, I have no option
but to warm myself to this find.
I have also stood there and watched how a dowsing lady’s trusty pendulum
suddenly stopped dead from its clockwise spinning motion and then frantically
span anti-clockwise. Authoress Claire Nahamd describes in her book ‘The
Coming of the Holy Grail’, how her psychic co-author Margaret Bailey had a
lucid dream whilst peering into the vault below the marker tomb; ’Suddenly
from out of the vault there rushed a great plume of brilliant white light like a
fire fountain that encircled and glorified all the world.’ Although these accounts
are all appearing to be individual it must be said that none of them appear to
conflict, there is room for them all! One might say that if ten psychics were
asked to offer information on say, allocation, they would all arrive at the same
conclusion, but psychism doesn’t appear to work like that, as each different
psychic might tune into the location at a different time in its history or even
dimensional level. Dr Manjir Samatha-Laughton might best explain this by way
of her deduction that an understanding of consciousness is fundamental and
influences reality and as we seem to be living in a universe of many dimensions
- certainly more than three - how we vibrate determines the dimension we
In 2006 I asked my portal hunting friend Brian Allan if he would show a
photograph of the marker tomb to any psychic he was familiar with and could
trust, as I know Brian has also utilised their services in his many ventures into
Rosslyn Chapel, with the proviso that he gave them no information at all about
the photo. The psychic gave me yet another very interesting reply which I
will quote word for word here form the email Brian sent me; ‘There is a man
carrying double handed executioner’s sword and there is a woman, or very
effeminate man, kneeling in front of this headstone. I also see a hound of some
sort. Someone keeps saying Francais, Francais…and a bell has appeared in front
of me. That’s all I get.’
When I asked another portal seeker, Swedish psychic Raven Janssen, for her
assistance she told me this; ‘ I travelled a bit with my remote viewing and I
tried to ask the Magdalene to show me anything for you. There were so many
pictures, and it shifts in a milli-second, so it’s hard to keep up.
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She showed me convent walls, church walls, flowers, nuns and some females
buried, a female figured coffin. I was in the grave and it was put down vertical
like this sign - / - and then she took me to a large black headstone within a
church and I couldn’t work out the name, but I saw one thing; XVI. I wasn’t
allowed to see anymore, the journey ended at the headstone. I was also told
that I am not allowed to go any further with this, it’s your Quest they said.’ The
angle Raven mentioned the grave was laid down was confirmed by the later
2010 GPR scan.
Newcastle psychic medium Nina Hall, consultant at of Divine Light Aura
Photography therapy has also visited the tomb and says ,’I feel there is a female
energy hidden and an emerald crystal ring that has been used for both good
and bad purposes there is something hidden and a hidden vault.’ Nina located
tunnels and also kept getting an inference to the astrological word ‘Saturn’ which
interests me for this ancient Roman god is the god of Time, and it may well be
that at this location we have a specific Time-Space vortex.
Just a when I thought I had heard from all participants and contributors into
visits to the Marker tomb perhaps the greatest of them all put in an unexpected
appearance in 2013, and as I expect to be taken at face and faith value in all
my accounts, I too return this respect to those who share theirs with me. This
individual, a young 25 year old female living in Lincoln, whom I will refer to as
‘Carla’ as she wishes anonymity, has a private history of her own unexpected
sudden and puzzling consciousness shifts - or ‘Zone outs’ as she call them, quite
similar to Dr Manjir Samantha-Laughton - contacted me after having seen
my USA Movie Documentary on YouTube. She relates her psychic Cathedral
experiences as thus;
‘The reason I am so interested in your Magdalene research at the Cathedral is
because I have always felt that there was a secret there that keeps everyone ‘in
line’. Even from a child I always feel as though the Cathedral is watching over
everyone in a scary, guarded way, yet I still sort of felt ‘pulled’ towards it. Plus a
few strange things have happened to me there that I didn’t really understand
until I read some of your work. About 6-7 years ago when I felt a bit down, a
few times I found myself sat at Tennyson’s statue sort of thinking things through
when I had some strange experiences. I kept getting messages and visions
that something was hidden there that I should look for or know about. It kept
coming back to me that something important was hidden there. I was guided
by an energy around the outside of the cathedral to a grave stone and it
concentrated its energies there.
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I touched the stone with the palms of my hands and I felt dragged below
ground, the sense of falling went on for ages and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
I stopped falling then there was a super powerful feeling washing over me,
I couldn’t see anything, everything looked bright white. I had no idea how
long this went on for but the next thing I knew was that I was sat back at
the Tennyson statue and life was continuing around me as normal.’ After
watching my Movie documentary, this lady realised that the gravestone she had
encountered in her ‘vision’ was the Lincoln Cathedral Code Marker tomb which
she visited for confirmation. Arriving there she placed her hands upon the tomb
to see if anything would happen and she felt pulled towards the sky and was
looking down at the tomb but could also see herself standing there next to the
stone with her hands upon the top of it. She continues her own meditations
concerning what appears to be her ‘involvement’ and believes the Secret is ,’In
some way linked to an event that will take place that will ultimately leave the
Guardians of the planet, the humans, with a choice between ultimate good and
pure evil.’
Ever looking for any means that might expand liable evidence of a ‘something’
at my Marker tomb, and especially as I was now entering into the equation
the possibility of inter-dimensions amalgamating or occupying the space within
space at the spot, I decided to return my thoughts again in the direction of the
phenomenon of Remote Viewing and any benefits it could possibly bring. Where
is the harm in considering everything leaving no stone unturned, throwing
everything into the melting pot and into the mix and then seeing what we can
weed and seed out and what correspondence and reinforce itself - I anything?
Surely this is true spirit of an investigator and journalist? In my career, if I may call
it that, of investigating High Strangeness - some of my own volition and some
that has impinged itself upon me - I have never been afraid to go straight to the
top, to approach the very best in their field.
Of course this has one major drawback - so do everyone else thus increasing
their workload and making it impossible for them to help out, as I found when
I optimistically sent my ‘Buddha and the Autist’ to Austrian born American
physicist Fritjof Capra, author of the 1975 best seller ‘The Tao of Physics’, who
receives some much literature it is fairer to treat everyone the same and decline
attempting to ready any of it.
Then there are the instances of how circumstances in general simply elect to
defat you in your choosing.
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During the early eighties I had decided that I would like to announce myself to
Maxine Sanders, wife of media celebrity ‘King of the Witches’ Alex, and today
a respected Priestess of the Sacred Mysteries, her life has been full of High
Strangeness and I thought she would be an interesting personality to learn from.
Circumstances wasn’t having it though, and it was the controversial and infamous
Alex introduced himself into my arena or a few years instead. Only as recent as
the last two years I thought, better late than never I would try again to
catch up with Maxine and her life story, but Just as it was shaping up to be a
reality tragically her son had a stroke and she retired from her work to daily
care for him.
In this respect of approaching the best man or woman for the job, for some
time I had had my eye on the American Joe McMoneagle who had been
involved in both U.S Army Intelligence and Stanford Research Institute remote
viewing experiments being one of the original officers in the top secret Stargate
Project. I find it amusing that he has ‘eagle in his surname as the eagle eye is
among the strongest in the animal kingdom estimated at 4-8 times stronger than
that of the average human. Throughout his career he had been acknowledged
as by the U.S army’s psychic intelligence as their ‘remote Viewer No. 1’. Joe will
be the first to tell you that remote viewing is possible and accurate outside the
boundaries of time and has claimed that himself he has RV into the past, present
and future. I attempted to connect with Joe in 2006 just as he was entering into
an absence of leave rom is work owing to ill health and having to have a surgery
requiring lengthy recuperation, and so, respectfully, I left Joe alone.
Back in 2013 then, and I am thinking as my on work had taken me away from
the expectancy of France and back to Blighty,‘Let’s keep this British’…and
if I were to enlist any available and willing RV I’d seek one out in the British
isles. Enter one Daz Smith from Bath, Somerset. He may have a bit of a bland
name but what this fellow achieves is anything but. Daz, trained in the military
technique CRV ((Controlled Remote Viewing) has been viewing in the UK since
1997 and has worked on over 140 missing persons cases for the U.S Police.
I contacted Daz in October 2012 but unfortunately in my initial haste told
him a little overmuch involving my Cathedral Code, as his August 12th email
elucidates; ‘ Dan, this sounds very interesting and IS along the line of things I find
interesting - but I am afraid you have already told me the target and remote
viewing projects insist that the RV be BLIND to all target information, so it’s not
something that I can personally participate in anymore as a remote viewer.’
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Damn, I had just shot myself in the foot! However, to give you the shorthand
version, Daz came back with a very kind offer. Running a small team of viewers
himself he offered me their assistance, individuals whom I would know nothing
about, who or where they were and he would send them in blind during
September to view my sarcophagus shaped anomaly known only to them as a
co-ordinate. (In January 2014, again only using a co-ordinate, they took a look at
the second anomaly, the metal oblong box).
By the first week of October he contacted me to with an initial run of RV work
back from the guys and was studying the input. By 17th he announced that a
lot of the data appointed to ‘a boxed structure underground, some of it
referring to ‘a mummy/dead life’ and some of it pointing to something more with
energy and crystal.
Already, without me taking a look at a summarised report, it was sounding
interesting and, as remote viewers claim to be able to delve into infinite
dimensions also, I was made to wonder if their capacity had allowed them
to peep beyond the veil into the unexpected reality of inter-penetrating
dimensional space at my Marker Tomb location. When I saw the Report in
late December it certainly was full of interest, Daz informing me that ‘There
does seem to be themes within the data that corresponds to each other data
- and bear in mind all these were all done blind, from people using different
methods from all over the globe. Within the RV data there is also mentions of
‘underground’, maybe not made by ‘man’, impressions of old/biblical I n nature
and so on that have not really highlighted in the Report.’
Here are just a few preliminary observations of my own; certainly of interest
are the references to ‘strange’, ‘out of place’, ‘mis-used’, ‘cloaked’, ‘manipulated’,
‘unusual presence’, ‘potential to release energy’ and ‘cause a difference in the
energy levels above it.’ One dowser who often visits the Marker tomb whenever
she is in Lincoln has told me that whenever she has tried to dowse around the
Marker tomb she gets wildly inconsistent results as if something has altered the
energy signature virtually every time she visits. Now, if there is a ‘something’
giving off a low frequency energy below, it would definitely disturb the energies
around there. Naturally the question to ask is, what could it be? One viewer
said they felt like they were entering a village like place, which very accurately
describes what the Minster Close really is. Also of curiosity and interest are the
comments made by ‘Viewer R’ in their picture that show musical notes coming
from it, and another makes reference to a ‘ring or key that has further use’.
Portal related?
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One Viewer uses the words ‘Prophecy’, ‘Ancient/Aged’ and ‘ARC’ and ‘Gabriel’s
Horn’ - not only the name referring to the tradition identifying the Archangel
Gabriel as the angel blowing the trumpet announcing Judgement Day but also a
geometric figure with infinite surface area but finite volume, and even draws us
a little doodle that we could say looks like Noah’s Ark.
The Ark of the Covenant is believed by some to give off a low hum/buzz/
vibration the power of which supposedly brought down the walls of Jericho. Two
cherubim, supposedly Gabriel and Michael with swan-like wings on top of the
Ark guarded the Gates of Heaven which makes the reference to Gabriel’s horn
quite an interest - could it refer to a sound emitted by the Ark, a sophisticated
geoplasmic device (according to author Graham Phillips) that could emit fire,
clouds and balls of light as well as sound.
This was to do with the properties of two stone tablets (rocks) inside it when
in conjunction with running water and the stones of fire (crystals) originally
in the biblical Breastplate of judgement that the high Priest who operated the
Ark wore. And do not forget, the Judgement Porch at Lincoln Cathedral faces
straight across to our marker tomb, suggesting in the least, that there is some
entanglement here to unknot. The results from the second anomaly were just as
interesting. So much to contemplate, and feel free to do so as I have presented a
brief summary of both Reports for you in an Addendum at the end of the book.
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The Coming of Maitreya
Since 2005 I have been investigating and presenting the coded language
employed by the Knights Templar in much of my work, a communication thought
by many to have been carried on by Freemasonry. It has been given various
titles which include that of Bird Ogham, the Language of the birds postulated
in medieval literature and occultism as a divine mystical angelic or Enochian
language originating, as its title suggests, from birds. Futhermore, I knew it as
the Green language of the alchemist Fulcanelli, his ‘phonetic law’ and ‘spoken
cabala’ encapsulated in the geometry and stone architecture of the alchemically
structured Gothic cathedrals, the very reason why I chose my surname as an
appropriate pseudonym. It is safe to say that this phonetic and punning multilingual word play has been with us for centuries, but even it must have an origin
and indeed it has, a Lost Mother Tongue which to find we must traverse far East
and to the Himalayas of Tibet…..
My initial interest in all things Tibetan came when as a youngster I read that
the Tibetans had catalogued 49 levels of consciousness whilst we in the West
recognised only two - drunk and sober! I simply had to learn more and so I
stayed at a Tibetan Centre and monastery, Kagyu Samye-Ling, named after the
first monastery in Tibet it was first Buddhist Monastery in Europe, tucked away
in the hills of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, where genuine refugees including lamas
had fled their home country threatened by Chinese oppression, and learned
their ways. Returning to the outside world and with a little to my surprise, I
found that all of the oral learning of Kalachakra and Vajrayana that came my way
seemed like second nature to me, and I been resonating with it all my tender
years. Although never having considered myself as a Tibetan Buddhist, years after
my original stay I met with the Dalai Lama in May of 1994 when he addressed
a crowd of 20,000 after consecrating the completion of the Kagyu Samye-Ling
temple that had been in construction since 1967.
Buddhists of the Mahayana and Vayrayana Schools, or Tantra, as it is called, keep
alive the flames of a burning promise that a ‘treasure text’ will appear when
Man is ready for its delivery. I announce that this treasure is the lost Mother
Tongue…’Treasure’ is a word from the Old French ‘Tresor’, Latin ‘Thesaurus’,
Greek ‘Thesauros’, the word ‘Thesaurus’ meaning ‘a storehouse of knowledge, a
dictionary’. TREASURE = DICTIONARY, and using the Mother Tongue, ‘treasure’
= ‘to reassure’.
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The complex practice of Vajrayana is a deliberately means of coded instruction,
its obscure oral teaching method employs symbolism and synonym, metaphor
and word association, this twilight language a polysemic with the capacity of
a sign to have visual, verbal and non-verbal multiple depth meanings in their
Tantra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Thread’, the thread of Life, the DNA, our
blueprint for life. It is always of interest to me when I hear of words that have
either lost their origin, or are obscure. I wonder if they ever did have an origin
at all, or whether they are certain words with a mysterious relevance. One in
particular is the word ‘doll’, its origin uncertain, but the Mother Tongue traces
it back to Green Tara, Mother of all Buddhas and known in Tibetan as Dolma
- ‘Doll’ with ‘ma’ being a child’s contraction for ‘mamma’, Mother - Dolma
anagrammatic of ‘Modal’ = ‘Model’, the original prototype and pattern. The lost
Mother Tongue is a language that speaks in equations, a matrix algebra that
determines the behaviour of physical systems, acting in mathematical terms as
the network of intersections between input and output leads in a computer
functioning as an encoder or decoder. It is a point or locus of points common
to two or more geometric figures, and here we notice the connection with
geometric figures and words for are not all the words in the English alphabet
a combination of geometrical figures - right angles, angles at various degrees,
circles and arcs?
Buddhists await the appearance of their Saviour Maitreya, the next Buddhato-be. I announce that this Maitreya they are eagerly seeking and awaiting the
arrival of, can be found in the word ‘Gematria’ - ‘Ge -MATRIA’ - in Hebrew
‘Gimatriya’ from the Greek ‘Geometria’. That the word in Greek relates to
Geometry is another instance of loss of origin of a mystery relevance, declared
unfounded. Gematria has been known previously only in a cabbalistic guise as a
method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose
letters have the same numerical value when added - a cryptograph in the form
of a word whose letters have the numerical values of a word taken as the
hidden meaning.
Accuracy concerning an original rabbinical philosophy of cabal has now cast
doubt amongst scholars who fear that the original system has either been
corrupted or lost, or even worse, never having been fully understood or
discovered in the first place. The treasure was never lost to be found. It is, of
course, that of which I am referring to as Mother Tongue.
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‘Gematria’ = ‘Ge Matria’ = ‘Ge Matria(rch)’. Ge = variant of Gaea, in Greek myth
the goddess of the earth from ‘Ge’ meaning ‘earth’…. ‘Matriarch’, a woman who
dominates any group or activity, from Latin ‘Mater’ meaning Mother. Gematria
= Mother Tongue = ‘Matrix’, from Latin meaning ‘womb’, originally meaning
‘pregnant animal’ from ‘Mater’, Mother.
All this, the algebraic equations of the Mother Tongue, the angles and geometry
of language…LANG uage….’ANGL’….. language of the angels. ‘Maitreya’ has
arrived, to unlock the mysteries and announce the hidden role of the Tibetan
So to Tibet, a plateau region in Asia, that outlandishly entangles with our
Cathedral Code, that first port of call on Hitler’s list in his fanatical search
for the Grail, and the revelations from this most Ancient of all Cryptography.
Buddha received his critical and decisive vision sitting under an old Peepul
(‘people’) tree on a seat of kusha grass. This kind of tree is now called the Bo or
Bodhi tree, tree of enlightenment. The word ‘Bodhi’ is the section of the word
‘carbohydrate’ - ‘car BODHY drate’ ….From ‘carbohydrate’ we find the last 4
letters anagramatic ‘trae’ - ‘carbohyd trae’….phonetic ‘tree’. In total we locate
‘Bodhi Tree’. A carbohydrate being any of a group of chemical compounds
including sugars, starches and cellulose - along with fats, our prime source of
energy. ‘Kusha’ grass = ‘Shuka’ = Sugar, crystalline carbohydrate. Buddha was
sitting under the Diet Tree = phonetic ‘Dietary’.
So what was his message we have overlooked? Food comprises a trio of
nutrients; proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Proteins are any of a group of complex nitrogenous organic compounds of high
molecular weight that contain amino acids as their basic structural units and that
occur in all living matter, essential for the growth and repair of animal tissue - the
solution to Siddhartha’s dilemma of decay - thus proteins are the prime building
blocks of the body’s tissue required for the growth and repair of cells and for
producing hormones and enzymes.
In the traditional telling of the Buddha story, it was the dismay at death and
decay that so troubled the Prince, the antithesis to this ill being, precisely, protein,
required for growth and cellular repair. Proteins are made up of amino acids.
Our body needs 22 and can be synthesised in the liver, but more importantly
there are a strategic 8 that we require daily in our food intake.
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The names of the ‘essential amino acids’ are;
1. Isoleucine
2. Leusine
3. Lysine
4. Methionine
5. Phenylalanine
6. Threonine
7. Tryptophan
8. Valine.
Now, allow the Mother Tongue to reveal the cybernetic content of these 8 acids
and their relationship with the Buddhist values of Siddhartha Buddha’s 8-Fold
Path, for both are, incredibly, one and the same. The Four Noble Truths and the
8-Fold Path, in concise form are as follows; Truth number one - Individualised
existence is suffering, Truth number two - The three poisons; ignorance,
attachment and hatred are the cause of suffering , Truth number three - Suffering
ceases when desire ceases, Truth number four - release can be reached by the
8-Fold Path, which, incidentally with the Magdalene in mind, is called ‘Magga’ :
1. Right seeing
2. Right thought
3. Right Speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right contemplation.
Now to translate:
1. Isoleucine = Right seeing
IS o LEUCINE to read as phonetic ‘Eyes looking’
2. Leusine = Right thought
LEUS ine to read as phonetic ‘Loose’ i.e. lacking a sense of restraint or
responsibility : also licentious, unchaste, immoral
3. Lysine = Right speech
LYS ine to be read as phonetic ‘Lies’, false statements or pieces of information
deliberately presented as being true.
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4. Methionine = Right action. To conceal phonetics ‘Me’, ‘Thee’ (Thi) and ‘Thine’
(Thion). Concern for all, regarding our actions.
5. Phenylalanine = Right livelihood.
To be read as phonetic ‘Penny’ (Pheny) a line (L an INE). A penny, in UK
currency, was a coin originally silver, later copper, bronze from 1860, formerly
worth 1/240 of £1, now equal to a hundredth part of £1. There is also the
term ‘bread line’, meaning to be living at subsistence level, a modern day
epithet to describe the original state of Buddhist living. People living in the
UK will be reminded of the weekly ‘football pool coupon’, a mainstay of
British national existence primarily before the advent of the National Lottery,
whereby nominal stakes to attempt to win a fortune were staked at a ‘penny
a line’.
6. Threonine = Right effort.
To be read as phonetic ‘Thrown in’ (THREON ine = Throne). To put quickly
into use or place, the colloquialism to ‘throw in’ as in colloquialism ‘throw in
the towel’, to accept personal defeat, to give in, to oppose selfish, incorrect
7. Tryptophan = Right mindfulness. Concealing phonetic ‘tripped’ (TRYPT),
colloquialism to ‘trip up’, meaning a mistake, slip up or blunder, to go wrong.
6. Valine = Right contemplation. From vulgar Latin ‘Valiente’ (VALIEN te), to be
strong, to possess, act with or show valour.
These then, are the revealed references, the eight amino acids for healthy
growth and their relationship with approved Buddhist thought, until now
phonetically veiled in the 8-Fold Path by Prince Siddhartha….SIDDHA rtha
SIDDHA = AHSIDDS = phonetic ‘acids’
It seems Buddha’s essential message was to instruct us how to keep a healthy
body, thus answering something that had always puzzled me. The clue had
always been in those deliberate oversized, fat Buddha statues - how could he be
represented as obese when we know him as a strict ascetic? We can take it a
stage further, the calorie connection. The term ‘calorie’ is used in expressing the
heat or energy producing value in foods; 1 calorie = 4.184 kilojoules (kilojoule
= 1,000 joules) A joule is a SI unit of energy, equal to the work done when a
current of 1 ampere is passed through a resistance of 1 ohm for one second, an
ohm being a unit of electrical resistance.
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Here we have insight into the meaning of the most renowned of mantras, Om/
Aum, of which the literal translation, ‘Hail to the Diamond Jewel’, can be revised
by punning as ‘Hail to the Diamond Joule’. Within the grounds of the Dalai
Lama’s ex-residency in Lhasa is the ‘Garden of precious stones’. A diamond is,
of course, the most precious of gem stones, but here the reference to precious
‘stones’ is a play on word to ‘stones’ used to express body weight, a ‘stone’ in
the UK and other English-speaking countries equals 14 pounds avoirdupois.
Of interest and a certain synchronicity, a balanced diet is approximately 2,500
calories per day, the very figure that we are told in years signifies the birth of
the Buddha BC.
Now we turn our attention to the cosmology and the purpose of the Buddhists
of ancient and relatively modern Tibet, a race concerned with the raised
consciousness and one focussed prescribed technique, for they have been
playing out the role of the Planetary Body’s - Mother Earth’s - living brain cells.
When fully alert, a brain gives off Beta waves. We find this designation in the
word ‘Tibetan’ - ‘ti BETA n’. (Both ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’ and in the word ‘Alphabet’,
for the great mystery is that alphabet is Mind).These brain cells are responsible
for a particular aspired and cultivated brain wave drifting off into far space from
their remote lamaseries and isolated retreats, an Asiatic centre for the living
body of Mother Earth. Today, in our advanced push button world of computers
and the micro-chip, we find that we have a similar device to the brains of our
lama friends up their mountain tops. Used to amplify long range radar and
radio astronomy signals, it is called the Maser. Find it in the word ‘Lamasery’ - ‘la
This cosmic neurological connection continues. The original and enforcedly
relinquished seat of power in the Tibetan hierarchy was held by the now exiled
Dalai Lama, an actual throne at his now abandoned and empty exquisite Pothala
Palace, also known as Summer Palace, in the capital city of Lhasa. Summer Palace
is also called Norbulingka, and our code reveals it to hiding a phonetic ‘Brain link’.
We will find the Pothala hiding in the word ‘Hypothalamus’ - ‘hy POTHALA mus’,
a tiny cluster of cells in the brain and an essential link between the brain and the
pituitary gland, which is sometimes called the ‘Master Gland’, as in the Masters of
both Tibetan and Indian Buddhism. ‘Hypothalamus’ also locates ‘Summer Palace’
- ‘Hypothal AMUS ....’ ’Amus’ reversed as ‘SUMA’…..’Hy P ot HAL am US’…
’PHALUS’ = phonetic ‘Palace’. Furthermore we find more significance in this
crucial word, the very origin of the High Lamas of Tibet…..again, ‘Hypothalamus’
- ‘HY potha LAMUS’ = phonetic ‘High Lamas’.
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The origin of the titular spiritual ‘Head’ of both Tibetan people and religion, the
Nobel prize winning Dalai Lama, is revealed by our Tibet code as functioning
within the Amygdala region of the brain, which controls anxiety and fear, the
twin emotions that have besieged his race since his undignified flight from Tibet
in 1959. ‘Dalai Lama’ is found by anagram and phonetics in ‘Amygdala’…. Amyg
DALA… producing Dala…. And, again…..AM ygda LA concealing ‘Lama’….Dala
+ Lama = phonetic ‘Dalai Lama’. The Code reveals more about His Holiness,
named at birth as Tenzin Gyatso, presenting his biological functioning within the
Planetary Body as Angiotensin - tenzi N G Y A ts O = anagrammatic ANGYO +
TENZIN = phonetic ‘Angiotensin’ - a hormone that signals the hypothalamus in
the brain to produce a sensation of thirst by ordering salivary glands to reduce
their secretions. In the human body, the resulting dry mouth and throat ensures
that quantities of drink are consumed until depleted water reserves in the body
are restored. Cosmologically speaking, the Dalai Lama, if functioning correctly by
being enthroned upon his birth-right in the Pothala Palace rather than enforced
exile in Dharamasala in India, would be an instant antidote to the fearful
imbalance of increasing global drought and dramatic rising sea levels resulting
from both global warming and the effect of melting polar ice.
I will announce why the Dalai was ‘removed’ from his rightful seat. In 1964 Tibet
was formerly made an autonomous region of China and the overthrowing
of Tibet by the Chinese can be better understood when the Mother Tongue
delves deeper into the word ‘Chinese’ for it will translate phonetically as ‘Kinesis’
- CHINES ES…the word kinesis relating to the science of kinesiology, the study
of locomotion in relation to the structure and the working of human muscles. It
is from the word ‘kinetic’ of, or, relating to, or producing by motion or change, this to be expected of a race whose classical book of Ancient China, the I-Ching,
propounds a philosophy seeking to explain nature and human nature in terms
of changing balances, such as now experienced by the previously mentioned
change in sea levels and climactic unpredictability.
Kinesis moves and has and this has been overtly displayed by the Chines forcing,
or political removal of the Tibetans out of their own country. Kinesis also
denotes division, for example, cytokinesis, the cleavage of cytoplasm, the watery
gel in which cell structures are suspended, during cell division. The first stage of
how an egg develops is called cleavage, the single cell dividing into two new cells
and continuing to divide over and over. It has been for a cosmic reason, with the
best interests of the planet in Mind and therefore influenced by the movement
of the stars, that the Tibetan race have had to succumb to this Chinese invasion,
scattering their people into areas such as Nepal and India, and their lamas all
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over the globe - and, most significantly, to Lincoln, for a cosmic child birth of
consciousness awaits our Mother Planet and She has her own growing and
arriving alternative brain-wired ‘Army’ in place for this.
The most obnoxious event that had be enacted in our earth’s history, joining
the removal of the Dalai Lama from Tibet and his country’s invasion fourteen
years later, was the cosmic effect of the 1945 atomic detonation in Japan to
initiate this biological reproduction, in all a kinetic motion signalling time for
the hypothalamic region of the earth’s brain to release vital hormones for the
preparation of this childbirth, a cytokinesis, a cleavage of protoplasm during cell
division. Returning to the horror of Hiroshima, as experienced by its recipient
nation, I will reveal the synchronicity of the naming of the dropped A-bomb
regarding child birth, for it was actually given a gender, dubbed ‘Little Boy’. The
development of the bomb by the US Government was at a specially built
complex in New Mexico, the name of the project’s scientific director overseeing
the design of the bomb, Robert Oppenheimer. OPPENHEIMER = OPPEN
HEIMER. Firstly, taking ‘OPPEN’, we add the ‘ENHEIM’ rearranged as ‘HEIMEN’ to
reveal ‘OPPEN HEIMEN’ = ‘Open Hymen’, the act necessary to break a vaginal
opening for penetration.
This 1945 cosmic scenario, for which we upon earth were mere players like in
some esoteric Shakespearian tragedy, provided a predetermined fertilisation
on a scale both undetected and unimaginable by concrete mind. The incident
was however recorded for exoteric historians in an altogether different
understanding - the horror of war and the insanity of the release of atomic
radiation. It was the unleashing of the mighty power of the atom -a blinding
flash where a cosmic sperm cell met an egg, an intense temperature raising blast
producing an early embryonic blastula - the early form of embryo undergoing
cleavage - from the female earth body awaiting conception. Three days after
Hiroshima came another detonation at Nagasaki - no surprise as after an egg
is fertilised by a single sperm the egg changes, preventing entry of other sperm.
The success of the A-bomb mission was in the hands of a pilot for which he
and his crew had been in training for secrecy for more than a year. His name? A
synchronicity revealing not only the place name Tibet, but also the scenario of
the war field…..Colonel Paul Warfield Tibbets.
‘Aum Mani Padme Om’ is unmistakably the most famous and well known
of the Buddhist mantras, the sacred formula repeated believed to induce a
contemplative state or to increase ones power of concentration. The Mother
Tongue reveals that Aum Mani Padme Om, as in electronics, is a signal that has
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been distorted and garbled so as to render it unintelligible, without a receiver.
The Mother Tongue is that receiver and within ‘Aum Mani Padme Om’ we find in
anagram the concealed word ‘DOPAMINE’. This release of the neurotransmitter
dopamine through the Planetary Body by both solitary or mass chanting of the
mantra any time and all times in constantly growing and never ending aggregate,
stimulates the cosmic brain of this living planet assisting in messages getting
around in that brain, travelling, as it does in our own brains, from one nerve
cell - a geographic power or energy point - to another. Different parts of a brain
manufacture different neurotransmitters, some 30 currently categorised, and
this is what mantras actually are, neurotransmitters - ‘ neuro TRANSM itters’ =
anagram ‘Mantras’.
There are two major control systems and great communication networks in
the human body, the better known nervous system and the lesser spoke of
endocrine system, both interacting to bring about physical and mental health
as they co-ordinate most body functions. Whereas electrochemical impulses
transmit the messages of the nervous system, the endocrine system enlists the
chemical messengers we know as hormones and is an intricate ‘feedback’ system
in which these hormones release or suppress other hormones. Hormones
released from the hypothalamus controls pituitary secretions, body temperature,
hunger, thirst, sex drive and hormones stored in the pituitary i.e oxytocin, vital
in childbirth and nursing. Let us consider the most popular and enduring image
of the Buddhist, chanting, saffron clad monks and their begging bowls seeking
alms for food. Translating this image into medical terminology, we can see the
Buddhist in its Planetary Earth Body role as chemical messenger hormones
afforded their ‘feed back’ in the way of alms offered up to their begging
bowls, releasing or suppressing hormones; ‘ hormones’ = anagrammatic and
phonetic ‘horms’ = Oms/Aums, their chanting in fact is sometimes described
by Westerners as ‘moaning sounds’…’hormones’ = hor MOANS, and begging
‘bowls’ = phonetic ‘bowels’, the intestines, that part of the digestive system.
Modern interpreters expecting some physical Maitreya appearing are
propagating that he will appear wielding a ‘Sword of cleavage.’ This appears to
be the Collective Unconscious way of announcing an example of the actual
coming, for ‘sword’ is anagram of ‘words’ and ‘cleavage’ means to divide and mark
off into parts, which is exactly how the Maitreya Code of the Mother Tongue
works, breaking up and re-arranging wording. The lost Mother Tongue of Tibet,
as revealed by the arrival of Maitreya - the Gematria - is not restricted solely to
Tibetan issues, it translates and transmutes all known language and so I will end
with just a few of my favourite examples.
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Firstly, an explanation why war on this planet has been not such a necessity
as more an inevitability, for we are a sexual and continually reproductive
planet. From ‘Gamete’, a sexual reproductive cell, we have ‘Gametophyte’, in
alternation of generation, a plant of the sexual generation, producing gametes.
‘Gametophyte’ = phonetically ‘Game to phyte’ = ‘Game to fight’ = War. Given
that we are learning the true role of the Buddhist regime and their insistence
and stance of non-violence, it is reassuring to know that there has never been a
war in the name of Buddhism.
Another example returns us again to the hypothalamus (which also contains
hypoth ALA mus, ‘Allah’ being the supreme being of the Muslims) as it is the seat
of all religion. The pituitary gland, alternatively called the Master Gland, is officially
called ‘Hypophysis’ - HY POPH YSIS = anagram ‘High Pope isis’, Isis being the
head divinity of the Egyptian pantheon. Looking at the word, we see it contains
‘pophy’, or phonetic ‘poppy’, the plant of the Papaver and the origin of the word
‘Pope’ is from the Middle/Old English ‘Papa’, Greek ‘Father’ as in the Christian
God figure. Christian religion and its character assassination of women by way
of attributing her Original Sin, should look again, for this ‘Original Sin’ is found in
a word we mentioned earlier, ‘Oxytocin’ - oxy TOCIN = phonetic ‘To Sin’ - the
pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine muscle contraction.
Finally, I owe much to my association with Samye-Ling and it should make me
smile, for ‘Samye-Ling’ translates, simply and phonetically, as ‘Smiling’.
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A Weigh of Life
In the previous chapter, I went to hunger pains to explain how the hidden
aspect of Buddha’s teaching was actually all about food consumption. In January
2014 a UK Think Tank reported the number of overweight and obese adults in
the developing world has almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980,
rising in countries one would least think of such as Egypt and Mexico. One in
three people worldwide are now overweight and governments are now under
pressure to do more to influence diets. In the UK sixty-four per cent of adults
are overweight or obese predicting a huge increase in heart attacks, strokes
and diabetes and a four-fold increase in the number of children and teenagers
admitted to hospital for obesity related conditions in the last decade in the UK.
Continuing the theme, and as it is vital in importance to do with pregnancy,
I’d like to take a few chomps more. Strangely enough, the name of the Future
Buddha from the better known form of Maitreya, is Champa. I thought with all
this eating stuff he might be called Chomper, but it doesn’t matter as we find
that to ‘champ’ is to make a snapping noise with the jaws in chewing! It also
contains both homonyms ‘hamper’ meaning ‘to impede’ and also meaning ‘a large
basket’ for carrying your picnic snacks. Chomp! To continue our Lost Mother
Tongue insight into Buddhism I would like now to look at and explain a pictorial
representation, ‘The Wheel of Life’, or Bhava Chakra, which can be found in
Buddhist monasteries at the entrance to rooms reserved for puja, or prayer.
Before we venture forth, we must understand that interpretation of this great
image varies from School to School, and because Buddha’s basic message has
been innocently missed because of deliberate concealment I will now reveal
with my ‘This Means This Means That’ an altogether fresh diagnosis of the Wheel.
The standard prognosis tries to tell us that the diagram depicts the way in which
beings are locked into endless cycles. It will not matter if you aren’t already
familiar with this mandala - nothing will be lost or disadvantageous - for I will
purposely draw no reference or comparison to any other version or forecasts,
on the basis that other Schools cannot agree anyway.
So, let us look at the ‘Wheel of Life’ bearing in mind that we are going to
remove a covering from an outward appearance in guise. At the very central
top, above and outside of the wheel, are two cells disguised as eyes of a
terrifying figure. Above them, and in their midst, one further cell.
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Shown here in their cell membrane
which acts as a filter, we see how, as at
the time of pregnancy, the single top
cell, after fertilisation, divides initially
into two new cells. Below both eyes/
cells in the outer rim of the wheel,
and above the first section, we see
two figures carrying staffs at differing
geometric angles.
Here we are being made aware
with the minimum fuss of the role
geometry is to play in all this…
The second figure we encounter, in
clockwise direction, is that of a potter,
whose clay is used to model, a model
being a representation of an item not
yet constructed, serving as the plan from which the finished work will
be produced - in this instance, life form, the miracle of birth through the
human body.
Our third illustration is of a primate monkey at a tree - is it not original theory
of evolution that Man descended from the apes? Fourth picture cipher appears
to be people in some form of boat. I draw attention to the apparent waters
upon which they float. It is the strands of the double helix, the linked nucleotides
- they are sailing on the nucleo tides). The second symbol in this third section, is
a building. Having just discussed DNA, we are still dealing with the basic building
blocks of Life. Next, we see a couple engaging in intercourse, sexual union, the
earliest possible stage of pregnancy. The following figure shows a person with
an arrow to their eye suggesting blindness. At four weeks the future baby is an
embryo, its eyelids arising after the fifth week to gradually close, bringing about
an effective state of blindness until reopening during the seventh or eighth
month. Following along we see a figure apparently drinking. To involve drink is
to introduce fluid, and here the inference is the amniotic fluid in the amniotic
sac which holds approximately a litre of fluid recycled each hour. The following
illustration shows a figure at a tree, but this ‘tree’ is the fallopian tube where
conception took place through a ripened ovum. The figure seems as if they are
plucking ripened fruit from the tree. We see next a pregnant woman, the birth
process is graphically announced as underway, visible externally. Naturally, as is
expected, we see a female giving birth.
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Our picture is complete - 360 degrees, returning s to our very first geometrical
reminder of the cycle.
Now, let’s look briefly at the six sections inside the outer rim. The central figure
in each of these sections is a Buddha-like being. These are indicating foetal
presentations or positions of the baby in the womb. In the second section is
a picture of a tree, and this is of the nature of a reference to a family tree, the
ancestors and descendants collective of a family. In the next scene there are
people eating off the ground, the implication is of hunger, the state whereby
an intake of food is required. In our next pictograph, there are people boiling
or burning in pots - the burning feeling of dyspepsia, disturbed digestion or
the pains of indigestion, an upset stomach that can produce the symptom of
heartburn, a painful burning sensation at the junction of the oesophagus and the
Directly after this scene we come away from food related subjects to see a
collection of animals. This is concerned with the animal content of the human,
how we all contain the capacity to display base animal characteristic, as stubborn
as a mule, as sly as a fox, as timid as a mouse, as brave as a lion etc. The final
representation of the series shows human beings, the end product and goal of
the reproduction of life.
Next, to make a little more sense of why we had two food related pictures, we
go now to the centre of this Wheel of Life, birth and all, where we are shown
what is usually attributed a cock/rooster/ hen, a pig and a snake, all three shown
either eating each other or vomiting each other up. Yuk! This is a well disguised
representation of the internals of the stomach, highlighting the liver (the cock),
and the small intestine - the bowel, the begging ‘bowl’ of the Buddhist monk. The
pig portrays the position and general outline of the descending colon, and the
snake, that of the ileum.
To consult the Christian bible for one moment, Genesis; 14, of the snake we
hear; ‘Upon thy belly shalt thy go…’ Finally, we cast our attention to the smaller
ring that envelopes the very centre of the wheel, two sections, one to the right
describing people falling, and to the left the figures are rising up.
We are clearly being shown the correct positions of the descending colon and
the ascending colon to the left - exactly where we would expect to find them in
relationship to the central illustration of the stomach.
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This then, concludes the ‘Wheel of Life’, Buddha’s overlooked admonishment of
sensible eating and food intake, which is paramount, a nutritious food for women
whilst pregnant; a balanced diet containing plenty milk, fruit, cereals, greens and
cheese - approximately in the region of 2,500 calories per day, a very significant
figure for this is the usually held estimation in year of the birth of Buddha B.C.
There is another meaning to the word ‘enlightenment’, so often thought of as
imply referring to Buddha’s instant endowment with spiritual understanding.
From another geometric angle; ‘Enlighten’; ‘En = to cause to be in a specified
state or condition, ‘Lighten’ = to make less heavy, as by a reduction in weight
or load. Buddhism, a Way (weigh) of Life, to eat sensible and healthy and keep
the body at its correct measure. We have taken a necessary new view of the
Wheel of Life. The centre portion of a wheel is a hub - find the letters in the
word ‘Buddha’. A wheel spins. A wheel orbits a central point, turns on an axis. It
rotates. It revolves, it makes a revolution. From’revolve’ we find the word ‘evolve’,
to develop by evolutionary processes. A revolution is the wheel spinning once.
From ‘revolution’ we find ‘evolution’, a gradual process in which something
unrolls, discloses, the doctrine from which higher life forms arise from the lower.
I’m hoping we can agree that the time has now been right to unveil and share
what had previously been this unsuspected aspect of Buddhism, and so I will
make no bones for giving you all food for thought.
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Was the Buddha Autistic?
Given that my life has always been
a sequence of bizarre adventures
supervised by Overseeing synchronicity,
it was only a matter of our concept of
time before a presenting and concluding
picture would form. In the late seventies
my first contact with organized Tibetan
Buddhism was a stay at the KarmaKagyu Samye-Ling Tibetan Centre and
monastery in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, the
first Tibetan centre in Britain and named
after the first monastery in Tibet. Some
twenty-one years later, having decided
to stay and function in the outside world
putting into practice the lessons I had
learned from Buddhist tuition I spent two
and a half years working with persons
with autism and Asperger Syndrome at Heath Farm, the first residential centre
for adults with autism in Lincolnshire, England. A ‘heath’ is any of various lowgrowing shrubs of the genus Erica - many species also called ‘heather’. Heather
is also called ‘ling’! That the language of the Mother Tongue I have so frequently
written about should find its timely way into my life at appoint on my DNA
blueprint is no mystery - the word ‘language’ tracing back to middle English
‘langage’ from Old French from Gallo-roman ‘linguaticum’, from the Latin ‘lingua’,
meaning’ tongue, language’.
Language, Buddhism, autism - something had just connected all three. By 1999 I
had consolidated a friendship with Robert Fantasia, President of the international
Boston Higashi School in Massachusetts, a program serving children and
adults with autism from all over the world with systematic education through
group dynamics. During one of my visits there on a late summer Sports Day,
I experienced one of the most calming and harmonic days of my life parallel
to another in May 1994 at Samye-Ling when HH the Dalai Lama was paying
a special visit before 20,000 attendees to consecrated the competed Temple
that had been in construction since 1970. Being amidst Tibetan Buddhists and
persons with autism, I found myself recognizing a ‘sameness’ and similar deep
vibe, and wondered why this could be so.
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It seemed to me that an onus was about to be placed on my shoulders to
investigate a brave hypothesis and consequent conclusion and when in 2002 my
initial attempt, a limited edition book ‘Buddha and The Autist’, was well received
by British autism expert Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen at his Research Centre within
Cambridge University this confidence assisted me to delve deeper.
Key to Buddhist doctrine is the concept of impermanence, the continual
changing nature of all beings and objects. Given this, we can ask a question - if
Buddhism, instigated by the presence and investigations of one Gautama Buddha
-like all else must change, then into what? By 2011 it was estimated that around
700,000 people in the UK may have autism, or 1 in 100 in the population. The
latest prevalence study of autism indicates that 1.1% of our population may
be on the autistic spectrum and having the neurological condition described
as a complex developmental disability, shifting from once being a rare disorder
occurring in 3 in every 10,000 people. Recent figures from 2013 show that in
the USA it is now being diagnosed in in about one of every 120 girls and 1 in
every 70 boys and that it is now occurring all around the world especially in the
developed nations. No one really knows why people have autism, or why there
is an alarming worldwide increase in its appearance which some experts are
describing as an ‘epidemic’.
Millions of people across the world also have a deep rooted belief in the
phenomenon of ‘UFO’s and would like to attribute them to being extraterrestial
spacecraft piloted by ‘aliens’. Scientists who have little patience with what
they consider as an outlandish explanation, cut to the quick and say provide
the evidence. Extraterrestial DNA would be the clincher, but I think the real
proof concerns an alternative neurological wiring. My inquiry will set about to
inter-relate what will happen to Buddhism, why the inexplicable global rise in
autism, and are there aliens, by trying to explain a new type of Buddhism that
has entered our world, a new species in fact, and by comparison with our held
concepts of ‘normal’, quite legitimately alien.
Where to start to explain the full tapestry? Firstly, for convenience, allow me
to refer in this essay to persons or a person with autism as a PWA. Two and a
half thousand years ago in the Far East, a seed was planted from which would
germinate and grow a great movement involving the practice of meditation,
relaxation, mind control, philosophical respect and admiration. Millennium later,
in the West, a medical profession diagnosed and classified what they decided
to term a brain condition and its ‘sufferer’, causing a misery to those closest to
it, and yet both factions seeming to be in pursuit of a common goal - a cosmic
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glimpse of reality. Is this the worse possible dichotomy of thought, the concrete
Western mind versus the enlightenment of the East? It is almost as if we are
discussing the two individually functioning lobes of the brain The first thing we
learn in Buddhism is that all life is suffering - the same suffering experienced
by those who witness what they see as the plight of the classic mute and near
immobile PWA? Why is the PWA condemned for not leaving the sanctuary of
their own safe, private inner world to venture out into our more dangerous
version, a less safer society with enforced mores and yet the whole notion of a
spiritual search for Buddhist Schools and sects the world over is to turn within
and to renounce this outside material plane?
Both Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner and Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger,
joint claimant founders of modern day autism, emphasised the word ‘aloneness’,
more correctly a mental aloneness, as the predominant and most obvious
feature of autism. To quote Kanner regarding this definite choice of the term, we
read, “It whenever possible disregards, ignores, shuts out anything that comes to
the child from outside’ Kanner went on to stress that the lack of contact he was
describing was only in dealing with people whereas on the other hand objects
might be acceptable. He chose his other defining feature as obsessive insistence
on sameness. ‘Most simply in the form of repetitive stereotyped movements
and noises, additionally in the adoption of elaborate rituals and routines and
lastly, the surfacing of strange, narrow preoccupations better expressed as highly
focused intense fascinations and fixations’.
Let us backtrack for a moment as we come away from this cynical diagnosis and
view it more through the eyes of a Nirvana seeking bhikku Buddhist monk. Does
Buddhism not teach that it is necessary to attain the state of enlightenment
- a view of reality - by shutting out anything that comes from the outside (ie
the deception of the material world, all not as it seems, as new models and
paradigms in quantum theory attest) and to concentrate on the within? That
Kanner found no problem with response to objects is equally acceptable to
the Buddhist thinker, the emphasis on the focus for meditational purposes, the
very intention of meditation to raise consciousness from the bland, everyday
mundane. This ‘obsessive’ insistence on sameness echoes Buddhist thought that
the phenomenal world that we entertain in our ordinary consciousness is an
illusion and that ultimate reality is impartial and lacking differentiation. It will be
the same, if everything is the same ie One. The PWA sees this wholeness. They
are one another, eluding this human delusion of seperateness. Their sameness
is represented in the form of repetitive stereotypical movements and noises,
additionally on the adoption of elaborate rituals and routines.
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This strikes a chord with the schooling of Vajrayana Buddhism, the Diamond
Vehicle that extends to Tibet, China and Japan, with its own distinctive features
of various contrived ceremonies of rituals whereupon trance-like states can
be achieved, stress laid on the use of an endless number of mantras - sounds
repeated over and over, and mudras, vocalisation of strange sounds with physical
gesture accompanying worship. The intense rocking backward and forward as
a symptom displayed by many a classic PWA is replicate by the rows and rows
of Tibetan monks at the height of a ritual Puja ceremony as they sit cross legged
on the floor rocking in tandem to strategic and unattractive murmuring sounds
and chants.
Another symptom catalogued and classified in autism is the obsession with
spinning objects and things that spin, this too can be observed by turning our
attention to study mechanisms/objects that direct focus in prayer and worship
- Kanner’s strange ( to the western mind ) narrow pre-occupation expressed
best as highly focused, intense fascinations and fixations - in Tibetan Schools’
prayer beads, 108 of them are used as rosaries to assist in the remembrance of
the number of prostrations that novice monks undergo on a certain number of
particular mantras to be chanted. Tibetan prayer wheel are sets of prayers, the
wheels cylindrical in shape containing prints from sacred scriptures, spun by the
hand clockwise as the devotees move themselves along the side of temple walls
in which the wheels have been installed. The same brain department seeking a
state of achievement seems to be operational here in both PWA and Buddhist
alike, only in the PWA more natural than the prescribed contrived method
of the monk. It is the shame that the appearance of such fascinations as just
described and the adoption of such rituals, often before the age of five, were
not to be seen, both Kanner and Asperger thought, in any other condition. Is
then, Buddhism a ‘condition’?
In Chinese Chan, popularized as Zen Buddhism, Truth is transmitted from mind
to mind, bypassing the normal language. Is this why classic PWA are mute? Again
the correlation between Buddhist and PWA becomes noticeable regarding focus
on strategic or specific objects, and in Buddhist terms this method of meditation
is called Samantha or Samadhi, whereby the mind focuses in a prolonged setting
of quietude on a chosen subject/s. The reward for successful meditation will
be the development of relatively unrecognized insights that cannot be attained
or reached by our everyday practical mind, nor again, in normal terms can be
explained - simply experienced The struggle to achieve a correct body posture
through yogic training is an attempt to discover an alternative heightened
awareness from everyday experience, mental/physical stimuli, ‘feeling’ the stillness
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in the air like a radar, or antennae, to concentrate on things we usually dismiss
or bypass, colour, texture, the feeling of objects. Such things are often watched
when we study the PWA’s fascination for feeling and sniffing textures. Such
scenes are visibly evidence of a heightened awareness at work, inward states of
mind changing the quality of usually accepted thought processes. These states in
the Buddhist can be expressed by a whole emotional gamut, all rapidly changing
seasons of the autistic mind.
Some PWA have their own body postures, to some degree so do
schizophrenics - these are natural to the autistic condition, directives from a
department in the brain that most of us have ‘switched off.’ It is a yoga they did
not have to learn, a method of freeing their nervous system from conditioned
perception. Naturally conducive to the autistic state of a heightened and
alternative awareness, their rocking to and fro, if not to pulse beats, is an
externalization of the balance of the mind. To an outside viewer of the classic
autistic condition, one might say here was a creature in sufferance - it would
certainly look so from a non-PWA pint of view. A visible detachment, a specific
concentration of mind, an individual lost, with nothing to gain and nowhere to
go. It simply ‘is’. It has let go in this world, it simply watches. It has no desire. It
is a figure representative of a termination of personal existence, In our nonautistic world it must be suffering, but in its own autistic world it is blissful - it is
a glimpse of that cosmic reality that can be only ever continually be pursued, far
divorced from our daily, shackled and dense bare level.
PWA’s are the best quantum physicists I know of. In philosophical terms it
has been held that ‘reality’ is simply the collective vast experience shared by
the majority of the world population on a daily basis. It is self-programmed by
each and every individual’s brain. It is done at such a great speed that we are
generally unaware that we are like an editor in his suite, editing cinematic film
in our constant video. Non-PWA, using the vastly common open departments
of the brain, edit out a vast number of things that are going on about us in
this world: vibrations, frequencies and rays, referred to as generally unseen and
unheard, that in ‘reality’ are there and do exist, putting us at odds with the vastly
more sensitive PWA with their strangely opened extra channels. Confusion as
to our finalized everyday product and perspective with what is actual external
reality is the Maya of normal consciousness, as spoken of by Buddha. The PWA
is unbridled from conditional perception, they are more a totality, a whole at
one with the All, and yet we wish to pity them and drag them into our world
of multiple foibles and desires, the illusionary realm of individualness. PWA are
seen to have a problem identifying themselves in a mirror or photograph. In Zen
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Buddhism terms they are viewing the ‘empty mirror, or reality’. For a Buddhist
not to see nor understand his/her reflection in the mirror would be for them
to have discovered and seen their ‘Original face’ - a Zen term for enlightenment.
In 2008 a very significant discovery ticked one of my major boxes. Scientists
at Baylor College of Medicine at Houston, Texas, announced that their brain
imaging study shows how Aspergers lack a particular brain signal linked to a
sense of ‘self ’. To my mind this says they are, like Buddhists striving for this state,
selfless. People will always make mistakes looking for answers to autism; they
look for it outside of itself, looking at it from outside of itself. You can’t look into
something that’s inside out!
The DNA blueprint for Man is altering, mutating, and evolving the human race.
Whether great numbers of population can take or are ready for this strain
does not alter the fact that the process has begun, since autistic births were
first recognized. Brains capable of it, are now functioning in a manner hitherto
unknown - more young prodigies are being born. It is an evolutionary march
leading to a great ‘something’. It is reminiscent of the motion movie ‘2010
- sequel to the seminal ‘2001 - A Space Odyssey’ - wherein a disembodied
astronaut who had left earth could only reappear for moments on his wife’s TV
screen to declare ‘Something wonderful is going to happen’. The space traveller’s
name in this epic work of fiction from Arthur C. Clarke’s brain was Bowman.
I suspect his Collective Unconscious was at work concealing in basic anagram
both ‘womb’ and ‘woman’. Something wonderful IS going to happen…and it is
concerning a birth!
Hans Asperger, co-founder of the autistic condition, described autistic intelligence
as untouched by tradition and culture, calling it unconventional, unorthodox,
strangely ‘pure’ and original, comparable to the intelligence of true creativity. The
work of British neurologist and New York based Oliver Sacks, popularizing the
field of neuropsychology, has shown how neurological dysfunctions within autism
can set free hidden, natural abilities. One of the numerous remarkable cases
Sacks has collected is of two seriously handicapped twins who could neither
add nor subtract basic sums but managed to entertain themselves by reeling
off 12-digit prime numbers. How they could do this most remarkable feat was
outside the area of maths in general, of which they hardly knew a thing - it arose
from an aptitude to be able to reflect a private understanding of the harmonies
between numbers. Speculation arising from Sacks’ work ponders over whether
mathematics, aesthetics and music can be perceived as ‘landscapes’ - as opposed
to logical systems understood through rational deduction - in which the mind
surveys in an instant. The PWA as a species is still evolving, the prototype with
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us now is the latest presentation in the mutation of the truly most complex
mystery known to the inhabitants of earth - no, not UFO’s and aliens, these
concepts we misunderstand or interpret to our own satisfaction, predilection
and vanities - but the human brain. No-one is left out, we all possess one.
The only mystery that should concern us as a race is nearer than we ever
thought, an organ far greater than any computer could ever be, as no brain
depends on linear-sequential programs. When asked how autistic prodigies
perform their amazing feats, whatever they may be, these newly births answer
the same and in simply the best way they can, ‘It is in my head’, they will say.
How can a savant, for example, and it has been recorded, be able to figure
out the cube root of a six-figure digit in six seconds without a knowledge of
mathematics? The answer is in their head! Rather, a specifically designed brain.
But of which department? The autistic department. But the PWA is a species, a
new order with access to their own departments, dipping into in a flash. How
the fanatical geneticist would like to locate and isolate the autistic intelligence
gene and try to draw on that unfathomable well. The intelligence is the Great
Wisdom, the Nirvana chased by the Vajryana Buddhist ideal, direct experience
with cosmic reality. The purest state of becoming a true astronaut.
Autism is leading bamboozled neurologists on a migratory course. Some feats
accomplished by prodigies and savants would have some regard the PWA’s
ability as ‘paranormal’, and here it meets head on with the mysticism and ‘magic’
experienced by the Tibetan school of Vajrayana, or Lamaism. But not so. This is
the dawning of the science of a new millennium. The successor to the Buddhist
is an inherent intelligence within evolution, a further advanced and more natural
component part of an impending cosmic childbirth - a race that would learn
and recognize both sounds and rhythms in preparation for delivery of the
birth. In the following chapter I will explain how those most advanced with the
condition Aspergers Syndrome, that more able end of the autistic spectrum, are
in a unfolding and fast developing position where they can almost both replace,
to a degree, and become a natural born ‘Buddhist,’ and assume the mantle of the
cosmic role they are playing out.
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The Mutation of a Nation
As the position of the full lotus is essential to the Buddhist in their preparatory
measure prior to meditational practice, let us lead an overlong due investigation
into this adapted sitting position in which the legs are crossed with feet resting
on opposite thighs, and the hands resting on the knees. The Mother Tongue
reveals that the two words that describe this first stage of yoga, ‘full lotus’,
run into one another, a singular phonetic ‘fullotus’ = ‘floats’, as in floating, to
remain suspended within or on the surface without sinking, or to be suspended
unsupported in space without falling. Let us study an unborn child, who, after
seven or eight weeks, replicates the manoeuvres of an astronaut that floats
freely in space, linked only by an umbilical line to the spacecraft - the movement
of a foetus tethered only by its umbilical cord also, sends it tumbling in slow
motion inside the amniotic sac as it floats weightless.
The parallels between this unborn child and that of an astronaut on a space
walk are all too apparent, and for a fusion of both images we return to
the stunning scene depicting the birth of the Mind Star Child in the closing
moments of Kubrick’s ‘2001 - A Space Odyssey’. A new perspective must be
taken on board when we ponder over the deliberate shaving of the head being
an integral into Buddhist monk acceptance, for this is to replicate the very start
of new born life, a bald headed baby, secondarily for hygiene or renunciation.
The deliberation in choosing saffron for the colour of Buddhist robes also
needs explaining, for saffron, moderate orange-yellow to moderate orange, also
called saffron yellow, is the colour of the early foetus, eyelids fused shut and skin
transparent, as it floats in the amniotic sac. The full lotus, then, is an unconscious
posture that the Buddhists have employed, a situation of the unborn baby inside
of the mother during the period of gestation.
If we can stay with that period, we can also invite persons with autism (PWA)
into the picture, for a bizarre behaviour demonstrated by the mother-to-be
during her pregnancy can be linked to some peculiarities displayed by PWA
or Asperger Syndrome, we speak here of the phenomenon referred to as
‘pica’, a craving for unnatural food such as mud, dirt, plaster, coal or cloth (
and pickles and ice cream!) and a whole host of wonderfully inappropriate
others. Authorities state that there is no specific nutritional need that would be
assuaged this way, the cravings put down to either hysteria, or a bid for sympathy.
Such cravings are thought to be signs of iron deficiency.
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Returning to actual childbirth, some premature babies are actually born autistic,
a very convoluted state of affairs when in cosmic terms it is the already living
PWA that are assisting in the precision timed birth of a planetary Mind Child,
galactic gift to the cosmos, reminding us that in dealing with autism we can’t look
into something that is inside out. If one can grasp understanding of this then it
is easier understood why it is that PWA can repeat their actions in a strange
loop, in computing terms a series of program instructions performed repeatedly
until one specific condition is fulfilled or as in a tape loop where a magnetic tape
recording joins in an endless loop so that it constantly replays itself. Here the
PWA is synchronizing with the ‘strange loop’ affecting atomic particles. The inside
out effect can best be demonstrated if we pick up a long elastic band and twist
it into a figure eight - the geometrical lemniscate, an ancient symbol denoting
eternity - you will see at the point of intersection the outer edge will become
the inner. The ‘lemniscus’ is a bundle of sensory nerves located in the brain.
The term ‘autistic’ comes from the Swiss psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler, who in
1908 used the word from the Greek ‘autos’ meaning ‘self ’, to describe the social
withdrawal seen in adults with schizophrenia. Our foray into the world of the
Far East strongly suggests that the origin of this word, and the species-to-be, far
predates 1908, for the Mother Tongue locates its origin, in the Tibetan word ‘Tsau-ma’ - anagram ‘autasm’ - which refers to ‘central channel’, a further reference
to a middle, to the Tibetan Lamas the major energy channel of what is known to
them as the Vajra body, visualized as a hollow tube of light in front of the spine.
Tibetan mysticism tells us that this central channel connects vertically from the
crown of the head to an area in front of the spinal base.
At strategic points down this straight line are seven focal points referred to as
‘energy wheels’, a further notation implying the autistic fascination with spinning,
commonly known today to all as chakras. The Vajra body is a collective system of
channels, energy winds (the energy serving as the mount for various dense and
subtle states of consciousness) and drops (used in the generation of great bliss)
that can be activated through yoga tantra. It is down the central channel that
various burst of energy can be directed outward, often misinterpreted as autistic
outburst, more correctly the overload energy of the PWA referred to by the
Chinese as Chi.
It is by direct reference to these energy winds coined by the Tibetans that lead
us even further back into antiquity and the word ‘Aeolian’, pertaining to Aeolus,
in Greek mythology the god of the winds, from which comes a word most
popular in New Age terminology, a corruption of ‘aeolian’ becoming the modern
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day ‘alien’ (‘ae-lian’) as in science fiction, belonging to another planet or world,
in this instance, the alternate consciousness of the PWA, or a resident of the
autistic realm. Ironic then, that in 2009 Asperger Syndrome has been given high
profile global attention with the case of British computer hacker Gary McKinnon,
an Asperger who in 2002 alone enacted the biggest military computer hack of
all time by infiltrating networks owned by NASA, the US Army, US Navy, US
Department of Defence and US Air Force in a personal search for concealed
evidence regarding the reality of alien technology and Ufos. Had he been an
‘alien’seeking his own kind? McKinnon chose the code name ‘Solo’ for his himself
which not only reminds one of Hans Solo, the character in the ‘Star Wars’
universe, but, perhaps unconsciously also links to Hans Asperger, for it was not
until 2008 that Gary was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome himself.
Interesting to notice that from the great Chinese universal force that produces
harmony in nature, Taoism, ‘Taoist’ equals ‘twist’ as in the twisting spiral staircase
of the DNA and by a simple rearrangement of its letters we arrive at ‘Aot-ism’.
In the aforementioned yoga, the Buddhist will assume a heightened awareness
of both mental and physical stimuli. He or she will attempt to pay a keen
attention to the movement of their own muscles and rise and fall of breath
in an endeavor to ‘feel’ stillness in the air around them, that lull we experience
before a thunderstorm, seeking to apply concentration on colours, textures and
feeling of objects - the very collection of sense awareness that has been studied
and accredited to PWA. The Buddhist has tried to express this change in his/
her mental cognition into words, the outward conveyance or manifestation
displaying signs of zeal or ardent fondness, delight, melancholy, lassitude or
an anger of the same design as autistic outburst. The PWA is well known for
occasional incomprehensible or meaningless utterance of sound. This is agreeably
comparable with a technique employed in the Tantras of Buddhism. In its
pristine state, the mantra - which has four forms - is given in detail, as in a hymn.
Condensed, it becomes a one-sentenced formula. This formula dwarfs again into
a single word, until in its final stage it becomes but a pure sound without any
meaning whatsoever, at this ultimate stage known as a seed. In Buddhism the
mind must be taken away from the hymn to the finalised pure sound vibration. It
is then that this vibration will allow the birth of the psychic body of the disciple,
already held by the natural born PWA.
‘’…is like stepping through Alice’s looking glass. One finds oneself in a topsyturvy wonderland in which everything seems quite mad - charmingly mad
for the most part but mad all the same. It is a world of bewildering dialogues,
obscure conundrums, stunning paradoxes, flagrant contradictions, and abrupt
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non sequiturs, all carried off in the most urbane, cheerful and innocent style’. The
verbatim account you have just digested comes from Buddhist commentator
Houston Smith, who in his own world gives a glimpse of Zen Buddhism
from the perspective of the concrete Western mind, and yet, to any serious
student of Aspergers Syndrome, it could so easily be mistaken or accepted
for a description of the mind of a person with the syndrome. Uta Frith, British
commentator on autism for the psychiatric and psychology profession, wrote
in 1989 that unsatisfied researchers are unable to come to grips with the
experience of PWA as it seems to be itself extraordinary, and Frith draws a
parallel with madness, saintliness and saintly madness. This is very like the Tibetan
School of Vajrayana Buddhism and its adopted association with the ‘crazy
wisdom’ teacher, or ‘Siddha’, who disregards conventional Buddhist orthodoxy,
any situation offering up opportunities for the blossoming of an enlightened
mind, improvisation playing a majority roe in any particular circumstance the spontaneity that is free to act on situations without tacit agreement or
custom or comparison of ideas to elicit Truth. It is a ruling enacted from the
autonomous, self-contained autistic world beyond compliance to rigidly followed,
established practice or accepted standard.
The term ‘Asperger Syndrome’ is a popular reference to individuals with some
autistic features who fail to fit all the criteria for a basic autism diagnosis. The
most popular held belief is that Asperger Syndrome is a synonym for autism of
a less severe kind, or milder form. It is about five times as common as autism.
It has been suggested that the syndrome is a mild form of high-functioning
autism - there are high functioning PWA and high-functioning Aspergers. Some
authorities even argue that Aspergers Syndrome is a syndrome in its own
right distinct from autism. Rather like the Tibetan Buddhist collective body
of descending degrees - Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama, High Lamas, lamas and
non-monastic novice monks, there is a autistic hierarchy; classic PWA, Highfunctioning PWA, Aspergers and Savants, a body of persons organized and
classified according to rank, capacity, authority and ability, thus there is no real
mystery why Aspergers should be more able on the autistic spectrum line they are an organised dispatch, an invent on specific business. Incidentally, the
search for the ‘reborn’ Dalai Lama begins approximately in the third year after
the absence of the prior incarnation and it is also in the third year that diagnosis
for children with autism is preferred. Tests to authenticate the reborn Lama is
also similar to testing for an autistic child, in that items known in the previous
existence of the Lama are produced, objects that we in the West might refer to
as ’toys’. Toys are placed before suspected autistic children to see if they show an
interest or response.
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Another comparison worthy of mention is how the autistic obsession with
precision and geometry is matched by the Tibetan Buddhist when they
painstakingly arrange grains of coloured sand into a Mandala representing
the Buddha’s enlightened mind. Whereas the classic PWA collates rhythms
and sounds as a duty to examine and compare carefully in order to note
points of difference and agreement in preparation for a new, exciting world
birth, the Asperger will assist in the collecting of all manners of specified
information, the culmination of a great library donated to the birth. Clinical
observers only scratch the surface when they witness trivia mixed with more
relevant data. Aspergers have excellent, often staggering rote memories and
usually become interested in one or two subjects, such as astronomy, geology,
psychcopharmacology, toxicology, astrophysics, biology and a whole host of
exclusive interests such as the music top twenty, jockeys and winning horses,
the name of carrot species, rose varieties, Beatles memorabilia, the lives of
the Mitfords, bus routes, the livery of Great western trains, Dewey decimal
classification numbers, capital cities and their tallest buildings, boxing records,
prehistoric monsters, or characters in a television serial! From my own Tibetan
training I have heard of several Tibetan lamas with such a miraculous power
of memory it has enabled them to repeat word for word over one hundred
volumes of the entire Buddhist canon. Although absorbing everything concerning
their field, they have little grasp of the meaning of the facts they learn - it is for
the purpose of being ‘passed on’. This is rather like the Akashic Record of the
mystics - allegedly the history of the planet earth forever made available by the
applied process of an etheric library surrounding it.
We will now look a little deeper into the term ‘Asperger’ with Mother Tongue
simplicity and guidance. Synchronising with the appearance of the UFO, autists
started to communicate in the late 40’s like long awaited signals from outer
space, and so Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger made the discovery. The PWA, by
virtue of what they are, answered space signals in the cosmic scheme of things,
that asked them to reveal themselves and their existence. Only THAT which
put those signals out could verify this fact. It was their time to be revealed, as
evolutionary waves functioning as impulses, hence why the PWA can be so
impulsive. They role play sensory receptors, that both transmit and receive. That
this species answered space signals can be found in the name of their founder
Hans Asperger…hANSAS perger = ‘ansas’ = answers. The Buddha denied the
existence of a soul that could reincarnate, but sanctioned a similar concept
whereby rebirth could be possible. This ‘rebirth’ we have learned is that of the
Cosmic Birth Child that is already on its way.
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At a point in the Buddha’s discourse, there was mention of the self, otherwise
referred to as the Pudgala. Orthodoxy decrees that PWA are, by virtue of their
social disability, egocentric, because of extreme difficulty in reading the reactions
of others.
Given this critique, it is therefore interesting to notice that all that is required
to synthesise this Buddhist concept of self with the critical examination of the
alleged selfishness of the person with Asperger Syndrome is to simply insert
the very initials used for it - A.S. - before ‘pudgala’, to bring about ‘ASPUDGA
la’, or ‘aspudga’, to pronounce ‘Asperger’. By doing so again, we can transfer
the reverential observance known as the Sanskrit ‘puja’, the Tibetan sacrificial
action/prayer, into ‘Aspuja’. Now, from this ‘asperger’ we take out the ‘perger’
- Old French ‘for to purge’. To purge is to free from impurities, to purify, and
in medicine to cause evacuation of the bowels. In our new understanding, this
implies an evacuation - discharge, removal - of the Buddhist begging bowl,
in the planetary earth body not ‘bowl’ but ‘bowel’, as it is now time for the
form of autism known as Aspergers to supplant the Buddhist by behest of the
evolutionary process of natural selection.
We cannot leave this insight into the word ‘Asperger’ without commentary on
‘asp’, a venomous snake of many kinds, plus noting that serpent worship was
prevalent around the world in ancient times giving rise to disparate religions
and cultures of humanity. The asp is a viper, Vipera aspis, of Southern Europe, any
of various venomous Old World snakes of the family Viperidae, the word ‘rid’
contained within, meaning, again, to remove, removal. The word is from
Old French ‘vipere’, from Latin ‘vipera’, snake, contracted from ‘vivipara’
(unattested) - ‘That which produces living young’ - from the ancient belief that
vipers were viviparous, giving birth to living offspring that develop within the
mother’s body. Indeed so, this is the active role of the person with Aspergers in
the Cosmic Birth.
It is worth mentioning that in Roman Catholic ceremony, the ‘asperges’ is a
short rite preceding the High Mass on Sundays, consisting of sprinkling the
congregation with holy water. The first words of the rite (Latin): ‘Asperges
Domine’ - ‘Thou sprinkle me, Lord’. A highly commendable religious appraisal by
anybody’s standards.( By direct comparison we have the negative arrival of the
urban slang word ‘mong’, from mongoloid, offensively attached to a description
of people with Down’s Syndrome, owing to the suggestion that that there
are similar physical characteristics of those with the condition to people from
Mongolia, where the national religious faith is Tibetan Buddhism.)
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There are three primary players in the making known of autism by divine agency
and inspiration; Bleuler, Kanner and Asperger. Their names at birth are meaningful
given their destined roles, so allowing the Mother Tongue to point out their
purposefulness we see a hidden ‘Bleuler’ reordered within the word ‘cerebellum’,
the hinder and lower part of the brain, ‘ce REBELLU m’, furthermore containing
the word ‘rebel’ - it is in this region of the brain that refusal of allegiance and
opposing of force of the PWA and its autonomy toward conventional ruling.
Looking into the name of ‘Leo Kanner’, we find contained in anagram ‘Koan’ the technique employed by the Zen Buddhist seeking paradox to transcend
conceptual/logical thought as demonstrated in Asperger Syndrome.
With ‘Asperger’, we go one further transmutive step to phonetic ‘Aspgyr’ =
‘spagyr (ic), meaning of or pertaining to alchemy or alchemical, from New Latin
‘spagiricus’ - coined by Paracelsus the Swiss physician who improved pharmacy,
encouraged scientific experiments, and generally revolutionized European
medicine - the art of transmutation, to change from one state into another,
Buddhist to PWA, as the Mother Tongue itself changes from word to word.
Related, let us not leave out the name of the German psychiatrist Hans Berger containing ‘h A n S BERGER’ - who in 1929 first demonstrated that the electrical
impulse of the brain could be recorded, continually generating electrical current.
Significant in a world of no meaningless synchronicities, that both Kanner and
Asperger hailed from Austria, the land-locked country of Central Europe, where
also was born a painter and decorator named Adolph Hitler who earlier had
manipulated an entire country to instigate a push for world domination involving
a search for a ‘Super Race’ and a Nazi official expedition to Tibet in 1938.
Even the letters making up ‘Autist’ are found within ‘Austria’, and in the
Theosophical sense and accountable to the Gaia Theory, we discover that the
country’s name is a latinisation of the same Germanic word for ‘east’, and in
our cosmic earth body scenario a representation of the female sex hormone
oestrogen and the oestrus of regularly recurring period of fertility and sexual
preparedness when pregnancy is possible.
Where better to expect a place concealing the kick start to a new ‘birth’ of a
race? Irony (should that be a relative of the Iron Cross in the German military?)
joins in the equation as an anagram of ‘Asperger’ is Ger-Spear, perhaps an
unconscious intervention to remind us of the Nazi’s search for the Spear of
Destiny and their hopes of emulating a ‘Super Race’.
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The conclusion of my long and personal investigation has brought me a greater
cosmic understanding of the role of both Buddhist and PWA, a tangible
connection between various Schools of the eastern Buddhist’s search for
enlightenment and the unfolding and ongoing evolution of the autistic
consciousness as evinced in the common aspiration of turning within,
detachment and elaborate ritual.
After two and a half thousand years it appears to me that the Buddhist, having
set the pace, is now having to over the baton in a new style of race. Buddhism
has transformed, its timeless essence of |Dharma merging into the realm of
Asperger to not only change their culture but to be also changed by it. The role
of the person with autism and Aspergers and where it is destined to lead us, has
now begun for earnest, and in retrospect clearly shows how way off the mark
was the German Fuhrer in thinking his ‘Super Race’ was to be exclusively Aryan.
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Undetected Aliens
Throughout history there have been individuals who have come along to further
our progress and move our civilisation along, inventors or those who have made
momentous discoveries benefitting us all. One can only wonder how we ever
progressed from our earliest stages of being cave men and women existing
only from heat made from fires, and then somebody had to have had the
inspiration to work out friction in order to produce flame, perhaps by chance.
Two of our more recognised geniuses - the word ‘genius’ now pretty much
ruined by its over use in unwarranted cases - are the well-known names of both
the German Albert Einstein who developed the theory of relativity and British
Isaac Newton who discovered the laws of gravity. However, researchers at both
Cambridge and Oxford Universities believe that both luminaries displayed
signs of Aspergers Syndrome, thus placing them on the autistic spectrum. Many
‘Aspies’ as they are now popularly and comfortably called have replaced the
one foremost term that was once reserved for the great British eccentric alone,
whatever his or her status - eccentric.
These eccentrics both past and present can display the more prominent
characteristics of Aspergers and lack social skills, problems with communication,
and have an obsession with complex topics. Those who have studied what we
know of both Einstein and Newton think that both men possessed the telltale traits to some degree, noticeably Einstein who from an early age was a
loner and repeated sentences obsessively until he reached the age of seven. A
notoriously confusing lecturer as an adult, in later life the German born scientist
did make intimate friends, had numerous affairs and spoke out on political issues
which professor Simon Baron Cohen who was involved in the Cambridge
study confirms are perfectly compatible with the passion, falling in love and
standing up for justice within Aspergers Syndrome. Professor Baron-Cohen told
New Scientist magazine, ‘What most people with Aspergers Syndrome find
difficult is casual chatting - they can’t do small talk.’ It has also been though that
Einstein’s delay in his language development and his slow progress thoughout
education indicate high functioning autism, distinct from Aspergers but still on
the spectrum. Einstein didn’t like being in crowds and also had major tantrums
and difficulties with finances. Michael Fitzgerald who is a psychiatrist at the
Department of Child Psychiatry at Trinity College, Dublin view Einstein’s interest
in physics as an ‘addiction’ and that the scientist simply had to be in control of his
own life, his lack of tact, social empathy and often naivety further give away signs
that Einstein was an Aspie.
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Einstein was more at ease being able to process information visually rather
than verbally and was quoted saying that he rarely thought in words at all.
In Newton’s case it is believe he possessed classic symptoms attributed to
Aspergers. He was known to hardly speak, often forgot to eat owing to selfabsorption in his work and was either lukewarm or bad tempered with the
small circle of friends he had. With adherence to routine, when nobody turned
up to his lectures he still went ahead and conducted to the empty room!
Depression and paranoia contribute to him having a nervous breakdown at the
age of 50. Like Einstein, newton was more comfortable as a recluse and rarely
spoke. It is recorded that the only comment attributed and recorded him during
his two years in his capacity as a member of British parliament was a request to
have a drafty window closed!
Microsoft founder and the world’s wealthiest man at $76 billion, Bill Gates,
is another whom many present as a candidate for Aspergers. Gates, who
demonstrates shyness, his inability to make eye contact, rocks to and fro, has a
monotone voice and a lack of social skills. Attention has also been drawn to an
apparent lack of hygiene, his choice in clothes and his obsession with technology.
Another famous inventor suspected of being an Aspie was the SerbianAmerican inventor, electrical and mechanical engineer and physicist, Nikola
Tesla, best known for his contributions to the design of the AC electricity supply
system. His autobiography has Tesla informing us that he had the ability ‘to
visualise with the greatest facility’ enabling him to fully design and test inventions
in his mind.
A celibate, Tesla was sensitive to touch, had an acute sense of hearing amidst a
sensitivity to light and sound, and had obsessions with pigeons and the number
three, the latter to the point that he would not stay in any number that did not
have a number divisible by it. He set his stall against jewellery and over weigh
people, even though he himself had several eating compulsions. Soft spoken and
reclusive, Similar to Jefferson’s financial demise, he died almost penniless and
alone in a hotel room.
One opponent amongst many of Michael Fitzgerald’s forward thinking is Yale
Child Study Centre’s Fred Volkmar who cynically points out that ‘There is
unfortunately a cottage industry of finding everyone has Aspergers’. The reason
for this, I might say, Fred, is that they all are and have been for some time…
the coming neurological race of whom some early instigators were the likes of
Einstein and Newton.
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The increase in current day autistic birth is alarming to the NT brigade of the
‘Neuro-Typicals’ and with child prodigies on the rise also it is my consideration
that soon we are going to have to abandon the label ‘Aspergers’ and realise
that ALL births are fast becoming atypical of this new neurological and
evolutionary strain.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the declaration of independence, was the third
president of the United States. Other achievements of his were in the field of
diplomat, lawyer, scientist, farmer and architect. Thought to be one of the most
brilliant men ever to have been in the White House, he too like Einstein and
Newton was shy, struggled to relate to people, was a poor speaker in public
and showed a sensitivity to loud noises. Despite recording all his financial
transactions, he died in debt. He would have a pet mocking bird always on
his shoulder and wore slippers at important meetings. When ‘Diagnosing
Jefferson’, a book by author Norm Ledgin was published in 2000, it claimed that
Jefferson’s obvious genius was due to Aspergers, matching his behaviours with
five diagnostic criteria for the syndrome, thus explaining his 54 year obsession
with building/rebuilding Monticello, his inability to control his spending and his
affair with a child/slave. Although historians had always pointed out surrounding
Jefferson it took the author Ledgin, whose son has Aspergers Syndrome, to
recognise what the historians had not.
Now thus far we have now come across two liable individuals with autism
who have allegedly entangled with Rennes-le-Chateau, home of our Lincoln
Cathedral Code, Newton and Jefferson. Newton has been named as a master
of the Priory of Sion and, both surprisingly and amazingly, Jefferson has thought
to have possibly visited Rennes covertly! For much of the speculation and
possible fact concerning Jefferson, I owe to my friend the Author Cort Lindahl.
In 1786 Jefferson toured the French Languedoc region the area saturated in
stories concerning the Cathars and the Knight Templar. The most important
of his definitely confirmed tour was his visit to where he describes in his
autobiography as Soutterain St, today marked on maps as St Ferioll. Why is this
visit so important? Well, only three miles away from the village we arrive at….
Rennes-le-Chateau, and so we ask, did Jefferson, too. Surely if he had been aware
of the mystery and legends attached to the village he would be unable to resist
going there if only three miles away? Is it so hard to imagine that he did indeed
do so but deliberately omitted to record this in his autobiography or elsewhere?
The word ‘Soutterain’ simply refers to the state of being subterranean which
make sit rather tempting to suggest that we may be, again, on the trail of tunnels!
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As well as perhaps carrying the autism gene, Jefferson is thought to have been
of the Knights Templar Strict Observance owing to his entanglement with one
book in particular.
Alleged, as so much of these twists and turns are, to have been written by
Joseph of Arimathea at Rennes-le-Chateau, ‘The book of the Holy Grail’ sources
would like us believe that Jefferson edited the book from French to English with
Henry Mercier, French Minister to the United States, re-editing it later in the
mid 19th century. Describing Joseph as Jesus father for a change, J.R.Ploughman’s
foreword to the contemporary edition of the book is entitled ‘The Keys to the
Quest’. The portion of the book said to have edited by both Ploughman and
Mecier is the original ‘Book of the Holy Grail’, containing a Merovingian bible
and, more importantly, a description of a ‘Grail Language’, a code using numerical
sequences involving specific numbers. Are we looking here at an effort to
present what was at the time the Lost Mother Tongue that I have since shared?
Did Abbe Boudet have some access to it also? Might the numerical value have
to do with our number 28?
Much of Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ had rekindled old themes and acted
as a reminder of the alleged ‘Holy Bloodline’ of Jesus Christ through a union
with Mary Magdalene. My own work dispels this as not having happened and
that instead we should look at the name Rosemary - a combination of the
Grail code ‘Rose’ and Mary as in Magdalene - we find that the name means
‘Remember’, inspiring us to do just that as there is indeed a something to
remember, the true account of these biblical figures that I have deduced rolls
into one. The nearest I can suggest regarding this holy bloodline theme is
instances of where individuals who are on the autistic spectrum have found
their way into birth with a royal Family. Let us look at some. King George V was
known for his obsessive interests which included stamp collecting, pheasant
shooting and uniforms. Having a love of routine he also possessed an awkward
personality. Prince John who was his younger son suffered from epilepsy, a
condition that is often allied with autism. It was John’s learning impediment
causing him to be diagnosed retrospectively a being severely autistic.
The later George VI presented with a social and extreme awkwardness too
and would display unpredictable rages of some intensity. Prince Albert too may
be suspect owing to a combine shyness and mastery of technical subjects. In a
lesser contestable area, HRH Princess Marie of Denmark, whilst choosing not to
to disclose which family member has announced publically, ‘I have autism in my
immediate family.’
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There are rumours circulating the twelve year old Princess Aiko of Japan, the
only child of the heir apparent to the Japanese throne, may have ASD. Poomi
Jensen, born Bhumi Jensen, grandson of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand was
commonly known to have had autism.
Sadly at the tender age of 21, the prince was a victim of the 2004 Indian Ocean
earthquake drowned in the tsunami that struck the coast of Southern Thailand.
However, perhaps the best example of an autist regent would be that of the
intriguing tale of German youth Kaspar Hauser( 1812-1833) claimed to have
grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell. His fascinating tale can be
found with ease upon the world wide web, but my interest is in how this
unknown waif with an important hidden history appearing on the streets of
Nuremberg in 1828 with no language and completely outside of human culture,
destined to a subsequent death of stabbing, was allegedly discovered to be
crown prince to the grand ducal House of Baden and, according to Simon
Baron-Cohen, was candidate for the first well documented case of autism in
both literature and history. Terry Boardman, author of the book ‘Kaspar Hauser
where did he come from? ’takes Hauser’s thwarted destiny even further pointing
out that if the moral and spiritually minded Hauser had been allowed his rightful
crown prince of Baden in 1848 at the time of the German Revolution he might
have ended up as the King of United Germany and changed the entire course
and history of the nation, Central Europe and the world. A co-operation for
the sake of Germany between him and the ‘man of blood and iron’ Bismarck
and Prussian Jew Ferdinand Lasalle, founder of the Social Democrat Party
of Germany, would have almost certainly changed the course of history, side
stepping two world wars. And yet dark forces (some say those of the ‘Left Hand
path’) as you can research for yourself within the Hauser controversy, conspired
to prevent this happening, and the inspiration of autism was prevented what
most likely would have been its first regent on a throne. Coincidence that the
German word for ‘left handed’ is ‘Linken’ (phonetic ‘Lincoln’)?
In February 2015 the news story broke that a study from a Pentagon Think
Tank theorised that Russian President Vladimir Putin has Aspergers Syndrome,
according to a 2008 report.
Another interesting find concerning the link between Buddhism and autism
comes when we return to the controversial Tibetan lama Chogyam Trungpa,
perhaps the most influential teacher the West has ever seen. Tagtrug Mukpo
was born to Chogyam and his wife in 1971, and as a young child young child
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was recognised by His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa as one of the several
incarnations of Surmang Tenga Rinpoche, a tulku (‘emanated incarnation’) in the
Kagye lineage. Also as a youngster he was diagnosed as having autism. He now
lives in a sangha member at Karme Choling Meditation Centre , Vermont, USA,
requiring around the clock care.
At the time of his diagnosis it was thought that Tagtrug was suffering from what
the Tibetans call ‘Tulku’s disease’, a situation whereby a tulku is not allowed to
pursue his spiritual education. This opens up two hypotheses; Are people with
autism ‘untrained’ Buddhists? Are Buddhist ‘trained’ to become autistic?
With autism and Aspergers on a global rise so too is that of the child prodigy, so
you should not be surprised to learn of the entanglement with both category.
A 2012 study of eight young prodigies who all by the age of ten had achieved
acclaim and a professional status openly revealed their high level of autistic traits,
most notably in a ferocious attention to detail, as well as over representation of
the condition within their closest family members. Regarding their attention and
obsessiveness with detail all scored higher with this trait than individuals who
did have an actual Asperger diagnosis (suggesting to me that the prodigies were
Asperger) and three of the prodigies did in fact have a diagnosis of an autistic
spectrum disorder.
Four of the eight families had reported an autism diagnosis in their first or
second degree relatives with three of the families having a total of eleven
relatives on the spectrum. The study highlighted some other revelations and
unusual parallels between prodigies and individuals with autism. Unless we are
falling foul of a sexism here by a reticence (that does exist) to jointly recognise
girls on the spectrum and those who have hidden talents, the study informs
us that most prodigies and those with autism will be male, whilst females who
have been recognised are both associated with difficulty in pregnancies perhaps
owing to stages within uterine development.
During the early days of dissemination of his newly found syndrome Hans
Asperger described children with it as ‘Little Professors’ on account of their
evident prodigious vocabulary and very early expertise in which they would
endlessly lecture others unaware of how tedious they might have become
in doing so. An early study in 2007 found that the close relatives of prodigies
as with the same in people with autism scored higher on autistic traits, the
prodigies by contrast benefitting from certain autistic tendencies whilst in
avoidance of the shortfalls of others.
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A standard assessment of autistic related traits showed the prodigies scoring
higher than a control group concerned with all measures, also scoring
significantly lower than a separate comparison group of Aspergers barring the
attention to detail measure.
Having to try and seek an explanation for why the child prodigies’ lack of deficit
is such it was conceded that whilst they may have a form of autism there is
a biological modifier responsible for the suppression of many typical form of
autism whilst leaving their attention to detail untouched and perhaps even
Soon, when we will read of the sheer egoism and failure within Nazi Germany’s
lack of compassion in their Lebensborn project, we can take heart with heart
with finer study in which it is thought perhaps children with autism are the
product of the tendency within like-minded engineers, physicists, mathematicians
and other ‘systemisers’ to marry each other.
Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen has given consideration that there is a link between
the impaired ability of a person on the autistic spectrum to communicate,
recognise emotions and socialise with the genes enabling a person to find laws
that that govern how a system works.
Calling it ‘assortative mating’ Baron-Cohen is suggesting that these systemisers
who marry have done so by an attraction that is beyond chance and what
comes with this is an increased risk of having a child with autism. Such studies
are usually received by the mainstream as defensive with a distinct lack of an
air of optimism or positivity, owing to the general perception that autism is an
undesirable condition to have.
However, couldn’t Baron-Cohen’s observations and studies be put another
way. There is a subtle genius that is now producing a potential for further
genius , (perhaps it will be responsible for musicians and sound technicians
discovering ways capable of creating recordings that can penetrate the thin
veil of dimensions) and this is the way that nature and a changing evolution is
planning it?
If Hitler and his chums had been around a little longer, into the advent of the
introduction of Asperger Syndrome into our societies, I can’t help thinking he,
his mad scientists and a little help from geneticists would have recognised the
dawning of the Super Race they were hoping to achieve, but for Germany alone.
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However, now in 2014 the genius is out there and we await to see where it will
take us. Dr Temple Grandin, American Doctor of Animal Science and professor
at Colorado State University who became a successful engineer more through
than despite her autism once famously called NASA a ‘ a sheltered workshop
for people with autism and Asperger Syndrome’ and with the belief that
persons with ASD are the great innovators, adding that ‘if the world was left to
you socialites, nothing would get done and we would still be in caves talking to
each other’,
Instead of perhaps resisting the statement and offending ourselves with it, we
should consider that she may be right. I asked Temple if she used her capacity
for cosmic thoughts to contemplate Life’s Mystery. ‘When I was younger I had
all kinds of complex theories and looked for the Meaning of Life,’ she told me in
2009, ‘Today at age 62 I have found that the meaning of life is really simple. Do
things here on earth to improve conditions. The world needs logical thinking
Aspies to do practical real things to help other people. I gave up my complex
theories about 15 years ago’.
In passing, this lady’s very noticeable name contains both ‘In Grand Temple’
and ‘Grail’.
’I’ll leave the final word to the belief held by Hans Asperger. ‘For success in
science or art, a dash of autism is essential. The essential ingredient may be an
ability to turn away from the everyday world, from the simply practical and to
rethink a subject with originality so as to create in new untrodden ways with all
abilities canalised into the one speciality.’
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Ice on the Sun
Now that we are on the threshold of replacing the term ‘paranormal’ with an
explanation of the phenomenon by way of the term ‘Quantum Entanglement,’ it
makes life a little easier to share one’s experiences with the actuality. Quantum
Entanglement, used in physics to describe inseparable relationships between
quantum systems which, when reduced to layman’s terms explains how
information can be shared no matter how far apart they exist - communication
taking place outside of space-time to confirm the Buddhist teaching that all
things are linked and that separation is an illusion. An externalisation of this
entanglement can be likened to Google Search on our computers, any single
topic immediately linked to an unlimited source. In 2009, I unexpectedly
entangled with author Graham Hancock when out of the blue he contacted me
asking if he could have permission to use one of my poster names on his forum
for the hero tribe in the novel he was writing. The book went on to be titled
On this basis, it appears I have been quantum entangled with Tibet since
childhood and that almost every seventeen years a biorhythm in my DNA
Blueprint erupts to bring about an externalised connection. As a teenager I had
shown an interest in the bestselling books by Lobsang Rampa, a writer who
claimed that he had been a lama in Tibet before entering the body of a British
man. ‘Rampa’ was born in Devon as Cyril Hoskin.
Later down the time line I entangled with the work of Henry Lincoln and his
Rennes-le-Chateau best seller, intriguing when he randomly chose the very
surname that is the city where his mystery has led me, and that his actual
surname is Soskin. A Hoskin and a Soskin! One of the scripts Henry Lincoln
wrote for the sci-fi hit series ‘Dr Who’, was based in Tibet.
My first interaction with ‘The Forbidden Land’ was back in 1977 when I stayed
at the Karma Samye-Ling retreat in Dumfries, Scotland amongst Tibetan refugees
and my teacher Lama Akong Rinpoche, all in exile from Chinese oppression.
In 1994 I found myself revisiting Samye when the Dalai Lama arrived on a visit
there, and in 2012 I found myself entangling with Lamaism once more, and
with that the return of Tibet into association with the Grail. This time it was
brought about when Nick Gray, Producer of the 1995 acclaimed UK Yorkshire
TV documentary ‘Escape From Tibet’ (and now author of the same titled book
including a Foreword written for him by the Dalai Lama) was given a special
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screening of his film in
Lincoln in August 2012,
one of the two escapees
featured in the film, now
aged 28, present.
The Author with
Lama Lhakpa Yeshe
Until Tibet connected us,
when Nick and I met up
we were both amazed
to find that we had been
living up the same street
for eight years, a matter
of only a hundred yards
apart, unaware of each
other and having both arrived at our homes in the same year! Lama Lhakpa
Yeshe whose origins are Kham in eastern Tibet, attended the screening too,
temporarily resident and teaching in Lincoln before returning to Liverpool and
onto retreat at Dharamsala, India, to receive instruction from the Dalai Lama. I
invited the lama to my home on two occasions and this is when synchronicities
with world events started afresh.
My first invite was on 22nd October and
amongst many subjects discussed I had
intuitively meant to show him one of
my meteorite collection, having had the
thought to do so the previous evening.
However, this didn’t happen but the
following weekend 29th, I did give him
such an item to keep. On Friday 28th an
interesting news story broke here in the
UK and it was how a priceless Tibetan
Buddhist statue that had been looted by
Nazis from Tibet in 1932 was carved from
a meteorite which crashed to the earth
15,000 years ago.
New research announced that day told
how the 1,000 year old carving 24cm high
and weighing 10g depicts the god Vaisravana, the Buddhist Guardian and King of
the North, stolen by Hitler’s SS who were searching for the origins of the Aryan
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race, eventually making its home that of a private collector and stashed away
until being auctioned in 2007. At the request of it new owner researchers dated
it to a specific in the history of astronomy when the Chinga meteorite fell in the
borders of eastern Siberia and Mongolia between10-20,000 years ago, declaring
the icon to be made of a rare ataxite class, the rarest meteorite type that has
ever fallen to earth, carved by the pre-Tibetan Bon culture in the 11thC.
Quite a synchronicity by anyone terms…you invite a Tibetan lama around to
your home, present him with a meteorite and then an ancient Buddhist statue
that was stolen from Tibet is announced as having been carved from a rare
meteorite! My lama friend insisted that I called him simply by the title ‘lama’ as
some people have problems with Tibetan name pronunciations, and so onto the
next synchronicity. On 2nd October a world news story told how the worst
maritime accident in Hong Kong since 1971 had occurred involving the pleasure
boat Lamma IV off Lamma Island, the entanglement being that it was taking
the crew to watch a firework display in celebration of China’s National Day.
Suddenly a ’lama’ was in world news. This is the type of synchronicity I have now
became familiar with in my life….a something or someone that I am involved
with somehow finds a connection with world news event. On 9th October
the brave Pakistani school pupil and education activist Malala Yousafzai grabbed
world headlines surviving the shameful and spineless assassination attempt by
Taliban gunmen shooting her in the neck and head a she returned home on her
school bus - Malala, anagrammatic of ‘lama lama’, went on to be the joint winner
of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize ( emulating the Dalai Lama) for her struggle
against the suppression of children and young people for the right of all children
to education.
There was more to come. On Saturday September 29th, the same day that
I gave lama his meteorite, yet another world news story announced how
on September 21st, the very day that I had had the thought to present the
lama with a meteorite, two Russian astronomers at the ISON Kislovodsk
Observatory had discovered an incoming comet currently located beyond the
orbit of Jupiter, pointing out that it would pass just 1.16 million miles from the
sun and then immediately after reaching this solar near point head in a direction
favourable for our viewing; North, passing relatively close to the earth, blooming
in the weeks approaching Christmas 2013, potentially growing as bright as the
full moon and capable of casting shadows, to put on a spectacular sky show.
Dubbed Comet ISON (C/2012/S1), it was soon discovered that it had a curious
similarity - appearing to follow the same orbit of that of the Great Comet of
1680, provoking the thought that they may have been two halves of the same
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entity. There had also been another synchronicity for at the same time as the
release of the news about ISON a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Columbia
happened, close to ISNOS, Columbia.
All this sounded reasonably interesting to the casual viewer but for me it took
on a greater and personal significance which I will now explain. Since 2005 I
have been entangled in an unfolding mystery concerning Lincoln Cathedral,
having earlier been assisted to the deductions from key elements in the
enigmatic affair of Rennes-le-Chateau a related significance being in the title
of the Merovingian rulers of the Franks who were known as ‘The long haired
monarchs’, the word ‘comet’ coming from the Greek ‘Kometos’ meaning ‘long
haired’ in reference to its tail.
A clue in my Lincoln mystery came from the alleged Grand Master of the Priory
of Sion, Grail intrepid Rene d’Anjou and his ‘La Fountaine de Fortune’ (The
Fountain of Fortune) in which a fallen knight has a pair of wings upon his helmet,
with a heart between.
Naturally we are given to thinking that the hazy orb in the sky is a diffused sun,
but if we were to think of an approaching celestial body then what we could
actually be seeing is the fuzzy, temporary atmosphere of a comet face on. That
it is moving would explain the noted anomaly in the illustration of the shadows
not being in the same direction, whereby we would expect them to be if cast
by a fixed sun. The nucleus of a comet may also be referred to as its ‘heart’, and
the wings it sits between in the illustration appear to duplicate the ‘wings’ or
discharge of a comet.
Hidden away in the Choristers, the Cathedral has its own representation of a
falling knight, the ‘Falling Knight’ can be found carved under one of the seats of
the Misericords in the Choir Stalls, and here we take note that another meaning
for ‘misericords’ is ‘a narrow bladed dagger used for killing wounded foe’. Lincoln
Cathedral as seen from the air is in the shape of the Templar’s Cross of Lorraine,
otherwise known as the ‘double dagger’ or ‘double cross’.
Author David Wood with whom I entangled during 1985, in his 1994 book
‘GeneSet - Target Earth’ announced through intricate geometry and numerology
that he had decoded the famous inscription ET IN ARCADIA EGO that had
baffled Rennes investigators for so long, and that it reduced to ‘ICE GOD’ in
reference to a destined comet.
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The culmination of my Rennes-Lincoln and consequent deductions indicated
that the biblical figure of Jesus had been a concoction of the Council of Nicaea
in 325 AD in order to guarantee male as the predominant icon and to usurp
Mother Goddess status and that this god-like male figure had been borrowed
from an actual and powerful female figure recorded as Mary Magdalene.
Furthermore the secret of Rennes-le-Chateau that terminates in Lincoln,
England, is that ‘Jesus’ was therefore a female who met with a demise by dagger
after being ‘double-crossed’.
In the more orthodox story
about a male Jesus, his death is by
crucifixion with the added torment
of the ‘Spear of Destiny’ - that relic
of Nazi interest - piercing his side,
the hanging arms of Christ being
symbolic of the Fallopian Tubes.
Now, we refer back to the Comet
ISON for the letters are an anagram
of SION, the alleged Priory that
Female Jesus
Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada
watches over the Grail secret.
Also, from the Rennes-le-Chateau
Parchments that decode at Lincoln
Cathedral is that enigmatic reference
to our hauntingly repeating number, 681. At the Cathedral, the numerals
hide themselves equally spaced within the East Sun Dial. Recalling d’Anjou’s
anomalous illustration of a sun that is actually a comet, we learned that Comet
2012 ISON was to head our way in along the same orbit as The Great Comet
of 1680….the year containing the key number 681, and so we have the two
component parts, SION and 681.
Eager announcements were made to tell us that this giant piece of ice and rock’s
scheduled appearance was on December 26th 2013 when it would be closest
to earth and one cannot help but bring to mind the so-called star of Bethlehem
the story of which led to the birth of the Jesus at a date almost identical.
Given that I am drawing your attention to a Magdalene and therefore Knights
Templar connection to the comet Ison, you will appreciate the intervention of
synchronicity when you learn that the first scientist to capture Ison on film, in
September 2013, was Dr Matthew KNIGHT!
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To return to and conclude with the dagger, a
small sword that I have announced terminated
the life of a pregnant Magdalene, if we take a
look at the types of cometary forms from the
earliest illustrations first assembled by Johannes
Hevelius’ Cometographia in 1668 many, we find,
resemble... a dagger.
In 2012 we asked ourselves the burning (pun
intended!) question would comet Ison passing
by the earth fulfil the prophecy in Matthew
10:34 attributed to Jesus, ‘I come not to bring
peace, but to bring a sword’? Would it also
fulfil the 2012 Mayan prophecy, taken out
of all proportion by Doomsday merchants,
announcing a New Cycle and the return of a ‘Great King’? Likewise, the
prophecy of the mysterious hidden Tibetan kingdom of Shamballah, is that the
preordained Maitreya accompanied by Gesar, mythic war hero of the Tibetans
and storming on a white horse, will yield ‘a comet-like fiery sword; in his hand.
The Chintamani Stone, referred to as the very first Holy Grail on earth and
of which part is allegedly kept in a monastery in Tibet at the entrance of
Shamballah, may actually be a species of meteorite known as the dark green
Moldavite. This green stone appears to be the one that fell from Lucifer’s crown
in the Germanic Grail legend, and which entangles with my Lincoln Cathedral
mystery whereby the final location of a ‘something’ to be retrieved, veiled in
Magdalene imagery, is arrived at by the place name of ‘Greestone Steps’.
In 2012 I thought perhaps the imminence and heralding of the SION 681
comet might be a key to speedily enhance the unlocking of the Grail Mystery.
Still, before all this could happen, there was one very serious hurdle to
overcome, well, more correctly circumnavigate - our sun. Not an easy job for
a rock made up of ice. On 6.35pm, 28th November 2013, it appeared that
comet Ison had not survived its journey around the sun, as most scientists had
predicted, their early forecasts giving only a 30% chance of survival. Having
disappeared behind the sun it failed to re-emerge from behind the burning star
having confronted temperatures of 2,700 Celsius as it grazed the sun’s surface.
Skimming 7,300 miles above the fiery surface, scientists announced that Ison,
disappearing from view from space telescopes, had been destroyed, broken into
chunks and evaporated.
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The following morning there was a hopeful if unexpected U-turn from many
in the scientific community as it was announced that parts of Ison may have,
after all, survived its ordeal as pictures showed what might be a fragment of
the comet, brightening. ’We’ve been following this comet for a year now and all
the way it has been surprising and confusing us’, said astrophysicist Karl Battams
operator at the US Space Agency Sungrazing Comets Project. He described the
comet as ‘A ridiculous, crazy, dynamic and unpredictable object’ that continues
to ‘amaze, astound and confuse’. After the great anticipation of Ison’s arrival into
our solar system had been challenged with immediate announcement of its
death, the scientific and astronomy community held its breath.
One such British hopeful was the astronomer with the famous name, Dan
Brown, from Nottingham Trent University. On December 2nd, on one of the
UK’s first blogs announcing Ison’s final demise, The Huffpost Tech, the first line
after the heading ‘Comet Ison is Dead, NASA Confirms’ read, ‘He is dead then’...
echoing the famous line in the Rennes parchment; ‘To Sion belongs this treasure
and he is there dead’, and by doing so providing us with the synchronicity that
was her actual destiny to meet.
Brave Ison had been a unique comet travelling straight from 4.5 billion years of
deep freeze on its way sunwards for a million years or so. That its fate was to
only make it inside the earth’s orbit before disintegrating with no mercy spared
from the perihelion encounter with from the Sun’s heat and tidal forces and rob
us of our anticipated heavenly spectacle is the eventuality we must now accept.
However, nothing can change that Ison played out a predestined role which was
somewhat predicted in our century by our own Lincoln Cathedral Code where
681 is explained by a visit to the Cathedral’s East Sun Dial - East being the
direction of the rising sun, and the sun itself being responsible for Ison’s demise.
If I were to write my own epitaph for odd Ison it would recall how sent on
a journey into our inner solar system it is unusual in being a first time visitor
and also in a sun grazing orbit. To end this saga with an equally destined
entanglement allow me to provide you with the name of the man who
broke the first announcement of her demise at the Central Bureau for
Astronomical Telegrams at the International Union? It only happened to be
my namesake, Dan Green.
You just couldn’t make it up.
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Magic Batons or Weather Patterns?
Magic, it has been said, is a process whereby visible, physical results are
produced, determined upon by the trained will thought of the practitioner who
has found the way to communicate and win the collaboration of appropriate
angelic intelligences.
I have often wondered exactly how what we call ‘magic’ might work. From the
ancient necromancers to the modern day occultists we are assured that it does,
although rationally not all the time otherwise we’d all notice and have a fun time
altering the fabric of time and space to suit our own desires. Imagine what chaos
that would bring upon the butterfly effect.
So, how does it work, if at all? Occultist Crowley asserted that ‘Matter is an
illusion created by will and therefore susceptible to alteration at the behest of
its creator’. Succinctly put, although quite an ancient Buddhist sentiment, and
the perfect ice breaker at parties! Now, having studied neurology best I can
for some number of years, and with Tibetan Buddhist training in what is now
fashionably called ‘The science of the Mind,’ I have my own theory, which as any
good practitioner will tell you, put to the test for yourself.
My investigations into the brain tell me that this piece of grey matter, the
greatest mystery known to man, has no respect for our linear Time-Space as
we know it. Examples of this might be the feeling of déjà vu, that weird epileptic
leap forwards into our future and back again to report in our present, and how
time is entirely abandoned in the Dream World where events in our waking
consciousness’ future can be revealed to our waking present. In short, the
brain can nip into future events and relay them back - if it wants! It’s rather like
how encounters with angels, gods and such might easily just be an encounter
with our own ‘Higher Self,’ again enabling transmission of a future event to be
Let me now create a scenario for you. Imagine I want to bring about a preferred
effect and will attempt to cause it by magic. And so, off I go with my head
stuck in books and manuscripts detailing precise ingredients (bit like making a
cake) to factor in, so that when they are all amalgamated - involving things like
a specific date, time of day, environment, frequencies, colours, sounds, smells,
self-deprivation and such - off will fly the request rather like sending an email
somewhere. Cyber space might well do.
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The request, or demand, depending on ego, will be received, sorted like a
GPO postman might sort incoming mail and place in a position suitable for its
destination, and, with the say so of some paranormal source, force or energy
will grant its anticipated conclusion. What source, force or energy is consulted?
Some might say it is the etheric envelope that is alleged to surround the planet,
what the Theosophists would call Gaia, the Mind of the planetary body. The
question I would ask is can any mere mortal force the hand of the totality of
a Mind from which all inhabitants of the earth appear to borrow from, their
seemingly individual brain functioning rather like a borrowed book from one
overall Library? Or, might it not be that the would-be magician is unaware that
his/her own brain has tuned into a future event and unconsciously going through
the motion of a formulated ritual, mistakenly thinks it is their own desire and
preference that is going to bring about the magical change?
If this be so, then there is no such thing as a human being able to enact magic
and control the forces of Nature any more than a person standing in front of a
fully raging tornado could bring about its cessation with a few words unless the
storm was petering itself out anyway.
The thought of being able to control nature is a fascinating one but maybe it is
time to inspect the converse and realise exactly how much nature controls us.
My own experiences tell me that consciousness IS everywhere, in every tree,
stone, river, and all else and that it might respond to a sincere egoless effort to
attune with it. Mother Earth can speak with us, but I doubt very much can be
bullied by us. Universal archetypes can and do respond, be it to the self-styled
magician or ordinary individual.
My own experiences involve that of the god Pan, Mercury, Hecate and Tibetan
Tara, and often through the natural magic of what we now call synchronicity.
However, we get what we are given! The god archetype Mercury brought my
success when after years of trying, a butterfly, a symbol associated with him,
did one day eventually land on my outstretched palm. Hecate, who is a Mother
Goddess archetype that presides over tombs and burial grounds, using unrelated
individuals, brought about a GPR scan at a burial ground for me (not to mention
a frog, one of her symbolic associations, hopping through my bedroom window
in the summer to sit motionless alongside my bed!), and Tara appears to have
commandeered an actual Tibetan lama to randomly visit my home town and to
bring us together as friends. Tibet is a long way from Lincoln
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All manners of types of archetypes are often visible, carved elegantly by clouds,
a response to thought that may be put to the test if one has the belief, or
better still the experience and knowledge, that consciousness is all around us.
Obviously there is no guaranteed success rate, but often, unexpectedly, it does
happen. An impressive and quite recent example is the one shared by graphic
designer Carl Tidy of Worthing, Sussex in 2005 after he had been tasked with
coming up with an idea for a poster for some churches. With this contemplation
absolutely up front in his mind, he stepped outside for some fresh air and his
gaze met with the archetypical image of Jesus on the cross, carved almost to
perfection by clouds in the blue sky. If we are to accept the assurances given us
by Theosophy, it looks like Carl’s own mind had hooked up with the Mind of
the living planet and in return the image was naturally awaiting his attention. Or,
as in thinking we can do magic, Time-Space had been already mapped out and
his search for inspiration and meet with the amazing cloud was always going
to occur at the moment that his unconscious mind would ensure he would be
stepping out for a breather.
Critics, who are afraid to evolve from their own self- imposed Dark Ages to
accept modern day meaningful synchronicity at work, will dismiss Carl’s moment
as a meaningless coincidence and prefer to run on the spot in their frozen time
warp. Psychology has even given a term, Pareidolia, for seeing faces in a cloud,
without any respect for considering the possibility that a planetary Mind can
reflect an archetype or synchronise an action. A correspondent of mine had
her own encounter this year, the day after it was reported that thousands of
dolphins gathered spanning seven miles of ocean off the coast of San Diego,
on February 16th in 2013. With this thought fresh in her mind, the following
morning she saw a single cloud sail past her home near Mansfield shortly
after sunrise, and it appeared quite like a dolphin. The wind is in itself quite
magical for it is invisible but we know it is there, but what most of us probably
do not know is exactly how it can affect us, and I don’t mean by blowing off our
hats. A study discovered that 50% of heart attacks and strokes occur during the
time that the wind blows at strength 4 or 5 on the Beaufort scale. An American
study revealed how the number of fights amongst school children increased
50% when the wind blew above force 6. The Foehn wind is a warm, dry strong
wind located in mountainous terrain and in 1973 it was noticed in Geneva that
when it increased it appeared to be responsible for over a doubling in road
traffic accidents, and during the time of these winds major surgery carried
out in both German and Swiss hospitals are postponed as heavy bleeding and
thrombosis has been recorded as increasing, consequently causing complications
prior to operations.
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The Santa Ana hot, dry winds of Los Angeles occurring when air flowing down
from the inland plateaus causing compression that warms them, has been cited
as the chief suspect for a 64% rise in murder rates according to a study from a
University professor in 1968 whilst collating homicidal evidence and comparing
it with weather records. Other Californian assertions from even further back,
claims the wind to be a factor involved in exacting crimes of passion. To bring
some science into the equation the argument still seems to be revolving,
some saying that still air is the container for negative ions but air such as that
found during Foehn winds has the tendency to build up positive ions, the latter
believed to be the causing one-third of the population their anxieties and
irritability as well as nausea and headaches.
This, it is thought, could be an explanation for why weird events occur during
winds that are dry. Heightened levels of the nerve transmitter Serotonin are
linked with positive ions, high serotonin levels responsible for headaches and
nausea symptoms in its own right.
Evidence that conflicts with the belief that gender is an occurrence by chance
alone has also been accumulated as a means to show that the condition of
whether a male or female child is born is inversely liable to being affected.
The UK drought of 1975-6 appears to have brought about a short male baby
boom in several parts of the UK, the effect of an increase of trace elements in
the water after the drought ended affecting male sperm formation, announced
University of London research biologist William Lyster, August 1977 average sex
ratio being 140 boys to every 100 girls, replacing the normal rate of 106-100.
320 days after The Great Smog in London in December 1952 another change
in new born sex ratio was recorded, with 109 males to 144 female births.
However, as with most changes in our comprehension of evolution, more
scientific data is required to affirm absolute confirmation of such events, rather
like our global weather patterns right now, and we remain caught in a state of
flux in our attempts to enhance our understanding.
A brief word here about the effect of the sun and how much, we are
just discovering, our behaviour is dependant upon it as if it were a human
metronome as research is showing that it has a profound effect on both
brain and nervous system, the former, like the moon during lunar cycles,
becoming destabilised during magnetically stormy days. The effect of the sun’s
electromagnetism upon the earth’s own magnetic field in turn effects us, as
magnetism triggers a brain response - the remarkable findings of an international
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team who were studying ‘magneto-reception’ - our brain’s ability to detect
magnetic changes in the earth - announcing in 1993 that our human brain
contains ‘millions of tiny magnetic particles’. Some areas of neuro-scientific study
have tried to determine whether autism can be influenced by geomagnetic
factors. Clearly, if time allows, we still have much to learn out our interaction
with basic existence.
Although many are willing to accept the maxim that today’s technology, scientists
and physicists are now the medieval magicians of old - Blavatsky’s Mahatma
Letters falling out the sky rather like modern emails for example - it may well be
that we will never quite understand the basic of ‘magic’ until we come to terms
with a basic understanding of our own planet and its capability to think for itself
and we as guests on that great body, may not entirely own our own brains.
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A Blip Down Memory Lane
The subject of reincarnation, or as some prefer, rebirth, is a vast one and in
its simpler terms easy to understand and, equally, to believe. Rather like the
translation of UFO experiences so that our brain will not expand itself suddenly
to cause a cosmic glimpse of reality that could be detrimental to the unprepared
recipient, then so too has our understanding of reincarnation had to be
presented in a fashion that we have a better chance of feeling comfortable with.
For those who may dare to stretch their own comprehension a little further
outward, I will share my own inroads into how an alternative understanding of
reincarnation announced itself as being the one true rebirth, that of planet earth,
drawn from my own experience and research, treading a solitary and lonely
DNA path and receptivity to Tibetan Kalachakra (‘Time Wheel’), which led me
to understanding Buddha’s hidden teaching and how Tibet functions as the brain
centre of our planet. Not only will I endeavour to escape you from you own
daily consciousness but I will introduce you to a strange karmic link involving the
two most famous escapees in history, one you will not be surprised with, for
he is already associated with reincarnation as a core belief, though he does not
recall any of his own previous thirteen, but the other personality might surprise
you, even though I will attempt to demonstrate, using my usual tool of the Lost
Mother Tongue, parallel themes in their individual stories.
But first, I tell a little of my own. With Superman, it was the reoccurring of the
initial LL in his life - Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemuria and Lex Luthor. My
DNA thread, however, at various points along its unfolding blue print, brought
to my attention the reoccurrence of the word ‘Ling, ’my own Lois and Lana
first manifested surfacing with teenage chemical reaction in 1972 when I was
drawn to the dark haired singer in the British based pop group The New
Seekers, Eve Graham. Destined to be an authentic ‘Seeker’ I should have spotted
the relevance of the band’s name, but to give this lady her full name of Evelyn
Graham, we spot ‘Lyng’ in the midst of Eve LYNG raham. The fact that from
the Teutonic ‘Graham’ means ‘warring’ - warfare, battles or campaigns - gives an
indication of what is to come. ‘Ling’ returned again, this time more noticeably in
1974 by way of my interest in Abba superstar Annifrid Lyngstad, now a German
Countess, whom I eventually made contact with in Switzerland in 1992 inviting
her involvement in an intended European movie entitled ‘Zeitgeist’ which didn’t
make it beyond the script stage although another film with the same title did in
2007, opening with audio quotes by Tibetan lama Chogyam Trungpa.
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My entanglement with Frida had a quirky, synchronous element and another
unwanted appearance from Himmler and the Nazis. ‘Lebensborn’ was a special
Aryan breeding programme of his established in 1935 the objective being the
breeding of racially ‘superior children’. Regarding the blue-eyed, blond haired
Norwegians as especially Aryan and pure, the plan was after the war to entrust
Norwegian leadership to these ‘Aryans’ or to have them and their mothers
brought to Germany bringing more Nordic blood into the Third Reich. With a
Norwegian mother, Annifrid was one of those Lebensborn children, born to a
German Nazi officer during the German occupation of Norway, thus becoming
one of the many ‘children of shame’ - unwanted after the Germans lost the war.
Being an illegitimate child of a Nazi, Annifrid was taken by her grandmother to
Sweden to escape the harsh punishment meted out as children of the enemies
were ostracised in post-war Norway. And now for the quirkiness. I was given
birth to by my mother Eleanor Laben, which, quirkily in essence’, allows me to
be titularly viewed as a ‘Laben’s born’….
Tibet first merged with my life in 1977 when I felt inclined to stay at the
Monastery at Samye-Ling in Dumfries, Scotland, mixing company with authentic
refugees Lama Akong Rinpoche, who along with Chogyam Trungpa founded the
Centre. When I met rock star David Bowie in 1978 I was unaware that he too
had visited Samye-Ling eleven years earlier and for a short while engaged Lama
Chimi Rinpoche as his Teacher. In 1997 Bowie had his own ‘ling’ encounter when
he recorded a track ‘Seven years in Tibet’ on his Earthling album. My rendezvous
with him appears overall to have been destined as a further consolidation
reinforcing my DNA connection with the influence of Tibetan lamas, and to this
very day I have my friend Lama Lhakpa Yeshe whose sandaled feet for karmic
reasons led him to Lincoln in England, a city I myself had been drawn to twice
before finally settling a third time, and phonetically one cannot help enunciating
‘Ling’ in the pronunciation of ‘Lincoln’. My first encounter with Tibet had been a
fascination with their flag when I collected the set of bubble gum cards ‘Flags of
the world’ at the age of ten. Of all the 144 cards this was the one that held my
attention. It is also known as the ‘Snow Lion Flag’. The last time I visited SamyeLing was in May 1994 when I met the exiled God-King the Dalai Lama’s on his
only ever visit there.
Now, I must return to Dumfries in word only, for it was here in December 1745
along with his troops it was visited by another exiled king who figures in my
twisting DNA thread, that of Bonnie Prince Charlie. Samye-Ling was originally
centred around just one building, Johnstone House, and it was James Johnstone,
a Jacobite army officer, who is most notable for his memoirs of the 1745
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Uprising. Interestingly enough, the most famous Scots poet Robbie Burns died in
Dumfries, his most oft recited poem being that of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ meaning ‘Old
times gone by’, the origin of the word ‘ling’ argued to come from the Old English
’lang’ meaning ‘long’. The Samye-Ling Tibetan Centre in Dumfries is nearest to
I would be about 28 when perusing through a book in the public library I
suddenly came across an illustration showing the slaughtered Jacobite army
upon the battlefield of Culloden, having been outnumbered 9,000 to 6,000 by
the Duke of Cumberland’s redcoats. Without any warning a strong emotion
welled up within me, my eyes starting watering and I realised much to my
embarrassment in a public place that I was crying. Why? I knew next to nothing
about this most dramatic of encounters in history, the displaced Bonnie Prince’s
attempt to win back his rightful crown also being one of the most romantic
episodes in history.
It was time for me to find out more, and what a shock lay in store. Reading
a number of biographies of Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender,
proliferate with plates and illustrations, I saw how my mother, father, and four
of my immediate friends all looked like Charles’ parents and close inner circle.
If that wasn’t enough, I read how many key events in his life had more than a
passing semblance to that of my own, and much of his personality also paired
up including physical appearance at various stages of my life. I also have a
‘reincarnation mark’ on my left leg, and in Sanskrit ‘Ling’ means a mark or sign.
People around me offered up the only explanation they could think of, this was
a clear case of reincarnation. I had been Bonnie Prince Charlie?
In February 2014 a lost 1745 portrait of Charlie, the only one ever painted of
him in Britain, was discovered by art historian Bendor Grosvenor which seemed
to fulfil the quatrain issued by Nostradamus referring to the return of the King
of the Jacquerie, in 1999. However 1999 appears not to have been a reference
to that year for if we take the first 1 +9 in the date to equal 10 and then add
the further two nines, we arrive at the number 28, key to our Cathedral Code.
The painting emerged in 2014 - 2 x 14 = 28! Is this a symbolic ‘Return of the
King’? By way of synchronicity, when my Lincoln Cathedral Code Marker tomb
was GPR scanned by Rennes-le-Chateau intrepids, it took place on April 16th the date that Charlie was defeated at Culloden, and when I was made aware of
their intention I somewhat expected there would be a negative result for me.
But there wasn’t.
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Thus far I have shown how Scotland’s most enduring legendary figure and all
things Tibetan have entangled in my life, and with that it is time to attempt to
explain how and why, for although those around me scream ‘reincarnation’, I
don’t! Firstly, we are going to look at the hidden parallels concerning the prime
figures in this drama, The Dalai Lama and Charles Edward Stuart, and how both
have their ‘Ling’ connections, to show how these skeins of thread in this spider’s
web pull together. Much of the history of Scotland has been played out at
Stirling Castle and it was here in 1745 that Bonnie Prince Charlie made a ‘Ling’
connection’ when his Jacobite army took the town but failed to lay siege to the
Castle. One of the better known books chronicling the flight of the pursued
Bonnie Prince from Scotland is that of ‘The Prince in the Heather’, and I point
this out as ‘ling’ is also another name for the shrub Heather, as well as meaning
‘Heath,’ and when I first came to Lincoln I worked at an Autism Centre called
Heath Farm! Furthermore, the author of the book has for me the wonderfully
ironic name of Eric Linklater…’link later’!
Tibet connects with ‘Ling’ perhaps more demonstrably when we learn of King
Gesar who ruled the ‘Kingdom of Ling’ in Eastern Tibet eight centuries ago, the
word in its own language means ‘Place’. However it also has an entanglement
with our inherited understanding of what I am here to ultimately discuss,
reincarnation, for it was the wandering Indian sage guru Padmasamabhava,
known as the Second Buddha, who was responsible for composing in the 8th
century and bringing to Tibet what was to become their ‘Book of the Dead’,
it being the most respected and studied manual for affirmation, lately even
scientific, of the process of rebirth.
Deliberately buried in hills in central Tibet for centuries, it was eventually
discovered by a Master, Karma Lingpa - we have another very significant Ling!
Within the name Padmasambhava, we find ‘sambha’, and it is the constant
beat of the shamanic samba drum that creates altered states of consciousness,
amongst several theories seeking the origin of the word ‘samba’ suggesting
it from one of the African languages ‘sembe’ meaning ‘Divine Mother’. So far
both BPC and Tibet are sharing commonalities and another is that the Buddha
himself was a native of the ancient Shakya Republic in the Himalayan foothills,
and ‘Shakya’ courtesy of the Mother Tongue phonetics can be pronounced as
‘Sky’, for it was BPC’s epic flight through the Isle of Skye escaping his pursuers,
that is the most remembered episode after the defeat at Culloden. Curiously, if
you take a look at the Isle of Skye, you will see its own outline is without mistake
that of the Lion Rampant, the Royal Emblem of Scotland.
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However, the most marked of the common denominators in both the Dalai
Lama and BPC’s respective escape and exile is that in the title of both pursuing
agencies we see the same word ‘Han’. In Charlie’s case he was opposed by the
German Royal Dynasty the House of Hanover, and the Dalai Lama was ousted
by the dominant ethnic group in China, the Han Chinese. Significantly, as we
will see later, ‘Hanoverian’ contains the word ‘ovary’, the ovum producing female
reproductive organ. With these initial synchronicities out of the way we can now
concentrate on a deeper understanding concerning reincarnation and to do so
we must enlarge the microcosm to the macrocosm and consider viewing our
humble station of occupancy upon the totality of the planetary body, our earth,
in proportionate and Theosophical fashion, that of cells within a body. When
a planetary cell (human individual) belonging to a specific area of the cosmic
biological internal recognises its own, it will bond immediately, and this may well
explain the phenomenon of those experiencing the chemical ‘love at first sight’.
As I have hoped to persuade in earlier essays that the earth is a living and
conscious body and network upon which our own human body is a duplicate,
then let us consider ourselves in a biological sense, for our role whilst having
an earthly experience is to enact the role of cells functioning in a body When
a planetary cell (human individual) belonging to a specific zone of the cosmic
biological internal recognises its own, it will bond immediately, and this may well
explain the instances of people experiencing the chemical ‘love at first sight’.
Likewise, cells who may be antagonistic to each other - healthy cells meeting
with bad bacteria - will fight each other. In human biology, cells vary in life span.
In the intestinal lining, cells die after about 36 hours, white blood cells after 13
days and red blood cells nine times longer. Nerve cells may live for a century
even. It is the regeneration of replenishment of these cells that are the true
reincarnation, misunderstood and thought to be ‘past lives’. Biologically, cells
composing skin and the blood return by undergoing division approximately
between every 10-30 hours, whilst the reproduction and re-emergence of some
muscle cells takes place every few years.
Added to this and the thought that we may have lived a past life is my belief that
there is a mechanism in Nature that ‘clones’ births from prior living personalities
that have gone before and expired, much like products issued from a factory
conveyor belt, a cloning system in nature. Today, our own scientists are making
leeway in all manners of cloning experiments. From this, we can regularly spot
doubles in the past with present day personalities. Having worked alongside film
maker Philip Gardiner on my own movie-documentary I recognised his uncanny
likeness to the Elizabethan scientist, magician and alchemist John Dee.
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During the 90’s I acquainted with a man in Northern England who, having a
puzzling passion for Italian furniture, is the absolute double of Italian philosopher
Benedetto Croce and when we showed a photo of Croce to this man’s own
father and asked him who it was he replied, ’Why, it’s you of course…where did
you get that from? ’ Another example is a step son of mine, living in Sheffield, is
the double of Piero Medici, 15th century Gran Maestro of Florence.
The most amazing doppelganger and quantum entanglement concerns that
of my wife whose high functioning Asperger Syndrome makes her capable of
wonderful cosmic dissertations, she having conveyed to me the lost Mother
Tongue, and who in 1991 innocently ‘fell’ into a picture of Russian mystic
Madame Blavatsky on the 100th anniversary of her death, followed by a flood
of Blavatsky memories. She then began to study Blavatsky and like myself with
BPC saw astounding parallels in her own life, as well as her now having her facial
semblance. Blavatsky was born Helena Von Hahn, thus connecting me with ‘Han’
yet again, and having married Russian General Blavatsky at the age of 17 became
an escapee herself, after three months fleeing abroad for ten years all over the
world, most significantly in Tibet.
In 1990 my wife and I approached the Theosophical Society in London who
was founded in 1875 by Blavatsky. Known for their belief in reincarnation we
thought it would be interesting to see how they would respond to their founder
member ‘returning’. We were in for a surprise! My wife offered them to ask
her any three Blavatsky related questions, the answers of which could only be
known to them or items in their safekeeping. Their response was to ignore the
offer completely. To try and engage them we even had a solicitors letter sent
them to provoke a response, which in itself was a story and surely the first
ever instance of British firm of solicitors fighting the corner of a reincarnation
wrangle! If only it has been America then perhaps they would have summoned
the courage to slap a writ on the Society for negligence, as we asked! The long
drawn out sag ended after they stated that somewhere in her writings Blavatsky
had said that she would never reincarnate to the earth again, and so my wife
couldn’t possibly be legitimate and they wouldn’t be testing her. One would have
thought they may have allowed for a woman’s prerogative to change her mind,
especially after a great consciousness shift and reconsideration on a higher plane!
When we received a letter from their Treasurer, Mr Geoffrey Farthing informing
us ‘There will be no money in it for you,’ I think we got where the Society were
coming from. Nice irony in his surname ( a ‘farthing’ was a British coin in use
until 1960) as the entire issue seemed to be about protecting finances!
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He also told us to ‘go away and write a book,. But we settle instead for a short
article in the London Sunday Times highlighting the unexpected outcome of
‘Blavatsky’s’ latest involvement with her Society.
As with myself and the Bonnie Prince, my wife views what would be a
misconception of a past life as a point in her DNA having synchronicity with a
previous historical person’s identity and life, with information being provided
by the Collective Unconscious. This means we can be experiencing a ‘past life’
whilst living our own now, concurrently, here all on the same spot and point in
time. With this and synchronicity in action, the merging of at least two things
into one, similar or even identical thoughts and tendencies may well be evident
to those experiencing the quantum entanglement through time-space, adapted
to a more modern environment. Scientific evidence for what I am purporting
comes from the area of Quantum Physics’ ‘nonlocality’ ( an alternative term for
entanglement) which studies scenarios of indivisibility.
Once such particles as electrons or photons have ever come in contact with
each other, despite being forced to separate - even through Time-Space they remain entwined forever, in ‘past life’ cases of Bonnie Prince Charlie and
myself and Blavatsky and my wife, this would mean emotionally maintaining an
awareness of each other ‘Then’ and ‘Now’ that would continue in any instant to
influence any present ‘incarnation’ across Time-Space.
This almost cloning system allows some people may be born to a nationality
at odds with their general disposition, cultural identity and racial appearance,
hence a great many sincerely believing that they have lived before in another
part of the world. In fact ‘past lives’ can be lived all in one go, here on one spot
as our flawed understanding of the ‘present’ can synchronise with our flawed
understanding of the ‘past’ in the flowing Eternal Now with the Collective
Unconscious providing information from an individual’s ’past’ personal existence
transferring to the ‘present’ entangled incarnation. All quite mind boggling stuff,
suggesting that past lives are actually a misunderstood synchronicity, not to be
confused with continuing existence beyond our current physical life when our
energy expresses itself elsewhere in Time-Space.
There is a fault in the superstitious belief system of the Tibetan who will say that
reincarnation allows for a return into the form of animals, insects, fish, even as
plants. What is being misunderstood is that the human brain can carry innately
the qualities of these life forms surplus to the usual human presentation.
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Humans can certainly carry the characteristics of animals, insects, plants in
their DNA and so will often behave in a manner befitting the additional
content rather than reincarnate as the actual thing. Ever met a person who is
as stubborn as a mule or a sly as a fox? Have you ever wondered why some
human have the urge to climb and conquer a mountain and confess they don’t
know why? Perhaps they can consider that they contain within their DNA the
climbing plant.
There is one and only genuine Buddhist rebirth, that of the planet, a spiritual
transference to a Star born Child of Mind, and here I often draw comparison to
the closing scene in the 1969 seminal Kubrick movie ‘2001 -a Space Odyssey’, an
accurate tuning in if ever there were, and a process underway now.
A synchronicity that involves BPC’s final defeat at Culloden is revealed when we
learn that the battle of Culloden was fought at Drumossie Moor, ‘Drumossie’
revealed by the Mother Tongue to cryptically conceal ‘Mesoderm’, in humans
one of the three primary germ cell layers in the early stages of human embryo,
or birth. Those of us living on the earth plane now are experiencing a time and
phase giving way to great change.
We have entered into the ‘death’ cycle of our earth, giving way to a new birth.
This death is in the mode of our usual understanding of a decaying physical
body passing away, but it is afforded a slightly more illuminating exegesis in the
Tibetan opus ‘The Book of the Dead’, the stages referred to here paralleling with
the death experience of our Mother globe.
This is not an alarmist statement that earth will ‘die’ - surely never - for it will
always have the means to adapt to whatever its inhabitants bring upon it; the
meaning expressed is that a ‘death’ will occur when a separation from the giver
of birth is distinguishable from the born - in that moment of parting we not only
have the birth but also the ‘death’.
Death, as the Tibetans know it, is the separation of the mind from the body.
There is a rapidly evolving new consciousness arising from this planet presently,
a new mind and birth-to-be that will separate from the planet earth body as we
pass through certain and definite stages of the dying process.
As it is with the human frame so it is with the planetary body - there is a
gradual loss of consciousness involving each element, of earth, water, fire and air
in turn.
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The dying procedure had long been described vividly in Tibetan Tantric texts,
going to lengths to explain how first the earth element sinks, dissolving into the
water element, water sinking into fire, fire into air and air into consciousness.
For some time now we have entered the stage of earth sinking into water as
experienced by the influences of increased global rise in sea level as the polar
caps melt from Greenhouse Effects of absorption of solar radiation from the
earth, its conversion and re-emission in the infra-red, the absorption of the
infra-red radiation by atmospheric ozone, water vapour, and carbon dioxide, and
the consequent rise in temperature of the atmosphere. Within the planetary
body, the implication is that historical battles in the past and present replicate
warzones between white blood cells (Jacobites wore the White Cockade as
their emblem) of the body’s immune system fighting off invading pathogens and
bacteria harmful to good health. A diseased planetary body that eventually ‘dies’
will ascend to be reborn.
And so, my shared definition of reincarnation is complete, and I am freed from
the implication that I once was one of the most famous figures in recent history,
revealed as a quantum entanglement, this ‘past life’ being a synchronicity, the
experience of two events - one in our ‘past’ and the other in our ‘present’ - in
our current flawed understanding of linear Time.
Finally, I would like to return one more time to our re-occuring ‘Ling’, for there
is another word that means rebirth or re-creation, used in philosophy, theology,
politics and biology, and that word is ‘Palingenesis’…. Pa LING enesis. In biology
it is also another word for recapitulation. The ‘Theory of Recapitulation’, a
hypothesis that has two other titles, the ‘Biogenetic Law’ and ‘Embryological
Parallelism’ draws attention to the study of the origin of language, which I would
think pleasing to supporters of the lost Mother Tongue! To ‘capitulate, of course,’
is to surrender and give up resistance, and it is to their credit that neither Bonnie
Prince Charlie nor the Dalai Lama succumbed.
There is a sad postscript to this chapter. On 8th October 2103 my original
Tibetan lama teacher Akong Rinpoche made international news as he was
murdered at the age of 72 at his base in Chengdu, China. He was stabbed by
robbers attempting to rob him of funds which were being distributed to various
projects supported by Akong’s international Rokpa charity.
A sad and premature loss, he was a genuine and authentic Tibetan lama, man of
peace and philanthropist.
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The Black Rite - Hearthstone of War
Ever seen a UFO or a ghost, been visited by an angel or espied upon nature
spirits frolicking? Had an unwilling participation with inter-dimensional activity
during a bout of High Strangeness? Chances are some of you may have had
that personal experience, after all you can’t see or hear something that isn’t
there, so it must be somewhere. The question to ask is how did you have the
acquaintance and one which, after all, is held by the medical profession to be
delusional owing to their disbelief in all things esoteric - they are more likely
to suggest that you are suffering from a mental disorder and, according to
psychiatry, there are plenty for them to choose from. For example, two of our
greatest otherworldly encounters, the Angel of Mons in 1914 where British
soldiers saw angels, saints and bowmen leading them against the Germans, and
the 70,00 strong witnesses to the ‘dancing sun’ at Fatima, Portugal 1917, are
dismissed in the flap of a fairy wing as examples of ‘mass hallucination’.
It would be natural to rush to an immediate defence against delusion citing
the likes of world famous historical prophets, Jesus and Mohammed, as having
had similar otherworldly perception but that won’t wash, as psychiatrists prefer
to tell us that both figureheads had a biological imbalance in their brain, a
neurological disequilibrium, and were demonstrating a schizophrenic breakdown
of thought processes and poor emotional responsiveness providing them
auditory hallucinations, paranoid and bizarre delusions and disorganised speech
and thinking. The same will go for that ordinary member of the public should
they too have observances that do not fit into the usual go to school, get a job,
have kids, earn money, grow old and die - any personal insight into the mystical
is considered delusionary, any form of a belief held with a strong conviction
challenged by the safety of social norm or any superior evidence to the contrary,
putting into doubt even the validity of all religions. In recent years it has even
been contested that love is a delusion, and it is now posited that intellectual
characteristics belonging to a psychotic way of thinking facilitates originality and
creativity such as expressed by artists, musicians, writers and all our inspirational
thinkers and inventors. Seems to be that a ‘normal’ person would never aspire
to any advance in any science!
Bi-polar disorder, once known as manic depression, is often referred to as
‘The Brilliant Madness’ as numerous great influential persons have had to live
with it. Psychiatry informs that symptoms associated with clinical depression
can also trigger hallucinations and delusion based on the premise that there is
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no spiritual dimension that can be accessed, mistakenly dismissed in favouring
their own rational western viewpoint. I accept completely that the medical
speciality of psychiatry serves a much needed assistance for those who seek it
by being a danger to either themselves or any other person and welcome that
they do so, but that it can so coldly eliminate the possibility of genuine occult
and paranormal experiences and penalise as delusion in one concise edict, I
think we should delve deeper to try and see what is at the crux of the matter
for we may find it has to do with another crux, that of the land of the Crux
Ansata, Egypt, this ancient country having developed its own fruitful medical
tradition, and, known more anciently as the Land of Khem, Land of the Black, the
home and first practitioners of the art of chemistry (Khem-istry), the common
denominator in both anaesthetic and psychiatric usage. With chemistry as
our common ground, perhaps by investigating the deep, dark associations of
the home of this science we can begin to understand why psychiatry may be
premature in dismissal of alternative reality emanating from this mysterious
matrix and hearthstone.
Now, psychiatry needs a strong dependence on accepted scientific dogma to
determine what is normal and exact and yet science and physics are forever
moving forward into realms quite ‘way out’ in their own right as opposed to
suffering from the limitations of time and space as we currently know it, defining
consciousness and verifying reality top of the agenda. Advances in Quantum
Physics should guarantee that their investigators are locked up and the key
melted down with their postulations about wave particle duality, Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty Principle, Quantum Entanglement and Non-locality, Dark Matter
and Dark Energy, Quantum Consciousness and the strange discovery in 2010
by physicists at the University of California whereby an object that we can see
in front of us may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe, and if we stay with
universes for a moment we are reminded that in Buddhism the subtle force of
Maya creates the grand illusion that the phenomenal world we see is real, so we
find a circular argument whereby psychiatrists expertly informing us of individual
delusion are themselves living in an entire universe of one! Still, they would no
doubt cast doubt on Buddha’s mental health to have dared announce this!
In 2012 the BBC science programme Horizon ‘Out of Control?’ pointed out that
we all like to think that we are in control of our lives, of what we feel and what
we think, but modern scientific experiments reveal this as an illusion as it is our
unconscious mind that influence our decisions from what we eat to whom we
partner. It is speculated that 90% of our actions are unconscious and so, given
that, does the functioning 10% of the psychiatrist really know what they are
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talking about? Uniting it with my own basic observations about life with this 10%
statistic I arrive at two safe conclusions - that we are first and foremost a sexual
planet to create life, and that any unconscious fear of the unknown is simply
an ultimate fear about what is the one and only certainty facing us - death...the
ultimate ‘Black’.
One of the most influential psychiatrists of our time was Austrian Sigmund
Freud for his studies on the Unconscious Mind and his theory that the primary
motivation for all things in life is sex. Firstly reminding us that the ‘psych’ in both
‘psychology’ and ‘psychiatry’ comes from the Latin word ‘psyche’ meaning soul,
or mind, suggesting that all problems stem from a spiritual crisis, I will try to
demonstrate how psychiatry entwines with our predisposition as a sexual planet
by seeking out an archetypal figure associated with sex, that of the Roman
goddess Venus, in Greek, Aphrodite. As the goddess Venus, she plays a major
role in all things mystical, for by connecting the positions of her planet in its orbit
at each successive inferior conjunction produces the origin of the five pointed
pentagram of occultism, foundation of esotericism.
It is with Venus and one of the most enduring myths and allegory concerning,
the natural born goddess Psyche, that we establish the origin of both words
psychology and psychiatry. Venus became jealous at the suggestion that Psyche
was more beautiful and so asked her son Eros to make her fall in love with the
ugliest man on earth. It all went terribly wrong when in the early stages of the
myth he accidently pricked himself upon one of his arrows and fell in love with
her himself. Modern psychiatry dares to ask if love is a delusion and emphasises
that an observed resemblance between love and madness was noted in poetry
and legend long before Freud cared to announce falling in love as a short acting
spontaneously remitting psychosis, observing a similarity in clinical symptoms
characteristic of a disorder, citing mood changes, physical restlessness and
sleeplessness, appetite loss, interrupted work patterns, meditative thinking and
delusional beliefs about how other perceive reality.
Also associated with beauty and military victory, fertility is the other attributes
of the love goddess Venus and knowing that the moon can trigger spontaneous
ovulation twice each month at any time during the menstrual cycle depending
on what phase the moon was at the time of birth, a connection with sexual
ecstasy and alleged ‘moon madness’ strengthens when we learn of a report in
the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph as far back as 1998 carrying the
headline ‘Revealed: Full moon makes you violent’, tests in a scientific study of
prisoners in the maximum security wing at Armley Jail, Leeds, discovering a
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definite rise in the number of violent and unruly incidents recorded during the
first and last quarter of each lunar cycle, the days either side of a full moon. As
we are made up of 60-70% of water, if the moon controls the tides, what is it
doing to us?
Staying with the darker side of life, It’s not a subject often dwelt upon but
one of life’s truest mysteries is that we have no idea why anaesthetics work,
writing throughout recorded history show how attempts to produce states
of general anaesthesia were sought by the ancient Sumerians Babylonians,
Assyrians Egyptians, Greek, Romans Indians and Chinese. For anybody who has
experienced it, after you accept the inoculation in the arm or hand and are
asked to count down from five you never reach the final count because - Bang
! - you’ve sank into the vast blackness, a genuine occult experience, and return in
the same timeless moment with no dreams and no recollection of the voyage.
It is thought that how general anaesthetics work has something to do with the
cell membrane of a nerve cell and yet realistically it is a subject that nobody can
comment on.
That there is no dreaming is significant as in the animist paradigm of the ancient
beliefs of the Aborigine, ‘The Dreamtime’ is sacred in which their ancestral
totemic spirit beings formed Creation, the Aborigine believing that each and
every one of us exists essentially in this dreaming. ( The Aborigine, according to
the Lost Mother Tongue = The ‘A-B origin’ of life). If we do dream whilst under
anaesthetic we certainly have no recall and with a nudge from Jung’s Collective
Unconscious I imagined, Theosophically, what if planet earth is in a state of
unconsciousness and about to ‘wake up’ like Snow White in her ‘ice cube’ glass
coffin, with the melting of the polar regions, because we know that anaesthetic
‘freezes’ the nerves around specific parts of the body. Maybe it’s ‘All ice in
Wonderland’ and the glass we look through is actually a sheet of frozen water?
Ether is an anaesthetic and a gas, and looking at the origin of the word ‘gas’
we might be surprised to find that it was coined by J B Van Helmont, a Belgian
chemist after the Greek ‘khaos’, chaos.
This intimates that there is no such thing as the word gas in its own right and
we must remember that the Greeks told us that everything sprang from chaos.
Minerva sprung from Jupiter’s brain, the area frozen by anaesthetic, and Electra,
the ‘Lost Pleiad’ who shows herself occasionally to mortal eye but only in the
guise of a comet, might actually be ‘lost’ because she is comatose (comet-ose).
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Might an angel’s halo come from the general anaesthetic Halothene - HALOthene - or the ‘halo’ contained within the chloroform Trihalomethane? Do the
Asiatic Stupas, an ancient form of mandala, actually refer back to the numb
torpor of a ‘stupor’? Then there is the homonym of the word ‘theatre’ - exactly
why do we use the same word that is designed for the performance of plays,
operas etc also to mean a specifically equipped room in a hospital where a
surgery is performed? History is in fact a ‘histrionic’, meaning to relate to stage
and actors, a theatrical behaviour?
If all this leaves you numb (pun intended) then if everything sprang from the
chaos of anaesthetic could this be the origin of mathematics, of numb-ers?
‘Numb’ comes from the Old English ‘numen’ and yet the actual word ‘numen’ in
Latin means ‘divinity’.
Now to the highest of secret initiations possible in Egyptian religion - The Black
Rite, performed by Isis to resurrect her dead brother Osiris. It is thought that
only when Man concerns themselves with the heavenly bodies and ‘chase after
them into the heights’ can we ever understand what this rite is all about and
why it is associated with the ‘Dark god’ Osiris, ‘Lord of the Perfect Black’. That it
is the perfect black is good enough for anaesthetic, here in the Egyptian ‘Land
of the Black.’ Isis asked Thoth (Mother Tongue, phonetic ‘Thought’) to stop the
flow of Time whilst she resurrected Osiris, the black god of the Underworld,
and only after that eternity gave birth to time again. Stopping the flow of time
requires a form of paralysis. This really sounds like someone who has lost
consciousness and time stands still for them in a timeless realm, and it resonates
with the anaesthetist who controls the length of time a person is asleep under
anaesthetic, that very word concealing the sacred symbol of the Goddess Isis, for
the ‘ Knot of Isis’ known as the ‘Thet’ dwells within anaes THET ic. The Collective
Unconscious may well retain us a modern day image for when we look at at the
non-rebreathing anaesthetic machine used in operations in theatre, we will see a
visual semblance to the Thet.
Temporary muscle relaxation by way of drug induced paralysis is an integral part
of modern anaesthesia and it is in the very word ‘paralysis’ that we find hidden
the name of goddess Isis = Paral YSIS. The Black Rite is a full on black out. Have
you ever wondered why cartoon representations showing someone who has
been knocked out or unconscious always have either birds tweeting or stars
circling? The birds tweeting are actually a reference to the Egyptian Duat, or
Tuat (‘tweet’), the realm of Osiris alternatively known as Neter Khertet, ‘Khertet’
conveniently containing the anagram ‘ether’.
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Tuat cannot help but pronounce the number 28 - Tu (2) at (8) - the number of
days in the moon’s cycle and the average female menstrual cycle.
We find the word ‘Gas’ concealed in another quite interesting one - Orgasm.
We can even find a connection between the physiology undergone during
anaesthetic and that of this culmination of Venus/Aphroditic sexual excitement.
The term ‘general’ as in ‘general anaesthetic’ relates to a genus, and ‘genus’
finds its origin from the Latin ‘generis’ meaning birth. (A ‘general’ is also a
chief commander of an army in service, and we recall that one of Venus’
attributes is military victory.) To be alive and conscious is to be awake, ‘wake’
from the Old English verb ‘wacan’ - ‘to be born’, and yet in another example
of homonym, a ‘wake’ is a watch or vigil over a corpse. (‘Corps’ is another
military term, a division of an army forming a tactical unit.) We see in both the
conscious example of being ‘a -wake’ and the watchful vigil ‘wake’ the state of
being anaesthetised, and during orgasm there is a similar change of pattern in
both heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate to that of being under
anaesthetic - of the four stages that describe anaesthesia, the second one is
actually called the ‘excitement stage’.
Brain scanning has shown that in a woman’s brain, during orgasm, many areas are
deactivated and switched off as if unconscious, the effect appearing lesser in men
but possibly explainable by the fact that the brevity of the male orgasm makes
it extremely difficult for a brain scan to detect. Even sexism in brain scanners it
seems! Female orgasm overall remains a puzzle for evolutionary biologists and
it is still unclear why they should have them let alone in multiples. Could it be it
is the Egyptian brother of Osiris, the funerary attendant jackal headed Anubis,
god of the darkness of unconsciousness, in a vigil-like wake, that is the ‘jacul’ of
‘ejaculate’? According to Akkadian transcriptions in the Armarna letters, Anubis’
name was vocalised as ‘Anapa’…a ‘napper’ as in taking a ‘nap’, a short or casual
sleep? ‘Anaesthesia’ means ‘no sensation’, general anaesthesia adds ‘unconscious’
to the ‘lack of sensation’. The word ‘sense’ means immediate consciousness,
coming from Latin ‘sensus’. Looking at the homonym word ‘census’ we find it
means ‘a register’, and in turn ‘register’ means to ‘represent in bodily expression’
and even has the colloquialism ‘to reach the consciousness’. So if psychiatry
thinks all this stuff is nonsense - a non sense - I’d agree!
Now to weld together the sex and war aspects of goddess Venus in all this
psychology. In English, the letters ‘Ph’ make an ‘f ’ sound, and with our sex goddess
Venus if we supplant ‘Ph’ for her ‘f ’ sounding ‘v’, her name transforms into Phenis
= Penis.
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I have already reported elsewhere in this book that war on this planet is an
inevitability for we are a sexual planet demanding procreation and regeneration.
From the family word ‘gamete’, a sexual reproductive cell, we find the term
‘gametophyte’ - in alternation of generation, a plant of the sexual generation,
producing gametes. Our Mother Tongue has shown us how ‘gametophyte’ =
‘game to phyte’ = ‘game to fight’ = War. The Ancient Near East was the home
to the sacred prostitutes within the shrines and temples of Innana in honour
of this Sumerian goddess of love, fertility and war, the same Venusian attributes.
Her incarnation as the Semitic Astarte is responsible for our misuse of the word
‘tart,’ sexual slang for a prostitute or a sexually promiscuous female, which is
concealed within her name.
Recalling Venus as ‘Phenus’ to introduce ‘penis’, we will take a very psychologically
deep insight into this external male organ, its origin from the Latin originally
meaning ‘tail,’ ‘Phallus’ from the Greek of the same word may as well come
from the Latin and similar sounding ‘fallacia’ meaning ‘deceptive’ and ‘fallacy’ - an
apparently genuine but really illogical argument, a wrong but prevalent notion…
the true origin of the Fall (acia) of Man, blamed on the original whore, Eve.
Where does the word ‘whore’ really originate from? it is said to derive from
the Old English word ‘hora’ from the proto-Germanic word relating to a
prostitute, ‘Kohoron’. However, I will tell you that we need to be looking
instead at the Old French homonym ‘hore’, Latin and Greek ‘hora’ which means
something entirely different and it is ‘hour’, 60 minutes or 24th part of the day.
From the French, it is ‘heure’.
Now I whisk you off to the 1965 classic British Hammer film ‘She’ where
Ayesha (She-who-must-be-obeyed, a priestess of Isis played by the strikingly
beautiful Ursula Andress) was trying to persuade her timidly unsure lover and
reincarnated priest Kallikrates, reborn as Leo Vincey, into the sacred blue flame
of a mystical bonfire, arriving like a comet strike from the heavens, to gain
immortality with her…a kind of Heiros Gamos.
This blue - a colour and term now somehow associated with ‘blue’ pornographic
films - would arrive from deep space to pinpoint a designated spot on earth
at a precise astrological moment so rarely as to be almost never, allowing
participants only fleeting moments to bathe in it before losing its immortal
giving efficacy. Here we are metaphorically discussing ‘moment’ and one of
intense heat, sexual ‘heat’, prior to fertilisation. In mythology we have the Arabian
Phoenix, the bird that is immersed in flames only to be reborn from its ashes
every 500 years.
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Returning to my origin for the word ‘whore’, the French word ‘heure’ meaning
‘hour’, we find it is sounded as the word ‘year’. Our Firebird Phoenix is a
metaphor for pregnancy and birth not resurrecting every 500 years but every
500 hours, giving us an approximate timescale of 20.8 days, the fire of the
Phoenix being the ‘heat’ in which a female is most conducive to becoming
pregnant, the 21st day marking the end of the usual female ovulation cycle.
Note, the crude vulgar modern slang word contained within ‘Phoenix’, ‘hoe’,
meaning a prostitute.
Looking at some other sexual words returns our association of a sexual goddess
with warfare. When Osiris’ body was cut into 14 pieces - 14 being the most
fertile day for ovulation - Set scattered them all over Egypt only for Isis to
retrieve them all except for his penis which was swallowed by a fish after it was
thrown in the River Nile. (The word ‘penile’ refers to the penis). We discover
‘Set’ in ‘Testes’, not once but twice, as in the two testicles. The word ‘penis’ can
be an anagram of ‘snipe’ - to pick off from rifle fire from distant cover - bringing
us into the arena of guns. The origin of these rifles, revolvers etc is from the
Middle English ‘Gonne’ indistinguishable from the Greek ‘Gone’ of the male
sex cell producing gonads. Again we have the origin of yet another vulgar sex
term - ‘firing blanks’ for a man who fails to fertilise a woman. Other crude slang
referring to guns is to ‘bang’, meaning to have sex, and to ‘shoot’ meaning to
have ejaculation. Now for a much bigger ‘gun’ and symbol of warfare, the tank,
an easy target for a Freudian symbol of testicles and penis. The world’s first tank
was built at Lincoln in England in 1915 and was called ‘Little Willie’, ‘Willie’ being
a British hypocoristic for the penis! When the necessity for a better version
was demanded they didn’t know what to call it. Initially it was ‘Mother’ which
became interchangeable with ‘Big Willie’, the very part that can produce a
mother! A vulgar colloquialism for penis is a ‘cock’, the very same word for the
part of a lock of a gun held back by a spring which when released produces the
discharge. One final example of vulgar slang concerns the origin of the small
hand gun the ‘pistol’. It has a number of possible origins but we can detect it as a
‘piss tool’ - ‘piss’ being the vulgar slang for to urinate, used in both Scripture and
Shakespeare - the penis the ‘tool’ from where comes urinal discharge.
Thankfully we can now leave behind all this crudity although it has been
necessary to evidence our point. Maybe it is not as literary critic Edward
Sherman Gould’s 1839 metonymic adage came out, ‘The pen is mightier than
the sword’, as more unconsciously ‘The penis, mightier than the sword.’ With
great delight I can announce that woman is not and never was a ‘whore.’
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Character assassinated by sniper fire from a gun, she is involved, unfortunately,
in that on-going centuries old war the ‘Battle of the sexes’, and it is that which is
truly the ‘whore’, the word being a phonetic for ‘War’. Using the word ‘psych’ as
in its slang meaning ‘to work out the intentions of another person’, as in ‘psych
out’, we can dissect the word ‘Psychiatrist’ into phonetic ‘Psych - I - a- Tryst’.
Recalling the Psyche myth and with ‘tryst’ meaning an agreement as between
lovers - to meet at a certain time and place - it intimates perfectly that moment
of conception within sex. That Freud saw sex in everything may well explain
why modern psychiatry places so much emphasis on wanting to almost hold a
copyright on the word ‘delusion’, for delusion is all about the notion of how to
‘delude’ LEWD...’lewd’ meaning lustful, from the Old English Laewde meaning
‘ignorant’ and Laewan meaning ‘betray’. Could it be that psychiatry itself may
have to answer to a betrayal and delusion, for hiding in the word ’psychiatric’ is
the phonetic ‘Psyche - A trick?’
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A Bird On The Fence
On 24th November 2011, a piece of space junk, a space agency satellite the size
of a double decker bus, fell into the Pacific Ocean, much to the relief of NASA
who had earlier announced that although they knew its free fall was imminent,
they could neither predict exactly when or where, until possibly only two hours
before the crash. This recent example highlights the problem we have with what
we call prediction. Prediction is one and the same with the words foretell and
prophecy and when the date December 2012 or, the latest, ‘The End of the
World’ loomed, we all wondered if the catastrophes associated with the date
was, this time, actually going to manifest, or would the prophecy (as it did) be
added to the previous 200 or so failed prediction spread throughout history,
44AD the earliest. We all love to predict the outcome of events whether they
be soccer results or the eventual winners of reality TV games, but why do the
‘biggies’, those of apocalyptic nature, constantly fail?
Let us quickly take a brief look at a random handful of some of those ineffective.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the Indian mystic, guru and spiritual teacher with a
garnered international following, predicted in 1983 that from the following year
until 1999 major destruction of the earth involving floods, volcanoes and nuclear
war would contribute to the disappearance of Tokyo, New York, San Francisco,
and Bombay. Moses David leader of the faith group The Children of God
announced Armageddon in 1986, Russia defeating Israel and the USA, a resulting
global Communist dictatorship following, with Christ popping back to check
things out in 1993. Prior to this, he had predicted that a comet would hit the
earth in the mid 70’s destroying all life in the United States. 1996 saw the year
Californian psychic Sheldon Nidle announced our time was up on December
16th that winter with 16 million spaceships and a host of angels paying us
a visit.1998 was a busy year for unfulfilled prophecy and started with the
international Association of Psychics announcing that 92% of their membership,
a weighty 120,000, had shared the identical vision, the End Times, predicting that
we would be seeing shrinking oceans, appearing saints and prophets leading
the faithful to refuge, daylight manifesting Satanic entities pre-empting the
disappearance of humanity at about the time of 2001.
Psychic Vijay Kumar warned us that in either 1988 or 1999 Muslim countries
would conduct a full scale nuclear attack on America with eight nuclear bombs
going off in eight cities, precipitating the third world war, led by Iraq.
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Another psychic , the celebrated American Edgar Cayce assured us that
February 26th 1998 was the day to best fetch your washing in from off the
line as during that winter the earth would have unleashed massive oceanic
upheavals and tidal waves owing to a polar shift, volcanic eruptions and damage
to the earth’s crust. Edgar had similar changes in the 1930’s, 1960’s or 1990’s.
And, equal Rights for prophets, it’s not just the Christians who were at it. God’s
Salvation Church, a Christian-Buddhist sect expected on March 25th 1998
a Channel 18 commercial broadcast on Dallas TV, nearby their relocation to
suburb Garland TX, from God, before His reincarnation into flesh six days
later at a precise local time of 10am, anticipating a million strong crowd. Two
months later, The Rapture was predicted on Pentecostal May 31st kick starting
the prophecies in the Book of Revelations and Armageddon. Similar to our
Galactic Milky Way alignment which took place due in 2012, alignments have
always played a part in failed prophecy, first in 1982 when planetary line-ups of
no less than nine bodies would create magnetic forces to instigate Doomsday
and on May 5th 2000 they were aligning up again with the usual promise of
unprecedented global catastrophe.
Even the Pope has had a go at scaring us, or at least Pope John XXIII did,
allegedly announcing Judgement Day in 1961 by way of a nuclear detonation
by a Libyan terrorists in a major European city and the following year chariots
of flaming steel piloted by beings from outer space would be paying us a visit
with Jesus appearing in the sky over New York City. ‘Bible Code’ author Michael
Drosnin’s hidden message in the first five books of the bible indicated WW3
atomic nuclear holocaust and all would occur in 2000 or maybe 2006, or that
the event was only a possibility. The list and its noticeable repetitive elements,
appears endless. So what is going on….why do so many people who invariably
have good intentions, stuff up with their prophesising?
Let us take a peep at the ‘3 P’s’, the realm of the factors and graduations that go
into the overall melting pot of foretelling, those of premonitions, precognitions
and predictions.
The first is something of an unfocussed sensation that presents itself when the
recipient is in the normal waking state or seepage and remembrance form the
dream state. Precognition relies more on the dream state although at the time
perceived as that normal waking state as slightly altered consciousness are often
visual and carry a more convincing precision, realisation being that they are not
relaying ordinary events but those of a future condition.
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Differing from these previous two is prediction itself for we are deliberately
choosing to announce it by the use of a collection of signs which include
planetary alignments, palmistry and other methods such as reading from residue
tea leaves in a cup and the arrangement of birds in flight.
The introduction of drugs into the other methods, inducing predictive events,
may be inclusive of or separate from ‘magic’ ritual that will evoke supernatural
beings who are imbued with prophetic gift. Placed alongside all this is prophecy
itself which has no such methods of cultivation or seeking from prediction as its
inspiration emanates from elevated spiritual figures or archetypical gods who will
relate information of coming events anywhere on a scale from local community
to global interest.
One wonders if the animal kingdom too is capable of ‘prophecy’ as they are now
moving up the mountains to higher grounds. Although this is credited to them
escaping global warming, it might just as easily be that they have been ‘tipped off ’
from Nature HQ, the Mother planet itself, about imminent global flooding and
sudden rising water levels. Even the ‘Third Pole’ as some environmentalists call
Tibet , report that deglaciation is occurring with temperatures on the Tibetan
plateau increasing at a faster rate than in the adjacent lowlands. Bad news not
only for the Yeti who may have to move out and become elusive in cooler
climes again but also for all Asia as Tibet’s glaciers are vital in weather systems.
Could it be that prophecy has to do with attunement with nature? At the
tender age of ten, a reoccurring dream presented itself to me that began with
my looking out through the bedroom window but instead of there being the
row of actual houses they were replaced by an incoming tidal wave as high as
the sky level rushing towards me, allowing only enough time, I believed, to say
the Lord’s Prayer. In 1966 we knew nothing of what we would now routinely
call a tsunami. Why should a ten year old child be seeing that? Was it or would
it be meaningful? It has to be said that of the various elements that reoccur in
predicted end of the world scenarios one in particular is that of the comet or
asteroid, mentioned as far back as the mid 70’s when leader of The Children of
God Moses David predicted a comet strike wiping out most of the USA.
I have mentioned how the late British author David Wood, one of the original
proponents of sacred geometry, shared his solution to the mystery of Rennesle-Chateau with the readers of his excellent 1994 book ‘GeneSet - Target
Earth’. David, with whom I associated with at the time of his prequel ‘GenIsis
- The First Book of Revelation in 1985’, shared his decoding of the Poussin
tomb as finally revealing ‘Ice God’, and coupled with his vast trigonometrical
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and geometrical evidence based on extensive surveying of the geography
of the area he announced that the secret of RLC was concerning cometary
impact and cataclysm. His co-author, my friend Ian Campbell, told me this year;
‘Two particular pieces of information appeared to be dates, but when did the
calendar start? We went back to ancient records and thought that a good
starting point would be after the time of the Flood. We discovered that there
had been three great floods in antiquity, those of Noah, Deucali and Ogyges. We
studied all three and researched my astronomical notes that we could find from
those ancient societies. These ancient societies were totally aware of what was
occurring in the night skies and have recorded the events they have witnessed
in their respective histories. We began to see a pattern in their dates. We tied
the research into historical times taking the date of one of the great floods as a
starting point. Lo and behold we found that a comet that would return to visit
earth in 2085 on our current calendar. We checked with NASA and found that
on a particular date in 2085 both the comet and planet earth are destined to
be in the same location of Time-Space.’
My own investigations into the long enduring Rennes Mystery led me over to
the Gothic Cathedral at Lincoln, England, which, not only entwined with a nearby
buried ‘treasure’ once guarded by the Knights Templar, hides deep psychological
‘clues’ in its architecture that, again, points to a cometary collision, particularly the
wooden carving ‘The Falling Knight’ hidden underneath one of the misericords
in the Choir Stalls of the Cathedral. Scholars point out that there is a pattern
in the root meaning of the word ‘knight’ that relates back to ‘horse and rider’
associations, suggesting connection to the knight’s mode of transport. Within the
word ‘misericords’ we can find ‘Mizar’ (miser) and from the Choir Stalls we can
deduce ‘Alcor’ from the anagram ‘choral’ pertaining to ‘choir’. On either side of
the horse’s fastenings in the carving there are seven studs or ‘stars’ to the right
and four to the left, corresponding with the seven stars that are the number of
Ursa Major and the four that are in the Mizar system. What has this to do with a
For an answer we visit the plot of the suspect Collective Unconscious inspired
Hollywood movie ‘Deep impact’ in which the earth attempts to prepare for a
mass extinction resulting from a comet strike. In the story line an unusual object
is discovered near the stars of Mizar and Alcor in Ursa Major. In astronomy
Mizar and Alcor are referred to as ‘The Horse and Rider’. The deliberately
crossed legs or ‘X’ of the horse in the wood carving can be taken as an
indication of the infamous Nibiru or planet X which was prophesied to be the
cause of a 2012 collision.
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There is an arrow in the back of the falling knight in the woodcut and if we look
at a mythology kept intact by the Lapps, those indigenous people of Lapland;
‘When Arcturus (Alpha Bootes, supposed to be an archer, Ursa Major being his
bow) shoots down the North Nail (Polaris) with his arrow on the last day, the
heaven will fall, crushing the earth and setting fire to everything.’
In 2008 my Lincoln Cathedral Code with the assistance from author,
mathematician and astronomer Greg Rigby, discovered a heaven-earth
relationship with Lincoln Cathedral and the star Arcturus. Furthermore, the
location of the ‘treasure’ as part of the code suggested a demise of the biblical
figure of Mary Magdalene by dagger, and the meaning of the word ‘misericords’
is ‘a narrow bladed dagger used for killing a wounded foe.’ Not only is the
Cathedral as viewed from the air in the shape of the Templars’ emblem The
Cross of Lorraine, also known as the ‘Double dagger’, but if we study the
illustrations of cometary forms by 17thc Polish astronomer Johannes Helevius,
the founder of lunar topography and who located ten new constellations, we
found that many resemble a dagger.
A strange illustration submitted by Grail intrepid Rene d’Anjou, king of Naples
and Sicily and alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, is the ‘La Fountaine
de Fortune’ in which a knight whose name is Heart stands by a monument
that resembles the conclusive ‘treasure’ guarding marker tomb in the Lincoln
Cathedral Code which stands at a burial ground opposite the SE corner of
the Cathedral .There is a further and fallen knight in the scene correlating with
‘The Falling Knight’ woodcut in the misericords. On his helmet there is a heart
between a pair of wings and in the sky we see a hazy orb we presume to be
the sun, but if we think of an approaching celestial body we would instead be
seeing the fuzzy, temporary atmosphere of a comet face on. That it is moving
would explain the noted anomaly in the picture of the cast shadows not being
in the same direction where we would expect them to be if cast by a fixed sun.
The nucleus of a comet may also be referred to as the ‘heart’ and the wings it
sits between appear to duplicate the ‘wings’ or discharge as shown in depictions
of Nibiru Planet X. The inscription on the Anjou monument warns against ‘bitter
water’, and if a comet hit any of our oceans the tsunami producing result would
certainly fit the various synonyms associated with the word bitter - hostile,
fierce, calamitous, merciless, savage.
With so many unconscious symbolisms screaming at us it is now we must
turn our attention to that repository of the Collective Unconscious for here
is the home of all prediction, premonition, precognition, omens, portents,
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synchronicities and prophecy. We are conscious of being in it when we are in
our own timeless Dream World, for here time as we know it simply isn’t, or, it
doesn’t exist. David Wood surmised in his deeper works, private thoughts and
experiences the possibility of ‘a geometric relationship that could exist between
Time and the human subconscious mind’. If Time has many dimensions, it may
well account for prophecy, and herein lays the problem.
Plato’s argument was that it is time that is constant and that it is our
understanding of life that is the illusion, rather like the Buddhist concept of
Maya. Those full of hope Hopi Indians see the world as a single entity with
everything connected and happening in the always present ‘Now’. Scientists at
the Salk Institute in California in 2000 announced that the brain seems to work
in a similar way to the slightly delayed broadcast of live Tv shows, to provide
an opportunity for fast editing changes, the research suggesting the bizarre
consequence that the brain collects information from the future of an event
before it puts together what it thinks what it saw at the time of the event ie
in the case of this sentence, you have reached the full stop before you have
made sense of the last few letters. The Californian team therefore deduced that
‘normal’ people are living in the past - an 80 thousands of a second delay before
the brain decides what it has seen , plus the delay required for signals to travel
from place to place in the brain - the idea of ‘now’ being an illusion.
Bypassing the philosophy of time, Galileo plotted it on a graph so that he
could attempt to concentrate on physics. Einstein, declaring our understanding
of time to be to be based on its relationship to our environment, called it a
fourth dimension accompanying the up-down, side-side, forward- back one
we move through daily. The Ancient teachings have always asserted that past,
present and future are our own imaginative creation, neurological constructs
that are in place acting as safe guards so that everything doesn’t appear to be
happening simultaneously. Wood, Campbell and myself may all be right about
the eventual outcome of an incoming comet, but how can we be sure of
reliable dates if the information is collated in a timeless zone, where time - our
invent - has no real meaning? As an indication of the futility of trying to pinpoint
apocalyptic events, consulting the biblical text Matthew 24 verse 36, we learn;
‘But about that day or hour, no-one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor
the Son, but only the Father.’
The word ‘Time’ can only have been given birth from its etymology and is itself a
etymon, for its origin hides contained phonetically in both words - ‘e TYM ology’,
the science or investigation of the derivation and original significance of words,
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and ‘e TM on’, the true origin of a word. If Time is other than a hapless mortal
linear concept and can turn back on itself - the timeline able to loop, as any
respectable Dr Who fan will tell you - it may be acceptable to assume that some
of us who have received precise date calculations from our unconscious have
in actual fact received confirmation from the future of an event that has already
occurred…it therefore isn’t prediction or prophecy, it is confirmation and will be
accurate as the event will come to pass.
This could account for why some individuals do receive accurate information in
conjunction with a ‘date’. It is said that the Knights Templar’s mysticism involved
the worshipping of a head. Maybe that reads ‘ahead’ as in future? Could the
Mayan calendar and its crucial date of December 21rd 2012 have been an
example - or not? Although the Maya were a Mesoamerican civilisation noted
for mathematical and astronomical systems, returning to the word ‘Maya’ in
Indian (as well as being the name of the Buddha’s mother) it translates primarily
as ‘illusion’, the meaning conveying that we are not experiencing an environment
but our own created projection of it. Time, as an illusion, is also a common
theme within Buddhist thought.
If we take a close deep look into Jungian style depth psychology to analyse
the word Maya (pronounced ‘ My-Ya’) we discover the identically sounding
‘mire’ - a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate oneself from (a
doomsday prediction?)’ which comes from the Old Norse word ‘myrr’ in turn
meaning ‘bog’ from where we have produced, from American cant, the word
‘bogus’ meaning counterfeit, spurious. As well as Buddha’s mum, Maya, by way of
the identically sounding Maia, becomes the mother of the trickster Roman god
of communication, Mercury. Mayan, the name of the civilisation is pronounced
‘My-Uhn’ and is the equally sounding ‘mine’, which has the double meaning of
an excavation dug under a position to give secret ingress, and as an explosive
device designed to destroy, revealing both key implications of a secretive and
destructive element.
There are numerous unchartered departments of our brain that cannot be held
responsible for its performances as it is ourselves who do cannot or ever will be
able to fully understand that amazing organ and one true mystery.
In its unconscious state, Dream Land is a mixture of nonsense, fear, and
occasionally certainty and ‘messages’ that we retain upon awakening often arrive
garbled, jumbled or just plain mixed like Chinese whispers.
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Any of our date calculations from within that realm are subject to unconscious
information having to undergo a translation into our imaginary concept of time
and not what this notion actually is. How many of us have fallen asleep for only
a matter of minutes and yet upon awakening our dream adventure seems like it
has lasted hours?
So many people both ‘past’ and ‘present’ will no doubt have tuned in to events
that will in one moment occur, concerning a comet. Moses David, David Wood
and myself included, but for any of us to try and fix a permanent date on any
such event might just be like choosing six numbers and declaring we HAVE won
the Lottery with them. Our concept Time is in itself integrated with prediction,
for, if we return to its earliest mention within etymology - the unconscious
encrypted TYM - the origin and historical development of a linguistic form
determining its basic elements and earliest known use tracing transmission from
one language to another, we realise that it is pre-dating the language that those
original words allow us to speak, that it is before that of saying or speaking - it is,
Clearly, the media hyped and misportrayed 2012 Mayan ‘Prediction,’ by those
seeking doom and gloom sensationalism, more correctly ushered in their
forecasted beginning of a new cycle, and maybe there will be a ‘Return of
the King’ in some interpretative way. An annihilative event as outlined and
feared, WILL, like the Big Bang occur, ancient Mayan, Vedic, Hopi and Aztec
history inform s us it has in past cycles,…. but only when it does, without any
confirmation necessary from our own concept of time calendars. How can
you either know or tell when a bird is going to fly off a fence? Or when a
window on another world will, finally, open to our physical world? Only when
that moment arrives, and surely when it does, it will, direct from the Will of
the Universal Mind. In the mean time(‘mean’ as in its adjective form of ‘not
generous’, ‘not willing to give or share’) it does no harm to at least be aware of
where Activation Point Earth, that Stairway to the Stars, suggests itself to reside
currently dormant, Lincoln in England, for such an escape tunnel may even be
our salvation should any such opening precede a Doomsday moment arrival.
British physicist Geoffrey Ingram Taylor way back in 1909 first announced that
mere consciousness in a controlled environment, put another way - people,
can affect the behaviour of the stuff that our world comprises of, those quirky
quantum particles. In the realm of quantum energy, where it now seems
all things ARE possible, ‘Quantum Weirdness’ breaks down our once held
understanding of time and space to create a space where atomic matter can
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be influenced by thought and belief, creating new Reality. Forty-eight years after
Taylor, physicist Hugh Everett from Princeton University postulated that there
is the opportunity for moments in time to leap from one existing possibility to
another by creating a quantum ‘bridge’.
In February 2015 Dr Alastair Wilson, specialist in Philosophy of Physics at the
University of Birmingham, one aspect of an international research programme
into the nature of time, asked about the reality of time travel replied, ’Our best
physics at the moment leaves it open. Thinking about Time not as a way of
measuring the passing of hours and days, but as a dimension more like space.
Some kind of Portal, loops in time, where someone could travel and then come
back to the same place, described by physicists as ‘closed time-like curves’. It’s
not so much inventing time machine as discovering a LOCATION.’ (My capitals)
In terms of that-will-come imminent cataclysmic event, perhaps if an assembly
of a specific number of a specific type of people from the gestation of a new
nation stand at our Activation Point Gateway, their aggregate genius, thoughts
and beliefs, might well have worked out how, or be destined, to be able to have
opened it beforehand.
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Addendum 1 - Remote Viewing Report
Recorded here are a few of my observations
on this target from the collective data from
the remote viewers.
Remote View
a dagger within a sarcophagus
As these images show there are common
themes throughout the sketches of:
1. Boxy and curved/domed like structure
2. Silver/gray and or metalic
3. A circular part with
separated components
4. Under/down/below
5. Luminated or giving off
both light/energy
6. Old/ancient
• All viewers mention a curved shaped structure/object
• 3 viewers mention grey/silver/metallic
• 3 viewers mention deep/embedded/down or below
• All viewers sketch a circular shaped part to the target
• 2 viewers mention old/ancient
• 3 viewers mention moving/movement from the structure
• 3 viewers mention energy/light/luminescence/luminated
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Addendum 2 - Runic Inscriptions
Whilst researching the Runic
alphabet I came across the
rune DAGAZ (daggers) and
immediately recognised it as
being etched on a pillar at
Temple Bruer, the energy
centre of the geometry etched
on the Lincolnshire landscape.
Concealing an ‘M’ and an upside
‘M’, giving us the MM of the
Magdalene, not only does
this powerful rune announce
‘cataclysmic change’ and govern
transformation of one thing into
its opposite, allowing us to bring
in positive energy while it blocks
negative, it also rules ‘
The Runic Dagaz etched on a pillar at Temple Bruer.
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Addendum 3 - Giza Entanglement
If we view the Giza pyramids and Sphinx from above on Google Earth, the angle
and shadows are such that;
1. A
line drawn from LINCOLN points to the centre and SE corner of the
Great Pyramid and continues to the Sphinx.
2. A
line drawn from STRATFORD-UPON-AVON points to the centre and
SE corner of the 2nd Pyramid.
3. A
line drawn from GLASTONBURY points to the centre and SE corner of
the 3rd Pyramid
4. A
line drawn from LHASA, TIBET goes along the NE axis of the Great
Pyramid to the centre point.
5. A
line drawn from RENNES-LE-CHATEAU goes along the NW axis of the
Great Pyramid to the centre point.
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Addendum 4 - The Murder of Mary Magdalene in Glass
A chilling scene depicting the murder of
Mary Magdalene can be found captured
on a glass panel within Shakespeare’s
Stratford Church.
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