-z VOLUME 4NUMBER20 - Office of the Revisor of Statutes


-z VOLUME 4NUMBER20 - Office of the Revisor of Statutes
Paès 797;84O
Volume 4 Printing Schedule for Agencies
Number *Submission deadline for
Executive Orders, Adopted Rules and**j.oposed Rules
*Submission deadline for
State Contract Notices and other **Offi cial Notices
Tuesday Nov 13
Monday Nov 19
Monday Nov 26
Monday Dec 3
Monday Nov 19
Monday Nov 26
Monday Dec 3
Monday Dec 10
Monday Nov26
Monday Dec 3
Monday Dec 10
Monday Dec 17
*Deadline extensions may be possible at the editor's discretion; however, none will be made beyond the second Wednesday (12
calendar days) preceding the issue date for rules, proposed rules and executive orders, or beyond the Wednesday (5calendar
days) preceding the issue date for official notices. Requests for deadline extensions should be made only in valid emergency
**N otices of Public Hearings on proposed rules are published in the Proposed Rules section and must be submitted two weeks
prior to the issue date.
Instructions for submission of documents may be obtained from the Office of the State Register, Suite 415, Hamm Building, 408
St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102.
TheState Register is published by the State of Minnesota, Office of the State Register, Suite 415,Hamm Building, 408 St. Peter Street, St.
Paul, Minnesota 55102,pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 15.0411. Publication is weekly, on Mondays, with an index issue in August. In accordance with
expressed legislative intent that the State Register be self-supporting, the subscription rate has been established at $110 per year, and $85per year
for additional subscriptions, postpaid to points in the United States. Second class postage paid at St. Paul, Minnesota, Publication Number
326630. (LSSN 0146-775 1) No refunds will be made in the event of subscription cancellation. Single issues may be obtained at $2.25 per copy.
Subscribers who do not receive a copy of an issue should notify theState RegisterCirculation Manager immediately at (612) 296-0931. Copies of
back issues may not be available more than two weeks after publication.
TheState Register is the official publication of the State of Minnesota, containing executive orders of the governor, proposed and adopted
rules of state agencies, and official notices to the public. Judicial notice shall be taken of material published in the State Register.
Albert H. Quie
Carol Anderson Porter
James J. Fliniker, Jr.
Paul Hoffman, Robin PanLener, Jean M. Walburg
Department of Administration
Editorial Staff
Roy Schmidtke
Stephen A. Ordahl
Circulation Manager
Office of the State Register
Cindy Riehm
Secretarial Staff
Cover graphic: SplitRockLighthouse,pen and ink drawing by Barbara J. Peterson.
Adopted Rules Governing the Permissible Hours
of Operation, the Quantity and the Efficiency
of Outdoor Display Lighting 801
November 19-25,1979
Department of Public Welfare
Mental Illness Program Division
Proposed Temporary Rule Governing Grants for
Community Support Services for Chronically
Mentally Ill Persons 802
Office of the Secretary of State
Annual Compilation of State Agencies; Notices
of Vacancies (Application and Appointment
Ethical Practices Board
Notice of Regular Meeting 832
Department of Health
Emergency Medical Services
Department of Transportation
Public Transportation Division
Notice of Intent to Solicit Outside Opinion
Concerning Rules for the Implementation of
the Rail User Loan Guarantee Program 832
Notice of Intent to Solicit Outside Opinion
Concerning Proposed Amendments to Rules
of the Minnesota Rail Service Improvement
(CITE 4 S.R. 799)
Department of Economic Security.
Office of Statewide CETA
Notice of Request for Proposals for Operation
of Displaced Homemaker Programs 836
Energy Agency
Conservation and Development
Conservation Division
Notice of Request for Proposals for Technical
Evaluation of Applications 836
Department of Health
Environmental Health Division
Notice of Request for Proposals to Design
Procedures for Reducing Contamination of
Ground Water by Creosote in St. Louis Park,
State Planning Agency
Office of Local and Urban Affairs
Notice of Request for Proposals for
Development and Delivery of Training
Programs 837
Pollution Control Agency
Water Quality Division
Notice of Filing of Application by Bio-Medical
Research Associates, Inc., for Licensure to
Operate Emergency Air Ambulance Service in
St. Paul, MN Errata
Energy Agency
Data and Analysis Division
Public Hearings on Agency Rules
Decisions Filed Friday, November 9,
Notice of Public Meeting on the State of
Minnesota's Water Quality Management
(WQM) Plan
Water Resources Board
Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Petition to
Make Boundary Changes in Middle
River—Snake River Watershed District 838
All adopted rules published in theState Register and listed below
amend rules contained In the Minnesota Code of Agency Rules
(MCAR). Both proposed temporary and adopted temporary rules are
listed here although they are not printed in the MCAR due to the shortterm nature of their legal effectiveness.
TheState Register publishes partial and cumulative listings of all
proposed and adopted rules on the following schedule: issues 1-13,
inclusive; issues 14-25, inclusIve; issue 26, cumulative for 1-26; issues
27-38, inclusive; issue 39, cumulative for 1-39; issues 40-51, inclusive;
and issue 52, cumulative for 1-52. The listings are arranged in the same
order as the table of contents of the MCAR.
Part 6 Accountancy Board
4 MCAR § 6.110 (adopted temporary) TITLE 9 LAW
Part 1 Ethical Practices Board
9 MCAR § l.0l00-l.01l1 (adopted) TITLE 5 EDUCATION
Part 1 EducatIon Department
EDU 641 (proposed)
5MCAR § 1.0l00-l.0105, 1.01051, l.0106-1.0118,
1.0l101-l.Ol 102 (proposed) 5MCAR § 1.0104, 1.01051 (adopted temporary) 5 MCAR § 1.0800, 1.0805 (proposed temporary) 5MCAR § 1.0900-1.904 (proposed)
Part 3 TeachIng Board
5MCAR § 3.001, 3.060, 3.102-3.103, 3.108, 3.114
5 MCAR § 3.002 (withdrawn) 5 MCAR § 3.106 (adopted) 5 MCAR § 3.142 (adopted) 736
Part 1 Natural Resources Department
6 MCAR § 1.0057-1.0058, t.5030-I.5034 (adopted) 685
6 MCAR §1.5400(adopted)
Part 2 Energy Agency
6 MCAR § 2.2101-2.2102, 2.2104, 2.2110, 2.2115, 2.2120
(adopted) Part 4 Pollution Control Agency
SW II (proposed) 579
6 MCAR § 4.0033, 4.0040 (proposed) 622
Part 1 Health Department
7 MCAR § 1.210-1.211, 1.217-1.224 (adopted) 601
7 MCAR §i 1.327-1.328 (proposed) 577
7 MCAR §11.536-1.538 (proposed) 719
FRENCH EXPLORATION of Minnesota began in the 1600s.By
1679, DuLuth reached the Sioux villages at Mille Lacs Lake
and claimed the region for France. In 1685and1689,Nicolas
Perrot built forts on Lake Pepin, and In 1695and1700Pierre
Le Sueur traveled north to the Hastings and Mankato areas.
Le Sueur built Fort L'Huillier near the mouth of the Blue Earth
River. The most important forts of the French period were built
and occupied during the 1720sand1730s.In1727La Perriere
established Fort Beauharnois near the present town of Frontenac on Lake Pepin. In 1731La Verendrye traveled west from
Lake Superior, and the following year he built Fort St. Charles
on Lake of the Woods. The French claim to Minnesota stood
until1763,when France was defeated by England in the
French and Indian War. (Courtesy of Minnesota Historical
PAGE 800
Part 1 State Planning Agency
10 MCAR §11.300-1.305 (adopted) 541
Part 1 Public Safety Department
II MCAR §11.0188-1.01% (adopted) 699
II MCAR §lI.4051-1.4056, 1.4061-1.4062 (proposed) 757
Part 2 Public Welfare Department
12 MCAR § 2.014 (proposed temporary) 802
12 MCAR § 2.047 (adopted temporary) 701
12 MCAR § 2.047 (proposed) 737
12 MCAR § 2.049 (adopted)
12 MCAR §1 2.204, 2.207 (proposed) 759
12 MCAR §1 2.490a, 2.491a (proposed temporary) 759
Part 3 Housing Finance Agency
12 MCAR §1 3.002, 3.052,3.063, 3.070-3.074 (proposed) 704
Part 1 Revenue Department
13 MCAR § l.000l-1.0007 (TaxAdVal 1-7) (adopted) 756
13 MCAR § 1.6020 (proposed) 771
Part 1 Transportation Department
14 MCAR § 1.3001-1.3043 (proposed) 628
14 MCAR §11.5050 (proposed) 775
Perrot, 1686 -. - . -. -.
Le Sueur, 1699.1701 - - La Perrière, 1727 -. - . - . -.
LaVérendryc 1731-32 ___i_ La Vérendrye, 1738 X - .x
—x- x
(CITE 4 S.R. 800)
The adoption of a rule becomes effective after the requirements of
Minn. Stat. § 15.0412, subd. 4, have been met and five working days
after the rule is published in the Stole Register,unless a later date is
required by statutes or specified in the rule.
If an adopted rule is identical to its proposed form as previously
published, a notice of adoption and a citation to its previous State
Registerpublication will be printed.
been deleted will be printed with strike outs and new language will be
underlined, and the rule's previous State Register publication will
be cited.
A temporary rule becomes effective upon the approval of the Attorney General as specified in Minn. Stat. § 15.0412, subd. 5. Notice
of his decision will be published as soon as practicable, and the
adopted temporary rule will be published in the manner provided for
adopted rules under subd. 4.
If an adopted rule differs from its proposed form, language which has
Energy Agency
Data and Analysis Division
Adopted Rules Governing the
Permissible Hours of Operation,
the Quantity and the Efficiency
of Outdoor Display Lighting
The proposed rules published atStale Register,Volume
3, Number42, pp. 1927-1929, April23, 1979 (3 S.R. 1927) are
adopted as of September 5,1979, with the following amendments:
Rules as Adopted
6 MCAR § 2.2110 Permissible hours of outdoor display
lighting operation.
B. Standardized outdoor display signs may not be artificially illuminated during the period between midnight and 6:00
a.m. or one-half hour after sunrise, whichever is earlier,
except for the hours during that period when the establishment(s) being advertised is (are) normally open for business.
D. All other outdoor display lighting except security light-
ing may be operated from one-half hour before sunset until
one hour after the close of a business day, when the ambient
light level is less than two footcandles and from the beginning
of a business day until one-half hour after sunrise. In addition,
on-premises outdoor display lighting which has a demand of
1500 watts or less may be operated after the close of a business day until midnight even though the establishment closes
prior to midnight.
6 MCAR § 2.2115 Permissible efficiency.
B. Exceptions
2. Rule 6 MCAR § 2.2115 A. shall not apply to any
establishment whose total outdoor display lighting system has
a demand of 1500 watts or less.
6 MCAR § 2.2120 Permissible quantity.
A. Beginning July 1, 1980, the provisions of Rule 6 MCAR §
2.2120 B. and C. notwithstanding, no person shall operate
security lighting that exceeds .05 watts per square foot Of
footcundlc for the area lighted for security purposes.
B. No person shall operate any other outdoor display lighting that exceeds the recommended minimum standards set
forth in the "IES Lighting Handbook" (5th edition), published by the Illuminating Engineering Society, by more than
20 percent.
KEY: RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to proposed rule language. Strike outs indicate deletions from
proposed rule language.PROPOSED RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to existing rule language. Strike
outs indicate deletions from existing rule language. If a proposed rule is totally new, it is designated "all new material."
(CITE 4 S.R. 801)
PAGE 801
Pursuant to Mlnn. Stat. § 15.0412, subd. 4, agencies must hold public
hearings on proposed new rules and/or proposed amendment of existing
rules. Notice of Intent to hold a hearing must be published intheState
Registerat least 30 days prior to the date set for the hearing, along with
the full text of the proposed new rule or amendment. The agency shall
make at least one free copy of a proposed rule available to any person
requesting it.
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §15.0412, subd. 5, when a statute, federal
law or court order to adopt, suspend or repeal a rule does not allow time
for the usual rulemaking process, temporary rules may be proposed.
Proposed temporary rules are published in the State Register,and for at
least 20 days thereafter, interested persons may submit data and views
in writing to the proposing agency.
Public Hearings on Agency Rules
November 19-25, 1979
Temporary Rule as Proposed
Agency and Time&
Rule Matter Place
9:30a.m., Health Bldg.,
Nov. 21 Dept. of Health
Amendments to Rules Relat- 717 S.E. Delaware St.,
ing to Testing School Em- Minneapolis, MN
ployees for Tuberculosis
Hearing Examiner:
Geoge Beck
Department of Public
Mental Illness Program
Proposed Temporary Rule
Governing Grants for
Community Support Services
for Chronically Mentally Ill
Request for Public Comment
Notice is hereby given that the Department of Public
Welfare has proposed the following temporary rule for the
purpose of implementing the provisions of Chapter 324, Section 12, Laws of Minnesota, (Minn. Stat. § 256E. 12) providing
state grants to county boards of commissioners for community support services for chronically mentally ill people.
All interested persons are hereby afforded the opportunity
to submit their comments on the proposed rule for 20 days
immediately following publication of this material in the State
Register by writing to Terry Sarazin, Director, Mental Illness
Program Division, Department of Public Welfare, Fourth
Floor, Centennial Building,658Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota55155.
The temporary rule may be revised on the basis of comments received. Any written material received shall become
part of the record in the final adoption of the temporary rule.
October 31, 1979
Arthur E. Noot
Commissioner of Public
PAGE 802
12 MCAR § 2.014 Grants for community support services for chronically mentally ill persons.
A. Statutory citation. The authority for this rule is Chapter
324, § 12, Laws of Minnesota, 1979, codified as Minn. Stat. §
256E. 12.
-) B. Purpose. The purposes of this temporary rule are to
govern grant applications, approval of applications, allocation of grants, and maintenance of financial statements by
grant recipients. In order to carry out these purposes, this rule
will set minimum standards for the contents of grant applications, allocation and award of grants, and maintenance of
financial statements to carry out the intent of the authorizing
C. Introduction.
1. The provisions of this rule shall be severable. If any
clause, sentence, or provision is declared illegal or of no
effect, the validity of the remainder of this rule and its applicability shall not be affected.
2. This rule shall not be construed as requiring expenditures of monies not available.
3. Any provision of this rule inconsistent with any
state or federal law is superseded by that law.
D. Applicability.
1. This rule applies to those county boards of commissioners which apply, either individually or jointly with neighboring counties, to the Commissioner of Public Welfare for
grants to carry out the purposes of this rule.
2. The county board of commissioners may request
funds under this rule for programs and services for chronically mentally ill people to be carried out by the county or by
any public or nonprofit organization, or by any combination
of these organizations with which the county contracts.
E. Definitions.
I. Administrative overhead: Those costs which cannot be directly charged to the project funded under this rule,
or which are shared with activities other than the funded
2. Case management: A direct service provided by
qualified mental health workers to chronically mentally ill
people. Essential components of case management are I)
monitoring and supervising individual clients, 2) assuring
coordination and availability of treatment/rehabilitation!
support services and 3) providing access for the client to
problem-solving resources. These activities which are essentially coordinating and problem-solving functions are provided and periodically reviewed over the period of time that
the case is open. It shall include, but not be limited to: (a)
assessment of the client's strengths, problems, and needs; (b)
development of and carrying out the individual program plan;
(c) coordinating the various service components in the continuum of care to carry out the individual program plan; (d)
providing linkage between the service system and the client;
(e) assuring that clients are involved with appropriate resources and services in accordance with the individual program plan; (f) monitoring and periodically revising of the
individual program plan; (g) influencing service providers to
respond to client needs; and (h) stimulating the development
of needed services and resources and protecting the rights and
dignity of clients being served.
3. Chronic mental illness: A condition characterized
by severe and persistent symptoms of mental or emotional
disability, and diminished levels of frmnctioning relative to
primary aspects of daily living, such as personal relations,
living arrangements, work skills, recreation and mobility.
4. Commissioner: Commissioner of Public Welfare or
a designated representative.
5. County Board of Commissioners: That body of
duly elected officials responsible for the governance of its
county under the authority of Minn. Stat. §375.02-375.55.
6. Crisis Homes: A facility providing room, board,
and support and referral services for up to four persons, for up
to five days, while individuals are assisted to resolve an acute
crisis or emergency situation which requires temporary
7. Crisis management: Short-term services provided,
to the extent possible, in the client's usual surroundings including the client's own home or substitute home, aimed at
the reduction of acute emotional disabilities and their physical
and social manifestations and the restoration of emotional
equilibrium. Such services must be available twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week.
8. Day treatment program: A program of administratively organized and programmatically structured services
operating less than 24 hours a day for chronically mentally ill
people which devotes a significant share of the scheduled
program day to the teaching of independent living skills,
psychosocial rehabilitation, psychotherapy, and development of socialization skills so that the participants may function more independently and more effectively in their own
9. Department: State Department of Public Welfare.
10. Designated agency: That agency selected by the
county board of commissioners pursuant to Chapter 324,
Laws of Minnesota for 1979.
11. Drop-in center: A facility offering semistructured
services and activities for chronically mentally ill people,
including support and social skill development.
12. Independent living skills: Those skills necessary for
an individual to function successfully independently, such as
money management; cooking; grooming; obtaining and holding employment; and personal health maintenance, including
medication management.
13. Individual program plan: A written plan of treatment and rehabilitation containing measurable goals and objectives designed to meet the particular needs of an individual
client which has been jointly developed and regularly reviewed by appropriate providers, the assigned case manager,
and the client.
14. Program: A formal, continuum of care that is a
coordinated combination of services, with clear goals and
measurable objectives. Programs are directed toward meeting the needs of specific disability groups and individuals
within those groups while allowing for the ready movement of
individuals between appropriate services.
15. Project: Specific formally organized services for
which application for funds are being made under this rule.
16. Residential facility: A non-acute hospital facility
offering administratively organized and programmatically
structured 24 hours a day room, board, and relevant services
to foster the independence of chronically mentally ill people.
17. Service: A specific identifiable, goal-oriented activity which, for purposes of this rule, is designed to reduce
major disabilities related to chronic mental illness.
F. Allocation.
I. Priority of allocation.
a. Funds will be awarded for new or expanded
services providing additional direct services to chronically
mentally ill people and which emphasize crisis management,
independent living skill training and case management components in their services. Day treatment, crisis homes, and
drop-in centers may be funded under this rule.
b. Programs and services provided at the site of a
long-term residential facility may be funded but will be given a
lower priority than those provided away from the residential
facility, unless the applicant county documents that the residents of the facility are unable to leave the facility to make use
of the services.
c. Applications proposing services not mentioned
in this section will be considered if there is a documented local
need for them.
KEY: RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to proposed rule language. Strike eu4s indicate deletions from
proposed rule language.PROPOSED RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to existing rule language. Strike
eus indicate deletions from existing rule language. If a proposed rule is totally new, it is designated "all new material."
(CITE 4 S.R. 803)
PAGE 803
2. Regional priorities. To the extent that the applications submitted are equally meritorious, the Department will
allocate funds in such a way that amounts are awarded, pro
rata. according to population size, approximately one-half to
applying counties from Region Xl and approximately one-half
to applying counties from the balance of the state. If there are
not sufficient acceptable applications from one group of counties as defined above, the remaining funds will be awarded to
qualifying applications from the other group of counties.
under this appropriation for capital expenditures or nonservice related costs would not serve this purpose.
2. Allowable expenses, which shall be budgeted in the
form specified in 0.5. of this rule, include:
a. salaries and related expenses of personnel providing services directly to clients in the project;
b. local travel costs of personnel working in the
c. consummable supplies used by the project;
0. Content of applications.
I. Applications must contain at least the following
information, following the Problem, Objectives, Method,
Evaluation (POME) format:
a. Problem: a description of the problem to be
addressed by the proposed service; the population at risk; and
the evidence of the need for this service.
b. Objectives: a statement of the measurable timelimited outcomes of the proposed service;
c. Methods: the modalities of treatment and rehabilitation to be used; a description of how individualized
program plans will be used in carrying out the service; a
description of how case management will be used in carrying
out the service; a description of how the proposed service will
fit into the local continuum of care and service; and a description of the proposed site(s) and providers to be used. If the
providers and sites have not been finally determined at the
time of application, the Department will consider the application if it contains indications of potential providers and sites.
d. Evaluation: a description of how the county
board of commissioners will evaluate projects funded under
this rule.
2. A budget shall be included with the application,
completed on the designated budget forms. Dollar amounts
for the various items included in the budget document shall
reflect and be based upon the prevailing cost of like components in the local community. It shall indicate the total cost of
the project, showing the respective state and local shares. The
specification of the local share shall indicate the amount of
actual local funds committed to the project source.
3. A resolution of support signed by the applicant
county board(s) shall be attached to the application indicating
the amount of county funds committed to the proposed project as the required local match. If the service is proposed by
and for more than one county, the chairman of participating
county boards of commissioners shall sign the application.
4. Five complete copies of the application and budget
shall be submitted to the Department.
H. Use of project funds.
I. The purpose of this experimental, time-limited appropriation is to provide new or expanded programs and
services to chronically mentally ill adults in such a way as to
maximize the use of the funds in a relatively short period of
time to test their effectiveness. The use of the funds available
PAGE 804
d. administrative overhead, as defined and limited
by this rule.
3. If an applicant can show that an expenditure other
than for a direct service is I) relatively minor, 2) essential for
the project to operate, and 3) cannot be paid for from local
funds, such an expenditure may be paid for from funds available under this rule, with the approval of the Commissioner.
The Commissioner shall use the above enumerated criteria in
approving such expenditures.
4. State funds available under this rule shall not be
used to pay room and board costs, except for such costs in
Crisis Homes, and then only if it can be demonstrated not to
be cost-effective to charge the individual or third parties for
these costs.
5.Funds available under this rule shall not be used to
replace existing fiscal support of programs and services. In
the event that existing fiscal support of a mental illness program or service is eliminated or reduced by circumstances
beyond the control of the county board of commissioners,
application may be made for funds available under this rule to
replace the existing funds which have been eliminated or
reduced, provided that specific documentation of the elimination or reduction in fiscal support accompanies the application.
6. State funds available under this rule shall not be
used for construction or renovation or rent of buildings, nor
shall they beused for the purchase or lease of equipment or
vehicles. Local matching funds, once identified and committed, may be used for these purposes and will be counted as
administrative overhead.
7. State funds available under this rule shall not be
used to pay for subscriptions, membership dues, or for out-ofstate conferences or out-of-state travel.
8. Legal and accounting fees and planning activities
shall not be funded under this rule, although individual program-planning costs are allowed.
I. Administrative overhead.
I. Up to a maximum often percent of the total project
budget may be used for administrative overhead in a currently
operating organization. In situations where previously nonexistent programs and services are being developed, the
maximum allowed for administrative overhead shall be
twenty-five percent of the total project budget for the duration
of the first project grant.
(CITE 4 S.R. 804)
2. The local match, or ten percent of the total budget
of the project, shall consist of funds committed to the project.
Fee income, if any, may be counted as part of the local
matching share.
J. Maintenance of financial statements. Grant recipients
shall maintain their financial records, using generally accepted accounting procedures, in such a way that expenditures can be easily compared with the approved budgets; that
the state and local contributions can be readily and separately
identified; and that documentation is available for all expenditures.
K. Reporting requirements. The Commissioner is required
by law to collect data and periodic reports as is deemed
necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness of the services.
Therefore, the Commissioner shall require that those county
boards of commissioners receiving funds under this rule report to the Department the number and kinds of persons
served, the cost of providing the services, results achieved,
and other relevant data deemed necessary. This information,
along with an evaluation from the County Board of Commissioners, will be used as the basis for an evaluation by the
Commissioner of the specific projects in his report to the
L. Duration of awards.
I. Funds awarded in the 1979-81 biennium shall be for
the total remaining months in the biennium following the date
of the award. An award made in Fiscal Year 1980 shall also
include funding for Fiscal Year 1981 without reapplication.
2. Awards not encumbered by applicant county(s) for
expenditure within 60 calendar days of the awarding of the
funds shall revert to the Department for reallocation. In those
specific instances where actual providers and sites were not
finally designated at the time of submission of the application,
identification of these providers and sites must be submitted
for final approval within this 60 calendar day period, or funds
will revert to the Department for reallocation.
M. Other applicable laws and rules.
I. To the extent that a project funded under this rule is
also subject to other Minnesota laws and rules, it must also
meet the standards of those laws and rules.
2. If a determination is made that all applicable laws,
rules and regulations cannot be met immediately, but that the
applicant county has a definite, reasonable timetable to meet
all necessary requirements the application shall be considered
for funding.
RETURNING to the Missouri River with his exploring
party, the Chevalier de Ia Verendrye buried this lead
plaque—inscribed with the date, March 30,
1743—near what is now Pierre, South Dakota. It was
found one hundred and seventy years later by a girl
playing in the area, and is now owned by the South
Dakota State Historical Society. The Chevalier was
responsible for the string of posts west from Fort St.
Charles as far as the Saskatchewan area. He and his
sons opened the great canoe route from Lake Superior to Lake Winnipeg. (Courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society)
KEY: RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to proposed rule language. Strikc etts indicate deletions from
proposed rule language. PROPOSED RULES SECTION - Underlining indicates additions to existing rule language. Strikc
euts indicate deletions from existing rule language. If a proposed rule is totally new, it is designated "all new material."
(CITE 4 S.R. 805)
PAGE 805
Pursuantto the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 15.0412, subd. 6, an
agency, in preparing proposed rules, may seek information or opinion from sources outside the agency. Notices of intent to solicit
outside opinion must be published intheState Register and all interested persons afforded the opportunity to submit data or views on
Office of Secretary of
Annual Compilation of State
Agencies; Notices of Vacancies
(Application and Appointment
The Secretary of State publishes herewith information about
state agencies pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 15.0597, subd.3.
Furthermore, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 15.0597,subd.4, notice is
hereby given to the public that vacancies in these agencies now
through January, 1980, are indicated by an asterisk (*). Application
forms may be obtained at the Office of the Secretary of State, Open
Appointments Section, 180 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
55155;(612) 296-2805. Application deadline is Tuesday, December 4,
EDITOR'S NOTE: In the following compilation, agencies are listed by the name assigned
them by statute. Agencies are grouped by categories designated by statute; board (I);
commission (II); council (III); committee (IV; authority (V); task force (VI); other multimember agency (VII); metropolitan jurisdiction (VIII). Agencies are listed in alphabetical
order wit bin each category; a subject index is supplied at end ofcompilation with reference
to the category, for example.'''Abstractors seeBoard of Abstractors (I).''
EPB - Ethical Practices Board
A —Asian
AM —American Party
H - Hispanic
Al—American Indian
IR - Independent-Republican
B —Black
LD —Legislative District
CD —Congressional District
Chm. —Chairman
M - Male
W— White
DFL - Democratic-Farmer-Labor
I. Boards
ARTS BOARD: 314 Clifton Ave., Mpls.55403;(612) 341-7170; (Minn.
Stat. § 139.08).
Supports and encourages the arts by providing grants, workshops,
consultant services, conferences and publications. II members appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, include I from each
congressional district and 3 at large; only 4 members may serve on
boards of other arts organizations; members must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings in the Twin Cities; members receive $35per diem
plus expenses.
Current members:
Carole Achterhof. RI.2, Luverne 56156; (507) 283-2248: (4/79-1/83); Rock; Ct36; LD26B; F;
IR; W.
JamesGlazman. 1811 E. Vermillion Rd., Duluth 55804; (218) 724-9294; (1/76-1/81); St. Louis;
CD8: LD8B; M; W.
Sandy Hale. 2308 W. Lake of the Isles Blvd.. Mpls. 53403; (612) 377-3878: (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin: CD5; F; W.
Luther Jones, 6311 Humboldt Ave. N., Brooklyn Center 55430; (612) 566-7506; (1/77-1/81);
Hennepin: CD3: M; B.
Stephen Keating. 2701 4th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55408; (1/78.1/82) Hennepin; CD2; M; W.
°Mary Leach. 424 Prospect, Owatonna 50060: (307) 451-6805; (1/78.1/80); Steele; CDI:
LD32A; F; W.
Ron Libertus, 1812 Emerson Ave. S.. Mpls. 55403; (612) 374-1364: (1/77.1/81); Hennepin:
CD5; M; Al.
Katherine Murphy. 3139 S. Rivershore Dr., Moorhead 56560; (218)233-4504; (1/79-1/83);
Clay; CD7; LD9A: F: W.
AlvinaO'Brien. 4800rand Hill, St. Paul 55102:1612)223-4351: (1/78-1/82); Ramsey; CD4; F;
Phillip Von Blon. 2121 Dwight Lu.. Minrtetonka 55343; (612) 332-1544; (1/77-1/81); Hennepin: CD3; M: W.
°Dr. Alvin S. Zelickson. 101 Ardmore Dr., Mpls. 55422; (612) 338-0711; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin; CD5; M; W.
PAGE 806
the subject, either orally or in writing.
TheState Register also publishes other official notices of state
agencies, notices of meetings, and matters of public interest.
BOARD OF ABSTR.ACTORS: Metro Square Bldg, St. Paul 55101;
(612) 296-7903; (Minn. Stat. § 386.63).
Examines and licenses abstractors; handles complaints from the
public. 7 members, appointed by governor, include: 4 abstractors, no
more than I from a county containing a city of the first class; I
attorney; 2 public members. Members must file with EPB. Meetings
twice yearly at the Department of Commerce; members receive $35
per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Robert L. Bartholic, chm., 1703 Saunders Ave., St. Paul 55116; (7/78-1/81): Ramsey; CD4;
M; W.
°Edward Lynch, 533 Southview Blvd.. S. St. Paul 55075; (612)451-6411: (1/76-1/80): Dakota;
CDI; LtS52A; M; W.
°Vern Molstad, Madison 56256; (507) 598-3724; (7/73-1/80); Lac qui Parle: CD6; LD2OA; M:
°Harry Newby, Carlton 55718; (218) 879-9129; (7/73-1/80); Cartton; CD8; LDI4B; M; W.
Roderic S. Pedersen, 1920 1st St.. Apt. 1807. Mpts. 55454; (612) 338-6364; (6/79-1/83):
Hennepin; CO5; LD57B; M; IR; W.
K. B, Skurdal, 1933 StateAve., Anoka55303:(6l2)42l.8739; (1/78-1/81); Anoka; M; 1k: W.
A. L. Winczewski, P.O. Box 335, Winona 55987: (507) 454-5520; (1/78.1/82): Winona: CDI;
LD34B; M; W.
BOARD OFACCOUNTANCY: Department of Commerce, 590 Metro
Square Bldg.,St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-7937; (Laws of 1979, Ch. 326).
Examines, licenses, and regulates certified public accountants and
public accountants. 7-9 members, appointed by governor, include 2
public members,5licensed certified public accountants, and 0-2
licensed public accountants, based on the number licensed in the
state; members must file with EPB; monthly meetings; members
receive$35per diem.
Current members:
Janet B. Jasper, chm., 259 E. Harney Rd.. Esko 55733; (218) 723-8474: (5/77-1/81): Carlton;
CD8; LDI4B; F.
°Karen S. Champlin, 780 Northstar Bldg., Mpls. 55402: (612) 333-2301: (1/78.1/80); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; F.
Martha Myers Head, 1616W. 22nd St., MpIs. 55405: (612) 377-4402; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin;
CD5: LD56B; F; IR; W.
Leonard A. Rapoport, 1692 Highland Parkway, St. Paul 55116; (612) 332-0524: (1/73.1/82):
Ramsey; CD4; LD63B: M.
°Thomas D. Spaeth, 1358 Bayard Ave., St. Paul 55116: (612) 699-2254; (1/70-1/80); Ramsey:
CD4; LD63B; M.
Robert A. Unzen, 435 First National Bank Bldg., Duluth 55402; (218)724-6540: (2/73-1/83):
St. Louis: CD8; LD8B; M; tR; W.
William A. Winterer, 5120W. 102nd. St., #306. Lochmoor 2. Mpts. 55420; (612) 372-3980:
public member; (11/73-1/82): Hennepin; CD3: LD39B: M.
St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2388; (Minn. Stat. § 326.04).
Licenses and regulates architects, engineers, land surveyors and
landscape architects. 17 members, appointed by the governor for 4
year terms include: 3 licensed architects, 5licensed engineers, I
licensed landscape architect, I licensed land surveyor and 6 public
members. Members must file with EPB; not more than I member may
be from the same branch of the engineering profession. Each professional member must have 10 years experience in their profession and
been in responsible charge of work for at least 5years. Meetings twice
a year; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
G. Leigh Morrow, chm.,5Saratoga Lane. Plymouth 55441; (11/71-1/83): Hennepin: CD3:
LD43A; M; IR: W.
George A. Anderson. 415 7th SI.,Gaylord 55334; (612) 237-2869: highway engineer; (2/691/81); Sibley: CD2: LD23A; M: W.
Lois E. Anderson, 1239W. Como Blvd., St. Paul 55103: (612)488.4482(5/79-1/83); Ramsey:
CD4: LD62B; F; IR; W.
°Norman Beck, RI.I, St. James 56081; (507) 375-4678; public member: (9/75.1/80): Waton.
wan: CD2; LD27B; M: W.
Diane R. Gramith, 316 West Lake, Waconia 55387: (612) 4.42-206!; public member: (12/731/80): Carver; CD3: LD36A: F; W.
(CITE 4 SR. 806)
OFFICIAL NOTICES Preston C. Haglin. 4383 Wooddale Ave., Mpls. 55424; (612) 922-0436; (9171-1/82); Hennepin;
CD3; LD4IB; M; IR: W.
W. A. Kleinhenz, 2400 Lee Ave.. Golden Valley 55422; (612) 373-3302; mechanical engineer;
(7/73.1/82); Hennepin; CD5; LD43B; M; W.
Martin C. Menk. 513 N. 7th St., St. Peter 56082; (507)93-2854; (10/79-1/83); Nicollet; CD2;
LD23B; M; IR; W.
Rudolph W. Monson. 2704 Exhibition Dr., Duluth 55811; (218) 723-3377; land surveyor;
(1/72.1/80); St. Louis; CD8; LD7; M; W.
Mary Ann Murphy, 136 Ruth St.. St. Paul 55119; (612) 298-4828; public member; (12/731/81); Ramsey; CD4; LD67B; F; W.
Edythe V. Naddy, 9033 James Ave.. Bloomington 55431; (612) 881-5025; public member;
(12/73-1/81); Hennepin; CD3; LD38; F; W.
John W. Pearson, 201 Crestway Lane, W. St. Paul 55118; (612) 451-0063; (12/78-1/80);
Dakota; CDI; LD67A; M; W.
Donald K. Rippel. 28190 Woodside Rd.. Excelsior 55331; (612) 474-4236; (6/77-1/82); Hen.
nepin; CD2; LD42B; M; W.
Edward A. Sovik. 711 Summit Ave., Northfield 55057; (507) 645-7565; (3/79-1/83); Rice;
CDI; LD24A; M; IR; W.
Jay W. Tyson. 1724 James Ave. S., Mpls. 55403; (612) 825-4213; architect; (4/77.1/81);
Hennepin; CD5; LDS6B; M; B.
Therese Vaughn, 2010 Woodhaven Ln., Duluth 55803; (218) 728-4742; (5/79-1/83); St. Louis;
CD8; LD8B; F; W.
• Lorenzo D. Williams, 2720 W. River Rd.. Mpls. 55406; architect; (1/72-1/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD6OB; M; B.
BOARD OF ASSESSORS: Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612)
296-5040; (Minn. Stat. § 270.41).
Licenses assessors; provides continuing education for assessors. 9
members, appointed by governor, include 2 public members, I appraiser, 2 county assessors, 2 local assessors (I township assessor)
and 2 employees of the dept. of revenue; members must file with
EPB. Monthly meetings.
Current members:
Ralph Deger. chm., Box 350. Hibbing 55746; (218) 263-5202; local assessor; (1/76-1/80); St.
Louis; CDt; LDS; M; W.
Lyle Ask. 1499 E. 6th St., St. Paul 55106; (612) 296-1963; dept. of revenue; (1/78.1/82);
Ramsey; CD4; LD67; M; W.
Arline Brown. 1216 Highland Ave., Mankato 56001; (507) 388-7746; (6/79.1/83); Blue Earth;
CD2; LD29B; F; DFL; W.
Mildred Carlson. 590 40th Ave. N.E., Columbia Heights 55421; (612) 788-9221; local assessor; (1/78.1/82); Anoka; CD5; LD55A; F; W.
Howard Christianson, 5 Courthouse. Ada 56510; (218) 784-3441; county assessor; (5/771/83); Norman; CD7; LD2A; M; W.
Arthur Helland, 234 Montrose Place. St. Paul 55104; (715) 349-5438; appraiser; (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin; CD4; LD63A; M; W.
Chester Johnson, Courthouse. Willmar 56201; (612) 235-3917; county assessor; (11/77.1/81);
Kandiyohi; CD6; LD2I; M; W.
William Slavin. 1749 Louise Ave., St. Paul 55145; (612)296-1962; dept. of revenue; (1/76.
1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD67; M; W.
Joyce Schwichtenberg. 817 E. 51st St., Mpls. 55417; (612) 824-5773; (6/79-1/81); Hennepin;
CD5; LD6IA; F; IR; W.
BOARD OF BARBER EXAMINERS: 500 Metro Square Bldg., St.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-2364; (Minn. Stat. § 154.22).
Examines, registers and licenses barbers; enforces statutes regulating barbers, barber instructors, barber schools and shops. 4 members, appointed by governor, include 3 barbers with at least 5years
experience, and I public member; must file with EPB. Meetings as
necessary, 500 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul.
Current members:
Henry J. Sniezek, chm.. 128 16th Ave. N., St. Cloud 56301; (612) 252-2163; (5/77.1/81);
Stearns; CD6; LDI7; M; W.
George T. Falzone, 1982 Warbler Lane St. Paul 55119; (612) 776-8400; (3/78.1/82); Ramsey;
CD4; LD67B; M; W.
• Wilbert J. Hanson. I 194045th Ave. N.. Mpls. 55442; (612) 566-7995; (6/77-1/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD43A; M; W.
Annette Levine. 1640 Hillcrest, St. Paul 55116; (5/79-1/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD63B; F; W.
BOARD OF BOXING: 5th Fl., Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;
(612) 296-2501; (Minn. Stat. § 341.01).
Licenses boxers, seconds, managers, franchise holders; makes rules
governing sparring and boxing exhibitions. 7 members, appointed by
governor, must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; usually at boxing
matches. Members receive $35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Richard Plunkett. chm.. P.O. Box 6477, Suite 215 Rochester Bank and Trust Bldg., Rochester 55901; (507) 288-0224; (1/78-1/82); Olmsted; CDI; LD33B; M; W.
Erwin Dauphin, 3435 Blaisdell Ave. S.. Mpls. 55403; (612) 348-2133; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD59B; M; W.
Harry Davis, 631 E. 61st St.. Mpls. 55417; (612) 869-4884; (4/79.1/83); Hennepin; CDS;
LD6IA; M; W.
(CITE 4 S.R. 807)
Judy Klammer. 916 Delaware St.. Mpls. 55414; (612)378-0614; (3/78.1/81); Hennepin; CD5;
LD57A; F; W.
Dr. Robert L. Powers, 5265 Hodgson Rd., St. Paul 55112; (6/77-1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
LD48B; M; W.
William J. Schmidt, 1408 E. Idaho, SI. Paul 55106; (612)776-4519; (5/79-1/83); Ramsey; CD4;
LD66A; M; IR; W.
Robert D. Thompson. 2603 Quentin Ave. S.. Mpls. 55416; (6/77-1/81); Hennepin; CDS;
LD39B; M; B.
Mpls. 55414; (612) 296-5430; (Minn. Stat. § 148.02).
Examines, licenses, and regulates chiropractors; handles complaints;
reviews and approves continuing education programs; and registers
professional corporations. 7 members, appointed by the governor,
include5chiropractors with at least 3 years experience, and 2 public
members; must file with EPB. Meetings as necessary, 717 Delaware,
Mpls.; members receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Kenneth J. Flolid, D.C.. chm.. 223 E. Broadway, Little Falls 56345; (612) 632-6283; chiropractor; (1/78-1/82); Morrison; CD7; LDI2B; M.
Richard F. Bol, D.C., 1497 White Bear Ave., SI. Paul 55106; (612)436-5526; chiropractor;
(5/79.1/83); Washington; CDI; LD5IA; M; IR; W.
Irvine Echola, 30 20th Ave. S., Box 1231, St. Cloud 56301; (612)253-7010; public member;
(1/77-1/81); Stearns; CD6; LDI7; M.
Gerald Fesenmaier. 740 Willow Dr.. Wayzala 55391; (612) 473-7454; public member; (5/791/83); Hennepin; CD2; LD42B; M.
Cleve Gruler. D.C.. 3760 Service Dr.. Winona 55987; (507)452-4417; chiropractor; (1/761/80); Winona; CDI; LD34B; M.
Ronald Hocevar, D.C.. 61 Woodlawn Ave.. Eveleth 55734; (218)749-2200; chiropractor;
(1/76.1/80); St. Louis; CD8; LD5A; M.
William F. Hynan, D.C.. 152W. University Ave.. St. Paul 55103; (612)222-7331; chiropractor; (4/77-4/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD64A; M.
St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-3356; (Minn. Stat. § 136.61).
Sets rules and policies for management of community college system.
7 members, appointed by governor, confirmed by senate; must file
with EPB; must include I full-time community college student.
Monthly meetings alternate between St. Paul and various community
college campuses.
Current members:
Arleen Nycklemoe, chm..Rt. 6 Box 134, Minnehuta Dr.. Fergus Falls 56537; (218)736-2989;
(3/74-1/83); Ottertail; CD7; LDI IA; F.
Paul Brinkman. 1111 Hamline Ave. N. Apt. 18. St. Paul 55108; (612) 644-0694; (3/79-1/81);
Ramsey; CD4; LD; M; IR; W.
Douglas A. Bruce. 2108 Laurel Ave. W.. Mpls. 55405; (612) 374-1782; (7/73-1/81); Hennepin;
CD5; LDS6B; M.
Nadine H. Chase. Box 186. Bena 56626; (218)665-2329; (3/79-1/82); Cuss; CD7; LD4B; F;
Toyse A. Kyle, 1020 Washburn Ave. N., Mpls. 55411; (612) 521-1915; (2/75-1/81); Hennepin;
CD5; LDS6A; F.
Dr. Joseph L. Norquist, 2087 Greenbrier Ave.. St. Paul 55117; (612) 777-8393; (7/75.1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LD66B.
Elna H. Ponto. Box 235, Rt. I, Albert Lea 56007; (507) 373-7920; (6/77-1/80); Freeborn;
CD2; LD3I; F.
BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY: 5th Fl., Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul
55101; (612) 296-8456; (Minn. Stat. § 155.04).
Examines and licenses cosmetologists and registers and inspects
beauty shops and schools. 4 members, appointed by governor, include I public member and 3 licensed cosmetologists with at least 5
years experience. Members must file with EPB; may not be affiliated
with a school of cosmetology; nor may any 2 members be graduates of
the same school. Monthly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul;
members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Cynthia Allen. chm.. 1601 Vincent Ave. N.. Mpls. 55411; (612) 522-8604; (6/77.1/81);
Hennepin; CD5; F; B.
Irene Pappas, Mantorville 55955;(507)635.3236;(6/79-l/82); Dodge;CDI; LD32B; F; lR; W.
JamesT. Rehder, 401 E. Burnsville Pkwy. Apt. 233, Burnsville 55337; (3/79.1/83); Dakota;
CD2; LD53B; M; W.
Mary Lou Sinnen, 229 W. 1st Ave., Shakopee 55379; (612) 445-3665; (7/76-1/80); Scott;
CD2; LD36B; F; w.
BOARD OF DENTISTRY:717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55414; (612)
296-5313; (Minn. Stat. § l50.A.02).
Examines, licenses and registers dentists, dental hygienists and
dental assistants; enforces the Minnesota Dental Practice Act. 9
members, appointed by the governor, include 5 dentists, I dental
hygienist, I dental assistant, and 2 public members. Members must
file with EPB. Meetings bi-monthly, 717 Delaware, Mpls. 55414;
members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Kenneth M. Nelson, chm., 1020 4th Ave., Windom 56101; (507) 831-3717; dentist; (2/75/80); Cottonwood; CD6; LD28; M; W.
Robert W. Anderson. Box56.Aurora 55703; (218) 229-3341; dentist; (5/79.1/83); St. Louis;
CD8; LD6A; M; IR; W.
9ames E. Garrity, 1101 S. 11th St.. Moorhead 56560; (218) 233-2781; public member; (1/761/80); Clay; CD7; LD9; M; W.
Walter G. Iverson. 5536 Chicago Ave.. Mpls. 55417; (612) 825-7166; dentist; (1/77-1/81);
Hennepin; CD3; LD59; M; W.
Robert McDonnell. 1705 Portland. St. Paul 55116; (612) 699-0404; dentist; (1/78-1/82);
Ramsey; CD4; M; W.
Edward T. Nelson, 321 N. LaBree Ave., Thief River Falls 56701; (218) 681-4398; dentist;
(5/79-1/83); Pennington; CD7; LDIB: M; IR; W.
Mary Jane Ploof, RI.2 Box 206B. Chaska 55318; (612) 443-2631; public member; (5/79-1/83);
Carver; CD2; LD36A: F; IR; W.
Carol Schuppel, 4035 Girard N.. Mpls. 55412; (612) 521-3445; dental assistant; (1/78.1/82);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39: F; W.
Janet Spoodis. 7250 York Ave. S.. Mpls. 55435: (612) 339.5593; dental hygienist; (8/77.1/81);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39; F; W.
BOARD OF EDUCATION: 712 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;
(612) 296-2358; (Minn. Stat. § 121.02).
Sets statewide education policies for the department of education,
and elementary and secondary schools and vocational technical institutes. 9 members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate,
include I from each congressional district, I at large member and 3
previous school board members; must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Dr. ErlingO. Johnson, President. 832 Eastwood Ln., Anoka 55303; (7/75-1/82); Anoka; CD8;
Mary T. Birmingham. 328 Pleasant St., Mankato 56001; (5/78-1/81); Blue Earth; CD2;
CD29A; F.
Henry J. Bromelkamp. 2304 Lenwood Dr. SW.. Rochester 55901; (7/75-1/82); Olmsted;
CDI; LD33A; M.
'Dorothea M. Chelgren. 1045W. Larpenteur. Apt. 330, St. Paul 55113; (7/73.1/80); Ramsey;
CD4: F.
Lorin A. Gasterland. 6716 Garfield Ave.. Richfield 55423; (3/78-1/81); Hennepin; CD3; M.
Ruth A. Myers. 121A N. 1st Ave. W., Duluth 55803; (7/75.1/82); St. Louis; CD8; LD7B; F.
Louis R. Smerling. 2552 W. Lake of the Isles Blvd., Mpls. 55405; (1/78.1/81); Hennepin;
CD5: M.
Henry 0. Tweten, IS wylie Court. East Grand Forks 56721; (7/73.1/80); Polk; CD6; LD2A;
Patricia Weber. 3006 Linden Ave.. Slayton 56172; (507) 836-6033; (4/79.1/83); Murray; CD6:
LD26A; F; IR; W.
BOARD OF ELECTRICITY: Griggs Midway Bldg., Rm. N 191, 1821
University Ave., St. Paul 55104; (612) 297-2111; (Minn. Stat. §
Licenses electricians and inspects all new electrical wiring. 9 members, appointed by the governor, include: 2 representatives of rural
electrical suppliers, 2 master electricians, 2journeyman electricians,
I registered consulting electrical engineer, and 2 public members;
must file with EPB. Meetings twice each month, 1821 University
Ave., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Allan Hill. chm.. 4509 Tioga St.. Duluth 55804; (218) 525-6927; electrical engineer; (1/741/82); St. Louis; CD8; LD8A; M: I: W/F.
Clarence E. Bornus. RI.4 Box 158, Montevideo 56265:journeyman electrician: (6/79-1/83);
Lac qui Parle; CD6; LD2OA: M: IR: W.
M. George Downs, 431S.93rd Ave. W.. Duluth 55806; (218)626-1412; public member; (6/79.
1/83); St. Louis; CD8; LD7A; M; tR;w.
Darwin Draisey, 245 Pike Lake. Duluth; (218) 729-8895; journeyman electrician; (1/751/80); 51. Louis; CD8; LD6A; M; I; W.
Licenses administrators of nursing homes, board/care homes and
mental retardation facilities; conducts studies of nursing home administration; approves continuing education programs for administrators; investigates complaints and allegations of rule violations. II
members, appointed by governor, include 4 owners or managers of
nursing homes, I doctor, I nurse, and 3 public members. Representatives of the department of health and the department of public welfare
are ex-officio members; members must file with EPB. Quarterly
meetings; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Michael M. Gibson. chm.. Box 71. wadena 56482; (218)631-1391; admin..non profit home;
(1/78-1/82); Wadena; CD7; LDIOB; M.
Nancy Anderson, 58 Groveland Terrace, MpIs. 55403; (612) 373-2653; public member;
(7/74-1/80); Hennepin; CD5; F.
Janet Brodahl, Department of Health
Este lte Collymore. 217 Bimamwood Dr.. Burnsville 55337: (612) 890-1793; registered
nurse; (6/76-1/80): Dakota; LDS3; F.
ThomasT. Kucas, Box 21, Nopeming 55770: (218)628-2381; admin.. non-profit home; (1/781/81); St. Louis; CD8; M.
EvaJane Larson. 5137 N. Alameda St.. St. Paul 55112: M.D.; (5/77.1/81): Ramsey; CD4; F.
Harry J. Lemieux, 565 violet Lane. Eagan 55121: (612)454-4455; (5/79-1/83); Dakota; CD2;
LDS3; M: IR; W.
David F. Meiller. Box 446, Faribault 55021:1507) 334-3939; admin..proprietary home: (5/791/83); Rice; LDI: LD24B; M.
Irving Peterson, Department of Public Welfare, Centennial Bldg.. St. Paul 55155.
Henry J. Streich. 875 S. Howell St., St. Paul 55116; (612) 698-4197; (5/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4: LD63B; M; IR; W.
'Irving A. West, 535S. Lexington Pkwy.. St. Paul 55116: public member; (7/74-1/80):
Ramsey; CD4; M.
Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2197; (Minn. Stat. § 326.541).
Examines and licenses watchmakers. 7 members, appointed by governor, include5licensed watchmakers with at least5years experience in the state, and 2 public members; must file with EPB. Meetings
twice a year in St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Gerald S. Price, chm., Detroit Lakes 56501: (218) 847-5309; (6/79-1/83); Becker; CD7;
William C. Decker, 2139St. Clair Ave.. St. Paul 55105; (612)699-6775; (6/79.1/83); Ramsey:
CD4: LD63A; M; IR; W.
Roger L. Drake. Box 7. Bricelyn 56016; (507) 653-4377: (7/77-1/81): Faribault; M: W.
Charles R. Schurhammer, 131 W, Main St.. Wabasha 55981; (612) 565-4521: (5/78.1/81);
Wabasha; CDI: LD25B; M; W.
Stanley Vomacka. 614 3rd SI..White Bear Lake 55110: (612) 429-7818: (3/78.1/81); Washington; CD4; LD49; M; W.
Leroy E. Zander. 112 N. Broadway. Spring Valley 55975: (507) 346-7649; (5/78.1/83):
Fillmore; CDI; LD35A; M; W.
Appointment pending.
Bldg., 200 S. Robert, St. Paul 55107; (612) 296-3999; (Minn. Stat. §
Investigates allegations of misconduct on the part of Minnesota
judges and recommends to the supreme court judicial discipline,
including censure, suspension, retirement or removal of judges. 9
members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by senate, include I district judge, I county judge, I municipal judge, 2 lawyers
with 10 years experience in the state, and 4 public members. Monthly
meetings; members receive $35per diem.
Current members:
George King, 1100 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul 55101: (612) 224-7461; attorney; (12/75-1/82);
Ramsey; CD4; LD49A; M.
David Coleman. 130 N. Virginia, St. Paul 55102: (612)226-6375; public member; (4/78-1/82):
Ramsey; CD4; LD65; M.
Gordon Gerling, Little Elk Dr.. Little Falls 56345; (612)632-5127; rural power supplier; (6/771/81): Morrison; CD7: LDI4B: M; DFL; W.
H. J. Hanson, 8370 W. 107th St., Bloomington 55438: (612) 941-6394; master electrician;
(12/78-t/82); Hennepin; CD3; LD398; M; W.
Jacob V. Hiebert. 810 5th Ave., Windom 56101; (507)83 1-2541; master electrician, contractor: (6/79.1/83); Cottonwood; CD6; LD27A; M; I: W.
Cecil Holsing. 461 W. 5th St., Zumbrota; (507) 732-5019; rural power supplier; (6/77.1/80);
Goodhue; CDI; LD32B; M; 1; W/G.
Warren Snyder. 5704 Elliot Ave., Mpls. 55417; (612) 825-8621; public member; (11/76-1/80);
Hennepin: CD5: LD6IA; M; DFL; IW/G/Fr/R.
'John Padden, 802 Locken Blvd., Crookston 56716; (218) 281-2606; attorney: (6/71-1/80):
Polk; CD7; LD2A; M.
'Sewell Sawyer, Winona Courthouse. Winona 55987; (507) 452-7120: judge: (6/71-1/80):
Winona; CDI; LD34B; M.
BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATORS:717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55414, (612) 2%-5406; (Minn.
Stat. § 144.952).
'Harvey A. Stegemoeller. 1618 Rome Ave., St. Paul 55105; (612) 645-9598; public; (7/75.
1/80): Ramsey; CD4: LD63; M.
Juanita Young, 7007 45th Ave. N.. Mpls. 55428; (612) 533-1974; public member: (4/78.1/82):
Hennepin; CD3; LD44A; F.
PAGE 808
'Ruby Hunt, 1148 Edgecumbe Rd.. St. Paul 55116: (612)699-2450: public member: (7/711/80); Ramsey: CD4; LD63A; F.
'Robert Johnson, 615C Courthouse. St. Paul 55102; (612) 298-4537: judge; (9/75-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4: LDSOB: M.
'Gordon McRae. Courthouse, International Falls 56649; (218) 283-2983; judge; (1/74-1/80):
Koochiching; CD8; LD3A; M.
Mpls.55440;(612)296-5534;(Minn. Stat. § 147.0!).
Examines, licenses, and registers medical doctors and doctors of
osteopathy, midwives, and physical therapists. II members, appointed by governor, include 7 doctors, I osteopath, and 3 public members. Members must file with EPB. Quarterly meetings; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
ChesterAnderson. Hcctor55342: (612)848.6294: medical doctor: (6/79-1/83): Renville: CD6:
LD22A: M: IR: W.
Dorothy Bernstein, lollMedical Arts Bldg.: ((12) 338-4136: medical doctor: (4/77-1/81):
Hennepin: CD5: LD56: F.
Harold Bronian, 271 20th Ave. B.. N. St. Paul: (612) 777-4189: medical doctor: (6/79-1/83):
Ramsey: CD4: LD5O: M: IR: W.
JamesC. Cain. Rt. 4. Rochester 55901 (507) 289-6819: medical doctor: (7/57-1/81): Olmsted:
CDI: LI)33: M.
William J. Donkers. 420W. 5th St.. Red wingsso6o: (612) 388-3072: osteopath: (6/79-1/83):
Goodhue: CDI: LD25B: M: W.
Suzanne Flinsch. 105 S. Cambridge. St. Paul 55105: (612) 690-2063: public member: (2/75/821: Ramsey: CD4: LD63: F.
SamGrais, l9lOHighland Pkwy.. St. Paul 551 16:(612)699-5066:public member: (6/79-1/83):
Ramsey: CD4: LD63B: M: W.
William Jacott. Lakeside Medical Center. 4621 E. Superior St.. Duluth 55864: (218) 5251918: medical doctor: (4/76-1/831: St. Louis: CD8: LD8: M.
1..oren Nelson. 393 N. Dunlap, St. Paul 55t04: (612) 645-3648: medical doctor: (7/71.1/80):
Ramsey: CD4: LD63: M.
Russel 0. Sather. 220S. Broadway. Crookston 56716: (218) 281-3184: medical doctor: (2/591/82): CD8: LD8: M.
uC:lrol Wold, 38O8Garfteld Ave. S.. Mpls. 55409: (612) 825-0773: public member: (1/76-1/801:
Hennepin: CD5: LD58: F.
BOARD OF NURSING: 717 Delaware St. S.E., MpIs. 55414;(612)
296-5493; (Minn. Stat. § 148.181).
Licenses professional and practical nurses; disciplines licensees;
renews licenses; approves nursing schools which prepare for RN and
LPN licensure; registers nursing corporations. II members, appointed by governor, include 3 public members, 3 LPNs, 5RNs, 2 educators in professional programs, and I educator in a practical nursing
program; members must file with EPB. Meetings 4 times a year in
Mpls., twice a year out of the 7county metro area; members receive
$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Sr. Mary Heinen. chm.. 601 26th Ave. S.. MpIs. 55454: (612) 322-5521. ext. 307: RN: (6/771/81): Hennepin: CD5: LD57B: F: W.
M:try Anderson. Box 303. Kinney 55758: (218) 741-3340. ext. 373: LPN: (1/78-1/82): St.
Louis: CD8: LD5A: F: W.
Mary W. Doty. 146 W. Rustic Lodge Ave.. Mpls. 55409: (612) 827-1079: public member:
(6/79-1183): Hennepin: CD5: LD6IA: F: IR: W.
nHclen Hansen. 4525CIinton Ave., Mpls. 55409:(612) 373-3405: RN:(6/76-l/80): Hennepin:
CD5: LD59B: F: W.
Jane B. Hardt. 1209 Rosewood, Brainerd 56401: (218/ 829-7351: LPN: (6/79-1/83): Crow
Wing: CD7: LDI3A: F: IR: W.
G e raldine McManus, 1200 Summit Ave.. St. Paul 55105: (6121 291-3231: RN: (1/76-1/80):
Ramsey: CD4: LD65A: F: W.
Fr. David M. McPhee. 69w. Exchange. St. Paul 55102: (612) 222-1054: public member:
(6/79- 1181): Ramsey: CD4: LD65A: M: IR: W.
Morris Miller. Queen of Peace Hospital. New Prague 56071: (612) 758-4509: (6/79-1/83): Le
Sueur: CD2: LD24A: M: DFL: B.
Shirley Rose. 2702 109th Ln. NW.. Coon Rapids 55433: (612) 427.2200, ext. 268: LPN : (6/771/81): Anoka: CD8: LD47A: F: W.
Sara Ryder. 1945 Oakdale Ave.. W. St. Paul 55118: (612) 455-0343: public member: (1/781/82): Ramsey: CDI: LD67A: F: W.
nBelle Struck, 4560 146th Lu. NW., Anoka 55303: (6121 427-1880. ext. 244: RN: (6/76-1/80):
Anoka: CD8: LDI9B: F: W.
BOARD OF OPTOMETRY: 717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55440;
(612)296-5544;(Minn. Stat. § 148.52).
Licenses optometrists; adopts rules; investigates complaints. 7 members, appointed by the governor, include 5licensed optometrists and
2 public members; must file with EPB. Members receive $35per diem
plus expenses.
Current members:
J. Burke, O.D.. chm., Professional Bldg.. B. Grand Forks 56721: (218) 773-0141: optometrist: (5/77-1/81): Polk: CD7: LD2A: M: DFL: W.
Irvine L. Dubow. 313 1st St. SE.. Little Falls 56345: (612) 632-6325: (6/79.1/83): Morrison:
CD7: LDI2A: M: IR: W.
Myrna L. Hoffman. Box 355. Norcross 56274: (6/79.1/83): Grant: CD7: LDI IA: F: IR: W.
John R. Kennedy. 0.1).. 790 N. Lexington Ave.. Roseville 55113: (612) 488-6771: optometrist: (1/78.1/82): Ramsey: CD4: LD48A: M: DFL: W.
Cora B. Ruhr. O.D.. 324 Washington Square. White Bear Lake 55110:1612) 429-3379:
optometrist: (1/76-1/80): Washington: CDI: LD5IA: F: DFL: W.
(CITE 4 S.R. 809)
Roger Tcuax. 1206W. Front St.. Albert Lea 56007: (507) 373-3413: (6/79-1/83): Freeborn:
CD2: LD3IA: M: IR: W.
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612) 296-2620; (Minn. Stat. §
Licenses peace officers and constables; establishes minimum qualifications and standards of conduct; regulates police training. II members. appointed by the governor, include 2 sheriffs, 4 municipal police
officers (at least 2 chiefs of police), 2 former law enforcement officers,
and 2 public members; the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension is an ex officio member. Members must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings, St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Richard W. Setter. chm.. 1411 Independence Ave.. St. Louis Park 55427: (612/ 920-3000.
cxl. 59: chief of police: (8/77-1/83): CD3: LD4IA: M: IR: W.
• Carolen F. Bailey. II Eagle Ridge Rd.. North Oaks 55110: (612)291-1111: police officer:
(8/77-1/80): Ramsey: CD4: LD49B: F: W.
Gerald R. Bridgeman. 1105 Vera, ChampIinSS3l6: (612(348-7802:policeofficer:(4/78.I/82(:
Hennepin: CD6: LDI9B: M: W.
Jeanne Cooper. 1031 Park St.. St. Paul 4114:1612) 488-8868: (5/79-1/831: Ramsey: CD4:
LD64B: F: IR: B.
Ann Darby. 500 Upton Ave. N.. Mpls. 55411:1612)377-0011: public member: (8/77-1/81):
Hennepin: CD5: LD54A: F: B.
uWiIli.lm Efferlz. 4840 Hamilton Rd.. Minnetonka 55343: (6121 329-9441: former law enforcement officer: (8/77-1/80): Hennepin: CD3: LD4IA: M: IR.
Paul Knochenmus, 202W. Center. Roseau 56751: (2181 463-1947: (5/79-1/83): Roseau: CD7:
uDean O'Borsky. 31 Washington Ave. W.. Hutchinson 55350:(6l2)879.239t :chiefofpolice:
(8/77-1/80): McLeod: CD6: LD22A: M: IR: W.
John D. Tierney, 17915 201h Ave. N.. Wayzata 55391: (6121 348-7530: former law enforcement officer: (8/77-1/82): Hennepin: CD): LD2B: M: DFL: W.
Tom Tolman.RI.Box 265B. Bemidji 56601: (218) 751-91 II: sheriff: (8/77.1/81): Beltrami:
CD7: LD4A: M: IR: W.
Paul J. Tschida. 3829 Lynn Ave.. St. Louis Park 55416: (612) 296-2660: superintendent.
bureau of criminal apprehension: Hennepin: CD3: LD4IB: M: DFL: W.
Vacancy as of 9/79.
BOARD OF PHARMACY:717 Delaware St. S. E., Mpls. 55440; (612)
296-541!; (Minn. Stat. §151.02).
Regulates the pharmacy profession and the quality, labeling, and
distribution of drugs. 7 members, appointed by governor, include 5
pharmacists with at least5years experience in the state, and 2 public
members; must file with EPB. Monthly meetings at the department of
health, 717 Delaware, Mpls; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
• Marcus R. Frederickson, chm.. 2908W. 3rd St.. Duluth 55809: (2181 624-5755: (1/75-1/80):
St. Louis: M.
Kitty AlcotI. 245 12th Ave. N.. Hopkins 55343: (612/ 935'4425: (6/77-1/81): Hennepin: CD3:
Thomas R. Berg, 120S. Main. Stewartville55976: (507)533-4245: (3/78-1/82): Olmsted: CDI:
Gary P. Blume. 1164 Summer St.. Roseville 55t 13: (6121 488-3318: (6/79-1/83): Ramsey:
CD4: LI)62B: M: IR: W.
Michael B. Hart. Jr.. 707 Sunshine Ct.. Forest Lake 55025: (612) 464-3151:11/75-1/83):
Washington: CDI: LD5IA: M: IR: W.
Louise F. Kortz, 064 Forest Hills Dr..S.W., Rochester5590l:(507)288-1151:(I/76-l/80):
Olmsted: CDI: LD33: F.
Ove M. Wangensleen. 1870 Montreal Ave.. St. Paul 55116: (612) 690-4088:14/78.1/82):
Ramsey: CD4: LD63.
BOARD OF PODIATRY: 717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55440;(612)
296-5513;(Minn. Stat. § 153.02).
Licenses podiatrists and investigates complaints. 7 members, appointed by governor, include 5licensed podiatrists and 2 public
members; must file with EPB. Meetings every third month; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
J. L. Ohlsen. D.P.M., chm., 301 N. 3rd SI.,Marshall 56258: (507) 532-4676: podiatrist: (5/761/81): Lyons: CD6: LD2OB: M.
James Deegan. Sr., D.P.M.. 4602 Tioga St., Duluth 55804:1218)722-8364: podialrist: (1/76.
1/80): St. Louis: CD8: LD8B: M.
Beulah Due Johnson. 19990 Minnetonka Blvd., Excelsior 55331: (612)474-4671: (6/79-1/83):
Hennepin: CD2: LD42B: F: IR: W.
Fredric Langer. D.P.M., 2945 Dakota Ave. S.. St. Louis Park 55416: (612) 925-5151:
podiatrist: (7/77-1/80): Hennepin: CD3: LD4IB: M.
John P. McCarthy, C.M.R.,2225 Sussex Ave.. Duluth 55803: (2181724-7395: (6/79.1/83): St.
Louis: CD8: LD8B: M: IR: W.
Harold M. Nirschl. 120 B. Junius. Fergus Falls 56537: (218)736-7076: (6/79-1/83): Ottcr'l'ail:
CD7: LDI IA: M: IR: W.
James J. Salonen. D.P.M.. 717 N. 9th St., Virginia 55792: /218)741-8211: podiatrist: (7/781/83); St. Louis: CD8: LD5: M.
SERVICES:1246 University Ave., St. Paul 55104;(612) 296-2662;
(Minn. Stat. § 326.33).
Licenses private detectives and protective agents. 5members include
attorney general and superintendent of bureau of criminal apprehension or designees, and a licensed private detective and 2 public
members appointed by the governor. Members must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings, 1246 University, St. Paul; members receive $35
per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Paul 3. Tschida, chm., 3829 Lynn Ave.. St. Louis Park 554t6; (6t2) 927-4959; superintendent, bureau of criminal apprehension; Hennepin; CD3; LD4IB; M; DFL; W.
Norman B. Coleman, Jr., 3535 Bryant Ave. S., Mpls. 55408; attorney general's representative; Hennepin; CD5; LD58B; M; DFL; W.
Lawrence C. May. 418 Totem Rd., St. Paul 55119; (612) 735-5653; licensed private detective; (7/74-1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD67B; M.
Mrs. PaulO. Walker, 2426Galtier St., Roseville 55113; (612) 483-4394; public member; (7/74.
1/81); Ramsey; CD4; LD48B; F.
Richard V. Wicks, 427 Woodlawn, St. Paul 55103; (612) 699-3179; (6/79-1/82); Ramsey; CD4;
LD63B: M; IR: W.
BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY: Rm. 343, 717 Delaware St. SE., Mpls.
55414; (612) 296-5419; (Minn. St. § 148.90).
Examines and licenses psychologists; investigates complaints. 11
members, appointed by governor, include5licensed consulting psychologists, 2 licensed psychologists, and 4 public members; must file
with EPB. Monthly meetings, 717 Delaware, Mpls.; members receive
$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Mary B. Craik, chm., 512 1st St. N., Sartell 56377; (612) 252-7608; LCP; (1/76-1/80);
Stearns; CD6; LDI7; F.
M. Christine Dunham. 590929th P1. N. ,Crystal 55422; (612) 544-1428; (5/79-1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD44: F; DFL; B.
Sam Grais. 1910 Highland Parkway. St. Paul 55116; (612) 699-5066; public member; (11/771/81); Ramsey: CD4: LD63B: M.
Elaine E. Hartsman. 545Sandhurst Dr., Roseville 55113; (612) 487-1524: professor: (11/771/82): Ramsey; CD4; LD48; F.
•Robert D. Hobert, 717 Kenwood Pkwy., Mpls. 55403; (612) 338-8461; LCP: (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin; CD5; LD56B; M.
Norman L. James, 407 Cypress Dr.. Box 68. St. Joseph 56374; LI'; (11/78-1/80); Stearns;
CD6: LDI7B; M; DFL; B.
0. Frederick Kid, 672 Summit Ave., St. Paul 55105; (612) 831-6516; LCP; (5/77.1/80):
Ramsey; CD4; LD65; M.
'Patricia S. Lilligren, Rt. I Box 99, N. Branch 55056; (612) 674-4636: LP; (5/77-1/80); Isanti;
CD8: LDI9A: F.
Loring W. McAllister, 16368 S. Swede Hill Dr., Afton 55001: (612) 455.9651: LCP; (11/771/82); Washington; CDI: LDSIB: M.
Daniel Mclnerney, Jr., 1362 Portland Ave.. St. Paul 55104; (612) 647-1217; public member;
(7/78-1/80); Ramsey; CD4: LD65: M.
Mimi Sands, 588 Brimhall St., St. Paul 55116; (612)699-5339; public member; (1/76-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4: LD63B: F.
Commerce, 5th Floor Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 2964026; (Minn. Stat. § 45.17, subd. 6).
Establishes policy guidelines concerning the utility-related activities
of the commerce department's consumer services section. 9
members, appointed by the governor, include 1 member from each
congressional district and I at large member, with 2 members representing farm consumers; not more than 6 members from the same
political party. Monthly meetings at the commerce department office
of consumer services, Sthfl. Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members
receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Norinne S. McCarthy, chm.. 2356 Swan Drive. Mendota Heights 55120; (8/78-1/84); Dakota;
Agnes Engelbrecht, Rt. 4 Box 358, Alexandria 56308: (8/78-1/83); Douglas: CD7; LDI IB; F;
Carole Frommelt, 2805 Gasco Point Rd., Wayzata 55391; (8/78-1/84); Hennepin; CD2;
LD420; F; IR; W.
Andrew C. Gibas. 9W. Rd., Circle Pines 55014: (8/78-1/83); Anoka; CD8; LD47B; M; DFL;
Dillon Hempstead. Rt. I, Houston 55943; (8/78-1/83); Houston: CDI; LD358; M; IR; W.
Richard Johnson, 9457 Columbus Ave. S., Bloomington 55420: (8/78-1/84); Hennepin: CD3;
LD38A; M: DFL; W.
Roger Juaire, Rt. D2, Cold Spring 56320: (8/78.1/84); Stearns: CD6: LDI6B; M: DFL: W.
F, R. (Dick) Kadrie, 657 Burr St., St. Paul 55101: (8/78-1/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD65B; M:
Michael J. Sullivan, 3737 12th Ave. S., Mpls. 55407: (612)827-6814; (9/79-1/84); Hennepin;
CD5; LD6OA; M: IR; W.
PAGE 810
BOARDOFTEACHING:608 Capitol Square Bldg., 550 Cedar St.,
St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2415; (Minn. Stat. § 125.05).
Establishes rules governing education, licensing and relicensing of
teachers. 17 members, appointed by the governor, include 4 elementary teachers, 4 secondary teachers, I other teacher (counselor,
librarian, psychologist, remedial reading, speech therapy, vocational, licensed school nurse), I school administrator, 3 higher education preparing teachers (2 public, I private) and 4 public members.
Members must file with EPB; be fully licensed for the position he or
she holds and have at least 5years teaching experience in Minnesota.
Monthly meetings, Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive
$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'Joseph Moren, chm., 304 E. 32nd St., Hibbing 55746; (218) 262-1452: (10/73-1/80); St.
Louis: CD8; LD5B.
Kenneth A. Ames, College of Education, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud 56301; (612)
252-7333; (6/79.1/83): Sherburne; CD6; LDI7A: M; DEL: W.
Karsten 0. Braaten. RI. I. Sauk Rapids 56379: (612) 251-0184:16/79-1/83) Benton: CD6:
Milton J. Fellows, RI. 2, Worthington 56187: (507) 376-3016:16/79-1/82): Nobles: CD6:
LD26B: M; IR; W.
Phyllis J. Fredlund, RI. 4, Box 37. Canby 56220; (507) 224-2250: (6/79-1/83); Yellow Medicine: CD6; LD2OA: F: IR; W.
WiIIiam Gardner, 2631 Burd Place, St. Louis Park 55426; (612) 544-9091: (10/73-1/80):
Hennepin; CD3; LD4IA.
Margery Harris, 4624 Colfax Ave. S., MpIs. 55409; (612) 822-1226; (10/73-1/81): Hennepin:
CD5; LD58B; F.
Edward Hudoba, 3714 Zenith Ave. N., Robbinsdale 55422; (612) 588-8141: (9/75-1/82);
Hennepin; CD3; LD43B; M.
Raleigh J. Huizinga, 1635 Weston Lane. Wayzata 55391; (612) 473-6350; (6/79-1/83): Hennepin; CD3; LD43; M: IR; W.
N. Judge King, 2138 Arcade St., SI. Paul 55119:1612)771-2599; (6/79-1/82); Ramsey; CD4:
LD508; H; B.
Marie McNeff, 620 Beaver Dam St., Wayzata 55391:1612)926-2012; (6/77-1/81): Hennepin;
CD2: LD42B: F.
Jo Malmsten, 5350 Shady Hills Circle, Shorewood 55331; (612) 473-7830; (10/73-1/81);
Hennepin; CD2; LD42B; M.
Ray C. Olson, 1008 Fremont, Anoka 55303: (612) 421-8757; (6/79-1/83); Anoka: CD8:
Kathryn Rayburn, 513 32nd St. N.E., Rochester 55901: (507) 282-5548: (10/73-1/81):
Olmsted: CDI: LD33A; F.
Patrick Sullivan, 114 E. Pony Lane, Apple Valley 55124; (5/78-1/81): Hennepin: CDI;
LD53A; M.
*Dolores Windingstad, Rt. I, Box 41, Dawson 56232; (612) 598-7528; (10/73-1/80); Lac qui
Parle; CD6; LD2OA; F.
Sally Wolf, 1051-37th Ave. N.. St. Cloud 56301: (612) 251-1132: (6/79-1/83); Stearns: CD6:
LDI7B: F; IR; W.
S.E., Mpls. 55414; (612) 296-5388; (Minn. Stat. § 156.01).
Licenses and regulates veterinarians; registers veterinary corporations; investigates complaints. 7 members, appointed by governor,
includeS licensed veterinarians with at least 5years experience in the
state, and 2 public members; must file with EPB. 4 to 6 meetings a
year at the department of health and the University of Minnesota;
members receive $35plus expenses.
Current members:
DarreII Steele. DVM, chm.. 1332 Marshall SI. N.E.. MpIs. 55413: (612) 379-4314: (5/751/80); Hennepin; CD4: LD48A: M.
John R. Aldrich. DVM, 100 Oak Ridge, Little FaIls 56345: (612) 632-9345: (6/79-1/84);
Morrison; CD7; LDI2B; M; IR; W.
Gregory R. Cutlan, DVM, 6300 Keats Ave. N., Stillwater 55082; (612)777-9032; (6/79-1/84);
Washington: CDI: LD5OA: M; IR; W.
Alden 0. Droivold, DVM, 208 E. Jessie, Rushford 55971: (507) 864-9244; (3/78-1/82);
Fillmore: CDI; LD35B; M.
Gloria Jesperson, 5705 London Rd., Duluth 55804: (218) 525-6354; (6/79-1/84); St. Louis:
CD8; LD8B; M: IR; W.
Wilbur A. White, DVM, Box 382, Lake Crystal 56055; (507) 726-2537; (5/75-1/80): Blue
Earth: CD2; LD29B; M.
Shirley A. Wilcox, 2429 E. 22nd St.. Mpls. 55406: (612) 724-4982: (5/78-1/80); Hennepin;
CD6; LD57B; F.
BOARD ON AGING: Suite 204, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101,
(612) 296-2770; (Minn. Stat. § 256.975).
Develops, coordinates, evaluates, and handles federal funds for programs for the aging; makes grants to local community service agencies. 25 members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the
senate, include at least I member from each congressional district.
Monthly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive
$35 per diem plus expenses.
(CITE 4 S.R. 810)
Current members.
Kalherine Sehlin. chm., 6209 Crest Lane. Edina 55436; (612) 929-5342; (12/77-1/80): Hennepin; CD3: LD39A: F: W.
Sharon Anderson. 5701 Bryant Ave. S., MpIs. 55419; (612) 861-6804; (5/79-1/81); Hennepin;
CD5: LD58A: F; W.
Royal B. Bakke. 1851 2nd 51.. Mendota 55150: (612)452-133; (5/79-1/83): Dakota; CDI;
LD53; M; IR: W.
Carol Bartels. 808.6th 51.. tronton 56455: (218) 546-6381; (12/77.1181); Crow Wing; CD7;
LDI3; F; W.
Archie Baumann. 307 E. Chestnut, Redwood Falls 56283; (507) 637-3550; (4/77.1/80);
Redwood: CD6; LD28: M: W.
Dr. Vernon 3. Bittner. 3135 Kyle Ave.. Mpls. 55422; (5/79-1/83): Hennepin; CD5; M; W.
Mary Bogdanovich. Box 5.Calumet 55716: (218) 247-7343; (2/78.1/82); Itasca; CD8; LD3B:
F; W.
Clifford Carlson, 7244 York Ave., S#423. Mpls. 55435;(12/77.1/80); Hennepin; CD5; M;
Juanita Christensen, 2736-12th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55407; (612) 874-9065; (5/79.1/81); Hennepin;
CD5: LD6O; F: H.
Dr. Virgil Christensen, 239W. Skyline Dr.. Mankato 56001; (507) 387-4603; (5/79-1/81); Blue
Earth: CD2: LD29; M; DFL: W.
Ethel Clauson, 1030-8th St., International Falls 56649; (218) 283-3170; (12/77.1/80); Koochiching: CD8; LD3; F: W.
Alvin R. Johnson. 2 Thompson Lane. North Oaks, St. Paul 55110: (612)484-5608; (5/791/83); Ramsey: CD4: LD49A: M: IR: W.
Andrew Jones. 2213 54th Ave. N., Mpls. 55430; (612) 560-0054; (12/77-1/81); Hennepin;
CD3: LD45B: M; W.
Abraham "Dutch" Kastenbaum, 3016 Lynn Ave. S., Mpls. 55416; (612) 922-8384: (121781/82); Hennepin; CD3: LD4I; M; W.
James G. Kirk. Jr.. 1005 51. Anthony Ave.. St. Paul 55104; (612) 644-2128; (5/79-1/82);
Ramsey: CD4; LD65A; M; IR: B.
John N. Kotb, Box 325, Dakota 55925; (507)643.6395; (5/79-1/83); Winona; CDI; LD35B; M;
IR; W.
Ferne E. Lundy, 759 W, Shore Drive, Worthington 56187; (507) 376-6087; (5/79-1/83):
Nobles; CD6; LD26B; F; IR; W,
Geneva Mackety, 2828 37th Aye, S., Mpls. 534436; (612) 224-5846; (12/77-1/82); Hennepin;
CD5: LD6OB: F: Al.
Fred R. McComb. 327 W. Minnehaha Parkway, Mpts. 55419; (612) 823-3731; (5/79.1/82);
Hennepin: CD5; LD6IA: M; IR: W.
5 Blanche McIntosh, t3S. Washburn, Mpls. 55405; (612) 374-2779; (12/77-1/80); Hennepin:
CD5: LD56: F: W.
Carl Meirick. 3815 Haines Rd., Duluth 55811; (218) 727-4612; (5/79-1/83); St. Louis; CD8:
LDI4B; M; IR; W.
Estelle MuUins. Hincktey 55037; (612) 384-6347; (12/77-1/81); Pine; CD8; LDI4; F; W.
Wendell M. Swenson, Mayo Clinic. Rochester 55901: (507) 288'1954: (5/79-1/83): Olmsted:
CDI: LD32: M; IR; W.
lrene Vizenor, White Earth 56591; (218) 983-3365; (12/77-1/80); Becker; CD7; LDIO; F; Al.
Dr, Howard A, Vogel. M.D.. 516 S. State St., New Ulm 56073; (507) 354-3636; (5/79-1/82);
Brown: CD2; LD28B: M; W.
CABLE COMMUNICATIONS BOARD: 500 Rice St., St. Paul 55103;
(612) 296-2545; (Minn. Stat. § 238.04).
Establishes rules and standards; approves service territories; disseminates information; provides consultant services; represents the
state before the federal communications commission. 7 members,
appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; must file with EPB;
may not be employed by or have financial interest in any cable
communications company or subsidiaries; no more than 4 members
may be of the same political party. Monthly meetings, 500 Rice St.,
St. Paul; members receive $35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Gertrude Utrich, chm,. 7601 Aldrich Ave. S.. Richfield 55423; (612)866-8171; (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin: CD3: LD37A: F; DFL; W.
Robert D. Anderson. 15825 Quality Trail N.. Scandia 55073; (612) 433-5300: (4/79-1/83):
Washington: CDI; LDSIA; M; IR; W.
Jennis 3. Bapst, 404 Highland Dr., Hibbing 55746; (218) 262-3877; (11/77-1/82); St. Louis:
CD8: LD5B; M: DFL; W.
Rochelle Barnhart. 3322Clinton Ave. S.. Mpls. 55408; (8/78-1/81): Hennepin; CD5; LD598:
F; lR; W.
Jack W, Carlson, 10219 Scarborough Rd.. Bloomington 35437; (612) 831-7719; (5/79-1/83):
Hennepin; CD3: LD39B; M; IR; W.
Gene Loffler, 1108 Village Rd.. Apt. 2A. Chaska 55318; (612) 448-6494; (7/78-1180); Carver;
CD2; LD36A; M; DFL; W.
John R. Stone, 608 E. Minnesota St.. Glenwood 56334; (218) 634-4571; (1/78-1/81); Pope:
CD7; LDI5A: M; IR: W.
CORRECTIONS BOARD: 238 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;
(612) 296-2443; (Minn. Stat. § 243.05).
Grants paroles and discharges to all adult felons committed to the
commissioner of corrections. 5members, appointed by governor and
confirmed by senate, include I man, I woman, and I minority member; no more than members may be from same political party; members must file with EPB. 6 year terms, full time positions, members
receive $25,682 annually.
(CITE 4 S.R. 811)
Current members:
Leslie R. Green, chm., Rt. 4, St. Cloud 56301: serves at pleasure of Commissioner of
Corrections; Stearns: CD6; LDI7; M.
Richard Alstad, 4700 Virginia Lane, Edina 55424; (612) 929-4165; (1/78-1/84): Hennepin:
CD3: LD39A; M; IR; W.
James H. Bruton, 2179 Birch St., White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 426-4933; (9/79.1/80):
Ramsey: CD4: LD49B; M; W.
Henry Green Crow, 699Ohio St., St. Paul 55107; (7/79-1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD67A; M; Al.
Dorothy Skwiera. 260 Larpenteur Ave. W.. Apt. #207, St. Paul 55113; (612) 789-0090:
(5174-1/82); Ramsey; CD4; LD62B; F; DFL: W.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-3133; (Minn. Stat. § 299A.03).
Provides comprehensive planning for improvement of crime control;
administers Omnibus Crime Control and Sale Streets Act and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. 19 members, appointed
by governor and confirmed by senate, include 12 employed in activities relating to law enforcement and youth services; the chiefjustice
of the supreme court, attorney general, commissioner of public salety, commissioner of corrections or their designees; the state court
administrator; and a district, county or municipal court judge; members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members receive $35 per
diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Robert 3. Griesgraber, chm., 1995 Prosperity Ave., Maplewood 55109;) 1/79-1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD5O; M: W.
Rosemary Ahmann. 321 14th Ave. SW., Rochester 55901: (507) 285-8115: (7/77.1/81):
Otmsted; CDI; LD33; F; W.
Robert A. Barrett, 112 Center St., Mankato 56001; (507) 388-3348; (4/79-1/83); Blue Earth;
CD2: LD29A; M: IR; W,
Gerald Benjamin. 235 State St.. Jackson 56143; (507)847-4420; (1/78-1/82); Jackson; CD6;
LD27; M; W.
Ruth Cain. 1122 Douglas. Alexandria 56308; (612) 296-46%: (7/77-1/80); Douglas; CD7;
Robert V. Campbell, 5802 London Rd.. Duluth 55804; (218) 525-1246; (4/79.1/83); St. Louis;
CD8; LD8B; M: W.
Jimmy H. Evans, 215 Oak Grove St., Mpls. 55403; (612) 874-7427: (1/78.1/82): Hennepin;
CD5; LD57; M; B.
Gary Hansan, 1735 Princeton Ave., St. Paul 55105; attorney general designee; Ramsey;
CD4: LD63; M; W.
Laurence Harmon, 1164 Summit Ave., St. Paul; state court administrator: Ramsey; CD4;
LD62; M; W.
Kenneth Kraft. 14438 Bixby Ave., P.O. Box 194, Bemidji 56601; (218) 751-2635; (3/79.1/83);
Beltrami; CD7; LD4A; M; IR; W.
Frederick McDougall, 902 Partridge. ApI. 104, Duluth 55811; (1/78-1/82); St. Louis; CD8;
LD7; M: Al.
Thomas Motherway, 3302 3rd Ave. W., Hibbing 55746; (7/77-1/80); St. Louis; CD8; LD5;
M. W.
James L. Pederson. 1106 N. 2nd St.. Stillwater 55082: public safety dept.; Washington: CDI;
LD5I; M; W.
Orville Pung, 14499 57th St. N., Stillwater 55082; corrections dept.: Washington; CDI;
LD5I; M; W.
George M. Scott. 5306 Logan Ave. S., Mpls. 55419; supreme court justice; Hennepin; CD5;
LD58; M; W.
John Sonsteng, Rt. 3. Cannon Falls 55009: (612)437-3191; (7/77-1/81); Dakota: CDI: LD25;
M; W.
Joseph P. Summers, 565 Pascal S.. St. Paul 55116; districl judge; Ramsey; CD4: LD63; M;
Samuel 0. Verdeja, 273 E. Winifred, St. Paul 55107; (10/78-1/81): Ramsey; CD4: LD67; M.
nJohn D. Wunsch, Box 15312. Commerce Stn., Mpls. 55415; (7/77-1/80): Hennepin; CD3; M;
Bldg., 160 E. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-7080; (Minn.
Stat. §299B.05).
Makes payment to innocent victims of crimes involving personal
injury. 3 members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate,
include I medical or osteopathic doctor, and I attorney; members
must file with EPB. Monthly meetings, American Center Bldg., St.
Paul; members receive $35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Joe E. Thompson, chm., 915 W. Becker. Willmar 56201; (612) 235-1980; attorney: (5/741/81); Kandiyohi: CD6; LD2IA; M; IR; W.
John Lyght. 7300 Caribou Trail. Lutsen 55612; (218)663-7300; (4/79-1/83): Cook; CD7; M:
iohanna Miller. 2909 Drew Ave. S., Mpls. 55416; (612)920-7731; M.D.; (4/79.1/80); Hennepin; CD5; F; DFL: W.
Paul55155;(612)296-4656;(Minn. Stat. § 16.823).
Selects designers for state projects where construction costs exceed
$400,000 or professional fees exceed $35,000.5 members, appointed
by governor and approved by senate, include I member each nominated by consulting engineers council, state arts council, MN society
of architects; members must file with EPB. Meetings at Administration Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
'Mark Anderson, 10320 S. Shore Dr. Plymouth 55441 (612) 344-7678; governor appointee;
(1/76-1/80); Hennepin; M.
David R. Conkey. 4360 Brookside Ct.. Edina 55436; (612) 336-8326; consulting engineers
council; (1/78-1/81); Hennepin; M.
Fred W. Kegel. 200 N. Shore, Detroit Lake 56501; (218) 847-9851; society of architects;
(4/79-1/83); Becker; CD7; L,DIOA; M; IR; W.
James B. Marshall, S0Grovetand Terrace. Mpts. 55403; (612) 377-1113; governor appointee;
(4/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5; LD56B; M; B.
Russell Mroczek, 312 Cedar Lake Rd. - Mpls. 55404; (612)377-2803; state arts council; (5/781/82); Hennepin; M.
Bldg., St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-2368; (Minn. Stat. § ll6E.02).
Develops and implements environmental education programs and
activities through 13 regional environmental education councils and 5
metro area task forces. 19 members include 13 representatives
elected by the regional councils and 6 at large members appointed by
the governor and confirmed by senate. Monthly meetings; members
reimbursed for expenses.
Current members:
Jean Replinger. chm.. 300 N. Hill. Marshall 56258; (507) 532-5097; (1/78-1/82); Lyon; CD6;
LD2OB; F; W.
Julia Copeland. 35 Melbourne Ave. S.C.. Mpls. 55414; (612) 372-6637; (1/77.1/83); Hennepin; CD5; LDS7A; F; DFL; W.
Rita A. Lafferty. 4045 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview 55112; (612) 484-8715; (4/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD48A; F; IR; W.
Roger 0. Norman. 303 S. Highland. New Ulm 56073; (507) 354-2393; (4/79-1/83); Brown;
CD2; LD28; M; IR; W.
Paul Walker, 2426 Galtier. Roseville 55113; (612) 483-4394; (1/77.1/83); Ramsey; CD4;
LD48B; M; DFL; W.
Bldg., St. Paul55101;(612)296-2723; (Minn. Stat. § ll6C.03).
Insures cooperation and coordination among state agencies on issues
that affect the environment. 12 members include 4 public members
appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, the directors of
energy, pollution control and state planning agencies, the commissioners of agriculture, health, natural resources and transportation,
and a representative of the governor's office; members must file with
EPB. Monthly meetings; members receive$35per diem.
Current members:
Arthur Sidner. chm., Director, State Planning Agency; lOt Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul
55101; (612) 296.6662.
Joe Alexander. Commissionerof Natural Resources, 3rd Floor. Centennial Office Bldg., St.
Paul 55155; (612) 296-2549.
Richard Braun, Commissioner of Transportation, 4th Floor, Transportation Bldg., St. Paul
55155; (612) 296-3000.
'C. Edward Buchwald, Route I. Northfield 55057; (507) 645-9823; (6/79.1/80); Rice; CDI;
LD24A; M; W.
Terry Hoffman, Director, Pollution Control Agency, 1935W. Co. Rd. 02. Roseville 55113;
(612) 296-7301.
Algernon Johnson, Director, Energy Agency, Room 980. American Center Bldg.. 150 E.
Kellogg Blvd..SI.Paul 55101; (612) 296-6424.
Barbara Lukermann. 2211 FoIwell, St. Paul 55108; (612) 646.0450; (6/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD62A; F.; DFL; W.
'Bill Maher, 217 Viola St., Mankato 56301; (6/78.1/80); Blue Earth; CD2; LD29A; M; DFL;
Kermit McRae. Governor's Office, State Capitol Bldg..SL.Paul 55155.
'Allan Mulligan, 11421 Live Oak Dr., Mpls. 55343; (1/78.1/80); iennepin; CD2; LD4OA; M;
George Pettersen, Commissionerof Health, 717 Delaware St. S.C., Mpls. 55440; (612) 2965460.
Mark Seetin. Commissioner of Agriculture. 420 State Office Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 2962856.
ETHICAL PRACTICES BOARD:Rm. 41, State Office Bldg., St. Paul
55l55;(612) 296-5148; (Minn. Stat. § lOA.02).
Administers campaign financing for state candidates; economic interest disclosure for state and metropolitan public officials; lobbyist
registration and reporting; conflict of interest procedures for state
PAGE 812
public officials; representation disclosure for state public officials;
and public financing of state candidates. 6 members, appointed by
governor and confirmed by house and senate, include one former
state legislator from a major political party different from the governor, I former state legislator from the same political party as the
governor, 2 members who have not been public officials and have not
held party office within 3 years prior to appointment; no more than 3
members may support the same political party; members must file
with EPB. Monthly meetings, State Office Bldg., St. Paul; members
receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Vernon Jensen. chm., 2485 London Ln., St. Paul 55119; (1/78-1/82); Washington; CDI;
LDSI; M; lR; W.
John Carey. Box 182, Fairfax 55332; (6/78.1/82); Renville; CD6; LD2I; M; DFL; W.
'Elizabeth Ebbott. 409 Birchwood Ave., Birchwood 55110; (76-1/80); Washington; CDI;
LD5O; F; IR; W.
Robyn Hansen, 1735 Princeton Ave.. St. Paul 55105; (612) 698-6460; (4/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD63; F; DFL; W.
Karen J. Jensen. 1016W. Burnsville Pkwy., Burnsville 55337; (612) 890.7869; (3/79.1/83);
Dakota; CD2; LD53B; F; IR; W.
'Roger F. Noreen, 684 James Rd.. Mendota Heights 55118; (4/76-1/80); Dakota; CDI;
LD67; M; tR; W.
GILLETFE HOSPITAL BOARD: 200 E. University Ave., St. Paul
55101;(612) 291-2848; (Minn. Stat. § 250.05).
Operates Gillette Children's Hospital in conjunction with St. PaulRamsey medical center. 9 members, appointed by governor and
confirmed by senate, include not more than 4 residents of Ramsey
county, 4 consumers, I member of the medical staff, the director of
the vocational rehabilitation division, department of economic security,and a senior employee of the department of health, designated by
the commissioner. Monthly meetings at Gillette Hospital; members
receive no compensation.
Current members:
Clifford G. Retherford, chm.. 7007W. Shore Dr.. Edina 55435; (612)922-2969; (1/77.1/81);
Hennepin; M; W.
Richard Aadelen, 4924 Dale Dr.. Edina 55424; (612) 925.1478; (11/78-1/83); Hennepin; M; W.
Florence Gray. 1401 W. Minnehaha Pkwy.. Mpls. 55409; (612) 922-9673; (11/78-1/82);
Hennepin; CDS; LD37B; F; DFL; W.
Richard E. Harris. 1291 Bohland Place. St. Paul 55116; (612) 698-1826; (11/78.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; M; IR; W.
Geoffrey J. Kaufmann, 632 Como Ave.. St. Paul 55103; (612)489-5894; (11/78-1/81); Ramsey; CD4; LD64B; M; W.
Herbert G. Lancaster. 5345 Hodgson Rd.. St. Paul 55112; (612) 484-9302; (1/73.1/82);
Ramsey; CD4; LD49A; M; lR; W.
Richard Nelson, department of health. crippled children's service. 717 Delaware St. SE..
Mpls. 55440; M.
Marijo A. Olson, asst. commissioner, department of economic security. 390 N. Robert St.,
St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-1822; F; W.
'Harold W. Schultz, 781 E. Iowa Ave.. St. Paul 55106; (612) 771.4834; (1/77-1/80); Ramsey;
CD4; LD66A; M; W.
HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD: Suite 400, Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612) 296-3974; (Minn. Stat. §
I 36A.02).
Analyzes and develops plans to meet present and long range higher
education needs. II members, appointed by governor and confirmed
by senate, include one from each congressional district and three atlarge; at least I member with specific interest in vocational education;
members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings, Capitol Square
Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
'Harding Noblitt, chm., 2014 S. 4th St.. Moorhead; (218) 299-4954; (2/71.1/80); Clay; CD7;
LD9; M; W.
Geraldine Carter. 1222 Washburn Ave. N.. Mpls.. (612) 339-7344; (7/77-1/82); Hennepin;
CDS; F; B.
Emil Erickson. 1009 S.3rd St., Virginia 55792; (218) 326-4668; (4/73-1/81); St. Louis; CD8;
LD6; M; W.
MaxineGaines, 191 Valleyside Dr.. St. Paul; (612)339.7344;(7/77.t/82); Ramsey;CD4; F; B.
'Donald Hamerlinck, 1540 Northway Dr.. St. Cloud; (612) 252-0101; (6/71-1/80); Stearns;
CD6; LDI6; M; W.
'KathrynJarvinen, l7SOGilmore Ave., Winona; (507) 452-1286; (9/76.1/80); Winona; CDI;
LD34; F; W.
Eunice Johnson, RI., Butterfield; (507)736.4821; (4/73.1/81); Watonwan; CD2; LD27; F; W.
James Krause. 5300 Glenwood. Golden Valley 55427; (612) 377-0747; (3/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD4IA; M; 1k; W.
'Jack Lynch. 618W. 10th St., WillmarS62Ol ; (612) 235-1340; (7/63-1/80); CD6; LD2 I; M; W.
'Vladimir Shipka. 513S. Pokegama Ave., Grand Rapids 55744; (218)326-4468; (2/79.1/80);
Itasca; CD8; LD3; M; W.
(CITE 4 SR. 812)
OFFICIAL NOTICES Verna Wood. 3208 Cedar Ln.. Bemidji 56601 (218) 679-3341 (7/77-1/80); Beltrami; CD7;
LD3; F; Al.
St. Paul55155;(612) 296-2246; (Minn. Stat. § 275.55I).
Considers applications from governmental subdivisions for levy limit
base adjustments; hears appeals of orders determining excess levies.
3 members include the commissioner of revenue, the chairman of the
municipal board, and a public member appointed by governor and
confirmed by senate. Members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Clyde Allen, Commissioner of Revenue. 10750 Penn Ave. S.. Bloomington 55431; Hennepin; CD3; LD38B; M; W.
Thomas 3. Simmons, chm.. Muncipal Board. 412 5. 11th St., Olivia 56277: (6/75-1/81);
Renville; CD6; LD2IB; M; W.
William R. Tysseling. 2632 Bittersweet Ln., St. Paul 55109; (1/79-1/83); Ramsey; CD4; M.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-2942; (Minn. Stat. § 35.02).
Carries out disease control programs for livestock and poultry. 5
members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by senate, include 3 livestock producers and 2 practicing veterinarians; must file
with EPB. Quarterly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
nDr. Robert L. Mersch, chm., Fairfax 55332: (507) 426-7258; veterinarian; (1/75-1/80);
Renville; CD6: LD2IB; M; W.
Dr. E. K. Karnis, Victoria Heights. Fingel Dr.. Alexandria56308; (612)763-3650; veterinarian: (1/78-1/80; Douglas; CD7: LDI IB: M: W.
Lois-Elaine Lindberg. RI. 2. Box 43, Miltona 56354; (218) 943-4513; (1/78-1/82); Douglas;
Alvin Offerman. P.O. Box 266, Montevideo 56265; (612) 269-8401; (1/76-1/81); Chippewa;
CD6; LDI5B; M; W.
Jerry Rypka. Box 5, 18th St. SE.. Owatonna 55050; (507) 451-3068; (4/79-1/83): Steele: CDI;
LD32A; M; IR; W.
MUNICIPAL BOARD: 165 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612)
296-2428; (Minn. Stat. § 414.01).
Regulates all boundary adjustments between a city and the adjacent
land, city, or township; regulates incorporations. 3 members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, include I member
learned iii the law, I resident of a city of the first class, I resident of
the metropolitan area, and I resident from outside the metropolitan
area; members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members
receive $50 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Robert 3. Federer. 440 E. Hoyt. St. Paul 55117; (612) 771-5870; (8/79-6/85); Ramsey; CD4;
LD64A; M; IR; W.
Robert W. Johnson. 465 Rice St.. Anoka 55303; (612)421-4760; attorney; (9/77-9/83); Anoka;
Thomas J. Simmons. 412 S. 11th St.. Olivia 56277; (612) 523.2661; attorney; (6/75-6/81);
Renville; CD6: LD2IB; M; W.
fi., Space Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612)2968946; (Minn. Stat. § 182.664).
Reviews cases involving OSHA citations and proposed penalties. 3
members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, I representing management, I representing labor, I public member; members must file with EPB. Meetings at the call of the chairperson,
Space Center Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus
Current members:
Ken Sovereign, chm.. 4415 Olson Lake Trail N.. St. Paul 55109; (612) 641-4938; management;(9175-1/82); Washington; CDI; LD5OA.
Homer A. Childs, 8004 Pennsylvania Rd., Bloomington 55438; (612) 944-1899: (3/79.1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; M; IR: W.
Dan Gustafson. 2932 Jersey Ave. N.. Mpls. 55427: (612) 227-7647; labor; (8/73.1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD44B.
PERSONNEL BOARD: 3rd Fl., Space Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette
Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-7516; (Minn. Stat. § 43.03; 6/30/81).
Advises the commissioner of personnel or any personnel rules or
changes; conducts hearings on disciplinary actions against employees in the classified service; recommends salaries for constitutional
offices, state department heads, judges, and legislators. 7 members,
appointed by governor and confirmed by senate. Members may not
be members of legislature; may not hold another paid public office or
(CITE 4 S.R. 813)
public employment (except notary public or military office); may not
have held a paid position in a political party within 2 years immediately preceding appointment; must file with EPB. Monthly meetings,
Space Center Bldg., St. Paul; members receive$35per diem.
Current members:
Cornell L. Moore, chm.. 2727 Dean Blvd.. Mpls. 55416; (612) 488.9723; (1/77-1/80; Hennepin: CD5: LD56A: M: DFL; B.
Robert Bruce. 217 S. Newton Ave., Albert Lea 56007; (507) 373-2548: (1/77-1/81); Freeborn;
CD2: LD3IA; M; IR.
Glenn K. Christensen, 3142 Rivershore Dr., Moorhead 56560; (218) 233-1673: (4/79-1/83);
Clay: CD7: LD9A; M; IR.
William B. Flaherty, Sr., 3208 Rankin Rd.. Mpls. 55418; (612) 338-8796; (1/76-1/82); Hennepin: CD5: LDS5B; M; DFL.
Paralee Milligan. 1008 Concordia St.. St. Paul 55104; (612) 644-8233: (4/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD6SA; F; IR: B.
Edna Schwartz. III 0. Kellogg Blvd.. Box 1512, St. Paul 55l01:(612) 291-9119:0/77-1/80;
Ramsey: CD4: LD6SB; F: DEL.
C. 0. Sheehy, P.O. Box 43570, St. Paul 55164; (612)488.6691; (1/77-1/80; Ramsey; CD4;
LD55B: M: IR.
Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-8947;
(Minn. Stat. § 179.72).
Hears and decides appeals of bureau of mediation services decisions;
maintains a roster of arbitrators. 5members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate, include 2 public employee representatives, 2 public employer representatives, and I public member;
must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members receive $35per diem
plus expenses.
Current members:
Don L. Bye. chm.. 609W. 2nd St., Duluth 55806; (4/76-1/80); St. Louis; CD8: LD7B; M;
Thomas G. Arneson. 1159 Pike Lake Dr., New Brighton 55112: (4/79-1/80); Ramsey: CD4;
LD48A; M; IR; W.
Sidney S. Feinberg, 4370 Brookside Ct.. Apt. 105. Edina 55436; (4/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
LD39A; M; IR: W.
Lorraine T. McCloud, 11650 Juniper St. NW., Coon Rapids 55433: (4/77-1/80): Anoka;
CD8; LD47B; F; DEL: W.
Karen A. Olsen, l8O94IstAve. N.E., Mpls. 55421 ;(4/79-l/83);Anoka: CDS; LD55A; F; W.
SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION BOARD: 2nd Fl., Space Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-3767; (Minn.
Stat. § 40.03).
Coordinates programs and activities of 92 state soil and water conservation districts; conducts research on soil erosion and other agricultural problems; develops statewide programs; provides information
to public. 12 members: 7 supervisors of soil and water conservation
districts, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; commissioner of agriculture, natural resources, director of pollution control
agency, dean of agriculture institute and director of agricultural extension service, University of Minnesota, are ex officio members;
members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings, Space Center Bldg.,
St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Leonard Pikal, chm., RI.I, Brownton 55312: (612)328-5544; (7/74-12179); McLeod; CD2;
LD23: M: W.
Clarence L. Ettesvold, RI.I, Morris 56267: (612) 795-2524; (2/78-1/82); Stevens; CD7; LOIS;
M; W.
Alison D. Fuhr. 6609 Brittany Rd.. Edina 55435: (612) 920l566: (3/79-1/83); Hennepin; CO3;
LD39; F; W.
Edwin H. Kruft, RI. 3. Park Rapids 56470; (218) 732-4909; (3/78-1/81): Hubbard; CD7: LD4;
M; W.
Thomas Schulz, Rt. I, Sebeka 56477; (218) 837-5728: (3/77-1/82): Wadena: CD7: LDIO: M:
Dennis Sullivan, RI. I,Kellogg 55945; (11178-1/81); Wabasha; CDI; LD2S: M; W.
Armas Yuhala. RI.I, Nashwauk 55769; (218)885-2461: (8/75-1/81); Itasca; CD8; LD2: M; W.
SOUTHERN MINNESOTA RIVERS BASIN BOARD: Box 34, Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 296-0676; (Minn. Stat. § I 14A.04).
Develops and implements a comprehensive plan for the basin of the
Minnesota River and the southeast tributaries to the Mississippi
River. II members: 6 appointed by governor, S appointed by advisory
committee of county commissioners. Monthly meetings; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Arnold Onstad, chm., Spring Grove 55974; (507) 498'5323; Houston; CDI; LD35B; M.
Les Anderson. Mapleton 56065; (507) 524-3987: county commissioners' appointee: Blue
Earth; CD2: LD29B; M.
Morris Anderson. 390 Broadview, Chaska 55318; (612)448-3107; county commissioners'
appointee: Carver: CD2; LD36A; M.
OFFICIAL NOTICES A. J. Eckstein, 411 S. State St., New Ulm 56073; (507) 345-5310; governor's appointee;
(4177-1/80);Brown; CD2; LD28B; M.
Frank Jungas. Box 497. MI. Lake 56159; (507) 427-2621; county commissioners' appointee;
Cottonwood; CD6; LD28A; M.
Alvin R. Mueller, 306 Monument, New Ulm 36073; (507) 354-5266; governor's appointee;
(6/79-1/82); Brown; CD2; LD28B; M; IR; W.
Willard Pearson, Rt. I, Dawson 56232; (612) 769-4515; governor's appointee; (6/79-1/82);
Lac qui Parle; CD6; LD2OA; M; IR; W.
Odean Skalbeck, Sacred Heart 56285; (612) 765-2544; county commissioners' appointee;
Renville; CD6; LD2IB; M.
Gerald Tiedeman. Oronoco 55960; (507) 367-4395; governor's appointee; (6/79-1/82);
Olmsled; CDI; LD34B; M.
Vacancies asof8/79.
STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD: 407 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul
55101; (612) 296-3717; (Minn. Stat. § 136.02),
Manages state universities; responsible for academic programs, fiscal
management, personnel, admissions requirements, rules and regulations. 10 members; 9 appointed by governor and confirmed by senate;
no 2 members from same county; at least I student or recent graduate•
of state university system; members must file With EPB. Commissioner of education is ex-officio member. 5meetings a year, St. Paul;
members receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Arnold C. Anderson, chm., P.O. Box 512, 1308 Ridgeview Dr., Montevideo 56265; (612) 2698844; (1/75-1/81); Chippewa; CD6; LD2OA; M; W.
Howard B. Casmey, 7519 Harold Ave., Mpls. 55427; (612) 296-2358; commissioner of
education; Hennepin; CD3; LD4IA; M; DFL; W.
Robert W. trvine, 1144 Minnesota, Detroit Lakes 56501; (218) 847-5653; (1/75-1/81); Becker;
DonaldG. Jackman, Rt. 3, Elk River55330;(I/77.1/81); Sherburne; CD6; LDI8B; M; DFL;
PaulO. Johnson, Its Outer Dr., Le Sueur 56058; (612)665-3971; (3/79.1/83); Le Sueur; CD2;
LD23B; M; IR; W.
Alice S. Keller, 358 Collegeview. Winona 55987; (507)452-7050; (4/77-1/81); Winona; CDI;
LD34B; F; DFL; W.
Geneva M. Peterson, Rt. 3, Mora 55051; (612) 679-2161; (3/79-1/83); Kanabec; CD7; LDI3B;
F; IR; W.
Mary T. Phillips, 2212 Powers Ave., St. Paul 55119; (612) 739-0443; (1/75.1/81); Ramsey;
CD4; LD67B; F; DFL; B.
Kennon V. Rothcild. 14 Hickory. Mahtomedi 55115; (612) 224-4651; (1/77-1/81); Washington; CDI; LD5OA; M; DFL; W.
Randy R. Thomas. 107 Parkway Ave., Apt. 303. Mankato 56001; (507) 388-1457; (2/79.1/81);
Blue Earth; CD2; LD29B; M; IR; W.
SE., Mpls. 55440;(612) 296-5328; (Minn. Stat. § 326.66; 6/30/83).
Assists in establishment of rules, regulations and standards for water
conditioning and servicing. 9 members, appointed by commissioner
of health, include at least 3 active water conditioning contractors.
Members receive no compensation.
Board is currently inactive.
WATER PLANNING BOARD:600 American Center Bldg., St. Paul
55101; (612) 296-1424; (Minn. Stat. § 105.401; 6/30/80).
Directs preparation of state water plan; coordinates public water
resource management and regulation; administers the Federal Water
Resources Planning Act; evaluates state participation in federal-state
river basin commissions; recommends changes in laws, rules and
procedures. Members include the commissioners of agriculture,
health and natural resources, the directors of the energy and pollution
control agencies, the chairperson of the soil and water conservation
board, and a chairperson appointed by the governor and confirmed by
the seante. Quarterly meetings.
Current members:
Thomas Kalitowski, chm., (612) 296-1424; (8/77.7/80); Hennepin; CD4; LD43B.
Joseph Alexander, CommissionerofNatural Resources, 3rd .,Centennial Bldg., St. Paul
55155; (612) 296-2549.
Terry Hoffman, Director, Pollution Control Agency, 1935W. Co. Rd. B2, Roseville 55113;
(612) 296-7301.
Al Johnson, Director, Energy Agency. Rm. 980 American Center Bldg., ISO E. Kellogg
Blvd.. St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-6424.
George Pettersen, Commissioner of Health, 717 Delaware St. SE., Mpls. 55440; (612) 2965460.
Leonard Pikal. chm., Soil and WaterConservation Board, RI. I, Brownton 55312; (612) 3285544; McLeod; CD2; LD23; M; W.
Mark Seetin, Commissioner of Agriculture. 420 State Office Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 2962856.
WATER RESOURCES BOARD: Rm. 206,555Wabasha St., St. Paul
55102; (612) 296-2840; (Minn. Stat. § 105.71).
PAGE 814
Has jurisdiction in establishment of watershed districts; resolves
water policy questions between governmental departments or
between individuals and governmental departments. 5members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; may not be government employees; must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members
receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Duane Ekman, chm., N. R. 2. Argyle 56713; (218) 437-8217; (3/76.10/81); Marshall; CD7;
LDI; M; W.
Benjamin Harriman, 1335 Pinehurst Ave., St. Paul 55116; (612) 690-5192; (3/79.1/83); Ram.
sey; CD4; LD63B; M; IR; W.
Richard Pfafflnger, 404 Tanglewood La., Blue Earth 56013; (507) 526-2228; (10/74-10/80);
CD2; LD3O; M; W.
'William Sillman, 1021 W. 7th, Winona 56187; (507)452-9244; Winona; (7/78-1/80); CDI;
LD34; M; W.
Jamesi. Wychor, 1945 S. Shore Dr., Worthington 56187; (507)376-5667; (3/79.1/83); Nobles;
CD6; LD26B; M; IR; W.
ZOOLOGICAL BOARD: 12101 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd., Apple Valley 55124; (612) 432-9010; (Minn. Stat. § 85A.Ol).
Operates and maintains the Minnesota zoological garden; II members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; must file with
EPB. Commissioner of economic development or designee is cxofficio member. Monthly meetings; members receive$35per diem
plus expenses.
Current members:
Firmin L. Alexander. 5673 133rd St. Ct., Apple Valley 55124; (1/75-1/81); Dakola; CD4;
LD53A; M.
Richard M. Arndt, 669 Laura Ct., Mendota Heights 55118; (612) 457-3482; (4/79-1/83);
Dakota; CDI; LD32A.
Patricia Davies, 3424 Edmund Blvd., Mpls., (612) 721-2347; (4/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
LD6O; F; DFL; W.
Robert H. Engels, 295ODean Pkwy., Mpls. 55416; (612) 433-5513; (1/75-1/81); Hennepin; M.
Robert Ferguson,855Cliff Rd., Eagan 55123; (612) 454-3909; (1/76-1/81); Dakota; CD2;
James L. Hetland, Jr., 5850 Irving Ave. S., Mpls. 55419; (612) 926-6284; (4/79.1/83); Hen.
nepin; CD5; LD58A; M; IR; W.
James Kennedy, 848AlIen Ave., W. St. Paul 55118; (612) 227-1852; ex-officiomember; (7/771/81); Dakota; CDI; LD67A; M.
'Sandra Slokesbary, 4203 Wentworth Ave. S.. MpIs. 55409; (612) 823.0316; (6/77-1/80);
Hennepin; CD; LD59; F.
John E. Tilton. I Websler P1., Hopkins 55343; (612) 938-1943; (1/75-1/81); Hennepin; CD3;
'Adolf Tobler, 915 Edmund, St. Paul 55104; (612) 225'420'4; (1/77-1/80); Ramsey: CD4;
'Jerome Wagner, 715 Park, Anoka 55303; (612)421-4127; (1/77-1/80); Anoka; CD8; LDI9B;
Paul E. Zollman, 200 1st St. S.W., Rochester 55901; (507) 289-4442; (4/79.1/83); Olmsted;
CDI; LD33A; M; IR; W.
II. Commissions
COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS: Rm. 27, State Capitol, St. Paul55155;(612)296-4841; (Minn. Stat. § 3.251).
Drafts proposed legislation for legislatures of the fifty states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the insular possessions. 4 members,
who must be lawyers, include 3 appointed by the governor, attorney
general and chiefjustice of the supreme court; the revisor of statutes,
or designee, is the 4th member. A national meeting of state commissions on uniform state laws is held annually; members are compensated for their expenses in attending.
Current members:
John T. Davies. state Sen., 3424 Edmund Blvd., Mpls. 55406; (612) 721-2347; (7/79-6/81);
Hennepin; CD5; LD6O; M; DFL; W.
Robert A. Stein, 200 Morrill Hall. University of Minnesota, Mpls. 55455; (612) 545-1701;
(7/79-6/81); Hennepin; CD3; LD43; M; IR; W.
Michael P. Sullivan, 70 Woodland Circle, Mpls. 53424; (612) 926-4273; (7/79-6/81); Hennepin; Male; W.
Harry Walsh, revisor of statutes, Rm. 3, State Capitol, St. Paul 53155; (612) 296-0949; M.
GREAT LAKES COMMISSION: E-1317 1st National Bank Bldg., St.
Paul 55101; (612) 224-5705; (Minn. Stat. § 1.21).
Promotes development, use, and conservation of the water resources
of the great lakes basin. 5members include 2 state senators appointed
by the committee on committees, 2 state representatives appointed
by the speaker of the house, I member appointed by governor.
Quarterly meetings in St. Paul and Duluth.
Current members:
James Ulland, State Senator, chm., 632 E. 1st St., Duluth 55812; (218)724-5948; (1/79.1/81);
St. Louis; CD8; LD8; M; IR; W.
OFFICIAL NOTICES David Battaglia. State Representative. 1803 7th Ave., Two Harbors 55616; (218) 834-3014;
(1179-1/81); St. Louis; CD8; LD6B; M; DEL; W.
Gerald Knickerbocker. State Representative. 5312 Rogers Dr.. Minnetonka 55343; (612)
938-8649; (1/79-I/SI); Hennepin; CD2: LD4OB: M: IR: W.
Vacancies--state senator, governor's appointee.
619-2nd St., Hudson 56016; (612) 436-7131; (Minn. Stat. §1.31)
Makes recommendations on the use, development and protection of
the corridor of the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers that forms the
interstate border of Minnesota and Wisconsin; assists the 2 states in
their participation in federal programs affecting the rivers. 10 members,5from each state, appointed by the governor and confirmed by
the senate. Bi-monthly meetings; members reimbursed for expenses.
Current members:
Robert Burns. chm,. 0677 Cedar HIs. Tr.. RI.4, Hastings 55033; (612) 733-1555; (7177-7181);
Washington; CDI; LD5IB; M: W.
Dr. John Borchert. 23239 St. Croix Trail, Scandia 55073; (612) 373-4601; (7/77-7/81); Washington; CDI; LD5IA; M; W.
Howard Munson. 502 Wesldale. Winona 55987; (507) 457-2073; (7/77.7/81); CDI; LD34B; M;
Robert L. Nybo. Jr.. 328 Main St., Red Wing 55066; (612) 388-3597; (7/77-7/81); Goodhue;
CDI; LD25B: M; W.
Mary Swanger. Islandview Dr.. R. I. Wabasha 55981; (612)565-4541; (3/78-7/81); Wabasha;
CDI; LD34A: F; W.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER PARKWAY COMMISSION: E- 1317 First National Bank Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 224-9903; (Minn. Stat. §
Works with federal and state agencies and the interstate Mississippi
River commission on planning, construction and maintenance of the
great river road scenic parkway. 10 members include 3 senators
appointed by the committee on committees, 3 representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, 3 members appointed by the
governor, and a 10th member appointed by the commission. Quarterly meetings; public members receive $35per diem.
Current members:
Sen. John Bernhagen. chm., RI. I. Hutchinson 55350; (1/79-1/81); McLeod; CD2; LD22; M;
IR: W.
Edward Fairbanks. RI.2 Box 439, Cass Lake 56633; (6/79.1/83); Cass; CD7: LD4; M; Al.
Donald Frerichs, 2234 Merrihills Dr., Rochester 55901; (6/79-1/81); Olmsted; CDI: LD33; M;
IR; W.
Rep. Tad Jude. Box 287, Mound 55364;) 1/79-1/81): Hennepin; CD2; LD42A; M; DFL; W.
Victor N. Jude, Maple Lake 55358: (6/79-1/83); Wright; CD6; LD42A; M; DFL; W.
Sen. Jack Kleinbaum, P.O. 1125, St. Cloud;(I/79-I/81); Stearns:CD6; LDI7; M; DFL: W.
Rep. James Norman. 4045 45th Ave. S., Mpls. 55406;) 1/79-1/81): Hennepin; LD6I B; M: IR;
Sen. Clarence Purfeerst, Rt. I, Box 318A, Faribault;(I/79' 1/81): Rice; CDI; LD24; M; DFL;
Rep. Warren Stowell, Box 576. Lewiston; (1/79-1/81); Winona; CDI; LD34A: M: lR; W.
George F. Vogel, Gladstone Bldg., Red Wing; (8/79-1/81); Goodhue; CDI; M; DFL; W.
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION: 7th Fl., American Center Bldg.,
160 E. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-8994; (Minn. Stat. §
2 l6A.03).
Holds hearings, prescribes rules and regulations, and issues orders
governing regulated industries (gas, electric, telephone, transportation industries). 5members, appointed by governor and confirmed by
senate for 6 year terms; no more than 3 members from same political
party; members must file with EPB. Full time positions; members
receive $34,000 per year.
Current members:
Katherine Sasseville, chm., 10619 James Rd., Mpls: (612) 296-2354; (1/75-1/82): Hennepin;
CD3; LD38; F: lR; W.
Roger Hanson. Box 128. Vergas 56587; (218)342-2901; (1/79-1/85); Otter Tail; CD7: LDIO;
M; IR; W.
'Richard Parish. 345 Summit Ave.. St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-6021; (6176-1/80): Ramsey;
CD4: LD65; M; DFL; W.
Juanita Satterlee, 504 Selby Ave.. St. Paul 55102; (612) 296-2243; (4/77-1/83); Ramsey; CD4;
LD65; F: DFL: W.
Lillian Warren-Lazenberry, 2219 Upper Afton Rd., St. Paul 55119; (612) 296-6020; (5/781/84); Ramsey; CD4; LD67; F; IR; B.
ifi. Councils
SIGHT-SAVING SCHOOL: Faribault 55021; (507) 334-6411; (Minn.
Stat. § 128A.03).
Advises the board of education on the mamagement of the Braille and
Sight-Saving School in Fairbault. 8 members, appointed by the board
(CITE 4 S.R. 815)
of education, representing various geographic regions of the state,
including parents or guardians of visually impaired children, 2 representatives from groups representing visually impaired individuals,
and a staff person from the school. Monthly meetings in the Twin
Cities or Faribault;$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'Joyce Scanlon,chm.,4445 Grand Ave. S., Mpls. 55409; (612) 823-1009: (7/77- 1/80); Hennepin; CD5; LD59B; F.
'Jean Bottke, 04 Shumway Ave., Faribault 55021; (507) 334-7501; school staff person;
(7/77.1/80): Rice: CDI: LD24B: F.
'Shirley Higginbotham, 1131 E. Main, Mankalo 56001; (507) 387-4518; parent: (3/79.1/80);
Blue Earth; CD2; LD29A; F; 1R; W.
Michael Leigh, 570 1st. St. SE.. St. Cloud 56301: (612)252-0704:14/79-6/83); Stearns: CD6:
Glenda Martin, 2135 Hoyt, St. Paul 55108; (612) 935-7158; (7/77.1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
LD62A; F.
Mary Osmundson. 120 S. Vine, Fergus FaIls 56537; (218) 739-3570; (4/79.6/83): Otter Tail:
'Walter E. Plude, 1321 E. 8th St.,Duluth 55805; (218) 624-4828: parent; (7/77-1/80) St. Louis;
CD8; LD8A; M.
PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED: Dept. of Public Welfare, Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 296-2160; (Minn. Stat. § 252.31).
Advises commissioner of public welfare on enforcement of laws
relating to mental retardation and physical disabilities. II members,
appointed by the commissioner include providers and consumers of
services for retarded or handicapped, and public members. The commissioners of education and health, or their designees, are ex-officio
Council currently inactive.
THE DEAF: Faribault 55021; (507)334-6411; (Minn. Stat. § I 28A .03).
Advises the board of education on the management of the school for
the deaf; 8 members appointed by the board of education representing
the various geographic regions of the state. Members include parents
or guardians of hearing impaired children, 2 representatives of groups
representing hearing impaired individuals, and a staff person from the
school for the deaf. Monthly meetings in the Twin Cities or Faribault;
members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Emery Barrette, 718 E. Arlington Ave.. Bloomington 55443; (7/77.7/81); Ramsey; CD4;
LD66A; M.
Richard Bonheyo, 930 Ravine St., Faribaull 55021; (507)334-6411; school staff person: (7/771/80); Rice: CDI; LD24B; M.
Kathy Carruth, 10113 Goodrich Circle. Bloomington 55437; (612) 831-3483; (7/79-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; F.
Robert Harris, 5661 W. Bavarian Pass, Fridley 55432; (7/77-7/81); Anoka; CD5; LD46B; M.
Betty Kalis. P.O. Box 55. Walters 56092; (507) 294-3218: parent; (7/77-7/81): Faribault: CDI:
LD24B; F.
Maureen Smith, 311 N. 40th Ave. W.. Duluth 55807: (218) 722-3935: (7/79-7/83): St. Louis;
CD8; LD7A; F.
Rm. 567, 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2193; (Minn.
Stat. § 326.49).
Examines and licenses contracting and journeyman steamfitters; inspects the installation of all high pressure steam piping. 7 members,
appointed by the commissioner of labor and industry, include 3
contracting steamfitters, 3 journeyman steamfitters, and an employee
of the department of labor and industry. Meetings twice a year at 444
Lafayette Rd., St. Paul; members receive $25 per diem.
Current members:
Allen Anderson, chm., 7333 Garfield Ave. S.. Mpls. 55423; (612) 869-9085; contracting
steamfitter; (1/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD37A.
'Al Cherne. 6566 France Ave. ., Edina 55433; (612) 944-2650; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin; CD3;
'David Green,RI.3 Box 181A, Frazee 56544; (218) 847-3222; (1/76-1/80); Becker; CD7;
'Robert Lowe, 1029 Atlantic, Apt. IOtA. St. Paul 55106: (612) 77I5033: journeyman
steamfitter; (1/79-1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD66A.
Dale Nyberg, 5500 Irving Ave. S., Mpls. 55419:1612) 379.4711;) 1/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
'David Swanson, 2760W. River Rd.. Mpls.; (612) 729-0147; (1/76-I/SO): Hennepin; CD5;
Lloyd Willie, 552 Ninth St., Red Wing 55066; (612) 388-9350: employee. dept. of labor and
industry; (1/79-1/83); Goodhue; CDI; LD25B.
Stat. § 326.41; 6/30/83).
Examines and licenses plumbers; recommends revisions and
amendments to the plumbing code and licensing rules. 7 members,
appointed by the commissioner of health, include I journeyman
plumber, I master plumber, and a representative of the commissioner. Quarterly meetings at the department of health, 717 Delaware, Mpls.; members receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Joseph Mindrum, chm.. 90 Crocus Place. St. Paul 55102; (612) 225-5286; (7/76-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4; LD6SA; M; W.
Douglas Schwab, 3112 2l6lh Ave. N.W.,Cedar 55011; (3/79-1/83); Anoka; CD8; LDI9B; M;
Richard Clark. 1770 Bayard Ave.. St. Paul 55116; (612) 699-0207; (3/79-1/83): Ramsey; CD4;
LD62B: M; W.
Charles Dornack. 1409 3rd Ave. SE., Rochester 55901; (507(289-8121; master plumber;
(7/76-1/80); Olmsted; CDI: LD32B; M; W.
Patrick Finn. 3345 New Brighton Rd.. New Brighton 55112; (612) 633-3053; (7/76-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4; LD48; M; W.
Sivert Hendrickson, 2005 Sumac Ln., Burnsville 55416; (612)435-5392; (7/76-1/80); Dakota:
CD2: LD53; M; W.
Robert Mallory. Walker 56484; (218) 547-1425; (3/79-1/83); Cuss; CD7; LD4: M; W.
AND REPORTING STANDARDS: Rm. 807, Capitol Square Bldg.,
St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-9786; (Minn. Stat. § 121.901).
Provides the board of education with uniform accounting and reporting standards for school districts; formulates and recommends rules,
changes in statutes, modifications of financial accounting codes,
manuals, procedures and reporting forms. 13 members include: 2
employees of the department of education, appointed by the commissioner of education; I licensed certified public accountant, and 9
school district employees whose responsibilities include school financing and accounting, appointed by the board of education.
Monthly meetings at the capitol complex, St. Paul; public employee
members receive no compensation; others are compensated for expenses.
Current members:
Dennis Peterson. chm., Adams 55909; (507) 582-3282; ISD 500; (1/76-1/80); Mower; CD2;
LD35; M.
Connie Ardin, 1820 Xenium Lane, Plymouth 55441:(612) 559-3535. Ext. 23; (8/76-1/83);
Hennepin: CD3: LD43; F.
Russ Andrews, Veterans Service Bldg.. St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-4717; State Auditors
Office; 7/76-1/83); Washington; CDI: LD4O; M.
Luke Botica, 1700 IDS Tower, Mpls. 55402; (612) 341-222; certified public account; (8/761/83): Hennepin; CD3; L043; M.
James Dahle, 702 Maple. Breckenridge 56520; (218) 643-3442; (1/79-1/83); Wilkin; CD7;
LD9; M; W.
Lois Jean Ferguson. 500 Eugene St., W. Concord 55985: (507) 727-2212; ISD 203: (8/761/80); Dodge; CDI; LD32; F.
Steve Honigman. 14445 Diamond Path W., Rosemount 55068; (612) 423-4441: ISD 1%;
(8/76-1/80): Hennepin; CDI; LD52; M.
Donald McGuire, 8670210th St. W., Lakeville 55044; (612)469-4461; ISD 194; (1/76.1/83);
Dakota; CD2; LD53; M.
Ronald Moir, State Dept. of Education, 550 Cedar St., St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-9786: (8/761/80): Hennepin; CD5; LD6I; M.
Marvin Niedan, 408 E. 3rd, Morgan 56266: (507) 249-3699; (1/79.1/83): Redwood; CD6;
LD28A; M; W.
Robert Rego, Staples 56497; (218) 894-2430; ISD 793; (8/76-1/80); Todd; CD7; LDI2; M.
Stanley Tikkanen. Dept. of Education, 550Cedar St., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-8640; (9/781/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD44B; M.
Don Wahtund, 807 N.E. Broadway. Mpls. 55413; (612) 348-6090; ISD I; (8/76-1/80);
Hennepin; CDS; LD6I; M.
ADVISORY COUNCIL ON WORKERS' COMPENSATION: 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-6490. (Minn. Stat. § 175.007;
Studies workers compensation law and its administration and recommends changes where appropriate. 13 members, appointed by the
commissioner of labor and industry, include 5representatives of
employers, 5 representatives of employees, and 3 public members.
Judges of the workers compensation court of appeals are ex-officio
members. Monthly meetings, Space Center Bldg., St. Paul; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Lilliam Williams, chm.. 2720 W. River Rd., Mpls. 55406; (612) 724-7826; public member;
(1/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5: L0608; F; B.
Wendy Borsheim, 12981 Finch Way. Apple Valley 55124; (612)227-6631; employer; (1/791/84); Ramsey; CD2; LD53A; F.
PAGE 816
James N. Denn, 8617 Riverview Lane, Brooklyn Park 55444; (612) 561-3242; (1/79.1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD45A; M; W.
David Dockendorf. 7321 Walnut Court. Eden Prairie 55343; (612) 941-3057; labor: (1/791/84); Hennepin; CD3; LD38; M; DFL; W.
Dan Gustafson, 2932 Jersey Ave. N., Crystal 55323; (612) 227-7647; labor; (1/79.1/84);
Hennepin: CD3; LD44B; M.
John Hildebrant, 1502 County Rd. 42, Burnsville 55337: (612) 338-4500: public member;
(1/79-1/82); Hennepin; CD3; LDS3B; M.
Paul Kinneberg, 1317 Pinehurst Ave.. SI.Paul 55116; (612)698-8488; employer; (1/79.1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LL363B; M.
Ray Morrison, 342nd St.. ProcIorSS8lO: (218)626-1210: labor; (1/79-1/83); St. Louis: CDS;
LD7A; M.
Charles D. Nyberg, 600 20th St. S.. Austin 55912; (507)437-5611; employer: (1/79-1/84);
Mower; CD2; LD3IB; M.
Joseph Prifrel, 1094 Woodbridge Ave., St. Paul 55117; (612)489-1191; public member; (1/791/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD64A; M; W.
David K. Roe, 179 Peninsula Rd., Medicine Lake 55427; (612)227-3189; labor; (1/79-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD43A; M; W.
John SegI. 808 Randolph. St. Paul 55102; (612) 227-3189: labor; (1/79-1/84); Ramsey: CD4;
LD65B; M.
Howard Weber, 7315 Columbus Ave.. Richfield 55423; (612) 866-9265; employer; (1/791/83); Ramsey: CD3; LD37B; M: IR; W.
Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612)296-2371; (Minn. Stat.
§ 178,02).
Proposes occupational classifications and minimum standards for
apprenticeship programs and agreements; advises the commissioner
of labor and industry. 10 members, appointed by the commissioner,
include 3 representatives of employer organizations, 3 representatives of employee organizations, and 2 public members. A designate
of the state board for vocational education, in charge of trade and
industrial education, is an ex officio member. Quarterly meetings;
members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Roderick Williams, chm., 1105 So. 12th St., Virginia 55792; (218) 741-4313: employer; (10/7810/81); St. Louis; CD8; LDSA.
Roger A. Gross, RI. I.Box 1002, Shakopee 55379; (6/79-10/80): Scott; Ct32; LD62B: M; IR;
• Dan W. Gustafson, 2932 Jersey Ave. N.. Mpls. 55445; (612) 227-7647; (10/76-10/79);
employee: Hennepin; CD3: L044B; M.
iohn C. Hansen, 4106 Sheridan Ave. N.. Mpls. 55412; (612)374-5800: (10/76-10/79): public;
Hennepin; CD3; LD54A; M.
James W. Harris. Dept. of Labor& Industry. 444 Lafayette Rd.. St. Paul SStOt;(612) 2962371.
Donald G. Jackman, Rt. 4, Elk River 55330; (612)441-5205; (8/79-10/80); Sherburne; C06;
• Leo B. McGough, 1243 Eldridge Ave. W., St. Paul 55113; (612) 633-5050; (10/76-10/79);
employer; Ramsey; CD4; LD62B; M.
Leo M. Walter. 912 W. County Rd. D. St. Paul 55112; employee; (10/78-10/81); Ramsey;
CD4; LD48B; M.
Lillian H. Williams, 2120W. River Rd., Mpls. 55411; (612)373-7969; public member; (10/77.
10/80); Hennepin; CD5: LD6OB; F.
Stanton Williams. Dept. of Education. 527 Capitol Square Building, St. Paul 55101; (612)
296-6516; cx officio member; Ramsey; CD4; M.
AREA ONE POTATO COUNCIL: P.O. Box 266, Climax 56523, (218)
857-2695; (Minn. Stat. § 30.468).
Promotes Minnesota grown Irish potatoes through research and advertising. 7 members: I potato processor and potato wash plant
representative appointed by governor;5elected members represent
potato growers. Meetings as necessary; members receive $25per
Current members:
Ardell Buchholtz, 1717 7th Ave. NW., East Grand Forks 56271:1218)773-9623; governors
appointee; (6/79-1/83); Polk; CD7; LD2A; M; W.
Sherwood E. Peterson, Baker 56513; (218) 789-7378; governor's appointee; (6/79-1/83); Clay;
CD7; LD9B; M.
fi., Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 296-3929; (Minn. Stat. §
245.84; subd. 4; 1983).
Advises the commissioner of public welfare on day care policy,
development of child care resources, and coordination of public and
private child care agencies and citizens groups. 25 members, appointed by commissioner, include parents, child care service providers,
public and private agencies, planning groups, and advisory committees. Members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
• Shirley Breyer, chm., 1771 Hickory Hill, Eagan 55343; (612) 452-5477; child care advisory
committee; (1/79-1/80); Dakota; CDI; F.
OFFICIAL NOTICES W. T. Browne, 2254 5th Ave. N.E., Rochester 55901 (507) 288-6649: parent ptanninggroup:
(1/79- /83): Olmsted: CD2: M: B.
Shannon S. Carranza. 322 Pleasant St., Mankato 56001 (507) 625-9280: planning group:
(1/79-1/83): Blue Earth: CD2: F.
Nancy Cooley. 2947 Cleveland St.. Mpls. 55418: (612) 781-0432: child care advisory
committee: (1/78-1/80): Dakota: CDI: F.
Dennis Demers. 09 S. Main, Crookston 56716: (218) 773-0197: head start directors assn.:
(1/79- 1/80): Polk: CD7: M.
Barbara Durham. RI. 2. Nevis 56467: (612)652-4645: service provider: (1/79-1/83): Hubbard:
CD7: F.
Gene Everly. Courthouse Annex. International Falls 56649: county welfare director: (1/781/80): Koochiching: CD7: M.
Connie Fisk. RI. I Box 171 F, Stiltwaler 55082: (715) 549644 I; child care advisory committee: (1/79-1/83): Washington: CDI: F.
Carol B. Freeman. P.O. Box 577. Naytahwaush 56566: (218)935'5704:(t/79-l/83): Mahnomen: CD7: F.
Dan Gartrell. Box 132. Bemidji 56601; (218) 586-2752: early childhood specialist: (1/79-1/83);
Beltrami: CD7: M.
Dnaine Goodno. 806 S. 3rd St.. Moorhead 56565: (218) 236-1374; child care advisory
council: (1/78-1/80): Clay: CD7: M.
•j Evans Grigsby. Rt. 5.Princeton 55371: (612) 389-4380: parent: (1/78-1/80): Mille Lacs:
CD6: M: B.
Hardy N. Hodge, P.O. box 776. Thief River Falls 56701: (218)681-3249: parent: (1/79-1/83):
Penninglon: CD7: M.
Martin E. Larson. RI. I Box 43. Springfield 56087: (507) 723-5154: child care advisory
council: (1/79-1/80): Brown: CD2: M.
Kathy Nyquisl. 312 Meredith Rd., Albert Lea 56007: (507) 377-1359: parent: (1/79-1/80):
Freeborn: CD2: LD3I: F: W.
Doris E. Rasmussen. 824 Willow Lane. Grand Rapids 55744: (218) 326-4221: child care
advisory council: (1/79-1/83): Itasca: CD7: F.
Chartes Ravine. Ill E. Franklin, Rm. 104, Mpls. 55404: planning group: (1/79.1/80):
Hennepin: CD5: M.
June Schrupp. 506 S. Douglas. Lamberton 56152: (507) 752-7408: head start parents organization; (1/79-1/83): Redwood: CD6: F.
Zona Sharp: service provider: (1/79-1/80); Hennepin: F.
Tutti Sherlock, 1312 7th St. N.W.. Rochester 55901: (507) 288-6217: (1/79-1/80): Otmsted:
'Don Strei. Sherburne Co. Administration Bldg., Elk River 55330: (612) 441-3230: county
welfare director: (1/78-1/80): Sherburne: CD8: M.
Claudia Swanson, 493 Grand Ave., St. Paul 55105:(612) 690-2652: parent; (1/78-1/80):
Ramsey: CD4: F.
Sue Tewalt. 4600 Vincent Ave. S.. Mpls. 55410; (612) 920-7109: Minn. licensed family child
care assn.: (1/79- 1/80): Hennepin: CD5: F.
'Gary Winget. 6 W. 5th St.. St. Paul 55102: (612) 646-4238: planning group: (1/79-1/80):
Ramsey: CD4: M.
Vacancy for representative of central Minn. child care council.
CITIZENS' ADVISORY COUNCIL ON CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY:4th fi., Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-3991;
(Minn. Stat. § 254A.04).
Advises the commissioner of public welfare on problems of chemical
dependency. II members, appointed by governor, include at least 5
with interest in alcohol dependency, and at least5interested in abuse
of drugs other than alcohol. Monthly meetings, members receive $35
per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'Dr. Daniel J. Anderson, Hazelden Foundation. Center City 55012; (612) 257-4010: (1/741/80): Chisago; CD8: M: W.
EileenQ.Barr, 613 Maple Park Dr.. Mendota HIs. 55118; (612) 457-4880: (6/79-1183):
Dakota: CDI: LD53A: F: 1k; W.
Peter Belt. 3141 31st Ave. S.. MpIs. 55406: (612) 729-2681: (6/79-1/83): Hennepin: CD5;
LD6OB: M; B.
Mark Cougar, P.O. Box 17177. SI. Paul 55102:16/79-1/83): Ramsey:C04: LD64A: M: DFL;
Kenneth Engstrom. 221 6th SI. S.. Virginia55l92: (6/79-1/83): St. Louis: CD8; LD5A: M; W.
'Gabriel Jaffe. 4717 Glenwood Ave.. Golden Valley 55427: (612) 926-2797: (2/75.1/80):
Hennepin: CD5: M: W.
Giles Hart, Box 193, Red Lake 56671: (218) 679-3392: (1/74-1/80): Beltrami: M: Al.
James H. Rolhenberger, 1305 Mayo Box 197. School of Public Health. University of
Minnesota. Mpls. 55455: (612) 339-2007: (6/79-1/83): Hennepin: CDS; LD56A; M: W.
Rose Schirber. 217-10th Ave. SW.. Grand Rapids 55744: (9/78.1/80): llasca; CD8; LD3B:
F: W.
'LorraineTeel. 52151 tlh Ave.. MpIs. : (612) 338-0725: (1/74-1/80): Hennepin: CD5: LD6I : F;
'Rev. Wm. Ward. 495 Hamline Ave..SI. Paut;(6l2)690-2443;(t/74-l/80): Ramsey; CD4; M;
Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2587; (Minn. Stat. § 121.87;
Promotes the advancement of educational, recreational and social
opportunity through maximum utilization of public school facilities.
25members, appointed by governor, include 2 from each congressional district and 9 at large members. Quarterly meetings; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
(CITE 4 S.R. 817)
Current members:
'Ken Ashpole. 901 Perry St., LeSueur 56085: (612)665-2576:15/78-1/80): Le Sueur; CD2:
LD23B: M; DFL: W.
Donna Barnes. 1660 Ridgewood Ln.. Roseville 55113: (612) 644-8082; (6/79.1/83): Ramsey:
CD4: LD48B: F: 1k; W.
Helen Brown. 10724 Xavis NW., Coon Rapids 55433: (612) 421-6836: (6/79.1/83); Anoka:
CD8: LD47A: F: IR: W.
Harry Davis. Jr., 2011 W. 6lsI St.. Mpls. 55419; (612) 372-6704; (8/75-1/80): Hennepin;
CDS: LD37A: M; lR: B.
Connie Delrick, 6829 Oaklawn Ave., Edina 55435: (612) 929-4848: (6/79-1/83): Hennepin:
CD3: LD58A: F; IR: W.
nTom Fish. 5030 43rd Ave. S., Mpts. 55417: (612)647-5352: (5/78-1/80): Hennepin: CD5;
LD6IB; M: W.
'Kathy Foley, 30S. St. Atbans. St. Paul 5510t:(l/77-t/80); Ramsey: CD4: LD65B: F: DFL:
Richard Hartzell, RI. 2, Benson 56215: (612) 843-3124: (6/79-1/83): Swift: CD7; LDI5B; M;
IR: W.
Robert JeIle. 619 9th Ave., Madison 56256: (612) 598-3993: (6/79.1/83); Lac gui Parle; CD6:
LD2OA; M; IR; W.
'Jim Kemp. 18025 17th Ave. N.. Wayzala 55391: (612) 473.4285; (5/77.1/80): Hennepin;
CD3; LD58A; M: IR: W.
Maria Malooly, 5390 Shady Hills Circle. Shorewood 55391; (612) 474.3675: (6/79-1/83):
Hennepin; CD2: LD42B: F: 1k: W.
'Cy Milbrath. 210 Bohannon, Duluth 55812; (218) 726-8286; (1/77-1/80); SI. Louis: CD8:
LD7B; M: IR: W.
ImeldaT. Nelson. RI. I, Spicer56273; (612) 796-5393: (9/77-1/83): Kandiyohi: CD6; LD2IA:
F: W.
Donna K. O'Donnell, 14675 Chile Ave.. Rosemount 55068: (612) 423-3777; (6/79.1/83):
Dakota: CDI; LD37: F: lR: W.
Sally Olsen. state rep., 3307 Decatur Ln. St. Louis Pk. 55426: (6/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3:
LD4IB: F: 1k: W.
JohnPerkovich, t253rdAve.N.,S.SI. PaulSSO7S:(6t2)451-6503:(4/77-t/83):Dakola:CDI;
LD52B: M: 1k: W.
'Mike Port, Box 353, Bemidji 56601; (218) 751-7275: (9/77-1/80); Bellrami; CD7; LD4A: M;
Dave Rued, stalesen., RI. I. AiIkinS643t: (218)927-3655:16/79-1/83): Aitkin:CD7; LDI3B;
M; IR; W.
PelerSlumpf. state sen.. 1444 N. Grollo. St. Paul 55117:1612)489-2532:16/79-1/83): Ramsey;
CD4: LD64A: M: DFL; W.
JosipTemati. 36ORobert St.. St. Paul 55101 (1/77.1/83): Ramsey; CD4; LD67B: M: IR; W.
'Will Wakefield. Rt. 2 Box 273, Eyola 55901: (507) 288-3964:11/77.1/80): Olmsled;
CDI: LD33: M; lR: W.
'Jerome Welna, IllS. State St.. Waseca 56093: (507) 835-1410; (1/77- 1/80): Waseca: CD2;
LD30B: M: 1k; W.
'Gayle Whitesell. Rt. 5 Box 400. Buffalo 55313: (612) 682-2369: (1/77.1/80): Wrighl: CD6;
LD2IA: F: 1k: W.
'Allan Willman, 2314 Hutchinson Rd.. Duluth 55811; (612) 722-6343: (1/77-1/80): 51. Louis:
CD8; LD8B; M: IR; W.
Marc Zimmerman, 513 8th Ave. SE., Mpls. 55414; (612) 378-2214: (6/79-1/83); Hennepin:
CDS: LD57A: M: IR: W.
Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-6785; (Minn. Stat. § 256.482).
Advises the governor, legislature, service providing agencies, and the
public on the needs and potentials of people with physical, mental, or
emotional disabilities. 30 members, appointed by governor, include
one member from each development region, 10 service providers,
and 20 public members; at least IS shall be handicapped, or parents or
guardians of handicapped persons (service consumers). The commissioners of education, health, public welfare, and employment services are ex-officio members. Bi-monthly meetings; members receive
$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'James Shearer. chm., University of Minnesota. Duluth. 102 Administration Bldg.. Duluth
55812:1218)726-8198: public member/consumer: (1/80): 51. Louis, CD8: LD8I3; M; W.
'Paula Goldberg, 5315 James Ave. S.. Mpls. 55419: (612) 920-1015: public member: (1/80):
Hennepin: CD5: LDS8A: F: W.
Sandi Gordon. 691 Woodridge Dr.. Mendota Hts. 55118; (612) 457-6912; public member;
(5/79-1/83); Dakota; CDI: LD53A; F: DFL: W.
Bernie Hampton, 1581 Arkwright, SI. Paul 55101: (612)770-2351; public member; (5/79.
1/83); Ramsey: CD4; LD64A: M: B.
Mary Hansen. 9106 NicolIel Ave. S.. Bloomington 55420:1612)340-7419; public member/
consumer: (5/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3: LD38A; F: W.
'Robert Harris. St. Paul Ramsey Hospital, 640 Jackson SI.. St. Paul 55101: (612) 221-2737;
provider/consumer: (1/80): Ramsey; CD4: LD65B: M; W.
'Marlys Hoefl, 606 N. 7th St., Willmar 56201; (612) 235-0852; public member/parenl; (1/80);
Kandiyohi. CD6; LD2IA; F: W.
'George Jacobson, 340 East School. Owalonna 55060: (507)451-7371: public member/consumer; (1/80): Steele: CDI: LD32A; M: W.
Robert Johnson, 1507 Monks Ave.. Apt. S-I. Mankalo 56001: (507)389-2463: public/consumer; 15/79-1/83); Blue Earth; CD2; LD29B; M; 1k; W.
Warren King, 611 Van Buren, Marshall 56258; (507) 537-6296; provider/consumer; (5/791/83); Lyon: CD6: LD2OB; M; IR; W.
Robert Laurilsen, 436 Emerson Ave. W., W. St. Paul 55118: (612)221-1300: provider: (5/791/83): Dakota; CDI: LD53A; M; W.
Robert Lemen, P.O. Box 69. Grand Rapids 55744; (218) 326-4762; public member/parent;
(5/79-1/83); Itasca; CD8; LD3B; M; IR; W.
'Steven Moon, 2418 Plymouth Ave. N., Mpls. 55411; (612) 522-6581; provider/consumer;
(1/80); Hennepin; CD5; LD56A; M; W.
'Joanne Murray, 588 Maple Park Dr.. St. Paul 55118; (612) 457-2070; provider; (1/80);
Ramsey; CDI; LD53A; F; W.
'John H. Myers. American National Bank Bldg., Suite 2105, St. Paul 55101; (612) 221-0260;
public member; (1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD65B; M; W.
Mary O'Hara, 825 Seal St., St. Paul 55114; (612) 646-7005; provider/consumer; (5/79.1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LD62A; F; W.
'Ella Perpich. 814 N.E. 5th Ave., Chisholm 55719; (218) 254-4234; public member/parent;
(1/80); St. Louis; CD8; LD5B; F; W.
'Mary Ellen Radman, 640W. Orange Ave., SI. Paul 55117; (612) 488-3572; public member/
consumer; (1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD64A; F; W.
'Sue Rockne, 550 Warren Rd., Zumbrota 55992; (507) 732-5433; public member; (1/80);
Goodhue, CDI; LD25B; F; W.
Dee Dee Ryan. RI. I, Mahnomen 56557; (218) 935-2307; public member/parent; (5/79.1/83);
Mahnomen; CD7; LD2B; F; IR; W.
'Joyce Scanlan, 4445 Grand Ave. S., MpIs. 55409: (612) 823-1009; public member/consumer;
(1/80); Hennepin; CD5; LDS9B; W; F.
James Smith, 5717 Lois Lane, Edina 55435; (612) 330-4269; public member/consumer; (5/79.
1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; M; IR; W.
Palricia Solomonson, 2325 Hanson Lane, S. SI. Paul 55075; (612)451-3264; public member/
consumer; (5/79.1/83); Dakota; CDI; LD52A; F; IR; W.
Helen Strand, 0412 Creslridge Dr.. Minnetonka 55343; (612)871-901 t; provider/consumer;
(5/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD4OB; F; DFL; W.
'John Swenson, doSwenson Farms, Box 425. Fergus FaIls 56537; (218) 736-6782; public
member/consumer; (1/80); Otter Tail; CD7; LDI IA; M; W.
'Eugene Theisen, 1321 N. 13th 51.. 51. Cloud 56301; (612) 252-5033; provider; (1/80);
Benton; CD6; LDI7A; M; W.
Michael Till, 4725 Isabel Ave., Mpls. 55406; (612)376-4092; provider; (5/79.1/83); Hennepin;
Terry Wallace. Box 160, Thief River FaIls 56701; (218) 681-2700. ext. 290; provider/con.
sumer; (5/79-1/83); Penningion; CD7; LDIB; M; IR; W.
Virginia Zaffke, Backus 56435; (218) 828.2525; provider; (5/79.1/83); Cass; CD7; LD4B; F;
IR; W.
CONSUMER ADVISORY COUNCIL ON VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION: 3rd Fl., Space Center Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612) 2961822; (Minn. Stat. § l29A.02; 6/30/83).
Advises the assistant commissioner of vocational rehabilitation on
policy matters relating to vocational rehabilitation services. 9members, appointed by the commissioner of economic security, include
representatives of business, labor, education, medicine and the private rehabilitation industry, 6 public members; at least 5members are
handicapped persons. Meetings bi-monthly in St. Paul; members
receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Curt Warnke, chm.. Woodlake 56297; (507) 485-3141; (6/77.1/81); Yellow Medicine; CD2;
LD2OA; M; W.
Jerome H. Froehlig, 3827 Vincent Ave. N.. Mpls. 55412; (612) 521-1956; (6/79.1/82); Hen'
nepin; CD5; LD54A; M; DFL; W.
Alden Lind, 4130 McColloch, Duluth 55804; (218) 525'2692; (11/78-1/81); St. Louis; CD8;
LD8B; M; DFL; W.
Robert Lundell, 4701 Flag Ave. N., New Hope 55418; (612)537-9616; (6/79-1/82); Hennepin;
CD3; LD44B; M; W.
Neal Rogat. 5720 Hanson Rd.. MpIs. 55436; (612) 871-2402; (6/77-1/81); Hennepin; CD3;
LD39A; M; W.
Ann Schutt, 1705 9th Ave. N.E.. Rochester 55901; (507) 282-2511; (6/77.1/81); Olmsled;
CDI; LD33B; F; W.
Alfred Sonnenstrahl, 7(8) E. 8th St., St. Paul 55116; (612) 690-2528; (6/79-1/82); Hennepin;
CD4; LD63B; M; W.
J. R. (Bud) Sudduth, 2100 Bloomington Ave. S., Apt. 206, MpIs. 55404; (612) 871.9210; (6/791/82); Hennepin; CD5; LD57B; M; DFL; B.
Percy Tornow, 145 Main Ave. S., Harmony 55939; (507) 886-6464; (6/77-1/81); Fillmore;
CDI; LD35B; M; W.
Pharmacy, 717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. .55414; (612) 296-5411;
(Minn. Stat. § 152.02, Subd. 11).
Studies the implementation of Minn. Stat. Ch. 152 (Prohibited Drugs)
in regard to drug abuse; reports to the board of pharmacy and legislature. Members include4physicians, appointed by board of medical
examiners, I pharmacologist, I pharmacist; others include corrections and law enforcement officers, judges, representatives of drug
treatment and counseling facilities, former drug abusers, educators
and students, appointed by board of pharmacy. Meetings at the call of
the chairman, at 717 Delaware, Mpls; members receive no compensation.
PAGE 818
Current members:
John Gundersen, chm., 246 University Ave., St. Paul 55104; (7/78-7/80); H.
Marlene Hildebrandl, 1706 University Ave.. SI. Paul 55104; (7/78-7/80); F.
Robert F. Johnson, 615C, Courthouse. SI. Paul 55102; (7/78-7/80); M.
James Remes. 482 5. Snelling Ave.. SI. Paul 55116; (7/78-7/80); M.
Sheldon Sparber. University of Minnesota Medical School. Mpls. 55455; (7/78.7/80); M.
Boots Willard, 800 Chicago Ave. S.. Mpls. 55405; (7/78.7/80); M.
3 physicians to be appointed by board of medical examiners.
Rice St., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-9587;(Laws of 1978, ch. 510;
Advises the governor and legislature on issues affecting the Spanishspeaking community. 7 members, appointed by governor and confirmed by senate. Monthly meetings; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
'Arturo Rivera, chm.. 5232 James Ave. S., Mpls. 55419; (612)926-8489; (7/78.1/80); Hennepin; CDS; LD57B; H; H.
Jo Ann Cardenas de Enos, 149 Exeter Place, St. Paul; (612)647-1130; (5/79-7/81); Ramsey;
CD4; LD63A; F; H.
'Gilberlo DeLao, 272 Concord, St. Paul 55107; (612) 227-9291; (6/78.1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
LD67; M; H.
A. Frank Gallegos, 1252 Ashland, St. Paul 55104; (612) 645-8884; (5/79-7/81); Hennepin;
CD4; LD62; M; H.
'Irene Gomez de Bethke. 4649 Decatur Ave.. New Hope 55428; (612) 537-0469; (7/78-1/80);
Hennepin; CD5; LD44; F; H.
Fidelina Lopez de Fischer, 745 14th Ave. S.. St. Cloud 56301; (612) 252-2369; (5/79-7/81);
Stearns; CD6; LDI7B; F; H.
Efren Tovar, 414½ N.W. 3rd St., E. Grand Forks 56721; (218) 773'9702; (5/79-7/81); Polk;
CD7; LDIB; M; H.
State Office Bldg., St. Paul55155;(612) 296-8590; (Laws of 1976, Ch.
337; 6/30/81).
Studies and makes recommendations to governor and legislature on
the economic status of women. 22 members include 5members,
appointed by the speaker; 5senate members, appointed by the committee on committees; and 12 public members appointed by the
governor for two year terms. Monthly meetings; public members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Linda Berglin, state rep, chm., 2309 Clinton, Mpls. 55404; (612)874-0085; Hennepin; CD5;
LD59A; F; DFL; W.
Lurline Baker, 1008 E. 9th St., Duluth 55805; (218) 724-1687; (7/78.7/80); St. Louis; CD8;
LD8A; F; B.
Nancy Brataas, state sen., 839 10½ St., Rochester 55901; (507) 288-4020; Olmsted; CDI;
LD33; F; IR; W.
Gertrude Buckanaga, P.O. Box 655, Cass Lake 56633; (6/79-7/81); Cuss; CD7; LD4B; F; Al.
Theresa Crisler, 3312 Pillsbury Ave. S., MpIs. 55408; (612) 825-7458; (7/78.7/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD59A; F; B.
Virginia Erhard, 4720 Hamilton Rd., Minnetonka 55343; (612) 938.2197; (7/78.7/80); Hen'
nepin; CD3; LD4OA; F; W.
Maria Kautto, Box 142, Naswauk 55769; (218) 885-2489; (7/78-7/80); Itasca. CD8; LD3B; F;
Jo Ann Kronick, 224 2nd Ave., S.St. Paul 55075; (612) 296-2637; (7/78-7/80); Dakota; CDI;
LD52A; F; W.
Connie Levi, state rep., 50 Peninsula Rd.. Dellwood 55110; (612) 429-6555; Washington;
Anne Siren Levig. 325 Sunset Ln., Cambridge 55008; (612) 689-4963; (7/78-7/80); Isanti;
CD8; LDI8A; F; W.
Verna Lunz, Rt. 2; Fairmont 56031(507) 235-3958; (7/78-7/80); Martin; CD2; LD27A; F; W.
Bill Luther, state Sen., 6925 Dallas Rd.. Brooklyn Center 55430; (612)560-7188; Hennepin;
CD3; LD45; H; DFL; W.
Dolores McClernon, Box 35, RI. I, Tenney 56582; (612) 563-4377; (7/78.7/80); Wilkin; CD7;
LD9B; F; W.
Sandra Melberg, 7519 Tempo Terrace, Fridley 55432; (612) 371-8474; (7/78-7/80); Anoka;
CD5; LD46A; F; W.
Sally Olsen, state rep., 3307 Decatur Ln., St. Louis Pk. 55426; Hennepin; CD3; LD4IA; F;
IR; W.
Todd Otis, State rep., 4152 Colfax Ave. S., MpIs. 55409; Hennepin; CD5; LD58B; DFL; W.
Jane Preston, 2145 Lakeview, White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 755-8220; (7/78.7/80); Ramsey;
CD4; LD49B; F; W.
Carol Ryan, 909 Osceola, St. Paul 55105; (612)227-1624; (7/78-7/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD6SA;
F; W.
Allan Spear, state Sen., 2204 Seabury, MpIs. 55406; (612) 333-5949; Hennepin; CD5; LD57;
M; DFL; W.
Emily Staples, slate Sen., 1640 Xanthus. Wayzata 55391; (612) 473-4137; Hennepin; CD3;
LD43; F; DFL; W.
Ann Wynia, state rep., 1550 Branston, St. Paul 55108; (612) 296.3824; Ramsey; CD4;
LD62A; F; DFL; W.
Vacancy - state senator
(CITE 4 S.R. 818)
St. Paul55101;(612) 296-5072; (Minn. Stat. § 3.924 as amended by
Laws of 1979, Ch. 334, Article 7, Sec. I).
Encourage quality education in elementary and secondary schools
through research and development. 19 members; 10 public members
appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, one from each
congressional district and 2 at large; 9 members are designees of
various education organizations. Members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
B. J. Mahling. chm.. 2641 Garfield Ave. S.. Mpls. 55408; (612) 827-3188; at large member
(12/75.1/82); Hennepin; CD5; LD59; F.
Kenneth Ames. College of Education. St. Cloud 56301; (612) 225-3023; state university
board; (12175-12/79); Stearns; CD6; LDI7; M.
• Rjchard Anderson, Box 119. 51. Peter 56082; (507) 931-2450; Minnesota school boards
assn., (12/75.12179); Le Sueur; CD2; LD23; M.
Anna Barker. 8129 Hemingway Ave.. Cottage Grove 35016; (612) 452-2219; (3/78-1/81);
Washington; CDI; LD2O; F.
Darlene Herzog. 213 N. Harold. Ivanhoe 56142; (612) 694-1366; (12/75-1/82); Lincoln; CD6;
LDI2; F.
Lucille Lackore. Glenhaven. Rt. 2. Winona 55987; (507) 452-3531; State advisory council
for special education; (8/79-1/80); Winona; CDI; LD34B; F; IR; W.
Chendre Mehrotra. 121 Artavia St.. Duluth 55811; (218) 728-3631; private college council;
(12/75-12179); St. Louis; CD8; LD7.
Hanls Miller. 3401 Century Ave., White Bear Lake 55110; state board for community
colleges; (12/75.12/79); Ramsey; C04; LD49; M.
Richard Moss. 942 Woodland Circle. Long Prairie 56347; (612) 732-2194; MN education
assn; (12/75-12/79); Todd; CD7; LDI2; M.
GaiI Peterson. 420 E. Minnehaha Pkwy.. Mpls. 55419; (612) 825-7657; MN federation of
teachers; (12/78-12/79); Hennepin; CD5; LD6I; M.
Jane Preston, 2145 Lakeview Ave.. White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 429-4417; (1/79-12/79);
Ramsey; CD4; LD49; F.
Judith Roy. Red Lake 56690; (218) 679-3396; 13/78.1/80); Beltrami; CD7; LD3; F.
Loria Danage-Scott, 204 Edgerson St., #319. Maplewood 55117; (612) 296-3749;(9/78.1/82);
Ramsey; CD4; LD5O; F.
Cecil Smrstik, Box 236, Island view Rt.. Ranier 56668; (218) 286-3527; (12/75.1/82); Koochiching; CD8; LD3; M.
Joyce Storla. 7548 Alden Way N.E.. Mpls. 55432; (612)926-1607; Hennepin; COS; LDSS; F.
Janice Storms, Rt. 2 Box 135A. Chaska 55318; (612)466-5981; (1/78.1/80); Carver; CD2;
Loanne Thrane, 7304 Laredo Dr.. Chanhassen 55317; (612) 291-1286; University of MinneSota regents; (12/75.12/79); Carver. CD2; LD 36; F.
Lorraine Ziemer, 10211 Cedar Lake Rd., Minnetonka 55343; (6t2) 546-7695; (4/79.1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD4O; F; IR; W.
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2297; (Minn. Stat. §
52.061; 6/30/83).
Makes recommendations to the governor and the commissioner of
banking on all matters pertaining to credit unions; encourages cooperation of credit unions in improving their methods of operation. 5
members, appointed by the commissioner of banking must have 3 or
more years experience as a credit union officer, director, or committee member. Quarterly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
A1 Louismet. 1601 E. Cope Ave.. St. Paul 55109; (612)770-2385; (1/76-1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
Gerard Lydon. 577 University Ave.. St. Paul 55103; (612) 222-5574; (1/76.1/80); Ramsey;
CD4; LD64B; M.
Howard Ross. 14th St. & Ave. F.. Cloquet 55720; (218)879-3304; (1/78-1/82). Carlton; CD8;
Dolores Sommer. 500 Midland Bk. Bldg.. Mpls. 55401; (612) 338-5001; (1/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD5; LDS7B; F; DFL; W.
Vacancy as of 9/18/79.
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY ADVISORY COUNCIL:390 N. Robert St., St. Paul 55101; (612)296-6076; (Minn. Stat. §
268.12, subd. 6).
Advises the commissioner of economic security on policies and programs of the department. 14 members, appointed by commissioner,
include equal representation of employers and employees, and public
members. Monthly meetings; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
George Seltzer. chm.. 1917 River Rd.. Mpls. 35414; (612) 373-4125; (1/75-1/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD57A; M; W.
Leonard C. Bienias. 312 Central Ave.. Mpls. 55414; (612) 521-3717; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin;
Lawrence Binger. Ill Sibley Hiway.. St. Paul 55116; (6/79-1/83); Dakota; CDI; LD53A; M;
Winston Borden. 2064 Edgecumbe, St. Paul 55391; (6/79.1/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD63B; M;
(CITE 4 S.R. 819)
Charles E. Brown. 5029 Bruce P1.. Edina 55424; (612) 870-2825; (1/75.1/80); Hennepin;
CD3; LD39A; M; W.
Donald Friborg. 6201 Ewing Ave. S.. Edina 55411; (8/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; M;
• Dan Gustafson, 2932 Jersey N.. Mpls. 55427; (9/78-1/80); Hennepin; CD5; LD4411; M; W.
Nellie Stone Johnson. 1239 Sheridan N.. Mpls. 55422; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD5; LD56A;
F; W.
Frank Jungas. Box 497. Mountain Lake 56159; (507) 427-3288; (6/79.1/83); Cottonwood;
CD6; LD28A; M; IR; W.
Herb Larson, 1409 Maryview. Hibbing 55746; (6/79.1/83); St. Louis; CD8; LD5B; M; W.
Sue Rockne, 550 Warren. Zumbrota 55992; (507) 732-5433; (1/75-1/80); Goodhue; CDI;
LD258; F; W.
CarlO. Steinnagel. 1410 Ranier Ln.. Wayzata 55410; (8/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD43A;
M; W.
Harold Yates. 2927 Marion St.. St. Paul 55113; (7/79.1/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD6SB; M; W.
EDUCATION COUNCIL: 101 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;
(612) 296-6662; (Minn. Stat. § 121.83).
Considers recommendations of the education commission of the
states; serves as a forum for major educational policies, exchanges
information about important education activities. 16 members, appointed by governor, include at least 2 members from each congressional district, I legislator and I public member. Meetings at least
twice a year in St. Paul.
Current members:
Ardelle Askegaard, 4141 Ottawa Ave. S.. St. Louis Pk. 55416; (612) 922-6254; (6/79-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD4IB; F; IR; W.
Mary L. Casey. 1333 Fairmounl Ave.. St. Paul 55105; (612)699-7599; (6/79-1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD63A; F; IR; W.
Robert Dunn. state sen.. 708 4th St. S.. Princeton 55371; (612) 389-1593; Mille Lacs; CD6;
LDI8A; M; IR; W.
Joyce 1. Jackson. 1930 Noble Dr.. Mpls. 55422; (612) 588-0252; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin; CDS;
LD43B; F; B.
Carl M. Johnson. state rep.. Rt. 3. St. Peter 56082; (507)246-5336; LeSueur; CD2; LD230;
M; DFL; W.
J. A. Josefson. 310 N. Grant. Minneota 56264; (507) 872-6250; (6/79.1/83); Lyon; CD6;
LD2OA; M; IR; W.
Ann Kastler, 2317 Scout Circle, Burnsville 55337; (612)894-1870; (6/79-1/83); Dakota; CD2;
F; DFL; W.
Donna Kunz. 1119 Beltrami Ave., Bemidji 56601; (218)751-1308; (6/79.1/83); Beltrami; CD7;
LD4A; F; IR; W.
Anselme Martinez, 1226 E. 10th St.. Duluth 55805; (218) 724-1756; (6/79.1/83); St. Louis;
CD8; M; H.
Ken Nelsen. 4201 Garfield Ave. S.. Mpls. 55409; (612) 825-6667; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
Sally Olsen. state rep., 3307 Decatur Ln.. St. Louis Pk. 55426; (612) 933-1433; Hennepin;
CD3; LD4IA; F; IR; W.
Karen Ricklefs, 1535 Woodland Dr., SW., Rochester 55901:1507) 285-1661; (6/79.1/83);
Olmsted; CDI; LD32B; F; IR; W.
Douglas H. Sillers. state sen.. Rt. 2. Moorhead 56560:1218)233-4373; Clay; CD7; LD9; M;
IR; W.
John Tomlinson. state rep.. 799S. Winthrop. St. Paul 55119; (612) 738-0549; Ramsey; CD4;
LD67B; M; DFL; W.
John L. Weaver, state rep.. 318 Rice St.. Anoka 55303; (6t2) 421- 7707; Anoka; CD8;
LDI9B; M; IR; W.
Ken Zubay. state rep.. 1326 2nd St.. Rochester 55901; (507) 282-8796; Olmsted; CDI;
LD33B; M; IR; W.
Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2125; (Minn. Stat. § 184.23).
Advises the dept. of labor and industry on licensing and supervising
employment agencies and their employees. 9 members appointed by
the commissioner of labor and industry, including 5members who
have owned or managed employment agencies. Meetings at the call of
the commissioner; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Helen Deardorif Robertson, chm., 8806 James Ave. S.. Bloomington 55431; (612) 881.6741;
owner: (1/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; F; IR; W.
Robert L. Chaftin. 600 9th St. N.E., Waseca 56093; (507) 833-4674; (1/79.1/83); Waseca;
CO2; LD3OB; M.
N. Buz Larson, 2720 Dale St.. Roseville 55113; (612)484.5699; (1/76-1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
Paul Nymark. 5604 Sherwood Ave.. S., Edina 55424; (612) 927.9269; owner; (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39A; M.
Beverly St. John. 2100 Valkyrie Dr. NW.. Rochester 55901:1507) 286.1879; owner: (1/76.
I/SO); Olmsted; CDI; LD33B; F.
John L. Olson. 7457 W. Shore Dr., Edina 55435; (612) 927-9152; owner; (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD39A; M.
Joseph L. Richardson, 11505 22nd Ave. S., Burnsville 55337; (612) 894-2734; (1/79.1/83);
Dakota; CD2; LD53B; M; IR; B.
Willard Roepke. 5405 Glenwood Ave. N.. MpIs. 55422; (612) 545.1137; owner; (1/76.1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD3; M.
victoria Van Slyke. 3445 18th Ave. 5.. Mpls. 55407; 1612) 722-4532; (1/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD5; LD6OA; F; DFL; W.
Paul55155;(612) 296-8435; (Minn. Stat. § 41.54).
Assists farmers in obtaining credit to purchase farm real estate by
guaranteeing loans and deferring interest payments. 7 members, appointed by commissioner of agriculture for 3 year terms. Monthly
meetings; members receive $35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Lyle Nelsen, chm.. 209 Queens Ct.. N. Mankato 56001 (507) 345-3242; (7/76-7/80); Nicollet;
CD2; LD23; M; W.
Robert Falk, Tenstrike 56683; (218) 243-2501; (7/76-3/82); Beltrami; CD7; LD3A; M; W.
Willie Germoulus. Borup 56519; (6/76-7/80); Norman; CD7; LD2; M; W.
Mike Leonard. 1913S. 14th St., St. Cloud 56301 (7/76-3/82); Stearns; CD6; LDI6A; M; W.
John Murray. North Highways 16 and 71. Jackson 56143; (6/76-7/80): Jackson; CD6; LD27;
M; W.
Donald Solberg. R.R. #2. Lanesboro 55949; (7/76-3/82); Fillmore; CDI; LD3SA; M; W.
Fred Sucdbeck. 2637 Linden Ave.. Slayton 56172; (507) 836-6517; (7/76-7/80); Murray; CD6;
LD26; M; W.
Dept. of Economic Development, Hanover Bldg., 480 Cedar St., St.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-5005; (Executive Order 79-5).
Makes recommendations to the department of economic development on programs to attract film production to the state. 15 members,
appointed by commissioner, must be knowledgeable and interested in
the motion picture industry.
Council currently inactive.
55440;(612) 296-5221; (Minn. Stat. § 144.01, subd. 2).
Advises the commissioner of health on the functions of the department of health. 15 members, appointed by governor; 9 members
represent the licensed health professions; 6 public members. Monthly
meetings at the department of health, 717 Delaware St., Mpls.
Current members:
James Kenney. chm., 1547 E. 53rd St.. Mpls. 55417; (612) 721-5220; (5/79.1/83); Hennepin;
George Arvidson. ll89Alameda. St. Paul 55113; (612)488-8169; (5/77-1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
LD64; M.
Jane Belau. 433 9th Ave. SW.. Rochester 55901; (5/78-1/80) Olmsted; CDI; LD33; F.
Frank Brown. II Halliday Rd.. St. Cloud 56301; (612)251-7709; (5/79-1/83): Stearns; CD6;
Steven Chies. 8624 Mississippi Blvd. N.W.. Coon Rapids 55433; (612) 786-5975; (10/78.
1/80); Anoka; CD8; LD47A; M; DFL; W.
Erma Craven. 5724 40th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55417; (612)727-2568; (5/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
Theodore Garcia. 125 Washington Ave.. Crookston 56716; (218)281-6844; (5/79-1/83); Polk;
CD7; LD2A; M.
Elizabeth Kalisch. 5371 Hugo Rd.. White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 429-0156; (5/77-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4; LD49; F.
Michael E. Keable, 909 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud 56301; (612)251-1156; (5/77-1/80); Stearns;
CD6; LDI7; M.
James A. Libby, 9824 York Curve. Bloomington 55431; (5/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B;
M; IR; W.
Genevieve Morales. Box 63. Blooming Prairie 55917; (507) 583-2342; (5/79-1/83); Steele;
Carl Oberg. 4619 E. Superior St.. Duluth 55604; (218)525-3667; (5/79-1/83); St. Louis; CD8;
LD8B; M; IR; W.
Valentine O'Malley. 960 Summit Ave., St. Paul 55105; (612) 698-8255; (5/77-1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD63; M.
Ruth Powers. 5265 Hodgson Rd.. St. Paul 55112; (612) 484-9239; (5/79.1/83); Ramsey; CD4;
LD49A; F; IR;w.
Thaloyce wells. 886 Fuller Ave.. St. Paul 55104: (612) 291-8026: (5/77-1/80); Ramsey; CD4;
LD64; F.
SE., Mpls. 55440; (612) 296-5511; (Minn. Stat. § 144.571).
Advises commissioner of health on rules and standards for hospitals
and other health care facilities. 9 members include: 4 appointed by
MN Hospital Assn., 2 appointed by MN Medical Assn., 2 appointed
by commissioner of public welfare, and I appointed by governor.
Council currently inactive.
HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR REGISTRATION PROGRAM ADVISORY COUNCIL:717 Delaware St. SE., Mpls. 55440;(612) 2965393; (Minn. Stat. § 144.63, subd. 2).
Recommends applicants for registration as hospital administrators;
assists in establishing and revising rules and requirements for registration. 6 members: 3 registered hospital administrators, appointed
by the Minnesota hospital association, I from a hospital outside of a
PAGE 820
city of the first class, I from a state, county, or municipal hospital,
and I selected at large; I licensed physician, appointed by the Minnesota medical association; the director of the course in hospital administration at the University of Minnesota, or his designee; I public
member is appointed by the governor. Quarterly meetings at the
department of health, 717 Delaware SE., Minneapolis; members are
reimbursed for expenses.
Current members:
Robert J. Cumming. 1909 14th St. S.. St. Cloud 56301; physician; (1/79-12/79); Stearns;
CD6; LDI6B; M.
Bright M. Dornblaser. University of Minnesota, 1260 Mayo Bldg., Box 97. 420 Delaware
St. SE.. Mpls. 55455; (1/79-12/79); Hennepin; CDS; LD57A.
Beverly Finholt. 411 Prairie Ave.. Northfield 55059; (507)645-9294; public; (5/79-1/83); Rice;
CDI; LD24A; F; lR; W.
John F. Haines, Unity Hospital, 550 Osborne Rd.. Fridley 55432; hospital administralor;
(1/79.12/79); Anoka; CD5; LD46A; M.
ierry B. Scott. St. Joseph's Hospital. 523 N. 3rd St.. Brainerd 56401: hospital administrator; (1/79-12/79); Crow Wing; CD7; LDI3A; M.
One vacancy to be filled by MN Hospital Assn.
Delaware St. S.E., MpIs. 55440;(612) 296-5393;(Minn. Stat. § 214.14;
Reviews rules and policies of health-related licensing boards. II
members appointed by governor; remaining members appointed by
health-related licensing boards, dept. of commerce, state health
planning board, physical therapists examining committee, higher
education coordinating board, hospital administrators registration
program. 6 meetings annually; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Fred Ic.iel, chm.. 672 Summit Ave., St. Paul 55105; (612)) 225-0332; (1/79-1/83); board of
psychology; Ramsey; CD4; M.
Goodwin S. Andersen. 715 Mt. Curve Blvd.. St. Paul 55116; (612) 699-4305; public member.
(6/79-1/83); CD4; M.
Ruth Anderson. 1275 Brighton Sq., New Brighlon 55112; (612)636-1985; physical therpay
examining committee; (1/76-1/80); CD4: F.
Richard Auld. 757 California Ave. w.,St. Paul 55117; (612) 488-2839: consumer services;
(1/75-1/83); Ramsey; CD4; M.
Louise Boula. RI. 2 Cambridge 55008; (612) 689-2121; social worker; (1/76-1/80): Isanti;
CD8; F.
Dwayne Broe. 3301 Robinwood Ln., Minnetonka 55343; (612) 927-3153; contact lens
practitioner; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin; CD3; M.
Mary Culver. 12845-1st Ave. 5.. Burnsville 55378; (612) 890-9270; board of examiners for
nursing home administration; (1(79-1/83); F.
3. Lamonie DeRusha, 4629 Washburn Ave. S., Mpls. 55410; (612) 335-8488; board of
chiropractors; (1/75-1/83); Hennepin; CD5; M.
*Sheila Farnan. 4356-4th Ave. S.. Mple. 55409; (612) 296-5514; dietician; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin; CD5; F.
*5r. Mary Heinen, 601-26th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55454; (612) 338-4565; board of nursing; (1/761/80); Hennepin; CD5: F.
David Holmstrom, 12226 Oak Leaf Circle. Burnsville 55337; (612) 894-4246; board of
pharmacy; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin; M.
Walter lverson, 5538 Chicago Ave.. Mpls. 55417; (612)825-7166; board of dentistry; (1/751/83); Hennepin; CDS; M.
Virginia J. Johnson. 140 Canabury Ct.,St. Paul 55117; (612)484-4532; public member; (6/791/83); Ramsey; CD4; F.
Frederic Langer, 2945 Dakota Ave. S.. St. Louis Park 55416; (612) 938-1233; board of
podiatry; (1/75-1/83); Hennepin; CD3; M.
nWalter Mackey. 1991 Sharondale Ave.. St. Paul 55113; (612)631-0142; board of veterinary
medicine; (1/76-1/80); Ramsey; CD4; M.
Janet R. Morgan. 1945 Oakdate Ave.. Apt 202. w.St. Paul 55118; (612) 455-7348: personnel
and guidance; (6/79-1/83); Dakota; CDI; F.
Detores Nelson. Hector 55342; comprehensive health planning advisory council; (1/761/80); Renvilte; CD6; F.
James H. O'Neil, RI. 2. Crookslon 56716; (218) 281-3662; corrections; (6/79-1/83); Polk;
CD7; M.
Susan Powell. 400 Capitol Square Bldg.; St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-9672; HECB; F.
Beatrice Rankin, 5833-73rd Ave. N.. Apt. 2t I, Mpls. 55429; (612)784-4405; public member;
(6/79-1/83); CD6. F.
Lou Schulz, 2120 Charlton Rd.. St. Paul 55118; (612)574-3132; public member; (1/76-1/80);
Ramsey; CD4; M.
Harry Smith, 29-9th Ave. N.. Hopkins 55343; board ofoptometry; (1/79-1/83); Hennepin; M.
Norma Steinke. 59 walden, Burtisville 55337; (612) 890-5944; occupational therapist; (1/76.
1/80); Hennepin; F.
Allen Stensland, 717 Riverside Dr. SE.. St. Cloud 56301; (612) 252-7540; public member;
(1/76-1/80); Stearns; CD6; M.
Centennial Office Bldg., St. Paul 55155;(612)296-4043; (Minn. Stat. §
254A.03, Subd. 2, Sec. b).
Establishes policies and procedures for American Indian chemical
dependency programs; reviews and recommends proposals for fund-
(CITE 4 S.R. 820)
ing to the citizens advisory council on chemical dependency. I member from each of II reservations, and from Mpls., St. Paul, Duluth,
and International Falls, appointed by director of chemical dependency division, department of public welfare. Quarterly meetings;
members receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Ron Sherer. chm.. Grand Portage 55605; (218) 475.240!: (2/76.t/80): Cook; CD8; M: Al.
Dan Brown. Box 83. Cass Lake 56633; (218) 335-6101; (2/76-t/80); Cass; CD7: M; Al.
Dan Bugg. Star RI..Onamia 56359; (612) 532-3358; (4/77.1/80); Mille Lacs; CD6; M; Al.
Giles Hart. Redby 56678; (2/76-1/80); Beltrami: CD7; M: Al.
Axel Holmes. Nett Lake 55722; (2/76-I/SO); Koochiching: CD7; M; Al.
Pat St. Clair. P.O. Box 275. White Earth 56591; (8/78.1/80): Mahnomen; CD7: M: Al.
COUNCIL: 305 Hanover Bldg.; 480 Cedar St., St. Paul 55101; (612)
297-2172; (Minn. Stat. § 16.911, Subd. 1; 6/30/83).
Assists local governments in developing automated information systems by awarding grants.25members, appointed by governor, include: 2 members each from counties outside of metro area, counties
within the metro area, cities of the first class, municipalities of second
and third class within, and outside of, the metropolitan area; I member each from the metropolitan council, an outstate regional body,
higher education coordinating board, school districts in cities of first
class, school districts within, and outside of, the metropolitan area,
departments of administration, education, revenue, office of legislative auditor, office of state auditor, 4 public members. Monthly
Current members:
Dale Folstad. chm.. A2309 Government Center. Mpls. 55487: (612) 348-4084; metro county
rep.; (1/76-1/80); Hennepin: CD5; LDS7B; M.
Mentor Addicks. 19511 E. Fronl Blvd. N.E., Wyoming 55092: (612) 434-7184; (1/79.1/83):
Anoka; CD8; LDI9B: M: IR: W.
lhomas Anding. CURA. 313 Walter Library. MpIs. 55455; (612) 373-7833; (1/76-1/80);
Hennepin CD3: LD4tA: M.
9ohn Asmus. City of Mpls. Municipal Info. Systems, A25 Government Center. Mpls.
55487: (612) 348-8720: (1/76-1/80); Dakola; CD5; LD57B; M.
Robert V. Atkinson, 409 6th St.. White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 429-2183: (t/79-l/83);
Ramsey: CD4; LD49B: M.
William Bassett, 202 E. Jackson. Mankato5600l: (507) 625-3161: 2nd/3rd class municipality
outside melro area: (1/76-1/80); Blue Earth; CD2: LD29A; M.
Ronald Baumgartner. 3898 McKnight Rd.. St. Paul 55ttO: (612) 426-3035: (1/79.1/83):
Ramsey: CD4: LD5OB; M.
Phillip Delvecchio. 18 N. Vine. Mora 5505!: (612) 679-4017: (1/79.1/83); Kanabec; CD8:
LDI3; M; W.
Lee Droegemueller. 912 Redwell Lane. Apple Valley 55124: (612) 432-1368; (1/79-1/83):
Dakota: CD2: LD53A; M; IR; W.
John Elwell. 5005 Minnetonka Blvd.. St. Louis Park 55416; (6(2) 920-3000; municipality
within metro area: (1/76-1/80); Hennepin: CD3: LD4IB: M.
Sue Eastes, 2075 Ordway, Golden Valley 55422; (612) 588-7972;) 1/79-1/83): Hennepin: CD3:
LD58B: F.
Thomas Hennen, 428 S. Holmes. Shakopee 55379; (612) 445-1661: (1/79-1/83): Scott: CD2:
LD36B; M; W.
William Joynes, White Bear Lake City Hall. 250 Miller Ave.. White Bear Lake 55110: (612)
429-0126; (1/79.1/83); Ramsey: CD4; LD49B: M; W.
Roy Larson. 300 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101: (612) 291-6480: (1/76.1/80): Ramsey;
CD4; LD6SB; M.
John McGaheran. 52W. University St., P.O. Box 631. Owatonna 55060: (507) 451-8033;
(1/79-1/83); Sleele; CDI; LD32A; M; IR; W.
Vernon Maack, Box 237. Alexandria 56308: (612)762-2151: outside metro area: (1/76-1/80);
Douglas: CD7: LDIIB; M.
Dale Palmer, 3368 Riverview Dr., Elk River 55330; (612(441-1832; (1/79.1/83); Sherburne;
August Rivera, 807 N.E. Broadway. Mpls. 55413: (612) 348-6120: school district, first class
city; (1/76.1/80); Hennepin; CD5; LD57B; M.
Arthur Roemer. Dept. of Revenue. Centennial Bldg.. St. Paul 55155; (612)266-340!; (1/791/83): Ramsey: CD4; LD65B: M.
Robert Rustad. 400 Capitol Square Bldg.. St. Paul 55101: (612) 822-0195 (1/79.1/83); Hen'
nepin: CD3; LD37B; M; W.
Jerry Schmidt. Stevens Co. Courthouse, Morris 56267: (612) 589-4764: outside metro area:
(1/76-1/80); Stevens: CD7: LOIS; M.
• James Shipman. 2305 Ford Pkwy.. St. Paul 55116; (612) 689-4212; (1/76.1/80): Ramsey:
C04; LD65B; M.
Curt Sippel. Is! Fl.. Veterans Service Bldg.. St. Paul 55155; (612) 824-0463; (1/79-1/83):
Hennepin: CD5; LD59A; M; W.
Eldon Stoehr. 4949 140th St. W.. Apple Valley 55124; (612) 423-1494; (1/79.1/83): Dakota:
CD2: LDS3A; M; W.
Donald Thomas. 45 NorthrupAve. , Tonka Bay 55331: (612) 474.8154; (1/79.1/83): Hennepin:
CD3; M; W,
(CITE 4 S.R. 821)
Sherburne Ave., St. Paul 55155; (612) 296-3328; (Minn. Stat. §
Advises the board of investment on all transactions that have significant impact on the state's investment portfolio; recommends methods to improve the rate of return on invested state money. 10
members, appointed by board of investment; executive director of
state retirement system, and the secretaries of the public employees
retirement association and the teachers retirement association are exofficio members; members must file with EPB. Bi-monthly meetings
in the Twin Cities; members receive no compensation.
Current members:
Robert S. Davis, chm.. 1029 S. 3rd Ave.. Slillwater 55082; (7/78.1/80); Washinglon; CDI;
Wayne S. Burggraaff, 7145 Park Ave.. Mpts. 55423: (2/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD3: L037B; M.
Gaylord W. Glarner. 2058 Jefferson Ave., St. Paul 55105;) 1/79-1/83): Ramsey; CD4; LD63A;
M; lR; W.
Peter A. Heegaard, 2434 Sherwood Hills Rd.. Minnetonka 55361; (1/79-1/83); Hennepin:
CD3; LD4OB; M; IR; W.
John H. Herrell, 1021 10th St.. Rochester 55901; (1/79.1/83); Olmsted; CDI; LD33B; M: W.
Donald F. Jondahl, 302 Parkers Lane Rd., Wayzata 55391: (1/79.1/83); Hennepin: CD3;
LD4OA; M: IR: W.
• Donald R. Koessel, 624 3rd Ave. SE.. Mpls. 55414; (7/78-1/80): Hennepin; CDS; LD57B:
Anne 0. Krueger, 1865 Roselawn Ave. W., St. Paul 55113; (1/79-1/83): Ramsey; CD4:
LD62A: F.
Mitzi J. Malevich, 259 Riverwoods Ln., Burnsville 55337; (7/78.1/80); Dakota; CD2:
LD53B; F,
uVictor P. Reim, 665 Arcadia Dr.. SI.Paul 55118: (7/78.1/80): Dakota; CDI; LD53A: M.
Joan T. Smith, 673 E. Nebraska. St. Paul 55106: (7/78.1/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD66A; F.
MEAT ADVISORY COUNCIL: Department ofAgnculture, Rm 211,90
W. PlatoBlvd. ,St. Paul,Mn. 55107;(6l2)296-2627;(Minn. Stat. § 31.60).
Advises the commissioner of agriculture on the development of the
meat industry of the state. 10 members, appointed by the commissioner, include at least I representative each of retail meat dealers,
frozen food processing plants, slaughter houses, wholesale sausage
manufacturers, federally inspected meat packers, livestock producers, consumers, public health officials,and veterinarians. Meetings at
call of chairman; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Hugh R. Cosgrove. chm.. 555 Wabasha St.. St. Paul 55102; (612) 225-7809: retail meat
dealers: (6/77-6/81); Dakota; CDI; LD52; M.
Ethel Arnold. 3205 Hilldale Ave. N.E., Mpls. 55418; (612) 335.0993; wholesale sausage
manufacturers; (4/78-1/82); Hennepin; CD5: F.
Dr. Paul J. Cox, 334 Cherokee Ave.. St. Paul 55107: (612) 227-7741: public health officials:
(4/78.1/82); Ramsey: CD4; LD67A; M.
Catherine J. Gatford, 1119 Second St., New Ulm 56073: (507) 354-4262; consumer; (4/781/82); Brown: CD2; LD28A; F.
Dr. Vernon K. Jensen. 2485 London Ln., St. Paul 55119; (612)735-1062; veterinarian; (4/78.
1/82): Ramsey: CD4: LD67: M.
Jess J. Moon, 845 Des Moines Dr.. Windom 56101; (507)831-3200; frozen food processing
plants; (4/78.1/82): Cottonwood; CD6; LD27A; M.
Howard 1. Nelson, Lindstrom 55045; (612) 257-1128; member at large: (6/77.6/81); Chisago;
CD8; LDI9A; M.
Charles Nyberg. P.O. Box 800 Austin 55912: (507) 437-5297: federally inspected meat
packers; (2/77-1/81); Mower; CD2; M.
Ed Plantenberg. Jr., Richmond 56368: (612) 597-2385; slaughter houses; (2/77-2/81);
Steaarns; CD6: LDI6B; M.
Donald A. Reuvers, RI.2. Faribaull 55021; (507)332-8665: livestock producers; (4/78.1/82);
Rice; CDI; LD24B; M.
MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL: 4th Fl., Centennial Bldg., St. Paul
55155;(612) 296-3996; (12 MCAR § 2.492B, Minn. Stat. § 393.07,
Hears personnel appeals; sets policy for administration of examinations; reviews classification and compensation plans. 3 members,
appointed by governor for 3 year terms. No member may have held
political office, been a member of a political organization, been an
employee of a state agency, or a member of a county welfare board for
I year preceding appointment. Members receive $50per meeting, not
to exceed $600 per year.
Current members:
Dan W. Gustafson, chm.. 2932 Jersey Ave. N., Mpls. 55427; (612) 227-7647: (1/78.1/81);
Hennepin: CD3: M; W.
VondelI Holbert, 2522 NW. 24th St., Rochester 55901; (507) 286-5252: (1/77.1/80):
Olmsted; CDI; F; B.
Kenneth J. Maas, Jr.. 125 Wildwood Ave.. While Bear Lake 55110; (612)426.2428: (5/791/82): Washington; CDI; LDSOA: M; IR; W.
Mpls. 55440; (6l2) 296-5418; (Minn. Stat. § l44A.17; 6/30/83).
Makes recommendations to the commissioner of health on proposed
rules and other matters relating to nursing homes; 15 members,
appointed by the commissioner of health: 5 professionals providing
services to residents of nursing homes (a registered nurse, pharmacist, dietician, doctor, and social worker) a licensed nursing home
administrator, 2 controlling persons of a proprietary nursing home, 2
controlling persons of a non-profit nursing home, 3 nursing home
residents (not residing in the same home), and 2 public members.
Meetings at the call of the commissioner, at the Dept. of Health, 717
Delaware St. S.E., Mpls.; members receive $35 per diem plus
Current members:
'1. C. Peterson. chm.. Litchfield 55355; (612) 693-2430; nursing home administrator; (1/771/80); Meeker; CD6; LD22; M.
'Madeline Adcock. 6363 Gopher Blvd. N., St. Paul 55119; (612) 739-9249; (8/79-1/80);
Washington; CD4; LD63; F; IR; W.
Paul Byers, 100W. Emerson. Apt. 305. St. Paul 55118; (612) 457-9155; public member; (1/771/83); Dakota; CDI; LD5I; M.
'Donald Fowler, 7470 Chanhassen Rd., Excelsior 55331; controlling person, proprietary
home; (1/77- 1/80); Hennepin; CD2; LD42; M.
Michael Gibson, RI. 2, Wadena 56482; (218)631-1391; controlling person, proprietary home;
(1/78. 1/83); Wadena; CD8; LDIOB; M.
'Joan Knowlton. Hopkins Nursing Home 724 County Rd. 18. Hopkins 55343; (612) 9353338; nursing home resident; (1/77-1/80); Hennepin; CD3; LD40; F.
'Judy Lamperl, 2760 Woolsey Ln.. Wayzata 55391; (612) 874-5525; public member; (12/771/80); Hennepin; CD2; LD42; F.
Mary Martens, 2095 Highland Pkwy.. St. Paul 55116; (612) 698-2664; dietician; (1/77-1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LD63B; F.
John Nelson. Box 419, Redwood Falls 58283; pharmacist; (1/77.1/80); Redwood; CD6;
LD28; M.
'Thomas Paul. 21630 Healy Ave. Circle N., Forest Lake 55025; (612) 788-1678; controlling
person, non-profit home; (1/78. 1/80); Washington; CDI; LD5I; M.
Emerson Storey. 1925 Norfolk Ave.. St. Paul 55116; (612) 698-5508; nursing home resident;
(5/78.1/83); Ramsey; CD4; LD63; M.
Philip Schumacher. 27 Knob Hill Dr.. Virginia 55792; (218) 741-4590; controlling person.
proprietary home; (1/77.1/83); St. Louis; CD8; LD5;.M.
Leila Texer, 718 Navajo Ln., St. Paul 55120; (612) 454-2697; registered nurse; (7/79-1/83);
Dakota; CD2; LD53A; F; W.
Joyce Traczyk, 2523 Portland Ave., Mpls. 55404; (612) 454-2697; social worker; (12/77-1/83);
Hennepin; CD5; LD59; F.
Philip Williams, 7727 Portland Ave. S., Richfield 55423; (612) 861-1691; nursing home
resident; (3/78.1/83): Hennepin; CD3 LD37; M.
Space Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul 55101; (612) 2966529; (Minn. Stat. § 182.656).
Advises the department of labor and industry on administration of the
state Occupational Safety and Health Act. 12 members, appointed by
governor, include 3 management representatives; 3 labor representatives; 3 representatives of occupational safety and health professions,
and 3 public members. Meetings at the call of the chairperson, Space
Center Bldg., St. Paul; members receive $35 per idem.
Current members:
Edwin Conrad. chm., 31 E. Arrowhead Rd., Duluth 55803; (218) 728-2888; (4/79-1/83); St.
Louis; CD8; LD8B; M; IR; W.
'Anthony Ackermann. 700 Osceola Ave., St. Paul 55105; (10/78-1/80); Ramsey; CD4,
'Hugh Gallagher. 5548 Washburn Ave. S.. Mpls. 55410; (612) 920-3236; labor; (1/77-1/80);
Hennepin: CD5; LD58A.
9ames T. Garrett, 1371 Ames Ave.. SI. Paul 55106: (612)733-0081; public member; (3/781/80); Ramsey; CD4; LD66B.
'Kenneth Kneeskern, Rt. 3, Box l.Austin 55912: (507) 433-8720; labor; (1/77-1/80); Mower;
Paul Larimore. ItO Ridge Rd.. Albert Lea 56009; (507) 373-7805; public member; (11/751/83); Freeborn; CD2; LD3IA.
Leonard 0. LaShomb. 175 Aurora, St. Paul 55103; (612) 483-5980; (1/76-1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD48B; M; DFL; W.
Art McCauley. 1530 Bellows SI., Apt. 116. W. St. Paul 55118; (612) 291-9150; safety; (11/751/83); Dakota; CDI; LD67A.
Robert S. Mars, Jr.. 4114 London Rd., DuluIh; (218) 525-4496; (6/79.1/83); St. Louis; CD8;
M; IR; W.
Ronald A. Nelson. 1764 Asbury, St. Paul 55113; (612)645-1619; (6/79-1/83); Ramsey; CD4;
LD62B; M; lR; W.
'David H. Senjem. 2423 12th Ave. NW., Rochester 55901; (507) 282-7648; (3/79-1/80);
Olmsted; CDI; LD33A; M; IR; W.
'John A. Woodhall, Jr., Spicer562OI; (612) 235.5846;industry;(2/78-l/80); Kandiyohi; CD6;
PAGE 822
OUTDOOR RECREATION ADVISORY COUNCIL: Rm. 100, Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2908; (Minn. Stat. §
Advises the commissioner of natural resources, the Minnesota historical society and the commissioner of transportation on the administration of the state's outdoor recreation system. Members include I
member of each regional development commission and the metropolitan council; chairperson appointed by governor. Meetings as necessary, in St. Paul; members receive $35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Leonard 5. Nadasdy. chm.. RI. I Box 18. Lorelto 55357; (612) 479-2320; (3/79.1/83); Hen.
nepin; CD6; LD42A; M; IR; W.
Milford Gentz, Lakefield 56150; RDC8.
LuVerne Grinager, 908-14th St. Clarkfield 56223; RDC 6W.
Arnold Hemquist, Battle Lake 56515; RDC 4.
Bob Piram, 545 City Hall, SI. Paul; Metropolitan Council.
Eugene Powell. RI. 4, Box 117, Waseca 56093; RDC 9.
Richard Ruble. RI. 4, Box 224, Austin 55912: RDC 10.
Ralph Thompson. Belgrade 56312; RDC 7W.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-2594; (Minn. Stat. § 82.30).
Advises the commissioner of securities on licensing real estate brokers and salespersons. 7 members, appointed by the commissioner,
include5real estate brokers with at least 5years experience in the
state, and 2 public members. Quarterly meetings; members receive
$35 per diem.
Current members:
Richard S. Bowman. 604 1st National Bank, Duluth 55802; (218) 724-0996; (1/79-1/83); St.
Louis; CD8; LD8A; M; IR; W.
CharlesJ. Keller. 1545 Vermillion SI., Hastings 55303; (612) 437-7515; (1/79.1/83); Dakola;
CDI; LD52B; M; IR; W.
'Cy Kuefler. Sr., RI. 3. Sauk Rapids 56379; (612) 251-4828; (7/76-1/80); Benlon; CD6;
'John Neumeier, 7850 Melro Parkway, Bloomington 55420; (612) 854-8500; (7/75-1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD37B; M.
Bonnie Lynn Nugenl; 4 Aspen Lane. St. Paul 55110; (612) 483-5302; (1/79.1/83) public
member; Ramsey; CD4; LD49; F; IR; W.
'Roger Sax. 129 Wildwood Ave., Birchwood 55115; (612) 426-2724; (7/77-1/80); CDI;
Vacancy-public member.
STATE INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADVISORY COUNCIL: 200 Administration Bldg., St. Paul 55155; (612) 296-6852; (Minn. Stat. §
16.91; 6/30/83).
Assists department of administration in developing a state information services master plan; makes recommendations to the commissioneron the state's computerization effort. 8 members, appointed by
governor. Meetings at the call of the chairman; members receive no
Current members:
Robert E. Griffin, chm., 2828 N. 2nd 51., N. St. Paul 55109; (612)298-7067; (11/77.1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LD5OB; M; W.
'Donald Henderson, RI. I. Box 187A. Madison Lake 56063: (11/77-1/80); Blue Earth; CD2;
LD29A; M; W.
G. A. Holmes, 6444 Margarets Ln., Edina 55435; (612) 344-6846; (11/77-1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD39B; M; W.
Gordon Multz, 29 Amelia Ave., W. St. Paul 55118; (612) 340-3384; (11/77-1/82); Ramsey;
CDI; LD67A; M; W.
'George Slaughter, 2639 Alabama S.. St. Louis Park 55416; (612) 372-8344; (11/77.1/80);
Hennepin; CD3; LD4IA; M; W.
Joseph F. Slejskal. 2561 Poplar Ave. E., N. St. Paul 55109; (612) 733-6023; (11/77.1/83);
Ramsey; CD4; LD5OB; M; W.
Roland D. Sullivan, 80E. Pleasant Lake Rd., N. Oaks. St. Paul 551 10; (612) 484-7527; (5(791/82); Ramsey; CD4; LD 49A; M; IR; W.
Robert M. Weller, 4131 Wendover Ct., Minnetonka 55343; (612) 935-3852; (5/79.1/82);
Hennepin; CD3; LD42; M; IR; W.
VETERANS' ADVISORY COUNCIL:Veterans' Service Bldg., St.
Paul55155;(612) 296-2562; (Minn. Stat. § 198.055; 6/30/83).
Examines the operation of the department of veterans' affairs; examines issues and problems relating to veterans; advises the commissioner of veterans' affairs on matters relating to the veterans' home
and veterans' camps. 11 members, appointed by the commissioner of
veterans' affairs, should have experience in the fields of mental and
physical health services, education and vocational rehabilitation.
Meetings bi-monthly at the Minnesota veterans' home; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
(CITE 4 S.R. 822)
Current members:
'Frank J. McCarthy. chm.. 715 Cloquet Ave.. Cloquet 55720: (218) 879-4611: (9/75.1/80)
Canton: CD8: LDI4A; M: W.
'Dean R. Ascheman. 537 7th St. N.W.. Rochester 55901 (507) 282-6289: (2179-1/80):
Olmsled: CDI: LD32: M; IR; W.
'John A. Bacich. 9209 Diamond Lake SIn., Mpls. 55419: (612) 825-9486; (9/75-1/80):
Hennepin: CDS: LD6IA: M: W.
Mary Lou Beckman. 510 S. Lakeshore Dr.. Lake City 55041: (612) 345-2992: (2/79-1/83):
Wabasha: CDI: LD25B: F: IR: W.
'William C. Buchotz, Wheaton 55296: (218) 563-8226: (1/76-1/80); Traverse; CD7; LDI I;
M: W.
Lester N. Dale. Its Ramsey St.. Hastings 55033: (612) 437-5032: (2/79.1/83); Dakota: CDI
LD52B: M: IR: W.
Stuart Gorney. 3240 Indiana Ave. N.. Mpls. 55422: (1/75-1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD43B:
M: W.
Clark F. Isaacs. 1665 Bohland. St. Paul 55116: (612) 224-2362: (9/75-1183); Ramsey; CD4:
LD63B; M; W.
'Robert P. Knight, 15055 N. Square Tr., Stillwater 55082; (612) 439-9065; (2/79-1/80):
Washington; CD4: LDSIA: M: IR: W.
Donald Schroedl. 5753 Newton Ave. S., Mpls. 55419: (1/75-1/83); Hennepin: CD3: LD43;
M, W.
'Henry D. Stokes. 135 SE. 2nd Ave.. Cambridge 55008; (612)669-1940; (2/79-1/80): Isanli:
CD8: LDI8A: M: IR: W.
Environmental Health, 717 Delaware S.E., Mpls. 55440; (612) 2965331; (Minn. Stat. § 115.74).
Makes rules and regulations necessary for the classification of water
and wastewater facilities and the certification of water and wastewater operators. 6 members: a certified water supply system
operator, a certified wastewater treatment facility operator, a college
faculty member whose major field is related to water supply or
wastewater collection and treatment, and a representative of the
league of municipalities appointed by the governor; a representative
of the health department's division of environmental health; and the
director of the pollution control agency or designee. Quarterly meetings; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
L. E. Carlson, chm., 1006W. 4th. Willmar 56201: (507) 235-4913: league of municipalities:
(1/76-1/80): Kandiyohi: M: W.
Perry Beaton, 1935 W. County Rd. B-2, Roseville 55113; (612) 296-720l; pollution control
agency; Ramsey: M: W.
Paul Johnson. 717 Delaware St. S.E.. Mpls. 55440; (612) 296.5331; dept. of health; Hennepin: M: W.
William Lloyd. 2215 W. Old Shakopee Rd.. Bloomington 5543 I; (612) 881-5811 ext. 352:
water supply operator; (6/79-1/83): Hennepin: CD3; LD 39B: M: W.
'Walter Maler. 19 E. Pleasant Lake Rd.. St. Paul 55110; (612) 373-2517: university faculty:
(4/77.1/80): Ramsey: M: W.
James Pastika. S. R. I. Box 23%, Ely 55731; (218) 365-6273; wastewater operator: (6/791/83); St. Louis; CD8: LD6B: M; W.
WATER WELL CONTRACTORS ADVISORY COUNCIL: 717 Delaware St. SE., Mpls. 55440;(612) 296-5338; (Minn. Stat. § 156A.06).
Advises the department of health on licensing water well contractors
and administering the Water Well Construction Code. 9 members: 6
water well contractors (state residents for at least 3 years, with at
least 5 years experience in well drilling, no more than two from the
twin cities area) and a representative of the department of health,
appointed by the commissioner of health, a representative of the
department of natural resources, appointed by the commissioner, and
a representative of the Minnesota geological survey, appointed by the
survey director. Quarterly meetings, 717 Delaware, Mpls.; members
receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'Maurice Leuthner, chm.. Victoria 55386; (612)443-2582; water well contractor metropolitan: (11/76-1/80): Carver; CD2, LD36A.
Gary Englund, Dept. of Health. 717 Delaware S.E.. MpIs. 55440; (612) 296-5330: (6/79-1/83):
Ramsey: CD4: LD49A.
George Oilman, RI.IDodge Center 55927: (507) 374-6587: (3/79-1/83): Dodge: CDI: LD32A:
M: IR; W.
'Vernon Johnson, Box 32. Bigelow 56117: (507) 663-2182: waler well contractor SW.
(11/76-1/80); Nobles; CD6; LD26B.
T. T. Renner, 6300 Industry Ave. N.W., Anoka 55303; (612) 441-2702; (3/79-1/83): Sher burne: CD6: LDI8B; M; IR: W.
AI Rosga, 410 2nd St. SE.. Hincktey 55037: (612) 384-6103; water well contractor N.E.;
(11/76-1/80); Pine; CD8: LDI4A.
'Sarah Tufford, Dept. of Natural Resources, 444 Lafayette Rd.. SI.Paul 55101: (612) 2964800; D. N. R. representalive; (9/77-1/80): Washington; CDI; LD5OA.
Malt Walton. Minnesota Geological Survey. 1633 Eustis. St. Paul 55108: (1/79-1/83); Ramsey: CD4: LD65A.
Ted Waskosky. Rt. 2, Elbow Lake5653 I :(2 18)948-2956:(3/79-t/83):Grant:CD7: LDI IA: M.
(CITE 4 SR. 823)
IV. Committees
ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF EXAMINERS IN MORTUARY SCIENCE:717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55440; (612) 296-5491; (Minn.
Stat. § 149.02; 6/30/83).
Licenses and regulates funeral directors; inspects and registers funeral facilities; advises the commissioner of health in the implementation
of mortuary science law and rules of the commissioner, and sits as a
panel on disciplinary matters. 4 members appointed by the commissioner of health include I public member, 2 licensed morticians, and a
full-time staff member of the department of mortuary science at the
University of Minnesota. Monthly meetings at the department of
health, 717 Delaware St., Mpls. 55414; members receive $35 per diem
plus expenses, except for the University of Minnesota member.
Current members:
Brian D. Junker, chm., 860 46th Ave.. Winona 55987; (507) 452-3624: (6/74-12/82); Winona:
CDI; LD34B: M; W.
'Earl L. Burger, 114 Vincent Hall, University of Minnesota, Mpls. 55455: (612) 373-3870;
(1/76-1/80); Hennepin; CD5: LD6OB; M; W.
'Maynard 0. Heitner. 255 2nd Ave. SW., Wells 56097: (507) 553-3124: (1/69-1/80); Fanbault; CD2: LD3OA: M; W.
Louis 0. Wargo, 27410 Pine Bend, Excelsior 55331; (612) 474-4069; (3/79-12/82): Hennepin;
CD2: LD42B; M; W.
Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612) 296-4626; (Minn. Stat. § 16.853).
Advises the commissioner of administration on amendments to the
state building code. 9 members, appointed by the commissioner,
include I member from each congressional district and I member at
large; I public member and 8 members representing construction
professions, building code enforcement agencies, architectural and
engineering associations, contracting and manufacturing industries,
and local government. Quarterly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St.
Paul; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
'Ellis Larson. Box 453, E. Grand Forks 56721; (8/75-I/SO): Polk: CD7; M; W.
Larry Laukka, 7101 York. Edina 55435; (l/79-l/83); Hennepin: CD3: M: W.
Palricia Lucas. 3264 N. Victoria, St. Paul 55112; (1/79-1/83): Ramsey; CD4; F; W.
'Robert L. Michaud. 310 Plymouth Bldg., MpIs. 55422: (8/76-I/SO); Hennepin: CD3: M: W.
Richard Vasatka. 1011 Nicollet Mall. Mpls. 55403; (1/79-1/83): Dakota; CDI; M; W.
Gerald Viellet, 3400 Trinity Rd., Duluth 58511: (1/79-1/83): 51. Louis; CD8; M: W.
'Allan Wold. 230 Cily Hall, Mpls. 55415: (1/76-1/80): Polk: CD7: M; W.
2 vacancies.
205 4th Ave., International Falls 56649; (218) 283-3507: (Minn. Stat. §
84B. II).
Researches all matters related to the establishment and operation of
Voyageurs Nat'l. Park; makes recommendations to the U.S. Nat'l.
Park Service and other federal and state agencies concerned. 16
members, appointed by governor, include 4 members from Koochiching county, 4 members from St. Louis county, and 4 at large
members. 2 members of the senate are appointed by the committee on
committees, and 2 members of the house are appointed by the
speaker of the house. Quarterly meetings; members receive $35 per
diem plus expenses.
Current members:
'Joe Boyle. chm., 235 4th Ave., International Falls 56649: (218) 283-9481: (7/75-1/80):
Koochiching: CD8; LD3A; M.
Irvin Anderson. stale rep., 909 13th St.. International Falls 56649; (612)296-5251: Koochiching: CD8; LD3A; M; DFL: W.
Oscar Bergstrom, Box 244, Loman 56654:1218)379-3321: (6/79.1/83); Koochiching; CD8:
LD3A: M: IR; W.
Clarence Hart, 2200 1st NaIl. Bank Bldg., St. Paul 55101: (612) 429-2803: (7/75-1/83):
Ramsey: CD4: LD49B: M: W.
William W. Holes, 1610 Calvary Ct.. St. Cloud 56301: (612) 252-4890:16/79-1/83): Stearns;
CD6; LDI7B; M: IR; W.
Carl Jensen, state sen., 209 st Ave. S., Sleepy Eye 56085; (507) 794-5471; Brown: CD2:
LD28B; M; IR; W.
Jean Juelich, Lake Kabetogama, Ray 56669: (218) 875-2411: (6/79-1/83); St. Louis: CD8:
LD5B; F: W.
'Jack Koch. III 9th Ave.. International Falls 56649; (218) 286-2704: (7/75.1/80): Koochiching; CD8; LD3A; M: W.
Richard C. Mollin, P.O. Box 273, International Falls 56649; (218) 283-8385: (6/79-1/83):
Koochiching: CD8; LD3A; M: IR; W.
'Thomas Newcome, 2374 Joy, White Bear Lake 55110; (612)428-2714: (7/75.1/80): Ramsey;
LD; CD4: M; W.
Edward Pearsall, 1225 S. 10th St.. Virginia 55792; (218) 749-1534; (6/79-1/83): St. Louis:
CD8: LDSB; M; W.
OFFICIAL NOTICES Larry Pervenanze. 402 Pennsylvania Ave., BuhI 55713; (218) 258-3267; (7/75-1/80); St.
Louis; CD8; LD8; M; W.
DaIe Pommerville, 1819 Greysolon Rd., Duluth 55812; (218) 724-8236; (7/75-1/80);St.
Louis; CD8; LD8A; M; W.
Elliot Rothenberg, state rep., 3901 W. 25th St.. St. Louis Park 55416; (612) 920-6384;
Hennepin; CD3; LD4IB; M; IR: W.
iames Smith. 2070 Marble Ln., Eagan 55122; (612) 920-1400; (7/75-1/80); Dakota; CDI;
LD52; M; W.
Peter Stumpf. state sen.. 1444 N. Grotto, St. Paul 55117; (612) 489-2532; Ramsey; CD4;
LD64; M; DFL; W.
COMMITTEE ON NONPUBLIC SCHOOLS: Department of Education, 7th Floor Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101;(612) 296-6104;
(Laws of 1979, ch. 195).
Defines issues and makes recommendations on non public schools to
the governor, legislature, board of education and commissioner of
education. Five members, appointed by the governor, represent various areas of the state. Meetings at call of chairman; members receive
$35per diem.
Current members:
Le Roy Brown. 145 University Ave.. St. Paul 55103; (612) 452-2534; (7/79-1/83); Dakota;
CDI; LD53; M; W.
James Griesgraber. 1736 Scheffer Ave., St. Paul 55116; (612) 690-4070; (7/79.1/83); Ramsey;
CD4; LD63; M; IR; W.
Anne M. Heegaard, 2434 Sherwood Hills Rd.. Minnetonka 55343; (612) 545-1006; (7/791/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD4OB; F; IR; W.
Alvin J. Koning. 507 Kandiyohi St.. Prinsburgs62tl; (612)978.8703; (7/79.1/83); Kandiyohi;
CD6: LD2IB; M; IR; W.
Richard Timm.doPeace Lutheran School, 6th Ave. & 3rd St. S.W.; (507) 332-8887; (7/79.
1/83); Rice; CDI; LD24B; M; IR; W.
COMMITTEE:Hanover Bldg; 480 Cedar St., St. Paul 55101; (612)
296-5005; (Minn. Stat. § 362.09).
Advises the commissioner of economic development on the budget
and operations of the department. 21 members, appointed by the
commissioner, include 2 from each congressional district, and 5at
large members. Quarterly meetings; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Willis K. Drake. chm., 5704 Schafer Rd.. Edina 55436; (612) 933'1223; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD39A; M.
Lee M. Berlin. 1700S. Lexington Ave.. St. Paul 55118; (612)291-1290; (6/79-1/83); Dakota.
CDI: LD53A; M; IR; W.
Alex Chisholm, 322 Mesaba Dr.. Hibbing 55746; (218) 263-7880; (6/79.1/83); SI. Louis; CD8;
LD5A; M.
George H. Dixon, 3250 Fox St.. Long Lake 55356; (612) 475-2158; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD42B; M; IR; W.
David S. Doty, 23 Greenway Gables. Mpls. 55403; (612) 332-7853; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin;
CD5; LD58A; M; IR; W.
Donald Gilmer, State Bank of Delano, Delano 55328; (612) 972-2549; (6/79-1/83); Wright;
CD6; LD42A; M; IR; W.
Joseph P. Goggin. 804 Central Ave.. Red Wing 55066; (612) 388-7046; (6/79.1/83); Goodhue;
CDI; LD25B; M; IR; W.
Donald Goodrich, 1401 Birchlane Dr., Thief River FaIls 36701; (218) 681-4286; (6/79.1/83);
Pennington; CD7; LDIB; M; tR; W.
Dan W. Gustafson, 173 Aurora Ave.. St. Paul 55103; (612) 545-9124; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD44B; M.
E. Robert Kinney. P.O. Box 1113, Mpls. 55440; (612)340-2051; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin; M; W.
David Koch. 2051 Meeting St.. Wayzata 55391; (612) 473-6013; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin, CD3;
Larry J. Kitto. RI. 4, Box 205. Bemidji 56601; (218) 335-6217; (6/79.1/83); Beltrami; CD7;
LD4A; M: DFL; Al.
David M. Lilly. 18 Summit Court. St. Paul 55102; (612) 226-3789; (6/79-1/83); Ramsey. CD4;
M; W.
Richard L. Parry, 5916 Amy Dr.. Edina 55436; (612) 925-1872; (6/79.1/83); Hennepin: CD3;
LD39A; M; IR; W.
Harry C. Piper. Jr., 800 Multifoods Bldg., Mpls. 55402; (612) 473-8392; (6/79.1/83); Henepin;
CD2; LD36; M; IR; W.
Claude Titus. 112 Donovan St. Grand Rapids 55744; (218) 326-6796; (6/79-1/83); Itasca; CD8;
LD3B; M.
Carol Trusz-Masuda, 1783 Portland Ave.. St. Paul 55104; (612) 339.9597; (6/79.1/83); Ramsey. CD4; F.
Laird D. Waldo, 424 N. Front St.. Munkato 56001; (507) 625-4322; (6/79-1/83); Blue Earth;
CD2; LD29A; M; IR; W.
Ann Waterhouse. 2611-8th St. 5.. #1. MpIs. 55407; (612)336-3007; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin;
CD5; LD57B; F.
DonaldR.Watkins.2004-l3thSt.5.;(612)251.2778;(6/79-l/83);Steat -ns;CD6;LDI6B;M;IR;W.
Frederick T. Weyerhaeuser. 610 Wentworth Ave. W.. St. Paul 55118; (612) 454-8274; (6/791/83); Dakota; CDI; LD53; M; IR; W.
Mpls. 55402; (612) 338-7584; (Laws of 1979, Chapter 207, Sec. 5).
Administers the Fair-Plan Act, to make property insurance available
PAGE 824
in urban areas. 9 members: Selected members, at least I representing
a domestic stock insurer, and I representing a domestic non-stock
insurer, and 4 additional members appointed by the commissioner of
insurance, including at least 3 public members. 3-4 meetings per year;
members receive no compensation.
Current members:
Larry Benson. chm.. Mutual Service Casualty Insurance Co.. Box 43035, St. Paul 55164;
elected member; (12/78-12/79); M.
Roger Brooks, St. Paul Insurance Companies. 385 Washington St.. St. Paul 55102; elected
member; (12/78-12/79).
*William Cole, American Hardware Mutual Insurance, 3033 Excelsior Blvd., Mpls. 55416;
elected member; (12/78-12/79); M.
Earl Halvorson. American Family Mutual Insurance Co., 3099 E. Washington Ave.,
Madison, WI 53701; elected member; (12/78-12/79); M.
Randall Sanders. Continental Insurance Co., 10901 Red Circle Dr.. MpIs. 55440; elected
member; (12/78-12/79); M.
4 vacancies as of 10/79.
COMMITTEE:130 State Capitol, St. Paul55155;(612) 296-4731;
(Minn. Stat. § 4.31).
Promotes volunteerism by coordinating and channelling volunteer
services; makes recommendations to the governor on programs and
goals of office of volunteer services. 21 members, appointed by
governor, include at least I from each economic development region.
4-5 meetings per year; members compensated for expenses.
Current members:
Helen Fleck, chm., 400 Wildwood, White Bear Luke 55110; (612) 426-3869; (5/76-1/80);
Washington; CD4; LD49; F; W.
Paula Brandt, RI. 4 Box 1%, Willmar 56201; (612) 235-3322: (5/76-1/80); Kandiyohi; CD6;
LD2I; F; W.
Marilyn Bryant. 18919 Maple Hill Rd.. Wayzata 55391; (612) 473.4808; (6/79-1/83); Hennepin; CD2; LD42B; F; IR; W.
'Lucille Colic, RI. 4, Box 403; Bemidji 56601; (218) 751-1024; (5/78-1/80); Beltrami; CD7;
Carol Crust, Rt. 3 Box 221. Brainerd 56401; (218)829-1663; (6/79-1/83); Crow Wing; CD7;
LDI3A; F; IR; W.
Wesley M. Figgins, 1937 Rome Ave., St. Paul 55116; (612) 698-7469; (6/79-1/83); Ramsey;
CD4: LD63B; M; IR: W.
Alyce Flotten. 515 F. 4th St.. Duluth 55805; (218) 722-5724: (6/79-1/83); St. Louis; CD8: LD7:
F; IR: W.
'Gerald Gustafson, 069 Oak Circle. N. Branch 55056; (612) 674-7477; (5/76-1/80); Chisago
CD8; LDI9A; M; W.
Allie Mae Hampton, 1497 Western Ave. N.. St. Paul 55117; (612) 489-2587; (6/79.1/83);
Ramsey: CD4; LD64; F; DFL; B.
'Jeanne Hodge, Whitebridge Hill. Oronoco 55960; (507)376-4994; (5/78-1/80); Olmsted:
CDI; LD32B; F; W.
'Dick Hodgkins, 8661 Red Oak Dr.. Eden Prairie 55344; (1/76-1/80): Hennepin; CD3; LD4O;
M: W.
'Sr. Patrice Kiefer. 1003 Douglas. Alexandria 56308; (612) 762-1551; (5/76-1/80); Douglas;
CD7; LDII; F; W.
Kay S. Kraatz. University of Minnesota. Crookston 56716; (218) 281-3104; (6/79-1/83); CD7;
LD2A: F: W.
Tim B. Lawler, 650 Garfield Ave., Anoka 55303; (612) 427-5435; (6/79-1/83); CD8; LDI9B;
M: W.
'Addie Moonier, 309 Smith, Redwood Falls 56283; (507) 637-3971; (5/76-1/80); Redwood:
CD6: LD2IB; F; W.
'Robert Munson. 5337 Northport Dr.. Brooklyn Center 55429: (612) 871-0221: (5/76-1/80);
1-Iennepin; CD3; LD44; M; W.
Harriet Neitge, Immanuel-SI. Joseph's Hospital. 325 Garden Blvd., Mankato 56001; (507)
625-4931; (6179-1/83); Blue Earth; CD2; LD29; F; IR; W.
Jackie Sinykin. 4330 S. Cedar Lake Rd.. Mpls. 55407: (612)941-1709: (6/79.1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD39B; F; W.
'Connie Skillingstad, 3920 11th Ave. S., Mpls. 55407; (612) 827-6241; (5/76-1/80); Hennepin;
CD5; LD4O; F: W.
Winnifred Strand, Milan 56262; (612) 734-4816; (6/79-1/83): Chippewa; CD6: LDI5B; F;
IR; W.
'Carol Truesdell, 9 Woodland Rd., Edina 55424; (612) 927-6874; (5/76-1/80): Hennepin; CD3;
LD39; F: W.
Mary E. Weyrens. 19 Highbanks, St. Cloud 56301; (612)251-9177: (7/79.1/83); Stearns; CD6;
LDI7; F; IR; W.
Paul 55101; (612) 296-5676; (Minn. Stat. § 363.04; subd. 4).
Advises the commissioner of human rights; recommends programs
and policies. 15 members appointed by governor. Monthly meetings;
members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
'Tollie Flippin. Jr., chm., 33092nd Ave. S.. Mpls. 55408; (11/77-1/80); Hennepin; CD5;
LD59B; M; B.
'Joseph Bester, 1817 3rd Ave. S., Mpls. 55404; (11/77-1/80); Hennepin; CD3; LD57B: M.
'Milton DeJesus. 767 Ashland, SI. Paul (11/77-1/80); Ramsey: CD4; LD6SA; M; H.
• Ron Edwards. 325 Morgan Ave. S.. Mpls: (11/77-1/80): Hennepin; CDS; LD56A; M: B.
Deanne Fairbanks. P.O. Box 243, Cats Lake 56633: (218) 335-8577: (6/79.1/83)Cass: CD7:
LD4; F; DFL; At.
Corrine Fritz. Wayside Addition. RI. 5,St. Cloud 56301: (612) 252.8072: (6/79-1/83): Sherburne: CD6: LDI8B; F: tR: W.
Roy Garza, 205 E. Viking Dr. #325. St. Paul 55117: (612) 483.8138: (6/79-1/83): Ramsey;
C04; LD49A: M: H.
• Ray Hemenway, S. Shore Dr.. Albert Lea 56007: (I 1/77-1/80): Freeborn: CDI LD3 I M.
Karl Kassulke, 3030 McCarthy Ridge. Eagan 55121: (6/79-1/83): Dakota: CD2: LD25: M.
Chuck Lilligren. 1156 Andover Blvd.. Anoka: (11/77-1/80): Anoka: CD8: Lt3I9A: M.
Hazel Mickelson, 600 S. State St., New Ulm 56073; (507)354-2266: (6/79-1/83): Brown: CD2;
LD28; F: tR; W.
Linda A. Owens. 240 Georgia Ave. N.. Golden Valley 55427: (612) 544-8386: (6/79-1/83):
Hennepin: CD3: LD4IA: F: W.
• Antonio Perez. 626 Cherokee. St. Paul: (11/77-1/80): Ramsey: CD2: LD67A: M: H.
James Ramstad. 5633 Penn Ave. S.. Mpls. 55419: (612) 926-7031: (6/79-1/83): Hennepin:
CDS; LD58A: M: 1k: W.
Frank L. Taylor. 4601 Ewing Ave. S.. Mpls. 55410: (612) 920-8371: (6/79-1/83): Hennepin;
CD5: LD58B: M: tR: B.
Bemidji56601;(218) 755-2926;-(Minn. Stat. § 124.48; 6/30/81).
Advises the board of education on amounts and types of scholarships
granted to American Indian post-secondary students. Members, appointed by board of education, include 2 from Duluth area, and I each
from the Mpls. area, the Bemidji area, bureau of Indian affairs higher
education office, Minnesota Chippewa tribe, Minnesota Sioux tribe,
and Red Lake education division. Members are compensated for
Current members:
Larry P. Ailken, Box 217. Cass Lake 56633: (218) 335-2252: Minnesota Chippewa tribe:
(9/79-7/81): Cass: CD7; LD4: M: At.
Lorraine Cavender-Gouge. Upper Sioux Tribal Office. Rt. 2. Granite Falls 56241: (612) 5644504: Minnesota Sioux tribe: (9/79.7/81).
Steve Chapman, 3625 24th Ave. S., MpIs. 55406: (612) 722-2080: Mpls. area: (9/79-7/81):
Hennepin; CDS: M: Al.
George Himango. 105 University Rd.. Cloquet 55720: (218) 726-7160: Duluth area: (9/797/81): St. Louis: Ct)8: LD8; M: At.
Elaine Johnson. Box 251. Redby 56670; (218)751-0160: (9/79.7/81): Bellrami: CD7; F: DFL:
Geraldine Kozlowski, 7302 Cardigan St.. Dulstth 55810: Duluth area: (9/79.7/81): St. Louis:
CD8: LD8: F: At.
Dave Larson, Morton 56270: (507) 697-6340: Minnesota Sioux tribe: (9/79.7/81): Renville:
CD6: LD26: M: At.
Marcianna J. Maki. 345 ABAH. University of Minnesota, Duluth. 2400 Oakland Ave..
Duluth 55812: (218) 728-4760; (9/79-7/81): St. Louis: CD8: LD8: F; At.
Jerry J. Rawley. RI. 2 Box l4tA. Waubun 56589; (218) 983-3620; (9/79.7/81); Mahnomen;
CD7; LD2B; M; DFL: At.
John Robertson. RI. I Box 137. Morton 56270: (507) 697-6984; (9/79-7/80; Renville; CD6:
LD2IB; M; At.
Sharon Romana. 1921 E. 32nd St., Mpls. 55407: (612) 722-9798: (9/79-7/80: Hennepin; CD5:
F; Al.
Roberti. Villwock, l5l5CalihanAve., Bemidji566ol: (2t8) 751-1668: (1/79.1/80: Beltrami;
CD7; LD4A; M; DFL; W.
Bonnie Wallace. Augsburg College. 731 21st Ave. S.. Mpls. 55454; (612) 729-2644: (9/797/81): Hennepin; CD5; LD6OA; F: At.
Flo Wiger, 4201 Chicago Ave. S., Mpls. 55407: (612) 822-8238: (9/79-7/81); Hennepin: CD5:
Dick Wolf. 831 2nd Ave. 5.. Mpls. 55402; (612) 725-2901: B IA; (9/79-7/81); Hennepin: CDI:
M: W.
HEALTH:Dept. of Public Welfare, Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 55155;
(612) 296-3058; (Minn. Stat. § 246.017).
Advises commissioner of welfare on mental health and medical policy. 7 members, appointed by the commissioner, include 5 experts
from fields of medicine, mental health, mental retardation, or related
sciences; 2 involved in social service, rehabilitation, volunteer services, nursing, hospital administration or related fields. Members
receive $50 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Eunice A. Davis. 436 Transit Ave., Roseville 55113; (6t2) 484-7387: (9/79-7/82); Ramsey;
CD4; LD48B: F; W.
John Malban, 1988 Nininger Rd.. Hastings 55033; (612)373-2447;) 10/78-7/80; Dakota; CDI;
LD52B; M; W.
Jerry Allen Martin, University of Mn., Physical Med. & Rehab.. Mayo-Box 297. Mpls.
55455; (612) 944-6992; (10/79.7/80); Hennepin; CD3; LD39B; M; W.
James W. Nettleton, Gillette Children's Hospital. 200 E. University Ave.. St. Paul 55101;
(612)631-8418; (9/79.7/81); Ramsey: M; W.
Murray D. Rosenberg. 560 Mt. Curve Blvd.. St. Paul 55116; (612)698-6234; (10/79-7/82);
Ramsey; CD4; LD63B; M.
Joseph J. Westermeyer. 1935 Summit Ave.. St. Paul 55105: (612) 373-8102; (1/78.7/80);
Ramsey: CD4: M; W.
(CITE 4 SR. 825)
Freeman B. Wong; 3909 Drew Ave. S.. St. Louis Pk. 55410; (612) 544-9571; (1/78-7/80);
Hennepin: M; A.
PHYSICAL THERAPY EXAMINING COMMITTEE: #352,717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls. 55440;(612)296-5534;(Minn. Stat. § 148.67).
Advises the board of medical examiners on all matters relating to
physical therapy.5members, appointed by the board for 3 year
terms, include 3 physical therapists, I medical doctor, and I professor
in a school of physical therapy. Members receive $35 per diem plus
Current members:
Ruth Anderson, 1275 Brighton Square. New Brighton 55112; (612) 483-5431; physical
therapist; (7/78-6/81): Ramsey: CD4: LD48: F.
Carolyn Fiterman, 4895 Bassett Creek Dr.. Golden Valley 55442; (612) 588-5712: physical
therapist; (7/79-7/82); Hennepin; CD5; LD43; F.
Glenn Scudder. 5109 Oxford Ave., Mpls. 55436; (612) 373-9691: physical therapist; (8/787/80): Hennepin: CDS; LD39; M.
Vacancies - professor, doctor.
POWER PLANT SITING ADVISORY COMMITTEE:Environmental Quality Board, 550Cedar St., St. Paul55101;(612) 296-2757; (6
MCAR § 3.075; 6/30/80).
Makes recommendations to the environmental quality board (EQB)
on siting of electrical generating plants, alternative methods ofgenerating power, and use of existing rights of way for high voltage transmission lines. 25 members, appointed by EQB. 6-8 meetings per year;
members are compensated for expenses.
Current members:
Richard C. Annear, 312 S. 5th St., Virginia 55792: (11/79.7/80); M.
Jeanne K. Crampton. 4330 Wooddale Ave. S., St. Louis Park 55424; (11/79.7/80); F.
David S. DahI, Fed. Reserve Bank of Mpls., Fed. Reserve Bank Bldg., MpIs. 55480; (11/79.
7/80); M.
Ted Dosdall, RI. I, Hancock 56244; (11/79-7/80); M.
Wallace Fjone, RI. I, Hartland 56042;) 11/79-7/80): M.
Harold J. Hagen. RI., Starbuck 56381; (11/79-7/80): M.
Byron Harris, Minn. Public tnterest Research Group. 2412 University Ave. SE.. Mpls.
55414; 11/79-7/80): M.
Ted D. Horwitz. 2711 W. 28th St., Mpls. 55416; (11/79.7/80); M.
Timothy J. Kelly, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. University of Minnesota, 311
Walter Library, 117 Pleasant SI. SE.. Mpls. 55455; (11/79-7/80); M.
Jerry Kigin, 1725 Cooper Ave. S.. St. Cloud 56301: (11/79.7/80); M.
Cecelia Lewis, 927 Roosevelt Rd., Bemidji 56601; (11/79.7/80); F.
Ricardo Morales, 1224 E. 21st St.. Mpls. 55404; (11/79-7/80); M.
Kenneth Nan- , Rt. 2 Box 269. Arlington 55307: (11/79.7/80); M.
Phillip M. Parsons. Parmeadow Farms, RI. I. Northfteld 55057; (11/79.7/80); M.
Mike Philipp, 3944 tDS Center. Mpls. 55402: (11/79.7/80); M.
Lance Provencher, RI. 2, Litchfield 55355; (11/79-7/80): M.
Bill Richardson, 319 SE. 5th St., Mpls. 55414; (11/79-7/80): M.
Loren S. Rulter, Kinney 55758; (11/79.7/80); M.
Rex Sala, 610 N.W. 8th St., Austin 55912: (11/79-7/80); M.
Nick Schmitz, Rt., Wadena 56482: (11/79.7/80); M.
L. I-I. Schroeder, N. Star RI.. Hill City 55748; (11/79.7/80); M.
Mary Sonnen, 2078 Temple Cl. St. Paul 55104; (11/79-7/80); F.
David Stevens, board of commissioners, Mankato 56001; (11/79.7/80); Blue Earth; M.
Sig Svendsen, RI., Lake Crystal 56055: (11/79-7/80); M.
Gary L. Velde, Box 43. RI. 2. Granite Falls 56241; M.
UNIFORM CONVEYANCING BLANKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE:500 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612)296-2594; (Minn.
Stat. § 507.09).
Reviews all uniform conveyancing blanks; recommends new or
amended forms to commissioner of securities. Members appointed
by commissioner, no set terms or restrictions on membership.
Monthly meetings at Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive
no compensation.
Current members:
Allan E. Mulligan. chm., 7900 Xerxes Ave. S.. Mpls. 55431; Hennepin; CD3; LD4OA.
Thomas Berg. 250 Midland Bk. Bldg., Mpls. 55401; Hennepin; CD3; LD43A; M.
Roger Catherwood. 707 4th St. NW., Austin 55912; Mower; CD2; LD3IB; M.
Thomas B. Collins. 500 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; Hennepin; CD3: LD39A; M.
Ronald G. Gandrud. 4002nd Ave. S., Mpls. 55401; Hennepin; CD3; LD44B; M.
David Greening, W. 2200 1st NaIl. Bk. Bldg.. St. Paul 55101; Ramsey; CD4; LD62A; M.
Richard H. Massopust, Jr., tDS Bldg., Mpls. 55402: Hennepin; CD5; LD56B; M.
Ralph A. Swenson, 200 S. 5th St., Mankato 56001: Blue Earth; CD2: LD29A; M.
Elsie M. Wolf. Hennepin County Govt. Center, MpIs. 55487; Hennepin; CD3; LD39A.
V. Authorities
Square Bldg.,St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-4690; (Minn. Stat. § 136A.26).
OFFICIAL NOTICES Issues tax exempt revenue bonds for capital improvements at nonprofit private post-secondary educational institutions. 6 members,
appointed by governor and confirmed by senate, include 1 expert in
construction, I inhighereducation, I inmunicipalfinance;theexecutive director of HECB is an ex-officio member. Monthly meetings;
members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Frederick J. Bentz, 2778 Thomas Ave. S.. Mpls. 55416: (612) 922-6821: (4179-1183): Hennepin: CD5: LD56: M: IR: W.
Robert W. Bonine. 592 Spring St.. St. Paul: (612) 224-9635: (1/75-1/81): Dakota: CDI LDS9:
M: IR: W.
Robert W. Freson, 2402 9th Ave. NW., Rochester 55901: (507) 288-2501; (9/75-1/81):
Olmsted: M: W.
Bernard P. Friel, 750 Mohican Ln., St. Paul: (612) 291-1215: (5/77-1/83): Dakota; M: DFL;
Earl R. Herring. 09 14th Ave. S.. Moorhead 56560: (218) 236-2156: (1/79.1/83): Clay: CD7:
M: W.
Maxwell 0. Ramsland, Jr. 2401 E. 1st St., DuluIh: (218) 728-3314; (3/79-1/83): SI. Louis:
CD8: LD8A: M: IR: W.
55801; (218) 727-8525; (Minn. Stat. § 458.10).
Promotes waterborne commerce in port district; may acquire or
construct port facilities; responsible for sale of land in Air-Port Industrial Park and Oneota Industrial Park. 7 members: 2 appointed by
governor, 2 by St. Louis County Board; 3 by Duluth City Council.
Meetings twice a month in Duluth; members receive $35per diem.
Current members:
Ingrid Wells, chm., 110 E. Chisholm St., Duluth: (218) 724-0492: city council appointee:
(5/76-10184):St. Louis: CD8: LD7; F: W.
•Fred Barrett. 2507 4th Ave. W.. Hibbing 55746: (218) 263-9559; county board appointee:
(t2/67.1/80): St. Louis: CD8: LD5: M: W.
Albert P. Colalillo. 70 Pike Lake. Duluth 55811: (218) 729-9135: county board appointee:
(1/76.1/82); St. Louis: CD8: LD7: M: W.
Donald W. Ireland, School of Business and Economics. University of Minnesota. Dululh
55812: (218) 724-5613: city council appointee: (10/77-10/80): St. Louis: CD8: LD8; M; W.
Lois Kundel. 1306 Broadway, Cloquet 55720: (218) 879-2076: governor's appointee: (2/771/83): St. Louis; CD8: LD8: F; W.
Norbert Mokros, 2024 W. 3rd St., Duluth 55806: (218) 727-5897: city council appointee:
(10/76-10/82): St. Louis; CD8: LD7; M: W.
Russel Schwandt. RI. I. Sanborn 56083: (507) 648-3512: governor's appointee; (2/79.1/85);
Cottonwood: CD6: LD28A: M: IR; W.
VI. Task Forces
Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 2%-6458;(Minn. Stat. § 126.53; 6/30/80).
Advises the board of education in the administration of the American
Indian Language and Culture Education Act; reviews proposals and
makes recommendations to the board on approval and funding of
bicultural programs in Minnesota schools. Members, appointed by
the board of education, include 2 representatives of the Minnesota
Sioux Tribe, and I representative each from the Minnesota Red Lake
Tribe, the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, the metropolitan areas of
Duluth, Mpls., and St. Paul, and a member representing Indian
Alternative Schools. Members include representatives of community
groups, parents of children eligible to be served by the programs,
American Indian administrators and teachers, and persons knowledgeable in the field of American Indian language and culture education. Between 6 and 10 meetings per year at various sites statewide;
members are reimbursed for expenses.
Current members:
Norman Deschampe, chm.. Grand Portage 55605; (218) 475-2277: (8/77.6/80); Cook; CD3;
LD6; M: Al.
Nadine Chase. Box 308. Cass Lake 56633: (218) 665-2329: (3/79-6/80); Cass: CD7; LD4B;
F: Al,
Joanne Donald, Box 729, Tower 55790; (8/77-6/80); St. Louis; CD8; LD6B; F; Al.
Lorraine Gouge. RI. 2. Granite Falls 56241; (8/77.6/80); Yellow Medicine; CD6; LDI5B:
F: Al.
Amelia LeGarde, 402 N. 8th St..Duluth 55805; (218)726-8162; (8/77-6/80); St. Louis; CD8;
LD6B: F: Al.
Emily Peake, 1113W. Broadway, Mpls. 55411: (612) 522-4436: (8/77-6/80); Hennepin: CD5:
LD55A; F; Al.
Carolyn Schommer. 23 l9Cole Ave. SE.. Mpls. 55414; (8/77.6/80); Hennepin; CD5: LD55A;
F: Al.
Versa Wood, Red Lake 56671: (218) 679-3341: (8/77.6/80); Beltrami; CD7; LDIB; F; Al.
PAGE 826
of Corrections, 430 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 2966463; (Minn. Stat. § 241.64).
Advises the department of corrections on funding for emergency
shelters and programs for battered women. 22 members, appointed
by commissioner of corrections, include persons knowledgeable in
the fields of health, law enforcement, social services and law; 5
representatives of community or government organizations providing services to battered women; 4 public members. Monthly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members are compensated for
Current members:
Shirley Oberg, chm.. 1810W. 1st St.. Duluth 55806: (218) 722-0222: (7/79-7/81): St. Louis:
CD8; LD7; F.
Mary Beeman. 648 1st Ave. N.E.. Rochester 55901: (507) 285-8408: (7/79-7/81): Olmsted:
CDI: LD33A; F.
Kenyari Bellfteld: 3001 Oakland S.. Mpls. 55407: (7/79-7/81): Hennepin; CD5: F: B.
lola Columbus. Morton 56270: (507) 697-6478: (7/79.7/81); Redwood; CD6; LD2IB: F:
DFL: Al.
Marjory Curry. 4238 Portland Ave.. Mpls. 55407: (612) 822-7184: (7/79-7/81): Hennepin;
CDS: LD59: F: DFL: B.
Susan Davidson, 336 S. Ash, Crookston 56716: (7/79-7/81): Polk, CD7: LD2A; F.
Candace Dc Grazia, 41h & Center. Winona 55987: (507) 454-6660; (7/79.7/81): Winona; CDI:
LD34; F.
Jo Ann Enos. 149 Exeler P1., St. Paul 55104: (612)647-1130; (7/79-7/81); Ramsey. CD4; F; H.
Ella Gross. 210½ City Hall. Mpls. 55415; (612)521-6693: (7/79-7/81); Hennepin; CD5; LDS6:
F: B.
Fermina Hernandez. 1622 Vincent Ave. N.. Mpls. 55411; (612)521.4121: (7/79.7/81); Hen.
nepin: CDS: F: DFL: H.
Patricia Jensen. 209 1st Ave. S.. Sleepy Eye 56085: (507) 794-5471; (7/79-7/81): Brown, CD2;
LD28: F: lR: W.
Lynn Lobitz. RI. I. Waconia 55387: (7/79-7/81); Carver. CD2; LD36A; F.
Louise Mack. Box 365. New London 56273: (507) 235-4613: (7/79-7/81): Kandiyohi: CD6;
Patricia Murphy. 584 Grand Ave.. St. Paul 55102: (7/79-7/81); Ramsey; CD4: F.
Albert Oertwig, 2051 Fairmount Ave.. St. Paul 55105: (612) 690-5939: (7/79.7/81); Ramsey;
CD4; LD63A; M; W.
Maria Rios. 1800 LaSalle. Apt. 205, Mpls. 55403: (7/79-7/81); Hennepin: CD5; F.
Louise Seleski. P.O. Box 602. Brainerd 56401; (7/79-7/81): Crow Wing; CD7: LDI3B; F.
Katie Sorenson. Rt, 5, Bemidji 56601; (218) 586-2633; (7/79-7181):Bellrami; CD7; LD4A: F.
Marlene Travis. 4705 Sunnyside. Mpls. 55424: (612) 829-9560; (7/79.7/81); Hennepin: CD3:
LD39A; F.
Bonnie Wallace, P.O. Box 7175 Powderhors Station, Mpls. 55407; (612) 729-2644; (7/797/81): Hennepin; CD5; LD6OA: F; DFL; Al.
Mary Ann Walt. 217 N. 4th St.. Duluth 55806: (218) 722-4408; (7/79-7/81): St. Louis; CD8;
LD8: F.
Lucille Zimmerman, 255 Westview, W. St. Paul 55118; (612) 451-9838: (7/79-7/81): Dakota.
CDt; F.
ADVISORY TASK FORCE ON BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS: 809 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-1060;
(Minn. Stat. § 126.40).
Makes recommendations to the board of education on proposed
bilingual education programs and grants for approved programs. 10
members, appointed by board of education, include people who
speak limited English, parents of children eligible for bilingual
programs, representatives of community groups, bilingual administrators, teachers and others knowledgeable in the field of bilingual
education. Bi-monthly meetings; members are compensated for
Current members:
Julio Almanza, 694 Charlton. St. Paul 55107: (9/77-6/80); Dakota: CDI; LD67A; M.
Ann Fathman, P.O. Box 1141. Rochester 55901: (507) 633-5560; (9/77-6/80): Olmsted:
Esther Garrity. 1101 5. 11th St.. Moorhead 56560; (9/77.6/80): Clay: CD7; LD9; F.
ByronGraves, RI. 5. doWill StatIon. Bemidji 56671: (9/77-6/80); Beltrami;CD7;CD4A: M.
Dang Her. 1509 Klainert. #A. St. Paul 55119; (612) 489-2357; (8/79.6/80).
Hong (Rose) Le, 218 E. River Pkwy, #17. Champlin 55316; (612) 427-3270: (8/79-6/80); F.
Robert Pozos, 3609 Crescent View Ave., Duluth 55804; (9/77.6/80); St. Louis; CD8; M.
Carmen Santos. 240 E. Morton. St. Paul 55107: (9/77-6/80); Ramsey; CD4; F.
William Schleppegrell, 2028 6th Ave. E., Hibbing 55746; (9/77-6/80); St. Louis: CD8: H.
Efren Tovar, 1187 3rd St., E. Grand Forks 56721: (9/77-6/80): Polk; CD7; H.
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612)296-6133; (Laws of 1978,
Ch. 778; 8/1/81).
Develops standards for community correctional facilities (group
homes and halfway houses providing out of home care for court
committed youths and adults). Members, appointed by commissioner
OFFICIAL NOTICES of corrections for 3 year terms, include members ofjudiciary serving
juvenile courts, county probation officers, and county board members. Monthly meetings; members are compensated for expenses.
Current members:
William Nelson. chm.. Rt. I. Box 59, Hampton 55031 (6121 437-7194:(12178-8181):Dakota:
CDt: LD25A: NI: IR: W.
Diane Ahrens, 892 Osceola. St. Paul SStOt: (612) 225-3198: county commissioner: (12/788/81): Ramsey; CD4: LD65A: F: DFL: W.
Lee Blenkush, 2112 East Center St., Rochester 5590): (507) 289-3858: (I 2/78-8/8t): Olmsted:
CDI: LD33A: M: DFL: W.
James 1. Brown, 982 Laurel Ave.. St. Paul 55)04: (612) 225-0889: (12/78-8/81): Ramsey:
CD4: LD65A: M: B.
Major David Chase. 5056 Upton Ave. S., Mpls. 554t0: (612) 922-6223: (12/78-8/81): Hennepin: CD5: LDS8A: M: IR: W.
Richard L. DeBeau.Melting. 2824 43rd Ave. S.. Mpls. 55406: (612) 729-1539: (12/78-8/81):
Hennepin: CD5: LD6OB: M: W.
Burt Galaway, School of Social Development, University of Minnesota. Duluth 55812: (612)
728-3819: (t2/78.8/8l): St. Louis: CD7; LD9: M; DFL: W.
Willard Lorette. Stearns County Court. SI. Cloud 5630): (612) 251-5166: juvenile judge:
(12/78-8/81): Stearns: CD6: LDt7A: M: W.
Chris Peterson, 1333 W. Maynard Dr., Apt. 68, St. Paul 55116: (612) 699-7579: probation
officer: (l2/78-8/8t): Ramsey: CD4: LD63B: M: W.
Carole Smith. 784 Kenwood Ln.. St. Paul 55117: (612) 772-1820:) 12/78-8/81): Ramsey: CD4:
LD5OB: F: W.
Wayne W. Wendel, 210 S. 2nd Ave., Long Prairie 56347: (612) 732-39)7: probation officer:
(12/78.8/81): Todd: CD7: LDI2A: M; W.
1979, Chapter 301; 6/30/83).
Conducts meetings and research on the establishment and operation
of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area; makes recommendations to the
U.S. Forest Service and other federal and state agencies. 17 members, appointed by the governor, include 3 residents of St. Louis
county, 3 residents of Cook county, 3 residents of Lake county, and 8
members from outside of the 3 counties. Members are compensated
for expenses.
Current members:
Herbert K. Anderson. 418 8th St. S., Virginia 55792: (218) 74l-l872: (8/79-7/83): St. Louis:
CD8: LD5A; M: IR: W.
Carol Lee Baudler, 309 4th Ave. NW., Austin 55912; (507) 625-7372: (8/79-7/83): Mower:
CD2: F: W.
Frank W. Hansen, Box 2127, Tulle 55 61 5:1218)387-1360:18/79-7/83): Cook: CD8: LD6B; M:
Judy Hughes, RI. I Box 32A, Bagley 5662l: (2l8) 694-6524: (8/79-7/83): Clearwater: CD7:
LD2: F: DFL: W.
Richard L. Humphrey, Grand Marais 55604: (2l8) 387-2738: (8/79-7/83): Cook: CD8: LD6B;
M; IR: W.
Warren Johnson. #1 Duck Pass Rd.. North Oaks 55)10; (6l2) 484-1888:18/79-7/83): Ramsey:
CD4; M: IR: W.
Justine Kerfoot, Gunflintlrail. Grand MaraisSS6O4: (2t8) 388-2279; (8/79-7/83); Cook: CD8:
LD6B; M: IR; W.
Duane R. Lund. Crow Wing Heights. Staples 56479: (2t8) 894-2070: (8/79-7/83): Wadena:
CD7; M; IR: W.
Jack G. Meskill, RI. I Box 3233. Ely 5573l: (2)8) 365-4181: (8/79-7/83): Lake: CD8: LD6B:
M: W.
Margaret E. Morris. West Star RI.. Two Harbors 55616: (2)8) 834-4583: (8/79-7/83): Lake:
CD8: LD6B: F; W.
Marshall L. Nelson, 4)32 Jay St.. Duluth 55804; (218)525-1188: (8/79-7/83); St. Louis: CD8:
LD8A: M: IR; W.
Mattie Peterson. 4370 Wooddale Ave.. SI. Louis Pk. 55424: (6)2) 922-8983: (8/79-7/83):
Hennepin: CD3: LD4IB; F: W.
Rebecca L. Rom. 260 Emerald St. SE.. Mpls. 55414: (612) 379-7243:18/79.7/83); Hennepin:
CD5: LD57A: F: W.
James Sanborn, Crane Lake 55725:1218)993-2214: (8/79-7/83): St. Louis: CD8: LD6: M: IR:
R. Newell Searle. 2809 6th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55407; (6)2) 722-4884: (8/79.7/83): Hennepin;
CD5: LD6OA: M: IR: W.
Joseph E. Skala, SRI Box 3425: Ely 55731: (2)8) 365-4197: (8/79-7/83>: Lake: CD8: LD6B:
M: W.
Edward Zeleznikar, 1602 Chandler, Glencoe 55336: (612) 864-4057: (8/79.7/83); McLeod:
CD2: LD23A: M: IR: W.
Pharmacy, 717 Delaware St. S.E., Mpls.55414;(612) 296-5411;
(Minn. Stat. § 151.13, Subd. 2).
Studies continuing education programs for pharmacists, makes recommendations to the board of pharmacy. Members, appointed by the
board, include 5members designated by the state pharmaceutical
assn., and 3 members designated by the college of pharmacy, University of Minnesota. Quarterly meetings; members receive no
Current members:
David P. Koster, chm.. TylerS6l78: (507)247-5504: (7/78.7/81); Lincoln: CD6: LD2OB; M.
(CITE 4 S.R. 827)
James Clinite. 6744 lOth Ave. S.. Mpls. 55423; (6)2) 376-6775: (9/77-9/80): Hennepin: CD5:
LP37: M.
Frank DiGangi, 1684 Pinehurst Ave., SI. Paul 55 I 6:) 10/78-10/8 I); Ramsey; CD4; LD63B; M.
Michael E. Hart, 810 S. Lake St., Forest Lake 55025;(612) 464-3222; (3/78-3/80); Washington: CDI: LDSIA: M.
Louise F. Kortz, 1064 Forest Hills Dr. SW., Rochester 55901; (507) 288-1151; (3/78.3/80):
Olmsted: CDI: LD33B; F.
Maurice Leenay. 5531 12th Ave. S., Mpls. 55417: (612) 375-2098; (7/78-7/81): Hennepin:
CD5; LD6IA: M.
John Thatcher, RI. 8 Box 360, Brainerd 56401: (7/78-7/8l): Crow Wing: CD7; LDI3A; M.
TASK FORCE: 722 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-
5072; (Minn. Stat. § 3,927.2; 6/30/81).
Advises the council on quality education in the administration of
early childhood and family education (ECFE) programs. 9 members,
appointed by council on quality education.
Current members:
Richard Blackburn. 22 I6TowerCt., Woodbury 55119: (7179.7/81): Washington; CDI: M: W.
Ted Bowman, 311 Kenwood Pkwy., Mpls. 55404; (612)340.7484; parent; (1/78-7/8 ): Hennepin: CDS; LD56B; M.
Kathy Danford, 5621 10th Ave. S., Mpls. 55417; (6)2) 455'962l: parent; (l177-7/8l); Hennepin: CD5: LD6IA; F.
Phyllis Ellis. 2900 Xenwood Ave. S.. St. Louis Pk. 554)6:1612)925-1273: parent: (6/74-7/81):
Hennepin: CD5: LD4IA: F.
Erna Fishhaut, 2324 Westridge Ln.. St. Louis Pk. 55416; education; (6/74-7/81); Hennepin:
Panim Mattick, R.R., Box 134A, South Haven 55382: (612) 236-7889: education/parent;
(1/77-1/81): Wright: CD6: LD22B; F.
Maijorie Oelerich, 362 Carol, N. Mankato 56001:1507) 389-24)6: education; (6/74-7/8)):
Nicollel; CD2; LD29A: F.
David Olson, 3513 Graves Dr., Red Wing 55066; (6)2) 388-8261: welfare: (10/78-7/81):
Goodhue: CDI: LD25B: M.
Margaret Stanley, 902 Pine St., Marshall 56258: (507) 532-3533: (7/79.7/81): Lyon: CD6:
LD2OB: F: W.
Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-1755; (Executive
Order 79-36).
Provides a public forum for study of elementary and secondary
education; makes policy recommendations to the governor and legislature. 15 members include 8 public members and 7 representatives of
the educational community.
Current members:
IrvingAnderson. Rt. I Box IS. Clarkfield 56223: (612)669-4405: public member: (10/79-7/81);
Yellow Medicine: CD6: LD2OA: M: W.
Noelann Brown, 1037 Goodrich Ave.. St. Paul 55105; (612)226-5585: public member;) 0/797/81): Ramsey: CD4; LD65A: F.
Marjory Hamersly, RI.. Glenville 56036: education representative: (I 0/79-7/81): Freeborn:
CD2: F.
Oscar C. Howard. 4317 Oakland Ave. S., Mpls. 55407: (612) 827-4937: public member,
(10/79-7/81): Hennepin: CD5; LD59B: M.
Emma Isaac, Box 231, Walker 56484: education representative: (10/79-7/81): Cuss; CD7: F.
John W. Mooty, 6601 Dorre Dr., Edina 55436: (6)2) 938-6303; public member: (10/79-7/81):
Hennepin: CD3: LD39A: M: IR: W.
Lloyd Nielsen, 1251 W. County Rd. B-2. Roseville 55113: education representative: (l0/797/81): Ramsey. CD4: M.
Jean B. Olson, 2929 E. Superior. Duluth 55812: education representative: (10/79-7/81): St.
Louis: CD8: F.
Arturo Perec, 2327 30th Ave. S., Mpls. 55406: (612) 721-7032: public member: (10/79-7/81);
Hennepin; CD5: LDS7B: M; H.
Gerald Rauenhorst, 5151 5. Blake Rd., Edina 55436; (6l2) 933-6633; public member: (10/797/8)): Hennepin: CD3: LD39A; M: IR: W.
Jon H. Schroeder. Elbow Lake 5653); (218)685-4676: public member; (10/79-7/81): Grant:
Louise Sundin. 5216 Vincent Ave. S.. Mpls. 554)0: education representative: (10/79.7/81):
Hennepin: CDS: F.
lmogene Treichel, 1277 Dayton Ave., SI. Paul 55)04:(612) 645-3044; public member: (10/797/8)): Ramsey: CD4; LD62B: F: IR: W.
Patricia Weber, 3006 Linden Ave.. Slayton 56172: education representative; (10/79.7/81);
Murray: CD6: F.
Martha Lee Zins, 155 Gleason Lake Rd. #416, Wayzala 5539); education representative:
(l0/79-7/81); Hennepin: CD2; F.
SERVICES:820Transportation Bldg., St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-1615;
(Laws of 1979, Special Session, Ch. I, Sec. 27; 12/31/80).
Evaluates special transportation programs and studies possibilities of
coordinating programs; advises legislature. Members include representatives of departments of economic security, education, health,
public safety, public welfare, council on the handicapped, and board
on aging; commissioner of transportation appoints members repre-
senting other state agencies that provide or regulate transportation
service, and up to 5 members representing the metropolitan council,
regional development commissions, and public and private entities
providing special transportation service.
Current members:
Ron Abato. Minn. Board on Aging. 204 Metro Square. 7th & Robert Sts.. St. Paul 55101
(612) 296-2813: (10/79-1/81): M.
Donna Allan, paratransit grant projects mgr.. Transit Administration, Rm. B26A. Transpor'
tation Bldg.. St. Paul 55155: (612) 296-7052: (10/79-1/81): F.
Natalio Diaz. Metropolitan Council. 42S. St. Albans. St. Paul 55105:612)291-6341: (10/791/81): M.
Peter A. Fausch. asst. commissioner. planningdivision. Minn. Dept. oflransportation. Rm.
413. Transportation Bldg.. St. Paul 55155: (612) 296-8532: (10/79-1/81): M.
William T. Fitzsimmons. 084 St. SW.. Waseca 56093: (507) 835-1094: (10179-1/81): M.
Judith G. Hollander. Metropolitan Transit Commission. 801 American Center Bldg.. St. Paul
55101: (612) 221-0939-Ext. 153:) 10/79-1/81):
Larry Johnson. Minn. Assn. of Health Care Facilities. 650 Southgate Office Plaza. Bloomington 55437: (612) 854-2844: (10/79-1/81): M.
Nancy Kelly.asst. to the commissioner. Miun. Dept. of Public Safety,Transportalion Bldg..
St. Paul 55155: (612) 296-6642: (10/79-1/81): F.
William I. Olsen. Medib:ts Ambulance, 2324416 Ave. S.. Mpls. 55404:/612) 870-8300:/l0/791/81): M.
Edwin 0. Opheim, dept. of Economic Security. 3rd 0.. Space Center Bldg.. 444 Lafayette
Rd.. St. Paul 55155: (612) 296-1822: (10/79-1/81): M.
Gerald Pavek. Rm. 904. Capitol Square Bldg.. 550 Cedar St.. St. Paul 55105: (612) 296-2839:
(10/79- 1/81): M.
Elna H. Ponto. Box 235 Rt. I. Albert Lea 56007: 1507) 373-7920: (10/79-1/81): F.
Al Schenkelberg. dir., office of multi-model planning. planning div.. Minu. Dept. of Transportation. Rm. 820. Transportation Bldg.. St. Paul 55155: (612)296-1615: M.
Ella G. Schroeder. family services. industrial Park. Wiudom 56101: (507)831.1891:) 10/791/81): F.
Charles Steue. Minu. Dept. of Public Works. Centennial Office Bldg.. SI. Paul 55155:(612)
296-2945:110/79-1/81): M.
James M. Stoffels. chief.emergency medicalservicesSec.. Minn. Dept. ofHeallh.717S.E.
Delaware St.. Mpls. 55440:1612) 296-5281:) 10/79-1/81): M.
Kurt Strom. Council for the Handicapped. Metro Square Bldg.. Suite 208. St. Paul 55101:
/612) 296-6785: (10/79-1/81).
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-2952; (Minn. Stat. §
256B.58; 6/30/80).
Advises the commissioner of public Welfare on the operation of a pilot
dental care program for senior citizens. 7 members, appointed by the
commissioner, must be senior citizens. Meetings as necessary, Metro
Square Bldg., St. Paul.
Current members:
Bruno Aijala. 3853 26th Ave. S.. Mpls. 55406: (612) 722-4558: (6/76-6/801: Heuuepin: CD5:
Marion Boswell, RI. 2. Stanchfield 55080: /6/76-6/80): isanti: CD8: LDI8A:
Joseph Donovan. 2085 Eleanor Ave.. St. Paul 55116: (612)690-2742:16/76-6/80): Ramsey:
CD4: LD63B: M.
E. Sylvia isaacsou. 1018 N. 17th St., Virgiuia 55792: (218) 741-1873: (6/76-6/80/: St. Louis:
CD8: LD5A: F.
Andrew Joues. 2213 54th Ave. N.. Brooklyn Center 55430: (612) 560-0054: (6/76-6/80):
Henuepiu: CD3: LD4SB: M.
Floreutine Prody. Box 30. Kent 56553: (218) 557-8589: (6/76-6/80): Wilkin: CD7: LD9B: F.
Katherine Schlin. 6209 Crest Laue. Edina 55436: (612) 429-5342: /6/76-6/80): Hennepin:
CD3: LD39A: F.
FORCE: 400 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 296-9681;
(Minn. Stat. § 136A.86).
Advises the higher education coordinating board (HECB) in establishing a statewide career guidance information and testing program.
Members, appointed by HECB, include representatives of: the state
university system, the University of Minnesota, the state community
college system, the Minnesota private college council, the Minnesota
school boards association, the Minnesota association of secondary
school principals, the Minnesota school counselors association, Minnesota area vocational-technical institutes, the Minnesota department of education, the Minnesota association of private vocational
schools, and a minimum of I secondary and I post-secondary student. Monthly meetings; members are compensated for expenses.
Current members:
Gerald Thompson, chm., 2419 Cedarwood Ridge, Miunetouka 55343: (7/78-7/80: Ramsey:
CD4: LD49B: M.
Richard M. Clugston. Sr.. 1408 S.E. 4th St., Rochester 55901: (7/78-7/80): Olmsted: CDI:
LD33B: M.
James Daras. 10501 S. Cedar Lake Rd.. Mpls. 55426: (7/78-7/801: Hennepin: CD3: LD4OB:
Reynold Erickson. 2345 Birch St.. White Bear Lake 55110:17/78-7/80): Ramsey: CD4:
LD49B: M.
PAGE 828
Mary Flekke. 1440 Lincoln Terrace. Columbia Heights 55421: (612) 571-0894: (7/79-7/80):
Anoka: CDS: LD46B: F: iR: W.
Johu Hilborn. 10219 Humboldt Ave. S.. Bloomington 55431: (7/78-7/80): Heunepin: CD3:
LD38B: M: DEL: W.
DelmarJ. KIundI, Rt. I Box 91,Cleveland 56017: (507)931-1105: (7/79-7/80): Le Sueur: CD2:
LD23B: M: W.
Donald Mackin, 2367 McMenemy Rd.. St. Paul 55117:17/78-7/80): Hennepiu: 0)3:
LD49A: M.
Gene Maus. RI. 3. Keuyon 55946: (7/78-7/80): Goodhue: CDI: LD25A: M.
Bruce Moe. 409 Highland Ave., Norlhfield 55057: (7/78-7/80): Rice: CDI: LD24A: M.
Edward M. Myers ill, Atwood 142. Studenl Life & Development, St. Cloud State Universily, St. Cloud 56301: 17/79-7/80): Benlon: CD6: LDI7: M: DFL: W.
Carol Pomroy. 3307 Lawrence Rd.. Mpls. 55429: (7/79-7/80: Hennepin: CD3: LD45B: F:
James B. Pieus, 1718 Logan Ave. S.. Mpls. 55403: (7/78-7/80): Henuepin: CDS: LD56B:
M: W.
Dean Soulor, 227 17th 51. N.E.. Owatonna 55060: (507)45-8293: (7/79-7/80): Steele: CDI:
M: W.
VII. Other Multi-member Agencies
HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY: 333 Sibley St., Suite 200. St. Paul
55101; (612) 296-5738; (Minn. Stat. § 462A.04).
Provides housing for low and moderate income persons. 7 members
include the State Planning Director, State Auditor; and 5public
members appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; no more
than 2 from the 7 county metropolitan area; no more than I from any
state development region; must file with EPB. Monthly meetings in
St. Paul; members receive $35 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Demelrius G. Jelatis. chm., 1161 Oak SI,. Red Wing 55066: (612) 338-3565: (1/77-1/81):
Goodhue: CDI: LD25B: M: W.
Arne Carlson, Stale Auditor. 1st Floor, veterans Service Bldg.. St. PattI 55155: (612)
Mark Kaplan, 2824 Oakland, Mpls. 55407: (1/78-1/82): Hennepin: CD5: M: W.
James C. Price, 301 Evergreen Lane. DuluIh 55811: (218) 726-8176: (1/77-1/81): SI. Louis:
CD8: M: B.
Arthur Sidner. Stale Planning Director. 101 Capilol Square Bldg.. St. Paul 55101: (612)
*Shirley Van Dyck. Roule 2. l'racl 33. Cass Lake 56633:1218) 335-6421: (4/79-1/80): Cass:
CD8: LD7: F: DFL: Al.
Robert A. Worthington, 10)26 Colorado Rd.. Bloomington 55438: (612) 831-1650: (3/79/83): Hennepin: CD3: M: IR: B.
HUMANE SOCIETY: 500 Rice St., St. Paul55155;(612) 296-3613;
(Minn. Stat. § 343.01).
Enforces laws preventing cruelty to animals; makes rules governing
the humane care, treatment, and transportation of animals. 7 member
board of directors appointed by governor; governor, commissioner of
education, attorney general, or their designees are ex-officio members. Members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings; members
receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Stephen C. Duncan. chm.. 7210 Dupont Ave. S.. Richfield 5542): (5/78.1/81): Hennepin:
CD3: M: W.
William C. Dudley, 2280 F. Medicine Lake Blvd., Plymouth 55441:1612)5)7-3669: (1/78I/SI): Hennepin: CD): M: B.
Alice Kreitz, 2095 Kings Dr.. Eagan 55122: (612) 454-4266: (5/79.1/83): Dakot:i: CD2:
LD5)A: F: IR: W.
Lyle Lapham, RI. I, Caledonia 55921: (507) 495-3165: (5/79-1/83): Houston: CDI: LD35B:
M: IR: W.
Helen Meyer. RI. 3. Le Sueur 56058: (612)665-3668:) 1/78-I/SO): Le Sueur: CD2: LD23B:
F: W.
Barbara Stuhler. 1)0 Prospect Blvd.. St. Paul 55107: (612)226-9823:11 1/78-1/81): Ramsey:
CD4: LD67A: F: DFL: W.
Donald L. Wood. 1597 Scheffer Ave.. St. Paul 55116: (612) 690-0005: 15/79-1/83): Ramsey:
CD4: LD6)B: M: IR: W.
Roseville 55113; (612) 296-7373; (Minn. Stat. § 116.02).
Develops and implements programs to preserve and enhance the air,
water and land resources of the state; adopts and enforces rules and
regulations; issues permits to pollution sources. 9 members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate; I member must be
knowledgeable in the field of agriculture; members must file with
EPB. Monthly meetings at the agency offices, Roseville; members
receive$35per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Joseph F. Grinnell. chm.. 6101 idylwoc,d Dr., Edina 55436: (612) 935-9213: (1/77-I/SI):
Hennepin: CD3: LD)9A: M: DFL: W.
Howard Andersen, 1072 Plummer Ln.. Rochesler 55901: (507) 282-5222: (1/79-1/83):
Olmsted: CDI: LD3)B: M: IR: W.
(CITE 4 S.R. 828)
OFFICIAL NOTICES Carol Buckmann, Nisswa 56468: (218) 963-4465: (1/76-1/80): Crow Wing: CD7: LDI3A; F.
Art Engelbrecht. Rt. 4. Alexandria 56308: (6t2) 763-7903: (2/78-2/82): Douglas: CD7:
Steve Gadler. 2I2OCarter Ave.. St. Paul 55108: (612) 646-1404: (2/78-2/82): Ramsey: CD4:
LD62A: M: W.
Burton Genis. 5941 W. 29th P1. N.. Crystal 55422: (612) 544-8180: (2/78.2/82): Hennepin:
CD3: LD44B; M.
Virgil C. Herrick, 477 Rice Creek Terrace, Fridley 55432: (612) 571-7846: (1/79-1/80):
Anoka: CD5: LD46A: M: W.
Duane Rappana. 62 Pike Lake. Duluth 55811: (218) 729-8343: (1/79-1/83): St. Louis: CD8:
LD8A: M: 1k: W.
Marion Watson. 2140 Hoyt Ave.. St. Paul 55108: (612) 643-3004: (1/77-1/81): Ramsey: CD4:
LD62A: F; DFL: W.
55155;(612)296-3391; (Laws of 1979, Special Session Ch. 3, Sec. 36,
Subd. 3).
Reviews rehabilitation plans and rules; advises commissioner of
labor and industry. Members, appointed by governor, includes 2
representatives each from labor, employers, insurers, vocational
rehabilitation and medicine, I representative of chiropractors. Commissioner of labor and industry, or designee, is ex-officio member.
Members to be appointed.
STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM: 529Jackson, St. Paul 55101; (612)
296-2761; (Minn. Stat. § 352.03).
Establishes rules and regulations for the administration of the state
retirement system; approves agency budget; handles employee appeals. 10 members include: 3 public members appointed by governor,
I of which must be constitutional officer or appointed state official;
I employee member appointed by state employees union; 6 elected
members. Members must file with EPB. Quarterly meetings; members receive$35per diem.
Current members:
Lyle Farmer. 7447 101st St. N., White Bear Lake 55110: (11/73-1/83): M.
Ernest Thomsen. 813 Bald Eagle Ave.. White Bear Lake 55110: (612) 429-7076: (10/78-1/81):
Ramsey: CD4: LD49B: M; W.
Lou Wangberg. Lieutenant Governor, 2427 Farringlon Circle, St. Paul 55113: (612) 2962374.
TAX COURT: 5th Fl., Space Center Bldg., 444 Lafayette Rd., St.
Paul 55101; (6l2) 296-2806; (Minn. Stat. § 271.01).
Maintained for taxpayers to file appeals related to any state or local
tax, except special assessments. 3 members, appointed by governor
and confirmed by senate, must have knowledge of taxation and tax
laws. Full time position; members receive $42,000 per year.
Current members:
John Knapp. chm.. Albany 56307: (612) 845-4257: (1/79-1/85); Stearns; CD6: LDI6: M:
IR: W.
Jack Fena. 2530W. 3rd Ave.. Hibbing 55746: (218) 263-3628: (7/77-1/81); St. Louis: CD8;
LD5: M: DFL; W.
Earl Guslafson, 917 Ashland. St. Paul 55104: (612) 227-4288; (7/77.1/83): Ramsey: CD4:
LD5O; M: DFL; W.
Bldg.,55 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul 55103; (612) 296-6409; (Minn. Stat.
§ 175.006, as amended by Laws of 1979, Special Session, Chapter 3).
Has appellate jurisdiction on all workers' compensation claims, and
original jurisdiction on peace officers dependents claims; establishes
rules for workers' compensation division, department of labor and
industry. 5 members, appointed by governor and confirmed by
senate, serve 6 year terms; must file with EPB; 3 members must be
learned in the law. Full time position; members receive $38,000
per year.
Current members:
Charles C. Reischel. chm.. 994 Beech SI.. SI. Paul 55106: (11/73-11/79): Ramsey: CD4;
LD67B; M; W.
Robert B. McCarthy. 2356 Swan Dr.. Mendota Heights 35120; (9/77-9/83); Dakota: CDI:
LD53B: M; DEL; W.
James Pomush. 7Golden Lake Rd. W., Circle Pines 55014; (7/75-7/81): Anoka; CD8; LD47B;
M; W.
James R. Otto. 6817 Dakota Trail. Edina 55424: (612)941-4003: (9/79.9/85): Hennepin: CD3:
LD39B; M: IR; W.
Paul V. Rieke. 3403 Washburn Ave. S., Burnsville 55337: (612) 894-3746: (9/79-9/85):
Dakota: CD2: LD53B; M.
VIII. Metropolitan Jurisdictions
400 SW. State Office Bldg., St. Paul 55155;(612) 296-7138; (Minn.
Stat. § 15.50).
(CITE 4 S.R. 829)
Responsible for architecture and comprehensive land-use planning in
the capitol area of St. Paul; exercises zoning and design control
authority; controls redevelopment of the north capitol area. 7 members: 4 appointed by the governor and confirmed by senate; 2
appointed by mayor of St. Paul and confirmed by city council; lieutenant governor serves as chairman; members must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings at the capitol; members receive $35 per diem.
Current members:
Lou Wangberg. Lieutenant Governor. Rm. 122. State Capitol. St. Paul 55155: (612) 2962374: (1/79.1/83): Ramsey; CD4; LD48: M; IR; W.
Barbara Penn. 400 Minnesota Bldg.. St. Paul 55101; mayor's appointee. (7/73-1/82); Ramsey;
CD4: LD63; F; W.
usolveig Premack. 5226 Stevens. Mpls. 55419; (612) 825-8004; governor's appointee: (7/75I/SO): Hennepin; CD5: LD6I; F; W.
Thomas Reichert. 1229 13th Ave.. SI.Clottd 56801: governor's appointee; (1/78-1/82):
Stearns: CD6: LDI7; M: W.
Gordon Rosenmeier, 606 SE. 1st St.. Little Falls 56345: governor's appointee: (7/75-1/80):
Morrison; CD7: LDI2; M; W.
uRichard Stauuing. 348 Woodlawn, St. Paul 55105: mayor's appointee: (7/75-1/80); Ramsey:
CD-I: LD63; M: W.
uM:orie Vogel, 999 Kingman. Red Wing 55(166; governor's appointee; (7/75.1/80); Goodhue: CDI: LD25; F: W.
Mpls. 55450; (612) 726-5770; (Minn. Stat. § 473.603).
Promotes air transportation by developing the Twin Cities as an
aviation center; coordinates with other aviation facilities in the state
to provide economical and effective use of aeronautic facilities and
services; may build new airports or acquire existing airports in the
metropolitan area; adopts and enforces regulations to manage all
metropolitan airports; has jurisdiction overflight and traffic patterns;
controls airport land use and provides for airport noise control. l5
members: chairman and 6 suburban representatives appointed by
governor; I citizen member and I council member appointed by
Minneapolis city council; I member appointed by the Minneapolis
park board; I citizen member and 2 council members appointed by
the mayor of St, Paul; mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul, or designees, are ex-officio members. Members must include: 4 Minneapolis
residents; 4 St. Paul residents; I resident of Ramsey or Washington
county area (outside of St. Paul); I resident of Dakota county; I
resident of Hennepin, Scott or Carver county area (outside of Minneapolis) and 1 resident of Anoka county. Members must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings; members receive $50 per diem, chairman receives
$10,000 per year plus travel expenses.
Current members:
Frank P. Befera, chm., 1414 Minneapolis Ave.. Duluth 55803; (218)727-6864; (8/72-7/83); 51.
Louis: CD8; LD8; M: W.
Lawrence D. Cohen, 1501 Eleanor, St. Paul 55116: (612) 854-0155: SI.Paul mayor representative: (1(77-term of mayor): Ramsey: CD4: LD63: M: W.
Louis G. DeMars. 1919 Washburn Ave. N., Mpls. 55411; (612) 348-2205; Minneapolis
council representative; (8/77.7/81): Hennepin: CDS; LDS4: M; W.
Lennart J. Ferm. 1920W. 21st St.. Mpls. 35405; (612) 379-1515; Minneapolis citizen representative; (10/71.8/79): Hennepin: CDS; LDS6; M; W.
Patricia Hillmeyer. 3044 N.E. Taylor St., Mpls. 55418: (612) 781-9707: Minneapolis park
board representative; (1/76-7/79); Hennepin; CD5; LD55: F; W.
Albert Hofstede, 2220 N.E. St. Anlhony Pkwy.. Mpls. 55418: Minneapolis mayor; (1/781/80): Hennepin; CD5: LD55; M; W.
Thomas E. Holloran, 5625 Christmas Lake Pt.. Shorewood 55331: (612) 371-2703; (7/747/81); Hennepin: CD3; LD42: M: W.
Koryne Horbal, 845 Innsbruck Pkwy., Columbia Heights 55421; (6121 571-7466; suburban
representative: (7/74-7/81); Anoka; CD5; LD46B: F; W.
uDavid H. Hozza, 342 Mississippi River Dr.. St. Paul 55105; (612) 298-4646; St. Paul council
representative; (6/77-7/79); Ramsey: C134; LD62; M: w.
Jack Jorgensen. Sr.. 216 E. 135th St., Burnsville 35337; (612) 378-1650; suburban representative; (7/74-7/81); Dakota: CD2; LD53: M: W.
Susan C. McCloskey. 387 Macalester St.. St. Paul 55105; (612)699-5252; St. Paul representative: (7/77-7/79); Ramsey: CD4; LD63: F; SW.
John G. Ordway, Jr.. Dellwood, White Bear Lake 55110: (612) 224-1841; suburban
representative; (7/74-7/81); Ramsey; CD4: LD44: M.
John A. Peterson. 7109 Newton Ave. S., Richfield 55423: (612)866-6602; suburban repre.
sentative; (7/74-7/81); Hennepin; CD3; LD37: M: W.
Gertrude Suel, 931 Markel St.. Shakopee 55379; (612) 455-2758; suburban represenlative;
(7/74-7/81); Scott; CD2: LD36; F: W.
Victor J. Tedesco, 2160 Larry Ho Dr.. St. Paul 55119; (612) 298-5506: St. Paul council
representative; (7/74-7/79); Ramsey: CDI; LD67: M: W.
METROPOLITAN COUNCIL: 300 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul
55101; (612) 291-6359; (Minn. Stat. § 473.303).
Coordinates planning and development of the 7 county Twin Cities
metropolitan area; establishes a long range development plan con-
OFFICIAL NOTICES taming regional plans for aging, the arts, aviation, health, housing,
law and justice, parks and open space, solid waste, transportation,
wastewater management and water resources; reviews the long range
plans of local government, and can require them to be consistent with
the regional plans; receives and disburses grant money; in certain
instances issues revenue and general obligation bonds; reviews applications for federal and state funds to assure consistency between
federal and state programs and regional development plans; approves
the financial plans of regional agencies; provides technical assistance
to other governmental units; conducts research; and provides information to the public. 17 members, appointed by governor and
confirmed by senate, include 16 members selected from districts of
equal population, and a chairman representing the district at large;
members cannot hold elected public office; must file with EPB.
Meetings twice a month, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members
receive $50 per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Charles R. Weaver, chm.. 830 River Lane, Anoka 55303; (612) 421-5413; (1/75-1/83); Anoka;
CD8; LDI9B; M; IR; W.
Marcia Bennett. 654 48th Ave. N.E., Columbia Heights 55421; (612)560-1193; district 13;
(1/75-1/83); Anoka; CD5; LD46B; F; DFL; W.
Gladys S. Brooks, 5056 Garfield Ave. S.. MpIs. 55419; (612) 823-7672; district 7;(1175-1/83);
Hennepin; Cr35; LD6IA; F; 1k; W.
Joan Campbell, 947-17th Ave. SE., Mpls. 55414; (612) 373-8860; district 6; (6/73-1/81);
Hennepin; CD5; LD53B; F; DFL; W.
George Dahlvang, 4535 Washburn Ave. N.. Mpls. 55412; (612) 331-5514; districtS; (9/751/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD54A; M; DFL; W.
M. James Daly. 119W. Main, Belle Plaine 56011; (612) 873.2213; district 16; (1/77-1/81);
Scott; Cr32; LD23B; M; DFL; W.
Dirk deVries, 8600 Woolman Dr.. Minnetonka 55343; (612) 474-7527; district II; (4/781/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD4OB; M; 1k; W.
Allon Gasper. 5406 Hampshire Dr., Mpls. 55419; (612) 733-4326; district 8; (1/75-1/81);
Hennepin; Cr35; LD6tA; M; DFL; B.
Patricia J. Hasselmo, 516 Westwood Dr. S., Golden Valley 55416; (612) 377-2153; district 10;
(10/79-1/81); Hennepin; Cr33; LD4IA; F; IR; W.
Todd Leflw, 1528 Granlham St.. St. Paul 55108; (612) 645-4944; district 2; (1/75-1/81);
Ramsey; Cr34; LD62A; M; DFL; W.
Ernest Lindstrom, 7406 Fremont Ave. S., Richfield 55423; (612) 866-4895; (1/79.1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD37A; M; 1k; W.
Stanley Kegler, 655 E. Belmont Lane, St. Paul 55117; (612) 373-2054; district 4; (3/71-1/81);
Ramsey; CD4; LD5O; M; DFL; W.
Martin Kellogg. 339 Mt. Curve Blvd.. St. Paul 55105; (612) 699-6006; (2179-1/83); Ramsey;
Cr34; LD63B; M; IR; W.
Opal M. Petersen, 1109 S. 1st St., Stillwater 55082; (612) 439-26%; district 14; (1/75-1/81);
Washington; CDI; LD5IA; F; DFL; W.
Charles Rafferty. 532 E. Jessamine Ave.. St. Paul 55101; (1/75-1/83); Ramsey; Cr34; LD66;
M; DFL; W.
Kathleen C. Ridder, 1744 Dodd Rd.. St. Paul 55118; (612) 454-1572; (2/79-1/83); Dakota;
CDI; LDS3A; F; 1k; W.
Roger Scherer. 7118 N. Willow Lane, Brooklyn Center 55430; (612) 561-1719; (3/79-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD45; M; 1k; W.
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 291-6401; (Minn. Stat. §
473 .303).
Assists the metropolitan council in acquiring and developing regional
parks and open space facilities; recommends projects for grant funding; reviews master plans prepared by metropolitan area park
districts and counties to make sure they are consistent with the
metropolitan council regional plan for parks. 9 members, appointed
by the metropolitan council, include 8 selected from precincts of
equal population, and chairman representing region at large; members may not be members of metropolitan council, or any other
metropolitan agency, board or commission, or hold judicial office;
must file with EPB. Meetings twice monthly, Metro Square Bldg., St.
Paul; members receive $50per diem.
Current members:
Elliot Perovich, chm. .863 River Ln., Anoka 55303; (612)421-6377; (5/74-1/83); Anoka; CD8;
Thomas W. Baker. 3701 Lyndale Ave. N., Mpls. 55412; (612) 521-8029; (1/77-1/81); Hennepin; CD5; LD54A; M; DFL; W.
Michael A. Bosanko, 8407 Penn Ave. S., Bloomington 55431; (612) 881-0258; (1/79-1/83);
Hennepin; Cr33; LD38B; M; IR; W.
Richard J. Carroll, 1740 E. Iowa. St. Paul 55106; (612) 771-3199. (7/79-1/81); Ramsey; CD2;
LD66; M; DFL; W.
W. Peter Enck, 9000-47½ Ave. N., New Hope 55428; (612) 533-4707; (1/79-1/83); Hennepin;
CD3; LD44B; M; DFL; W.
Neil J. Franey, 1323 Hedman Way, White Bear Lake 55110; (612) 733-0834; (1/77-1/81);
Ramsey; CD4; L049A; M; W.
PAGE 830
Robert Piram, 631 S. Hamline, St. Paul 55116; (612) 298-4126; (3/75-1/81); Ramsey; CD4;
LD630; M; W.
G. RolfSvendsen, 809W. 27th St., Mpls. 55408; (612)824-97%; (1/79.1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
LDS6B; M; 1k; w.
Patricia Wirtanen, 346 Cimarron Rd.. Apple Valley 55124; (612) 452-4141; (1/79-1/83);
Dakota; CDI; LD53A; F; IR; W.
Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 291-6595; (Minn. Stat. §
Responsible for the location, design, construction and operation of a
new or remodeled sports facility in the metropolitan area; assumes
ownership and operations of the existing metropolitan sports area. 7
members, appointed by the governor, include 3 outstate members
(including chairperson) and 4 other members; must file with EPB.
Monthly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul; members receive
$50per diem plus expenses.
Current members:
Dan J. Brutger, chm., P.O. Box 399, St. Cloud 56301; (612) 252-6262; (5/77-1/83); Stearns;
Cr36; LDI7E; M; W.
Kelton Gage, P.O. Box 3049, Mankalo 56001; (507) 387-1166; (5/77-1/81); Blue Earth; CDI;
LD29; M; W.
Ronald Gornick, 624 SW. 5th St., Chisholm 55719; (218)254-3306; (5/77.1/83); St. Louis;
LD5B; M; W.
Marion Kennon, 4916 Rolling Green Pkwy., Edina 55436; (612) 929'53l2; (5/77-1/83); Hennepin; CD3; LD39; F; B.
Josephine Nunn, 401 Elm Creek Rd.. Champlin 55316; (612) 421-1547; (5/77.1/81); Anoka;
CD8; LD47A; F; W.
Solveig Premack, 5226 Stevens Ave., Mpls. 55419; (612) 825-8004; (5/77-1/83); Hennepin;
Cr35; LD6IA; F; W.
Dick Radman, 411 Main, St. Paul 55102; (612)224-9445; (5/77.1/81); Ramsey; LD64; M; W.
Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 221-0939; (Minn. Stat. § 473.401).
Owns and operates mass transit services in the metropolitan area;
sets policy for coordination of transit programs with the objective of
improving existing mass transit systems; promotes the use of car
pools and employer vans. 9 members: 8 appointed by the metropolitan council from precincts of equal population; chairperson appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; members must file with
EPB. Meetings twice a month, American Center Bldg., St. Paul;
members receive $50per diem plus expenses, chairperson serves fulltime and receives a salary determined by the commission.
Current members:
John A. Yngve, chm., 2502 Unity Ave. N., Golden Valley 55422; (612) 588-4145; (2179-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD43; M; 1k; W.
Ruth E. Franklin, 430 Rice St., Anoka 55303; (612) 421-1213; (1/79-1/83); Anoka; CD8;
'LDI9B; F; 1k; W.
Paul M. Joyce. 334 9th Ave. N., Hopkins 55343; (612) 935-5929; (1/79-1/83); Hennepin; Cr33;
LD4OB; M; 1k; W.
Gayle Kincannon, 110709 Kings Ln.. Chaska 55318; (612)448-4736; commissioner; (1/791/83); Dakota; Cr32; LD36A; F; DFL; w.
Leonard Levine, 1741 Hillcrest Ave., St. Paul 55116; (612)298-4473; (1/77-1/81); Ramsey;
Cr34; LD63; M; DFL;w.
Bruce Nawrocki, 1255 Polk Place N.E.. Columbia Heights 55421; (612) 571-1311; (1/77-1/81);
Anoka; CD5; LD46B; M; DFL; W.
Karl Neid, Jr., 1330½ White Bear Ave., St. Paul 55106; (612) 298-1475; (1/77-1/81); Ramsey;
Cr34; LD66; M; DFL; W.
Alice Rainville, 4727 Girard Ave. N., MpIs. 55409; (612) 348-2204; (1/77-1/81); Hennepin;
CD5; LD54; F; DFL; W.
Frank Snowden, 1404 E. Minnehaha Pkwy, Mpls. 55417; (1/79-1/83); Hennepin; Cr35;
Square Bldg., St. Paul 55101; (612) 222-8423; (Minn. Stat. § 473.503).
Establishes and controls a regional wastewater system; adopts rules
and regulations relating to operation of metropolitan wastewater
treatment works. 9 members: 8 appointed by metropolitan council;
chairperson appointed by governor and confirmed by senate; members must file with EPB. Monthly meetings, Metro Square Bldg., St.
Paul; members receive $50per diem.
Current members:
Salisbury Adams, chm., 60 Myrtlewood Rd., Wayzata 55391; (612) 473-9763; (4/79.1/83);
Hennepin; Cr32; LD42B; M; 1k; W.
Calvin J. Brookman, 3385 Lake Elmo Ave. N., Lake Elmo 55042; (612) 777-1316; (3/75-1/81);
Washington; CDI; LD5O; M; W.
C. Wayne Courtney, 413 Eton P1., Edina 55424; (612) 922-8523; (1/75.1/83); Hennepin; Cr33;
LD39A; M; IR; W.
Richard A. Beens, 2924 Xenwood Ave. S., St. Louis Pk.; (612) 927-5931; (6/74-1/83);
Hennepin; CD3; LD41; M; DFL; W.
(CITE 4 S.R. 830)
Carol M. Flynn, 4741 Elliot Ave., Mpls. 55407; (612) 647-0178; (1/75-1/83); Hennepin; CD5;
Frank A. Horak, 1918 Wordsworth, St. Paul 5516; (612) 224-3828; (8/77-1181);Ramsey;
CD4; LD64; M; W.
M. Edward Ramsdell, 3101 Keating Ct.. Burnsville 55337; (612) 894-5664; (4/79-1/83);
Dakota; CD2; LD53B; M: IR; W.
W. Glen Wallace, 2950 Dean Pkwy.. #805, Mpls. 55416; (612) 335-3388; (3/72-1/81); Hen.
nepin; CD5; LDS6; M; W.
William T. Wallrich. 2527 Cowern P1: E., N. St. Paul 55109; (612) 777-3702; (10/75.1/81);
Ramsey; CD4; LDSO; M; W.
Subject Index
Abstractors seeBoard of Abstractors (I)
Accountancy seeBoard of Accountancy (I)
Accounting, uniform financial seeAdvisory Council on Uniform Financial Accounting and
Reporting Standards (III)
Administrators, nursinghome seeBoard of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators (I)
AgingseeBoard on Aging (I)
American Indian language and culture education seeAdvisory Task Force on American
Indian Language and Culture Education Programs (VI)
Architectural planning. capitol seeCapitol Area Architectural Planning Board (VIII)
Architecture, engineering, land surveying, and landscape architecture seeBoard of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, and Landscape Architecture (1)
Assessors seeBoard of Assessors (I)
Barber examiners seeBoard of Barber Examiners (I)
Battered women seeAdvisory Task Force on Battered Women (VI)
Bilingual educationseeAdvisory Task Force on Bilingual Education Programs (VI)
Boundary waters canoe area seeCitizens Advisory Task Force on the Boundary Waters
Canoe Area (VI)
BoxingseeBoard of Boxing (I)
Braille and sight-saving school, Minnesota seeAdvisory Council for the Minnesota Braille
and Sight-Saving School (III)
Canoe area, boundary watersseeCitizens Advisory Task Force on the Boundary Waters
Canoe Area (VI)
Chemical dependency seeIndian Advisory Council on Chemical Dependency; seeCitizens
Advisory Council on Chemical Dependency (III)
Childhood, early seeEarly Childhood and Family Education Advisory Task Force (Vt)
Chiropractic examiners seeBoard of Chiropractic Examiners (I)
Code, plumbing seeAdvisory Council on Plumbing Code and Examinations (III)
Colleges, community seeBoard for Community Colleges (I)
Community collegesseeBoard for Community Colleges (I)
Compensation, workers' seeAdvisory Council on Workers' Compensation (III)
Compensation, court of appeals, workers'seeWorkers' Compensation Court of Appeals (IX)
Conveyancing blanks, uniformseeUniform Conveyancing Blanks Advisory Committee (IV)
Correctional facilities, seeAdvisory Task Force on Correctional Facilities (VI)
Cosmetology seeBoard of Cosmetology (I)
Court, taxseeTax Court (IX)
Court of appeals, workers' compensation seeWorkers Compensation Court of Appeals (IX)
Deaf, Minnesota school for the seeAdvisory Council for the Minnesota School for the
Deaf (III)
Dental care program, pilot see Pilot Dental Care Program Advisory 'fask Force (VI)
DentistryseeBoard of Dentistry (I)
Detective, private seeBoard of Private Detective an Protective Agent Services (I)
Disabilities, physical seeAdvisory Council for the Mentally Retarded and Physically Handicapped (III)
Economic development advisory committee seeDepartment of Economic Development
Advisory Committee (IV)
Economic security advisory council seeDepartment of Economic Security Advisory
Council (III)
Economic status, womenseeCouncil on the Economic Status of Women (III)
Education, bilingual seeAdvisory Task Force on Bilingual Education Programs (VI)
Education,, board of see Board of Education (I)
Education, continuing seeContinuing Education Advisory Task Force (VI)
Education, family seeEarly Childhood and Family Education Advisory Task Force (VI)
Education, higher seeHigher Education Facilities Authority (V)
Education, nursing seeAdvisory Task Force on Nursing Education (VI)
Education, quality seeCouncil on Quality Education (III)
Educational policy seeGovernor's Task Force on Educational Policy (VI)
Electricity seeBoard of Electricity (I)
Employment relations, public seePublic Employment Relations Board (I)
Examinations, plumbing code seeAdvisory Council on Plumbing Code and Examinations (III)
Examinations, steamfitting seeAdvisory Council for Steamuitting Examinations (III)
Examiners, medical seeBoard of Medical Examiners (I)
Examiners, mortuary science seeAdvisory Commitlee of Examiners in Mortuary
Science (IV)
Examiners in WatchmakingseeBoard of Examiners in Watchmaking (I)
Examiners for nursing home administrators seeBoard of Examiners for Nursing Home
Administrators (I)
Family education se,Early Childhood and Family Education Advisory Task Force (VI)
Finance, housingseeHousing Finance Agency (IX)
Financial accounting, uniformseeAdvisory Council on Uniform Financial Accounting and
Reporting Standards (III)
(CITE 4 S.R. 831)
HandicappedseeCouncil for the Handicapped (III)
Health, mental seeMedical Policy Directional Committee on Mental Health (IV)
High school, post seePost High School Planning Program Advisory Task Force (VI)
Information systems, state seeState Information Systems Advisory Council (II)
Judicial standards seeBoard on Judicial Standards (I)
Laws, state, uniform seeCommission on Uniform State Laws (II)
Medical examinersseeBoard of Medical Examiners (I)
Medicine, veterinary seeBoard of Veterinary Medicine (I)
Mental healthseeMedical Policy Directional Committee on Mental Health (IV)
Mental retardation seeAdvisory Council for the Mentally Retarded and Physically Handicapped (III)
Minnesota braille and sight-saving school seeAdvisory Council for the Minnesota Braille
and Sight-Saving School (III)
Minnesota school for the deaf seeAdvisory Council for the Minnesota School for the
Deaf (III)
Mortuary science seeAdvisory Committee of Examiners in Mortuary Science (IV)
Motion picture productionseeGovernor's Council on Motion Picture Production (IV)
Nonpublic schools seeCommittee on Nonpublic Schools (V)
NursingseeBoard of Nursing (I)
Nursing home administrators seeBoard of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators (I)
Optometry seeBoard of Optometry (I)
Peace officers standards and trainingsee Board of Peace Officers Standards and Training (I)
PharmacyseeBoard of Pharmacy (I)
Physical disabilities seeAdvisory Council for the Mentally Retarded and Physically Handicapped (III)
Planning, water seeWater Planning Board (I)
Plumbing code seeAdvisory Council on Plumbing Code and Examinations (III)
PodiatryseeBoard of Podiatry (I)
Policy, educationalseeGovernor's Task Force on Educational Policy (VI)
Private detective and protective agent services seeBoard of Private Detective and Protective
Agent Services (I)
Protective agent seeBoard of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services (I)
Psychology seeBoard of Psychology (I)
Quality educationseeCouncil on Quality Education (III)
Rehabilitation, vocationalseeConsumer Advisory Council on Vocational Rehabilitation (III)
Retardation, mental seeAdvisory Council for the Mentally Retarded and Physically Handicapped (III)
Residential utility consumers seeBoard of Residential Utility Consumers (I)
Resources, waterseeWater Resources Board (I)
Retirement, stateseeState Retirement System (IX)
Schools, nonpublic seeCommittee on Nonpublic Schools (IV)
Services, volunteerseeGovernor's Office of Volunteer Services (IX)
Sight-saving school. Minnesota braille andseeAdvisory Council for the Minnesota Braille
and Sight-Saving School (III)
Spanish-speaking people seeCouncil on Affairs of Spanish-Speaking People (III)
State laws, uniform seeCommission on Uniform State Laws (II)
Steamfitting, examinations seeAdvisory Council for Steamfitting Examinations (III)
TeachingseeBoard of Teaching (I)
Transportation services, special seeInter-Agency Task Force on Special Transportation
Services (VI)
Uniform financial accounting and reporting standards seeAdvisory Council on Uniform
Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards (III)
Uniform stale laws seeCommission on Uniform State Laws (II)
University, state seeState University Board (I)
Utility consumers, residential seeBoard of Residential Utility Consumers (I)
Veterinary medicineseeBoard of Veterinary Medicine (I)
Vocational rehabilitationsee Consumer Advisory Council on Vocational Rehabilitation (III)
Volunteer services seeGovernor's Office of Volunteer Services (IX)
Voyageurs National ParkseeCitizen's Committee on Voyageurs National Park (V)
WatchmakingseeBoard of Examiners in Watchmaking (I)
Water conservationseeSoil and Water Conservation Board (I)
Waters, boundary seeCitizens Advisory Task Force on the Boundary Waters Canoe
Area (VI)
Women, battered seeAdvisory Task Force on Battered Women (VI)
Women, economic status of seeCouncil on the Economic Status of Women (III)
Workers' compensation seeAdvisory Council on Workers' Compensation (III)
Unscheduled Vacancies
immediately for a public member for a term expiring January, 1982.
For more information, see p. 812, this issueState Registeror call
Karen Loechler, (612) 296-2723; application deadline is December
4, 1979.
BOARD ON AGING has one vacancy open immediately for a public
member for a term expiring January, 1982. For more information, see
p. 810, this issue of theState Register or call Beth Molberg, (612) 2962779; application deadline is December 4, 1979.
Ethical Practices Board
Notice of Regular Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Ethical Practices Board
will be held Friday, November 30, 1979, at 9:30 a.m., Room
14, State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
Preliminary Agenda
I. Minutes (October 26, 1979)
2. Legal Counsel Report
3. Public Financing Discussion
4. Executive Director's Report
5. Other Business
Department of Health
Emergency Medical
Services Section
Notice of Filing of Application by
Bio-Medical Research
Associates, Inc., for Licensure
to Operate Emergency Air
Ambulance Service in St. Paul,
On May 23, 1979, Bio-Medical Research Associates,
Inc., filed application with George R. Pettersen, M.D., Commissioner of Health, for a license to operate an emergency air
ambulance service with a base of operation in St. Paul, Minnesota. This notice is made pursuant to Minn. Statutes Section 144.802 (Supp. 1977). Please be advised that Subdivision
2 of that statute states, in part: The Commissioner may grant
or deny the license 30 days after notice of the filing has been
fully published. If the Commissioner receives a written objection to the application from any person within 20 days of the
notice having been fully published, the license shall be
granted or denied only after a contested case hearing has been
conducted on the application. The Commissioner may elect to
hold a contested case hearing if no objections to the application are received. If a timely objection is not received, the
Commissioner may grant or deny the requested license based
upon the information contained in the license application. If
licensure is denied without hearing, the applicant, within 30
days after receiving notice of denial, may request and shall be
granted a contested case hearing upon the application, at
which hearing all issues will be heard de novo.
Any objections to this service, pursuant to Minn. Statutes
144.802 (Supp. 1977) may be made in writing to George R.
Pettersen, M.D., within the time period outlined by statute.
PAGE 832
Department of
Public Transportation
Notice of Intent to Solicit Outside
Opinion Concerning Rules for
the Implementation of the Rail
User Loan Guarantee Program
Notice is hereby given that the Minnesota Department
of Transportation (hereinafter "Department") is seeking information or opinions from sources outside the Department in
preparing to propose the adoption of rules relating to the
implementation of the Rail User Loan Guarantee Program
authorized by Laws of 1979, Ex. Sess., ch. I, § 38-44.
The rules are authorized by Minn. Stat. § 15.04 12, subd. 3
(1978). The proposed rules would include the following areas:
I. Eligibility requirements for program participation.
2. The program application procedure.
3. Repayment conditions and interest rates.
4. Interest adjustments.
The department requests information and comments concerning the subject matter of the proposed rules. Interested or
affected persons or groups may submit statements of information, comment and advice in writing or orally to:
Mr. L. F. McNamara, Director
Office of Railroad Administration
419 State Transportation Building
John Ireland Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota55155
All statements of information and comment must be received by December 14, 1979. Any written material received
by the Department shall become part of the hearing record
when rules governing the subject are promulgated.
Richard P. Braun
Commissioner of Transportation
Notice of Intent to Solicit Outside
Opinion Concerning Proposed
Amendments to Rules of the
Minnesota Rail Service
Improvement Program
Notice is hereby given that the Minnesota Department
of Transportation (hereinafter "Department") is seeking information or opinions from sources outside the Department in
preparing to propose the adoption of amendments to rules
OFFICIAL NOTICES relating to the Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program.
Amendments to the rules are authorized by Laws of 1979,
Ex. Sess. ch. I, § 31, subd. 3(d). Due to this new legislation,
the proposed amendments to the rules would include changes
to the following sections of the present rules governing the
Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program:
I. Program criteria including eligibility requirements, project funding and priority of projects.
2. Application and contracting requirements.
A section would also be added relating to the confidentiality
of railroad data submitted to the Department for programming
The Department requests information and comments concerning the subject matter of the proposed rules. Interested or
affected persons or groups may submit statements of information, comment and advice in writing or orally to:
All statements of information and comment must be received by December 14, 1979. Any written material received
by the Department shall become part of the hearing record
when rules governing this subject are promulgated.
Richard P. Braun
Commissioner of Transportation
The proposed rules of the Housing Finance Agency relating to the Accessibility Improvement Assistance Program
which were published at State Register, Volume 4, Number
17, October 29, l979, pp. 704-706, contained an error. The
GRANT ASSISTANCE' appearing at 4S. R. 706 should read
as follows:
Mr. L. F. McNamara, Director
Office of Railroad Administration
Minnesota Department of Transportation
419 State Transportation Building
John Ireland Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
(Income stated in th ousands of dollars)
(CITE 4 S.R. 833)
PAGE 833
Decisions Filed Friday, November
9, 1979
Compiled by John McCarthy, Clerk
49181,Floodwood-Fine Lakes Citizens Group, et a!, vs.
49203,Minnesota Environmental Quality Council, Appel49224/12 lant(49181), and Great Lakes Gas Transmission
Company, Society Concerned About a Ravaged Envi-
ronment, Inc., (SCARE, Inc.,) Appellant (49203),
MInnesota Power & Light Company, Appellant
(49224).St. Louis County.
The preparation of an inventory of potential large electric power
generating plant sites by the Environmental Quality Council (now
Environmental Quality Board) pursuant to Minn. Stat. ll6C.55
(1976), was not ajurisdictional prerequisite to the selection of such a
site by EQC at Floodwood/Fine Lakes for use by Minnesota Power &
Light Company.
The Environmental Quality Council was not limited to considering
only power plant sites selected by applicants for certification of site
compatibility but may consider feasible and prudent alternative sites
under Minn. Stat. ll6C.57 (1976).
There was substantial compliance with the notice requirements of
Minn. Stat. 116C.59 (1978) by EQC in conducting public hearings
which were attended by parties interested in the selection of a power
plant site sought by MP&L.
On remand the function of the trial court in reviewing the power
plant site selection by EQC, here for consideration is limited to
determining whether the agency decision is supported by substantial
evidence or is arbitrary or capricious.
Reversed and remanded. Otis, J.
49396/315Harold H. Dvorak, Appellant, vs. Blayne E. Maring,
et al. Olmsted County.
The requirements of Minn. Stat. § 507.02(1978) prohibiting alienation of the homestead without the signatures of both spouses can only
be satisfied if both partners sign a contract for sale or join in a deed
conveying the homestead property. A spouse's endorsement of an
earnest money check does not constitute a signature within the contemplation of § 507.02.
The trial court correctly found that the undisputed evidence supports neither the plaintiff's claim of estoppel nor his claim for
damages due to breach of contract and negligent and intentional
Affirmed. Rogosheske, J. Took no part, Otis, J.
48728/327State ofMinnesota vs. Jesse James Crisler, Appellant. Ramsey County.
Under the facts of this case, where defendant has been given
all express and implied commitments embodied in
those warnings must be honored. Thus, where defendant in custody
asserts his right to counsel, any further interrogation must cease in
obedience to the clearly implied commitment that the accused will not
be asked to answer further questions until he has consulted with his
attorney or his attorney is present.
An officer's testimony concerning evidence obtained in violation of
a defendant's constitutional rights should not be admitted into evidence.
PAGE 834
If there is a reasonable possibility that erroneously admitted evidence might have contributed to a defendant's conviction, the error is
prejudicial and the defendant is entitled to a new trial.
Reversed and remanded for a new trial. Rogosheske, J.
49271,StevenC. Larson, a minor, byPercy Larson, his
49854/273 fatherand natural guardian, Percy Larson, individually, and Phyllis Larson, vs. Independent School
District No. 314, Braham, Minnesota, and James
Lamont, Lyle Lundquist, Appellant (49854),and
Jack Peterson, Appellant (49271). Isanti County.
The jury's finding that the injury of a student in a physical education class was due in part to the negligence of the principal of the
school was not manifestly and palpably contrary to the evidence as a
whole where the record indicated that the principal failed to exercise
reasonable care in supervising the development, planning, and administration of the school's physical education curriculum and in
supervising the inexperienced physical education instructor.
The trial court's directed verdict in favor of the superintendent of
the school system was proper because he was not sufficiently involved in the actions or inactions upon which plaintiffs based their
claims of negligence.
The judgment utilized by a physical education instructor in determining how to spot and teach an advanced gymnastic exercise was
not decisionmaking entitled to protection under the doctrine of discretionary immunity; therefore, the instructor was liable for his negligent spotting and teaching of the exercise.
A principal who in effect abdicated his responsibility for developing and administering the teaching of the physical education curriculum was not engaging in decisionmaking at the planning level;
therefore, his liability for the negligent discharge of that responsibility
was not precluded by the doctrine of discretionary immunity.
The amount of the principal's liability as determined by the trial
court was correct, because the principal was not entitled to indemnity
from the school district and his liability was not limited to the amount
of insurance coverage the school district was required to carry under
Minn. St. 1971, § 466.04.
Affirmed. Peterson, J. Dissenting, Otis, J. Dissenting in part, concurring in part, WahI, J. Took no part, Todd, J.
47876/318 Irene Perkins, as Trustee for Surviving Spouse and
(1978)Next of Kin of Patrick J. Perkins, Deceased, Appel.
lant, vs. National Railroad Passenger Corporation,
d.b.a. AMTRAK, et al., Public Service Commission,
Department of Public Service, State of Minnesota.
Ramsey County.
In future cases involving railroad crossing accidents, terms such as
"extrahazardous" are not to be used in instructing the jury. The jury
is to focus on whether, under the particular circumstances, the railroad fulfilled its duty of due care.
Statutory requirement that the Public Service Commission hold
hearings on all petitions within six months of filing is directory only
and failure to hold a hearing does not constitute actionable negligence.
Reversed and remanded for a new trial. Yetka, J.
49293/332Imogene Walton, Trustee of the next of kin of James
Walton, Appellant, vs. Richard H. Jones. Hennepin
SUPREME COURT The exclusion of expert witness testimony lies within the sound
discretion of the trial court, and said exclusionary ruling will not be
disturbed on appeal absent a showing of abuse of that discretion.
49232/108 David O'Connor, Petitioner, vs. The Honorable Robert T. Johnson, Judge of County Court, County of
Ramsey. Ramsey County.
The trial court's decision not to allow the plaintiff to reopen her
case, after resting, to recall the defendant, where probably no new
ground would be covered, was not an abuse of the trial court's
A warrant authorizing the search of an attorney's office is unreasonable and, therefore, invalid when the attorney is not suspected of
criminal wrongdoing and there is no threat that the documents sought
will be destroyed.
To establish a prima fade case of medical malpractice, a plaintiff
must introduce expert testimony on the standard of care required and
that the departure therefrom was the direct cause of the decedent's
death. Here the record does not contain this required evidence.
Affirmed. Scott, J. Took no part, Otis, J.
49434/345ArthurC.Melamed, petitioner, vs. Helen R. Melamed, Appellant. Hennepin County.
The trial court's discretionary rulings concerning alimony, attorney fees and property division, as respects both parties, are reasonable and will not be disturbed on appeal.
Although the trial court erred in ordering the homestead sold prior
to the entry of final judgment, appellant has not shown such prejudice
resulting from this error as to entitle her to the requested relief.
Since a trial court does not have the authority in a divorce proceeding to award the couple's children a property interest, the district
court's granting of a remainder interest to the children in a piece of
marital property is hereby declared null and void.
Writ of Prohibition granted. Wahi, J.
49105/207 Faribault Woolen Mill Co., Appellant, vs. Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, et al.
Rice County.
By introducing clean bills of lading and inspection reports, completed by defendant rail carriers' employees, representing that plaintiff's cargo container was "in apparent good order (contents and
condition of contents of packages unknown)" when received by the
defendants at origin, and that defendants' employees' inspections
revealed no defects to the container's exterior surface, plaintiff established, as an essential element of the prima facie case for liability
under the Carmack Amendment, 40 U.S.C.A. § 20(l), that the cargo
container was not damaged when delivered to the defendants at
Defendant rail carriers' evidence failed to rebut plaintiff's prima
facie case of liability under 40 U.S.C.A. § 20(11) (1978).
Reversed and remanded with directions. Maxwell, J. Took no part,
Otis, J.
Affirmed in part; movidifed in part; and remanded for the entry of
judgment in accordance with the decision reached herein. Scott, J.
Took no part, Todd, J.
(CITE 4 S.R. 835)
Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 16.098, subd. 3, an agency
must make reasonable effort to publicize the availability of any consultant services contract or professional and technical services contract
which has an estimated cost of over $2,000.
Department of Administration procedures require that notice of any
Department of Economic
Office of Statewide CETA
Notice of Request for Proposals
for Operation of Displaced
Homemaker Programs
In accordance with Minnesota Laws 1976, Chapter 480,
the Minnesota Department of Economic Security, Office of
Statewide CETA Coordination (OSCC), is requesting proposals from qualified organizations to operate two Displaced
Homemaker Programs in Minnesota areas outside the Twin
Cities Metropolitan Area. Financing is through an appropriation of the 1979 Minnesota Legislature, Chapter 336 and
CETA, Title II, Special Grant Funds. The estimated amount
of each contract is $170,000.00 for an operational period of
approximately 18 months.
Request For Proposal application is available upon request.
Inquiries and requests should be directed to:
Pam McCrea
Office of Statewide CETA Coordination
690 American Center Building
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Request For Proposal applications will be accepted to 4:00
P.M., Friday, December 21, 1979.
Energy Agency
Conservation Research
and Development
Conservation Division
Notice of Request for Proposals
for Technical Evaluation of
Proposals are requested from engineering and architectural firms to perform technical evaluation of federal maxiaudit (TA) and energy conservation measure (ECM) applicaPAGE 836
consultant services contract or professional and technical services contract which has an estimated cost of over $10,000 be printed in the State
Register.These procedures also require that the following Information
be included in the notice: name of contact person, agency name and
address, description of project and tasks, cost estimate, and final
submission date of completed contract proposal.
tions. These technical evaluations, which will be provided
under contract, are outlined in detail in the request for Proposals (RFP). The formal RFP may be requested and inquiries
should be directed to:
Lynn B. Olsson (612) 296-9081
Conservation Research and Development
Conservation Division
Minnesota Energy Agency
980 American Center Building
150 East Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota55155
It is anticipated that the activities to accomplish these
technical evaluations will not exceed a total cost to the state of
$40,000. The deadline for submission of completed proposals
will be the close of the working day December 10, 1979.
Department of Health
Environmental Health
Notice of Requests for Proposals
to Design Procedures for
Reducing Contamination of
Ground Water by Creosote in
St. Louis Park, Minnesota
The Ground Water Quality Unit of the Section of Water
Supply and General Engineering is seeking organizations with
technical and engineering capabilities to design a system for
remedying a ground water contamination problem caused by
creosote contaminating the underlying aquifers. The system
should include a combination of gradient control wells,
wastewater treatment, and possible excavation of some of the
most heavily contaminated soils.
The specific tasks which are to be provided under contract
are outlined in detail in a Request for Proposals - Statement
of Work. The formal request may be obtained from and inquiries should be addressed to:
Michael Convery
Ground Water Quality Unit
717 Delaware Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota55440
It is anticipated that the total cost for completing the work
will not exceed $120,000.
STATE CONTRACTS An informational meeting will be held early in December to
explain in greater detail the nature and extent of the problem,
and what the contractor will be expected to produce. The
deadline for submission of completed proposals will be the
close of the working day December 28, 1979.
State Planning Agency
Office of Local and Urban
Notice of Request for Proposals
for Development and Delivery
of Training Programs
The State Planning Agency/Office of Local and Urban
Affairs, Room 200, Capitol Square Building, St. Paul, MN
55101, is requesting proposals for the development and delivery of training programs and related training activities to local
units of government regarding the HUD Community Development Block Grant Program. The training programs are part
of the State Planning Agency's HUD-funded technical assistance project designed to help local units of government make
better use of the HUD Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Program.
The training programs to be developed are for local government officials such as commissioners and staffs of Housing
and Redevelopment Authorities, city clerks, managers, planners and councils. The contractor selected will be responsible
for planning and scheduling the training programs,developing
workshop materials and related consulting services. The estimated cost for the work is $19,000.
A complete Request for Proposals that outlines the work to
be performed may be obtained from the SPA/OLUA by calling (612) 296-2394. Proposals must be received by 3:00 p.m.
Friday, December 19, 1979.
Pollution Control Agency
Water Quality Division
Notice of Public Meeting on the
State of Minnesota's Water
Quality Management (WQM)
On December 18, 1979, the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency (MPCA) Board will hold a public meeting on the draft
State WQM Plan. The meeting will be held in the MPCA
Board Room, 1935 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota. The State WQM Plan has been developed pursuant to
the federal Clean Water Act and subsequent federal regulations. Public information meetings to review the draft plan are
(CITE 4 S.R. 837)
also being held throughout the State in each of the twelve (12)
Regional Development Commission (RDC) areas (following
is the schedule of these meetings).
Appleton (612/289-1981) November 19
St. Cloud (612/253-7870) November 20
Slayton (507/836-8549) November 26
Thief River Falls (218/281-1396) November 26
Cosmos (612/235-8504) November 27
Rochester (507/285-2550) November 26
Fergus Falls (218/739-3356) November 27
Bemidji (218/751-3108) November 29
Mankato (507/387-5643) November 29
Duluth (218/722-5545) November 29
Mora (612/679-4065) November 29
Staples (218/894-3233) December 3
At the MPCA Board meeting on December 18, the draft
State WQM Plan will be presented. The Board will receive
recommendations and comments from the State 208 Task
Force as well as other interested parties and individuals.
Following the MPCA Board meeting, the State WQM Plan
will be revised and amended as directed by the Board. The
MPCA Board will then take final action on the State WQM
Plan at the regular Board meeting in January, 1980. Upon the
MPCA Board's acceptance, the State plan will be forwarded
to the Governor for certification to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
Copies of the draft plan are available for review at the
following locations:
MPCA and Regional Offices:
MPCA Region Ill Office
1935 West County Road B2
116 East Front Street
Roseville, MN 55113
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
MPCA Region I Office
MPCA Region IV Office
1015 Torrey Building
Box 286
Duluth, MN 55802
1104 East College Drive
Marshall, MN 56258
Region II Office
MPCA Region V Office
Suite 3
Suite 140
304 East River Road
1200 South Broadway
Brainerd, MN 56401
Rochester, MN 55901
RDC Offices:(phone nos. on p revious page)
Northwest RDC (I)
West Central RDC (4)
425 Woodland Avenue
Fergus Falls Comm. CoIl.
Crookston, MN 56716
Administration Building
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Headwaters Commission (2)
P.O. Box 584
Region Five RDC(5)
722 15th Street
611 Iowa Avenue
Bemidji, MN 56601
Staples, MN 56479
Arrowhead RDC (3)
Six East RDC (6E)
200 Arrowhead Place
City Auditorium
Duluth, MN 55802
311 West 6th Street
Willmar, MN 56201
PAGE 837
Upper MN Valley RDC
323 West Schlieman Avenue
Box 265
25th & Broadway Avenue
Appleton, MN 56208
Slayton, MN 56172
East Central RDC (7E)
Region Nine RDC (9)
Kanabec County Courthouse
18 North Vine Street
Old Library Building
Box 3367
Mora, MN55051
120 South Broad Street
Mankato, MN 56001
Central MN RDC (7W)
2700 1st Street North
Southeastern RDC (10)
St. Cloud, MN 56301
301 Marquette Bank Bldg.
Rochester, MN 55901
If there are any questions, please write or contact Mr. Paul
E. Davis, Chief of the Planning Section, MPCA, at (612) 2967241.
Terry Hoffman
Executive Director
Water Resources Board
Notice of Public Hearing
Concerning Petition to Make
Boundary Changes in Middle
River-Snake River Watershed
The Minnesota Water Resources Board announces it
will hold a public hearing in the Newfolden Community Center, Newfolden, Minnesota, 56738, beginning at 10:00 a.m.,
Central Standard Time, on Tuesday, November27, 1979, on a
petition to make changes along the northern boundary of the
Middle River-Snake River Watershed District.
The Board's Notice of Hearing is published in the Crookston Daily Ti,nes on November 8 and 15, 1979; in the Thief
River Falls Times on November 7 and 14, 1979; in the Stephen
Messenger Banner on November 8 and 15, 1979; and in the
Record,Middle River, on November 7 and 14, 1979.
Copies of the Board's Notice of Hearing are available from
the Board's office at 555Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102 (612-296-2840).
PAGE 838
Suite415,Hamm Building
408 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 296-8239
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