iBond user manual latest updated March 2012
iBond user manual latest updated March 2012
User Manual Last Updated: March 2012 Contact iBond: Bond Pricing & Product Development Department, The Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA) Tel. 0-2252-3336 ext. 217, 218, 210 email address: [email protected] Visit our website at www.ibond.thaibma.or.th iBond 1/136 ThaiBMA iBond Bond Info Registered Bond Auction & Result Auction Schedule & Result Auction Calendar Bond Search Issuer Information Inflation Linked-Bond Bond Update FRN Rate Search Yield Curve Government Bond Yield Curve Zero Coupon Yield Curve Alternative Zero Coupon Yield Curve Par Bond Yield Curve Implied 6 month Forwards Corporate Bond Yield Curve Corporate Spread Average Spread Credit Spread Curve US Treasury SOE Spread Matrix Calculation Calculation ILB Calculation Bond Price/ Indices Bond Price End of day trading Intraday trading Quotation Firm Quotation Mark to Market Plain Vanilla MTM Pages Structured Note MTM Pages Download Historical MTM Plain Vanilla Structured Note MTM Yield Movement MTM Price Feedback RP Reference Yield RP Refernce Yield RP Reference Yield (T+2) RP Reference Yield (T+3) 4 5 7 25 25 27 28 30 31 37 41 iBond 2/136 46 52 54 56 58 60 62 62 64 71 72 73 73 76 79 79 79 86 87 93 94 94 96 97 97 98 99 100 101 101 103 104 ThaiBMA Indices Bond Index Composite Bond Index T-Bill Index Zero Rate Return Index SOE Zero Rate Return Index Corporate Zero Rate Return Index Commercial Paper Index Short-term Government Bond Index Analysis Graphic Analysis Rich/ Cheap Analysis Duration and Convexity Bond Duration and Convexity Portfolio Duration and Convexity Report Daily Report ThaiBMA Daily Report Daily Market Summary Weekly Report Foreign Trading Private Repo Thai Bond Update ThaiBMA Corner Monthly Report ThaiBMA Monthly Summary Thai Bond Summary Registered Bond Month-end Closing Price Annual Summary Fact & Figures Primary Market Secondary Market Composite Page iBond 3/136 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 114 115 117 117 118 121 121 121 122 123 123 124 126 127 128 128 129 130 132 133 134 134 135 136 ThaiBMA iBond iBond กก!"#$%&'() www.ibond.thaibma.or.th 23 3ก$453 53ก$ (6"637% 8793(6'!:;$4! 7กก(%: • ::(!4ก:ก7<!: ThaiBMA !@83% 3(ก!: 3(3%#975 ก;$( ;'!: • 7$87%)ก$4 9# Government Bond Yield Curve, Zero-Coupon Bond Yield Curve, Par Bond Yield Curve, Implied 6-M Forwards, Corporate Spread, SOE Spread Matrix • U;ก2%V! (83X3/ 4ก) 4ก:ก7<!: ThaiBMA [; \3$( (Bond Calculation Program) • 7$$ก$79(%7%$(! 9# Bond Index, T-Bill Index ; Zero Rate Return Index • '!: 87ก3<ก#:4X ;5 - `(62%3 (End-of-Day Trading) '!:%#$%3 (Intraday Trading) 87ก3<ก#:4X (Mark-to-Market Page) '!6ก"! (Quotation and Firm Quotation) $$ก2X4ก'! (RP Reference Yield) - 5'!:f :3$ (Overall Trading Statistics) - '!:;5$!;#:ก (Individual Trading Statistics) • :$(! (ก;ก (PDF File)) ก(%: - `(62%3 (3'!/:, 7ก'!:62%3) 4g%(:3() (5(:3(),!,#%#4() 4g%(:( (5:(, %%9ก) 4::(!7<!:ก3f4ก:ก • Composite Page 75กก;8h872%:%(%กก9$;ก#"3 iBond U(:"9 5ก;@83%%$ก$$ 87:ก23ก9$3!$# iBond 4/136 ThaiBMA Bond Info http://www.ibond.thaibma.or.th/bond_info/registered_bond.aspx : 7%%!7<!:ก3 ThaiBMA ก(%: :#:3!$( 7 (3$! 1. Registered Bond: !ก( %: # $ $$! <! : (Registered Bond Outstanding) !<!:#:( (New Registered Bond) ; ::($!;#:ก (Bond Feature) ก6ก!:3$!(4# ; 5 Download m) Excel ( 2. Auction & Result: #%!ก(%:$;"ก!g3[ '<7$ ;($";$$ (Auction Schedule & Result) ;;\ก (Auction Calendar) 3. Bond Search: !923!(::ก ก6ก!:3$$7ก (:#$5% "38X)7(6กก%V) ;5 Download m) Excel ( 4. Issuer Information: 7%%!7<!:ก3 ThaiBMA :h3 #%!;($:97!7;# h3ก 2%#;#h3g!7 ! 62%#( 5. Inflation-Linked Bond 7%%37% ก$ กt 3$3 ;%#$u ก7:%ก3 Inflation-Link Bond %5<$ Real Yield ;79ก2%V(%: 6. Bond Update: #%!ก(%:$ก`(4(: (XI Schedule) !7(:4 (Redemption Schedule) ก(2$3#%$ก$ (Financial Covenant) ;ก ก2(3(ก!::3% (Coupon Reset Schedule) 7. FRN Rate Search: #%!%%!7ก6#:(ก!:;:3% %3!$ 3(ก!:$$723x (;ก# 3(ก!:$yก;$97 ; THBFIX !ก: ::(;#6(3$! iBond 5/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Outstanding : !ก(%: 3 #% 1. Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bond ;($#$$$!;#$g$ ! 7;($ก(%:62%4#$!;#g (Number of Issue) ;#$$ $!;#g (Amount: THB) 23!gก95ก(#$$7;#$ g"ก753ก$;#9#53ก$ U(:{กก7 Click for more detail #%!6 38(4ก%3 %3 3 3!$ V % 01.00 . 12.00 ; 17.00 . 2. New Registered Bond ;($!<!:# ;#$g$! U(: 6;($7:( ;m}$ก)9375ก9#%$%( 3. Select Bond # %! m}$ก)9377 9ก ! 5(4# U(:9 3x3กhV)! (Bond Symbol) ก !ก: 1 2 3 iBond 6/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bonds >..Bond Type.. : 7{กก Bond Type ;#g 6 Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bond 6;($! '<7$$!7<!:ก3 ThaiBMA :4# ;$$ ;5 Download m) Excel ( U(:::((3$! • ThaiBMA Symbol: 3x3กhV)$!73!$3กกV~)7 ThaiBMA ก2( • Local Issue Rating: 3(3%#975763(3(3U(:5363(3(3%#975: 723ก$ ก... 3$ ก(%: 2 h3 o TRIS: h3 !$ 62ก3( TRIS Rating Co., Ltd. o Fitch (Thailand): h3 m`9)!$ (:) Fitch Rating (Thailand) Ltd. • International Issue Rating: 3(3%#975763(3(3U(:5363(3(3%#975ก 723ก$ ก... ก3$ ก(%: 4 h3 o Moody's: Moody's Investors Service o S&P: Standard& Poors o Fitch Ratings: (Fitch Rating Ltd.) o R&I: Rating and Investment Information, Inc. • Coupon Type: 9($ก6#:3(ก!: ก(%: Zero, Fixed, Float ; Fixed/Float • Coupon Rate (%): 3(ก!: • Maturity Date: %3ก2(5#5 • TTM: :4$ • Outstanding Value (THB.mln): #$$ () !ก: iBond 7/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bonds > 2 Corporate Bonds : 7{กก 2 Corporate Bond (Click for more details) 6 Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bond 6;($! '<7$4#$$$ !gก97<!:ก3 ThaiBMA ;#$g"ก753ก$ ;7#9#53ก$ U(:7;($ก(%:62%4#$!;#g (Number of Issue) ;#$$$ !;#g (Amount: THB) ;7{กกg$!6;($ก3 Bond Information > Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bonds >.....Bond Type.. !ก: iBond 8/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Registered Bond > New registered….Bond Type…. : 7{กก Bond Type ;#g 6 New Registered Bond 6;($! '<7$$!7<!:#ก3 ThaiBMA (}6643 ;($ :4#;$$ ;5ก9#%$%7<!:; Download m) Excel ( U(:7 ;($;ก#$ก3g$ 547;($g$((3$! Treasury Bill ThaiBMA Symbol Issue Name Issue Size Type Par (THB) Term Coupon Type Coupon Rate (%) Issue Maturity Payment Date Registered Date Prospectus Issue Rating Total Outstanding Value Lead U/W Currency x x x x x x x x x x Government State Owned Bonds Enterprise Bonds x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x State Agency Bonds x x x x x x x x x x x x x Long-Term Commercial Corporate Papers Bonds x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Foreign Bonds x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Foreign Currency Denominated Bonds x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x • ThaiBMA Symbol: 3x3กhV)$!73!$3กกV~)7 ThaiBMA ก2( • Issue Name: 97!7gh3$ก h • Issue Size: #$!7ก • Type: g$!(#$ u (;ก# ก!2ก3 ก92$ Xก5#5 • • • • • • • • • iBond ก#ก2( ;ก2%V! Par (THB): 7%##%: #%x## 1,000 Term: :4$! Coupon Type: gก6#:(ก!:(;ก# Fixed, Float, Fixed/Float ; Zero Coupon Coupon Rate (%): 3(ก!: Issue: %3ก! Maturity: %3ก2(5#5! Payment Date: %36#:(ก!: 9# 20/01, 20/7 :%%#6#:(ก!:%37 20 (ก ;%37 20 (กกt $4ก Registered Date: %3<!:! Prospectus: Link 23:ก(3$9!9%4$! 9/136 ThaiBMA • Issue Rating: 3(3%#975$!763(3(3U(:5363(3(3%#975 ;ก 723ก$ ก... 4x '<7$3!$( 6 :(3$! o TRIS: h3 !$ 62ก3( TRIS Rating Co., Ltd. o Fitch (Thailand): h3 m`9)!$ (:) Fitch Rating (Thailand) Ltd. o Moody's: Moody's Investors Service o S&P: Standard& Poors o Fitch Ratings: Fitch Rating o R&I: Rating and Investment Information, Inc. • Total Outstanding Value: #$$$! • Lead U/W: :97"63(กก62#:4ก • Currency: 3;ก7: !ก: Treasury bills Government Bonds State Owned Enterprise & State Agency Bonds iBond 10/136 ThaiBMA Corporate Bonds, Commercial Paper, and Foreign Bonds Foreign Currency Denomenated Bond iBond 11/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Feature : ก#6 Bond Feature 3! 5(:9#$$ (3$! 1. Bond Select 6 Bond Information > Outstanding 2. Bond Information > Outstanding of ThaiBMA Registered Bonds >.....Bond Type.. 3. Bond Information > Bond Search ก:ก( Bond Feature 3! 7:ก(6 Bond Information > Feature ;ก 83!$7 Link 67 u ::((3$! 1. Feature: ;($3ก$!4#3! u 9#%3ก;%3ก2(5#5$! 3(3%#975 ;#กก 2. Issuer Profile: ;($$"ก!%3!$!7ก;<!:ก3 ThaiBMA 3. Rating: 3(3%#975$! 4. Cash flow: $ก6#:(ก!:;$ 5. Participants: ::($"7#%ก7:%$!4#(3$ก#% 9# :: ";"54ก ;"63(กก63(62#: 6. Pricing Data: '!:! 7. Bond News: #%! 8. Auction & Result: ก;"ก! 9. Outstanding Value: #$$$! 10. Financial Covenant: ก(2$3#%$ก$ 11. Embedded Option: Xก5#5!ก#ก2( 9# Call Option X$"5! Put Option X$"ก! iBond 12/136 ThaiBMA !ก: Bond Feature 23::($6 Bond Information > Feature (3$! • Name (Thai) : 97!gh: • Issuer : 97"ก! • ISIN Code : 3ก23$$ก'!:(2ก$X4ก#$ u • Bond Type : g$! (;ก# gก6#:(ก!: gก92$ ; ก!2ก3 • Issue Rating : 3(3%#975$! ;#$5363(3(3%#975 ;ก 723ก$ ก... 4x ::(7:ก#%;%3%7"# • Initial Par : ###%: V %3ก! • Current Par : ###%: V %}663 • Issue Size : #$!7ก • Outstanding Size : #$$$! V %}6643 • Issue Date : %3ก! • Maturity Date : %3ก2(5#5! • Issue Term : :4$! • Coupon : 3(ก!:76#: • Payment Frequency : $%(ก6#:(ก!: • Calculation Method : %Xก2%V • Put/ Call Option : Xก5#5!ก#ก2( • Distribution : %Xก:! • Registrar : :: • Lead Underwriter(s) : "63(กก63(62#: iBond 13/136 ThaiBMA • • • • • • • Financial Advisor(s) : 7<กh$ก$ Debenture Holder Representatives : ";"54ก Covenant : ก2(7"ก!$t3 Collateral : ::(3กก3$! Amortized Schedule : $ก::92$ Prospectus : 3$9!9% 4$! Remark : :4 @A : ก6ก!5 Click 87((3$#! • XI : %3`(4(3x9876#:(ก!: • XM : %3`(4(3x987:ก94"5! • CD : ก"(3(ก6#:(ก!: !ก: XI !ก: EX !ก: CD iBond 14/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Issuer Detail : !;($::($"ก! ;กก !$"ก:3! u ::((3$! • Issuer Name (Eng) : 97"ก!gh3$ก h • Company Rating : 3(3%#975$"ก! ;#$5363(3(3%#975 ;ก 723ก$ ก... 4x ::(7:ก#%;%3%7"# • Address : 7:# • Tel : )U38) • Fax : )U • E-mail : ) • Website : %&') • Business Sector : %(X4ก6 • Issues registered in ThaiBMA ::97!7<!:ก3 ThaiBMA • Financial Statement : $ก$ • Company Profile : h3 • Major Shareholders : :97"543ก !ก : iBond 15/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Rating : ก63(3(3%#975$! '<7$6;($:$2(3%3 3(3%#975#4( ;;#$5363(3(3%#975 ::((3$! • Effective Date : %375363(3(3%#97563(3(3%#975ก3! • Local Issue Rating : 3(3%#975763(3(3U(:5363(3(3%#975: 723ก$ ก... 3$ ก 2 h3 o TRIS : h3 !$ 62ก3( TRIS Rating Co., Ltd. o Fitch (Thailand) : h3 m`9)!$ (:) Fitch Rating (Thailand) Ltd. • International Issue Rating : 3(3%#975763(3(3U(:5363(3(3%#975 ก 723ก$ ก... ก3$ ก 4 h3 o Moody's : Moody's Investors Service, o S&P : Standard& Poors o Fitch Ratings : (Fitch Rating Ltd.) o R&I : Rating and Investment Information, Inc. • Remark : :4 !ก : iBond 16/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Cash flow : $ก6#:(ก!:;$ ::((3$! • No. : $%(ก6#:(ก!: • Payment : %392(ก!: • XI Date : %3`(4(: • Par : ###%:$! • Coupon (%) : 3(ก!: • Interest : (ก!: • Principal : $ • Total Payment : $;(ก!: !ก: iBond 17/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Participant : ::($"7#%ก7:%$!4#(3$ก#% ก(%: • Sponsored Dealer : "27ก2!<!:ก3 ThaiBMA • Lead Underwriter : "63(กก63(62#: • Registrar : :: • Debenture holders' representatives : ";"54ก • Financial Advisor : 7<กh$ก$ !ก: iBond 18/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Pricing Data : ก'!:! '<7$6;($":$2(36ก%372ก'!: ::((3$! • Date : %372ก'!: • Executed : :ก'!: o Price (%) : '!: o Yields (%) : 3";72ก'!: o Value (Baht) : #ก'!: • Weighted Average Executed : :ก'!:@7: o Price (%) : '!:@7: o Yields (%) : 3";72ก'!:@7: o Value (Baht) : #ก'!:@7: • Spread (bp) : #%9(9:%7:$ '<7$2%V6ก3";72ก'!:ก3 Government Bond Yield Curve V TTM #ก3 กV7!7กU(:ก%$ก3$ ;X;#$: Spread 6#ก3 0 • Remark : :4 ;($7$:#$u 9# SL :%5<$:ก'!:7##ก ; NL :%5<$:ก'!:73";7'!:;ก#$6ก(ก !ก: iBond 19/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Bond News : #%7ก7:%$ก3!4#3! u 9# ก33(3%#975 ก 7:;$#$$$! ;กก2(3(ก!:23!76#:(ก!::3% !ก: iBond 20/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Auction & Result : $;($ก2(ก;"ก! ::((3$! • ThaiBMA Symbol : 3x3กhV)$!73!$3กกV~)7 ThaiBMA ก2( • Issue Name : 97!gh3$ก h • Term : :4$! • Auction Amt. : #$!7 • Issue Date : %3ก! • Maturity Date : %3ก2(5#5! • Auction Date : %3! • Auction Result : "ก#%$83X33[6;($ก 2 #%%Xก (;ก# "ก; Competitive Bidding ; Non-competitive Bidding 23 !g7 u 6;($"ก8:$94((:% U(:3!$ 2 #% ก(%: Accepted Amt ; Yield (%) 7;#$ High, Low ; Average ::((3$! • Accepted Amt. : #7ก6$ • Yield (%) : 3"; High : 3";$4($ก Low : 3";724($ก Avg : 3";@7:$ก • BCR : Bid Corporate Ratio 3#%ก'!ก3#ก '<7$6;($ %#!4#3! u (3%66ก3ก$4ก:8:$ ก# BCR กก%# 1 ก u ;($%# 3 ก$4 6! 7 ก;ก BCR :ก%# 1 :%%#!3!:#( • Registered Date : %37<!:! !ก: iBond 21/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Outstanding Value : $;($ก7:;$#$$$! '<7$6($87<! 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'<7$"ก!;##%:$6;6$ ก#%$ 23#%7 2 "ก! '<7$6ก3<ก7(3"ก6ก X;#$:;23ก$!XV["63(ก;% U(:37%65(" ก(V 11.00 $%3!3! '<7$7;($ก$(}6643 ก6ก!:3$5ก(9#%$%7$ก(ก(%: #%$ก2(กก(%: • ThaiBMA Symbol : 3x3กhV)$!73!$3กกV~)7 ThaiBMA ก2( • Issue Name : 97!gh3$ก h • Term : :4$! U(:!:3! (;ก# 3%$3$;83X3X • • • • • iBond ;#$: 7:4:ก%# 1 #%:%3 #%!::%#%: Auction Amt. : #$7 Issue Date : %3ก! Maturity Date : %3ก2(5#5! Auction Date : %3! Registered Date : %3<!:! 25/136 ThaiBMA #%$"ก(%: • Auction Result : ก(%: "ก#%$83X33[6;($ก 2 #%%Xก(;ก# "ก; Competitive Bidding ; Non-competitive Bidding 23!g7 u 6;($"ก8:$94((:% U(:3!$ 2 #% ก(%: Accepted Amt ; Yield(%) 7;#$ High, Low ; Average ::((3$! • Accepted Amt. : #7ก6$ • Yield (%) : 3"; High : 3";$4($ก Low : 3";724($ก Avg : 3";@7:$ก • BCR : Bid Coverage Ratio 3#%ก'!ก3#ก '<7$6;($%# !4#3! u (3%66ก3ก$4ก8:$ ก# BCR กก%# 1 ก u ;($%#3ก$46!7ก;ก BCR :ก%# 1 :%%# !3!:#( !ก : Treasury Bills, State Owned Enterprise Bonds State Agency Bonds !ก : Government Bonds iBond 26/136 ThaiBMA !KLMLก!E (Auction Calendar) 872%:%(%ก3ก$45(ก2(ก !g3[( ThaiBMA (4ก2(กU(:;($";\ '<7$3ก$45 (($#:%#6ก!g3[%3($ g7ก;%$$ก #( ;($:( ;5ก(:3$( !ก: iBond 27/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Bond Search : 87ก!7<!:ก3 ThaiBMA (:#$(%ก;%(&% ThaiBMA 6<$(83! (Bond Search) <! U(:(3$ก#%5!( :#$:(4V3$! 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( / %3) • Bond Type by Characteristic : g$!3กhV$ • Duration : Modified Duration (ก9#%$7$ก) • Coupon Payment : :%ก6#:(ก!: • Issue Size : #!7ก iBond 28/136 ThaiBMA Distribution : 9#$$ก63(62#: Secured/Unsecured Bond : 3กก3$! Claim Type : Xก392! Expiration : !7(:4;%:3$#(:4 Local Rating : 5363(3(3%#975ก(%: TRIS ; FITCH (Thailand) 7ก5363(3(3;%ก Rating 7$ก • International Rating : 5363(3(3%#975กก(%: Moodys, S&P, Fitch Rating ; R &I 7ก5363(3(3;%ก Rating 7$ก • • • • • !ก: Bond Search Page !ก: Output Page !ก: Download Excel Output Page iBond 29/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Information > Issuer Information : #%!$<!87%(%กก!:"ก ! U(:5(ก"997"ก!%(X4ก6$"ก! 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(Settlement Date) #%7u7ก7:%$;62ก92%V65ก(<$6ก[ $ ThaiBMA U(:7"9#62$กก iBond 78/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Price > End of day trading > Daily Trading Movement !ก: 4 2 1 3 M$ D E กYa : ThaiBMA Daily Report :$4ก'!:62%3 U(:;#$ 4 #%3ก ]M$ 1 : Trading Value ((':) ;($4:(% (Gross Value) $X4ก'!:3!$( ; :(%X4ก'!:;:กg Outright, Financing ; Other ]M$ 2 : ThaiBMA Government Bond Index ;($ Index ;:ก Clean Price, Gross Price ; Total Return (::(;ก2%V5((6ก Indices) ]M$ 3 : ;($::($X4ก'!:62%34;:ก Symbol U(:;($2(3g$ ก'!: ;#$ (3.1) Cash Trading Transactions X4ก'!:; Outright 7;($$;# Symbol ก(%: • Issue Symbol: 97$ Symbol • TTM: :4$ () • Coupon: $ (%) • Bid Yield (%) : Quote Bid @8$ Government Bond U(:ก(%: o Best Bid (%): Bid Yield 77274(6กก Quote $ Primary Dealer o Average (%): #@7: Bid Yield 6กก Quote $ Primary Dealer o Best Bid Price: 72%V(6ก Best Bid Yield (Settlement date = t+2) • Best Offer Yield (%) : Offer Yield 7$74(6กก Quote $ Primary Dealer • Last : `($;# Symbol 62%3 '<7$ก(%: iBond 79/136 ThaiBMA Executed Yield (%): Yield 6ก:ก'!:#4(79`( DM: Discount Margin 23 Floating Rate Bonds YTP/ YTC: Yield to Put ; Yield to Call 23 Puttable ; Callable Bonds Price (%): Clean Price 72%V6ก Last Executed Yield Settlement Date 7'!:6$ Gross Value (THB): #ก'!: = Gross Price * Volume Flag: SL 23:ก7 Small Lot (:ก%# 10 23 Government Bonds ; :ก%# 5 23 Corporate Bonds) NL (Not in Line) 23786V;%%##6#9#3";7%6 g%(9#%$3! ;6#7623!9ก Mark to Market • Weighted Average o Yield (%): #@7:$ Executed Yields $:ก'!:4ก:ก$;# Symbol o Price (%): @7: (Average Clean Price) $:ก'!:4ก:ก$;# Symbol o Total Gross Value (THB): #%$:ก'!:4ก:ก o o o o o o (3.2) Financing Transactions X4ก'!:; Financing 6;($;:กg$ Bond ;;($62%%3 (Terms) #@7:$3(ก!: (Weighted Average Rate (%)) ;# %$X4ก;:ก62%%3 (Total Gross Value) (3.3) Other Transactions X4ก'!:;7u 7#9#; Outright Financing U(:6 ;($;:กg$ Bond ;;($62%%3 (Terms) #@7:$3(ก!: (Weighted Average Rate (%)) ;#%$X4ก ]M$ 4 : 23 Download m) ThaiBMA Daily Report ; CSV !V#W: ThaiBMA Daily Report 9$$87ก2 Mark to Market iBond 80/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Price > End of day trading > Daily Trading Movement (FX) !ก: กV7"9$$ก4$X4กก'!:$!ก4$#$ "9$ 5ก(#% Daily Trading Movement (FX) U(:5ก%377$ก9#$ Enter Date ก(%)U(; excel U(:ก(7 #%$$;($4:(%$X4ก'!:%377"9$ก2( ;:กg Outright, Financing ; Other $#%#$687::($X4กg#$u7ก'!:%3 3!u ;#$ Cash Trading Transactions, Financial Transactions ; Other Transactions !V#W: 4X4ก'!:$!ก4$#$ 59$$ ;9 กก%)g%;%U$(!( iBond 81/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Price > End of day trading > Spread & Duration !ก: M$D E กYa: Spread & Duration ;($# Spread ; Duration $;# Symbol 7X4ก'!:;#%3 U(:;($ก(%: • ThaiBMA Bond : 97 Symbol ;:กg$ Bond • Rating TRIS/ FITCH : (!$ • TTM : :4$ () • Last Executed Yield (%) : Yield 6ก:ก'!:#4(79`( • Average Executed Yield (%) : #@7:$ Executed Yields $:ก'!:4ก:ก;# Symbol • Spread (bp) : # Nominal Spread $ SOE ; Corporate Bonds 2%V6ก Duration base • Mod Duration : # Modified Duration 2%V6ก Last Executed Yield and Price ก2%V(3$! Modified Duration = iBond Macaulay Duration ,U(:7 YTM = 3";756ก2(:4 YTM (1 + ) H H = 62%$%(ก6#:$# 82/136 ThaiBMA • Mac Duration : # Macaulay Duration 2%V6ก Last Executed Yield U(:9ก2%V(3$! N Macaulay Duration = ∑ ( n =1 PVn ).t n P ,U(:7 PVn = #}6643$ก;$( V $%(7 n t n = :%36ก}664365<$$%(7 n P = $! • Convexity : # Convexity 2%V6ก Last Executed Yield U(:9ก2%V(3$! Convexity = 1 1 1 CFt × × × ∑ (t 2 + t ) 2 H P (1 + YTM ) 2 t =1 (1 + YTM )t H H n U(:7 P = $! 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(Bid) : (Offer) @7:$!g3%$3$ (Treasury Bills) U(:;#$ก4#9#%$:4 (;ก# 1 (, 3 (, 6 ( ; 1 M$ D E/ กกYa: 26ก#@7: Bid/ Offer 7 Dealer 7(3ก;#$3!$6กX;#$: Quote :3$ ThaiBMA 4ก!%3 (16:00 .) !V#W: 87(g%3";ก'!:$!:3!:4$#ก 1 ;9$$23ก2(! U(:529$$กก2('! : (#:4X$! 23ก4#ก$4 ก3 8)ก$47u ( iBond 87/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Price > Quotation > Government Bonds Quoted Yields !ก: : ;($3";'!@7: (Average Bid) $83X33[g Loan Bond (LB) U(:;($: 7;($(;ก# Bond (!), Coupon (3";3%), Maturity (%3ก2(:4), TTM - Time to Maturity (:4$), Quoted Date (%372ก'!) ; Quoted Yield (Average Bid) M$ D E/ กกYa: 26ก#@7: Bid 7 Dealer 7(3ก;#$3!$6กX;#$: Quote :3$ ThaiBMA 4ก!%3 (16:00 .) !V#W: 87(g%3";ก'!$!g3[4ก9#%$:4; Yield 7 29ก2 Government Bond Yield Curve ;9$$23ก2(! U(: 529$$กก2('!: (#:4X$! 23ก4# ก$4 ก3 8)ก$47u ( iBond 88/136 ThaiBMA #$ : Bond Price > Quotation > State Owned Enterprise Bonds Quoted Yields !ก: : ;($3";'!@7: (Average Bid) $83X33[%ก6 (SOE) U(:;($: 7;($(;ก# Bond (!), Coupon (3";3%), Maturity (%3ก2(:4), TTM - Time to Maturity (:4$), Quoted Date (%372ก'!) ; Quoted Yield (Average Bid) M$ D E/ กกYa: 26ก#@7: Bid 7 Dealer 7(3ก;#$3!$6กX;#$: Quote :3$ ThaiBMA 4กu 7 %3 4ก%37 7, 15, 22 ;%32ก4(:$( U(:5%37 7, 15 22 $ก3%3:4( 2ก 67%32ก53( ก2%V62# Yield 7 Quote 3!$;# 3 :<!# Standard Deviation (SD) ก #$ Yield :(#:#9#%$ +/- 1 SD 65ก3(ก #% Yield 762#@7:87;($ Quoted Yield !V#W: 879$$23ก2(! 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