Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies
Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies
C Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies EN V IR TU DIE FOR S TER ROM B TIBURON EN G ER ON MENT AL S Celebrating 30+ Years of Science, Education and Stewardship San Francisco State University’s Research and Service Organization Annual Report - October 2012 Director and Professor of Geosciences Romberg Tiburon Center For Environmental Studies San Francisco State University Cover photo credits, clockwise from upper left: Andrew Kalmbach, A.M. Randall, Andrew Kalmbach, Tomoko Komada, Mike Godsey, Jamie Lee, Andrew Kalmbach, Phyllis Wong. Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies San Francisco State University Highlights of Fiscal Year 2011-2012 • Despite the present economic conditions and low agency funding rates, grant activity at the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies (RTC) remains successful with 12 new grant awards totaling $3.8 million and $724,000 in supplements to existing grants. Total new funding was $4.5 million. • Major funded projects continue to bring significant acclaim and resources to SF State and RTC. Examples of the FY 2011-2012 awards are: a Delta Stewardship Council grant The Role of Microcystis Blooms in the Delta Food Web: A Functional Approach ($900,000); National Science Foundation grants Collaborative Research: Iron Regulation of the Food Quality of Phytoplankton in Acidified Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems ($672,191); and Collaborative Research: Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) transformations in deep sub-surface sediments and its role as a source of “old” DOC to the water column ($422,778); and, a Department of Fish & Game grant Salinity Effects on Native and Introduced Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of Suisun Bay and the Delta ($412,405). • Two SF State faculty moved their research programs to RTC. Dr. Tim Janssen is a physical oceanographer and Dr. Ellen Hines is a marine mammal ecologist and biogeographer. Unfortunately Dr. Janssen decided to leave the University, leaving us shy a physical oceanographer. Dr. Hines brings GIS expertise to the Center. • After 27 years of excellent service, Dennis Huggins retired as a facilities mechanic. Claudio Diaz was hired as the replacement. Operations Director Linda Mayo left the University and the Operations Director position remains unfilled. • The RTC community lost one of its own this year with the death of laboratory technician Al Marchi. • Intralab collaborations, enabled by joint and synergistic funding, increased over previous years. Delta science and wetlands restoration are the two areas with increased collaboration and they point to the increased recognition of RTC as an important science center. • A major infrastructure project to convert heating of RTC buildings from Diesel or propane fuel to natural gas was initiated. The 4,000-gallon Diesel tank was removed and the site was trenched and pipelines were laid to bring natural gas to our buildings. A donation of $450,00 is allowing installation of solar panels above our parking area. These two projects help upgrade our utilities infrastructure and reduce the Center’s carbon footprint. • Nine students completed their master’s degrees, bringing the total number of masters’ degrees with research conducted through RTC to 128, with 84 in the last decade. • Increased numbers of undergraduate and graduate students working at RTC have received numerous prestigious awards and a host of internal scholarships. RTC students received $142,623 in scholarships or awards this past year; $48,540 more than last year. Of special mention are that one of our graduate students received a NERR Graduate Research Fellowship, three students were awarded Climate Change Scholarships from CSME, another student received a College of Science & Engineering Maxwell Scholarship, eight students received CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST) research awards, and two students have Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) scholarships. We are proud of our students and their accomplishments. • The RTC Advisory Board strategic planning committee made significant steps to refocus the Advisory Board toward increasing its effectiveness in community outreach and fund raising. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 2 Introduction The Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies (RTC), the marine and estuarine research field station of San Francisco State University (SF State), is located approximately 20 miles north of the main campus on a Tiburon Peninsula 36-acre waterfront parcel. A 1978 federal lease of 28 acres and six buildings marked the origin of the Center. Building 36 is the main research/laboratory and administration facility. Building 39 provides space for teaching and outreach activities and office space. Building 53 houses the Bay Conference Center (BCC) and a caretaker apartment. Building 49 houses the facilities shop, marine operations, and SF State Art Department graduate student studios. Building 50 is used for storage and SF State Anthropology Department artifacts. Building 20, the Ohrenschall Guest House, provides lodging for visiting scientists and BCC clients. The lease was completed in 2008 and the property and buildings transferred to the University. In 2008 the U.S. Department of Commerce deeded the remaining eight waterfront acres and 13 additional buildings to the University. Occupied buildings include: Building 54 physiology, biogeochemical, elemental analysis and monitoring laboratories; Building 74A office space; Building 74 - facilities headquarters and boat/vehicle storage; Building 30 leased by tenants SERC, and Taxon Biosciences; Building 21 - storage; Building 22 Southern Marin Fire Protection District training; and Building 40 - storage for the SF State Ceramics Department. Five other buildings, Buildings 11, 27, 33, 37, and 79 are unoccupied. Building 86 is a University building but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) retains usage of the building. Table 1 provides an overview of the RTC buildings. RTC also owns several boats used for research including a 38' aluminum hulled vessel, the R/V Questuary; a 21' C-Dory, the Salty Dog; a Twin V outboard; a 19' and a 15' Boston Whaler and a skiff. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 3 Table 1. Description, location, and amount of space currently occupied at RTC. Building Building Number Name 20 Ohrenschall Guest House Square Footage Usage Occupants 3,600 Residence for Short-term Visitors Visitors 21 Machine Shop 3,780 Storage RTC 22 Blacksmith Shop/ Carpentry Shop 3,644 Training Facility Southern Marin Fire Protection District 30 Galley/ Administrative Office 8,453 Offices, Meeting Rooms, Laboratories Leased to Taxon (3,796 sq ft or 45%) & SERC (1,293 sq ft or 15%) 36 Main Research Center 27,200 Research Laboratories, Offices, Meeting Rooms, Classrooms RTC & NERR 39 Administration Office RTC & NERR 40 Ceramics Department Storage 49 Maintenance Shop/Marine Operations 16,925 Facilities, Marine Operations, Offices, Art Department Student Studios RTC & SF State 50 Storage 16,925 Storage, Research Laboratory, Anthropology Department Archives RTC & SF State 53 Bay Conference Center/ Residence 7,700 Conference Center, Office, Caretaker Apartment RTC & Conference Rentals 54 Physiology Laboratory 7,600 Offices, Research Laboratories RTC 74 Vehicle Warehouse 2,000 Boat & Vehicle Storage, Office RTC Offices RTC 74A Offices 7,080 Offices, Classrooms 800 648 86 Central Warehouse Unoccupied buildings 11 Caretaker Residence Storage SF State Art Department 11,000 Storage NOAA Proposed Usage 2,705 Caretaker Residence RTC 27 Welding Shed 400 33 Rockfish Research Laboratory 4,018 Lease Space Tenant 37 Dispensary 2,000 Lease Space Tenant 79 Cinder Block Building 400 Storage Storage RTC RTC SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 4 Organizational Description Administrative responsibility for RTC resides at SF State. RTC is administered by a Director (Dr. Newell Garfield) who reports to the Dean of the College of Science & Engineering (COSE) (Dr. Sheldon Axler), the University Provost (Dr. Sue V. Rosser) and the University President (Dr. Robert Corrigan). This year, RTC added two faculty to our group. Dr. Tim Janssen, a physical oceanographer arrived at RTC at the beginning of the fiscal year and Dr. Ellen Hines, marine mammal ecologist and biogeographer joined the group in June 2012. At the end of the fiscal year, Dr. Janssen decided to leave the University, leaving the position of physical oceanographer vacant. As a result of these additions, RTC’s scientific staff consists of the Director, seven other tenured or tenure-track faculty with appointments in four home departments at SF State, seven research scientists, one professor emeritus, one SF State faculty associate, one adjunct faculty, seven postdoctoral associates, nine visiting scientists, 25 research technicians/research assistants, and an on-site staff of 23 persons (four are volunteers). In FY 2011-2012 there were 60 graduate students (Art Department students included), five graduate student interns, two graduate student volunteers, five undergraduate student assistants, 29 undergraduate interns, 12 undergraduate volunteers, eight high school student volunteers, and 18 volunteers involved in Center activities. The RTC campus is well suited to host researchoriented organizations whose missions complement RTC through student opportunities and intellectual collaboration. There is one SF State entity and four tenants on site. Two research tenants are the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center’s (SERC) Invasive Species Program and Taxon Biosciences Inc. These two tenants are laboratory-based research operations whose missions enhance scientific activity on the campus. Their combined staffs add 28 scientists and support staff on site. The third tenant is the Tyee Foundation/Tiburon Salmon Institute, an organization of concerned citizens interested in preserving San Francisco Bay salmon. The fourth tenant is the Southern Marin Fire Protection District that uses Building 22 to conduct training. The San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (SFB NERR) is a joint federalstate-local partnership program dedicated to improving understanding and management of the Bay. RTC is the administrative headquarters and active partner of the SFB NERR. The NERR’s mission is to promote scientific research of remaining Bay wetlands for better management and successful restoration of these important habitats, and a healthier Bay for citizens to enjoy. The NERR employs a staff of 11. Additionally, RTC offers facilities to support three departments of SF State’s College of Arts & Humanities: the Art Department’s Master’s in Fine Arts and Ceramics concentrations and the Anthropology Department. Eleven graduate art students and one post-graduate fellow occupy the art studio space. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 5 Mission and Goals RTC’s mission is to advance understanding of the world’s complex marine and estuarine environments through research, education, and outreach, with a focus on San Francisco Bay. The Center’s goals are: • To lead in scientific research, monitoring and reporting on the nature and condition of the world’s marine and estuarine environments. • To train undergraduate and graduate students to become interdisciplinary marine or estuarine scientists through instruction and participation in innovative, collaborative research. • To promote public education and appreciation of the San Francisco Bay estuarine environment and ecosystems. • To provide fundamental scientific information to assist in decision-making and the stewardship of San Francisco Bay. Activities Undertaken in Areas of Research, Service, and Teaching to Meet Our Goals Students, faculty and researchers studied biodiversity, community ecology, wetland ecology and restoration, ecological physiology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, molecular biology, and oceanography. RTC scientists received numerous awards that support their research, and the findings were published in prestigious scientific journals. RTC has been instrumental in the implementation of California cooperative science programs including: IEP, an organization of California and federal institutions and agencies collaborating on San Francisco Bay and Delta environmental and conservation issues; COAST, the CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology; and CeNCOOS, Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System. RTC faculty and lecturers successfully accomplished their teaching mission both in their laboratories and in the classroom. During FY 2011-2012, eight University courses were conducted at RTC. Our faculty conducted the remainder of their teaching duties in their home department on the main campus. Undergraduate and graduate students worked on their research projects in the research laboratories under the direction of RTC scientists. Nine graduate students completed their master’s degrees last year. Students regularly publish their research results and attend scientific meetings where they make oral and poster research presentations. RTC’s educational outreach goals were met in a variety of ways. RTC offers, through the College of Extended Learning, a Wetlands Science series of short courses aimed at professional training in wetlands science and management. Five of these courses were taught at RTC this year. Two to three times a year RTC researchers present their research at professional development workshops on site for high school teachers. RTC researchers also gave presentations throughout the year at community organizations including the Rotary Club of Tiburon, published articles in local newspapers, and served as judges at the Marin County science fairs. They also participate in regular outreach activities such as private tours of RTC and the Sea Lion Bowl, an academic ocean science competition held at SF State’s SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 6 main campus. In October 2011, RTC held its annual open house, Discovery Day, where the general public is invited on site to interact with scientists and learn more about RTC’s research and teaching activities. The 2011 open house, an official event of the Bay Area Science Festival, attracted more than 750 people. Nature, Source and Amount of Funding RTC Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-2012 funding was derived from several sources (Table 2). SF State provided salary support through the COSE budget for almost all of the administrative staff, ORSP projects provided RRT for teaching faculty and lecturers, and a Special Trust account provided for the remaining staff salaries and some operating expenses. Income from the Bay Conference Center and leases to tenant organizations provided for some operating expenses and maintenance. Charter fees from the R/V Questuary and donations received by RTC are held at the University Corporation (SF State Foundation). Funding for fiscal years 2007 through 2012 are shown in Table 3. There were 76 RTC active grants, of which 12 started during FY 2011-2012. Table 4 provides specific information on RTC grants and contacts. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 7 Table 2. Funds managed by the RTC RSO. RTC OPERATING BUDGET Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Revenue: Actual University Special Funds Allocation(1) Other Income Bay Conference Center (BCC) & Ohrenschall Guest House (OGH) Property Leases RRT Research Vessels Chargeback, Refunds Discretionary Funds Total Revenues $729,935 $66,977 $123,133 $285,555 $74,003 $21,055 $125,000 $1,425,658 Expenses: Salaries Paid by RTC Allocation & RRT (includes lecturers)(1) Benefits Paid by RTC Allocation & RRT (includes lecturers) Administrative Fees Paid to SF State Administrative Fees Paid to The University Corp, SF State BCC & OGH Expenses Marine Operations (Questuary, insurance, etc.) Telephones (campus, Centrex, cell) Utilities (security, garbage, water, pest, electricity, etc.) Vehicles (gas, service, leases, insurance) Start-Up (Boyer, Cohen, Komada, Stillman, Carpenter) Matching Funds to Grants Services, Supplies, Equipment, Post, Print, PCs, P-cards RTC Facilities (maintenance, repair, tools, etc.) Outside Engineering & Maintenance Contracts Travel Total Expenses $420,778 $160,040 $12,313 $490 $59,927 $97,407 $66,557 $83,481 $44,076 $3,305 $839 $157,390 $220,837 $10,916 $10,372 $1,348,728 Net Surplus(2) $76,930 (1) Does not include General Fund salaries and benefits paid by COSE. (2) Net surplus includes cash and committed funds on Purchase Orders carried over into the next fiscal year. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 8 Table 3. RTC funding amounts including grant awards for the last five fiscal years. REVENUE SUMMARY 2007-2012 Category SF State Special Funds Allocation(a) COSE Salary Support(a) COSE Supplies & Expense SF State Support Subtotal BCC/Tiburon Properties Revenue Questuary Revenue RRT, Chargebacks, Refunds Other Subtotal Private Donations Private Foundation Awards Donations & Awards Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE (a) Moved 6 staff salaries from allocation to COSE salary FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 $1,545,299 $546,657 $0 $2,091,956 $1,342,436 $596,017 $0 $1,938,453 $1,206,734 $561,229 $93,653 $1,861,616 $729,935(a) $1,150,648(a) $33,225 $1,913,808 $182,911 $31,801 $176,570 $391,282 $193,738 $46,802 $273,227 $513,767 $157,838 $54,735 $252,698 $465,271 $260,754 $70,367 $374,557 $705,678 $190,110 $74,003 $306,610 $570,723 $51,315 $0 $51,315 $33,236 $60,000 $93,236 $124,528 $25,000 $149,528 $20,992 $0 $20,992 $580,012 $0 $580,012 $2,534,553 $2,545,456 $2,476,415 $2,640,478 $3,090,412 $729,935 $1,031,472 $178,270 $1,939,677 support in FY 2010-2011. GRANT AWARD SUMMARY 2007-2012 Category Number of New RTC Grants Awarded Per Fiscal Year RTC Grant Funding Per Fiscal Year including Supplements RTC Expenses Against Active Grants RTC Indirect Costs Generated Against All Active Grants FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 13 09 21 10 12 $1,991,658* $1,143,103* $2,907,585* $3,983,775 $565,665 $3,649,672 $484,279 $2,576,181 $526,105 $3,468,696 $3,262,737 $676,888 $4,529,533 $3,329,941 $740,832 *Supplement funds for grants were not added. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 9 PI Name Start Date End Date Boyer, Katharyn E 8/1/2008 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 6/7/2010 7/1/2010 8/1/2010 9/10/2010 6/1/2011 6/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 2/1/2012 4/16/2007 9/20/2007 9/1/2008 10/1/2009 10/1/2009 10/1/2009 9/1/2008 9/15/2009 1/1/2010 9/1/2010 9/1/2010 1/1/2011 10/1/2011 9/1/2008 9/1/2009 9/1/2009 8/1/2010 1/1/2006 4/16/2007 6/1/2010 8/31/2010 1/1/2011 4/1/2011 9/13/2011 11/15/2004 7/1/2008 8/1/2008 4/1/2010 9/1/2010 6/1/2011 5/15/2012 10/1/2008 10/1/2009 1/1/2010 1/1/2010 3/1/2011 1/1/2006 7/20/2006 9/1/2009 6/1/2010 6/1/2010 6/1/2010 5/1/2011 6/30/2011 7/1/2011 10/1/2011 12/15/2011 10/1/2007 10/1/2007 3/15/2012 3/15/2012 12/1/2009 6/1/2010 6/30/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 12/16/2011 8/15/2009 6/1/2010 9/1/2010 3/4/2011 7/28/2011 12/31/2010 9/30/2011 6/16/2011 8/1/2014 3/31/2014 3/31/2014 12/31/2011 5/31/2013 5/31/2013 6/30/2013 6/30/2013 1/31/2015 3/31/2012 9/30/2012 8/31/2013 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 9/30/2012 12/30/2011 9/30/2011 4/30/2011 8/31/2013 9/1/2013 6/30/2011 9/30/2014 9/30/2011 8/31/2013 8/31/2013 12/31/2011 12/31/2010 3/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/30/2011 3/31/2014 4/30/2013 12/1/2013 3/30/2011 6/30/2013 7/31/2012 3/31/2012 7/31/2011 5/31/2013 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 9/30/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2011 2/28/2013 12/31/2010 5/30/2011 8/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 4/30/2013 1/21/2013 6/30/2014 12/31/2014 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 9/30/2012 2/28/2015 2/28/2015 6/30/2011 12/31/2013 1/21/2013 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 9/30/2013 7/31/2011 12/31/2013 8/31/2013 1/31/2013 6/30/2014 Carpenter, Edward J Cochlan, William P Cohen, Cynthia (Sarah) Dugdale, Richard C Garfield, Newell (Toby) Janssen, Tim Kimmerer, William Komada, Tomoko Parker, Alexander E. Stillman, Jonathon Wilkerson, Frances RTC Grant Expenditures FY 2011 Project Title Pacific Salmonid Project Eelgrass Nursery-BOYER C/S Eelgrass Nersery CMA Eelgrass Mitigation C/S_Living Shorelines Living Shorelines NOAA SAV Schneider NOAA GRF CS Schneider NOAA GRF Native SAV- Management Native SAV Science Salinity Effects of SAVs Bad Suisun- Carpenter En-Gen: Micorarrays & E.hux Dry Valleys-Antartica Anacondas REU ANACONDAS REU ANACONDAS 2011 Cellana Algal Biofuels NOAA Macronutrient Analysis SFSU-Cellana Nutrient Stress Puget Sound ECOHAB Large Scale Production Nutrient Stress 2011 Iron Regulation Eelgrass Nursery-COHEN Food for Naups - Cohen Naups REU Supplement DFG Alaska Foodweb support for -Dugdale Bad Suisun Fall Habitat:Distribution USGS Nutrient Analysis 2010 SWAMP Central San Nutrients USGS Nutrients 2011 G2041 COCMP-NC COAST CeNCOOS MPA Whale Tail- Diversity Sea Lion Bowl 10-11 Cencoos RA Weatherflow In-Situ Wave Obervations Wave-mud Interactns across LA Modeling Wind Wave Evolution Wave Currents in Coastal Inlet Wave Current Interaction Foodweb support - KIMMERER Monitoring Responses Food for Naups-Kimmerer Fall Habitat:Zooplankton Fall Habitat:Modeling Fall Habitat:Management Trophic Relationships Winter Smelt Microcystis: Zoopolankton Modeling Smelt CASCaDE Sediment DOC-NSF Sediment DOC-NSF C/S DOC Transformations DOC REU Supplement Nutrient Analysis-Kendall Fall Habitat:Influence Fall X2 Studies Microcystis: Management Microcystis: Rates Microcystis: UCSC & UNC C/S MICROCYSTIS Kendal Nutrients 2012 ARRA: Larval Physiology Fall Habitat:Clams Synergistic Effects IRWM Revisited Nutrient Ratios Glibert Funding Agency Marin Rod and Gun Club The Nature Conservancy San Francisco State University California Maritime Academy San Francisco State University California Coastal Conservancy National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration San Francisco State University Delta Stewardship Counsel Delta Stewardship Counsel Fish and Game, Department of (DFG) Bay-Delta Authority (CALFED) National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Science Foundation Cellana LLC National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration University of Hawaii at Manoa National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) University of Hawaii at Manoa National Science Foundation The Nature Conservancy National Science Foundation National Science Foundation Alaska Department of Fish and Game Bay-Delta Authority (CALFED) Bay-Delta Authority (CALFED) Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey San Jose State University Foundation Central Contra Costa Sanitary District United States Geological Survey California Coastal Conservancy CSU Chancellor's Office Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Coastal Commission, California Consortium for Ocean Leadership Sonoma State University Weatherflow, Inc Office of Naval Research Office of Naval Research Office of Naval Research Office of Naval Research Office of Naval Research Bay-Delta Authority (CALFED) Regents of the University of California National Science Foundation Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Department of the Interior California Sea Grant (MLPA) United States Geological Survey Delta Stewardship Counsel Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey National Science Foundation San Francisco State University National Science Foundation National Science Foundation United States Geological Survey Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey Delta Stewardship Counsel Delta Stewardship Counsel Delta Stewardship Counsel San Francisco State University United States Geological Survey National Science Foundation Department of the Interior National Science Foundation Fish and Game, Department of (DFG) University of Maryland Total Award Amount FY 11 Expenses w/o IDC of Project $45,000.00 $61,876.00 $68,762.00 $65,588.00 $37,854.00 $401,250.00 $9,800.00 $40,000.00 $17,148.00 $9,160.00 $150,840.00 $412,405.00 $24,016.00 $1,184,748.00 $399,998.00 $351,355.00 $10,250.00 $5,500.00 $404,876.00 $11,500.00 $398,347.00 $374,122.00 $140,280.00 $24,999.00 $672,291.00 $23,081.00 $127,001.00 $16,740.00 $29,000.00 $282,317.00 $814,357.00 $461,270.00 $9,680.00 $235,000.00 $23,025.00 $18,990.00 $8,956,434.00 $977,031.00 $404,700.00 $25,000.00 $15,000.00 $474,497.00 $4,970.00 $75,851.00 $42,550.00 $238,843.00 $52,264.00 $128,101.00 $847,042.00 $236,017.00 $396,961.00 $1,279,026.00 $1,067,673.00 $226,270.00 $168,876.00 $99,833.00 $256,035.00 $277,850.00 $17,542.00 $409,178.00 $62,741.00 $415,153.00 $7,625.00 $20,000.00 $491,886.00 $46,533.00 $49,270.00 $258,230.00 $336,466.00 $33,957.00 $15,700.00 $199,999.00 $443,230.00 $534,038.00 $44,420.00 $358,058.00 $134.91 $0.00 $0.00 $8,247.95 $0.00 $67,311.56 $5,428.10 $15,884.54 $665.00 $4,544.91 $60,057.76 $9,882.17 $0.00 $160,654.50 $91,667.31 $83,402.59 $0.24 $4,639.75 $0.00 $0.00 $11,928.69 $168,543.35 $24,869.62 $3,678.39 $37,906.69 ($379.71) $33,968.66 $3,332.00 $11,859.11 ($340.58) $41,130.68 $109,683.82 $8,748.89 $80,120.60 $14,935.79 $11,021.90 $2,490.74 $333,582.60 $112,355.20 $16,124.40 $27.25 $69,649.22 $0.00 $14,853.65 $14,224.00 $28,582.53 $2,262.61 $18,536.58 $343.98 $3,336.48 $68,048.43 $365,609.24 $296,095.07 $44,812.71 $64,824.67 $57,041.22 $88,256.99 $206.54 $0.00 $19,020.68 ($0.33) $18,317.05 $0.00 $0.01 $154,014.63 $0.00 $10,068.30 $74,425.11 $43,186.58 $0.00 $60.91 $557.30 $135,913.55 $150,702.25 $7,514.15 $41,367.89 $27,357,276 $3,329,941 Table 4. (Previous page) Fiscal Year 2011-2012 active grant and contract awards (including subcontracts to other institutions). SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 10 Pertinent Information on RTC Scientists, Students, Staff, and Others Who Support or Collaborate With the RTC RSO Community RTC faculty and senior research scientists with descriptions of their areas of research and interest are listed in Appendix A. All other RTC RSO staff, students and volunteers are listed in Appendix B. A gender breakdown and ethnic makeup of the RTC faculty and senior research scientists (PhDs), post doctoral researchers, technicians, students, volunteers and staff listed in Appendices A and B are presented in Table 5. Visiting scientists who actively worked at RTC during FY 2011-2012 with RTC faculty and senior research scientists are listed in Appendix C. Appendix D is the list of RTC faculty and senior research scientists’ peer-reviewed publications and Appendix E is their non-peer reviewed publications during FY 2011-2012. Completed RTC science research master’s theses are listed in Appendix F. Those completed in FY 2011-2012 are noted with an asterisk. Courses taught at RTC during the last five fiscal years (2007-2012) are listed in Appendix G. Courses taught at SF State by RTC faculty and lecturers during the last five fiscal years are listed in Appendix H. Information contained in Appendices A through H are summarized in Table 6 with comparison information for the previous four fiscal years. Collaborators working with RTC faculty and senior research scientists are listed in Appendix I. Art Department faculty and students and RTC tenants are listed in Appendix J. Appendix K lists the names, titles and organizational affiliations of persons serving on the RTC Board of Advisors. Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 RTC Seminar Series presentations are listed in Appendix L. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 11 Appendix A. Names of faculty and senior research scientists actively engaged in the RSO’s research and scholarly and creative activities, or its supervision, and their areas of research. Roger Bland, (Emeritus), Physicist; studies underwater acoustical monitoring using sonar signals to measure water temperature and current speed circulation patterns in San Francisco Bay. Katharyn E. Boyer, Wetland and Coastal Community Ecologist; studies the role of species interactions in ecosystem functioning, invasive species, nutrient dynamics, and restoration in wetland and sea grass systems. Edward J. Carpenter, Biological Oceanographer; studies the ecology of marine phytoplankton, particularly cyanobacteria, and factors affecting primary productivity, phytoplankton species composition, and nutrient cycling in the sea. William P. Cochlan, Marine Microbial Ecologist/Biological Oceanographer; studies the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton and bacteria, including Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Sarah Cohen, Ecological Evolutionary Biologist and Population Geneticist; studies connectivity of marine populations, human impacts on aquatic systems, immunogenetics and recognition systems. Richard C. Dugdale, Biological Oceanographer/Biogeochemist; studies distributions and effects of nutrients (including anthropogenic impacts) on oceanic productivity in estuarine, coastal, and equatorial upwelling areas. Newell Garfield, RTC Director and Physical Oceanographer; studies oceanic circulation in coastal regions and over continental margins. Ellen Hines, Marine Mammal Ecologist and Biogeographer, Marine and Coastal GIS and Remote Sensing; studies the habitat distribution and abundance of coastal marine mammals, marine and coastal species modeling, and the conservation of marine endangered species. Tim Janssen, Physical Oceanographer: studies non-linear wave dynamics in coastal areas. William Kimmerer, Biological Oceanographer; studies growth and predation processes in zooplankton, computer modeling of ecological systems, and analysis of human impacts on estuarine and marine ecosystems. Tomoko Komada, Biogeochemist; studies the dynamics of organic matter in marine and freshwater systems, with focus on the factors affecting the long-term organic carbon cycle. Alexander E. Parker, Biological Oceanographer/Estuarine Biogeochemist; studies the impacts of urbanization and associated stressors on primary producers and heterotrophic bacteria. Dale Robinson, Phytoplankton Ecologist and Physiologist; examines changes in ocean productivity and photosynthesis that result from variations in the physical environment. Jonathon H. Stillman, Marine Ecological Physiologist; studies adaptations of marine organisms to environmental stress, including temperature stress and the effects of climate change. Gerdi Weidner, Psychobiologist; studies the contribution of environmental, behavioral, and psychological factors to non-communicable chronic diseases. Frances P. Wilkerson, Marine Biologist/Biological Oceanographer; studies the role of phytoplankton in nitrogen cycling in coastal and estuarine ecosystems with a focus on diatom ecology and also marine symbiosis. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 12 Appendix B. Names of SF State faculty associates, post doctoral fellows, research technicians, graduate students, undergraduate student assistants, undergraduate interns, undergraduate volunteers, high school students and administration and facilities staff directly contributing to the RSO who are on the RSO’s payroll, participate through assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships, or are otherwise involved in the RSO’s work. Staff Member Sarah Blaser Jim Fuller Vickie Hogue Allison Johnson Al Marchi Adam Pimenta Sarah Blaser Christina Buck Erica Kress Jamie Lee Shannon Strong Dash Stander Joy Li King Cada Adrian Gerretson Travis Lauro Kristofer Kaufman Dr. Anne Todgham Dr. Stephane Lefebvre Dr. Nathan Miller Chelsea Chen David Hurt Brittany Bjelde Sara Boles Hayley Carter Lina Ceballos Daniel Chase Chelsea Chen Rachel Dorfman Katherine McLean Haydee Medina Adam Paganini Christina Pasparakis Michael Garland Melanie Schiffer Dian Li Karen Bueno Corrine Calhoun Leore Geller Carley Turner Heather Schneider Sophie McGuiness Jeanne Shepard Ryan Fields Howaida Gabr Melissa May Tessa Page Dr. Pascale Rossignol Dr. Ali Ger Dr. Julien Modern Status Research Technician Research Technician Research Technician Research Assistant Research Technician Research Technician Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Volunteer High School Volunteer Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate SF State Faculty Associate Post Doc Post Doc Research Technician Berkeley PhD Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Intern/Graduate Student Intern/Graduate Student Volunteer/Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate High School Volunteer High School Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Post Doc Post Doc Research Field/Role Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Bio Oceanography/Phytoplankton Chemical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Eco Physiology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 13 Dr. Lindsay Sullivan Michael Esgro Valerie Greene Toni Ignoffo Sean Rohtla Anne Slaughter Jessica Donald Rita duMais Aaron Johnson Karen Kayfetz Bobby Vogt Amalia Borson Jorge Ruiz Steven Westbrook Bistra Barzakov Alexa Boesel Annie DeLancie Caroline Kostecki Janice Wondolleck Jennifer McGowan Eli Waggoner Dr. Ina Benner Joelle Tirindelli Roy Bartal Andrew Kalmbach Kristine Okimura Romain Bachot Michael Biggel Celine Posseme Oscar Steiner Robert Hausman Julian Herndon Chris Ikeda Itamar Gnatt Ceslie Mulholland Melissa DuBose Dr. Vanessa Miller-Sims Benson Chow Darragh Clancy Carrie Craig Vanessa Guerra Alyssa Lai David Lake Mariana Padron Kathryn Nuessly Beth Sheets Ashley Smith Ariel Tang Benson Chow Joseph Spaulding Catie Alves Garrett Benjamin Damion Delton Eric Dexter Meredyth Duncan Jason Hayes Tren Kauzer Erica Perry Post Doc Research Technician Research Technician Research Technician Research Assistant Research Technician Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate High School Volunteer High School Volunteer High School Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Graduate Student Graduate Student Post Doc Research Technician Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Intern/Graduate Student Intern/Graduate Student Intern/Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Volunteer Research Technician Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Student Assistant/Undergrad Volunteer Post Doc Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Student Assistant Research Assistant Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Estuarine Zooplankton Ecology Land Use Planning Land Use Planning Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology Marine Microbiology/Oceanography Marine Microbiology/Oceanography Marine Microbiology/Oceanography Marine Microbiology/Oceanography Marine Microbiology/Oceanography Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 14 Julia Smith Riley Smith Abby Vander Linden Zachary Sturbaum Jennifer Cade Hyee Ryun (Leah) Lee Alexandria Lufting Sarah Miller Nyri Scalon Daren Engel Anastasia Ennis Gabriel Peixoto Kelsey Cawdrey Noah Jaffe Aimee Good Dr. Krista Kamer Beth Pardieck Jim Pettigrew Chris Raleigh Sang Wook Pak Jordan Jo Guarav Rele Daniel Cuneo Lindsey Carr Ace Crow Stephanie Kiriakopolos Jennifer Miller Diana Singh Evyan Borgnis Autumn Cleave Stephanie Kiriakopolos Jeff Lewis Cassie Pinnell Gwen Santos Lauren Scheinberg Rosa Schneider Kevin Stockmann Whitney Thornton Cheyenne Anderson Brandi Campbell Linda Dinneen Nyri Scanlon Adam Bayardo Jessi Craft Natasha Dunn Leana Lytle Elizabeth Ross Glen Schneider Jeff Sloane Heather Thams Grant Willison Linda Mayo Gavin Archbald Carmen Barefield David Bell Erin Blackwood Doreen Britton Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer High School Volunteer High School Volunteer Research Technician/Program Coordinator Director Program & Outreach Coordinator Research Technician Equipment Specialist Graduate Student Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Graduate Student Volunteer Research Technician Research Technician Research Technician Research Technician Research Technician Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Intern/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer/Undergraduate Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Operations Director OGH Caretaker/Volunteer OGH Caretaker Asst./Volunteer Marine Superintendent Education/Outreach Coordinator Financial Coordinator Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution Marine Ecology and Evolution COAST COAST COAST Physical Oceanography Physical Oceanography/CeNCOOS Physical Oceanography Underwater Acoustics Underwater Acoustics Underwater Acoustics Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Wetlands Ecology Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 15 Ace Crow Alex Dexter Claudio Diaz Jose Flores Dennis Huggins Karen Kayfetz John Kern Scott Kern Brita Larsson David Morgan Adria O’Dea Raman Paul Mark Peaslee Jackie Prasad Chris Raleigh Chanh Rattana Donna Shadowens Jennifer Viale BCC/Facilities Worker BCC Student Assistant Facilities Maintenance Mechanic Information Technology Tech Facilities Volunteer OGH Caretaker/Volunteer Facilities Volunteer Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Laboratory Coordinator Marine Operations Manager Marketing/Graphics Coordinator Grants Administrator Admin Student Assistant BCC Student Assistant Caretaker/Volunteer Facilities Maintenance Worker BCC/Events Manager Administrative Coordinator Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 16 Table 5. Male and female breakdown and ethnic makeup of RTC faculty and senior research scientists (PhDs), post doctoral fellows, technicians, students, volunteers and staff listed in Appendices A and B. African Native Groups # Male Female White American Asian Hispanic American PhDs 16 10 6 15 1 SF State Faculty Associate 1 1 1 Post Docs 7 4 3 7 Research Technicians /Assistants 25 10 15 23 1 Grad Students 491 13 36 34.5 9 5 .5 Intern/Grad 5 3 2 5 Student Assistants /Undergrad 5 2 3 2 1 1 Intern/ Undergrad 29 12 17 22.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 Volunteer/ Grad 2 1 1 1 1 Volunteer/ Undergrad 12 5 7 8.5 1 2.5 Volunteer 18 8 10 18 High School Student 8 2 6 8 Staff 232 14 9 16 1 2 2 1 Totals 200 84 116 161.5 4.5 19 9.5 1.5 1 Art Department students are not included. Ethnicity data are not requested of these students. 2 Four staff positions are volunteer. Pacific Island 1 1 1 1 4 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 17 Appendix C. Visiting scientists who actively worked at RTC during the Fiscal Year 20112012 with faculty members or senior research scientists. Dr. Gretchen Coffman, University San Francisco – Wetland Ecology Research Tim DeGraff, Wetland Research Associates – Wetland Environmental Management David Hurt, University of California, Berkeley – Ecological Physiology Greg Kamman, Kamman Hydrology and Engineering – Hydrology Rachel Kamman, Kamman Hydrology and Engineering – Hydrology Dr. Don Reed, California State University, San Jose – Physical Oceanography Dr. Gregory Ruiz, Smithsonian Institute – Invasive Species Studies Research Richard Stabler, County of Sonoma – Plant Ecology Betsy Wells, University of California, Davis – Wetland Ecology Research SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 18 Appendix D. Peer-reviewed publications by RTC faculty and research scientists including books, journal articles, and reports and reprints. Boyer, K. E. and W. J. Thornton. 2012. Natural and restored tidal marsh communities. Chapter 17 in A. Palaima, ed., Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration of Tidal Marshes: The San Francisco Estuary. University of California Press. Brooks, M. L., E. Fleishman, L. R. Brown, P. W. Lehman, I.Werner, N. Scholz, C. Mitchelmore, J. R. Lovvorn, M. L. Johnson, D. Schlenk,, S. V. Drunick, J. I. Drever, D. M. Stoms, A. E. Parker, and R. Dugdale. 2012. Life Histories, Salinity Zones, and Sublethal Contributions of Contaminants to Pelagic Fish Declines, Illustrated with a Case Study of San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 603-621. Brzezinski, M.A., S. Baines, F. Chai, W. M. Balch, R. C. Dugdale, J. W. Krause, M. R. Landry, A., C. I. Measures, D. M. Nelson, A. E. Parker, K. E. Selph, P. Strutton, A. G. Taylor, B. S. Twining, and C. Beucher. 2011. Colimitation of diatoms by iron and silicic acid in the equatorial Pacific. Deep Sea Research II. 58 (3-4): 493512. Burdige, D. J. and T. Komada 2011. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and the stoichiometry of remineralization processes in continental margin sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1781-1796. Cleve, C., J. Perrine, B. Holzman, and E. Hines. 2011. Addressing biased occurrence data in predicting potential Sierra Nevada red fox habitat for survey prioritization. Endangered Species Research 14:179-191. Cloern, J. E., A. D. Jassby, J. Carstensen, W. A. Bennett, W. Kimmerer, R. Mac Nally, D. H. Schoellhamer, M. Winder. 2012. Perils of correlating CUSUM-transformed variables to infer ecological relationships (Breton et al. 2006; Glibert 2010). Limnol. Oceanogr. 57: 665-668. Cohen, C. S., L. McCann, T. Davis, L. Shaw, and G. Ruiz. 2011. Discovery and significance of the colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum in Alaska. Aquatic Invasions, 6 (3):263-271. Dick, D. M. and E. M. Hines. 2011. Development and implementation of distance sampling techniques to determine bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) abundance at Turneffe Atoll, Belize. Marine Mammal Science: 27(3): 606-621. Dugdale, R., F. Wilkerson, A. Parker, A. Marchi, and K. Taberski. 2012. River flow and ammonium discharge determine spring phytoplankton blooms in an urbanized estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 113: 1-13. Dugdale, R. C., M. Brzezinski, D. Nelson, F. Chai, C. Measures, A. E. Parker, and F. Wilkerson. 2011. The regulation of Equatorial Pacific pCO2 by diatoms. Deep Sea Research II 58 (3-4): 477-493. Dugdale, R.C., M. Brzezinski, D. Nelson, F. Chai, C. Measures, A. E. Parker, and F. Wilkerson. 2011. The regulation of Equatorial Pacific pCO2 by diatoms. Deep Sea Research II 58 (3-4): 477-493. Hines, E. 2011. Conservation of the Dugong along the Andaman Coast of Thailand: An Example of the Integration of Conservation and Biology in Endangered Species Research. VDM Verlag, Germany (published dissertation). Hines, E., C. Parsons, and J. Cigliano. 2011. Making marine science matter-a special issue highlighting the first International Marine Conservation Congress (Introduction). Bulletin of Marine Science 87(2). Hines, E. and contributors. 2012. Dugongs in Asia. In Sirenian Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries, ed. E. Hines, E., J. Reynolds, A. Mignucci-Giannoni, L. V. Aragones and M. Marmontel, 5876. Gainesville Fl, University Press of Florida. Hines, E., D. Domning, L. Aragones, M. Marmontel, A. Mignucci-Giannoni, and J. Reynolds. 2012. In The role of scientists in sirenian conservation in developing countries, ed. E. Hines, J. Reynolds, A. MignucciGiannoni, L. V. Aragones, and M. Marmontel, 243-245. Gainesville, Fl, University Press of Florida. Hines, E. 2012. A framework for sirenian science and conservation in developing countries. In Sirenian SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 19 Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries, ed. E. Hines, J. Reynolds, A. MignucciGiannoni, L. V. Aragones, and M. Marmontel, 246-253. Gainesville, Fl, University Press of Florida. Johnson, L. and T. Komada. 2011. Determination of radiocarbon in marine sediment porewater dissolved organic carbon by thermal sulfate reduction. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9:485-498. Kimmerer, W. J., A. E. Parker, U. Lidström, and E. J. Carpenter. 2012. Short-term and interannual variability in primary production in the low-salinity zone of the San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries Coast 35 (4): 913-929. Komada T., J. A. Polly, and L. Johnson. (2012) Transformations of carbon in anoxic marine sediments: Implications from Δ14C and δ13C signatures. Limnology and Oceanography 57:567-581. LaCommare, K.S, C. Self-Sullivan, E. Hines, and S. Brault. (2012) Trend detection in a boat-based method for monitoring sirenians: Antillean manatee case study. Biological Conservation 152:169-177. Lefebvre, S.C., I. Benner, M. K. Drake, P. E. Rossignol, K. M. Okimura, T. Komada, J. H. Stillman, A. E. Parker, and E. J. Carpenter. 2012. Nitrogen source and pCO2 synergistically affect carbon allocation, growth and morphology of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Global Change Biology. 18(2):493-503. Long, Regan, D. Barrick, J. Largier, N. Garfield, 2011. Wave Observations from Central California: SeaSonde Systems and In-Situ Wave Buoys. Journal of Sensors. Volume 2011, Article ID 728936, 18 pages doi:10.1155/2011/728936. Luo, Y. W., S. C. Downey, S. Bonnet, D. Bottjer, D. G. Capone, E. J. Carpenter, M. J. Hurch, L. I. Falcon, R.A. Foster, K. Furya, S. Kitajima, R. M. Letelier, P. H. Moisander, C. M. Moore, J.A. Needoba, K.M. Orcutt, A. J. Poulton, P. Raimbault, A. P. Rees, T. Shiozaki, A. Subramaniam, T. Tyrrell, K. A. Turk, A. E. White, and J. P. Zehr. 2012. Database of diazotrophs in Global Ocean: Abundances, Biomass and nitrogen fixation rates. Earth System Science Data. 4:47-73 doi:10.5194 essd-4-47-2012 Merrified, M. S., E. M. Hines, X. Liu, and M. W. Beck. 2011. Building regional threat-based networks for estuaries in the western United States. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17407. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017407. Niederberger, T. D., J. A. Sohm, J. Tirindelli, T. Gunderson, D.G. Capone, E. J. Carpenter and S. Craig Cary. 2012. Diverse and highly active diazotrophic assemblages inhabit ephemerally wetted soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys. FEMS Microbiology Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01390 Ort, B. S., C. S. Cohen, K. E. Boyer, and S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2012. Population structure and genetic diversity among eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds and depths in San Francisco Bay. Journal of Heredity 103:533-546. Ortega, A., E. Hines, and J. Calvimontes. 2012. Using interviews as a research tool. In Sirenian Conservation: Issues and Strategies in Developing Countries, ed. Hines, E., Reynolds, J., Mignucci-Giannoni, A, Aragones, L.V. and M. Marmontel, 109-115. Gainesville, FL, University Press of Florida. Parker, A. E., V. E. Hogue, F. Wilkerson, and R. C. Dugdale. 2012. The effect of inorganic nitrogen speciation on primary production in San Francisco Estuary. Coastal Estuarine and Shelf Science. 104-105:91-101. Parker, A. E., W. J. Kimmerer, U. Lidstrom. 2012. Re-evaluating the generality of empirical models for lightlimited primary production in the San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. 35(4):930-942. Parker, A. E., F. P. Wilkerson, and R. C. Dugdale. 2012. Elevated ammonium concentrations from wastewater discharge depress primary productivity in the Sacramento River and the northern San Francisco Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64(3):574-586 Parker, A. E., F. Wilkerson, R. C. Dugdale, V. Hogue, A. Marchi. 2011. Understanding spatial patterns in nitrogen uptake and phytoplankton in the equatorial Pacific upwelling zone (110ºW - 140ºW) during 2004 and 2005. Deep Sea Research II. 58 (3-4): 417-433. Reynolds, L. K., L. A. Carr, and K. E. Boyer. 2012. A non-native amphipod consumes eelgrass inflorescences in San Francisco Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 451:107–118. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 20 A. B. Ryan, and K. E. Boyer. 2012. Nitrogen further promotes a dominant salt marsh plant in an increasingly saline environment. Journal of Plant Ecology. doi: 10.1093/jpe/rts001. Spaderna, H., G. Weidner, K. C. Koch, I. Kazcmarek, F. M. Wagner, and J. M. A. Smits, for the Waiting for a New Heart Study Group. Medical and psychosocial predictors of mechanical circulatory support device implantation and competing outcomes in the waiting for a new heart study. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2012. 31:16-26 Strutton, P.G., A. Palacz, R. Dugdale, F. Chai, A. Marchi, A. E. Parker, V. Hogue, and F. Wilkerson. 2011. The impact of equatorial Pacific tropical instability waves on hydrography and nutrients: 2004-2005. Deep Sea Research II. 58 (3-4): 284-296. Weidner, G. Sustainability in medicine – a case for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. Environmentalist, 2012. 32:353-359 Weidner, G., and H. Spaderna. The role of the Heart Failure Survival Score and psychosocial stress in predicting event-free survival in patients referred for heart transplantation. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2012. 31(4): 436-438 Yeung, L. Y., W. M. Berelson, E. D. Young, M. G. Prokopenko, V. J. Coles, J. M. Montoya, E. J. Carpenter, and P. L. Yager. 2012. Impact of diatom-diazotroph associations on carbon export in the Amazon River plume. Geophysical Research Letters. 39: LI8609, doi:10.1029/2012GLO53356. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 21 Appendix E. Non-peer reviewed publications by RTC faculty and senior research scientists. Blaser, S., A. E. Parker, and F. P. Wilkerson. 2011. Effect of two herbicides (diuron and imazapyr) on estuarine phytoplankton carbon assimilation in an experimental study. Interagency Ecological Program for the San Francisco Estuary Newsletter, 24(3):2-11. Kress, E., A. E. Parker, F. P. Wilkerson, and R. C. Dugdale.. 2012. Assessing phytoplankton communities in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers using microscopic and indirect analytical approaches. IEP Newsletter 25 (2): 43-55. Hines, E. 2011. Threats to coastal dolphins from oil exploration, drilling and spills off the coast of Belize. In: Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D. (eds.), Too Precious to Drill: the Marine Biodiversity of Belize, pp. 14-18. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19(6). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 11986727]. Parker, A. E. and R. Cohen. 2011. Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Suisun and adjacent Salt Marsh Habitats. In: A Profile of the San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. NOAA Office of Coastal Resource Management, Estuarine Reserves Division, Washington, D.C. Ferner, M.C. (editor). Werme, C., K. Taberski, L. McKee, R. Dugdale, T. Hall, M. Connor. 2011. A growing concern: potential effects of nutrients on bay phytoplankton. The Pulse of the Estuary: Pollutant Effects on Aquatic Life, 48-66, SFEI, Richmond, CA. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 22 Appendix F. All research master’s theses completed by RTC graduate students. *Indicates the nine theses completed in AY 2011-2012. Archbald, Gavin. 2011. Evaluating the Potential for Spread of an Invasive Forb, Limonium ramosissimum, in San Francisco Bay Salt Marshes. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Auro, Maureen. 2007. Nitrogenous Nutrition and Toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidata: A Laboratory and Field Based Experiment. William Cochlan, Advisor. Barada, Laila. 2006. Nitrogen Assimilation in Diatoms Expression of GLNII During Eutrophication and Simulated Upwelling. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Baesman, Shaun. 2008. The Use of Tellurium Oxyanions by Anaerobic Bacteria with the Formation of Elemental Te Nanoparticles. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Bill, Brian. 2010. Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake of Toxigenic Diatoms: Pseudo-nitzschia australis and Pseudonitzschia turgidula. William Cochlan, Advisor. Bills, Jena. 2004. Is Mid-Ocean Exchange Effective in Preventing the Invasion of Estuaries by Zooplankton from Ships’ Ballast Tanks? William Kimmerer, Advisor. *Blaser, Sarah. 2011. The Effect of Herbicide Additions on Phytoplankton in the San Francisco Estuary. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Bogan, Mark. 1997. Sulfide Detoxification by Catalyzed Oxidation in the Marine Worm Urechis caupo. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Bouley, Paola. 2005. The Ecology of a Highly Abundant, Introduced Estuarine Copepod in the Low Salinity Zone of the San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Brey, Stacy. 2006. Population Distribution and Behavior Study of Golden Gate Freshwater Turtles. Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Briggs, Allegra. 2009. Mitochondrial COI Analysis of Tortanus dexrilobatus. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Brown, Harmon. 2001. The Effects of Warm Water Intrusions on the Macrozooplankton and Micronekton of Georges Bank. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Buchholz, James. 1982. Nitrogen Flux Between a Developing Salt Marsh and South San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Callaway, John. 1990. The Introduction of Spartina alterniflora in South San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Carr, Lindsey. 2008. Food Chain Interactions in San Francisco Bay Eelgrass (Zostra marina) Beds: Implications for Restoration. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. *Carter, Hayley. 2012. Effects of CO2 on the Metabolism of Porcelain Crab Larvae. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. Cayenne, Andrea. 2010. Identifying Novel Protein Stabilizers by Co-immunoprecipitation in Porcelain Crabs, Genus Petrolisthes. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. *Ceballos, Lina. 2012. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Development of Porcelain Crabs, Genus: Petrolisthes. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. Chamberlain, Sarah. 1995. Comparison of Methods of Control Spartina alterniflora in San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 23 *Chen, Xi (Chelsea). 2011. Multi-Generational Analysis of Synergistic Effects of Temperature and Salinity Variability on Metabolic Rate and Acute Thermal and Salinity Tolerance in Daphnia pulex. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. Clay, Tansy. 2003. Effects of Thin Layers on the Vertical Distribution of Larval Herring (Clupea pallasi). Stephen Bollens. Advisor *Cleave, Autumn. 2012. Effects of Invasive Limonium ramosissimum on Native Salt Marsh Communities in a Changing Environment. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Coffman, Gretchen. 1998. Natural and Restored Salt Marsh Soil Seed Banks in San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Cohen, Sahrye. 2006. Growth of Native and Non-Indigenous Juvenile Fishes in Restored Versus Reference Tidal Marsh Wetlands. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Cotter, Karen. 1991. Removal of Delairea odorata and Recovery of Vegetation on San Francisquito Creek. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Crumb, Esa. 2009. Mating System Characteristics of Two Unique Populations of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in San Francisco Bay. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. De Souza, Phillip. 1981. Lignicolous Marine Fungi of the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. De Souza, Yvonne. 1981. Relationship of Salinity to Morphological and Physiological Variation in Estuarine Populations of Gracilaria verrucose. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Drake, Jeana. 2008. Community Structure and Dynamics of Phytoplankton Blooms in Rodeo Lagoon, Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Dorman, Jeff. 2002. Euphausiids of the Northern California Upwelling System. Stephen Bollens, Advisor Duffield, Joan. 1986. Waterbird Use of an Urban Stormwater Wetland System in Central California, USA. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Durand, John. 2010. Determinants of Seasonal Abundance in Key Zooplankton of the San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Encomio, Vincent. 1998. Effects of Sulfide and Hypoxia on the Respiratory Physiology of Urechis caupo. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Eberl, Renate. 2005. Macrosetella gracilis: Copepod Abundance, Population-Structure and Association with the Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Federline Dean, Amy. 2004. Marshes As a Source or Sink of an Estuarine Mysid: Demographic Patterns and Tidal Flux of Neomysis kadiakensis at China Camp Marsh, San Francisco Estuary. Stephen Bollens, Advisor Fiorillo, Adele. 1994. Effects of Crab Burrowing on Growth of Spartina in San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Fulmer, Julia. 2004. Ecology of Chaetognaths and Larval Hake in a Temperate Fjord (Dabob Bay, WA). Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Fuller, James. 2010. Using Estuarine Phytoplankton to Study the Physiological Effects of Elevated Atmospheric pCO2 on Algal Growth. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Gewant, Darren. 2003. The Distribution and Composition of Macrozooplankton and Micronekton in San Francisco Bay. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Gifford, Scott. 2006. The Ecology of Planktonic Protozoa in Restored Versus Reference Tidal Marsh Wetlands. Stephen Bollens and Gretchen Rollwagon Bollens, Co-Advisors. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 24 Glassi, Eric. 2008. Thermal Influences on Gene Expression in the Intertidal Porcelain Crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. Goulding, Tricia. 2011. Examining the Phylogeography of Profilicollis altmani, an Acanthocephalan Parasite of Mole Crabs. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Gough, Matthew. 2008. An Analysis of HF-Radar Measured Surface Currents, Gulf of the Farallones, California. Newell Garfield, Advisor. Gould, Alison. 2009. Growth and Fecundity of Limnoithona tetraspina: the Success of an Introduced Copepod in the Upper San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Greene, Valerie. 2010. Grazing Impact of the Overbite Clam on the Microzooplankton Assemblage of the Northern San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Greer, Philip. 1998. Seed Depth, Elevation and Sedimentation Effects on Spartina foliosa Germination, Growth and Mortality. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Grimaldo, Lenny. 2004. Diets and Carbon Sources of Fishes from Open-water, Edge, and SAV Habitats in Restored Freshwater Wetlands of San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Harris, Holly. 2004. Distribution and Limiting Factors of Ostrea conchaphila in San Francisco Bay. Michael McGowan Advisor. Harrison, Kateri. 2003. Disturbance and Food-web Structure: 14 Streams in the San Francisco Bay Watershed. Neo Martinez, Advisor. Hernandez, John. 2000. Blood Characteristics of the Marine Echiuran Worm Urechis caupo. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Herndon, Julian. 2003. Nitrogen Uptake by Heterosigma akashiwo: A Laboratory and Field Based Study. William Cochlan, Advisor. Hogue, Vickie. 2000. The Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Natural Phytoplankton Assemblages in Central San Francisco Bay. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Hooff, Rian. 2002. Ecology of the Invasive, Predatory Copepod Tortanus dextrilobatus, in San Francisco Bay. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Hubbard, Maxwell. 2010. Verification and Harmonic Analysis of San Francisco Bay Surface Currents Utilizing HF Radar. Newell Garfield, Advisor. Huntington, Brittany. 2006. Is a Macroalga Bloom Threatening Seagrass Survival? Responses of Seagrass to Increased Macroagal Dominance in a Northern California Bay. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Huybrechs, Catherine. 2006. Detecting Egeria densa Using a Knowledge Engine and Spatio-contexual Information. Patricia Foschi, Advisor. Ignoffo, Toni. 2004. Behavioral Responses of Microzooplankton to Vertical Heterogeneity (Thin Layers) in the Ocean. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Johnson, Amber. 2004. The Effect of Temperature on Silicification in Diatoms. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Johnson, Leah. 2010. Determination of Radiocarbon in Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter Using Thermal Sulfate Reduction. Tomoko Komada, Advisor. Johnson, Tessa. 2002. The Distribution and Feeding Behavior of Larval Herring in Estuarine Tidal Fronts. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Kertesz, Johanna. 2006. The Role of Biodiversity in a Fluctuating Environment. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Kieu, Le. 2004. Seasonal Influence of Salt Marsh Plant on Methylmercury Production and Degradation Over Small Spatial Scales in South San Francisco Bay. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 25 Kleckner, Amy. 2009. The Role of an Invasive Bivalve, Corbula amurensis, in the Suisun Bay Nitrogen Cycle. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Koch, Florian. 2005. Exploring the Use of 32Si in an Urban Estuary: the Fate of Silicate in San Francisco Bay. Richard Dugdale, Advisor. *Kress, Erica. 2012. Nutrient Loading Effects on Phytoplankton Community Structure and Biomass in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. *Lake, David. 2011. Molecular Analysis of the Parasite Fauna of Two Genera (Nutricola and Gemma) of Benthic Bivalves. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Larsson, Brita. 1996. A Comparative Investigation of Accretion Rates in Spartina alterniflora and Spartina foliosa. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Lassiter, Adria. 2003. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Phytoplankton Species in a Coastal Upwelling Ecosystem. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Lew, Kevin. 2007. Methods Development to Apply the CytoSense Flow Cytometer to Evaluating Natural Phytoplankton Community Structure. Richard Dugdale, Advisor. Lidstrom, Ulrika. 2009. Primary Production, Biomass and Species Composition of Phytoplankton in the Low Salinity Zone of the Northern San Francisco Estuary. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Long, Regan. 2004. Northern California Shelf Circulation During January 2003: Possible Implications for Shelf Retention. Newell Garfield, Advisor. Lorenzi, Allison. 2006. Primary Productivity and rbcL Gene Expression in Central San Francisco Bay. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Los Hertos, Marc. 1992. Controls on Patterns of Seasonal Wetland Vegetation, South San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Lougee, Ladd. 2000. The Effects of Haloclines on Zooplankton in San Francisco Bay. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Martin, Bill. 1999. Comparison of Benthic Productivity: Restored and Natural Tidal Marshes, San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Martindale, Molly. 1987. Salicornia europa I. and Salicornia virginica I. on a San Francisco Bay Salt Marsh: A Study of Factors Contributing to Their Zonation Pattern. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Matsumoto, Yukari. 2004. The Spatial Patterns and Growth Rates of an Invasive Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and the Influences on Sedimentation in Alameda Marsh. Patricia Foschi, Advisor. McKinnon, Rodney. 1988. The Rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) as A Vector of Nutrition in Larval Rearing. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Melton, Lee. 1998. Computer-assisted Classification of Suburban Areas in Satellite Imagery Through the Use of Artificial Neural Networks. Patricia Foschi, Advisor. Mills, Camra. 2006. Survey and Analysis of the Prevalence and Intensity of Helminth Parasite Infections in Stranded California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus). Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Mincks, Sarah. 1998. Distribution, Abundance and Feeding of Decapods in the Arabian Sea. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Murphy, Jennifer. 2008. Salt Marsh Soil Amendments and Their Effect on Spartina foliosa Restoration Around the San Francisco Bay. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Murray, Alison. 1994. Community Fingerprint Analysis: A Molecular Method for Studying Marine Bacterioplankton Diversity. James Hollibaugh, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 26 Nguyen, Rosalee. 2006. Effects of Different Substrates on Foraging Behavior and Growth Rate of Larval Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris. Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Odaya, Mami. 2005. Biomass Estimation of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, A Test Study in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in Northern California. Patricia Foschi, Advisor. *Padron, Mariana. 2011. Phylogeography of Two Sympatric Seahorses from the Caribbean: Using Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Variation for Conservation. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Papastephanou, Kathy. 2005. Cross-Shelf Distribution of Copepods in the Central California Upwelling Zone. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Patin, Nastasia. 2011. Effects of OUT Clustering and Sequencing Artifacts on Microbial Community Diversity Estimates. Matthew Ashby, Advisor. Pearson, Jennifer. 2000. Fish and Mysids in Two Creeks/Estuary Systems in Marin County, California. Michael McGowan, Advisor. Pence II, William. 1985. The Effects of Saline Agricultural Drainage Effluent on the Growth of Selected Species of Estuarine Macroalgae of Northern San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Perron-Burdick, Anya. 2007. Integrated Management Techniques for the Eradication and Control of Lepidium latifolium (Perennial Peppergrass) in the San Francisco Estuary. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Perez, Rick. 1981. Salt Marsh Restoration from Former Salt Evaporators: Changes in Sediment Properties. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Peterson, Heather. 2002. Long-term Benthic Community Changes in a Highly Invaded Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Piechnik, Denise. 2002. Food Web Assembly During a Classic Biogeographic Study: Fractions of Trophic Specialists Increase Over Time. Neo Martinez, Advisor. Polly, Jonathon. 2009. Harnessing Natural C Isotopes to Understand Organic Matter Transformations in Marine Sediments. Tomoko Komada, Advisor. Puleston, Cedric. 2003. Structural Analyses of the Food Web of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire. Neo Martinez, Advisor. Purkerson, David. 2000. Selenium in San Francisco Bay Zooplankton. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Radan, Regina. 2008. Nutrient Uptake and Toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidate: A Laboratory and Field Based Experiment. William Cochlan, Advisor. Reed, Tim. 2003. Analyzing SeaWIFS Using GIS: Phytoplankton Blooms in the Bering Sea. Dale Robinson, Advisor. Righetti-Judah, Linda. 2002. Phytoplankton Community Structure and Seasonal Succession in Tomales Bay, CA. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor Roe, Russell. 1999. Mapping Cover Classes of Baccharis pilularis with Landsat TM Imagery. Patricia Foschi, Advisor. Roepke, Troy. 2001. A New Model for Sulfide Exposure Using the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Rogoff, Dana. 2006. Identification and Characterization of Microbes in South San Francisco Bay Solar Salt Ponds: An Application for Restoration. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Ryan, Amelia. 2009. Salinity and Nitrogen Interactions in Sarcocornia pacifica Dominated Salt Marshes. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 27 Sanford, Ukina. 2006. The Effects of Anoxia on Cardiac Output and Cerebral Blood Flow in Sliders, Trachemys scripta. Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Seto, Shelley. 1997. Excretion of Sulfide Oxidation Endproducts in Urechis caupo. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Shellem, Bernie. 1981. Physiological Ecology of Entromorpha clathrata (Roth) Grev. on a Salt Marsh Mudflat. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Silva, Javier. 2008. Hemo Catecholamine Responses in Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) Due to Air Exposure. Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Speekmann, Christa. 2000. The Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Vertical Distribution and Mortality of Zooplankton. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Spicher, Douglas. 1984. The Ecology of Caespitose Cordgrass (Spartina sp.) Introduced to San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Statile, Jennifer. 2004. H2S Producing Activity in Marine Invertebrate Tissues. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Stoltz, Gretchen. 2002. The Biology and Natural History of Pleurobrachia pileus on Georges Bank. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Stierwalt, Robin. 1998. Relationships Between Physiological Response and Shell Morphology in Three Species of Littorine Snails of the Central California Coast. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. *Tang, Xuman (Ariel). 2012. The Identification of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Patterns of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in San Francisco Bay. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Tirindelli, Joelle. 2006. Immunogenetic Variation in Estuarine Fish from Habitats with Varying Chemical Contaminant Loads. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Vaccaro, Erin. 2003. Structural Analyses of the Lake Tahoe Food Web. Neo Martinez, Advisor. Ver Steeg, Juliana. 1981. Contributions to the Taxonomy and Morphology of Cryptopleura (Rhodophyta: Delesseriaceae). Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Visintainer, Tammie. 2003. Community Composition and Diet of Fishes as a Function of Tidal Channel Order: A Field Study in China Camp Marsh, San Francisco Estuary. Stephen Bollens, Advisor. Wang, Verena. 2011. Investigating Recent Invasions of a Colonial Tunicate Using a Polymorphic Fusion Locus. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Waters, Wayne G. 1985. The Effects of Restoration/Management Projects on the Essential Habitat of Five Endangered Wildlife Species Utilizing the Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. White, Brendan. 1995. The Shorebird Foraging Response to the Eradication of the Introduced Cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Willsie, Julia. 1999. Sulfite and Thiosulfate Are Products of Detoxification in Urechis caupo. Alissa Arp, Advisor. Wunderlich, Veronica. 2006. Effects of Elevated Temperature on Hypoxia on Growth of Age-0 Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris. Carlos Crocker, Advisor. Yorty, Jennifer. 2007. Nitrogen Fixation at Six San Francisco Bay Tidal Wetlands. Ed Carpenter, Advisor. Zaremba, Katie. 2002. Comparison of Native and Non-native Cordgrass and Hybrids in San Francisco Bay. Michael Josselyn, Advisor. Theses in progress: Bjelde, Brittany. Physiological Performance of Lottia digitalis: Thermal Sensitivity and Limits to Tidal Conditions. Anne Todgham, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 28 Boles, Sara. Physiological Cost of Climate Change in the Native Olympia Oyster, Ostrea lurida. Anne Todgham, Advisor. Borgnis, Evyan. Predicting Impacts of Global Climate Change on Native and Invasive Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the San Francisco Estuary. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Buck, Christina. Phytoplankton Community Responses to Nutrient Regimes in Drakes Estero Marine Conservation Area, CA. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Chase, Daniel. Competition, Growth, and Stress Hormone Levels of the Tidewater Goby When in the Presence of the Non-native Rainwater Killifish and the Native Three-spine Stickleback. Anne Todgham, Advisor. Chow, Benson. Juvenile Performance Variation in Marine Invertebrates: Effects of Source and Local Environment. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Clancy, Darragh. Examining Genetic Diversity and Fusion Abilities of an Invasive Colonial Ascidian. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Craig, Carrie. A Molecular Approach to Diet Analysis of Larval and Adult Copepods. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Donald, Jessica. Population Dynamics of Three Invasive Hydrozoan Jellyfish in the Upper San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Dorfman, Rachel. Physiological and Molecular Responses of Calcifying Marine Phytoplankton to Ocean Aidification. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. duMais, Rita. Reproductive Success of the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi in the Presence of Sublethal Levels of the Toxic Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Guerra, Vanessa. Population Genetic Diversity of the Cryptogenic Invasive Ciona spp. on the Pacific Coast of America. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Ikeda, Chris. The Effects of Nutrient Limitation on the Production of the Glycocalyx by Heterosigma akashiwo. William Cochlan, Advisor. Johnson, Aaron. The Influence of Prey Abundance and Composition on Spawning Migrations of Delta Smelt. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Kalmbach, Andrew. Dissolved Organic Carbon Excretion Along Environmental Gradients in the Amazon River Plume. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Kayfetz, Karen. Ecology of the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi in the San Francisco Estuary. William Kimmerer, Advisor. Kiriakopolos, Stephanie. The Role of Environment and Depth in Driving Phenotypic Variation in Zostera marina. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Lai, Alyssa. Use of Genetics to Resolve Phylogenetic Relationships for the Conservation of Endemic Bermuda Killifish (Fundulus bermudae/relictus). Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Lee, Jamie. Nitrogen Uptake by Microcystis aeruginosa in the San Francisco Bay. Frances Wilkerson, Advisor. Lewis, Jeffery. Effects of Eelgrass-associated Epifaunal Invertebrates and Factors Controlling Their Distribution. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. McLean, Katherine. Effect of Food Availability on Stress Tolerance of Juvenile Dungeness Crabs. Anne Todgham, Advisor. Nuessly, Kathryn. Leptasterias spp. As a Sentinel Species for Local Effects of Environmental Change. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 29 Okimura, Kristine. The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Extracellular Release in Multiple Strains of Emiliania huxleyi. Edward Carpenter, Advisor. Paganini, Adam. Physiological Costs of Being a Porcelain Crab Larvae. Jonathon Stillman, Advisor. Pasparakis, Christina. Effects of Repeated High Temperature Events and Recovery Period on Thermal Tolerance of the Limpet, Lottia digitalis. Pinnell, Cassie. The Effectiveness of Restored Eelgrass Beds in Providing Habitat for Aquatic Invertebrates in the San Francisco Bay. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Santos, Gwen. Nutrient Dynamics and Production in San Francisco Bay Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Beds: Food Web and Restoration Implications. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Schneider, Rosa. Investigating Causes of Rarity in a Wetland Endemic Plant. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Sheets, Beth. Using a Candidate Allorecognition Locus to Investigate Population Structure of the Colonial Tunicate Botrylloides nigrum. Sarah Cohen, Advisor. Smith, Ashley. The Influence of Hydrodynamics on the Reproductive Ecology of the Brooding Sea Star, Leptasterias aequalis. Sarah Cohen, Advisor Stockmann, Kevin. Fish Utilization of the Living Shorelines Project’s Restoration Reefs in San Francisco Bay. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Thornton, Whitney. Biotic and Abotic Factors that Influence the Restoration Success of a Dominant Native Plant. Katharyn Boyer, Advisor. Vogt, Robert. The Use of Spectrofluorometric Methods to Compare Feeding Between Adult and Larval Stages of the Copepod Species Pseudodioptamus marinus. William Kimmerer, Advisor. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 30 Appendix G. Course information and enrollments for classes taught at RTC for the five academic years between 2007 and 2012. COURSE RTC Fall 07 Biol 582 Biol 862 Biol 862 Biol 863 Biol 863 Biol 883 Ocn 465/765 Biol 9395 Biol 9100 TITLE Biological Oceanography Molecular Evolution & Conservation Vegetation Patterns & Processes Ecophysiology of HAB’s Ecosystem Ecology Current Research at RTC Physical Oceanography Wetlands Restoration Ecology GIS for Wetlands RTC Spring 08 Biol 315 Ecology of San Francisco Bay Biol 585 Marine Ecology Lecture Biol 586 Marine Ecology Lab Biol 631 Animal Physiology Lab Biol 863 Plankton Ecology Biol 833 Current RTC Research Biol 9001 Wetland Delineation Total AY 2007-2008 RTC Enrollment RTC Fall 08 Biol 582 Biol 863 Biol 883 Chem 680 Biol 9350 Biol 9395 Biological Oceanography Marine Symbiosis Current Research at RTC Chemical Oceanography Wetland Plant Indicator Species Wetlands Restoration Ecology RTC Spring 09 Biol 502/702 Biology of the Algae Biol 534 Wetland Ecology Biol 631/731 Animal Physiology Lab Biol 833 Current RTC Research Biol 9001 Wetland Delineation Total AY 2008-2009 RTC Enrollment INSTRUCTOR UNITS ENROLLMENT 4 2 19 8 2 2 2 2 4 4 CEU 1.6 CEU 8 5 13 14 6 6 7 Blackwood Cohen Cohen Stillman Carpenter Komada Coffman NC 3 2 3 2 1 4 CEU 6 18 16 8 7 8 12 161 Wilkerson Wilkerson Komada Komada Vasey Coffman 4 2 2 3 1.6 CEU 1.6 CEU 23 8 11 10 8 8 Carpenter Cohen Foschi Cochlan Wilkerson Stillman Garfield/Edwards Coffman Nickel Wilkerson Boyer Stillman Stillman Coffman 3 4 4 1 4 CEU 12 17 12 11 11 131 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 31 RTC Fall 09 Biol 582 Biol 586 Biol 863 Biol 865 Biol 883 Biol 9350 Biol 9395 Biological Oceanography Marine Ecology Lab Ecosystems Ecology Environmental Physiology Current Research at RTC Wetland Plant Indicator Species Wetlands Restoration Ecology RTC Spring 10 Biol 502/702 Biology of the Algae Biol 534 Wetland Ecology Biol 631/731 Animal Physiology Lab Biol 863 Plankton Ecology Biol 833 Current RTC Research Biol 9001 Wetland Delineation Total AY 2009-2010 RTC Enrollment RTC Fall 10 Biol 344/844 Biol 582 Biol 556 Biol 863 Biol 863 Biol 863 Biol 883 Research Skills Biological Oceanography Natural History of Marine Invertebrates Ecophysiology of HABs Marine Symbiosis Adaptations of Coastal Environments Current Research at RTC RTC Spring 11 Biol 502/702 Biology of the Algae Biol 863 Plankton Ecology Biol 833 Current RTC Research Biol 9001 Wetland Delineation Biol 9100 GIS for Wetlands Total AY 2010-2011 RTC Enrollment RTC Fall 11 Biol 344/844 Biol 582 Biol 863 Biol 883 Research Skills Biological Oceanography Ecosystems Ecology Current Research at RTC Carpenter Cohen Wilkerson Stillman Komada Vasey Coffman Wilkerson Boyer Stillman Carpenter Stillman Coffman 4 2 2 2 2 1.6 CEU 1.6 CEU 3 4 4 2 1 4 CEU 22 10 8 7 20 7 7 7 16 8 10 20 9 151 Stillman Carpenter Cohen 2 4 4 18 11 8 Cochlan Wilkerson Stillman 2 2 2 6 6 7 Komada 2 19 3 2 1 4 CEU 1.6 CEU 8 9 21 16 7 136 2 4 2 2 13 17 9 17 Wilkerson Carpenter Stillman Coffman Archbald/Hiatt Cochlan Carpenter Wilkerson Komada SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 32 RTC Spring 12 Biol 502/702 Biol 534 Biol 863 Biol 833 RTC Spring 12 CEL Biol 9395 Biol 9396 Biology of the Algae Wetland Ecology Plankton Ecology Current RTC Research Wetland Restoration Ecology Wetland Restoration Monitoring Techniques Biol 9016 Advanced Delineation Biol 9008 Vernal Pools Biol 9100 Hydrology Total AY 2011-2012 RTC Enrollment Wilkerson Boyer Carpenter Stillman 3 4 2 1 18 16 6 17 Coffman Coffman 1.6 CEU .08 CEU 5 14 DeGraff Stabler Kamman 2.0 CEU 1.6 CEU 1.6 CEU 10 6 4 152 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 33 Appendix H. Course information and enrollments for classes taught by RTC faculty and staff on campus for the five academic years between 2007 and 2012. COURSE Fall 07 Biol 160 Biol 160 Biol 630 Biol 863 Chem 320 Chem 380 TITLE Marine Biology Marine Biology Animal Physiology Adaptations to Coastal Environments Modern Methods of Quantitative Chemistry Environmental Pollution Spring 08 Biol 160 Marine Biology Biol 300 Nature Study Total AY 2007-2008 Enrollment Fall 08 Biol 532 Biol 630 Biol 863 Chem 320 Restoration Ecology Animal Physiology Aquatic Communities Quantitative Analysis Lab Spring 09 Biol 160 Marine Biology Chem 340 Environmental Pollution Total AY 2008-2009 Enrollment Fall 09 Biol 160 Biol 532 Biol 586 Biol 630 Biol 863 Marine Biology Restoration Ecology Marine Ecology Animal Physiology Aquatic Communities Spring 10 Biol 160 Marine Biology Biol 160 Marine Biology Biol 200 Nature Study Chem 320 Quantitative Analysis Chem 340 Environmental Pollution Total AY 2009-2010 Enrollment INSTRUCTOR UNITS ENROLLMENT Carpenter Cochlan Stillman Stillman Komada Komada 3 3 3 2 2 3 75 111 64 6 21 35 Carpenter Wilkerson 3 3 112 23 447 Boyer Stillman Boyer Komada 3 3 2 2 32 69 5 22 Carpenter Komada 3 3 125 61 314 Carpenter Boyer Cohen Stillman Boyer 3 3 3 3 2 163 43 26 67 9 Carpenter Cochlan Wilkerson Komada Komada 3 3 2 3 3 128 54 23 22 102 637 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 34 Fall 10 Biol 160 Biol 630 Chem 380 Chem 680 Marine Biology Animal Physiology Environmental Pollution Chemical Oceanography Spring 11 Biol 160 Marine Biology Biol 585 Marine Ecology Biol 586 Marine Ecology Lab Ocn Coastal Processes 410/710 Total AY 2010-2011 Enrollment Fall 11 Biol 160 Biol 532 Biol 580 Biol 863 Chem 320 Chem 380 Marine Biology Restoration Ecology Limnology Aquatic Communities Quantitative Analysis Environmental Pollution Spring 12 Biol 160 Marine Biology Chem Environmental Pollution 380/Envs 380 Chem 680 Chemical Oceanography Total AY 2011-2012 Enrollment Carpenter Stillman Komada Komada 3 3 3 3 63 53 34 19 Carpenter Cohen Cohen Janssen 3 3 2 3 103 28 17 8 325 Cochlan Boyer Carpenter Boyer Komada Komada 3 3 3 2 3 3 72 46 5 18 18 40 Miller-Sims Komada 3 3 53 33 Komada 3 11 296 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 35 Table 6. Summary of RTC RSO information found in Appendices A through H for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and with similar summary information for the previous four fiscal years. Appendix Category 2007-2008 Total Number 15 2008-2009 Total Number 13 2009-2010 Total Number 14 2010-2011 Total Number 14 2011-2012 Total Number 16 1 1 1 A Faculty & Senior Research Scientists B SF State Faculty Associate1 B Postdoctoral Associates 9 8 7 5 7 B Research Technicians 16 14 16 19 25 B Graduate Students (including art students) 44 42 43 53 60 B Interns/Graduate Students 1 1 5 B Volunteers/Graduate Students B Student Assistants/Undergraduates 15 14 6 5 5 B Interns/Undergraduates 8 13 31 28 29 B Volunteers/Undergraduates 11 7 11 14 12 7 9 8 10 11 2 2 2 B Volunteers/High School Students 2 4 B Volunteers 7 7 232/3 B Staff 14 16 19 C Visiting Scientists 8 7 8 7 9 D E Peer Reviewed Publications Non Peer Reviewed Publications 12 23 26 35 38 0 5 0 2 5 F 20 18 Theses Completed by 97 104 109 116 RTC Students (total to date) 161 131 151 136 G RTC Enrollments H Campus Enrollments for RTC 447 314 637 325 Faculty 1 New program for SF State faculty to do collaborative research at RTC established in FY 2009-2010. 2 Four staff positions are volunteer. 3 Three staff positions are Student Assistant. 125 152 296 SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 36 Appendix I. RTC RSO research collaborators from other CSU campuses, universities, government organizations, industry and non-governmental organizations. Names and Affiliations of Off Campus Co-Principal Investigators that Collaborate with RTC PI’s: (KB = Kathryn Boyer; EC = Edward Carpenter; WC = William Cochlan; SC = Sarah Cohen; RD = Richard Dugdale; EH = Ellen Hines: NG = Newell Garfield; WK = William Kimmerer; TK = Tomoko Komada; AP = Alexander Parker; DR = Dale Robinson; JS = Jonathon Stillman; GW = Gerdi Weidner; FW = Frances Wilkerson) Hussain Abdulla, Old Dominion University – TK Kanjana Adulyanukosol, Phuket Marine Biological Center – EH Andy Allen, J. Craig Venter Institute – JS, EC Lemnuel Aragones, University of the Philippines – EH Maureen Auro, Woods Hole Oceanography Institution – WC Xuemei Bai, Cellana LLC, Hawaii – WC Richard Barber, Duke University – RD, FW Dan Barrick, CODAR Ocean Systems – NG Bill Bennett, University of California, Davis – WK Birgitta Bergman, Botanical Institute, Stockholm University – EC William Berelson, University of Southern California – EC Robert Bidigare, University of Hawaii – WC Brian Bill, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA – WC Denise Breitburg, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – WK Frances Brewster, State and Federal Water Contractors – RD, FW, AP Larry Brown, U.S. Geological Survey – WK, FW, AP Susan Brown, University of Hawaii – WC Andrew Brooks, University of California, Santa Barbara – KB David Burdige, Old Dominion University – TK Lisa Campbell, Texas A&M University – EC Douglas Capone, Wrigley Institute for Environmental Science, University of Southern California – EC Jeff Chanton, Florida State University – TK Craig Cary, University of Delaware – EC Fei Chai, University of Maine – RD, FW Yi Chao, University of California, Los Angeles – RD Marnie Chapman, University of Alaska, SE – SC Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – RD Keun-Hyung Choi, Anyang University, Korea – WK Ratana Chuenpagdee, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada – EH Jim Cloern, U.S. Geological Survey – RD, FW, WK, AP Kenneth Coale, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory – NG, DR Risa Cohen, Georgia Institute of Technology – FW, AP, EC Richard Coleman, University of Hawaii – SC Victoria Coles, University of Maryland – EC Curt Collins, Naval Postgraduate School – NG Natalie Cosentino-Manning, NOAA Restoration Center – KB, WK John Cullen, Dalhousie University, Canada – WC Eric Danner, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz – RD Curtiss O. Davis, Oregon State University – RD Tammy Davis, Alaska Department of Fish and Game – SC Phillip Dearden, University of Victoria – EH Susan Wainwright de la Cruz, U.S. Geological Survey – KB Rodolph Devilliers, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada – EH Daryl Domning, Howard University, Washington, DC – EH Phaedra Doukakis, Pew Institute for Ocean Science – EH Ellen Druffel, University of California, Irvine – TK Dave Duffus, University of Victoria, Canada – EH Emmet Duffy, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences – KB Peter Edmunds, California State University, Northridge – JS SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 37 Rusty Fairey, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory – RD Bessy Fan, Cellana LLC & Shell Global Solutions – WC Erica Fleishman, University of California, Davis – WK Peggy Fong, University of California, Los Angeles – KB Mark Fonseca, NOAA/NOS, Beaufort, NC – KB Rachel Foster, MPI Bremen Germany – EC Bob Foy, NOAA/NMFS, Kodiak , AK – JS Janet Franklin, San Diego State University – EH Ruth Gates, University of Hawaii – JS Patricia Glibert, University of Maryland – RD, FW, AP Tricia Goulding, University of California, Merced – SC Kathleen Grady, Northwestern University School of Medicine – GW John Graybeal, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – DR Peter Groffman, The Ecosystems Center - WK Ted Grosholz, University of California, Davis – WK, KB Ed Gross, Resource Modeling Associates – NG, WK Healy Hamilton, California Academy of Sciences – SC Allan Hastings, University of California, Davis – RD Patrick Hatcher, Old Dominion University – TK Sharon Herzka, CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico – WK Eric Hoffman, University of Central Florida – SC J.T. Hollibaugh, University of Georgia – WK Raleigh Hood, University of Maryland – EC Ed Houde, University of Maryland – WK Mark Huntley, Cornell University – WC Anouk Illangakoon, IUCN Cetacean Specialists Group, Sri Lanka – EH Jaime Jahncke, PRBO Conservation Science – EH Alan Jassby, University of California, Davis – WK Zackary Johnson, Duke University – WC Carol Kendall, U.S. Geological Survey – FW, RD. AP Sarah Knox, West Virginia Medical School – GW Mimi Koehl, University of California, Berkeley – JS Raphael Kudela, University of California, Santa Cruz – WC, RD, NG, FW, DR, AP, WK Isao Kudo, Hokkaido University, Japan – WC Thomas Kubick, Mainz University, Germany - GW Rikk Kvitek, California State University Monterey Bay – NG Donna Kwan, Department of the Environment, Australia – EC John Largier, University of California, Davis – RD, NG, FW, DR, WK Marilyn Latta, California Coastal Conservancy – KB Steve Le, Science Applications International Cooperation – DR Kelly Lee, University of California, Davis – SC Stephane Lefebvre, J. Craig Venter Institute – JS, EC Rebecca Lewison, San Diego State University – EH Steven Lindley, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz – RD Sam Luoma, University of California, Davis – WK Lisa Lucas, U.S. Geological Survey – WK Cedric Magen, Florida State University – TK Ralph Mac Nally, Monash University, Australia – WK Michael MacWilliams, Delta Modeling Associates – WK Somchai Mananunsap, Thailand Department of Fisheries – EH Miriam Marmontel, Instituto Mamiraua, Brazil – EH Helene Marsh, James Cook University, Australia – EH Linda McCann, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – SC Erica McFee-Shaw, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, CA – NG, DR Lester McKee, San Francisco Estuary Institute – RD, FW, KB George McManus, University of Connecticut – WK, AP Antonio Mignucci, University of Puerto Rico – EH Cecile Mioni, U.S. Geological Survey – AP SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 38 Mark Moline, University of Delaware – NG, DR Stephen Monismith, Stanford University – RD, WK Joseph Montoya, Georgia Institute of Technology – EC Jeff Mount, University of California, Davis – WK Peter Moyle, University of California, Davis – WK, KB Anke Mueller-Solger, Interagency Ecological Program – RD, WK, AP, FW Diane Nacci, NHEERL U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – SC Ken Newman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – WK Karina Nielson, Sonoma State University – NG, JS, DR Alyssa Novak, University of New Hampshire – EH Nadav Nur, PRBO Conservation Science – EH Patrick O’Grady, University of California, Berkeley – JS Susumu Ohtsuka, Hiroshima University, Japan – WK Charley O’Kelly, Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington – WC Peggy Olofson, Coastal Conservancy San Francisco Invasive Spartina Project – KB Mark Outerbridge, Bermuda Natural History Survey – SC Jeff Paduan, Naval Postgraduate School – NG Mariana Padron, California Academy of Sciences – SC Leslee Parr, San Jose State University – EH Chris Parsons, George Mason University – EH Hans Pearl, University of North Carolina – FW, RD, AP Mark Page, University of California, Santa Barbara – KB, WK Louisa Ponnampalam, University of Malaya, Malaysia – EH Mary Power, University of California, Berkeley – JS Donald Redalje, University of Southern Mississippi – WC Tim Reed, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, CA – DR John Reynolds, Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL – EH J. E. Jack Rensel, Rensel Associates Aquatic Sciences – WC Vince Resh, University of California, Berkeley – JS Laura Reynolds, University of Virginia – KB Kenny Rose, Louisiana State University – WK Leslie Rosenfeld, Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS) – NG, DR Pascale Rossinol, Yale University – JS Greg Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – SC, WK Yasunori Saito, Shimoda Marine Laboratory, Tsukuba University, Japan – SC Sergio Sañudo-Wilhelmy, University of Southern California – EC Korie Schaeffer, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration – KB Stuart Siegel, Wetlands and Water Resources, Inc. – RD, FW Jonathon Sharp, University of Delaware – AP Frank Shaughnessy, Humboldt State University – NG, DR Linda Shaw, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration – SC Fred Short, University of New Hampshire – EH Brian Smith, Wildlife Conservation Society – EH Jaqueline Smits, Eurotransplant Medical Foundation, Netherlands – GW Ted Sommer, CA Dept. of Water Resources – RD, AP, WK Erik Sotka, College of Charleston, SC – KB Sami Souissi, University of Lille, France – WK Heike Spaderna, Mainz University, Germany – GW Mark Stacey, University of California, Berkeley – NG Debbie Steinberg, Virginia Institute of Marine Science – EC Ajit Subramaniam, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, NY – EC Karen Taberski, San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board – RD, FW, AP Shey May Tam, Monash University, Australia – SC Swee Teh, University of California, Davis – WK Julie Thomas, Scripps Institution of Oceanography – NG Jim Thomson, Monash University, Australia – WK Janet Thompson, U.S. Geological Survey – WK Lars Tomanek, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo – JS SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 39 Robert Toonen, University of Hawaii – RD Vera Trainer, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA – WC Charles Trick, University of Western Ontario, Canada – WC Brian Tsukimura, California State University, Fresno – JS Tracy Villareal, University of Texas – EC Linda Walters, University of Central Florida – SC Verena Wang, University of North Carolina – SC Mark Wells, University of Maine – WC Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria, University of Washington – KB, SC Patricia Yager, University of Georgia – EC Joanna York, University of Delaware – WK, KB SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 40 Appendix J. The SF State Art Department utilizes one floor in Building 49 and two research groups lease laboratory and office space (Building 30) at RTC. The names of these students and researchers and their staff are listed below along with their affiliations. Dr. Gail Dawson Michael Namkung Karrie Hovey Rebecca Andrews Beckey Chapman Amberly Culley Laura Fischer Sarah Fraizer Genevieve Hastings Nif Hodgson Kana Namura Laurel Prieto Kim Snyder Nyssa Zinn Dr. Gail Ashton Christopher Brown Linda McCann Dr. Chela Zabin Dr. Andy Chang Dr. Haizea Jimenez Benson Chow Jason Hayes Michelle Repetto Erin Swift Dr. Matt Ashby Chris Belnap Christine Clarke Denise Gonzalez Topher Judd Victor Kunin Ulrika Lidstrom Jennifer Nhok Norman Pitt Natalya Shestakova Maria Vizcarra Justin Wong Helen Wu Ladonna Wood Emily Tung Juliana Morgan Michael Seely Karen Upson Professor Lecturer Fellow Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Post Doc Researcher Post Doc Researcher Intern Intern Intern Intern Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Research Scientist Student Intern Executive Assistant Development Controller Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species Smithsonian (SERC)/Invasive Species TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Diversity TAXON/Microbial Dive TAXON/Microbial Dive TAXON/Microbial Diversity SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 41 Appendix K. Names, titles, and organizational affiliations of persons serving on the RTC Board of Advisors. Chairman of the Board: Ed Ueber Vice Chairman: Dr. Terrence Gosliner Name Howard Allen Committee Assignment Fundraising Affiliation/Business Belvedere Land Company Scott Anderson Facilities Town of Tiburon Annelies Atchley Fundraising Artist/Educator Benjamin Barnes Nominations & Governance FCB Laurence Bekins Fundraising Dow Jones and Company Eleanor Bloch Fundraising Marin Commission on Aging George Brewster Nominations & Governance UBS Wealth Management Henry Broderick Dr. Margaret Burke Retired Marin Co. Superior Court Judge Research & Education, Strategic Planning Margaret A. Elliot California Academy of Sciences College of Marin Dr. Terrence Gosliner Research & Educatio, Strategic Planning California Academy of Sciences Stacy Holzman Facilities Seidel/Holzman Russell D. Keil, Jr. Fundraisin Keil Estate Management Co. Dr. James Kelley Retired SF State College of Science & Engineering Dean Dr. Michael W. Keran Facilities Intermittent Economic Advisor John H. Kern Facilities, Fundraising Professional Engineer Don Lollock Research & Education BCDC/Retired from California Department of Fish and Game Robert Ohrenschall Fundraising Emeritus Addison Design (formerly Soyster & Ohrenschall, Inc.) Dr. Mark D. Reynolds Research & Education The Nature Conservancy Peter K. Scott Fundraising, Strategic Planning Glacier Point Capital E. Payson Smith Fundraising, Research & Education FLG Partners SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 42 Ed Ueber Strategic Planning Gulf of the Farallones/Cordell Bank Effie Westervelt Fundraising James G. Wilson, AIA Facilities Karen Kayfetz Ex-Officio Dr. Sheldon Axler Ex-Officio Dean, College of Science and Engineering, SFSU Dr. Newell Garfield Ex-Officio Director, RTC Professor of Oceanography/SFSU Brooke Halsey Associate to the Board Tiburon Salmon Institute Dr. Jaime Kooser Ex-Officio Director, SF Bay NERR Dr. Alissa Arp Honorary Board Member Dean, Southern Oregon University Dr. Sarane Bowen Honorary Board Member Retired SF State Professor Randy Brown Honorary Board Member Phyllis Faber Honorary Board Member Botanist Dr. Marty Griffin Honorary Board Member Physician Dr. Robert Heller Honorary Board Member Federal Reserve Board Bettina Hughes Honorary Board Member Educator Dr. Millie Hughes-Fulford Honorary Board Member Medical Principal Investigator Retired NASA Astronaut Gabriella Isaacson Honorary Board Member Dr. Mike Josselyn Honorary Board Member Doug McConnell Honorary Board Member Bay Area Backroads Dr. John McCosker Honorary Board Member California Academy of Sciences Betsy Scarborough Honorary Board Member John Silcox Honorary Board Member Retired Chevron Dr. Thomas Spencer Honorary Board Member Retired SF State Professor David Werdegar Honorary Board Member Architect (AIA)/Professional Engineer President, RTC Student Association Retired SF State Professor Consultant SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 43 Appendix L. The list of seminars presented in the Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 RTC Seminar Series. RTC Fall 2011 Seminar Series Wednesdays at 3:30 pm in the Bay Conference Center unless otherwise noted. Refreshments to follow. Date Speaker Title Aug 24 Dr. Tim Janssen SF State University Wave coherent structures and riddles of the San Francisco Bay. Aug 31 Dr. Patrick Robinson UC Santa Cruz Foraging behavior and navigation ability of the northern elephant seal. Sept 7 Dr. Kathy Boyer SF State University Ecological insights and puzzles along the path to seagrass restoration. Sept 14 Dr. John Largier Bodega Marine Lab Studies in the transport of plankton and pollutants along upwelling coasts. Sept 21 Host Buck Kimmerer No Seminar – State of the Estuary Conference Sept 28 Dr, Patrick Krug CSU Los Angeles "No, your limits" -- A fluctuating range boundary between two sea slugs driven by environmental gradients, local adaptation, mating interference and larval supply. Chang Oct 5 Dr. Nann Fangue UC Davis Physiological and behavioral approaches to study aquatic species of conservation concern in California. Todgham Oct 12 Dr. Terry Gosliner California Academy of Sciences Discovering biodiversity at the apex of the Coral Triangle. Cohen Oct 19 Dr. Uta Passow UC Santa Barbara Ocean acidification & the biological carbon pump: the role of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). Benner Oct 26 Dr. Dan Barshis Sanford University Evolution of climate change resilience in American Samoan corals: adaptation and acclimatization to extreme temperatures. Stillman Nov 2 Dr. Caitlin Crane The Nature Conservancy Marsh ecology across landscape-scale estuarine gradients: a baseline for conservation. Boyer Nov 9 Dr. Victoria Orphan Cal Tech Microbial partnerships and methane-oxidation in the deep sea. Ashby Nov 16 Dr. Jarrett Byrnes National Center for Ecological Analysis And Synthesis Causes and consequences of complexity in southern California kelp forests. Ferner Nov 23 Nov 30 THANKSGIVING BREAK RTC Graduate Students: Rosa Schneider (Boyer Lab) Britt Bjelde (Todgham Lab) Dec 7 Investigating causes of rarity in an endemic wetland thistle Cardiac performance and metabolism of an intertidal limpet under conditions of emersion and immersion. Dr. Sarah Lee Interactive effects of propagule supply and productivity in marine systems. Stanford University This seminar series is funded in part by generous funding from the members of the RTC Board. Boyer SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 44 RTC Spring 2012 Seminar Series Wednesdays at 3:30 pm in the Bay Conference Center unless otherwise noted. Refreshments to follow. Date Speaker Title Host Jan 25 Dr. Tom Suchanek USGS Western Ecological Research Center Projected climate change impacts in California and the San Francisco Bay Region: 2C or not 2C ? - that is the question. Cohen Feb 1 Dr. Mary Power UC Berkeley Food webs in river networks: towards predictive mapping. Stillman Feb 8 Dr. Frank Cipriano SF State University Market surveys and genetic monitoring of the whale meat trade. Cohen Feb 15 Dr. Ellen Hines SF State University Coastal marine mammals along the eastern gulf coast of Thailand. Boyer Feb 22 No Seminar – Ocean Sciences Meeting Feb 29 Dr. Vanessa Miller-Siims SF State University Olfactory homing and dispersal of coral reef fishes in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Cohen Mar 7 Dr. Eric Berlow UC Merced Simplicity on the other side of complexity. Schneider/ Boyer Mar 14 Dr. Don Reed CSU San Jose Bringing COAST research to the undergraduate classroom across the CSU. Garfield Mar 21 Mar 28 No Seminar – Spring Break Dr. Marc Los Huertos CSU Monterey Bay Apr 4 Apr 11 Apr 18 Apr 25 Addressing the biogeochemistry and policy challenges to improve water quality in California. Cleave/Boyer RTC Student Poster Social with RTC Advisory Board Members and SF State President Garfield RTC Graduate Students: Jessica Donald (Kimmerer Lab) Hydromedusae in the northern San Francisco Estuary: Possible ecological impacts and Distribution. Bobby Vogt (Kimmerer Lab) A novel approach to estimate copepod feeding through gut fluorescence. RTC Graduate Students: Karen Kayfetz (Kimmerer Lab) Feeding ecology and salinity tolerance of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi in the San Francisco Estuary. Whitney Thornton (Boyer Lab) The role of donor population and restoration site constraints in the reintroduction of native Pacific Cordgrass. RTC Graduate Students: Beth Sheets (Cohen Lab) Using a multi-gene approach to investigate global population structure of the colonial ascidian Botrylloides nigrum. Kevin Stockman (Boyer Lab) Fish use of restored oyster reefs and eelgrass beds. May 2 Dr. Susan Williams Bodega Marine Laboratory The more the merrier: Seaweed biodiversity and ecosystem function. May 9 RTC Graduate Students: Rachel Dorfman (Stillman Lab) The effects of nitrogen source on growth and calcification in Emiliania huxleyi. Population genetic diversity of the invasive Ciona spp. On the Pacific coast of America. Vanessa Guerra (Cohen Lab) This seminar series is funded in part by generous funding from the members of the RTC Board. SF STATE FY 2011-2012 RSO Annual Report – Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Page 45 Carpenter 548,400 548,600 SITE MAP Facilities CD Sa n 75 cis 40 co 39 4,194,000 an 4,194,000 Fr 53 Entrance Gate #3152 30 50 53 54 74 74A 75 79 86 Ba 22 33 37 y 79 27 54 21 r Pie 74a 11 CD GR 11 20 21,22 27 30 33 36 37 39 40 49 50 Ceramics Department Building Greenhouse Residence Ohrenschall Guest Center Fire Department Training Facility Storage Building Office and Research Building Office and Research Building Research and Education Building Office and Research Building Administration Building Ceramics Department Building Maintenance, Marine Operations and Art Department Building Research and Storage Building Bay Conference Center Office and Research Building Office, Shop, and Storage Facility Office Water Tower Block Building NOAA Storage Building Romberg Tiburon Center For Environmental Studies 3152 Paradise Drive Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 338-6063 Scale 1:2,200 Universal Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 10N, NAD 1983 All locations are approximate. Not to be used for navigation or boundary purposes. Sources: Shoreline and roads from San Francisco Bay Watershed Project, NOAA Coastal Protection and Restoration Division. Highways from California Spatial Information Library. Cartography by Tim Reed, February 2006. S3 49 20 4,193,800 4,193,800 74 San Rafael 86 Richmond GR W3 at Bo mp ra 131 Tiburon Entrance Gate #3150 36 548,400 S1 S2 W1 548,600 4,193,600 Paradise 4,193,600 Dr iv e 101 San Francisco Romberg Tiburon Center
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