EGCC (Manchester)
EGCC (Manchester)
Airport Information EGCC (Manchester) General Info Manchester, GBR N 53° 21.2' W 02° 16.5' Mag Var: 4.7°W Elevation: 257' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs Fuel: Jet A-1 Repairs: Minor Airframe, Minor Engine Time Zone Info: GMT uses DST Runway Info Runway 05L-23R 10000' x 151' concrete Runway 05R-23L 9997' x 148' asphalt Runway 05L (54.0°M) TDZE 231' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 1401' Runway 05R (54.0°M) TDZE 189' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Runway 23L (234.0°M) TDZE 227' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Displaced Threshold Distance 597' Runway 23R (234.0°M) TDZE 256' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Displaced Threshold Distance 600' Communications Info ATIS 128.175 Arrival Service ATIS 121.975 Departure Service Manchester Ground Tower 121.85 Manchester Ground Tower 121.7 Manchester Tower 119.4 Manchester Tower 118.625 Manchester Radar Approach Control 118.575 Secondary Manchester Radar Approach Control 135.0 Manchester Director Approach Control 121.35 Notebook Info JEPPESEN JeppView JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 13 JUL 07 10-1P MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 13 JUL 07 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS D-ATIS Arrival D-ATIS Departure JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-1P1 MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL - Departing ACFT: ATC will require departing ACFT to use the following category III holding points: RWY 23R: J2. RWY 05L: A2. 128.17 121.97 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. GENERAL The following procedures may at any time be departed from to the extent necessary for avoiding immediate danger. Every operator of ACFT using the APT shall ensure at all times that ACFT are operated in a manner calculated to cause the least disturbance practicable in areas surrounding the APT. 1.2.2. PREFERENTIAL RWY RWY 23R/L shall be used for all movements when there is a head wind component and when tailwind component is not greater than 5 KT, unless otherwise required by ATC. 1.2.3. NIGHTTIME RESTRICTIONS In the interests of noise abatement, certain restrictions are imposed on night jet flights. Operators concerned are advised to obtain details from the Airfield Duty Manager. RWYs 23L/05R will not normally be used between 2200-0600LT, except when RWYs 23R/05L closed for maintenance. Between 2330-0559LT ACFT in group QC 4 will not be scheduled to depart. OPERATIONAL RESTRICTIONS: Between 2300-0659LT ACFT in groups QC 8 and QC 16 will not be scheduled to take-off and land except in emergency or if exempt. Jet and turbo-prop ACFT approaching Manchester APT are expected to minimize noise disturbance by use of low power, low drag and between 2200-0559LT continuous descent approach procedures. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS ATC will approve idle ground engine runs. A safety man must be positioned behind the ACFT to warn road traffic. Permission for ground testing in excess of idle must be requested through the Airfield Duty Manager, Ext 3331, at all times. All engine test above idle must commence in the Engine Test Bay. Times of operation are 0600-2300LT. Engine testing on the open airfield will only be allowed for Chapter 2 ACFT between 0900-1700LT and for Chapter 3 ACFT between 0600-2300LT. Propeller driven ACFT are to be classified as Chapter 3. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) DURING CAT II/III OPERATIONS 1.3.1. GENERAL RWY 05L available to CAT II/III operations, CAT II operations not available for CAT C & D ACFT due to terrain profile. RWY 23R available to CAT II/III operations. Following general restrictions apply during CAT II/III operations: Manchester Airport operates two stages of LVP in CAT II/III operations: ATC LVP and ATC LVP due ceiling. (RVR less than 600m) - Reversion to a single RWY operation 23R or 05L. For any residual departures from 23L/05R, the centerline lights are spaced at 30m intervals which requires that, except where an AOC (air operator certificate) holder has less restrictive state authorised take-off minima, departures in RVR of less than 400m are not permitted. ATC LVP - Arriving ACFT: Only the following designated exits will be illuminated for ACFT to vacate: RWY 23R via HST BD, AE or link A, RWY 05L via HST JB or link J via holding position J1 at the end of RWY. (RVR 600m or greater and ceiling of 200' or less) - RWY 23L/23R dual RWY operation or RWY 05L single RWY operation. All available RWY exits associated with either RWY 23R or RWY 05L will be illuminated. ACFT may vacate at any of these exits. 23L/23R dual RWY operation will require departing ACFT to "hold short" of RWY 23R at the following CAT III holding points as instructed, H2, G2, F2 or D2. Pilots are required to read back all ATC "hold short" instructions. ATC LVP due ceiling - Ground Movement Radar (GMR) is normally available to monitor pilot "RWY vacated" reports. When GMR is not available RWY LOC Sensitive Area (LSA) vacation will be assessed by receipt of a pilot report that the ACFT has passed the last alternate yellow and green centerline lights. These lights denote the extent of the ILS LSA. - RWY 23R, link J: Taxiing ACFT must follow the Northern lighted TWY centerline. - Pilots will be informed of the relevant procedure that is in operation by Arrival and Departure ATIS or by RTF. - When LVP are in force the appropriate landing rates that can be expected are: RVR(m) Expected Landing Rate Between 1000m and 600m 20 Between 600m and 400m 12 Less than 400m 10 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES RWY 05L/23R has a turning circle at the Northeastern end, ABEAM Link J, for use by ACFT up to B747. RWY 05R/23L has two turning circles: - At 1820m from RWY 23L threshold for use by ACFT up to B767; - At 2518m from RWY 23L threshold for use by ACFT up to B747. All turning circles have unlit painted centerline and blue edge lighting beyond RWY edges. ACFT should follow the painted centerline in a clockwise direction, unless directed otherwise by ATC. Jet ACFT are to engage minimum power when using TWYs A, B and C due to the proximity of light ACFT ops in this area. TWY KC may be used as TWY for ACFT up to 198000lbs MTWA (B-757 size). Entry to RWY via TWY G: MAX B737 from East, MAX B767/A300 from West, use mim power. Vacating RWY via TWY G: No restrictions. Pilots of long-wheelbase ACFT such as B777-300 and A340-600 should exercise caution when negotiating TWY curves and intersections as main-gear to pavement edge clearance may be limited. Pilots ars reminded of the need to excercise caution on wingtip clearances from other ACFT when manoeuvring in close proximity on the ground. Particular care should be taken in the RWY holding areas and at RWY crossing points. Do not cross red stop bars unless authorized to do so by ATC. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Taxi procedures. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 13 JUL 07 10-1P2 MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN ACFT using TWY L are to use minimum power. B777 ACFT are prohibited from using this TWY. Minimum power to be used by outbound ACFT using TWY D between holding point D8 ABEAM stand 32 (Pier C). 1.4.1. TWYs during peak hours TWY P: - stands 80 & 231 are closed. - stands 233 & 235 will be realigned. TWY Q (up to B747-400): - stands 62 & 63 are closed. - stand 61 only availablle for ACFT up to MD 11. Actual status of both TWYs will be promulgated via ATIS. 1.5. PARKING PROCEDURES All stands are nose-in push-out. Stands 100 & 101 have downward slopes of 1.5% from centre of stand towards TWY D. 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION WARNING: Pilots are warned, when landing on RWY 23R in strong North Westerly winds, of the possibility of turbulence and large windshear effects. Flocks of up to 100 racing pigeons may be encountered flying across the airfield below 100' during the racing season, April-September. 4 high visibility bright lights from golf driving range 1500m/0.8NM LEFT of THR RWY 23R. 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS Cross SLP or 3 MIN before holding facility at 250 KT or less when at FL 140 or below. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.2.1. GENERAL Unless otherwise authorized by ATC ACFT using the ILS shall not descend below 2000' before intercepting GS, nor thereafter fly below it. ACFT approaching without ILS or radar assistance follow a descent path which will not result in its being at any time lower than the approach path which would be followed by an ACFT using the ILS GS. For visual approaches, or following a visual circuit, to RWY 23R/L the following additional limitations apply: - Jet ACFT shall not join the final approach at a height of less than 1760'. - Propeller driven ACFT whose MTWA exceeds 5700kg shall not join the final approach at a distance of less than 3NM from the landing THR and at a height of less than 1260'. 10-1P3 13 JUL 07 2. ARRIVAL 1. GENERAL RWY 05L/23R: The hard shoulders outboard of the RWY side stripes have only 25% of the RWY bearing strengths and should not be used by ACFT turning on the RWY or when backtracking. The grass verges are unstrengthened and when wet unlikely to sustain loads. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2.2.3. CONTINUOUS DESCENT APPROACH For ACFT to all RWYs at Manchester APT between 2200-0600LT: Headings and flight levels/altitudes by ATC. ACFT will be radar vectored. An estimate of track distance to touchdown will be passed with descent clearance. Further distance information will be given between descent clearance and the intercept heading to the ILS LOC. On receipt of descent clearance descend at the rate best suited to a continuous descent so as to join the GS at the appropriate height for the distance without the recourse to level flight. Recommended speeds: - 210 KT during approach phase; - 160 KT - 180 KT on, or shortly before the closing heading to ILS LOC; - 160 KT when established on the ILS LOC to 4 DME. ATC may request specific speeds for accurate spacing, comply with any speed adjustment as promptly as feasible with operational constraints. If a speed change for ACFT performance is necessary, advise ATC. 2.2.4. REVERSE THRUST To minimize disturbance in areas adjacent to the APT crew are requested to avoid the use of reverse thrust after landing, consistent with the safe operation of the ACFT, especially between 2300-0700LT. 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 23R is approved for CAT II/III operations & RWY 05L for CAT II (CAT A & B ACFT only) and CAT III operations, special aircrew & ACFT certification required. 2.4. RUNWAY OPERATIONS 2.4.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME Pilots are reminded that rapid exits from the landing RWY enable ATC to apply minimum spacing on final approach that will achieve maximum RWY utilisation and will minimise the occurrence of "go-arounds". RWY 05R arrivals: All ACFT must vacate the RWY no later than VB and proceed direct to TWY V. ACFT remaining on the RWY to vacate at VA or T will infringe the ILS LOC critical area. Similarly TWY S is not to be used. RWY 05L/23R arrivals: TWYs F and D are not available as RWY exits. 2.4.2. USE OF RWYs FOR LANDING "Land after" Procedure Normally, only one ACFT is permitted to land or take-off on the RWY-in-use at any one time. However, when the traffic sequence is two successive landing ACFT, the second one may be allowed to land before the first one has cleared the RWY-in-use, providing: - The RWY is long enough; - it is during DAYLIGHT hours; - the second ACFT will be able to see the first ACFT clearly and continuously until it is clear of the RWY; - the second ACFT has been warned. ATC will provide this warning by issuing the second ACFT with the instruction "Land after... (first ACFT type)" in place of the usual instruction "Cleared to land". Responsibility for ensuring adequate separation between the two ACFT rests with the pilot of the second ACFT. 2.2.2. NIGHTTIME RESTRICTIONS Between 2300-0600LT, visual approaches are not permitted. ACFT shall be positioned, by radar, to join the final APP at a distance of not less than 7NM from touchdown. This restriction does not apply to non jet ACFT whose MTWA is 5700kg or less. CHANGES: Taxi procedures. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Runway operations. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 13 JUL 07 10-1P4 2. ARRIVAL MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING Special Landing Procedures Special landing procedures may be in force in conditions shown hereunder, when the use will be as follows: - When the RWY-in-use is temporarily occupied by other traffic, landing clearance will be issued to an arriving ACFT provided that at the time the ACFT crosses the THR of the RWY-in-use the following separation distances will exist: - Landing following departure - The departing ACFT will be airborne and at least 2000m/1.1NM from the landing THR of the RWY-in-use, or if not airborne, will be at least 2400m/1.3NM from the landing THR of the RWY-in-use. - Reduced separation distances as follows will be used where both the preceeding and succeeding landing ACFT or both the landing and departing ACFT are propeller driven and have a maximum total weight authorized not exceeding 5700kg: - Landing following departure - The departing ACFT will be airborne and at least 1500m/0.8NM from the landing THR, or if not airborne, will be at least 1500m/ 0.8NM from the landing THR. The reduced distances do not apply to those jets which are 5700kg MTWA or less. - Conditions of use: The procedures will be used by DAY only under following conditions: + When the reported meteorological conditions are equal to or better than a visibility of 6km and a ceiling of 1000'. + When both the preceeding and succeeding ACFT are being operated in the normal manner. (Pilots are responsible for notifying ATC if they are operating their ACFT in other than the normal manner, e.g. final approach speed greater than 160 KT). + When the RWY is dry and free of all precipitants such that there is no evidence that the braking action may be adversely affected. + When the Air Controller is able to assess the separation visually. - When issuing a landing clearance following the application of these procedures ATC will issue the second ACFT with the following instructions: .....(call sign).....after the departing.....(ACFT type) cleared to land RWY (05L or 23R). JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 13 JUL 07 10-1P5 2. ARRIVAL MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2.6. OTHER INFORMATION 2.6.1. LOW POWER/LOW DRAG PROCEDURES ACFT should descend at a rate of at least 500' per minute, ATC will advise an estimate of track distance to touchdown when clearance to descend below the transition altitude is given. Further distance information will be given between descent clearance and the instruction to turn onto the intercept heading to the ILS Localizer. Due to high ground east of the APT, descent below 3000' will be in accordance with chart Manchester 10-1R. Recommended speeds: 210 KT-240 KT intermediate approach 160 KT-180 KT at a range of 12NM from touchdown 160 KT from 8NM to 4NM from touchdown. ATC may request specific speeds for accurate spacing and pilots are requested to comply with any speed adjustments as promptly as feasible within operational constraints. If a speed change for ACFT performance reasons is necessary, advise ATC. 2.5. TAXI PROCEDURES 2.5.1. STAND ENTRY GUIDANCE SYSTEMS The majority of stands are provided with Stand Entry Guidance by AGNIS, AGNIS with PAPA or Traffic Light Box or Mirror. Where these do not exist, a marshaller service is provided. Stands are marked by one up to three centerlines designated Left, Center and Right. Stands not associated to a pier may also be equipped with Stand Entry Guidance System. Most stands are equipped with AGNIS and PAPA. Exceptions are listed below: Stand Entry Guidance Stands AGNIS and Mirror 1, 16, 17 (up to B737-500), 2 thru 5, 7, 9, 11 (up to B737), 14, 18 (up to A321), 15 (up to B757), 24, 25 and 28. AGNIS/Traffic Light Box 201 thru 215. Pilots should proceed onto stand only when a GREEN traffic light is displayed and should stop when a Red trafficlight shows. Marshaller only 2 thru 12, 14, 15 (ACFT larger than A320), 1, 16, 17 (ACFT larger than B737-500), 18 (ACFT larger than A321), 60 thru 71, 80 thru 84, 100, 101, 216 thru 219, 231 thru 251. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 4 JAN 08 MANCHESTER, UK 10-1P6 3. DEPARTURE 3.1. START-UP, PUSH-BACK AND TAXI PROCEDURES AIRPORT.BRIEFING Pilots that require the RWY 23L starter extension (ie take-off from intersection Tango) should notify ATC on first contact with MANCHESTER Delivery. Pilots are required to inform MANCHESTER Delivery when ready to start. Start-up and push-back clearance is given by MANCHSTER Ground. Start-up approval does not imply approval to push-back. - When requesting start-up or push-back pilots should give the full call sign, type and stand number. ACFT must be ready in all respects to start and if necessary push-back, before calling on the appropriate frequency. Pilots should only request push-back when they are actually ready to do so. - When requesting push-back clearance, pilots are to inform ATC if headset communication with ground crew is not established. - Pilots are advised that delays in excess of 10 Min can be expected at the holding point during busy morning and evening periods. Sufficient time should be allowed for start, push-back and taxi to take account of such delay especially if to comply with a Calculated Take-off Time (CTOT). - ACFT types L1011, DC10 and MD11 when departing from stands 22, 26 and 202 must push-back and tow forward to ABEAM stand 28 before starting their tail mounted engine. - ACFT using the push and park system awaiting an improved Calculated Take-off Time (CTOT) are expected to be airborne with 10 Min notice. Pilots must maintain a continuous listening watch on MANCHESTER Delivery unless otherwise instructed by ATC. - Minimum power is to be used when taxiing off a remote stand. - ACFT will not be permitted to reverse off pier-served stands under own power. - ACFT requesting push-back must be in direct communication with the tug crew, via headset person. ACFT must inform ATC if they have no direct communication with a headset person. Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER + JEPPESEN 4 JAN 08 10-1P7 3. DEPARTURE JEPPESEN JeppView MANCHESTER, UK AIRPORT.BRIEFING The noise preferential routes and procedures depicted on chart 10-4 and on Manchester SID charts are to be flown by all departing ACFT until the level defined stated below is reached: Via Termination preferential route - LISTO from RWYs 05L/R, 23R/L 5000' - WAL, MONTY or NOKIN from RWYs 05L/R 4000' from RWYs 23R/L 3000' - POL, DESIG from RWYs 05L/R, 23R/L 4000' - HON from RWYs 23R/L 5000' Exempted from the above are: - ACFT of 5700kg MTWA or less, - those ACFT instructed by ATC to make early turns in order to expedite traffic flow, such instructions may be issued between 0700-2300LT, to propeller ACFT of 23000kg MTWA or less and the following jet ACFT : BAe 146 (Avro RJ series), Canadair Regional Jet, Embraer EMB-135/145, - and unless otherwise instructed by ATC or deviations are required in the interests of safety. The use of these routes is supplementary to noise abatement take-off techniques. After take-off, pilots should ensure that they are at a minimum height of 760' before commencing any turn. Non-standard departure instructions will not normally be issued between 2300-0700LT. Freight ACFT will not normally be issued with non-standard departure instructions at any time. 3.4. RWY OPERATIONS 3.4.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME 3.2. SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL 100 unless otherwise authorized. 3.3. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES On departure from RWY 23L/R, pilots should take care to avoid overflying the town of Knutsford. Link Alpha should be used for all jet ACFT and all large propeller driven ACFT departing from RWY 05L. Between 0600-2330LT any ACFT may depart from links AG, AF and B subject to operational requirements by ATC/pilots. Between 2330-0600LT all jet ACFT and large propeller driven ACFT shall depart from the most westerly link available. After take-off operate every jet ACFT so that it is at or above 1260' at the point nearest to the noise monitoring terminal for the relevant departure. After take-off or go around ACFT are to be operated so that they will not cause more than 105 PNdB between 0700-2300LT and 98 PNdB between 2300-0700LT at the relevant noise monitoring terminal. Details of noise monitoring locations and performance are obtainable from Environment Department (Tel.: + 44 161 489 3504, eMail: [email protected]). Jet ACFT maintain a minimum climb gradient of at least 500' per minute at power settings to ensure progressively decreasing noise levels at points on the ground under the flight path beyond the monitoring terminal. CHANGES: Start-up, push-back and taxi procedures. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. On receipt of line-up clearance pilots should ensure commensurate with safety and standard operating procedures, that they are able to taxi to the correct position at the hold and line up on the RWY without delay. Whenever possible, cockpit checks should be completed prior to line up and any checks requiring completion whilst on the RWY should be kept to the minimum required. Pilots should ensure that they are able to commence the take-off roll immediately take-off clearance is issued. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView 257' 35 0^ 33 30 2077' 0 350 3100 2087' 270^ ^ 300 25 Manchester 0 1B D1 0 2120' 310 29 15 2400 D2 0 SLP Speed Limit Point 0 02-30 POLE HILL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 DALEY CHANGES: Runway designation. MAX 230 KT NOT TO SCALE NT DESCENT PLANNING/ ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: DALEY 1A: FL200 by 10 NM before LAKEY, DALEY 3D: FL230 by TILNI, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( FL70 ) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC N53 40.1 W002 21.0 TNT .7 115 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 112.1 POL POL D 30^ 4 R3 CHANGES: New chart. N54 00.8 W002 26.2 D4 02-00 180^ OUTSIDE THE DESIGNATED RADAR MINIMUM ALTITUDE AREA The minimum altitude to be allocated by the radar controller will be either the Minimum Sector Altitude or 1000' above any fixed obstacles: - within 5 NM 1 of the aircraft or - within the sector 15 NM 2 ahead of and within 20^ either side of the aircraft's track. 3 NM 1 or 10 NM 2 when the aircraft is within 15 NM of the radar antennae. PROCEDURE LOSS OF COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE INITIAL Continue visually or by means of an appropriate approved final approach aid. APPROACH If not possible proceed to DAYNE holding via AMLET or ROSUN holding via BURNI at FL60 or last assigned level if higher, as appropriate to the final approach chart. INTERMEDIATE Continue visually or by means of an appropriate final approach aid. AND FINAL If not possible follow the Missed Approach Procedure to DAYNE holding via APPROACH AMLET or ROSUN holding via BURNI, as appropriate to the final approach chart. ^ D4 2000 N54 13.5 W001 57.4 21 4000 WARNING Do not proceed beyond DALEY without ATC clearance. 6 23 SLP GASKO 1 0^ 15 CONTOUR INTERVALS 53-00 SLP D56 TNT 360^ D2 0 210 ^ ^ 23 9 ^ 2400 174 L700 DALEY3D A F L14 MH X F 49 1 B, 1 C , 2 M A 4/ or below FL140. 14 N54 32.9 W001 51.3 SLP SETEL 2 For flights at WHI NDB 5 D or above FL150. 0^ 24 5 1 For flights at WHITEGATE 7 BEGAM ^ DAYNE MSA ARP TILNI N54 09.4 W002 07.3 5 10 53 LAKEY N54 14.3 W002 58.9 AMLET 150 D1 0 2400' APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point DALEY at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. D8 MCH NDB Y LE DA 3000 D32 2400 MANCHESTER 10 Manchester (Woodford) 1600 N54 43.3 W003 20.4 10 NM before LAKEY 090^ 270^ 3100' DEAN CROSS 1A LPL NDB 1600 DCS 115.2 DCS 22 MCT VOR DME EY D AL MANCHESTER D ^ 1467 1^ 1 20 0^ 00 35 2490' 3000 53-30 3500' 090^ TO BE USED WHEN MCT UNSERVICEABLE FOR STARS DALEY 2E, 1F, 1G REFER TO CHART 10-2A 06 180^ D10 2400 Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Aircraft joining controlled airspace from 257' northeast will route via SETEL. DALEY ONE ALFA (DALEY 1A) [DALE1A] 1 DALEY ONE BRAVO (DALEY 1B) [DALE1B] 2 DALEY ONE CHARLIE (DALEY 1C) [DALE1C] DALEY THREE DELTA (DALEY 3D) [DALE3D] ARRIVALS ^ 2452' 3500 .STAR. .Eff.7.Jun. 360^ 030 10-2 1 JUN 07 128.17 D20 LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER D-ATIS Trans alt: 5000' MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN DALEY 3D Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC 0^ .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. D49 *118.57 Apt Elev .Eff.7.Jun. 193^ MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 10-1R R013^ D 1 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 206 ^ MANCHESTER 135.0 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 29 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 428 MCH MCH MANCHESTER N53 21.2 W002 16.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER DESCENT PLANNING/ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: FL200 by D25 TNT, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( 6000' or equivalent FL) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC 2400' MSA ARP 270^ 3100' 3500' OTBED DESCENT PLANNING/ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: DALEY 1F, 1G: FL200 by GOLES, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( FL70 ) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC Speed Limit Point SLP N53 35.2 W001 18.1 N53 03.2 W001 40.2 D DESIG TRENT TNT N53 31.6 W001 53.6 115.7 TNT NOT TO SCALE UPTON 21 2E DALEY 1 DAYNE N53 14.3 W002 01.8 112^ D16 AMLET D14 TNT M N53 16.1 W001 50.3 e HA 1 quiv 60 al 00 en o D1 tF r 7 L 1 D 2 2A AY , 1 NE B SLP D5 TNT 31 SLP Speed Limit Point WARNING Do not proceed beyond DAYNE without ATC clearance. NOT TO SCALE D 5 4^ TNT TRENT 115.7 TNT N53 03.2 W001 40.2 R1 34 ^ R3 DA 2 YN 5 E 1B D25 TNT D2 9 D25 TNT N52 44.5 W001 04.3 SAPCO 428 MCH MANCHESTER MCH N53 21.2 W002 16.4 1 ALTERNATE HOLDING To be used when MCT VOR or DME u/s. M D1 eq HA 7/ uiv 60 DAYNE D 14 alent00 or 17 FL 3 14 D ^ TNT TRENT 115.7 TNT 31 4 4^ LESTA D25 TNT N52 32.4 W001 21.4 WARNING Do not proceed beyond DALEY without ATC clearance. 230 KT R1 34 ^ D 1 ^ MAX N53 21.2 W002 16.4 332 N53 40.1 W002 21.0 MSA ARP 2 DALEY 2400' 3 0 2 T4 R105^ LIBSO 1G 42 DALEY N53 36.5 W001 05.0 GOLES D 285^ 8 260^ 3 DALE 7 Y 1F, 1G SLP MCT 428 MCH MCH 270^ 3100' 8 10 3500' 090^ 343^ 112.1 POL POL Trans alt: 5000' 25 25 D .STAR. 7 N5 7 5 UN 4 D4 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC .Eff.7.Jun. 2^ R15 ^ R1 6 3 0^ R33 10-2B APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point DAYNE at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCT or MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCT or MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. ^ 333 3^ R15 N53 47.0 W002 17.1 7 2 D 93^ 257' N53 21.4 W002 15.7 15 ARTHA Apt Elev 113.55 MCT D WELIN N52 14.8 W000 51.1 GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM (GPWS) NUISANCE WARNINGS To minimize occurences, aircraft enroute DAYNE holding to RWYs 23L/R, MAX 210 KT between TNT R-300 and R-350 unless otherwise authorized by ATC. N53 03.2 W001 40.2 M CHANGES: Runway designation. 1 JUN 07 DAYNE TWO ALFA (DAYNE 2A) [DAYN2A] DAYNE ONE BRAVO (DAYNE 1B) [DAYN1B] ARRIVALS D TO BE USED WHEN MCT UNSERVICEABLE 49 4/ D4 L70 ^MHAXFFL140 0 5 A 1 360^ 090^ DALEY ONE FOXTROT (DALEY 1F) [DALE1F] DALEY ONE GOLF (DALEY 1G) [DALE1G] ARRIVALS APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point DALEY at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. N53 31.5 E000 05.6 280^ FOR FLIGHTS AT FL80 MANCHESTER 128.17 Trans alt: 5000' MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 360^ DALEY TWO ECHO (DALEY 2E) [DALE2E] NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D-ATIS DA 44 LE Y1 F 257' .STAR. (POL D30) 128.17 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC .Eff.7.Jun. N53 17.3 E000 01.9 Apt Elev D-ATIS N53 44.6 W002 06.2 10-2A 1 JUN 07 299 ^ MANCHESTER POLE HILL MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 128.17 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC 257' .STAR. Trans alt: 5000' MSA ARP ISLE OF MAN 112.1 POL POL 112.2 IOM D N54 04.0 W004 45.8 D30 WAL 30 LYNAS LAKEY R187^ WALLASEY 114.1 WAL 20 D MIRSI 1A 10 ^ CHANGES: Runway designation. 2 8/1 or D1 0 0 0 t FL A 6 len 0 MHuiva FL14 eq MAX | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If MCT VOR or DME u/s 1 For flights at or above FL150. 2 For flights at TNT 064 8 Speed Limit Point SLP TNT5.7 11 D1 R354^ 230 KT N53 23.5 W003 08.1 DESCENT PLANNING/ ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: ROSUN 1A: FL200 by 10 NM before LAKEY, ROSUN 3D: FL230 by TILNI, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( FL70 ) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC 30^ 4 R3 WALLASEY APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point MIRSI at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCT or MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCT or MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. POLE HILL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 MAX D19 WAL 114.1 WAL WARNING Do not proceed beyond MIRSI without ATC clearance. WARNING Do not proceed beyond ROSUN without ATC clearance. D 230 KT D4 007^ 10 NM before MONTY 112.1 POL POL ROSUN N53 40.1 W002 21.0 21 N52 53.6 W003 10.4 N52 33.2 W003 12.0 N54 13.5 W001 57.4 N54 00.8 W002 26.2 D40 D MAX NOT TO SCALE SLP D56 TNT D31 MCT Clearance limit is MIRSI unless otherwise instructed by ATC. ^ SLP GASKO SLP SETEL MONTY NOT TO SCALE 2 3 9^ N54 32.9 W001 51.3 FL70 MIRSI N53 21.2 W002 16.4 174^ D30 10 N53 04.0 W003 09.6 6 23 14 ROSUN3D 1 B, 1 C , 12 To be used when POL VOR or DME u/s. 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 REXAM NITON 1 ALTERNATE HOLDING MCT 428 MCH MCH MANCHESTER TILNI D DESCENT PLANNING/ ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: MIRSI 1A: FL200 by 10 NM before MONTY, MIRSI 1B, 1C: FL200 by D30 WAL, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( 6000' or equivalent FL) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC 10 SLP D N54 09.4 W002 07.3 29 N53 23.5 W003 08.1 MSA ARP 7 BEGAM 5 N54 14.3 W002 58.9 D8 WAL 230 KT ^ 10 NM before LAKEY ^ 150 D MAX 2400' APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point ROSUN at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCT or MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCT or MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. 1B MIRSI 1B D43 064 9^ R278^ N53 32.3 W002 42.7 53 30 MIRSI N SU RO R3 0 D30 WAL N54 43.3 W003 20.4 D32 13 098^ D 270^ 3100' DEAN CROSS 10 N53 26.6 W004 20.0 4^ 24 25 R DCS 115.2 DCS 1A OL 0 P or 5/36000nt FL 2 D A le 40 MHuivaX FL1 eq MA D 1 18 D 22 C UN ROS MI 41 RS I1 3500' 090^ FOR STARS ROSUN 2E, 1F, 1G REFER TO CHART 10-2E N53 44.6 W002 06.2 Speed Limit Point SLP POLE HILL ^ .STAR. ROSUN ONE ALFA (ROSUN 1A) [ROSU1A] 1 ROSUN ONE BRAVO (ROSUN 1B) [ROSU1B] 2 ROSUN ONE CHARLIE (ROSUN 1C) [ROSU1C] ROSUN THREE DELTA (ROSUN 3D) [ROSU3D] ARRIVALS ^ 1467 1^ 1 1 29 .Eff.7.Jun. 360^ IOM 2400' 3100' 10-2D Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Aircraft joining controlled airspace from 257' northeast will route via SETEL. 128.17 360^ D 1 JUN 07 270^ 090^ MIRSI ONE ALFA (MIRSI 1A) [MIRS1A] MIRSI ONE BRAVO (MIRSI 1B) [MIRS1B] MIRSI ONE CHARLIE (MIRSI 1C) [MIRS1C] ARRIVALS MANCHESTER D-ATIS 3500' MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN D49 Apt Elev D-ATIS .Eff.7.Jun. 193^ 10-2C 1 JUN 07 20 MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ROSUN 3D MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. D29 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 R013^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. or below FL140. D MCT 428 MCH MCH MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 N53 21.2 W002 16.4 refer to chart 10-2 CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TNT WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. N53 21.2 W002 16.4 N53 21.4 W002 15.7 MANCHESTER MCT 428 MCH MCH 113.55 MCT POLE HILL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. D33 WAL At . XUMAT 21 N53 28.0 W002 28.4 D 3 1^ 22 5000' D45.3 12.3 DESIG N53 31.6 W001 53.6 083^ D24.1 WAL WALLASEY 114.1 WAL NOT TO SCALE D TRENT D refer to chart 10-2A MSA ARP At 5000' E Speed Limit Point SLP N53 03.2 W001 40.2 115.7 TNT MSA ARP 270^ NOT TO SCALE WARNING Do not proceed beyond ROSUN without ATC clearance. N53 31.6 W001 53.6 DESIG 3100' DESCENT PLANNING/ATC REQUIREMENTS When determining top of descent point, pilots should plan for possible clearance as follows: ROSUN 1F, 1G: FL200 by GOLES, and for possible clearance to lowest holding level ( FL70 ) by the SLP. Pilots unable to comply must notify ATC as soon as possible. ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC 090^ 299 ^ 3500' OTBED RO 44 SU N1 F 42 230 KT 2400' 112.1 POL POL D At or above 2500' DESIG 1R N53 43.6 W002 31.1 270^ 3100' SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED N53 23.5 W003 08.1 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3500' 090^ DESIG ONE ROMEO (DESIG 1R) [DESI1R] DESIG ONE YANKEE (DESIG 1Y) [DESI1Y] RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES D (MCT D24) R354^ 2400' N53 17.3 E000 01.9 LIBSO ROSUN 1G 21 2E ROSUN UPTON 8 D19 FL70 BURNI ^ 330 If MCT VOR or DME u/s 15 D 17 MAX N53 40.1 W002 21.0 ROSUN R105^ 269^ D 260^ 285^ 112.1 POL POL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 POLE HILL SLP 4 D4 .SID. 15 3^ R15 MANCHESTER, UK D MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 E CHANGES: Runway designation. ^ 125.95 3 DM 174^ 333 15 .Eff.7.Jun. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preApt Elev 3. No turns ferential routes (refer to 10-4). 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. MANCHESTER Control 360^ 10-3 1 JUN 07 345^ D MANCHESTER ^D 153 APPROACH PROCEDURES WITHOUT RADAR CONTROL Aircraft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an approach procedure. Leave holding point ROSUN at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to MCT or MCH descending to 3500'. For RWYs 05L/R & 23L only, when within 10 NM of MCT or MCH descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure in accordance with the Instrument Approach charts. 3 ROSU 7 D N 1F, GOLES 1G N53 36.5 W001 05.0 ROSUN ONE FOXTROT (ROSUN 1F) [ROSU1F] ROSUN ONE GOLF (ROSUN 1G) [ROSU1G] ARRIVALS JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN Trans alt: 5000' N53 31.5 E000 05.6 280^ FOR FLIGHTS AT FL80 .STAR. 360^ ROSUN TWO ECHO (ROSUN 2E) [ROSU2E] (POL D30) 257' .Eff.7.Jun. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 8 DM Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC N53 35.2 W001 18.1 128.17 10-2E 1 JUN 07 Apt Elev D-ATIS MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. E NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 7 DM JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 21 20 3.2 D ME DESIG 1Y These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 DESIG 1R 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 340' per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 292' per NM (4.8%) up to 2500' for obstacle, 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 ATC or airspace purposes. 292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 1458 DESIG 1Y 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or 292' per NM (4.8%) up to 2500' for obstacle, non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior ATC or airspace purposes. to take-off and request alternative clearance. ROUTING SID RWY 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 345^ track towards DESIG 1R XUMAT, at MCT 8 DME turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-083 to DESIG. 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 345^ track towards DESIG 1Y XUMAT, at MCT 8 DME turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-083 to DESIG. CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 10-3A 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER Control Apt Elev 257' 125.95 .Eff.7.Jun. .SID. 3500' 270^ 090^ 360^ 2400' 3100' MSA ARP DESIG ONE SIERRA (DESIG 1S) [DESI1S] DESIG ONE ZULU (DESIG 1Z) [DESI1Z] RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Control 134.42 1 JUN 07 10-3B .Eff.7.Jun. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 3500' 270^ 090^ 2400' 3100' MSA ARP HONILEY ONE ROMEO (HON 1R) HONILEY ONE YANKEE (HON 1Y) RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES JET-AIRCRAFT ONLY 1 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED 112.1 POL POL D SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED POLE HILL D WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. 275^ 3. 2 8 MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 E HON 1R 7 3 DM 5 DME N53 44.6 W002 06.2 285^ DM E HON 1Y WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 05R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 05L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. TABLY D14 MCT N53 30.2 W001 57.5 N53 23.5 W003 08.1 D12 MCT D58 HON D10 MCT NOT TO SCALE At or above 3000' 5 WALLASEY 114.1 WAL SPEED PROFILE Speed profile applies to all acft following these SIDs unless cancelled by ATC. Jet acft above 35000 KG MTOW: - 250 KT until FL100, - 280-290 KT between FL100 & FL260. Jet acft below 35000 KG MTOW & all non-jet acft: - 240-250 KT until FL260. If unable to comply, inform ATC before obtaining departure clearance. 4 2 D45.3 D62 2 WAL D15 5000' ^ 156 N53 31.6 W001 53.6 At N53 16.3 W002 27.0 ^ 153 DESIG 083^ D MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 360^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SANBA N53 08.4 W002 20.1 At At or above 5000' 4000' At or above but not before 760' DER ^ 055 D 113.55 MCT 13 NOT TO SCALE DESIG 1Z These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 346' per NM (5.7%) up to 4000' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior 346' per NM 433 577 866 1155 1443 1732 to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID RWY ROUTING DESIG 1S 05L Climb straight ahead, at or above 760', but not before DER intercept MCT R-055, at D14 MCT turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-083 to DESIG. DESIG 1Z 05R Climb straight ahead, intercept MCT R-055, at D14 MCT turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-083 to DESIG. CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 113.65 HON HON HONILEY N52 21.4 W001 39.8 1 Non-jet acft and the following jet acft will be cleared via LISTO 1R/1Y: acft up to 35000 KG MTOW, BAe 146 (Avro RJ series); Embraer E135, E145; Bombardier CRJ1/2/7/9; BD-700 Global Express; Gulfstream 5. Pilots must ensure adherence to clearance as issued by ATC. 6^ N53 21.4 W002 15.7 D R33 MCT MANCHESTER 53 DESIG 1S D WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. 12 Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 HON 1R 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 340' per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 280' per NM (4.6%) up to 5000' for obstacle, 298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489 ATC or airspace purposes. 280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 HON 1Y 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or 298' per NM (4.9%) up to 5000' for obstacle, non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior ATC or airspace purposes. to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID ROUTING RWY 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 275^ track, at MCT 5 HON 1R DME turn LEFT to TABLY, intercept HON R-336 inbound to HON. HON 1Y 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 285^ track, at MCT 5 DME turn LEFT to TABLY, intercept HON R-336 inbound to HON. CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .Eff.7.Jun. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Apt Elev Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 257' 5. In order to alleviate airspace congestion and improve ATC flexibility, pilots of jet aircraft allowed to fly the LISTO SID may be offered HON 1R/1Y SID at a late stage prior to departure. Pilots unable to accept a Honiley SID when offered must inform ATC. 6. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 3500' 090^ SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER, UK .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 3. No turns 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. Apt Elev 257' LISTO ONE SIERRA (LISTO 1S) [LIST1S] LISTO ONE ZULU (LISTO 1Z) [LIST1Z] RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES 3500' 270^ 090^ 2400' VIA AIRWAYS AND FOR LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE VIA TNT SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED 3100' MSA ARP 112.1 POL POL WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. D POLE HILL N53 21.4 W002 15.7 2 D ME 3.2 D MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 ME 163^ O1 ^ 156 T LIS R LIS 1Y TO 3000' NOT TO SCALE Aircraft requesting cruising levels at or below FL70 will be routed via LIC. LISTO 1Z D24 POL LISTO 1S At or above 2000' D33 POL At or above 3000' SPEED PROFILE Speed profile applies to all acft following these SIDs unless cancelled by ATC. Jet acft above 35000 KG MTOW: - 250 KT until FL100, - 280-290 KT between FL100 & FL260. Jet acft below 35000 KG MTOW & all non-jet acft: - 240-250 KT until FL260. If unable to comply, inform ATC before obtaining departure clearance. 188^ MANCHESTER 6 MCT 113.55 MCT DM E D 8 ^ 11.520DME NOT TO SCALE At or above 10-3D N53 44.6 W002 06.2 D 9 DM E 13 LISTO N53 08.6 W002 12.0 At 5000' These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of LISTO 1S 662' per NM (10.9%) until MCT 1.2 DME, then 419' per NM (6.9%) up to 2000', then D HONILEY 304' per NM (5%) up to 5000' for obstacle, 113.65 HON ATC or airspace purposes. N52 21.4 W001 39.8 LISTO 1Z 298' per NM (4.9%) until MCT 1.2 DME, then 419' per NM (6.9%) up to 2000', then 304' per NM (5%) up to 5000' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 662' per NM 828 1104 1656 2208 2760 3312 419' per NM 524 699 1048 1398 1747 2096 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative 298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489 clearance. SID RWY ROUTING LISTO 1S 05L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 1.2 DME turn RIGHT, 150^ track, at MCT 2.7 DME turn RIGHT, intercept POL R-188 to LISTO. LISTO 1Z 05R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 1.2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept POL R-188 to LISTO. 341^ | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 05R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 05L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. 4000' .1 .1 ^ D51 R341 HON At or above Aircraft requesting cruising levels at or below FL70 will be routed via LIC. D51 161^ WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of LISTO a missed approach on runway 23R ATC N53 08.6 W002 12.0 may instruct aircraft which have depar(112.1 POL R-188/D36.2) ted from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. At 5000' These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of LISTO 1R 887' per NM (14.6%) until MCT 2 DME, then 365' per NM (6%) up to 5000' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. D HONILEY 113.65 HON LISTO 1Y 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME N52 21.4 W001 39.8 for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 887' per NM 1109 1479 2218 2957 3696 4436 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior 365' per NM 456 608 911 1215 1519 1823 to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID RWY ROUTING LISTO 1R 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 2 DME turn LEFT, 163^ track, intercept HON R-341 inbound to LISTO. LISTO 1Y 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn LEFT, 156^ track, intercept HON R-341 inbound to LISTO. CHANGES: Runway designation. 134.42 MSA ARP Available to non-jet acft and the following jet acft: acft up to 35000 KG MTOW, BAe 146 (Avro RJ series); Embraer E135, E145; Bombardier CRJ1/2/7/9; BD-700 Global Express; Gulfstream 5. Pilots must ensure adherence to clearance as issued by ATC. WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. 3100' 360^ 2400' VIA AIRWAYS AND FOR LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE VIA TNT SPEED PROFILE Speed profile applies to all acft following these SIDs unless cancelled by ATC. Jet acft above 35000 KG MTOW: - 250 KT until FL100, - 280-290 KT between FL100 & FL260. Jet acft below 35000 KG MTOW & all non-jet acft: - 240-250 KT until FL260. If unable to comply, inform ATC before obtaining departure clearance. 270^ MANCHESTER Control 1 JUN 07 360^ LISTO ONE ROMEO (LISTO 1R) [LIST1R] LISTO ONE YANKEE (LISTO 1Y) [LIST1Y] RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 2.7 10-3C 9 134.42 1 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 3.2 D36.2 MANCHESTER Control MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. CHANGES: Runway designation. HON | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER Control Apt Elev 257' 128.05 10-3E .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER, UK .SID. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER 3500' 257' 128.05 3100' MSA ARP MONTY ONE ROMEO (MONTY 1R) [MONT1R] MONTY ONE YANKEE (MONTY 1Y) [MONT1Y] RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES Apt Elev 360^ 2400' POLE HILL D WAL WALLASEY At 5000' XOBRO 220 ^ 23L MONTY 1S 5 257^ 275^ 6 285^ 3. 2 DM 2 DM E 22 23 E 31 D15 MCT N53 17.3 W002 39.8 WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 05R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 05L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of MONTY 1R 340' per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. MONTY 1Y 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 NOT TO SCALE 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. ROUTING Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 275^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D15 MCT turn LEFT, intercept POL R-220 to MONTY. Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 285^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D15 MCT turn LEFT, intercept POL R-220 to MONTY. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MONTY 1Z WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. MONTY 1Y CHANGES: Runway designation; D15 MCT INS coordinates. 300 ^ 2500' D MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 D30 28 4 D6 MONTY 1Y At or above N53 23.9 W003 04.8 E RWY 23R D2 WAL E 3 DM SID MONTY 1R 113.55 MCT 6 DM 263^ MONTY 1R 7 MONTY MCT R083^ 2500' 4000' N52 53.6 W003 10.4 MSA ARP N53 28.3 W002 25.3 14 MANCHESTER 187^ At or above At or above 5000' 2400' D16 WAL 114.1 WAL N53 21.4 W002 15.7 D8 MCT At 270^ 3100' D26 D13 MCT 2 3500' 090^ NOT TO SCALE D WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. 1 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N53 23.5 W003 08.1 D36 POL MANCHESTER, UK SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED N53 44.6 W002 06.2 WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. .Eff.7.Jun. FOR AIRCRAFT LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE 112.1 POL POL D 10-3F MONTY ONE SIERRA (MONTY 1S) [MONT1S] MONTY ONE ZULU (MONTY 1Z) [MONT1Z] RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES FOR AIRCRAFT LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER Control 270^ 090^ JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 360^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MONTY N52 53.6 W003 10.4 SID MONTY 1S MONTY 1Z RWY 05L 05R CHANGES: Runway designation. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of 316' per NM (5.2%) until MCT 2 DME, then 243' per NM (4%) up to 2500' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 243' per NM 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. ROUTING Climb straight ahead, at MCT 2 DME turn LEFT, 300^ track towards XOBRO, intercept WAL R-083 inbound to D2 WAL, turn LEFT, intercept WAL R-187 to MONTY. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 10-3G 1 JUN 07 .Eff.7.Jun. .SID. MANCHESTER Control 128.05 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER 3500' .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER, UK .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 128.05 3100' 10-3H MSA ARP 3500' 270^ 090^ 2400' 3100' 360^ 2400' 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER Control 270^ 090^ JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 360^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL190) or LONDON Control (above FL190). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA ARP NOKIN ONE SIERRA (NOKIN 1S) [NOKI1S] NOKIN ONE ZULU (NOKIN 1Z) [NOKI1Z] RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES NOKIN ONE ROMEO (NOKIN 1R) [NOKI1R] NOKIN ONE YANKEE (NOKIN 1Y) [NOKI1Y] RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED POL D POLE HILL 112.1 POL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. D D MCT MANCHESTER D16 WAL WAL WALLASEY At 114.1 WAL 5000' D26 113.55 MCT 6 DM 263^ 13 N53 21.4 W002 15.7 XOBRO N53 28.3 W002 25.3 N53 23.5 W003 08.1 R083^ E D3 WAL N53 24.1 W003 03.1 NOKIN 1R At or above ^ 218 3. 2 D M NOKIN 1Y E ^ 2 DM E 22 23 NOKIN 1Z 22 2 4 257^ 275^ 285^ 6 E 5000' 3 DM 7 At 2500' NOKIN 1S 2500' D34 POL 300 At or above 158^ D8 MCT NOT TO SCALE D12 MCT N53 18.1 W002 35.0 D 14 .9 D21 8. 9 MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 D4 NOKIN N53 04.6 W002 53.0 NOKIN NOT TO SCALE N53 04.6 W002 53.0 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 NOKIN 1R 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 340' per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500', then 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 273' per NM (4.5%) up to 5000', for obstacle, 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 ATC or airspace purposes. NOKIN 1Y 273' per NM 342 456 684 911 1139 1367 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500', then non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior 273' per NM (4.5%) up to 5000', for obstacle, to take-off and request alternative clearance. ATC or airspace purposes. SID RWY ROUTING NOKIN 1R 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 275^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D12 MCT turn LEFT, intercept POL R-218 to NOKIN. 1 NOKIN 1Y 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 285^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D12 MCT turn LEFT, intercept POL R-218 to NOKIN. 1 1 Airway UN 862: Aircraft requesting a cruising level of FL270 or above can expect a clearance from LONDON Control to cross AMRAL at or above FL270. CHANGES: Runway designation; ballnote 1; D12 MCT INS coords. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of 316' per NM (5.2%) until MCT 2 DME, then WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of 243' per NM (4%) up to 2500' for obstacle, a missed approach on runway 05R ATC ATC or airspace purposes. may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 05L to make a LEFT Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 turn in order to establish separation. 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 243' per NM 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID RWY ROUTING 05L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 2 DME turn LEFT, 300^ track towards NOKIN 1S XOBRO, intercept WAL R-083 inbound to D3 WAL, turn LEFT, intercept 1 NOKIN 1Z 05R WAL R-158 to NOKIN. 1 1 Airway UN 862: Aircraft requesting a cruising level of FL270 or above can expect a clearance from LONDON Control to cross AMRAL at or above FL270. CHANGES: Runway designation; ballnote 1. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 1 JUN 07 10-3J .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER, UK .SID. MANCHESTER Control 125.95 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED 2400' 3100' MSA ARP 112.1 POL POL D R22 1^ VIA AIRWAYS AND FOR LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE 270^ 360^ POLE HILL FIVE ROMEO (POL 5R) POLE HILL ONE YANKEE (POL 1Y) RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES 3500' 090^ POLE HILL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 At 5000' NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Control 125.95 1 JUN 07 10-3K .Eff.7.Jun. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preApt Elev ferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL270) or SCOTTISH Control (above FL270). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 3500' 270^ 090^ 2400' 3100' MSA ARP POLE HILL FOUR SIERRA (POL 4S) POLE HILL ONE ZULU (POL 1Z) RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES VIA AIRWAYS AND FOR LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED 112.1 POL POL D POLE HILL N53 44.6 W002 06.2 9 WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 360^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER ConApt Elev trol after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns 257' below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL270) or SCOTTISH Control (above FL270). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. R182^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. At 5000' 8 WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. D9 POL At 5000' D8 POL 5000' 7 At 4 NOT TO SCALE D12 POL D16 POL NOT TO SCALE At or above At or above 4000' XUMAT 7 DM E 8 DM E N53 28.0 W002 28.4 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of POL 5R D MANCHESTER per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 113.55 MCT 340' At or 292' per NM (4.8%) up to 2500' for obstacle, above N53 21.4 W002 15.7 ATC or airspace purposes. 2500' POL 1Y 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then 292' per NM (4.8%) up to 2500' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 POL 5R 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 18 292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 1458 17 3.2 D ME If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or POL 1Y non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. RWY ROUTING 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 345^ track towards XUMAT, at MCT 8 DME turn RIGHT, intercept POL R-221 inbound to POL. 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 345^ track towards XUMAT, at MCT 8 DME turn RIGHT, intercept POL R-221 inbound to POL. E CHANGES: Runway designation. 3 DM POL 1Y D7 MCT MCT 345^ SID POL 5R WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 05R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 05L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. 002^ 041 D2 1.3 ^ 4000' N53 25.7 W002 06.5 At or above 760' 7 but not before DER These SIDs require a minimum POL climb gradient 4S of 261' per NM (4.3%) up to 4000' for obstacle, 5^ D MANCHESTER ATC or airspace purposes. 05 113.55 MCT Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 N53 21.4 W002 15.7 8 261' per NM 327 435 653 871 1089 1306 POL 1Z If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID RWY ROUTING 05L Climb straight ahead, at or above 760', but not before DER intercept POL 4S MCT R-055, at D7 MCT turn LEFT, intercept POL R-182 inbound to POL. 05R Climb straight ahead, intercept MCT R-055, at D7 MCT turn LEFT, inPOL 1Z tercept POL R-182 inbound to POL. MCT CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 1 JUN 07 257' .SID. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 1 JUN 07 3500' 270^ 090^ MANCHESTER Control Apt Elev 128.05 257' MSA ARP WALLASEY ONE ROMEO (WAL 1R) WALLASEY ONE YANKEE (WAL 1Y) RWYS 23R/L DEPARTURES WAL D 114.1 WAL MCT At 5000' XOBRO N53 28.3 W002 25.3 5 3 0^ 6 285^ 3 3. 2 WAL 1Y D13 MCT D WAL WALLASEY 114.1 WAL WAL 1S N53 23.5 W003 08.1 At 5000' 4000' D MCT MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 ^ 2 DM 22 E 23 WAL 1Z WARNING RWY 23L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 23R ATC may instruct aircraft which have departed from runway 23L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 WAL 1R 340' per NM (5.6%) until MCT 3 DME, then 747' per NM 934 1246 1868 2491 3114 3737 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500', then 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 207' per NM (3.4%) up to 5000' for obstacle, 340' per NM ATC or airspace purposes. 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 WAL 1Y 207' per NM 258 344 516 689 861 1033 747' per NM (12.3%) until MCT 3.2 DME, then 316' per NM (5.2%) up to 2500', then If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or 207' per NM (3.4%) up to 5000' for obstacle, non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. ATC or airspace purposes. SID RWY ROUTING WAL 1R 23R Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3 DME turn RIGHT, 275^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D19 MCT turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-130 inbound to WAL. WAL 1Y 23L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 3.2 DME turn RIGHT, 285^ track, intercept MCT R-257, at D19 MCT turn RIGHT, intercept WAL R-130 inbound to WAL. CHANGES: Runway designation; D19 MCT INS coordinates. 300 2500' E At or above NOT TO SCALE E At or above DM D19 MCT N53 16.1 W002 46.2 6 DM 263^ R083^ E 7 16 3 DM 2500' 257^ 275^ 31 MSA ARP D26 At or above 5000' 2400' D16 WAL WAL 1R D8 MCT At 270^ 3100' MANCHESTER 5000' 17 3500' 090^ 113.55 MCT N53 21.4 W002 15.7 N53 23.5 W003 08.1 D16 MCT .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL240) or LONDON Control/SCOTTISH Control (above FL240). 5. Rwy 05L: EXPECT close-in obstacles. WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. WALLASEY R1 30 ^ MANCHESTER, UK SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED WARNING: Do not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC. At .Eff.7.Jun. WALLASEY ONE SIERRA (WAL 1S) WALLASEY ONE ZULU (WAL 1Z) RWYS 05L/R DEPARTURES SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED D 10-3M 360^ 2400' 3100' 360^ 128.05 .Eff.7.Jun. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. When instructed contact MANCHESTER Control after take-off. 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 10-4). 3. No turns below 760'. 4. Cruising levels will be allocated enroute by MANCHESTER Control (at or below FL240) or LONDON Control/SCOTTISH Control (above FL240). 5. Rwy 23R: EXPECT close-in obstacles. Apt Elev MANCHESTER Control 10-3L JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of NOT TO SCALE 316' per NM (5.2%) until MCT 2 DME, then 243' per NM (4%) up to 2500' for obstacle, ATC or airspace purposes. WARNING RWY 05L: In the event of a missed approach on runway 05R ATC Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 may instruct aircraft which have depar316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 ted from runway 05L to make a LEFT turn in order to establish separation. 243' per NM 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 If unable to comply with SID, climb gradients or non-standard clearance issued, advise ATC prior to take-off and request alternative clearance. SID RWY ROUTING WAL 1S 05L Climb straight ahead, at MCT 2 DME turn LEFT, 300^ track towards 05R XOBRO, intercept WAL R-083 inbound to WAL. WAL 1Z CHANGES: Runway designation. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 10-4 1 JUN 07 Apt Elev .Eff.7.Jun. .NOISE. Rwy NMT NM 23R 1 3.4 3 3.4 2 3.8 Apt Elev N53 21.2 Rwy NMT NM 23L 21 3.5 22 3.5 R22 1^ 121.7 02-19 Rwy NMT NM 05R 26 3.5 10-9 MANCHESTER *MANCHESTER Delivery (Cpt) 121.97 Rwy NMT NM 05L 7 3.4 3.7 6 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN 31 AUG 07 W002 16.5 *Ground 121.85 02-18 Tower 121.7 02-17 118.62 02-16 119.4 02-15 53-23 For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages R182^ D9 POL For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages EGCC/MAN 257' 03^W Distance to run to the appropriate Noise Monitoring Terminal (NMT) is in NM from take-off position which gives max TORA. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D-ATIS Departure NOISE ABATEMENT 257' JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 53-23 D8 POL POL D12 POL R083^ 1R, 1Y E 6 DM 5^ 05 6 7 26 G 1 Elev 249' 320' 311' Light acft area ROMPA Light acft parking (grass) 1 Light acft DESIG DESIG 1S, 1Z POL 4S, 1Z area TATON ARP m 48 30 266' 1 .7 0505L4^ T LIS ^ R O1 TO L IS ^ 156 7' 9 9 9 WHISKEY TURNING CIRCLE W2 1Y 9 DME Elev 200' 337' JULIET TURNING CIRCLE 312' 307' Lctr 1 2323L4^ 53-21 D24 POL Elev 232' 53-21 FOR HOLDING POSITIONS & TWY DESIGNATIONS SEE 10-9B m 47 30 W1 MID TURNING CIRCLE Y Y1 53-20 Elev 186' N HO 161^ D33 POL Y ,1 1R 1 SANBA 0505R4^ LEGEND Noise monitoring terminal Feet 0 Meters 0 1000 2000 500 3000 1000 4000 5000 1500 LISTO HON ^ R341 HON 6^ R33 CHANGES: Runway designation. 0' 0 0 , 10VOR PIER B PIER A 53-20 D58 HON D10 MCT 390' PIER C LISTO 1Z 163^ 22 SI DE 2323R4^ Control Tower 1Z 2 3.2 DME 3 156 TABLY 23L 21 285^ WESTERN APRON D12 MCT S, TERMINAL 2 TERMINAL 1 TERMINAL 3 DOMESTIC D7 MCT ^ 15L0ISTOS 23R 2 05L 275^ 5 E DM R-257 MCT 1 5R 2 DME 0 3 DME (MCT R-257) 2 D ME D 1. 2 M E MCT 345^ 1Y 1R, Y IG 1 DES L 5R, PO D8 MCT 300^ FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C 53-22 DM E 8D ME 7D ME MO NO NTY K 1 WA IN 1 S, 1 L 1 S, 1 Z S, Z 1Z 188^ 263^ MONTY 1R, 1Y NOKIN 1R, 1Y WAL 1R, 1Y D12 MCT D13 MCT DESIG POL PO L 041 ^ XOBRO D14 MCT 002^ XUMAT D33 WAL 3 WAL R-08 POL 4S, 1Z D16 WAL 5R , 1Y D16 POL 02-19 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Twy designations. 02-18 02-17 02-16 02-15 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN RWY 05L 123R MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN 31 AUG 07 10-9A MANCHESTER ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II TDZ RVR 8599' 2621m 7688' 2343m HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II TDZ 2 4 3 5 RVR 9400' 2865m 8367' 2550m WIDTH 6 151' 46m 1 Rwy grooved. 2 PAPI-R (3.0^) 3 PAPI-L (3.0^) 4 HST-JB 5 HST-KC & BD 6 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 05L: From rwy head 10,000' (3048m) twy AG int 9163' (2793m) twy AF int 8058' (2456m) twy B int 6759' (2060m) 05R 723L RWY 23R: From rwy head 10,000' (3048m) twy JA int 8858' (2700m) twy H int 7234' (2205m) twy G int 7169' (2185m) HIRL (60m) CL (30m) HIALS PAPI-L (3.0^) RVR 9396' 2864m 8363' 2549m 148' 45m 8 7 Rwy grooved. 8 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 23L: From twy T int 10,489' (3197m), includes starter extension of 492'/150m rwy head 9997' (3047m) twy VB int 9396' (2864m) twy U int 8980' (2737m) twy VC int 7395' (2254m) .JAR-OPS. TAKE-OFF Rwy 05L/23R LVP must be in Force A B C D 1 All Rwys LVP must be in Force Approved Operators HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL RCLM (DAY only) or RL 125m 150m 200m 250m 150m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 400m 500m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN 02-17.8 53-21.8 02-17.7 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN 10-9B 02-17.6 02-17.5 02-17.4 02-17.2 02-17.1 02-16.9 02-17 02-16.8 N 02-16.7 02-16.6 M 02-16.5 02-16.4 02-16.3 02-16.2 02-16.1 D7 MANCHESTER 02-15.6 02-15.5 JS D PIER B 53-21.6 D6 L JF JE G3 J5 D J6 WESTERN MAINTENANCE A6 A J8 J D J9 J10 53-21.4 F D4 K1 B4 F2 JB HZ F1 K3 D2 C 53-21.3 D1 FZ D ARP 53-21.2 Y RW V3 R 23 L/ 5 0 V4 T V5 B1 B S V BZ AE V DZ1 B3 BD 53-21 53-21.3 V1 DZ A V FZ1 KC A 53-21.4 HZ1 K2 B C1 A 53-21.1 53-21.5 F HANGAR A5 H G F3 AY TH B SOU K D3 J G1 J 53-21.6 J H1 G2 J7 D B2 JA H2 J L1 D5 53-21.5 A4 J J4 H3 PIER A 53-21.2 53-21.7 G Q B JS1 JA1 G4 02-15.3 53-21.8 J J Control Tower PIER C Q1 J3 02-15.4 J1 J2 TERMINAL 3 DOMESTIC TERMINAL 1 53-21.7 AF1 02-15.7 D WESTERN APRON A3 02-15.9 02-16 02-15.8 23 NOV 07 V6 VA2 S1 VA1 VB2 BZ1 53-21.1 T1 53-21 S V7 VB1 U2 AF A U1 53-20.9 53-20.9 A2 VC2 V AG VC1 AG1 53-20.8 VD2 A1 Y RW VD1 L 23 R/ 5 0 53-20.8 53-20.7 02-17.8 53-20.7 02-17.7 CHANGES: None. 02-17.6 02-17.5 02-17.4 02-17.3 02-17.2 02-17 02-16.9 02-16.8 02-16.7 02-16.6 02-16.5 02-16.4 02-16.3 02-16.2 02-16.1 02-16 02-15.9 02-15.8 02-15.7 02-15.6 02-15.5 02-15.4 02-15.3 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 02-17.4 MANCHESTER, UK JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN 10-9C 23 NOV 07 02-17.3 02-17.2 02-17.1 02-16.9 02-17 02-16.8 02-16.7 02-16.5 02-16.6 02-16.4 02-16.3 02-16.2 02-16.1 02-15.9 02-16 MANCHESTER 02-15.8 02-15.7 02-15.6 02-15.5 02-15.4 53-22.2 53-22.2 L 219 218 R L 217 216 R 251 249 L 53-22.1 215 53-22.1 L214 R L 213 D 86 245 R R L212 TERMINAL 2 R NA L 211 85 R R L210 NA1 R 209 243 R N N3 L L 208 241 84 R R 207 239 R L 83 L206 237 R R R 205 72 R L R R L 235 82 L204 R 71 R 233 L 203 L R R N 81 202 231 D8 R 70 L L R201 L P R 80 200 69 L R 247 R 74 L R 73 L 53-21.9 R 66 L 53-21.7 32 26 29 27 R 24 53-21.9 TERMINAL 3 DOMESTIC 22 PIER C 25 63 62 53-21.6 61 D Q L L R L R 100 R D6 PIER B 101 10 D5 53-21.4 J J D D4 53-21.3 02-16.9 02-16.8 F3 SB1 SB2 TH SB3 SOU B C 02-16.7 02-16.6 G3 53-21.6 J J5 H2 J H1 G2 H Y RW G1 R 23 L/ 5 0 53-21.5 J6 K1 JB F2 F1 53-21.4 HZ F HZ1 D2 K C1 JA G BAY K JA1 J4 H3 J F J8 K2 A5 A J7 D3 B4 HANGAR 11 53-21.7 57 J 49 43 48 L44 47 45 46 JS1 G4 G 51 PIER A J J9 J10 JF JE D A6 A 50 42 7 9 53 54 R L 52 41 12 14 15 L1 53-21.5 02-17.1 55 56 L 18 5 6 L 16 17 3 4 8 R 60 L WESTERN MAINTENANCE 1 2 Q1 J2 JS Control Tower 23 J J J3 TERMINAL 1 21 R CHANGES: Taxiway guidlines. Acft should follow northern route unless otherwise instructed. Clearance between twy J centerline and boundary fence reduced to 151'/46m between twy J and twy JA. 53-21.8 R 64 L 02-17.2 53-22 28 31 65 L 02-17.3 Blast fence J1 WESTERN D D7 APRON R 67 L 02-17.4 Parking stand LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT L, C, R M R 68 L 53-21.8 LEGEND D 02-16.5 D1 02-16.4 V FZ 02-16.2 02-16.1 02-16 02-15.9 02-15.8 02-15.7 02-15.6 02-15.5 53-21.3 02-15.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN 17 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK 10-9D STAND No. 81R 82 thru 83 83L 83R 84, 84L N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 22.0 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.9 17.0 17.1 17.0 17.1 6 thru 9 10 thru 15 16 17, 18 21 N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.6 21.5 21.7 21.7 21.7 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.5 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.5 84R 85, 85L, 85R 86 86L 86R N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.9 22.0 22.0 22.1 22.0 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.3 17.3 22 thru 25 26 27 28 29, 31 N53 21.7 W002 16.6 N53 21.7 W002 16.7 N53 21.7 W002 16.6 N53 21.8 W002 16.7 N53 21.7 W002 16.7 100 101 200 201, 201R 202 thru 203R N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.6 21.5 21.8 21.8 21.9 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.6 16.6 32 41 thru 44L 45 46, 47 48 thru 50 N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 204, 204L 204R 205L thru 206R 207L, 207R 208 thru 210R N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 22.0 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.7 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.3 16.3 16.2 16.2 21.6 21.7 21.7 21.5 21.6 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.1 16.1 16.0 16.8 16.8 211L thru 213R 214C, 214L 214R 215, 216, 216R 217 thru 218R N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 22.0 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.9 17.0 16.9 17.0 17.1 64 thru 65R 66, 66L, 66R 67 67L 67R thru 69L N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.7 21.7 21.8 21.7 21.8 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 16.9 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.1 219, 219L 231 233 thru 235R 237, 239 241 N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 22.2 21.8 21.9 21.9 22.0 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 17.1 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.0 69R, 70, 70L 70R 71 71L 71R thru 72R N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.8 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 17.2 17.2 17.3 17.2 17.3 243 245 247, 249, 249R 251 SB1 N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 22.0 22.0 22.1 22.1 21.4 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 17.1 17.2 17.2 17.3 16.4 73, 73L, 73R 74, 74L, 74R 80, 80L 80R, 81 81L N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 21.9 22.0 21.8 21.9 21.9 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 17.4 17.4 16.9 16.9 17.0 SB2, SB3 N53 21.4 53-40 ROSUN POLE HILL 1258' 1378' 1555' 1427' 1637' 1678' 1004' 2452' P112.1OPOLL D 1490' D19.0/R-354 MCT 1371' 1370' 1352' 1473' 1316' 850' 1283' 994' 994' 1489' 1250' 1641' EG(R)-319 1010' D10.0 MCT 53-30 678' Manchester (Barton) D 693' MCT MANCHESTER 1309' D10.0 MCT 2077' 113.55 MCT 945' M428CMCHH INN D16.2/R-112 MCT D30.1/R-164 POL 1937' 2087' D0.3 MCT MANCHESTER 13 ILS DME 4^ *109.5 INN 1351' 1028' 1663' 1834' D11.0/R-134 MCT D17.1/R-313 TNT FL 1659' 1324' 1125' 53-10 1662' 13 3 DAYNE W002 16.5 31 1810' ^ 02-30 02-20 02-10 1545' 1322' EG(D)-314 60 1437' 1473' 1166' 3^ 1296' 1604' 1102' 02-40 1520' 1834' 1657' 1264' 1165' 1791' AMLET 1348' 1073' D0.0 INN Manchester (Woodford) 53-20 2490' 1775' 1537' 341^ N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 1237' 358^ 51, 52 53 thru 54R 55 thru 57 60, 60L, 60R 61 thru 63R BURNI D24.0/R-341 MCT 729' 1573' 1342' 808' 164^ 16.4 16.5 16.4 16.5 16.4 5000 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 174^ 21.7 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 354^ N53 N53 N53 N53 N53 W002 W002 W002 W002 W002 .Eff.7.Jun. PROCEDURES TO BE USED IN THE EVENT OF RADIO FAILURE FOLLOWING A MISSED APPROACH 1 2 3 4, 4L, 4R 5 21.8 21.6 21.5 21.5 21.6 11-01 1 JUN 07 COORDINATES 25 COORDINATES MANCHESTER, UK Rwy 05L/23R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER MANCHESTER INS COORDINATES STAND No. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 02-00 EG(D)-304 D TNT TRENT 115.7 TNT 01-50 1306' MISSED APCH: Rwy 05L: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500'. At D10.0 MCT turn RIGHT climbing to FL 60 to intercept and follow R-164 POL to AMLET to enter DAYNE holding. PANS OPS 4 Acft unable to reach 3500' at D10.0 MCT, climbing turn LEFT at D10.0 MCT until reaching 3500', before proceeding to DAYNE holding as detailed above. CHANGES: Stands withdrawn. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Rwy 23R: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD until passing 750' or D0.0 INN (D0.3 MCT) inbound, whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT onto track 358^. At D10.0 MCT turn direct to BURNI (D24.0/R-341 MCT) climbing to 5000' to enter ROSUN holding. Acft unable to reach 3500' before D10.0 MCT, commence climbing turn LEFT at D10.0 MCT to 3500'. At or above 3500' continue LEFT turn and proceed direct to BURNI. CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Final Apch Crs *109.5 054^ GS D4.0 IMM (1327') 119.4 ILS DA(H) (200') 1539' Apt Elev 412' RWY 2400' 354^ D1.1 MCT 054^ *109.5 IMM D5.1 MCT MANCHESTER 009^ 189^ 1659' ALTITUDE 6.0 7.1 2170' 7.0 8.1 2490' 5.0 6.1 1850' 4.0 5.1 1540' D4.0 IMM D11.1 MCT 054 ^ D8.6 IMM D2.1 MCT GS 586' ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.0 IMM/D1.1 MCT 234^ 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 646 753 861 FULL RWY 05L D CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. 02-40 ^ EG(D)-314 1264' 02-30 02-20 1165' 02-10 1166' 1296' 1657' D 1604' 02-00 EG(D)-304 TNT TRENT 115.7 TNT 01-50 1306' MHA 3000 Rwy 23L: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500'. At D10.0 MCT turn LEFT onto track 068^ continue climbing to FL 60 to enter DAYNE holding. 1.0 2.1 580' Acft unable to reach 3500' before D10.0 MCT, climbing turn LEFT at D10.0 MCT until reaching 3500', before proceeding to DAYNE holding as detailed above. RVR 1000m RVR1400m 212' HIALS-II PAPI 620'(408') ALS out ALS out RVR 1000m 1324' 1437' 1473' 1810' 31 3 1322' D1.1 MCT RVR 1500m 3500' CIRCLE-TO-LAND 05L LOC (GS out) MDA(H) RVR 900m RVR 550m 1659' 60 3000' STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A DAYNE 1125' FL 1834' D16.2/R-112 MCT D30.1/R-164 POL D0.0 IMM 1.0 3.0 90 ILS 1663' AMLET 3^ TCH displ thresh 57' 70 412'(200') 2.0 3.1 900' 1220' 1540' 4.6 Gnd speed-Kts D1.0IMM GS 1539' LOC D9.7 MCT 3.0 4.1 1028' 1520' VOR/Lctr D5.1 MCT 3000' 4^ 4^ 05 02-10 1125' 02-20 8.0 9.1 2810' MCT DME 02-00 MCH Lctr HOLDING 23 ^ 1834' MISSED APCH: Rwy 05R: Climb to 3500'. ILS & LOC: STRAIGHT AHEAD to 700' or D0.0 IMC (D2.3 MCT) inbound, whichever is the later, (VOR DME: STRAIGHT AHEAD to 700'), then turn RIGHT onto track 188^ climbing to FL 60. When established on track 188^ and above 3500' turn LEFT direct to AMLET to join DAYNE holding. 1834' 1 DAYNE 1662' 1351' D11.0/R-134 MCT D17.1/R-313 TNT ^ 068 1028' D11.1 MCT D10.0 IMM B M428CMCHH D10.0 IMM IMM DME 13 4 ^ 234 1791' 1937' 2087' 13 1102' D9.7 MCT 02-30 DA(H) 13 4^ P112.1O POLL 1073' 53-10 713' D8.6 IMM 4^ 5 0 .JAR-OPS. 1351' 945' 1348' POLE HILL D D0.0 IMC D10.0 MCT Manchester (Woodford) (IAF) D4.0 IMM 1073' MCT 113.55 MCT Manchester (Woodford) D2.3 MCT 5 IMM ILS DME 53-20 ^ 054 ^ 234 IMC ILS DME *111.55 IMC 00 30 D2.1 MCT LOC (GS out) 113.55 MCT ^ 054 D0.0 IMM 53-20 693' 2077' MANCHESTER M428CMCHH MANCHESTER 945' MCT D D1.0 IMM 53-10 (IAF) MANCHESTER D 3100' MSA ARP 1 ROSUN/DALEY holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to VOR or Lctr descending to 3500'. When within 10 NM of VOR or Lctr descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure. C Trans alt: 5000' Manchester (Barton) 360^ In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. 1 MIRSI 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the 270^ 090^ 1309' EG(R)-319 678' 3500' 212' .Eff.7.Jun. PROCEDURES TO BE USED IN THE EVENT OF RADIO FAILURE FOLLOWING A MISSED APPROACH 121.7 257' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500', then as directed. Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 8 hPa 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05L displaced threshold. 2. WARNING: RA fluctuations may occur due to Bollin Valley. PANS OPS 4 121.85 15 IMM 118.62 *Ground 10 135.0 11-01A 1 JUN 07 0 TM MANCHESTER Tower MANCHESTER, UK Rwy 05R/23L JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MANCHESTER 5 MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 LOC .Eff.7.Jun. Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 RVR 2000m 205 MDA(H) 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PANS OPS 4 D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 11-1 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK ILS DME Rwy 05L JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 188^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 119.4 DA(H) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500', then as directed. 009^ 189^ 0 02-00 MCH Lctr HOLDING 23 4^ MHA 3000 054 ^ D9.7 MCT 4.6 Gnd speed-Kts 3.00^ 3000' 3.0 90 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 646 753 861 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RWY 05L 212' AB RVR 300m 1 PAPI 3500' ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.0 IMC/D2.3 MCT .JAR-OPS. 05L CD 2.0 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. B C 1.0 D2.3 MCT TCH 50' RWY 05R 1.0 90 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 646 753 861 HIALS PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 386'(200') MDA(H) ALS out ALS out RVR 900m RVR 550m RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. 530'(344') RVR 1000m RVR 1400m RVR 1500m 186' 700' D0.0 IMC D2.3 MCT whichever later CIRCLE-TO-LAND 05R LOC (GS out) ILS DA(H) FULL NOT AUTHORIZED D0.0 IMC IMC D3.3 MCT GS 555' 70 A 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. LOC MHA 3000 223^ VOR/Lctr 3000' 216^ 870' 0.9 Gnd speed-Kts 2.0 4.3 870' D2.0 IMC D1.0 D4.3 MCT 4^ 4^ 05 1.0 3.3 560' 02-10 1125' CAT A & B CAT C & D 054^ D7.2 MCT HIALS-II 23 3.0 5.3 1190' D4.0 IMC D6.3 MCT GS 1513' D4.9 IMC CAT II ILS RA 107' DA(H) 312'(100') ALTITUDE TCH displ thresh 57' 1.0 70 .JAR-OPS. MCT DME 02-00 1659' MCH Lctr HOLDING 4.0 6.3 1510' IMC DME 1800' D2.1 MCT GS 586' 1028' 1 DAYNE 02-20 D9.3 MCT CD: D8.0 IMC D10.3 MCT D1.0 IMM D8.6 IMM 13 4^ 713' D10.3 MCT 02-30 LOC (GS out) VOR/Lctr 234^ GS 1539' 1351' D8.0 IMC AB: D7.0 IMC 3000' Manchester (Woodford) ^ 054 D9.3 MCT ^ 54 53-10 4^ 05 02-10 D5.1 MCT D11.1 MCT 00 30 TA 1324' D4.0 IMM D10.0 IMM 1073' 1834' CA 1659' holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to VOR or Lctr descending to 3500'. When within 10 NM of VOR or Lctr descend to 3000'. Then 1125' carry out the required procedure. 02-20 945' ^ 234 D7.0IMC 1 DAYNE 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the 02-30 IMC 054^ *111.55 IMC 1028' 1834' 054^ *109.5 IMM 53-10 D7.2 MCT ILS DME 3100' MSA ARP M113.55CMCTT D0.0 IMC & MIRSI M428CMCHH IMM M428CMCHH D4.9 IMC MANCHESTER ILS DME (IAF) MANCHESTER D2.0 IMC D4.3 MCT D6.3 MCT 2400' Trans alt: 5000' D2.3 MCT D1.0 IMC D3.3 MCT D4.0 IMC 53-20 270^ 090^ D holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to VOR or Lctr descending to 3500'. When within 10 NM of VOR or Lctr descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure. 1351' 13 4^ 3500' 186' (IAF) 1 ROSUN/DALEY MANCHESTER 1 MIRSI 713' (IAF) D5.1 MCT Trans level: By ATC 121.7 360^ Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 7 hPa ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05R threshold. 00 D1.0 RWY (D2.3 MCT) inbound whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT onto track 188^, then as directed. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01A. 1073' Manchester (Woodford) 121.85 257' Apt Elev 386' 354^ 354^ ^ 234 53-20 1513' 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the ^ 054 ^ 054 054^ 945' MCT 30 D9.7 MCT D10.0 IMM D11.1 MCT 360^ MSA ARP IMC *111.55 119.4 ILS DA(H) (200') MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD to 700' or D0.0 IMC 113.55 MCT 1 D8.6 IMM 3100' D D4.0 IMM ^ 2400' 1ROSUN/DALEY (IAF) MANCHESTER IMM D2.1 MCT 4 05 270^ 090^ In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 8 hPa Trans alt: 5000' Alt Set: hPa 1. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05L displaced threshold. 3. WARNING: RA fluctuations may occur due to Bollin Valley. The Bollin Valley causes radio altimeters to show a height increase just below a height of 200' above the rwy threshold. This disturbance lasts for approx 2 seconds. Thereafter the radio altimeter stabilizes. Operators should ensure that pilots are aware of the increase in radio altimeter height indications, just below 200' above the rwy threshold, and it is advisable to consider using a "50 ft above" call instead of the normal "100 ft above" call. Prior to operational use a minimum of four practice approaches to CAT II DH in better than CAT I conditions required. PANS OPS 4 3500' 212' RWY 118.62 GS D4.0 IMC (1327') 188^ 312'(100') RA 107' 135.0 Final Apch Crs *Ground 216 ^ 1539'(1327') 128.17 LOC &D 054^ 121.7 257' 22 3^ IMM *109.5 121.85 Apt Elev MANCHESTER Tower CA TC CAT II ILS .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER Radar (APP) B 118.62 GS D4.0 IMM TM 135.0 Final Apch Crs LOC D-ATIS Arrival *Ground 11-2 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER PANS OPS 4 TM 128.17 MANCHESTER Tower MANCHESTER, UK ILS DME Rwy 05R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN BRIEFING STRIP MANCHESTER Radar (APP) D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP MANCHESTER, UK CAT II ILS DME Rwy 05L 1 JUN 07 .Eff.7.Jun. 11-1A MANCHESTER GS NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN CAT A & B EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 RVR 2000m 205 MDA(H) 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView INN Final Apch Crs *109.5 234^ 118.62 GS D8.0 INN (2611') ILS DA(H) (200') 2860' *Ground 119.4 121.85 3500' 249' RWY MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD until passing 750' or D0.0 INN (D0.3 MCT) inbound, whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT Procedure turn restricted to MAX 185 KT. MIRSI 678' INN 354^ (IAF) MANCHESTER INN (IAF) M113.55CMCTT M428CMCHH 009^ (IAF) 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, Manchester or as instructed by ATC, on track to (Woodford) VOR or Lctr maintain 3500'. Then carry out the required procedure. 705' 713' 4^ 23 LOC (GS out) MHA 3000 3 ^ 234 MCT DME 1.0 1.3 2.0 2.3 ALTITUDE 620' 940' INN DME 02-10 1DAYNE 4.0 4.3 1580' 3.0 3.3 1260' VOR/Lctr RWY 23R Gnd speed-Kts 70 .JAR-OPS. 1900' 2220' 2540' 2860' 3180' holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, Manchester or as instructed by ATC, on track to (Woodford) VOR or Lctr maintain 3500'. Then carry out the required procedure. LOC 120 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 RVR 900m RVR 550m RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. RVR 1000m RVR1400m INN RWY 23R 560'(311') RVR 1500m 750' GS D0.0 INN D0.3 MCT whichever later 135 RVR 1800m 180 RVR 2000m 205 MDA(H) 750' 760' 1110' 1110' (503') 1600m (853') 2400m (853') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INN INN 3.0 1.0 D10.0 D8.0 D8.3 MCT D10.3 MCT 4.0 90 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 646 753 861 GS 2860' 2.0 HIALS-II PAPI 750' D0.0 INN D0.3 MCT whichever later STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23R CAT II ILS D RA 102' DA(H) 349'(100') VIS 1500m D12.3 MCT 3500' GS 620' ABC (493') D12.0 INN ^ 234 GS 1580' 70 .JAR-OPS. CIRCLE-TO-LAND Max Kts 100 3.00^ 02-00 D4.3 MCT D1.3 MCT 249' Gnd speed-Kts PAPI ALS out ALS out D10.0 1DAYNE 054^ TCH displ thresh 55' 2.0 1663' D4.0 INN D1.0 INN HIALS-II 23R LOC (GS out) MDA(H) 3500' D8.3 MCT D10.3 MCT 4^ 02-10 VOR/Lctr 1580' GS 2860' 4.0 13 02-20 ^ INN ^ 234 00 30 1028' 3500' 234 2047' 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the D1.3 MCT MHA 3000 D12.3 MCT D8.0 100 449'(200') 4^ 23 1348' 1073' D1.0 INN 713' D12.0 INN GS 1580' 90 ILS FULL PANS OPS 4 9.0 9.3 3.0 1.0 A B 8.0 8.3 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) C 7.0 7.3 GS 620' 249' ILS GS 3.00^ or 377 LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.0 INN/D0.3 MCT 6.0 6.3 054^ D0.3 MCT TCH displ thresh 55' 5.0 5.3 D4.3 MCT INN D0.0 INN D1.0 D1.3 MCT 4^ 05 945' ^ INN 054 D4.0 D4.3 MCT MCH Lctr HOLDING 1663' 02-00 D4.0 INN 3500' 02-30 13 4^ 02-20 ^ 054 53-20 D10.0INN D10.3 MCT D8.3 MCT D 1073' 774' D8.0 INN MANCHESTER D0.0 INN 0 00 4^ 23 1309' 234^ *109.5 INN 1908' 1775' D12.3 MCT ILS DME Manchester (Barton) MANCHESTER PANS OPS 4 4^ 05 ^ 054 53-20 1537' 678' 358^ 358^ 02-30 3100' MSA ARP D12.0 INN EG(R)-319 D0.3 MCT MCH Lctr HOLDING 270^ 2400' Procedure turn restricted to MAX 185 KT. 1010' 53-30 2047' D1.0 INN D1.3 MCT 3500' 090^ D0.0 INN (D0.3 MCT) inbound, whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT 1348' ^ INN 054 D4.0 D4.3 MCT 257' onto track 358^, then as directed. For separation from departing traffic RWY 23L expedite climb through 750' before commencing RIGHT turn onto 358^. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. 1 945' 121.7 249' RWY MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD until passing 750' or 354^ M113.55CMCTT M428CMCHH 121.85 Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 2860' 1 ROSUN/DALEY D10.3 MCT D8.3 MCT D 234^ 1908' D10.0INN D8.0 INN MANCHESTER 1 774' *109.5 CAT II ILS RA/DA(H) GS D8.0 INN (2611') *Ground 119.4 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 9 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23R displ threshold. 4^ 3 2 1309' ILS DME INN Final Apch Crs MANCHESTER Tower 118.62 1775' D12.3 MCT 234^ *109.5 INN (IAF) 1537' D12.0 INN EG(R)-319 53-30 Manchester (Barton) MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 1010' 3100' LOC 135.0 MANCHESTER, UK CAT II ILS DME Rwy 23R 360^ 2400' MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 360^ 1 ROSUN/DALEY 270^ 090^ onto track 358^, then as directed. For separation from departing traffic RWY 23L expedite climb through 750' before commencing RIGHT turn onto 358^. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 9 hPa Trans level: By ATC ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23R displaced threshold. D-ATIS Arrival 121.7 257' Apt Elev 449' 1 JUN 07 .Eff.7.Jun. 11-3A MANCHESTER TM TM LOC MANCHESTER Tower 135.0 JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN BRIEFING STRIP MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 .Eff.7.Jun. MIRSI D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 11-3 1 JUN 07 189^ MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK ILS DME Rwy 23R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 189^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 009^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RA 104' DA(H) 351'(102') RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC.,1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER Tower 121.85 3500' 212' RWY MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500', then as directed. 090^ In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. 53-20 D5.1 MCT D4.0 IMM 2 [51VOR] IMM MCH D9.7 MCT D8.6 IMM [FD~5L] 8^ 05 013^ 193^ 53-15 1 D11.1 MCT D10.0 IMM D7.2 MCT 02-20 D4.9 IMC [FD~5R] 1028' 428 MCH Acft will be cleared direct from the holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to VOR descending to 3500'. When within 10 NM of VOR descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure. 02-30 2^ 05 1834' 1 DAYNE 7.1 6.1 5.1 4.1 3.1 IMM DME 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 ALTITUDE 2810' 2490' 2170' 1850' 1540' 1220' 900' D5.1 MCT D4.0 IMM D9.7 MCT 1540' D8.6 IMM [FD~5L] 4.6 IMC DME ALTITUDE Descent gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] Descent angle MAP at D1.1 MCT/D0.0 IMM .JAR-OPS. 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 PANS OPS 4 B D D8.0 IMC RWY 05L D4.9 IMC [FD~5R] 212' HIALS-II PAPI 3500' Descent gradient 5.26% or Descent angle [3.01^] 3000' [RW~5R] 4.9 Gnd speed-Kts VOR D0.0 IMC [3.0 1^] D7.2 MCT [TCH displ thresh 57'] 223^ 216^ 3.3 1.0 560' D2.3 MCT 052^ 1800' [RW~5L] [TCH 50'] RWY 05R 70 90 100 120 140 160 373 479 532 639 745 852 HIALS PAPI RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m 640'(428') CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. RVR 1500m Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 2000m 205 RVR .JAR-OPS. CIRCLE-TO-LAND RT STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) MDA(H) 750' 760' 1110' 1110' (493') A 1500m (503') 1600m (853') (853') 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 600'(414') B C D RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. Descent angle. CIRCLE-TO-LAND 05R ALS out VIS 186' 700' 188^ 3500' MAP at D2.3 MCT/D0.0 IMC STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05L ALS out C 4.3 2.0 870' CAT A & B CAT C & D CD: D10.3 MCT 3000' 4.0 70 MDA(H) A 5.3 3.0 1190' D7.0 IMC VOR 1657' 02-10 1125' 02-20 6.3 4.0 1510' MCT DME PANS OPS 4 Gnd speed-Kts EG(D)-304 02-30 53-10 D0.0 IMM [3. 00^ ] 1659' D8.0 IMC D1.1 MCT [51VOR] 1 DAYNE D9.3 MCT AB: D9.3 MCT ^ 1028' D10.3 MCT D11.1 MCT 058 13 4^ 1324' 02-00 8.1 238^ 713' 1683' EG(D)-304 9.1 D10.0 IMM 1351' D7.0 IMC 1324' 02-10 1073' 1834' 1659' MCT DME 3000' [RW~5R] 945' Manchester (Woodford) ^ 054 D0.0 IMC 53-20 MANCHESTER 00 30 D2.3 MCT 1351' 13 4^ 713' ILS DME *109.5 IMM IMC 1483' ^ 054 38^ MCH *111.55 IMC Manchester (Woodford) MCT 216 ^ [RW~5L] 0 (IAF) MANCHESTER 113.55 MCT ^ 234 D 22 3^ D0.0 IMM 2400' 3100' MSA ARP 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the 1073' 270^ 090^ CA TC 0 30 D1.1 MCT 3500' Trans alt: 5000' 1 ROSUN/DALEY holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the MANCHESTER holding point at lowest holding level, 428 MCH or as instructed by ATC, on track to VOR descending to 3500'. ILS DME When within 10 NM of VOR descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure. 121.7 186' MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD to 700', then turn RIGHT onto track 188^, then as directed. 354^ 354^ MCT 113.55 MCT RWY 1348' ^ 058 ^ 234 121.85 257' Apt Elev 600'(414') 1800' 1 MIRSI 53-25 D 052^ 119.4 MDA(H) Trans level: By ATC Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 7 hPa 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05R threshold. 2. Final apch track offset 2^ from rwy centerline. MSA ARP 945' (IAF) MCT 113.55 118.62 Minimum Alt D7.2 MCT (1614') In case of complete radio failure see 11-01A. 1 ROSUN/DALEY MANCHESTER 135.0 Final Apch Crs *Ground 360^ 1MIRSI 2400' Trans alt: 5000' 3100' 360^ Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 8 hPa Trans level: By ATC 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05L displaced threshold. 2. Final approach track offset 4^ from runway centerline. 270^ 128.17 VOR 188^ 3000'(2788') 640' 121.7 257' MANCHESTER Tower &D Apt Elev B 058^ 119.4 MDA(H) (428') & 113.55 118.62 Minimum Alt D9.7 MCT MANCHESTER Radar (APP) D-ATIS Arrival TA MCT Final Apch Crs .Eff.7.Jun. CA 135.0 VOR 13-2 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER *Ground MANCHESTER, UK VOR DME Rwy 05R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN TM MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 TM .Eff.7.Jun. BRIEFING STRIP D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 13-1 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK VOR DME Rwy 05L JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 1500m Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 RVR 2000m 205 MDA(H) 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 135.0 VOR MCT Final Apch Crs 113.55 234^ 118.62 Minimum Alt 119.4 MDA(H) (CONDITIONAL) Refer to Profile 121.85 RWY 3500' 227' Manchester (Barton) (IAF) MCT MANCHESTER D D6.0MCT 113.55 MCT D6.7 IMC [FD23L] D5.0MCT D5.7 IMC [5~VO2] MCH MANCHESTER ^ 067 072^ 428 MCH 00 30 234 D7.0 MCT D7.7 IMC 2047' D8.0 MCT IMC DME ALTITUDE 820' MCH [TCH displ thresh 50'] RWY 23L 227' 0 Gnd speed-Kts Descent gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] Descent angle MAP at D0.7 MCT/D0.0 IMC .JAR-OPS. 1450' 1770' 2080' 2400' ALTITUDE PANS OPS 4 B C D 372 478 531 637 743 849 RVR 1500m CHANGES: Minimums. RVR 2000m 3.7 840' 1160' 1480' VOR 02-00 8.0 4.7 6.0 5.7 7.0 6.7 1800' 2120' 2440' D7.7 IMC RWY 23R 3500' Descent gradient 5.24% or Descent angle [3.00^] MAP at D0.3 MCT/D0.0 INN .JAR-OPS. 100 135 180 205 [RW23R] 249' Gnd speed-Kts CIRCLE-TO-LAND Max Kts D0.3 MCT D0.0 INN [TCH displ thresh 55'] TO DISPLACED THRESHOLD PAPI 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS A 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. B C D CHANGES: None. D4.0 MCT D3.7 INN [4~VOR] 0^] [3.0 229^ 9.0 8.7 2760' 3080' RVR 1000m RVR 1400m D10.3 MCT D10.0 INN 6.3 3.7 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 HIALS-II PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23R RVR 900m 3500' [FD23R] 1480' 70 MDA(H) MDA(H) 7.7 D12.0 INN 049^ 3500' 2 D7.0 MCT HIALS 23L RVR 1200m RVR 1600m 1.0 160 ALS out 1000m D6.7 IMC D5.7 IMC [FD23L] [5~VO2] 140 680'(453') 1.7 705' 02-10 D12.3 MCT D6.0MCT D5.0MCT 120 1622' Manchester (Woodford) 713' 5.0 2 2080' 234^ 100 0 4.0 D8.7 IMC &B 90 0 30 3.0 2.7 2400' 5.0 0.7 0.7 1073' D8.0 MCT CAT C & D 0^] [3.0 MCT 113.55 MCT ^ 234 02-20 1130' (IAF) MANCHESTER 1351' ^ 054 02-30 02-00 9^ 04 D EG(D)-314 INN DME STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RVR 53-20 2.0 70 MDA(H) A INN *109.5 INN 1663' MCT DME [RW23L] [RW23R] ILS DME 6.0 6.7 D0.0 IMC D0.0 INN 428 MCH 5.0 5.7 D0.7MCT D0.3 MCT MANCHESTER 4.0 4.7 CAT A 1348' [4~VOR] 3.0 3.7 072^ 067^ 945' D3.7 INN 2.0 2.7 3000' 774' D4.0 MCT 1073' 02-10 VOR [FD23R] 1775' 1309' D10.0 INN 678' D D8.7 IMC C& 1834' 1.0 1.7 9^ 2 2 D10.3 MCT 1028' MCT DME 1537' D12.0 INN 1348' Manchester (Woodford) 02-20 1010' EG(R)-319 3100' MSA ARP D12.3 MCT 713' 02-30 Trans alt: 5000' 53-30 [RW23L] ^ 234 2400' Procedure turn restricted to MAX 185 KT. Final approach track offset 5^ from runway centerline. D0.0 IMC ILS DME 270^ 090^ 1244' 358^ IMC^ 3500' 249' RWY D0.3 MCT (D0.0 INN) inbound, whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT onto track 358^, then as directed. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. D0.7 MCT *111.55 IMC 53-20 121.7 257' Apt Elev MDA(H) 640'(391') 3500' 774' &B C AT 229^ 121.85 MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD until passing 750' or 1309' 945' A 113.55 Minimum Alt D10.3 MCT (3251') *Ground 119.4 1775' Procedure turn restricted to MAX 185 KT. 4^ 23 MCT Final Apch Crs 118.62 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 9 hPa Trans level: By ATC ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23R displaced threshold. MSA ARP 678' VOR MANCHESTER Tower 135.0 360^ 53-30 2400' Trans alt: 5000' 3100' MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 360^ EG(R)-319 270^ 090^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500', then as directed. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01A. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 8 hPa Trans level: By ATC ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23L displaced threshold. 121.7 257' Apt Elev 680'(453') D-ATIS Arrival *Ground 13-4 17 AUG 07 MANCHESTER PANS OPS 4 TM 128.17 MANCHESTER Tower MANCHESTER, UK VOR DME Rwy 23R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN TM D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 13-3 17 AUG 07 BRIEFING STRIP MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK VOR DME Rwy 23L JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 184^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 004^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 640'(391') D0.0 INN D0.3 MCT whichever later CIRCLE-TO-LAND ALS out RVR 1500m Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 2000m 205 RVR 750' MDA(H) 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 428 056^ Minimum Alt D8.6 IMM (2788') Apt Elev MDA(H) 640' (428') 3000' RWY 257' 3500' 212' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 3500', then as directed. 270^ 090^ 3100' 360^ 2400' Trans alt: 5000' D 53-25 M113.55CMCTT MCH *109.5 I M IMM M MANCHESTER 30 ILS DME D4.0 IMM ^ 236 00 Manchester (Woodford) 1 1351' 4^ 05 D1.1 MCT [RW~5L] 191^ 011^ 02-30 02-20 8.0 9.1 2810' IMM DME MCT DME ALTITUDE 7.0 8.1 2490' M428CMCHH *109.5 I N INNN 1 DAYNE 02-00 4.0 5.1 1540' 945' D4.3 MCT [4~DM2] 1073' 1483' D0.3 MCT [RW23R] 30 00 234 ^ 13 1351' Manchester (Woodford) 4^ 705' 1220' 02-10 1 DAYNE 02-20 MCT DME 1.0 1.3 2.0 2.3 ALTITUDE 620' 940' INN DME 2.0 3.1 900' 3.0 4.1 1348' D4.0 INN 713' 02-30 D10.0INN D0.0 INN 1659' 1324' M113.55CMCTT MANCHESTER ^ 054 53-20 3.0 3.3 1260' 4.0 4.3 1580' 5.0 5.3 1900' 6.0 6.3 2220' 02-00 7.0 7.3 2540' 8.0 8.3 2860' D11.1 MCT Lctr 3000' D5.1 MCT [4~DME] D9.7 MCT [FQ~5L] [3.0 0^] 1540' 4.6 .JAR-OPS. 4.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 MDA(H) ALS out PANS OPS 4 A B C D RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. RVR 1500m RWY 23R Max Kts 100 135 180 2000m 205 100 120 140 160 479 532 639 745 852 750' (493') 760' (503') 1110' (853') 1110' (853') A 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. B C D HIALS-II PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23R RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CHANGES: Rwy designation. Bearings. Descent angle. RVR 1500m Max Kts 100 135 RVR 1800m 180 2000m 205 RVR 750' D0.0 INN D0.3 MCT whichever later CIRCLE-TO-LAND 640'(391') ALS out VIS D10.0 INN D10.3 MCT [FQ23R] 6.0 90 MDA(H) MDA(H) 234^ 1580' 4.0 70 Descent gradient 5.26% or 373 [3.01^] Descent angle MAP at D0.0 INN/D0.3 MCT .JAR-OPS. 1^] [3.0 249' Gnd speed-Kts 3500' PAPI RVR 1800m RVR 212' HIALS-II CIRCLE-TO-LAND 640'(428') D4.3 MCT [4~DM2] D0.3 MCT [RW23R] [TCH displ thresh 55'] [TCH displ thresh 57'] RWY 05L STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05L D4.0 INN D0.0 INN PANS OPS 4 D8.6 IMM 3500' 054^ 3500' D0.0 IMM D1.1 MCT [RW~5L] D12.3 MCT Lctr 3000' 236^ D4.0 IMM 056^ Descent gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] Descent angle MAP at D0.0 IMM/D1.1 MCT 9.0 9.3 3180' D12.0INN D10.0 IMM Gnd speed-Kts ^ D10.3 MCT [FQ23R] D 4^ 05 ILS DME 1834' 774' 1775' 4 23 1309' 678' MANCHESTER 02-10 5.0 6.1 1850' 6.0 7.1 2170' holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to Lctr maintain 3500'. Then carry out the required procedure. (IAF) 13 4^ 713' 1537' D12.3 MCT EG(R)-319 358^ D11.1 MCT 3100' MSA ARP D12.0 INN 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the 1073' holding facility to carry out an Approach Procedure. Leave the holding point at lowest holding level, or as instructed by ATC, on track to Lctr descending to 3500'. When within 10 NM of Lctr descend to 3000'. Then carry out the required procedure. D10.0 IMM 2400' 1010' 53-30 1 Acft will be cleared direct from the D9.7 MCT [FQ~5L] 270^ 090^ Trans alt: 5000' Procedure turn restricted to MAX 185 KT. 1028' D8.6 IMM 3500' 249' RWY D0.0 INN (D0.3 MCT) inbound, whichever is the later, then turn RIGHT onto track 358^, then as directed. In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. 354^ D5.1 MCT [4~DME] D0.0 IMM 257' Apt Elev MDA(H) 3500'(3251') 640'(391') MISSED APCH: Climb to 3500'. STRAIGHT AHEAD until passing 750' or 945' 4^ 23 ^ 056 428 MCH 0 234^ 121.7 1 ROSUN/DALEY 354^ (IAF) ^ 56 428 Minimum Alt D10.0 INN *Ground 121.85 119.4 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 9 hPa Trans level: By ATC ILS DME reads zero at rwy 23R displaced threshold. MSA ARP MANCHESTER 53-15 MCH Final Apch Crs 1 ROSUN/DALEY 1 MIRSI 53-20 Lctr 118.62 360^ In case of complete radio failure see 11-01. Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 8 hPa 1. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 05L displaced threshold. 2. Final approach track offset 2^ from runway centerline. 121.7 MANCHESTER Tower 135.0 189^ Final Apch Crs 121.85 119.4 MANCHESTER Radar (APP) 128.17 .Eff.7.Jun. 009^ MCH 118.62 D-ATIS Arrival TM 135.0 *Ground 16-2 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER BRIEFING STRIP MANCHESTER Tower MANCHESTER, UK NDB DME Rwy 23R JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN MIRSI TM 128.17 Lctr .Eff.7.Jun. MANCHESTER Radar (APP) D-ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 16-1 1 JUN 07 MANCHESTER NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MANCHESTER, UK NDB DME Rwy 05L JEPPESEN EGCC/MAN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MDA(H) 750'(493') 760'(503') 1110'(853') 1110'(853') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.