Compactor Receiver Cover
Compactor Receiver Cover
CASTERS Miscellaneous Parts & Accessories NE W Information Technology Solutions ! Compactor Receiver Cover Keeps your load off the road! • Provides an excellent seal and prevents litter and debris from leaving receiver container. • Assembles in 5 minutes. • Perfect solution to eliminate tearing diaper/tarps, chain link or inconsistent shop-made covers. • No more litter, fines and truck pull-overs; saves you money and time. Compactor Receiver Cover • 72" x 55.5" with 12" curvature size accommodates all receiver containers, any brand or size. • Conveniently stores on side of compactor during field use/dumping. • Includes two 8' straps with ratchets and eight pieces of angle iron for mounting on the side of the receiver box. • Made in the USA. 11.32 Includes 8-3x3x1 Steel Angle Mounting Brackets Part Number Description Size Width x Height Weight 7255CRC-SET Compactor Receiver Cover includes two 8' straps, 8-3x3x1 steel angle mounting brackets 72" x 55.5" x 12" 27.25 lbs 7255CRC Compact Receiver Cover Only 72" x 55.5" x 12" 27.25 lbs 55.36 Includes TWO-8' Straps with J Hooks 72.18 8.30 877.454.3748 | UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL 1/2" DRAWN NAME DATE SWQ 11/6/2014 CHECKED 1 1 4 1 9 S m i t h D r i v e | H u n t l e y, I L 6 0 1 4 2 | P 8 4 7. 4 2 6 . 3 8 3 1 | F 8 4 7. 4 2 6 . 3 8 3 2 | i n f o @ i m p a c t i n n o va t e s . c o m TITLE: ENG APPR. MFG APPR. INTERPRET GEOMETRIC TOLERANCING PER: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF IMPACT PLASTICS. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MATERIAL HMWPE NEXT ASSY USED ON FINISH Q.A. 011413 rev 032715 060311 COMMENTS: SIZE A