

Feature: 'Little Rascal' visits Mesa State classroom.
January 31,1996
Vol. 62, No. 16
C riterion
M esa O
UIUZ College
Schakel calls it quits
Coach moves on
after 18 years,
four championships
Lisa M alano
Asst. Sports Editor
After 18 years and 500 career vic­
tories, Maverick basketball coach Doug
Schakel has decided to retire effective
at the end of this season. It is not a de­
cision that was easy to make.
For about a year, Schakel has been
having mixed feelings about his job.
"For the first time in more than
thirty years of coaching basketball,
coaching started to feel more like work
than fun," he said. When this feeling
persisted into this season, he decided
it was time to discuss his decision to
retire with President Ray Kieft and Ath­
letic Director Jim Paronto.
Schakel also wanted to go out on
top of his career. He said he's seen
coaches stay past their prime and knew
that definitely was not for him. With
great success over the years and four
RMAC championships in the 1990s,
Schakel thought this was the right time
to go.
He plans to remain as an instruc­
tor at Mesa State and possibly help in
the athletic offices, working with schol­
arships or wherever he is needed.
Schakel will also continue to run the
Mesa State College Summer Basketball
Camp which he started. It has grown
into one of the largest camps in the
The first time Jim Heaps, a West­
ern Slope native, put on a Maverick
basketball uniform in 1980 he thought
life was pretty great. When he became
an assistant coach a few years later, af­
ter coaching Florida high school bas­
ketball, he was really glad to be home.
Now, after 11 years learning from
Schakel, he will replace him as the head
Heaps admits to being excited
about this new position, after all, as he
said it, "I'm a Maverick from the get
go, if you cut me I bleed cardinal and
But he knows he has some big
shoes to fill.
"I've never made a shot for Mesa
State. I've never gotten a rebound.
Never handed out an assist, I've sim­
ply been the recipient of the accom­
plishments of a lot of great players and
a lot of great teams here," Schakel said.
Heaps hopes that tradition contin­
An emotional
Coach Schakel
called a press
conference on
Jan. 30 to
announce his
resignation after
11 years as head
coach of the
men's basketball
Schakel will hand over coaching
duties to Jim Heaps at season's end.
Housing personnel undergoes reconstruction
M ike W iggins
Asst. News Editor
What does former Ameri­
can president Thomas Jeffer­
son have in common with
Mesa State College? His name
coincides with the surnames
of two individuals who have
assumed new positions of
leadership in the MSC Hous­
ing Office.
Chip Thomas, who re­
cently completed graduate
work at Colorado State Uni­
versity, has become the new
associate director of housing.
Thomas responded to the ad­
vertisement placed in the Den­
ver Post and was hired after
receiving his Master's degree
in Student Affairs and Higher
" It's (M SC) a grow ing
school. There are lots of chal­
lenges and opportunities for
everyone," Thomas said. "I'm
very excited about working
Thomas said he is actively
pursuing expanding the uses
of the Gold Card as the sole
method of access into the dor­
mitories. Implementation for
this project is planned for next
fall. Thomas is also interested
in enabling the residence halls
to have modem capability for
the Internet.
According to Thomas, the
architectural com m ittee is
drawing up diagrams for the
new tri-level dormitory which
will be located on the corner
of Elm Street and College
When Thomas moved into
the position of associate direc­
tor of housing, it meant that
Kathleen Jefferson took over
the duties of acting director of
housing. However, her tenure
here at MSC will soon come to
an end. After 22 years of affili­
ation with the college, Jeffer­
son will retire in July.
"I want to have more time
to spend with my family," Jef­
ferson said.
Jefferson actually retired
last Sept. 1, but agreed to a
transition contract allowing
her to work part-time while a
search is conducted for a hous­
ing director.
The revolving door of
housing positions began when
Michael Black, who was the
director of housing for fourand-a-half years, resigned this
past Decem ber and took a
similar position at Utah State
Applications are currently
being accepted for the housing
director position.
The deadline for applica­
tions is March 4. A new hous­
ing director will be hired by
July 1.
Ritz offers 'A Night in Monte Carlo'
M ike W iggins
Asst. News Editor
Staff Writer
Smoke inhalation. Gar­
bage cans lit up. Fires in the
Is there a firebug or two
loose on the campus? Ac­
cording to Jim Derryberry,
chief of Public Safety, there
Does Derryberry have
any ideas who might be
starting these fires?
"No," Derryberry said,
but he added that a joint ef­
fort with the Grand Junction
Police and Fire Departments
is underway. Damages have
Tolman Hall,
including smoke damage to
the bathrooms where one
fire took place. However, ac­
cording to Derryberry, the
damage to these areas was
light. In addition, garbage
cans have been lit up and
two or three cases of minor
smoke inhalation were re­
Derryberry, these aren't the
only damages brought on by
the fires. "The cost of having
see FIR ES, page 5
Looking for something to
do on these cold winter nights?
Are you wondering how to
impress that special someone
for Valentine's Day? The Mesa
State College Residence Life
Staff is hosting the seventh
annual Ritz on Tuesday, Feb.
13 in Liff Auditorium.
The Ritz's theme this year
is "A Night in Monte Carlo", a
formal occasion including din­
ner, dancing, student and pro­
fessional entertainment, and
casino gambling. Seating will
begin at 5:30 p.m. and the pro­
gram will start at 6:00 p.m.
Entertainment will be pro­
vided during dinner and in­
clude professional comedian
Tommy Blaze, who has a na­
tionally syndicated radio show
and guest starred on the tele­
vision program "Friends."
There will also be door
and casino prizes given away,
in cludin g a free trip to
Mazatlan, two-one day swim
passes to the Glenwood Hot
Springs Pool, and a one night
stay for up to four people at
the Antlers Best Western Ho­
tel in Glenwood Springs.
For students who do not
attend the dinner, there will be
a dance beginning around 9
p.m. which costs two dollars.
Tickets for the Ritz, which
are four dollars for students
with a meal plan and ten dol­
lars for students without a
meal plan, can be purchased
from any Residence Life Staff
member or in the Housing Of­
fice through Feb.12.
Students should reserve
their seats as soon as possible
at Tolman Hall, located on the
north side of Elm Street.
Page 2
O pinion
January 31,1996
L a n te r n
High plains drifter begins descent into world of regrets
his is tim e w hen it
beginsyou know. The
drift. The drift first se­
duces then b e ­
trays. Devilishly
e n ticin g ,
drift possesses
the p ow er to
lead individuals
astray, so m e ­
times forever.
E very
m ester ab ou t
th is tim e the
drift begins its
R ev en g e
forward march.
Right now, stu­
dents are setting
into motion the pendulum which
will dictate their futures.
I'm talking about dropping out
of school; first mentally then physi­
cally. And once the drift grabs on
to you, you're dust sucka'.
Initially, students lose interest.
Like an old b eg g ar ask in g for
money, classwork is easily disre­
garded. You blow off an assignment
here, a quiz there. There's nothing
to worry about, right? You'll catch
up later. Hell, the semester has just
Then you quit going to class.
You've got better things to do. You
missed Monday to go skiing; Tues­
day you had a hangover and stayed
in bed all day; Wednesday you just
didn't feel like going; Thursday
and Friday you figured, why
bother. There's one week
of sch o o l dow n
You attempt to
ra tio n a liz e the
p r e d ic a m e n t
y o u 'v e cast
for yourself
by p la cin g
blame on the
teachers, or
the classes, or
the school, or the town, or just so­
ciety in general.
Finally, school is blown off com­
pletely. When a student announces
that he or she is taking a semester
off, the drift is complete. More than
likely, they will not be back at MSC.
I've been there. I've been at the
point of dropping out, a few times
in fact. I know how hard it is to get
yourself back on track. It's just so
damn easy to walk away. Just quit,
consider yourself beaten and forge
ahead to new pastures. No more
teachers, no more
h o m ew ork,
m ore
b u llsh it!
Iro n ically , w hen
you drift, BS is all
you've got. W ith­
out an education,
y o u 're lo st in a
world of regrets.
I sta rte d o ff
w ell in school. I
got good grades,
involved myself in
campus organiza­
tions, kept up with
homework and tests. Then I drifted.
I was placed on academic probation
by the MSC computer system. I sur­
prised myself by making the Dean's
List in my ju n io r year, on ly to
struggle once again the following
semester. I'm back on track now,
but the drift always lingers close
behind. I'm fortunate. Many stu­
dents are unable to escape the lure
of the drift.
For some individuals, the drift
is unfamiliar. They go to class, get
good grades, receive a degree, and
go about their business. For others,
however, the drift is relentless. We
m ust constantly struggle to stay
mentally focused, to keep educa­
tion towards the top of our prior­
ity list. Because a degree does not
guarantee success. It's what you
learn along the way. I've seen A+
students with a degree cleaning off
tables at the mall.
If you're not the type to drift,
Congratulations. Your hard work
now will certainly pay off in the
future. If you are prone to drifting,
maybe you should follow the ad­
vice of those righteou s, qu irky
bumper stickers all over town:
"Take One Day At A Time."
Then simply build one day on
top of another. You'll discover, with
practice, you're able to foresee a
future, then plan accordingly.
What's the point of filling out those faculty evaluations?
s classes drew to a
As students were dismissed,
close in D ecem b er, the chant could again be heard,
voices reverberated filling up hallways and gathering
off the walls. Sometimes places,
the words
often accompanied by tales
w ere
spoken of woe from the distressed. It is
softly, follow ed January now, and still, the opin­
by a sh allow ion is being expressed that the
sigh , and then whole process of faculty evalua­
the thought was tion is nothing more than a tangible
attempt to convince MSC students
Other times, they that "they" really do care what we
w ere
spoken think— probably just a convenient
q u ite
loudly, subplot to the "Students First" bal­
force of lyhoo.
obvious frustra­
Last week, I voiced these con­
M o ntgom ery
tion, the speaker cerns to Tennie Ann Capps, Presi­
truly wanting an dent of the Facu lty Senate, the
answer but getting none.
orgnanization responsible for set­
Around the room were people ting procedures and policies for
busily filling in dots, some thought­ facullty evaluations. I asked her
ful and confident, others merely to explain the evaluative process,
seeking to be done with the chore. and filled her in on the horror sto-
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ries I had been hearing - anony­
mously, of course. We discussed
many of the issues involved in
faculty-student relationships, and
identified the primary components
of conflict, success, and responsi­
Faculty are evaluated in three
areas: teaching, scholarship, and
service. The questionairres we fill
out at the end of the semester are
used to consider an instructor's ef­
fectiv en e ss in the cla ssro o m .
Capps em phatically states that
they are reviewed with great care,
and are a very important evaluative
tool. There are many variables in­
volved in creating the content of
any facu lty m em b er's sp ecific
evaluation, such as w hether the
class is required or elective, intro­
ductory or advanced, controversial
or mainstream in content.
Sch olarsh ip ev alu atio n in ­
cludes publishing papers based on
research, classes taken by faculty
members, attending conventions
and seminars. Service includes ser­
ving on boards and committees at
MSC and the surrounding commu­
All three of th ese ten ets of
e v alu atio n
are tak en into
considseration for all faculty mem­
bers. If a faculty member is seeking
tenure, they must provide several
years worth of documentation to
prove that they have been success­
fully evaluated. Once a faculty
m em ber b ecom es ten u red , the
evaluative process continues.
I have often heard people say
that if you are having a problem
with someone who has tenure—
forget it! You have no recourse! Ac­
cording to Capps, this is a myth.
Disciplinary code does in fact state
that there are certain situations un­
der which a faculty member can
lose tenure. She recommends that
anyone having a conflict with fac­
ulty first talk to that person, oneon-one. If the conflict remains un­
resolved, go to the head of the de­
partment. Very often, a third party
can be objective and really help. If
the issue still remains unresolved,
continue working your way up the
chain of command until you get
Before we blame the instructor
for our troubles, we must be sure
that we are doing our part as stu­
dents. Do we go to class on a regu­
lar basis? When we are in the class­
room, do we pay attention and par­
ticipate, or do we spend the time
socializing and even sleeping?
Chances are good that if we are
having problems, we must assume
some of the responsibility. On the
other hand, if we are certain that
there really is more to it, we must
speak up. If the problem is serious,
document times, places, who is
present, what is said, etc. Then, ask
someone you trust to check your
Finally, I always try to remind
myself that a semester is only six­
teen weeks, and I can do anything
for sixteen weeks!
January 31, 1996
Page 3
Reader questions
scientific authority
Reality hits writer:
"We don't even have a fight song!"
ell, here we are, once known as the Colorado National
again starting a new Monument).
se m ester at M esa
But there should be more to
State College, Western
to college then just scenery. I
University. In the showed up back in Rait Hall two
next few years, w eeks ago to find m ost of my
after the new sci­ friends gone to other schools. The
ence building is loud, friendly dorm hall that I had
com p leted , this become accustomed to has gotten
college w ill not so quiet that people actually go to
on ly be b igger, bed before midnight.
but it will be en­
In an article in last weeks Crite­
dowed enough to rion , b a sk e tb a ll C oach D ou g
advance to u n i­ Schakel stated about their recent
versity status. We loss to Western State, the crowd
M it c h e l l will have the new noise was not as good as it could
recreation center, have been. So where are the cheer­
and the science leaders? W here's the band? We
building, maybe more dorm facili­ don't even have a fight song! How
ties, and even masters' programs can we call ourselves a university
like many other universities around w hen we d o n 't even have the
the country.
things that small universities have?
Being a fresh­
Even W est­
m an from C olo­
ern State has a
"What it all comes
rado Springs and
band and cheer­
down to is that this
knowing my dad
le a d e rs,
w ouldn't let me
school is not ready to
that's not really
go to school out of become a university until even
state, I, like count­
it has the things other
less stu dents on
what is up with
universities have."
cam pus, w anted
th at
stu p id
to get as far away
nam e
Jon Mitchell
from home as pos­
they're thinking
sible. When I took
W estern
a tour of the campus, I saw recre­ Colorado University? Needless to
ational paradise. You can hike, say, I would rather see the school
bike, swim, ski, sled, and jog all become Mesa State University. Be­
year. Not only that, but instead of sides, if we ever do get cheerlead­
seeing Pikes Peak in the b a ck ­ ers again, would you rather have
ground, you can see the Bookcliffs them yell "M SU " or " WCU?" What
and the Grand Canyon (otherwise it all comes down to is that this
school is not ready to
a university
O ff th e m a r k
by Mark Parisi
until it has the things
N /£ o l& s -lb Setf I f l f PPpofP£\V£$~ o th er u n iv e rsitie s
have. College is not
\\£9£ bTSM VPlPffi. TOILET 7iSSU£T
only supposed to be
educational, but fun
as well.
I'm not say in g
that we should have
the 200 seat lecture
halls or a 50,000 seat
football stadium, but
h av in g the b asic
th in g s th at every
high sch o o l has
w ou ld give this
school so much more
credibly Who knows?
M aybe it w ill
b rin g even m ore
people to MSC.
Or is it WCU?
representative I am responding to Mike
Hull's Jan. 24,1996 article, "AIDS Quilt
gets hung out to dry".
It seems that Mr. Hull's opinion
and recollection of the events which
occurred in the SBA meeting seem
"blurry" themselves. It's important
that the students on this cam pus
receive both viewpoints on this issue.
The SBA representatives did not
vote "no" on displaying the AIDS Quilt
in the new student recreation center
because students didn't want it on
campus. The recommendation to the
President's Cabinet last year, stated
that the initial intent of the Student
Recreation Center Policy Committee
established that students had first
priority of the recreation center for the
first full year of operation.
This was requested to allow the
director of the complex to establish use
patterns and in order to allow students
the benefit of using this facility, which
cost them $3.6 million in student fees.
It is important to address the issue
of displaying the Quilt in Saunders
Fieldhouse. Saunders is rented on a
first com e, first serve b asis. The
Odyssey of the Minds scheduled their
program on the last two days. The
other two days were during the week
which caused a problem for the classes
which met in the gym. If the Quilt were
to be displayed in the gym those classes
would have to be moved into a facility
equipped for this usage, the rec center.
Mr. Ted Heslin, the co-chair of the
committee bringing the Quilt to the
Western Slope, was offered a list of
names of volunteers, by the SBA. These
volunteers were willing to provide
help to find an alternative facility (i.e.
Two Rivers Convention Center, the
Avalon, etc.) or to re-schedule the Quilt.
These offers have apparently been
forgotten. The SBA has made itself
available to work with this committee
to bring the Quilt back to Mesa State
College; and it hopes to continue its
efforts in doing so.
As a representative it is my
to contact my
constituents and voice their concerns
and opinions.
I applaud Mr. H ull's undying
dedication to brin gin g a very
w orthw hile event to M esa State
College, even against the time and
facility constraints.
Mike Wiggins ("Homosexuality
and the genetics fallacy," 12/6/95) is
right about one thing - it is highly
unlikely that any of the scientific
studies being conducted in the area at
present will ever identify a " gay gene"
whose presence within the genetic code
determ ines absolutely whether an
individual will be gay.
However, Wiggins goes on to say
that since science has not proven the
existence of a definitive "gay gene," we
should therefore accept B iblical
proscriptions against homosexuality as
scientific proof that homosexuality has
no genetic basis.
This is a strange recommendation,
since the Bible was not intended as a
scientific authority; it is, rather, a moral
authority, meant to guide Christians in
their ethical decisions.
Jesus, on the other hand, was silent
on the issue of homosexuality - odd,
since one would think that were it such
a sin the son of God would have
denounced it in every parable.
Jesus did have harsh words for the
affluent folk of his day, but today, even
the most pious American Christian
pursues w ealth w ithout feeling
especially sinful. As loath as Wiggins
might be to admit it, the Bible is and
has alw ays been subject to
Wiggins refers to homosexuality as
a "perverted, chosen lifestyle," while
heterosexuality, he writes, is a "natural
Presumably this means that when
he looks at a woman who attracts him,
his adrenaline flows, his pulse races,
and his eyes dilate, am ong other
uncontrollable physiological reactions.
The problem is that by all accounts
when a gay man (and of course I could
just as easily use a lesbian example)
sees a man who attracts him, he has the
same physiological reactions.
This is what is natural for him. The
only "choice" he has in the matter is
either to deny his feelings, to hate and
fear himself, to remain closeted and
stifled and desperately unhappy or to
acccpt him self as he is and try to
fashion a life that includes the love and
emotional satisfaction heterosexuals
consider their due.
Many Am ericans are perfectly
com fortable with allow ing the
homosexual the latter "choice," but
Wiggins is not.
I am not a hom osexual and I
homosexuals, not that they speak of
one mind.
In fact, homosexuals hold a variety
of political views, as do heterosexuals.
Homosexuals ( and their supporters)
are not all liberals, as Wiggins implies.
KaA ia $JLu-amcqfu)-
OlaAe, £ . ftm itan qeA
Mark A. Borgard • Editor-in-Chief
JeffKirtland • Managing Editor
Doug Adamek • News Editor
Lori Rattan • Features Editor,
Tanya Smith • Opinion Editor
Ty Wertz • Sports Editor
Gretel Daugherty • Photo Editor
Chris Tinnon • Business Manager
Jennifer Tracy • Copy Editor,
Asst. Features Editor, Circulation
Mike Wiggins • Asst. News Editor
Lisa Malano • Asst. Sports Editor
Jeri Beth Creager • Ad Manager
Elaine Humphries •Delivery
Byron Evers • Adviser
Giving Hull a hand
Mesa State College
C r it e r io n
Staff Writers: Shawn Allbritten, Kacey Conway, Bill
Craig, Kevin Davis, Jim Fitzgerald, Jim Gaynor, Mike
Hull, Jon Mitchell, Carmen Montgomery, Amy Riddle
Photographers: Scott Bialkowski, Katie Fitzpatrick
This publication for and by the students of Mesa State
College, is funded by MSC student fees and advertising
Letters and guest columns are encouraged. However, The
Criterion reserves the right to edit or reject any works
submitted for publication, Submissions must include
author's name, address, and telephone number, and must
be signed by the author.
Submission deadline is Friday, noon.
Opinions expressed within the public forum are
those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect
those of The Criterion or its advertisers or the MSC
Deadline for display advertising is Friday, noon, and
Monday, noon for classified advertising. The Criterion
is published each Wednesday during spring and fall
semesters, except during exam periods and
is a member of the Media Board of MSC and abides by
its policies, procedures, and code of ethics. Contact the
Criterion at: Criterion, W.W. Campbell College Center,
1175 Texas Ave., #113, Grand Junction, Colo. 81501.
Copyright © 1995 by Criterion Productions. All
rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in
part without the express written permission of
Criterion Productions
Page 4
January 3 1,1 99 6
Piano sales leave sour note with administration
Frank Bellavia
Staff Writer
Mesa State College may
have had its eyes covered re­
cently when a few harmless
pianos were sold over the win­
ter break.
During the week before
spring semester, numerous ad­
vertisements were seen on lo­
cal television stations and
publications concerning the
sale of pianos at MSC. What
many people did not know is
that it was not MSC that was
selling them, but Direct Con­
nections Inc. of Tucson, Ariz.,
a separate loaning company.
Direct Connections Inc. loaned
the MSC music department
five pianos for a year. At the
end of the year the pianos were
given back to Direct Connec­
tions Inc. to be sold.
This was fine with the col­
lege and went along with the
contract. The only problem
was Direct Connections Inc.
broke an agreement by using
the Mesa State logo in connec­
tion with the sale of the pianos.
They were, however, allowed
to use the college as the loca­
tion of the sale. Because this
happened during w inter
break, the college did not re­
spond to the incident. Accord­
ing to Kieft, MSC did not
monitor the sale of the pianos.
In the future the administra­
tion will define and tighten a
similar agreement, until then,
MSC is pursuing possibilities
of legal action, Kieft said.
When surrounding music
companies found out what
was going on, they were out­
raged by the fact that MSC was
selling pianos for a lot less than
they were worth. MSC re­
sponded to these local busi­
nesses by explaining the prob­
lem. MSC is now looking for a
local company to supply pi­
anos. "We would hope local
businesses can provide a simi­
lar service. We would like to
encourage an agreement with
the local folks," Kieft said.
Search fo r president down to 12
Stu M ayhem
Staff Writer
It started with 117. Now it has been
whittled down to 12. By early next
week, the list of suggested MSC presi­
dential candidates should only contain
between five and ten names. It will be
sent to The Board of Trustees who will
choose three or four candidates to tour
the campus.
The Presidential Search Committee
is further in the process than they ex­
pected to be at this point, according to
student representative Shawn O'Connor.
"We should send our list to the Board at
least two weeks ahead of schedule," he
The committee is looking at certain
qualifications and accomplishments, in­
cluding leadership, integrity, and suc­
cessful fund raising efforts.
Applicants must have a doctorate
degree, possess at least five years expe­
rience as vice president at a college,
and/or have exceptional accomplish­
ments. They must also show that they
have promoted cultural diversity and
affirm ative action, O 'C onnor ex ­
The search committee's list should
be completed on Feb. 5. The names on
the list will not be ranked, O'Connor
The Trustees could choose a can­
didate from that list or choose some­
one the committee rejected. Presiden­
tial hopefuls should be visiting the
campus by March.
KMSA awaits thumbs up for power boost
as government works through shut down
Tanya Sm ith
Opinion Editor
As the federal government
threatens Bill Clinton and the
American public to shut down
again, KMSA is feeling the ef­
fect as they continue to wait
for permission to broadcast to
a wider range of listeners.
Lost som ew here on a
secretary's desk in the federal
government is KMSA's ap­
proval to increase their power.
The station 's engineer,
Norm Price, recently installed
a new transm itter over the
winter break, but unfortunaly,
it is still not up to full power.
Currently KMSA is running at
25 percent of its possible
power. Although the station is
anxiously awaiting the up­
grade from 500 to 3,000 watts,
waiting seems to be a normal
occurrence for KMSA.
"We continuously keep
looking in the mail for good
news everyday, and we're try­
ing to be patient," said Station
Manager Mark Kosmicki.
KMSA has been planning
the tower upgrade for several
years, Kosmicki said. The old
transmitter and antenna were
20 years old and worn down.
An upgrade was needed in
order for the station to remain
in the air.
Three years ago, then sta­
tion manager Eric Watson ap­
proached the Fee Allocations
Committee for financial help
in obtaining the needed equip­
ment. In 1995, Station Man­
ager Sean Ton was able to at­
tend the National Broadcast­
ing Association convention,
where he purchased the trans­
mitter. With everything now
installed and preliminary ap­
provals under the FCC's belt,
KMSA lingers in the dark
waiting for the thumbs up.
Advisor to the station,
Gerald Weaver, said this about
the delay, "We basically are
standing in line, to stand in
line." He noted optimistically
that when you listen to KMSA
now, you can definitely hear a
cleaner, better sound even
while running at 25 percent
As it stands, KMSA has a
wider broadcast range than it
used to, and will gain addi­
tional frequencies encompass­
ing a three mile radius into
P alisade, O rchard M esa,
Fruita, and the Bookcliffs.
The government may be
slow in processing KMSA's
future, but W eaver and
Kosmicki are remaining opti­
'Silly string' abuse results in stiff fine
(AP) - By most accounts, the
aftermath resembled an explo­
sion in a Play-Doh factory;
hardened goo in hues of or­
ange, pink and blue stuck fast
to everything that m akes
Southington's town square a
perfect New England snap­
Kids of many ages
wreaked havoc at the Apple
Harvest Festival four months
ago with Silly String, a non­
toxic, chem ical toy twine
launched from aerosol cans.
Now Southington figures
that if you can't beat 'em, en­
join 'em. It's ready to outlaw
the stuff under most circum-
stances and smack a $99 fine
on anyone caught with it.
"This product has no le­
gitimate use," Police Chief
William Perry, who requested
the ban, said sternly. "It's be­
ing manufactured and sold
with one purpose in mind, to
annoy other people."
Last week, after a town
meeting ended with citizens
arguing Silly String's virtues,
the council kicked back the
original "Objectionable Prod­
ucts Ordinance" for revision to
avoid making petty criminals
of people who use it in their
It wasn't just the sprayed
shop windows and the shel-
lacked sidewalks that rankled
anti-stringers. Classic cars left
the festival's parade with cor­
roded paint. Marching band
members, and their uniforms
and instruments got spritzed.
Two motorcycle cops, bom­
barded by a neon-colored fu­
sillade, nearly ran off the road.
Some residents say they
fear that some of the festival's
hundreds of visitors might not
come back.
"This isn't like firearms,
which have certain constitu­
tional protections," said David
Kelley, the town attorney.
"There is absolutely no consti­
tutional right for something
like this."
But it's difficult to find
anyone on S o u th in g to n 's
streets who doesn't think the
law and the taxpayer time
spent prattling about it is sil­
lier than the string.
The original ordinance
would have made Silly String
a controlled substance any­
where in town. That posed
certain problems, such as how
to handle tru ckload s of
canned string passing through
on Interstate 84.
"There could be a black
market before you know it,"
said a disgusted Brendan
Duff, 18. "You'll have people
on the street whispering, 'I got
the stuff.'"
top junior and
dents from each
of the three MSC
were inducted into Alpha
Chi, the college's national
scholastic honor society.
To be eligible for elec­
tion, students had to attain
a GPA of 3.75 or better,
complete at least 75 se­
mester hours toward the
baccalaureate degree, and
be recognized by the fac­
ulty and deans of their reas having
of character ap­
propriate to a true scholar.
Students elected into
the prestigious society
from the School of Profes­
sional Studies are Ayumi
Abe, Diana Cline, Marga­
ret Dean-Lefler,
Marie Gerini,
Hoffmeister, L
Hunt, Jenny Kal
Collier, Eiji Kato,
Mewes, Linda Mims,
Siegmund, Brian I
Stockemer, Trac<
ompson, Lon Ungerman,
and Jeffery Williams.
The School of Hu­
manities and Social Sci­
ences inducted Carmen
Baker, Shannon Bertram,
Shantel Doty, Debra
Eastland, Brandy Girard,
Kara Homan, Michael
Hull, Patricia Johnston,
Betty Mason, Camri
McCormick, R. Diane
Moravek, Juliet Murray,
Karla Nolte, Karen Pinnt,
Katherine Stewart, Janet
Veatch, and Christi Will­
The students from the
School of Natural Sci­
ences and Mathematics
include Barbra Alberts,
Randy Budd-Jack, Bernd
Ehrhardt, Tammi Bowen,
Natisha Kimminau, Ve­
nus Martinez, Deborah
McCurley, Tassie Medlin,
Brent Nelson, Teresa
Osbum, and Laura Stein.
Alpha Chi is the sec­
ond oldest and second
largest of those national
scholastic honoraries
which elect from all fields.
It is one of nine honor so­
cieties which MSC offers
Page 5
January 3 1 ,1 99 6
y A ffe ia tio n S t u d e n t s
Some of the Mesa State Gold Cards were printed
with incorrect library numbers. To determine if your
card is incorrect look at the last eight digits in the
number printed above the name on your card. These
should match the last eight digits in your library
number (on card) plus the numeral 1. If they do not
match please return cards to the I.D. office in the
College Center. A new card will be printed.
from page 1
the fire department answer
these calls is high," Derryberry
said. He also indicated that
security had been boosted in
order to combat the problem.
A joint effort with the Sheriff
Department has begun, which
brings about a high cost, too.
"Th ere have been four
fires," Derryberry said. The
last of these was started on Jan.
What will happen to the
perpetrator(s) if caught? Ac­
cording to Derryberry, arson is
a class three felony which, un­
der normal circumstances, car­
ries a penalty of four to 12
years in prison with a mini­
Derryberry added that in ex­
traordinary situations the pen­
alty can get as high as 24 years
in prison and a $750,000 fine.
There is a $500 reward for
information leading to the ar­
rest of the person(s) respon­
sible for the fires. Anyone with
inform ation can contact
K athleen Jefferso n in the
Housing Office at 248-1536.
Advertising Sales Representatives
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F eatures
Page 6
January 3 1 ,1996
Photo by Gretel Daugherty
Movie star jane Powell and her husband Dick Moore (a child star himself) shared their Hollywood experiences with Dr. Don
Peterson's Travel and Tourism class Tuesday.
MGM's girl-next-door and Dickie talk Hollywood
By Gretel Daugherty
Photo Editor
Movie star Jane Powell finally
got her chance to go to college.
This time, though, she sat at the
head of the class.
Powell, MGM's girl-next-door
star in the 1950s, and her husband
Dick Moore, a child star himself dur­
ing the 1930s, spent an hour sharing
their lives and experiences with sev­
eral dozen students in Dr. Don
Peterson's Travel and Tourism class
"I wanted to go to college, but
my mom said that I already had a ca­
reer," said Powell, who was discovered
by a talent scout when she was 14 and
went on to make more than 19 movies
as a teenager and young adult.
Her eyes sparkled, sometimes with
tears and other times with laughter, as
she spoke of living a fantasy life instead
of a normal one.
"You are put in a box," she said.
"If you made musicals, you stayed in
musicals. If you were a child, you never
grew up."
They talked of old times. Elizabeth
Taylor, Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney
and Natalie Wood were Powell's class­
mates in school.
Moore, a member of the Little Ras­
cals cast and star of the original "Oliver
Twist," told of going straight fiom class
to the set, filming a scene over Ms lunch
hour, and then returning to class.
His best friend was Stymie, the
black child in the cast. Moore said that
although movies and Hollywood pro­
moted stereotypes, there was not as
much actual prejudice in the business
as elsewhere at that time.
That was during the Depression,
when Moore earned $1,500 a week as
Dickie on the Little Rascals and as a
freelance actor. His father, on the other
hand, could not find a job that would
pay him $18 dollars a week.
Both Moore and Powell said it
was difficult being a child while also
being the main economic support for
their families. By the time Moore be­
came an adult, the money he had
earned as a child had been "frittered"
They spoke of the movie busi­
ness, now versus then, of the old
times, of the old producers and how
they may have had their faults but
loved movies, of today's Hollywood,
see HOLLYWOOD, page 7
Send thankyou notes to show proper appreciation
Warm up loved ones with thanks from the heart
By Jennifer Tracy
Asst. Features Editor
Now that school's back in
full swing, take a brief moment
and think about Christmas
break. W here did you go?
Mom and Dad's for a month­
long saga of free food and
Take yet another moment
and think about Mom and
Dad. Have you ever expressed
your gratitude and apprecia­
tion for all they do for you?
"They've probably sacri­
ficed a lot of things for you,"
said Communications Profes­
sor Marla Giarratano.
The best way to tell some­
one how much you appreciate
their generosity is to send
them a thank you note, even if
you 've verbally ackn ow l­
edged your gratitude. The oc­
casion doesn't matter; if some­
one goes out of their way for
your benefit, they deserve a
big thanks.
Giarratano said the first
thing you should address in a
thank you note is the giver.
Ask them how they are
doing. What have they been
up to lately? Then get to the
point. Say "thank you" for
whatever it is they have given
or done for you. Follow this
with a simple explanation of
why you like the gift: "The
sweater is gorgeous, I wear it
every day." If it was a mon­
etary gift you received, tell the
person how you plan to spend
the big green. That way the
giver will know the money
wasn't wasted.
"Thank them at least three
or four times throughout the
note," Giarratano said, adding
that a thank you note should
not be a two-line paragraph
stating "thank you and take
care." If you do that, the giver
may think you're only writing
because you feel like you have
In regards to Mom and
Dad, consider the adjustments
they had to make when you re­
turned home for a month. Who
cooked, did your laundry, and
endured your late nights out
partying? Shouldn't they be
told that you appreciate their
cooperation and generosity
while staying at their home?
You wouldn't want to wear
out your w elcom e, would
N ever assum e people
know how much you appreci­
ate their generosity. Unless
you send a thank you card,
that may be the last tim e
you're on the receiving end.
Mesa State works with training program
to help provide education and English
skills for international students
By Lori Rattan
Features Editor
en years ago
the Colorado
M International
and Training Institute (CIETI)
worked primarily as a step­
ping stone for Japanese stu­
dents wishing to pursue an
education at Mesa State Col­
lege. Formerly known as the
Mesa Intensive English Pro­
gram, CIETI separated from
MSC in 1992 and became a pri­
vate corporation. Yet they still
m aintain strong ties with
"Some of our students
live in the dorms and are
able to purchase MSC iden­
tification cards which allow
them to use all of the student
services, including the library
and the Saunders facilities be­
fore they are actually enrolled
in MSC," said Ellen Bradley,
vice president of CIETI and
associate director of CEABE.
"W e moved to Grand
Junction with the purpose of
starting this program. We had
a lot of support from the ad­
m inistration at the college.
Without that support we could
not have done it."
Having lived in Tokyo, Ja­
pan for four years, Bradley and
her husband were able to
make a lot of contacts at the
university where they worked.
Once CIETI was able to make
their Japanese program suc­
cessful here in Grand Junction,
they started to diversify the
program in order to have a
truly international organiza­
"Now we have students
from all over the world. We
have South Americans, Cen­
tral Americans, Europeans,
HOLLYWOOD, from page 6
which is run by corporations
who look at movies as profit,
of how the bu siness has
changed ethically - in the old
days, Powell said, "Even the
crooks had integrity."
Their voices dropped as
they spoke of the "Gray List,"
an unspoken policy in the
movie industry that excludes
people over the age of 40 from
work. This ban includes not
only actors, but others as well,
including Academy awardwinning writers.
"Nobody admits it exists,"
Moore said, "but it does."
The 70-year-old Moore is
impressed with today's films,
particularly the subject matter
and quality of the movies to­
"They never would have
made 'Schindler's List' in the
'30s," he said, to which Powell
commented, "It hadn't hap­
pened yet!"
They spoke of growing
"It's w onderful," said
Powell, who will be 67 soon.
"For us, it's the best times
of our lives," Moore added.
The two offered some ad­
vice for the students.
"Find what makes you
happy," Powell said. "Find it
for yourself - no one is going
to give it to you."
Moore added a favorite
phrase of his.
"L ife is not a dress re­
and other countriesTin Asia. quirements, many students volvedrthey can always use
And you'll see that reflected on give up on the possibility of more people.
the campus because a lot of getting a college education. So
"Foreign students here are
those students go on to col­ they look to American schools often criticized for forming
lege," Bradley said.
to get a college degree, profes­ their own little cliques. You see
International students that sion or English skills that will it on campus. Very rarely will
enroll in CIETI are able to en­ allow them to get a good job you see them with Americans.
ter the college without taking back home.
And that's why the Conversa­
In addition to the college tion Partners helps because
the English proficiency re­
quirement. If students enter p r o gram, CIETI also many of them on their own
the program at
formed a shorter pro- just will not make those con­
the begin0
^ gram geared towards tacts," Bradley said. "It's hard
n i n g
bu siness executives to walk up to somebody from
and eucators fromanother country that you don't
around the w orld. even know and start a conver­
Called Center for English and sation, so the Conversation
Business Education (CEABE), Partners is good because it
the program is designed for puts a little structure in it. We
people who just want experi­ act kind of as the go-between."
ence in the business or educa­
There is even a third orga­
tional field. CEABE sets up in­ nization which promotes interterns for professionals (who n ational
com m unication
usually have their college de­ called the International Stu­
grees) to give them experience dent Organization. Although
speaking English in their fields the club is not part of CIETI,
of expertise.
their students and staff
While foreign students strongly support it because it
learn the academics of English also provides an environment
in the classroom, they learn for national and international
how to speak more English by students to meet each other.
talking with Americans. In or­
If y ou 're in terested in
der to make it easier for for­ learning more about other cul­
eigners to meet Americans, tures, m eeting in teresting
Ellen Bradley also organized people, or m aking new
the Conversation Part­ friends, contact Ellen Bradley
ners program.
at 245-7102 or 245-7023. Or
"It's a very loosely or­ stop by the International Stu­
it takes them
ganized informal pro­ dent Organization in the Col­
four semesters to complete it. gram where we simply match lege Center.
But most students enter the one of our students with an
program at the second or third American (student or not),"
level which only takes the av­ Bradley noted. "It's just an op­
Tuesday S p ecial
erage student two semesters to portunity for our students to
off Bom bers
finish so they can then enroll make friends within the com­
at MSC.
munity and to get conversa­
Although many foreign tion practise outside the pro­
students attend American uni­ gram." CIETI asks that lan­
10% Discount with Student I.D.
versities to learn English and guage partners fill out an ap­
on Non-Sale Items
experience the American cul­ plication stating their hobbies,
ture, other students attend be­ interests, and lifestyles so that
Special Orders on Kegs
The lowest Prices
cause their own universities a good match can be made.
are extremely difficult to get Bradley said that while they do
into. Due to strict entrance re­ have a few MSC students in- j T h e Bottle Shop. 725 Pitkin five., Grand Junction, 243-2383 ^
The African American Drama Company
T h i n k Y o u fre
Phillip E. Walker I Ethel P. Walker
C&n 1 SpeAh £ or you BRorheR?
Dialogues from 9 African-American Personalities for Black History Month
Accurate Information
All S e r v i c e s C o n f i d e n t i a l
Individual Attention
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930 Main Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Call 241-7474
Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Liff Auditorium
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Everyone is Welcome
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Page 8
By Jennifer Tracy
Asst. Features Editor
Two weeks ago Pourhouse
patrons got down and dirty on
the dance floor. The Boulderbased band Durt, sporting
their gritty funk tunes, per­
formed much to the delight of
partiers at the Grand Junction
Durt fans will be in for a
real treat when the group re­
appears this Friday and Satur­
day night at the Pourhouse.
"They kicked ass!" ex­
claimed Junior Rob Cooney.
"They'll be even better this
tim e around," prom ised
Pourhouse owner Rich
Lamont. That's because Durt's
Jan. 24-26 performance was
their debut in Grand Junction.
Oh, and how the crowd
quickly warmed-up to crooner
Travis Stinson's hippy blues
vocals and the band's jammin'
rhythms. Their music is a sat­
isfying blend of rock, jazz,
blues, and even funk, almost a
cross betw een the Black
Crowes and the Spin Doctors.
"They really got the crowd
into it," said Senior Sarah
Walters. "The best band I've
seen in Grand Junction."
Originally from Nashville,
Stinson brings it on home with
his blues leanings as lead vo­
calist. Combine that with gui­
tarist Paul Kluetz, bassist Jim
Barnes, drum m er Gordon
Beesley, and jazz keyboardist
Kyle H ollingsw orth and
you're digging up Durt.
The group got the name
from a friend of the band who
traded a truckload of dirt for a
50-gallon barrel of peanuts.
Band members say, "Things
can grow out of the dirt and
we are growing."
Together now for sixteen
m onths, D urt is definitely
growing. They are enjoying
2401 North Avenue
quick success on the Front
Range, playing all the major
venues in the Denver/Boulder
area. The band is a regular
"listener's choice" on radio
stations there, earning them a
loyal following to gigs in Fort
Collins, Colorado Springs, and
h op pin ’ ski tow ns like
Breckenridge, Vail and Telluride. M ore recently, D urt
rocked the W estern Slope,
stopping in Aspen and
Glenwood Springs en route to
Grand Junction last week.
Ju nior H olly Louden
caught their act when they
were last here. "They’re fun to
hang out with," Louden said.
"They're mellow but cool to
dance to."
If you m issed D u rt's
Grand Junction debut, be sure
to meander to the Pourhouse
at 715 Horizon Drive, about 9
p.m. this Friday and Saturday.
People 21-years-old and over
need only pay $3 to drink and
get dirty with Colorado's pre­
mier durt band.
January 3 1 ,1 99 6
Wednesday. January 31
Pre-Med Club Meeting. 5 pm, W103.
Dr. Werman discusses required coursework for careers in medical
fields. Call Brent Nelson @ 257-0515 or Dr. Werman, 104-F
Thursday, February, 1
Topic: Presentation of
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tting & Note Taking. 3:30 - 4:30, Lowell Helny Hall, Room 302.
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Brass Memorial Scholarship
Features Dr. Mary Woodb
Proceeds benafitthe Or. Victor Hoef
Brass to benefit MSC brass students.
aron, Piano,
holarhsip for
1788. All seats $6.
January,22 thru Fgferuary_g
Mesa State College FaeuKy Art Show. 10 am • 5 pm, M-Th, 10 am • 3
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Page 9
p i
Mavs beat Highlands, Schakel grabs 500th win
Lisa M alano
Assistant Sports Editor
Win number 500 for coach
Doug Schakel could not have
come at a better time for5the
Mavericks. After falling to 8-7
overall and 3-5 in the Rocky
Mountain Athletic Conference,
the team needed a boost. That
boost came in the form of a 7061 victory over the home team
New Mexico Highlands this
past Friday.
The Mavs have started us­
ing a new offense they think
will help liven up the games.
"We were having trouble scor­
ing and coach freed us up a
little bit. We're not as struc­
tured as we used to be," senior,
point guard Jerre Allyn said.
M ark Kaczorow ski echoed
that statem ent. " It's more
about playing how we natu­
rally play, that being we are a
better team when we just play
basketball rather than playing
by a set of guidelines."
Schakel said this will help
them in the two RMAC games
this weekend. "We've elimi­
nated winning as one of our
goals...This team wanted to
win so bad they became afraid
to lose and that's the surest
way to become a loser," he
said. Adams State comes into
town Friday night for an 8 p.m.
match-up and Fort Lewis will
be here the same time on Sat­
urday. "We figured out a for­
mula that works and we are
anxious to get some games
under our belt now,"
Kaczorowski said.
Russ N icholls led the
Mavericks attack at Highlands
with 16 points and made 4 of
6 shots from 3-point land. Ja­
son McClurkin poured in 12
points and K aczorow ski
added 11 for the win. "We're
really focusing on effort right
now and we had great effort
last weekend," Schakel said.
Schakel announced at a
press conference Tuesday that
he was retiring effective the
end of the season and that as­
sistant coach Jim Heaps will
take over the helm. Schakel
des not believe the focus
should be on him right now.
"We still have games to play
you know!"
Lady Mavs beat USC,
fall to NM Highlands
Lisa Malano
Jon M itchell
Assistant Sports Editor
Schakel Milestones
Photo by: Gretel Daugherty
•Win #1 at Mesa was #200
of his career, Nov. 30,1978
against Lubock Christian
•Win # 300 with MSC Jan.
12, 1996 against Chadron
State at home
•Win #500 Jan. 26, 1996
Ballplayers face tough schedule
Staff writer
It’s been an up and down
year for the Lady Mavs so far.
A season filled with every­
thing from 100 point games to
nail biting overtime losses on
the road.
With the first half of the
season over with, the Lady
M avs head for the home
stretch. That stretch will in­
clude undefeated NebraskaKearney and Fort Hays State,
who is now second in the
The Mavs improved their
record to 10-7 Saturday night
with a 76-57 win over the Uni­
versity of Southern Colorado
Thunderwolves, but fell to 6-3
and third place in the RMAC,
after a 79-74 loss to New
Mexico Highlands on Friday.
Junior Terri Dangler had 17
points in the road win over
Junior Terri Dangler
helped the Mavs defeat
USC last weekend.
Although MSC h asn 't
lived up to the high expecta­
tions they had for themselves
at the beginning of the season,
the team still has a fairly de­
cent chance of making the Di­
vision II tournament.
MSC has managed to stay
competitive all season, and
their season stats have been
just slightly below terrific. The
new run and gun offense has
helped the Lady Mav's score
73.5 points a game, while the
defense has only allowed 68.6.
Not only that, the women are
in the RMAC top three in sev­
eral categories, including scor­
ing, scoring margin (4.9), field
goal percentage (.456), free
throws (.652), three-pointers
(85), and rebounding (760),
among others.
Individually, K ristina
Crawford and Celeste King are
in the RMAC top ten in scor-
ing, rebounding, and field goal
percentage. The schools' all
time three-point leader, Dan­
gler, leads the league in threepoint percentage (.395) and
averages 2.6 treys a game. Cur­
rently, three players are aver­
aging double figures, and the
team was shooting 45.8% from
the field on the season.
The Lady Mavs come back
from their last road game
against Division I Southern
Utah to play rivals Adams
State (4-16) on Feb 2 and Fort
Lewis (3-15) on Feb 3. "I know
their records aren't good, but
whenever Mesa State plays
Adams State or Fort Lewis,"
explained head coach Steve
Kirkham, "I don't care what
sport it's the National
Championship. Whenever we
play rivals like them or West­
ern State, you ju st throw
records out the window."
Photo by: Scott Bialkowski
a g a in st New M exico
•First MSC coach to have
300 wins
•Record at Mesa: 301-193
•Overall record: 500-281
•18 years as head coach
Playing the toughest rated schedule in
Division II baseball may seem too diffi­
cult for most teams to handle, but the 1996
Mavericks say they are up to the task.
However, the schedule is not the only
thing that starts out hard this season. With
only one returning everyday player, cen­
ter fielder Butch Miller, the Mavs also
have not gotten the recognition through
preseason rankings they think they de­
serve. " I don't see this team getting caught
up in rankings. When we start winning
every game that will just move us up,"
Mav Chris Quinn said.
Giarratano and the team are very op­
timistic about how well the team can play.
"Our only weakness will be if we beat
ourselves," M iller said. "I don't see any
other team coming in here and being bet­
ter than us talent wise," he added.
M iller can prove him self right this
weekend during scrimmages at Suplizio
field against the College of Eastern Utah,
weather perm itting, and intra-squad.
These games, at 1 p.m. each day, will be
the only preparation they have for the
tough schedule ahead.
The following weekend, Feb. 9-11, the
Mavs will face very talented teams. They
will travel to the University of Southern
Colorado to play the United States Air
Force Academy, the University of Wyo­
ming and West Texas A&M. All three of
those colleges are Division I, something
the Mavs will have to get used to.
In a schedule that looks like a combi­
nation of the Mile High Intercollegiate
Baseball League and Western Athletic
Conference, the Mavs will also face the
University of Utah and Brigham Young
University later in the season. "I think it's
important that we give our kids accurate
information about how well they can play.
We play a Division I schedule to see if our
guys can really play pro b a ll la ter,"
Giarratano said.
Even the goals the team set for them­
selves are tough this year. They vowed to
field .950 as a team and finish in the topten hitting, and catcher Vincent "B u ff"
Latino believes they have the talent to do
that. Latino also has personal goals for the
yeai, " I ju s t try to fo llow Coach
Giarratano's advice of every day working
to get one percent better."
Getting better w ill not be hard for
many o f the players Giarratano handpicked this season. Every single position
has at least one player with Divsion I ex­
perience. Giarratano raves about the hit­
ting ability of Chris Tews, a transfer from
the University of Kentucky and the defen­
sive skills of Willie Mosher and Aurelio
Rodriguez. "People think this will be a
down year for us, but I couldn't be hap­
p ie r w ith the way the team lo o k s,"
Giarratano said.
The Mesa State
baseball team
started practice Jan.
21. The Mavs start
their season Feb. 7
at the University of
Southern Colorado.
Senior Brian Day
(right) and
freshman Dan
Ostheimer (left) get
warmed up at
practice Tuesday.
Photo by: Scott Bialkowski
Page 10
January 31, 1996
Steelers shut down Cowboys' big guns, still can't win
A rnie's
A fter­
thoughts from the
world of sports.
-Coach Doug
D avis
Sch ak el's retire­
m ent yesterday
was truly the end of
an era for Mesa State athletics.
-Here is a man that devoted 33
years of his life to coaching basketball,
18 of those at Mesa, and finished with
an astonishing overall record of 500281.
-No matter what Schakel decides
to do next, his class and powerful in­
fluence he left on not only his players,
but also the student body, will be re­
membered forever.
-Let's just hope that assistant coach
Jim Heaps, a Delta native, can carry on
the winning tradition here at Mesa.
-The Cowboy's won.
-That's just super.
-Future career choices fo r N eil
O'Donnell: The new "Just for Men"
beard coloring spokesman.
-The Steelers dominated every as­
pect of the game. They shut down
Em m it Sm ith, Troy Aikman, and
Michael Irvin. Their special teams
came up with a big play on the on-side
kick that landed in the arms of Deion
Figures, a former Colorado Buffalo, as
he was sprinting down the sideline.
However, their offense couldn't get
things started, and the two intercep­
tions by Neil O'Donnell proved to be
the difference in the game.
-And the fact that O 'D onnell
couldn't find Kordel Stewart all game
didn't help the situation any.
-Magic Johnson has decided to re­
turn to the NBA at the age of 36. As
long as the league and the players
agree, I don't see a problem with it.
However, he wants to play power for­
ward, and that does create a problem.
-Sorry Magic, but guys nowadays
aren't just big and powerful, they are
also very quick with great leaping abil­
-I think it's safe to say that he will
end up being the back-up point guard
at some point throughout the season.
-And probably take away the as­
sist record from the more deserving
John Stockton.
-Good News: The Nuggets won.
-Bad News: The Nuggets got the
unbeatable Bulls and the inspired Lak­
ers next week.
-It sounds like another losing
streak to me.
-Future career for Neil O'Donnell:
Spokesman for Pearle Vision.
ways powerful North Carolina Tar
Heels vs. the always struggling Duke
Blue Devils.
-The ugly match-up of the week
goes to the two starting centers in this
gam e, Greg N ewton vs. Serge
-I know that I am totally biased
when it comes to my boys in baby blue,
but you have to give Dean Smith some
credit. He loses his best two players
early to the NBA, but somehow reloads
with two incredible freshmen that may
lead the Heels to the promised land
before their time is up.
-That is if they stay for the full four
years of course.
-I know that many of you don't
realize that CU has a basketball pro­
gram. Yeah, and they've had one for
some time. But now that Ricardo
Patton has taken over, the Buffs are
playing inspired and should have a
chance to rebuild around one of the
best players in the land, Denver native
Chauncey Billups.
-This article is dedicated to Neil
O'Donnell in hopes that his new home
in France treats him as well as his
former home in Pittsburgh.
Mavs focus on academics
Lisa M alano
Assistant Sports Editor
;tt l i ‘LLECE
Look on any football office
wall and you will see their
goals for the year. Maverick
Football 1995 focuses on a
commitment to academic ex­
cellence. Read the list and you
will see in big, bold letters,
"You are here for an educa­
The 1995 Mesa football
players attained that goal.
During the Fall semester the
Mavericks boasted 19 players
with a grade point average
above 3.0. The average grade
for the whole team was 2.58,
well above the minimum for
eligibility. In fact only one
player was ineligible due to
The required study tables
may have helped the team.
Three nights a week for an
hour and a half all the fresh­
man and players with a GPA
below 2.5 have to study in the
library. The coaches monitor
these student athletes and help
in any way they can.
The student athlete they
were most proud of last semes­
ter was Erick Thompson, a se­
nior wide receiver who had a
3.8 GPA. Another receiver,
Jelani Hunt, had a 3.43 and the
quarterback who threw to both
of those players, Matt Imel,
had a 3.15.
Head baseball coach Joe
Giarratano was also pleased
with his team. They had ten
players with a GPA over 3.0.
"We have some great students
on our team. I am really proud
of these guys for working hard
on and off the field," he said.
"Mesa State is a small col­
lege and we are not going to
make money playing profes­
sionally so our guys are here
to get an education first. Our
job as coaches is to bring in
better quality student ath­
letes," head football coach Jay
Hood said.
presents a
ci i «i t I
Brass Memorial
Scholarship Concert
459 North Ave.
5 cents off per
gallon of gasoline. C D ( D ( 2 ) ( f ) ( I ) ( * D ( Z ) I
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Sports on Tap
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in memory o f Dr. Victor tioefner
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for Brass to benefit MSC brass students.
Feb. 2
“Adams State
T o rt Lewis
Western State
Chadron State
School of Mines
*Fort Flays State
Men's Basketball
Sunday, february 4, 1996
4 pm. •
William S. Robinson Theatre ■
fill Seats $6
Tickets available a t the door
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r f cnf
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Feb. 2
*Adams State
*Fort Lewis
Western State
Colorado College
Chadron State
School of Mines
*Fort Hays
^Denotes Home Game
January 31, 1996
Page 11
mal work to make street legal, $400,
'50s Schwin Varsity bike, collector or re­
furbish, negotiable. Aquarium w/ ac­
cessories, 10 gallon, $25. Black iron
stand, holds two tanks, $45, fish books
too. Call 256-7463 for more info.
T'ai Chi Classes start this week.
Tues & Thurs, 5:30 - 7 pm. Call Con­
tinuing Education at 248-1476.
SLR 35-mm Camera. Yashica FX3 Su­
per 2000 with 35-70mm lens. $170/
obo. Call 241-7543, lv msg.
ROLLER HOCKEY: Tuesday nights at
6 pm behind Albertsons. For more in­
formation, call Derek at 256-7167 or
Kevin at 434-4046.
1990 Mercury Topaz. One owner (tic),
low miles (50k). Loaded with options.
$6,500 or make offer. Call 970-856-6494.
'87 Dodge Shadow, gray, great car
$1800/obo. Call 257-9331.
Tunturi #401 stepper $40. 3300 DP fit
for life rower $35. Gorilla 30 watt gui­
tar amp $30. Ask for Rob at 241-0412.
Chow mix puppy, very lovable, first
shots, food, & accessories included.
$30. Six-month old cat needs good
home. Call Wendy 257-9331.
People needed to make conversation
with new international students. Have
fun doing things together-going to a
movie, bowling, or just talking over a
cup of coffee. Share cultures and lan­
guages. Meet about once a week. BE A
Call Ellen Bradley, 245-1848.
CHURCH - College and North, 2423292. Sunday: 7:45 and 10:15 am; Holy
Eucharist; 6 pm Contemporary Wor­
ship Service followed by refreshments
♦and fellowship. All are welcome.
Grand Valley Community Theatre
presents "Mary, Mary" - a delightful
comedy with a twist of romance - at
the Avalon, Feb. 15 & 16 at 8 pm and
Feb. 17 at 4 pm and 8 pm. Tickets cost
$6 at the door or buy them at Back
Porch Music, 243-9711.
Psychology Club Members: Don't for­
get that Thursday is the last day to in­
form officers of your intention to attend
the RMPA Convention.
FOUND: "Getting the Story" textbook
on Hwy 50. Stop by the Del Rio Rancho
Motel office to claim.
Skis for sale! Former economy skis
rental equipment, mostly Atomic skis
with Solomon bindings. Ski sizes 70200, $40 and up (includes waxing and
bindings, tested and set by certified
technicians). Ski boots: childrens thru
size 16 adult, $15 and up. Poles $5/
pair. Also small selection of cross coun­
try skis. Bring ad for 10% student dis­
count. Call 245-2671 for appointment.
Two 12" kicker impulse speakers. Ex­
cellent condition, one year old. No box.
$100 cash. 243-7861.
'78 Jeep CJ5, 304, new top, Mud King
tires, Moser 1-piece axles in rear, alarm
system , grant steering w heel.
Kenwood pull-out stereo. Leave mes­
sage at 242-2387.
Brother word processor 5500DS $250.
Photography books, Kenwood turn­
table $50, 2 stereo cabinets w/ glass
door $30/ each, Sharp microwave $65,
older microwave $30, video player $60,
color tv /no remote $40, '79 Subaru
Justy, runs great, new tires, wind­
shield, rebuilt engine, $650. '84 Yamaha
125, extremely low miles, needs mini­
R ust color sectio n al $300. Brown
barcalounger chair, $50. Hoover up­
right vacuum w/ attachments $25.
Phone 245-2073.
Roomate(s) wanted. One block from
college. Studio-like bedroom, large
enough to share with a friend. $350
plus share of utilities and deposit. Call
Fem ale n/s to share 2 bedroom s,
$247.50/mos + $205 deposit. 1 /2 of all
utilities. Call 243-1151 or 243-6370.
Room for rent. Share nice house one
block from campus. W/D. $250/mos
+ 1/2 utilities. Call Susan at 256-9684.
Roomate(s) wanted to share 2 bed­
room, 11/2 bath. One block from col­
lege. $250/month, includes utilities.
Preferably female. Call 257-7876.
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WANTED: Writers with twisted sense
of humor and environmental con­
science to contribute Western Slope
stories for THE ZEPHYR, Moab's Al­
ternative Newspaper. (801) 259-7773 or
P.O. Box 327, Moab, UT 84532.
Auditions: Musical performers, local
club. 434-5998 for appt.
Join the Mesa State Activities Council
You ca n pick up you app lications at the
inform ation desk in tfie College Center.
Applications due Fe b ru a ry 2 0 b v 5 :0 0 p .m .
If you
h a ve a n y
questions, c a ll 248-1 750.
The Mesa SPaPe College Drama Club
The Neil Simon C o m e d y
Directed by Noncy Gore
by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
Box Office Opens Feb. 12 at Noon
M-W: 1 2 - 5 p.m.
Th-F: 12 - ? p.m.
<S p .m .
in the William fi. Robinson Theatre
Phone: 2 4 ? -i6 0 4
15 16
Adults:$ ?
Students: U
College Bans Bicycles,
In-line Skates, Skateboards
Mesa State College has announced a ban on all "Wheeled Vehicles"
on campus to improve safety and flow of pedestrian traffic.
Wheeled vehicles such as bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerskates and in-line
skates are prohibited in the area bounded by College Place and 12th Street,
North and Orchard Avenues, except in parking lots. Enforcement began
January 1,1996.
Objectives of the policy are to insure safety of pedestrians and to protect personal and
college property. Violators are subject to fines and disciplinary action.
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