IRCICA in cooperation with Kuwait Centre for Islamic arts and the


IRCICA in cooperation with Kuwait Centre for Islamic arts and the
IRCICA in cooperation with Kuwait Centre for Islamic arts
and the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters
Jointly organised the
Kuwait International Exhibition on Islamic Arts and its
Application on Metal Crafts,
Kuwait on 7-14 February 2016
Photo by Samar Abu Shoukur,
In celebrating Kuwait as the Islamic Capital of Culture in the Muslim World, and
under the High Patronage of His Highness the Prime Minister of the State of
Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Al Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, The Research Centre for
Islamic History, Arts and Culture (IRCICA) based in Istanbul, organized this week
in cooperation with Kuwait Centre for Islamic arts and the National Council for
Culture, Arts and Letters the Kuwait International Exhibition on Islamic Arts and
its Application on Metal Crafts, Kuwait on 7-14 February 2016.
This International event gathered participation of 16 Innovators in all types and
forms of Metal Handicrafts like, jewelry, swords, boxes, light objects, metalrepose, metal ornamentations on vase, jugs, plates, and many more, who
hailed from different geographical places of the World: Algeria, Afghanistan,
Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Tataristan, Tunisia, Turkey, and
Uzbekistan. IRCICA also organized an exhibition of illumination of the works of
Artisan Fatma Ozcay from Turkey along with works of her students. The
exhibition was in the form of pavilions of artisans and innovators forming a
traditional heritage international Craft village where they displayed their works,
tools, and techniques applied in the above mentioned handmade Metal products.
For many months of preparation, IRCICA worked very hard - sometimes days and
nights to assure the selection of some of the innovators of Artisans from different
regions of the Muslim World in various Metal craft topics. It was not easy to
approach such a wonderful group of Artisans who came from various regions to
display the techniques of their works. The exhibition witnessed the arrival of
different categories of visitors especially during the first days who were keen to
buy such wonderful pieces of Metal Handmade Products and to be more aware of
the various types and works of the Artisans.
The interaction and the exchange of friendship, techniques, designs of various
artisans from different places of the Muslim world along with the interaction also
made with the visitors who came even from neighboring countries like Qatar and
the United Arab Emirates - were one of the main output of this international event.
Dr Halit Eren, Director General of
IRCICA Addressing the Inaugural
Inauguration of the Kuwait International Exhibition on
Islamic Arts and its Application on Metal Crafts
Tours of the delegations among the various stands
of the Exhibition,
Director General of IRCICA presenting a
plate with calligraphy and illumination to H.
E Sheikh Salman Al Sabah Salem al-Hamoud
al-Sabah, Minister of Information and the
Minister of State for Youth in the State of
The exhibition was organised within the IRCICA’s long-term Craft Development
Program which places emphasis on traditional handicrafts in the OIC Member
States and tries to contribute to the revival, preservation and development of the
The exhibition was inaugurated by His Excellency Sheikh Salman Al Sabah
Salem al-Hamoud al-Sabah, Minister of Information and the Minister of State
for Youth in the State of Kuwait, H.E. the Minister Yakoub Al-Saneh,
Minister of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Dr. Halit Eren, Director
General of IRCICA, Engineer Farid Imadi, Under-Secretary of the Ministry
of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, in addition to Engineer Ali al-Yoha, Secretary
General of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature in the State
of Kuwait.
Artisans with Sheikha Altaf Al Sabah during her visit to their exhibition stands,
Luckily, the exhibition witness the visit of a group of the diplomatic corps
represented in Kuwait along with a number of distinguish personalities such as
Sheikh Fahd Jaber Al-Ahmed and Sheikha Altaf Al-Sabah, Patron of Bait Al3
Sadou. Also a number of Ambassadors of the Muslim World in Kuwait visited the
exhibition stands of their artisans interacting with them about the techniques and
raw materials applied.
Delegations during their tour visit to the stands of the Exhibition
Visiting the Stand of Artisan Abdul Jalil Al Shaqrouni, Morocco,،
The exhibition witnessed during the first days the flow of many delegations along
with groups of school students who were keen to learn more about such types of
crafts and products. It was a surprise for many artisans to see such a high level of
awareness and attention shown by the visitors in real terms towards their products
and the desire to acquire such wonderful pieces of work.
Visiting the Stand of Artisan Bobir Khasanova,
Visiting the Stand of Artisan Bolat Atraubayev,
Visiting the Stand of Artisan Zakaria Jafari,
Visiting the Stand of Artisan Ghaleb Ghaleb,
Inauguration of the Kuwait International Exhibition on Islamic Arts
and its Application on Metal Crafts,
A group of visitors to the Stand of Artisan Ercan Tabakoglu. Turkey,
Participants at the Inaugural Ceremony,
The other surprise in this international event was the exchange of knowledge and
experience among the artisans who came from different geographical places which
pushed them to interact their experiences about the techniques of the work, raw
materials and designs, which created an atmosphere of intimacy and desire in the
approach for future cooperation in this field.
The event also witnessed a wide television coverage from different media
institutions including the Kuwait Television in addition to local and regional
newspapers who were keen to arrange daily interviews with the artisans and
visitors to record the different impressions on this unique event.
Visit of Sheikh Fahd Jabir Al Ahmad to the
Stand of Artisan Tahany El Gendy, Egypt,
Director General of IRCICA presenting a plate with calligraphy and illumination to H.E.
Minister of Justice, and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Yaqoub Al Sanea,
Dr Halit Eren, Director General of IRCICA in his Address has pointed out the
main role of IRCICA in organizing this international Exhibition on Islamic Arts
and its application on Metal Crafts and gave a brief of the hard efforts made during
the last few months in contacting the concerned handicrafts authorities in the OIC
Member Countries in order to guarantee the participation of the unique artisans
who are the innovators in the specific field of profession. He praised the efforts
made by Dr. Nezih Maruf during the past months in organizing and coordinating
this International Exhibition with such a variety of innovative artisans from various
regions of the Muslim World.
The Director General also gave a brief about the various joint cooperation made by
IRCICA in collaboration with Kuwait Centre for Islamic Arts by mentioning the
First International Exhibition on Handmade Prayer Carpets organized in
Kuwait on 29 December 2013-9 January 2014 with participation of 12 pioneer
artisans from 12 Member states who are active in the field of handmade
weaving of prayer Carpets.
He also mentioned the Kuwait International Exhibition on Ceramic and
Pottery organized in Kuwait on 4-15 January 2010 which was organized by
IRCICA in cooperation with Kuwait Centre for Islamic Arts. He added that all
these activities were organized within the IRCICA Crafts Development Program
which is considered as one of the important active projects of the Centre that
worked for long years now to promote, develop and highlight the important role of
Artisans in the Muslim World.
H.E. Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah
Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah
Dr. Eren gave a highlight of the various activities in the Centre in the field of
research, scholarly events, highlighting the Production of specialised studies in the
field of history, culture, arts, architecture and education that are related to Islamic
civilization studies, translation of the Holly Qur’an along with the publication of
the old copies available in main museums and libraries. He gave also a brief about
the important role of IRCICA in the field of Calligraphy: competitions, catalogues
and training courses in Istanbul and many other places of the world; the exhibitions
of Harameyin and Al Quds in many different cities around the world; The
architectural workshops aiming to document, restore and preserve the Islamic
architectural heritage of the Member countries and many more.
He also gave a brief of the other various activities of IRCICA as the first cultural
research institution which provide opportunities for collaboration and cooperation
between scholars, researchers, historians to conduct research and studies in various
languages in the areas of Islamic History, Art and Culture, and contribute to
maintaining the Islamic arts and culture among the peoples of the Islamic world,
H.E. Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh
Salman Sabah Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah in his opening Address stated that
Kuwait believes in the role of arts and culture in preparing an enlightened
generation who are capable of contributing to the progress and development of
their homeland.
Sheikh Salman added the forum coincides with the Kuwait celebrating its selection
as Capital of Islamic Culture 2016. "The creative works of art on display at, and
the activities of, the event sends a message about the grandeur of the Islamic
civilization which impacted all aspects of our daily life," Sheikh Salman pointed
out. "The exhibits shed light on the great aesthetic appeal of the Islamic civilization
and the bright humanitarian aspect of noble and moderate Islam," he went on.
Sheikh Salman added that the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters
(NCCAL) shoulders a great responsibility for promoting public awareness,
particularly among the young people, about the Islamic arts and civilization.
H. E. Minister of Justice, and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Mr. Yaqoub Al Sanea
On his part, H.E. Minister of Justice, and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic
Affairs Yaqoub Al Sanea said the forum contributes to the status of Kuwait as
center of Islamic arts and the status of the Grand Mosque as one of the country's
"Over the last seven years, the forum rose to prominence and became a global
cultural beacon providing a networking opportunity for scholar and researchers in,
and lovers of, the Islamic arts," the minister said. He added that the event is part of
the efforts of the Ministry of Awqaf to promote Islamic culture and celebrate
Kuwait selection as Capital of Islamic Culture this year.
Director of the Kuwait Centre for
Islamic Arts Mr. Farid Ali
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf
and Islamic Affairs Mr. Farid Amadi,
In his address the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
Mr. Farid Amadi pointed out that the Islamic arts played an important role which
requires attention, adding that the Community partnership comes within the plans
of the Ministry strategy as an important factor that will be activate with all the
governmental and private sectors for its role in the fulfilment of aimed activities.
On his part, the Director of the Kuwait Centre for Islamic Arts Mr. Farid Ali
confirmed that the cooperation established with the Crafts Development Program
of IRCICA was very important in terms of the Organization of the Kuwait
International Exhibition om Metal Crafts, Praising the efforts of IRCICA in
providing a variety of innovative artisans who came from various geographic
regions of the Islamic world and who brought with them a set of distinguished
products that images different ranges in richness and quality of Metal handmade
Honouring the participating artisans with Certificates of Appreciation,
The participating artisans were as follows:
Artisan Mounira Lallali,
Artisan Mounira Lallali, Paint Artist specialized in Métal repoussé. Born in
Tunisia in 1952 and graduated from the National School of fine Arts of Algiers
1971. Graduated from the Fine Arts school of Metz then Avignon (Decorative
Arts) in France (1976).
In 1984 she developed the technique of ''Métal repoussé'' by introducing several
noble metals such as gold, silver, and renovated it by using colors and gold/ silver
sheet. She participated in many international festivals and exhibitions and received
the first awards in such events among them: 1st Prize in the 2nd Tabriz international
festival for Islamic Arts, Crafts and Creativity, IRAN (2015); 2nd Award in Muscat
International Festival for Creativity and Innovation in Arts and Crafts (2012);
Obtained the National Award of plastic arts, Algeria (1984). Member of the
National Union of Cultural Arts, Algeria since (1996). Among her participation:
2nd Tabriz International Festival for Islamic Arts, Crafts and Creativity, Tabriz,
IRAN (2015); Muscat International Festival for Creativity and Innovation in Arts
and Crafts, Muscat, OMAN (2012); The second International Muslim Artists
Exhibition, New Orleans, USA (2008); The first International Muslim Artists
Exhibition, New Orleans, USA (2007); The first International Symposium on
Islam (Islam-Expo 2006), London, UK (2006); Algerian Cultural week in Libya,
Tripoli (2001).
Artisan Zakaria Jafari, specialized in handmade metal products born in
Ghazni, Afghanistan in 1993. Challenging in an environment that facilitates him
to utilize his knowledge where he diversify his expertise, competencies, skills and
experiences for advancing his qualification, as well as, to facilitate his professional
growth and development in this specific area of profession. Ongoing Bachelor of
Graphic in Department of Fine Art Faculty of Kabul University, Kabul. Between
Mar 2003 and Dec 2010 he was involved in working in Metal handmade products
and has participated in many exhibitions which were organized by ECOH and
other organizations.
Artisan Tahany El Gendy, specialized in Jewelry and Silver works from
Egypt. Obtained a diploma in high studies (Graphic Sector) from College of Fine
Arts, Cairo 2010. Instructor of training courses in the field of Jewelry Accessories
in many institutions as the Agha Khan in Egypt. Conducted also a training course
in training workshop in Dubai in 2015 on painting and design of jewelry. Graphic
Designer at many centers. Participated in many local and international exhibitions
such as: Pendik International Festival for Islamic Artisans, Turkey, 2015.
Artisan, Muhammad Afiffudin, Silver Works, Indonesia was born in 1977 and
educated from the Faculty of Arts and the Arabic language. He is specialized in
the area of formulation and the formation of the handmade silver products, known
as the unique design derived from the Indonesian heritage. Among the variety of
his products: handmade swords, jewelry and and silver products used in decoration
which carry the South East Asian forms of design. Has participated in numerous
international fairs such as Indonesia Expo organized in the city of Kuala Lumpur,
Artisan Naser Lotfi, Iran is one of the pioneers in the field of fine work on
copper. He is winner of the UNESCO Award for Excellence in the field of
engraving on copper. His products are full with innovation in design, form,
ornamentation, techniques and the final touch as well. He spent a long life period
of time in the field of ornamentation on metal crafts. He was also granted with the
second Prize in the field of metal crafts of the Muscat International Award for
Artisans for the year 2012 organized within the Muscat international Festival
for Arts, Heritage and Creativity. His age is 52 and he has 40 years experience
in the field of engraving on copper. Partiicpated in many different exhibitions in
Spain, Italy, France, Algeria, Malaysia, Oman, Russia, Romania, Dubai.
Artisan Bolat Atraubaev, specialised in Golden and Silver Rings, Kazakhstan.
Born on October 4, 1972 in Kalynivka village, and graduated in 1994 from Faculty
of Art of Aktobe Pedagogical Institute. He is one of the best artisans in designing
a colourful variety of rings which image the traditional heritage of Kazakhstan.
Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan; member of the
Union of artisans of Kazakhstan. At this time, he is director of the Aktobe regional
museum "Rukhaniyat". His works are in private collections and various
institutions cities of Kazakhstan, Russia, France, Poland, China, Azerbaijan, etc.
Participant and winner of many international, national, regional and city
exhibitions, competitions and workshops. Organized three solo exhibitions in
2003, 2006 and 2008. Head of the studio arts and crafts «Sheber ART». Creative
biography starts since 1995. He manufactures silver jewelry in the traditional style.
Has a positive impact on the cultural life of the city and region. Promotes interest
in traditional Kazakh arts. Actively engaged in social and creative activities.
Artisan Ghaleb Ghaleb is specialized in Copper works and jewelry from
Tripoli, Lebanon. He took the techniques of this profession from his Grandfather
Abdul Rahman Ghaleb who established this craft in 1965. He was professional in
handmade jewelry products and then started to promote the copper works as well
by producing plates which got folklore images, calligraphy writings and Islamic
ornamentations with different sizes along with copper boxes that are gold plated.
His son Artisan Ghaleb was working with him who starts also to modernize this
profession in a way that satisfies the taste of the modern society. In the year 2012
after the death of his grandfather, Artisan Ghaleb established a new label called
“Ghaleb Designs” in which he included the jewelry works including silver
products like chains, rings and etc... He participated in many exhibitions among
them: Tripoli international Exhibition, 1997; Sidon Exhibition, 2001; Tripoli
international Exhibition, 2003; Exhibition of Artisans of North Lebanon, 2012 and
Artisan Jaafar Ould Dah Ould Shamra, specialized in gold, silver and copper
products, born in Gorgol in Mauritania in 1979. He works in this field since long
time. He managed during this period to produce a variety of designs and
innovations which represent Islamic forms and ornamentations found in the
Mauritanian heritage and products. He participated in many exhibitions in the field
of handicraft industries.
Artisan Abdul Jalil Al Shaqrouni from Morocco is one of the pioneers in Metal
Crafts born in 1945 in Meknes city in Morocco. His products are full with
innovation in design, form, ornamentation, techniques and the final touch as well.
He has a long period of experience in the field of handmade metal craft products.
He was also granted with the First Prize of the Muscat International Award for
Artisans for the year 2012 which was organized within the Muscat International
Festival for Arts, Heritage and Creativity.
Artisan Muhammad Rafique, specialized in engraving on Metal Works,
Pakistan: The central and ancient city Multan of Pakistan is famous through the
entire world for its arts and crafts. Metal Work is one of these arts. Its owes to hard
work and a great skill. Muhammad Rafique got it inherited from his father. In
metal work, copper, brass and silver are used. It is ancestral and family business of
Muhammad Rafique. In the nineteenth century, Muhammad Hafiz Butt prepared
very nice masterpieces through his brilliance and struggle. Later on Muhammad
Rafique started this craft under the guardianship of his father in 1980 and in a very
short period of time he elevated this art to the climax. His art is greatly appreciated
regarding Multan Craft Bazar that has encouraged him a lot and enriched his power
of creation.
Artisan Sharipov Dilmurod, specialized in jewelry, Tajikistan. Taught craft
jewelry in the National Artist College named by M. Olimov during the period from
2008 until 2012. Participated in numerous national and International exhibitions
among them: Silk festival and spices at Bukhara, Uzbekistan, May 2015; Spring
Fair International Exhibition for Gifts, Moscow, March 2015; Handicrafts and
Fashion Festival of the Republic of Tajikistan during the month of November 2014
and the Open Doors Day in the Academy of Artists in Tajikistan during the month
of December 2012.
Artisan Shamsutdinov Airat is a famous Tatar jeweler from Kazan,
Tataristan. For more than 25 years Shamsutdinov Airat creates silver jewelry
handmade in accordance with national traditions of Tatars, using ancient
techniques such as gilding, chasing, filigree, granulation, inlaid with semi-precious
stones, engraving, etc. Works of Shamsutdinov Airat exhibited many times at
various art exhibitions in Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saransk.
Shamsutdinov Airat is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 2005,
member of the House of People's Arts and Crafts of the Tatarstan Republic, the
winner of the contest «Best Goods of the Republic of Tatarstan» 2008-2009, the
winner of the exhibition of products of folk arts and crafts dedicated to the 1000th
anniversary of city Kazan. Shamsutdinov Airat works regularly used by the
Government of the Republic of Tatarstan as gifts to the leaders of foreign
Artisan Mohamed Lidarsa, Engraving on Copper, born in Tunis in 1965. He
was trained to learn the techniques of engraving on copper at the Bazar of the Old
Tunis (1984-1989). Since 1990 he starts to produce a set of products that has
artistic taste and design which attract Tunisian and foreign specialists. In 2007 he
starts to produce the Fawanees of the Australian Trade Mark called DIDO Design.
Between 2007 and 2008 he produced Fawanees and wall hangings for the summer
residence of Sheikh Abdullah Ben Hamad Ben Saud Al Thani of Qatar. He
participated in many international exhibitions among them the one organised by
Arab Lomonde, Paris, 2010.
Artisan Ercan Tabakogly, son of Hasan Tabakoglu who is a filigree artisan
and who represented Turkey in many international fairs. His family of third
generation maintains this profession with their over employees. Artisan Ercan is
one of the innovators in this field who win the Award of the Tabriz International
Award for Innovation and Creativity in Handicrafts held in Tabriz in May 2015.
He participated in many international Exhibitions among them the Pendik
International Festival for Artisans At Work held in Pendik, Istanbul during the
years of 2012, 2013, and 2014. He lives in Trabzon and has a workshop in Izmir.
Artisan Bobir Khasanov, Uzbekistan specialized in metal engraving and
decoration born in Tashkent in 1971. He worked in this profession with NPC
“MUSSAVIR” Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Between 1988 and 1994 he finished his
Master Degree with Tashkent Polytechnic University. He Took classes with the
Master Artisans of Tashkent in the field of copper carving. Between 2007 and
2015, he worked at the complex Hasti-Imom, madrasa “Barakhan”. Among his
participation in various exhibitions: Exhibition organized at the Linden Museum,
Stuttgart, Germany, 2002; Expo-2005, Japan in addition the Uzbekistan different