Switchback Eyewear Retainer
Switchback Eyewear Retainer
switchback eyewear retainer SWITCHBACK SKU 12308 FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Non-absorbent and stretchy • UV and corrosion resistant • Top port fits small or thin frames • Bottom port fits standard and large frames • Available in Basics, Twists & Fades BASICS TWISTS FADES 100 160 199 101 848 159 109 880 168 609 881 715 611 882 884 883 885 METAL-DETECTABLE ITEM 12315200 FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Composed of 15% metal particles • Maximize food safety in any processing environment • 17” length, end-to-end • Distinctive bright blue coloring for easy detection GLOW-IN-THE-DARK ITEM 12308170 FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Glow will last 8+ hrs before recharge is needed • Recharge under natural or artificial light within 5-10 minutes • Glowing feature will last the lifetime of the product wire frames standard frames large frames 2424 S. 2570 W. | Salt Lake City, UT 84119 ph 800.222.CHUM | fx 801.972.5690 [email protected] | chumssafety.com