Nathanael West: Prophet of Failure
Nathanael West: Prophet of Failure
Nathanael West: Prophet of Failure Author(s): M. A. Klug Source: College Literature, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Winter, 1987), pp. 17-31 Published by: College Literature Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/03/2014 11:26 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . College Literature is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to College Literature. This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WEST: NATHANAEL PROPHET OF FAILURE byM. A. Klug of the post-modernist. While the JNathanael West was the prototype were still breaking on American West first waves of modernism shores, a decadence, a period in which was already anticipating literature, along In his with the other arts, must pass into posturing and self-parody. about the future of art, West earliest misgiving found his theme and This of misgiving is the source of his continuing method. feeling and of the obsessive use of parody and burlesque, which were pessimism to become the vehicles of his pessimism. West began with the conviction artist was necessarily that the modern in a conflict of the trapped that must intellect and the emotions finally cut him off from his own sources as well as from his audience. of internal He inspiration came to see the bankruptcy a larger of the artist within eventually context of cultural failure, eroding to the end of his career, West was model of spiritual impairment. every form of human expression. But to return to the artiste manqu? as the West's first failed artist appears in The Dream Life of Balso Snell, where the artist is rent by a schizophrenia that resembles the "dissocia T. S. tion of sensibility" described Eliot. in But West's by diagnosis have sent in.1 The artist has become the victim of his own complications a to which turned has feed As itself. result the artist can intellect, upon never escape the tyranny of his own self-consciousness. In every gesture a of his life and work he becomes self-conscious performer. At the same time he is condemned performances. This to be the brutally narcissistic self-scrutiny self-conscious does not critic of his own lead to knowledge This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions COLLEGE 18 finds the apt metaphor of a shadow." John Gilson of the mind lost in the study of itself: but to the "pursuit for the frustrations It is as if I were attempting shadow want moves of very with the much LITERATURE pencil. tracing to outline it; but it, never allowing me the point of a pencil to trace with I am enchanted the to with shadow trace its the is attached tempting shadow's to shape the pencil the and and form.2 he cannot free himself Because from his own watchful eye, the artist or to his cannot He release is emotionally give expression incapacitated. a them As in into of Gilson without themselves. turning parody feelings he must "burlesque the mystery the name of the failed artist confesses, his emotions begin to emerge of feeling at its source" (27). The moment over asserts control his consciousness them, puts them on exhibit, to this necessity them as a part of his literary act. For West fabricates was or of the the contemporary feelings parody symptomatic burlesque from that inarticulate and from his own humanity, artist's separation irrational side of his nature that bound him to the collective mass. To to be able to express his to this lost portion of himself, be restored the artist must and literary posturing, without emotions artificiality overcome Unfortu self-consciousness. his own compulsive somehow saw it, the only way to such a restoration was through nately, as West release the full a total surrender to the irrational that would madness, but at the same time would destroy creative power of the imagination the artist, his tradition and his society.3 artist and The traditions which have given birth to the contemporary in his the accomplices him are at once surrounds the society which offers him of his own internal conflict. Tradition failure and extentions a mirror of his own consciousness. no relief from isolation but becomes of the past that have him with mocks the triumphs It continually artist the the possibilities of the present. For the paralyzed exhausted one and the The themes done. it's all been has but great message: past to match these out. all been have roles attempts Any played great a a at worst of the trivialization at best is futile; repetition, triumphs so like Maloney the writer is left to struggle the Areopagite past. And the martyred with his Life of Saint Puce, flea, or like Miss McGeeney of the of the biographer, the of to write the biography biographer, the But not only does tradition exhaust the of Dr. Johnson. biographer of life itself. it exhausts the possibility of further creation, possibilities a of becomes existence shadow In its constant sequence referential, cliches and worn out poses. As Beagle Darwin explains: This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions "I have spent NATHANAEL WEST 19 . . .making it impossible for me to tell where literature my life in books it be spent in shaving, ends and I begin" (47). Every action, whether love or killing the next door neighbor, gets tangled in literary making and collapses into parody, of the associations the ironic admission to the dead faces of the past which have usurped artist's bondage the John Gilson knows all about these intrusions that dissolve the present. self: "Some times [his] name is Roskolnikov, sometimes it is lago. [He] never was, and never shall be, plain John Gilson" (14). a mocking Just as the past becomes the correlative of the audience, so also does society. The artist no longer artists' own self-scrutinizing, sees his society as a community of fellow humans but as an audience a performance. To satisfy those "thousands of sweating, that demands into his function. grimacing, jeering animals out front," he is subsumed He has no time for a private to live life, even if he had the capacity one. When runs off with his wife the boarder, when the baby gets he cannot be released cancer, when he finds out that he has gonorrhoea, into his feelings. He is on exhibit before his neighbors and before and he must prepare a face, do his stuff, "dancing, himself, laughing, singing, acting." Even when the curtain comes down and he is alone, he cannot make the faces of real grief, but is compelled by practice and to disposition perform himself before his dressing room mirror (51). He on the audience then turns with a vengeance that has forced him to As John Gilson has a "natural it, every performer puts perform. for his audience and to excrement upon "loose yearns antipathy" dump its collective head." But so long as his hostility towards his audience is to can never his conscious control it free him from the burden subject as another performance, of performance; it can only be expressed a ritualized and artificial rebellion. The audience will tolerate any abuse so long as it is part of the act. No matter how much excrement John Gilson of them from the ceiling of the theater, drops they will gather afterwards "in the customary charming groups and discuss the play" (31).4 John Gilson and Beagle be freed from the artist's Darwin routines both instinctively that they can the domination of know only by escaping If they could somehow "push the whole thing into the scrutinizing self and at the same (28), they could annihilate insanity" time emancipate themselves from a mocking tradition and a watchful audience that are the embodiments of their own consciousness. Both seek madness and both fail to find it. Beagle Darwin ends up choosing the conscious mind. This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 20 COLLEGE LITERATURE as the best of all possible roles. But he sees that to play the mad Hamlet he cannot will himself into insanity; he can at best feign it. A part of is always watching, is but him conscious that his madness always another of his "tear jerker routines" quest of (50 ff). John Gilson's madness also dissolves into pretense. He tries to discover "the Real," the natural self that has been displaced by all of his "customary poses," the idiot laugher upstairs, who is the symbol of his by killing Adolph, own tormented consciousness and of that audience without that watches and sneers. But not even murder can free John Gilson from reasons and a gesturing out another roles. As "ridiculous Raskolnikov, playing he slits his imaginary victim's throat for "literary reasons" (19). Snell John Gilson, and Balso is failure of Beagle Darwin, The Dream Life of Balso Snell the failure of Nathanael West. ultimately a kind of artificial madness. a willed It contains constitutes spirit of that would blow up the rotten edifice of literature, destroying anarchy and all the conventional poses of the artist as well as the tradition But of defiance him. the these roles that forced audience energy upon even rebellion in the name that rebellion, seeps away in the recognition is itself a clich?, a literary gesture with of a purely destructive madness, saw that he could never its own tradition and its own audience. West into feeling that was free of any taint into the irrational, release himself assertion of will. At and artificial, of the self-conscious by a conscious the same time he saw his only hope of creating an art that went beyond In in just such a release into feeling. a mere "literary" performance is the source of an irony that turns in first novel this dilemma West's could only prove the failure of art to feed upon itself. West contempt story," The by failing at it. West Nathanael resigned began at a dead end; he never completely In the three mature novels that were to follow, he saw the that ground. In Miss artist as the representative exhausted type of our culture. that Locust he shows A the Million and The Cool of Day Lonelyhearts, in of art is but a symptom of a larger cultural malaise the moribundity have failed, all the great of themselves.5 Religion parodies degenerated or a into a variety "new Thomistic dessicates into synthesis" explodes the American show of lunatic cults. The national myth, dream, goes on is produced and Love of Horatio tour as a slap-stick burlesque Alger. which all emotions the communal have forms of expression into in "tasteful" directed by impressarios settings designed by Asa Goldstein Stein and Juan Gris. Even death or in the refined ambience of Gertrude This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NATHANAEL 21 WEST in his last appearance is a cheap show, with the corpse making positively streets everyone In West's of Mr. Interlocutor. the tuxedo and makeup patter of a speaks the formulaic of a dead language or the self-conscious role: whore, journalist, race-track tout, street car conductor. Everyone moves with the mechanical gestures of a hopeless Lonelyhearts ferocious bit player: college boy on spree, abused wife, clean Old Man, is these Beneath first gestures dwarf, "pain, pain, pain, the cowboy.6 heart of brain" of chronic dull, sordid, gnawing, (53). This pain pain in any natural way. When it threatens to emerge, can never be expressed or self into either the sufferer incoherence, banality, collapses another standard article "stamped The pain is produced, dramatization. from the dough of suffering with a heart shaped cookie knife" (1). as the characters of West's three mature have Insofar novels into two recurrent types who individual identities they can be divided a kind of national conflict that becomes face each other in a parodie comic theatre of the absurd. The dominant type is seen as a burlesque as a mark or stooge. This division, or con-artist, which the submissive inMiss on a primary pair of characters in each of the three later novels, to the schizophrenic of the exhausted artist fragmentation corresponds that West in The and a scrutinizing-self into a performing-self explored In a broader context it also corresponds to Dream Life of Balso Snell. or conflict of the contemporary the division artist and his audience, across his whole which was to obsess West lifetime. Those characters centers who assume the role of con-artist are all performers, self-conscious turn every situation into a theatrical, move into actors, who instinctively to dazzle, the spotlight, and proceed and abuse entertain, manipulate, sees this type as the embodiment whoever is in attendance. West of the one or creative and he it with associates urge gone astray usually to express the opinions, another of the institutions that are supposed mass media, the arts, politics, beliefs, feelings of the community?the or marks are all personifications of that stooges religion. West's collective mass of the inarticulate, who are incapable of creating their or beliefs or of independently own opinions their emotions. expressing move at all, they must find models In order to to provide them with the of expression. Like the people attitudes, language, gestures, letters to Miss Lonelyhearts, they must be given a reason for It is this need which draws them to the con-artist, makes them being. and exploitation. But if the con-artist setups for his mockery sadistically the stooges victimizes that are drawn to him or that he seeks out, the appropriate who write This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 22 COLLEGE LITERATURE between the two types is by no means relationship simply one of unilateral West's and in their stooges demand performances exploitation. solicit abuse. very passivity Peter Doyle and Homer Lern Pitkin, the best Simpson provide of West's is the purest, the most literal stooge. Lern Pitkin examples he is without version. A parody of the American innocent, motive, or character. There direction is nothing inside him to be expressed. In to be put to work, he waits to be formed, to be sent on his emptiness, He has no life; he merely gets caught in episodes, mission. somebody's in one the same. A sequence of con-men and they are all pretty much or turns to him As he another take guise picking pieces. approaches he finds his true vocation. He hires on as a stooge total dismemberment, for two burlesque comics. His role is a simple one; he stands around and Robbins, while the team of Riley of through "Fifteen Minutes Furious dismantle his false Fun," him, appropriating hair, publically false teeth, false eyes, false leg. Lern does not really mind. He needs a to do on his own. The mob of "puspockets job. He can find nothing are out front "convulsed with joy" (A Cool Million, 248 and fleapits" is a travesty of their own existence, but it is a ff.). Lem's mutilation audience they will tolerate any part of the act, and like John Gilson's amount of loose excrement being dumped on them so long as it is part of the show. an or more Peter Doyle, like Lern, is a personification, accurately no mass man has the who of function part beyond being impersonation, one of the crowd, moving the streets in a of an audience, through for any illusion of life, any kind of violence" "dream-like looking how bogus. Like Lern he is "crippled," any part no matter feeling, a bundle that do not quite fit of fragments destroyed," "partially to say it to say, almost no language together. He has almost nothing the more incoherent insist upon expression, his emotions and gesture as he is of of manner is an impoverished exhausts words. He knows how to shake hands, but that pretty much his social repetoire. When he is called upon to act, he clumsily slips into the "gas an imitation the "fool," the "husband," of "the sport," with. The more he becomes. He inspector." As Shrike says, he can know nothing of "humanity"; he he is "humanity" 45), and true to his compulsion (Miss Lonelyhearts an an of how is looking for something?a answer, message, explanation to keep on moving his crippled to be, how brings him leg?which meter around to Shrike and Miss Lonelyhearts. This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NATHANAEL WEST 23 Like Lern and Peter Doyle, Homer in The Day of the Locust Simpson mass is of that anesthetized that mostly waits and watches. He begins some minimal each day by struggling a towards level of sentience, can never quite who raise himself Lazarus from the dead. Totally he accepts the half-dozen of a lifetime as they are decisions passive, no to him He others. has given by character, plays no role, but clings to a protective a that he and in routine, job, performs "mechanically" detachment" is a "hotel "impersonal {Day of the Locust, 88). He as a meter is Beneath his stupid, clerk," just Doyle "gas inspector." an flesh in emotions "enormous wave" and up surge heavy occasionally a "refuse of feelings." then fall back upon themselves, Homer's (87-88). hands give off the only outward sign of an inner being. They are the some unconscious victims of and to life, trying residual to urge to do, some gesture to perform. remember or discern something In the meanwhile sits waiting Homer for the Greener's to knock upon his door the gift of Miracle Salve, "the polish without peer or parallel" bearing (101). are West's off against these marks all of them Played con-artists, identifiable. the blowhard of A easily Shagpoke Whipple, politician Cool Million, is the purest example. For Shagpoke all the world is a who releases a chain reaction soap box. He is a compulsive speechifier, of adages, clich?s and instantly converts everyone slogans, and political he meets into an auditor or a bit-player in his act. He begins by putting Lern Pilkin on exhibit, but finally, as the great American he dictator, recruits the whole nation as a supporting cast. He even manages to sell the costumes: for the American at rock bottom Fascist "everything West uses the type in a more subtle prices" (189). InMiss Lonelyhearts, the hero, Miss way. Several characters slip in and out of it including But actor is, of course, Willie the consummate Shrike. Lonelyhearts. Like Shagpoke, he is incapable of talking. He delivers monologues and "dead in a style of the "moving-picture routines performs pan" comedians" (6). His routines all have the same end, to reduce existence to a joke, a parody of life. Like Shagpoke, he automatically assumed authority. He is "the Boss" and imposes a subsidiary role on everyone, them as a "ventriloquist does his doll" (6). But he differs from on one important point. Beneath his dead pan and elaborate Shagpoke he preserves the smallest of an emotional gestures, vestige life; he using suffers. pain; This suffering has to be kept a secret. Shrike can never express can only pretend to express it by doing a burlesque of a he This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 24 COLLEGE LITERATURE fellow" with a broken heart, while indicating "with little nods "simple and winks" that the whole thing is a joke (21). For the setting of his final novel, The Day West of the Locust, of chose that American reservoir great bogus appropriately Hollywood, cast The includes dwarves, Indians, touring performers. cowboys, of other stand-ins. But the team of and a varied assortment Eskimos, and Greener steals the show. For them acting is not so much a Greener are all as an alternative of life. As Faye puts it, "we Greeners vocation crazy . . . The theatre is in our blood" (98), and indeed she is inflicted curse to pose and posture. Her casual gestures are so with a hereditary so formal, elaborate, of be the mannerisms She apparently realizes in a from bad models to be real. So far as so "completely that they appear to meaningless" a "dancer rather than an affected actor" (94). is false, but, having "learned that her method she does not know how to pretend bad school," she is impelled by the she has any motivations, she can assume control, gain a need to be stared at. Before an audience of her own actions. Faye's mechanical and artificial possession father, suffers from a terminal case of the family disease. His face has Harry, into a mask that will no longer register the subtler modula hardened out his life tions of feeling but can only ape the extremes. He measures like birds in bar room recitals, complete with sound effects, "twittering like a pack of hounds when to herald the dawn of Love and yelping how Evil Fate ever pursued him" (120). At his first brush describing to his with mortality, resists the of by clinging nothingness pull Harry honest of selves well-meaning, Harry, "poor Harry, phony repetoire a faithful a model a good father, husband, humble, deserving, can to a he be dying. friend Christian, (91). Dying, only pretend loyal curtain groan" and skillfully uses the pillow of He groans a "second-act his death suffers, self-conscious bed but to offset his his "agonized (119). Like Shrike, Harry profile" never can but released into anything be suffering performance.7 two recurrent character types play out the routines Together, West's humans and take their shape of an exhausted culture. They are failed in The Dream Life of Balso that West dissected from the artist manqu? parts of the artist's divided self and They represent the conflicted artist Like the exhausted combat with his audience. his mock to spontaneously live out their feelings and they have lost the capacity or in a can only in dead mechanical themselves gestures express is a Just as the tradition and self-mocking self-conscious parody. Snell. reenact This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NATHANAEL 25 WEST can only artist, who in his frustration Standing rebuke to the exhausted so a constant is the to also historical West's it, travesty past reproof ideal of the American failed society. The informing that past disparages imitation freedom of self-made cheap sought by Shagpole Whipple's man. The ivory Christ spiked on Miss Lonelyheart's barren walls calmly censures the degenerate forms of modern life. The ghostly spiritual man at of the whole of Western howls the edges of the history laughter "dream where the the Greek dump," Egyptian sphinx, Hollywood are and the of Battle Waterloo in canvas, reproduced "plaster, temple, lath and paint" (132). Just as West's artist is constantly seeking revenge upon the audience so also do West's that has turned him into a compulsive performer, characters come together in a ritualized hostility and violence. Shagpoke Lern and then leads the costume disassembles rebellion that Whipple brings him to power. The petty sadism of Shrike is mimicked by Miss and all the other disillusioned idealists who do not know Lonelyhearts "how else to revenge themselves" but by trying to transfer their pain onto some passive victim. The flavor of violence is strongest in The Day but like almost everything else in the novel it is artificial. of the Locust, The "messianic the fanatic religious cultists is rage" that boils within real enough, but it is never publicly expressed in its wild anarchic purity. sex crimes, It is translated into the "lynchings, murders, explosions, love nests, wars" wrecks, fires, miracles, revolutions, (179) that are as an antidote served up by the newspapers and the movies to boredom or into the petty meanness and persecution that the Greeners, Abe Earle and Tod Hackett visit upon each other. The Kusich, Shoop out of West's that explodes violence is destructive characters in intent a self-consciously and effect, but it remains artificial, staged violence that springs from imitation A of the national rage. part act, it is as unreal and yet as demeaning and as painful as the slapstick scourging that Lern Pitkin receives from Riley and Robbins. a phony It constitutes and Beagle just as the insanity of John Gilson rebellion against the domination of the mind. In this atmosphere of faked-out faked-out personal conflict emotions, and two of West's faked-out social Miss rebellion, characters, rebellion Darwin against society is a counterfeit and Tod Hackett, real. Lonelyhearts try to become descent into madness that is feigned by John Gilson are freed of the tyranny of the and for a moment to posture and perform. At that by the compulsion that They complete and Beagle Darwin conscious mind and moment they come This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 26 COLLEGE LITERATURE into their own destruction. Miss Lonelyheart's quest is out to and He sets ambitious. defeat simple profoundly profoundly to stone. that him the force of death has turned and his world entropy, He sees that he can only oppose this death by freeing his emotions, the source of energy within. For him the proof frozen of the human to feel rests in the figure of the crucified Christ. He can only capacity into life and also his emotions Christ's From the start he by undertaking passion. is impossible, that to realizes that a "sane view of this Christ business" release himself into passion he will have to surrender all of the defenses the hysteria into hysteria. Although of the conscious mind and plunge and will of passion with "a is "natural" infuse the "dead world" resists it with the numb terror semblance of life" (9), Miss Lonelyhearts of a corpse at the first trembling of the resurrection. uses the same dodge To evade his emotions, Miss Lonelyhearts that resort to. He pretends to feel. He goes through all of West's characters his gestures are "too appropri of rage but unconvincingly; the motions actor" ate, like those of an old-fashioned (12). He tries the role of know in his caresses" lover, but there is "too much method (24) just as there is in his blows. Finally he plays at being Christ with a false security and a false humility So that are the easy victims of his own self-laughter. he fails to "tap the force tries to be the messiah, long as he consciously in his heart" and delivers parodies of Christ in stage screams and empty sees as false. rhetoric that he immediately him that carries into his the pathway finds Miss Lonelyhearts in his dreams. Through the course of the novel he continually, emotions of sleep. While these solitary returns to his bed and the sanctuary are to the from be withdrawals appear they reality, exactly journeys and inarticu into that irrational Miss lead Lonelyhearts They opposite. he first late self that lies unused beneath his conscious gestures. When to his bed, his censoring follows him into sleep, conscious mind still imposing the sentence of performing upon him. He dreams that he in the theatre" is on "the stage of a crowded leading his audience takes prayer that Shrike has taught him (9). By the time the novel mocking and inwards to a point where the memory ends he has dreamt himself the lessons of Shrike can no longer follow. His heart, which was a lump of icy fat" (18), burns with the fever of a "mentally "congealed that (56). It is the fever heat of a passion The is most of his "inner cells the real, body." passion through into life; for real. It stirs the dead "black world of things" hysterically unmotivated violence" radiates This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NATHANAEL WEST 27 an instant it endows Miss Lonelyhearts with the power of the creator. a magician of life who can touch the emptiness He becomes into being. In his full creative of mind and feeling power his internal division and "his with God" dissolves into a single rhythm, identification is His heart becomes the "one heart, the heart of God. And completed. to put the one heart he moves his brain was likewise God's" (57). When it is with virginal conviction, and the one mind into action, unpolluted any self-consciousness, any ironic reserve, the pure by any ambivalence, and of the mad man. It carries him conviction of the true believer in the full "charge" of life.8 directly to his destruction The Day lacks the psychological of the Locust intensity of Miss in the broader but what is lost here is gained social Lonelyhearts, In his last novel West makes context that it encompasses. his deepest into the relationship of the decadent artist to a decadent exploration culture that he began in The Dream Life of Balso Snell. Tod Hackett is one of that conspiracy at once a performer, of actors who betray their one of that mass of audience with counterfeit feeling, and a watcher, and betrayed who demand their own exploitation. Like Miss anonymous in a state of exhaustion, he begins beneath the weight of Lonelyhearts an incipient "morbid Bored by his own facility in solving apathy." and color," he considers of composition up his "problems giving like Miss Lonelyhearts he is weary painting while still in art school. Also a joke of life. of his own cynicism that would revenge itself by making He knows he can only melt his inertia in the heat of some emotion and searches for that heat in the California of Faye Greener. In Faye Greener Tod finds the symbolic of Hollywood embodiment and of that decadent America that shines with the promise of life and betrays the very hope that it arouses. He pursues Faye as a lover, just as he pursues America as an artist, to be awakened from his physical to be "galvanized into sensibility" heaviness, (141) and to arouse in turn a corresponding But he demands emotion. of Faye and of his culture the one thing that they can least give or receive?feeling. Serving them, a set designer in their corruption, he is implicated becomes for their a as as an In shows. his frustration lover and artist he turns to phony If he cannot arouse Faye to love or even fantasies of violent revenge. smash her "self sufficiency," lust, he must destroy her absolute control at the very least terror; by making her feel something, by making at the very least rage. These same motives himself feel something, are in his painting, revealed "The Burning of Los Angeles." It represents This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 28 COLLEGE LITERATURE to release some uncontrolled that will yet purgative hysteria the whole or country. He does not simply want to prophesy record the impending wants to he to set in apocalypse; it, precipitate that "awful anarchic power" of "messi motion, through his painting, anic rage" that is waiting behind the empty faces in the crowd. From the very start, Tod senses that "only dynamite would be of any use" his need consume to light the fuse and set off is meant (61) against his world. His painting that explosion of repressed emotion that will bring down the dead world. that can be accomplished Tod is immersed in a madness that the energy of creation and of destruction. Whereas Miss Lonelyheart journeys into his own private realm of the irrational, Tod is drawn into the reservoir of unexpressed the collective hysteria within mass. Once he loses all hope of reaching the feelings of Faye Greener and of that American for which she stands, he is literally and absorbed into the mob of the "bored and anonymous symbolically whose emotions in collective violence. disappointed" betrayed explode When Tod first sees the gathering crowd outside Kahn's Persian Palace he is terrified by its mindless Theatre, power to set off the destruction he had prophesied with such "a strong feeling of satisfaction" (118). the last few pages of the novel, to retain he struggles Through a sense of a direction, an objective. He also is tempted to self-control, surrender to the power of the surging mass and let "himself be swept His conflicting forces" urges are matched along." by the "opposing within the mob which finally turn him "like a grain between millstones" he washes ashore at the edge of the crowd, he has reached (181). When comes to in his dreams. He has found his the place Miss Lonelyhearts creative source and is able to envision and in his imagination work to we the completion of his imagined are which told earlier painting, Before releases "definitely proved he had talent" (61). He has also found the source of own his In his painting destruction. he gives himself to the irrational tide of feeling that will drive the "united front of screwballs and to destroy America, screwboxes" just as it has driven Tod to destroy himself. police The loud, siren wail of his voice car is the sound of that destruction. as he is carried off in the Miss and Tod Hackett discover the final Together, Lonelyhearts it is the same paradox human paradox; that prevents the rebirth of art. To reach the source of their creative power they must pass into their own destruction. The moment they are able to express their unchecked This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NATHANAEL WEST 29 from within and without. in action, The they are doomed can never after it them but that surrounds emotion, hungers society It can accept and reward almost its actual tolerate any expression. so long as it is a performance. even hostility, But pretense of feeling, sees that the free expression of emotion is the ultimate the mob It of the Grand declaration independence. deposes Inquisitor?the to a conspiracy binds each individual self-consciousness?which of means actors of the last between artificial the and gestures, exchange culture. Without spectators of an exhausted why, without understanding Peter clear the of inarticulate any intention, agent Doyle, humanity, must He gives and demands more than Lonelyhearts. destroy Miss can on not it is turns But bear. that Miss humanity simply society or Tod. They are sufficient to their own destruction. In Lonelyhearts emotions a tyrant the controlling consciousness, rebelling against they overthrow that insures their own survival. They are left in the freedom of the no even to not themselves. one, insane, belonging In the destruction of Tod and Miss Lonelyhearts, West reveals his not about the for restoration chances the of only continuing pessimism, the possibility artist but toward the individual of rebirth for an At the end of each novel society remains in a state exhausted America. of emotional and spiritual ruin, its individual members reduced to bogus and passive each other in a ritualized spectators performers facing was right in concluding if West life. Now that parody of communal failure of feeling, he leaves us with a America was suffering a collective come How the condition fundamental did about? West, question. with dramatizing concerned the condition rather than with primarily to answer this question. But the answer or it, never attempts explaining answers to it must in our cultural lie deep about the assumptions of it is expressed. and how selfhood At the risk of meaning I suspect that the emotional failure of American oversimplification, as must is West it somehow be connected with our society portrayed by see as a to the self creation. Americans have predisposition personal that the self is defined or achieved through a perpetual struggle of the will against external reality. The freedom to be someone depends upon the power of the will to exert a personal control the self in the anonymity upon a hostile world that threatens to dissolve of a mass fate. The popular American notion of the self-made man rests assumed characteristically upon just these reality. Anyone about the relationship of the self and assumptions who might feel inclined to sneer at the concept of the This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 30 COLLEGE LITERATURE in mind self-made man of the thought should keep how much and tradition of Western culture have fed that popular idea: the aristocratic the Rennaissance tradition of self-perfection, ideal of the genius, the the existential Romantic ideal of the hero, of the selfhood. concept in an almost unbroken Across the past century, our novelists line have same this the self is a personal worked from that assumption in defiance of the real. They have also achievement, accomplished in their their fictional characters and unfortunately shown, through the disastrous of that which consequences lives, assumption, begins and of the individual from the body of ends by insisting upon the alienation and at the same time imposes of upon him the burden humanity so our It is little wonder that of and many reality. ordering controlling of the past three decades have followed this quest for the self novelists into exhaustion. most of our writers have the conflict of the While emphasized individual and society that result from the pursuit of selfhood, West is more with within the individual that the internal division concerned in opposition not only to results from it. He shows us the conscious-self a chaotic external reality but to a chaotic internal reality?the emotions. can only be manifested A kind of super-ego, the conscious-self through in a the emotions. It is generated the control that it imposes upon a the act of artifice, and continual it continual stronger performance, and reduces existence to the emotions the more it subverts becomes, routine conscious the conscious-self emotional reality or the alienation that is devoid of reality. The internal disassociation the emotions and the consequent and loss describes is the psychological that West equivalent of of of of the individual from social reality. It separation or of the consciously fabricated from the same opposition springs As and the chaotic artificial real, and it ends in the same exhaustion. he sees the and Tod Hackett, indicates through Miss Lonelyhearts West in the release of emotions from the only escape from this exhaustion The price of this release is the disintegra control of the conscious-self. tion of the conscious-self. or suicidal suicidal madness In West's economy the alternatives are self-repression. NOTES 1Many West's critics have discussed fiction. For example the conflict see Victor of Comer intellect and the emotions cher o. Nathanael This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions West: in the Ironie Prophet. An West: Interpretive into Madden. Fla.: Deland, 1982: The 23-25. 1973: Northwestern UP, Life of Balso Snell: Journey Cheaters and Jay Martin. Ed. the Cheated. West: Nathanael 1970: 94-95. Kingsley Widmer. Nathanael Art of his Life. New York: Boston: West: Nathanael the Microcosm." Evanston: Study. "The Dream 1971: 49-50, 94. Gerald Locklin. David 1964: 12-13, 18ff, 64, 162. James F. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, Nathanael Light. 31 WEST NATHANAEL The West. 46-47. 24, 2 The Complete Works of Nathanael West. New York: 1957: 16. References are to this edition. to The Dream Life of Balso Snell and A Cool Million References toMiss Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust are to the New Directions paperback edition. New York: 1969. All subsequent references will be given in the text. 3 For of West's discussions Irving 41, 62ff. 4 For detailed Novelist." 5 For see West 6 Many critics have characters. For "Nathanael West Review 9. discussed and the 10 (1976): 225-34. 3-12, 1972: 25, Letters and cultural Ried: see fiction and 7-8, Light: Ried: of The most the in Martyred in West's see fiction, 46-47. the and 119 91-97, Theatre and 26ff. decandence the artificiality see example "Dead 2: and and Widmer: 161-63, 17-18, in his irrational Carbondale: Baxter. Review artistic of the express Novels. of the relationship of the artist and his audience Charles Coast discussions Ried: West's information fiction West's to attempts Nathanael Malin. Absurd." detailed of West's theatricality ff. Frank Southern analysis W. Shelton. Humanities is to be found in Widmer, passim. similar interpretations 71-78. Widmer: 7 For 8 For Widmer: a similar interpretation of the of Greeners the conclusion see Comerchero. of Miss 138-39, Lonelyhearts 31-32. This content downloaded from on Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:42 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions and see