newsletter july - Ripon Cathedral


newsletter july - Ripon Cathedral
Cathedral News
July 2010
Summer Festivals Special
Medieval Fayre
Saturday 10th July sees the return of
Ripon Cathedral’s popular annual
Medieval Fayre. Visitors will be able to
see medieval knights sword fighting on
the Cathedral forecourt, and meet a
falconer. Meanwhile, inside, a wide array
of stalls will offer fun and creative
activities for all ages, including medieval
games, needlework, poetry, quill-writing,
illuminated initials and monster design.
Professional medieval musicians
‘Hautbois’ will demonstrate and perform
medieval music, and refreshments – with
a suitably medieval flavour – will be
available throughout the day.
2010 promises an action packed festival
season in Ripon, with the Cathedral
playing a major role, hosting numerous
events, including concerts, fairs, and
‘Gracefest’, a youth event for 14–21 year
olds being held at the Cathedral over the
weekend of 17th–18th July.
This event, organised by a team of
young people, will consist of overnight
camping in the Cathedral grounds and a
‘Rave in the Nave’ event on Saturday
night. Popular Christian hip hop rockers
‘thebandwithnoname’ will be headlining,
while on Sunday morning a special
ecumenical youth service will feature 10-
piece ska worship band ‘Sounds of
Salvation’. The festival aims “to challenge
preconceptions of Christians and the
Christian faith, and make the faith more
accessible to non-Christians”. For info and
tickets, see:
Of course, the highlight of the season
for many will be the annual St Wilfrid’s Day
Procession through the city, culminating in
a service and prize-giving ceremony at the
Cathedral. This year, the Cathedral will
once again be entering a float, and the
theme is ‘St George and the Dragon’.
Anyone who would like to take part
should contact Liz Cooke on 605512.
The Medieval Fayre lasts from 10am –
3pm, and entry is FREE, so come
and enjoy a great day out for
all the family, whatever the
Mary Magdalen Chapel Festival
The St Mary Magdalen Chapel Festival runs
from 18th–24th July, and is based around the
celebration of St Mary Magdalen’s Day on the
22nd, when Bishop John will preside at a
special 7.30pm Festal Communion service.
The week, organised by the Friends of St
Mary Magdalen Chapel, will include a
handicrafts afternoon (Tuesday 20th, 2–4pm)
and a talk and demonstration about herbs (Fri
23rd, 10–12am). Popular local artist Alan
Matthews will be painting a watercolour of the
chapel on Wednesday 21st (2–4pm). Why not
bring your paints and have a go yourself? The
Festival concludes with a ‘Summer Soiree’ on
Saturday 24th, 6–8pm, with entertainment
from ‘Kath Harwood and the Sisters in
Harmony’ (tickets £5).
The Chapel is open to the public during
the Summer on Thursday and Saturday
afternoons, 2–4.15pm.
Ripon Cathedral News
Why do we eat? Apart from the fact that we
enjoy it, food gives us energy, helps us grow
and can repair our bodies. It can even affect
our mood! The Bible is full of meals, God
himself providing the delicious nourishing food
and drink. Heaven is often described as a great
banquet to which everyone is invited, without
exception. How are you responding to your
invitation? Come: God wants his house to be
full – and so do we!
Jesus himself loved his food – so many
Gospel events take place around the table and
more than once he got into trouble for inviting
some dodgy characters to eat with him. There
is room for all of us and no one is turned away.
That’s why he gave us a meal to be at the
centre of our lives as his friends today. The
night before he died, Jesus asked his friends to
do something in memory of him and he
promises to be with us every time we break
bread and share the cup of wine in his name.
After he rose from death, he kept on
appearing to them, especially when they were
eating. This holy meal gives us strength for our
journey through life and beyond; it helps us to
grow more like him; it is our medicine for
healing and wholeness.
For fourteen centuries, the friends of Jesus
have gathered daily in our Cathedral to meet
with him and each other, to share the
Eucharist, and give thanks for all that God has
done through his Son. On a Sunday the whole
Cathedral family makes it their duty and joy to
attend the Lord’s service – in union with fellow
Christians throughout the whole world. Jesus
promises to be with us; he speaks to us in his
word and makes himself known to us in the
breaking of bread.
The feast is ready to begin – come and
Canon Paul
The Cathedral Newsletter is produced monthly.
Submission deadline – 10th of the month.
Editorial & Design Team
Miss Louise Watson
Revd Dr Nicholas Buxton
[email protected]
If you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, just let us know.
Printed by Avenue Printing, Harrogate
July 2010
Photo: Peter Horton
On Sunday 13th June, hundreds of couples flocked to the Cathedral to
renew their marriage vows at the popular annual Golden Wedding service.
The Cathedral Friends
Founded in 1941, ‘The Friends’
provide a focus for those who love
this ancient building to help
maintain and enhance it as well as
to enjoy one another’s company
through a programme of social,
cultural and religious activities.
Membership is not only about
contributing towards the fabric of
the building, it is about keeping in
touch and participating.
The support of the Friends is
invaluable. Recent projects have
included generous contributions
to the cost of the new sound
system, the publication of a book
on the Cathedral woodcarvings, a
new welcome desk and chair, and
of course, the new speciallydesigned chairs for the Nave.
Joining the Cathedral Friends
costs as little as £10 per year, and
entitles members to a discount on
purchases from the Cathedral
shop and reduced rates for the
popular Friends’ lectures. Friends
also receive an Annual Report and
n e w s l e tt e r s a n d h a v e t h e
opportunity to attend social
gatherings, take part in visits to
other Cathedrals, as well as trips
to concerts and the theatre.
For more information on
joining the Cathedral Friends, or
further details about the
lectures, please contact the
Cathedral Office.
Thorpe Prebend House
Friends’ Lectures 2010–11
Oct 24th John Billingsley
Temples and Shrines of Japan
Nov 21st Edmund Aldhouse
Transports of Joy: Finding God in Music
Jan 16th Prebendary Jackie Fox
Sense and Sensibility: Women and the
Feb 20th Canon Denis De la Hoyde
The Palestine/Israeli Conflict: Our
Mar 20th Mark Storey
Easter Sepulchres
The Friends’ Lectures, which are open to all,
start at 3pm and are held at Thorpe Prebend
House, High St Agnesgate. Admission
charges apply with tea and cake following
the lecture.
July 2010
Wired for Sound TheGoes
By Charlie Brown
Over the next few weeks the final
adjustments will be made to our new
sound system, which is being fitted by
Acoustic Solutions (Yorkshire). When this
work is completed the congregation
should experience a much clearer,
consistent sound and the new hearing
loop will offer an even signal throughout
the building.
The existing system was installed in
the mid 1990s. To avoid lifting the
Cathedral floor at this time some old
cable runs dating back up to twenty years
were re-used. Over the past few years
some of these older cables have started
to fail, or have been damaged, and some
of the equipment has become unreliable.
Last year, whilst the new lighting was
being installed, new sound system cables
were laid under the floor. These cables
have now been connected and all the
Nave loudspeakers are currently being
New loudspeakers have been installed
in the Chancel together with new
amplifiers and a new digital controller
across the whole system. With this
controller (pictured) Cathedral staff can
now select a preset service setting, and
the system will do the rest.
The Vergers have a handheld control
device that can be plugged in at various
points in the building, which allows them
to make adjustments if necessary. In
addition, inputs for MP3 players and
laptops have been installed in the Nave
and Chapter House.
Visual improvements have also been
made, with all the old unsightly
equipment and cables being removed,
and the loudspeakers painted to blend in
with the stonework.
St Wilfrid
The St Wilfrid lecture on 17th June was given
by Ruth Gledhill, the Times religion
correspondent. During her entertaining talk
entitled ‘Don’t shoot me I’m just the
messenger’, Mrs Gledhill regaled a packed
Cathedral with insights gleaned from over
twenty years of reporting religious affairs.
The 2010 series title is ‘Religion and Politics’,
and the theme of religion, politics and the
media continues with the next lecture, due
to be given by Aaqil Ahmed, head of BBC
Religion and Ethics, on Thursday 8th July. Mr
Ahmed took up the post a year ago after six
years at Channel 4, where he gained a wellearned reputation for producing thoughtprovoking religious programmes, which
often included a political dimension.
Phantom comes to Ripon
O n T u e s d a y 1 3 t h J u l y,
internationally acclaimed
virtuoso David Briggs will
improvise on the organ as
the 1925 classic silent film
‘Phantom of the Opera’,
starring Lon Chaney
(pictured) is screened in the
Cathedral. The performance
begins at 7.30pm.
Tickets for this unique event
cost £10, which includes
refreshments. Under 16s
free with paying adult.
Synod Prayer Vigil
This month the General
Synod of the Church of
England gathers in York for
their twice-yearly meeting.
High on the agenda will be
the proposed legislation for
the ordination of women as
bishops. With this in mind,
there will be a prayer vigil at
the Cathedral on Friday 9th
July, from 10am until 2pm.
“Whatever side of the debate
we find ourselves on at this
key time for the Church of
England, our willingness to
debate needs to be matched
by a willingness to seek God’s
help in coming to a right
decision”, said the Dean.
Throughout the day, prayers
will be led by representatives
from across the church
spectrum. The vigil, which
will be held in the Nave, is
open to all and people can
come and go as they please.
Summer Organ Recitals
Tuesdays, 7.30pm
27th July Gordon Stewart
International Concert Organist
and Kirklees Borough Organist
3rd August John Scott Whiteley York Minster
17th August Andrew Bryden Ripon Cathedral
24th August Edmund Aldhouse Ripon Cathedral
31st August Colin Walsh Lincoln Cathedral
Concerts begin at 7.30pm
Tickets: £7.50, including refreshments.
Under 16s free with paying adult.
Ripon Cathedral News
Visitor Information
Ripon Cathedral has a history going back nearly
1400 years. The present church was founded by
Saint Wilfrid and dedicated in 672, although it
has been rebuilt several times since.
The ancient Saxon crypt – probably the
oldest in the country – is the only part of Wilfrid’s
original church that remains to this day. The
Cathedral also has many other interesting
features, not least the medieval woodcarvings
that decorate the choir stalls, which are believed
to have inspired Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice
in Wonderland.
The Cathedral remains at the heart of the
community to this day: a vibrant centre of prayer
and pilgrimage, welcoming thousands of visitors
every year to services, concerts, exhibitions and
other community events.
The Gift Shop sells a wide range of cards,
books and gifts. Tel: 601347.
Ripon Cathedral is open every day,
8.30am to 6.00pm. Entry is Free.
All events are at the Cathedral
unless otherwise stated.
Sunday 4th July, 10.30am
Ordination of Deacons
Thursday 8th July, 1.15pm
Summer Organ Spectacular
Thursday 8th July, 7pm
St Wilfrid Lecture
Aaqil Ahmed, BBC Producer
Religion, Politics and Public
Friday 9th July, 10–2pm
Synod Prayer Vigil
Saturday 10th July, 10–3pm
Medieval Fayre
Tuesday 13th July, 7.30pm
The Phantom of the Opera
David Briggs (Organ)
Weekend 17th &18th July
The Cathedral Parish
The Cathedral Pastoral Team offers care
and support to the community and parish.
They visit the housebound and those who
are ill. Home Communion can be arranged.
Life Events: In addition to the regular
services, the Cathedral offers Weddings,
Blessings, Baptism, Confirmation and
Funerals. There are also a variety of special
services such as the annual Golden
Wedding Service in June and the Memorial
Service every November.
The Prayer Pyramid prays for the sick
and those in need, especially in an
emergency. Tel: 690367.
The Magdalen Fellowship meets for
prayer at the Magdalen Chapel on Mondays
at 10am (8pm last Monday of the month).
The Parish Prayer Group meets in the
Service Times
Eucharist (said)
Sung Eucharist
Eucharist (BCP)
Morning Prayer
Saturday 24th July, 2.30pm
Chapel of the Resurrection on the third
Monday of the month, 8–9pm.
Froglets (the Toddler Group) meets at
the Cathedral Hall on Wednesdays during
term time from 12.45–2.40pm.
Children’s Church is currently out of
action, but will start again in September.
The Youth Group (for 13–18 year olds)
usually meets on alternate Friday evenings,
at the Cathedral Hall.
The Cathedral Music Group rehearses
on Monday evenings from 7–8.30pm.
The Mothers’ Union meets in the
Cathedral Hall at 2pm on the 4th Tuesday
of each month.
For more information, please contact the
Cathedral Office or the Chapter House.
Cathedral Registers
Newly Baptised
George Richard Frederick Phillips
Finlay Justin Quinn
Leah Taylor Bainbridge
Niamh Elliot
Casie Jai Wightman
Just Married
David Malcolm Harland & Cheryl Anne Smith
Cathedral Friends AGM
Thorpe Prebend House
Saturday 24th July, 6–8pm
Mary Magdalen Summer Soiree
Tuesday 27th July, 7.30pm
Summer Organ Recital
Gordon Stewart
Saturday 31st July
2.00pm St Wilfrid Day Procession
4.00pm St Wilfrid Service
Contact Details
All numbers are Ripon (01765)
Cathedral Office
Development Campaign
Heritage Project Manager
Cathedral Friends
Music Office
Choir School
Chapter House
& Vergers
Very Revd Keith Jukes
Canon Keith Punshon
Ven Janet Henderson
Canon Paul Greenwell
Revd Dr Nicholas Buxton
Mrs Janina Harrison
Church Wardens
Mrs Elizabeth Cooke
Mr Nigel Rawlinson
(Mon & Wed – Evening Prayer)
also Wed 11am (BCP), Fri 12 noon
registered charity no. 1131067