Kelly Connelly Design + Print samples1
Kelly Connelly Design + Print samples1
Oracle Corporation Oracle University Logo studies for International Training Identity Studies MIPS Technologies Chip Architecture Identity and Collateral Development Product Briefs 12-Page Overview Brochure Cellular One Quarterly Newsletter Oracle Corporation Oracle University International Web Education Program MOUNTANOS BROTHERS ORGANIC FIVE COUNTRY ORGANIC BLEND ESPRESSO BLEND 30 grams / 1.06 oz. WWW.LINDSAYSTEAS.COM 380 SWIFT AVE : SUITE 13 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO : CA : 94080 800/624-7031 : 650/952-5446 Mountanos Brothers ORGANIC c o f f e e s NCEI National Computer Educator’s Institute Program Announcement Brochure J O I N U S F O R T H E 2 5 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y C e l e b r a t i ng 2 5 y e a rs o f e xc e l l e n c e i n pr ofessional educat ion in I n f o r m a ti o n Te c h n o lo g y f o r C o l l e g e F a c u l t y August 2 – August 14 University of Central Oklahoma Edmond,Oklahoma Two-week session • Four g raduate credits Co-sponsored by Irwin/McGraw-Hill and the University of Central Oklahoma 1998 courses Introduction to Visual Basic 5.0 Instructors: Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh Participants will learn how to create applications using the Visual Basic programming environment. VB 5.0’s tools for creating GUIs and the VB pro gramming language will be explored, with empha sis on designing applications to solve problems and on good programming techniques. Projects will involve constructing complete, executable VB applications, including some which access relational databases. Prerequisites:Experience with Microsoft W indows 95; graduate standing with the University of Central Oklahoma; and at least one year’s teaching experience. Introduction to Java Programming Instructor: Bruce Myers This course will intro duce the details of the Java programming lan guage, its use for the creation of applets to be used on Web pages, and its use for the cre ation of stand-alone applications. Topics will include basic Java programming constructs, classes, methods, arrays, event-driven programming, inheritance, graphical user inter faces, and file input/output. Student projects will include the creation of applets, the creation of Web pages that use these applets, and the creation of stand-alone Java applications. Prerequisites: Experience in programming in a block-structured language and knowledge of basic p rogramming concepts; graduate standing with the University of Central Oklahoma; and at least one year’s teaching experience. A familiarity with object- oriented programming concepts is recommended. Hands-On Networking with Windows NT and Novell IntranetWare Instructor: Randy Johnston This course will present the latest advancements knowledge 1998 instructors in networking technology. Topics included are Windows NT, Novell IntranetWare, network adapters, hubs & cabling, and sharing resources such as modems and printers. Protection of your network through Proxy Server and Border Manager will be discussed. This course is intended to help you understand how to properly imple ment an Intranet as well as a LAN. The tools need ed for LAN and Intranet management will be discussed, demonstrated, and used. At the end of the two-week course, you will understand the options available in both software and hardware to make an informed installation decision for your own campus, and be prepared to teach students similar content. Prerequisites: Experience with Microsoft Windows 95; gradu ate standing with the University of Central Oklah oma ; and at least one year’s teaching experience. Interactive Web Database Instructor: Gerald Post This course will cover the fundamentals of building interactive database sites. It will include a review of HTML and database design in preparation for building a client-sever database on the Web. It will include coverage of SQ L, server-side scripts (JavaScript), and server management. Emphasis for the course will be on creating a Web site that interacts with a database. The course will use Microsoft NT server and focus on building Web sites with active-server pages (ASP). Students will build a sample commercial site, including the database, all Web pages, and the server-side scripts. Additional topics for discussion will include Web page design, database design, database queries, programming, network management, computer security, issues in configuring an NT server, the SQL-server database, and secure Web sites. Prerequisites:Experience with Microsoft Windows 95; some experience with database and HTML are desirable; graduate standing with the University of Central Oklahoma; and at least one year’s teaching experience. Bruce Myers Introduction to Java Programming Bruce teaches Computer Science at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Kentucky. Bruce has been teaching NCEI courses since 1990. He teaches and consults extensively in the object-oriented field. Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh Introduction to Visual Basic 5.0 Julia is an instructor at Mt. San Antonio College, where she teaches beginning and advanced Visual Basic, Microcomputer Applications, and Access courses. She received her bachelor’s degree at the University of La Verne, and has made numerous presentations at regional and national conferences while developing and managing a model Faculty Computing Center for Mt. San Antonio College. Julia is the author of several programming books for Irwin/McGraw-Hill, including Programming in Visual Basic 5.0 , which she co-authored with Anita Millspaugh. Anita also teaches at Mt. San Antonio College, where she is currently serving as chair of the CIS dep artment. Sh e received her MBA from California State Polytechnic University, with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems. Anita was recognized as Outstanding Educator by the Associated Students this past year. She is the author of Business Programming in C for DOSBased Systems and co-author of Programming in Visual Basic 5.0 with Julia Bradley. Gerald (Jerry) Post Interactive Web Database This is Jerry’s second year teaching at the NCEI. Jerry is professor of MIS at Western Kentucky University. He received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and economics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and a Ph.D. in economics and statistics at Iowa State University. He has also completed AACSB sponsored post-doctoral work in MIS at Indiana University. Jerry has published challenging several papers in leading MIS, Decision Science, and Marketing journals. He is the author of an MIS textbook and a Database textbook, both pub lished by Irwin/McGraw-Hill, and has been teach ing MIS and database management courses for over ten years, as well as an interactive Web data base course for two years. When not attached to his keyboard, Jerry can be found on his bicycle. Hands-On Networking with Windows NT and Novell IntranetWare Interactive Web Database Introduction to Java Programming Randy Johnston Hands-on Networking with Windows NT and Novell IntranetWare This will be Randy’s twelfth teaching experience with the NCEI. A popular instructor in previous years, Randy is currently Chair of the AICPA Microcomputer Conference Committee. He creat ed the first microcomputer instructional curricu lum in the central Kansas area at Hutchinson Community College, a program that served as a model program for community colleges and uni versities around the nation. Randy’s company, Network Management Group, Inc., installs and services Local Area Networks throughout the United States. Randy received his master’s degree in Computer Science at Wichita State University. Randy is the author of three college level texts for McGraw-Hill, and is currently developing a book about networking. Introduction to Visual Basic 5.0 administration and staff UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA • David Noel, Ph.D ., Institute Director College of Business Administration • Jackie Durant , Special Events Coordinator College of Business Administration • Anne Owens , Computer Lab Coordinator College of Business Administration IRWIN/MCGRAW-HILL • Garrett Glanz , Senior Sponsoring Editor • Kristin Moore, Development Editor • Rhonda Sands, Sponsoring Editor hands-on learning M O N D AV I 228 GRANT AVE 5TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 415/398-6699 K E L LY CONNELLY DESIGN +P R I N T U N I T E D H E A LT H C A R E U N I T E D H E A LT H C A R E 228 GRANT AVE 5TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 415/398-6699 K E L LY CONNELLY DESIGN +P R I N T ty vb pregnancy, but, when the time comes to give up the baby to the B adoptive parents, decide to keep the child. Authorized access is restricted to attorneys and licensed or adop- E very year, dishonest women take advantage of families who are planning to adopt a baby. Birth mothers may agree to an adoption and accept financial support during is a non-identifying web-based registry for adoption professionals working with birth mothers in the United States. tion professionals. For a nominal fee, adoption professionals Such decisions may be genuine, the spontaneous expression of may register a birth mother with whom they are working. They a mother's natural love for her child. In some cases, however, can search the database for matches to see if the birth mother they are part of a calculated scheme to make money from the has approached other professionals for adoption services any- hopes and desires of other people. Birth mothers have been where else in the country. known to agree to multiple adoptions, thus disappointing the parents-to-be and cheating families of their hard-earned financial resources. Other databases list known adoption offenders after the fact. can help identify potential problems with birth mothers before the adoption process gets under way. Don’t take a chance! Use Protect yourself from fraud. Use