Tomi T Ahonen, MBA


Tomi T Ahonen, MBA
"Tomi Ahonen is the most influential expert in mobile." - Forbes January 11, 2012
When Mobile Marketing
Learned How to Walk, it Soon
Started to Run: Worldwide
Insights From Bleeding Edge
of mAd
Tomi T Ahonen, MBA
Tomi Seen in:
60 Countries
100 Cities
Author and Consultant
350 Conference Presentations
Cumulative audience over 125,000 people
Twitter: @tomiahonen
A Morning With Mobile
MMA and IAB, Johannesburg, South Africa
7 November 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The Numbers
Now into uncharted territory...
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Global Media End of 2014
Mobile 7.3B
Population 7.2B
FM Radio 4.2B
Landline P
Internet 2.7B
TV 2.1B
PC 1.5B
Landline 1.0B
Source: TomiAhonen Almanac 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Mobile Media $236B
•  Strategy Analytics has its latest count of global
mobile media, at 236 Billion US dollars in 2013
•  It found following user counts:
–  1.9 Billion mobile browsing users
–  1.1 Billion on mobile social networking
–  1.0 Billion mobile app users
–  900 million ringback tone users
Source: PCC Mobile Broadband 7 Aug 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The 10 Dollar iPhone?
•  Ah, the relentless pace of Moore's Law... Take any
'superphone' of today: iPhone 4, Nokia N8, Samsung
Galaxy, Blackberry Bold, or whatever is your favorite
•  Summer 2010: unsubisidised price of: US $600
gave you touch screen, 3G, WiFi, GPS, 8mp & flash
•  Winter 2011, same phone would cost $300
•  Summer 2013: $150; winter 2014: $75
summer of 2016: $38; winter 2017: $19
•  By summer 2019 cost of same specs
of what was condered superphone
in 2010 would be $10 (including
distribution, marketing & profit)
Projection: TomiAhonen Consulting July 2010
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The Consumer and Mobile
We look at our mobile 221 times per day
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
221 Times Per Day
•  The stats of our mobile phone use
keep growing
•  Latest survey by Tecmark in UK of
2,000 smartphone owners finds
that the average UK smartphone
owner looks at their phone 221
times per day
•  Thats once every 4 minutes and
18 seconds of every waking hour
•  We also stare at the phone screen
now 3 hours per day on average,
so 18.9% of the time we are
Source: Daily Mail 8 Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
US Teen Survey: Its still SMS
•  Brand new Niche survey of 7,000 USA teens in
2014 on their daily use of their cellphones
87% use SMS
61% use Facebook
55% watch YouTube
51% use Instagram
46% use Snapchat
37% use Pandorra
35% use Twitter
34% place voice calls
25% use FB Messenger
23% use Google+
9% use Whatsapp
8% use Skype
Source: The Atlantic 19 June 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
10% use during Sex
•  Astonishing finding by latest Harris
poll in the USA:
•  10% of US adults admit to having
used their mobile phone while
having sex
•  This is consistent with earlier
findings out of UK by Zeldi and
Retrovo of the same level use
Source: Harris Poll 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
New Zealand Mobile Web
Vodafone statistics at the annual Tel.Con conference:
74% check social networking from bed
41% check the mobile internet while on toilet
38% have settled bet by finding answer on phone
23% access the mobile internet from the beach
Source: Vodafone NZ presentation at Tel.Con in Auckland April 2012
The Truth is In
My Pocket
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
mAd Stats
Utterly counter-intuitive
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
mAd Market $19.3B in 2013
•  IAB has started to report on the full size of the
mobile advertising market including messaging
•  In 2013 they counted total market nearly doubled
from 2012 and reached size of $19.3 Billion
•  Mobile ads were by type:
–  Search $9.5B = 49%
–  Banner ads $8.0B = 41%
–  Messaging $1.9B = 10%
•  Regionally: North America $8.1B, APAC
$7.1B, Europe $3.3B, MEA $225M,
LatAm $144M
Source: Marketing Land 13 Aug 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Marketers Behind on Mobile
•  Forrester 2014 survey of marketing professionals:
•  42% are employed in companies so new to mobile,
they are still building their first mobile strategy or it
is less than a year old
•  65% don’t have adequate budgets for mobile
•  62% don’t collect any data on mobile use by
their customers. Of those that do, most
only measure mobile web banner ad clicks
•  41% don’t even know own customers’
attitudes to and uses of mobile
•  Forrester is critical of marketers focusing
on wrong tools like apps rather than SMS
•  Also responsive design use as substitute
for understanding full power of mobile
Source: Mobile Marketer 24 Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Want In-Game Ads with 1% CTR?
•  RockYou reported on the in-game advertising on
its popular games like Zoo World, Bingo, Gardens
of Time etc at Mobile Games Forum 2014:
•  Pre-roll and mid-roll advertising generate between
0.5% and 1% click-through rates. Ads were shown
at natural breaks in gameplay
•  RockYou felt these rates were
‘extremely strong’
•  (Tomi comment: yes 1% or less
on mobile ads, which is better
than online ads they may be
used to but pitifully low
compared to what mobile can do)
Source: RockYou Games presentation at Mobile
Games Forum, Seattle USA Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Consumer Dislikes With Mobile
•  Netbiscuits survey of 6,000 consumers
in USA, UK, Germany, Brazil, India
and China found:
•  96% have abandoned a mobile
website because of poor experience
•  91% have gone to a competitor
site when disappointed in the
intended mobile website
•  91% had deleted an
app that they felt was
•  40% will abandon a site
if it asks for location info
Source: Internet Retailing 28 Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
How many of you have
ever been in a situation,
where you were
exposed to a bunch of
ads, and then decided
to ask for more ads?
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
We Love Amazon Advertising
•  Amazon is proof that its possible to ask for more ads
•  Amazon recommendation engine learns what we
bought, and what we looked at, and gives us
advertising ("recommendations") based on what other
people who bought those books, also bought
•  Amazon says 30% of sales from recommendations
•  We love it so much - we ask for more
recommendations (ie ads!!!)
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Click-to-Buy SI Swimsuit
•  Sports Illustrated introduced freemium to Swimsuit
edition in 2009. First premium edition cost $1.99 and
10% who saw free app, bought via click-to-buy link
•  The 2013 edition had 500,000
downloads of the free version and
the upgrade now costs $7.99.
Has 360 degree views of models
•  SI have not published how many
are now buying the premium version
but as price is up, likely its still a
very good seller. If only 10% bought
it like before, SI earned $399,500
Source: Adweek 18 May 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Acceptance of mAd
•  An annual tracking poll by Harris of 2,000 US adults
has been asking on acceptance of mobile marketing
•  When asked in 2009 for the first time, whether US
consumers would want permission-based mobile
alerts and offers, 26% said they would like it
•  Against all ‘conventional wisdom’ the
number has gone up every year.
•  Latest number is 45% would like it
•  Finding is counter-intuitive, where
conventional wisdom suggested early
appeal of mobile ads was a short-term
fad, and would decrease over time
Source: GoMo News 15 Aug 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Gap in Consumer & Business SMS
•  Textmarketing survey of 1,368 UK
•  89% would like to receive
delivery notices via SMS, but only
26% have received any (gap 63%)
•  84% would like appointment
reminders via SMS but only 29%
have received any (gap 55%)
•  68% would like SMS offers or
discounts from brands they
purchased from in past 3 months yet only 12% had received any
(gap 56%)
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Source: Textmarketing UK survey Oct 2012
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Doing SMS? Now Go MMS
•  Twilio is one of many messaging experts who is
advising all businesses to migrate their messaging
from basic SMS to MMS
•  MMS allows longer text than 160 characters, plus
pictures, sounds, videos, coupons, QR codes, URLs
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Mobile and Media
Mobile is the 7th Mass Media
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The 7 Mass Media
1st mass medium Print 1500: books, newspapers, magazines
2nd medium Recordings 1890s: music, games, movies
3rd medium Cinema 1910s
4th medium Radio 1920s
5th medium TV 1950s
6th medium Internet 1995s
7th medium Mobile 2000s
Wikipedia page: Seven Mass Media
Source: Ahonen book Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, 2008
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi: Mobile Has 9 Unique Benefits
Mobile is first personal mass medium
Permanently Connected
Always Carried
Built-in Payment Channel
Available at Creative Impulse
Has Most Accurate Audience Info
Captures Social Context of Consumption
Enables Augmented Reality
Offers Digital Interface (to real world)
Source: Tomi Ahonen book
The Insider's Guide to Mobile, 2012
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 1 of 9:
Mobile is first personal mass medium
First four benefits identified by Tomi T Ahonen about 7th Mass Media in 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Mobile Disrupts Everything
•  Bessie Lee CEO of WPP China said:
•  66% have broken up in China using mobile
phones - most of this is break-up by text message
•  60% would give up sex for a month rather than go
without mobile for a week
•  In China, if marketing budget limited, go 100% mobile
Source: WPP Presentation at MMA Asia Forum August 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Sun Tan Saloon Sign-Up
•  Seattle Sun Tan chain of 35 tanning saloons
seeked opt-ins for its SMS marketing channel.
Offering a discount of $20 for any who
accepted, they signed up 4,750 area residents
•  The initial offer was run for one month. 57%
redeemed the coupon (on average 136 unique
customer visits per saloon)
•  The 30 day campaign generated $200,000 in
new revenue ($5,700 per saloon)
•  Furthermore, the customers who used the
SMS coupon spent on average 500% more
than customers who didn’t use the coupon
Source: Tatango 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 2 of 9:
Mobile is permanently connected
First four benefits identified by Tomi T Ahonen about 7th Mass Media in 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
79% consume news in China
•  Research from the Time Mobility Poll of 4,700 people
in 8 countries in 2012 found:
•  79% of Chinese consume news via their mobile
phones (vs 49% globally).
•  Most of the news services are branded news such as
mobile versions of major newspaper headlines and
run on SMS and MMS
Source: Time presentation at MMA Forum 8-10 May 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Hijack Customers from Competitor
•  Guatemala sports shoe store chain Meat Pack hijack
campaign when visited rival shoe stores. Geo-located
every store in Guatemala of rivals. Then they invited
their own customers to opt in to mobile marketing
•  For one week when their registered opt-in customer
visited a rival store, the customer received timed offer
of discount to come to the nearest Meat Pack
•  The discounts were on count-down, starting at 100%,
then 99%, 98%, 97% etc until customer entered store
•  600 customers were hijacked in one week.
•  Highest discount achieved was 89%
Source: Cannes Lions International Awards May 2013
(Agency: 4AM Saatchi & Saatchi, Guatemala)
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 3 of 9:
Only mobile is always carried
First four benefits identified by Tomi T Ahonen about 7th Mass Media in 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
49% Changed Mind in Store
•  MMA survey of US consumers gave details at the
MMA Forum in New York City in May 2013
•  49% of US consumers had been inside a store,
ready to buy something but then changed
purchase decision in store because of mobile
Source: MMA Consumer Survey May 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
UPS Reroutes Packages
•  UPS allows packages to be redirected at the delivery
to any address for faster delivery, less uncollected
packages to have to try to deliver second time
Source: T-3 presentation at MMA Forum New York City, 8-10 May, 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 4 of 9:
Mobile has built-in payment channel
First four benefits identified by Tomi T Ahonen about 7th Mass Media in 2006
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
UK: The MacFinder
•  MacDonald’s in the UK has expanded its range of
restaurants that stay open 24 hours. The UK public
is not yet well aware of this and MacDonalds
needs to help the nightcrawlers find a Big Mac
•  Launched MacDonalds’s Restaurant Finder on
app, mobile web & SMS alerts
•  500,000 apps were downloaded.
•  1.5M mobile web hits in 6 months.
•  70% are regular users
•  Bottom line? UK MacDonalds
night-time sales are up 4%
due to this campaign
Source: MMA The Relationship Channel 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Price Compare AND Instant Shop
•  Moneymarket Com in Ghana has introduced a mobile
price comparison service with Airtel’s mobile
payment solution including instant-buy links
•  Consumers can do regular price-shopping
•  Stores can join with instant-buy links using
Airtel mobile payments making best-price
shopping effortless
•  Mobile payments are used by about 25% of
Ghana’s mobile phone owners
Source: Mahindra Comviva presentation at Mobile Web Africa
conference in Johannesburg 10-12 September 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 5 of 9:
Mobile is available at creative impulse
Thank you Tony Fish for discovering this fifth benefit in 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
25% Search in Toilet
•  Finding from latest Google research covering
2,138 consumers finds that 25% of us now do
Google searching while sitting on the toilet
Source: The Telegraph 28 Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tecno Treasure Hunt in Nigeria
•  Tecno Mobile is Nigeria’s largest domestic mobile
phone manufacturer
•  They ran treasure hunt to promote new phone
models. 500,000 consumers participated
•  Average user spent 12 minutes on the game on
their mobile phones
•  84,000 gamers won prizes which were given out
as Eskimi virtual currency coins
Source: Eskimi presentation at Mobile West
Africa 21 May 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 6 of 9:
Mobile measures audience accurately
Thank you AMF Ventures for discovering this sixth benefit in 2007
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Kan Khajura (‘Radio’) Station
•  Unilever has launched a ‘proper’ radio channel that
offers them an exclusive radio advertisement
channel for all their brands.
•  The Kan Khajura ‘radio’ station is a free voice
service on mobile phones
•  Users dial a ‘missed call’ then they would receive
15 minutes of voice ‘radio’ entertainment like
Bollywood music and jokes, plus ads
•  24 million signed up. 8 million regular listeners.
25.5% of the target audience is signed up
•  In 6 months delivered 2.3 million hours of media
plus served 70 million ads
Source: Cannes Lions 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
McDonalds Denmark - Coinoffers
•  Daniel Lee of McDonalds spoke at MMA Forum Asia:
•  McDonalds in Denmark offers Coinoffers loyalty via
QR codes and advertising. Find virtual coins in
Copehagen, in ads and get coins when buy McD
•  "Money grows on trees" - Coinoffers can be used to
pay for real McD food
•  People would wait in front of TV to see
another McD ad so to get more coinoffers
•  10 Coinoffers buys you a burger
•  "Mobile is a bridge between digital &
physical world, creating stronger
customer engagement“
Source: McDonalds presentation
MMA Forum Singapore August 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 7 of 9:
Only mobile captures social context
Thank you Alan Moore and Xtract for discovering this seventh benefit in 2008
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
NFL Fans Text While Watching
•  RadiumOne survey of 1,501 NFL fans: 56% send
SMS text messages while watch games on TV
•  Compare with 41% who use use social media
•  91% of NFL fans check NFL info on their mobile
phones on game day. 51% do it 5 - 15 times on
game day for NFL-related news and updates
•  77% of NFL fans have at least two NFL-related
apps on their phones like ESPN or Yahoo!
Source: Adweek 8 Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
•  Starbucks has gone mobile first. The CEO said in
2013: "Nothing is more important to our
future than mobile.“
•  Its two years from when Starbucks launched its
mobile wallet. Today 15% of Starbucks USA
revenues come from mobile payments
•  Now Starbucks has partnered with Uber
•  If you order an Uber ride to a Starbucks
and buy a coffee, the taxi ride is free
Source: Starbucks and Uber press release Sept 4, 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 8 of 9:
Mobile enables augmented reality
Thank you Raimo van der Klein of Layar for discovering this 8th benefit in '09
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
AR and Print Media
•  Layar is now deployed digitizing newspaper ads.
Their solution lets any page be digitzed in just 60
•  Canadian publisher of local newspapers Glacier
Media says they sell AR upgrades to print
advertisements for 99 dollars each
•  This AR premium advertising solution to
newspaper ad sales has already earned 7.5
million Canadian dollars in the first quarter of 2013
Source: Peter Kvarnstrom at WNC13 newspaper event, May 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tissot AR Watch Tester
•  Luxuy watchmaker Tissot has introduced an AR
based wristwatch tester. The consumer straps a
paper-based strap onto the wrist
•  Then consumer can see on screen what the
particular watch model would look like, select colors,
models, straps etc
Source: Rapid Blue presentation at Mobile Web Africa conference in
Johannesburg 10-12 September 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Unique benefit number 9 of 9:
Mobile offers a digital interface
Thank you Russell Buckley for discovering this 9th benefit in 2011
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
SMS Street Light Control
•  A service called Dial4Light has launched the world's
first remote control for street lights in Germany town
of Lemgo (pop 42K) near Hannover & Dortmund
•  Street lights on side streets are not turned on for the
whole night. But if a consumer wants the lights on,
they send a premium SMS message and get the
lights on for 15 minutes, which costs 50 cents
•  The town of Lemgo is saving 50,000 Euro
per year in not unnecessarily spending
electricity to keep lights on at night
Source: Tomi Ahonen book The Insider's Guide
to Mobile 2012
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Press The Button - For Pizza!
•  Red Tomato Pizza in UAE offers a fridge magnet with
GSM chip, hard-coded call number, users can
configure pizza on magnet and press button to order
Source: T-3 presentation at MMA Forum New York City, 8-10 May, 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Mobile is the Magical
Measurement Machine
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
27M M-Web Audience in Brazil
•  Globo the Brazilian media giant deploys four versions
of mobile screens to suit different handset groupings
•  David Lindgren, Globo's head of mobile was quoted
in Mobile Time, they had 27 Million visitors to their
mobile sites using featurephones and smartphones.
This is a third of total Brazilian internet audience.
•  Average user visits Globo mobile 6 times per
month, and sees on average 4 pages during visit
Source: book Fast Shopper, Slow Store by Gary Schwartz 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Finnair Mobile Check In
•  Finnair started mobile check-in late in 2001. SITA &
Air Traveller World 2011 survey 4 continents
found 17% use mBoarding pass
•  By 2010 Finnair
passed 50% of fliers using it
•  Latest version by Book It offers Finnair instant upgrade:
After passenger checked in economy, offered instant
upgrades paid by credit card or frequent flier miles!
•  23% who received offer have used it for upgrade
Sources: SITA 2011, Book It 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Measure Cup Size. By Phone?
•  A startup in the USA called ThirdLove (some ex
Google execs and some NASA scientists) have found
a way to use the selfie camera function to measure
bra sizes accurately.
•  Apparently 80% of women wear a wrong size bra
because accurate measurement was so clumsy.
Source: Fast Company 30 March 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Measure Trees? By Phone..
•  Trestima in Finland has business app for forestry
management to accurately trees, by type, number,
age etc by taking pictures with smartphone camera.
•  12x faster and 2.5 times more accurate than the older
method of walking in forest physically counting trees
•  Trestima promises speed of 5 minutes per hectare of
trees surveyed with error rate down to 10% (vs 25%
with traditional manual method)
Source: Good News from Finland 30 Sept 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The New Black Gold
aka ‘big data’
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The New Black Gold
•  This is theoretically the 'holy grail' of commerce into
the next decade (2020-2030). Alan Moore said:
"Mobile user data is the new black gold for the
21st century.“ Many futurists since have agreed
•  If true, by year 2030 the biggest Fortune 500
companies globally will not drill for oil, they will mine
mobile data
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Must Be Opt-In
•  All mobile advertising and marketing must be based
on active opt-in (ask each customer for permission)
•  It means work
•  It means you have to convince every prospective
mobile phone owner to volunteer to sign up with you
•  It means you have to give honest value to the
•  But - the value of an opt-in database of consumers,
willing to accept ads, and giving you info about them
and permission to use them - is infinitely more
valuable than demographics data on mass media
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Value of Opt-In: Kiehl’s
•  Kiehl’s is a premium cosmetics store brand in the
USA. They introduced an opt-in mobile campaign
of ‘Kiehl’s Offers’ that promised not to spam
customers and send only 3 SMS message
offers per month
•  Campaign was featured in stores, online
and allowed short code sign-up via SMS
•  After 6 months of modest message load, the
result was 73% of customers signed up had
made at least one purchase with those offers
•  A customer survey sent to the same recepients
achieved 81% response rate (also via SMS)
Source: Tatango 17 July 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
What is Value of New Black Gold
•  Qustodian revealed at Forum Oxford in 2009 that the
theoretical maximum value of personal ownership of
attention, for marketing and advertising is about 3%
of the global GDP or 2.5 Trillion US Dollars
If Google were able to only take half of this
market (via Android on most phones) they
could make all calls free - and still earn 50%
profit margin!
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Advocurrency in Gaming
•  Beach Buggy Racing first mobile game to
incorporate Jonathan MacDonald’s idea of
•  As normal, gamers collect rare, hidden
treasures to convert to virtual currency. They
also can pay to buy virtual currency (aka ‘inapp purchase’)
•  There is advertising of course. What is new,
now gamers can recharge their virtual wallet
by watching ads at times when they feel like
it (rather than interruptive ads before or
during gaming)
Source: Pandora presentation at Mobile Gaming Forum 2014 Seattle USA
Oct 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
And Finally Some Magic
The true power of mobile
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
AR Make-Up Mirror
•  Sephora has introduced an AR make-up mirror app
that lets users pre-test various makeup on their own
faces virtually, using the AR mirror
Source: Site Pro News 26 Aug 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
"The world will change more in the
next 10 years, than it has in the
previous 100 years."
- Chetan Sharma, 7 July 2011
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Now would you
have questions?
Follow Tomi on Twitter and his blog..
Twitter @tomiahonen
[email protected]
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi T Ahonen, Author & Consultant
Competitiveness, Business Case, Marketing, and Profitability
"Service creation and marketing will be key to 3G," Ahonen said. Total Telecom 12 October 2000
Provides workshops, training and consulting in how to
make money with mobile adn converged services.
The world's most prolific new mobile service evangelist,
has introduced over 1,000 new service concepts at
public conferences; is quoted in 120 books by his peers
Quoted in over 400 press stories in a dozen languages;
keynotes at over 300 major conferences on 6 continents;
his daily blog is syndicated on CNBC, NY Times, etc
Lectures at Oxford University on 3G and Convergence
Available as a motivational speaker at your event!
Read his bestsellers "Digital Korea", "Communities
Dominate Brands", “Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media”
e-mail: [email protected]
twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi's newest book "The Insider's Guide to Mobile"
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Earlier Tomi Ahonen has set up &
run Nokia’s 3G Business
Consultancy. Previously he
worked for 3 operators where he
created the world’s first fixedmobile service bundle and set a
world record for taking market
share from the incumbent
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Bonus Info
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
10 Commandments of mAd
Kim Dushinski author of Mobile Marketing Handbook issued 10
Commandments of mobile marketing:
1 Thou shall not send mobile spam
2 Thou shall only cause mobile action with QR codes
3 Mobilize thy site
4 Thou shall only create a mobile app if there is a valid reason to
5 Honor your mobile campaigns by marketing them fully
and accurately
6 Mobilize thy email
7 Thou shall not ignore mobile, for thy neighbor won't
8 Thou shall provide relevant value
9 Obey the context in which your customers are
interacting with you
10 Use only mobile when it is the right tool for the job
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Smartphone Prices By Region
•  IDC reported on the regional average sales prices of
smartphones in November 2013 as being:
•  North America
•  Europe
•  Middle East and Africa
•  Latin America
•  Asia/Pacific
•  World average
Source: IDC November 26, 2013
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Mobile Subscribers, Unique Users, Phones
Source: Tomi Ahonen Amanac 2014 - see - 191 page eBook only 9.99 Euros
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Digital Divide - per capita
Industrialized World
1.2 Billion
480 million
Mobile subscriptions
2.1 Billion (175%)
FM radio receivers
2.8 Billion (233%)
Banking account holders 1.0 Billion (83%)
675 million (56%)
PCs incl laptops&tablets 750 million (63%)
PC web users home/office 750 million (63%)
Internet cafe users
40 million (3%)
Mobile Internet users
700 million (58%)
Landline phones
300 million (25%)
650 million (54%)
Source: TomiAhonen Almanac 2014
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Emerging World
5.9 Billion
1.4 Billion
5.0 Billion (85%)
1.7 Billion (29%)
1.5 Billion (25%)
1.3 Billion (22%)
900 million (15%)
800 million (14%)
250 million (4%)
1.9 Billion
700 million (12%)
400 million (7%)
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Price Pyramid of Mobile Phones
Source: Tomi Ahonen PhoneBook 2014 - see - 191 page eBook only 9.99 Euros
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Your Action Plan for Mobile
•  1 - Launch immediately (or expand if you already
have) your SMS text messaging mobile service
•  2 - Launch immediately (or expand) your MMS
multimedia messaging mobile service
•  3 - Optimize your website for mobile.
•  4 - Share this slide set with your digital team
•  5 - Download Tomi Ahonen free ebook The Insider's
Guide to Mobile from
•  6 - Have your digital team build a
solid mobile strategy
•  (and resist the urge to deploy an
iPhone app as your mobile strategy)
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen Report
eBooks only via
TomiAhonen Mobile Forecast 2012-2015
86 pages, eBook format only, May 2012 - Cost only 99 Euro
TomiAhonen Consulting's forecast of the 110 most
requested mobile industry numbers is in ebook format. Table
of contents:
Chapter 1 - Intro (4 pages)
Chapter 2 - Size of Industry (8 pages) 3 charts, 7 tables
Chapter 3 - Customers (7 pages) 1 chart, 10 tables
Chapter 4 - Handsets Overall (10 pages) 6 charts, 8 tables
Chapter 5 - Handset Market Shares (25 pages) 24 charts
Chapter 6 - Mobile Data (18 pages) 15 charts, 15 tables
Chapter 7 - Smartphone Apps (2 pages) 1 chart, 1 table
Chapter 8 - Customer Types (5 pages) 3 charts, 3 tables
Chapter 9 - Annual Statistical Summaries (5 pages) 4 tables
More info see
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen eBooks
eBooks only via
Pearls Vol 2: Mobile Social Networking
Foreword by Mark Curtis, CEO of Flirtomatic,
171 pages, eBook format only, April 2009 - Cost only 9.99 Euro
Tomi's second volume of "Pearls", has 50 case studies of
real world services around topics of mobile social
networking and digital communities covering all biggest
stories including Mixi, Mobage, Flirtomatic, Itsmy, Qik,
Twitter, Cyworld, Habbo, Mogi, Tohato, MTV, i-Report etc.
Pearls Vol 1: Mobile Advertising
Foreword by Russell Buckley, SVP Admob, Chairman Mobile
Marketing Association
171 pages, eBook format only, January 2009 - Cost only 9.99 Euro
Launching an eBook series of Tomi's "Pearls", this first
volume has 50 case studies of real world services around
topics of mobile advertising and marketing from 19 countries
including location-based, coupons, viral, advergaming etc
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen eBooks
eBooks only via
Pearls Vol 3: Mobile Money
171 pages, eBook format only, June 2011 - Cost only 9.99 Euro
Tomi's third volume of "Pearls", has 50 case studies of real
world services around topics of mobile social money, mobile
payments, mobile banking and mobile wallets. Includes all
biggest stories such as Coca Cola, M-Pesa, NTT DoCoMo
Osaifu Keitai etc.
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen eBooks
eBooks only via
Tomi Ahonen Almanac 2013
190 pages, eBook format only, February 2013 - Cost only 9.99 Euro
Comprehensive industry review and almanac with 93 tables,
charts and diagrams, covering all major aspects of the
mobile telecoms industry from handsets to services, from
customers to networks, from SMS text messaging to content
from mobile internet to mobile advertising.
"Whenever I need a stat, Tomi seems to have it, so I'd highly recommend this."
- Russell Buckley, MD Admob Europe, Chairman Mobile Marketing Association
"Speaking of statistics, Tomi Ahonen has put together the Tomi Ahonen Almanac as an eBook
for mobile nuts. In it, you can quickly find mobile penetration of say, Thailand, or that 51% of
the Earth's population has at least one cellphone, and one in 8 mobile walks around with 2
phones in their pockets!"
- Ricky "The Guru" Cadden at Symbian Guru
"Tomi Ahonen is the king of mobile statistics and knows more about the mobile space than
any one I know"
- Paul Poutanen founder and President of Mob4hire
"If you're interested in mobile statistics, you really need to pick up a copy of Tomi Ahonen's
Almanac. The Almanac is full of hard to find information."
- WAP Review
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen eBooks
eBooks only via
Tomi Ahonen Phone Book 2012
173 pages, eBook format only, September 2012 - Cost only 9.99
Complete update of the volume, data current to December
Comprehensive review and almanac of handset side of
mobile industry with 100 tables, charts and diagrams, with
all market shares, average sales prices, features, operating
systems etc for smartphones, dumbphones and major
brands in handsets.
It is the companion piece to highly popular TomiAhonen
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen six hardcover books
all six hardcover books are available at Amazon
Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, 2008
explains the media opportunities in mobile from music
and gaming to TV and social networking and even
internet and adertising. 322 pages.
Digital Korea, 2007 with Jim O'Reilly
is case study in digital convergence from the most
advanced information society of South Korea.
covers internet, TV, mobile, ecash, egoverment,
robotics, telematics, virtual reality etc 282 pages.
Communities Dominate Brands, 2005
with Alan Moore
first business book on social networking 280 pages.
3G Marketing, 2004, with Timo Kasper & Sara
Melkko is marketing handbook for mobile operators
M-Profits 2002
Still only complete business book for mobile, 360 p
Services for UMTS, 2002, with Joe Barrett was first
services and applications book for 3G, 373 pages
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi Ahonen Books:
2013 TomiAhonen Almanac 2013 (ebook:
2012 TomiAhonen Phone Book 2012 (ebook:
2012 Mobile Forecast 2012-2015 (ebook:
2011 Pearls Vol 3: Mobile Money (ebook:
2010 The Insider's Guide to Mobile (free ebook:
2009 Pearls Vol 2: Mobile Social Networking (ebook:
2009 Pearls Vol 1: Mobile Advertising (ebook:
2008 Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media (hardcover: futuretext)
2006 Digital Korea (hardcover: futuretext)
2005 Communities Dominate Brands (hardcover: futuretext)
2004 3G Marketing (hardcover: John Wiley)
2002 M-Profits (hardcover: John Wiley)
2002 Services for UMTS (hardcover: John Wiley)
see all Tomi T Ahonen's books with links at
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Selected TomiAhonen Workshops
Changing Customer Needs in Mobile Most requested workshop
currently, includes “steps” to addiction, “split” personalities, time to change..
Mobile as 7th Mass Media Tomi's latest workshop discussing media
convergence and unique aspects of mobile. Also adopted for Oxford Univ.
Social Networking / Mobile Digital Communities based on his book
Communities Dominate Brands, may be run with SMLXL. Adopted for Oxford U.
New Mobile Service Creation From ideas to money-making, for mobile and
fixed, for operators, vendors, content partners etc, includes 6 M’s and Early 8
Business of Mobile Telecoms (2G, 2.5G, 3G) Adopted for Oxford U
3G TV covering video and TV convergence with mobile. Adopted for Oxford U
Mobile Marketing and Advertising featuring "Engagement Marketing"
Segmentation and Customer Understanding may be run with Xtract
Launch Marketing for 2.5G and 3G also adopted for Oxford University
MVNO, Revenue Sharing & Partnerships can include building a model
Forecasting and Business Modelling in Telecoms Popular workshop
Competitiveness in Telecoms Workshop form or competition simulation:
Workshops are very cost-effective ! Write [email protected] for more.
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
Tomi's Mobilista Primus Inter Pares TW List
If you are in mobile and on Twitter, the 'must follow' Twitterati in addition to
@TomiAhonen are Tomi's Primus Inter Pares list:
•  @AjitJaokar - author of tons of mobile books, advisor to governments
•  @CarolineWIP - Caroline Lewko author, expert on the developers
•  @ChetanSharma - Chetan Sharma author, best view to US stats & industry
•  @DW2 - David Wood ex CEO of Symbian
•  @EOrtiz - C Enrique Ortiz author on mobile tech
•  @Ew4n - Ewan MacLeod, editor of Mobile Industry Review
•  @FjordMark - Mark Curtis author ex CEO of Flirtomatic, now at Fjord
•  @JMacDonald - JMac Jonathan MacDonald the author and superguru
•  @KimDushinski - Kim Dushinski author on mobile marketing
•  @MTrends - Rudy De Waele what can I say, a mobile social butterfly
•  @PGolding - Paul Golding author on mobile apps, web, tech
•  @RussellBuckley - Russell Buckley author ex MMA Chair ex Google ex Admob
•  @TechnoKitten - Helen Keegan runs Swedish Beers
•  @Textually - Emily Turrettini editor of Textually and Ringtonia
•  @TonyFish - Tony Fish mobile author but also guru on digital identity & privacy
•  @Torgo - Daniel Appelquist author & mobile strategist now with Bluevia
•  @Wireless_Watch - Lars Cosh-Ishii editor Wireless Watch Japan, MoMo Tokyo
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen
The Guru's Bookshelf in Mobile:
Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, Tomi T Ahonen, 2008
Communities Dominate Brands Ahonen & Moore, 2005
My Digital Footprint, Tony Fish, 2010
Global Mobile, Bruck & Rao, 2013
Mobile Marketing Handbook (2nd ed), Kim Dushinski, 2012
Fast Shopper, Slow Store, Gary Schwartz, 2013
Mobile Advertising, Sharma, Herzog & Melfi, 2008
Digital Korea, Ahonen & O'Reilly, 2007
No Straight Lines, Alan Moore, 2011
Social Gaming, Schmid, Talos & Aguilina, 2013
Mobile Internet for Dummies, O'Farrell, Levine, et al 2008
Digital Money Reader, Dave Birch (ed), 2011
3G Marketing, Ahonen, Kasper & Melkko, 2004
...And of course The Dilbert Future by Scott Adams..
Copyright © Tomi T Ahonen 2014
Twitter: @tomiahonen