My Week – 7 days of balanced meals


My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
My Week – 7 days
of balanced meals
Bio-Strath® Food Supplement –
enhances wellbeing and vitality
«My Week» (new edition Dec. 2011) was developed in collaboration with Erica Bänziger,
a qualified nutrition consultant and recipe book author. The content is based on contemporary principles of nutritional physiology.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
You have decided to focus on your eating for a week. With «My Week» from Bio-Strath AG,
you will be providing your body with a balanced, light and healthy diet. By changing what
you eat, you can achieve a weight loss of between 1 and 2 kg per week. And you will still
be able to enjoy your food and take pleasure in your meals. «My Week» is not intended
to be a gruelling programme – so listen to the signals from your body and increase the
recommended quantities of food if necessary. The size of a portion of fruit or a slice of
wholemeal bread is also left to your own discretion.
How to make «My Week» work even better
Taking Bio-Strath® Food Supplement every day will supply you with natural vital
substances and Bio-Strath® also boosts your vitality and efficiency.
The «My Week» programme will work even better if you also take plant-based products
which stimulate liver/gall and kidney/bladder activity.
This is what you can expect
• Enhanced vitality and wellbeing
• Good supply of vital substances
• Fresh insight into your dietary habits
How to make it work even better
• Follow the «My Week» programme with a friend or partner
• Give yourself time to prepare and eat your meals
• Ideally start the «My Week» programme at the weekend
because the first couple of days after changing your
eating habits are the most challenging.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
How best to enjoy your meals
• Choose ripe, fresh fruit and vegetables that are in season (seasonal calendar on page 12).
• Cook your vegetables gently (steamed or poached).
• Include less well-known vegetables and fruit (e.g. persimmons, artichokes, salsify,
blue potatoes).
• Enhance your salads with sprouts, seeds and herbs (e.g. sesame seeds, sunflower seeds).
Valuable advice
Fortify yourself every day with Bio-Strath® Food Supplement
• Contains valuable ingredients
• 100 % natural, free of any additives
• Very well tolerated
Drink plenty of unsweetened liquids between meals (e.g. 1.5–2 l of water and/or
herbal tea per day) to promote wellbeing.
If possible, cut out coffee, black tea and alcohol while you are following the «My Week»
programme, or reduce your consumption to very low levels
Carry on eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and salads even after you have finished the
«My Week» programme. They are all important sources of valuable vitamins and minerals
and their alkaline-generating action supports the de-acidification of the body.
Use sea salt and/or herb seasoning salt by preference. You can also produce your own
herb salt (recipes on page 11).
Sweeten sparingly if necessary using honey or pear juice concentrate but avoid sugar.
Instead of wholewheat, you can also use more spelt,
barley, millet, amaranth grain, quinoa, etc.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Vegetable oils
A wide range of vegetable oils is available and each one has its own characteristic
properties. The term «fat» has a negative meaning for many people, but they forget that
fat is an important nutrient and, among other things, also supplies vitamins and essential
(vitally important) fatty acids. Certain fatty acids are actually a requirement for a smoothly
functioning metabolism.
Cold-pressed olive oil is rich in antioxidants and has an aromatic flavour. We recommend
it for hot food (it can be heated) and also as a salad oil.
The latest findings show that a good ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is important.
Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, linseed oil (see Budwig muesli on page 11) and nut-based oils
are therefore recommended for cold cuisine.
Glycaemic index / Optimising your weight
The glycaemic index is a measure of how rapidly carbohydrates from the food we eat enter
the bloodstream.
You should give preference to foods with a low glycaemic index. These foods allow blood
sugar levels to rise slowly and leave you feeling satisfied for longer. Wholegrain products
have a significantly better index than refined products. Foods with a low glycaemic index
also include low-starch vegetables, fruit (not the sweetest types), nuts, fish and meat.
Foods with a high glycaemic index (e.g. sugar, white flour, corn flakes, white rice) cause
blood sugar levels to rise sharply initially and then to fall again quickly, with the result
that you feel full for a short time only and then suffer hunger pangs.
Le t’s ge t
st arte d. ..
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Day 1
Tomato or
beetroot juice
a scarlet feast
for the eyes
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 300 ml
vegetable juice (e.g. Vegetable Juice Cocktail, beetroot
or tomato juice) or unsweetened, diluted fruit juice or
1 portion of fruit. Plus 1 natural yoghurt or soya yoghurt.
As much herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee as you like.
300 ml vegetable juice, diluted fruit juice or warm vegetable bouillon.
Followed by 180 g natural yoghurt (with fresh chives if desired).
Tip: Heat vegetable juice slightly and season with pepper and a few capers.
Evening meal:
250 ml vegetable juice or vegetable bouillon, 180 g natural yoghurt.
Or replace the vegetable juice and yoghurt with 2 bowls of vegetable soup
(recipes on page 11).
Day 2
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 1 apple
or pear, a slice of wholemeal bread with 2 tbsp.
curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs and,
if desired, 1 natural yoghurt or 1 portion of Bircher
muesli/Budwig muesli (recipes on page 11). As much
herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee as you like.
1 portion of ripe fruit, 200 g raw vegetable salad (e.g. spinach, chicory,
beetroot with carrots) dressed with cold-pressed oil and a little lemon juice
or mild vinegar. Followed by 300 g steamed vegetables with 1 tsp. olive oil/
rapeseed oil.
Evening meal:
Vegetable bouillon and Bircher muesli/Budwig muesli or 2 boiled potatoes
(season with sesame seeds or gomashio (Japanese sesame salt)) and 250 g
steamed vegetables.
Fresh and cris p
salad bar
Take Bio-Strath® Food Supplement (3x2 tsp.) or Bio-Strath® Food Supplement
tablets (3x3 tablets) before every meal.
Drink plenty of liquids (1.5–2 l of unsweetened herbal tea or still water).
Enjoy 3–4 almonds or walnuts every day.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Day 3
Ever yo ne ha s a
favo ur ite fr ui t
tu tt i fr ut ti
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 1 apple
or pear, a slice of wholemeal bread with 2 tbsp.
curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs and,
if desired, 1 natural yoghurt or 1 portion of Bircher
muesli/Budwig muesli (recipes on page 11). As much
herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee as you like.
1 portion of your favourite fruit, 200 g raw vegetable salad (e.g. lamb’s
lettuce with grated beetroot) dressed with olive oil/rapeseed oil and lemon
juice. Followed by 2 boiled potatoes and 2 tbsp. curd cheese (low-fat soft
cheese) with herbs or horseradish.
Evening meal:
1 cup of vegetable bouillon, 180 g yoghurt with grated apple and 1 slice
of wholemeal bread spread with a little butter and sprinkled with herbs or
1–2 bowls of vegetable soup and 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 30–40 g
low-fat cheese.
Day 4
In the morning:
Boil up about 120–150 g brown rice (uncooked weight) in 500 ml water
and divide over three meals. Add a steamed apple or 150 g apple purée for
Lunchtime and
in the evening:
Serve 200 g steamed vegetables (e.g. Swiss chard with garlic, courgettes
with parsley) with the rice for each meal. Season with 1 tsp. olive oil and/or
fresh herbs.
Option: Replace brown rice with quinoa or
amaranth grain.
Today’s special
is rice
Over half way there;
don’t give up now!
Breakfast and/or the evening meal can be replaced by a vegetable soup
(recipes on page 11).
Quantities: tbsp. = tablespoon, tsp. = teaspoon.
At least 30 minutes of exercise every day, in the open air if possible.
If you tend to flatulence, avoid raw fruit and vegetables in the evening.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Day 5
Say (curd) che ese
great wit h
ripe fru it
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 1 apple
or pear, a slice of wholemeal bread with 2 tbsp.
curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs and,
if desired, 1 natural yoghurt or 1 portion of Bircher
muesli/Budwig muesli (recipes on page 11). As much
herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee as you like.
1 small bowl of berries (or a piece of fruit), 200 g raw vegetable salad
(e.g. fennel with carrots and a bit of apple), 2 boiled potatoes and 200 g
steamed vegetables, drizzled with 1 tsp. olive oil/rapeseed oil.
Evening meal:
150 g curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese), 150 g diced fruit (e.g. peaches
with raspberries) or 2 bowls of vegetable soup.
Day 6
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 1 apple or pear, a slice of
wholemeal bread with 2 tbsp. curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs
and, if desired, 1 natural yoghurt or 1 portion of Bircher muesli/Budwig
muesli (recipes on page 11). As much herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee
as you like.
1 portion of fruit, 200 g raw vegetable salad and 2 boiled potatoes with
150 g steamed vegetables (e.g. asparagus or broccoli), drizzled with 1 tsp.
olive oil/rapeseed oil.
Evening meal:
Bircher muesli/Budwig muesli and a slice of wholemeal bread with a little
curd cheese or low-fat cheese.
Po tatoe s
light an d
nu tr iti ous
Th e go od gu ys
of th e tub ers
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Day 7
In the morning:
1 glass of luke-warm water when you get up, 1 apple or pear, a slice of
wholemeal bread with 2 tbsp. curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs
and, if desired, 1 natural yoghurt or 1 portion of Bircher muesli/Budwig
muesli (recipes on page 11). As much herbal tea, green tea or cereal coffee
as you like.
200 g raw vegetable salad,
option 1: 180 g Fish fillet with herbs and lemon juice, baked in foil;
option 2: 120 g chicken breast, roasted;
option 3: 120 g–150 g tofu, lightly roasted.
Serve 150–200 g steamed vegetables with your meal.
Evening meal:
1 bowl of vegetable bouillon, 2–3 boiled potatoes
with curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs
or curry seasoning.
Fish or fo wl ?
Yo u ch oo se!
You’ve done it!
Make a note of what you liked and what you would do differently the next time round.
My Week in retrospect
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
What to do next
You can have one of these wellness days regularly, on a set day of the week, for instance.
Fruit days
Eat 1 kg of apples or other ripe fruit spread over the day. Drink at least 1.5–2 l of water
and/or herbal tea. Back it up with Bio-Strath® Food Supplement (3x2 tsp.).
Potato and vegetable day
Eat 2 boiled potatoes with about 300 g steamed vegetables three times a day. Season with
1–2 tsp. curd cheese (or low-fat soft cheese) with herbs, 1 tsp. olive oil/rapeseed oil and
fresh herbs. At breakfast you can replace the boiled potatoes with 2 apples or a bowl of
muesli. It is important that you drink at least 1.5–2 l of unsweetened liquid on this day.
Back it up with Bio-Strath® Food Supplement (3x2 tsp.).
Rice day
Eat 120–150 g (raw weight) boiled brown rice spread over the day. Enjoy lightly steamed
fruit with it (e.g. apple or pear) or about 250–300 g vegetables. Drink plenty of liquids.
Option: Replace brown rice with quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth grain, barley or millet.
Complementary activities
• Massages (including brush massages)
• Body scrub
• Alternate hot and cold showers or splashes
• Alkaline bath
• Sufficient sleep
• Plenty of outdoor exercise
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Basic recipes
Bircher muesli
Soak 1 tbsp. rolled oats or grain (whichever you prefer) briefly in water. Add 1 large, finely
grated apple, or other fruits of your choice, a little lemon juice, 3 tbsp. yoghurt, 1 tsp.
honey and 1 tsp. Bio-Strath® Food Supplement, and 1 – 2 tsp. ground almonds or hazelnuts.
Budwig muesli*
Take 1 – 3 tbsp. linseed oil, 2 tbsp. milk or soya milk, 100 g low-fat curd cheese
(or low-fat soft cheese) and the juice of a small lemon. Mix everything together well.
Add 30 g ground linseeds and stir. Add fresh fruit or nuts if you like.
*Based on the basic recipe by Dr. Johanna Budwig, well-known researcher into fat.
J. Budwig recognised the importance of the fatty acids to health more than 40 years ago.
Quick oat soup with vegetables (author‘s recipe)
Olive oil, ½ onion, chopped, ½ garlic clove, roughly
chopped, 150–200 g seasonal vegetables, 40 g finely
milled oats, ½ tsp. dried sweet herbs, ½ l vegetable
stock/bouillon. Soften vegetables with onion and garlic in
the oil. Add the oats and then the bouillon. Reduce heat
to low and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Round off the vegetable soup with cold-pressed olive oil, rapeseed oil or linseed oil.
Finally, season with fresh herbs and pepper, or ground ginger.
Herb salt
150 g coarse sea salt, 1 tbsp. dried herbs or finely chopped fresh herbs (e.g. rosemary,
thyme, sage), 1 small garlic clove. Grind the chopped herbs thoroughly with the finely
chopped garlic in a mortar. Grind small amounts of the garlic and herb mixture once
more in the mortar with the sea salt. Mix everything together well and pour into glass
jars (seal well).
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Seasonal vegetables throughout the year
The harvest and storage times given are for vegetables grown in Switzerland and
neighbouring areas in the open air or in unheated polytunnels. The list is not exhaustive.
The seasonal periods will vary depending on place of origin and cultivation methods.
March April
Bio-Strath® Food Supplement
Potatoes, leek, beetroot,
carrots, onions
Horseradish, fresh
Cabbage, red and white
Chinese leaves
Lamb’s lettuce
Parsnips, salsify,
Jerusalem artichokes
Parsley root
Brussels sprouts
Savoy cabbage
Chives, parsley
Baby radishes
Wild garlic
Leaf salad (Batavia lettuce,
round lettuce, oak-leaf lettuce),
Swiss chard, rocket
Sugar peas
New potatoes
Peppers, tomatoes, courgettes,
celery, broccoli
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Seasonal fruit throughout the year
The harvest and storage times given are for vegetables grown in Switzerland and
neighbouring areas in the open air or in unheated polytunnels. The list is not exhaustive.
The seasonal periods will vary depending on place of origin and cultivation methods.
March April
Apples, storage varieties
Pears, storage varieties
Kiwi fruit, chestnuts
Redcurrants, cherries
Apricots, nectarines, peaches,
gooseberries, blackcurrants
Blackberries, figs,
Damsons, plums
Yellow plums, greengages
Some fruits from Mediterranean countries. The list is not exhaustive.
The seasonal periods will vary depending on place of origin and cultivation methods.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Nutrition pyramid
The nutrition pyramid highlights the foods that you can eat plenty of and those of which
«less is more».
Regular exercise, in the fresh air if possible, will have a positive effect on your wellbeing
and is also important for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Healthy eating
should of course also be a pleasurable experience – this is best achieved in company.
© Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ernährung SGE, Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG / 2o11
Wissen, was essen.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Bio-Strath® Liver-Gall Drops
Bio-Strath® Liver-Gall Drops are used for digestive problems,
particularly if these are caused by inadequate biliary flow
(fat digestion), and for bloating, belching and wind. Many people
feel better if they take products that promote the flow of bile,
especially after rich, heavy meals. This is why natural products
that support the liver and gall bladder are also recommended for
use during a detox diet.
Bio-Strath® Liver-Gall Bladder Drops contain herbal yeast
combined with three herbal extracts. The following properties
are ascribed to these herbal plants:
Milk thistle fruit
contain the active substance complex silymarin, which is
responsible for protecting the liver, together with bitters
and essential oil. Milk thistle fruit can protect the liver and
act in cases of fatty liver resulting from overeating and excessive
alcohol consumption.
Artichoke leaves
contain various active substances that have a beneficial
influence on liver metabolism. Bile production and secretion
from the gall bladder are encouraged. Help to treat nausea,
bloating and wind.
Peppermint leaves
contain various active substances that are used for
gastrointestinal symptoms and for wind, cramps and nausea.
This is a herbal remedy. Please read the package leaflet. Alcohol content: 36% by volume.
My Week – 7 days of balanced meals
Bio-Strath AG
Mühlebachstrasse 38
CH-8032 Zurich
Tel +41 44 250 71 00
Fax +41 44 250 71 01