AIRAC AIP SUP 2015 - 09 - 17 SEP 2015 galben
AIRAC AIP SUP 2015 - 09 - 17 SEP 2015 galben
Headquarters 10. Ion Ionescu de la Brad Blvd., PO Box 18-90 013813 Bucharest, Romania phone: (+4021) 208 31 00 fax: (+4021) 230 24 42 AFTN: LRBBRTYD e-mail: [email protected] AIM Unit Phone: +; Fax: +; AFS: LRBBYOYX Web:; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] AIRAC AIP SUP 09 17 SEP 2015 AIRAC AIP SUPPLEMENT 09/15 Work in progress at ORADEA/ Oradea airport Phase III th Effective date 17 of SEP 2015 the third phase of movement surface refurbishment works will be carried at ORADEA/ Oradea Airport. In this phase, RWY 01 THRESHOLD and RWY 19 END will be displaced with 500m to the north end. Accordingly to the shortening of the runway 01/19, the following modifications are to be operated: - displaced RWY THRESOLD 01 and RWY 19 END coordinates: 470118.42N / 0215405.00E; - displaced RWY THRESOLD 19 and RWY 01 END coordinates: 470159.72N / 0215416.92E; - ILS LOC RWY 19, ILS GP RWY 19, DME 19 unserviceable; - PAPI RWY 01 unserviceable; - RWY 01 authorized conditions of operation: only VFR; - RWY 19 authorized conditions of operation: non-precision approach (NDB procedure); - markings modified accordingly (see AD 2.11-20a/17 SEP 2015); - change of coordinates of INS checkpoints as follow: 1 2 3 4 5 6 LROD AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS DATA Apron designation, surface and strength Surface: Concrete Strength: 13 R/C/W/T Taxiway designation, width, surface and Width: 18 M strength Surface: Concrete Strength: 14 R/C/W/T ACL location and elevation Nil VOR checkpoints Nil INS checkpoints INS 01: 47°01'31,34"N 021°53'57,10"E / 448 FT INS 02: 47°01'32,95"N 021°53'57,56"E / 448 FT INS 03: 47°01'33,79"N 021°53'57,78"E / 448 FT Remarks Nil - surface movement guidance and control system and markings: 1 2 3 4 LROD AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Taxiing guidance signs at intersection with TWY, guide lines on the apron. Mandatory instructions markings. Nose-in guidance at aircraft stands. RWY and TWY markings RWY: Designation, THR, TDZ, centre line, edges, aiming TWY: point; Centre line, holding position at TWY/RWY intersection, edges marked. Stop bars Nil Remarks Nil Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands ROMATSA AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 page 2 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA Lucrari de reparatii la pista Aeroportului ORADEA/ Oradea Faza III Incepand cu data de 17 septembrie 2015 se va desfasura faza III a lucrarilor de modernizare a suprafetelor de miscare la Aeroportul ORADEA. In aceasta etapa, pragul pistei pe directia 01 si sfarsitul pistei pe directia 19 se vor deplasa cu 500m spre nord. Corespunzator reducerii lungimii pistei de decolare/ aterizare, se produc urmatoarele modificari: - Coordonatele noului prag al pistei pe directia 01, identice cu coordonatele sfarsitului pistei pe directia 19, sunt urmatoarele: 470118.42N / 0215405.00E; - Coordonatele pragului pistei pe directia 19, identice cu coordonatele sfarsitului pistei pe directia 01, sunt urmatoarele: 470159.72N / 0215416.92E; - ILS LOC RWY 19, ILS GP RWY 19, DME 19 scoase din functiune; - PAPI 01, scos din functiune; - conditiile de operare pe pista 01: numai VFR; - conditiile de operare pe pista 19: apropiere instrumental de neprecizie (procedura NDB); - se modifica marcajele de zi corespunzator scurtarii pistei de decolare/aterizare (vezi harta AD 2.11-20a/17 SEP 2015); - modificarea coordonatelor punctelor INS după cum urmează: 1 2 3 4 5 6 LROD AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS DATA Apron designation, surface and strength Surface: Concrete Strength: 13 R/C/W/T Taxiway designation, width, surface and Width: 18 M strength Surface: Concrete Strength: 14 R/C/W/T ACL location and elevation Nil VOR checkpoints Nil INS checkpoints INS 01: 47°01'31,34"N 021°53'57,10"E / 448 FT INS 02: 47°01'32,95"N 021°53'57,56"E / 448 FT INS 03: 47°01'33,79"N 021°53'57,78"E / 448 FT Remarks Nil - sistem de control şi marcaje pentru ghidare pe suprafaţa de mişcare: 1 2 3 4 LROD AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Taxiing guidance signs at intersection with TWY, guide lines on the apron. Mandatory instructions markings. Nose-in guidance at aircraft stands. RWY and TWY markings RWY: Designation, THR, TDZ, centre line, edges, aiming TWY: point; Centre line, holding position at TWY/RWY intersection, edges marked. Stop bars Nil Remarks Nil Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 ROMATSA AIP ROMANIA page 3 17 SEP 2015 - aerodrome obstacles: LROD AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES RWY/Area affected a 19/APCH 01/TKOF 01/APCH 19/TKOF ROMATSA In approach / TKOF areas 1 Obstacle type Elevation Coordinates Markings/LGT b c Building 470221.60N 172M/564FT 0215347.69E Nil Hospital 470430.57N 162M/532FT 0215503.78E Nil Building 470413.34N 158M/520FT 0215438.11E Nil Building 470255.10N 159M/521FT 0215415.00E Nil Hill 470511.42N 243M/769FT 0215622.35E Nil Radar METEO 470532.53N 278M/911FT 0215637.91E Nil Chimney 470504.56N 298M/977FT 0215334.26E NIL Church 470407.29N 189M/621FT 0215556.16E Nil Church 465809.19N 190M/623FT 0215325.06E Nil Church 465937.82N 181M/595FT 0215252.79E Nil Water tower 465935.66N 170M/557FT 0215329.00E Nil High Power Pylon 465836.67N 196M/642FT 0215342.90E Nil In circling area and at AD 2 Obstacle type Elevation Coordinates Markings/LGT a b Church 470315.01N 181M/595FT 0215537.95E Nil Church 465937.82N 181M/595FT 0215252.79E Nil Building 470331.75N 214M/703FT 0215703.63E Nil Antenna 470331.70N 417.6M/1370FT 0215822.25E Nil Radar METEO 470208.00N 177M/581FT 0215356.00E LGTD Water tower 470220.31N 166M/545FT 0215331.17E Nil Church 470212.71N 192M/629FT 0215641.63E NIL Water tower 470202.79N 171M/561FT 0215456.77E Nil TWR 470135.03N 160M/526FT 0215351.83E LGTD High Power Pylon 470016.96N 187M/613FT 0215547.45E Nil Remarks 3 Nil Nil AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 page 4 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA - obstacole aerodrom: LROD AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES RWY/Area affected a 19/APCH 01/TKOF 01/APCH 19/TKOF In approach / TKOF areas 1 Obstacle type Elevation Coordinates Markings/LGT b c Building 470221.60N 172M/564FT 0215347.69E Nil Hospital 470430.57N 162M/532FT 0215503.78E Nil Building 470413.34N 158M/520FT 0215438.11E Nil Building 470255.10N 159M/521FT 0215415.00E Nil Hill 470511.42N 243M/769FT 0215622.35E Nil Radar METEO 470532.53N 278M/911FT 0215637.91E Nil Chimney 470504.56N 298M/977FT 0215334.26E NIL Church 470407.29N 189M/621FT 0215556.16E Nil Church 465809.19N 190M/623FT 0215325.06E Nil Church 465937.82N 181M/595FT 0215252.79E Nil Water tower 465935.66N 170M/557FT 0215329.00E Nil High Power Pylon 465836.67N 196M/642FT 0215342.90E Nil AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 In circling area and at AD 2 Obstacle type Elevation Coordinates Markings/LGT a b Church 470315.01N 181M/595FT 0215537.95E Nil Church 465937.82N 181M/595FT 0215252.79E Nil Building 470331.75N 214M/703FT 0215703.63E Nil Antenna 470331.70N 417.6M/1370FT 0215822.25E Nil Radar METEO 470208.00N 177M/581FT 0215356.00E LGTD Water tower 470220.31N 166M/545FT 0215331.17E Nil Church 470212.71N 192M/629FT 0215641.63E NIL Water tower 470202.79N 171M/561FT 0215456.77E Nil TWR 470135.03N 160M/526FT 0215351.83E LGTD High Power Pylon 470016.96N 187M/613FT 0215547.45E Nil Remarks 3 Nil Nil ROMATSA AIP ROMANIA page 5 17 SEP 2015 - RWY physical characteristics: LROD AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Designations RWY NR 1 19 01 Slope of RWY-SWY 7 0% (900 M) 0.4% (400 M) -0.4% (400 M) 0% (900 M) Strength (PCN) and THR co-ordinates surface of RWY RWY end coordinates and SWY THR geoid ondulation 4 5 14/R/D/W/T 470159.72N Concrete 0215416.92E 470118.42N 0215405.00E GUND 134 FT TRUE BRG 2 191.17° Dimensions of RWY (M) 3 1300 x 45 011.16° 1300 x 45 14/R/D/W/T Concrete SWY dimensions (M) 8 Nil CWY dimensions (M) 9 60 x 300 Nil 500 x 300 THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWY 6 THR 450 FT 470118.42N 0215405.00E 470159.72N 0215416.92E GUND 134 FT THR 454 FT Strip dimensions (M) 10 1420 x 250 OFZ 11 Nil Remarks 12 1420 x 250 Nil Nil -declared distances: RWY designator 1 19 01 LROD AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES TODA ASDA LDA (M) (M) (M) 3 4 5 1360 1300 1300 1800 1300 1300 TORA (M) 2 1300 1300 Remarks 6 Nil Nil -Approach and RWY lighting available as follows: LROD AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING APCH LGT type RWY LEN Designator INTST 1 2 19 SALS 420 M LIH 01 Nil RWY THR LGT VASIS Centre Line LGT colour (MEHT) TDZ, LGT, Length,spacing, WBAR PAPI LEN colour, INTST 3 4 5 6 Green PAPI Nil Nil Left/3° Green - Nil Nil Nil RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST 7 810M, 60M, White,LIH 490M, 60M, Yellow, LIH 850M, 60M, White,LIH 450M, 60M, Yellow, LIH RWY End LGT SWY LGT colour LEN(M) WBAR colour 8 9 Red Nil - Red - Nil Remarks 10 Nil Red edge lights 170M before THR, only on approach direction - The following charts are suspended: AD 2.11-20/07 MAR 2013, AD 2.11-25/25 AUG 2011, AD 2.11-51/01 MAY 2014, AD 2.11-52/25 AUG 2011; AD 2.11-91/30 MAY 2013; AD 2.11-92/30 MAY 2013; - The following charts are available: AD 2.11-20/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-20a/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-22/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-25/17 SEP 2015; AD 2.11-91/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-92/17 SEP 2015. ROMATSA AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 page 6 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA - caracteristicile fizice ale pistei: LROD AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Designations RWY NR 1 19 01 Slope of RWY-SWY 7 0% (900 M) 0.4% (400 M) -0.4% (400 M) 0% (900 M) Strength (PCN) and THR co-ordinates surface of RWY RWY end coordinates and SWY THR geoid ondulation 4 5 14/R/D/W/T 470159.72N Concrete 0215416.92E 470118.42N 0215405.00E GUND 134 FT TRUE BRG 2 191.17° Dimensions of RWY (M) 3 1300 x 45 011.16° 1300 x 45 14/R/D/W/T Concrete SWY dimensions (M) 8 Nil CWY dimensions (M) 9 60 x 300 Nil 500 x 300 THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWY 6 THR 450 FT 470118.42N 0215405.00E 470159.72N 0215416.92E GUND 134 FT THR 454 FT Strip dimensions (M) 10 1420 x 250 OFZ 11 Nil Remarks 12 1420 x 250 Nil Nil - distanţele declarate ale pistei: RWY designator 1 19 01 LROD AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES TODA ASDA LDA (M) (M) (M) 3 4 5 1360 1300 1300 1800 1300 1300 TORA (M) 2 1300 1300 Remarks 6 Nil Nil - luminile de apropiere si balizajul corespunzator scurtarii pistei de decolare/aterizare sunt disponibile dupa cum urmeaza: LROD AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RWY LIGHTING APCH LGT type RWY LEN Designator INTST 1 2 19 SALS 420 M LIH 01 Nil RWY THR LGT VASIS Centre Line LGT colour (MEHT) TDZ, LGT, Length,spacing, WBAR PAPI LEN colour, INTST 3 4 5 6 Green PAPI Nil Nil Left/3° Green - Nil Nil Nil RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST 7 810M, 60M, White,LIH 490M, 60M, Yellow, LIH 850M, 60M, White,LIH 450M, 60M, Yellow, LIH RWY End LGT SWY LGT colour LEN(M) WBAR colour 8 9 Red Nil - Red - Nil Remarks 10 Nil Red edge lights 170M before THR, only on approach direction - Se suspenda urmatoarele harti: AD 2.11-20/07 MAR 2013, AD 2.11-25/25 AUG 2011, AD 2.11-51/01 MAY 2014, AD 2.11-52/25 AUG 2011; AD 2.11-91/30 MAY 2013; AD 2.11-92/30 MAY 2013; - Se introduc urmatoarele harti: AD 2.11-20/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-20a/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-22/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-25/17 SEP 2015; AD 2.11-91/17 SEP 2015, AD 2.11-92/17 SEP 2015. AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 ROMATSA AIP ROMANIA page 7 17 SEP 2015 - Before landing, aircraft will be informed by TWR on the displacement of RWY 01 threshold and RWY 19 end by 500m, during the work period on phase III, using the following terminology: “CAUTION, WORK IN PROGRESS. DISPLACED RWY 01 THRESHOLD AND RWY 19 END WITH 500M.” - The length of working area will be 330m; - Between operational runway (1300m) and working area (330m) will be a safety area of 170m, free of obstacles; - Estimated work period is about 3 month. - The present supplement replaces AIRAC AIP SUP 04/2015. - END - ROMATSA AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 page 8 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA - Inainte de aterizare, aeronavele vor fi informate prin TWR despre deplasarea pragului pistei pe directia 01 si a sfarsitului pistei pe directia 19 cu 500m, pe intreaga perioada a lucrarilor din faza III, utilizand urmatoarea frazeologie: “CAUTION, WORK IN PROGRESS. DISPLACED RWY 01 THRESHOLD AND RWY 19 END WITH 500M.” - Zona de lucru are o lungime de 330m; - Intre pista operationala (1300m) si zona de lucru (330m) va exista o zona de siguranta de 170m, libera de obstacole; - Durata estimata a lucrarilor este de 3 luni. - Prezentul supliment inlocuieste AIRAC AIP SUP 04/2015. - SFÂRŞIT- AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 ROMATSA AD 2.11-91a 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA ORADEA / Oradea (LROD) NDB RWY 19, CAT A/B AERONAUTICAL DATA TABULATION NDB approach to RWY 19 from ORA NDB, CAT C/D o ORA NDB (IAF/FAF) O LM (MAPt) THR RWY 19 o 47 06’01.3”N 021 55’26.9”E o o 47 02’42.7”N 021 54’29.3”E o o 47 01’59.72”N 021 54’16.92”E o Final approach descent angle: 3.00 AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 ROMATSA AD 2.11-92a 17 SEP 2015 AIP ROMANIA ORADEA / Oradea (LROD) NDB RWY 19, CAT C/D AERONAUTICAL DATA TABULATION NDB approach to RWY 19 from ORA NDB, CAT C/D o ORA NDB (IAF/FAF) O LM (MAPt) THR RWY 19 o 47 06’01.3”N 021 55’26.9”E o o 47 02’42.7”N 021 54’29.3”E o o 47 01’59.72”N 021 54’16.92”E o Final approach descent angle: 3.00 AIRAC AIP SUP 09/15 ROMATSA
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