NICHIMO CO., LTD. - Scalemates, scale modeling database
NICHIMO CO., LTD. - Scalemates, scale modeling database
1:200 NICHIMO CO., LTD. 35KUBOCHO IDENTICAL SCALE SERIES NO. 10 * 511 GERMAN SUBMARINE(UNTERSEE BOOT)TYPE IX-C^* RO-500'SATSUKI Keep the empty parts bag away from little children OAssembly of engine inside the hull A. ] B38 Motor fixing (side) O-2 FA 130motor B37 Motor fixing board (rear) Carolully read the explanation before starting assembly. Besides the painting instructions at places it is reqired, a detailed explanation is given on the last page. Follow the instructions to finish up neatly. Propeller shaft B36 Motor fixing board (front) B46 propeller blmln B38 Motor fixing board (side) 2X6tapping screw ir7 14centimer long cord - * 4 Rubber joint -k2 Contact metal "B45 Grease-box cover (A) *6 2X6tapping screw Contact metal O1 i- Fix the side boards on the motor and mount inside the hul. i B17 Grease-box cover (B) O2 Apply bond on the hole of blade in the shaft carefully. O3 Fix the blue cord on the motor and the 14 centimeter cord with respective contact metal tapping screw. 64 When the assembly of the motor parts is over, place thedells and check if the engine parts run smoothly. B39 Steering rudder » II I I o II ill,..,, I,..I.. .. A I .!,,,„,, I,.,.) M.M 1.1 ..-.-,., ililn In I I lil »Bn I [*J inn (Mm/«i«« view <>l Ilio A I initial portion of th« deck) A Vinyl A 1 Central portion of the deck Tapping screws Connect the red-colored cord from the .motor and a cord with a contact metal to the switch. Apply a vinyl pipe (use a half of the supplied pipe) on the cord before fixing. After seccurely joined, cover the joint with the vinyl pipe. 9-3 Fix the deck on the upper part of the hull with rapping screws so as it may be dislocated for pi'*'' in and out the dry cells. ®4 Fix the upper part of the hull with the lower part. Apply rubber bands to hold both secure until adhesive dries so as there will be no opening that allows leak of water. ®5 Fix at the bow torpedo tube lid, hydroplane and hydroplane guard. ®-6 Fix anchor at the starboard bow anchor recess. 0-6 66 Torpedo tube lid B44 Elevetor B5 Torpedo tube lid 810 Elevetor guard B35 Anchor ©To make an exhibition model © 2 B18 Stern frame B3 Propeller €> 1 B2 Rear launcher cover B49 Transrerse rudder- B9 Transrerse rudder guard - B16 Shaft bracket B22 Propeller shaft B4 Propeller B9 Transrerse rudder guard 0Fix parts on the hull B26 Funnel outlet cover A4 Torpedo magazine cover /~ A6 and 81 Torpedo B13 Capstan A7 Torpedo magazine* cnvnr -B13 Capstan A5 Torpedo magazine cover B1 Torpedo B26 Funnel outlet cover ©Assembly of the Bridge B14 Teletalk A16 Bridge A9 Gun platform 0-2 A13 Handrail (C) @- 3 ,-.. A20 Handrail (A.Right) A3 Bridge - A18 Handrail (A.right)\5 Hand rail (B) A10 Handrail (B) A14 Flag staff on the dridge A21 Handrail (A.left) A10 Handrail A19 Ladder (B) A1 1 Rader recess cover A17 Handrail (A.left) 0-4 w i Hnldmr, the deck pincn iii hntwnon. fix Ihn sidns ul Ihr hi iil);n with Kin" B33-34 20mm Machine gun €> I ix thn handrail on the gun plat form. 0-3 B25 1st periscope Fix the hand-rail on the bridge with glue. 04 Fix parts such as the periscope and others. Drill a hole on the position shown in the drawing and fix the loopantenae with glue. B24 2nd periscope B23 Loop antenae B11 periscope base B12 Periscope base (Hole) B30 Ladder B28 Guard lanyard supporter (B) A8 Wash board -B27 B51 Display stand Guard lanyard supporter ( A ) ^Painting guide) Bottom coloi Dark gray / Dark gray / Bottom color / Dark gray-x Hydroplane guard Dark gray Dark gray bottom color Bottom color Bottom color Dark gray Deck color Navy color Navy color Mat black Dull white Mat black Mat black Bottom color Bottom color M a wblack Mat aok To paint, remove grease by washing with cleanser and dry well. Dark gray bottom Shaft braoket oo|or Propeller blades; gold /Bottom color I'.mil Hi" iippm pmtinn ol iho hull ol the navy color and paint the inside ul ih' Hooding poilii with mat black. I Mini ihci lowiii poiiioii ol iho hull with navy color inside the flood-ing ports wnli in.ii hl.irl- .mil ilin h.nnii ill MKI hydrophone at the lower portion M| Mi., how wnli ' I . > n lini'ih w I" A iiyr.l wi..nil.n 'i i n IIM'I| i,, tlio woixlun ilciok. Paint with the mix ..I <i'i",, ul w I hiown :«)"„ d RKIIMI with f>% of black. I'.mil Mi" in" ilnck with thn same culm as tlni hull dock. Paint the liiKll'.n .ill' w i t h n.ivy coloi 'Miinn as Hid hull. n l«i,ii ..iiici.r, am usually attired in a rootor-|acket (blue double) and wlni" luilky '.wi'alni Soino othors may wear a leather jacket and white mulll"! I hn cniiimainlor's cap is covered with a white cover. '..iilias am (Muimally dressed in a dark green fatigue with a dark hat. '.niiiii Hums Ihoy will l)o dressed in a dark uniform. Black woi k hat Cap with white cover Honor of Eagle White muffler Leather jumper Fatigue Blue trousers (Sailor) (Captain) Black leather shoes Black leather shoes- (Parts list) model (A parts) 1 Central portion of the deck 3 4 5 6 7 Bndge(nght) Torped magazine coverffront right) Torped magazine cover(front left) Torped magazine cover(rear left)) Torped magazine cover(rear ri^nt) 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 Gun platform 10 Hand rail on the gun platform(B) 1 1 12 Switch base 1 13 14 15 16 18 19 19 20 21 Handrail on the Flag staff Handrail on the Bridge deck Handrail on the Handrail on the Ladder Handrail on the Handrail on the gun platform (C) • 1 •- 1 •• 1 -- 1 gun platform(A.left)--- •• 1 gun plat form( A. right)-••2 gun platform(A,ngtit) •gun pbtform(A.left) --• •- 1 gun platform(B) <B parts) 1 Torpedo 2 Hear launcner cover 4 Propellar for display model(right) 2 ---1 5 6 7 8 9 Torped launcher cover(lett tower) Torped launcher cover(left upper) Torped launcher cover(right upper) Torped launcher cover(nght lower) Transverse rudder guard 1 1 -1 1 2 11 Periscope base(nght) 1 13 Capstan 2 20 *• Handrail on the hull(right)-- -- 1 -••1 21 Proppeller shaft(teft) 22 Proppeller shaft(nght) -• 1 -• 1 24 2nd periscope ?fi F h t t •••2 27 Guard lanyard suPporter(A)-- - 2 28 Guard lanyard supporter(B)-- -•2 £-> r,w. 15 Shaft bracket(left) 1 17 Grease box cover(B) 1 32 *-Handrail on the hull(riRht)- 19 ^Handrail on the hul{left) i 34 20mm Anti-airgun -•••1 5 0 Stand •-- 1 --- 2 •••2 ••2 ••• 2 52 Figuro(A) 53 F i f m r n ( H ) ' Jb Motor Dase(tront) 38 Motor base(side) 40 -*-Li)e-buoy(A) 41 -A-Life-buoy(B) ° i .1 (Metal parts and other \h o n / n*\ kinds) 1 r '° [1 1 . . "^ •\ DM iho hull(left) •in ll.iiidiail on iho hull(right)--\5 Anchor " I r d n s v 0 r w ) Ru (lor ••• 1 P'P6 7 Blue cord( 14om) 1 ocacomani V ;