Martin Haas Behnisch Architekten, Stuttgart / Boston/ Los Angeles
Martin Haas Behnisch Architekten, Stuttgart / Boston/ Los Angeles
Martin Haas Behnisch Architekten, Stuttgart / Boston/ Los Angeles BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Institute of Forestry Research Wageningen, Netherland Nutzerverhalten BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Sommer Winter BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Planungskultur BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Genzyme Center , Boston Behnisch Architekten BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Building Maintenance Cleaning, etc. Land Capital Costs: Furniture Energy Services Maintenance Furniture Depreciation Capital Costs: Building 14% Staff related costs 86% Building Life Costs over a 20-year Period, including Staff Costs Effizienz BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Spa Bad Aibling, Bavaria Germany Entwicklung/Entwurf BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN SD Phase - Concept development with thermal simulation energy impact of Badebox1 building Badebox3concepts (Badehalle Glas) (Vorhalle Glas / Bad Betonkuppel) House 1- glazed Badebox1 (Badehalle Glas) Badebox1 box Badebox3 (Badehalle Glas) (Vorhalle Glas / Bad Betonkuppel) Badebox3 2-Glasopaque Badebox2 (Vorhalle / Bad Betonkuppel) (Badehalle Glasglazed mit opakem Dach) roof Badebox4 structure, (Vorhalle Glas mit opakem Dach / Bad Glaskuppel) facade House in House Badebox3 3 - glazed Badebox2Glas / Bad Betonkuppel) (Vorhalle box, Badebox2 Badebox4 Glas mit opakem Dach) (Badehalle (Badehalle Glas miconcrete t opakem Dach) swim (Vorhal le Glas mit opakemdome Dach / Bad Glaskuppel) Badebox1 (Badehalle Glas) Badebox2 Spa Bad Aibling, Bavaria Germany Badebox4 (Badehalle Glas mit opakem Dach) (Vorhalle Glas mit opakem Dach / Bad Glaskuppel) 4Badebox4 opaque roof structure glazed facade, glazed swim dome (Vorhalle Glas mit opakem Dach / Bad Glaskuppel) Entwicklung/Entwurf BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Climate Concept Spa Bad Aibling, Bavaria Germany Entwicklung/Entwurf BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Behnisch Architekten Spa Bad Aibling, Bavaria Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Spa Bad Aibling, Bavaria Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Chamber of Commerce Hamburg ,Germany Innovation BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Chamber of Commerce Hamburg ,Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Chamber of Commerce Hamburg ,Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN -160 000 LED’S in 380 Modulen -90% weniger Energieverbrauch -Hohe Lebenserwartung -kaum Waermeabstrahlung -geringe Aufbauhoehe Behnisch Architekten Chamber of Commerce Hamburg ,Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Chamber of Commerce Hamburg ,Germany BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN Marco PoloTower- Hamburg Behnisch Architekten Riverparc Development Pittsburgh, USA A THE PUBLIC SPACE NETWORK CONNECTIONS Behnisch Architekten Gehl Architects B DESTINATIONS RIVERFRONT MARINA OPEN AIR STAGE RIVERFRONT PARK LOVER LEVEL CAFE SPORTS GREEN STAIRS OUTDOOR ACTIVITY SEASONAL STANDS RIVERFRONT PARK UPPER LEVEL Behnisch Architekten Gehl Architects A THE PUBLIC SPACE NETWORK THE LANES THE LANES: A FINER GRAIN PROTECTION AGAINST COLD WINDS OPEN SPACES WITH DIRECT SUNLIGHT A DENSE URBAN EXPERIENCE Neighborhoods -Four Neighborhoods -Four Courtyards Residential courtyards a place where child's can play and people develop neighborhood contacts A THE PUBLIC SPACE NETWORK 8TH STREET MANY ENTRANCES USED BY DIFFERENT USERS, ENSURE A CRITICAL MASS OF PEOPLE THOUGHOUT THE DAY RESTAURANT TOP RETAIL CAFE THEATER RETAIL UNIT PRIVATE THOROUGHFARE/ ENTRANCE Behnisch Architekten Gehl Architects TOP RETAIL LOBBY SPECIALITIES D HIGH QUALITY ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY ENERGY CONCEPT REV.HEAT PUMP - USING THE AQUIFER AS A GEOTHERMAL HEAT SOURCE – PROVIDES LOW TEMPERATURE DISTRICT HEAT IN WINTER AND COLD WATER IN SUMMER NOISELESS VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE AT THE WATERFRONT PHOTOVOLTAIC AT THE SOUTH FACADE D HIGH QUALITY ENVIRONMENT Behnisch Architekten Gehl Architects Behnisch Architekten Riverparc Development Pittsburgh, USA