Bank Specialists for 10 Years - North Carolina Bankers Association


Bank Specialists for 10 Years - North Carolina Bankers Association
Faces in the News
Aquesta Bank
Susan Miller was named employee of the month
for January 2009.
Bank of Granite
John Forlines was presented with the Caldwell
County Medallion of Honor that recognizes his
more than 50 years of service to Caldwell County.
Susan Miller
John Forlines
Tammy Barbee
Perry Hendrix
Buddy Thomas
Luella Hubbard
Misty Powell
Melissa Beane
Susan Halo
Allison Hammer
Kelly Hamlett
Jamie Robbins
Bank of Oak Ridge
Tammy Barbee
joined as vice
Blue Ridge
Kelly S. King
was named
CEO and
was elected
as a Class A
director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
Debbie Garrett
was promoted to
vice president.
Perry Hendrix was named chief credit officer.
Carolina Bank
Buddy Thomas joined as vice president, commercial loan officer.
Carter Bank & Trust
Luella B. Hubbard was promoted to vice president. Misty G. Powell was elected assistant vice
Bank Specialists for 10 Years
CommunityOne Bank
Melissa Beane was named office manager. Susan
Halo and Allison Hammer were named market
manager. Kelly Hamlett and Jamie W. Robbins
were named community office manager.
Cooperative Bank
O. C. (Buddy) Burrell, Jr. was named senior executive vice president.
Our Team Offers:
Cooperative Bank
Todd L. Sammons has
been named
and CEO.
Rick WilWilletts
letts retired
as president and CEO and
continues to serve as chairman of the board
for the bank and Cooperative Bankshares.
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carolina banker
Spring 2009
Faces in the News
Crescent State
Betty Crump
Michael Ray
Mark Wooten
Betty Crump was named
president of the Kiwanis
Club of Apex. Michael A. Ray
was named to the Knightdale
Chamber of Commerce Board
of Directors. Mark Wooten
was named a Real Estate
Impact Leader by Business
Leader Magazine.
Sandra Hartley
F&M Bank
Rob Miller
Lorie Yost
Marty Pease
Bob James
Vickie Agner-Keene, Sandra
Hartley, Rob Miller, and Lorie
Yost were promoted to banking officer. Dan R. Williams
will retire on Dec. 31, 2009 as
the bank’s president and chief
operating officer.
Kelly Johnson
Fidelity Bank
James Taylor
Bill Storck
Jason Swink
Ted M. Natt Jr. joined as
business development ofMike Weisman
Ed Broadwell
ficer. Martin Pease joined as
assistant vice president and
business development officer.
FDIC Insured Deposits
Fifth Third Bank, N.A.
Bob James was appointed to the board of directors.
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carolina banker
Spring 2009
Kelly Johnson was appointed city executive. James "Jimmy" Taylor was promoted to assistant vice president.
First National Bank of Shelby
Bill Storck joined the bank as vice president and financial
consultant. Jason I. Swink was recognized as the First
National Bank Investment Services Financial Consultant
of the year for 2008. Mike Weisman was recognized for
outstanding service to FNB Investment Services clients.
HomeTrust Bank
Ed Broadwell was named vice president of the Federal
Reserve Board’s Thrift Institutions Advisory Council for
Savings Bank
Vivian Sutton was named
Faces in the News
Richard Peek
Madeline Clas
2009. Jim Darby was promoted to
assistant vice president & assistant credit officer. Ann Hamilton
joined as benefits and wellness
coordinator. Richard Peek and
Madeline Clas joined as financial
Dottie Burns
John Elliott
Racheal Flavel
Edie Stanley
Barbara Doolittle
Sharon Moe
Wesley Jones
Linda Bradshaw
Beth Poarch
Olivia Haynes
Kathi Johnson
Debra Ogborn
Patsy Wells
KS Bank
Palmer Griffin Laughridge IV was
named branch manager.
New Century Bank
Dottie S. Burns was promoted to
senior vice president and branch
manager. John L. Elliott was
Maria Moore
named senior vice president and
regional credit administrator. Racheal Flavel
was promoted to area operations manager.
Edie Stanley was promoted to assistant vice
North State Bank
Barbara Doolittle was named senior vice president. Sharon Moe was named vice president.
Kelly Purcell and Sondra Collins were named
assistant vice president.
Paragon Commercial Bank
K. Wesley M. Jones joined the board of directors. Virginia G. Parker was named co-chair of
the North Carolina Governor’s Inaugural Ball.
Parkway Bank
Linda Bradshaw, Beth Poarch, and Maria
Moore were promoted to assistant vice president. Olivia Haynes was appointed compliance officer. Kathi Johnson was promoted to
assistant vice president and identity theft prevention officer. Debra Ogborn was promoted
to vice president. Patsy Wells joined as senior
mortgage lender, assistant vice president.
Do business with someone
who thinks like you.
carolina banker
Spring 2009
Faces in the News
Patriot State Bank
Patsy D. Johnson was named vice president. Cynthia H. Smith
was named vice president and mortgage lender. Waller G. Wills
IV, joined as vice president and business development officer.
Piedmont Federal Savings Bank
Cynthia Smith
Waller Wills
Robin Gailey
Lou Nunn
Abby Blaylock
James Chrysson
Jane Chambers was promoted to vice president. Dwain Kimel,
Lois Allen, Gwynn Hooks, and Elaine Stevenson were named
branch managers. Dianna Proffit, Tim Brooker, Gary Gilbert,
and Mike Bospiedmont federal
ton were named
assistant vice
Savings Bank
presidents. David R. Smelcer
Richard (Ric) F. Wagner,
was promoted
Jr. was named president
to senior vice
and CEO.
Premier Commercial Bank
Robin Gailey joined as a business banker. Lou Nunn joined as
director of banking services.
RBC Bank
Tim Britton
Mark Yercheck
Douglas Clark
Karen Troy was named director of private banking strategy.
Sound Bank
Abby Blaylock was promoted to customer service representative.
Southern Community Bank and Trust
James G. Chrysson was elected vice chairman of the board of
directors of Southern Community Financial Corporation.
Dan Whaley
James Clement
SunTrust Banks
A. Lewis Bass, III joined the bank’s Mid-Atlantic Commercial
Real Estate Group as a senior vice president and regional credit
The East Carolina Bank
John Coffman
Don Edmonson
James Hite
Tim Britton joined as vice president and business banker. Douglas C. Clark joined ECB Mortgage as mortgage banker. Mark
Yercheck joined ECB Investment Services.
The Heritage Bank
James Lewis “Jimmy” Southerland was promoted to senior vice
president and regional supervisor. Jack D. (Dan) Whaley was
promoted to assistant vice president.
TrustAtlantic Bank
Pete West
Anne Evenson
carolina banker
Rick Schuler
Spring 2009
James E. Clement, Jr., John Coffman, Don Edmonson, James G.
Hite, Pete West were named to the Greenville Advisory Board.
Anne Evenson Rajanen joined as compliance and audit officer.
Rick A. Schuler joined as commercial relationship officer.