Sand Lake News - Sand Lake Property Owners Association
Sand Lake News - Sand Lake Property Owners Association
Sand Lake News ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Spring 2013 7KH$QQXDO6DQG/DNH3URSHUW\2ZQHUVPHHWLQJZLOO EH6DWXUGD\-XQHWKDW$0DWWKH&DPEULGJH Township Hall at the corner of M50 and Onsted Hwy. There will be updates on lake news and activities and reports on lake water treatments. Oh yeah, and donuts, too! $ QRPLQDWLRQ IRUP LV HQFORVHG with this newsletter. )URPWKLVSRLQWIRUZDUGDOORXURI¿FHUVZLOOEHHOHFWHGWR 2 year terms. :H ZLOO EH FROOHFWLQJ PHPEHUVKLS DSSOLFDWLRQV HIIHFWLYH LPPHGLDWHO\ VR SOHDVH ¿OO RXW WKH HQFORVHG application and return it to us with your payment. You may bring both with you to the meeting. 2QO\ 3$,' PHPEHUVZLOOUHFHLYHDQRI¿FLDOEDOORWDWWKHPHHWLQJ RQ-XQH Arrangements are being made to hold a %RDWHUV¶6DIHW\ &ODVV DQG D %RDW 6DIHW\ LQVSHFWLRQ this spring with the Lenawee County Sheriff’s Marine Division. &RQWDFW %UXFH'LYHQRUZDWFKWKH6DQG/DNH:HEVLWH for more information. 5535 Adelburt Ct. Onsted, Mi 49265 OFFICERS President Dowe Parsons 517.281.7603 [email protected] Vice President Mike Pender 734.216.9880 [email protected] Secretary Sarah White 517.431.2841 [email protected] Treasurer Irene Petree 517.467.6110 [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRS ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 734-‐818-‐6808 Bruce Diven ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ Sue Macauley 614.570.6445 ŽŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶ Steve Alcove 517.467.5339 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ƌĂŝŶŽŵŵŝƩĞĞ 517.467.4239 Ed Plentz [email protected] Lost & Found Bev Harpster [email protected] 517.467.6256 Lake Management John Salisbury 517.467.7330 [email protected] For general comments or questions: [email protected] SHORE DELEGATES North Shore John Salisbury 517.467.7330 [email protected] Debbie Hartwick* 517.467.4408 [email protected] Karen Muller * 517.467.6592 Northeast Shore Bob Hoisington 517.467.7579 [email protected] Zeke Arzooyan* 734.560.2668 [email protected] East Shore 'ƌĞŐŝůŝďĞƌƟ 517.467.6685 ŐƌĞŐ͘ĐŝůŝďĞƌƟΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ South Shore 517.431.2188 ĞƫŶĂůĂŶŬ Margie Hermes * 734.395.2997 ƌŝĐŚĂƌĚĂŶĚďĞƫŶĂΛLJĂŚŽŽ͘ĐŽŵ West Shore 727.642.3555 Don Massey Bill Kozemchak* 517.467.7058 [email protected] Northwest Shore 517.467.2794 Bill Cosman * Alternate CAMBRIDGE TOWNSHIP ANNUAL SPRING CLEANUP Cambridge Township Hall 7RZQVKLSRI¿FH MAY 4 8AM-NOON 2+7+(6(,5,6++,//6 0$< +,6725<3$/22=$ $030 At the Newly Restored Brick Walker Tavern on the corner of US 12 and M50 (Cambridge Junction).Celebrating the People, It's Place, It's History, stop in to see what's KDSSHQLQJLQWKH+OOV27,+PHHWVRQWKH¿UVW7XHVGD\RI every month at the Sand Lake Fire Dept. (by Evans Lake) at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome. 1$ Donation or food item. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQZZZRWLKRUJ RU&RQWDFW'HEELH+DUWZLFN 6/32$$118$/0((7,1* 6$7-81( &DPEULGJH7RZQVKLS+DOO $0 At the corner of St. Rt. 50 and Onsted Hwy. 0,65$&(:((.(1' -81( Independence Day Celebration Fireworks are scheduled for Saturday July 6th at dusk. They have always been beautiful and are enjoyed by us all, They are also expensive. There will be a free-will donation taken at the Annual Meeting to help defray the cost of WKH¿UHZRUNVRQ6DWXUGD\-XO\WK. Please think about coming to the meeting prepared to donate to help cover the cost. You can also send donations to: 6/)'&+,&.(1%52,/ 7+8-8/< Sand Lake Fire Department. Rt. 12, across from Evans Lake 6DQG/DNH&OXE 6DQG/DNH'U 2QVWHG0, 6$1'/$.(&277$*(7285 Rain date-Sun. July 14 6$7-8/< $030 781(6217+(/$.( Rain date-Sun. July 14 6$7-8/< 3030 0,65$&(:((.(1' $8* THE SAND LAKE CLUB is asking for VOLUNTEERS 7KH\QHHGKHOSZLWK Fixing the pontoons 6DWXUGD\WKHWKof June so they are ready for the show on the 6th. Putting the pontoons in the water on the 6th. 7DNLQJWKHPRXW on the 7th. [email protected] [email protected] CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUMMER HAPPENINGS SPRING 2013 )URPWKH6DQG/DNH3URSHUW\2ZQHU V$VVRFLDWLRQ 3OHDVHFRQWDFW )OR\G5RGJHUV orÀR\GURGJHUV#JPDLOcom ,1'(3(1'(1&('$<&(/(%5$7,21 6$7-8/< ),5(:25.6216$1'/$.( $W'DUN Please send donations to: Sand Lake Club, 5032 Sand Lake Dr., Onsted, MI 49265 But wait, there's more! SAND LAKE LAWN CHAIR MOVIE FESTIVAL Time, Date & Location to be Determined Volunteers needed SAND LAKE BOAT SAFETY CLASS Time, Date & Location to be Determined )RUDOO6/32$DFWLYLW\LQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW %UXFH'LYHQEGLYHQ#FRPFDVWQHW Watch for Activity updates at:! Slalom Ski Course From the President's desk This last Fall and Winter has been a busy time for the Board, as we dealt with instituting an updated constitution, seating a new Board and stabilizing our lake management process. We have made great progress and are eager to share it with you! Shortly before Labor Day, published reports of a motor cycle group’s plans to take over the Stagecoach Stop caused widespread concern. Many people were very disturbed by the type of activities described in these reports and the potential negative impact on our lake community. We became involved in helping to assess the situation and in organizing members’ response including: 1) public meetings, 2) newspaper articles DQGPHHWLQJVZLWKWRZQVKLSRI¿FLDOV:HDUH pleased to report that the development plans do not appear to be going forward. Last fall, we reviewed the status of weed control efforts with our contractor, Progressive Lake Management (PLM) and, in general, were very pleased with the results –a fall treatment was not required in 2012. But, we also received reports at the Fall Regional Michigan Lakes and Streams Association (MLSA) Conference that many new types of invasive weed species are invading our lakes in this region. Given the success of current treatment programs and the increased threat of new invasive species, the Lake Management Committee recommended that the Special Assessment 'LVWULFWIRUZHHGFRQWUROEHH[WHQGHGIRUDQRWKHU¿YH years and the Board concurred. The Board sent a OHWWHUWRWKH7RZQVKLSVUHTXHVWLQJD¿YH\HDUH[WHQVLRQ of the Special Assessment Districts. PLM did recommend the use of Fluridon (Sonar) (see the Lake Management chair’s report) in this year’s treatment as a way to save overall costs and use less chemicals in the lake. The Board concurred with this recommendation and PLM was instructed to proceed with the Fluridon treatment. Finally, the Lake Management Committee is trying to address the problem of muck buildup in many areas of the lake. This is directly related to an overgrowth of native plants due to “aging of the lake” and eutrophication , (the over-enrichment of water by nutrients such as nitrogen phosphorus). The attendant muck buildup is a serious problem. The Lake Management Committee is leading an effort to develop a dredging proposal for consideration by members and PLM is offering suggestions for controlling certain native plants contributing to the muck problem. We KRSHWRKDYHVSHFL¿FSURSRVDOVWRSUHVHQWDQGGLVFXVV at our Annual meeting on June 8th. Dowe Parsons Rules of the Waterways ,QJHQHUDODSHUVRQPXVWEHDJHRUROGHUWRGULYHDERDW 6DIHERDWLQJFHUWL¿FDWHVDUHUHTXLUHGIRURSHUDWRUV\RXQJHU WKDQ\HDUVROG $Q\RQH\RXQJHUWKDQ\HDUVROGPXVWZHDUDW\SHRU SHUVRQDOÀRWDWLRQVGHYLFH ,WLVLOOHJDOWRRSHUDWHDERDWLIRQHVEORRGDOFRKROLVDERYH 0.07. 2QLQODQGODNHVERDWWUDI¿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¶ZDNHVZHDYHLQFRQJHVWHG ZDWHUZD\VRUSXUSRVHO\GULYHWRZDUGDQRWKHUERDWKHDGRQ ZKLFKUHTXLUHVWKHRSHUDWRUVWRVZHUYHDWWKHODVWPRPHQW $ERDWPXVWKDYHSHUVRQDOÀRWDWLRQGHYLFHVIRUDOOSDVVHQJHUV 5LGLQJLQWKHERZRIDERDWLVLOOHJDOLIWKHYHVVHOLVWUDYHOLQJ IDVWHUWKDQVORZQRZDNHVSHHGXQOHVVWKHERDWKDVERZ VHDWLQJ 'RQRWH[FHHGQRLVHGHFLEHOOLPLWVGHFLEHOVDWLGOHIURP IHHWDZD\RUGHFLEHOVZKHQPHDVXUHGIURPVKRUH 8VHGLYLQJÀDJZKHQGLYLQJ%RDWRSHUDWRUVNHHSIHHW DZD\IURPGLYHÀDJV ,WLVLOOHJDOWRKDUDVVZLOGOLIHRUGLVWXUEYHJHWDWLRQ Arrangements are being made to hold a boaters’ safety class & boat safety inspection. Go to for updates. by Zeke Arzooyan Last year I was granted a 3 year permit to install a permanent slalom ski course on the lake, and as all you know the location out there in the middle by the sand bar, seemed to be an area that doesn't get much use by RWKHU ERDWHUV 6RPH RI WKH ¿VKHUPHQ ZHUH FRQFHUQHG DERXWWKHLUIDYRULWH¿VKEHGVLQWKDWVSRW, PVRUU\,FDQW GRDQ\WKLQJDERXWWKDWH[FHSWPD\EH¿VKWKHUHZKHQQR ones skiing the course. If there are too many complaints that can't be resolved, this permit will be revoked, but I sure hope we can all work together again and make this a GOOD thing for the lake community. f you would like to ski with us, or get instructions on skiing or driving through the course, don't hesitate to come out there & meet with us, we're all ski junkies just like you. Or give it your best & as a driver, don't worry about the skier, that's what your spotters for, you just pull straight & they will follow, if they fall, continue straight in neutral until boat comes to a halt, then make your recovery turn. A good starting cruise control speed is 28mph at full rope length, if successful, try 30, then 32, 34, & hopefully you'll be able to ski like the pros at 36mph, then shorten the rope, reduce speed & try again. Our team spent about 50 man hours installing, adjusting, cleaning, general maintenance, removal & storing the course last year. There are 32 permanent anchors in place with sub-buoys, [more than 3 ft. below the surface], all we have to do is hook up the boat guide & skier buoys & start skiing. We plan on installing them Memorial Day weekend, & removing them Labor-Day weekend, weather permitting. If there are interested skiers, it can be left till Oct or Nov. There were 4 buoys lost last year, & with our phone number on each one of them we recovered 2, thank you shore residence for calling me. Others were destroyed by boats pulling through the course & that's expected. If this happens to you, please give me a call & we will install a new one, but at $10 each, please be careful, we have many extras on hand ready to switch out & it only takes a couple minutes. The Sand Lake Property Owners Association is NOT DI¿OLDWHGZLWKWKLVSHUPLWSOHDVHGLUHFW\RXUFRQFHUQVWR me. The course is open to the use of the public, from 7am - 8pm. We had a few skiers after 8 last year, I went out & informed them of our course rules & & it was a non issue. Insurance is available through the U.S. Water Ski Assn, to join contact them directly. Thanks `again` for giving us this opportunity, we hope you`ll come out & try your skills on our beautiful Sand Lake, Zeke Arzooyan 734-560-2668 / [email protected] Sand Lake Cottage Tour & Tunes on the Lake - AND MORE! 7KHUG$QQXDO6DQG/DNH&RWWDJH7RXUwill be held from 8 am -12 noon on Saturday, July 13 with the rain day scheduled for Sunday, July 14. Again this year, you will get to peek into some of the new and historic housing around the lake. The tour is open to Sand Lake residents and their house guests. Cottage visitation is by boat only as was done last year. Donations for the event are: Singles $15, Couples $20, Boatload (up to 6 people) $40 - add $10 for each person over 6 Wristbands can be purchased from the committee members before July 13 or the morning of the event. Bring your coffee and enjoy breakfast on your boat as \RXVHHWKHVHEHDXWLIXOKRPHV3URFHHGVZLOOEHQH¿W WKHDQQXDO6DQG/DNH-XO\WKZHHNHQG¿UHZRUNV by Bruce Diven TXQHV RQ WKH /DNH sponsored by your Sand Lake Association, will also be held on July 13 from 7-9 pm in the southeast corner of the lake by the old campground. Fatmouth Charlie (Dave Dermwyer, East Shore) will be our returning performers this year by popular request. This year the SLPOA has helped with funding to bring Dave along and his backup musicians! Fatmouth Charlie %DQG will be performing easy listening Blues style music for residents to enjoy from their boats. Boaters will drop anchor and / or tie off others boats to enjoy the music and party down. THE LAKE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE HAS MORE IN STORE FOR YOU THIS SUMMER! SAND LAKE LAWN CHAIR MOVIE FESTIVAL 7LPH'DWH/RFDWLRQWREH'HWHUPLQHG Just bring a lawn chair and a cooler... SAND LAKE BOAT SAFETY CLASS Time, Date & Location to be Determined For more DFWLYLWLHVLQIRUPDWLRQ DQGWRYROXQWHHUFRQWDFW %UXFH'LYHQEGLYHQ#FRPFDVWQHW NEWS SPLASHES Weed Uprooter Dowe Parsons is managing the care and use of the Weed Uprooter. The SLPOA homeowner pays NOTHING but but will be required to provide a security deposit of $50. You can contact them at:517.281.7603. Note: Any weeds that you uproot and/or cut must be removed from the lake by you. Eurasian Water Milfoil SURSDJDWHVHDVLO\,I\RXFXWRUXSURRWLWDQGOHWLWÀRDWDZD\ Website Update 7KH 6/32$ %RDUG LV SOHDVHG WR DQQRXQFH RXU QHZ SLPOA website :H KRSH RXU PHPEHUV ¿QG WKLV QHZ site current and informational. The web address is the same as our old site; ZZZVDQGODNHPLRUJ The new site features: 0HPEHU%HQH¿WV Updates on Lake Management Good Neighbor Policies Sand Lake History, and much more We value your opinion-let us know what you think! Communications Update ,I ZH KDYH \RXU HPDLO DGGUHVV we will periodically contact you with information updates via GoogleGroups email. These communications are screened and handled by 6XH 0DFDXOH\ RXU &RPPXQLFDWLRQV &KDLU If you do not want your email address added to this list please indicate that on your membership application when you send it back to us. We are looking for Volunteers! 6/32$LVDYROXQWHHURUJDQL]DWLRQZHUHO\RQWKH KHOSRIRXUPHPEHUVWRJHWWKLQJVGRQH <RXFDQKHOSLQVPDOODQGODUJHZD\V)RULQVWDQFH \RXFDQVHQGXVXSGDWHV WRFRPPXQLW\HYHQWV\RX NQRZDERXWFKDQJHV WRODNHDGGUHVVHVDQG FRQWDFWQXPEHUV<RX FDQDOVRKHOS\RXU6KRUH Delegate as an Alternate 'HOHJDWH2FFDVLRQDOO\ZH ZLOOKDYHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV that we want to send out to the members as well as WKHFRPPXQLW\,WKHOSVLI ZHFDQSDVVWKHVHRXWDQG DYRLGSRVWDJH(YHU\WKLQJ helps! ,I\RXFDQVSDUHVRPH WLPHSOHDVHFDOORQHRI WKH2I¿FHUVRU6KRUH GHOHJDWHVWR¿QGRXWPRUH C’mon aboard Matey! 2012-2013 SLPOA Directory A new Sand Lake Directory was issued last July. This directory is created biannually. We understand that you may make changes to your life before the next one is published in 2014. This summer, we want to issue a list of corrections and edits that you can staple into you current one. Once we have collected all membership information we can get that to you-so get your membership form & dues in early! FOR SALE Black leather couch three cushions, good condition $75. Tan cloth lazy boy lounge chair good cond.$20. One polaris jet ski and/or 12' small boat could use either one on trailer, possibly two jet skis with minor adjustments, $600 obo. Contact Gene: [email protected] / 419.322.5390 WANTED Seeking pontoon for purchase. Will entertain all sizes over 18ft. Budget 10k. Contact, Jason 734.679.7070 by Don Massey It is fairly well known how our lake got its name, but do you know the background of the individual responsible? It all started on December 17,1785, the day that Musgrove Evans was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He eventually married Abigail Brown in the same city and together they had seven children. It is interesting to note that Abi's brother, Jacob, was at one time the commander of the United States Army. The Evans family relocated to Northwest New York State where Musgrove worked as a land surveyor. It was from Jefferson County, New York that Evans led a group of 4XDNHUVLQFOXGLQJ¿IWHHQPHQIRXUZRPDQDQGHOHYHQ FKLOGUHQ WR VWDUW WKH ¿UVW /HQDZHH &RXQW\ VHWWOHPHQW June 2, 1824 at what is now Tecumseh, Michigan. A year earlier he had visited his wife's cousin, Austin Wing, the individual in charge of the Monroe, Michigan govHUQPHQW ODQG RI¿FH ZKHUH WKH ODQG SXUFKDVH ZDV DUranged. Two years later in May of 1826 Musgrove, his brother-inlaw, Joseph Brown, and two other men followed a creek to its source, a body of water named Evans Lake in honor of the group leader. The men continued west a short distance to the top of a hill overlooking the east side of what was described as the most beautiful lake they had seen and christened it "Sand Lake". Musgrove was instrumental in surveying the Detroit&KLFDJR7XUQSLNHQRZ86DQGHVWDEOLVKLQJWKH¿UVW mail and stagecoach line in 1825 along the route. He obtained Texas land grants in 1831. Two years after the 1832 deaths of his wife, Abi, and the drowning in the River Raisin of his nine year old son, moved to Texas ZLWK¿YHRIKLVFKLOGUHQ7KHROGHVWFKLOG6DPXHO%URZQ The Musgrove Evans Home (1826-present) Musgrove Evans home ZDVWKH¿UVW house built in Tecumseh and it is still standing. It is recognized as the oldest residential structure in Lenawee County and one of the oldest in the state of Michigan. Evans, was twenty-four years of age when he was one of the 189 killed at the Battle of the Alamo. Musgrove enlisted in the Texas army on April 1, 1836 and fought in the famous Battle of San Jacinto defeating the Mexicans. Musgrove Evans remarried in 1840 and spent the remainder of his life actively involved in the Austin, Texas community prior to his June 7, 1855 death. A very colorful life for a man of his day! ,I\RXKDYHKLVWRULFDOLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW\RXU FRWWDJHRU6DQG/DNHSOHDVHIRUZDUGWR 'RQ0DVVH\:HVW6KRUH GXRPD]]#DROFRP 32%R[ 2QVWHG0, Possible Goose Roundup? Note: only dues paying members receive a Directory. Shore delegates deliver them. Four 14" Gruman aluminum canoes & one 14" row boat. Varying condition. Make offer. Call:467.6110. Sand Lake History Is this someone you know? This image is one used for an early postcard. It is attributed to Sand Lake. If you know these people we would like to add that information to our Lake's history archives. How'd they ever manage without a cooler? by Sarah White Now that the ice is gone off the lake and we have begun to see our feathery goose “friends” passing in front of our homes. It is now we have to ask ourselves if a goose “round-up” will be necessary this year. I was the cocoordinator of the last round-up in 2011. We were successful in ridding about half the group that year. There is a VWULFWWLPHIUDPHZHQHHGWRIROORZ to do this;1) the 6WDWHUHTXLUHVWKHSHUPLWDSSOLFDWLRQSRVWPDUNHGE\0D\ for removal in June and, 2) the URXQGXSKDVWREHFRPSOHWHGE\WKHHQGRI-XQH as the geese are molting WKHQDQGFDQQRWÀ\ I have all the diagrams for the setup of the enclosure area and basically all we need are people to help set up the spot and herd/drive them to the enclosure. Above all we need a space to bait them and construct the enclosure before the actual round-up so they will be used to going to that spot. Last year, 2012, there did not seem to be a huge population of geese and the decision was made not to do a round-up. Please keep an eye on the adults and young and let me know your numbers DQGRUif you would be willing to help herd. 3OHDVHWDNHQRWLFHRIKRZPDQ\JHHVH you are seeing around your shore and reporting these numbers to me. A GHFLVLRQshould be made E\0D\as to whether we do a round-up or not. Timing is VERY important! Please be mindful of the deadline. &RQWDFW6DUDK:KLWH VMZGUZ#KRWPDLOFRPRU Lake Management Update The Truth About Fluridone by John Salisbury, Chaiman What is Fluridone? 7KH6/32$/DNH0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHH has been meeting since October, 2012. The committee has focused on the continuation of treatment of Sand Lake for invasive species and plans/proposals to deal with the weed/muck issues in the lake. The committee did make two recommendations to the SLPOA Board. ,W V D WLPH WHVWHG DQG SURYHQ ZHHG FRQWURO SURGXFW WKDW NLOOV DQG FRQWUROV QXLVDQFH DTXDWLF ZHHGV (XUDVLDQ ZDWHUPLOIRLO,WLV(3$DSSURYHGZLWKQR¿VKLQJVZLPPLQJ RUUHFUHDWLRQDOUHVWULFWLRQV,WKDVEHHQXVHGWKURXJKRXW WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVIRURYHUWZHQW\\HDUV$WUHDWPHQWZLOO KDYHUHVLGXDOHIIHFWVRQ(XUDVLDQZDWHUPLOIRLOIRUWZRWR IRXU\HDUVUHGXFLQJWUHDWPHQWFRVWV 1. Continuation of the Special Assessment District: Sand Lake Weed Control Assessment District; using previous language, at the same assessment rate ($100.00 per SURSHUW\IRU¿YH\HDUV What is the treatment procedure? 2. Treatment of Sand Lake for the 2013 season should for the most part, be a continuation of copper products for Starry Stonewort and Fluridone (Sonar) for Eurasian watermilfoil. The committee continues to meet to discuss the weed/ muck issues on the lake, attempting to identify methods for treatment and sources for payment. Starry Stonewort Watch You can help! Starry Stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) looks like a rooted plant but it is actually an algae. The plant is native to Europe and Asia. In 1983, it was found in the Detroit River near Belle Island and has since infested many Michigan lakes, including our own. Starry Stonewort grows along shorelines and in water of up to twelve feet in depth. The plant KDVUKL]RLGVVPDOOÀRZHUVWRDEVRUE nutrients. The rhizoids resemble stars and are most visible in spring and fall. The plant’s branching pattern is very irregular and lends the plant a disheveled appearance. It grows very thick, similar to a “brillo pad” appearance. Starry Stonewort can form dense mats several feet thick. It can impede navigation and limit growth of more EHQH¿FLDOSODQWV,I\RXLGHQWLI\WKLVLQYDVLYHSODQWLQRXU lake SOHDVHFRQWDFW -RKQ6DOLVEXU\ZLWKWKHVSHFL¿F location. He will be providing this information to PLM so they can better pinpoint areas of treatment when they visit the lake for their regular lake status evaluations. Want to know more? )OXULGRQHLVXVHGLQIUHVKZDWHUODNHVSRQGVUHVHUYRLUV FDQDOVDQGULYHUV2QHDSSOLFDWLRQLVSHUIRUPHGLQ$SULO RU0D\DWDUDWHRISDUWVSHUELOOLRQSSEZLWKDERRVWHU RI SSE DSSOLHG DW D ODWHU WLPH LQ WKH VHDVRQ 7KLV LV PXFK ORZHU WKDQ WKH (3$ DSSURYHG DSSOLFDWLRQ UDWH OLPLWRISSE3HUPLWVIURPWKH0LFKLJDQ'HSDUWPHQW RI (QYLURQPHQWDO 4XDOLW\ DUH UHTXLUHG DSSOLFDWLRQ LV SHUIRUPHGE\SURIHVVLRQDOV3/0DQGWKH\DUHPRQLWRUHG E\WKH0LFKLJDQ'(4 How does Fluridone work? ,WLVDEVRUEHGIURPWKHZDWHUE\VKRRWVRIWKHVXEPHUJHG SODQW DQG IURP WKH K\GURVRLO WKURXJK WKH URRWV RI WKH SODQW,WGLVUXSWVWKHSKRWRV\QWKHVLVSURFHVVSUHYHQWLQJ WKHSODQWIURPWXUQLQJJUHHQ7KHSODQWVORZO\GLHVZKLFK UHGXFHVLQVWDQWDQHRXVR[\JHQGHPDQG Are there health effects from Fluridone? )OXULGRQH LV DSSURYHG E\ WKH (3$ DQG KDV EHHQ XVHG QDWLRQZLGH IRU RYHU WZHQW\ \HDUV 7KHUH LV QR HYLGHQFH WKDW LW LV FDUFLQRJHQLF QRU DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK UHSURGXFWLYH RU GHYHORSPHQWDO HIIHFWV RQ KXPDQV SHWV RU RWKHU GRPHVWLFDQLPDOV,WKDVQRDGYHUVHHIIHFWVRQFUD\¿VK EDVVEOXHJLOOFDW¿VKVQDNHVWXUWOHVRUIURJV)OXULGRQH GRHVQRWOHDFKLQWRJURXQGZDWHUDQGKDVQROLPLWVIRUXVH RIWUHDWHGZDWHUIRUGULQNLQJ SAND LAKE TREATMENT DATES FOR 2013 Chemical treatments DUHVFKHGXOHGIRUWKHweeks of: April 22, May 6th, June 10th, July 8th and August 5th, GHSHQGLQJ XSRQFRQGLWLRQV. Signs will be posted in treated areas. Fluridone will be applied ONCE, LQWKH6SULQJWRFRQWURO(XUDVLDQ:DWHUPLOIRLO2WKHU WUHDWPHQWVZLOOEHIRUFRQWURORI6WDUU\6WRQHZRUWDQGRWKHULQYDVLYHV Michigan’s Phosphorus Fertilizer Ban PhosphorusLVWKHQXWULHQWWKDWPRVWRIWHQVWLPXODWHVH[FHVVLYHJURZWK RIDTXDWLFSODQWVOHDGLQJWRDYDULHW\RISUREOHPVElevated phosphorus levels are causing premature agingRIPDQ\0LFKLJDQODNHV ([FHVV SKRVSKRUXV FDQ UXQ RII LQWR ODNHV DQG VWUHDPV ZKHUH D single pound RI SKRVSKRUXV FDQ JHQHUDWH hundreds of pounds RI DTXDWLF YHJHWDWLRQ :LWK WKH SDVVDJH RI D new state law (PA 299 of 2010) 0LFKLJDQ KDV MRLQHG D QXPEHU RI RWKHU *UHDW /DNHV VWDWHV LQ EDQQLQJ SKRVSKRUXV LQ ODZQ IHUWLOL]HUV 7KH QHZ ODZ ZKLFK WRRN HIIHFW RQ -DQXDU\ prohibits the application of lawn fertilizers containing phosphorus XQOHVV D QHZ ODZQ LV EHLQJ HVWDEOLVKHG RU LI D VRLO WHVW LQGLFDWHV D VRLO SKRVSKRUXVGH¿FLHQF\7KHQHZODZDOVRUHJXODWHVWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRIODZQ IHUWLOL]HUQHDUVXUIDFHZDWHUVDQGSURKLELWVODZQIHUWLOL]HUDSSOLFDWLRQVRQ IUR]HQJURXQGRUJURXQGVDWXUDWHGZLWKZDWHU 7KHVWDWHPD\LPSRVHFLYLORUDGPLQLVWUDWLYH¿QHVRQYLRODWRUVRIWKHODZ Muck 'n Mire Dear Fellow Sand Lake Home Owner, Hello, my name is Terry Flood and I am a homeowner on Sand Lake (5452 Rays Drive). This year, I volunteered to be part of the SLPOA Lake Management Committee and have participated in several meetings to discuss ways in which we can ensure that our lake stays healthy. In addition to topics regarding how to effectively manage non-native weed species in Sand Lake, the committee has LGHQWL¿HGDUHDVRIWKHODNHWKDWKDYHGHJUDGHGRYHUWLPHGXH an increase in both non-native and native weed species, as well as an increase in muck build-up. It is generally believed E\H[SHUWVLQWKH¿HOGWKDWWKHVHLVVXHVDUHLQWHUUHODWHGLQ that an increase in plant material, which goes through a cycle of growth in the summer and decay in the winter, increases muck levels. If left unchecked, affected areas of the lake can quickly become unusable for desirable activities such as ZDGLQJVZLPPLQJERDWLQJDQG¿VKLQJ The steps that the SLPOA began taking a few years ago to manage non-native, invasive plant species are part of a solid, comprehensive approach to ensure that the overall ODNHLVQRWDGYHUVHO\DIIHFWHGE\WKRVHVSHFL¿FSODQWV:H will continue to diligently pursue eradication options for this issue. However, due to some man-made changes to the lake over the years, there are some areas of the lake that are highly unlikely to ever achieve any appreciable recovery by taking steps focused solely on non-native weeds. 7ZRFDVHVLQSRLQWKDYHEHHQLGHQWL¿HGE\WKH/DNH Management Committee: 1) The canals at the NW corner of the lake, and 2) The cove at the NE corner of the lake. Both of these areas have been subjected to “man-made PRGL¿FDWLRQV´EXWKDYHQRWEHHQPDLQWDLQHGLQWKH\HDUV since the changes were made. Many years back, canals were dug in the NW corner of the lake. These canals have by Terry Flood , Sand Lake Notrth Shore degraded over time due to lack of natural currents and, additionally, have been choked by both native and nonnative weed species. In the NE area of the lake, the land area that we now refer to as “The Point” was not a point at all – rather, it was an island. The area between that small LVODQGDQGWKHVKRUHOLQHZDV¿OOHGLQWKHQHZODQGZDVVROG and homes were built. This had the effect of changing the ZDWHUÀRZLQDQGRXWRIWKH1(FRYHDQGFDXVHGDFDOP stagnant area to form. Eventually, weeds and lily pads have grown and muck levels increased drastically. I think you all know the rest of the story – we now have an area that is fast becoming “swampfront” rather than lakefront. The degradation of theses areas of the lake is bad for the Sand Lake community as a whole – decreasing the usability of the lake and dragging down home values. My informal survey of homeowners indicates we are all aware that lawn fertilizer use in and around the lake is very harmful and exasperates muck and weed issues. We continue to strongly request all homeowners to avoid fertilizing lawns. However, this alone will not provide the kick-start the NW channels and the NE cove need to get healthy again. We believe we must take further steps to restore the canals and the cove. 7KHVSHFL¿FDSSURDFKZHDUHQRZH[SORULQJLVGUHGJLQJ combined with proactive Lake Management, as well as an ongoing monitoring and maintenance program to ensure that the corrective steps last. The committee is investigating and exploring various contractors and dredging techniques to accomplish this. There has been no conclusion reached on the best course of action, so there are no cost estimates or other “impact information” to share at this time. The reason for my note is simple: I would like you to know that the Lake E S N Management Committee E S D AN DOLLARS COMMON is investigating D O O G E US HIGH AND approaches to address S E U L A V PERTY O R P E the problems in the NW K A P OUR L EMENT. h friends it G w A N e LET'S KEE k channels and the NE A la M e E ed th one H LAK have enjoy as made Sand Lake e d SENSE WIT Cove. When we have n a e k a L c h d ers on San anaged wisely and it ish Hills sin Ir m GH¿QLWLYHLQIRUPDWLRQ e m u th s r in u o re e he ve nm Bill and I lo 's. Our lake has bee have been Realtors t higher prices for th to regarding steps, 0 e h d since the '7 sought after lakes. W s have always broug losing value we nee permits, cost, etc, the le t m muck. d n of the mos nd Lake property sa g lakes. To keep fro Lake Management a s d e e a in ce w the "90's. S any of the surround n and free of nuisan r growth Committee will present e v o e h T ! m a t mmeted a lu th p seller than e and shore lines cle e in WKH¿QGLQJVDQG v n a o h ati rea k the cove a de boating and recre ted species in keep our la s recommendation to e lu a v tec e ma tate the real es ecay every year hav lily pads are not a pro t-up to a level that y the SLPOA Board tl n e rr u il C , and their d cay has bu ects the me beliefs for its consideration. of lily pads ited. Contrary to so in the cove is the de r acres and that aff te m m a li w le This information b ry f e o ro v r mbe area The p removed. is will reduce the nu e b will be made n a y c m d e an Th blem. I hop an island. ro g p n available to you ti is a th re c to is tion . f our lake. find a solu o through your shore to ty y li tl a n u e q entire lake ig e e ing dil nts lik rove th e rk p o m im w m o is to representative. C n s . o s rt iati ffo eed Our assoc will support their e hes and w c a e b t p m rs e off by unk fellow lake ozemchak ays turned lw a re a ary Alice K st Shore rs M e y u b e Thank You! " k ch La We se - no bea "Great hou 6DQG/DNH$GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :LQWHU$GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :LQWHU3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBB (PDLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :HVW6KRUH BBB Please refer to the Shore Region description in the Newsletter to determine your shore location 1RUWKZHVW6KRUHBBB (DVW6KRUH BBB 6RXWK6KRUHBBB BBBRUBBBLIRYHUDJH :LQWHU$GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :LQWHU3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBB (PDLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBRUBBBLIRYHUDJH 'XHV-DQXDU\WKURXJK'HFHPEHU :HVW6KRUH BBB Please refer to the Shore Region description in the Newsletter to determine your shore location 1RUWKZHVW6KRUHBBB (DVW6KRUH BBB 6RXWK6KRUHBBB Sarah White 3HQWHFRVW+Z\ 2QVWHG0, 0DLOWR 6DQG/DNH3URSHUW\2ZQHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ 3OHDVHPDNHFKHFNSD\DEOHWR 1HZ0HPEHUVKLS BBB 5HQHZDOBBB BBB 1RUWKHDVW6KRUHBBB 6KRUH'HVLJQDWLRQ 1RUWK6KRUH 3UHIHUUHG0DLO$GGUHVV6DQG/DNHBBB$OWHUQDWH$GGUHVVBBB Please indicate if any or all of this information that you would not want in the Directory 7RZQVKLS&DPEULGJHBBB)UDQNOLQBBB 6DQG/DNH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6DQG/DNH$GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,ZRXOGOLNHWRRIIHUP\VHOIDVD6KRUH'HOHJDWHRU$OWHUQDWH (Circle one) Please return this form by June1 so we may prepare the ballots $OORWKHUVZLOOEHGLVTXDOL¿HG ALL OFFICERS AND SHORE DELEGATES MUST BE PROPERTY OWNERS ON SAND LAKE. Please note: Anyone may be a member of SLPOA but ,ZRXOGOLNHWRQRPLQDWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB DVP\6KRUH'HOHJDWH(nominee must be a from your own Shore Region). 7UHDVXUHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 9LFH3UHVLGHQWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6HFUHWDU\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3UHVLGHQWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3OHDVHDFFHSWP\QRPLQDWLRQVDVIROORZV 1RUWKZHVW6KRUHBBB 1RUWKHDVW6KRUHBBB :HVW6KRUH BBB (DVW6KRUH BBB 6RXWK6KRUH BBB ,ZRXOGOLNHWRRIIHUP\VHOIDVD6KRUH'HOHJDWHRU$OWHUQDWH (Circle one) Please return this form by June1 so we may prepare the ballots $OORWKHUVZLOOEHGLVTXDOL¿HG ALL OFFICERS AND SHORE DELEGATES MUST BE PROPERTY OWNERS ON SAND LAKE. Please note: Anyone may be a member of SLPOA but ,ZRXOGOLNHWRQRPLQDWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB DVP\6KRUH'HOHJDWH(nominee must be a from your own Shore Region). 7UHDVXUHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 9LFH3UHVLGHQWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6HFUHWDU\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3UHVLGHQWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3OHDVHDFFHSWP\QRPLQDWLRQVDVIROORZV Please refer to the Shore Region description in the Newsletter to determine your shore location 6KRUH'HVLJQDWLRQC1RUWK6KRUH BBB This will only be used if there is a discrepancy or question &RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1DPHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 120,1$7,21%$//27 :HVW6KRUH BBB 0(0%(56+,3$33/,&$7,21 1DPHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1RUWKZHVW6KRUHBBB (DVW6KRUH BBB SAND LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 1RUWKHDVW6KRUHBBB 6RXWK6KRUH BBB Please refer to the Shore Region description in the Newsletter to determine your shore location 6KRUH'HVLJQDWLRQC1RUWK6KRUH BBB This will only be used if there is a discrepancy or question &RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1DPHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SAND LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Sarah White 3HQWHFRVW+Z\ 2QVWHG0, 0DLOWR 6DQG/DNH3URSHUW\2ZQHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ 3OHDVHPDNHFKHFNSD\DEOHWR 1HZ0HPEHUVKLS BBB 5HQHZDOBBB BBB 1RUWKHDVW6KRUHBBB 'XHV-DQXDU\WKURXJK'HFHPEHU 6KRUH'HVLJQDWLRQ 1RUWK6KRUH 3UHIHUUHG0DLO$GGUHVV6DQG/DNHBBB$OWHUQDWH$GGUHVVBBB Please indicate if any or all of this information that you would not want in the Directory 7RZQVKLS&DPEULGJHBBB)UDQNOLQBBB 6DQG/DNH3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1DPHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 120,1$7,21%$//27 0(0%(56+,3$33/,&$7,21 SAND LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION SAND LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION