Scriptures and Doctrine :: Help! I`ve got 10 wives!!


Scriptures and Doctrine :: Help! I`ve got 10 wives!!
Scriptures and Doctrine :: Help! I've got 10 wives!!
Help! I've got 10 wives!! - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/14 16:38
Okay Bible Scholars. . .
Why did God sanction muliple wives in the old testament? I've ruled out pro-creation,culture and symbolic(still open to a
relevant thought though) reasons. Now i am stuck. Anyone got any answers that hold water scriptually, I suppose im ope
n to interpetations, but would really like to know what saith the scriptures--i've searched but come up blank.thanks d
Re: Help! I've got 10 wives!! - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/14 19:08
Hi inotof,
I don't know that God ever 'sanctioned' multiple wives. I believe it would be more accurate to say that He 'tolerated' it.
Just like He tolerated concubines. Jesus said "from the beginning it was not so." It was God's plan for marriage to be
one man and one women together forever. I don't mean one man and one woman 'married' - I mean one man and one
women PERIOD. Not a life of fornication with multiple partners and then 'settling down' with a spouse and calling it
God's plan. That was NOT His plan any more than multiple wives was His plan. His plan was that one man meet one
woman, leave the Father and Mother be joined unto each other and become one flesh. That is, they consumate the
marriage covenant through the shedding of the blood and the two living together until death. Anything more or less is
NOT God's plan- but is a compromise of that plan. Marriage is a blood covenant and carried in the OT all the penalties
of breaking a blood covenant.
As a child I remember an old sit com in which the mother was arguing with a daughter over her "moving in" with her
boyfriend so she can "try the shoes on before she buys them." Her mother retorted- "Nobody wants to buy a pair of used
We can talk about marriage all we want. We can go to seminars and read and write books- but until we we decide it will
be 'one pair of shoes', put on once they were actually purchased, laced up and worn for life- we will have nothing but
disaster in marriages. God's plan is for one woman and one man to know each other until death. No one else ever havin
g 'known' them before or after the consummation.
This is Adam and Eve. There were no Adam's before Adam for Eve and there were no Eve's before Eve for Adam. All th
ey knew were each other. Not 700 wives and 300 concubines as with Solomon. Not 30 premarital relationships. No hand
ling the merchandise and putting it back on the shelf. Not 'trying on the shoes' before the commitment was made (they w
ere actually paid for).
I'm sure this will greatly increase my popularity, but as simple as it is- I see no other plan of God in scripture. Anything el
se is compromise. Anything else is missing the mark. Anyone care to start a series on this at the local church level? :-D
God Bless,
Re: How about this verse?, on: 2005/5/14 21:12
1Cr 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
one flesh here sounds like husband and wife to me. So what then consumates a legitimate marriage in God's eyes? Is it
not anytime a man joins himself to a woman? Now I have to ask you, how many wives do you have sir? Of course you c
an ask me the same thing. With my head bowed low, I would have to tell you far too many.
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Scriptures and Doctrine :: Help! I've got 10 wives!!
Re: 10 wives - posted by crsschk (), on: 2005/5/14 21:15
Here's an old thread:
eshGo) Polygamy, Slavery, why was God silent?
Re: Help! I've got 10 wives!!, on: 2005/5/14 22:28
What consitutes marriage anyway? "A man that is joined to a harlot is one flesh".
So how does he join himself with her?
The fact of the matter is, western society has a warped sense of the principles of marriage.
People will go out and join with several different partners and then after several years of that decide to settle down.
To whom do you settle down with? The first one that you joined yourself to or another fresh victim that has no idea what
they are getting into.
Pastors will ask couples if they have ever been married before, but what they don't ask is have you had sex with others i
n your past. If yes, how many?
A woman may have had several men before she "settles down" but the man who marries her is marrying a whore, basic
Someone told me once that when you get saved all that is in the past and is done away with.
Don't get me wrong I agree with him to a degree, you have to understand the conversation we were having.
So I asked him a question, based upon a story.
Let say you had were living common law and through that common law you had a house full of kids. Then Christ found
you and you got saved. Old things are passed away, so the kids gotta go and the wife's got to go as well, after all, all thi
ngs have become new.
I said that because of this, even though your past is forgiven, your still living with these other realities. What is to be don
e with those things that are now past?
According to the book of Ezra, if you wanted to be apart of the inheritance the strange women and those that were born
of you while you were in the world would have to be sent away, because now we are in the land and old things must be
done away with.
I know that this sounds far fetched, but what do you do with such a situation. Someone might say, they should get marri
ed, well according to Paul that which is joined to a harlot are one flesh, so they are already married, so I ask what constit
utes marriage?
types and shadows - posted by dohzman (), on: 2005/5/14 23:03
I believe God winked , as it were for a time with this sin inorder to show us in these last days how our own hearts looked
in His sight when we committ adulatry (worldily lusts) and had ,as it were, multiple wives(GODS). The marriage is a sym
bol of covenant, therefore anything that is sin that we seek to live with in peace(even a false peace), we have in essence
covenanted with and therefore in a type we are married to or in covenant with. ?????What ya think? Bro. Daryl
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Re: - posted by letsgetbusy (), on: 2005/5/14 23:51
I agree with your direction, but I would say that whether or not one should leave would be a case by case basis. Paul ga
ve instruction for a Christian that has an unbelieving wife in 1 Corinthians 7:12: "But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If a
ny brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away."
If the man is converted, he should, by the moral law, not "lay with her" until the are married. I don't think it would be godl
y to leave just for the sake of conversion, but there may be other factors. As far as Paul speaking of things being done a
way with, Paul is talking about the way God sees the newly converted soul. The new Christian will want to do right, and
can now point all those he exposed to to Christ, and should be doing so. He will now want to make all his crooked place
s straight. What a fine witness he would be if he turned from all his evil ways in front of all these who knew him, and prea
ched the gospel. Sounds sort of like some bad guys from the Bible that God got ahold of (Joseph, Moses, Samson, Paul
, etc).
Re: - posted by letsgetbusy (), on: 2005/5/15 0:04
I was going to reply in full, but you pretty much covered it. Agreed, having multiple partners was never God's plan. Lo
ok at what happened with Ishmael. Or what about Lot's kids as a result of sleeping with his daughters. Go through Script
ure and look at the results of the kids from these situations. Many times you will find curses. Remember this from the ten
commandments, "I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers of the children unto the third a
nd fourth generation that hate me." Haven't most of us seen a son that has an addiction that he got from his father. Davi
d had a problem with lust (remember his loyal servant Urriah?) that lust passed to his son, Solomon. Lust has always be
en a deviation of God's plan. To find out God's plan, go to the beginning. "An help meet for him." Notice that it is singular
, "an help." Not "many" helps. The word "an" is synonymous with the number one.
Anyway Robert is right. One man and one woman.
Re: Fornication or Marriage - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/15 4:07
-------------------------I know that this sounds far fetched, but what do you do with such a situation. Someone might say, they should get married, well acc
ording to Paul that which is joined to a harlot are one flesh, so they are already married, so I ask what constitutes marriage?
If fornication (we call it pre-marital sex) constitutes marriage, then fornication is not sin, but the start of a new covenant.
And what if a virgin first commits fornication with a non-virgin? The non-virgin would be "bound" to the person who they l
ost their virginity to, since this made them "one flesh."
This begs the question, How many people can be "one flesh" with one another at the same time?
For example, if Jack (virgin) sleeps with Jill (non-virgin), who has slept previously with James (non-virgin), who previousl
y slept with Amy (non-virgin), who previously slept with Joe (non-virgin), who previously slept with...on and on....Are they
all one flesh with each other????
Sounds more like an orgy than a marriage. Where am I wrong?
This is gonna be good. ;-)
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Re: Let not man cast asunder - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/15 6:02
------------------------Healingwaters wrote:
What consitutes marriage anyway? "A man that is joined to a harlot is one flesh".
If you read the original design of joining:23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she sha
ll be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one
25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.Genesis 2:23-25KJVYou will notice the ord
er of how the oneness occured. The one flesh occured because of the sanctioning of the first two requirements which v
alidated 'the one flesh' as constituting marraiage.
In those first two: leaving of mother and father and cleaving to his wife it is the transferring of legitamate authourity betw
een the parents to the son and now becoming the head of his particular family.
Look at Jesus' words: Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let
not man put asunder.Matthew 19:6KJV God has to join the marriage for it to be considered 'official' and not man acting o
ut of his own glands.
In regards to where this discussion is headed, even though a man or woman has joined themselves as one flesh, there
has not been any legitemate transference of authourity into that relationship. I believe therefore that there is no 'marriage
' in the sight of God.
Coming to multiple marriages. We were in Malawi recently and this exact subject came up. One of the comments was th
at the man was following OT pattern of having multiple wives. First of all any man taking more than one wife is being self
ish, because any woman does not want her husbands affections shared with any other. So this man is not fulfilling the la
w of Christ and causing his sister to stumble.
If you look at how this all started:21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he to
ok one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof...Genesis 2:21KJVYou will notice that he took one of his ribs
not any more. There is not place for more ribs to be joined. When this last point was mentioned it brought rapterous appl
ause from the audience.
In regards to men who have more than one wife. The issue I believe is this. The first covenant stands before God as bei
ng legitamate. All the others are not. There simply is not room in Gods economy of marriage for an 'official' marriage that
he has sanctioned. So a man must put those wives away and not share the relationship of marraiage with them, but in re
gards to caring for them and their children that remains his responsibilty. Something along the lines of you made your be
d, so sleep in it.
Re: Very Good, on: 2005/5/15 8:08
Very good Zeke, I had written up something that yesterday and decided not to post it, but now that are into this subject,
I will put here, it's a good thing that I saved it.
So here it is:
Actually there is something regarding this very thing, and Jesus comes head on with the issue. Matthew 19:3
"The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for ev
ery cause?
4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male a
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nd female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the b
eginning it was not so."
Multiple wives came about because of the hardness of mens hearts. This is a spiritual lesson here and one to take note.
The reason why Israel was given to Idolotry it's because they had this hard heartedness towards the ONE God. By wanti
ng more wives phsyically, they were in essense saying they wanted more gods spiritually.
When Christ came He came to correct this and restore the idea that the SECOND MAN ADAM will be married to only O
NE WOMAN EVE the Church. The New Jerusalem is now the Mother of all living (that is all those who have been made
alive thru the new birth).
That is why Jesus said, "if your eye be single, then your whole body is full of light", thats because your eye is fixed only o
n one lover, Christ Jesus and not on another. The words "Love" and "Light" are used interchangeably in the New Testam
I hope that sheds some light on the subject.
Re: Okay - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/15 8:41
Thanks for the response people. I do however think some might have missed the spirit of the post though. i was not stati
ng that I litterly have 10 wives nor was i looking for an exposition on what marriage was--simply wondering why there wo
uld be levitcial laws goverening multiple wives. mostly because the patriarchs Abe and Jake had mulitiples Isaac ((type a
nd shadow of the bride and christ did not). I will admit i never thought about the statment "from the beginning it was not s
o" forgive my ignorance. I see satisfactory evidnece that it was indeed tolerated.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/15 9:17
-------------------------The first covenant stands before God as being legitamate. All the others are not. There simply is not room in Gods economy of marr
iage for an 'official' marriage that he has sanctioned. So a man must put those wives away and not share the relationship of marraiage with them, but i
n regards to caring for them and their children that remains his responsibilty. Something along the lines of you made your bed, so sleep in it.
That is exactly what I've gleaned through my studies on marriage as well, though it is not a popular viewpoint. Blessing
s in Him, Cindy
Re: On the other side of the coin...., on: 2005/5/15 10:08
....Jesus told the woman at the well that the man she was with now was not her husband. I think it does not take a stretc
h of scripture here to believe that she was living with a man who she was likely having sex with. Jesus said he was not h
er husband.
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Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/15 10:34
-------------------------Jesus told the woman at the well that the man she was with now was not her husband. I think it does not take a stretch of scripture
here to believe that she was living with a man who she was likely having sex with. Jesus said he was not her husband.
That's right Laury. Scripture does not teach sex=marriage. Sex is a "type" of joining, this is true. There has to be an a
cknowledged/jointly agreed upon "leaving and cleaving" for a marriage to be binding.
Those who teach sex=marriage would have to then say that any adultery dissolves the previous union and now obligate
s them to stick to their new union, and that certainly would be a hard thing to prove with scripture. Blessings in Him, Cin
Re:, on: 2005/5/15 14:38
"Those who teach sex=marriage would have to then say that any adultery dissolves the previous union and now obligate
s them to stick to their new union, and that certainly would be a hard thing to prove with scripture."
Perhaps, Cindy. Thank you for posting. I don't see where adultery would "dissolve" a previous union. But I do see some
evidence that a man is obligated to the woman he has sex with for her welfare and well being.
One thing about all of this that has always intrigued me, especially as a man, is that Soloman had 700 wives and 300 co
ncubines. But that did not "seem" to bother God. God commanded him not to take "heathen wives". He ignored God and
married them and that was his downfall, for they led him into idolatry.
Wives have a very important influence upon their husbands. Men of this hour are not taught to be as discriminate about t
heir choice of mate as they should be. I know I wasn't, and I've paid dearly for it. I'm not bashing my wife. I'm just stating
what I believe to be so. She is good to me. But I did not seek God in choosing her. I don't want to get sidetracked here,
but to focus on being obedient to God in all things. If we choose not to be obedient, then we will pay a price, just as Solo
man did. It's the leaven that's the problem, you understand. God is a God of purity. He knows full well, that even the slig
htest bit of dirt will ruin impurity. So does satan know this as well.
When a man finds a good wife, he has found a good thing. But a contentious woman is like a dripping faucet or a foot ou
t of joint.
I want to thank God for all you Godly ladies out there. Bear the burdens of your husband, don't invent your own. Live you
r life to live God's life by being there for your husband. Present yourself a living sacrafice to God and to your husband, n
ot as a slave, but as a joint heir. Let the Godly leadership of your husband be received by you as leadership from God, s
ent to you and for you. To God be the glory, now and forever amen.
Re: - posted by dohzman (), on: 2005/5/15 21:26
-------------------------Soloman had 700 wives and 300 concubines. But that did not "seem" to bother God.
ever read the book of ecclesiates, that is one dissolutioned and tormented man. I've often pondered how instrumenta
l the Lord is in the marriages his children are in. Here's what I mean--One man who 's not saved marries and then beco
mes a christian but his wife doesn't or visa versa, Did the soverienty of God extend back to that union or not? Amos say
s can two walk together unless they agree..... I often see christian couples walking in different directions and then they c
omplain about thier mates as if God isn't in the whole marriage process or wasn't in thier marriage choices, How big is o
ur God? I believe in the Soverienty of God, that all things (can)work together for good to them that LOVE the Lord and ar
e called.....according to His purposes. Even what we think are our mistakes.
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Re: dittos, Dohz, on: 2005/5/16 7:36
Thanks for sharing.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/16 7:47
-------------------------One man who 's not saved marries and then becomes a christian but his wife doesn't or visa versa, Did the soverienty of God exten
d back to that union or not? Amos says can two walk together unless they agree..... I often see christian couples walking in different directions and the
n they complain about thier mates as if God isn't in the whole marriage process or wasn't in thier marriage choices, How big is our God? I believe in th
e Soverienty of God, that all things (can)work together for good to them that LOVE the Lord and are called.....according to His purposes. Even what we
think are our mistakes.
Very good insight Dohzman. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/16 8:47
Someone had mentioned the woman at the well, this brings up an intresting point and to further the discussion i do have
another question.
First why, did it seem, that men where allowed to have mulitple wives yet wives only one husband?
The second question is, why did God use 4 different women to birth the 12 tribes of israel? (Leah, Rachel and thier hand
madiens?) Is there something of a proverb or prophetic illustration I'm missing? sorry to be so persistant but it is like a sp
linter in my mind.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/16 8:55
-------------------------Those who teach sex=marriage would have to then say that any adultery dissolves the previous union and now obligates them to sti
ck to their new union, and that certainly would be a hard thing to prove with scripture
Sex apart from marriage is not 'marriage' it is whoredom. The word used in the OT is 'whore.' That is harsh language in
our times, but that is KJV language. It is taking that which belongs to the one and giving it to another. If the whoredom w
as not disclosed before the marriage bed the woman was to be taken out and stoned to death.
But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to th
e door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought f
olly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you. (Deuteronomy 22)
Notice the phrase- "so shalt thou put evil away from among you." What was the evil? Was it merely whoredom? No, it w
as her attempt to marry under false pretenses. She took that which belonged to the one and gave it to anouther- and no
w she pretends to be one thing when she really is another.
So as we attempt to get back to God's original intention we have to do what Jesus did and go back to the beginning. Go
back to Adam and Eve. We can't reach back to some point and say "this was God's plan." Surely it was never God's pla
n that men and women divorce and He hates divorce (putting away). Are we to assume God likes fornication? Hebrews
13:4- whoremongers AND adulters God will judge.
How can we have sound marriages with all the whormongering that goes on in society? Much of which is never disclose
d until after the wedding night. God's plan is for one woman and one man forever. To live a life of whoredom and whore
mongering and then "find the right one" and decide to leave and cleave is to tempt God. To think that a person can live i
n whoredoms and then marry and keep fooling around and force the spouse to just keep taking it is nonsense.
Let it be known that if you cheat on your spouse you are on dangerous ground. If you marry under false pretenses you a
re on dangerous ground. If you commit adultery against your spouse and join Christ to an harlot (male or female) a divor
ce may very well be the merciful thing you get. As Ravenhill said in his interview "God is going to destroy that man!" Him
shall GOD destroy. If you get caught you may end up in a grave anyhow. Listen to Proverbs:
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30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;
31 But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.
32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
33 A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts. (Proverbs 6)
These are sound scriptural facts that ought to make one tremble and fear. Imagine being on the receiving end of the wra
th of BOTH God and man?
God Bless,
What makes someone married? - posted by roadsign (), on: 2005/5/16 14:34
I was just wondering: What actually makes a couple married? Is it the ceremony? Is it when a religious leader declares s
o, or when the gov't gives a liscence. How does GOD join two and make them one?
If a common-law couple is committed to each other is that not actually marriage? If they should split, does that not have
exactly the same disastrous affect as when a legally married couple separates - esp if they have children.
If we have marriage lisences, why doesn't our society have penalties for violation, like for any other violation of a lisence
, or doing something without a liscence (permission)?
Re multiple marriage:
Note Nathan's rebuke to David. He speaks for God, saying, "I gave you your masters wives into your arms.... If all this h
ad been too little, I would have given you more.... You took the wife of Uriah...." 2 Sam. 12:8
More? Is this saying that David could have had more wives if he had ASKED God??
It seemed like David's sin was coveting, stealing, adultery = taking what belonged to SOMEONE ELSE instead of asking
It seems like there is an ownership issue here. Makes me think, why don't Christians get more upset about adultery whic
h is destroying so many people. I see a far louder outcry against same-sex marriage. However, I think that adultery is fa
r more common and damaging than we'd like to think?
Re: What makes someone married? - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/16 15:21
-------------------------However, I think that adultery is far more common and damaging than we'd like to think?
That would be because human beings are notorious for slamming sins that they have no inclination to. This is true acros
s the board. Practicing homosexuals don't generally slam homosexuality, they slam something else. Adulterers don't gen
erally slam adultery, they slam something else, like homosexuality. Its the oldest mindset in the book to slam sins that w
e are not guilty of or have been delivered out of.
Yet, probably the two most frequently committed sins in America is covetousness and gluttony. In the end it is really a di
version. Divert the attention to things that occupy our minds and keep our conscience in check. The problem with this is
you generally end up nailing someone who is really trying to serve God. We need to become introspective. We need to g
et the beam out of our own eyes so we can see clearly to do the delicate and painful task of eye surgery.
God Bless,
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Re: What makes someone married? - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/16 15:24
I agree on your thoughts on smae sex marriage and adultry. We have groups that fight against it, and we call it preservin
g the sanctity of marriage but realy what are we doing to prevent unfaithfulness?
The "what makes a marriage a marriage? it is the covenant. that is where our ceremonies date from. there is a verbal co
mmitment to each other in the sight of God and witttness and then there is a consumation of the vow that you as a husb
and leave and cleave. (at least from what i know)
as far as the david issue goes, that is actuall what im tying to figure out with this post.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/16 15:43
-------------------------The "what makes a marriage a marriage? it is the covenant. that is where our ceremonies date from. there is a verbal commitment t
o each other in the sight of God and witttness and then there is a consumation of the vow that you as a husband leave and cleave. (at least from what i
There is a mouthful here, but by and large I agree. As we go back to Adam and Eve we see the beautiful design of God f
or man. In the beginning He (God) called their name Adam (man). This is unity. This is one flesh. How long would this o
ne man and one woman plural unity last as a model? Not long. In Genesis 4 we read... and Lamech took two wives.... B
efore Adam had breathed his last he lived to witness the beginning departure of God's original plan for marriage which h
ad began with him. God always wanted "one woman kind of men" and "one man kind of women". Not wandering eyes- n
ot coveting each others spouses. Not polygamy and not divorce.
God hates putting away. This is the crux of the pain. The emphasis is generally placed on the multiple marriages, but wh
at God hates primarily is the putting away. The breaking apart. Men could have had multiple wives and not have commit
ed what God 'hated' had He not dealt harshly with the wife of his youth- the one with whom God was the witness of the c
ovenant. This is where we must focus. We must understand that the treatment of our spouses in the eyes of God is critic
al- failing to understing this will cause you many of unanswered prayer.
As terrible as pologamy is it is not what God said he hated. It was the putting away that He hated. Dwell on that for a whi
le. It is a sobering thought. Think of how horrible it is that two would give each other to each other and then one of them
violate that union in adultery. Think of the hurt and the pain. It would take a miracle of God to keep the romantic love aliv
e after such a transgression. What could be more violating than to violate a person like this. Yet, if God hates 'putting aw
ay' what does He think of adulterers and whoremongers? Hebrews 13: says He WILL judge them. Not maybe, not perch
ance, and not if He feels like it. Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers Go
d WILL judge. Mark it down and watch their lives. They will come to calamity- they will know that they have transgressed
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/16 17:21
wow. that is a great post and makes alot of sense. so then poloyogmy is yet another extention of our sinfulness that God
was patient with those before us in, he tolerated it and we confused his tolerance of it was with his approval? wow.
i wonder, just out of curiousity, how many really hard messages have we heard in recent years on the subject of infidelity
in marriage? I can't really think of any that targeted it, even in marriage conferences.
powerful words from you post Robert, my friend. my God keep that which we have commited to him and may we not sna
tch it from his hands and ruin this lovely thing called marriage.
Re: polygamy - posted by roadsign (), on: 2005/5/16 20:45
-------------------------As terrible as pologamy is it is not what God said he hated.
It seems like you are saying that men who practised polygamy, were held accountable for how they treated the wives th
ey had.
In some cultures, isn't polygamy a way of providing social security for women? That seems like a good thing.
In the Mormon community "Bountiful" (In western Canada) the practise of polygamy involves horrible abuse - shaming,
sexual abuse, control, male domination.... They practised polygamy for religious reasons - the more wives a man had, th
e higher status in heaven (at the expense of the women and girls). That is very evil.
Re: Help! I've got 10 wives, on: 2005/5/16 21:50
Just want to mention, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel - all these marriage
unions were a picture, in one way or another, of the heavenly Bridegroom and the Bride. Human marriage is modeled
on something which is embedded in God's heart and nature. That's one of the reasons Satan struck at man through the
relationship of Adam and Eve.
Although there is great information in the Old Testament, the real example of marriage love is Christ's love for the
Church - (saved) individuals. This is also why we should expect the Lord to restore those who have been harmed by
unhealthy realtionships prior to their relationship with Him - but not to do with fault or blame; Jesus's death dealt with it
all. Thus, the church could be better equipped in this area of ministry, perhaps? especially with an attitude of patience
and love to those who need time to heal.
Being 'joint-heirs' and presenting oneself as a 'living sacrifice' to God are part of the normal Christian life. I am uneasy a
bout the suggestion a wife should be a sacrifice to her husband, even though scripture says the husband should be like
Christ's sacrifice in his love towards his wife. That is the order.
On the matter of wives obeying husbands (in Christian marriages) and bearing their husband's burdens, this suggestion
may need to be balanced by the verses at the end of Ephesians 5, first. I hope this does not sound harsh.
Re: Marriage, on: 2005/5/16 22:02
After reading the different opinions raised on this particular topic, I don't think anyone knows what Marriage really is.
We have ideas, but no answer.
I think that if we really knew what marriage was all about, and what it stands for and what God has designed it to be, we
would see less break-ups, less divorcing and the like.
I am not saying I have the answer, but I think that it must be tied into with this concept:
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"To love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul mind and your strength."
A man must fully put himself into his wife and a woman must fully put herself into her husband, thus becoming one flesh,
sexually, mentally, spiritually.
Because it says, "You men, love your wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it."
Paul is liken men to Christ and the Wife to the Church.
I think it's our perception of how we 'think' Christ is treating us is how we treat our wives.
Men ought to have the title 'lord', but men today don't know how to handle it, instead of using as playing out an honourab
le role, they use to lam base the wife.
Wive are no different, instead of representing the church, they withhold their bodies from thier 'lord' as something sacred
and shouldn't be touched. They build shrines of pride around themselves that even disgusts the Angels in heaven.
When we came to the LORD Jesus, we gave up our Body to Him, as He gave up His body for us. "We are not our own...
The same thing in marriage, A woman loses her identity as who she was before and takes on the identity of her husband
. Men give up their rights as being single and takes on the responsiblity of providing for his own.
What has happened to the Church in Western cultures is that we have adopted the ways of the world.
We need to be re taught the scriptures in this regards. I think we all need to stop soul winning and start strengthing the b
ody first then once that is done, then go out and find those who are in the highways and biways. When they start coming
into the church, they will come into a love feast of holy people who love one another, love thier mates, love their nieghbo
ur. It will be like coming into a nursery where your loved and cared for and nothing will harm you.
That's what I think.
That kind of love is just saturated with it.
Re: marriage - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/17 0:14
Malachi 2:13 (King James Version)
13 And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch t
hat he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand
God was saying, “I no longer accept your offering or your worship. I won’t receive anything you bring.”
And why was it the Lord was not accepting these menÂ’s ministry any longer?
Malachi 2:14-15 (King James Version)
14 Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom
thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed.
Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
Without fear of contradiction, it all had to do with their marriages!!
Some of us have been exposed to a Gospel that says a man can abandon his wife and kids and still make heaven his et
ernal home. Some of us have been exposed to a Gospel that says a woman can abandon her husband and kids and still
make heaven her eternal home.
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1 Timothy 5:8 (King James Version)
8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than
an infidel.
I see this passage as properly fitting also in the context of marriage/divorce, as it does taking care of the widows. A man,
a woman who will abandon their spouse and children will one day close their eyes in death on this earth and they will aw
aken in the flames of hell. They will be eternally rewarded with what they wanted here on earth. A spouse who wants to
separate themselves from their family here, God will one day grant that request for all eternity. And yes, I am well aware
of the very limited exceptions that allows for a "putting away".
I am fearful there are entire congregations whereby God is even now saying “I do not accept ANY of this.” “Not your
Sunday morning service, not your Sunday night Evangelistic service, nor your midweek service.”
We live in a day when Men can fornicate, commit adultery, divorce and remarry, and then go right on down the road to a
nother Church and be put right back in Ministry with hardly ANY QUESTIONS ASKED!!
YetÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…DonÂ’t forget thisÂ…
The madness being perpetrated upon Children with new mom, old mom, new dad, old dad, old grandparents, new grand
parents, step this, step thatÂ… IS WICKED!
And then I hear parents trying to convince me how well-adjusted the kids are to all this. I am not convinced, not now, not
yesterday, and I will not be convinced tomorrow. Only thing I am convinced of is, God IS NOT accepting all this.
Sad truth is, to you young Ministers I speakÂ… DonÂ’t expect to be invited to speak at many denominational Churches
with a message like this.
SO WHAT, I say.
HPWT= Have Pulpit Will Travel.
Let this be your motto, build yourself a pulpit stash it in the trunk of your car and go Preach!
If one marriage is saved it will be worth it all, irregardless of all the hateful comments and correspondence you will receiv
God Bless,
1 Peter 3:7 (King James Version)
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vess
el, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
I hardly know a Christian man who will sit down with some Godly marriage&relationship literature/books/videos to try an
d gain some knowledge in thier marriage relationship as to how and dwell with their spouse. Typically some men will tell
me the scriptures are what they use, and is all they need for a Godly home. Just remember this men: you are not always
physically present with your spouse to “remind” them how great and Godly your home and relationship’s are as they
speak with other ladies. Know this, it all comes out then, so donÂ’t be a fool!!
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Re: Help! I've got 10 wives - posted by GaryE (), on: 2005/5/17 2:07
Reply to
Help! I've got 10 Wives
The posts seem to have gone from multiple wives to divorce. Maybe that is what the discussion has been about all alon
While reading these posts, I can't help but think there are people that have been hurt by divorce that are reading these p
osts. Many if not most Christians are taught that remarriage is adultery. Often people who have been faithfull to his or h
er spouse have been divorced by the mate. Some people talk of divorce and remarriage as if it is the unpardonable sin r
efusing to minister any grace or mercy even to the inocent person.
Jesus, while speaking to the Parisees said that they put burdens on people that they themselves wouldn't move with one
of their fingers. (Mathew 23:4) Wouldn't expecting someone else to remain unmarried and knowing that he or she couldn
't live up to it themselves be the same? While speaking on the mount, Jesus said that when a man looks at a woman to l
ust after her he has committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Math. 5:28) Should those who have done this nev
er get married? When God said it's not good for a man to be alone, would being divorced change that fact? If the unma
rried and widows can't contain, let them marry, (1 Cor 7:8+9) would being divorced make the person more likely to be ab
le to contain or to have self-control? In (1 Timothy 4:1-3) where forbidding to marry is called a doctrine of devils, isn't at l
east sometimes a ministers refusal to minister a marriage cerimony this doctrine?
Once the Lord told me to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. I actually told him it would never happen to me. It was
sort of like Peter saying he would never deny him. It wasn't long that I was chewing on that bread and didn't even know i
t. Eventually the Lord had me drop my stone. (John 8:9)
If someone is reading this that is hurting from divorce, God makes a way when there isn't a way. Often we are where we
are at because we have disobeyed him, but when we repent and pray it all works out for good eventually. There is a ne
ed to tell the Lord that no matter if you never get married again, you will still follow him. By giving your will to the Lord in
this it opens up the opportunity for the Lord to heal you and protect you from all this hurt. You must also forgive anyone i
nvolved with this including yourself. Remember, it is the olive that has been crushed that brings the oil that heals others.
In Christ,
Re:, on: 2005/5/17 7:14
-------------------------Remember, it is the olive that has been crushed that brings the oil that heals others.
Oh! My brother, you have no idea how many ends this ties up! Thank you for your ministry in the Spirit.
Re: getting a grip on marriage - posted by roadsign (), on: 2005/5/17 7:49
------------------------- I don't think anyone knows what Marriage really is.
Amen, Karl. It is only as we see through God's perspective that we can make some sense of it. Marriage is be a prophet
ic picture - and we are to present the picture to the world through our lives. Yet, trying to attain the ideal is impossible and causes a lot of frustration.
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-------------------------I hardly know a Christian man who will sit down with some Godly marriage&relationship literature/books/videos to try and gain some
knowledge in thier marriage relationship
Tony, I'm one who has carefully sought and studied every available resource. I learned volumes about the ideal marria
ge, and tried to impliment the advise. In the end, after all my efforts, I felt intensely defeated, because I could not make t
he ideal happen. I couldn't fix a thing. It's like trying to live up to the Law, and never arriving - a set-up for dismal failure.
Your words feel a bit like a cruel stab to the already defeated - though I know you didn't mean it that way.
Whether we are talking about polygamy, divorce, or adultery, we end up with the same conclusion. WE CAN'T FIX IT.
If we stretch our thinking beyond our own culture and time, we have to admit that in general, people are in situations tha
t are beyond their control - due to cultural values, oppression, dysfunctional background. It is even impossible to change
oneself - patterns that have been established since birth. It's like learning a brand new language. A psychologist once tol
d me that books rarely work to fix troubled relationships. I can see why.
I ask: Do "ideal" marriages make strong Christians? I think that it is in brokenness and troubles that one cries out to God
. He reaches down and touches them. (think of Leah, one of Jacob's wives)
I once heard that in revival, God will work mainly through the divorced, the prostitutes etc (ie those the "righteous" tend t
o regard as the sinners and losers) Isn't that what Jesus did?
May all on this site who suffer in relational turmoils be comforted by God's voice wooing them, saying,
I will betroth you to ME forever.
I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
in love and compassion...
In that day, you will call me
And will say,
"You are my God."
Hosea 2:16,19,23
In eternity that is the only marriage that will exist!!!!!!!!!!
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 8:48
-------------------------i wonder, just out of curiousity, how many really hard messages have we heard in recent years on the subject of infidelity in marriag
e? I can't really think of any that targeted it, even in marriage conferences.
I see the same thing. Truly, I get wearied listening to the so called experts on marriage who bring examples of how marri
ages and family 'ought' to be performed in homes and have them tell of how if you just do things 'right' then life will be ak
in to Little House on the Prarie or something. What you rarely hear is how folk DID raise their families right and the kids
still went to the devil. The spouses that DID do everything right and the mate took off and committed adultery or left all to
gether. The people who never suffered a mate running off or never saw their wife with child by another man or a woman
with child by their husband have no idea what they are even talking about, plainly put.
-------------------------It seems like you are saying that men who practised polygamy, were held accountable for how they treated the wives they had. In s
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ome cultures, isn't polygamy a way of providing social security for women? That seems like a good thing.
This is a biblical principal that carries over into the New Testament:
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than a
n infidel (I Timothy 5:8)
Provision comes in lots of forms. I believe first that provision begins with protection. A man has the responsibility to provi
de this protection for his family and if necessary lay down his life. Here we read... Husbands, love your wives, just as Ch
rist also loved the church and gave Himself for it...;(Ephesians 5). Man has the responsibility if possible to provide shelte
r and food. Moreover, men and women are responsible to give their bodies one to the other as they do not have power o
ver their body but the spouse does. It is a wicked thing to use relations as a means of manipulation or control. It also ope
ns the door for the spouse to be tempted for their incontenency. Actually, it is witchcraft and the perpetrator is serving as
the agent of Satan or the means by which the spouse could fall.
-------------------------In the Mormon community "Bountiful" (In western Canada) the practise of polygamy involves horrible abuse - shaming, sexual abus
e, control, male domination.... They practised polygamy for religious reasons - the more wives a man had, the higher status in heaven (at the expense
of the women and girls). That is very evil.
This is serving Asteroth. It is a religion that is based upon illicit experience.
Keep in mind that one of the stipulations for becoming a Bishop or Deacon in the pastoral epistles was that the person in
question must be a "one woman man." This indicates that there were men that were in some kind of way more than "one
woman men". Either there were whoremongers that had applied for the position (that can't be practicing woremongering
or they would not be truly Christians and would be expelled from the church). They were widowers whose spouse had di
ed and they were remarried (this could not be as Paul would not give instruction to young widows to remarry and be sav
ed in child bearing, etc. if remarriage after widowhood was somehow a compromise). They were divorced and remarried
and therefor had been the husband of more than one wife (this is the traditional and most popular view) or they were pol
ygamists (some historians say this is impossible because this was not a common practice in the NT Greco Roman cultur
e, while others say it was commonplace. We do know that slavery was rampant and that the Gospel had spread to other
cultures that may have practiced it). No matter what, we KNOW that it was NOT God's plan and STILL is not God's plan.
Personally I believe it would be on par with slavery and I believe slavery to be a great evil.
So we see then that God had ways of dealing with those who had compromised the marital relationship. If we want to be
as strict as possible we could say that no man that ever knew more than one woman romantically qualifies for leadership
. That would be truly a "one woman man." if we look at the passage as Pentecostal Greek Scholar and teacher Dr. Charl
es Westlake believes it is a "One woman kind of man." A man that only has eyes for one woman. I believe this is the me
aning of the pastoral texts. A man could be married once and have eyes for every woman he sees and qualify for leader
ship in many circles. Yet a man could have been married more than once and truly love his wife with a 'single eye' and b
e disqualified. Let your conscience be the judge. Better yet, what is the Holy Ghost saying?
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 8:56
-------------------------Remember, it is the olive that has been crushed that brings the oil that heals others.
What do you say when the pharisees say that a crushed olive is a worthless olive both to God and man?
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/17 11:17
Thanks for this post.
You wrote:
-------------------------Whether we are talking about polygamy, divorce, or adultery, we end up with the same conclusion. WE CAN'T FIX IT.
Those four words are most interesting to me personally "You can't fix it." For two years after having abandoned my spou
se they were the only words I heard from heaven. I was not even in a frame of mind to know that I could not, but with Go
d all things are possible. And He has , and is fixing it.
In the last one and one half years I have spoken to scores of innocent victims of divorce and have been amazed how Go
d moves in to comfort, heal broken hearts and give hope to (mostly ladies) who are in terrible depression.
I also stand by my statement, there are so few men who will avail themselves to the worthwhile works that could just hel
p them in dwelling with their spouse according to knowledge. The wives try, the women seek out help, but sadly all too o
ften Christian men because of pride shut out sources that God has designed that have the potential to bring help.
My downfall started with the mind, I did not immediately cast down those imaginations that would in very short order wre
ck havoc and destruction on all fronts.
This is what David Wilkerson said in his April 11th message:
"In short, there is no other school as difficult and intense as the school of marriage. And you never graduate. God is mak
ing it clear to us: our life with our loved ones is the pinnacle, the very summit, of all our testings. If we get it wrong here,
we'll have it wrong everywhere else in our life."
God bless,
Re: Help! I've got 10 wives re RobertW, on: 2005/5/17 14:07
-------------------------What do you say when the pharisees say that a crushed olive is a worthless olive both to God and man?
I'd be grateful (Robert) if you could explain a little more who you mean by 'the pharisees' and what they mean by 'worthle
ss'? Thanks.
-------------------------They were widowers whose spouse had died and they were remarried (this could not be as Paul would not give instruction to young
widows to remarry and be saved in child bearing, etc. if remarriage after widowhood was somehow a compromise). They were divorced and remarried
and therefor had been the husband of more than one wife (this is the traditional and most popular view)
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The matter of being a husband of one wife, is one living wife. Marriage is until death do us part. Once a spouse has die
d, the widow(er) is free to remarry. (Romans 7:1-3)
The question of divorce and remarriage I will not touch except to say GaryE spoke a lot of sense. There is also the matt
er of the reasons a marriage breaks up and whether hope for reconciliation is realistic or not. Often this is bound up with
the attitude to God of one or other spouse and the complications which provoked the separation.
When I had to leave my husband, I realised something for the first time ever. Only I could know whether my course of a
ction was justified. Further I did not need to explain or justify it to anyone else. Lastly, it was extremely difficult to put int
o words. Instantly, I remembered how often I'd tried to advise (close) friends and instantly, I realised how unhelpful or us
eless my contributions may have been. In short, I was embarrassed to remember myself. Latterly, I was very grateful to
be left in peace to sort out my life, with God, Who had been nothing but supportive of my decision.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/17 15:08
-------------------------The matter of being a husband of one wife, is one living wife. Marriage is until death do us part. Once a spouse has died, the widow
(er) is free to remarry. (Romans 7:1-3)
It is this belief that gets people labelled "Pharisees" or "lacking in grace or compassion". I know, I have been accused of
such, by the very nicest of Christians.
Concerning the statement, "the pharisees say that a crushed olive is a worthless olive both to God and man?"
I think that is a very wrong assertion. I am a permanency of marriage proponent (believing a marriage covenant bound
by God is UNBREAKABLE until death) and I certainly do not believe a "crushed olive is worthless". There are some I kn
ow presently who have fallen (or dove) into sin(committing biblical adultery---extramaritally or through unbiblical remarria
ge) and have forsaken the adulterous relationship and are being used greatly by God----whether through a restored cov
enant marriage or alone(with Jesus at their side).
When one truly forsakes their sin and submits themselves COMPLETELY to the Lord (not expecting anything in return),
God can and does do mighty works in and through that person. There is great potential in every crushed olive.........Ble
ssings in Jesus, Cindy
Here's a great site concerning marriage, what is is and what it is not:
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 15:38
To be honest Dorcas, this topic has sifted me and other saints who really love God so bad in the last 5 months that I per
sonally am battle weary to even enguage the issues. I know what the word teaches and the gaps that people try to fill in.
When we are talking about divorce and remarriage we are moving in waters without a compass under cloudy sky at mid
night. Jesus chose not to address the "what shall we do next" aspects of remarriage. He had opportunity and for what ev
er reason chose NOT to speak to the issue. Why? I have no idea.
Everyone has to be fully persuaded in their own minds what to do. I cannot tell and will not tell people how to get on with
their lives after tragedy has struck. I do not have the wisdom and It is enough that all hell itself sits in wait to bring a belie
ver down without me adding my 2 cents.
Let me say this though; when it comes to playing the role of the Holy Ghost I do not stand in that line. "To his/her own M
aster they stand or fall." I will not "set at nought my brother/sister." I will not "judge" them. I would tell you what I have sai
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d before- "Do what the Holy Ghost is saying for you to do- nothing more and nothing less" and it will be gospel to me. Yo
u have to answer to God and so do I. I tremble and fear to give advice when scripture is simply not clear on the issues.
You do what God tells you to do and ignore everything else. Don't let folk come in who may have good intentions and fill
your mind with questions that wound your conscience. was God dealing with you before that person showed up? If so- d
o what He says. If not- when in doubt don't do ANYTHING until you have clear direction from God.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 15:43
-------------------------I know, I have been accused of such, by the very nicest of Christians.
I would like to know how God views the teaching.
Re: - posted by roadsign (), on: 2005/5/17 15:51
-------------------------I also stand by my statement, there are so few men who will avail themselves to the worthwhile works that could just help them in d
welling with their spouse
Okay, Tony, I accept these words. That seems to be true for various reasons. Is it because men don't feel the need? Or
because they have other means fo finding fullfilment? I don't know....
I will confess that a lot of my past attempts to make improvements really had an idolatrous root - my desire for security
and acceptance. However, God never promised security in this life. He wants us find our security in HIM, regardless of o
ur circumstances. That was the big lesson for me.
I'll never forget the day I took down the plaque that said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." It was a mom
ent of death - the death of a passionate desire. But it was the beginning of something new.
God has something far better than a Christian-like family - He had THE REAL THING. I see him at work through life cir
cumstances - constantly drawing my family to an AUTHENTIC reliance on him. We're not there yet, but that does not me
an we measure lower on the scale in comparison to those families where all are going to church every Sunday and are a
ll in the "Lord's work".
One thing that I did learn was that there is no such thing as an "innocent" victim. The one who seems to be "shinier" is u
sually also part of the problem - after all - all are sinners.
-------------------------When I had to leave my husband, I realised something for the first time ever. Only I could know whether my course of action was ju
stified. Further I did not need to explain or justify it to anyone else. Lastly, it was extremely difficult to put into words. Instantly, I remembered how often
I'd tried to advise (close) friends and instantly, I realised how unhelpful or useless my contributions may have been.
Dorcus, to me these words are some of the best words I've read so far - because they flow from real life experience.
We can talk about the ideal till the cows come home, but in the final day, we stand alone before God to give an account f
or how we handled our own lot in life.
I see that Lahry started another thead, "Let's discuss marriage", so I'll see you there.
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 16:04
-------------------------"the pharisees say that a crushed olive is a worthless olive both to God and man?"
The Pharisees were notorious for trying to userp God's authority. They took the woman taken in adultery and wanted he
re stoned. They did not bring the man. They wanted to be judge and executioner. This is a 'Jezebel' type attitude. They
wanted to userp the authority of God as did Jezebel userping the throne of Israel. She ruled through her husband and th
en her sons. She caused the prophet of God to flee to a cave. This attitude among the pharisees gave birth to modern d
ay Rabbinic Judaism. They took the scriptures and shut God out of the equation. You can read about it
( here. They see themselves as the final a
uthority in matters of life and practice. When I say 'final authority' I mean that their hermeneutic so contorted scripture as
to place their interpretation of scripture in the place of the authority of God. It is the word that is infallable not our interpre
tation. Way too much goes into interpreting scripture to have a totally pure doctrine. This is why we need the Holy Spirit.
God is in authority.
God Bless,
Can of Worms - posted by inotof (), on: 2005/5/17 16:09
I apologize to you all, when i started this thread it was not to rile any one or to stir any emotions or to condem. It was to s
eek an answer to why, it seemed, the God sanctioned multiple wives. I certianly did not expect the coversation to turn to
divorce, remarriage etc. This is a very sensitve subject and when one gets into it with stangers, even though they are br
others and sister, who many times have not met, there is a very thin line between enlightening and offense. i agree that
no one can take the place of the blessed Holy Ghost and not should we try. it is a very touchy subject for me--while i hav
e never been divorced and (to the glory of God) my wife and i were both virgins when we married--a very dear friend and
the man that married us WAS. There where many people that saw him as unfit to minister, much less to join my wife an i
(6 years ago in june) in the covenant of marriage. This man was and is a mentor to me and much more of a father than
my own has been--yet because of a sin (over 27 years ago) he is still looked on as a trnsgressor? It really produced a cri
sis of faith for me. Either the cross is powerful enough to conquer sin and shame or it is not. I will bow out of this post no
w.I';m not angy or offened, just worried about the possible direction that this post might be headed in. If anyone has any i
nformation on maybe why God allowed some folks (Abe, Jake, Dave, Solly) to have many wive PM me. God bless you a
ll. Dave
Re: - posted by roadsign (), on: 2005/5/17 16:13
------------------------- we need the Holy Spirit. God is in authority.
Adam, Abraham, Ahab, Samson, Solomon, King Herod, let their wives influence them to make tragic choices because t
hey did not make the Spirit their highest authority.
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Re: Do you mind adjustments? - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/17 16:22
------------------------roadsign wrote:
...they did not make the Spirit their highest authority.
Do you mind if I put the 'his word' in place of Spirit?
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 16:32
-------------------------Do you mind if I put the 'his word' in place of Spirit?
The Spirit and the Word agree. The written word is God breathed- by the Holy Spirit and is not of any private interpretati
on. The conflict arises with interpretations that are not the result of the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth. The Holy Spirit
must deal with us and lead us according to His will.
God Bless,
Re: The Holy Spirit showed me that... - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/17 16:53
------------------------The conflict arises with interpretations that are not the result of the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth. The Holy Spirit must deal with us and lead us ac
cording to His will.
That comment is the beginning of 'the conflict arises with interpretations' :-)
So which is the cart and which is the horse?
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/17 16:57
-------------------------I would like to know how God views the teaching.
I don't understand your statement Robert.
Re: Can of Worms - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 16:58
Hi inotof,
I see no need to apologize. You did not stir emotions or condemn. You simply asked a question that Jesus
demonstrated as to what God's will was for marriage. If we stay there and don't add to or take away from what He saidwe will do well.
-------------------------It was to seek an answer to why, it seemed, the God sanctioned multiple wives.
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Jesus appeals to the creation texts. Again, from the beginning it was not so. We have come a long way from the original
post, perhaps, but it all fits together. God originally intended that man and woman would be as Adam and Eve. The drift f
rom God's plan went farther and farther away as time went on until the two rabbinic schools debated whether divorce wa
s mandatory or whether it was allowed. This places the doctrine of the Pharisee's at exact odds with God on the matter.
The only real prohibition for marriage under the law was to family members and infidels. Ezra broke up a lot of marriages
that were unions to heathen peoples. The NT forbids such and teachs that the one should dwell with the other if possible
because they are sanctified by the believer. There is no NT evidence of any such practice ever having taken place. this i
s an argument from silence, but if the matter was as serious as it is- there had been some sort of precedence.
Getting back to the Garden of Eden is God's desire, both for man and Himself. God desires that we walk with him in the
cool of the day and has made a way. Do we know Him in that way? We do in part. But things will be quite different in the
New Jerusalem. We will know even as we are known. Until then we need to press as hard as possible towards Eden- to
recapture all that was lost that Christ has come to reclaim.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 17:04
-------------------------I don't understand your statement Robert.
I would like to know what God thinks because of the ramifications of mass marital breakups and confusion that the doctri
ne generates among the people of God when there is no precedent for any such things ever taking place in the bible tha
t were not later nullified by NT teachings. I.E. Ezra's OT actions would not have flown according to Paul's NT doctrine.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/17 17:12
-------------------------I would like to know what God thinks because of the ramifications of mass marital breakups and confusion that the doctrine generat
es among the people of God when there is no precedent for any such things ever taking polace in the bible that were not later nullified by NT teachings
. I.E. Ezra's OT actions would not have flown according to Paul's NT doctrine.
We are talking of the sin of adultery here Robert, not of marrying heathen women. Jesus and Paul both agreed that re
marriage outside of the death of one's covenant wife was adultery. How does one repent of adultery? I cannot see ho
w God is displeased in the least when one forsakes the sin they are caught up in. If we say "let the Holy spirit be the Ho
ly Spirit" in regards to this one particular sin (not desiring to take a firm stance, though the Word of God does), how can
we call people to repent of other types of sins with a good, clear conscience?
It seems to me that is exactly what many Christians are doing today-----calling homosexuals to repent, yet we have adult
ery going on in incredible numbers within the "church" congregation and there is no call to repentance. Do you not see
the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness when we preach against some sins, but not others?
There are many people who post here on SI who speak of the hypocrisies they see in the Church. This is a great hypoc
risy I see.......and ignoring it is only making it worse. :-(
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/17 17:22
-------------------------We are talking of the sin of adultery here Robert, not of marrying heathen women.
The usual passage cited for breaking up families is the one I mentioned in Ezra. There is NO precedent for repentance i
nvolving breaking up families anywhere in the New Testament record. Clearly there were many that were in these situati
ons in NT times and yet not one example of repentance requiring the breaking up of a family. If there is but one clear ex
ample I will change my view.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/17 17:45
Cindy wrote:
-------------------------It seems to me that is exactly what many Christians are doing today-----calling homosexuals to repent, yet we have adultery going o
n in incredible numbers within the "church" congregation and there is no call to repentance. Do you not see the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness when we
preach against some sins, but not others?
-------------------------There are many people who post here on SI who speak of the hypocrisies they see in the Church. This is a great hypocrisy I see.....
..and ignoring it is only making it worse.
Cindy, would you not make a distinction between the spouse who abandons, and the spouse that was abandoned?
I do agree to a point with Diane, “there are no innocent parties”. In conversation with so many over these many mont
hs, after the dust settles this point is usually made. Even the spouse who is abandoned many times will confess they we
re not cultivating the relationship Christ desired.
The man, the woman need not feel condemned by these comments though, when their spouse has walked out on them.
I have nothing but blessings and goodwill towards those “innocent” victims. God will use these wonderful people in a
n even greater fashion in all their future endeavors as they desire to walk in the Holy Ghost.
What is the Holy Ghost saying? Is what the Holy Ghost has already said.... Go and sin no more.
In Christ,
Re:, on: 2005/5/17 21:13
TonyS - I want to thank you for your postings in this thread, which come from a place of reality I recognise.
Diane - Thank you for engaging here. I'm not sure whether I will post much in the other thread, as much of what I still
may post, is more suited in this thread, I believe.
RobertW - Knowing you're battle weary here, no rush to answer my further questions about the quote below. You have
been holding out for the scriptural ideal, while acknowledging the flexibility (I don't mean twisting) which arises as people
honestly come before God and receive the ministry of the Spirit to their condition and situation. Have I picked this up cor
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rectly? Below, I'm not clear why there is a mention of 'the doctrine'... Which doctrine, please?
-------------------------I would like to know what God thinks because of the ramifications of mass marital breakups and confusion that the doctrine generat
es among the people of God when there is no precedent for any such things ever taking place in the bible that were not later nullified by NT teachings.
I.E. Ezra's OT actions would not have flown according to Paul's NT doctrine.
Re: Guilty Party - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/17 21:45
There is much talk here about "guilty" and "innocent" parites. Let's take a Biblical look at this:
The guilty party policy:
The following doctrine is an attempt to expose the shortcomings in divorce apologetics, and contends that only death
breaks the marriage covenant, not adultery and not desertion.
Every doctrine that justifies divorce and remarriage is based upon the 'exception clause' found in Matthew's gospel
(5:32 and 19:9).
Matt. 5:32 ...whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery...
Matt. 19:9 ...Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth
We are told that fornication (porneia in Greek) in the aforementioned 'exception clause' can be translated as three or
four different types of sexual perversion, all good reasons for divorce and remarriage. This interpretation always results
in a guilty party and an innocent party, i.e. innocent party free to remarry and guilty party not free to remarry; this is the
most popular interpretation of the 'exception clause' (generally speaking). There are so many variations of this policy
that only God knows them all. Hence the term guilty-party-policy or statement-on-divorce-and-remarriage.
While it is fair to say that sexual perversion is definitely a reason for separation, it does not make the one become two.
D. Evenhuis explained like this, "God says the two shall be one, but the church says, 'we can make the one into two
again'." I am convinced that the 'exception clause' is referring to what Moses taught about fornication in Deut. 22:13-21.
(My reasons to follow)
The not guilty party policy:
A careful study of the Hebrew marriage customs and laws reveals that the groom pays for the bride with a dowry paid
to the brideÂ’s father (Gen. 34:12, Exod. 22:17) . Many examples can be found in the Old Testament of this, e.g. David
could not afford the dowry for a kingÂ’s daughter (very expensive) (1Sam.18:25). No better example of this is than the
groom Jesus paid for His bride, not with corruptible silver and gold but with His own blood, revealed as a dowry in this
Terms and conditions:
- No try before buy.
- Payment upfront in full before marriage.
- One exception only, if the girl is not a virgin the deal could be called off. Hence the reason why Jesus said "except it
be for fornication". This also reveals the importance of holiness: if we donÂ’t maintain our chastity then we will be
excluded from the marriage supper.
In my opinion, the best New Testament example of what Jesus meant by "except it be for fornication" is the case of
Joseph and Mary. I'm sure you know the story how Mary was found with child before they were married and Joseph
was going to put her away until the Angel of the Lord intervened. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant he
assumed she had been fornicating because he knew that he was not responsible for Mary's pregnancy. Therefore he
was able to 'put away' his fiancée because of fornication. Notice that the Bible refers to Mary as Joseph's wife before
they were married.
Luke 2:5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife,
Matt. 1:20 ... Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife...
The New Testament uses the word wife in these examples as fiancée; the same use can be applied to the exception
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clause: Whosoever shall put away his fiancée, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth
But in some cases the sin of fornication can only be discovered after the marriage has occurred, hence Deut.
22:13-21. If the 'exception clause' is interpreted in this way then Jesus effectively upheld the Law of Moses and set an
even higher standard for His Church. Sadly, this standard has been replaced by the guilty-party-policies of the
last-days Church. Any study on the Sermon on the Mount reveals that Jesus is teaching from the Old Testament and
setting a higher standard for His followers; this is the point where the 'exception clause' first appears (Matt. 5:32) and is
primarily for the Jews because Moses included it in their Law. The Church seems to have forgotten that Jesus is
Jewish and the Gospel is still for the Jews first. When the Churches' work is tested by fire I wonder what will be left of
the guilty-party-policies.
What about the innocent party?
When it comes to marriage breakdown and divorce, the term "innocent party" is a myth. No doubt there are many
victims of divorce but there are no innocent parties. The only example in all history where a divorce has produced an
innocent party is found in Jer. 3:8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I
had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; The example above is the one and only divorce that has produced an
innocent party, all other divorces produce two guilty parties. Admittedly, in many cases one party is the victim and the
other party is the perpetrator, but neither can rightly be called "innocent". Please note: in the very same chapter of
Jeremiah we see that the Lord God declares; Jer. 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married
unto you:
It is worthwhile stating that God said He is still married after the divorce.
Some say the 'innocent party' is described in Num.5:31. But a closer look at the context shows some interesting facts
concerning the law of jealousy as detailed in Num. 5:12-31. Adultery is the suspected crime and the events conclude
with the words:
Num.5:31 Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.
Despite the fact that the husband is called "guiltless" there is no mention of divorce here in the entire chapter. In fact t
he effects of the coming curse are graphically described but divorce is not amongst them Num.5:21. If the husband initi
ates a divorce he is innocent of adultery but not of divorce. He has provision to divorce under the Law but not under Gr
ace. The jealousy law is for those under the Law, to build a New Testament case for divorce and remarriage based upo
n this is an error. This chapter again shows that the marriage continues after the adultery.
Consider DavidÂ’s position when King Saul wanted to kill him. He fled for his life and Saul gave his daughter (DavidÂ’s
wife) to someone else. David was left alone through no fault of his own and eventually remarried. Many years later whe
n he became king he forced the separation of his first wife and her second husband, refusing to accept her second mar
This same attitude was reflected by John the Baptist when he called Herodias "Philip's wife" despite the fact that Hero
d and Herodias were married, (Matt.14:3, Mark 6:17, Luke 3:19) John refused to accept her second marriage . The Bibl
e says that Herod liked listening to John's preaching (Mark 6:20). Imagine if Herod and Herodias went to one of todayÂ’
s modern churches, I wonder what they would say to them?
Consider the marriage between Jehovah and Israel (Jer. 3:14 & Isa. 54:5). This also resulted in tears and gives us an i
nteresting insight into the marriage covenant. Although Israel was unfaithful on many occasions her sin did not destroy
the agreement. Even the divorce only amounts to a recognition of separation; the reason for this is because only death
can break that covenant, and neither party has died. Of course the innocent party in this example being the Creator of
heaven and earth, and it is interesting to note that He never remarried. Some say God divorced Israel and married the
Church but the Bible doesn't say that. In fact, the New Testament Church is only engaged to be married to Jesus, and
ceremony has not occurred yet, nor has the marriage been consummated.
How heartbreaking is the marriage of Jehovah and Israel when you consider that not only was the marriage painful but
the child born from the marriage was even killed by the wife.
Another interesting example of marriage gone wrong is the union of King Ahasuerus and his first wife, Queen Vashti (E
sther chapter 1). In case you're not familiar with the story, when the King was merry with wine he wanted to show his m
ates how beautiful the Queen was. Its not clear what exactly he had in mind but anyone who has been in the company
of men when they are merry with wine could guess what was going on. The ensuing tiff seems to have resulted in a div
orce and the King went on to remarry many other wives, one of course being Esther. That Vashti come no more before
king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate unto another that is better than she.
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Jesus said whosoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery therefore the King was guilty of adultery.
Adultery in this context is not so much the sexual act, as the crime committed against his first wife. Jesus described thi
s in Mark 10:11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery ag
ainst her.
Of course all these conclusions are drawn from the 'betrothal view' perspective.
The 'exception clause' (Matt. 5:32 & 19:9) only appears in Matthew's Gospel because Matthew wrote to the Jews and i
t must be understood in its Jewish context. It is therefore irrelevant to the gentile church. The 'exception clause' would
only apply to those men who were married in accordance with Deut. 22:13-21 and were deceived into thinking their brid
e was a virgin. The Church has re-interpreted the 'exception clause' to suit its own requirements and produced many di
fferent guilty-party-policies, all of which donÂ’t fit the canon of Scripture.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/17 21:52
Tony, I too am in agreement with Diane concerning "there are no innocent parties", but even so, we must support and e
ncourage those who are suffering in such a way to be faithful to the Lord and not give up. We must also encourage eac
h other to obey, even in the "hard" things, for when we do, we will truly walk in the blessings of God, with a clear conscie
What makes me feel sad is, I've seen people say they are the innocent party due to the sin of their spouse (thus giving t
hem permission to 'move on'). It's the 'moving on' part that I don't agree with because I don't believe scripture teaches t
his nor does the Spirit gives witness that this lines up with the very heart of God.
The problem with the mentality("I" deserve, surely God wouldn't expect me") is scripture teaches that ALL have sinned a
nd fallen short of the Glory of God. As you have stated, many times even the deserted/abandoned who remain faithful t
o their wayward spouses recognize this truth-----they have Christ's mind on their own position of guilt and His mind on fo
rgiveness no matter the transgression against them----because they have been forgiven greatly.
You know, there are many people within that support group (Spirit of Hosea) who have been abandoned by cheating sp
ouses and they are standing for their covenant marriages to be restored. Many of them have been reviled/rejected by t
he "church" for believing they are called to be faithful to their covenant marriages even though their spouse has left them
. Forgiveness and perseverence abound there like nothing I've seen before (although there are some incredible saints
here who let the Lord's love shine through them in the forgiveness they extend).........not only that, but the level of faith th
at God is with them through all the difficulties, is inspiring to say the least. It shames me concerning my own faith walk t
o see how faithful these saints are, not only towards their cheating covenant spouses (many who have remarried), but h
ow faithful and obedient they are to the Lord. In the same vein, those who have forsaken adulterous remarriages when t
hey came to see them as such, as you did, are living/breathing faith in action saints.......
One more thing if I may, the divorce/remarriage problem is only the symptom of a greater sickness----and that sickness i
s unforgiveness,lack of longsuffering, selfishness and faithlessness(towards the covenant spouse as well as to God). U
ntil those heart issues are dealt with, we can only assume the divorce and remarriage/adultery sin (the outward manifest
ation of the heart), will continue to plague the church in ever increasing numbers. I do pray that I have not wrongly offe
nded anyone, but may encourage some who are so led to ponder and study this very important topic to the Body of Chri
st........Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/17 22:13
-------------------------The usual passage cited for breaking up families is the one I mentioned in Ezra. There is NO precedent for repentance involving bre
aking up families anywhere in the New Testament record. Clearly there were many that were in these situations in NT times and yet not one example
of repentance requiring the breaking up of a family. If there is but one clear example I will change my view.
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I think the reason anyone would use the Ezra passage is to show precedent. Ezra 9-10 clearly shows that God's judgm
ent was upon the nation for joining themselves with heathen wives. To rectify this great sin, the men repented of these s
inful unions (by forsaking those wives and families they had rebelliously contracted). We also see in Mal. 2 that AFTER
the priests had taken these young wives (disposing of their covenant wives), even their weeping at the altar would not sa
tisfy the Lord. What would have satisfied the Lord in your opinion?
As I said I think Ezra is only used as precedent. When people say that the Lord would never require the breaking up of
a family, that is indeed what occurred in Ezra-----due to sin. If God's judgment was upon the nation due to these marria
ges, do you think their putting away of these families was sin to God? In my opinion, their acts were acts of repentance
and restoration to the Lord and they were honored as such.
Concerning biblical adultery in the NT (extra marital AND remarriage) are the fruits of repentance different for each? I d
on't believe so. This is where the church has used "different weights and measures".........which is an abomination to th
e Lord. Either something is a sin and needs to be forsaken, or it is not a sin and can be continued on in. It can't be on
e way for some and a different way for another. Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/18 0:27
Dorcas wrote:
-------------------------TonyS - I want to thank you for your postings in this thread, which come from a place of reality I recognise.
If only this were entirely the summation of the matter. It comes from a place of my total and complete failure. Failure as a
Christian, as a Husband, as a friend, as a leader... the list goes on.
My comments in this thread, at least it has been my intent, are for those men and maybe women that are even now toyin
g with the idea of putting away their spouse. Before I committed this atrocious sin, I built an elaborate scheme of teachin
gs that I felt would allow it. My itching ears gathered around me teachers with doctrines that made me comfortable in my
Every step I took out in this barren wilderness I felt would "seal the deal." I just knew if I went far enough with my plans t
hat God would just have to roll with it all. Simply stated He never just went along with it.
read this quote:
"A Jesus who will allow you to do things forbidden by The BOOK is a Jesus of your imagination. A Jesus who permits yo
u to live by a lower standard than by his actual teachings is a false Christ presented to you by Satan."
-Milton Wells, former Assemblies Of God College President
That quote is my Testimony.
Thank you Dorcas!!
In Christ,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 8:04
-------------------------The 'exception clause' (Matt. 5:32 & 19:9) only appears in Matthew's Gospel because Matthew wrote to the Jews and it must be un
derstood in its Jewish context. It is therefore irrelevant to the gentile church.
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Jewish Context? Hmmm. I majored in Jewish Roots and find a disturbing trend among Non-Jews (Gentiles) that is com
mon and it is exactly what is written above. To follow this line of reasoning nothing Jesus said is relevant to Gentiles.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 8:21
-------------------------I think the reason anyone would use the Ezra passage is to show precedent. Ezra 9-10 clearly shows that God's judgment was upo
n the nation for joining themselves with heathen wives. To rectify this great sin, the men repented of these sinful unions (by forsaking those wives and f
amilies they had rebelliously contracted).
This issue here was clearly not the issue of multiple wives or adulterous relationships as you stated previously. Heathen
wives had turned the hearts of the Jews from God and God wanted it stopped. Yet, when we come to I Corinthians Paul
expressly states that this type of separation should not take place.
But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, l
et him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with he
r, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by th
e husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brothe
r or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. (I Corinthians 7:12-15)
We see clearly that the OT practice of forced putting away because of infidelity towards God (heathenism) is clearly reve
Again, I wish for anyone to show me one clear example of families being broken up in the New Testament as an act of r
epentance? The woman at the well would have been a great opportunity for our Lord to give direction on what this woma
n who had been married so many times should do. Should she go back to husband #1, #2, #3, #4,#5, or should she mar
ry #6 or should she live a life of celebacy? The Holy Spirit by design ommitted any corrective action here. Why? Only Go
d knows. Had God wanted to give direction on 'what' to do- he clearly would have. There is NO direction anywhere in the
New Testament and only Ezra in the Old Testament- which is something that clearly would not have happened in the Ne
w Testament.
So where is the authority for instruction to folk to divorce and return to the first spouse coming from? Is someone that I a
m unaware of speaking with Apostolic authority giving this direction? Are they speaking this, not the Lord, but by permiss
ion? With no Biblical precedence, where are the orders coming from?
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 8:36
-------------------------One more thing if I may, the divorce/remarriage problem is only the symptom of a greater sickness----and that sickness is unforgive
ness,lack of longsuffering, selfishness and faithlessness(towards the covenant spouse as well as to God). Until those heart issues are dealt with, we c
an only assume the divorce and remarriage/adultery sin (the outward manifestation of the heart), will continue to plague the church in ever increasing
Again, this is the cart before the horse. The first corrective action is to return to the creation model and stop the whorem
ongering and adultery that is plaguing the church. Before Adam there was no Adam for Eve and before Eve there was n
o Eve for Adam. All they knew were each other. They only had eyes for each other as there were no others. They were t
he only two people on earth to each other.
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I believe in forgiveness and restoration and could speak to this issue if it were proper, but I will not. Yet obedience is bett
er than sacrifice. Jesus clearly taught "except it be for fornication." You have no promise of ever restoring your marriage
if you decide to break that one union by adding a 3rd party. You are rolling the dice with your life and are SURE to suffer
the judgment of God. You will reap what you have sown as God is not mocked. Under the Old Testament folk who did s
o were to suffer the death penalty either at the hand of the leaders or by the hand of a jealous husband. The reproach w
as never wiped away for them. In the New Testament that is done away, but what is NOT done away is the clear warnin
g of both Matthew 5 and 19.
For all the zealots who wish to erase the words of Christ in their zeal to see folk return to their first spouses- again I askby what authority do you tamper with the word of God?
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/18 9:01
-------------------------I wish for anyone to show me one clear example of families being broken up in the New Testament as an act of repentance?
The Holy Spirit by design ommitted any corrective action here. Why? Only God knows. Had God wanted to give direction on 'what' to do- he clearly wo
uld have. There is NO direction anywhere in the New Testament and only Ezra in the Old Testament- which is something that clearly would not have h
appened in the New Testament.
NT scripture does not advocate putting away the family gotten through an adulterous EXTRA- marital affair, does it? If
someone were to come to you and say "I am married, with no kids from that marriage. I also am involved with another
woman whom I now have 3 children with. What should I do?"
What would your counsel be, Robert? Would you tell him to forsake the adulterous relationship----even though it has pr
oduced children, or would you tell this person that scripture is not clear in such instances, so go pray and do whatever y
ou feel the Spirit is leading? Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/18 9:28
-------------------------For all the zealots who wish to erase the words of Christ in their zeal to see folk return to their first spouses- again I ask- by what au
thority do you tamper with the word of God?
There is no erasing nor tampering with the Words of Jesus, Robert. Certainly not on my end. Rom. 7:2-3 seals it for m
e and that is a passage my own church would not touch, and I've found most will not touch it either. Many continually g
o back and stand on their understanding of "porneia" in Mt. 19:9, 5:32. The thing is the argument that allows for a rema
rriage in the case of adultery does not fit Rom. 7:2-3. So lies the great division in how Mt. 19:9 is interpreted. I too belie
ve Mt. 1:18-24 answers the dilemma very well.
A person who remarries while their covenant spouse is still living is in a state of adultery------til that spouse dies. That is
exactly what Paul taught. Paul even gave the example of a woman remarrying, calling her an adulteress----did he say t
his new "marriage" dissolved the previous? No, he stood firm on the teaching that DEATH dissolved the bond of marria
ge, then and only then would one be free to be joined with another.
There is only 1 means of freedom from the law-----Christ. There is only one means of freedom of the bond of marriage---death. That is why Paul used the marriage analogy. If there were other ways to escape the bond of marriage outsid
e of death, his analogy would have been flawed. It was not flawed. Paul never mentions divorce as a freeing vehicle, n
or does he say extra marital adultery or remarriage adultery frees one from the bond of marriage (he had plenty of chanc
e in I Cor. 7----which again, he states marriage is until death---verse 39).
Man has added "other ways" of being free from the marriage bond, ways that Paul never spoke of. In the church now w
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e have all kinds of acceptable 'extra biblical' reasons why people can not only get divorced, but remarried as well: verba
l abuse, physical abuse, pornography addictions, substance abuse, joblessness, mental illness, etc, etc...........where do
es it end? Don't people realize that unforgiveness is at the root of all broken marriages? Do we not yet understand an
d believe that what Jesus declared is truth: If you will not forgive the sins of others, you will not be forgiven..........Do we
not see that "I" is at the root of all remarriages.........."I" deserve, "I" want, "surely God doesn't expect "me" to live "unmar
ried" or be reconciled to this horrible person I married"...........yet, surely as you said Robert, "Obedience is better than sa
crifice".........Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 10:02
-------------------------Rom. 7:2-3 seals it for me and that is a passage my own church would not touch, and I've found most will not touch it either.
Do you know of a single case in the Old Testament where a woman that was given a writing of divorcement was ever cal
led an 'adulteress'? There are none.
-------------------------I too believe Mt. 1:18-24 answers the dilemma very well.
That would be a very inviting interpretation for me and quite advantageous, but in no wise do I believe it answers what o
ur Lord said. He could have used clear wording and made the point impossible to miss if He wanted to say "putting away
for infidelity during the betrothal period." Does a person need be a bible scholar to understand the words of the sermon o
n the mount or Matthew 19? Do they need to know history or be an expert on the Old Testament? From the time I was a
child reading that passage I understood what He was saying. It means what He said it means.
-------------------------A person who remarries while their covenant spouse is still living is in a state of adultery------til that spouse dies. That is exactly wha
t Paul taught. Paul even gave the example of a woman remarrying, calling her an adulteress----did he say this new "marriage" dissolved the previous?
Again, this never happened in the Old Testament. Look up the word "called" and see what the real meaning is. Some ha
ve interpreted the meaning to mean that she will be 'labeled' as an adulteress because folk will not know that she was gi
ven a writing of divorcment when she is seen with another man. It is a matter of perception as I see it- as a women unde
r the law was free to marry another man as was the whole point of the certificate. If someone 'called' her an adultress sh
e could pull her certificate and show she was NOT.
-------------------------There is only 1 means of freedom from the law-----Christ. There is only one means of freedom of the bond of marriage----death. Tha
t is why Paul used the marriage analogy. If there were other ways to escape the bond of marriage outside of death, his analogy would have been flawe
d. It was not flawed. Paul never mentions divorce as a freeing vehicle, nor does he say extra marital adultery or remarriage adultery frees one from the
bond of marriage (he had plenty of chance in I Cor. 7----which again, he states marriage is until death---verse 39).
There is always a point when an analogy can be taken to far. How are we dead to the law if we are still alive in a literal w
ay? We are dead to the law because we are in Christ who died to the law. Paul is not teaching on divorce in Romans 7 h
e is teaching on our death to the Law of Sin and the subsequent liberty that that entails. Moreover, if we take this route w
e must believe in UNCONDITIONAL ETERNAL SECURITY. A man could serve false gods and still be saved. a man cou
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ld worship Allah and still make Heaven. Do you really believe that? I do not. God would not command men to do what H
e would not do Himself- i.e. remain unconditionally faithful to an unfaithful member of the bride.
-------------------------Man has added "other ways" of being free from the marriage bond, ways that Paul never spoke of. In the church now we have all ki
nds of acceptable 'extra biblical' reasons why people can not only get divorced, but remarried as well: verbal abuse, physical abuse, pornography addi
ctions, substance abuse, joblessness, mental illness, etc, etc...........where does it end? Don't people realize that unforgiveness is at the root of all brok
en marriages? Do we not yet understand and believe that what Jesus declared is truth: If you will not forgive the sins of others, you will not be forgiven.
I believe this to the utmost. I believe and practice forgiveness. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the madness of div
orce. the difference between us is that I am unwilling to remove the very exceptions for the breaking of a covenant that
God himself put in place. i do not believe a person can loose their salvation for 'any' reason and I do not believe in divorc
e for 'any' reason. I do not believe in unconditional eternal security and I do not believe in unconditional matrimony. I do
not believe it is God's will that I become apostate any more than I believe it to be God's will that any divorce. Neither are
God's plan- I choose by my actions what will come of me.
-------------------------Do we not see that "I" is at the root of all remarriages.........."I" deserve, "I" want, "surely God doesn't expect "me" to live "unmarried"
or be reconciled to this horrible person I married"...........yet, surely as you said Robert, "Obedience is better than sacrifice".........Blessings in Jesus, Ci
I can flip this around and show it is selfish to walk out on a present spouse. Many want to be back with their old spouse
because the new has worn off the one they are with. Lets get real here. i want him back or I want her back and God said
I MUST go get him (or her). Come on now? what about it polluting the land to take the defiled woman back? that would s
care me to death. I would live alone before I polutted the land. Moreover, what about the 'vows' that were taken solemnly
before God? do they say "God it was a mistake!"
When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it, for He takes no delight in fools. Pay what you vow! It is better t
hat you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay. Do not let your speech cause you to sin and do not say in
the presence of the messenger of God that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of your voice and de
stroy the work of your hands? For in many dreams and in many words there is emptiness. Rather, fear God. (Ecclestias
es 5:4-7)
Art thou bound unto a wife? Seek not to be loosed.
It is not selfish to need to provide for your own lest you be worse than an infidel. It is not selfish to tend your family in the
fear of God to raise up a godly seed. It is not selfish to try and salvage what is left from a mess. It is not selfish to be con
cerned for your spouse that you vowed to remain with until death.
Again, I wish to see ANY examples of breaking apart marriages in the NT in order to prove repentance. there is no case
of it and we had best not be privy to starting something in motion that God has not ordered. God have mercy on us if we
would be part of such a thing based upon uncertain interpretations of proof texts that clearly do not offer enough info to t
urn to the right hand or the left.
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 10:25
-------------------------What is the Holy Ghost saying? Is what the Holy Ghost has already said.... Go and sin no more.
This is the only real direction we have.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/18 10:30
-------------------------Do you know of a single case in the Old Testament where a woman that was given a writing of divorcement was ever called an 'adu
lteress'? There are none.
Yes, I think we can agree that writ of divorcements were "tolerated". I think we can also agree that what Joseph had in
his mind to do was considered "JUST".......and that was to put away his BETROTHED wife.
See in the Rom. 7:2-3 passage Paul NOWHERE shows that a "writ of divorcement" dissolves a marriage and that is wha
t you are trying to say. Paul ONLY gives death as the vehicle of dissolving the bond of marriage. It doesn't matter if the
woman of Rom. 7:2-3 had or did not have a "writ of divorcement"----only the death of her husband, not his proper "puttin
g away" document, dissolves their bond.
-------------------------I can flip this around and show it is selfish to walk out on a present spouse. Many want to be back with their old spouse because the
new has worn off the one they are with. Lets get real here. i want him back or I want her back and God said I MUST go get him (or her). Come on now
? what about it polluting the land to take the defiled woman back? that would scare me to death. I would live alone before I polutted the land. Moreover
, what about the 'vows' that were taken solemnly before God? do they say "God it was a mistake!"
Regarding the term "spouse", is it your assertion that civil law dictates who God considers one's lawful spouse? If God
called a relationship adultery, who are we to say it is then lawful-----especially when there is nothing in scripture which s
hows the relationship is somehow now changed from sinful to lawful.........The only Word we have is Jesus' and Paul's fi
nal word on the relationship-----adultery.
-------------------------When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it, for He takes no delight in fools. Pay what you vow! It is better that you sh
ould not vow than that you should vow and not pay. Do not let your speech cause you to sin and do not say in the presence of the messenger of God t
hat it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of your voice and destroy the work of your hands? For in many dreams and in many words
there is emptiness. Rather, fear God. (Ecclestiases 5:4-7)
Again, we have gone over this point in days past and are in disagreement. I do not believe that God is obligated to hon
or a "vow" that He says is sin. If I "vow" another that I will commit a crime with them, am I to hold to that vow, or to repe
nt of that sinful vow? Concerning that scenerio I posed you in my post: Say this man VOWED to the other woman he
would never leave her, love her to the day he dies, etc......since it is an adulterous extramarital affair, is he obligated to h
onor such a vow? Blessings in Him, Cindy
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 12:17
-------------------------Again, we have gone over this point in days past and are in disagreement. I do not believe that God is obligated to honor a "vow" th
at He says is sin. If I "vow" another that I will commit a crime with them, am I to hold to that vow, or to repent of that sinful vow? Concerning that scene
rio I posed you in my post: Say this man VOWED to the other woman he would never leave her, love her to the day he dies, etc......since it is an adulte
rous extramarital affair, is he obligated to honor such a vow?
This reasoning leads to another pandoras box. Who is to say WHEN and WHERE God honored any vow made between
a man and women? What were the criteria required for God to consider and marriage lawful? In the OT if the woman pre
tended to be a virgin and was not the marriage was null and void via stoning her to death. If she committed adultery later
the marriage was null and void via stoning to death. If the husband was overcome with jealousy she could be forced to d
rink the drink and if found quilty was smitten by the hand of God. (Numbers 5:11-31) Adultery is a sin that was punishabl
e by death. None of the parties guilty are supposed to live through it. If they do it was God's mercy. They are walking an
d breathing and it is His mercy that allowed it. Does that detract from the severity of the crime? Whether she is put away
privately or publicy she would be shown mercy. Are we to assume Joseph would not have remarried? For what cause th
en would the man leave the woman? Would not any woman be better than no woman at all if he ever really loved her?
Too often we hear a "in God's eyes" type of remark that is so subjective that it can mean virtually anything. Who knows
what God sees anyhow? Shall we determine it based upon our proof texts? Teenagers convince themselves everyday t
hat since they love each other they are "already married in God's eyes" and use it as an excuse to fornicate. If man has
nothing to do with what is happening and the state has nothing to do with it- then the whole issue of modern marriage is
a farce. God did not take my wife from my rib whilst I was in a deep sleep. He did not bring her to me and set her before
me as I awakened from slumber. So if 'man' administers the vows and they are taken before God and that is not bindingwhat DOES bind them? is it because you left your parents? What about the women and men who never really left mom
and dad and can't take two steps without running home to mom and dad? You have already stated that you do not belie
ve relations constitute the consummation or putting into effect the marriage in previous conversations. if the broken hym
en does not do it- what does? So if it is not the vow and it is not the consummation and God did not take her from my rib
and side- what is it? and when would God honor a vow? When He was satisfied that all parties were not somehow decei
ving the other into making the vow? Or were being 100% forthcoming in entering into the covenant? What is the criteria
He looks at?
-------------------------See in the Rom. 7:2-3 passage Paul NOWHERE shows that a "writ of divorcement" dissolves a marriage and that is what you are tr
ying to say.
What I am saying is that we cannot make a doctrine of marriage here from Paul's teaching on freedom from the law of Si
n. It was not the topic he is discussing. And I stick by my statement that there are none in the OT that were called adulte
resses that were given a writing of divorcement. Moreover, God 'tolerated' fornication before marriage also, but it was N
OT His plan. We are simply no where near what God's original plan for marriage was- but we must press to get there wit
h each generation. It has to begin with our children and raising them up as best as possible. what they do from there is u
p to them- but I have seen marriages that were wonderful that followed closely the creation model. Sadly, today folk ente
r marriage a country mile from God's original plan. Multiple relationships, live ins and all sorts of stuff. At what point does
God even honor a person settling down? And then we wonder why we can't fix things. It is because the whole structure it
skewed from the very foundation.
With this and a multitude of millions who all have a story and all are doing there best to serve God and raise their kids an
d make their life work- it is inconceivable that repentance for them is breaking up their homes for Jesus. There is absolut
ely no precedence for it in the NT whatsoever. That doctrine is not just false it strikes mine and every seasoned believer
I have presented it to as demonic. There is no clear direction and the enemy is trying to bring mass confusion and break
up what homes he can that are trying to stand in the grace of God. I will never believe that God's requirement for repent
ance is to divorce the present spouse and go back and find the first. This is repentance gone mad.
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 13:16
-------------------------In my opinion, the best New Testament example of what Jesus meant by "except it be for fornication" is the case of Joseph and Mar
y. I'm sure you know the story how Mary was found with child before they were married and Joseph was going to put her away until the Angel of the Lo
rd intervened. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant he assumed she had been fornicating because he knew that he was not responsible for
Mary's pregnancy. Therefore he was able to 'put away' his fiancée because of fornication.
According to this theology, if my betrothed bride cheats on me before we're married, I can break off the engagement, but
if she cheats on me after the wedding, I'm bound to her until death. So if she wants to play the harlot, all she has to do is
wait until after the wedding, because I can't divorce her then. Hmmm? Does that sound like truth to you?
Moreover, if 'pornea' is biblical grounds for putting away before the marriage, Why would it not be grounds for divorce af
ter the wedding? So we "put away" for unfaithfulness before the marriage, but not for unfaithfulness after the wedding v
ows? This is a recipe for rife adultery in the Church. It removes the second most fearful obstacle- divorce. The only other
would be damnation if there were no repentance.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/18 13:52
Robert wrote:
There is no clear direction and the enemy is trying to bring mass confusion and break up what homes he can that are try
ing to stand in the grace of God. I will never believe that God's requirement for repentance is to divorce the present spou
se and go back and find the first.
What speaks to me with your statement here is the word “requirement”. Ordinarily I would prefer to ask this in private,
but for the benefit of those who may be reading and are desperate for direction. Robert, do you also make concession fo
r some that the Holy Ghost just may “require” a forsaking of an adulteress relationship, one in which God does not cal
l marriage, but indeed calls it adultery?
Given the opportunity, I know he would prefer I not say the following: Robert no doubt spent countless restless nights de
aling with my own personal web of sin. And make no mistake all sin webs an incredible mass of confusion. We all, no m
atter who we may be talking about approach these issues through our own experiences, hurts, victories and failures. In
essence what I have read, and been personally counseled is this “there better be a Thus Saith The Lord”, before you
take action.”
Ron Bailey made the following statement some time ago that I have adopted as my own “frustration is not a call to acti
on but is a call to reflection and prayer.”
While I am a little uncomfortable with the advice “what is the Holy Spirit saying to you”, what else can we possibly offe
r when we truly do not have crystal clear direction?
Our friends, our Brothers and Sisters in Christ need help. Personally I would rather not have to drink from this cup of mar
riage, divorce, remarriage ectÂ… In fact for a year I said nothing. But I believe Cindy said it best, ignoring the problem i
s not helping.
Just a few days ago an acquaintance of my wife decided to put away her husband. By her own testimony her Husband
was beside himself with grief, and was willing to do anything to put the relationship back together. But the wife had made
up her mind and moved out. As she returned to the home a few days later to pack her belongings she heard a gunshot u
pstairs, her Husband in despondency had taken a shot-gun and put it to his head, and killed himself.
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We would not dare put blame on this grieving widow and will not. But the sad story has shaken me maybe like no other.
God truly does compare the relationship between Husband and Wife with Christ and the Church. And so I ask myself: H
ow are our(my) Marriage relationships representing Christ and the Church?
In Christ,
Re: sin, on: 2005/5/18 14:26
I have found the more people that preach against sin in other peoples lives, that they have a closet full of their own.
Drive out the plank out of thine own eye before trying to take the splinter in another.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/18 14:36
-------------------------What speaks to me with your statement here is the word “requirement”. Ordinarily I would prefer to ask this in private, but for the
benefit of those who may be reading and are desperate for direction. Robert, do you also make concession for some that the Holy Ghost just may “re
quire” a forsaking of an adulteress relationship, one in which God does not call marriage, but indeed calls it adultery?
Hi Bro. Tony, of coarse we have discussed this at length and you know well my position, but for the sake of those who m
ay be unclear I believe that we all as believers have the obligation to do what they feel is right in the sight of the Lord. W
hy would your liberty be judged by my conscience? I have said and will continue to say- do what God tells you to do. Be
"fully persuaded in your own mind." If you do that- it will be gospel to me.
My position heretofor has been to take that position and hold that line. But the probigation of Webb's theology is moving l
ike leaven through these forums. I could take the book apart no problem, but I am trying to be moderate. I am trying to e
xercise Christian charity and not impose my conscience upon others as to influence the clear direction they feel they hav
e from God.
Yet, taking this approach has handed me 5 months of sifting and grief that just lifted off yesterday. Wheew it is good to c
ome out of the woodshed! My pants are on fire though I will guarantee you that.
Never again will I come across as if I am promoting the whole leave your husband or wife and go back to the 'ex' doctrin
e. God forgive me.
You mention the crux of this issue "requirement." These people want to make this doctrine a point of repentance. Webb i
s so brazen that he emphatically states that those who have living spouses are adulterers and should be told so. His circ
ular reasoning is unacceptable. The premise is faulty from the beginning. And as you know- error begets more error. Th
e "more error" is that we stand to look on as whole thousands and maybe millions of families are broken up just so they
can be sure to not be in adultery. I cannot look on while this type of thing happens. There is no way in thw world someon
e has enough insight into God's word as to advise them that their marriage is not legit to begin with without first at least h
earing the merits of the case. To HANDILY condemn millions as adulters? listen to Proverbs 17:15:
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
What Webb and his disciples are doing is an abomination to God. I have no trouble saying it with a clear conscience. To
brazenly condemn folk with faulty theology as adulterers? In their zeal to condemn the wicked they condemn the just. M
y grandma used to call it, "whipping you all so I'm sure to get the right one."
God Bless,
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Re: Amen - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/18 15:00
Good RobW.
Re: The way forward - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/18 15:15
------------------------Healingwaters wrote:
I have found the more people that preach against sin in other peoples lives, that they have a closet full of their own.
So how do we preach holiness, righteousness, sanctification without preaching against sin which is unfortunately in peo
ples lives?
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/18 16:52
-------------------------I believe that we all as believers have the obligation to do what they feel is right in the sight of the Lord. Why would your liberty be ju
dged by my conscience? I have said and will continue to say- do what God tells you to do. Be "fully persuaded in your own mind." If you do that- it will
be gospel to me.
I agree with the premise that WHEN the Lord reveals sin to each of us, we have the obligation to obey Him. However, a
relationship cannot be sin for one and not sin for another concerning the moral laws of God. THAT would be confusion.
It seems to me (and correct me if I'm wrong) you believe if someone feels they are in adultery by remarriage and desires
to repent by forsaking that relationship, they should be silent about it. In other words, don't perpetuate the doctrine of th
e permanency of marriage because it may offend someone who is in a remarriage? Personally, I think that would be qui
te unreasonable since the Holy Spirit would be the cause of this knowledge/conviction of sin. There is something impla
nted in each believer, that when they learn a new "truth", they desire to share it-----to help the Body of Christ and share t
he freedom they now are experiencing through the knowledge and application of Truth. To expect someone to "be quie
t" -------where do we draw the line? Do we only talk about the "pleasant" aspects of Truth?
The unpleasant aspects of Truth many times challenge us and are what grows us toward Christ the most, as many here
can attest.
You believe Webb is wrong. I disagree. I think he is very correct. He is only one of a multitude throughout the world R
obert who believe and teach the permanency of marriage. Many other Christians of the world do not hold the same beli
ef on divorce/remarriage as American Christians do.
The permanency of marriage doctrine is not a new doctrine, Robert. The early church too believed that ALL first marriag
es were permanent til death. The reformers started playing fast and loose with God's Word........Because they were so
bent on total reform, they threw the baby out with the bathwater concerning marriage.........slowly divorce started creepin
g into the church until we now have the big mess we have------
-------------------------He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
What Webb and his disciples are doing is an abomination to God. I have no trouble saying it with a clear conscience. To brazenly condemn folk with fa
ulty theology as adulterers? In their zeal to condemn the wicked they condemn the just. My grandma used to call it, "whipping you all so I'm sure to get
the right one."
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Did Jesus make sure someone's Theology was correct before He called them adulterers? Did Paul? Honestly, I have
not seen any "condemning" by those who believe in the permanency of marriage. The group I've witnessed on line are v
ery loving, supportive and encouraging----even towards those who revile them.
Besides demonizing us, you seem to be placing those who are permanency of marriage believers as "followers" of Jose
ph Webb. I didn't know of Dr. Webb when I came to my present viewpoint. I consider myself a follower of Jesus Christ
and it was the scriptures which convinced me of my present viewpoint, not man. If you would read some of the testimo
nies by those who hold this belief, you will not see Joseph Webb being lifted up, but Jesus Christ.
You say what the permanency of marriage adherants are doing is an abomination to the Lord, do you suppose it possibl
e that those who teach you can remain in what Jesus and Paul called adultery, could possibly be the ones who are justif
ying the wicked.........and condemning the just( by labelling them: Zealots, Pharisees, spreaders of doctrines of demons)
? Just something to ponder. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: Show us where we are wrong. Use the Scriptures. - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/18 19:35
-------------------------But the probigation of Webb's theology is moving like leaven through these forums. I could take the book apart no problem, but I am
trying to be moderate. I am trying to exercise Christian charity and not impose my conscience upon others as to influence the clear direction they feel t
hey have from God.
Robert, why not try to take the book apart? You aren't taking people apart. You are dealing with the Scriptures. To be
honest, I would really like to see you try to take that book apart. I haven't seen anyone do it yet. If you are right, I'm sur
e we all would want to know.
Trust me when I say that I don't know anyone who believes in the permanency of Marriage who has an easy time standi
ng against marital adultery. So if you think we are "condemning the just" and thereby abominable to the Lord, you shoul
d try to help correct our understanding of the Scriptures. I do understand that you have dealt with this in the past. But o
bviously folks aren't convinced. And these folks aren't being stubborn. They are simply not wanting to "justify the wicke
d", which is also an abomination to the Lord, as you so wisely quoted.
By the way, there is a difference between "condemning" someone and "disagreeing" with someone. I really think you ar
e stretching it to say the folks who agree with Webb are "condemning" others. See the Scriptures:
"Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, w
ho also maketh intercession for us. (Romans 8:34)
So the Scriptures say that only Christ condemns. These folks don't seem to be trying to condemn. Just because they b
elieve something doesn't make them judges of others. It just makes them convicted of truth.
So it will be good to see you try to show these people where they are wrong.
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Re: - posted by dohzman (), on: 2005/5/18 22:35
I don't mean to interject something here to lessen the gravity of this thread, but in a humourous way everytime I read the
heading of this thread, the thought that goes through my mind is that I REALLY PITY THIS MAN. One wife is enough for
anyone and one husband enough for anyone. But I see it in a kinda funny way.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/19 9:19
Does Divorce Mean, "Seperated But Still Married"?
By Robert Wurtz II
Shall we begin with Romans 7:1?
Here we read:
Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he
Here Paul is speaking to those who 'know' the Mosaic Law. Not to those who are aware that there 'be' such a Law, but t
hose who have a 'working knowledge' of the Law. Do you have a working knowledge of the Law? Are you familiar with w
hat the Law has said concerning divorce? Are you aware that women who were given a writing of divorcement were not
called 'adulteresses' in the Old Testament in any place. In fact, the only stipulation added to them remarrying was to a pr
iest (Mitzvot 273 neg Leviticus 21:7-14) or their former husband (Deuteronomy 24:4). Divorced women were recognized
again and given instruction in Numbers 30:9.
To those who know the Law, they understood that a divorced woman does not have a husband, she has a former husba
nd. Those who have heard of the Law, but do not 'know' the Law would immediately be confused on this point. A woman
is not bound to a 'former husband' so long as he lives- but her 'husband' according to the Mosiac Law. Again Paul is not
teaching on divorce here and remarriage. He is using a 'normal marriage' that is dissolved at death to make his analogy
on freedom from the Law of Sin. In the case of divorce or putting away, the Law does not 'bind her' to her former husban
d- it frees her from him. It is at this point that the 'husband' becomes what scripture calls, the former husband.
Here we read:
Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that abomi
nation before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee an inheritance. (
Deuteronomy 24)... and again... They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's,
shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; y
et return again to me, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 3:1)
Here we see that the land would be greatly polluted (Jer 3:1) by the abomination of a woman being divorced remarried a
nd returning to her former husband. Even if the present husband were to die- she was NOT at liberty to return to her for
mer husband after she had become another man's husband. In other ordinary cases... And when she is departed out of
his house, she may go and be another man's wife (Deuteronomy 24:2).
Moreover this dispells the myth that 'divorce' could ever mean a psuedo seperation of married people. This is confirmed
by the permission to remarry. 'Joining' to a man while married would have surely been adultery punishable by death for
both parties (Lev. 20;10). Adulterers were punished, according to tradition, by various means. One of which was to place
them in dung up to their knees, wrap a rope around their throat while a person on each side pulls until they collapse dea
d (Sanh 49). In NT times the Perushim (Pharisees) sought to stone the woman "caught in the very act." So we see then t
hat women were not adulteresses in the OT when they committed adultery; they were deceased.
The 'writing of divorcement' was given to the woman by the man and authorized by the Sanhedrin as proof that she had
the right to remarry another man. Her former husband had sent her away and now she was free to become 'another man
's.' This certificate protected the woman if she were seen with another man known not to be her former husband. This w
ould prevent her from being 'called' an adulteress and her present husband from suffering the adulteress' fate.
I'll stop here for comments.
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/19 10:45
Comments you asked?
Sure doÂ….Getting way ahead of you here I know.
itÂ’s an awesome thought considering all that pertained to this topic under the Law was because of the hardness of men
Â’s heart. Incredibly this was not GodÂ’s plan from the beginning, and under what many would consider this dispensatio
n of Grace it also is not GodÂ’s plan, how could it possibly be considering the Prophet Ezekiel looking forward to the Ne
w Covenant saw such a miraculous event whereby God would take out an heart of stone and replace it with a heart of fl
Amazing is what it is, in order to walk in newness of life a new heart and a new spirit. And if God hated the “putting awa
y” under the Law how much more surely does He hate it under this New Covenant. Truly it makes a mockery of what w
as accomplished at Calvary, considering marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/19 11:04
-------------------------To those who know the Law, they understood that a divorced woman does not have a husband, she has a former husband. Those
who have heard of the Law, but do not 'know' the Law would immediately be confused on this point. A woman is not bound to a 'former husband' so lo
ng as he lives- but her 'husband' according to the Mosiac Law. Again Paul is not teaching on divorce here and remarriage. He is using a 'normal marria
ge' that is dissolved at death to make his analogy on freedom from the Law of Sin. In the case of divorce or putting away, the Law does not 'bind her' t
o her former husband- it frees her from him. It is at this point that the 'husband' becomes what scripture calls, the former husband.
Robert, I'd like you to answer some of the previous questions that you still have not responded to (situations of adultery
posed and how you, as a Pastor, would counsel), but I will respond to part of your most recent posting.
NT Divorce does not equate to dissolvementof the marriage. I know that is what the modern church teaches today, but i
f one unbiblically divorces and remarries, they DO commit adultery---which means a "writ of divorcement" does not disso
lve the covenant marriage----it is still in tact.
Paul and Jesus both taught this(permanency of a 1st marriage---even AFTER a divorce and remarriage). Paul reaffirme
d Jesus' teachings not only in his teaching on law/sin in Rom. 7:2-3, but again in I Cor. 7:39. A woman could be walking
around with a certificate of divorcement, but if Jesus doesn't say the marriage is dissolved, then it isn't and she is an adu
lteress until her husband dies (Rom. 7:2-3, I Cor. 7:9, Mt. 19:9, Mt. 5:32, Mk 10:2-10, Lk. 16:18). When Paul was teachi
ng the Rom. 7:2-3 passage I'm sure not only did his hearers understand OT Mosaic law, but they also now know what J
esus taught on divorce/remarriage and how His very own disciples were taken aback at His strict teaching.
Jesus taught that since the beginning marriage was never intended to be broken apart. The ONLY reason He gave that
allowed for "putting away" was porneia/fornication. All other putting aways were for "hard hearted" reasons and unacce
Scripture teaches Joseph being a "JUST" man thought to put Mary away privately. He could have "legally" had her ston
ed for fornicating BEFORE their marriage bed. Putting away for this cause, and ONLY this cause, was permissible (it w
as a "just" thing, instead of stoning). Putting away for after marriage adultery was not practiced----those women were st
oned (or forgiven---see Hosea).
The "writ of divorcement" was a tool that was necessary to be given to a BETROTHED wife, which freed her to marry an
other. That is what Joseph would have to give Mary to set her free------BEFORE the actual marriage took place. The b
etrothal "legally" joined them-----even before they consummated it. I didn't know that until I did some research on the "w
rit of divorcement" and betrothal customs. It was a very enlightening study and pulled many pieces together for me as t
o why the 'exception clause' is ONLY found in the Gospels written to a Jewish audience-----not in the Gospels which wer
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e sent to Gentile Christians (who had no such "betrothal" custom).
Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: Question?, on: 2005/5/19 11:33
Let's say that a couple get married in a "christian religious church". The man later on becomes an adulterer and divorces
his wife. He then repents and remarries. Is this marriage valid or is he before God still married to the former first wife?
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/19 12:55
Does Divorce Mean, "Seperated But Still Married"? Part 2
By Robert Wurtz II
In Part 1 we demonstrated clearly that Paul was speaking to those who 'knew' the Mosiac Law in order to make an analo
gy from the Old Covenant. Not all would have known the 'Law' or he would not have addressed those who had a workin
g knowledge of it specifically. Given the fact that Romans 7 is the fulcrum from which the argument for Unconditional Ma
trimony is made- it is necessary to understand what was happening within its proper context. To understand how import
ant this is one need only look at the doctrinal statements of ministries that hold to Unconditional Matrimony. They candidl
y call marriages between couples that have a living spouses 'adulterous' no matter why the original divorce took place a
nd they use Roman 7 to do it. They believe that God calls the people adulterers in this passage and so should the Churc
h. They will not fellowship with such Saints as they view them as sinners.
Again, Paul was not teaching on marriage here, he was teaching on our freedom from the Law of Sin. Therefor, based u
pon what is known about the Mosiac Law, we can better understand what Paul did not mean by what he said. He could
not have meant that a woman that had a 'former husband' under the Mosiac Law according to Deuteronomy 24 was call
ed an 'adulteress' because women that have 'former husbands' have no husband, they are free to remarry based upon t
he conditions previously set forth. Nor can we impose the clarification that our Lord set forth in Matthew 5 and 19; that w
ould be an expostfacto judgment that made divorced women in the Old Testament adulteresses retroactively. This simpl
y cannot be because where there is no law there is no transgression (Romans 4:15). To take this position is to condemn
multitudes who lived before Christ via His clarified teachings.
Proponents of Unconditional Matrimony contend that divorce does not mean 'dissolution', but merely 'seperation.' This al
lows the accusations against previously married women to hold force with their misinterpretation of Romans 7:1-4. For th
ose who are unaware of where the battle lines are drawn in this debate, they are clearly drawn and hinge on whether or
not a biblically sanctioned divorce 'dissolves' the marriage as completely as death. If death is the 'only' means by which
a marriage can be dissolved then we have some perplexing problems with the Old and New Testament. One example is
found in I Corinthians 7:27-28. Here we read:
Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. But and if thou marry, th
ou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spa
re you.
Let us first examine Romans 7:27 and use 'death' as the only legitimate means of being 'loosed' from a wife. Paul states;
"Are you bound unto a wife- seek not to be loosed." The root word for 'bound' here is deo and is the same as Romans 7.
Logic would have it that if death were the only means by which the person was 'loosed' in this passage from their former
spouse then Paul was saying to the one who was not loosed from his wife that he ought not to murder her. If death were
the only way Paul understood being loosed- he would have to be saying; "seek not an occasion to murder her!" This see
ms highly improbable that Paul would have exhorted a Christian man not to kill 'someone.' So we must understand 'loos
ed' to mean something here other than death. What could it be? No doubt it was a biblically sanctioned 'loosing.' This is
unacceptable to those who hold to Unconditional matrimony because of the natural progression of scripture. The very ne
xt verse reads:
But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. There are clearly two people ment
ioned in this passage. There is the "thou" and the "virgin." Who is the 'thou'? The 'thou' is the person that is recognized b
y Paul as legitimately 'loosed from a 'wife' that Paul encouraged to remain single. However, he states that if the 'thou' tha
t has been loosed from a wife marry they have not sinned, but shall have 'trouble' in the flesh, but I spare you. If we are
consistent in our exegesis of the passage we must conclude that a man should not seek to be loosed from his wife throu
gh divorce, but if he is already divorced he should not seek to be remarried. But if he does seek remarriage he has not si
A common rebuttal of this is to say that Paul was speaking to the virgins of the previous verses. Yet, this would make no
sense as it would cause the passage to read, "And if the 'virgin' marry she (the virgin) hath not sinned and if the 'virgin'
marry she hath not sinned." This redundance would make no sense. This one verse when read in this light sets aside th
e whole of the Unconditional Matrimony doctrine by showing the farce of death being the only legitimate means of dissol
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God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/19 15:46
-------------------------Let's say that a couple get married in a "christian religious church". The man later on becomes an adulterer and divorces his wife. H
e then repents and remarries. Is this marriage valid or is he before God still married to the former first wife?
Hi Lahry,
Personally I don't believe it matters whether one marries in a Christian church or at the courthouse. The binding marria
ge is in the publically acknowledged vows made. Many cultures perform marriages differently-----all acknowledged by G
od. In OT Jewish marriage, the couple was "married" in a binding marriage at the betrothal ceremony----they were alrea
dy considered married, though the consummation wouldn't take place until the final ceremony.
Concerning your scenerio, yes, I would believe based upon all NT scripture, that the man has not truly repented and ent
ered into a second marriage, he is now committing adultery. Paul says in I Cor. 7:10-11 "NOT I, but THE LORD, but if y
ou depart, remain unmarried OR be reconciled" mention of remarriage to another. Paul's admonishment was for
every man to have HIS OWN WIFE, not someone else's.....and the same for a wife-----she is to have her own husband,
not another's husband. That is exactly why Jesus said that whosoever puts away their wife and marries another, commi
ts adultery. And whosoever marries one who is put away, commits adultery. Putting someone away does not dissolve
the marriage. If some believe that to be true, they will have a very hard time explaining away what Jesus taught. One
can't commit adultery if their previous marriage has been dissolved through divorce.
The woman of Rom. 7:2-3 is not entitled to be with another man----except after the death of her lawful husband. Paul ne
ver in any of his teachings, teaches otherwise. Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/19 17:48
Does Divorce Mean, "Seperated But Still Married"? Part 3
By Robert Wurtz II
We established in part 2 that ‘death’ was not the only means of dissolving a marriage. But what would the other mean
s be? If God had joined the people together and no man is to Â’put asunderÂ’, who can put asunder other than death? Is
death all that could save a man from a fornicating spouse? Would God intervene? Clearly there are but two that can diss
olve marriage; death and the decree of God. Man simply cannot ‘put asunder’ what God hath joined together. This wo
uld have been a sore point for the Pharisees that were used to ‘making the word of God of none effect by their tradition
s.Â’ The decree of men cannot dissolve a marriage, but the unchaste behavior of a spouse can.
From here on out we move into the area perhaps of the greatest controversy concerning what are commonly called exc
eptions that contradict the 'death only' dissolving of a marriage. It has been said, that there is no need to be dogmatic w
hen one only need submit the evidence. In this case we have the Gospels, which contain basically twenty-four verses of
scripture that pertains to marriage and divorce. Of those 24 passages one is found in Luke, eight are found in Mark, non
e are found in John and fifteen are found in Matthew.
No matter what view one takes concerning the relative passages in which our Lord clarified the issue of marriage, fornic
ation, and adultery one thing is certain; our Lord exalted marriage to the highest level of esteem ever conceived for thos
e who heard His words.
We are told by tradition that in the New Testament period there were two prevailing views on the marriage and divorce is
sue. The one view was that of Rabbi Hillel and the view of Rabbi Shammai. A simple description of them can be found at
the Jewish Virtual Library. An excerpt reads: Hillel was the more popular of the two scholars, and he was chosen by the
Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish court, to serve as its president. While Hillel and Shammai themselves did not differ on a
great many basic issues of Jewish law, their disciples were often in conflict. The Talmud records over 300 differences of
opinion between Beit Hillel (the House of Hillel) and Beit Shammai (the House of Shammai). Hillel taught that a man co
uld divorce his wife for any trivial reason. Shammai taught that the phrase "some uncleanness" in Deuteronomy 24 appli
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ed only to sexual immorality, (Hebrew Zanah GK. Porniea) and therefore the only grounds for divorce in Israel was adult
ery. This issue sets the stage for the following passage in Matthew 19:
The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for eve
ry cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made at the beginning made them ma
le and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain
shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not m
an put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away
? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the b
eginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry an
other, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
The first point I wish to make is that the word ‘except’ denotes and ‘exception.’ Radical Unconditional Matrimony pr
oponents would say, “No exceptions!” This clearly contradicts our Lord’s attempt to answer their question and clarify
his answer with additional information.
The second point I wish to make deals with the question that the PhariseeÂ’s posed to our Lord;... Is it lawful for a man t
o put away his wife for every cause? There is no real word for ‘wife’ in Greek, the term is Gune and it means ‘woma
n.’ It is clear that our Lord was not being asked about putting away an ‘espoused wife’ or he had used the term Mne
steuo. He was being asked about the present wives that the men lived with. To say that the simple use of ‘wife’ is suff
icient in Matthew 1:20 to indicate that our Lord was referring to ‘espoused’ in Matthew 19 would not work hermeneutic
ally. There are 18 chapters of scripture between the two uses of the word. For those who do not understand this it would
be like referring to God as ‘Him’ before first referring to Him as ‘Lord’ in an earlier sentence or part of the sentence
. We could refer to God as ‘Him’ if it had been already established who the ‘Him’ is we were talking about previousl
y (in reasonable proximity) and it would serve to eliminate the redundancy of saying His proper name over and over. The
refore, scripture established Mary as Joseph’s espoused woman in Matthew 1:18 and to her simply as his ‘woman’ t
wo verses later. It is impossible to conclude that in Matthew 5 or 19 that "espoused” is in view when there is no indicati
on whatsoever that this is what is being said. One would have to be intentionally misleading to try to assert they meant Â
‘espousedÂ’ if they did not say ‘espousedÂ’.
The primary weight of the passage rests on the Greek word Porniea. What does the word mean? It corresponds to a wor
d that the Hebrews certainly knew- Zanah. This word means;
to commit fornication, be a harlot, play the harlot
a (Qal)
1 to be a harlot, act as a harlot, commit fornication
2 to commit adultery
3 to be a cult prostitute
4 to be unfaithful (to God) (fig.)
Our Lord gave no indication that he meant anything other than “illicit sexual intercourse.” He spoke the word as it was
then and is now commonly understood.
Re: Cindy, on: 2005/5/19 20:46
Let's say that the second marrige produces children. Then the man comes under conviction and desires to "make it right
". Should he leave the woman he is currently married too?
Re: Help! I've got 10 wives!! re RobertW (Part 3 Does Divorce mean..), on: 2005/5/19 21:35
I have been trying to make sense of this thread for some days now, so this is a general comment, which may seem out
of place or even inane, for which please bear with me.
Elsewhere I have mentioned that reading the Old Testament like a big picture book is the way I've made most sense of
it. In many places, there are scenarios which unmistakably reflect God's relationship with man, or, His desired
relationship. Because this symmetry is so clear, I cannot avoid interpreting the spiritual meaning again and again.
Above, Robert lists meanings for the Greek and Hebrew, ending with
'4 to be unfaithful (to God) (fig.)'
I want to suggest emphatically, that there is a mistake in our thinking, if '(fig.)' is really true. Are we saying that we are
now born again figuratively? (I realise this will be a different verb, but I'm sure you get my meaning.) No -- I'm sure none
of believe we are saved only 'figuratively'.
In other words, being unfaithful to God, is only figurative if one reads the Old Testament like it is a story (pure fiction)
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about people who never really existed in a relationship with a deity who is equally unreal. If we say the Old Testament is
non-fiction with regard to the Hebrews, then it is also true with regard to God; in which case, their spiritual relationship wi
th Him was also non-fiction.
When earlier, the Bible says that God shut Noah into the ark before the Flood. GOD DID shut Noah into the ark before t
he Flood. When the Bible says God gave instructions for the tabernacle, and it was made, and He came down and filled
it... He really did come down and fill it. And, when sacrifices were offered, the sins of the people were atoned for and tho
se who worshipped other gods were cut off. And some chose to die in the wilderness because of unbelief. And so on.
So, when Israel is unfaithful to God, this is a spiritual condition which non-figuratively affects them. Just as new birth no
n-figuratively affects us. The reason I point this out, is to make sense of the picture language, which is only picture lang
uage, but nevertheless contains pure spiritual truth which explains aspects of God's heart to our dull understanding.
Before I give an example of this, today, I was looking at a few of the basic scriptures which have been mentioned in this
thread and was struck by one thing which I've never noticed before (which many of you probably know). In almost all, it i
s the man who has the active role. I know I'm slow, but, think spiritual pictures here. So it is the man who leaves his fat
her and his mother. It is the man who cleaves to his wife. It is the man who puts away his wife with a bill of divorcement
. It is the man who commits adultery against his wife, or, by taking a divorced woman to himself, or by looking lustfully at
a woman who is unobtainable, presumably because he is already married and should not be looking at anyone else, or,
she is married too.
TonyS has been touching on all of this but I wasn't 'getting' it. I'm beginning to see much more clearly that the onus und
er the Mosaic Law was almost entirely on the man, who, whether he was faithful in keeping the Law or not, was given th
e role of being head of the household. You can't give God anything but credit for total consistency in His attempts to co
mmunicate truth to us. This bias towards the man being the 'do-er' in these relationships also non-verbally (you know w
hat I mean) tells us something about the likelihood of a wife doing any of the non-cleaving, initiating the committing of ad
ultery or divorce (mentioned by Mark). It also casts very clear light on the hypocrisy of the men who brought the woman
to Jesus 'caught in the very act' in John 8, without bringing the man which the Law held responsible and who had probab
ly initiated the liaison - just a thought.
To my mind, there is another issue, which is the long history of God and His people, the Jews. Without expressing an o
pinion, I can see that it is reasonable to argue Jesus was speaking to Israel. He said so again and again. This could als
o carry the weight that He is implicitly saying it is possible to keep the Law, to those who have an ear to hear; BUT, it is
also clear not all of Israel had an ear to hear His words of eternal life, which totally obliterate the Mosaic Law for Jewish
Christians. This seems to pose the church a problem, which Paul recognised in 1 Corinthians 7.
It is quite remarkable that he manages to offer sensible advice for everyone, regardless of whether they have come to th
e Lord from Judaeism or any number of Gentile cultures, (are married already, unmarried or about to lose their spouse)
based mainly on the relationship they were in at the time of their conversion. In general, while recommending celibacy s
o a person may devote him- or her-self to serving the Lord, he accepts the principle of marriage for those who wish to m
arry. But, what to do if a Christian man is now married to a non-Christian woman? It seems to me that he is calling the
believer to let the unbelieving spouse depart, and not to seek to remarry. He is being called upon to be passive, not acti
One other new thing strikes me as I read. Now, in the church, it is ok for a man or a woman not to marry, whether virgin
or single again. Was this a departure from cultural norms?
Paul suggests that some will be happier to remain unmarried. He also leaves the onus on the unbeliever to leave the m
arriage. The believing man has a responsibility to his wife, whether or not she is a Christian. And if she leaves, Paul's fi
rst choice of action is to recommend not to replace her. But, he recognises it is better to be married than to burn, wheth
er previously unmarried, or widowed. I think this is an important principle to accept.
There is also a clear pronouncement on the woman's spiritual authority, ('1 Cor 7:14 for the unbelieving husband hath be
en sanctified in the wife') and Paul recognises the woman may feel powerful enough to put away her husband. Again he
counsels against being pro-active with her spouse's unbelief in this way.
20 Each in the calling in which he was called--in this let him remain;
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Then Paul addresses servants (slaves) who had the potential to lose their wife and children on being set free, in certain
Exodus 21:7 " And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. 8 "If sh
e does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no rig
ht to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her. 9 "And if he has betrothed her to his son, he sh
all deal with her according to the custom of daughters. 10 "If he takes another he shall not diminish her food, her clothi
ng, and her marriage rights. 11 "And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without money.
The dear saints who found themselves in this situation were to think of themselves as free.
At the end of the chapter in Corinthians, the discussion seems to be about virgins who have the opportunity to remain si
ngle at home with their birth family, but, they choose to marry. Paul says they are taking on an obligation for as long
as their husband lives, then if he dies, they are free to marry again in the Lord, to whom they choose. This is ind
eed an exacting standard. Perhaps there would be an extra layer of commitment between Christians, who might find the
mselves isolated from being considered for marriage to anyone else? This suggests a breaking away from arranged ma
rriages? And an acknowledgement that having left parents for marriage, a woman remains her own person to choose to
remarry in the Lord, if she wishes to, after becoming a widow, remembering both Christian men and women were not bo
und by the Law any more with responsibilty to take in widows and orphans. I believe this now passed to the church, the
household of faith.
Without returning to the Old Testament in this post, I want to state the obvious again. It is all very well having a codified
template of the ideal standard in each scenario, but I do come down heavily on the twin truths of coming to and walking i
n the Light (and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sin) and following the Voice of the good Shepherd.
Don Francisco famously pointed out many years ago, Christians are in danger of making divorce the second unforgivabl
e sin. This may have raised an uncomfortable acknowledgement at the time, but reading this thread has left me with the
impression there is room for greater realism about the condition of a saved person, than so far has been fully acknowled
ged; that is, we still make mistakes and have to live with the consequences.
Not all mistakes are retrievable in 3D. The only thing which is always retrievable is our standing with God, even if we sp
end the next 20 years detained at His pleasure, finding out what those consequences happen to be. And we should be
grateful some consequences in 3D are not worse - which is not to say that the bearing of some, tax us to our limits and t
hrow us even more completely on His grace for strength to endure. God finds us out - those He knows and those He do
es not. I'm not sure we can force the latter to comply with scriptural principles.
Sometimes we have to acknowledge we missed the boat to retrieve a marriage, painful as that truth may be. This is not
to say don't try, don't pray, don't wait, but, it is to say the way forward is in God, whether our repentance is required, whe
ther we need to be healed or whether the honest truth is that we are glad to have been 'loosed'. How many eligible Chri
stian divorcees choose celibacy for the rest of their lives? How realistic is it to expect them to? Are we not back to the
words of Jesus, for the ultimate option?
Matthew 19:12
for there are eunuchs who from the mother's womb were so born; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by m
en; and there are eunuchs who kept themselves eunuchs because of the reign of the heavens: he who is able to receive
--let him receive.' (Young)
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/19 22:51
Hi Lahry,
I think I asked something similar, but it didnt' get answered.
I asked if someone came for counsel, confessed they were having an extramarital affair which produced 3 children, his
wife had no children, what would the counsel be? Should he depart from the adulterous relationship or depart from his
wife who doesn't have any children?
If Jesus and Paul call a remarriage "adultery", there is no difference in the scenerios. Is having children together what
makes a marriage? I do not believe so. Blessings, Cindy
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Re: RobertW - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/19 23:28
I put out the challenge, so I'll start with your first post here:
-------------------------Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?
Here Paul is speaking to those who 'know' the Mosaic Law.
There is your friend's first error. (First sentence even ;-) ) Paul is not speaking exclusively of the Mosaic Law (Exodus - D
euteronomy). He is speaking of the Jewish Scriptures as a whole. The Jewish Scriptures are commonly referred to as "t
he law" meaning the law, the prophets, and the psalms. One has to look at context to see what is meant.
Here the context immediately removes the possiblity of the narrow sense of the word "law" and demands the broad sens
e (law, prophets, psalms). Why? Because Paul here CONTRADICTS Deut. 24 in favor of what Jesus laid down. He sai
d that a woman was bound to her husband "so then if, while here her husband liveth, she be married to another man, sh
e shall be called an adulteress." (v. 3) So he cannot be talking about Moses' law and contradict that law at the same tim
Now take a close look here, because this is going to really help you see this passage in the light in which it was written:
What law is Paul referring to?? The passage is clear. "...but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of
her husband."
Do you see that? This is talking about "the law of her husband". This is the law instituted in the Garden of Eden in Gene
sis 2. It is the only law given in man's innocence save the command not to touch nor eat of the forbidden fruit and to be f
ruitful and to multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. This is a law that predated Moses by around two thousand
years! This had nothing to do with the children of Israel. There was no Abraham, Isaac, nor Israel!! This is the law of h
er husband.
This is why Jesus said, From the beginning it WAS NOT SO. He said that Moses gave Deut. 24, but refused to say that
it was by God. He said that Moses allowed it. He didn't say God willed it. (See also Jer. 3:1 "They say..(Deut 24)", not "I
say") God distanced Himself from the Deut 24 remarriage law because it was not His original intent. When Jesus came
as the new lawgiver, he re-instated Gen. 2.
So the premise of this whole article is faulty. This is really bad exegesis.
-------------------------To those who know the Law, they understood that a divorced woman does not have a husband, she has a former husband.
Hmm...I guess Paul must not have known the law very well...NOT! Check out 1 Cor. 7:11:
"But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband"
Her what??? Her what??? Oh! Her HUSBAND. Not her "former husband." This article is weak.
Now I understand that I am writing in a very forceful way. But I am not making any of this personal. I AM trying to make
this article look as OFF as it really is. And it is WAAAAY off.
For further confirmation of this, see what God thought of Israel after He gave her a bill of divorcement:
"Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and t
wo of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:" Jer. 3:14
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Did you see that? The LORD said that He was STILL MARRIED to Israel even after he gave her a bill of divorcement.
What was God doing reconciling to His wife?
Jer. 3:1 "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her
again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, s
aith the LORD."
Notice again, "They say". God quotes Deut. 24 remarriage law as the words of man, not His words. That's why Jesus r
everted to the older (Garden of Eden) law of the husband and wife.
-------------------------This certificate protected the woman if she were seen with another man known not to be her former husband. This would prevent he
r from being 'called' an adulteress and her present husband from suffering the adulteress' fate.
Yeah, under Deut. 24 remarriage law, which Jesus CLEARLY dismissed as from Moses and not from the Beginning.
I always am amazed at the mental acrobatics that men undergo to make the word say what they want it to.
What else do you got?
Re: Part Two - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/20 0:07
-------------------------In Part 1 we demonstrated clearly that Paul was speaking to those who 'knew' the Mosiac Law in order to make an analogy from the
Old Covenant.
No, what Robert Wurtz II demonstrated was that he did not know the Scriptures as well as maybe he should of before wr
iting what he did.
-------------------------Proponents of Unconditional Matrimony contend that divorce does not mean 'dissolution', but merely 'seperation.'
To use the Scriptures, divorce means to "put her away." It is a fallacy to assume that just because a man is free from ce
rtain marital responsibilities to his wife that he is separated physically from her. The scriptures are clear that "they twain
shall become one flesh." So they are no more twain (never again two) but one flesh. Just because a man or woman is f
ree from certain responsibilities to a spouse for the sake of peace, does not mean that the "one flesh" ever becomes two
again. The burden of proof is upon those who think that after two become one, that one can become two again. "No mo
re twain" means (never again two).
1 Cor. 7:25-28 "Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath o
btained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.
26 I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.
27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have
trouble in the flesh: but I spare you."
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OK, now that we have put this scripture in CONTEXT, let's look at it and decide what makes sense and what does not.
V. 25 "Now concerning virgins" - OK, we expect that Paul is going to give a command "concerning virgins. Let's look. v.
25? No command. v. 26? Still no command. v. 27? There we go: "Virgins...Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be l
oosed." And so on.
Now how could a virgin be bound to a wife? Well Mary and Joseph were both virgins. Were THEY bound? Let's see:
Matt. 1:18 "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before th
ey came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her a
way privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph,
thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."
First notice in v. 18 that this was "before they came together", yet Mary was "espoused to Joseph." They were botrothed
or "bound" to each other. It required a divorce to break this union, though they had not even had the marriage ceremony
or come together.
Next notice v. 19. Joseph was "her husband" and to break the relationship he had to "put her away." Yet they were VIR
GINS. Maybe Paul DID know what he was talking about.
v. 20, the angel said that Mary was Joseph's "wife", though he had not "take(n)" her unto him.
Now let's use this holy couple to see if we can figure out what Paul was talking about in 1 Cor. 7: 25-28. 1) Scripturally
we know that virgins can be "bound" in marriage through betrothal (different from engagement). 2) We also know that in
a betrothal it requires a divorce to separate the two. 3) The reason a virgin "hath not sinned" if they marry their espouse
d partner is "because of the present distress" in which many virgins remained single and devoted their lives to the Lord.
It was a very SERIOUS thing to make a commitment to give one's life to celibacy in serving the Lord. See the charge ag
ainst the widows who couldn't keep their vow to be devoted to the Lord:
1 Tim. 5:11 "But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry;
12 Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith.
13 And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busyb
odies, speaking things which they ought not.
14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary t
o speak reproachfully."
So young widows that commited to live single and devote themselves to serve the Lord and His church, if they break this
vow and end up marrying were said to be in danger of damnation.
So Paul needed to tell these virgins that they were NOT in sin, so they could be free to marry...FOR THE FIRST TIME. (
they were virgins)
So again the twisting of Scripture may be entertained by some, but hopefully not by anybody here. You too, Robert. Go
d bless you. Pray you will see this clearly.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 6:58
-------------------------There is your friend's first error. (First sentence even ) Paul is not speaking exclusively of the Mosaic Law (Exodus - Deuteronomy).
He is speaking of the Jewish Scriptures as a whole. The Jewish Scriptures are commonly referred to as "the law" meaning the law, the prophets, and t
he psalms. One has to look at context to see what is meant.
I stick by the original statements completely and count this retort as utter nonsense. Nothing is said here to disprove the
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point whatsoever.
-------------------------Here the context immediately removes the possiblity of the narrow sense of the word "law" and demands the broad sense (law, pro
phets, psalms). Why? Because Paul here CONTRADICTS Deut. 24 in favor of what Jesus laid down. He said that a woman was bound to her husban
d "so then if, while here her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress." (v. 3) So he cannot be talking about Mo
ses' law and contradict that law at the same time!
Here RT is trying to suggest that Paul was imposing upon the OT Saints the teachings of Christ retroactively. For those
who do not understand what expostfacto means; quite simply, it is to make a law today against things people were doing
previous to today, draw them into court and punish them for it. Moreover, Paul did not contradict Moses, nor did Christ. I
know you are not willing to suggest that Christ came to destroy the Law? He came not to destroy, but to rightly interpret
and set forth. You cannot pit Christ and Paul against Moses.
-------------------------Do you see that? This is talking about "the law of her husband". This is the law instituted in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2. It is th
e only law given in man's innocence save the command not to touch nor eat of the forbidden fruit and to be fruitful and to multiply and replenish the ear
th and subdue it. This is a law that predated Moses by around two thousand years! This had nothing to do with the children of Israel. There was no Abr
aham, Isaac, nor Israel!! This is the law of her husband.
You said much here, but let me remind the audience first that the world is now in a fallen state. We are not in the Garden
and God did not take from each man's rib and side his mate. In Genesis 4 we already had polygamy being practiced. Mo
rover, God gave laws concerning marriage as He did most everything else. Another little interesting side note is that the
first command in all scripture to man is to be fruitful and multiply. I will take this opportunity to point out that RT is totally
anticatholicism and rightly so, but in previous posts he criticised the Reformers for correcting their error towards marriag
e and divorce. The Catholic Church has consistently promoted a doctrine since the second century that preferred celeba
cy to marriage. They wished that none would be married the first time, much less again after they were biblically divorce
d. They are by no means a standard to use for marriage. they were not pro-marriage, they were pro-monasticism. We ca
n thank them and the Hellenistic and ascetic influence they probigated for marriage and relations between man and wo
man being looked upon as dirty and sinful. There were some so messed up they believed it a sin to look on their own na
kedness- so would get dressed in the dark. Should we seek advice from them?
-------------------------This is why Jesus said, From the beginning it WAS NOT SO. He said that Moses gave Deut. 24, but refused to say that it was by G
What a marvelous thing- a man who calls himself "RT" that does not believe the Holy Spirit breathed the whole counsel
of God. Now we are getting to the bottom of this. He condemns the NIV, yet his version of the Bible is the NEC (Not Eve
n close) version. When he gets through cutting and slicing I had wished I had an NIV than his version of the KJV.
-------------------------God distanced Himself from the Deut 24 remarriage law because it was not His original intent. When Jesus came as the new lawgiv
er, he re-instated Gen. 2.
Wow! the lengths to which one would go to prove Unconditional Matrimony! I must admit, I have rarely heard of such libe
ral twisting of scripture. How could a man possibly pit God against His own Word and then say He distanced Himself fro
m what the Spirit breathed?
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-------------------------So the premise of this whole article is faulty. This is really bad exegesis.
As you can see, the article stands and is quite water tight. Had I not known that, I had not posted it for 100's of people to
see. Bad exegesis? Your right- I never once pitted God against His own Word.
-------------------------Hmm...I guess Paul must not have known the law very well...NOT! Check out 1 Cor. 7:11
Because RT does what near all the disciples of Webb does (out of hand denies Deuteronomy 24) he refuses to accept w
hat the Bible calls "a former husband." These are not my words, there are God's words. Let your own conscience be the
-------------------------"But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband"
Her what??? Her what??? Oh! Her HUSBAND. Not her "former husband." This article is weak.
Looks almost like Webb himself is rebutting me with all these exclamations and bold type. Louder does nothing to chang
e my mind- it only solidifies my position more as it appears that there are no sound arguments against it. If the article ha
d been weak, BOLD type would not have made a 'weak' article any meatier.
-------------------------Now I understand that I am writing in a very forceful way. But I am not making any of this personal. I AM trying to make this article lo
ok as OFF as it really is. And it is WAAAAY off.
I welcome you discounting it if you can. I want to know the truth and hope you do also. If I can be shown to be wrong wit
h sound arguments, I will immediately write a retraction and apologize publically for my error. WKIP
-------------------------Did you see that? The LORD said that He was STILL MARRIED to Israel even after he gave her a bill of divorcement. What was Go
d doing reconciling to His wife?
Do NOT assume I am against reconciliation or that I believe that adultery necessitates divorce. I believe a man and wom
en should forgive and try to go on and love one another. I do not believe in cheap grace. If a woman or man keeps playi
ng the harlot they had better know that as sure as God will turn a man over to a reprobate mind a man or woman may b
e free from one who continues to trod their mercy and forgiveness underfoot. God turned back to Israel, but what about
the multiplied millions who were not of Israel that plunged down into Hell. The ONLY people that are the Bride of God ar
e those who live faithfully to Him.
Ask Satan what unfaithfulness got him. It got him a one way ticket.
-------------------------Notice again, "They say". God quotes Deut. 24 remarriage law as the words of man, not His words. That's why Jesus reverted to th
e older (Garden of Eden) law of the husband and wife.
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Jesus reverted to the original plan for man because He was about to restore much of which was lost in the Garden to m
an. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. The hardness of the hearts of the born again has been removed a
nd the stoney heart replaced with a heart of 'flesh.' This is why two born again believers are not to put away one another
and never would put away one another of they were truly born again and walking with God because Sin would not enter.
But, Sin does enter when folk are not truly saved or they backslide and suddenly the situation goes from "in the beginnin
g" (type of scenerio) to a "hardness of heart" type of scenerio. Are sinners born again? Do they have a replacement hear
t yet? No. They are under the same hardness of heart conditions as were folk when God made the allowance for divorce
in Deut 24. Our Lord DID NOT toss out this passage. He clarified it. I address that later.
-------------------------I always am amazed at the mental acrobatics that men undergo to make the word say what they want it to.
What else do you got?
No acrobatics here. Just the plain sense of what is said. What esle do I got? Well, I can't say you dealt with what I said y
et. all this talk did nothing to break the seal of that article. Truthfully, I was hoping you would have.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 8:23
-------------------------No, what Robert Wurtz II demonstrated was that he did not know the Scriptures as well as maybe he should of before writing what h
e did.
Come on now RT, now that shot was below the belt. Pretty soon I'm going to have to put my gloves over my ears (I'm la
ughing and just trying to lighten things up no offense). Thanks for getting my name right though, I never seen anyone ad
dress me by my full name like that.
-------------------------To use the Scriptures, divorce means to "put her away." It is a fallacy to assume that just because a man is free from certain marital
responsibilities to his wife that he is separated physically from her. The scriptures are clear that "they twain shall become one flesh." So they are no m
ore twain (never again two) but one fle
Never again two? That is something Webb would say and with lots of punctuation marks. Yet, find me some reputable le
xicons that ever will define 'divorce' in the OT or the NT as mere 'seperation'- but still married. Is a slave still a slave if his
master set him free? Need a slave be dead to be free from his master? Look again at the law. If he was injured bad eno
ugh the slave master was forced to set him free. If he were set free, is he still a slave? Then what means 'set free.' In the
Hebrew the word for 'put away is garash and it means, "To thrust out." The word history begins with two major incidents.
Here we read:
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned
every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Genesis 3:24)
Here Adam was 'put away' from the Garden of Eden and just as God forbade a woman put away and remarried from ret
urning to her former husband, God forbade Adam from ever returning to the Garden of Eden. even if Adam would have
wanted to return, He was met with flaming swords. Words have a history. Words have 'first impressions' that set the cour
se for the word as it will be used throughout scripture. What need more we know of what it means to be "put away"?
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Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall be hid; and I shall be a fugitiv
e and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. (Genesis 4:14)
Notice what Cain says here; "From thy face shall I be hid." If I might so say, were it not for God giving a woman a writing
of divorcement in Deuteronomy 24, she also would be a fugative and a vegabond in the earth and whoever found her wit
h her new man without her papers may well have brought her to be slain also. Deuteronomy was NOT originally intende
d to make divorce easy- it made it more difficult. If forced the man to have to go before the Sanhedrin and provide her wi
th some papers. The seperation had to be approved. Those who know the Mosaic Law are aware that there were crimes
against virgin women that could be committed that removed the possibility of the man ever putting the woman away so l
ong as she lived. These things had to be determined before the man could have the Bill of Divorcement approved.
-------------------------Next notice v. 19. Joseph was "her husband" and to break the relationship he had to "put her away." Yet they were VIRGINS. Mayb
e Paul DID know what he was talking about.
I must give credit where credit is due and say that this is truly a valiant effort to try to answer I Corinthians 7:25-28. The fi
rst major problem with this is that we have now taken Jewish customs into a Greek context- where Jewish customs were
strait out rejected. These people in I Corinthians were so immoral that it is doubtful that there were many virgins even in
the Church. I say this not to defame them, but to bring to bear the full context of who Paul was talking to directly. It was r
eported commonly that there was sexual immorality among them and Paul went to great lengths to tell them that their bo
dies were not for sexual immorality. To take these Greeks and impose upon them the stained white sheet verifications of
Jewish marriage would be a wild stretch. I concede that there were virgins in the Corinthian church that had parents con
cerned if their kids should marry. It seems to me that virgin most likely means here "never been married." This is differen
t than simply saying "qualified for marriage."
Can we verify that Paul is speaking to two types of virgins in these passages? We first have to ask if it is reasonable that
Paul was adressing 'only' virgins in this passage.
In I Corinthians Paul deals with the 'unmarried' and the widows. The Greek word for 'unmarrried' is agamos and it simply
means "not married." We have shown in the articles that a women who has a 'former husband' is not married and is free
to marry (Deut 24:2). So the term used here is simply a person who has no spouse. This is akin to our Lord telling the w
oman at the well that 'truly' she has no husband.
Here we read:
The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: For th
ou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. Are we to assume h
ere that this woman who was with a man and not married to him had suffered the loss of five husbands to the grave? Ad
am Clark comments on this passage:
It is not clear that this woman was a prostitute: she might have been legally married to those five, and might have been d
ivorced through some misbehaviour of her own, not amounting to adultery; for the adulteress was to be put to death, bot
h by the Jewish and Samaritan law, not divorced: or she might have been cast off through some caprice of her husband;
for, in the time of our Lord, divorces were very common among the Jews, so that a man put away his wife for any fault.
Yet Jesus calls all five of the men- "her man". This is a clear indication that even He recognized that they had all been 'h
er man'. Not even Adam Clark would say that she had merely 'fornicated' with 5 men. Reason being is that it would not
make sense when he said 'the man you are with is not your man.' Five were and one is not? If you are fornicating the m
an is not your man. She had to have been married and they died or she was divorced. Nearly all commentators opt for di
vorce. Yet, then why did not Jesus call her an adultress if that is what she was? He had no trouble calling the Pharisee's
vipers and hypocrites? He referred to the people as an evil and adulterous generation, but would not call this one as adu
ltery? Was he just being nice and tactful? That does not jibe. She was not an adulteress because she had truly been ma
rried to those men and it was very likely that at least one of them was still living. Plainly put- she was an "Unmarried Wo
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So Paul is talking to unmarried women and to widows in I Corinthians 7:8. In I Corinthians 7:25 he begins to address virg
ins (Parthenos). In 7:26 he says it is good for a 'man' so to be. This word is anthropos and simply means a human being
- male or female.
Let us insert the word 'virgin' into the I Corinthians 7:27 text to see if it could possibly make sense.
Art thou bound (deo) unto a virgin? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a virgin? seek not a virgin.
I must ask how to be consistent with this line of reasoning how that a person who was loosed from a woman, that that pe
rson could be a 'virgin.' Either by death or divorce surely she was not a virgin.
The argument looks good at first, but upon close examination the theory I put forth makes much more sense to me.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 10:40
-------------------------If Jesus and Paul call a remarriage "adultery", there is no difference in the scenerios. Is having children together what makes a marr
iage? I do not believe so.
This is based completely on your personal view of what constitutes perpetual adultery. I know of no case when a person
biblically divorced could be said as commiting perpetual adultery.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 11:38
The thing that stands out to me here is how difficult it is to really come to terms with what the New Testament says on thi
s subject. A person practically needs to be a bible scholar to really understand it all and even then they don't agree. Coul
d it be possible that we could be so dogmatic about the issue as to justify referring to married folks with living spouses a
s adulterers? Before the retort- "that's what Jesus and Paul taught" comes forth- may I remind everyone that we don't kn
ow for certain what was meant by their words. I simply do not know for sure and I don't believe anyone really does. Man
y say they do and are ready to risk peoples lives on it. Surely if the Lord had wanted- he had set forth unmistakable direc
perpetual adultery - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/20 11:39
-------------------------This is based completely on your personal view of what constitutes perpetual adultery. I know of no case when a person biblically di
vorced could be said as commiting perpetual adultery.
Do you believe the adultery by remarriage Jesus and Paul spoke of IS perpetual for those "unbiblically" divorced? If not
, what is it that makes it no longer adultery---in God's eyes? Blessings in HIM, Cindy
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Re: perpetual adultery - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 11:48
-------------------------Do you believe the adultery by remarriage Jesus and Paul spoke of IS perpetual for those "unbiblically" divorced? If not, what is it th
at makes it no longer adultery---in God's eyes?
Because God ended adulterous relationships in the OT with death. The marriage ended because the perpretators were
dead. yet, in the NT they are allowed not only to live, but no matter how much harlotry they dish out- they go on mocking
the whole one flesh institution? I can't go for the latter.
What happens when two become one and then one more is added? Simple math states that you have two again. 1+1=
1+1=2 That ought to scare any adulterer or adulteress. I will believe in Unconditional Matrimony when 1+1=1+1=1 and li
kely not before. I really do appreciate you and RT's input and debate and have been very blessed by it. We are not ene
mies and I hope you don't see me as such. I just believe strongly we need to use caution here.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/20 16:30
-------------------------Because God ended adulterous relationships in the OT with death. The marriage ended because the perpretators were dead. yet, i
n the NT they are allowed not only to live, but no matter how much harlotry they dish out- they go on mocking the whole one flesh institution? I can't go
for the latter.
When the woman was caught in adultery, what did Jesus say? He said, "go and sin no more"........You're right, the deat
h penalty no longer exists. The thing is you are still not answering my question: what about
unbiblical divorce and remarriage----is it continual adultery? What exactly is it in your understanding, that dissolves a 1st
marriage-----the adultery itself (extramarital), the divorce or the adulterous remarriage?
You've already stated that vows are to be upheld (when you speak of second/third, et marriages. How is it that they are
supposed to be upheld, but not the first marriage---the marriage scripture clearly shows where God takes 2 and joins tog
ether into "1". Many say of second, third, etc marriages "you can't unscramble the egg"..........If we can't unscramble the
egg God calls "adultery", how can we unscramble the egg that God Himself scrambled?
Concerning the perpetrator being dead, I think that mindset can be absolutely refuted by Rom. 7:2-3. It is not the death
of the GUILTY one that dissolves the marriage, but of the INNOCENT one.........
Also, if one wants to use that argument (adultery means "death" to marriage). How about all those marriages where the
marriages survive? Did Jesus give some an "out" while others have the choice to be forgiving? It seems to me that bri
ngs us right back to hardhardedness-----something Jesus spoke against. Another thing: what if the "innocent" one wan
ts the marriage, but the guilty does not? When is the marriage dissolved? What if the "innocent" one believed they we
re joined by God FOR LIFE and are waiting for restoration, do you feel comfortable enough to tell that person in God's si
ght their spouse is dead, so they need to "move on"?
If you could only definitively point me to the exact time a marriage is dissolved when both spouses are living, I may unde
rstand your position, but at this time, your position on divorce/remarriage is as foggy as most Robert. One further thing,
you are not my enemy either. I know this topic hits close to home for you and for that I am sorry, but this is an important
, important issue to discuss and the fact that there is such "foggyness" in understanding what exactly dissolves a marria
ge, people are just throwing their hands up in the air and following what everyone else is doing-----which is almost alway
s a work of the FLESH. That is why we see the destruction of God's intended family unit that we are now seeing in the l
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ast 100 years...............Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/20 16:55
-------------------------Also, if one wants to use that argument (adultery means "death" to marriage). How about all those marriages where the marriages s
urvive? Did Jesus give some an "out" while others have the choice to be forgiving? It seems to me that brings us right back to hardhardedness-----som
ething Jesus spoke against. Another thing: what if the "innocent" one wants the marriage, but the guilty does not? When is the marriage dissolved? W
hat if the "innocent" one believed they were joined by God FOR LIFE and are waiting for restoration, do you feel comfortable enough to tell that person
in God's sight their spouse is dead, so they need to "move on"?
Hi Cindy,
You asked a lot of things, but I think this paragraph will suffice for the moment to respond to. I will answer the last questi
on and it will give my view.
The person(s) in question need to genuinely search the scriptures and find out what God's word says. I have already ad
dressed many of the relevant passages from what I can see. This does not satisfy you, but that is irrelevant unless you p
ersonally are in the situation and are looking for counsel. Personally I would never tell a person WHAT to do. NEVER! T
hat is not my perogative. I would lay out the issues as best as I can for comparison to what the person(s) in question is s
eeing. At the end of the day I do not say what to do no matter WHY the persons were divorced. That is between them an
d God just like everything else. I am not the leader of a cult and do not have apostolic authority. If the subject was clear
enough for me to speak to I would; but it is not. It would be like doing heart surgery through a dark glass with a speck in
your eye to try to speak to such a serious issue with such little light and such frailities and shortcomings.
I will post at some point a rather large tractate on this whole topic as God bids me. Before I do that I will leave you with a
question to ponder: "Can you place yourself in a position to consider the issue from Christ's point of view in light of what
He has revealed as his personality and attitude to folk He encountered that their lives were in a mess?"
God Bless,
Re: If I may comment... - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/20 17:15
------------------------lastblast wrote:
The thing is you are still not answering my question: what about
unbiblical divorce and remarriage----is it continual adultery?
If I may throw some letters around, I would say no.
------------------------What exactly is it in your understanding, that dissolves a 1st marriage-----the adultery itself (extramarital), the divorce or the adulterous remarriage?
I think in this regard, God is more interested in the individual well being of the people concerned than the formula of who
is still married to whom and why their present spouse is not really married.
There is a 'loose' princaple of obedience brings blessing and disobedience brings cursing. If people do such things volun
tarily with a full knowledge of what Gods word says then there are consequences. I do nor believe however that God wo
uld require that couple to now seperate and then the one who was/is married before to go back to his/her original partner
. What of the other spouse who went into the relationship none-the-wiser. That would be causing more hurt in a situation
that was already not operating with Gods full blessing. As much as God hates divorce, I think that it is a deffective view o
f the true nature of God to think that he would require such a thing from someone to 'carry through' repentance. There ar
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e more often than not other people involved and that is what God is seeing in this situation.
For those people who have remarried I think there will always be something that they carry with them from their previous
marriage. If man casts asunder something that God has joined there will always be something of that other person left wi
th each other. Have you ever tried to pull wall paper of a wall without using the right stripper, bits of the paper and bits of
the wall are left on the two as they seperate.
Re: RobertW - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/20 18:24
Hey, my friend. Of course no hard feelings. We are ALL wanting truth here. I don't sense that you are being stubborn.
I don't have time now to refute your refutation of my refutation. :-P
But I do want to point out one thing. You seem to be satisfied with thinking that this issue is vague from either side. I ca
n speak from personal reference as one who used to take your position. It is SO confusing to look at the divorce Scriptu
res from the more permissible angle. I never really understood them until I had the betrothal piece. They seem to contr
adict without it.
So with that, let me ask you a question. What if you were a Gentile reading the book of Mark if that were all you had? (A
fter all Mark was written for the Gentiles and Matthew was written to win the Jews) What would you think if all you had t
o go on was this:
Mark 10:1 "And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the peopl
e resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.
2 And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.
3 And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you?
4 And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.
5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.
6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
10 And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.
11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery."
No exception clause there. No need of understanding of Jewish betrothal customs. Just a plain Jane Gentile message.
What do you understand this CLEAR passage to mean?
P.S. (You never took my origianl challenge to take Webb's book and refute it. You did post your own article, but never di
rectly dealt with Webb's book. That would be nice to see you try to do some time. ;-) )
Re: Listen to Dr. Joseph Webb - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/20 19:20
I just thought of something. There are probably a lot of people here that don't have a copy of Dr. Webb's book "Till
Death Do Us Part."
So I have an audio message by Dr. Webb posted on our site entitled, "What the Bible Really Says About Marriage and
Divorce." I think many of you will appreciate his Berean style approach to this subject. Before you judge the man, you
owe it to him to at least hear it from his own mouth. (Assuming you haven't read the book)
Here's the link:
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Would love to have a discussion about the contents of this message.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/20 23:51
-------------------------If the subject was clear enough for me to speak to I would; but it is not.
Then we will leave our discussion at that. At the very least hopefully this discussion will spur people on to seek the Wor
d of God for themselves. We all need to know HOW to walk in God's blessings, not His cursings AND we need to unders
tand the very heart of God and why He commands us to live, not by the flesh, but by the Spirit. Blessings in Jesus, Cin
Whosoever will seek to save his life, will lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake, will save it...........
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/21 0:44
-------------------------what about unbiblical divorce and remarriage----is it continual adultery?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I may throw some letters around, I would say no. God is more interested in the individual well being of the people concerned than the formula of wh
o is still married to whom and why their present spouse is not really married.
Hello Zeke,
Do you believe that God cares more about how we are "feeling" than that we abide "in Him"? I'd have a really hard time
understanding that to be the case due to my studies, experience with the Lord. Yes, God loves those who are His, howe
ver, when we go astray, there is chastisement guaranteed (Heb 12). Jesus made this statement: He who loves father
or mother more than me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of Me; and h
e who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me, he who finds his life will lose it and he who loses
his life for my sake will find it (Mt. 10:37-39).
If God did not care about a "formula" for marriage and the sins involved, why did He label a remarriage as adultery? It s
eems to me that God takes marriage very seriously since it is HE, not man, who makes 1 out of 2. Some seem to believ
e that God is at our whim, He just goes along with (remarriage)adultery----even joining that which He has called sin. I ju
st can't see that in scripture. God defines marital relationships and He defines what is sin relationally. It seems to me w
e, in the Western World, have taken great license with "thus saith the Lord" in many different areas----even outside this p
resent topic. It reminds me of the story in Genesis when the serpent said to Eve: "Has God indeed said?".......his point
was "surely you don't believe Eve, that God really meant 'exactly' what He said now, do you?"
This is now what we are doing with "adultery". "Surely this isn't really what God meant when He spoke of divorced peopl
e marrying"........
I'm sorry, but if I don't have God's Word----in literal context, then I am lost in my understanding and I truly could go to AN
Y church, and I mean ANY, including one headed up by homosexual clergy, because maybe, just maybe they were "righ
tly" interpreting God's Word in a more "spiritual" manner. Yikes!!! I at this present time, couldn't abide by that mindset.
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-------------------------I think that it is a deffective view of the true nature of God to think that he would require such a thing from someone to 'carry through
' repentance. There are more often than not other people involved and that is what God is seeing in this situation.
Here again is the precedent that Robert and I spoke of: Ezra 9-10. God surely DID require families to be broken up ov
er sinful marriages. People seem to think that this type of thing would be out of character to God. His judgment was up
on the nation due to their rebellion against Him in marrying heathen women. This had been going on a LONG TIME. S
o long that people didn't even know/remember they were sinning. It was only after they went inquiring of the Lord as to
why His judgment was continually upon them that they had it revealed to them they had gotten into sin and that is why G
od's judgment was upon them. See, ignorance did not do away with God's judgment.
We now see in Acts 17:30-31 that God is not "winking" at ignorance. He is commanding ALL men to repent, because H
e has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained.......The "LI
GHT" has come into the world and the standard is even HIGHER......though the Grace, and not punishment is there WH
EN we show forth the fruits of REPENTANCE. Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/23 8:35
-------------------------I never really understood them until I had the betrothal piece.
Hi RT,
I am full aware of this position and have heard of it for some time, though I never really thought through it for 'days' as I h
ave now. I must say that on the surface it seems to make sense because it appears to represent the picture of our relati
on to Christ and the Church. That is where the FORCE of the argument is coming from. However, I think what is happeni
ng here is that there is a completely legitimate metaphor being merged with the teachings of Christ on divorce and remar
riage and it is seriously handicapping the fulness of what our Lord said- while at the same time piggy backing off of the tr
uth of the metaphor. It has all of the ingredients of deception- truth mixed with falsehood. It assumes several things from
the beginning that are simply false:
1) That Christ was referring to betrothal and not marriage in particular.
a) The question posed to him in Matthew 19 was not about betrothal- it was about marriage. In Matthew 5 he was talkin
g clearly about husbands and wives. There is no reasonable cause to assume that he is referring to the 'betrothed' in thi
s group.
b) Some say that to commit harlotry during the betrothal period was considered adultery under the Old Covenant and n
ot merely 'fornication.'
2) It would indicate that anyone who ever broke off their 'enguagement' have committed adultery unless the person actu
ally committed fornication during the betrothal period and were given a writing of divorcement. It would suggest that one
who was enguaged to be married by the hand of the flesh would be compelled by the letter of the Law to follow through
with the marriage even if Godly counsel had persuaded them otherwise or if the Holy Spirit was dealing with them "NOT"
to marry the person. Once the man and woman were 'enguaged' there would be no turning back. Are you prepared to ta
ke this line also? If not why not? If you are, what shall be of the multitudes of people around the world that broke off eng
uagements without 'fornication' being the cause? Are they adulterers and adulteresses and in need of being called such
3) The issue at hand was clearly Deuteronomy 24. This is not a passage about betrothal, but divorce of married couples.
One cannot say that Christ threw out Deuteronomy 24 on the one hand without admitting that He was in fact addressing
it. The topic was Deut 24- not betrothal. Betrothal is a fabrication to further the circular arguments of Unconditional Matri
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-------------------------o with that, let me ask you a question. What if you were a Gentile reading the book of Mark if that were all you had? (After all Mark
was written for the Gentiles and Matthew was written to win the Jews) What would you think if all you had to go on was this:
Having studied this topic in depth, you likely know that unless you take all of the Gospel passages on the topic and merg
e them together- some party will have a loop hole to commit adultery. Your cited passage in Mark is case in point:
11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
In verse 11 only the man that put the woman away commits adultery. The woman and the man who marries her are not
mentioned. In verse 12 the same happens- only it is the wife in question.
Obviously there are some serious details missing here if we want to know the whole counsel of God on the topic of Divor
ce. You cannot make an argument from silence. Actually, the whole concept insults me as a believer because it suggest
s to me that I ought not pursue the FULL counsel of God, but should try to select passages that fit my beliefs as a 'Gentil
e'. What if I just decide to toss out the entire Sermon on the Mount? Just because I am a Gentile and not a Jew I can loo
k on a woman and lust with impunity? God forbid!
-------------------------No exception clause there. No need of understanding of Jewish betrothal customs. Just a plain Jane Gentile message. What do you
understand this CLEAR passage to mean?
This is another line of Webb's reasoning that I hope he has not spoiled you with because it will distort your entire hermen
eutic. Notice how you made the word CLEAR in all caps? You are suggesting that the "CLEAR" passages should have p
recedent over the "UNCLEAR". The next move in this strategy is to obscure the passage that do not fit your doctrine. Thi
s is BRAINWASHING my friend. How do you think the cults get started? Matthew 5 and 19 appear as the first book in th
e New Testament. That is God's design as He ordered things. Moreover you and Webb admit that there are UNCLEAR t
eachings on the topic. Wherein then gain thee the confidence to speak so dogmatically on the topic?
To the casual reader, before one ever reaches Mark or Luke's passages you have already been shown the exception cla
use TWICE in Matthew. The omissions of Mark and Luke do not nullify the inclusions of Matthew on ANY Biblical subject
. They are the synoptic Gospels and are all necessary. By your rational, I could only have the Gospel of John and would
not even know Unbiblical Divorce was Adultery.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/23 9:02
-------------------------Then we will leave our discussion at that. At the very least hopefully this discussion will spur people on to seek the Word of God for
themselves. We all need to know HOW to walk in God's blessings, not His cursings AND we need to understand the very heart of God and why He co
mmands us to live, not by the flesh, but by the Spirit. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
You asked several times how I counsel people in various situations. First of all, I am not a counselor or a 'Pastor' per se.
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I am a Youth Pastor. I am also an Adult Sunday School teacher and out reach minister. I also 'preach' monthly.
In cases when I have known people to be wanting to divorce their spouses I have gone to great lengths to stop it just sh
ort of name calling and physical intervention. I have poured out my soul to see it stopped. when the person has no real b
iblical cause I consider it wickedness and don't hesitate to say it is such. When adultery was involved I counsel to work it
out and forgive. Recently this happened until I encouraged a man to forgive over and over (the space of a few years) an
d when he caught his wife the 3rd time it turned to serious physical violence and a catrostophy of major proportions was
narrowly avoided. So yes, I have been there. I know what these issues are all about. I have seen men that were very spi
ritual men watch their wives play the harlot until the almost completely lost their faith. By counseling them to just forgive
and trust God the harlotry never ceased. Forgiveness was seen as weakness until the person is to this day in a backslid
den state because God did not keep their wife while they attended to their life. Imagine that. Hosea project? What they k
now bout' Hosea? Unless the been there and walked it and know what they are talking about.
On the flip side I have known of godly men whose wives played the harlot with many men and they have gone on and fo
rgiven them. they stand in God's grace. Having seen both what do I say? I say that when you play the harlot you are taki
ng your very body and soul into your own hands. I have known of men who found their wives with men that put the shotg
un into the room where they were and only God's providence kept it from going off as the naked man and woman fled ou
t the front door. A pastor who shot his wife to death when he came home and found her in bed with another man and is i
n prison today. She went out into eternity in a bed of adultery. these are the ones I can at least mention. The worst ones
I will save between me and the Lord.
Taking Matthew 5 and 19 out of the scripture will cost many people their lives. I know it to be a fact. I have seen my fair
share of near misses and know of actual occurences.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/23 9:18
-------------------------Jesus made this statement: He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter mo
re than me is not worthy of Me; and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me, he who finds his life will lose it and he who
loses his life for my sake will find it (Mt. 10:37-39).
This is another typical line that is used to break up families and it is wildly out of context. To suggest that a man or woma
n leave his/her wife/husband and kids because they love the Lord militates hard against the whole of scripture. If any ma
n provide NOT for his own and especially for his own house he has denied the faith and is WORSE than an infidel.
-------------------------Here again is the precedent that Robert and I spoke of: Ezra 9-10. God surely DID require families to be broken up over sinful marri
ages. People seem to think that this type of thing would be out of character to God. His judgment was upon the nation due to their rebellion against Hi
m in marrying heathen women. This had been going on a LONG TIME. So long that people didn't even know/remember they were sinning. It was only
after they went inquiring of the Lord as to why His judgment was continually upon them that they had it revealed to them they had gotten into sin and th
at is why God's judgment was upon them. See, ignorance did not do away with God's judgment.
Paul addresses the marriage of believers to pagans in I Corinthians 7 and tells us they they should not leave the spouse
because the unbeliever is sanctified by the believer. So this ordeal in Ezra would not go down in the NT as the middle w
all of partition between Jew and Gentile is broken down and God has called us unto peace.
Notice in I Corinthians 7 how many times the people are told "To abide in the calling wherewith the Lord found them." Ar
e you bound to a wife do not seek to be loosed.
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There are many "women at the well" that are coming to Christ everyday in this world. What do they need? They have be
en married many times and have no idea what to do. I know of a woman been married 9 times and recently came to Chri
st. What did Jesus tell the woman at the well to do? Your right. He didn't tell her anything but one thing- "If you would ha
ve known the gift of God and who it is that asks of you a drink, you would have asked and He would have given you LIVI
NG water." Did she need a counselor? Did she need advice? No. she needed a drink of Living Water. And when the Hol
y Spirit comes in to come along side- HE will lead them into all truth. HE will chart the course of direction for their live an
d He will do it based upon His will and character. Not our pet peeve doctrines and not according to how I wish He would
do it.
A man or woman earnestly trying to serve God are not the ones that are bringing anathema on our heads! It is not the o
nes who smite their breast and say God have mercy on me a sinner. It's the ones that thank God that they are not like th
e adulterers and such. No one is exempt from a life of ruin. No one is exempt from the fears of uncertainty. If I might exh
ort all who read this- allow the Holy Ghost to be the Holy Ghost and stop trying to play God. You will give an account for
every thing you counsel. Tread lightly and speak slowly and softly. More than that- encourage the people to do what the
Holy Ghost is dealing with them to do. Don't come in and wound their conscience with strifes about words- let them seek
the Lord and let Him guide them into the truth. He will not fail if we will get out of the way. if they desire TRUTH they will f
ind it- if they do not- you are wastig your time anyhow.
God Bless,
Re: Not Married, on: 2005/5/23 11:44
I am wondering if those who write these long post on this topic are married.
Re: RobertW - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/23 16:57
Hey Robert,
-------------------------1) That Christ was referring to betrothal and not marriage in particular.
a) The question posed to him in Matthew 19 was not about betrothal- it was about marriage. In Matthew 5 he was talking clearly about husbands and
wives. There is no reasonable cause to assume that he is referring to the 'betrothed' in this group.
I don't think you quite see the betrothal piece as it applies in its historical context. This is probably my fault for not writin
g more clearly. However, Joseph Webb does make this very clear.
1) There is a HUGE difference between Jewish betrothal and our modern day Gentile "engagement". Betrothal was wit
nessed by both families (especially that father and brothers of the groom and the father of the bride). A dowry was agre
ed upon and a pledge was exchanged. It was legally binding from that time on. They were husband and wife.
Modern "engagement" is NOT marriage. It is not recognized as binding by the families or the law or the couple themselv
es. If you ask them, they will tell you that they are NOT married yet. This would not be the case with a Jewish betrothed
2) Jewish marriage BEGAN at betrothal, not when they began living together. There was a period of time at the beginni
ng of the marriage where the couple were bound together as married, but had not yet come together in sex. There was
a set time for the man to "take" his wife "unto him."
3) We cannot differentiate between MARRIAGE and BETROTHAL. This is a misnomer. Betrothal was a STAGE of ma
rriage. A betrothed person WAS married. (See the passages I clearly layed out below about Mary and Joseph) While y
ou can't differentiate between marriage and betrothal, you CAN differentiate between BETROTHAL and CONSUMMATI
ON. If during consummation the man found the woman to have played the harlot (fornication) in her father's house, he c
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ould put her away.
4) So the Jews knew exactly what "except for the cause of fornication" meant. Gentiles don't. I think that's pretty clear.
I think this deals with your points 1 through 3.
-------------------------Having studied this topic in depth, you likely know that unless you take all of the Gospel passages on the topic and merge them tog
ether- some party will have a loop hole to commit adultery. Your cited passage in Mark is case in point:
11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
In verse 11 only the man that put the woman away commits adultery. The woman and the man who marries her are not mentioned. In verse 12 the sa
me happens- only it is the wife in question.
I hope no one is looking for a "loophole" here. I know I certainly am not. How foolish would it be to search for a loophol
e only to deceive yourself and come up wanting on the day of judgement. Not me, sir.
I can't believe you think Matt. 10:11, 12 are unclear. This befuddles me. Here it is again:
"11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery."
v. 11 is a commandment concerning men. So the consequences for a man are given. (Notice "whosoever" is only speak
ing to the husband) Very clear. v. 12 is a commandment for the woman. So the consequences are given for the woma
n. ("And the woman" is only for the woman) Again, very clear.
So both parties in the divorce are spoken to. Both are told that they would be in "adultery" if they re-married. No excepti
ons. There is NO silence here.
-------------------------Obviously there are some serious details missing here if we want to know the whole counsel of God on the topic of Divorce. You ca
nnot make an argument from silence. Actually, the whole concept insults me as a believer because it suggests to me that I ought not pursue the FULL
counsel of God, but should try to select passages that fit my beliefs as a 'Gentile'. What if I just decide to toss out the entire Sermon on the Mount? Jus
t because I am a Gentile and not a Jew I can look on a woman and lust with impunity? God forbid!
There are NO details missing. There is a complete revelation concerning God's requirements for divorce and remarriag
e. It is sin for a man or a woman to divorce and then re-marry.
This shouldn't INSULT you at all! For you to say that EACH GOSPEL does NOT contain CLEAR revelation concerning
EVERY issue in which it deals is the thing that is insulting. For you to say that a person can't read Mark and get a full pi
cture about everything it speaks to is just off the chain! You can't pit Matthew against Mark or vice versa. Mark teaches
the SAME thing as Matthew. One may contain more detail than the other, but one does not abrogate the other.
If the exception clause is not betrothal, then Matthew 5 and 19 abrogates Mark 10. This is unacceptable. A person SH
OULD be able to pick up ANY of the gospels and believe what he reads without any need of confirmation from any of th
e rest!!
The truth is that if a person reads Mark 10, he or she will be convicted that they are in adultery if they are in a second m
arriage with the previous spouse still living. That is just the TRUTH. It takes an abrogation of Mark to remove this.
This is what you are seeking for in Matthew. Well, you have not found it. You have found a specific detail as regards th
e betrothal period in marriage. Gentiles weren't into this like the Jews and they (gentiles) sure wouldn't be bound to kee
p themselves pure.
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Married people cannot commit "fornication" after consummation! Fornication is sex between singles. The narrow sense
of "pornea" is demanded because Jesus uses the word "moikia" (adultery) in this passage as well. He was differentiatin
g between fornication in the narrow sense (sex between singles or virgins) and adultery. This is air tight.
It is terrible logic to say that my view that Mark CLEARLY speaks to everything it contains (incl. marriage commands) D
EMANDS throwing out the sermon on the mount. Mark doesn't even CONTAIN the sermon on the mount. How could it
change the meaning of something it doesn't even contain? Why would Mark leave people feeling wrongly condemned in
Mark 10? Crazy. He wouldn't. Same goes for looking on a woman with lust specifically. Matthew is not ONLY for the J
ews. But it contains specifics that only Jews could appreciate. Remember it was "to the Jew first".
-------------------------Notice how you made the word CLEAR in all caps? You are suggesting that the "CLEAR" passages should have precedent over th
e "UNCLEAR". The next move in this strategy is to obscure the passage that do not fit your doctrine. This is BRAINWASHING my friend. How do you t
hink the cults get started?
No, this is how you go about exegeting Scripture. No brainwashing here. Just commending ourselves to every man's c
onscience in the sight of God.
Hey, why don't you go and make a doctrine out of baptism for the dead? Why not? Your Bible interpretation warrants it.
You have no need to start with the CLEAR passages. Go grab an unclear passage and RUN WITH IT. Knock yourself
But everyone here knows that it is in fact THAT WAY (taking the unclear and running with it) that cults get started. Not t
he other way around.
Now THAT is insulting.
BTW, Livingwaters, I am married.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 8:25
Hi RT,
-------------------------4) So the Jews knew exactly what "except for the cause of fornication" meant. Gentiles don't. I think that's pretty clear.
This is simply not true. It first of all is made on tha false premise that Matthew was written to the Jews and the other Gos
pels to the Gentiles. ALL of the Gospels were written to the JEWS first. ALL of the NT books were written BY Jews. It is
a serious misnomer to suggest that Gentiles were the intended audience when the Gospel is to the Jew first and then to
the Greek and there was not a single Gentile even in the Church until Acts 10. This belief fosters an overall contempt for
the Law (except when it conveniently fits the endoctrination). Either give me ALL of Matthew or give me none of it! Either
give me all 4 Gospels or give me none of them! I will have not of this slice and dice deception and endoctrination.
The Betrothal Theory makes for what appears to be a strong case for those who have the circular reasoning of Unconditi
onal Matrimony and are entangled in Webb's endoctrination practice; but it is far from reality. There is a conspiracy to try
to write off the passages of scripture that clarify our Lord's position on this topic. This is not just a sin, but it is a great evil
. And if I might so say, that cutting out passages of scripture under the pretense of holiness is not a new practice. The R
abbi's did it when the put a "fence around the Torah." The purpose was fear mongering and control. Nothing new here wi
th Webb and his endoctrination methods. I'm surprised that you, as a Pentecostal believer did not discern this in his mes
sage. Look PAST his FEAR tactics and name calling. Look past the fact that he considers himself a bastard son born ou
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t of wedlock. Look past his disrespect for our men at war referring to them as "soldier-boys". Look past the fact that he te
lls his friends that he gets paid to be good- but that they are worthless (that would be 'Reca' in KJV termonology). RT, yo
u are not 'worthless' if you do not ascribe to his indoctrination.
If as you are suggesting, and I do not disagree, that the strength of betrothal under Jewish Law is as it is- then the whol
e premise of the argument is null and void. How can it be premarital sex when it is clearly adultery (Deuteronomy 22). W
ebb's fast talking sales pitch may have confused his readers and audience- but it has not rattled me in the least. There h
as to be a voice of reason to confront this madness. This man stands to wreak more havoc in the Church than anyone in
modern times if his method of family breakup is taken on a large scale. What if a man or woman as Webb says can have
16 or 17 adulterous affairs and not break wedlock (that is the meaning of Adultery BTW), but it is merely a 'violation of th
e covenant'. Adultery means to BREAK MATRIMONY. He says that a "covenant may be violated but not broken." Hmm
m. Strange!
And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peopl
e. And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD
. And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces
of silver. And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the t
hirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Ba
nds, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. (Zechariah 11:10-14)
He also makes a serios error in his understanding of what "one flesh" constitutes. What does scripture call becoming 'on
e flesh' with someone? Here we read:
I Corinthians 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
Webb states: “Coming together does not make you one flesh- it is the priviledge because you ARE one flesh”. How d
oes that statement jibe with I Corinthians 6:16?
If one is ‘one flesh’ with their spouse and they join themselves to a harlot and become one flesh- we now have 2 and
not 1. 1+1=1 (flesh) + one more flesh = 2 flesh. This is what it is mathmatically to "Break Matrimony." He or she have B
ROKEN the one flesh union because the nature of the one flesh union is stated in I Corinthians 6:16. WebbÂ’s entire arg
ument stands or falls based upon whether or not coming together in sexual relations constitutes “one flesh”. Are we t
o suggest that if a man becomes one flesh with a harlot it was because he made a vow before God with her? What mad
e them one flesh? Adultery is sex by a married person with someone or something who is not their spouse. The vow you
made before God allows for legal "one flesh" relations.
How many churches are operating based on the FEAR he has set loosed in those that hear him? How many churches a
re locked in bondage and their people are in bondage due to it? I had a young man call me on this and suggest in genui
ne Webb form that if one really loved Jesus they would leave mother, father, etc. Should I have been surprised? No! It is
all part and portion of Webb's theology and how he encourages folks to walk out on their family by a carefully calculated
use of passages of scripture that anyone who has read their bible more than once is aware of. He has NO uniques angle
s on scripture- except that he seeks to make an unprecedented breakup of legitimate families in order to suit his doctrin
and as he calls it "get paid to do good"; which, to him, relagates the rest of us to "worthless."
One of the most brazen thing he says in his sermon is that "folk who have a living spouse and are married in the Church
are not 'good christians' because they are NOT christians they are adulterers. The reason they work so hard is that they
have a guilty conscience." (Paraphrased) If that is not brazen I don't know what is. Could it not be that these folks who h
ave been forgiven of much- love much? Ooops! Sorry, Webb does not acknowledge any sort of forgiveness for them.
To HEAR him minister ruined my whole perception of him. The writings were one thing- but I heard ALL I need to hear.
Surely you know the difference between a spirit of fear and the Spirit of God?
God Bless,
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 9:06
Hi RT,
-------------------------11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery."
v. 11 is a commandment concerning men. So the consequences for a man are given. (Notice "whosoever" is only speaking to the husband) Very clear.
v. 12 is a commandment for the woman. So the consequences are given for the woman. ("And the woman" is only for the woman) Again, very clear.
So both parties in the divorce are spoken to. Both are told that they would be in "adultery" if they re-married. No exceptions. There is NO silence here.
What a marvelous thing! Can read Matthew 19-, Luke 16 and Matthew 5 into Mark 10 but cannot see "saving for the cau
se of fornication." If that is not selective isogesis- what is?
-------------------------There are NO details missing. There is a complete revelation concerning God's requirements for divorce and remarriage. It is sin for
a man or a woman to divorce and then re-marry.
This shouldn't INSULT you at all! For you to say that EACH GOSPEL does NOT contain CLEAR revelation concerning EVERY issue in which it deals i
s the thing that is insulting. For you to say that a person can't read Mark and get a full picture about everything it speaks to is just off the chain! You ca
n't pit Matthew against Mark or vice versa. Mark teaches the SAME thing as Matthew. One may contain more detail than the other, but one does not a
brogate the other.
RT, you are really reaching here my friend. You know I am not pitting anything against anyone. If I have 4 witnesses to a
crime and only call the one I believe will say what I want him/her to say- I am a wicked person. They are all in agreement
. mark does not disagree with Matthew- he merely recorded details that mark did not. Look at the whole book of Mark. Is
it a complete revelation? what og Luke or Matthew? John records John 3:16 & 17. Did we have the full revelation on salv
ation in Matthew, Mark and Luke? Of coarse not. That is why John was written. Give me all 66 books and I will have the
Full Counsel of God. if I am short 1 book I am missing something. If I am missing 1 passage I am missing something. AL
L scripture is profitable for doctrine and reproof. You cannot be honest and keep taking the approach that Webb's so call
ed "CLEAR" passages nullify what he calls the "UNCLEAR" ones. The only thing Matthew 5 and 19 make unclear is WE
BB's Unconditional Matrimony. Again, it is brainwashing and indoctrination.
-------------------------If the exception clause is not betrothal, then Matthew 5 and 19 abrogates Mark 10. This is unacceptable. A person SHOULD be abl
e to pick up ANY of the gospels and believe what he reads without any need of confirmation from any of the rest!!
We are not dealing with QUALITY here we are dealing with "quantity". We need every passage of all four Gospels to hav
e the FULL Revelation. I want the whole Received Text- not fragments.
-------------------------Married people cannot commit "fornication" after consummation! Fornication is sex between singles. The narrow sense of "pornea" i
s demanded because Jesus uses the word "moikia" (adultery) in this passage as well. He was differentiating between fornication in the narrow sense (
sex between singles or virgins) and adultery. This is air tight.
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Not so fast. Porniea is harlorty. Paul used the word to describe the young man who took his fathers wife. She was marri
ed wasn't she?
-------------------------It is terrible logic to say that my view that Mark CLEARLY speaks to everything it contains (incl. marriage commands) DEMANDS th
rowing out the sermon on the mount. Mark doesn't even CONTAIN the sermon on the mount. How could it change the meaning of something it doesn't
even contain?
Now you are getting it! How could Mark negate the exception clause when it does not contain it?
-------------------------No, this is how you go about exegeting Scripture. No brainwashing here. Just commending ourselves to every man's conscience in
the sight of God.
Wrong, let me tell you what you are dong and I don't believe it is your fault- but you are a victim of the Webb. You are W
OUNDING people's conscience by suggesting they are adulterers and adulteresses when they in fact are not. For those
who "have not this knowledge" a stumbliung block is being laid before them so that they hear this and fear going home t
o their family. it's not Holy Ghost conviction- its the wounding a a persons conscience. it would be like me pointing to all
sorts of passages on meats without pointing to the ones that bring the full revelation and counsel of God.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 9:17
By Robert Wurtz II
Matt 5:28-32
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: Here we have our Lord making refer
ence, not to some vague law that Moses gave the people, but one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. The word ‘adultery
’ in the Old Testament is na'aph and simply meant to ‘break wedlock’. This root represents "sexual intercourse with t
he wife or betrothed of another man" (KB) (from Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Copyright (c) 1980) A wo
man broke wedlock when she had illicit sexual relations. Man broke wedlock when he had relations with a married woma
n that was not his wife. The crime was punishable by death. Scripture indicates that the method would have been stonin
g (John 8:5).
He continues: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her
already in his heart. Here our Lord tells us that to merely look upon a woman with lust constitutes adultery. This was the
10th commandment in that we are told not to ‘covet’ our neighbors wife. There is no contradiction here between lust a
nd covet as the Apostle Paul stated that he had not known lust except it be said, “Thou shalt not covet” (Romans 7:7)
He furthers this warning with several points that show the severity of the behavior. We read; “And if thy right eye offend
thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy
whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut if off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for
thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (V 29, 30). Here our
Lord is making adultery a matter of the heart. “Looking” with epithumia (lust) on a married woman or a married woma
n ‘looking’ on a man (not her husband) is grounds for adultery of the heart according to our Lord. This is an EXPANSI
ON of the traditional definition of adultery.
Keep in mind that our Lord is aware of what He is saying and carefully selects His words as not to be misunderstood an
d in fact loosen the bonds of matrimony rather than strengthen it. It would be a serious error to use again the word adult
ery (moicheuo) after establishing that looking with lust essentially constitutes adultery. Looking with lust is a very ‘loose
Â’ form of adultery and could not possibly be used as the rule for divorce.
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It is reasonable to assume that the people looking to "put away" their wife or husband for "any cause" would immediately
equate looking on a woman with LUST as grounds for divorce if they follow an exception clause with the word 'adultery' (
the definition of which He just expanded) to its ‘contextual’ and ‘logical’ conclusion. This, in turn, could have been
expanded to make BOTH parties guilty for the crime (the one who lusted and the one who was the object of the lust).
Our Lord avoids this inevitable progression by reverting to the word ‘porniea’ which means 'harlotry'. It is defined as 'il
licit sexual relations either for lust or for profit.' Man cannot be free from their wives for merely ‘looking’ at another ma
n with what they in their jealousy may perceive as ‘lust.’ Hence, our Lord avoids the word 'adultery' by expressing the
fulness of what He intends to say by using the blanket term porniea which inevitably involves use of the body and not m
erely the eyes, mind, and heart. Since it involves the body it is also a sin against the Temple of the Holy Spirit for those
who are born again. Thus, the sin of adultery is a terrible sin which places one under the judgment of God (Hebrews 13:
In MatthewsÂ’ writings the word porniea is only used 3 times (once in Matthew 5, once in Matthew 15 and once in Matth
ew 19). The root word for porniea used as follows:
Matthew 5:32
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit
adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Matt 15:19
9 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
Matt 19:9
And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth
adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
We have the word used of a person here in Matthew 21:32:
Matthew 21:32
32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots belie
ved him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.
The root word translated ‘harlotry’ is NT:4204:
Def: In the N.T. universally, any woman indulging in unlawful sexual intercourse, whether for gain or for lust: (from Thaye
r's Greek Lexicon)
So we see then that the cause for the use of PORNIEA is not some illusive and mysterious or UNCLEAR cause. If lust =
adultery and adultery is ground for divorce then in this equation lust= grounds for divorce. Simple math here. is lust grou
nds for divorce? NO! Harlotry is.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 15:35
-------------------------I am wondering if those who write these long post on this topic are married.
Married for almost 17 years, first marriage, lots of bumps along the way......... :-)
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Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 16:13
I have been married also for 13 years and have 6 children. I am a "man of one woman" based upon I Timothy 3;2, 12 &
Titus 1 devoted to one woman in my life. I do not have a wandering eye, nor do I flirt with other women. The intimacies
of my relationship with my own wife are not shared with any other woman. (One could be unfaithful to his/her
wife/husband, but still be married to only one woman/man.).
My life is quite a testimony. God has brought me through some horrible things. I will not sling these things publically. It w
ould be neither charitable or prudent. My forgiveness extends to all involved and God's grace has been suffucient. I am
what I am. God has brought me through.
Maybe you have been through some terrible things and do not quite know what to think of all you have been reading. Ma
ybe you 'feel' condemned by those who have said to you - you are not 'really' a Christian. The GOSPEL is for you. Jesus
Christ died on a Cross for your sins and mine. Search the scriptures. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you. God loves you! He
desires that you come to know Christ and walk with Him. like the woman at the Well- you may have had 5 husbands and
be living with a man RIGHT this moment! Jesus said that if you knew the GIFT of God- and the one that offered it- you w
ould ask and He would give you Living Water. You need a drink! You need a drink of that water. And when the Paraclete
comes inside to walk along side He will lead you to what to do. He did me- and I know He will you. Be Encouraged! Com
e to Christ! Ask for a drink- He will give it for the asking.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 16:20
-------------------------You asked several times how I counsel people in various situations. First of all, I am not a counselor or a 'Pastor' per se. I am a You
th Pastor. I am also an Adult Sunday School teacher and out reach minister. I also 'preach' monthly.
Robert, the reason I asked you is because of the very things you say about yourself above------your title is Pastor, you s
ay you are a teacher and you also "preach" can you NOT counsel, if you believe the Lord has gifted you in all t
he "counselling" ministries?
It seems to me that you are coming out hard AGAINST a position, but are unwilling to stand firm IN a position. How can
that be? If you are so unsure of the Truth, so unsure that you would not counsel someone on what is right or wrong, ho
w can you be so sure you are right to come out so hard against a position? If you cannot come to a conclusion on "wha
t" it is that dissolves a marriage (outside of death), how can you then tell a married person to repent from their adulterou
s extramarital affair...........maybe it is possible that the affair already dissolved the lawful marriage and they were not act
ually committing adultery anymore, now they were "joined" in marriage to the new partner............
You see how important it is to rightly divide the Word of God concerning WHAT else, if anything besides death, dissolve
s a covenant marriage?
-------------------------I have seen men that were very spiritual men watch their wives play the harlot until the almost completely lost their faith. By counsel
ing them to just forgive and trust God the harlotry never ceased. Forgiveness was seen as weakness until the person is to this day in a backslidden sta
te because God did not keep their wife while they attended to their life. Imagine that. Hosea project? What they know bout' Hosea? Unless the been th
ere and walked it and know what they are talking about.
Robert, if a person is "backslidden" it is their own lack of faith in God, not God's inability to do something, that has led th
em there. I think most of us can agree that in those times of spiritual dryness, it is US, not God, who is responsible. W
hen people fail us(or our expectations of them), it is to God and Him alone, we are to run. I know this. Do I always do it
? No, and when I don't, I get beaten up with life and those hard things God has ALLOWED into my life. This is a direct
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RESULT of not "abiding in Him".
Also, God is not a puppet and if someone backslides due to another's sin, they are trusting in man and not God---and th
ey then can become entangled in sin themselves. We always need to encourage each other that God works in other's li
ves according to HIS perfect timing, not ours. Our place is only to TRUST, not to decide the "whens" and "hows" of how
God will deal with another. One thing I do know is that if I do not stand in the gap for the one GOD joined me with, who
Concerning counsel, if one's spouse is in UNREPENTANT adultery, I think staying in the same household is bad counse
l. Paul tells believers how to treat those who identify themselves as believers(if that is the case)---if they are unrepentan
t, we are not even to eat with them. Maybe this was what Paul had in mind when he spoke in I Cor. 7: "but if you do de
part, remain unmarried or be reconciled"......
This is exactly what the Shepherd of Hermas(AnteNicene Fathers) writes about: if a wife is in unrepentant harlotry, she i
s to be put away, but the man is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her. He is to remain unmarried----in the hopes t
hat his wife will repent and return to her marriage.........this is what we see Hosea doing. He does not forsake his sin lov
ing wife, he waits for her to return from her adulteries.........
Hosea was TOLD by God to marry a woman of harlotries------and God KNEW she would continue in her harlotries even
after getting married, yet He TOLD Hosea to marry her. Why? Was Hosea more gifted to be able to "remain unmarried
or be reconciled" than the believers today who are supposedly filled with the Holy Spirit---who empowers us to "abide in
Him" by His grace? I don't believe so. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 16:54
Hi Cindy,
-------------------------It seems to me that you are coming out hard AGAINST a position, but are unwilling to stand firm IN a position. How can that be? If y
ou are so unsure of the Truth, so unsure that you would not counsel someone on what is right or wrong, how can you be so sure you are right to come
out so hard against a position?
Because after a while you reach a point when you know to let God be God and not try to be him. Had God not needed to
give man direction in the Earth the Holy Spirit had not been sent.
I DO take FIRM stands when the issues and direction ARE clear- but I do not give direction at midnight under cloudy ski
es with no compass. We have to let God be God- Webb and his disciples are trying to play God and have relagated thos
e who don't believe as they do as worthless salt that has lost its savor. those are not my words, but his. Listen to his ser
mon. This takes Finney to a new level.
-------------------------Robert, if a person is "backslidden" it is their own lack of faith in God, not God's inability to do something, that has led them there. I t
hink most of us can agree that in those times of spiritual dryness, it is US, not God, who is responsible. When people fail us(or our expectations of the
m), it is to God and Him alone, we are to run. I know this. Do I always do it? No, and when I don't, I get beaten up with life and those hard things God h
as ALLOWED into my life. This is a direct RESULT of not "abiding in Him".
If anyone ever wondered why we have a great High Priest this is it. He understands when we are being sifted in life and
when we need prayer that our faith fail us not. I have been through things that would have caused a non spiritual person
to commit suicide and I almost did anyhow. I know how this person 'backslid' and it was in part due to my counsel to kee
p trusting and forgiving a woman who was near to killing the man. Like a weapon in the hand of the enemy she battered
his faith and blugeoned his heart.
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-------------------------Also, God is not a puppet and if someone backslides due to another's sin, they are trusting in man and not God---and they then can
become entangled in sin themselves. We always need to encourage each other that God works in other's lives according to HIS perfect timing, not our
s. Our place is only to TRUST, not to decide the "whens" and "hows" of how God will deal with another. One thing I do know is that if I do not stand in t
he gap for the one GOD joined me with, who will?
That is easy to say when its not your wife or husband thats fooling around all the time. The pain of infedility is the greate
st negative emotion one can feel- BETRAYAL.
-------------------------Concerning counsel, if one's spouse is in UNREPENTANT adultery, I think staying in the same household is bad counsel. Paul tells
believers how to treat those who identify themselves as believers(if that is the case)---if they are unrepentant, we are not even to eat with them. Maybe
this was what Paul had in mind when he spoke in I Cor. 7: "but if you do depart, remain unmarried or be reconciled"......
Wheew! So let them run the streets and get their fill of it? Lay around driving yourself crazy wondering where they are?
Wondering who they are with? Wondering if YOUR wife is in bed with another man? Come on now! Thats how violence
comes about. Webb says 16 or 17 affiars is no problem and that it don't break matrimony. Problem is- He has no authori
ty to redifine the term adultery in 2005 when the meaning has been established for thousands of years.
Listen again to Proverbs 6:
32But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
33A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts.
Does that sound like a man wanting to lie around wondering if his wife is with another man?
-------------------------his is exactly what the Shepherd of Hermas(AnteNicene Fathers) writes about: if a wife is in unrepentant harlotry, she is to be put a
way, but the man is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her. He is to remain unmarried----in the hopes that his wife will repent and return to her ma
rriage.........this is what we see Hosea doing. He does not forsake his sin loving wife, he waits for her to return from her adulteries.........
The problem with this is that "put away" as I wrote in a previous tractate means to return and not come back. This is bac
ked up with Deut 24 and Jeremiah 3. It also assumes that all the parties survive the ordeal. Am I missing something- or
do you no really understand the seriousness of breaking wedlock? Maybe that's why we are in disagreement and can fin
d none. It does not get any more serious in this life than to commit adultery against a spouse unless one commits adulte
ry against God. BTW the ANTE Nicene Fathers are not in authority- God's word is.
-------------------------Hosea was TOLD by God to marry a woman of harlotries------and God KNEW she would continue in her harlotries even after gettin
g married, yet He TOLD Hosea to marry her. Why? Was Hosea more gifted to be able to "remain unmarried or be reconciled" than the believers today
who are supposedly filled with the Holy Spirit---who empowers us to "abide in Him" by His grace? I don't believe so. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Hosea was anointed of God to be a prophet to the people and live out what the people were doing to God as a living pict
orial and commentary. Hosea can NEVER become the standard by which relationships are judged. He was a PROPHET
of God. Ezekiel ate dungcakes but they won't be on my table tonight and I'm sure they were not on Hosea and Gomers.
Likewise a priest was forbidden to marry a harlot.
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BTW, I heard just last week what the latest REPENTANCE 'craze" is going to be! Get this, since the word in Revelation f
or 'sorcery' is pharmakia (from which we get our word pharmacy), then everyone who is on medication is to pour out thei
r medicine bottles!! Imagine when that book goes to its 5th printing! If you take medicine you are damned because all so
rcerers will have their part in the Lake of Fire! Give me a break!
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 17:26
-------------------------This is another typical line that is used to break up families and it is wildly out of context. To suggest that a man or woman leave his/
her wife/husband and kids because they love the Lord militates hard against the whole of scripture. If any man provide NOT for his own and especially
for his own house he has denied the faith and is WORSE than an infidel.
No, I did not take Mt. 10:37-39 out of context. It was very much in context. When we put ANYTHING above God, we ar
e in sin, period.
I would NEVER tell a person not to care for their responsibilities that would be a sin. To have children out of we
dlock----it is the DUTY of father to provide for his children....Is it however, the duty of the man to remain in the adulterous
relationship BECAUSE of the children? That is where I see a double standard in the Western Church-------we call one g
roup of people from adultery, but not another----when both addressed in scripture as the sin of adultery.
-------------------------Notice in I Corinthians 7 how many times the people are told "To abide in the calling wherewith the Lord found them." Are you boun
d to a wife do not seek to be loosed.
Yes, we are called to abide in the calling wherewith we are called, but you wouldn't tell a practicing homosexual in a long
-term, committed relationship that, would you? You would call him from his homosexual relationship, as would I. As I sa
id before, for some reason, many in the Western Church think what Jesus and Paul both called adultery, God thinks it ok
to "abide" in that calling?
As to "loosed", here are many different translations on it.....also to note: two different greek words for "loosed" are used i
n the same passage.
27Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife. 28But if you do marry, you have n
ot sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want
to spare you this.
27Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you released from a wife? Do not seek a wife.
28But if you marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Yet such will have trouble in this life
, and I am trying to spare you.
27Are you married? Stay married. Are you unmarried? Don't get married. 28But there's certainly no sin in getting marrie
d, whether you're a virgin or not. All I am saying is that when you marry, you take on additional stress in an already stres
sful time, and I want to spare you if possible
27Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife.
28But if you do marry, you do not sin , and if a virgin marries, she does not sin . Yet those who marry will have physical
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and earthly troubles, and I would like to spare you that.
27If you have a wife, do not end the marriage. If you do not have a wife, do not get married. 28But if you do get married,
it is not a sin. And if a young woman gets married, it is not a sin. However, I am trying to spare you the extra problems th
at come with marriage.
27Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
28But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have tr
ouble in the flesh: but I spare you.
27Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. 28But if you do marry,
you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troub
les, and I would spare you that.
27If you are married, stay married. If you are not married, don't try to get married. 28It isn't wrong to marry, even if you h
ave never been married before. But those who marry will have a lot of trouble, and I want to protect you from that.
27Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife. 28But even if you
do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless such will have trouble in the fle
sh, but I would spare you.
27 Art thou bound unto a wife? Seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? Seek not a wife.
28 But shouldest thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Yet such shall have tribulat
ion in the flesh: and I would spare you.
27If you have married a wife, do not try to be free from her. If you have no wife, do not look for one.
28But, if you marry, it is not wrong. And if a woman marries, it is not wrong. People who marry will have trouble in this lif
e. And I want to keep you out of it.
27Hast thou been bound to a wife? seek not to be loosed; hast thou been loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
28But and if thou mayest marry, thou didst not sin; and if the virgin may marry, she did not sin; and such shall have tribul
ation in the flesh: and I spare you.
27Art thou bound to a wife? seek not to be loosed; art thou free from a wife? do not seek a wife.
28But if thou shouldest also marry, thou hast not sinned; and if the virgin marry, they have not sinned: but such shall hav
e tribulation in the flesh; but I spare you.
27 Thou art bound to a wife, do not thou seek unbinding; thou art unbound from a wife, do not thou seek a wife.
28 But if thou hast taken a wife, thou hast not sinned; and if a maiden is wedded, she sinned not; nevertheless such shal
l have tribulation of flesh. But I spare you.
The thing we see when reading the "loosed" passage is that not one of them says "are you divorced?"..........Paul says in
I Cor. 7:11-----"Husbands, do not put away your wives". If they did put away their wives and got remarried, they WOUL
D sin, so inserting "divorced" into the meaning of "loosed" does not fit the context of that passage. The only men who w
ould not sin in getting married are those who are "unmarried"(never married) or those who were widowed............
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-------------------------It is not the ones who smite their breast and say God have mercy on me a sinner. It's the ones that thank God that they are not like t
he adulterers and such.
Yes, Robert it IS one that smites her breast and says "God have mercy on me a sinner!!!"........I WAS an adulteress!! I K
NOW what it's like to commit that kind of sin, so just because I come against this sin being perpetrated in the Church so
freely today, don't assume I believe myself to be either "flawless" or sinless, because I am neither and my past wasn't to
o "pretty". I KNOW what it's like to sin and receive GRACE ABUNDANTLY from our Lord.
I will not allow the emotional spins you are putting on this discussion sway me to "be quiet". You are making this an "u
s" vs. "them" thing, which to me, is much more divisive than the topic at hand. That my brother, is wrong. All of us need
to check our emotions "at the door". If one or many of us is wrong, do what you admonish others to do-----let the Holy S
pirit be the Holy Spirit and guide those who are in error, into truth.
I read the post to RT and to be honest was quite surprised at your making those of us "permanency of marriage believer
s" into cult followers of Dr. Joseph Webb. I haven't even read his book---though I do know I agree with him by reading o
ver his website. As I have stated before, this is a belief I came to THROUGH PERSONAL STUDY---guided by the Wor
d of God and the Holy Spirit. It was only AFTER I came to my present viewpoint that I learned of Dr. Webb's position as
well as those of many other Christians. It was only AFTER this I learned that almost uniformly, the Early Church believe
d and practiced this as well...........and not only that but MOST non-western Christians TODAY believe and practice the p
ermanency of marriage as well........I'm sure the bulk of those have never heard of Dr. Joseph Webb.....
-------------------------allow the Holy Ghost to be the Holy Ghost and stop trying to play God. You will give an account for every thing you counsel. Tread li
ghtly and speak slowly and softly. More than that- encourage the people to do what the Holy Ghost is dealing with them to do.
Robert, noone is trying to "play God" here. We are discussing the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach eac
h of us as HE sees fit. I have not condemned anyone, though I may disagree with them. It appears to me that you desi
re people don't even talk about this issue and this issue in my opinion, outside salvation, is the biggest issue we SHOUL
D be talking about-----especially with a 50% divorce rate IN THE WESTERN PROFESSING CHURCH. I'm sorry, but I pl
ace way more emphasis on this than: speaking in tongues, the rapture, baptism in the Holy Spirit, free-will vs. election,
water baptism, etc, etc........Yes all these other topics ARE important to the Body, but there is a plague or divorce/adulter
y that is NOT being spoken of because it causes offense.
Ask any Pastor what is the biggest dividing topic that now exists in the Church and they will say "the divorce and remarri
age topic". (One of my previous pastors said it was one of the "hottest" topics). After asking Pastors this question, ask
them how often they PREACH on it (line by line, precept upon precept), since divorce and remarriage is such a HUGE p
roblem in the church..........the answer to that mystifies me. How in the world will things ever get "better" when people w
ill not discuss it because it's too "offensive"? It seems today that being a "Berean" is only ok if questioning and studyin
g does not make someone else feel bad..........Gosh, many Christians have made me "feel bad", but that has led to my g
rowth and I hope it NEVER stops----the Holy Spirit WILL teach and someone offending me has nothing to do with it, IF, I
desire truth. Just my 2,000 cents..........Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: WHY DID OUR LORD USE PORNEIA IN MATTHEW 5 AND MATTHEW 19:32? - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/24
First, I cannot delay anymore in apologizing for saying "Robert Wurtz II" should have known the scriptures better before
writing what he did. I really thought you grabbed someone else's article and pasted it in here. When you said it was you
r full name, I just about died (figuratively of course). So please forgive me for that. I have had so many people respond
to me on this issue by throwing me some weak article written by someone else. So many people don't want to deal with
these issues themselves. They want someone else to do their Bible digging for them. This is quite clearly NOT what yo
u are doing. So again, forgive me. :-?
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You have brought up some things in this article that I have never seen nor considered. So it may be a while before I pos
t here again. I plan on passing this article of yours around to some of my theologically minded friends that are on the sa
me page with me on this issue. I have always had the attitude that I just want to be right before God. I want to tremble
at His word. (Isa 66:1-3)
I just want to thank you for wrestling with me on this one. This is extremely healthy. If what we believe holds water, it wi
ll stand up in any debate. This is how it was in the days of John Wycliffe. At Oxford they weren't doing extensive essays
and tests. They studied and studied and were rewarded by how well they could hold up in debating what they believed
against opposing views. The idea was that the truth would always win out. This is also how young Jewish boys learned
the Torah. They would group them in pairs of two and would have them discuss the meaning of the law.
Whatever view is stronger here will win. Whatever is right will win. Thank you for your time in this. I need to go conside
r your point that Jesus had previously called looking with lust "adultery" and compare that with the "fornication" in the exc
eption clause.''
It will be pointless for us to continue until I have settled this in my own heart. This is new information. I will not debate m
eaninglessly. The whole point is to expose truth. And that, I believe, we will do.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 17:44
Hi RT,
-------------------------It will be pointless for us to continue until I have settled this in my own heart. This is new information. I will not debate meaninglessly
. The whole point is to expose truth. And that, I believe, we will do.
Sounds good to me. No apology needed. Glad to hear you want to know the truth also.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 17:49
-------------------------Wheew! So let them run the streets and get their fill of it? Lay around driving yourself crazy wondering where they are? Wondering
who they are with? Wondering if YOUR wife is in bed with another man? Come on now! Thats how violence comes about. Webb says 16 or 17 affiars i
s no problem and that it don't break matrimony. Problem is- He has no authority to redifine the term adultery in 2005 when the meaning has been esta
blished for thousands of years.
So you believe that adutlery dissolves the "one flesh" God joined together-----it dissolves the marriage?
-------------------------Am I missing something- or do you no really understand the seriousness of breaking wedlock? Maybe that's why we are in disagree
ment and can find none. It does not get any more serious in this life than to commit adultery against a spouse
Absolutely I understand the seriousness of it.......yet, you do not seem to understand the seriousness of the adultery spo
ken of in Lk. 16:18, Mk. 10. Those who get a "divorce", yet God does not recognize it-----now they get remarried and G
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od calls it adultery. That, my brother, is serious business.
-------------------------That is easy to say when its not your wife or husband thats fooling around all the time. The pain of infedility is the greatest negative
emotion one can feel- BETRAYAL.
There are MANY faithful saints who are "standing" for their covenant marriages to be restored, though their marriage par
tner is with another. Many of these faithful are even praying for those who are committing adultery with their spouses.
That is Jesus' He says: seventy times seven you shall forgive them.
-------------------------Hosea was anointed of God to be a prophet to the people and live out what the people were doing to God as a living pictorial and c
ommentary. Hosea can NEVER become the standard by which relationships are judged. He was a PROPHET of God.
Do we not have God living within us? If I cannot live as Hosea did, then I have no more power to live than the "best" un
saved person on the earth right now............
Though I can speak with the tongue of angels, but have not love.............I Cor. 13........that is what is expected of us as f
ollowers of Jesus Christ and as we submit to His will and not the will of our flesh, HE will empower us to love as Hosea l
oved, which IS a picture of Godly, self-sacrificial, placing another above yourself kind of IS possible with Chri
st. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re: Forgot. One more thing. - posted by ReceivedText, on: 2005/5/24 17:59
I almost forgot. I did have one question for you. Where did you get this:
-------------------------The word ‘adultery’ in the Old Testament is na'aph and simply meant to ‘break wedlock’. This root represents "sexual intercou
rse with the wife or betrothed of another man" (KB) (from Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Copyright (c) 1980) A woman broke wedlock w
hen she had illicit sexual relations. Man broke wedlock when he had relations with a married woman that was not his wife.
Where do you get that adultery means "break wedlock". Please site your source(s).
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/24 17:59
Hi Cindy,
-------------------------Is it however, the duty of the man to remain in the adulterous relationship BECAUSE of the children? That is where I see a double s
tandard in the Western Church-------we call one group of people from adultery, but not another----when both addressed in scripture as the sin of adulte
I agree that it is a terrible problem. I agree and preach repentance in this area. Where we don't agree is that God allows i
n certain cases for divorce and those people are not in adultery. beyond that, to address the 'questionable' cases- I do n
ot have a solid opinion other than take the disciplined route as much as possible.
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-------------------------Yes, we are called to abide in the calling wherewith we are called, but you wouldn't tell a practicing homosexual in a long-term, com
mitted relationship that, would you? You would call him from his homosexual relationship, as would I. As I said before, for some reason, many in the W
estern Church think what Jesus and Paul both called adultery, God thinks it ok to "abide" in that calling?
No, as with the exception clause, scripture presupposes the other relavant passages. That would rule out any illicit union
of any kind. This is why we must study to show ourselves approved.
-------------------------As to "loosed", here are many different translations on it.....also to note: two different greek words for "loosed" are used in the same
I deal with this in a former tractate. It is a real good answer.
-------------------------The thing we see when reading the "loosed" passage is that not one of them says "are you divorced?"..........Paul says in I Cor. 7:11
-----"Husbands, do not put away your wives". If they did put away their wives and got remarried, they WOULD sin, so inserting "divorced" into the mean
ing of "loosed" does not fit the context of that passage. The only men who would not sin in getting married are those who are "unmarried"(never marrie
d) or those who were widowed
If 'death' is how one is loosed then he told folk not to kill their spouse.
-------------------------Yes, Robert it IS one that smites her breast and says "God have mercy on me a sinner!!!"........I WAS an adulteress!! I KNOW what i
t's like to commit that kind of sin, so just because I come against this sin being perpetrated in the Church so freely today, don't assume I believe myself
to be either "flawless" or sinless, because I am neither and my past wasn't too "pretty". I KNOW what it's like to sin and receive GRACE ABUNDANTL
Y from our Lord.
Well, God forgives and so shoule we. Amen.
-------------------------I will not allow the emotional spins you are putting on this discussion sway me to "be quiet". You are making this an "us" vs. "them" t
hing, which to me, is much more divisive than the topic at hand. That my brother, is wrong. All of us need to check our emotions "at the door". If one or
many of us is wrong, do what you admonish others to do-----let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit and guide those who are in error, into truth.
No- but there are some real emotions involved with people who are crushed by adultery. We need to take that into consi
deration and not take an ascetic position as if people had no feelings. If a person's marriage survives adultery then give
God the praise and serve your spouse with all your heart- #2 only to God.
-------------------------I read the post to RT and to be honest was quite surprised at your making those of us "permanency of marriage believers" into cult f
ollowers of Dr. Joseph Webb. I haven't even read his book---though I do know I agree with him by reading over his website. As I have stated before, thi
s is a belief I came to THROUGH PERSONAL STUDY---guided by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. It was only AFTER I came to my present view
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point that I learned of Dr. Webb's position as well as those of many other Christians. It was only AFTER this I learned that almost uniformly, the Early
Church believed and practiced this as well...........and not only that but MOST non-western Christians TODAY believe and practice the permanency of
marriage as well........I'm sure the bulk of those have never heard of Dr. Joseph Webb
My apology. He is just the main promoter of this doctrine as far as I know. NONE of his points are new- he is just a ZEA
LOT preaching them and damning those who do not fall in line with his beliefs. Terrible it is! My sincere apology for sugg
esting that of you!
-------------------------Robert, noone is trying to "play God" here. We are discussing the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach each of us as H
E sees fit. I have not condemned anyone, though I may disagree with them. It appears to me that you desire people don't even talk about this issue an
d this issue in my opinion, outside salvation, is the biggest issue we SHOULD be talking about-----especially with a 50% divorce rate IN THE WESTER
N PROFESSING CHURCH. I'm sorry, but I place way more emphasis on this than: speaking in tongues, the rapture, baptism in the Holy Spirit, free-wil
l vs. election, water baptism, etc, etc........Yes all these other topics ARE important to the Body, but there is a plague or divorce/adultery that is NOT be
ing spoken of because it causes offense.
Again, I am sorry for putting you in a category with Webb. They are very forceful and condemning in their teachings. I do
discuss these topics and have a sermon on SI in print in articles section and in other places on the Internet that is VERY
strong on Marriage and Divorce. But, I still let God be God.
-------------------------Ask any Pastor what is the biggest dividing topic that now exists in the Church and they will say "the divorce and remarriage topic".
(One of my previous pastors said it was one of the "hottest" topics). After asking Pastors this question, ask them how often they PREACH on it (line by
line, precept upon precept), since divorce and remarriage is such a HUGE problem in the church..........the answer to that mystifies me. How in the worl
d will things ever get "better" when people will not discuss it because it's too "offensive"? It seems today that being a "Berean" is only ok if questioning
and studying does not make someone else feel bad..........Gosh, many Christians have made me "feel bad", but that has led to my growth and I hope it
NEVER stops----the Holy Spirit WILL teach and someone offending me has nothing to do with it, IF, I desire truth. Just my 2,000 cents..........Blessings
in Him,
One of my first repentance messages in 2004 was on Marriage and Divorce. it was a real challenge- but God laid it on m
y heart and I ministered it in love and compassion.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 18:29
I know you didn't ask me this RT. This is just for your study taken from
The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Strong's Number: 05003 Browse Lexicon
Original Word Word Origin
@an a primitive root
Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
Na'aph TWOT - 1273
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
to commit adultery
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to commit adultery 1a
usually of man 1a
always with wife of another 1a
adultery (of women) (participle)
idolatrous worship (fig.)
to commit adultery 1b
of man 1b
adultery (of women) (participle)
idolatrous worship (fig.)
King James Word Usage - Total: 31
adultery 17, adulterer 8, adulteress 4, adulterous 1, women that break wedlock 1
KJV Verse Count
Exodus 1
Leviticus 1
Deuteronomy 1
Job 1
Psalms 1
Proverbs 2
Isaiah 1
Jeremiah 8
Ezekiel 4
Hosea 5
Malachi 1
Total 26
It looks like there is only 1 useage for "women that break wedlock", but I haven't looked up each verse listed to find out
which one uses it in such a fashion. Blessings, Cindy
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 18:43
-------------------------I agree that it is a terrible problem. I agree and preach repentance in this area. Where we don't agree is that God allows in certain c
ases for divorce and those people are not in adultery. beyond that, to address the 'questionable' cases- I do not have a solid opinion other than take th
e disciplined route as much as possible.
I think where you and I differ greatly is in what true repentance entails for those who don't fit the 'exception clause'. Obv
iously I believe in the permanency of all marriages. As of this point in time, there has been nothing shown which refutes
what I see in scripture. Even so, if I were to believe in the 'exception clause' as you do, I would have a very difficult time
seeing repentance for the rest of divorcees/remarrieds as just involving "sorrow and change of heart", yet staying in the r
elationship Jesus and Paul termed adultery. The only way I could accept that is to have it proven to me scripturally, that
adultery is a dissolving force of a marriage.
If that is the case, then the "innocent" parties standing for their marriages to be restored could/should rightly be told: Go
d dissolved your marriage. You need to accept that and move on.
-------------------------Again, I am sorry for putting you in a category with Webb. They are very forceful and condemning in their teachings.
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Thank you Robert. As for Dr. Webb's teachings, I will listen to his sermon tonight. I never have heard it. I have receive
d his newsletter though and I found it to be full of compassion and love towards those who are "wayward". I will be surpr
ised if I hear him be "condemning" in his attitude towards those who are in adulterous relationships..........Blessings in Je
sus, Cindy
Re:, on: 2005/5/24 19:17
Hi Cindy,
I've been reading this thread with a certain amount of amazement, possibly because I came from your 'position'
originally, not realising many things about the condition in fact in which individuals 'are' when they marry. I'm not going t
o attempt to deal with adultery, because I see and accept what Jesus said and I still agree wholeheartedly with Robert's
exhortation to be led by the Lord. Why? Because, God forgives our mistakes. And in the end, your challenge to Robert
-------------------------If you are so unsure of the Truth, so unsure that you would not counsel someone on what is right or wrong, how can you be so sure
you are right to come out so hard against a position?
militates against accepting that God forgives people who marry the wrong person, people who break out of a marriage to
commit adultery (against their spouse, or someone else's spouse), or to commit fornication (against a single person), or t
o commit some other sexual perversion which might suggest they were never a Christian at all. What is the Christian to
do in these circumstances, especially the Christian woman (as much as the Christian man) who is being legalistically im
plored to hold the wayward husband as her head, because of his maleness, rather than because of his Christlikeness? I
s she wrong to expect him to fulfil a scriptural representation of 'husband'?
It is asking a great deal of 'Christians' of all ages, all cultural backgrounds, all doctrinal backgrounds, all religious backgr
ounds, all life experience or lack of it, to know and ensure beyond all future doubt, that they can vouch for their own and
their spouse's behaviour for the rest of their mutual lives. It is a 'big ask' of people who were brought up as Bible-believin
g Christians, who knew scripture thoroughly before they embarked on marriage and who thought they were deeply in lov
e with their intended spouse!
All one can do is start off in good faith, then, if circumstances beyond one's control take over, there are many ways to re
main a Christian, without resorting to the letter of scripture. Of course, I can be enthusiastic about this course of action,
because I was not blameless in my marriage, but, that is only part of the 'story'.
Something has to 'give', if one is not to be robbed of all joy and hope (and possibly health and well-being, if not life itself,
) in the natural, if the one thing which turns out not to 'give', is one's theoretical spouse. I say theoretical, because a wh
ole lot of assumptions have been made about the definition of 'one flesh', in this thread, which I would prefer not to unrav
el in open forum and I guess no-one else has wanted to, either.
In the end, when people fall apart, it is God, not the other partner, who picks them up, heals them and forgives them if th
at is what is needed, before forgiveness from the other partner becomes a realistic option as a step towards healing a hu
man relationship as intimate, unique and private, as a marriage. It also has to be what the person being restored by Go
d, wants, once they come to their spiritual senses.
I've been divorced for several years. (I will explain more of my past circumstances privately, if you ask.) To give you an i
dea of what I mean, (about Robert being right about the letting the Spirit guide each individual) here is what the Lord sai
d to me before I started divorce proceedings against the person to whom I was legally married:
Proverbs 15:25 The LORD will destroy the house of the proud: but he will establish the border of the widow. (KJV)
Proverbs 15:25
The LORD will tear down the house of the proud, But He will establish the boundary of the widow. (NASB)
(I did not seek a divorce because of this verse, but, it had served to reassure me about my relationship with God, in the f
ace of significant spiritual opposition.)
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The bold part of this verse spoke straight into my heart, and it has been true beyond any human hope. So, what do you
make of the reference to 'widow'? I take it to mean I am free to remarry - amongst much else which resonates from the
word 'widow'. Who, apart from the Lord, can persuade me otherwise, if I have misinterpreted the impact of the word 'wid
ow' in this respect? How else should it be interpreted? What else could it mean? The last thing I was conscious of see
king at the time, was reassurance in this area. In fact, I was hoping something could be done to repair things, not a wor
d of counsel from the Lord, to let things go - to give up!
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/24 20:14
Hi Dorcas,
I had this long post all typed out and something happened,it got deleted.
Anyways, I can see how you could relate the widow passage to yourself-----if I were a divorcee, my husband deserting
me, the Lord would be my provider/protector. I can not see however, how this passage would lead a divorcee to believe
they were free to remarry. That's really stretching it "spirtually" and contradicts with scripture which teaches that a wom
an is bound to her husband til death (Rom. 7:2-3, I Cor. 7:39). Scripture also teaches that if a woman DOES depart fro
m her husband, she is to remain unmarried or be reconciled (I Cor. 7:10)----there is no permission to remarry, without co
mmitting adultery in the process (Mt. 19:9, 5:32, Mk.10:2-9, Lk. 16:18).
It seems many have a real problem with "remaining unmarried or being reconciled". My "flesh" would too as I would thin
k that unfair, yet that is exactly what Paul teaches the Lord commands of those who "depart". Going against this admon
ishment is to sin and to heap even more trouble upon oneself, in my opinion. If you would like to continue this discussio
n by PM/email, I would be happy to Dorcas. Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re:, on: 2005/5/24 21:53
-------------------------That's really stretching it "spirtually"
The Lord has set me free from a legalistic definition of marriage - especially in the light of Paul's allusion to the possibility
of being one flesh with a harlot. If being one flesh with a harlot does not bring a marriage to an end, then marriage is so
mething different from or at least additional to, a formally-sanctioned sexual relationship. It may even depend on the qu
ality of the sexual relationship, which would be a reflection of other attitudes within the relationship. That's why I was car
eful to use words like 'theoretical' - because the presence of a marriage certificate and sexual freedom may not create a
marriage. That was the point of my mentioning what the Lord said to me and connecting it to the absence of an agreed
definition of marriage in this thread.
I am struck by your main assumption that once a marriage is entered into, that fact somehow obliterates any of the reas
ons it perhaps should not have been entered into, and any attempt by either party to admit they made a mistake of any k
ind at all, is automatically a sin, (as is any behaviour which betrays their unhappiness). This may be your stance on this,
but (just my opinion) it may not be realistic if the foundation was always wrong. Everything is much clearer if one is not al
ready a Christian when one marries - that's the main underlying subtlety in this whole discussion - but, both being Christi
ans does not guarantee both spouses will stay the course, however much it should.
Jesus, who has espoused us to Himself, has no choice but to explain the heart of God toward marriage, in the way that
He does. He also knows who He died for and for what He died for them (sins), as much as for the corruption of humanit
y through the Fall. I'm in no doubt there is an ideal, but whether a person fails within their marriage to be the ideal husba
nd or wife, or fails by departing from it, the gospel is the same; the remedy is the same - walk in the Spirit - walk in newn
ess of life. This may not include going back to a previous situation. There has also been a remarkable absence of the
mention of 'love' in this thread. It is love which makes a man lay down his life for his wife; nothing else.
If one's physical death is not necessary as a punishment for sin (any more), then why should it be retained as the final bl
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ow to a disastrous marriage? God put a mark on Cain for having murdered Abel and eventually, Jesus died for all murd
erers. Are we really suggesting that divorce or living with a partner to whom one is not married, are worse - unforgivable
sins? I know for a fact that the testimony of some is that God has forgiven them. Who can argue?
All the time, at the back of my mind, I know the Lord is seeking a Bride and is preparing her for Himself. If this was the s
ole picture of marriage in scripture, then widow(er)s would not be free to remarry. But they are. One could interpret the e
xecution of Vashti (Esther) as an analogy with the death of Urias (Bathsheba's husband), in which the freedom to marry
was created at the very least, unfairly in both cases. Yet, taking the spiritual picture in Esther, the King sought an obedi
ent wife and got rid of a disobedient wife in order to prepare for himself a wife who wished to please him. Is not this a si
milar picture to mankind needing to die to the old nature and receive a new nature, in order to be acceptable? And Ro
mans 7:1-3? We know that David displeased the Lord by his actions, but his testimony remains that God was not willing
to impute his sin to him - 1000 years before Christ. Surely we enjoy the same forgiveness in this day of grace?
I think (just my opinion again) that unless we are able to see there could be a bigger picture of God's plan for the lives of
some individuals, and to trust that He is able to lead and minister to them by the Spirit, we may lose a great deal of the fr
eedom to be freed by Him.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 0:02
-------------------------The Lord has set me free from a legalistic definition of marriage - especially in the light of Paul's allusion to the possibility of being o
ne flesh with a harlot. If being one flesh with a harlot does not bring a marriage to an end, then marriage is something different from or at least addition
al to, a formally-sanctioned sexual relationship. It may even depend on the quality of the sexual relationship, which would be a reflection of other attitu
des within the relationship.
Hello Dorcas,
I am having a difficult time understanding what you are saying here. Do you believe that what God has defined as sin o
r His commands for the use of marriage are of a private interpretation----that some could disobey scripture and it be ok
with God? As for the quality of a sexual relationship determining it's legitimacy to God, I cannot see that scripturally at al
l, if I'm understanding your point.
-------------------------I think (just my opinion again) that unless we are able to see there could be a bigger picture of God's plan for the lives of some indivi
duals, and to trust that He is able to lead and minister to them by the Spirit, we may lose a great deal of the freedom to be freed by Him.
Understand, I DO believe in the freedom which Jesus has bought us. I don't believe in the freedom to sin, however, I b
elieve in the freedom to NOT sin. If we do sin, we have an advocate, but we are to FLEE sin, not remain in it, excuse it
or ignore it. Paul believed so strongly in not using Grace as an occasion to sin that he stated "God Forbid" someone sh
ould be of that mindset.........I personally believe many of us who are permanency of marriage advocates/believers DO s
ee the big picture, DO have a grasp on the Great Grace that was extended to us, the elect of God. Yes, most of us com
pletely acknowledge that we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, but........we shouldn't stop there. We
are called to be conformed to His image......Yes, it is He that will do it in us----as we submit to His will in all things. We s
hould not look to Him to see what we can get away with, what we deserve, what we are entitled to, as those things are fl
esh-based, but we should look to see how we can submit ourselves to Him so that He will be manifested IN
He reveals sin and we repent of that sin. I think too what needs to be remembered is that we are really not just "individu
als", we are a "part" of a bigger WHOLE----the Body of Christ. What we do or do not do affects the WHOLE Body. Wha
t is good for one is good for all and what is not good for one hurts all.
The concept that one person can commit biblical sin and it be ok, while another cannot----well, I can't understand that re
asoning---in the big picture. Now if one is saying: the Lord deals with each individual in His perfect time, revealing the i
ndividual areas of sin that need addressing so the Body becomes healthier and functioning better, that I understand and
agree with. God does not deal with each of our sins at the same exact time---He deals with them when He's made us r
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eady to deal with them-----then and only then the 'revelation' is real and personal AND lifechanging. That I CAN agree
Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
The Letter kills everyone - posted by ZekeO (), on: 2005/5/25 0:59
Hi Cindy,
Since you replied to my post, I have really been thinking hard about the situation, because you are right that is what the
word says...but.
Do babies/small children go to heaven?
I believe yes, thats why I believe God extends grace to people in situations which we are discussing. I don't really have ti
me to embelish on the thought but that is what came to me.
Kapish? ;-)
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/25 8:34
Hi RT,
-------------------------Where do you get that adultery means "break wedlock". Please site your source(s).
This is the translation that Tyndale gave the term 'adultery'. It seems in reading his writings that he preferred in some ca
ses to state the true meaning of adultery rather than simply use the word 'adultery'. This is only carried over into the KJV
as we have it in Ezekiel 16. All other passages opted for the word 'adultery' which obviously means something quite diffe
rent to folk in 2005 than it did to William Tyndale. Had the KJV kept with his (Tyndale's) translation of adultery (machaio)
we had not had these debates. Webb would have never made the statement that a person can 'violate' but not 'break' a
marriage vow. But because the KJV translaters swapped Tyndales terms and simplified them- it has allowed for this conf
You can look this up at from the front page. Go under the 'older versions' drop down list and select Tyndal
e 1535.
Romans 7:3 (Tyndale 1535)
So then yf whill the man liveth she couple her selfe with another man she shalbe counted a wedlocke breaker. But yf the
man be deed she is fre fro the lawe: so that she is no wedlocke breaker though she couple her selfe with another man.
Miles Coverdale (1535)
Yf she be now with another man, whyle the man lyueth, she shal be called a wedlocke breaker. But yf the man be deed,
then is she fre from the lawe, so that she is no wedlocke breaker, yf she be with another man.
Bishop's Bible (1568)
So then yf whyle the man lyueth, she couple her selfe with another man, she shalbe counted a wedlocke breaker: But yf
the man be dead, she is free from the law, so that she is no wedlocke breaker, though she couple her selfe with another
Here are a few other examples of this written with modern spelling for Tyndale's version:
Matthew 5:32
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But I say unto you: whosoever put away his wife, (except it be for fornication) causeth her to break matrimony. And whos
oever marrieth her that is divorced, breaketh wedlock.
Matthew 19:9
I say therefore unto you, whosoever putteth away his wife (except it be for fornication) and marrieth another, breaketh w
edlock. And whosoever marrieth her which is divorced, doth commit advoutry.
Romans 2:2
Thou sayest, a man should not commit advoutry and thou breakest wedlock...
Romans 7:3
So then if while the man liveth she couple herself with another man, she shall be counted a wedlock breaker. But if the
man be dead she is free from the law: so that she is no wedlock breaker, though she couple herself with another man.
Mark 10:11-12
And he said unto them: Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, breaketh wedlock to her-ward. And if a
woman forsake her husband, and be married to another, she committeth advoutry.
Luke 16:18
Whosoever forsaketh|putteth away| his wife, and marrieth another, breaketh matrimony. And every man which marrieth
her that is divorced from her husband committeth advoutry|breaketh wedlock| also.
James 4:4
Ye advoutrers, and women that break matrimony: know ye not how that the friendship of the world is enmity to Godward
? Whosoever will be friend of the world, is made the enemy of God.
Tyndale uses the words almost interchangably as if to establish the meaning clearly as "Breaking Matrimony" or "Breaki
ng Wedlock." It is my personal opinion that the KJV translators knew in Ezekiel 16 that the word 'adultery' could not pos
sibly carry the weight of what God was saying to the people. Ezekiel 16 is God's commentary on harlotry. If you want to
know what He thinks and feels about it- read that chapter about 10 times. You will rarely find as much strait talk as you r
ead there. If Song of Solomon is a commentary on genuine love- Ezekiel 16 is a commentary on breaking wedlock.
God Bless,
Re: The Letter kills everyone - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 8:56
Hi Zeke,
Yes, Zeke, I struggled with that idea as well, but the thing is, most who hold this type of reasoning only want it applied to
the sin of adultery concerning remarriages, not other sins. They want to practice church discipline to bring restoration to
the erring, but not in this sin. I ask you: would God's grace allow for a committed homosexual union, possibly even a le
gally sanctioned marriage, to continue? How about someone who is embezzling funds from their business-----because
they have extenuating, heartbreaking circumstances? Would it be right for the church to come alongside these individu
als and say "Go ahead and continue what you are doing. We understand the heartbreak you would have to face if you
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discontinued your sin. God will understand for His grace is sufficient to keep you in your sin, yet give you the appearan
ce of righteousness".......
Believe me, I've tried to see how God can "allow" this sin to change from a sin to a non sin, but I just can't see it as of yet
Dr. John Piper believes as you stated. He will NOT remarry anyone, period, because he believes that only death dissol
ves a marriage. However, he believes that if a remarriage DOES take place, that people should not look upon them as
adulterers........??? Marriage can't be permanent until death and not permanent until death. I'm sorry but that is double
mindedness to me.
I actually had correpondance back and forth with his ministry on this position and the man I was correponding with conc
eded that remarriage IS CONTINUAL sin, but somehow, someway God allows it by His Grace. Such a position, in my o
pinion, from such a Word-Focused ministry is confusing to say the least. Even those who have a 'liberal' stance on this
issue see that as being "double-minded" or going part of the way, but letting fear of man prevent them from going all the
Until I can see otherwise, I MUST stand on the Word of God, even when my mind can't comprehend the reasons for His
Ways, His definitions, His heart.........Blessings in Jesus, Cindy
Re:, on: 2005/5/25 8:59
Hi Cindy,
-------------------------Do you believe that what God has defined as sin or His commands for the use of marriage are of a private interpretation..
Is it private, or merely the decent thing to do for people, to let them retain their privacy while sorting out their lives with G
od, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? In the end, it is they who will have to answer for getting it wrong, not the onlo
-------------------------that some could disobey scripture and it be ok with God?
You ask this question at the end again. Jesus reminded us that we live by every word which proceeds from the mouth o
f God. Is this limited to scripture? Please come back to me if my later response is unsatisfactory.
-------------------------I wrote: I've been reading this thread with a certain amount of amazement, possibly because I came from your 'position' originally, n
ot realising many things about the condition in fact in which individuals 'are' when they marry.
if I say, as I've grown in the Lord, it is not a boast but the mature position to which the Lord has brought me. This is ho
w I know I was legalistic before - I've had to change - a lot!
-------------------------If we do sin, we have an advocate, but we are to FLEE sin, not remain in it, excuse it or ignore it.
I think that's my point entirely. Just because a sexual relationship has been legally sanctioned, does not make it binding
in God's sight, if it should never have happened in the first place. That's why I commented on the lack of satisfactory def
inition of 'marriage' in this thread.
The whole concept of 'divorce' takes on a different meaning in these circumstances, as it can be the same difference as
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between a co-habiting couple breaking up - for the glory of God, and those who went so far as to obtain a certificate to m
ake their sin 'legal', breaking up - for the glory of God. I suggest both types of sin can be forgiven and fall into the abyss
of His death. Why should a Christian not be forgiven this sin, if a non-Christian is? I would appreciate if you could addre
ss this question.
-------------------------As for the quality of a sexual relationship determining it's legitimacy to God, I cannot see that scripturally at all,
There are many kinds of sexual relationship which are not representative of God's love for His church. This is the bound
ary to which I'm referring and on which there is enough scripture to be clear.
-------------------------I don't believe in the freedom to sin, however, I believe in the freedom to NOT sin.
I would add, I believe in the freedom to stop sinning.
-------------------------We should not look to Him to see what we can get away with, what we deserve, what we are entitled to, as those things are flesh-b
I think I know where you're coming from on this and I do take your point, but it does have to be mutually accepted by bot
h spouses. If it is not, there does come a time when it is reasonable to stop pretending one is in a marriage (by a Godly
definition) and to start being realistic about what is going on at a spiritual level. If it is one-way traffic continuously, then
something is deeply wrong. And, it can be possible to reinforce each other's wrongness by not addressing an issue appr
opriately with each other and before God.
-------------------------but we should look to see how we can submit ourselves to Him so that He will be manifested IN He reveals sin and we
repent of that sin.
Yes, but as in my previous point, I maintain that even the most perfect repentance by one spouse may not make a marri
age 'right'.
-------------------------I think too what needs to be remembered is that we are really not just "individuals", we are a "part" of a bigger WHOLE----the Body
of Christ. What we do or do not do affects the WHOLE Body. What is good for one is good for all and what is not good for one hurts all.
Here, I don't agree with you, except where each spouse is free to 'become' (in the Lord), what he and she is being called
to by Him. By their marriage they are one flesh, not one spirit nor one soul and only as believers who have been made
to drink into one Spirit, are they, as every other member, part of the Body.
If the marriage arrangement is a problem, it is for the two people to sort with God even though I see and acknowledge th
at the individual spiritual relationships of each spouse (to the Body) impact the Body while the 'flesh' relationship is in dis
tress. A person whose marriage is in distress does not stop being a member of the Body - although that is not always cl
early acknowledged by the Body, or, it can be acknowledged in negative ways, by attempts to impose a less than spiritu
al solution to the marriage.
-------------------------Now if one is saying: the Lord deals with each individual in His perfect time, revealing the individual areas of sin that need addressin
g so the Body becomes healthier and functioning better, that I understand and agree with. God does not deal with each of our sins at the same exact ti
me---He deals with them when He's made us ready to deal with them-----then and only then the 'revelation' is real and personal AND lifechanging. Tha
t I CAN agree with.
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Even if it means leaving a marriage?
-------------------------The concept that one person can commit biblical sin and it be ok, while another cannot----well, I can't understand that reasoning---in
the big picture.
I hope that I have not given the impression I condone sin? All I'm trying to say is, when a person sins, there is forgivene
ss. If it is a big inconvenient sin like marrying a person not of God's choice, there is forgiveness. Can you agree?
Picking up on the thread's foregoing much discussion about adultery and divorce, my main treatise is to do with the foun
dation of a marriage. It is extremely regretable when two Christians make such a serious mistake, but, there are many r
easons this can happen.
I don't believe God does intends those who have sinned in this way should be punished for the rest of their lives by bein
g forbidden to remarry, or, by being told they will go to hell for doing so. One hopes their error was a salutory experienc
e and indeed, some do not remarry, for any number of reasons and apart from thinking it may be a sin to do so.
What I wish to convey to you in the purest terms, is that when it is all over, and God has washed away the pain and stain
, one is in an open pasture again in Him, to be called to whatever He desires. And, it just may be that marriage to the rig
ht person, is His will.
This is one part of, in your words, 'the freedom which Jesus has bought us'.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 10:01
-------------------------Is it private, or merely the decent thing to do for people, to let them retain their privacy while sorting out their lives with God, under t
he guidance of the Holy Spirit? In the end, it is they who will have to answer for getting it wrong, not the onlooker.
This is an "open" discussion Dorcas, not a personal one. If I were one on one with you, it may be very different. Maybe
not though because I would only "counsel" on what I believe the scriptures have spoken to me and share those scripture
s. I think we can agree, as with any sin issue, that noone can make the choice for another concerning true repentance.
We are responsible for our brother only in the respect that we are truthful, open and caring for his needs. However, we
as believers, cannot FORCE righteous behavior upon each other, no matter the sin issue. God conforms, as He reveals
and we submit. We share, we pray for one another, we wait...........
-------------------------You ask this question at the end again. Jesus reminded us that we live by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God. Is thi
s limited to scripture? Please come back to me if my later response is unsatisfactory.
No, there are many "words" the Lord speaks to us outside His Word, YET, they never contradict His written Word. That
is how we "test" the personal Word we see if in fact, it is a Word from God, or a "word" from another sourc
-------------------------if I say, as I've grown in the Lord, it is not a boast but the mature position to which the Lord has brought me. This is how I know I wa
s legalistic before - I've had to change - a lot!
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Yes, I came from a different place. I came from a seeker sensitive, light on sin church. Said they were spirit filled, but
were very CARNAL in every aspect as a congregation, I finally saw. The Lord showed me that this is NOT representati
ve of His Grace nor of His righteousness. Now, I'm trying to find the balance----Grace which covers our repented sins...
.....Grace which slowly reveals our sins and this hard one: "and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for o
ne tittle of the law to fail"(Lk. 16:17----one verse before Jesus said "Whosoever divorces his wife and marries another co
mmits adultery, and whosoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery. Lk. 16:18).........
It is a hard thing to understand and incorporate the "law" and Grace, but we cannot forsake one in favor of the other---on
either side, for they work together.........
-------------------------Just because a sexual relationship has been legally sanctioned, does not make it binding in God's sight, if it should never have hap
pened in the first place. That's why I commented on the lack of satisfactory definition of 'marriage' in this thread.
I agree in part. God does not see as ok a homosexual marriage, though it be sanctioned by state. However, when one
man and one woman come together IN MARRIAGE, that is when God "joins" them as one. Fornication between those
who are not husband and wife is sin, not marriage. There is a "joining" which occurs sexually, but scripturally there is no
evidence that any intial joining is considered "marriage". That is usually what "seals the deal" per se. We see this very
thing in the Jewish betrothal custom. They are "married" after signing all the agreements and exchanging dowry (mt. 1:1
8-24)----the consummation of the marriage comes later.
-------------------------The whole concept of 'divorce' takes on a different meaning in these circumstances, as it can be the same difference as between a
co-habiting couple breaking up - for the glory of God, and those who went so far as to obtain a certificate to make their sin 'legal', breaking up - for the
glory of God. I suggest both types of sin can be forgiven and fall into the abyss of His death. Why should a Christian not be forgiven this sin, if a non-C
hristian is? I would appreciate if you could address this question.
Personally, I don't believe it matters how someone came to be married in God's sight. I think it matters that someone to
ok a vow of marriage. Yes, living in sin (fornication) and forsaking that sin by separating is to the Glory of God. Howev
er, separating that which God says "He has joined and no man must separate" is not Glorifying to God. Paul taught, "b
ut if a woman does depart, she must remain unmarried or be reconciled". I myself couldnt' be comfortable with a perso
nal "word" that contradicted clear teaching to the contrary.
Yes, I do believe all sin can be forgiven, but we must not remain in it......we must not willfully enter into it and we must for
sake it as God reveals. If we are to say we can go forward into sin, remain in it and "God forgives all", then we need to a
pply that to ALL SIN that is unrepented. I dont' see the church doing that though------we like to 'pick and choose' sins.
Also, I don't see the unsaved sins being forgiven at all. They are LOST in their sins. When they come to Christ they ne
ed to repent of their ongoing sins as they are revealed to them. Yes, once they are born again, they have eternal life, b
ut their "old man's sins" will be revealed as they progress in Christ and those sins need to be forsaken. As Christians, w
e are called to "keep ourselves from sin"..........meaning that NEW sin should not be a Christian's lot.
-------------------------I think I know where you're coming from on this and I do take your point, but it does have to be mutually accepted by both spouses.
If it is not, there does come a time when it is reasonable to stop pretending one is in a marriage (by a Godly definition) and to start being realistic about
what is going on at a spiritual level. If it is one-way traffic continuously, then something is deeply wrong. And, it can be possible to reinforce each other'
s wrongness by not addressing an issue appropriately with each other and before God.
I disagree with you quite strongly on this point. If one is in a "lawful" marriage, it is such before God. Now whether each
is living up to their God commanded role is the issue, not the legitimacy of the marriage. If one or both is being rebellio
us, then they need to repent before the Lord and let Him be glorified in their lives. They need to be in unity, or their pray
ers will be hindered-----that is what scripture teaches. In my opinion, if one separates from their spouse in rebellion, thei
r prayers will be hindered until they come under submission to the Lord's will.
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-------------------------I don't believe God does intends those who have sinned in this way should be punished for the rest of their lives by being forbidden
to remarry, or, by being told they will go to hell for doing so. One hopes their error was a salutory experience and indeed, some do not remarry, for any
number of reasons and apart from thinking it may be a sin to do so.
I think scripture is clear Dorcas. Paul taught that if a woman departs, she is to remain unmarried or to be reconciled with
her husband. To remarry is to commit adultery. That is what the scripture teaches and to go against that is to rebel agai
nst God Himself. I cannot say otherwise. May He keep you in His Way. Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/25 10:16
-------------------------I think scripture is clear Dorcas. Paul taught that if a woman departs, she is to remain unmarried or to be reconciled with her husban
d. To remarry is to commit adultery. That is what the scripture teaches and to go against that is to rebel against God Himself.
This is your error. You equate your interpretation with the authority of God. This is what the Pharisees did and what the
Rabbi's still do. You just don't want to turn loose of that 'right' to substitute your interpretation for the Truth of God's word
. It is a recurring error.
If you had said, "I believe that is what scripture teaches" that would have been enough. It would give a person "your cou
nsel"- but then you link your counsel to God's authority. How can a person possibly be fully persuaded in their own mind
when they are already biased with the thought that if you do not "conclude" as I do on this subject- then you are rebelling
against God. It is typical of the entire Unconditional Matrimony movement and it is this userping of God's authority that if
God bid me I will uproot. You and I and they are NOT the Holy Ghost. He will lead unto all truth and convince of Sin. Es
pecially when it has been fully demonstrated the error of that movements doctrine and the obscurity of these issues.
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/25 11:40
Hello Bro. Robert,
In an earlier post you wrote:
-------------------------Let it be known that if you cheat on your spouse you are on dangerous ground. If you marry under false pretenses you are on dang
erous ground. If you commit adultery against your spouse and join Christ to an harlot (male or female) a divorce may very well be the merciful thing yo
u get. As Ravenhill said in his interview "God is going to destroy that man!" Him shall GOD destroy. If you get caught you may end up in a grave anyho
By what authority does Ravenhill speak? His statement that God will “destroy that man” certainly to me at least is str
onger than stating “if you go against what scriptures teach you are rebelling against God.”
If I preach that whoremongers and adulterers will God judge, by what authority do I say such a thing? If I preach that Go
d could very well give a person up unto their vile affections because of idolatry, sodomy, fornication, maliciousness ect.
. By what authority could I presume to make such statements?
By what authority do I speak should I say not to keep company with any man/woman who claims to be in Christ yet is a f
ornicator, a drunkard, an idolater, an extortioner ectÂ… not even to eat.
By what authority have I stated for a Father,Mother,Spouse not to take care of their family God says they are worse than
an infidel
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Am I to question oneÂ’s authority only when I have disagreements with their interpretation of Scripture as it differs from
my own? Am I to believe one usurps GodÂ’s authority when what they are fully persuaded of differs from my position?
By what authority does ANY believer speak, write or counsel I guess is my underlying question.
Maybe you can touch on this a little more for me since apparently I am not completely following this whole authority reas
oning. Most likely it has been looked at in other forums, you can direct me to if you wish.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 12:24
-------------------------You equate your interpretation with the authority of God. This is what the Pharisees did and what the Rabbi's still do. You just don't
want to turn loose of that 'right' to substitute your interpretation for the Truth of God's word. It is a recurring error.
Robert, Notice I quoted PAUL......not my own "interpretations". Paul clearly taught what the Lord commanded of women
who "depart" in I Cor. 7:10.
You are doing exactly what you accuse me of by this very statement: "You just don't want to turn loose of that 'right' to s
ubstitute your interpretation for the Truth of God's word"
By you comparing my interpretation with "the Truth of God's Word", you too are believing your interpretation to be the tru
th of God's word and mine false........... ;-)
Re:, on: 2005/5/25 13:07
Hi Cindy,
I believe the Lord has brought you to a clear understanding of what He desires a marriage should be and you and your
husband are doing your best to live this out as a testimony of many aspects of His grace, in your community and church.
May He bless you all, in this.
-------------------------Personally, I don't believe it matters how someone came to be married in God's sight.
Here we differ, the operative word being 'married' and whether it is indeed recognised by God as a marriage. I fully acce
pt couples take away a legal certificate sanctioning conjugal rights and inviting many assumptions as to God's view of su
-------------------------it can be the same difference as between a co-habiting couple breaking up - for the glory of God,
I meant between Christians.
-------------------------I don't see the unsaved sins being forgiven at all. They are LOST in their sins. When they come to Christ they need to repent of thei
r ongoing sins as they are revealed to them. Yes, once they are born again, they have eternal life, but their "old man's sins" will be revealed as they pr
ogress in Christ and those sins need to be forsaken.
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I belive the same: if they become saved while co-habiting, stopping co-habiting does not register as a marriage being br
oken, so, they are both free to be married - either to each other, or to others, but now 'in the Lord'. As with widows, incid
If you read back, you will see I was still technically married when the Lord called me a widow. In other words, the divorc
e was a formality within the spirit of the situation. There is a symmetry in my being moved from a legalistic attitude to m
arriage and your moving to a more scriptural position from
-------------------------.. a different place. I came from a seeker sensitive, light on sin church. Said they were spirit filled, but were very CARNAL in every a
spect as a congregation, I finally saw. The Lord showed me that this is NOT representative of His Grace nor of His righteousness.
Could you answer this following point, please?
-------------------------I am struck by your main assumption that once a marriage is entered into, that fact somehow obliterates any of the reasons it perha
ps should not have been entered into .. any attempt by either party to admit they made a mistake of any kind at all, is automatically a sin ... y
our stance on this ... may not be realistic if the foundation was always wrong.
Can you see how it may be impossible for the two people involved to reconcile such an arrangement with any definition
of marriage? And your one on one counsel might be different from what you have guessed, if you can take this on boar
-------------------------To remarry is to commit adultery.
In the end, it would be me who would decide whether the Lord has set me free to remarry. You are right that any word fr
om the Lord will be in agreement with the spirit of scripture.
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/25 13:17
-------------------------By you comparing my interpretation with "the Truth of God's Word", you too are believing your interpretation to be the truth of God's
word and mine false
The difference in us is that I understand the need to allow God to be God by spilling out the issues onto the table and all
owing the evidence to speak. If I interpret the evidence for the jury what have I done? I have tried to make a case. If I TA
MPER with the evidence I am clearly not desiring to see justice.
I am still waiting for an honest rebuttal of any of the tractates I posted. That is where the rubber meets the road- not in th
ese fruitless- he said she said arguments that are vain.
Moreover, just because the Law of God is abused does not give anyone the authority to repeal aspects of that Law that
would bring an end to the symptoms of the breaking of that law.
For example:
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If adultery is the cause of many divorces in America is it lawful to repeal Matthew 5 & 19 in order to stop these divorces?
Shall we have every angle and tradition drought forth to cloud the clear teachings of scripture- so we can cause just eno
ugh confusion and fear to accomplish our end? To do so may well bring the divorce rate down, but it has done nothing to
eliminate the symptoms of the problem. What it does, is it further victomizes the victim and allows the sinner to go on sin
ning with impunity.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/25 13:45
Hi Bro. Tony,
-------------------------By what authority does Ravenhill speak? His statement that God will “destroy that man” certainly to me at least is stronger than s
tating “if you go against what scriptures teach you are rebelling against God.”
There is no question whatsoever if adultery is a sin. There is none that would reasonably dispute that. It is an issue that
we know with great certainty (Hebrews 13:4). Ravenhill's remarks were made in his interview as he discussed what had
happened with Jimmy Swaggart. I did not need to use him to make the point valid. It was not prudent. My comments furt
her are a mixture of Proverbs 6 and Hebrews 13:4.
-------------------------If I preach that whoremongers and adulterers will God judge, by what authority do I say such a thing? If I preach that God could ver
y well give a person up unto their vile affections because of idolatry, sodomy, fornication, maliciousness ect.. By what authority could I presume to mak
e such statements?
Each example you gave are clearly biblical and scriptural and none who were reasonable and sincere would refute it. Go
d's word is the authority ultimately; but as I have said before, the question is, does the Holy Ghost back the words. Phari
sees could prove a false doctrine from scripture and use scripture as the authority. Scripture verses taken out of context
and contorted do not validate their claim. Yet, they could use God's word to invoke fear in folk and gain a following- base
d upon that fear.
-------------------------By what authority do I speak should I say not to keep company with any man/woman who claims to be in Christ yet is a fornicator, a
drunkard, an idolater, an extortioner ectÂ… not even to eat.
The passage cited above would be clear enough to stand on its own two feet. In a case where the passage applied, all t
hings being equal, God would back the words with Holy Ghost conviction and apply it to those in the crowd to whom it p
ertains to. But say I were to say this:
If any man keep company with any man/woman that is a fornicator, a drunkard, an idolater, an extortioner ect, you are p
artakers of their sins. Scripture says we are not even to eat with these people! Now either you believe God's word or you
do not? And you know that no sin will enter heaven don't you? So what is this telling you? Thats right- if you eat with a si
nner- your going to hell! Now that's not me talking ladies and gentleman- its God's holy word and you had better fear an
d tremble at that word.
That is what we have happening here. My question is not at those who rightly interpret God's word, but to those who as i
n the example above, userp God's authority by misinterpreting what He says and then attaching His signature to it.
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-------------------------Am I to question oneÂ’s authority only when I have disagreements with their interpretation of Scripture as it differs from my own?
If a person wants to teach unconditional Matrimony as it is as a doctrine- that is fine and I would disagree, and that woul
d be that. But that is not what is happening here. We have a continual promotion of a doctrine and taken to its conclusio
n that suggests that if a married person has a different living spouse they are not Christians- they are adulterers and nee
d to break up the family and go back to the first spouse.
I have repeatedly asked for precedent on such a thing happening in the New Testament period and to no avail. Marrying
a sinner is a perpetual sin that cannot be repented of without breaking up the marriage if we take a similar line of reasoni
ng. Paul said that such should not be the case. We see from this that the sin was not a perpetual sin- it was a one time s
in. If it were perpetual- they could not be saved.
-------------------------Maybe you can touch on this a little more for me since apparently I am not completely following this whole authority reasoning. Most
likely it has been looked at in other forums, you can direct me to if you wish.
We know that scripture is in authority. not my private interpretation- but scripture itself. I will never allow my private interp
retation of a passage to dictate the course of a persons life. Unless the subject be resolved beyond a reasonable doubt,
how could I possibly intrude into those areas where God has not been clear and declare dogmatically- "thus saith the Lo
That is all I am saying.
Hope that helps.
God Bless,
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 16:16
-------------------------Here we differ, the operative word being 'married' and whether it is indeed recognised by God as a marriage. I fully accept couples t
ake away a legal certificate sanctioning conjugal rights and inviting many assumptions as to God's view of such.
I guess I take the position because of what I see in the OT and NT that "marriage" is an agreement and vows taken by a
man and a woman who are free to marry. When they take these vows, God joins them---for life. It is not the 'certificate
' that makes one married, it is in the vows said before witnesses. All cultures have various ways of "marrying" each oth
er and I believe those customs are acknowledged as binding by God.
-------------------------I am struck by your main assumption that once a marriage is entered into, that fact somehow obliterates any of the reasons it perha
ps should not have been entered into .. any attempt by either party to admit they made a mistake of any kind at all, is automatically a sin ... your stance
on this ... may not be realistic if the foundation was always wrong.
I don't disagree that some SHOULDN't have married who they have, but I cannot find anywhere in scripture where God
doesn't honor the 1st marital union. I also believe we can admit we made a mistake, but that doesn't obliterate our oblig
ation to honor our vows----even when the other doesn't live up to their end of the committment.
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-------------------------In the end, it would be me who would decide whether the Lord has set me free to remarry. You are right that any word from the Lord
will be in agreement with the spirit of scripture.
I agree with you. We all have choices to make and each of us is responsible before God for those choices based upon
what we know/think/believe the truth to be----rightly or wrongly. I will never "force" someone to see as I do, but in the sa
me breath, as much as some would like to stifle this type of conversation from going forth, I will not be silent----unless th
e Holy Spirit leads me to silence, which He has at times. May you go forth in the Will of our Lord, Cindy
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 16:27
-------------------------The difference in us is that I understand the need to allow God to be God by spilling out the issues onto the table and allowing the e
vidence to speak. If I interpret the evidence for the jury what have I done? I have tried to make a case.
When you teach/preach Robert, do you just speak scripture or do you share what YOU believe the scriptures are teachi
Concerning Mt. 19 and 5, I never "repeal" those passages, I see them very differently than you do based upon my studie
s on the betrothal "writ of divorcement" which is even addressed in Mt. 1:18-25. How I view that passage can easily be s
een in light of Mt. 1 and it doesn't contradict Rom. 7:2-3, which shows that adultery does not dissolve a marriage, nor do
es a remarriage dissolve a previous marriage, only death does. Seeking only to abide in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by RobertW (), on: 2005/5/25 16:53
Hi Cindy,
-------------------------When you teach/preach Robert, do you just speak scripture or do you share what YOU believe the scriptures are teaching?
I have answered this I believe well enough in many past threads. There is nothing more I can add. I believe I have made
myself abundantly clear. I have articles on this site as well as audio teachings that Greg has been kind enough to put up.
That will give you a feel for how I minister.
-------------------------Concerning Mt. 19 and 5, I never "repeal" those passages, I see them very differently than you do based upon my studies on the be
trothal "writ of divorcement" which is even addressed in Mt. 1:18-25. How I view that passage can easily be seen in light of Mt. 1 and it doesn't contradi
ct Rom. 7:2-3, which shows that adultery does not dissolve a marriage, nor does a remarriage dissolve a previous marriage, only death does.
I will leave off from this topic once and for all with this last post. It is no longer profitable to continue. I have said previous
ly that illicit relations during betrothal constitutes adultery and the penalty was stoning (Deut 22). I have shown why 'porn
eia' is used in Matthew 5 and 19 instead of adultery. I have also shown that Tyndale understood adultery to mean to "bre
ak matrimony." Many other issues too numerous to number.
In the end let the Truth prevail and let all falsehood or error I may have spoken fall to the ground. I believe at the least th
at this conversation has been charitable and I go away feeling much better than the last time we had this exchange. I ha
ve studied the scriptures deeper and have a more firm grasp of what I believe.
Never in a million years would I tell a woman she is FREE to marry if she does not feel that liberty in the Sight of God. I t
ell people to do what God is telling them from His word and when they can look me in the eye with a clear conscience an
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d say yea or nay it will be Gospel to me.
I have known the strengths and weaknesses of my arguments and am under no allusions to that. I have a strong confide
nce that what I have written is true; but we know only in part. We walk in the light we have and when issues are life and
death and heaven and hell I move slowly. i was raised in Oberlin theology and know what it is to fear hell all the time. tho
se who know me know who I am. Those who do not I pray that charity would be extended to me as I to them and that in
the end God would have mercy on us knowing that we are merely mortal.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you always.
Re: - posted by TonyS (), on: 2005/5/25 18:19
Could we agree that all who name Christ as Lord are in a process of growth and understanding? I have read, heard and
have personally said something to the effect “that is how I see things with the light I now have.” To me this appears
We might say it like this, five years ago I was at a D level in my understanding of any particular doctrine, teaching
ectÂ…. You fill in the blank. And now five years later I am at a, letÂ’s say H level of understanding.
And at this H level I no longer hold to the letter what I once espoused as finality. And this brings me to the thought, what
of all the people that I had interaction with back at level A when I believed my position to be firm and sure? What of the
counsel that I dispensed with back at level A, and incidentally was heeded?
My point? We may have influence over any number of people at any given time , eternal souls many of whom have
gotten themselves into all kinds of tangled webs. Sure, once we arrive at our new level of understanding there no doubt
is an awareness of accomplishment we can take comfort in, but again I ask what of those we have left in the wake of our
journey? And I am not merely speaking of “covering the bases” so as not to come back and haunt us, our counsel.
But I speak of real people, with a real faith, with real lives, with real careers, with real emotions, with real hopes and
Maybe John Wooden, Hall of Fame Basketball Coach said it best “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts
May God grant us(me) the understanding and Grace as we(me) carefully handle the sword.
God bless,
Cindy, I ordered the work of former College President Milton Wells “Does divorce dissolve marriage?” from the A/G ar
chives, should you want a copy let us know.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 19:46
-------------------------May God grant us(me) the understanding and Grace as we(me) carefully handle the sword.
I will "Amen" this for myself as well. Thank you Tony and thanks also concerning the book. Is it affordable?
We'll leave off then. Blessings brother. In Him, Cindy
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Re: General stuff, on: 2005/5/25 21:37
-------------------------When you teach/preach Robert, do you just speak scripture or do you share what YOU believe the scriptures are teaching?
This is one of those statements that don't make sense. Forgive me Cindy, but this doesn't make a lick of sense. Everyon
e including Jesus spoke the word as he or she sees it. You can quote scripture all day long but if you don't give it's intrep
etation no one will understand it. That is why He sent forth preachers/teachers so that they can know.
We including you, give an opinion on how we see scripture. For the most part in a general sense on general issues, mos
t of us including yourself is right. But when it comes to these issues that rise eyebrows and/or makes our heart beat fast
er, we need to be careful how we interpret, because the reason why we are reacting to this this way, is because we are t
rying defend a situation in our life or someone else's life.
Tradition can be an ugly thing to defend, but most of the populas defend this. They defend it in their creeds or doctrine, b
ut when someone crosses the way they think, all hell is broke loose. The Pharisees are a prime example of this.
Please do not miscontrude what I am saying, I am not directing any of this at you, this stuff is general.
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/25 23:52
-------------------------This is one of those statements that don't make sense. Forgive me Cindy, but this doesn't make a lick of sense. Everyone including
Jesus spoke the word as he or she sees it. You can quote scripture all day long but if you don't give it's intrepetation no one will understand it. That is
why He sent forth preachers/teachers so that they can know.
You misunderstood my question Karl. It was a reflective question based upon a statement Robert made to me. Yes, I a
gree with you. I believe when any of us insert words beyond what the scriptures say EXACTLY, we insert our own unde
rstanding of the scriptures and what they are speaking to us. That was my point when I asked Robert that question. W
e ALL do it when we share in discussion, teach, preach, etc. He said he just lays it all on the table and allows the evide
nce to speak. I was basically refuting that position. That's all. Blessings in Jesus, Cindy :-)
Re:, on: 2005/5/26 6:16
OK, there seems to be agreement that each person, in a general way, is allowed to choose their own words to explain
what they have come to believe is meant by the scripture they are expounding. This did not go without saying, it seems.
And, I understand that there may be scriptures that mean only one thing; but, I usually see layers of possible
interpretation, as one moves between the physical and the spiritual, often with implications for the soul and its
well-being, depending on the topic in hand. This is where it is necessary to be practical, if a practical situation is in the
spotlight, or spiritual, if the implications are entirely mystical. Frankly, the more I think about it, I'm not sure the latter
Cindy, that's why I'm mystified, now you have clarified that you were specifically refuting the necessity of looking at the
facts and discerning the meaning of them in a practical situation - always under the influence of the Spirit (I am
assuming and would normally include this without saying).
-------------------------He said he just lays it all on the table and allows the evidence to speak. I was basically refuting that position.
What do you understand the Holy Spirit to bring to us through new birth, being filled and baptised in Him, if gifts of discer
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nment and interpretation are not given to some in today's church?
Is this at the root of disagreement in this thread, possibly?
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2005/5/26 10:13
-------------------------Cindy, that's why I'm mystified, now you have clarified that you were specifically refuting the necessity of looking at the facts and dis
cerning the meaning of them in a practical situation - always under the influence of the Spirit (I am assuming and would normally include this without s
Boy, I must not be communicating very well......
:-P Listen, I believe we must ALWAYS look to scripture first and foremost. I also believe that what God says CLEARL
Y should always be taken above what "He is speaking to me personally"..........which if, in opposition to the Written Word
, should be discarded. Let me clarify one more time: Robert basically said I am steering people to my conclusion by d
oing much more than just laying the scriptures on the table. He says He doesn't do that. I disagreed. We all after stud
ying, praying, seeking----when we present what we believe put our own "spin", put certain scriptures together someone e
lse may not, etc. None of us just "lays the scriptures on the table and lets it speak for themselves".........we ALL intrepre
t what the Word means to us. That's why some people will only use certain translations to "boost" their viewpoint, only
one definition that fits their viewpoint of many from the greek lexicon, say "see the Words used here are the same(in Eng
lish)", yet in the greek those words can clearly be shown to be different words.
It's a hard, hard thing to just give the evidence without showing one's bias-----almost impossible actually because once s
omeone believe the Lord God Himself has shown Truth, most believers want to share that either to protect the Body fro
m error and strengthen it, but it's important to try as best as we can to fit ALL the pieces to find truth.
Are we all correct in our interpretations? No, I don't believe so. Especially when it comes to moral/sin issues. What is
not ok for one in this area, is not ok for another and I think that really is the main issue here when discussing scripture o
n this topic.
-------------------------What do you understand the Holy Spirit to bring to us through new birth, being filled and baptised in Him, if gifts of discernment and
interpretation are not given to some in today's church?
I believe in the "gifts" of the Holy Spirit. What I don't agree with is "private interpretation" which is in opposition to the wri
tten Word of God. Some personal things the Lord speaks to us, is for us "in part", but we run with it and get off into erro
r. I told you what I believed "widow" pertains to........I personally believe the Lord could speak that to a woman who is to
gether in a marriage, not only to a divorced woman or a widowed woman. I think it was a post by Chanin recently spea
king about the Lord being her husband, even though she is married. It was about acknowledging the primacy of God ab
ove a husband. Some husbands do not "love" and take care of their wives. For those, they could grasp hold of that scri
pture and KNOW the Lord is their provider/protector, not see it as ok to divorce and remarry, as that would go against cl
ear scripture admonishing that as sin. It is to me, a picture that the LORD is our ULTIMATE husband-----when our flesh
husbands fail to take care of us and love us as Christ loves the church, the LORD is there and that is our comfort........Bl
essings in Jesus, Cindy
Re:, on: 2005/5/26 15:12
-------------------------Listen, I believe we must ALWAYS look to scripture first and foremost. I also believe that what God says CLEARLY should always b
e taken above what "He is speaking to me personally"..........which if, in opposition to the Written Word, should be discarded.
Without the help of the Holy Spirit I would not be able to understand the scriptures at all. I'm not sure how you can attrib
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ute a word as being from God, which you later feel free to discard - unless it was not from God in the first place.
Contrary to the impression you may have from the small amount I've shared in this thread, I am very keen on Bible study
and do not claim much by way of gifts. I'm certainly not going to begin to justify how God speaks to me or uses me in da
ily life, because the whole point of walking in the Spirit is to have that inner knowledge of His presence and His direction
in the manner of being in which we are and do. If I seem to be drifting off into incomprehensibility here, I apologise.
In reading your answer, probably what TonyS last shared in this thread accords best with what I mean. When you talk a
bout bias, it is not an intellectual bias we most impose, it is the bias of our being, our need, the things we do not yet und
erstand, rather, often, than what we have experienced.
Or, experience makes us less rather than more sure we can tell another how to interpret the word of God to their heart.
We can only tell them how God has interpreted it to our heart and then leave them to go do their own listening, hopefully
remembering we cannot protect others from their mistakes. Maybe some mistakes, but not all. Was not the Lord greate
r than our mistakes?
This should steady our heart as we release them to their own personal encounters with God. Better to be gentle with th
em and ready for them to return in tears, then to minister the gentleness and truth which God gives us in that hour - ofte
n the pure word of God from scripture - than to hedge them around with so many prohibitions they feel their life has been
taken over. It is supposed to be an abundant life and this is what others need to perceive God has for them. This will be
a source of growth, for us and them.
I realise that marriage is big mistake to make but I don't think there is a way to prevent them. It is in the same category
as trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies. At least the urge to be married and have children is natural. Of this we sho
uld be thankful. Not sure this is a digression, but I will stop here.
Re: - posted by Christinyou (), on: 2006/2/2 2:10
If I make a mistake, when I find out that it is wrong and against what God's perfect plan is, and I make the same mistake
to rectify the first mistake, who am I trying to please? Is it really God I want to please or is my own condemnation and g
uilt trying to make me feel good about myself by using God's Word to relieve the guilt of my sin. I have sinned, Christ di
ed for that sin, am I now to commit another sin to rectify the first sin, God forbid. If I am divorced and remarried to a diffe
rent person, and I feel guilt and condemnation, where is it coming from? Myself, Satan, or others, or the Godly guilt that
will change my mind to the Mind of Christ. If it is myself then what I do is coming from my works to make things right. If
it is Satan, I am being deceived and lied to, so I will do works of repentance to release myself from the guilt. If it from th
e pulpit or other Christians them I am trying to please them that they will see how righteous I am. If it is God, then my gu
ilt is not counterfeit but true, but, 1 John 1:7-10 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one w
ith another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ou
rselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us fr
om all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
I can not commit perpetual adultery, either I am an adulterer by looking at another person with lust, or I have broken God
's Law and committed adultery against my marriage partner, either way I am guilty. If my spouse divorces me because it
is adultery or I divorce my marriage partner for someone else, it is all sin, and I am an adulterer. Did Christ die for this si
n or am I condemned to die in my sin? No matter if I am a Christian or not, Christ died for it. The difference is as a Chri
stian I can when I know that the sin is wrong I can be released from it and go and sin no more, and even if I sin again, G
od is faithful to His Son and will forgive me again and this Love will eventually change my mind to the Mind of Christ and
because of Love I won't want to sin anymore. Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath ma
de us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:4-6 Christ is become of no effect unto yo
u, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righte
ousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh
by love.
I am a sinner and can do nothing about it, only Christ in me can make me righteousness before the Father, the more I b
elieve this, the more I have made the change to the Mind of Christ. Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of th
e glory of God;
Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, fo
r that all have sinned:
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We are cleansed and washed and forgiven and It is our minds that need cleaning up not our works. The works will show
the cleansing of my Mind in Christ Jesus. Then the cleansing will be the works of Christ in me the Hope of Glory.
Romans 7:23-25 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivi
ty to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death
? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the
law of sin.
Once it has been revealed by the Holy Spirit that we are in sin we must make the Cross the only way of repentance and
then we will change our mind to the Mind of Christ, which we already have. "Do I condemn you, where are those that co
ndemn you? There are none and I condemn you not go and sin no more." Get over it and serve Christ.
In Christ: Phillip
Re: - posted by lastblast (), on: 2006/2/2 21:06
Let me ask you something Philip.....please just ponder this:
If a married man has a woman on the side--producing a couple of children in the process.....and he comes to the Lord wi
th a repentant heart, can he continue in his adultery and it be fine with the Lord?
If a couple in an illicit pre-marital relationship come to the Lord and are sorry about their sinful relationship, can they then
again resume this relationship in it's previous form and it be fine with the Lord?
If a couple who have married civilly, yet are gay, come to the Lord sorrowfully for their sin of homosexuality, can they the
y continue in their present relationship and it be fine with the Lord?
What would the "fruit" of repentance look like in each case? Blessings in Him, Cindy
Re: - posted by 1956Ford (), on: 2006/2/2 22:11
------------------------lastblast wrote:
Let me ask you something Philip.....please just ponder this:
If a married man has a woman on the side--producing a couple of children in the process.....and he comes to the Lord with a repentant heart, can he c
ontinue in his adultery and it be fine with the Lord?
If a couple in an illicit pre-marital relationship come to the Lord and are sorry about their sinful relationship, can they then again resume this relationshi
p in it's previous form and it be fine with the Lord?
If a couple who have married civilly, yet are gay, come to the Lord sorrowfully for their sin of homosexuality, can they they continue in their present rela
tionship and it be fine with the Lord?
What would the "fruit" of repentance look like in each case? Blessings in Him, Cindy
I believe the adultery that occurs during remarriage is just like any other adultery or sin. All sin must be repented of and f
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