Emotions - mrsprossersplace
Emotions - mrsprossersplace
Date Lesson12 Emotions ':.li{.;i7, '-f"': ,:: j .i with emotions. Allthe wordsin this lessonmaybe associated F $ ; 5 F = i o I: a $ g I F of the President's agape ADJ. wonderstruck; dumbfounded(Theannouncement resignation leftthe crowdagape.l aghast ADJ. astonished, andstunned (lwas aghaslwhenI learnedthe dismayed, entirestaffhadbeenfired.) , astound V. to astonishor greatlysurprise (Trynotto astoundyourmotherwhen you breakthe news.) bllss N. joy;ecstasy (Ourafternoonin the countrywas purebftss.) makehera wonderful buoyant ADJ. cheerful;animated(Mary'sbuoyantspirits companion.) , condolence N. sympathy;pity(Manylriendssenttheyoungwidowlettersof condolence.) ..,contrition N. regret;remorse (Theguiltyman'scontrition for yearsafter continued hiscrime.) Zdejection N. stateof beingdowncast (Samfelt dejectionafterbeingpassedover for the award.) exuberant ADJ. havingunbounded crowd ioy and highspirits (fhe exuberanf roaredtheirapproval whenthe resultswereannounced.) a condition of beingtriumphant(Whenfinalexamswere / exultation N. jubilation; feeling ove(, a of exultation sweptoverthe seniorclass.) / ./ frlvolous ADJ. insignificant or trivial;impractical(My meagerincomedoesnot allow me to make any frivolouspurchases.) ; hllarity N. uproariouslaughter;cheerfulness(Therewas a feelingof highhilarityal this year'sNewYear'sEveparty.) laud V. to praise (Thegroupgatheredto /audAnna'sgenerousserviceto the community.) levlty N. lrivolity;lightnessof speechand behavior (Thelittlegirl'slevitywasa welcomebreakfromthe evening's seriousdiscussion.) ./ melancholy N. depression;gloom (ltriedto havefun at theclassreunionbut coufdnot shakea deepsenseof melancholy.l rapture N. elation;ecstasy(MaryAnnwas filledwith rapturewhenshe saw her parentsaftera ten-yearseparation.) remorse N. regret;guilt (Sonyalelt greatremorseforthe crueljokeshe had played.) rueful ADJ. full ol sorrowor pity (Thedoctor'sruefulexpression told us the outlook was not good.) somber ADJ. dark;gloomy;dismal(Fogandrainput me in a somberstate of mind.) pleasure (Theold man neverlostthe zesfof chiHzest N. spiritedenjoyment; hood.) ExerciseI Writethe letterof the wordthat bestcompletesthe sentence. 1. We were_ of our mistake. A. buoyant 2. What A. hilarity whenwe realizedthe unexpected andterribleconsequences B. aghast C. exuberant it willbeto spendJanuaryin Hawaii. B. contrition C. melancholy D. frivolous D. bliss Vocabulary Development 23 Name Date 3. Thefanswere_ A. melancholy whenthe hometeamscoredthewinningbasket. B. frivolous D. aghast C. exuberant 4. The sQhlof thefuneralcortegeput us all in a(n) A. somber B. exuberant C. frivolous mood. D. buoyant 5. As an actof _ , he sent his motherroses,hopingthatshewouldunderstandhe was reallysorry. A. dejection B. levity C. bliss D. contrition 6. The memoryol his appallingbehaviorlilledSamwith A. exultation B. remorse C. zest D. levity 7. Joannewas a_woman who wastedeveryone's timetalkingnonsense. A. frivolous B. rueful melancholy D. buoyant C. gavewayto exuberance 8. _ whenthe teammadean astonishing comeback. A. Condolence B. Contrition D. Dejection C. Levity hisrecentbadluck,Jim'sspiritsareas 9. Despite A. buoyant B. somber C. aghast asever. D. rueful 10. Mymothersentflowersto thewidowas anexpression of A. dejection B. rapture C. condolence D. bliss Exerclse 2 Wdtethe letterof the wordthat mostnearlyhas the oppositemeaningof the italicized word. 11. agape A. lost B. open C. awed D. bored 12. laud A. insult B. alarm C. acclaim D. praise 13. astoud B. laugh C. bore D. anger 14. exuttatlon A. surprise A. jov B. depressionC. generosityD. gratitude 15. npture A. spirits B. love C. trance D. despair 16. melancholy A.ioy B. concern C. sadness D. hatred 17.ru e t u l A. angry B. gloomy C. resentful D. cheery 18. zest D. wit 19. hlbrfty A. relish B. condolenceC. distaste A. jubilation B. uproar C. solace 20. levlty A. regret D. contentment B. laughter C. gravity D. sorrow F g a $ -e o ! s $ g I T 24 VocafularyDevelopment