Lecture 2 - Justin M. Rao
Lecture 2 - Justin M. Rao
Lecture 2 Multiple Prices & Modeling Demand Curves Econ 404 Jacob LaRiviere and Justin Rao Bargaining with complete information My value for a good: v = 20 Your cost of service for that good: 𝑐 = 10 We both know all this P=0 Seller walks away P=20 P=10 Bargaining region Buyer walks away Bargaining and outside options My value for a good: v = 20 Your cost of service for that good: 𝑐 = 10 Competitor price for the same good is 15 P=0 Seller walks away P=10 Bargaining region P=20 Competitor gets sale Buyer walks away Bargaining and outside options My value for a good: v = 20 Your cost of service for that good: 𝑐 = 10 Competitor has a good that I like less: vc = 15, 𝑝𝑐 = 12 P=0 Seller walks away P=20 P=10 Bargaining region Buyer walks away Prefer to buy the cheaper, less preferred good from the competitor What price will be set? Economic theory says if both sides know each other’s values and costs, some deal will be made. It does not say what price will be set. Bargaining power: factors that determine how much of the surplus each side gets from a transaction. P=0 Seller walks away P=20 P=10 Bargaining region Buyer walks away Threat points in bargaining “threat points”: the outcomes if one party walks away • If my threat point is bad, bargaining breakdown is very bad for me. • What is my outside option if we don’t make a deal? Ex. A factory negotiating with employees over wages. • Each employee’s threat point is to quit, which may lead to financial troubles for them. For the factory, having one less employee is probably not that big a deal. Bargaining “alone”, the factory has most of the bargaining power. • Unions allow workers to bargain together. Now the threat point is to strike, meaning the factory is shut down, at least in the short-run. Bargaining with uncertainty My value for a good: v1 ~𝑈 10,20 (equal chance of any value 10 to 20) You own the good and value it at: v2 ~𝑈 5,15 Myerson Satterthwaite Theorem: there is no mechanism that guarantees a transaction will be made when 𝐯𝟏 >𝐯𝟐 Idea: the seller doesn’t know the buyers valuation, wants to increase price and may in advertently price buyer out of market. Buyer has no credible way of conveying they have a low value 5 15 20 10 My value is probably above yours, but maybe not Why can’t we overcome Myerson-Satterthwaite? Trusted intermediary: we both tell a third party our true values, if buyer’s value exceeds sellers, then price is set as halfway between the two values. • E.g. I say 15, you say 10 price = 12.5 • Problem: we both do not have an incentive to be fully truthful. You want to lie a bit to increase price, I want to lie a bit to reduce price Repeated play: we both agree to always be honest with each other and “split 20 the surplus” each “round” of play. • Will only work if we know the distributions of each other’s values. Idea, if the buyer is really uniformly U(10,20), then there should be an equal number of 20’s as 10’s, etc. • Often we won’t know the distributions and have an incentive to like (“long con”) Bargaining and elasticity Low elasticity minimal ability to switch to competing products/technologies With low elasticity margins are high. In other words, the firm captures a lot of the “surplus” of the transaction. With high elasticities (more competitive markets) margins are low. Consumer’s capture most of the surplus of transactions. One price versus multiple prices A firm charges a uniform price if it sets the same price for every unit of output sold. While the firm captures profits due to an optimal uniform pricing policy, it does not receive the consumer surplus or dead-weight loss associated with this policy. The firm can overcome this by charging more than one price for its product. A firm price discriminates if it charges more than one price for the same good or service. 10 The inefficiency of a single price • Customers “in the DWL triangle” could have been profitably served, but are “priced out” of the market • To serve these customers with a single price, the firm has to discount all units to this price. Loses more money on the intensive margin than it makes up by serving more customers. • Customers cannot credibly reveal their value is below the set price, but above costs, e.g. Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem Economic Value to the Customer (EVC) The maximum price a customer would be willing to pay assuming she is fully informed about the product’s benefits as compared to the closest competitor’s product and price Goal: Generate an accurate value proposition Price discrimination as “value based pricing” Goal: charge different prices based on differential value to the customer For higher value customers, firm can charge a higher prices and still “share in the surplus” Allows firm to serve more of the demand curve by tailoring prices to the value a customer gets from the good Also, it sounds better than “discrimination” Using EVC • EVC = Reference Price + Differentiation value • After Calculating EVC managers have to take strategic decisions about how far below EVC they price. • EVC Analysis can be used as • To guide pricing • As a diagnostic tool for underperforming products Segmentation Basics • Reference price will vary across customers, because “next best alternative” differs • Differentiation value will vary across customers, because usage scenarios and intrinsic valuations differ • Segmentation tries to cluster customers into a smaller number of well-defined “types” • Pricing strategy targets these types with different products, features and offers Strategic assessment of whether firm should move from one-price to multiple price strategy Does my product offering have differentiation value? i.e. it is not totally “commodified” Can I identify 2+ customer value profiles who theoretically have different EVCs for my product? Can I empirically identify these segments? Can I actually implement a pricing strategy based on these segments? Hypothetical EVC profiles for radiology EVC 6400 5800 Defense Systems Radiology Imaging Labs 4400 Hospitals 3900 Ambulatory Facilities 3500 2800 Slide credit: Catherine Tucker Doctors Animal Hospitals Millions of $ of market potential We can reorganize value profiles to construct a demand curve EVC 6400 5800 4400 3900 3500 2800 Defense Systems Radiology Labs Ambulatory Hospitals Facilities Doctors Millions of $ of market potential Slide credit: Catherine Tucker Animal Doctors How can we effectively charge a different price to these segments? Three forms of price discrimination • Direct (aka “3rd degree”) • Different prices based on customer characteristics • Has to be observable and legal • Product-based or “indirect” (aka “2nd degree”) • Offer multiple versions to all and allow consumers to “self select • Examples: bundling, versioning (“good, better, best”), quantity discounts • Perfect (aka “1st degree”) • Charge each consumer her WTP. Dell 512 MB Memory Module Part Number A 019 3405, July 2005 Mar 2005 July 2005 June 2006 Large Business $289.99 $334.99 $294.95 GSA/DOD $266.21 $334.99 $294.95 Home $275.49 $267.99 $265.45 Small Business $246.49 $267.99 $265.45 Slide credit: Preston McAfee Direct Price Discrimination • AKA customer value-based pricing • Charge based on customer characteristics • Student, elderly, enterprise • Location, e.g. zone pricing • Tied into other purchases • Problem: Arbitrage • Ex. How can you prevent doctors from buying as if they were a vet? • Sometimes mechanisms exist to verifiably link customers to segment, like a .edu email address, often you cannot Implementation of customer-based segmentation is challenging Unambiguous indicator of group membership Product must not be tradable across group members Group membership must correlate with EVC Must be legal Must be acceptable Indirect Price Discrimination • Coupons/rebates • Payment models (up-front, pay-as-you-go, etc.) • Quantity discounts • Timing • Branding • Multiple versions with different features offered to all Solves arbitrage by “self-selection” Coupons and Quantity Discounts • Coupons and rebates are used by those with a low value of time • Value of time correlated with price sensitivity • For a single product, quantity discounts work by correlation of family size and price sensitivity • Large families usually have tighter budgets than single people • When selling multiple products, quantity discounts work in different ways • Customer may be unlikely you have a high valuation for many products • “Additional products” get a low price that is not offered widely. • Also works due to budget concerns---if I am near your budget (high quantity), you get more price sensitive NY Times ad rates uses quantity discounts Color US ½ page: 133K US Full page would be 266K, but is actually 214K, or about 20% off. Same 20% discount applies internationally B/W ½ page: 97K Full page would be 196K, but is actually 178K, or about 10% off In other markets, discount is 20% Do NY Times ad rates make sense? • Lower per square inch price for large units • Large ads are more disruptive to the newspaper, so arguably have “super linear costs” (e.g. a whole page is a bigger disruption, harder to fit than 2 half page ads) • Can always split a whole page into two half pages ads, so cost of half page ad is *at most*, ½ the cost of the whole, and maybe less • How can we explain this: • Values: 2 half pages more desirable than one whole page? Maybe, but maybe the opposite. • Price sensitivity: Advertisers that can afford a whole page are *more* price sensitive? Unlikely. • Market power: there are more competitors for whole page ads, so the NY Times has lower margins. Very unlikely. • Market thickness: lots of demand for half page ads, limited, but some demand for whole page ads (“too expensive”). Maybe. • It’s a mistake. Maybe. List prices versus realized prices • ARPU: average revenue per unit, or average prices. If sales team has pricing discretion, these will tend to differ • A common sales scheme: • List price: the starting point for negotiations • Floor price: the absolute rock bottom price the salesperson cannot go below • Incentive compensation = f(total sales, ARPU). Example: • Commission = .1*(Q*ARPU - .9*Floor). Sales person gets 10% the revenue that is in excess of selling at 90% of the floor price. • Sales person has two incentives: close deals (want to offer lower price) and keep prices high (increases commissions if sale will still be made) Product based price discrimination • The demand curve reminds of us of our missed pricing and segmentation opportunities • Product-based segmentation success rests on identifying key differentiation value to distort and persuading customers of the fairness of the segmentation. Product based price discrimination • Different versions in a product class • Includes product attributes, included add-ons and bundling Necessary conditions for product-based customer segmentation Correlation of attribute with EVC Distortion (altering products) Compensation Ex. Capacity (note: 16GB flash memory cost about $15 at the time, 3G chips cost much less than $130) Identifying the right kind of feature Not Integral to the brand Features that customer segments have widely differing values We’ll discuss how to use conjoint and statistical methods Payment models: two part tariff Definition: A firm charges a two part tariff if it charges a per unit fee, p, plus a lump sum fee (paid whether or not a positive number of units is consumed), F. This, effectively, charges demanders of a low quantity a different average price than demanders of a high quantity. Example: hook-up charge plus usage fee for a telephone, club membership, etc. This is a form of indirect price discrimination because it does not rely on knowledge of customer valuations or group membership. 36 Damaged goods: intentional reduction in the value of the product in order to price discriminate • Amazon “super saver” free shipping (7-10 days) • Hold thethis itemreduction in the warehouse forcomes a few days Note: in value at a positive • Copied bythe many online retailers, price sensitive consumers willing to wait, cost to firm. Producing a piece of hardware some people pay for “standard” with fewer features is a different, but related, • IBM LaserPrinter E concept. • Added chips to slow processing • Sony 74, 60 minute mini-discs • differ by instructions on disc • Throttling of internet speeds when there is no congestion IBM LaserPrinter 5E (4029-010) IBM LaserPrinter 10L (4029-040) 38 Sharp DV740U Missing Button 39 Sharp DV740U Missing Button 40 Tracking shows that FedEx holds 2-day delivery packages at distribution centers to reduce chance they arrive in 1 day (intentional delays) Due to increased routing complexity, it actually costs FedEx to reduce the quality of the service… why is this profitable? Pushes high value of speed customers into one day who would otherwise risk two-day Differentiation to justify price differences Note the arrow 43 Question: would this make sense if there were only the following two types of customers? 1. Those that absolutely need overnight 2. Those that only require it arrives in 2-days Answer, no. It only makes sense if there are three (or more) types, those that: 1. Absolutely require overnight 2. Desire a good chance at overnight delivery 3. Just want delivery within 2-days. The intentional delay strategy tries to drive group 2 to purchase costly overnight shipping, which is paired with an “overnight guarantee” Takeaway The success of a damaged good strategy depends critically on the types of consumers in the marketplace and their relative frequency Perfect Price Discrimination • Theoretical standard: charge everyone their willingness to pay, provided this exceeds costs • In practice, impossible to achieve. • View this as a benchmark Example: P All customers are identical and have demand • P = 100 – Q 100 • MC = AC = 10 • What type of payment scheme makes sense? 4050 10 48 90 100 Q What is the optimal two-part tariff? Two steps: (1) maximize the benefits to the consumers by charging p = MC = 10. (2) capture this benefit by setting F = consumer benefits = 4050. (3) Goal is to extract maximum revenue from each customer In essence, the firm maximizes the size of the "pie", then sets the lump sum fee so as to capture the entire "pie" for itself. The total surplus captured! 49 Two-part tariffs with multiple types Often better to charge the surplus of the lower type consumer (A) and set a higher price, 𝑝𝑚 In general, prices will be shaded up from marginal cost because the entry fee will not equal “high types” surplus (I can now raise price on them a bit) Figure source: Wikipedia Examples of two-part tariffs Phone contracts • Monthly fee + usage charges (some included usage for “free” as well) Cover charges • Fee to get in + prices to drink/eat Clubs • Membership fee + usage fee (e.g. per visit, to play golf, etc.), also used for rentals, e.g. Zipcar • May allow options with no membership, e.g. daily use, to appeal to travelers or causal users Other methods of price discrimination • Budget constraints • Pay-as-you-go model can overcome budget constraints. Ex. “go phone” • Can also help with the “sticker shock” of a big upfront price and expand market • Sales force negotiated prices • Salesperson has a range of “approved” prices and have incentives to sort out buyer valuations. • Guarantees/warrantees & branding • Appeal to certain sets of consumers, can be thought of as “added value” for these customers • Timing Timing Price sensitive customers wait for a good deal Timing Not all products show this much variation. Timing Flash sales Why timing can work • Two sets of consumers, “shoppers” (price comparers) and “loyals” (show up and buy) • if firm knows rivals’ price, wants to undercut it slightly • at low prices, would rather have high price sold only to loyal customers • leads to randomization and price cycles • Price sensitive customers will wait, die-hards want it now • Hardbacks vs. paperbacks • Video on demand prices start at high “purchase only” price and drop to low rental price over time • The distribution of customers into “shoppers” vs. “loyals” or patient vs. impatient can vary by product or over time • For laptops/tv’s vs. headphones, we should see less price variation for the higher priced goods • Supermarkets run sales on goods valued by price sensitive shoppers (milk, paper towels, cola, diapers) or when people are likely to be “looking around” (Thanksgiving turkeys, Super Bowl chips, etc.) • Price competition is highest during peak holiday shopping period Branding Branding Branding • Especially common in consumer packaged goods • Premium brands vs. “low end” • Often the products are very similar • Legal issues • Selling exact same product with different claims can be illegal • E.g. selling same contact lens, but different recommended usage times, was deemed fraudulent • Can create a perception of competition and differentiation when there in reality it is quite limited Intro to modeling a demand curve Goal: measure “slope and shifters” • Slope/elasticity: what is the response in terms of quantity sold to price changes (this may be different at various price levels) • Shifters: factors that shift the demand curve. E.g. seasonal components, promotional activity, etc. • It’s possible that external factors will change the slope as well. For instance, for holiday shopping, people buy more consumer goods overall, but are also more price sensitive due to holiday shopping budget and when buying stuff for other people one cares more about price than the “perfect fit” (relatively speaking) Using logs • Recall: 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 ln 𝑦 = ln 𝑎 + ln 𝑏 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 𝑟 ln 𝑦 = ln 𝑎 + r ∗ ln 𝑥 𝑦 = 𝑒𝑥 ln 𝑦 = 𝑥 ∗ ln 𝑒 = 𝑥 ∗ 1 = 𝑥 Find elasticity two ways 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 𝑟 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 𝑟 𝑑𝑦 = 𝑟𝑎𝑥 𝑟−1 𝑑𝑥 ln 𝑦 = ln 𝑎 + 𝑟 ∗ ln(𝑥) 𝑑𝑦 𝑥 𝑟𝑎𝑥 𝑟 ∗ = =𝑟 𝑟 𝑑𝑥 𝑦 𝑎𝑥 Elasticity 𝑑𝑙𝑛(𝑦) =𝑟 𝑑𝑙𝑛(𝑥) For small changes, gives the elasticity too More generally 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑙𝑛(𝑦) 𝑑𝑦 𝑥 𝑦 = = = elasticity 𝑑𝑙𝑛(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 Constant elasticity demand curve 𝛾 𝑥′𝛽 𝑞=𝑝 𝑒 ln 𝑞 = 𝛾 ∗ ln 𝑝 + 𝑥 ′ 𝛽 Even if this function is correct, in practice there will be noise in the data ln 𝑞 = 𝛾 ∗ ln 𝑝 + 𝑥 ′ 𝛽 + error R-squared and related measures tell you how much of the data is “explained by the model” vs. in the error term Constant elasticity demand curve • Simple functional form, gives a useful baseline • Elasticity may often be constant in the “relevant range” of prices • Statistical tests should be used to see if different functional forms provide better fit to the data Assignment Data: 83 Chicago-area stores At weekly level: • Sales (“log move”) • Average sales price • Whether advertised (“feat”) At store level: • Various demographics of the shoppers Data taken from: “Determinants of Store-Level Price Elasticity” Stephen J. Hoch, Byung-Do Kim, Alan L. Montgomery and Peter E. Rossi Journal of Marketing Research Vol. 32, No. 1 (Feb., 1995), pp. 17-29 Data available here: www.justinmrao.com/econ404/oj.csv Data Log of quantity sold each week Price is not logged Demographics of shoppers by store We’ll study 3 brands, “dominicks” is the store’s brand 1 if advertised that week by that store, 0 if not For the purposes of the assignment • Assume the store randomly changes the price of various brands of orange juice, and then chooses to pair the price change with advertising or not (so advertising and price can be correlated) • Start by assuming a constant elasticity of demand function Linear Regression in R regoutput = glm(y ~ var1 + var2 + … + varK, data=mydata) Formula to estimate, y is the LHS, the RHS is a linear function of the vars The data frame that contains the variables in the estimating equation regoutput is an object with many useful outputs Summary(regoutput) prints the coefficients and basic diagnostics Coef(regoutput) gives a vector of the coefficients Fitted.values(regoutput) gives a vector of the fitted values of y Predict(regoutput, newdata=mynewdata) predicts new values for “scenarios” given in new data sets Using R for the Assignment myfirstmodel = glm(logmove ~ log(price)+ vars, data=oj) • In the assignment, you will estimate and interpret models of this type