self installation manual
self installation manual
SELF INSTALLATION MANUAL INTRODUCTION TO SIPS ECO PANELS CONTENTS GENERIC FOUNDATION LOCATION PLAN (FLP) IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOUNDATION LOCATION PLAN 2 TYPICAL EXTERNAL WALL CONSTRUCTION 3 EXTERNAL SOLEPLATE DETAIL 4 INTERNAL SOLEPLATE DETAIL 5 SOLEPLATE UPSTAND IMAGES 6 HOLDING DOWN STRAP DETAILS 6 STEEL POST UPSTAND DETAIL 7 STEEL POST FIXING PROCEDURE 8 PANEL TO PANEL CONNECTION 9 OPENINGS AND FIXINGS 10 JUNCTION DETAILS 11 METAL WEB JOISTS IMAGES 11 JOIST DETAILS 12 WINDOW FIXING DETAILS 13 ROOF DETAILS 14 ROOF PURLINS SUPPORTING ROOF PANELS 14 RENDER SYSTEM WITH NO CAVITY 15 CONSTRUCTION METHODS FOR Sips Eco Panels 16 VERSATILITY OF Sips Eco Panels 16 INNOVATIVE DESIGNS WITH Sips Eco Panels FC ■ S ips Eco Panels are pre-engineered, insulated, load bearing panels, which form the exterior envelope of the building. ■ Sips Eco Panels replace traditional construction methods by combining structure, insulation, air and vapour barriers into one component. ■ Air leakage associated with traditional construction and timber frame is virtually eliminated when using Sips Eco Panels. The insulation is continuous eliminating thermal bridges and providing the end user with comfort and low energy costs. ■ Sips Eco Panels are stronger than conventional timber frame construction. They are recognised for resistance to lateral loads caused by high winds and even earthquakes. ■ Sips Eco Panels are lightweight and easy to install, but they sound solid. This means a solid andconsistent quality. ■ The speed of assembly combined with energy savings benefits and eco friendly construction makes them the logical choice. ■ Sips Eco Panels are composed of expanded polystyrene insulation laminated between 2 sheets of OSB (oriented strand board). ■ The strength of all connection details and components that tie Sips Eco Panels to all other structural elements must be selected to ensure adequate vertical and horizontal load paths within the structure. ■ The specification and design of these items must be determined by the building engineer responsible for the stability of the building. Guidance on the design of connection details must be sought from Sips Eco Panels ■ In general Sips Eco Panels do not incorporate lintels. Spanning over openings is achieved through the use of rim beams at floor or roof level. The sizing and bearing of the spanning rim beam shall be determined in the design process. In some cases lintels will be required below high point loads. ■ Sips Eco Panels are packaged for weather protection. When they arrive on site, they should be stored on level blocking. They must be protected from rain, snow or morning dew. By taking these measures, the panels will be easier to install. ■ Panels are joined together using splines. The panel joints must be structurally fastened to ensure the integrity of the panel system ■ Panel annotations (where relevant) on drawings show a reference number and this number must face to the outside of the building when panels are being installed. ■ Screws are used to fasten panels. ■ Please read the manual and consult the manufacturer for instructions. ■ Read the manual in numerical order. NON SHADED WALL DENOTES NON-LOAD BEARING WALL DENOTES STEEL POST AND POINT LOAD SHADED WALL DENOTES LOAD BEARING WALLS INSTALLATION AND REFERENCE MANUAL RESIDENTIAL WALLS, ROOFS, FLOORS, EXTENSIONS & GARDEN BUILDINGS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ TOOLS NEEDED omply with the current Building Regulations subject to use. C Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Handle the panels with care. Provide solid level platform for storage of panels. Cover the panels from moisture when not in use. Remove debris from panel connection areas prior to panel placement. Keep timber studs indoors or protected to prevent swelling. Fit vapour control layer VCL to inside face of Sips Eco Panels. Fit breather membrane to external face of Sips Eco Panels. DON’T ■ Cut into the skin of the panels without approval from the manufacturer. ■ Insert wiring without adequate protection and approval from the manufacturer. ■ Cut out openings for windows and doors without approval from manufacturer. ■ T o build with Sips Eco Panels all you need are regular carpentry tools plus a FEIN MULTIMASTER or similar or hot knife and expanding foam. ■ A FEIN MULTIMASTER or similar or hot knife are tools for routing out grooves in the EPS and are needed whenever Sips Eco Panels need to be cut to size. ■ Heavy duty foam gun ensures easy application and long term use. ■ Expanding foam is used to seal all connections between individual panels and top and bottom plates ensuring the structural integrity of the system. DENOTES POINT LOAD - USUALLY TIMBER POSTS Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. i1 ISSUE 9 2014 DO GENERIC FOUNDATION LOCATION PLAN (FLP) Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 01787 377388 [email protected] 1 Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 2 GENERIC TYPICAL EXTERNAL WALL BUILD UP THE EXTERNALTHE WALL CONSISTS OF TWO PARTS;OF TWO PARTS; EXTERNAL WALL CONSISTS THE LOADBEARING Eco PanelsSips & THE OUTER - THIS MAY BE A- THIS HEAVYWEIGHT CLADDING SUCH AS THE Sips LOADBEARING Eco PanelsCLADDING & THE OUTER CLADDING MAY BE A HEAVYWEIGHT CLADDING SUCH AS BRICKWORK SUPPORTED INDEPENDENTLY OFF OF FOUNDATIONS, OR A LIGHTWEIGHT ATTACHED TO ATTACHED TO BRICKWORK SUPPORTED INDEPENDENTLY OFF OF FOUNDATIONS, OR ACLADDING LIGHTWEIGHT CLADDING THE TIMBER FRAME SUCH AS; RENDER, HANGING TILESHANGING OR TIMBER BOARDING. THE TIMBER FRAME SUCH AS; RENDER, TILES OR TIMBER BOARDING. Sips Eco Panels GROUND FLOOR EXTERNAL SOLEPLATE DETAIL Sips Eco Panels recommends the brickwork should not be started before the sips frame has been erected. Restraint straps (supplied by Sips Eco Panels to be fixed at 1200mm c/c. built into brickwork and set below lean mix concrete cavity fill (if required). these must be fitted by bricklayer to suit brick courses. Sips Eco PanelsSips Eco Panels BATTENS FOR SERVICE BATTENSVOID FOR SERVICE VOID (WHERE REQUIRED). (WHERE REQUIRED). HOLDING DOWNHOLDING STRAPS DOWN SUPPLIED STRAPS BY SUPPLIED BY BREATHER Sips Eco PanelsSips ANDEco FIXED Panels BY AND FIXED BY MEMBRANE BRICKWORK CONTRACTOR. BRICKWORK CONTRACTOR. FLOOR FINISH FLOOR FINISH ground level 150mm below lowest timber FLOOR DPM LAPPED FLOOR DPM LAPPED WITH DPC AND WITH TURNED DPCUP AND TURNED UP TO LAP WITH VAPOUR TO LAP WITH VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER. CONTROL LAYER. THE CONSTRUCTION THE CONSTRUCTION OF EXTERNAL WALLS OF EXTERNAL MUST COMPLY WALLS MUST WITH COMPLY WITH APPROVED DOCUMENT APPROVED B OF DOCUMENT THE BUILDING B OFREGULATIONS THE BUILDING IN REGULATIONS MANY IN MANY CASES. PARTICULARLY CASES. PARTICULARLY IF THE CLADDING IF THE IS COMBUSTIBLE CLADDING IS AND COMBUSTIBLE AND WITHIN 1M OF THE WITHIN BOUNDARY, 1M OF THE WITH BOUNDARY, PARTICULAR WITH ATTENTION PARTICULAR TO ATTENTION TO PART B4 HIGHLIGHTING PART B4 THE HIGHLIGHTING SPECIFIC MINIMUM THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF OF FIRE RESISTANCE.THIS FIRE RESISTANCE.THIS INCLUDES OPENABLE INCLUDES AREAS. OPENABLE AREAS. ISSUE 9 2014 GENERIC GENERIC TYPICAL TYPICAL i2 i2EXTERNAL EXTERNAL WALL BUILD WALL BUILD UP UP ISSUE 9 2014 clear cavity FFL D.P.C. FFL D.P.C. D.P.C. min 225mm ventilated void to suit ground conditions. Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. EXTERNAL 440 x floor f Concrete Blo bedding - to D.P.C. also be used min 225mm ventilated void N.B. The blo to suit ground conditions. amount due and the erec over the out water pondin that to avoid EXTERNAL WALL and frame (c 440 x floor finish x wall width. 7N/mm2 Dense may query th Concrete Blocks, Density 1950kg/m3 on 15mm Mortar bedding - total 155mm upstand. Concrete upstand can checked with also be used with a GEN1 mix.' Inspector. N.B. The block may overhang the cavity by a small amount due to difference in width from the SIP panel and the erectors must ensure that the DPC is lapped over the outside face of the coursing bricks to stop water ponding on top of the overhang. It is possible that to avoid this the block could be flush with the floor and frame (cavity side), but a Building Inspector may query the internal cold bridge - this should be checked with your Building Control and / or Insurance Inspector. Foundations to suit ground conditions. Typically 450/600 x minimum depth as shown on mass concrete foundations taken down to bear into virgin suitable stratum. Foundations also to be taken down min. 300 below any root presence. Work to written dimensions Workonly. to written DO NOT dimensions SCALE. only. If in doubt DO NOT ask.SCALE. If in doubt ask. Upstands must be dense concrete blocks or concrete. These are built to the same height as the finished floor for external and internal walls. 01787 377388 [email protected] 3 D.P.C. not a brick course SOLEPLATE UPSTAND IMAGES DPC min. 225 VENTILATED VENTILATED CAVITY CAVITY DPC SOLEPLATE - THIS PROVIDES A LEVEL SOLEPLATE - THIS PROVIDES A LEVEL AND ACCURATEAND POSITIONED BASE ON ACCURATE POSITIONED BASE ON WHICH THE SUPERSTRUCTURE WILL BE FIXED, WILL BE FIXED, WHICH THE SUPERSTRUCTURE INCLUDING THEINCLUDING FLOOR IN THE OFIN THE CASE OF THECASE FLOOR SUSPENDED TIMBER GROUND FLOORS. SUSPENDED TIMBER GROUND FLOORS. IT ALSO PROVIDES A NAILING PLATE FOR IT ALSO PROVIDES A NAILING PLATE FOR THE SIPS PANEL AND PROTECTS THEPROTECTS DPC. THE SIPS PANEL AND THE DPC. DPC D.P.C. 300 min. DPC min.150 ground level 150mm below lowest timber 300 min. open perpends at 1500mm c/c SIMPSON STRONGTIE SWT50 WALL SWT50 WALL SIMPSON STRONGTIE TIES OR SIMILAR SPACED AT MAX TIES OR SIMILAR SPACED AT MAX 600c/c HORIZONTALLY AND 450c/c 600c/c HORIZONTALLY AND 450c/c VERTICALLY. VERTICALLY. FINISHED GROUND LEVEL clear cavity min.150 OPEN PERPENDS TO PERPENDS TO OPEN VENTILATE ANDVENTILATE DRAIN AND DRAIN THE CAVITY SPACED THE CAVITY SPACED AT MAX. 1500mm ATC/C MAX. 1500mm C/C FINISHED GROUND LEVEL screed on vapour barrier on insulation on d.p.m lapped with wall vapour barrier on structural base not a brick course VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER (VCL) [BEHIND] (VCL) [BEHIND] open perpends at 1500mm c/c Restraint straps (supplied by Sips Eco Panels to be fixed at 1200mm c/c. built into brickwork and set below lean mix concrete cavity fill (if required). these must be fitted by bricklayer to suit brick courses. min. 225 BREATHER MEMBRANE d.p.m lapped wi Sips Eco Panels Foundations to suit ground conditions. Typically 450/600 x minimum depth as shown on mass concrete foundations taken down to bear into virgin suitable stratum. Foundations also to be taken down min. 300 below any root presence. For foundation setting out refer to foundation location plan (FLP). This drawing shows traditional trench fill foundations and is not site specific.Floor and foundation depths/design to be approved by the building inspector and to suit local ground conditions. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the Building Regulations notes and drawings. For foundation setting out refer to foundation location plan House setting out(FLP). relies on (FFL) Finished Floor Level = external DPC level. This drawing shows traditional trench fill Top foundations and is may not site specific.Floor of soleplate require cutting and out at internal and external door positions. foundation depths/design to be approvedNo by brickwork the buildingisinspector and to suit local DPC level (to external cavity skin) until after to be constructedbelow ground conditions. the SIP frame has been erected (to ensure that a nominal 50mm cavity is maintained This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the Building Regulations notes and between sip frame and outer skin). drawings. House setting out relies on (FFL) Finished Floor Level = external DPC level. Top of soleplate may require cutting out at internal and external door positions. No brickwork is to be constructedbelow DPC level (to external cavity skin) until after the SIP frame has been erected (to ensure that a nominal 50mm cavity is maintained between sip frame and outer skin). Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 4 GROUND FLOORPASINTERNAL SOLEPLATE DETAIL SCREW 41 63 63 nails used to 63mm PAS Paslode 63mm Paslode PAS 63 fix bottom plates to nails used to fix bottom plates to to 63mm Paslode nails soleplates at 300mm used crs. soleplates at 300mm crs. fix bottom plates to 95mm internal non 95mmpanel internal loadbearing on non loadbearing panel on 95mm 20mm internal x 95mmnon soleplate 20mm x 95mm loadbearing panel on soleplate 20mm x 95mm soleplate soleplates at 300mm crs. HOLDING DOWN STRAP DETAILS SCREW 41 35 X 3.5mm woodscrews for 35 X 3.5mm woodscrews for SCREW 41 fixing panels to splines and fixing panels to splines 35 3.5mm woodscrews topXand bottom plates at for and top fixing panels tobottom splines and at 200mm crsand and 50mmplates in 200mm and at 50mm in top bottomcrs plates fromand end. 200mmfrom crs end. and 50mm in M10 M10 Nylon frame fixings x 100mm at 440mm crs for fixing 45mm soleplate to concrete slab. from end. DPC FFM8 FrameFFM8 anchors M8. 8 x anchors M8. 8 x FFM8 60mm Frame at 400mm crs for 60mm at 400mm Frame anchors to M8. 8 x crs for fixing soleplate fixing soleplate to 60mm at 400mm crs for block/concrete upstand. block/concrete upstand. fixing soleplate to block/concrete upstand. DPC 7N BLOCK 7N BLOCK 7N BLOCK INTERNAL UPSTAND INTERNAL UPSTAND 7N/mm2 dense concrete blocks, dense concrete blocks, INTERNAL UPSTAND Density7N/mm2 1950kg/m3 x width of panel Density x width of panel 7N/mm2 dense1950kg/m3 concrete blocks, over, on 15mm Mortar bedding on 15mm Mortar Density 1950kg/m3 x width ofbedding panel formingover, upstand. Concrete upstand forming upstand. Concrete upstand over,also on 15mm Mortar can be used with abedding GEN1 mix.' also beConcrete used withupstand a GEN1 mix.' formingcan upstand. Internal partition Internal partition 20mm x 95mm treated 20mm x 95mm treated soleplate 20mm soleplate x 95mm treated soleplate Internal partition D.P.C. D.P.C. D.P.C. F.F.L. F.F.L. Screed/floor finish F.F.L. Screed/floor finish Screed/floor finish DPM DPM Concrete slab DPM Concrete slab Concrete slab 7N dense 7N dense 7N concrete dense concrete block block concrete block EXTERNAL WALL UPSTAND 7N/mm2 Dense Concrete Blocks, Density 1950kg/m3 x width of panel over, on 15mm Mortar bedding forming upstand. Concrete upstand can also be used with a GEN1 mix. Underside of soleplate must be level with FFL Treated soleplate F.F.L. DPC D.P.C. FFL 7N DENSE CONCRETE BLOCK SCREED/FLOORING Insulation Insulation Insulation DPM DPM HDGS-1100-100-B Restraint strap Sips Eco Panels can also be used with a GEN1 mix.' INNOVATIVE DESIGNS FROM Sips Eco Panels External skin shown indicative. Detailed and supplied by others. 150 DPC M8 M8 Nylon frame fixings x 60 at 440mm crs for fixing 20mm soleplate to concrete slab. THIS DRAWING IS NOT SITE SPECIFIC. REFER TO RELEVANT DRAWINGS PERTAINING TO THE PROJECT YOU ARE WORKING ON. INSULATION GROUND LEVEL STRUCTURAL BASE DPM Alternative holding down detail. Fischer FBS6 concrete screw or equal and approved to give safe working uplift force ˃ 3KN D.P.C. min 35mm FIXING OF SOLEPLATES OF SOLEPLATES 20mm FIXING x Sips panel width fixed with nylon frame fixings 20mm x Sips panel fixed withpanel nylonwidth framefixed fixings M8 x 60mm at 440mm crs.width 45mm x Sips FIXING OF SOLEPLATES M8 x 60mm at 440mm crs. 45mm x Sips panel width fixed 20mm x Sips panel widthM10 fixed with nylon frame fixings with nylon frame fixings x 100mm at 440mm crs. with nylon frame fixings M10 x 100mm at 440mm crs. M8 x 60mm at 440mm 45mm x Sips panel width fixed 45mm x 95mm base railcrs. from panel is then located centrally 45mm xand 95mm from panel isscrewed then crs. located centrally withsoleplates nylon frame fixings M10rail xx100mm at 440mm on overbase 45mm 95mm and through on soleplates and over 45mm x 95mm and screwed through 45mmfrom x 95mm from panel is 45 then located centrally OSB both base faces rail horizontally into with 3.5mm x 35mm OSB from both faces horizontally into 45 with 3.5mm on soleplates and crs. over 45mm x 95mm and screwed throughx 35mm screws at 200mm screws at 200mm crs. OSB from both faces horizontally into 45 with 3.5mm x 35mm screws at 200mm crs. DPM lapped with DPC 75x75x10mm square washer - washer must be tight against vertical face of strap Holding down straps Austenitic stainless steel holding down straps attached to SIP panels by 6 no. 3.35mm x 50mm stainless steel annular ring shank nails at corners, sides of openings and at 1200mm max. c/c and set into lean mix concrete where possible. Where practical, straps to be fixed to studs. Similar approved by supplier may be used. PAS 90 90mm Paslode nails used to fix internal studs to internal studs and 45mm baserail to soleplates at 600mm c/c. SCREW 41 3.5 x 35mm grey phosphate at 200mm c/c and 50mm in from end. Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 01787 377388 [email protected] 5 i6 ISSUE 9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. HOLDING DOWN STRAP DETAILS Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 6 STEEL POST UPSTAND DETAIL External skin shown indicative. Detailed and supplied skin by others. External shown Sips Eco Panels Behind section, steel post. Sips Eco Panels Behind section, steel post. indicative. Detailed and supplied by others. STEEL POST FIXING PROCEDURE Reinforced concrete upstand finishing 80mm below FFL to cover bolt heads. (Pad designed byconcrete others) upstand finishing 80mm Reinforced DPC 80 FFL 80 ground level ground level Floor build Floor up build by others up by others below FFL to cover bolt heads. (Pad FFL designed by others) DPC A concrete padstone is cast and set 80mm lower than the finished floor level. A DPC is fitted and then the steel post base plate is positioned. The steel is located in accordance with the FLP. It can be positioned vertically plumb by using steel shims. With the steel base plate in position, holes are drilled into the padstone and then filled with resin. Bolts are slotted into the holes and left to set in position in the resin. STEEL COLUMN DETAIL-SECTION STEEL COLUMN DETAIL-SECTION Reinforced concrete pad (Designed by others) Reinforced concrete pad (Designed by others) fillet weld fillet weld BASE PLATE ON R.C. UPSTAND-PLAN Nuts are screwed tightly with a wrench onto the bolts. A timber plate is fixed in the web of the steel and the sip panel can then be screwed to it. BASE PLATE ON R.C. UPSTAND-PLAN Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 7 E9 4 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 01787 377388 [email protected] STEEL POST Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 8 PANEL TO PANEL CONNECTION splines and rails fitted into 45mm deep rebates around edge of panels and screwed at 200c/c OPENINGS AND FIXINGS 300 or 750 Min Cross section Should laps be necessary in breather paper, the upper layers should be lapped horizontally over lower layers by at least 100mm and SCREW 35 staggered. sheets should 35 The X 3.5mm 35 be lappedwoodscrews at least SCREW 150mm for fixing 35 X 3.5mm vertically.panels to splines and 2394 b 2397 b a splines and rails fitted into 45mm deep rebates around edge of panels and screwed at 200c/c a Should laps be necessary in breather paper, the upper Should layers laps be should necessary bein lapped breather paper, the upper horizontally over lower layers layers should be lapped by at least 100mm horizontally over lower layers and by at least 100mm and staggered. The sheets should top railThe sheets should staggered. be lapped at least 150mm be lapped at least 150mm vertically. vertically. 300 300 min top rail 2397 splines and rails fitted into 45mm deep rebates around edge of panels and screwed at 200c/c 300 min top rail 2394 woodscrews for fixing top and bottom plates at 200mm panels crs and to splines and 50mm in from topend. and bottom plates at 200mm crs and 50mm in from end. SCREW 35 BOTTOM RAIL spline may be sips or solid timber, subject to design BOTTOM RAIL Sips Eco Panels spline may be sips or solid timber, subject to design 35 X should 3.5mm breather paper for fixing be lapped woodscrews over the lowest timber panels to splines and Sips Eco Panels top and bottom plates breather should at 200mmpaper crs and 50mm in from end. be lapped over the ROOF PANELS ARE JOINED IN lowest A SIMILARtimber Spline FASHION. SPLINES WILL GENERALLY BE INSULATED OR SOLID TIMBER. ROOF PANELS ARE JOINED IN A SIMILAR FASHION. SPLINES BOTTOM RAIL WILL GENERALLY BE Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels ROOF PANELS ARE INSULATED OR SOLID breather paper should spline JOINED IN A SIMILAR be lapped over the TIMBER. FASHION. SPLINES FIXING PROCEDURE timber Sips Eco Panelslowest Sips Eco Panels spline may be sips or solid WILL GENERALLY BE GLIDEVALE PROTECT TF200 thermal or similar reflective breather membrane is to be fitted to all walls and to roofs SPLINE timber, subject to design INSULATED on completion of the frame erection. It should be fitted strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Below is OR SOLID Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels TIMBER. a brief installation guide. Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels Minimum of 4 woodscrews 2 x 8 (3mm diameter) The breather membrane should be fitted with the silver side facing out and in such a way as to shed water away from Sips Eco Panels ROOF the sheathing and below the lowest spline timber. Upper layers should be lapped horizontally over lower layers by atPANELS least ARE JOINED IN A SIMILAR 100mm and staggered. The sheets should be lapped at least 150mm vertically. Membrane should be nailed or stapled FASHION. SPLINES at regular intervals to prevent damage by wind. Nails should be galvanised, sheradizes or austenitic stainless steel, WILL GENERALLY BE FIXING PROCEDURE phosphor bronze or silicon bronze and staples should be of austenitic stainless steel. To prevent damage by wind, OR SOLID INSULATED GLIDEVALEfixings PROTECT thermal breather membrane is to be fitted and to roofs should beTF200 at regular intervalsorofsimilar not morereflective than 500mm c/c. It is essential that the lowest timbersto inall thewalls wall are TIMBER. protected the breathable membrane. on completion of thebyframe erection. It should be fitted strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Below is Sipsfoam. Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels If gaps are evident in roof panels these should be filled with expanding a brief installation guide. The opening should be cut and the insulation raked out using a hot wire cutter or Feinn Multimaster to allow the hole to be trimmed using 45mm x 95mm studs.These should be nailed through the osb at 50mm c/c. spline ISSUE 9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT If in doubt ask. with the silver side facing out and in such a way as to shed water away from The breather membrane should fitted FIXING PROCEDURE the sheathing and below the lowest timber. Upper layers should be lapped horizontally over lower layers by at least GLIDEVALE PROTECT TF200 thermal or similar reflective breather membrane to be fitted toshould all walls to roofs 100mm and staggered. The sheets should be lapped at least 150mm Membrane beand nailed or stapled TO PANEL on completion of the framePANEL erection. It should be fitted strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Below is at regular intervals to prevent damage by wind. Nails should be galvanised, sheradizes or austenitic stainless steel, a brief installation guide. phosphor bronze or silicon bronzeCONNECTION and staples should be of austenitic stainless steel. To prevent damage by wind, The breather membrane should be fitted with the silver side facing out and in such a way as to shed water away from fixingsthe should be at regular intervals oftimber. not more than 500mm c/c. is essential that over the lowest timbers in least the wall are sheathing and below the lowest Upper layers should be Itlapped horizontally lower layers by at protected by the breathable membrane. 100mm and staggered. The sheets should be lapped at least 150mm vertically. Membrane should be nailed or stapled If gapsatare evident in roof panels damage these should beNails filledshould with expanding foam. regular intervals to prevent by wind. be galvanised, sheradizes or austenitic stainless steel, A heavy object such as a boiler attached to the wall. The object should be fitted using fully threaded screws/nails. 100kg x 1000mm x 250mm PLAN ISSUE 9 ISSUE 2014 9 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. i9 PANEL TO PANEL CONNECTION Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 9 i9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. PANEL TO PANEL 01787 377388 [email protected] CONNECTION Minimum of 6 woodscrews 2 x 8 (3mm diameter) should be used to fix the bracket to the wall. A heavy object resting on a cantilevered bracket attached to the wall. 100kg x 250mm x 250mm If the object is not suitable for mounting directly onto a wall panel it should be separated by a 75mm gap or an additional layer of 12.5mm plasterboard [25mm total]. CROSS SECTION Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. i10 ISSUE 9 2014 phosphor bronze or silicon bronze and staples should be of austenitic stainless steel. To prevent damage by wind, fixings should be at regular intervals of not more than 500mm c/c. It is essential that the lowest timbers in the wall are protected by the breathable membrane. If gaps are evident in roof panels these should be filled with expanding foam. Sips Eco Panels Opening in wall can be cut to suit on site but must be agreed with Sips Eco Panels before cutting. ideally hole should be positioned centrally to panel but must be at least 300mm from top of panel Sips Eco Panels i9 on cti se OPENINGS AND FIXINGS Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 10 Sips Eco Panels JUNCTIONS DETAILS FLOOR JOIST DETAILS EXTERNAL CORNER ESCR8.0x200mm screws used for fixing SIPs wall panels to wall panels at 300mm c/c and 100mm in ESCR8.0x200mm from topscrews & bottom of panel used for fixing SIPs wall ESCR8.0x200mm screws panels to wall panels at used for fixing SIPs wall cladding 300mm c/c and 100mm in wallpanels panelsat at panels to wall from top & bottom of panel cladding 300mm c/c and 100mm in ESCR8.0x200mm screws from top & bottom of panel used for fixing SIPs wall panels to wall panels at 300mm c/c and 100mm in from top & bottom of panel claddingEXTERNAL CORNER EXTERNAL CORNER cladding cladding PAS 90 @ 300mm c/c into rim beam first floor Sips Eco Panels sit onto flooring bottom rail Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels SCREW 51 at 200mm c/c Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels Sips Eco Panels EXTERNAL CORNER internal studwork partition SCREW 41 3.5 x 35mm grey phosphate at 200mm c/c and 50mm in from end PAS 90 90mm Paslode nails used to SIPs panel base rail to floor deck at 600mm c/c head binder ESCR8.0x200mm screws internal used for fixing SIPs wall studwork panels to wall panels at internal partition cladding 300mm c/c and 100mm instudwork ESCR8.0x200mm screws from top & bottom of panel partition used for fixing SIPs wall panels to wall panels at cladding T Junction 300mm c/c and 100mm in internal partition from top & bottom of panel EXTERNAL CORNER 1st floor joists SCREW 51 3.9 x 65mm grey phosphate at 300mm c/c for fixing flooring to joists all around the perimeter. top rail PLY WEB JOIST OR I JOIST PAS 51 51mm Paslode nails used to fix internal soleplates to floor deck at 600mm c/c Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. T Junction internal partition T Junction internal partition ISSUE 9 2014 JUNCTIONS i11 BENEFITS OF METAL WEB JOISTS DETAILS JUNCTIONS i11 JUNCTIONS DETAILS i11 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. ISSUE 9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. ISSUE 9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Sips Eco Panels DETAILS Sips Eco Panels internal studwork partition head binder top rail internal studwork partition T Junction internal partition Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. ISSUE 9 2014 ISSUE 9 2014 11 i11 JUNCTIONS DETAILS JUNCTIONS 01787 377388 [email protected] DETAILS Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 11 METAL WEB JOIST MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery) ducting can easily thread through joists. Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. i12 ISSUE 9 2014 T Junction internal partition Plumbing is more easily fitted and manoeuvered in all directions FLOOR JOIST DETAILS Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 12 20 HEADBINDER FIXED WITH ESCR8.0x100 OR SIMILAR AT 400mm c/c. WINDOW FIXING DETAILS ROOF DETAILS EXTENDED RAFTER CUT TO SUIT ON SITE TYPICAL EAVES Sips Eco Panels (NO CEILING) ROOF PANELS FIXED DOWN USING ESCR8.0x260 OR SIMILAR AT 400mm c/c BREATHER MEMBRANE DOOR FRAME SET BACK 30mm FROM EDGE OF BATTEN. SERVICE VOID Sips Eco Panel TIMBER WEDGE FIXED USING ESCR8.0x140 AT 400mm c/c 30 SEALANT PLASTERBOARD & VCL CONTINUES AROUND JAMB. 20 HEADBINDER FIXED WITH ESCR8.0x100 OR SIMILAR AT 400mm c/c. STAINLESS STEEL SIMPSON STRONGTIE SWT50 TIMBER FRAME WALL TIES AT JAMB TO BE SPACED AT 225mm c/c VERTICALLY TIMBER JAMB EXTENDED RAFTER CUT TO SUIT ON SITE TYPICAL EAVES (NO CEILING) PURLIN POSITIONED TO SUIT DESIGN WINDOW/DOOR CILL CAVITY BARRIER NAILED TO JAMB STUDS AND FITTED WITH DPC DOOR AND WINDOW FIXED TO FRAME USING WINDOW CRAMPS. SPACE CRAMPS AT 600mm c/c AND EQUAL DISTANCE FROM ENDS. BREATHER ROOFING MEMBRANE Sips Eco Panel A 400mm STRIP OF VCL MUST BE FITTED BEFORE THE PARTITION IS CONNECTED. ROOF PANEL FIXED DOWN USING ESCR8.0x260 AT 400mm c/c PAS 90 TIMBER WEDGE FIXED USING ESCR8.0x140 AT 400mm c/c 90mm Paslode nails PLAN VIEW TIMBER WEDGE FIXED WITH ESCR8.0x100 AN 400mm c/c BREATHER ROOFING MEMBRANE EXTENDED RAFTER CUT TO SUIT ON SITE PAS 51 20mm x 95mm HEAD BINDER FIXED USING ESCR8.0 x100 AT 400mm c/c 45mm x 95mm PARTITION 51mm Paslode nails used to fix top plates to top rails at 600mm c/c. WINDOW FIXED TO FRAME USING WINDOW CRAMPS NAILED TO BATTENS AND FRAME. SPACE CRAMPS AT 600mm c/c AND EQUAL DISTANCE FROM ENDS. PURLIN POSITIONED TO SUIT DESIGN A 400mm STRIP OF VCL MUST BE FITTED BEFORE THE PARTITION IS CONNECTED. CANT CILL BRICK TO BE USED WHERE REQUIRED FOR SHORT CILLS. D.P.C. DRESSED INTO RECESS IN FRAME AND STAPLE FIX TO BATTEN LAP WITH VCL. SECTION THROUGH WINDOW CILL 30 PLASTERBOARD & VCL CONTINUES AROUND JAMB. CAVITY BARRIER NAILED TO JAMB STUDS AND FITTED WITH DPC TIMBER FRAME LINTEL. (NOT SUPPLIED-CATNIC CTF5 OR SIMILAR) USE AS CAVITY TRAY OR PROVIDE ONE ABOVE TUCKED BEHIND BREATHER MEMBRANE ROOF PANEL FIXED DOWN USING ESCR8.0x260 AT TOLERANCE 400mm c/c TIMBER WEDGE FIXED USING ESCR8.0x140 AT 400mm c/c EXTENDED RAFTER CUT TO SUIT ON SITE TIMBER WEDGE FIXED WITH ESCR8.0x100 AN ROOF 400mm c/c SUPPORTED ON PURLINS 20mm Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. x 95mm HEAD BINDER FIXED USING Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. ESCR8.0 x100 AT 400mm c/c ROOF DETAILS i15PURLINS SUPPORTING ROOF PANELS ISSUE 9 2014 SEALANT WINDOW BOARD ALLOWANCE FOR DIFFERENTIAL MOVEMENT 45mm x 95mm PARTITION TOLERANCE ROOF PURLINS SUPPORTED ON PURLINS PURLIN HIDDEN IN CEILING Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. SEALANT i15 WINDOW JAMB ELEVATION ISSUE 9 2014 . WINDOW CILL ROOF DETAILS i14 ISSUE 9 2014 Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. WINDOW FIXING 01787 DETAILS 377388 [email protected] Work to written dimensions only. DO NOT SCALE. If in doubt ask. 13 Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 14 RENDER SYSTEM WITH NO CAVITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sips Eco Panel Breather Membrane Render Board Weather seal to openings Board joints throughout 6. Weather seal to openings 7. Base coat 8. Mesh 9. Primer 10. Top coat Finsh to suit Sealer coat CONSTRUCTION METHODS FOR SIPS ECO PANELS Sips Eco Render System Tyvek Soft supplied and fitted by Sips Eco Panels on request. 12.5mm Knauf Aquapanel render board WeatherTech Weatherseal spray and roll-on Maite Monocomposant embedded with 100mm wide bands of 355AVU mesh WeatherTech Weatherseal spray and roll-on Maite Monocomposant -approx 4-5mm thick 355AVU Standard mesh-fully embedded into the base coat 310 Primer DPR top coat-Sand Smooth, Sand Fine, Sand Coarse,Swirl Fine, Multi-textured, Paraguard AG-ideal for providing lotus leaf dispersing effect and additional weatherprotection. GENERAL APPICATION GUIDANCE - To be read in conjunction with the following data sheets; PAREXDIRECT Acrylic render system Maite Monocomposant 310 Primer, DPR finishes 355 AVUmesh WeatherTech Weatherseal Spray and Roll-On DPR Textured Finishes Paraguard AG Knauf Aquapanel product and fixing information Sips Eco Panels Building System 95mm x 45mm timber studwork is used to construct internal Walls Sips Eco panels can easily be used to create curved walls VERSATILITY OF SIPS ECO PANELS Sips Eco panels are so easy to handle they can be used to build in the tightest situations. Sips Eco Panels DuPont SOFT BREATHER MEMBRANE KNAUF AQUAPANEL CEMENT BOARD SIPS ECO panels can be used for house boats floating on the water and supported on a steel hull RENDER BASE COAT MESH PRIMER i17 ISSUE 9 2014 PAREXDIRECT ACRYLIC RENDER RENDER SYSTEM WITH NO CAVITY 01787 377388 [email protected] 15 4 houses were built at other end of this arch. Panels were carried through and then erected. Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 16 SipsEcoPanels PLEASE CONTACT OUR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT WITH ANY QUERIES OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.SIPSECO.CO.UK CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Foundations poured Ground floor being laid Ground floor walls being erected First floor joists fitted Roof on Dream Home Sips Eco Panels, easi-wall system and easi-roof system, are an advanced yet affordable form of construction that arrive on site pre-insulated and replace timber frame, blockwork or trusses for houses, extensions, garden rooms and other forms of construction. Panels are manufactured in our own factories and can be supplied as blank panels or pre-cut to suit. Our panels have full third party accreditation and technical information is available on our web site Sips Eco Panels offer air-tightness that is far superior to current Building Regulations, with U-values down to 0.12 in one layer through the whole wall structure, making homes super insulated - ensuring low running costs. It is important all fixings are used properly to maintain the air-tightness benefits the system offers. The details and information in this manual are for guidance of the erection of panels and flooring only. They are not site specific. Refer to the relevant panel drawings for the site, which should be read in conjunction with the approved Building Regulation drawings and must be adhered to and take priority over standard details. For sundry items refer to Sips Eco Panels Construction Manual. 01787 377388 [email protected] 17 Self Installation Manual: Issue 9. 2015 18 is the trading name of SIPs Frames UK Ltd SipsEcoPanels South Suffolk Business Centre Alexandra Road, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2ZX Tel: 01787 377388 [email protected] 3661/SBM/0115 Registered in England No 03722506