TACTICAL DISPATCHING *ENHANCING COMMUNICATION ON CRITICAL INCIDENTS BETWEEN DISPATCH & INCIDENT COMMANDER What is Tactical Dispatching? INFORMATION Traditional Incident Commanders Incident Commanders have a tremendous amount to manage at the scene of an incident. Traditionally, they needed to be able to simultaneously: Complete functions of operations Plan Logistics Finance Law Enforcement Tactics Coordinate & Communicate on several frequencies All while trying to focus on managing the incident through the hours ahead. Traditional Incident Commanders In past practices, the Incident Commander has completed these tasks alone or with a highly trained police officers who attempt to handle “communications”, accountability and documentation with the command post. Currently the office of Homeland Security mandates all law enforcement and fire agencies comply with ICS/NIMS structure. This will help the incident commander delegate the planning, logistics, finance and tactics part of the incident. Thus leaving the communications to the tactical dispatch team. Tactical Command Problems No systematic collection, processing and dissemination of situation intelligence. Personnel at different positions and/or tasks not kept informed of status of operation on a regular basis. Information not verified being disseminated as factual without qualification of accuracy. Deployed personnel not reporting information regarding objective site conditions accurately or in a timely manner. No documentation of events during or after an incident to reflect the actions of suspect and enforcement response. Problems Specific to Communications Lack of proper communication between incident commander and the dispatcher on the radio Excessive and unnecessary communications on radio channels, resulting in duplicate requests, missed information and breakdown in control of personnel Dispatchers not trained to tactical operation communication, i.e. ICS/NIMS How can a Tactical Dispatcher Help? TACTICAL DISPATCHING BEGINS IN THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER PSRS may not always be able to respond to the C/P but they will be handling the incident from the Center DUTIES DURING A TACTICAL EVENT • Auxiliary BCC (Tactical Dispatcher) established inside the Communications Center • Create a Master Incident & relate all incidents advise all COMM personnel to notify the Aux BCC • The Aux BCC shall contact the C/P with pertinent information – No EBO shall broadcast on the Tactical Frequency over the Tactical event. Concept of the Tactical Dispatcher Integrate the dispatcher’s unique skills Multitasking Attention to Detail Hearing & Repeating information accurately Mobilization – 2 or more Tactical Team Members to a command post during a critical incident. One - Run LARCOPP Second - On-scene dispatching and log-keeping Dispatchers assist in command post environment or a large-scale mutual aid type incident. Tactical Dispatcher Duties Chronological Log/Work Radio Document “Situational Awareness” LARCOPP Operate the LARCOPP in order to keep a chronological log of the incident and provide situational awareness from field commanders to Emergency Operations Centers, state OES and Department Homeland Security. TACTICAL DISPATCHERS UTILIZE LARCOPP/LAPTOP TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT AND ACCURATE DOCUMENTATION Functions of the Tactical Dispatcher Specifically to support the operational needs of the incident and tactical commanders Assist the incident commander with radio operations, allowing them to concentrate on actual incident Provide up to date information Receive information from on-scene and investigative sources Disseminate information to teams/officers for execution of duties and responsibilities Operate the LARCOPP system The Role of a Tactical Dispatcher Assume on-scene communications support as delegated by the incident commander Handle communications in and out of the incident, relaying command decision to the IC, while maintaining resources and situations status as well as documentations. Use of Tactical dispatcher is targeted at mid to large-scale incidents • SWAT • Special Events and Extended Operations • Any event the IC feels a tactical dispatcher would enhance the operation TACTICAL DISPATCHERS PROVIDE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES Analysis of the Tactical Dispatch Team There are several police and sheriff departments nationwide that currently use tactical dispatchers, many deploy with SWAT. Skills include, but are not limited to: Maintaining an incident log through CAD Gathering critical intelligence through various communications systems Creating deployment charts Working on the radio Working the LARCOPP Having a tactical dispatcher as a functioning part of the command team benefits the command staff by providing accurate and timely documentation of events during high-risk operations. What does that mean for the Los Angeles Police Department? Los Angeles Police Department Communications Division Tactical Dispatch Coordinator SR PSR I Marisa Trujillo 213 978-6544 [email protected]