Industrial Plant Apaseo
Industrial Plant Apaseo
Industrial Plant Apaseo Carretera Panamericana Km. 44.2, Apaseo El Grande, Guanajuato S A L E Set along the railway. Possible obtaining railroad spur. SURFACES FEATURES ! Plot: 80,000 SQ M ! Concrete floors ! Building: 12,100 SQ M ! Brick walls and sheet PINTRO ! Home Winery: 8,710 SQ M ! PINTRO sheet roofs ! Offices: 530 SQ M ! Dining room: 238 SQ M ! Warehouses adjacent: 2,622 SQ M ! ExKnguishers ! Perimeter cyclone fence ! Bathrooms in offices and plant ! Dining room ! Two loading and unloading plaJorms ! SubstaKon cap. 10, 000 KVA ! Switching yard ! Two 5000 KVA transformers ! OperaKng own well ! SkepKcal trench This document was prepared solely for this property, and may be withdrawn at any 7me without no7ce. Is presented for informa7onal purposes about the property and should not be regarded as a firm offer to sell. Although informa7on has been obtained from reliable sources, both the landlord and CMI Group and its representa7ves or agents do not guarantee the accuracy of the informa7on contained herein and offer the property without express or implied warranty of any kind. Jorge Cortés [email protected] Tel. (55) 5361 6061 Industrial Plant Apaseo Carretera Panamericana Km. 44.2, Apaseo El Grande, Guanajuato INSIDE VIEW LOADING DOCK OFFICES LOCATION Carretera Panamericana Km. 44.2, Col. Andador Industrial, Tierra Blanca, Apaseo El Grande, Guanajuato. Querétaro Parque industrial Amistad Bajío Apaseo el Grande Celaya Rehau S.A. de C.V. Ctral. de Abastos mer Pana . a r Ct a ican Estación Intermodal FERROMEX Sub-‐Estación CFE Ruta de acceso Estación Kansas City Southern de México Vía ferroviaria Honda de México Coordinates: 20.538071,-‐100.754049 Periférico Sur No. 3395 PB Col. Rincón del Pedregal CP 14120 Del. Tlalpan, México DF
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