EDM Brochure
EDM Brochure
WWW €J c€,, &#.€,, 'rtl *l o'I | >-trlitlr.) -/< €@&\Yl{€* *!"nxw#yx}! -./"-a-!lF The Remarkable Performance, the Vanguard Designs. ittr E f # Hi ft H aa tMAXi= SEE INDUSTRY GO., LTD. BE C TYPE WSgh W\g3dW Mweh*we *tw*wvsr WSgh WveeSs.Sev* o WSgh E&CtSeSeweV r awd *W#m3eM €*Wev at3er* CG*wv ewS.eweel ffitrffi,ffi \ ,2; ffi ffi ffiffi" ffiffiffi ;W ffi .\:lA.\ SIE cmmu ,.tl111r-t x I'ftE r FXI{S / Work table: 600 x 300 mm / Max. work piece: 750 x 500 x 350 mm s ZNC X, V 4$11{E / ZNC X, Y travel: 300 x 250 mm s cNc x, v $HlliE I cNc x, Y travel: z $fil1f? I Z travel: 150 mm x u $$llfE / U travel: x #lfiEE c 280 x 230 mm 150 mm I Machine N.W.: | 100 kgs ffi-uAXSIlf cro$ul,t P 36+E5O '/, tl *I{T6 &?'rJ.. r.:. t (( r rll / Work table: 650 x 350 mm FtI{T / Max. work piece: 1000 x 600 x 400 mm ! zNC X, v $${lfE / zNC x, y travet: 400 x 300 mm x cNc x, v $frtlt? / cNc x, Y travel: 380 x 280 mm r Z $$llfE I Z travel: | 85 mm I u 4fillfE / U travel: 250 mm rffililEE / Machine N.W: 1300 kgs {W ?rr rrlf x A{ffi r Ftf{T / Work table: 750 x 400 mm I Max. work piece: 1200 x 700 x 450 mm rZNC X, y $Hll{E I ZNC X, y travel: 470 x 380 mm I cNc x, v $tstl{E I cNc x, Y travel:450 x 360 mm .24fr11IE l ztravel: 85 mm 1 n u *tsllfE / U travel: 300 mm r #ffiEE / Machine N.W.: 1600 kgs ,\ !.q W tl fttllll s q IrcA / Work table: 1000 x 550 mm FxI{+ / Max. work piece: 1600 x 1000 x 600 mm I zNC X, Y +$11{E / zNc X, Y travel: I cNc x, Y +frllfE / cNc x, Y travel: E E+fil1{E lztravel:25O mm ! U 580 x 470 mm 580 x 470 mm +fillfE / U travel: 450 mm I HffiEE / Machine N.W: 2500 kgs % zNcfi!EXlr#.gt+{t I E+tE+X[r1Rt+2nH2'F. 0. 0. E$fiAE,ilz--=l €ril\.J, XII)A,H , EI]EEE'E€III txl.t tt I 2 +xfiE)Fl^|ffi , ft+t'tHiFe *5"/llf €fu4u4e Str, mr f Hg1,E_E-trqF1+tf €+Eg,q z+f 3 ! r if fHxf r +f m r if H €EH H El l4 f\' riwxrrSE\, . EFEffi Fild The Main Features of ZNC-EDM 1. Automatic produce the function of processing condition, just input the electrode material, size of the electrode, processing depth, can automatic produce the processing condition accordingly. 2. Newly designed power supply system. While jn machining big sudace and deep hole, the computer provides two steps servo feed for superior machining quality and discharge accuracy. 3. Z axis machining from rough to fine finish are fully computerized with auto detection, display and parameter changes, which saving the manual settings and reducing machining time. m ffiA^n.fiE-Xglfl+ 4 fEElFfiXl4frltfif,f .Fir,fi*tre)Hfiffi;e 5. iE' EE . $,Hfiffi€,ffiiqffi , X[IS,E']R. 6 lft€EHgxitH6[niFffilR;g , fiq€TtrB+ ' E , eeffiifft" 4. Full-automatic controlled anti{ire system, anti-arc system and liquid level for comprehensive safety guards. 5. Copper, Graphite, Tungsten steel special-purpose circuit, processing is fast. 6. The Micro computer digital monitor anti-arc protection, if it has arcing when discharging, it will have the function of auto adjust T-off and eliminate residue immediately. 'ww RAM WPE gW elffifre WSwVlwvW@; Ww,hSwe r fu*wwweM WwehSwe We**v: mwwe@ C"wmbSw& wSglb WSWW ffiWM MwehSwSv*%ee WvevSde CwmWS&ve Hdge CevYewv V&aehSwSwWV .W a **MAx 'rlt tlf x I{f6 n FXIIT n zNc x, v *fi{lfE / zNc x, / work table: 750 x 400 mm I Max. work piece: 1200 x 750 x 400 mm s CNC X, Y +H11{E HtfiEE Y travel: 400 x 300 mm / CNC X, Y travel: 400 x 300 mm r t*HfifE lZtravett x sEEclaoru 400 mm I Machine N.W.: 1700 kgs *&Sce Ig iigMAx SEE crceor'r tW r' '/, l l l1' x n Ilfb / Work table: 800 x 650 mm FtIiS / Max. work piece: | fiosce x 400 x 950 x 500 mm zNc x, v *Hll{E / zNc x, Y travel: 600 x 500 mm n cNc x, v $Hll{E / cNc x, Y travel: 600 x 500 mm x n HIdEE / Machine N.W.: 3200 l<gs - 'fl r n n t r :i:1.:, :, l:..:,.,,,,,. :llll,l,: w::r'triJ,x,r|*f Ifr?.:fdZW wi*slw 3; a;#X6 'W;jh&-a.e \a::t llf I'{fb / Work table: 1400 x 950 mm FXI{* / Max. work piece: 2 100 x | | *;gMAx 50 x 750 mm SEEcrucmru ZNC X, V $H1lfE I ZHC X, Y travet: t300 x 700 mm I cNc x, v *H{l{E / cNc x, Y travel: x I$Htl{E lZtravetz 590 mm I #tdEE / Machine N.W.: 5600 kgs I300 x 700 mm *l\ @Sce €Eil, F€fiEFd+trt;qE' +trHfr&=€l+E2rnHE viEf Having the zero-returning of the position and Setting the discharging positions, modes, YGfrfi;qEtq€)fr,8 ' +iE , t!€1fri+Dl EEflEfD!€1RI+V)HZ setting, searching original point and searching and graphs by the dialogue pattern. Setting the discharging depth, radius, ffiqED!€fiE' bf h\E@w, discharging conditions, and having the eiige automatically. function of automatic produce the discharging conditions by the dialogue pattern, 1. -0.962 -0.273 , &n!m ,. K@m ) x Kt&:) ,r X!!@ ) I x&cl:! rFs )Yffi &rsr;:] xam lfF ' SnEEL }E+EE t |! €ruE.,, v5u EES-' i r Before discharging, it will show frf the discharging position and discharging graph, . ** AE-E: _*..rry g*' w ..4=.1. q j5sS-l'qes4 l"*-Eq !s-1d 1u.1,"8, *EFryl;5E::l Efr f5{il8E Bf,j,AE;n *ftfitHfrEDHgE?4W:#Eeffi. l'EtHESF,iEfirq Effi aqD]ifilHtr6E! D!€xtr €frft When discharging, it would show the including the parameter setting Conventional discharging, Users could do real time position and the graph. and could survey the all the single point discharging. condition of the machine. irr bq€' The system module function is Fil RAM TYPE P4e*neeved Ww*Igm C ev Lav. ge M*3:d fu,v*w%h Eauvld;vy A Twe Weaded gMe WWW W\efu a Mae h*we Twe, F&elde &imwltaneew:&:*V " Our Most Experienced R & D Staffs Develop and Design the Machines That Fully Meet Your Specific Requirements. It's Our Honor to Give Service to You. ffiwwffi?- Ej ffiicNGiu€ffiffi"* fTIF:H- E+H#HlTff ffi ,t{ilhl#lq a, Fff Ft' #AF' $t$dfSTH H! FFiE{f #iru9q,g H F P 3O7+ErsO -a 'l I 11r r r I1f6 / Work table: 3100 x 1000 mm FtI{S I Max. work piece: 4000 x 1450 x 550 mm r zNC X, v $HllfE / zNC x, Y travet: s cNc x, v $H1lfE I cNc x, Y travel: q S$HlliE lTtravel:590 g #fiiEE mm / Machine N.W.: 13000 kgs 3000 x 700 mm 3000 x 700 mm ffirffi The Design of MAX SEE ZNC/CNC EDM Utilized Combined Function in One Machine, Convenience for Delivery, Spacesaving, Design with High-tech. Appearance. lt is the Best Choice to Satisfy Your Demands. eg:w&&he hleeQe soHyt AE}EEI 3D Circulor machining Hexogonol orbit machining .iF = ffi -HgfiEAfIEf #EHE-AE:I' D-{ffi ,EBF I Iffi ' 7i({5ZE E!#X -26136146 'rr l l llr lo$84tr 3D Radial mochining Dftt|EEL Sguore orbit machining series c I1t6 s ffiXI{S / Max. work piece: 750 x 500 x 350 mm / n . #9tJ / Work tabler 600 x 300 / 650 x 350 / 750 x 400 mm 1200 xzNc F=] 1000 x 600 x 400 mm x 700 x 450 mm X, Y +frlliE / zNc x, Ytravel: 300 x 250/ 400 x 300 /470 x 380 mm cNc x, v $fitl{E / cNc x, Y travel: 280 x230 1380 x 280 / 450 x 360 mm sz$$llfE lZtravel:150/ 185/ 185 mm x U$$1lfE / U travel: 150 1250 1300 mm s #ffiEE / Machine N.W.: 1250 / 1900 / 2100 kgs t Specifications C WPE ------===-- tr 4 ZNC,'€i,tXrY CNCX dfi r+E YAmITE zqfiii{E U q$ilf? IlFfi E1T L't p45 ps5 300x250 400x300 470x380 580x470 280x230 380x280 450x360 580x470 Unit c-25 P26 ZNC. Manr,al X, YTravel mm 300x250 CNCX YTravel mm 280x23Q zrravel mm 150 150 185 185 250 U Travel mm 150 150 250 300 450 Work table mm 600x300 600x300 650x350 750x400 mm 750x500x350 750x500x350 Max work piece kg 800 800 Max electrode weiqhl kg 100 100 tu,lax FII'fF ffit€tUE lS?Si'$€ E*R! P36 Model work prece kg 1250 mm 1640x1670x2260 Machine net Packing size (LxWxH) 1 1 1 000x600x400 1 1 200x700x450 000 1 120 100 1 460x1 360x2200 1 000x550 600x1 000x600 300 2200 180 300 600 2500 1510x1430x2240 2030x1 800x1 800 300 1 1360x1270x2200 1 2270x850x1 )HfiE,H Oillevel mm EffiEEFIIFAHfFBff Table to eleclrode plate mm Oiltank (LxWxH) mm )ffifH (LxWxH) 7A-250 70-250 90-485 205-545 1 E€ / eutlr t Capacity tE;ffifrffigfE Paper lilter )SE N,w. €*Ri (LxWxH) Packing size (LxWxH) NE / eutlr 300 t tNl 300 ( 120-340 20-580 tN 1 1 200x825x500 1 30-390 60-670 300-560 500- 1 200 205x935x450 / 446 x2 x2 1 1 1 905x1 035x445x2 507 ( 1388/ x2 x2 x2 260 kg 100 mm 1360x1270x2200 1 61 0 1 550x1 430x2240 60x2 2030x1 790x1 790 RAM TyPE -----===- fl ffi ZNc 1gfrt X/ Y rEE E7 E \r '' - L la$ Fi€tilE t*?S)$E E*Ri ,E1iE,E Erq :HfrE P307 P2A7 i firm 400x300 600x500 800x500 1 300x700 CNCX YTravel mm 400x300 600x500 800x500 1 300x700 2000x700 1 400x950 tVanual X/ Y Travel Spindle Travel mm 400 400 400 Work table mrn 750x400 800x650 900x800 Vtax wo'K p ece mm Kg Max electrode weiqht t(g Machine net we ght Kg Packing s ze (LxWxH) Oiltevel 1 200x750x400 (LxWxH) 1 480x1 050x500 700 1 500 2880x2270x2260 3180x2270x2180 4390x2270x2520 2880x970x1 850 2880x1 000x1 880x2 450-850 mm 0000 500 280-680 | 1 6000 755x755x455x2 910 1 { 970 t 3000 60-460 60-460 500-1 1 00 660"1 250 660- 1 250 2370 x2 1 60-460 960x500x530x2 2405x1 520x460x2 2850x1 750x460x2 X4 x4 4000x1 450x550 5000 500 50-550 703 000 5600 mm | 400x550 31 00x1 300 150-420 1 31 00x1 5000 590 400x950 3200 220-430 1 1 300 200-360 1650x670x390x2 50x750 1 3000x700 3200 mm mm 21 00x1 4000 2500 3000x700 590 590 2030x1700x2220 2060x1 800x2500 2210x2000x2550 t w/ 140 150 200 495 970x1 000x1 000x2 2000x1 030x1 000x2 2000x1 030x1 000x2 2760x1 940x1 000x2 ka Packing size 400x970x500 300 1 mm 5E Capaclty Paper filter E EiEETE NW 1 1200 \4ax work piece we gnl lcF- =HlbrEraoe to elecrrode pate (LxWxH) Oil tank (LxWxH) EFRiI (LxWxH) P55 P58 2000x700 Ffiilf? ZNc Y6fil+E +*h 1=1T$fr 'l*E CNCX P50 P40 Model Unit 3050x2800x650x2 3153/ 3500 x8 xB 495 600 / EFrfEiF, tE p ow ER s uPPtv sPEc,F,cAzoNs Power Supply 4rikt4E =*.lI€ t =trllIS,E ::-$-''= ' c; I +ls. H{=l Metal removal rate lV -. E ect.ode v,ear Sest su.'ace,:-ishi-g ;?c: N W (kgs) Pack ng size sEi,i -2iF"tA . ,tr-ftr;i-l+ (LxWxH) kg mm l=EEFilT=ilEil , E30 E50 E75 Et00 30A 50A 754 1 1 E t50 E200 1504 12.50 16 KVA 00A 2004 4.5 4.5 KVA B KVA 1O KVA 0.2% 0.2% 0 3% 0A% 0A% 0.5olo 0.30 030 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.70 200 200 300 330 400 480 2.50 3 KVA g/m n Powe'inp;t ff = f 6+EtHp (LxWxH) Unit Max. lVachrnirg cure^t 000x760x2000 1 000x760x2000 6.00 1 000x760x2000 8.5 1 000x760x2000 sAll specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. 1 240x1 060x2060 16.00 22KVA 1 240x1 060x2060