Soil carbon stocks on Barro Colorado Island - Max-Planck
Soil carbon stocks on Barro Colorado Island - Max-Planck
Diplomarbeit Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität Potsdam Soil-landscape modeling of Barro Colorado Island with special emphasis on soil organic carbon and clay mineralogy vorgelegt von: Rosina Grimm Potsdam, Dezember 2007 Betreut von: Prof. Dr. Helmut Elsenbeer Institut für Geoökologie Universität Potsdam und Dr. Michael Märker Institut für Geoökologie Universität Potsdam Eidesstattliche Erklärung Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und unter Verwendung der angegebenen Literatur und Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe. Wörtlich oder sinngemäß übernommenes Gedankengut habe ich als solches kenntlich gemacht. Die Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form bei keiner anderen Prüfungskommission vorgelegt. Ort, Datum Unterschrift TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... 5 INDEX OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 6 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. 8 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ........................................................................................................... 10 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 12 2. METHODS............................................................................................................................. 15 2.1. Study site ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.2. Data ................................................................................................................................. 17 2.2.1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) ....................................................................................... 17 Soil sampling ...................................................................................................... 17 Laboratory analysis ........................................................................................... 18 2.2.2. Environmental predictors ......................................................................................... 19 Spatially referenced environmental predictors .................................................. 19 a) Topographic attributes ........................................................................................... 19 b) Soil ......................................................................................................................... 20 c) Geology .................................................................................................................. 21 d) Forest history ......................................................................................................... 21 Non-spatial environmental predictors ............................................................... 22 a) Clay mineralogy ..................................................................................................... 22 Soil sampling .......................................................................................................... 22 Sample preparation ................................................................................................. 22 Chemical pre-treatment...................................................................................... 23 Clay separation .................................................................................................. 23 Saturating the clay minerals with different cations ........................................... 24 Preparing the oriented clay mineral aggregate ................................................. 25 X-ray diffraction ..................................................................................................... 25 Characterization and identification of clay minerals and associated minerals ....... 26 Kaolinite ............................................................................................................. 27 Smectite .............................................................................................................. 27 Mixed layered kaolinite/smectite ........................................................................ 28 Gibbsite .............................................................................................................. 28 Quartz ................................................................................................................. 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Plagioclase ......................................................................................................... 29 b) Shrink-swell capacity ............................................................................................. 29 Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE)............................................................. 30 Soil sampling ...................................................................................................... 30 Laboratory analysis (COLErod) .......................................................................... 30 2.3. Data pre-processing ......................................................................................................... 32 2.4. Random Forest ................................................................................................................ 32 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 36 3.1 Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and contents .................................................. 36 3.2. Clay mineralogy .............................................................................................................. 40 3.3. Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) .................................................................. 43 3.4. Relationship between soil organic carbon concentrations and coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) .......................................................................................................... 45 3.5. Digital soil mapping using Random Forests ................................................................... 45 3.5.1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) ....................................................................................... 45 3.5.1 1. Parameter optimization ..................................................................................... 45 Model performance ........................................................................................... 47 Variable importance .......................................................................................... 48 Spatial prediction............................................................................................... 49 3.5.2. Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) ........................................................... 54 Parameter optimization and model performance .............................................. 54 Variable importance .......................................................................................... 55 Spatial prediction............................................................................................... 56 3.5.3. Digital soil organic carbon (SOC) mapping using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor ............................................................. 58 Parameter optimization ..................................................................................... 58 Model performance ........................................................................................... 60 Variable importance .......................................................................................... 61 4. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 63 5. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 65 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................ 75 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 113 DANKSAGUNG ...................................................................................................................... 115 INDEX OF TABLES 5 INDEX OF TABLES Table 1 BCI soil mapping units and corresponding geological units, mean field description of topsoil (T) and subsoil (S) depth, texture, color, and correlation to WRB soil classification system. .............................................................................................. 16 Table 2 Terrain attributes used for digital soil organic carbon (SOC) mapping ................. 20 Table 3 Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and contents (± 1 standard deviation) 37 Table 4 Estimates of tropical soil organic carbon contents (SOC) ..................................... 38 Table 5 Environmental characterization and X-ray-based mineral determination of clay samples ................................................................................................................... 42 Table 6 Replicate measurements of coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod).............. 44 Table 7 Spearman correlation coefficients between soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations within observed depth intervals and coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) .......................................................................................... 45 Table 8 Model performance of soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction from 100 Random Forest runs .............................................................................................................. 47 Table 9 Model performance of soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction including the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor from 100 Random Forest runs ............................................................................................... 60 Table 10 Differences between model performances: soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction error excluding coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (Table 8) minus SOC prediction error including coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor (Table 9) ................................................................................. 60 INDEX OF FIGURES 6 INDEX OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Hillshade derived from digital elevation model superimposed on sample sites (SOC: soil organic carbon; COLE: coefficient of linear extensibility), contour lines, and geological map (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). ......................................................... 15 Fig. 2. Moist soil paste spread in lengthwise cut tubes for air drying. ................................. 31 Fig. 3. Boxplots of soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations as a function of depth. The crossbar within the box shows the median, the length of the box reflects the interquartile range, the fences are either marked by the extremes if there are no outliers, or else by the largest and smallest observation that is not an outlier. Bars are outliers > 1.5 times from the interquartile range away from the upper/lower quartile, whereas circles with a cross are outliers > 2 times the interquartile range away from the upper/lower quartile. The notches represent the 95% confidence interval around the median. ................................................................................................................ 36 Fig. 4. Topsoil (0-10 cm) coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as a function of major soil groups (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). .............................................. 43 Fig. 5. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error (NMSEOOB) for soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm. Each boxplot represents 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). ........................................................................... 46 Fig. 6. Variable importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) predictions in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm averaged over 20 Random Forest runs for each depth interval and normalized to 100% (see Table 2 for terrain parameter abbreviations). ........................................................................................................... 48 Fig. 7. Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations [%] superimposed on soil units (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations) in depth intervals a) 0-10 cm, b) 10-20 cm, c) 20-30 cm, d) 30-50 cm. ....................................................................................................... 50 Fig. 8. Soil organic carbon (SOC) contents [Mg ha-1] superimposed on soil units (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations) in depth intervals a) 0-10 cm, b) 10-20 cm, c) 20-30 cm, d) 30-50 cm. ....................................................................................................... 51 Fig. 9. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content [Mg ha-1] in the upper 30 cm. ........................... 53 INDEX OF FIGURES 7 Fig. 10. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error for coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (0-10 cm) prediction. Each boxplot consists of 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). ... 54 Fig. 11. Variable importance of coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (0-10 cm) prediction averaged over 20 Random Forest runs and normalized to 100 (see Table 1 for terrain parameter abbreviations). ......................................................................... 56 Fig. 12. Topsoil (0-10 cm) shrink-swell potential as measured by the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations). ............................ 57 Fig. 13. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error for soil organic carbon (SOC) predictions in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm by using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor in the Random Forest model. Each boxplot represents 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). ......................................... 59 Fig. 14. Variable importance of the soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor averaged over 20 Random Forest runs and normalized to 100 (see Table 2 for terrain parameter abbreviations). ........................................................................................................... 62 ABSTRACT 8 ABSTRACT Spatial estimates of tropical soil organic carbon (SOC) contents are crucial to understanding the role of tropical SOC in the global carbon cycle. They also allow for spatial variation of SOC in ecological and environmental process models. SOC contents are spatially highly variable. In traditional approaches, SOC contents have been derived from estimates for single or very few profiles and spatially linked to existing units of soil or vegetation maps. However, many existing soil profile data are incomplete and untested as to whether they are representative or unbiased. Also single means for soil or vegetation map units cannot characterize the spatial variability of SOC within these units. I here use the digital soil mapping approach to predict the spatial distribution of SOC. This relies on a soil inference model based on spatially referenced environmental layers of topographic attributes, soil units and properties, parent material, and forest history. I sampled soils at 165 sites, stratified according to topography and lithology, on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, and 30-50 cm, and analyzed them for SOC by dry combustion. I further analyzed on a selection of nine samples sites clay mineralogy by X-ray diffraction and in the 0-10 cm depth interval of all sample sites shrinkswell capacity by measuring the coefficient of linear extensibility. I applied Random Forest (RF) analysis as a modeling tool to the SOC data for each depth interval in order to compare vertical and lateral distribution patterns. Furthermore, I applied RF analysis to the soil shrink-swell capacity with the objective to introduce this soil factor as an additional predictor into the digital SOC mapping approach. RF has several advantages compared to other modeling approaches, for instance, the fact that it is neither sensitive to overfitting nor to noise features. The RF-based digital SOC mapping approach provided SOC estimates of high spatial resolution and estimates of error and predictor importance. The environmental variables that explained most of the variation in the topsoil (0-10 cm) were topographic attributes. In the subsoil (10-50 cm), SOC distribution was best explained by soil texture classes as derived from soil mapping units. The estimates for SOC contents in the upper 30 cm ranged between 38 and 116 Mg ha-1, with lowest contents on midslope and highest on toeslope positions. The soil shrink-swell capacity showed both a relationship to clay mineralogy and clay content. However, in the continuous spatial domain the integration of the soil-shrink swell capacity was not achievable since the RF model performance of this soil factor was too low. ABSTRACT 9 Nevertheless, by integrating the point measurements of the shrink-swell capacity into the SOC-modeling especially the topsoil SOC-model performance was improved. This enforces the assumption that the shrink-swell capacity is a suitable predictor for modeling the spatial distribution of SOC. This digital soil mapping approach clearly demonstrated that it is possible to predict SOC contents on BCI with a high spatial resolution by using readily available environmental variables. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 10 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Hochauflösende räumliche Abschätzungen des organischen Kohlenstoffgehaltes (SOC) tropischer Böden sind essenziell für die Bewertung des globalen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs und stellen eine wichtige Grundlage für ökologische und hydrologische Prozessmodelle dar. Da die räumliche Variabilität des SOC-Gehalts sehr hoch ist, führen klassische Ansätze, bei denen Schätzungen des SOC-Gehalts einzelner Profile räumlich zu bereits bestehenden Boden- bzw. Vegetationskarteneinheiten verlinkt werden, nicht zu befriedigenden Ergebnissen, da durch eine einfache Mittelwertzuweisung zu bestehenden Boden- oder Vegetationskarteneinheiten nicht die räumliche Variabilität des SOC-Gehalts innerhalb dieser Karteneinheiten erfasst werden kann. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich den Boden-Landschaftsmodellierungsansatz (engl. soil-landscape modelling oder digital soil mapping) für die kontinuierliche räumliche Vorhersage des SOCGehalts vor. Hierbei wird der an verschiedenen Standorten gemessene SOC-Gehalt in einen funktionalen Zusammenhang zu seinen Bildungsbedingungen gestellt. Für die BodenLandschaftsmodellierung d.h. die kontinuierliche räumliche Vorhersage der SOC-Gehalte bedarf es daher räumlich referenzierte Bodenbildungsfaktoren, welche in dieser Arbeit die Topographie, gemessene sowie aus der Bodenkarte abgeleitete Bodeneigenschaften, die Lithologie und das Waldalter waren. Auf Basis eines geschichteten Zufallsmessnetzes wurden auf Barro Colorado Island (BCI), 165 Standorte in den Tiefenstufen 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm und 30-50 cm beprobt und auf ihren SOC-Gehalt hin analysiert. Weiterhin wurde an neun Standorten die Tonmineralogie, und an allen Standorten, jedoch nur im obersten Beprobungsintervall, die Schrumpf- und Quellkapazität bestimmt. Für die Modellierung des SOC-Gehalts in den verschiedenen Tiefenstufen wurde Random Forest (RF) eingesetzt. Ferner wurde RF auch auf die Schrumpf- und Quellkapazität angewandet, mit dem Ziel, diese dann als zusätzlichen räumlichen Prädiktor für die SOCVorhersage zu verwenden. RF ist ein junges Verfahren aus dem Bereich der Entscheidungsbäume, das als so genanntes Ensembleverfahren mit multiplen randomisierten Entscheidungsbäumen arbeitet. Gegenüber den meisten anderen Prognoseverfahren ist RF weder sensitiv in Bezug auf Überanpassung noch auf verrauschte oder irrelevante Parameter. Darüber hinaus liefert RF Maßzahlen zur Einschätzung der Modelgüte und für die Bedeutung der einzelnen Prädiktoren. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 11 Somit konnten neben einer räumlich hochauflösenden und tiefenbezogenen Darstellung der SOC-Gehalte auch Aussagen zur Relevanz von Reliefattributen, Ausgangsgestein, Boden und Waldalter getroffen werden. Im Oberboden (0-10 cm) konnte ein Großteil der Variabilität durch topographische Attribute erklärt werden. Im Unterboden (10-50 cm) hingegen wurde die räumliche Verteilung des SOC-Gehalts hauptsächlich durch aus der Bodenkarte abgeleitete Bodentexturklassen erklärt. Die prognostizierten SOC-Gehalte in den obersten 30 cm liegen zwischen 38 und 116 t ha-1. Die geringsten Werte treten dabei in Mittelhanglagen auf, die höchsten in Akkumulationsbereichen. Der Einfluss des Relief nimmt mit zunehmender Bodentiefe ab. Die Schrumpf-Quellkapazität zeigte einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zur Tonmineralogie und zum Tongehalt der Böden. Jedoch konnte die räumliche Integration der Schrumpf- und Quellkapazität in die SOC-Modellierung nicht durchgeführt werden, da ihre Modelgüte sehr gering war. Dennoch konnte über eine punkthafte Einbindung der Schrumpf- und Quellkapazität gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere die SOC-Modellgüte des Oberbodens sich verbesserte, und deshalb diese Bodeneigenschaft potentiell für die räumliche Vorhersage des SOC-Gehalts herangezogen werden könnte. Der hier vorgestellte Boden-Landschaftsmodellierungsansatz zeigt deutlich die Möglichkeit einer kleinmaßstäbigen Vorhersage der SOC-Gehalte auf BCI mithilfe von bereits vorhandenen Umweltvariablen. INTRODUCTION 12 1. INTRODUCTION Soils store about three times more organic carbon than is held in the plant biomass of terrestrial ecosystems and about twice as much than is current in the atmosphere (Batjes et al., 1997). Tropical soils contain about 26 % of the soil organic carbon (SOC) stored in the soils of the world (Batjes, 1996). Global environmental conditions such as climate, biochemical cycles and vegetation are related to SOC. In order to understand the role of tropical SOC in the global carbon cycle as well as to incorporate variations of SOC into environmental process modeling, accurate estimates of the amount of SOC with high spatial resolution are necessary. One common way of deriving the spatial distribution of soil is the analysis of the factors controlling soil formation. Jenny (1941) described soil as a function of climate, organisms, topographic relief, parent material, and time. Within digital soil mapping (also called soillandscape modeling (Gessler et al., 1995) or predictive soil mapping (Scull et al., 2003)) a Jenny-like approach is used but rather for quantifying than for explaining spatial soil class/property distribution. Digital soil mapping is characterized by formulating empirical spatial or non-spatial soil inference systems between soil observations and spatially referenced environmental “scorpan” factors (soils and/or soil properties, climate and/or climate properties, organisms like flora and fauna and human activities, relief settings, parent material, age, and spatial coordinate n) (McBratney et al., 2003). The advantage of the digital soil mapping approach is that for many landscapes the “scorpan” factors are readily available. For instance, topographic attributes are commonly derived form digital elevation models, parent material form geological maps. On the other hand, soil properties that have the potential to explain much of the variation in SOC distributions might be derived from soil maps. However, soil maps are often a generalized form of various soil properties that were collected with the objective to classify soils. Depending on scale of both the digital soil mapping approach and the soil map, therefore, a soil map might not be appropriate to capture the variability of single soil properties since these often vary continuously and on different scales. For instance, both clay content (Arrouays et al., 1995, Powers and Schlesinger, 2002; Kahle et al., 2002a) and mineralogy (Van Breemen and Feijtel, 1990; Torn et al., 1997; Baldock and Skjemstadt, 2000; Six et al., 2002) have been shown to influence the spatial distribution of SOC. To incorporate these relationships into the digital SOC mapping approach, a spatial representation of these soil properties is required. INTRODUCTION 13 That can be produced by also applying the digital soil mapping approach, which should be based on a reasonable large dataset of these soil properties whose acquirement in many cases, however, exceeds the time or budget limit of studies. In these cases, rather a spatial representation of a surrogate variable should be considered that reflects both clay mineralogy and clay content, but is easier to obtain. Soil shrink-swell capacity can serve as such a more easily obtainable surrogate variable for clay mineralogy and clay content alongside several other physical and chemical soil properties (Thomas et al. 2000). Concerning the soil inference systems, a broad range of statistical methods have been applied towards digital soil mapping of SOC or organic matter (OM). Most commonly, multiple- and linear regression have been used for spatial quantifications of SOC/OM (Moore et al., 1993; Arrouays et al., 1995; Charplot et al., 2001; Florinsky et al., 2002; Powers and Schlesinger, 2002; Thompson and Kolka, 2005; Thompson et al., 2006). This modeling technique has several advantages, such as simplicity in application and ease of interpretation (Hastie et al., 2001). Fewer studies used generalized linear models (McKenzie and Ryan, 1999), tree models (Kulmatiski et al., 2004; Henderson et al., 2005) or artificial neural networks (Minasny et al., 2006) for relating SOC and OM storage to environmental predictors. The latter techniques have the potential for discovering nonlinear relationships and might therefore prove more powerful for digital SOC mapping. From the field of machine learning, ensemble approaches like bagging (Breiman, 1996), boosting (Freund and Schapire, 1996) or Random Forest (Breiman, 2001) could be applied for SOC prediction in order to enhance prediction accuracy. Those approaches have not yet been reported in SOC prediction literature, however. Within geostatistics soil forming factors in terms of ancillary environmental predictors can be used to estimate the spatial distribution of SOC/OM through kriging with external drift or co-kriging (Simbahan et al., 2006). Bhatti et al. (1991), Hengl et al. (2004) as well as Simbahan et al. (2006) applied regression kriging to predict SOC or OM content. Random Forest (RF), a new method of data mining, has several advantages compared to most of the modeling techniques mentioned above, such as (Breiman, 2001; Liaw and Wiener, 2002): Ability of modeling high dimensional nonlinear relationships, handling of categorical and continuous predictors, resistance to overfitting, relative robustness with respect to noise features, implemented unbiased measure of error rate, implemented measures of variable importance, and only few user defined parameters. I hypothesized that terrain-driven hydrological flow patterns and mass-movement are the dominating processes responsible for SOC redistributions. I also expected that SOC is related INTRODUCTION 14 to soil color as well as geology and forest history. Furthermore, I assumed that SOC contents on BCI are related to the spatial distribution of soil properties such as soil texture and clay mineralogy, which in turn both can be summarized by the soil shrink-swell capacity. Consequently, the shrink-swell capacity is assumed to improve SOC model predictions by integrating this soil property alongside the readily available environmental predictors into the digital soil mapping framework. The main objective of this study was to propose a RF-based digital SOC mapping framework from which knowledge of soil processes can be derived. Using this framework, I was able to estimate the SOC contents on BCI in the spatial domain more realistically than by simply relating mean SOC values to soil mapping units as has been the traditional approach. METHODS 15 2. METHODS 2.1. Study site Barro Colorado Island (BCI) (Fig. 1) (9°9’N, 79°51’W) was formed by the flooding of Lake Gatun in the Panama Canal basin in 1914. The 1500 ha former hilltop rises 137 m above the lake level. Fig. 1. Hillshade derived from digital elevation model superimposed on sample sites (SOC: soil organic carbon; COLE: coefficient of linear extensibility), contour lines, and geological map (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). METHODS 16 The climate is tropical with a mean annual temperature of 27°C. The annual precipitation averages 2600 mm with 90 % of the rainfall occurring in the wet season between May and December (Dietrich et al., 1982). BCI is entirely covered by semi-deciduous lowland moist tropical forest. BCI is entirely covered by semi-deciduous lowland moist tropical forest. Parts of the island were cleared for agricultural purpose before and during the creation of the Panama Canal. The southwest of the island is old growth which has not been disturbed for at least 200 years (Leigh, 1999), whereas the northeast is younger regrowth with 100 or more years in age (Foster and Brokaw, 1982). Table 1 BCI soil mapping units and corresponding geological units, mean field description of topsoil (T) and subsoil (S) depth, texture, color, and correlation to WRB soil classification systema. Soil mapping Geological Mean depth Mean Mean Munsell soil color WRBb correlation a unit unit [m] Texture (abbreviation) Ava (A) A T: < 0.04 sicL 7.5YR 3/3, 7.5YR 3/4 Hypereutric & Haplic Ferralsol S: > 2 siC, C 5YR 4/4, 5YR 4/6 Marron (M) A T: < 0.05 sicL 7.5YR 3/2, 7.5YR 3/4 Leptic & Eutric Cambisol S: < 1 siC 7.5YR 4/6, 5YR 4/4 Vertic Luvisol & Acrisol & Lake (L) A T: < 0.03 siC 7.5YR 3/4 Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysol S: < 1.5 C Mottled 10YR 6/3 Swamp (Sw) A T: < 5 cL S: > 1 C, siC Fairchild (F) B T: < 0.04 sicL S: < 0.6 siC Standley (S) B T: < 0.15 siC S: < 0.5 sicL, siC Gross (G) B T: < 0.04 sicL S: > 2 C, siC Poacher (P) CM T: < 0.08 sicL S: > 2 sicL, siC Wetmore (W) CM T: < 0.1 cL, sicL S: < 1 sicL Lutz (Lu) CM T: < 0.1 sicL, siC S: < 1 siC, C Zetek (Z) CM T: < 0.05 siC S: > 2 C, siC Harvard (H) CV T: < 0.03 cL, sicL S: > 1.5 siC, C Hood (Ho) CV T: < 0.05 cL, sicL S: < 0.5 cL, sicL Barbour (B) CV T: < 0.05 sicL S: > 2 C, siC a For texture classes see FAO, 2006. b WRB, 2006 A: andesite flow; B: Bohio formation; CM: Caimito facies 7.5YR 3/1 Mottled 2.5Y 4/3, 2.5Y 5/1 7.5 YR 3/3 2.5YR 4/4, 2.5YR 4/6 7.5YR 3/2, 5YR 3/3 7.5YR 4/4, 5YR 4/4 7.5 YR 3/3 Mottled 5Y 6/2 7.5 YR 3/3, 5YR 3/3 5YR 4/6, 2.5YR 4/6 7.5 YR 3/3 7.5YR 4/4, 5YR 4/4 7.5 YR 3/3, 5YR 3/3 7.5YR 4/4, 5YR 4/4 7.5YR 3/2 Mottled 2.5Y 7/2, 5Y 7/3 7.5 YR 3/3, 5YR 3/3 5YR 4/6, 2.5YR 4/6 7.5 YR 3/3, 5YR 3/3 7.5YR 3/4, 5YR 4/4 7.5YR 3/2 Mottled 5Y 6/3 Mollic, Eutric & Haplic Gleysol Leptic & Eutric Cambisol Leptic & Eutric Cambisol Vertic Luvisol & Acrisol & Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysol Hypereutric & Haplic Ferralsol Leptic & Eutric Cambisol Ferric & Hypereutric Ferralsol Vertic Luvisol & Acrisol & Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysol Hypereutric & Haplic Ferralsol Leptic & Eutric Cambisol Vertic Luvisol & Acrisol & Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysol formation, marine facies; CV: Caimito formation, volcanic METHODS 17 The geology (Fig. 1) consists of two main formations: the Bohio dating back to the early Oligocene (Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias 1976) and the younger Caimito formation from the late Oligocene (Woodring, 1958). Both formations are sedimentary and each consists of two facies: volcanic and marine. In addition, there are extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks from the Oligocene and early Miocene age (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). The main extrusive component is an andesite flow, which caps the island (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989) forming a flat, slightly tilted hilltop. The most obvious structural feature is the sinistral strike-slip fault system that trends NNE-SSW across the centre of the island (Fig. 1). The dominant soils on BCI are immature Cambisols, and most of the more mature soils are Ferralsols (Fig. 7, Table 1; WRB, 2006). They are clay- and nutrient-rich and contain high amounts of calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, and potassium, but presumably low amounts of phosphorus (Dietrich et al., 1982; Yavitt et al., 1993; Yavitt, 2000; Barthold et al., 2007). Until now, SOC estimates for BCI were limited to parts of the island using only few samples and limited spatial coherence (Yavitt et al., 1993; Yavitt, 2000; Yavitt and Wright et al., 2002). 2.2. Data 2.2.1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) Soil sampling In order to analyze and predict the amount and distribution of SOC most efficiently, I established a design-based, stratified, two-stage sampling plan (McKenzie and Ryan, 1999) with topography and geology as the stratifying variables. A digital quantification of catenary landscape position was calculated from the digital elevation model (DEM) by combining the compound topographic index (CTI) (Beven and Kirkby, 1979) with the projected distance to stream (PD02) (Behrens, 2003). Lower slope positions within a distance of 100 m of Gatun Lake were not considered in this quantification because these represent former mid-slope positions before the flooding of the Panama Canal, and hence do not show classical catenary soil attributes (Baillie et al., 2006). The 50 ha plot of the Centre for Tropical Forest Science METHODS 18 (CTFS) in the centre of BCI was also excluded from the sampling scheme (Fig. 1), in order to avoid disturbance. I calculated four CTI classes and three PD02 classes on an equal area basis. Those classes were combined and the resulting 12 distinct environments were further stratified into four geological units. From those 48 distinct environments I randomly selected three replicate sites. Additionally, 21 sites were chosen randomly from all distinct environments in order to enlarge the sampling size, resulting in a total of 165 sites. Soil samples were taken during the beginning of the wet season, between June and September 2005. At each site a 50 cm deep soil profile was dug and a soil sample of 250 g taken at the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm. Laboratory analysis The samples were oven-dried at 60°C and passed through a 2 mm sieve; recognizable undecomposed OM particles were removed. A sub-sample of about 20 g was finely ground and dried to constant weight at 105°C. Total carbon was measured by dry combustion using at least two 20 mg sub-samples form each sample until the coefficient of variation of replicate measurements was below 0.05. According to Baillie et al. (2006), carbonates were not to be expected in these soils on account of their low pH; therefore I assumed that total carbon equals organic carbon. For a given depth carbon mass per unit area was calculated according to: SOCcontent = SOCconz ρ (1-ST) Δd UFC (1) where SOCcontent is soil carbon content (kg ha-1), SOCconz is soil carbon concentration (%), ρ is bulk density of the fine earth (kg m-3), ST is the volumetric percentage of fragments of > 2 mm (stoniness), Δd is the thickness of the layer (m) and UFC is a unit conversion factor (100 m² ha-1). Carbon mass per unit area for a given depth was calculated by summing SOCcontent over all layers. METHODS 19 Bulk density was determined for 24 sites by the compliant cavity method (Soil Survey Staff, 1996). Baillie et al. (2006) determined stoniness based on field estimates of volume percentage of fragments > 2 mm. As the absolute uncertainty of SOCcontent is a function of individual uncertainties (equation 1) I assumed that these factors are independent - the error propagation rule for multiplications of independent factors was used for its determination (Taylor, 1997). For cumulative SOCcontent total uncertainty for a given depth was calculated by using the error propagation equation for summations of independent summands (Taylor, 1997). 2.2.2. Environmental predictors Spatially referenced environmental predictors a) Topographic attributes Topography has the potential to explain large parts of the variation of SOC. Thus, models accounting for terrain attributes can provide more realistic estimates of SOC pools. Terrain attributes, the most extensively used environmental predictors in digital soil mapping (McBratney et al., 2003), approximate water, solute, and sediment fluxes throughout the landscape. These are driven by gravity, solar insolation and micro-climate, and hence may control spatial patterns of soil properties such as SOC. Terrain attributes were derived from the 5 m DEM of BCI, which is based on a topographic map in 1:25,000 scale with 10 m contour intervals (Kinner et al., 2002). A total of 13 terrain attributes were calculated and extended to 15 datasets by deriving additional variations (Table 2). Terrain parameters can be grouped into local, regional and combined terrain attributes (Behrens, 2003). Local terrain attributes are based on a moving window technique with the same spatial extent for each cell. Regional terrain attributes are based on contributing area, and combined terrain attributes derived through combinations of local and regional attributes (Behrens, 2003). METHODS 20 Combined Regional Local Table 2 Terrain attributes used for digital soil organic carbon (SOC) mapping Terrain attribute Abbreviation Author Slope SLT Tarboton, 1997 Horizontal curvature CHOS Shary et al., 2002 Mean curvature CMES Shary et al., 2002 Profile curvature CPES Shary et al., 2002 Landform evolution LEV Nogami, 1995 Contributing area CA Dietrich and Montgomery, 1998 Stream power index SPI Moore et al., 1991 (calculation based on Dietrich and Montgomery, 1998 and Tarboton, 1979) Transport capacity TC Schmidt and Dikau, 1999 (calculation based on Dietrich and Montgomery, 1998 and Tarboton, 1979) Relative hillslope position Local elevation (for 0.2 ha and 0.5 ha) Projected distance to stream (for 0.2 ha and 0.5 ha) Compound topographic (wetness) index RHP LE02 LE05 PD02 PD05 CTI Behrens, 2003 Behrens, 2003 LS-factor LS Behrens, 2003 Beven and Kirkby, 1979 (calculation based on Dietrich and Montgomery, 1998 and Tarboton, 1979) Feldwisch, 1995 (calculation based on Dietrich and Montgomery, 1998 and Tarboton, 1979) b) Soil The BCI soil map, whose taxa are based on geology, general topographic indicators, soil color and texture (Baillie et al., 2006), was used as soil factor within the digital SOC mapping framework (Fig. 7). Soil color relates to SOC with darker colors generally indicating higher SOC contents (Konen at al., 2003; Viscarra-Rossel et al., 2006). Soil texture, particularly soil clay content, is positively correlated to SOC (Arrouays et al., 1995; Powers and Schlesinger, 2002; Kahle et al., 2002a). Table 1 shows the local BCI soil units, some general field descriptions and the corresponding WRB (WRB, 2006) soil names. The Swamp soil unit was merged with Lake on the basis of parent material, soil color, and texture since there were no observations in the Swamp unit. All other soil units remained unchanged. METHODS 21 c) Geology Soils are the weathering product of the parent material. Parent material was derived from the geological map of BCI (Fig. 1) (Woodring, 1958; Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). The andesite flow is a resistant and nonvesicular rock, with phenocrysts consisting primarily of plagioclase (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). The main rock type on the Bohio volcanic facies is a conglomerate, which consists of basaltic clasts of all sizes (pebbles, cobbles and boulders) in a matrix of finer basaltic clasts (Woodring, 1958). The marine facies is interlayered with the conglomerate and consists of greywacke sandstone of poorly sorted angular basaltic coarse sand in a finely-grained matrix containing feldspars and some quartz (Woodring, 1958). The latter facies is not separately delineated in Fig. 1. The main constituents of the Caimito volcanic facies are a basaltic agglomerate and different kinds of greywacke, varying only in the degree of sorting of the grains. The Caimito marine facies primarily consist of foraminiferal limestone with abundant pelecypods and a large detrital component in the form of vitric volcaniclastic debris, plagioclase and quartz (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). Furthermore, Figure 1 does not display intrusive basaltic to basaltic andesitic dikes which can be found mainly within the Bohio formation and the volcanic facies of the Caimito formation (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). d) Forest history The relationship between land use history and SOC were observed with SOC contents being relatively lower in secondary compared to primary forests depending on type of past land use and forest age (e.g. Silver et al., 2000; Paul et al., 2002). Svenning et al. (2004) derived the forest history from an 1927 aerial photograph of BCI by converting it into a grayscale grid. They delineated three forest history classes (old growth, tall secondary forest, low secondary forest) by sequentially grouping different grey values. Bright colors were assigned to be younger or cleared forests whereas dark colors are high forest areas. Due to the fact that no absolute time periods were assigned to each forest history class, forest history can only be an ordinal predictor for the spatial prediction of SOC contents. METHODS 22 Non-spatial environmental predictors a) Clay mineralogy A variety of authors (Van Breemen and Feijtel, 1990; Torn et al., 1997; Baldock and Skjemstadt, 2000; Six et al., 2002) propose that SOC stabilization is influenced by clay mineralogy, with 2:1 clays such as smectite stabilizing SOC to a greater extent than 1:1 clays such as kaolinite. Therefore, modeling the effects of soil clays on the spatial distribution of SOC content requires knowledge of individual clay mineral abundance and distribution. Soil sampling The mineralogical composition of samples from BCI is a function of parent material and topographic position (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). Given that the X-ray-based determination of clay minerals is very time-consuming (2-3 days for one sample), a sub-sample of 11 profiles (39 samples) of the originally sample set of 165 profiles that were collected for the SOC determinations (Fig. 1) was selected. However, samples were stratified by their underlying parent material, major soil types, and topographic position (Table 5) in order to sample the steepest gradients of clay mineral occurrence. Sample preparation So far, there are no standardized laboratory methods on clay mineral preparation for subsequent X-ray diffraction analysis. Therefore, I will give all of the details on laboratory preparation techniques in order to allow for re-production in future studies of clay minerals on BCI. Clay minerals are commonly treated prior to X-ray examinations in order to identify the presented mineral phases more clearly. As all preparation techniques may modify clay minerals, pre-treatments must be kept to a minimum and must be as mild as possible, both physically and chemically (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). METHODS 23 Chemical pre-treatment Clay particles in soils on BCI are strongly bound together with iron oxides and/or by organic matter (Baillie at al. 2006). In literature much consideration has been given to the removal of such coatings (e.g. Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Iron oxide can be removed by sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) (Jackson, 1996). Organic matter can be removed by oxidation with H2O2. However, these procedures are likely to alter the clay minerals (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Therefore, prior to analysis, an iterative approach with the successive application of pretreatments should be applied in order to determine their need for clay mineral identification. I pre-analyzed one of the samples applying the following treatments: removal of iron oxide, removal of iron oxide and organic matter, no pre-treatments. Results clearly indicated that there is no requirement for pre-treatments of the sample since the base-line was very little and diffraction patterns were of good quality for interpretation. Clay separation Clay minerals are extremely fine grained (<2 μm) by their very nature. Hence, it is a technical challenge to separate them from more coarse-grained minerals with which they commonly coexist (quartz, feldspar, calcite etc.). Different size fractions are obtained from sedimentation in water and by application of Stokes’ law of settling under grvity. Normal gravity settling in tubes is not recommended because it is too time-consuming. Thus, centrifugation was regarded to be the best method. Stokes’ law is a numerical expression that describes the particle being pulled by gravity in a continuous viscous fluid (Giancoli, 1984; Lentfer et al., 2003): t = KD / (p0-pf) Vg (2) Where t = time (s), K = 6πrη, r = radius of particle (m), η = viscosity of fluid (Pa.s), D = distance of fall (m), p0 = density of particle (kg/m³), pf = density of fluid (kg/m³), V = volume of particle (m³) where volume of a sphere equals 4/3πr³, g = acceleration due to gravity (m/sec²). Particles settling through a fluid in a centrifuge obey the same law except that the force of gravity is increased as a function of the speed and radius of the centrifuge. The increased acceleration of gravity can be calculated by (Giancoli, 1984, Lentfer et al., 2003): METHODS 24 g = ω²R (3) Where ω = angular velocity (radians) calculated as 2πƒ (where ƒ is the number of revolutions/seconds), R = distance (m) of particle from axis of rotation (i.e. the distance of particles in the test tube of the centre of the centrifuge rotor axis when the centrifuge buckets are horizontal to the axis). Hence, by substituting ω²R for g in equation 3, settling times for particles using centrifugation can be calculated (Giancoli, 1984, Lentfer et al., 2003): t = KD / (p0-pf) V ω²R (4) This equation applies to spherical particles only, which platy clay minerals are not. Hence, I used a higher specific gravity of 2.65 (g/cm³) for calculating centrifugation time (Jackson, 1969). Clay separation by centrifugations requires previous dispersal of the material (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). 5 g of fine earth (< 2 mm) were placed in a centrifuge tube and 50 ml 0.4 N sodium pyrophosphate were added as a dispersing agent. The suspension was placed in a mechanical shaker over night, ensuring full dispersion of the samples. The following day, the suspension was centrifuged and the dispersing agent was removed. Then the sample was washed twice with distilled water - each time concentrated by centrifugation and dispersed by ultrasonic disaggregation. Saturating the clay minerals with different cations Clay minerals absorb anions and cations and hold them in an exchangeable state. Since the Xray reflections of expandable minerals are dependent on the type of the cations that hold between the silica layers, clay samples are commonly saturated with Mg or K ions as well as ethylene-glycol (Moore and Reynolds, 1998). To ensure full saturation of clay minerals with Mg, samples were treated 3 times with a fresh solution of 15 ml 1 N MgCl2. Finally, the clay minerals were washed with distilled water 3 times and oven-dried at 40 °C. METHODS 25 Preparing the oriented clay mineral aggregate In order to facilitate recognition of individual clay mineral phases, X-ray diffraction analysis is most commonly done on oriented specimen of the clay fraction because this type of preparation enhances the signals originating from the 00l cleavage plane (Kahle et al., 2002b). In order to prepare oriented mounts, 40 mg of the dried clay samples were suspended with 3 ml of distilled water. Furthermore, 1 ml of MoS2 (400 mg / 1 l) was added as an internal standard, which is useful for correcting the peak position. The resulting suspensions were concentrated by filtration, and orientated mounts were prepared by the filter transfer method (Derver, 1973). Therefore, I used a 0.2 μm pore, 25 mm diameter membrane filter and placed it into a vacuum vapor. The prepared suspension could then be quickly filtrated. Each filter containing the concentrated sample was subsequently fixated onto a porous laminated paper sheet on top of a frit and dried at 40 °C for 20 min. Double-sided adhesive tape was used to fix the filter (facing the sample) onto a glass substrate. Finally, the filter was carefully taken off as to ensure that the sample surface is absolutely smooth without any cracks. The resulting mounts were well oriented, smooth and uniformly thick, centered onto a glass substrate. The advantage of this method is that it dose not lead to a particle-size segregation within the samples, which ensures that the measured clay sample surface is likely to be representative of the proportions of the different mineral phases present (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). X-ray diffraction The X-ray diffraction measurements were performed with a Siemens Diffractometer D5005 in Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry. The diffractometer was equipped with a copper tube, a scintillation counter, with stepper motor controlled variable slits on both primary and diffracted beams (automatical incident- and diffracted-beam soller slits) and with a graphite secondary monochromator. The generator was set to 40 kV and 40 mA. All measurements were performed in the sample rotating mode. Data was collected digitally from 2° to 60° 2θ using a step size of 0.02° 2θ and a count time of 2 seconds per step. METHODS 26 Characterization and identification of clay minerals and associated minerals Most commonly soil clay minerals occur in mixtures. The signal intensity of individual clay mineral phases in mixtures depends on a number of physical properties, which are variable among different clay mineral phases (Moor and Reynolds, 1989; Kahle et al., 2002b). This consequently leads to the fact that in a mixture of equal parts of clay minerals the relative 001 peak areas of these minerals are not equal. This fact clearly points out that an attempt to accurately quantify clay minerals on the basis of referencing individual 001 peak areas to the sum of peak areas in a diffractogram cannot be successful. At most, this method can be called semi-quantitative as it only gives a rough estimation on dominating mineral phases in mixtures. Consequently, results based on signal intensity ratios must not be regarded as definite (Kahle et al., 2002b). The most common approach for X-ray diffraction-based quantitative analysis of clay minerals in soils involves peak intensity ratios and mineral intensity factors (Moor and Reynolds, 1989; Kahle et al. 2002b). The mineral intensity factor is a calibration constant for the diffraction peak used for mineral 1 present in a mixture with mineral 2. However, its determination involves that equal-weight mixtures are made of mineral 2 with different minerals, and each time analyzed by X-ray diffraction to acquire a series of mineral intensity factor constants for different phases. If all mineral intensity factors are known in relation to a reference mineral, then proportions of the minerals in the mixture can be determined (Moor and Reynolds, 1989). Yet, this procedure could not be undertaken because it demands pure mineral phases of the investigated minerals. There are two approaches in order to obtain pure mineral phases. First, extraction by hand, which, however, is impossible from soil samples since they comprise of a mixture of different mineral phases. On the other hand, in some environments it might be appropriate to extract pure clay minerals from the underlying base rock from which the soil has been formed. However, lithologically BCI is mainly composed of basaltic to andesitic rocks which surely do not contain any clay minerals. The second approach of acquiring pure mineral phases is purchasing the pure samples (30-200 € per sample). In this case, however, it is difficult to decide which of the variety of pure mineral samples should be bought since chemical composition and degree of crystallization vary within one mineral. Therefore, qualitative analysis was applied, and dominating minerals presented on the basis of signal intensity of individual 001 peak areas were chosen. METHODS 27 Each mount was analyzed under both ambient room conditions and after solvating 24 hours in an ethylene-glycol atmosphere as outlined by Moor and Reynolds (1989) (Appendix, Fig. A.1-A.39). At the most one sample per profile was heated in order to confirm the presence of kaolinite, which gets amorphous to X-ray diffraction after heating, and thus can not be detected anymore. In the following section, I briefly characterize the identified groups of clay minerals and associated minerals that can be found in more detail for example in Jasmund and Lagaly (1993) or Vinx (2005). Furthermore, I summarize details on the diffraction peaks of those minerals (for more details see Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Kaolinite The kaolinite group includes the minerals kaolinite, dickite, halloysite and nacrite. The most common mineral of the kaolinite group is kaolinite. In the tropics, kaolinite is produced by the chemical weathering of aluminium silicate minerals like feldspar. Kaolinite is a layered silicate mineral, with one tetrahedral sheet linked through oxygen atoms to one octahedral sheet of alumina octahedra. It is a clay mineral with the chemical composition Al2Si2O5(OH)4. The kaolinite particles are plate-shaped with an average diameter of 0.5 to 4 μm. Kaolinite has a low shrink-swell capacity and a low cation exchange capacity (0.01-0.1 meq/g) because it can only exchange cations on its surface (Jasmund and Lagaly, 1993). Kaolinite has a first-order (001) reflection at 12.4 °2θ (7.1 Å) and a 002 peak at 24.9 °2θ (3.5 Å). Chlorite and kaolinite are difficult to distinguish as both diffraction patterns look very similar. Heating chlorite to 550 °C for 1 hour shifts the 001 reflection to about 6.3-6.4 °2θ and increases its intensity, while the 002, 003, 004 reflections are much weakened. On the other hand, kaolinite becomes amorphous to X-rays at this temperature and its diffraction pattern disappears. This is a good method to decide whether kaolinite is present, or if kaolinite is present and chlorite is absent. However, it does not give complete results for samples that contain both kaolinite and chlorite (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Smectite The smectite group includes montmorillonite, pyrophyllite, talc, vermiculite, sauconite, saponite, and nontronite, with the most common member being montmorillonite. In the METHODS 28 tropics, smectites develop rather than kaolinite in areas with poor drainage. Smectites are 2:1 clays, meaning that they have 2 tetrahedral sheets sandwiching a central octahedral sheet. Chemically it is hydrated sodium calcium aluminium magnesium silicate hydroxide (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2·nH2O. Potassium, iron, and other cations are common substitutes; the exact ratio of cations varies with the source. The particles are plate-shaped with an average diameter of approximately 1 μm. Smectite's water content is variable and it increases greatly in volume when it absorbs water. Smectites in general have a hight cation exchange capacity as cations can be exchanged both in between the silica layers (0.7-1.1 meq/g) and on the clay surface (0.7-1.2 meq/g) (Jasmund and Lagaly, 1993). If the clay is saturated with a divalent ion and equilibrated at room temperature and moderate humidity smectite produces a first order peak (001 reflection) at about 6 °2θ (15 Å), which after ethylene-glycol saturation shifts to about 5.2 °2θ (16.9 Å) (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Mixed layered kaolinite/smectite Mixed-layered clay minerals are formed of two or more kinds of layers. The layers are stacked along a line perpendicular to the 001 cleavage plane. Mixed-layered kaolinite/smectite is commonly found because it is constructed from the same two modules: an octahedral sheet and a tetrahedral sheet (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Mixed-layered kaolinite/smectite is easily detected by X-ray diffraction, since the kaolinite 001 and 002 peaks broaden after saturating with ethylene-glycol. The 001 kaolinite peak widens between 8.4 to 7.1 Å, and the 002 kaolinite peak between 3.5 and 3.3 Å (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Gibbsite Gibbsite is common in soils and some non-marine sediment rocks. The structure of gibbsite forms stacked sheets of linked octahedrons of aluminum hydroxide. Gibbsite is formed when leaching the silica (desilification) contained in the original minerals (feldspar, glimmer, clay minerals) so that the silica concentration of the weathering solution is < 0.5 mg Si/l, and hence the alumina ions are released. In the tropics gibbsite forms if the 1:1 and 2:1 clay minerals are unstable after desilification and then solvated. The octahedrons are composed of aluminum ions bonded to six octahedrally coordinated hydroxides. Each of the hydroxides are bonded to only two aluminums because one third of the octahedrons are vacant a central METHODS 29 aluminum. The sheets of gibbsite are only held together by weak residual bonds, resulting in a very soft easily cleaved mineral (Jasmund and Lagaly, 1993). Similarly to kaolinite, gibbsite is destroyed when heating. Gibbsite produces a first order peak at 18.2 °2θ (4.85 Å) (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Quartz Quartz is the most common mineral of the Earth’s crust. Quartz consists of a lattice of SiO 2 tetrahedra. Quartz belongs to the rhombohedral crystal system. The ideal crystal shape is a six-sided prism ending with six-sided pyramids at each end (Vinx, 2005). Quartz (low or α-quartz) has a first order reflection at 26.6 °2θ (3.34 Å) and a second order reflection at 20.8 °2θ (4.26 Å) (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). Plagioclase Plagioclase is a group of tectosilicate minerals within the feldspar family, and a major constituent mineral in the Earth's crust. The plagioclase series ranges from albite to anorthite endmembers with oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, and bytownite falling between them. The chemical composition of plagioclase ranges from pure NaAlSi3O8 to pure CaAl2Si2O8 (Vinx, 2005). Plagioclase has a first order reflection at 22.05 °2θ (4.03 Å) (Moore and Reynolds, 1989). b) Shrink-swell capacity Soil shrinkage affects physical and chemical processes in soils. For instance, soil cracks are important for the genesis of soil structure (Bronswijk, 1989), aid infiltration of water and nutrients to the subsoil, and facilitate root penetration (Grey and Allbrook, 2002). The shrink-swell capacity is dependent on several physical, chemical, and mineralogical soil properties, with no one property particularly predicting shrink-swell capacity for all soils. For example McCormack and Wilding (1975) observed that the variation in shrink-swell capacity of Hapludalfs in Ohio was related to clay content. Shrink-swell capacities of montmorillonitic METHODS 30 soils in southern Ontario were correlated with clay content and specific surface area, however, specific surface area explained more of the variability in shrink-swell capacity than did clay content (Ross, 1978). In a study by Schafer and Singer (1976a) on soils of the Yolo County, California, most of the variability in shrink-swell capacity could be explained by the proportion of expandable clays. Franzmeier and Ross (1968) found that soils having equal amounts of kaolinite and montmorillonite behaved like montmorillonitic soils, whereas soils with substantial amounts of montmorillonite showed a wide range in their shrink-swell capacity. In summary, often most expansive soils are clayey with high CECs, high specific surface areas, and smectites comprising most of the soil clay fraction (Thomas et al. 2000). Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) The coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) is a measure of the shrink-swell capacity of soil (Schafer and Singer, 1976b). Pedologically, COLE is an integrated feature of mineralogical, physical and chemical soil properties, with many of these properties being correlated with SOC such as clay content (Arrouays et al., 1995; Powers and Schlesinger, 2002; Kahle et al., 2002a), CEC (Kahle et al., 2002a), specific surface area (Kahle et al., 2002a) and clay mineralogy (Van Breemen and Feijtel, 1990; Torn et al., 1997; Baldock and Skjemstadt, 2000; Six et al., 2002). Therefore, COLE has the potential to serve as a soil predictor for SOC-modelling. Soil sampling In order to establish a co-variable for SOC predictions covering the entire spatial domain, I measured COLErod (Chapter on all 165 sample sites that were collected for the SOC determinations (Fig. 1). However, since the determination of COLErod is relatively timeconsuming (approximately 0.5 to 1 hour per sample), only topsoil (0-10 cm) samples were measured. Laboratory analysis (COLErod) Conventionally, COLE is measured on natural soil clods from 50-200 cm³ in volume. Since the standard method of measuring COLE (COLEstd) is laborious and time-consuming, I used a METHODS 31 modified version of the COLErod method proposed by Schafer and Singer (1976b), who found that COLErod is significantly correlated with COLEstd. COLErod was determined by mixing approximately 100 g of soil (< 2 mm) with water to a paste slightly drier than saturation. The paste was spread into lengthwise cut tubes (~15 cm in length, 1.5 cm radius) (Fig. 2), and air dried for 3 to 5 days. Then the length of both the tubes and the dried soil rod was measured and COLErod was calculated according to Schafer and Singer (1976b): COLErod = (lm - ld) / ld where lm is the moist rod length and ld is the dry length. Fig. 2. Moist soil paste spread in lengthwise cut tubes for air drying. (5) METHODS 32 2.3. Data pre-processing Prior to modeling I identified and removed outliers from the SOC dataset, which were taken as values deviating > 2 x interquartile range away from the upper and lower quartile. This resulted in 3-5 SOC data point exclusions in each depth interval. For COLErod modeling no data pre-processing was applied. 2.4. Random Forest Random Forest (RF) is an example of a machine learning method. RF consists of an ensemble of randomized classification and regression trees (CART) (Breiman, 2001). I assume familiarity with the basics of CART (Breiman et al., 1984). Numerous trees are generated within the algorithm and finally aggregated to give one single prediction. In regression problems the prediction is the average of the individual tree outputs, whereas in classification the trees vote by majority on the correct classification. Within the training procedure, the RF algorithm produces multiple CART-like trees, each based on a bootstrap sample (sample with replacement) of the original training data. In addition to this normal bagging function (Breiman, 1996), the best split at each node of the tree is searched only among a randomly selected subset of predictors. All trees are grown to maximum size without pruning. RF has several advantages over other statistical modeling approaches (Breiman, 2001; Liaw and Wiener, 2002). Its variables can be both continuous and categorical. The RF algorithm is quite robust to noise in predictors and thus does not require a pre-selection of variables (DiazUriate and de Andres, 2006). As only a limited random number of predictors is used to search for the best split at each node, the diversity of the forest is increased (low correlation of individual trees) and the computational load is reduced. Pruning the trees is not necessary; it results in low bias and high variance trees and also saves computation time (Svetnik et al., 2003). As a large number of trees are averaged RF achieves both low bias and low variance (Diaz-Uriate and de Andres, 2006). The algorithm is robust to overfitting since each tree is trained on a unique bootstrap sub-sample of the data (Arun & Langmead, 2005). RF provides reliable error estimates by using the so called Out-Of-Bag (OOB) data (the proportion which METHODS 33 is not used in the bootstrap subset - on average about on third of the data is excluded, while some others will be repeated in the sample), and thus eliminates the need for an independent validating dataset. The latter advantage should be of particular interest to soil science, since the collection of soil samples and laboratory analyses is in many cases time-consuming and expensive. RF depends only on three user defined parameters: the number of trees (ntree) in the forest, the minimum number of data points in each terminal node (nodesize), and the number of features tried at each node (mtry). The default of ntree is 500. However, more stable results of estimating variable importance (see below) are achieved with a higher number of ntree (Diaz-Uriate and de Andres, 2006), thus I used ntree = 1,000. For nodesize I used the default for regression RF which is 5 instances in each terminal node. Concerning mtry the default for regression problems is one third of the total number of predictors. However, as RF prediction performance can be sensitive to mtry (Breiman and Cutler, 2004) I used an iterative approach to determine the best mtry in terms of smallest normalized OOB mean square error (equation 7). For each depth interval of the SOC predictions, as well as the topsoil COLErod predictions, I applied the RF algorithm with ntree = 1,000, nodesize = 5, and mtry values of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 with 100 replicate models for each mtry value (Chapter and Chapter For SOC predictions using additionally COLErod measurements (Chapter the same mtry values were tested except for mtry = 18 I used mtry = 19. The main disadvantage of RF and ensemble algorithms in general is their limited interpretability. This algorithm is therefore often called a “black box” approach, since the relationship between predictors and response cannot be examined individually for every tree in the forest. In CART models, in contrast, a predictor variable in a single tree is related to the predictions. It should, however, be mentioned that single CART models are unstable in that minor changes in the training sample can lead to changes in the predictors, which are used for the splits. One should therefore be careful with drawing conclusions from single CART models concerning variable importance (Sutton, 2005). Moreover, as complexity in terms of the number of terminal nodes of single trees rises with increasing number of instances, interpretation of CART may become confusing. The interpretation in RF is facilitated by two measures of variable importance. The first is the difference between the OOB error (equation 6) of each tree and the same computed after permuting a predictor. The change in OOB error for each randomly permutated predictor gives an indication of the importance of this particular predictor. Random permutation should therefore have little effect on the estimated METHODS 34 OOB error if a predictor is irrelevant. The second variable importance measure is the same as used in the CART algorithm and represents the total decrease in node impurity as measured for regression by the residual sum of squares and averaged over all trees. As the latter is computed on the training data its conclusion is based on overfitted models (Prasad et al., 2006). Hence, I only report the first variable importance measure. Model performance is ideally addressed by using a large independent test dataset that was not used in the training procedure. When data is limited, k-fold cross-validation is often used. RF uses an extension of cross-validation, where each OOB sample is predicted by its corresponding bootstrap training tree. By aggregating the OOB predictions of all trees in the forest the mean square error (MSE) can be estimated (Liaw and Wiener, 2002): n OOB MSE {Y Yˆ i 1 i OOB 2 i } n (6) Svetnik et al. (2003) showed that the OOB estimate of prediction accuracy yields results comparable to k-fold cross-validation. However, OOB estimates of error rate are computationally less expensive than standard k-fold cross validation. As the MSE is scale dependent it cannot be used for comparing SOC model performance in different soil layers. Therefore, I additionally reported the normalized OOB mean square error (NMSEOOB) which was calculated as: NMSEOOB MSEOOB Var(Yk ) (7) where Var is the total variance of carbon concentrations Y in the depth interval k. In soil science in general and pedometrics in particular, RF has not yet to be applied widely as a modeling tool. The only spatial mapping applications so fare have been an investigation of risk mapping of tick-borne disease (Furlanello et al., 2003), the prediction of tree species distributions under future climate scenarios (Prasad et al., 2006), and remote sensing studies (Ham et al., 2005; Gislason et al., 2006; Lawrence et al., 2006; Pal 2005). However, RF has frequently been applied to non-spatial analyses in biology, biometrics, genetics and METHODS 35 bioinformatics (Gunther et al., 2003; Svetnik et al., 2003; Bureau et al., 2003; Schwender et al., 2004; Parkhurst et al., 2005). For all RF computations, I used the “randomForest” package (Liaw and Wiener, 2003) for the R statistical language (R Development Team, 2006). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 36 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and contents SOC concentrations decreased with depth as expected, and varied significantly between the observed depth intervals, but insignificantly between soil types (Fig. 3, Table 3). Fig. 3. Boxplots of soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations as a function of depth. The crossbar within the box shows the median, the length of the box reflects the interquartile range, the fences are either marked by the extremes if there are no outliers, or else by the largest and smallest observation that is not an outlier. Bars are outliers > 1.5 times from the interquartile range away from the upper/lower quartile, whereas circles with a cross are outliers > 2 times the interquartile range away from the upper/lower quartile. The notches represent the 95% confidence interval around the median. In general, high SOC concentrations translated into high carbon contents. The pale swelling clays (Vertic Luvisol, Acrisol and Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysol) constitute an exception in that they have low SOC concentrations but high carbon contents. This is due to their comparatively high bulk density and low stoniness. Within every soil class SOC contents of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 37 the upper 10 cm were significantly higher than subsoil SOC contents. The overall SOC content in the upper 30 cm was 72.61 Mg ha-1 and to a depth of 50 cm 92.72 Mg ha-1. Table 3 Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and contents (± 1 standard deviation) Soil All observations Hypereutric, Haplic, Vertic Luvisol & Acrisol depth Ferric Ferralsola & Vertic Eutric or Alumic Gleysola cm Leptic, Eutric, Ferralic Cambisola 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 n 161 158 158 154 % SOC 5 (1.77) 2.13 (0.64) 1.53 (0.46) 1.1 (0.35) n 18 18 18 18 % SOC 4.38 (1.88) 2.22 (0.53) 1.65 (0.46) 1.18 (0.35) n 39 40 40 40 % SOC 5.35 (1.95) 1.91 (0.68) 1.35 (0.41) 0.94 (0.26) n 104 100 100 96 % SOC 4.97 (1.66) 2.21 (0.62) 1.59 (0.46) 1.16 (0.37) cm 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-50 n 161 158 158 154 Mg SOC ha-1 40.14 (15.29) 18.54 (6.18) 13.93 (4.87) 20.11 (8.08) n 18 18 18 18 Mg SOC ha-1 35.42 (15.11) 19.37 (4.91) 14.86 (4.62) 22.7 (7.02) n 39 40 40 40 Mg SOC ha-1 45.01 (17.96) 19.06 (6.95) 14.61 (4.72) 19.75 (7.63) n 104 100 100 96 Mg SOC ha-1 39.17 (14.51) 18.19 (6.02) 13.47 (4.75) 19.48 (7.95) 0-30 0-50 a WRB, 2006 72.61 (17.20) 92.72 (19.00) 69.65 (16.55) 92.34 (17.98) 78.68 (19.83) 98.43 (21.24) 70.84 (16.41) 90.32 (18.24) The standard deviation of SOC contents was high (Table 3), as was also observed in most of the studies referred to in Table 4. These estimates of uncertainty are coarse at best and ignore the bias of site selection, since boulders and rock outcrops obstruct manual soil pit excavation. Several attempts may therefore be necessary before an observation can actually be recorded. Hence, the soil map may underestimate the spatial extent of rocky areas and stoniness on BCI. Comparisons with other tropical regions (Table 4) show that SOC contents on BCI are higher than the estimates of global tropical means (Post et al., 1982; Batjes et al., 1996; Amthor and Huston, 1998; Jobbagy and Jackson, 2000), as well as of the Brazilian Amazon (Bernoux et al. 2002; Batjes and Dijkshoorn, 1999; Cerri et al., 2003). Compared to Ecuador (Rhoades et al., 2000; de Koning et al., 2003), Mexico (Hughes et al., 1999) and Hawaii (Bashkin and Binkley, 1998), the SOC content on BCI is significantly lower. Compared to Costa Rica (Powers and Schlesinger, 2002; Powers, 2004; Powers and Veldkamp, 2005; Veldkamp et al., 2003) and Puerto Rico (Brown and Lugo, 1990; Li et al., 2005), SOC contents on BCI are lower. The ranges of differences, however, were narrower. These differences underline the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 38 strong influence of climate and ecosystem properties including soil properties, such as clay content and mineralogy. Table 4 Estimates of tropical soil organic carbon contents (SOC) Author Region Ecosystem Soil type Post et al., 1982 Batjes, 1996 Global Bernoux et al., Brazil 2002 Batjes and Dijkshoorn, 1999 Amazon Cerri et al., 2003 Amazon Rhoades et al., Ecuador 2000 de Koning et Ecuador al., 2003 Powers and Schlesinger, 2002 Costa Rica 0-10 0-20 0-30 Mg SOC ha-1 0-50 0-100 Tropical very dry foresta Tropical dry foresta Tropical moist foresta Tropical wet foresta 62 102 115 210 Ferralsolsf Cambisolsf Luvisolsf Global Amthor and Global Huston, 1998 Jabbagy and Global Jackson, 2000 0-5 57 50 31 176 69 43 Tropical forest Tropical deciduous forestb Tropical evergreen forestb Tropical grassland/savannab open Amazon forestc Dense Amazon forestc Amazon savannac Open Amazon forestc Dense Amazon forestc Amazon savannac Open humid tropical forest with large a number of palms Old growth lower montane forest Secondary forest (7-30 yr after pasture) 107 96 65 83 158 186 132 Oxisolsg 50.8 Oxisolsg 58.3 Oxisolsg Ultisolsg 24.6 53.9 Ultisolsg 56.4 Ultisolsg Cambisolsf Ferralsolsf Luvisolsf Ultisolsf 36.2 55.9 50.5 46.7 34.4 95.3 101.6 88.6 95.6 178.5 Andic humitropeptsg Tropepts, aquents, orthents, fluvents, udalfs, udolls, and psammentsg See Powers (2004) See Powers (2004) 15.7 106.1 34.1 82.2 [cm] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 4 (continued) Author Region Ecosystem 39 Soil type Powers and Veldkamp, 2005 Costa Rica See Powers (2004) See Powers (2004) Powers, 2004 Costa Rica Veldkamp et al., 2003 Costa Rica Tropical wet forest transitioning to tropical wetcool transition forest at higher elevationsa Tropical wet foresta Brown and Lugo, 1990 Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Li et al., 2005 Puerto Rico Bashkin and Hawaii Binkley, 1998 Tropohumults, dystropepts, dystrandeptsg Mexico Brown et al., 1993 Zong and Zhao, 2001 Tropical Asia Tropical and Vegetation subtropical categoriese: China coniferous forest, broad-leaf forest, bush and coppice forest, grassland and savannah, meadow and herbaceous swamp, agricultural land Batjes, 2001 Senegal Forest 0-10 0-20 0-30 Mg C ha-1 80.5 35.2 81.9 Alluvial soilsi Residual soilsi Mature forest, wet Clayey, life zonea kaolinitc, isohyperthermic typic tropohumultsg Late secondary Fine, mixed, forest (100 yr), isohyperthermic moist life zonea typic argiustollsg Mature forest, dry Clayey, mixed, life zonea isohyperthermic lithic ustorthentg Secondary forest Mixed (29 yr) isothermic tropohumultg Wildland forest Typic (never under hydrudands of management) the Akaka and Kaiwiki seriesg Tall evergreen Well-drained, secondary forest coarse textured, (6 mo to 50 yr) vitric andosolsg d Tropical forest Hughes et al., 1999 0-5 0-50 0-100 64 96 0-25 cm: ~100 0-25 cm: ~80 0.25 cm: ~55 34.5 0-25 cm: 56.8 0-55 cm: 129.8 12 39 98 138 207 148 21-94 Orthic ferrasolsa Plinthic ferrasolsa 23 47 35 72 [cm] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 40 a Holdridge life zone classification system. Biome classification based on Whittaker (1975) and Jackson et al. (1997). c Modified vegetation categories based on the vegetation map of Brazil (IBGE, 1988). d Vegetation map of continental tropical Asia (Food and Agriculture 1989, K.D. Singh, FAO, pers. comm. 1990); A digital map of the forest areas for insular Asian countries reported by Collins et al., 1991, obtained from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), Cambridge, England. e Modified land-use classification based on the Vegetation Map of the People's Republic of China (1:4 M) (Hou, 1982). f FAO World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). g U.S. Soil Taxonomy. h USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1973. i La Selva convention (both groups are Typic haploperox in U.S. Soil Taxonomy) b 3.2. Clay mineralogy Clay samples of BCI were dominated by kaolinite and smectite, and to a lesser extent by kaolinite/smectite mixed layered clay minerals. Furthermore, clay samples contained gibbsite, plagioclase and quartz. Table 5 summarizes the samples examined by X-ray diffraction according to their geology, topographic position, soil type, soil mapping unit, and measured minerals. The dominance of mineral phases was derived from peak intensity areas, and hence it is neither quantitative nor definite. Fig. A.1-A.39 show the clay sample diffractograms each in air-dried and ethylene-glycol saturated states. Verification of the absence of chlorite through heat treatment is shown in Fig. A.4, A.8, A.11, A.15, A.19, A.25, A.29, A.33, and A.37. Preparing the oriented mounts (Chapter, often required several attempts in order to place the samples on the glass substrate. Unfortunately, for sample 71 (0-10 cm) (Fig. A.16) there was not a sufficient amount of clay present to re-do the mount preparation. In that case I glued the whole filter containing the sample onto the glass substrate. Examining this sample by X-ray diffraction, however, did not give satisfactory results because on the filter smectite could not expand after the ethylene-glycol saturation. On the andesite plateau the soil units Ava and Marron were dominated by kaolinite and minor amounts of gibbsite and quartz. The Lake soil unit contained, however, besides kaolinite, gibbsite, and quartz, also smectite and mixed layered kaolinite/smectite clay minerals. Taking into account that Johnsson and Stallard (1989) did not find smectite in stream samples of the andesite plateau, the presence of smectite in the Lake soil unit strengthens the hypothesis of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 41 Baillie et al. (2006) in that this soil type might be actually situated on the Bohio formation rather than the andesite plateau as opposed to its localization on the geological map (Woodring, 1957; Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). Soils on the Bohio formation contained the full range of detected clay minerals as well as plagioclase. These shallow erosion dominated soils (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989; Baillie et al. 2006) are situated on steep terrain, which is mineralogically indicated by the absence of gibbsite, because there is not enough time for intensive desilification processes. Moreover, the steep terrain facilitates repeated drying of the soils within relative short periods of time (daily to seasonal rhythms), and hence increases the concentration of cations in soil pore waters, which favors the formation and/or preservation of smectites (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989). Topsoil of profiles 159 and 43 did not contain any smectite, indicating intensive lateral leaching processes in these upper slope areas. However, profile 71 contained smectite in all observed depth intervals. The occurrence of smectite in profile 71 does not immediately imply that it has formed in situ. Perhaps, smectite was accumulated through the erosion of nearby upper- and midslope soils. On the other hand, the lower slope position of profile 71 involves reduced leaching which probably protects smectite from weathering. The pale silty clay to clay textured Zetek soil unit on the Caimito marine facies was dominated by smectite and to a lesser amount by smectite/kaolinite and kaolinite. The silty clay loam Wetmore soil unit facilitates drainage and desilification processes, and consequently the formation of gibbsite, alongside the common formation of kaolinite and smectite on the Caimito marine facies (Johnsson and Stallard, 1989. Soils on the Caimito volcanic facies were dominated by kaolinite. The Harvard soil unit contained kaolinite and gibbsite. Profile 13 of the Hood soil unit contained, in addition to kaolinite, also gibbsite and smectite. These findings are in contrast to Johnsson and Stallard (1989) who found only kaolinite and gibbsite on the Caimito volcanic facies and who related the absence of smectite to the somehow flat topography of this facies. However, the terrain on the Caimito volcanic facies is not as flat as the andesite plateau, and in many parts just as steep as the Caimito marine facies, and hence the presence of smectite was not surprising. Given that small sample size of clay mineral determinations, it was not possible to model clay mineralogy in the spatial domain. However, knowledge of clay minerals in soil types aids the interpretation of spatial predictions of SOC concentrations and contents. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 42 Table 5 Environmental characterization and X-ray-based mineral determination of clay samples Profile Depth Geological Topographic Soil typea Soil Mapping Dominating mineral number [cm] unit position Unit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 101 0-10 A Upper slope, cx Ava Ava K G Q 10-20 K G 20-30 K G 30-50 K G 82 0-10 A Midslope of ledge Marron Marron K G of plateau, linear 10-20 K G Q 20-30 K G 30-50 K G 110 10-20 A Lower slope, cv Lake Lake K/S S K G 20-30 K S G Q 30-50 K S Q G 159 0-10 B Upper slope, cx Standley Fairchild K Pl 10-20 K Pl 20-30 K Pl 30-50 K S Pl 71 0-10 B Lower slope, cv Standley Standley K/S S K 10-20 K/S S K 20-30 K/S S K 30-50 K/S S K 43 0-10 B Midslope of ridge Fairchild Fairchild K top, linear 10-20 K S 87 0-10 CM Midslope, linear Barro Zetek S K/S Verde 10-20 S K/S 20-30 S K/S 30-50 S K/S K 52 0-10 CM Upper slope of spur, Wetmore Wetmore K S G linear to cx 10-20 K S G 20-30 K S G 30-50 K S G 65 0-10 CV Midslope, linear Harvard Harvard K G 10-20 K G 20-30 K G 30-50 K G 21 0-10 CV Upper slope, cx Chapman Hood K 10-20 K 20-30 K 30-50 K 13 0-10 CV Lower midslope, cv Hood Hood K S G 10-20 K S G A: Andesite; B: Bohio formation; CM: Caimito formation, marine facies; CV: Caimito formation, volcanic facies cx: convex, cv: concave K: kaolinite, S: smectite, K/S: kaolinite/smectite, G: gibbsite, Q: quartz, Pl: plagioclase a For correlations of soil types to the WRB system see Table 1. All samples were mixed with an internal standard molybdenite (Mo) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 43 3.3. Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) COLErod varied between 0.16 and 0.43 with a mean value of 0.3. Figure 4 shows COLErod as a function of soil classes. The COLErod of the grouped soil classes Luvisols, Acrisols and Glysols was significantly higher than the COLErod of Ferralsols and Cambisols. The significantly high shrink-swell capacity of the pale soils (Luvisols, Acrisols and Glysols) can be related to both the high clay content and smectite abundance in these soils. On the other hand, the somehow coarser silty clay to silty clay loam Ferralsols (Table 1) are dominated by kaolinite, which resulted in the lowest shrink-swell capacity. Soil shrinkage potential of Cambisols is slightly higher than of Ferralsols. Cambisols contain both smectite and kaolinite (Table 5), even though their clay content is by some means less than that of Ferralsols (Table 1). These results clearly show that both clay mineralogy and clay content influence the shrinkswell capacity of soils, even as the presence of 2:1 clay minerals seems slightly more important than the relatively higher clay content. Fig. 4. Topsoil (0-10 cm) coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as a function of major soil groups (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 44 In order to quantify the variability of the COLErod measurement technique, replicate measurements were conducted on a selection of 21 samples (Table 6). Standard deviations of replicate measurements were generally low, which ensured the accuracy and consistency of the measurement technique. Table 6 Replicate measurements of coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) Profile Number of Geological Soil mapping Mean of (± 1 SD) number replicates unit unit COLErod 101 6 A Ava (A) 0.246 103 2 A Ava (A) 0.277 119 2 A Ava (A) 0.288 94 5 A Lake (L) 0.322 111 2 A Lake (L) 0.289 73 5 A Marron (M) 0.278 99 2 A Marron (M) 0.291 118 5 A Marron (M) 0.300 121 5 A Marron (M) 0.324 152 5 A Marron (M) 0.288 161 5 B Fairchild (F) 0.288 97 2 B Standley (S) 0.253 113 4 B Standley (S) 0.356 117 3 B Standley (S) 0.311 162 5 B Standley (S) 0.236 163 4 B Standley (S) 0.216 88 2 CM Poacher (P) 0.374 76 2 CM Zetek (Z) 0.340 116 4 CM Zetek (Z) 0.345 65 5 CV Harvard (H) 0.272 144 2 CV Hood (Ho) 0.269 A: Andesite; B: Bohio formation; CM: Caimito formation, marine facies SD: standard deviation 0.024 0.002 0.008 0.019 0.000 0.010 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.007 0.004 0.019 0.014 0.003 0.012 0.006 0.000 0.002 0.009 0.005 0.021 facies; CV: Caimito formation, volcanic However, in general measured COLErod values exceeded those reported in other studies. For instance, Schafer and Singer (1976b) classified the shrink-swell capacity of soils in the Sacramento Valley, USA as low (COLErod < 0.03), moderate (COLErod < 0.03-0.08) and high (COLErod > 0.08). On the other hand, COLErod of soils of New Zealand ranged from 0.026 (silty loam with chlorite, kaolinite minerals) to 0.313 (silty loam with the allophone clay mineral) with smectite dominated soils having COLErod of about 0.136 (Gray and Allbrook, 2002). These discrepancies can be related to the measuring technique in that simply too much water was used as to obtain the soil paste (Chapter Hence, COLErod results should not be directly compared with other studies. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 45 3.4. Relationship between soil organic carbon concentrations and coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) Pairwise correlations between SOC concentrations within the four depth intervals were highly significant except for those between 0-10 and 30-50 cm (Table 7). Correlations between COLErod and SOC revealed that the topsoil shrink-swell capacity was significantly related to SOC concentrations of the top 20 cm of the soil profile, indicating that COLErod is a good predictor for SOC concentrations in these depth intervals. Table 7 Spearman correlation coefficients between soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations within observed depth intervals and coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) SOC 0-10 cm SOC 10-20 cm SOC 20-30 cm SOC 30-50 cm COLErod 0-10 cm SOC 0-10 cm 1.000 0.411*** SOC 10-20 cm 1.000 SOC 20-30 cm SOC 30-50 cm COLErod 0-10 cm *** p-value < 0.0001, ** p-value < 0.001 0.291*** 0.842*** 1.000 0.154 0.691*** 0.782*** 1.000 0.398*** 0.219** 0.121 0.019 1.000 3.5. Digital soil mapping using Random Forests 3.5.1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) 3.5.1 1. Parameter optimization In order to optimize RF prediction performance in terms of lowest normalized OOB mean square error (NMSEOOB), I used an iterative approach with mtry model settings of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18, each replicated 100 times (Fig. 5). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 46 Fig. 5. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error (NMSEOOB) for soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm. Each boxplot represents 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). As the total range and the differences between tested mtry settings were relatively small, with most changes occurring in the third position after decimal point, these differences were not relevant despite their frequent significance. Those parameter settings of mtry within our dataset, which were influencing prediction performance to less than the second decimal place of NMSEOOB, were regarded as having an equal quality of prediction performance. In the topsoil the lowest mtry of 1 was the best model parameter setting, whereas in the soil layers 10-20 and 20-30 cm mtry = 12 performed best with ranges of equal prediction performances of 6 to 18 and 12 to 18, respectively. Between 30 and 50 cm tested mtry values between 3 and 12 performed best, with the default mtry of 6 randomly selected features at each split revealing best prediction accuracies. The best NMSEOOB performance in the topsoil could be achieved with the lowest mtry values. This results in the highest randomness in feature selection at each node. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 47 According with other studies (e.g. Svetnik et al. 2003; Diaz-Uriarte et al. 2006), I suggest that the default of mtry is often a good choice. Higher numbers of mtry than the default value indicate that some noise variables are contained in the total set of environmental predictors. Model performance Table 8 shows the RF prediction performance based on the OOB mean square error (MSEOOB) and the normalized OOB mean square error (NMSEOOB). In general model performances were limited. Prediction accuracy was on average lowest in the topsoil with NMSEOOB = 0.94 compared to the subsoil ranging between 0.75 and 0.91 in NMSEOOB. These results suggest that particularly in the topsoil the spatial distribution patterns of SOC are highly variable due to small scale variations in input, redistribution, stabilization, as well as in intrinsic random variability of SOC. They are therefore difficult to approximate with state of the art soillandscape modeling assessments of environmental layers. Furthermore, technical sources of uncertainties, as for instance the accuracy of the DEM and the localization of sampling sites with the global positioning system (GPS), limit the model performance. Table 8 Model performance of soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction from 100 Random Forest runs 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 30-50 cm min 2.91 med 2.96 max 3.00 OOB min 0.93 NMSE med 0.94 max 0.96 OOB MSE : Out-Off-Bag mean square error MSEOOB 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.75 0.77 0.78 NMSEOOB : normalized Out-Off-Bag mean square error 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.82 0.83 0.85 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.88 0.90 0.91 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 48 Variable importance Variable importance revealed different dominating environmental features between topsoil (010 cm) and subsoil (10-50 cm) RF SOC models (Fig. 6). Regarding the topsoil erosion processes approximated by regional (e.g. contributing area (CA), relative hillslope position (RHP)), and combined terrain attributes (e.g. combined topographic index (CTI), LS-factor (LS)) were most relevant on average, followed by the local attributes like slope (SLT) and curvatures (CHOS, CMES, CPRS). The categorical predictors soil, geology, and forest history were of little importance for topsoil SOC prediction, suggesting that neither soil forming processes nor past land-use changes influence the topsoil SOC distribution. Since prediction performance is low in the topsoil (3.2.2), variable importance is restricted in terms of interpretation. Fig. 6. Variable importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) predictions in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm averaged over 20 Random Forest runs for each depth interval and normalized to 100% (see Table 2 for terrain parameter abbreviations). Variable importance among predictors showed similar patterns in the subsoil below 10 cm. Similarly to the topsoil, topography had a strong impact on SOC predictions. Regional and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 49 combined parameters were more crucial than local terrain attributes. CTI, which is a proxy for soil moisture (Beven and Kirkby, 1979), was highly influential in the soil layer between 10 and 20 cm. The soil map was the most important predictor for the whole depth interval of 1050 cm, indicating that soil texture and/or color determines the subsoil SOC distribution. As with topsoil, geology and forest history were weak predictors within the RF models. Between 30 and 50 cm the importance value of forest history was even below zero, indicating that random noise would be a better predictor in this soil depth. Although certain predictors are more important within each RF model, I could not quantitatively determine their functional relationship to SOC. In this respect, spatial visualizations of prediction results were essential to understanding the driving processes behind SOC predictions (Chapter Spatial prediction I spatially predicted the SOC concentration in the depth intervals 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 3050 cm, respectively (Fig. 7a-d). For a three-dimenstional interpretation of the predicted results I used the SOC contents (Fig. 8a-d), since natural pedons include non-soil components such as rocks and pebbles. SOC contents therefore reflect SOC distributions more realistically. As I did not have a spatial representation of neither bulk density nor stoniness, I used mean values stratified by soil units. This approach therefore cannot account for variability in bulk density and stoniness within single soil units, and hence might mask meaningful variations. Both the SOC concentration (Fig. 7a-d) and content (Fig. 8a-d) maps mirror the high importance of topography and soil units for SOC distribution (Chapter Clear catenary soil patterns were dominant in each layer, with highest SOC contents in toeslope and lowest in midslope positions. These patterns were less distinctive within the subsoil, as was already observed by other studies (e.g. Park et al., 2006), suggesting that the erosive power of surface processes is limited to shallow depths. In contrast to that the impact of soil units was more accentuated in the subsoil. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 50 Fig. 7. Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations [%] superimposed on soil units (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations) in depth intervals a) 0-10 cm, b) 10-20 cm, c) 20-30 cm, d) 30-50 cm. In each of the observed soil depth intervals, the pale swelling clays of the soil units Zetek, Barbour, Lake (including Swamp), and Gross (Table 1) showed on average higher SOC contents than the other soil units (Fig. 8a-d). This might relate to subsoil properties such as the high clay content (Table 1) that predominantly consists of expandable smectite minerals, which show a higher SOC stabilization effect than does kaolinite. Furthermore, the pale mottled (heavy) clay lower subsoil with anaerobic soil condition possibly supports shallow rooting trees, and hence leads to an accumulation of SOC near the surface. With increasing depth Ava, Marron, and Harvard contained on average more SOC. The latter soil units are silty clay soils (Table 1) dominated by kaolinite. Except for the silty clay to clay texture of the Lutz soil unit, the remaining soil units, Standley (smectite, kaolinite), Wetmore (smectite, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 51 Fig. 8. Soil organic carbon (SOC) contents [Mg ha-1] superimposed on soil units (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations) in depth intervals a) 0-10 cm, b) 10-20 cm, c) 20-30 cm, d) 30-50 cm. kaolinite), Poacher (kaolinite), and Hood (kaolinite), are somewhat coarser soils with silty clay loam to clay loam textures (Table 1). For the clayey Lutz soil unit, I only had one observation, which in this particular profile is more similar to the Wetmore unit with silty clay loam textured lower subsoil. These results suggest that clay and SOC content are positively correlated and that clay content is more important than clay mineralogy for stabilizing SOC, as was also observed by Wattel-Koekkoek et al. (2001). Furthermore, the deeply weathered Ava and Harvard are on relatively flat terrain with limited erosion, which supports SOC accumulation. Nonetheless, Marron, situated on the steep sideslopes of the main plateau, contains relatively more SOC. There are two explanations concerning the relatively high SOC content of the Marron soil unit: First, Marron is enriched by erosion products originating from RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 52 the Ava soil unit of the andesite plateau and second, decomposition rates on the sideslopes of the plateau are reduced because of higher soil water contents supplied through subsurface throughflow from the main plateau (Daws et al., 2002). Considering soil color as integrated in the soil mapping units (Table 1), I could not determine a direct relationship with SOC distribution. This might indicate high contents of hematite, which cover the dark appearance of humic substances. Geology, an approximation of lithology on BCI, was a relatively weak predictor for SOC prediction in the subsoil (Chapter The reason for this could be twofold: Firstly, lithology differs only slightly within the geological formation with mostly andesitic basaltic rock compositions and to a lesser extent foraminiferal limestone. Secondly, geology is incorporated into the spatial extend of soil mapping units, which perhaps more appropriately delineate variations in parent material. Forest history showed only weak predictive power in the upper soil layers, while below 30 cm it was entirely irrelevant. One could assume that the impact of historical (> 100 years ago) land use on the distribution of SOC has faded with forest succession. Brown and Lugo (1990) report that recovery of soil OM takes about 50 years of forest succession. Finally, I spatially calculated cumulative SOC contents up to a depth of 30 cm (Fig. 9). In contrast to the traditional approaches where mean SOC contents were linked to soil map units, I provided a more appropriate estimation of SOC contents on BCI, accounting for within soil unit variability of SOC contents. I present spatial SOC estimates up to a depth of 30 cm to facilitate comparison to other studies, as this depth interval has often been used for SOC estimates. The map (Fig. 9) illustrates both, clear catenary SOC patterns as well as the importance of soil texture. The data ranges of the predicted SOC maps are narrower than those of the pre-processed datasets used for modeling (Chapter 2.3., Fig. 3), which is, however, to be expected due to the smoothing effect of the models which tend to predict mean values more often as model accuracy is low. This smoothing effect, however, reduces both the local variations as well as the effect of random errors, and therefore facilitates the identification of general spatial SOC patterns. Plant biomass is the main source of OM input to soil. Thus, actual forest composition and structure may be more significant than forest history for making spatial predictions of SOC content. However, individual trees possibly drown general forest patterns. Therefore, representations with high spatial resolution such as provided by multi- or hyperspectral RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 53 remote sensing data are necessary in order to characterize actual forest composition, which might prove powerful for spatial prediction of soil properties such as SOC. Regarding the latter possibility as well as the widespread availability of digital elevation data, digital SOC mapping could be applied to larger areas, helping to refine the resolution of spatial SOC estimates. Fig. 9. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content [Mg ha-1] in the upper 30 cm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 54 3.5.2. Coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) Parameter optimization and model performance In order to examine mtry parameter settings for optimized COLErod RF modeling, I iteratively determined the prediction performances based on the normalized OOB mean square error (NMSEOOB) by changing mtry settings. Therefore, I tested mtry model settings of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 each was replicated 100 times (Fig. 10). Differences between tested mtry settings were relatively small (between NMSEOOB = 0.96 and NMSEOOB = 1.01). In Chapter I designated that the default value of mtry (mtry = ⅓ * total number of predictors) would have revealed satisfactory results – the same also holds for COLErod predictions. Fig. 10. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error for coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (0-10 cm) prediction. Each boxplot consists of 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 55 Nonetheless, the highest RF prediction performance was obtained by a mtry setting of 12, with a median NMSEOOB of 0.98 (MSEOOB = 0.0029), minimum NMSEOOB of 0.96 (MSEOOB = 0.0028) and maximum NMSEOOB of 1.0 (MSEOOB = 0.0029). Since the prediction performance of the COLErod RF model is very poor, one should be careful with drawing conclusions from both variable importance (Chapter as well as spatial predictions (Chapter of COLErod. Variable importance In general variable importance of COLErod predictions were restricted in terms of interpretation as prediction performance is very low. The most relevant predictor for COLErod predictions was the soil map (Fig. 11). This was to be expected, since the soil map generalizes several chemical, physical, and mineralogical parameters like CEC, soil texture, and clay mineralogy, all of them being directly related to COLErod (Chapter The most important topographic predictor was CMES (mean curvature), which approximates areas of convergent and divergent flow both horizontally and vertically (Behrens, 2003). There might be two explanations for the strong impact of CMES: First, on the scale of prediction CMES best approximated (relative to other topographic attributes) areas of erosion and accumulation, and therefore the spatial distribution of clay particles and cations. Second, CMES gives an indication of dominating clay mineral formation conditions such as within profile weathering intensity and leaching processes. Except for LEV, CPES and LE02, which were least relevant for COLErod predictions, the importance of the other topographic attributes was amounting between 3-7 %. Geology was moderately important for COLErod predictions. This might be because geology is incorporated into the soil map that presumably also reflects small scale changes of parent material. Surprisingly, forest history was also reasonably important. Perhaps, this reflects the low prediction performance of the COLErod RF model. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 56 Fig. 11. Variable importance of coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (0-10 cm) prediction averaged over 20 Random Forest runs and normalized to 100 (see Table 2 for terrain parameter abbreviations). Spatial prediction As with variable importance (Chapter, the interpretability of the COLErod spatial prediction map (Fig. 12) is limited due to poor prediction performance of the underlying RF model. In order to avoid over-interpretation of possible predictive artifacts, in the following section I only discuss the outstanding patterns. The COLErod prediction map illustrates the high importance of topography. It was to be expected though that COLErod values follow the topographic pattern with the lowest COLErod values on midslopes and the highest on toeslope position because SOC predictions, which are highly related to clay content and clay mineralogy, expose the same topographic patterns (Chapter RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 57 Fig. 12. Topsoil (0-10 cm) shrink-swell potential as measured by the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (see Table 1 for soil unit abbreviations). Regarding the predictive power of the soil map, especially the soil mapping units of Zetek, Lake and Standley showed a high shrink-swell capacity. On the other hand, Fairchild, Poacher, Gross as well as soils on the Caimito volcanic facies (Hood, Harvard, Barbour) were comprised of the lowest COLErod values. The soil mapping units of Lake, Zetek, Gross and Barbour are both physically and chemically similar (Baillie et al. 2006). Therefore, their shrink-swell capacities were also expected to be within the same range. However, this discrepancy in the predictive map, separating Gross and Barbour form Lake and Zetek might be related to the high variability (Baillie et al., 2006) within the soil mapping units. In fact, two profiles are located within the Gross soil unit, one of which is a Standley and the other a Fairchild soil type (Table A.2, Table A.4). On the other hand, the Barbour soil unit encompasses four profiles - three Barbours and one Hood soil type (Table A.2, Table A.4). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 58 Therefore, one could claim that the scale of the soil map is actually too coarse in order to be functional for COLErod predictions. 3.5.3. Digital soil organic carbon (SOC) mapping using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor Since there is a significant correlation between the SOC concentrations (0-10, 10-20 cm) and measured COLErod (Chapter 3.4.), indicating that SOC in these depth intervals is related to both clay content and clay minerals, this relationship can be used in order to enhance the accuracy of the SOC predictive maps by introducing COLErod as an additional soil predictor. Because RF COLErod prediction performance was very poor, I used measured COLErod values for modeling SOC concentrations. As a result, no maps of SOC predictions including COLErod as a predictor were produced as this would have required the accurate spatial representation of COLErod values. Parameter optimization The mtry parameter of the RF modeling approach was tested in terms of normalized OOB mean square error (NMSEOOB) by iteratively changing mtry settings. Similarly to the approach used for SOC predictions (Chapter, I tested mtry model settings of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Then I tested mtry = 19 (instead of 18) since there is COLErod as an additional predictor. Each mtry model setting was replicated 100 times (Fig. 13). In correspondence with Chapter and Chapter, differences between tested mtry settings were relatively small, revealing that default settings (mtry = ⅓ * total number of predictors) would have lead to similar results. Comparing these prediction performances to those obtained in Chapter (Fig. 5) excluding COLErod as a predictor, only the topsoil (0-10 cm) pattern had changed drastically. In this depth interval, each tested mtry setting improved model performance with mtry = 6 resulting in the lowest prediction error. In the subsoil intervals (10-20, 20-30, 30-50 cm), differences between model performances as dependent on mtry settings did not contrast RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 59 outstandingly when introducing COLErod as an additional predictor. Now, best prediction performance was achieved with mtry = 9 (10-20 cm) and mtry = 12 (20-30 cm). At the 30-50 cm depth and with mtry = 6 it was revealed that the model error was exactly the same as was obtained in the SOC prediction without COLErod as a predictor (Chapter Fig. 13. Iterative determination of best mtry values in terms of lowest normalized Out-Of-Bag (the proportion of the dataset which is not used in the bootstrap subset) mean square error for soil organic carbon (SOC) predictions in the depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-50 cm by using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor in the Random Forest model. Each boxplot represents 100 Random Forest runs (see Fig. 3 for details on boxplots). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 60 Model performance Best model performances of SOC predictions including COLErod as an additional predictor in the four depth intervals are summarized in Table 9. The depth interval between 10-20 cm again showed the best prediction performance, while with increasing depth prediction errors were increasing (compared to Chapter However, in the topsoil (0-10 cm) the prediction error improved considerably when using COLErod as an additional predictor for SOC modeling. Table 9 Model performance of soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction including the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor from 100 Random Forest runs 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 30-50 cm MSEOOB COLErod NMSEOOB COLErod min med max min med max 2.66 2.72 2.77 0.85 0.87 0.88 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.88 0.90 0.92 MSEOOB COLErod : Out-Off-Bag mean square error SOC prediction including COLErod NMSEOOB COLErod : normalized Out-Off-Bag mean square error SOC prediction including COLErod Table 10 Differences between model performances: soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction error excluding coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) (Table 8) minus SOC prediction error including coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor (Table 9) 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 30-50 cm min 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 MSEOOB MSEOOB COLErod med 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 max 0.23 0.01 0.00 0.00 OOB OOB min 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.00 NMSE NMSECOLErod med 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.00 max 0.08 0.02 0.01 -0.01 MSEOOB: Out-Off-Bag mean square error of SOC prediction excluding COLErod MSEOOB COLErod : Out-Off-Bag mean square error of SOC prediction including COLErod NMSEOOB : normalized Out-Off-Bag mean square error SOC prediction excluding COLErod NMSEOOB COLErod : normalized Out-Off-Bag mean square error of SOC prediction including COLErod RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 61 To illustrate the differences in prediction performances, Table 10 shows the original SOC prediction errors (Table 8) minus the SOC prediction errors including COLErod as an additional predictor (Table 9) ( ( N )MSEOOB ( N )MSEOOB COLErod ). The topsoil prediction error greatly improved, while below 10 cm changes in prediction performance were little. These results confirm that topsoil SOC concentrations are significantly related to topsoil shrink-swell capacity. On the other hand, topsoil COLErod is rather irrelevant for subsoil SOC predictions. Since changes in prediction performances decreased as depth increased, it seems most likely that topsoil COLErod is irrelevant for subsoil SOC predictions due to the spatial distance between these samples. Variable importance Variable importance of SOC prediction using topsoil COLErod as an additional predictor (Fig. 14) revealed that COLErod is the most important predictor in the topsoil (0-10 cm), however, with increasing depth the importance of COLErod is decreasing. Similar to the importance of topographic predictors in SOC predictions without COLErod as an additional predictor (Chapter, regional and combined topographic predictors were more important than local terrain attributes. The importance of the soil map increased with increasing depth as was similarly observed in SOC predictions without COLErod as an additional predictor. However, its relative importance decreased in the subsoil below 10 cm, while the importance of the geological map increased compared to the results observed in SOC predictions without COLErod as an additional predictor. Forest history showed both a similar importance pattern and absolute values of variable importance when compared to SOC predictions without COLErod as an additional predictor. Since the pattern of variable importance did not change drastically for neither the topographic attributes nor the categorical predictors (soil map, geological map, and forest history) see Chapter for their discussion. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 62 Fig. 14. Variable importance of the soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction using the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod) as an additional predictor averaged over 20 Random Forest runs and normalized to 100 (see Table 2 for terrain parameter abbreviations). CONCLUSIONS 63 4. CONCLUSIONS A large part of the general spatial patterns in SOC variations on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal could be continuously predicted by using the digital soil mapping approach. In contrast to traditional SOC mapping approaches, where mean SOC contents are spatially linked to soil or vegetation units, the variability of SOC within these units was predicted by integrating empirically derived relationships between SOC and spatial environmental predictors such as topographical, pedological, lithological, and biological attributes into the digital soil mapping framework. As a modeling method we applied Random Forest (RF), consisting of an ensemble of CARTlike trees, which has proven to be a powerful modeling approach for the spatial prediction of SOC contents. In order to optimize prediction results, the mtry parameter settings of the RF algorithm was tested in more detail, revealing that default settings were generally a good choice. Knowledge of soil processes and landscape relationships was drawn from both variable importance measures implemented in RF as well as spatial visualizations of the prediction results. These results indicate that: - The SOC patterns strongly follow the catena definition of soil properties distribution showing decreasing SOC contents in the sequence of toeslopes > ridges > midslopes. - In the subsoil, soil units, which represent a generalization of soil and geophysical properties, were most important for SOC content prediction. - Neither geology nor forest history were important for SOC content prediction based on the data available. Furthermore, significant relationships between SOC concentrations (0-20 cm) and topsoil shrink-swell capacity as measured by the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) were observed, indicating that SOC is related to both clay mineralogy and clay content. This relationship could not be used for enhancing the SOC spatial prediction results, since this would have required the accurate spatial representation of topsoil shrink-swell capacity. 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APPENDIX 75 APPENDIX Table A. 1 Data of soil organic carbon [%] Profile XYnumber coordinate coordinate 1 627311.85 1013091.46 2 627416.76 1013028.35 3 627598.68 1013110.13 4 627961.36 1011288.76 5 628184.00 1011315.38 6 628145.94 1011387.50 7 628088.31 1011646.69 8 627157.43 1012193.85 9 626860.28 1012145.83 10 627054.10 1012171.96 11 627248.50 1011824.82 12 629335.68 1012209.23 13 629547.92 1012473.76 14 629507.49 1012656.25 15 629117.60 1012346.41 16 629052.97 1012307.00 17 628984.57 1012397.81 18 628942.57 1012493.12 19 629016.43 1012799.64 20 628810.93 1012671.26 21 628739.44 1012612.20 22 628738.84 1012424.78 23 625023.15 1010930.93 24 624984.60 1011085.26 25 625091.56 1011061.79 26 625382.66 1011031.99 27 625368.19 1010565.66 28 625515.77 1010468.96 29 628029.78 1011649.97 30 628130.43 1011528.65 31 627865.00 1011531.67 32 627527.96 1011751.31 33 627294.27 1012251.85 34 627358.76 1012850.09 35 626780.30 1011683.72 36 627281.76 1011400.11 37 627281.93 1011523.12 38 625411.11 1012981.72 39 625470.54 1012835.74 40 625239.94 1012830.05 41 624748.02 1012780.84 42 625020.16 1012700.15 43 624739.16 1013178.04 44 628719.00 1011500.38 45 628584.00 1011605.38 46 628504.00 1011485.38 47 628385.54 1011534.22 48 625044.98 1011436.53 SOC [%] 0-10 cm 5.81 3.43 3.28 4.06 3.81 5.45 5.23 9.08 4.38 4.39 15.81 8.44 8.63 5.09 5.14 5.06 8.28 6.28 4.98 4.98 6.66 4.39 14.51 5.07 6.11 3.24 2.39 6.30 2.94 3.51 4.19 2.67 5.86 5.47 5.30 2.77 4.12 6.26 3.67 5.56 11.89 2.33 4.46 5.73 4.46 4.26 6.42 2.76 SOC [%] 10-20 cm 1.89 1.92 1.42 1.93 1.79 2.34 2.11 1.39 1.75 1.93 1.57 3.83 6.58 3.09 2.47 2.15 5.23 1.80 2.25 2.31 2.28 1.92 2.22 1.34 1.44 1.45 1.61 1.74 1.84 1.99 2.24 2.37 2.70 1.13 1.62 1.69 1.83 1.85 3.08 1.28 2.64 2.23 2.15 1.91 3.23 1.80 SOC [%] 20-30 cm 1.49 1.49 1.28 1.37 1.31 1.77 1.55 0.88 1.16 1.41 0.98 3.65 2.33 2.05 1.23 1.51 1.90 1.78 1.72 1.56 0.93 0.92 1.14 1.15 1.30 1.20 1.53 2.00 1.18 2.31 1.87 0.91 1.60 1.01 1.32 1.44 1.93 0.83 1.29 1.40 1.31 1.97 1.18 SOC [%] 30-50 cm 1.02 1.22 1.34 1.47 1.36 0.59 0.65 1.65 0.87 1.94 1.35 0.92 1.47 1.20 1.01 1.00 1.16 0.40 0.71 0.94 0.83 1.03 0.90 1.05 1.29 0.71 1.30 1.62 0.77 1.11 0.58 1.13 1.04 1.72 0.40 1.46 0.84 1.11 1.33 0.94 APPENDIX Table A.1 (continued) Profile Xnumber coordinate 49 624969.47 50 624777.93 51 624883.91 52 625088.80 53 628419.00 54 628439.00 55 628414.00 56 628622.77 57 624423.11 58 624585.10 59 624650.92 60 624946.47 61 624856.82 62 627820.44 63 627925.43 64 627999.92 65 628091.26 66 625546.75 67 625480.70 68 625545.39 69 625527.05 70 625631.87 71 625855.40 72 626303.91 73 626332.62 74 624777.41 75 624848.95 76 625433.21 77 625399.48 78 625368.69 79 625926.11 80 625861.26 81 625896.39 82 626057.80 83 626146.04 84 626545.66 85 626524.30 86 626082.79 87 625808.37 88 625905.16 89 625904.96 90 625629.25 91 626467.63 92 626514.38 93 626683.96 94 626713.67 95 626689.65 96 626826.71 97 626746.15 98 625542.28 99 625730.46 100 625732.10 101 625533.79 76 Ycoordinate 1011506.00 1011562.50 1011622.64 1011824.57 1011690.38 1011800.38 1011854.99 1011803.31 1012133.04 1011940.09 1012081.72 1012275.83 1012036.90 1012011.12 1012024.10 1012054.72 1012027.00 1010629.53 1010805.50 1010907.87 1011035.24 1013349.84 1013029.63 1012436.70 1012264.46 1013491.01 1012504.86 1012436.67 1012413.00 1012345.25 1012113.23 1012194.32 1012362.76 1012259.31 1012167.29 1010165.48 1010193.09 1011166.84 1010862.00 1010865.86 1010844.69 1010683.34 1012135.53 1012097.02 1012156.97 1012419.45 1010814.17 1010890.10 1011572.36 1011917.82 1012093.07 1011980.99 1011814.15 SOC [%] 0-10 cm 5.67 4.20 8.07 3.16 4.70 4.21 6.14 4.23 2.83 10.23 4.38 4.24 9.38 5.52 3.71 4.87 4.43 3.62 3.63 3.40 4.21 6.50 6.10 6.99 3.70 8.25 2.47 5.52 4.09 3.98 6.81 4.66 3.06 5.72 8.48 1.29 3.06 8.44 5.79 9.84 5.77 10.56 3.37 4.20 4.83 5.73 4.93 4.06 3.87 4.18 4.17 4.35 5.75 SOC [%] 10-20 cm 1.46 1.09 1.78 1.96 2.03 1.41 3.00 1.85 1.88 2.43 2.21 2.11 2.90 1.33 8.21 3.46 2.22 1.56 0.43 2.10 2.82 1.80 3.36 2.52 2.05 2.52 1.68 2.09 1.45 2.77 2.60 1.96 1.76 2.64 2.35 0.71 1.72 2.29 1.49 2.41 1.27 2.46 2.90 2.26 2.13 2.28 2.69 2.15 2.69 2.40 2.48 2.32 2.78 SOC [%] 20-30 cm 1.05 0.87 1.27 1.59 1.32 1.10 1.80 1.35 1.30 2.03 1.55 1.68 1.44 1.07 2.78 1.81 1.71 1.21 0.37 1.20 1.99 1.20 2.01 1.85 1.91 1.24 2.13 0.91 2.11 1.76 1.63 1.30 1.93 1.55 0.59 1.36 1.52 1.18 1.49 0.93 1.35 1.50 1.55 1.79 1.95 2.04 1.75 2.12 1.85 2.09 1.71 2.16 SOC [%] 30-50 cm 0.80 0.67 1.07 1.14 1.47 0.84 1.46 1.44 0.95 1.52 1.01 1.03 0.87 0.90 2.78 1.28 1.19 0.88 0.18 1.25 1.50 0.81 1.48 1.13 1.22 1.08 1.15 0.65 1.88 1.09 1.17 0.69 1.88 1.13 0.30 0.97 1.08 0.88 1.45 0.68 0.61 1.35 1.15 1.68 1.45 0.96 0.95 1.46 1.11 1.63 1.12 1.40 APPENDIX Table A.1 (continued) Profile Xnumber coordinate 102 625567.83 103 625693.85 104 625699.89 105 625614.20 106 626532.78 107 626599.21 108 626801.79 109 626759.95 110 626789.05 111 627003.62 112 627093.26 113 627071.13 114 625251.58 115 625280.35 116 625387.39 117 626941.95 118 625442.25 119 625698.06 120 626105.06 121 625983.29 122 626938.15 123 626946.35 124 626643.20 125 626778.81 126 626817.66 127 628678.62 128 628533.37 129 628440.97 130 628334.23 131 625985.08 132 626135.61 133 626988.68 134 626965.36 135 626791.75 136 626642.26 137 626824.92 138 626868.59 139 627475.74 140 628938.04 141 628579.15 142 628474.83 143 628131.59 144 628245.39 145 628020.51 146 628170.70 147 627491.88 148 627541.63 149 625742.34 150 625617.97 151 625605.83 152 625806.65 153 626689.58 154 626735.77 77 Ycoordinate 1011734.01 1011694.51 1011622.88 1011623.82 1012386.61 1012590.16 1012545.40 1012554.80 1012375.06 1012460.34 1012523.74 1012632.13 1011239.35 1011169.23 1011109.11 1012656.44 1011622.67 1011425.93 1011455.08 1011371.29 1013552.74 1013499.60 1013440.37 1013266.76 1013301.79 1012345.53 1012303.86 1012587.07 1012563.89 1013987.85 1013549.89 1014349.70 1013606.48 1012759.07 1012699.43 1012644.63 1012526.69 1012608.80 1011955.10 1012114.44 1012094.11 1012318.61 1012275.30 1012237.45 1012619.82 1012242.88 1012304.82 1012435.47 1012009.38 1011433.53 1011502.58 1012264.24 1012375.21 SOC [%] 0-10 cm 5.51 3.63 3.71 2.16 5.44 3.45 3.42 6.46 6.35 4.69 4.43 6.89 5.10 5.48 6.35 3.58 4.76 4.18 4.53 13.34 5.78 7.48 3.78 5.68 5.61 4.54 3.92 6.54 3.30 6.22 6.26 4.90 6.58 6.20 2.90 4.58 4.46 2.82 4.62 7.13 5.39 4.17 4.39 5.74 4.90 5.16 9.54 5.46 5.79 4.02 3.74 1.62 6.44 SOC [%] 10-20 cm 2.96 2.06 2.10 2.16 2.48 2.41 0.97 1.39 1.45 1.77 1.98 2.28 1.81 3.70 1.75 1.34 2.45 2.34 1.95 3.68 2.51 2.82 1.88 2.31 2.43 1.56 2.51 3.06 2.04 1.34 3.37 2.51 2.39 2.94 1.86 3.75 1.24 1.28 1.98 4.36 3.89 2.13 3.08 2.06 2.89 5.50 2.91 2.89 2.86 2.04 2.35 2.17 2.88 SOC [%] 20-30 cm 2.37 1.44 1.68 1.49 1.35 1.64 0.71 1.07 0.89 1.56 1.50 1.49 1.06 1.78 1.11 0.74 1.86 1.62 1.21 2.10 1.96 2.04 1.35 1.55 1.88 1.22 1.96 1.64 1.82 1.04 2.14 1.70 1.60 2.19 1.30 1.47 0.99 0.88 1.51 2.43 2.69 1.64 2.64 1.55 1.87 1.43 2.33 2.31 1.71 1.75 1.58 1.70 2.70 SOC [%] 30-50 cm 1.87 0.90 1.44 1.30 1.01 1.22 0.75 0.75 0.80 1.11 0.96 0.86 0.86 1.25 0.82 0.66 1.28 1.27 0.70 1.34 1.44 1.15 1.08 1.37 1.31 0.88 1.61 0.97 0.81 0.62 1.41 1.36 0.92 1.54 1.27 1.05 0.64 0.64 0.91 1.51 2.02 1.09 1.90 1.30 1.30 0.88 0.79 1.44 1.17 1.12 1.40 4.76 1.57 APPENDIX Table A.1 (continued) Profile XYSOC [%] SOC [%] SOC [%] number coordinate coordinate 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 155 626358.68 1012696.68 0.84 0.46 0.33 156 626773.47 1012509.97 3.35 1.78 1.13 157 627595.98 1012813.30 3.78 1.50 1.03 158 627078.71 1012337.09 2.90 1.70 1.53 159 627682.42 1013609.43 5.50 2.80 2.18 160 627515.57 1013323.53 7.15 2.03 1.42 161 627462.80 1013305.88 5.38 2.09 1.72 162 627714.98 1013049.30 2.61 1.35 0.96 163 626968.99 1012747.65 5.06 2.15 1.25 164 627127.20 1012633.27 1.81 1.27 0.87 165 627768.21 1012673.35 8.29 1.83 1.37 Italicized numbers are outliers that were removed for SOC modelling “-“: No sample 78 SOC [%] 30-50 cm 0.21 0.97 0.48 1.01 1.43 0.86 1.27 0.65 0.95 0.70 0.98 APPENDIX 79 APPENDIX 80 APPENDIX 81 APPENDIX 82 APPENDIX 83 APPENDIX 84 APPENDIX 85 Table A. 3 Data of coefficient of linear extensibility Profile X-coordi-te Y-coordi-te COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 627311.85 627416.76 627598.68 627961.36 628184.00 628145.94 628088.31 627157.43 626860.28 627054.10 627248.50 629335.68 629547.92 629507.49 629117.60 629052.97 628984.57 628942.57 629016.43 628810.93 628739.44 628738.84 625023.15 624984.60 625091.56 625382.66 625368.19 625515.77 628029.78 628130.43 627865.00 627527.96 627294.27 627358.76 626780.30 627281.76 627281.93 625411.11 625470.54 625239.94 624748.02 625020.16 624739.16 628719.00 628584.00 628504.00 628385.54 625044.98 624969.47 624777.93 624883.91 1013091.46 1013028.35 1013110.13 1011288.76 1011315.38 1011387.50 1011646.69 1012193.85 1012145.83 1012171.96 1011824.82 1012209.23 1012473.76 1012656.25 1012346.41 1012307.00 1012397.81 1012493.12 1012799.64 1012671.26 1012612.20 1012424.78 1010930.93 1011085.26 1011061.79 1011031.99 1010565.66 1010468.96 1011649.97 1011528.65 1011531.67 1011751.31 1012251.85 1012850.09 1011683.72 1011400.11 1011523.12 1012981.72 1012835.74 1012830.05 1012780.84 1012700.15 1013178.04 1011500.38 1011605.38 1011485.38 1011534.22 1011436.53 1011506.00 1011562.50 1011622.64 - - - - - - Mean COLErod 0.1855 0.2734 0.1912 0.1956 0.2375 0.2941 0.2784 0.3583 0.2636 0.3040 0.2210 0.3065 0.2366 0.2835 0.3040 0.2734 0.2784 0.2597 0.2784 0.2885 0.3065 0.2937 0.3252 0.2885 0.2030 0.2462 0.2636 0.3430 0.3388 0.3402 0.3361 0.3252 0.3932 0.3320 0.2784 0.1571 0.3388 0.3755 0.3525 0.3430 0.4095 0.2795 0.3374 0.2937 0.2885 0.2897 0.2835 0.2443 0.4087 0.3471 0.3697 APPENDIX Table A.3 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te number 52 625088.80 53 628419.00 54 628439.00 55 628414.00 56 628622.77 57 624423.11 58 624585.10 59 624650.92 60 624946.47 61 624856.82 62 627820.44 63 627925.43 64 627999.92 65 628091.26 66 625546.75 67 625480.70 68 625545.39 69 625527.05 70 625631.87 71 625855.40 72 626303.91 73 626332.62 74 624777.41 75 624848.95 76 625433.21 77 625399.48 78 625368.69 79 625926.11 80 625861.26 81 625896.39 82 626057.80 83 626146.04 84 626545.66 85 626524.30 86 626082.79 87 625808.37 88 625905.16 89 625904.96 90 625629.25 91 626467.63 92 626514.38 93 626683.96 94 626713.67 95 626689.65 96 626826.71 97 626746.15 98 625542.28 99 625730.46 100 625732.10 101 625533.79 102 625567.83 103 625693.85 104 625699.89 86 Y-coordi-te COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod 1011824.57 1011690.38 1011800.38 1011854.99 1011803.31 1012133.04 1011940.09 1012081.72 1012275.83 1012036.90 1012011.12 1012024.10 1012054.72 1012027.00 1010629.53 1010805.50 1010907.87 1011035.24 1013349.84 1013029.63 1012436.70 1012264.46 1013491.01 1012504.86 1012436.67 1012413.00 1012345.25 1012113.23 1012194.32 1012362.76 1012259.31 1012167.29 1010165.48 1010193.09 1011166.84 1010862.00 1010865.86 1010844.69 1010683.34 1012135.53 1012097.02 1012156.97 1012419.45 1010814.17 1010890.10 1011572.36 1011917.82 1012093.07 1011980.99 1011814.15 1011734.01 1011694.51 1011622.88 0.2724 0.2813 0.3388 0.3739 0.3034 0.2667 0.2863 0.2857 0.2784 - 0.2734 0.2734 0.3416 0.3739 0.3377 0.2398 0.2960 0.2348 0.2756 - 0.2646 0.2695 0.3451 0.2607 - 0.2784 0.2937 0.3034 0.2180 - 0.2695 0.2734 0.3203 0.2311 - 0.2443 - Mean COLErod 0.3173 0.3092 0.2127 0.3333 0.2395 0.1818 0.2897 0.2734 0.2835 0.3846 0.2090 0.1812 0.3065 0.2717 0.3471 0.2835 0.3932 0.2443 0.3485 0.2558 0.3803 0.2783 0.3443 0.2636 0.3402 0.3583 0.2835 0.2897 0.3402 0.2443 0.2558 0.2636 0.2835 0.2835 0.2695 0.3361 0.3739 0.2551 0.3496 0.2456 0.2510 0.2966 0.3220 0.3040 0.3233 0.2533 0.2636 0.2911 0.2490 0.2458 0.4174 0.2770 0.2857 APPENDIX Table A.3 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te number 105 625614.20 106 626532.78 107 626599.21 108 626801.79 109 626759.95 110 626789.05 111 627003.62 112 627093.26 113 627071.13 114 625251.58 115 625280.35 116 625387.39 117 626941.95 118 625442.25 119 625698.06 120 626105.06 121 625983.29 122 626938.15 123 626946.35 124 626643.20 125 626778.81 126 626817.66 127 628678.62 128 628533.37 129 628440.97 130 628334.23 131 625985.08 132 626135.61 133 626988.68 134 626965.36 135 626791.75 136 626642.26 137 626824.92 138 626868.59 139 627475.74 140 628938.04 141 628579.15 142 628474.83 143 628131.59 144 628245.39 145 628020.51 146 628170.70 147 627491.88 148 627541.63 149 625742.34 150 625617.97 151 625605.83 152 625806.65 153 626689.58 154 626735.77 155 626358.68 156 626773.47 157 627595.98 87 Y-coordi-te COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod 1011623.82 1012386.61 1012590.16 1012545.40 1012554.80 1012375.06 1012460.34 1012523.74 1012632.13 1011239.35 1011169.23 1011109.11 1012656.44 1011622.67 1011425.93 1011455.08 1011371.29 1013552.74 1013499.60 1013440.37 1013266.76 1013301.79 1012345.53 1012303.86 1012587.07 1012563.89 1013987.85 1013549.89 1014349.70 1013606.48 1012759.07 1012699.43 1012644.63 1012526.69 1012608.80 1011955.10 1012114.44 1012094.11 1012318.61 1012275.30 1012237.45 1012619.82 1012242.88 1012304.82 1012435.47 1012009.38 1011433.53 1011502.58 1012264.24 1012375.21 1012696.68 1012509.97 1012813.30 0.2885 0.3771 0.3402 0.3092 0.3047 0.2937 0.3268 0.2538 0.2874 - 0.2885 0.3471 0.3583 0.3145 0.2974 0.2817 0.3361 0.2835 0.2960 - 0.3471 0.3416 0.3105 0.2966 0.3158 0.2937 - 0.3527 0.3388 0.2924 0.3145 0.2857 - 0.3077 0.3265 0.2784 - - Mean COLErod 0.2988 0.3500 0.2795 0.3238 0.3771 0.2885 0.2519 0.3560 0.3932 0.3171 0.3447 0.3114 0.2998 0.2877 0.2500 0.3239 0.3784 0.3661 0.3051 0.2645 0.3077 0.2966 0.2851 0.2739 0.3320 0.2835 0.3571 0.3922 0.3583 0.2607 0.3320 0.2587 0.3598 0.3028 0.2558 0.2734 0.3361 0.3145 0.3320 0.2687 0.2953 0.2191 0.3898 0.4009 0.3361 0.4336 0.3238 0.2882 0.3105 0.3755 0.1775 0.3527 0.2443 APPENDIX 88 Table A.3 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te Y-coordi-te COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod COLErod Mean number COLErod 158 627078.71 1012337.09 0.2329 159 627682.42 1013609.43 0.3471 160 627515.57 1013323.53 0.3077 161 627462.80 1013305.88 0.2937 0.2824 0.2885 0.2897 0.2846 0.2878 162 627714.98 1013049.30 0.2480 0.2298 0.2500 0.2289 0.2240 0.2361 163 626968.99 1012747.65 0.2143 0.2222 0.2191 0.2080 0.2159 164 627127.20 1012633.27 0.2452 165 627768.21 1012673.35 0.4236 COLErod: Coefficient of linear extensibility as measured by the rod method Schafer and Singer (1976b) Mean COLErod: Mean (or measured value if no replicates were determined) of coefficient of linear extensibility as measured by the rod method (Schafer and Singer, 1976b) “-“: No sample APPENDIX 89 Table A. 4 Profile description Profile X-coordi-te Y-coordi-te number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 627311.85 627416.76 627598.68 627961.36 628184.00 628145.94 628088.31 627157.43 626860.28 627054.10 627248.50 629335.68 629547.92 629507.49 629117.60 629052.97 628984.57 628942.57 629016.43 628810.93 628739.44 628738.84 625023.15 624984.60 625091.56 625382.66 625368.19 625515.77 628029.78 628130.43 627865.00 627527.96 627294.27 627358.76 626780.30 627281.76 627281.93 625411.11 625470.54 625239.94 624748.02 625020.16 624739.16 628719.00 628584.00 628504.00 628385.54 625044.98 624969.47 624777.93 624883.91 625088.80 1013091.46 1013028.35 1013110.13 1011288.76 1011315.38 1011387.50 1011646.69 1012193.85 1012145.83 1012171.96 1011824.82 1012209.23 1012473.76 1012656.25 1012346.41 1012307.00 1012397.81 1012493.12 1012799.64 1012671.26 1012612.20 1012424.78 1010930.93 1011085.26 1011061.79 1011031.99 1010565.66 1010468.96 1011649.97 1011528.65 1011531.67 1011751.31 1012251.85 1012850.09 1011683.72 1011400.11 1011523.12 1012981.72 1012835.74 1012830.05 1012780.84 1012700.15 1013178.04 1011500.38 1011605.38 1011485.38 1011534.22 1011436.53 1011506.00 1011562.50 1011622.64 1011824.57 Topographic position Shape of topographic position Soil type Upper midslope Upper midslope Upper slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Midslope Upper slope Lower slope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper slope Lower-(mid-) slope Midslope Lower midslope Midslope Upper midslope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper slope Upper slope Midslope Upper midslope Upper slope Midslope Lower slope Lower slope Upper slope Upper midslope Lower slope Midslope Lower slope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper slope Upper slope Lower slope Upper-(mid-) slope Lower slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Lower slope Lower slope Lower slope Midslope of ridge top Midslope Lower slope Midslope Upper-(mid-) slope Midslope Midslope Midslope Lower slope Upper slope of spur Linear to irregular Linear Linear Linear Cx Linear Linear Linear Linear Cx to linear Linear Linear Cv Linear to irregular linear Linear Linear Linear Linear linear to cv Cx Linear Linear Irregular Linear to irregular Irregular Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Cx Linear Linear to cx to irregular cv to linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Cx Linear Linear to irregular linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Cx Linear to cx Standley Standley Standley Hood Hood Harvard Hood Fairchild Gross Fairchild Fairchild Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Chapman Hood Hood Zetek Wetmore Wetmore Wetmore Zetek Zetek Hood Chapman Hood Fairchild Standley Standley Standley Standley Fairchild Gross Standley Gross Oscuro Wetmore Fairchild Chapman Hood Hood Hood Wetmore Zetek Zetek Zetek Wetmore APPENDIX Table A.4 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te number 53 628419.00 54 628439.00 55 628414.00 56 628622.77 57 624423.11 58 624585.10 59 624650.92 60 624946.47 61 624856.82 62 627820.44 63 627925.43 64 627999.92 65 628091.26 66 625546.75 67 625480.70 68 625545.39 69 625527.05 70 625631.87 71 625855.40 72 626303.91 73 626332.62 74 624777.41 75 624848.95 76 625433.21 77 625399.48 78 625368.69 79 625926.11 80 625861.26 81 625896.39 82 626057.80 83 626146.04 84 626545.66 85 626524.30 86 626082.79 87 625808.37 88 625905.16 89 625904.96 90 625629.25 91 626467.63 92 626514.38 93 626683.96 94 626713.67 95 626689.65 96 626826.71 97 626746.15 98 625542.28 99 625730.46 100 625732.10 101 625533.79 102 625567.83 103 625693.85 104 625699.89 105 625614.20 90 Y-coordi-te Topographic position 1011690.38 1011800.38 1011854.99 1011803.31 1012133.04 1011940.09 1012081.72 1012275.83 1012036.90 1012011.12 1012024.10 1012054.72 1012027.00 1010629.53 1010805.50 1010907.87 1011035.24 1013349.84 1013029.63 1012436.70 1012264.46 1013491.01 1012504.86 1012436.67 1012413.00 1012345.25 1012113.23 1012194.32 1012362.76 1012259.31 1012167.29 1010165.48 1010193.09 1011166.84 1010862.00 1010865.86 1010844.69 1010683.34 1012135.53 1012097.02 1012156.97 1012419.45 1010814.17 1010890.10 1011572.36 1011917.82 1012093.07 1011980.99 1011814.15 1011734.01 1011694.51 1011622.88 1011623.82 Lower-(mid-) slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Lower slope Midslope Lower slope Midslope Lower slope Lower slope Lower slope Midslope Midslope Midslope Upper-(mid-) slope Lower slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper slope Lower slope Lower slope Lower slope Midslope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper slope Midslope Midslope Midslope Lower slope Midslope Midslope of ledge of plateau Midslope Lower slope Lower slope Upper-(mid-) slope Midslope Midslope Lower slope Midslope Midslope Midslope Midslope Midslope of ledge of plateau Upper-(mid-) slope Midslope Upper slope Midslope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper slope Upper slope Midslope Lower slope Midslope Shape of topographic position irregular to linear Linear to irregular Linear to irregular Linear Linear Linear Linear Cv Cx Cv Irregular Linear Linear Irregular Cx Irregular to linear Linear Linear to irregular to cv Cv Linear Linear Linear Linear to cx Irregular Linear Linear Linear Cv Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear to irregular Linear Linear Linear Irregular Irregular to linear Linear Linear Linear Irregular Linear Linear to irregular Linear Linear Linear Linear Cx Linear Linear to irregular Linear to irregular Linear Soil type Hood Barbour Hood Hood Zetek Zetek Wetmore Poacher Wetmore Hood Hood Hood Harvard Zetek Zetek Zetek Wetmore Standley Standley Marron Marron Gross Poacher Zetek Wetmore Wetmore Marron Marron Marron Marron Marron Poacher Poacher Wetmore Barro Verde Poacher Zetek Zetek Ava Marron Marron Lake Fairchild Fairchild Standley Ava Marron Ava Ava Ava Ava Marron Ava APPENDIX Table A.4 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te number 106 626532.78 107 626599.21 108 626801.79 109 626759.95 110 626789.05 111 627003.62 112 627093.26 113 627071.13 114 625251.58 115 625280.35 116 625387.39 117 626941.95 118 625442.25 119 625698.06 120 626105.06 121 625983.29 122 626938.15 123 626946.35 124 626643.20 125 626778.81 126 626817.66 127 628678.62 128 628533.37 129 628440.97 130 628334.23 131 625985.08 132 626135.61 133 626988.68 134 626965.36 135 626791.75 136 626642.26 137 626824.92 138 626868.59 139 627475.74 140 628938.04 141 628579.15 142 628474.83 143 628131.59 144 628245.39 145 628020.51 146 628170.70 147 627491.88 148 627541.63 149 625742.34 150 625617.97 151 625605.83 152 625806.65 153 626689.58 154 626735.77 155 626358.68 156 626773.47 157 627595.98 158 627078.71 91 Y-coordi-te 1012386.61 1012590.16 1012545.40 1012554.80 1012375.06 1012460.34 1012523.74 1012632.13 1011239.35 1011169.23 1011109.11 1012656.44 1011622.67 1011425.93 1011455.08 1011371.29 1013552.74 1013499.60 1013440.37 1013266.76 1013301.79 1012345.53 1012303.86 1012587.07 1012563.89 1013987.85 1013549.89 1014349.70 1013606.48 1012759.07 1012699.43 1012644.63 1012526.69 1012608.80 1011955.10 1012114.44 1012094.11 1012318.61 1012275.30 1012237.45 1012619.82 1012242.88 1012304.82 1012435.47 1012009.38 1011433.53 1011502.58 1012264.24 1012375.21 1012696.68 1012509.97 1012813.30 1012337.09 Topographic position Shape of topographic position Lower slope Cx Lower slope Linear Lower slope Irregular Lower slope Linear to irregular Lower slope Cv Lower-(mid-) slope Irregular Midslope Linear Upper-(mid-) slope of spur Linear Midslope of spur Linear Midslope Linear Upper-(mid-) slope Linear Upper slope Linear Upper-(mid-) slope Linear Upper slope Linear Midslope Linear Midslope Linear to cv Upper slope Cx Upper slope Cx Upper slope Cx Upper-(mid-) slope Linear Upper slope Linear Midslope Linear Midslope Linear Lower-(mid-) slope Linear Lower-(mid-) slope Irregular to linear Upper slope Cx to linear Lower slope Linear Upper slope Linear Upper slope Cx Midslope Irregular Upper slope Cx to linear Upper-(mid-) slope Linear Upper-(mid-) slope Irregular Upper-(mid-) slope Irregular Upper slope Linear Upper slope linear to cx Lower slope Linear Upper slope Linear Upper slope Linear Lower slope Linear to cv Midslope of spur Linear Upper slope Linear Lower slope Linear Midslope Linear to irregular Lower slope Linear Lower-(mid-) slope Linear Lower slope of ledge of plateau Linear Lower slope of ledge of plateau Linear to cv Lower slope of ledge of plateau Cv Upper slope Linear Upper slope Linear Midslope Linear Lower-(mid-) slope Linear Soil type Marron Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Standley Zetek Zetek Zetek Standley Marron Ava Ava Marron Standley Standley Standley Standley Fairchild Barbour Hood Barbour Barbour Standley Standley Fairchild Fairchild Miller Miller Lake Lake Standley Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Barbour Hood Miller Gross Marron Lake Ava Marron Marron Ava Fairchild Lake Fairchild Lake APPENDIX Table A.4 (continued) Profile X-coordi-te Y-coordi-te number 159 627682.42 1013609.43 160 627515.57 1013323.53 161 627462.80 1013305.88 162 627714.98 1013049.30 163 626968.99 1012747.65 164 627127.20 1012633.27 165 627768.21 1012673.35 Cx: convex, Cv: concave a Soil type as determined in the field 92 Topographic position Upper slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Lower-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Upper-(mid-) slope Midslope of ridge top Shape of topographic position Cx Irregular Linear Linear Linear to irregular Linear Linear to irregular Soil type Standley Standley Fairchild Standley Standley Fairchild Lutz APPENDIX 93 101 (0-10 cm) 3000 2700 2400 K 2100 Mo K Intensity 1800 G 1500 K 1200 900 Q K Mo K Mo 600 G 300 Q K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.1. Sample 101 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 101 (10-20 3300 Mo 3000 K 2700 2400 2100 Intensity K 1800 1500 K G 1200 Mo 900 K 600 K Mo 300 G Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.2. Sample 101 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 94 101 (20-30 3000 K 2700 2400 2100 K Intensity 1800 Mo 1500 G 1200 K K 900 Mo K 600 300 K G 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.3. Sample 101 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 101 (30-50 3500 3000 2500 Intensity K K Mo 2000 1500 K G 1000 K Mo K 500 K G 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.4 Sample 101 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 95 82 (0-10 cm) 3300 Mo 3000 K 2700 2400 K Intensity 2100 1800 1500 G K 1200 Mo 900 K 600 K Mo G 300 Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.5. Sample 82 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 82 (10-20 cm) 3000 K Mo 2700 2400 K 2100 Intensity 1800 1500 G K 1200 Q Mo 900 K 600 K Mo G 300 Q K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.6. Sample 82 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 96 82 (20-30 cm) 3000 K 2500 K Intensity 2000 Mo 1500 G K K 1000 K Mo 500 G K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.7. Sample 82 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 82 (30-50 cm) 3000 2500 2000 Mo Intensity K K 1500 G 1000 Mo K K K 500 Mo G K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.8. Sample 82 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 97 110 (10-20 cm) 2400 K/S 2100 1800 K/S 1500 Intensity S Mo K G 1200 K/S 900 K/S S 600 Mo 300 G K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.9. Sample 110 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 110 (20-30 cm) 3600 Mo 3300 3000 2700 K Intensity 2400 2100 K 1800 Q S 1500 G 1200 Q K Mo K 900 Mo S 600 G 300 Q K Q Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.10. Sample 110 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 98 110 (30-50 cm) 4000 Mo Q 3500 Q 3000 K Intensity 2500 K 2000 Q S Q G 1500 K K K 1000 Mo S Q 500 Q K G Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.11. Sample 110 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 159 (0-10 cm) 3000 Mo 2700 2400 2100 Intensity K 1800 K 1500 Mo K Pl 1200 K 900 K 600 Mo 300 K Pl Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.12. Sample 159 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 99 159 (10-20 cm) 2400 2100 K 1800 K Mo Intensity 1500 K Pl 1200 K 900 K Mo 600 300 K Pl 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.13. Sample 159 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 159 (20-30 cm) 3000 2700 2400 K 2100 Mo Intensity 1800 K 1500 K P l 1200 900 Mo K Mo 600 K 300 K P l 0 0 5 10 15 20 Mo 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.14. Sample 159 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 100 159 (30-50 cm) 3000 2500 Mo K 2000 Intensity K 1500 S K Pl K Mo 1000 K Mo 500 S K Pl Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.15. Sample 159 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 71 (0-10 cm) 2100 1800 Intensity 1500 1200 K/S Mo 900 S K/S K Mo 600 S K/S 300 K/S Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.16. Sample 71 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 101 71 (10-20 cm) 3600 Mo 3300 3000 2700 Intensity 2400 2100 1800 i 1500 S K/S 1200 K/S 900 Mo K K/S S 600 K/S 300 Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.17. Sample 71 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 71 (20-30 cm) 2000 Mo Intensity 1500 K/S S 1000 Q K/S 500 K S K/S K/S Q K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.18. Sample 71 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black/light gray), and glycol-solvated (gray/red) states. The light gray and red curves are re-examined diffractograms of the sample (see Chapter 1.2.5) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 102 71 (30-50 cm) 5000 4500 Mo 4000 Intensity 3500 3000 2500 2000 K/S S 1500 K/S K/S S 500 Mo K 1000 K/S Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Abb. 19. Sample 71 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 43 (0-10 cm) 2500 K 2000 Intensity 1500 K Mo 1000 K K K 500 Mo Mo K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.20. Sample 43 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 103 43 (10-20 cm) 3000 Mo 2500 K Intensity 2000 K 1500 S 1000 K Mo K K 500 S K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.21. Sample 43 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 87 (0-10 cm) 3000 2700 2400 Mo 2100 Intensity S 1800 1500 K/S 1200 K/S S 900 Mo S K/S 600 K/S S 300 Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.22. Sample 87 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 104 87 (10-20 2700 Mo 2400 2100 S Intensity 1800 1500 K/S S 1200 K/S S 900 Mo K/S 600 K/S 300 Mo S 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.23. Sample 87 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 87 (20-30 cm) 3000 2700 Mo 2400 S Intensity 2100 1800 K/S S 1500 K/S 1200 K/S S 900 Mo K/S 600 Mo S 300 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.24. Sample 87 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 105 87 (30-50 2000 Mo 1800 1600 1400 Intensity S K/S 1200 1000 K/S 800 S 600 Mo K S K/S K/S 400 Mo 200 S K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.25. Sample 87 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 52 (0-10 cm) 2000 1800 K Mo 1600 K Intensity 1400 1200 S 1000 K G Mo K 800 K Mo 600 400 S 200 K G Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.26. Sample 52 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 106 52 (10-20 cm) 3000 Mo 2500 K Intensity 2000 K 1500 K S 1000 K Mo G K 500 S G Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.27. Sample 52 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 52 (20-30 cm) 3000 Mo 2500 K 2000 Intensity K 1500 S 1000 K K G Mo K 500 S K G Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.28. Sample 52 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 107 52 (30-50 cm) 3500 Mo 3000 Intensity 2500 K 2000 K 1500 S K G 1000 Mo K 500 K S G Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.29. Sample 52 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 65 (0-10) cm 3300 Mo 3000 2700 2400 K Intensity 2100 K 1800 1500 1200 G K G K K Mo K 900 600 300 Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.30. Sample 65 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 108 65 (10-20) cm 3600 Mo 3300 3000 2700 K Intensity 2400 2100 K 1800 i G 1500 K 1200 K Mo K 900 600 G 300 Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.31. Sample 65 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 65 (20-30) cm 4000 Mo 3500 3000 G Intensity 2500 K K 2000 1500 G K K Mo K 1000 500 G Mo K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.32. Sample 65 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 109 65 (30-50) cm 4500 Mo 4000 3500 Intensity 3000 2500 K 2000 K 1500 G K G K Mo K K 1000 500 Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.33. Sample 65 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 21 (0-10 cm) 4500 K 4000 3500 3000 Intensity K Mo 2500 2000 K K 1500 K Mo 1000 500 K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.34. Sample 21 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 110 21 (10-20 cm) 3500 K 3000 K 2500 Mo Intensity 2000 K 1500 K 1000 K Mo 500 K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.35. Sample 21 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 21 (20-30 cm) 3500 K 3000 K Mo Intensity 2500 2000 K 1500 Mo K K Mo 1000 500 K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.36. Sample 21 (20-30 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 111 21 (30-50 cm) 3500 3000 Mo Intensity 2500 K K 2000 1500 K Mo 1000 K K 500 K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.37. Sample 21 (30-50 cm) air-dried (black), glycol-solvated (gray), and heated to 550 °C (light gray) (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). 13 (0-10 cm) 3000 K Mo 2500 K Intensity 2000 1500 G S Mo K K 1000 K 500 S G K Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.38. Sample 13 (0-10 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). APPENDIX 112 13 (10-20 cm) 4000 3500 Mo 3000 K Intensity 2500 K 2000 1500 S G K Mo 1000 K 500 K S K G Mo 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2-Theta Fig. A.39. Sample 13 (10-20 cm) in air-dried (black) and glycol-solvated (gray) states (see Table 5 for abbreviation of minerals). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 113 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At this fi-l point I would like to thank all the people and institutions who helped and supported me to successfully complete this study: I deeply thank my parents Sieglinde and Franz Grimm and my brothers Johannes, Franz, Joachim, Anton and Benjamin Grimm who support me in all situations and who have always encouraged me in what I have been doing. Many special thanks to my advisors Prof. Dr. Helmut Elsenbeer and Dr. Michael Märker for e-bling me to do this study, and for opening the doors to work within the scientific community of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, for encouraging me to publish this work in an inter-tio-l science jour-l, as well as presenting it on conferences. My very particular thanks go to Dr. Ian Baillie for being a very good teacher in the field, for all the valuable and sometimes lively discussions on soils of BCI as well as tropical soils in general, and for giving me many suggestions on this work. A very big individual thank also to Dr. Thorsten Behrens for many interesting and helpful scientific discussions on terrain a-lysis, digital soil mapping and data mining modeling techniques, for encouraging me to present my work on inter-tio-l and -tio-l conferences and workshops as well as for always being a good friend. Many thanks also to Christi- Günter for always helping me in the X-ray diffraction laboratories, as well as for many helpful and interesting suggestions and discussions on clay mineral identification. Furthermore, I would like to thank the STRI staff on BCI, who were especially helpful for the logistical, technical and administrative support. I am especially grateful to Prof. Dr. Manfred Strecker, who inspired and motivated me throughout my studies. Many thanks also to the following people: Dr. Robert Stallard, Dr. Boris Schröder, Frauke Barthold, Martin Loos for interesting discussions both in the field and during data a-lysis; Julian Schnetzer and Christi- Schweipert for their great help in the field; the BCI residents of 2005/2006 for an enjoyable social life throughout field work times, especially my friends Yvonne Zimmermann, Andrew Hidda, Fer-ndo Soley, Brett Wolf, Julian Schnetzer, Christian Ziegler, Martin Loos and Carola Bach for making the long stay on BCI a very pleasant and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 114 unforgettable time; Lisa Rieser, Martin Norden and Staci Mattox for proofreading my English; and my friends Le- Grohnert and Sabine Ortner who are always there for me. And last but not least, I want to acknowledge the fi-ncial support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). DANKSAGUNG 115 DANKSAGUNG Abschließend möchte ich allen Leuten und Institutionen, die mich dabei unterstützt haben diese Arbeit erfolgreich abzuschließen, danken: Aus tiefstem Herzen danke ich meinen Eltern Sieglinde und Franz Grimm sowie meinen Brüdern Johannes, Franz, Joachim, Anton und Benjamin Grimm dafür, dass sie mich in all meinen Taten und Lebenssituationen stets ermutigten und immer für mich da waren. Ein ganz besonders Dankeschön an meine Betreuer Prof. Dr. Helmut Elsenbeer und Dr. Michael Märker, die mir es ermöglichten diese Diplomarbeit zu schreiben, die mir die Türen öffneten in der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft des Smithsonian Tropical Research Institutes zu arbeiten und die mich dazu ermutigten diese Arbeit in einer inter-tio-len wissenschaftlichen Zeitung zu publizieren und auf Konferenzen zu präsentieren. Mein ganz besonderer Dank gilt auch Dr. Ian Baillie, der für mich ein ausgezeichneter Lehrer während der Feldarbeit war, für all die wertvollen und manchmal sogar heißen Diskussionen über die Böden auf BCI, wie auch tropische Böden im Allgemeinen, und für die vielen hilfreichen Ratschläge zu dieser Arbeit. Ein sehr großes individuelles Dankeschön auch an Dr. Thorsten Behrens für die vielen interessanten und hilfreichen wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen über Reliefa-lyse, BodenLandschaftsmodellierung, Data mining und Modellmethoden, dafür dass er mich dazu ermutigte, diese Arbeit auf Konferenzen und Workshops zu präsentieren und nicht zuletzt, dass er für mich immer ein Freund und Vorbild war, zu dem ich stets gerne aufgesehen habe. Vielen Dank auch an Christi- Günter für die Hilfe im Röntgendiffraktometrie Labor wie auch für die vielen hilfreichen und interessanten Ratschläge und Diskussionen bezüglich der Identifikation von Tonmineralen. Weiterhin möchte ich den STRI Angestellten auf BCI für ihre großartige Hilfe bei logistischen, technischen und administrativen Angelegenheiten danken. Besonders dankbar bin ich auch Prof. Dr. Manfred Strecker, der mich während meines gesamten Studiums stets inspirierte und motivierte. Vielen Dank auch an folgenden Leute: Dr. Robert Stallard, Dr. Boris Schröder, Frauke Barthold, Martin Loos für die vielen interessanten Diskussionen sowohl auf BCI als auch während der Date--lyse; Julian Schnetzer and Christi- Schweipert für ihre großartige Hilfe im Feld; den BCI Bewohnern 2005/2006 für das angenehme soziale Zusammenleben auf der DANKSAGUNG 116 Insel, besonders meinen Freunden Yvonne Zimmermann, Andrew Hidda, Fer-ndo Soley, Brett Wolf, Julian Schnetzer, Christian Ziegler, Martin Loos and Carola Bach, die aus dem langen Aufenthalt auf BCI eine sehr schöne und unvergessliche Zeit für mich machten; Lisa Rieser, Martin Norden und Staci Mattox, die die Englische Sprache dieser Arbeit korrigierten; und meine Freundinnen Le- Grohnert und Sabine Ortner, die immer für mich da sind. Nicht zuletzt danke ich ganz besonders dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) für die fi-nzielle Unterstützung dieser Arbeit.