Chris Watts - Smart Agri Systems Platform
Chris Watts - Smart Agri Systems Platform
Soil management for restoration and profit – improving soil structure Chris Watts & Jackie Stroud Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts., AL5 2JQ 1. 2. 3. 4 Introduction. Roth & long-term experiments Soil structure Organic matter: Management and benefits Organic amendments: FYM, Straw, (crop residues) AD, Compost 5 Soil strength and drying 6 Tillage 7 Yield potential, attainable yields & actual yields 1 Introduction. Roth & long-term experiments Earliest Rothamsted experiment started 1843 Sir John Bennett Lawes Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert Rothamsted Woburn Soil Textures Rothamsted: (Batcombe soil series) A silty clay loam, c.25% clay over clay-with-flints, overlying chalk. Classed as a Chromic Luvisol (FAO) or Aquic Paleudalf (USDA) Woburn (Cottenham soil series) approx 10 m west of here also on Greensand ridge: A sandy loam, c.10% clay overlying sand. Classed as Cambic Arenosol (FAO) or Typic Udipsamment (USDA) Weather The climate is cool, temperate Average, annual rainfall (30 year mean) is:•Rothamsted: 733 mm •Woburn: 652 mm Average, annual mean air temperature is c.9.5oC Rothamsted LTEs Broadbalk Winter Wheat experiment, started 1843 Hoosfield Spring Barley experiment, started 1852 Woburn LTEs Organic Manuring experiment, started 1964 Ley-Arable experiment, started 1938 – Also Rothamsted ley-arable experiments Note on previous slide Note 170 years of experiment 1 Different fertilizer manure regimes 2 Management 1950’s liming; 1960’s herbicide, 1970’s crop rotations, 1980’s fungicides and growth regulators 3 Continuous evolution in wheats but giant leap early 1960s (green revolution) short straw able to use higher rates of N 4 Note Yield plateau 1990 on except 2014. Why? Address this later. So far we have been unable to detect a clear benefit of enhanced SOM for wheat yields on Broadbalk, but with newer higher yielding varieties having greater demands for water nutrients perhaps this may change in future. In 2014 we achieved yields of over 13t/ha for a new winter wheat variety (Crusoe) grown on Broadbalk. 2 Soil structure Importance of Soil Structure • Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles and of the pore spaces between them. It includes the size shape and arrangement of aggregates when primary particles are clustered together into larger separate units. (0.1µm clay particle to 10 cm clod). • Hierarchical nature of soil structure • Several different mechanisms and processes within the soil are involved in controlling structure: soil type, physical chemistry, organic matter • Likewise, the structure influences the processes Importance of Soil Structure Soil structure has a significant influence on virtually all processes the occur within the soil. Some examples: • Water infiltration – hence the amount of water that is stored in the soil, available to plants, runoff, erosion. • Aeration – needed for root growth and other biological activity – organic matter turnover. • Strength and stability – strong soils can impede root growth and are difficult to cultivate. • Physical pore structure defines habitats for a range of biota. Soil stability & resilience There is little advantage to having a soil with an ideal geometrical structure if it does not persist • Soil structural stability: Ability of structure to resist imposed stresses without change in its structural form. • Examples of imposed stresses include: rapid wetting, contact with free water, raindrop impact, wheel traffic • Cultivations are often designed to modify soil structure. • Resilience the ability of soil structure to recover once stress has been removed. Mobile Rainfall Simulator • Mobile rainfall simulator designed to give a standard storm on 1 m2; • raindrop size (D50 = 1.7 mm), travelling at the correct speed 7.5 m/s. • Adjustable intensity 12 mm/h to 100+ mm/h • Energy 20 J/m2 at intensity of 47 mm/h @ 1 year return period for 10 min duration. • Note colour of runoff. Suspended sediment Highfield/Geescroft Change in Porosity with time (2009) Influence of management and organic matter on soil porosity 0.7 0.6 Porosity Water uptake by wheat 0.5 Cultivation Fallow 0.4 Arable Grassland 0.3 Slumping 3 Organic matter: benefits and management Ways of maintaining SOM in arable cropping 1. 2. 3. 4. Ley-arable farming – i.e. intermittent pasture Add crop residues Add manures or other organic “wastes” Break or cover crops ………………………………………………….. 5. Minimise tillage • • • 6. 7. small effect, mainly redistribution but useful to concentrate SOM near surface other benefits Grow plants with larger roots (breeding) Grow larger crops by using fertilizers (small effect) Importance of soil organic carbon on aggregate stability Aggregates (1.0 > 2.0 mm) collected from the upper 2 cm, air-dried and then subjected to 50 mm of simulated rain and finally allowed to dry 4 Organic amendments: FYM, Straw, (crop residues) AD, Compost Effect of 22 years of straw incorporation on soil %C % C in topsoil, 0-23 cm (Rothamsted, 25% clay – 3 rates of straw) Very small SOC increase at “normal” straw application rate 2.50 2.00 7 years 1.50 11 years 1.00 22 years 0.50 0.00 0 4.5 9 Rate of straw applied t/ha/yr 18 Effect of 22 years of straw incorporation on soil %C (note C in sandy soil is only 50% of that in silty clay loam) (Woburn, 9% clay – 3 rates of straw) % C in topsoi, 0-23 cm 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 11 years 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 4.5 9 Rate of straw applied t/ha/yr 18 22 years Electron micrographs of Highfield soils Control Sample + Grass Sample + biochar Fungal hyphae extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)? Rothamsted Research where knowledge grows Earthworms 200 Earthworm biomass (g m-2) 180 160 Unidentified Epigeic 140 Anecic Endogeic 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Control Straw Straw Compost Compost Comp+St FYM FYM FYM+St AD AD AD+St 0 t C/ha 1.75 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 1.75 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 1.75 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 1.75 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha 3.5 t C/ha • There is a significant (p<0.05) synergistic interaction between straw and manures 5. Soil strength & drying Different irrigation regimes 0 well watered 4 limited drying Matric potential (kPa) -100 -200 -300 no irrigation -400 Penetrometer pressure (MPa) no irrigation 3 limited drying 2 1 well watered -500 01/04 01/05 01/06 Date 01/07 0 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 Date The matric potential and penetrometer strength of soil under different irrigation regimes in a field of wheat. Note the greatly increased strength of soil after only limited drying, and the low matric potential of non-irrigated soil. The colours correspond to the same irrigation treatments. The influence of soil strength on crop yield dry matter as controlled by irrigation, field traffic & soil type 2000 2006 Un-compacted sand 2006 Compacted sand 2006 Un-compacted clay 2006 Compacted clay 2004 No irrigation 2004 Limited drying 2004 Well-watered Dry Matter Yield, kg/ha 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Q Penetrometer Resistance, MPa Strong correlation between lower strength soil (penetrometer) and greater dry matter yield. Strength controlled by irrigation or wheeling in 2 soil types. In the field: measuring soil drying. Electrical Resistive Tomography (ERT) (with Lancaster) A M N B Electrode A M N B 1 Survey 3 level 5 7 Distance (m) Electrical current is injected between electrodes A and B (above) and voltage measured between electrodes M and N. The electrode spacing controls the depth and width of sensitivity. By carrying out measurements at different electrode spacing and different positions we essentially probe the subsurface. Dry zone beneath crop Resistivity (Wm) The resistivity image above is from an ERT survey with 96 electrodes positioned at 0.3m spacing along 12 plots of wheat at Woburn. The green rectangles show the crop boundaries. High resistive zones (in red) are where moisture content is reduced due to crop use. The different wheats show contrasting drying footprints – some extending to 0.6m and deeper. Seasonal drying patterns under 11 wheat varieties (+ fallow) measured using ERT technique Woburn - Butt Close. Sandy soil. (note drying restricted to top 50 cm) t0 = 16 May 0 14 June Depth (m) 21 June 28 June 10 July 2 Aug 5 10 Measurement error <2% RMS More conductive 15 X (m) 20 25 30 More resistive 41 Seasonal drying patterns under 11 wheat varieties (+ fallow) measured using ERT technique Woburn – Warren Field. Silt-clay-loam. (note soil drying to greater depth than sandy soil) t0 = 13 May 0 Depth (m) 13 June 20 June 27 June 9 July 1 Aug Measurement error <5% RMS 5 10 More conductive 15 X (m) 20 25 30 More resistive 42 Ratio inversion ERT Butt Close 10 July 28 June 20 214 August June Warren Field 9August July 127 June 13 June More conductive More resistive 43 Measuring root distributions with the core-break method Cores 9 cm in diameter were taken to a depth of 1m following anthesis in 2014. The cores were then broken every 10 cm to reveal the soil surface. These were then photographed and used to count the number of roots and pre-existing pores. Examples of two photographs (35mm wide and 30 mm) 0 P<0.001 Depth cm 20 40 Battalion Hybrid Hystar Rht 3 Rht C Robigus Pore count SED for root count data 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 Root or pore count cm-1 Soil below 40 cm may be inherently too strong for wheat roots because of weight of soil above but have to rely on pre-existing pores 40 50 6 Tillage – an indicator of soil strength and structure Draught Force (A MEASURE of SOIL STRENGTH) Strain gauged frame (to measure draught forces) Doppler radar sensor (forward speed) Laser proximity sensors (depth & front furrow width) Draught Force Measure force to pull plough (draught) We know depth and width of work Force/area = strength Therefore able to map soil strength. Broadbalk Wheat Experiment (est 1843). Soil strength mapped by measuring plough draught Strip Numbers PLOUGH DRAUGHT AT BROADBALK, ROTHAMSTED Clay % Specific draught, kPa 20 18 16 14 12 10 08 06 03 2.1 19 17 15 13 11 09 07 05 2.2 01 300 m Sections 0 Continuous wheat (straw incorporated) 1 Continuous wheat Clay, % 2 Rotation (2nd wheat) 250 m 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 3 Rotation (3rd wheat) 200 m 4 Rotation (forage maize) Strip Numbers Specific 20 18 16 14 12 10 08 06 03 2.1 19 17 15 13 11 09 07 05 2.2 01 0 Continuous wheat (straw incorporated) 1 Continuous wheat 300 m Draught, kPa 140 250 m 2 Rotation (2nd wheat) 135 130 3 Rotation (3rd wheat) 125 120 200 m 115 4 Rotation (forage maize) 110 150 m 100 m 5 Rotation (winter oats) 105 6 Continuous wheat (restricted fungicides) 95 7 Rotation (1st wheat) 50 m 0m 0m 50 m 100 m 100 150 m 5 Rotation (winter oats) 90 6 Continuous wheat (restricted fungicides) 85 80 75 100 m 70 8 Continuous wheat (no herbicides) 65 9 Continuous wheat 50 7 Rotation (1st wheat) 60 55 Sections 8 Continuous wheat (no herbicides) 50 m 0m 0m 9 Continuous wheat 50 m 100 m 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3.0 Histogram shows addition of mineral N has small effect on SOC compared to long-term additions of FYM 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 N0 Kg N/ha 0 N1 48 N2 N3 N4 N6 FYM Treatment 96 144 192 288 (35 t FYM) SOC, Soil organic Carbon, g/g S, Specific draught, kPa Crop management & Plough Draught (Mineral Fertilizer) 3.0 Much larger crops + roots associated with increased mineral N & FYM 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 N0 Kg N/ha 0 N1 48 N2 N3 N4 Treatment 96 144 192 N6 FYM 288 (35 t FYM) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Yield, Mg/ha 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SOC, Soil organic Carbon, g/g S, Specific draught, kPa Crop management & Plough Draught (Mineral Fertilizer) 3.0 88 2.5 86 84 2.0 82 1.5 80 78 1.0 76 0.5 74 72 0.0 N0 Kg N/ha 0 N1 48 N2 N3 N4 N6 FYM Treatment 96 144 192 288 (35 t FYM) Bigger crops result in lower soil strength; as a result of better soil structure? Biological tillage so sustainable intensification 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Yield, Mg/ha S, Specific draught, kPa 90 SOC, Soil organic Carbon, g/g Crop management & Plough Draught (Mineral Fertilizer) 7 Yield potential, attainable yields & actual yields Concluding comments • Soil structure has a significant influence on virtually all processes occurring in the soil. • Managing soils in ways that maintain or increase organic matter will have a positive effect on soil structure. • Soil management is a key component in maximising crop yield. acknowledgements • • • • • • • • Jackie Stroud Tom Sizmur Andy MacDonald David Powlson Andy Whitmore Richard Whalley Pete Shanahan (Lancaster University) Andy Binley (Lancaster University)