Kingston town centre map
Kingston town centre map
KINGSTON UPON THAMES TOWN CENTRE es Cr Elm e S t re e t nc re la Hardman Rd 22 KINGSTON HILL CAMPUS ROEHAMPTON VALE CAMPUS 16 15 Fairfield St eld atfi ld he W We s t s Fairfield rC re s lash De Bittoms G ro ve C re nm sce 11 ov ark nt se Gra Rd Cr RB rbi Po rtla nd es ce nt Grove De CH nm ark Rd Rd oo Bl mfi d Alfred R eld Lane Grove Lane d rt Roa Kingston Landmarks University Sites PR ad SEETHING WELLS HALLS H d t Roa Ro KP Beaufo ton Rd F as set Su Pe nr hyn Wo o d b i n e s Av e n u e nge e Road Portsmouth Road Milner Ro ad Gr Clo Geneva R oad So uth ms The rsp Spr ing fie ld R oa d Penrhyn tto Lan e Bi RH te Wa Springfie ld Road e High Road Th Stre et Knights East Lane Mill Place Park P me Gran ge Roa d Rd al S out h Road es' St Orchard Rd Av e n u e 25 Road Fairfield W ay Union Street en Rd t own Eas Ashd 20 Brook Jam 7 field Lad y Booth Road Eden St t 10 8 9 Kingston Ha ll Rd IC North 3 17 18 St S e t re 6 SH London Rd Old London Rd M i l l S t re e t Thames St C ro m w e l l R d Fairfie 24 gh Street Road Fair 19 Place Hi Clarence 2 C St Wo o d St h Hig 14 C an bur y Park 21 Ro ad Fife 13 14 Market 5 1 Wo o d S t r e e t Street 23 Rd Castle C Ki ngs to n Brid ge ate Ed Rd n gto din rT ed we Lo et 11 12 f ai r sg Rd re IQ ng Richmond St ton 4 e Hors Ki Do lp hin St gh mp d Rd Road e Water Lan Thames Side Hi Ha tR our Sopwith Rd Steadfast V ic a rag e Rd H hall Walter St Sker ne Rd Down SURBITON STATION Entertainment Shops, banks, post office etc. iQ Wave 1 Kingston train station 11 12 John Lewis, Waitrose 21 The Rotunda (cinema, bowling & restaurants) The International Centre 2 Cromwell Road bus station 13 The Bentall Centre 22 SH Swan House 3 Fairfield Road bus station 14 M&S 23 McClusky’s RH River House 4 Kingston Bridge 15 Main banks 24 Charter Quay KP Knights Park campus 5 The Rose Theatre 25 Hippodrome RB Reg Bailey building 6 Police station 16 Wilkinson’s 17 Sainsbury’s PR Penrhyn Road campus 7 CH Cooper House 8 Royal Borough of Kingston Guildhall 18 Boots Kingston Museum 19 The Market Place H Halls of residence 9 Kingston Public Library University bus stops 10 Kingfisher Leisure Centre IQ IC 11 Surrey County Council Oceana 20 The Post Office UPDATED JANUARY 2014
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