Festival Services - Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Festival Services - Bethlehem Lutheran Church
The Bethlehem Star Mission Statement We are a Christian community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that gathers to worship, learn and share, and reaches out to welcome, witness and serve. DECEMBER 2015 Pastor Mark Gravrock Inside this issue: Pastor Mark 2 Tree of Sharing 3 New Members 4-5 Council 7 Calendar 8 Service Groups 9 Thank yous 10 Birthdays 10 Festival Services Wednesday Advent Services and Soup Suppers December 2, 9 and 16 Soup supper begins at 5:30pm. Worship service is at 7:00pm. Christmas Eve Services 5:00pm Family Service 8:00pm Candlelight Service / Chancel Choir 10:00pm Candlelight Service / GosBells KOFI Radio broadcast will be at 8:00pm. Christmas Day Service 10:00am Worship and Communion Sunday, December 27th One service at 9:30am The Bethlehem Star 2 Dear friends, Each winter as the year grows older, we each grow older, too. The chill sets in a little colder; the verities we knew seem shaken and untrue. That’s the first stanza of one of our Advent hymns (ELW #252, text by William Gay). My guess is that the writer was well past middle-age when he penned those words. “The chill sets in a little colder” – those aren’t the thoughts of the young! They may, however, be words for all of us in the midst of the terror we’ve all been facing: I write this, just five days after the Paris attacks. The holiday season we’re entering this year is overshadowed by the chill of senseless violence. At the same time, the Advent and Christmas message slips in with quiet surprise. God’s response to our cries of fear is not to send in a superhero. God sends a baby. God comes as a baby. And one of that baby’s first experiences is to flee as a refugee from senseless violence and butchery (Matthew 2.13-18)! That same baby will grow to become a man who will give himself over to violent death for us. God’s strange response to terror is to defeat terror by suffering it. Yet I believe beyond believing that life can spring from death, that growth can flower from our grieving, that we can catch our breath and turn transfixed by faith. Perhaps this year, in the face of terror, our Advent will be more truly Advent, and our Christmas truly Christmas. The terror that we taste forces us to stand on the gospel, or not to stand at all. Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter: God-With-Us straight through the heart of fear and terror, all the way to resurrection and all-things-made-new. O Child of ecstasy and sorrows, O Prince of peace and pain, brighten today’s world by tomorrow’s, renew our lives again; Lord Jesus, come and reign! In Christ, Pastor Gravrock 3 The Bethlehem Star Gifts for our home-bound congregation We will, once again this holiday season, be distributing gifts to our members who are unable to leave their homes. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Commons for you to indicate to whom you would like to deliver a gift. You’ll be able to get their addresses from the sheet and are welcome to contact the Church office if you need help with directions. Please deliver these gifts during the holidays and if possible plan on spending some time visiting and sharing the season with these folks. Thank you from your Fellowship Committee! You’re invited! The women of First Presbyterian Church, 540 S. Main, invite all women from Bethlehem Lutheran to join them for a holiday luncheon on Thursday, December 3rd at noon. Entertainment will be provided by the Flathead High School choir. Please bring cookies (Norwegian are especially appreciated), or your favorite cookies or bars. Call Margie Dornfeld, 752-8459, to let her know what you can bring. Tree of Sharing The Fellowship Committee has decided to support the following groups for our Tree of Sharing this year: The Heart Locker– grab and go snacks (granola bars, etc.), teenage young men’s and women’s underwear, gift cards (Subway, Walmart, Target, etc.). Veteran’s Home– Forever stamps, greeting cards, eye glass cleaner with cloth, body wash, white undershirts/t-shirts - men's large and X large, handkerchiefs, gift cards. Health Department– There are two families who need help. The first is a single mom raising an 18 month old and the second is a grandmother raising 8 and 6 year old grandsons and an 11 month old granddaughter. (Cheryl Keith has a list of items) Sinopah House– We will again give 8 quilts and 8 pairs of socks to the girls. We’ve tried to price most of the items on the tree at less than $20. If you can, take more than one item and return it unwrapped to the church the week of December 14th. If you do not want to shop you can donate money and we will shop for you. -The Fellowship Committee thanks you for your support in our mission to help the needy in our community. Sunday School Christmas Program: Sunday December 13th, 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall. We have a new program this year called the ABC’s of Christmas. It will be a blend of modern and traditional music, engaging all the children and the congregation in lesson and song. This year we will be serving Christmas cookies, coffee, juice and non-alcoholic Mimosas! Come and enjoy this festive time. -your Christian Education committee The Bethlehem Star 4 Welcome to our new members! Marianne Gielow has been attending Bethlehem for a few years and is a very familiar face. She has lived in the Flathead Valley for just over 2 years. She and her husband moved here from San Francisco, where Marianne was born, to be close to a son. Marianne has three children and three grandchildren. She is a retired middle school science teacher and loves to cook and bake, quilt, hike and attend Bible studies. Marianne has played hand bells for close to 30 years and when her husband passed away last year, she decided to give the lower register of bells in memory of him. We enjoy having her as a member of the Outreach Committee and the Gosbells. Welcome! Marianne Gielow Harry and Sue Billingsley are recent transplants to the Flathead Valley. They moved here from the Seattle area when Harry retired from the aerospace industry. Sue is a registered dietician and works for WIC and is enjoying working with children. Both were born in Canada; Sue in Toronto and Harry in Vancouver. Sue and Harry met in Kelowna, BC and married in 1981. Their son lives in Los Angeles and is an aerospace engineer and their daughter and husband live in Seattle. Their first grandson is expected in early February and they are excited. Harry and Sue Billingsley Harry and Sue enjoy walking their dog, working in their yard and garden and doing car maintenance. We welcome you to our church family. The Bethlehem Star Amber and Karl Brohn Amber Brohn and Gaberiel (Gabe) Durgan Amber & Karl Brohn and Gaberiel Durgan are new members of our church. Karl is in construction and works for High Country Builders and Amber works as a buyer for KRMC. Amber is a native of the Flathead Valley. Karl was born in Detroit, Michigan but he has lived in the valley for 10 years. Gaberiel (Gabe) is eleven years old and in the fifth grade. He enjoys playing football and Karl coaches him. They all love visiting Glacier National Park. They shared that they were impressed with the warm welcome they received at our church when they first visited. They are also impressed with all the charity this church provides. We welcome you to our church. 5 The Bethlehem Star Book Club 6 IMPORTANT TAX NOTICE This month’s book is “Light from Arcturus” by Mildred Walker. “Stuck in the middle of Nebraska in the late nineteenth century, Julia Hauser felt restless. But what could she do? She was married to a dull small-town merchant and soon confined by children. Light from Arcturus shows how Julia stepped beyond sacrifice and duty, impressed herself on a larger scene, fed her spirit, and grew in dignity. The milestones in Julia’s progress are trips to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 and to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893 and in 1933.” -Amazon The book club will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 15th at 6:30pm in the Fireside room. Everyone is welcome! Calling all BUFF and Confirmation kids! On Friday, December 18th at 7:00pm we will be baking cookies and then delivering those yummy baked items to the hard working folks at emergency services and other offices. Come and join in the fun and show your appreciation to the night shift staffers around the valley! 911! We need cookies! To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, do not file your 2015 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. Some of your contributions may not be tax-deductible if you file your tax return before receiving a written acknowledgement of your contributions from the church. News from your Call Committee: Your Call committee has met several times to start the process of calling a new pastor. We met with Jason Asselstine, Associate to the Bishop, to get the outline of what is to be done. We have assembled data from past call committees and other sources, and now we need your help. Over the month of December, we will be developing a survey, and organizing times for several small group meetings for the congregation to participate in. This will give us data to create a Bethlehem profile that is to define us as a congregation, and indicate what pastoral needs we have here at Bethlehem. Please stay tuned to additional communication from the Call Committee in the coming months. Pray for our work and our congregation. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Brosten, Chairman, Bill Pursell, Christie Deck, Cindy Galvin, Rhonda Kalvig, Sean Patterson, Chuck Spain, and Rick Ulvin. The Bethlehem Star 7 BLC COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS November 10, 2015 Pastor Gravrock listed some dates to be aware of: Nov. 22nd – New Members, 10:30 service; Nov. 25th – Thanksgiving Eve service, 7:00; Nov. 28 – Decorate for Christmas; Nov. 29 – Advent begins; Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th – Midweek Advent soup suppers and services; Dec. 13th – Sunday School Christmas Program; Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve services at 5, 8, 10 pm; Dec. 25th – Christmas Day service, 10:00; Dec. 27th – one service only at 9:30 (Lessons & Carols); Jan. 30th – council retreat; Feb. 10th – Ash Wednesday; March 27th - Easter. Pastor reported that the Same-Sex conversations have concluded. There were five Thursday sessions, offered twice each Thursday. There were about 55 people, combined, that attended. Comments received were positive. President Duane Anderson discussed the web site and the need to upgrade it. He suggested hiring a professional to rewrite it. Ross Johnson reported that MontanaSky could do it for about $80 per hour for building and training. President Anderson also reported that the Grawe house has been rented, on a six month lease, for $850/ month. Treasurer Bryan Gilbertson reviewed the Income & Expense Summary for October, 2015. Income was $28,313, expenditures $32,744. Ending cash position was $19,128. President Anderson read a report from Nancy Brosten regarding the Call Committee. Jason Asselstine, Associate to the Bishop attended their first meeting and reviewed the entire process and the role and duties of the call committee. He advised that they focus on a “lead” Pastor or possibly a couple. If the congregation choses to go with a Senior/Associate team, the call process for the Associate would be separate following the Senior selection. The committee also elected members for specific positions: Chair – Nancy Brosten; Vice Chair – Bill Pursell; Recorder – Christie Deck; Reporter – Cindy Galvin; System Admin – Sean Patterson. At their second meeting they reviewed the information from the Synod and discussed options for obtaining the information needed for the Ministry Site Profile. They also discussed the possibility of updating the 2011 Vision survey. Their goal is to complete the Ministry Site Profile by the end of January. Security issues were discussed because of the recent church break-in. Some video and sound components were taken, along with a small set of hand bells (which were recovered), two Acolyte crosses, and cordless mics. Various security options were discussed and will be explored further. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to hire a professional to reconstruct the web site, for up to $4,000, using funds from Marketing IT and Unrestricted Memorial Funds. Ross Johnson will take the lead on getting this done. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to close the church office Monday, Dec. 28th and Tuesday, Dec. 29th. A request from the Funeral Committee for a new commercial refrigerator for the kitchen was discussed. Information on a Norlake commercial fridge for $2,942 was reviewed. Mike Galvin will visit with Donna Tice about the committee’s needs. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to cancel the December committees and council meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 12, 2016. December Calendar 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 6:45am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Pastors’ 10:30am Spinners text study 5:30pm KAMP, 5:30pm Irish dance class, HB ABC, BUFF 5:30pm soup supper 7:00pm Advent service 7:30pm Chancel Choir 3 4 5 8 9 6:45am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Pastors’ 11:00am text study Visitation mtg 10:00am 5:30pm KAMP, Dorcas ABC, BUFF Ruth Circle, Buffalo Hill 5:30pm soup supper 5:30pm Irish 7:00pm Advent dance class, HB service 7:30pm Chancel Choir 10 9:00am PSF, FR 9:00am Quilts, FH 15 16 9:00am Pastors’ 6:45am Men’s Bible Study text study, FR 9:30am Full Staff 5:30pm Irish dance class, HB 10:30am Guild, FH 5:30pm KAMP, 6:30pm Book ABC, BUFF Club 5:30pm soup supper 7:00pm Advent service 7:30pm Chancel Choir 17 22 24 1 Abbreviations ABC– Affirmation of Baptism BUFF- Bethlehem "Uth" For Faith FTF– Feed the Flathead GSA– Girl Scouts HPB- Highlanders Pipe Band KAMP- Kid’s Activity Ministry Program PSF - Prayer Shawl Fellowship 6 2nd Sunday of Advent 7 8:00am Worship/ Communion 9:15am Education Hour/ Sunday School 10:30am Worship/ Communion 5:00pm BUFF 6:00pm, FTF 13 14 Newsletter Deadline 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:00am Worship/ Communion 9:15am Sunday school program 10:30am Worship/ Communion 6:00pm HPB, HB 6:00pm, FTF 6:00pm HPB, HB 20 4th Sunday of Advent 21 8:00am Worship/ Communion 9:15am Carol sing 10:30am Worship/ Communion 5:00pm BUFF 6:00pm, FTF 27 28 1st Sunday of Christmas 9:30am Worship / Communion 5:30pm Irish dance class, HB 23 6:45am Men’s Bible Study 7:00pm Choir 6:00pm HPB, HB 29 Office closed 5:30pm Irish dance class, HB Locations: CM-Commons FH -Fellowship Hall FR-Fireside Room HB-Hjortland Bld. 9:00am PSF, FR 9:00am Quilts, FH 5:00pm GosBells 6:30pm GSA, HB 11 12 18 19 11:00am Terrace lunch, (Buffalo Hill residents) 5:00pm GosBells 9:00am PSF, FR 7:30am Men's Prayer Breakfast @Perkins 9:00am Quilts, FH 1:00pm East River Circle, FR 5:00pm GosBells 6:30pm GSA, HB Christmas Eve 5:00pm Family Worship service 8:00pm Worship w/ Chancel choir 10:00pm Worship w/ Gosbells Noon Women on the Go, Wheat Montana 6:00pm HPB, HB 8 30 31 New Year’s Eve 6:45am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am PSF, FR 9:00am Quilts, FH 25 26 Christmas Day 10:00am Worship Office closed 1/1 New Year’s Day Office Closed 9 December Service Groups 2015 December 27 ONE 9:30am service December 6 December 13 December 20 8:00am Margaret Mohl Chuck and Jane Spain Sandy Lindlief Lillian Hammer 10:30am Lorna Hauser Sally Devine Marj Nelson Diane Wiggin Patti McEntire Bill and Jana Pursell Larry and Char Kaber Sandy Lindlief Sherry Baker Anne Taylor Linda Geisel Linda Geisel Peggy Ellingsen Marianne Gielow Chuck McCoy Bev Taylor Ross, Mitch, Andrew and Jacob Johnson John Erfle Ted Berg Glenda Skeim Toth Mendius Pauline Sjordal Tony Nelson 8:00am Larry Kaber Margerette and Gary Dahlgren Janet Veidt Linda Geisel 10:30am Judie Cundy Debbie Snyder Brenda Bernard` Captains Greeters Ushers 8:00 am Dan Paschke 10:30am Bev Taylor Worship Assts. 8:00am Paul Gregory 10:30am Marcia Siblerud Jan Ulvin Communion Bill Harris Susan Mueller Lorna Hauser Delphia Blumenthal Jeanie Haugestuen Judie Cundy Anne Taylor Larry Kaber Acolytes 8:00am Pastor Mark McKenyze Fabeck Brynlie Johnson Dawson Woeppel 10:30am Pastor Mark Brandon Bernard Isabelle Burkett McKenyze Fabeck 8:00am Linda Erfle Mike and Cindy Galvin Donna Tice Susan Mueller Peggy Aagenes Cheryl Keith Sandy Lindief 10:30am Christie Deck Sheryl Saverud Bev Aronson Judie Cundy AuRaya Azure Coffee Servers Thank you for your service! Christie Deck The Bethlehem Star 10 to Donna Tice and Becky Croucher and their kitchen team and clean up crew and to the congregation. Dear members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Duane would have been very grateful to all of you who took time for his celebration of life. Fondly, Betty and the Bitney family You have surrounded us with your prayers and many acts of kindness in the loss of our daughter, Diane. For this we are forever grateful. The Lindsay family Dear Congregation, Just a note of thanks to those who have kept in touch with me this summer and fall. I’m still here! I’ve been listening on the radio; enjoying each Sunday’s sermons. I shall return soon! Thanks, Diane W Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you so much for your gift of $1,000.00! Your donation will help us provide shelter, meals and basic needs to families and individuals who are in crisis. Because of generosity like yours, we were able to help 56 individuals last month. Sincerely, Chris Krager, Director Samaritan House Thank you for your generous gift of $165.15 received in early November. Your gift will go to help less fortunate members of our community. Sincerely, Lori Botkin, Director Flathead Food Bank Dear Bethlehem, A special thank you from Duane’s family to our church family for your continued support, your prayers, cards, calls, visits and memorials. It is truly appreciated. How thankful we are to Pastor Mark for all his visits, prayers and services. Also to Ted Berg, Paul Gregory, Brenda Corbin, and Kent Gunderson; GRIFFIN FISCHER ELMER WHITCRAFT CLARICE AMUNDSON JANAN BELLER GORDON HELLAND JOHN AHLES BEV ARONSON JEFF LITTLE POLLY NIKOLAISEN DONNA TICE EILEEN AYRES JASON BURKETT HELEN DOLLAN AURAYA AZURE JAMES BROWN KEATON JOHNSON BRYNN MASON ISAIAH NOLAN-HEWITT LYNAE WEST BILL HARRIS DENISE GULLICKSON DOROTHY JOHNSON DUANE NELSON BETTY AADSEN PRUDIE EAKINS KELLY BERNARD LAURIE MORRISON BLAIR BUCKLEY EMMETT MESKIS MARY RECKIN DON WORKING MICHELE HADLEY KEN KALVIG ETHAN WEST 12/01 12/01 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/05 12/06 12/06 12/07 12/07 12/07 12/08 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/20 The Bethlehem Star NATE SPOKLIE JUDY OLSEN BOB LaSTOFKA MARILYN PETERSON CHRISTOPHER BECCARI JADEN WOEPPEL ANNIE PATTERSON GLENDA SKEIM JULIE ANDERSON GEORGIA SAVERUD MARJ NELSON DIANE WIGGIN TED HENDERSON JASON GERBOZY CHARLOTTE KABER KATHY SCHENCK 12/22 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/30 11 For: Jim Eakins; Betty Anderson (Duane’s mother); George McMurray (Marj Nelson’s uncle); Irene Rodger (friend of Cindy Galvin); Betty Davidson (Ted Berg’s sister); Ken Field; Arlene Hern-Erickson (cousin of Dorothy Alstad); Eileen Ayres; Bart Close (Heidi Lane’s father); George Thorson; Al Hauser; Diane Trout; Gordon and Virginia Gregory; S. G. Mac; Bob LaStofka. Our shut-ins, who remain at home, Immanuel Lutheran Home, The Retreat, Buffalo Hill Terrace, Lakeview Care Center, Heritage Place, WelLife, Prestige Assisted Living, Expressions and Edgewood Vista. We extend our deepest sympathies to Larry and Margie Simpson upon the death of Larry’s mother and to the Lindsay family upon the death of Carol Lindsay. The deadline for the January newsletter is December 14th. Thank you- Brenda Church Committee Chairs Wednesday Advent Soup Suppers / Worship Services Soup suppers: 5:30 followed by Worship at 7:00pm. President: Christian Education: Lydia Bunten 250-8501 Date Committee Serving Director Phone Dec. 2 Youth Libby Zimmerman 270-2387 Worship and Music Marlene Anderson 257-6393 Vice Presidents: Dec. 9 Fellowship Property Outreach Jana Pursell Mike Galvin Marj Nelson 261-1162 257-4018 837-0182 Dec. 16 Christian Ed Stewardship Lydia Bunten Wayne Saverud 250-8501 257-4018 Duane Anderson Nancy Brosten Ross Johnson 257-6393 752-2357 608/516-3027 Secretary / Treasurer: Bryan Gilbertson 756-9229 Fellowship: Jana Pursell 261-1162 Outreach: Marj Nelson 837-0182 Property: Mike Galvin 756-6414 Stewardship: Wayne Saverud 257-4018 Worship and Music: Marlene Anderson 257-6393 Youth: Libby Zimmerman 756-0067 12 Bethlehem Lutheran Church 603 South Main Street, Kalispell, Montana 59901 406/752-6140TEL-406/752-6145FAX [email protected] / www.beth-luth.org Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Kalispell, MT 59901 Permit #11 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We're on the web: www.beth-luth.org The beauty of the Sanctuary will be enhanced by a display of poinsettias during the Christmas season. You are invited to participate in this project by contributing $20 in memory or in honor of someone special, which will be noted in the Christmas bulletins. Fill out this form, include payment and place in the offering plate or mail to the church office by December 14th. Name (s) _______________________________________________________________________ Phone number ___________________________________________________________________ Given in memory of ______________________________________________________________ Given in honor of ________________________________________________________________