reversibility of gasoline sulfur effects
reversibility of gasoline sulfur effects
API Contract No. 2012-106409 REVERSIBILITY OF GASOLINE SULFUR EFFECTS ON EXHAUST EMISSIONS FROM LATE MODEL VEHICLES June 20, 2013 Prepared for: American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Prepared by: SGS Environmental Testing Corporation Keith Vertin and Aaron Reek 2022 Helena St. Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 344-5470 This page intentionally blank API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY REVERSIBILITY OF GASOLINE SULFUR EFFECTS ON EXHAUST EMISSIONS FROM LATE MODEL VEHICLES Table of Contents List of Figures................................................................................................................................................. ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... iv Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................... v 1.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Test Plan for the Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study ............................................................................... 4 4.0 Fuel Specification and Preparation ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 Vehicle Model Selection and Description.......................................................................................... 8 6.0 Preparation for Testing.................................................................................................................... 12 6.1 Catalyst and Sensor Aging ........................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Chassis Dynamometer Lab and Emissions Measurement ........................................................... 16 6.3 Vehicle Preparation and As-Received Exhaust Emissions ........................................................... 20 7.0 Sulfur Reversibility Study – Individual Vehicle Test Results ............................................................ 22 7.1 API01 2009 Chevrolet Malibu ...................................................................................................... 23 7.2 API02 2012 Honda Civic EX .......................................................................................................... 25 7.3 API03 2012 Hyundai Sonata ........................................................................................................ 27 7.4 API04 2012 Ford Focus ................................................................................................................ 29 7.5 API05 2012 Audi A3 ..................................................................................................................... 31 7.6 API06 2012 Toyota Camry ........................................................................................................... 33 7.7 Comparison of Vehicle Exhaust Temperatures and Emissions ................................................... 35 7.8 Raw Emissions and Catalyst Efficiency Data ................................................................................ 39 7.9 Comparison of API01 Malibu NOx Results with the Umicore Study ........................................... 41 7.10 Reversibility Data Tables ............................................................................................................. 43 8.0 Sulfur Reversibility Study Results - Statistical Analysis.................................................................... 48 8.1 Statistical Analysis Approach ....................................................................................................... 48 8.2 Statistical Analysis Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 51 9.0 Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 56 10.0 References ....................................................................................................................................... 57 11.0 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 59 11.1 Fuel Sulfur Monitoring Results for Emissions Test Fuels ............................................................. 59 11.2 Certificate of Analysis for Emissions Test Fuels ........................................................................... 60 11.3 Catalyst Aging Test Fuel Properties ............................................................................................. 76 11.4 Exhaust and Catalyst Temperature Histograms for Aging Test ................................................... 77 11.5 Dynamometer Equivalent Test Weights and Road Load Coefficients ......................................... 83 11.6 Manufacturer Recommended Motor Oils ................................................................................... 83 11.7 Catalyst Warm-Up and NOx Light-Off for Each Vehicle, Reversibility Sequence, FTP75 ............ 84 11.8 Raw Exhaust Emissions and Catalyst Conversion Efficiency........................................................ 90 11.9 Soot, Particle Number and Size Distribution Reports ................................................................. 98 i API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY List of Figures Figure 1. Vehicles Selected for the Gasoline Sulfur Effects Study ................................................................9 Figure 2. Catalyst Aging on JMT Engine Stand: V-8 Engine (Top), Multi-leg Exhaust System (Bottom).... 12 Figure 3. Typical Exhaust System Instrumentation for Catalyst Aging Test .............................................. 14 Figure 4. Air-Fuel Ratio Histogram for Vehicle API01 over the 225 hour Aging Run................................. 14 Figure 5. Exhaust Inlet, Close Coupled Catalyst and Underbody Catalyst Temperature Histograms for Vehicle API01 over the 225 hour Aging Run............................................................................................... 15 Figure 6. API02 Civic in SGS-ETC Site 2 Chassis Dynamometer Emissions Lab .......................................... 16 Figure 7. Emissions Sampling Arrangement .............................................................................................. 17 Figure 8. Catalyst Bed Temperatures for 2009 Malibu at 5440 feet and 960 feet Elevation – FTP75 ...... 19 Figure 9. Catalyst Bed Temperatures for 2009 Malibu at 5440 feet and 960 feet Elevation – US06 ....... 20 Figure 10. Typical Exhaust System Instrumentation for Vehicle Emissions Tests ..................................... 21 Figure 11. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API01 Malibu ........................................................................ 24 Figure 12. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API02 Civic ............................................................................ 26 Figure 13. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API03 Sonata ........................................................................ 28 Figure 14. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API04 Focus .......................................................................... 30 Figure 15. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API05 A3 ............................................................................... 32 Figure 16. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API06 Camry ......................................................................... 34 Figure 17. Segment of the EPEFE Cycle Used for Catalyst Sulfur Purge .................................................... 35 Figure 18. Catalyst Warm-Up and NOx Light Off Comparison, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel ................................... 37 Figure 19. Soot Emissions Comparison in CVS Diluted Exhaust Stream, 10 and 80 ppm Sulfur Fuels ...... 38 Figure 20. Conversion of Hydrocarbons Across Close Coupled and Underbody Catalysts, Vehicle API05 39 Figure 21. NOx Conversion Across Close Coupled and Underbody Catalysts, Vehicle API03 .................... 40 Figure 22. 2009 Malibu NOx Emissions – Comparison between Umicore and API Fuel Sulfur Studies ..... 42 Figure 23. Sensitivity of API01 Underbody Catalyst NOx Conversion to Fuel Sulfur .................................. 43 Figure 24. Data Distributions for NOx and Soot Emissions ........................................................................ 49 Figure 25. Difference in Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals for 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel ............. 52 Figure 26. Soot and PN Correlation for Vehicle API04, 10 ppm and 80 ppm Fuels.................................... 53 Figure 27. Difference in Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals for 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel ............. 54 ii API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY List of Tables Table 1. Test Sequence for Each Vehicle in the Sulfur Sensitivity Study ......................................................4 Table 2. Base Fuel Properties and Comparison with California LEV III Certification Fuel Standard .............7 Table 3. Test Fuel Names and Descriptions ..................................................................................................7 Table 4. Vehicle Models and Emissions Certification Label Information .....................................................9 Table 5. Vehicle ID Number, Emissions Control Equipment and Catalyst Summary................................. 10 Table 6. Catalyst Arrangement for Engine Stand Aging Runs .................................................................... 13 Table 7. Median and Peak Catalyst Exposure Temperatures over Aging Period (225 hours) ................... 16 Table 8. As-Received Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, FTP75, Federal Certification Gasoline ......................... 21 Table 9. Typical Exhaust Gas and Catalyst Bed Temperatures for EPEFE Cycle WOT Events .................... 35 Table 10. Median and Peak Catalyst Temperatures for the US06 and FTP75 Cycles, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel . 36 Table 11. Coefficient of Variation for Raw Exhaust Emissions, FTP75, 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel ....................... 41 Table 12. 2009 Malibu SULEV-II PZEV Fuel Sulfur Studies – Catalyst Aging and Test Fuels ....................... 42 Table 13. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API01 and API02 ...................................... 44 Table 14. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API03 ........................................................ 45 Table 15. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API04 ........................................................ 46 Table 16. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API05 and API06 ...................................... 47 Table 17. Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals from Statistical Analysis .................................. 55 iii API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Abbreviations and Acronyms API CALEV3_10 CALEV3_xx CC, CCC CFR CH4 CO CO2 COV CPC CVS EEPS EPA EPEFE FID FTP75 GDI HC I/M JMT LA4 mg MILs/DTCs NEDC NMOG NOx ppm PM PN PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_xx PSD PZEV RVP SFI SGS-ETC SGS-OGC SRC SULEV-II TC UB, UBC US06 WOT American Petroleum Institute California LEV III regular octane gasoline, nominal 10ppm sulfur content California LEV III regular octane gasoline fuel doped to a sulfur content of xx ppm Close Coupled or Close Coupled Catalyst Code of Federal Regulations Methane Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Coefficient of Variation Condensation Particle Counter Constant Volume Sampling Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reference to the sulfur purge drive cycle developed by the European Programme on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies Flame Ionization Detector Federal Test Procedure consisting of a 3-phase drive cycle Gasoline Direct Injection Total hydrocarbons Inspection/Maintenance readiness state in on-board diagnostic system Johnson Matthey Vehicle Testing and Development, Taylor, Michigan 2-phase drive cycle also known as the FTP72 or Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule Milligrams Manufacturer Indicator Lamp or Diagnostic Trouble Codes New European Driving Cycle Non Methane Organic Gases, estimated as NMHC*1.1012 for E10 gasoline Oxides of nitrogen Parts per million Particulate Matter, measured gravimetrically in this study Particle Number, for accumulation mode particles measured per Euro 6 PMP protocol California LEV III premium octane gasoline, nominal 10ppm sulfur content California LEV III premium octane gasoline fuel doped to a sulfur content of xx ppm Particle Size Distribution Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle category within California LEV II Standards Reid Vapor Pressure Sequential multi-port fuel injection system SGS Environmental Testing Corporation, Aurora, Colorado SGS Oil, Gas and Chemical Analytical Laboratory, Deer Park, Texas EPA Standard Road Cycle Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle category within California LEVII Standards K-type thermocouple Underbody or Underbody Catalyst US06 Supplemental Federal Test Procedure, a high speed and acceleration drive cycle Wide Open Throttle iv API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the following individuals for their significant contributions to this study: Myles Weddington, Brad Kotch, Dave Reeves, David Meyer, Jeff Reed, David Casias, Joe Schmidt, Brad Farmer and Krystal Lewis at SGS Environmental Testing Corporation in Aurora Colorado; and Thomas Villeneuve and Dominic Margitan for their catalyst aging expertise at Johnson Matthey Testing in Taylor Michigan. Special thanks go to Gary Fenton of Air Academy Associates for review and discussion of the statistical analysis approach. The authors also acknowledge the technical contributions and support from participating API members: David Lax King Eng James Uihlein James Williams Garry Gunter Mani Natarajan Matt Watkins Phil Heirigs Fred Cornforth Jim Simnick American Petroleum Institute Shell Chevron American Petroleum Institute Phillips 66 Marathon Petroleum ExxonMobil Chevron Phillips 66 BP v API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 1.0 Executive Summary On March 29, 2013 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposed rule for Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards. The proposed NMOG+NOx tailpipe standards for lightduty vehicles represent approximately an 80% reduction from today’s fleet average. EPA is also proposing that federal gasoline contain no more than 10 ppm of sulfur on an annual average basis by 2017. There are several proposals with regards to the fuel sulfur cap, including either to maintain the current 80 ppm refinery gate and 95ppm downstream caps or to lower them to 50 and 65 ppm, respectively. Currently, federal regulations limit the sulfur content of gasoline to a 30 ppm annual average and a maximum cap of 80 ppm. Sulfur is known to poison precious metal based three-way catalyst exhaust emission control systems. The impact of gasoline sulfur on older vehicle technologies ranging from Tier 0 to ULEV is relatively well understood. In contrast, there is a lack of test data on the sensitivity and reversibility of very low emitting vehicles (e.g., SULEV-II, PZEV, and Tier 2 Bin 2) to gasoline sulfur, especially for vehicles aged to full useful life. Further research is needed to evaluate late model vehicle emissions using the low levels of fuel sulfur proposed in the EPA Tier 3 rule. This present study has tested six late model vehicles to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel were reversible, after the vehicle was refueled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. The reversibility test sequence included three segments: four baseline emissions tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, three high sulfur fuel exposure tests using 80 ppm fuel, and three tests run after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel. Each vehicle was driven 125 miles during the initial baseline tests using 10 ppm sulfur gasoline, followed by approximately 372 miles of operation on the 80 ppm sulfur gasoline, and 72 miles after refueling with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. The base fuel was a California LEVIII certification gasoline containing 10%vol ethanol. The 80 ppm fuel was produced by doping the base fuel with a representative mixture of sulfur compounds. Test vehicles included a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu, 2012 Honda Civic, 2012 Hyundai Sonata, 2012 Ford Focus, 2012 Audi A3, and 2012 Toyota Camry. All vehicles were certified to California SULEV-II / PZEV emissions standards except the Camry, which was Federal Tier 2 Bin 5. The vehicles represented a wide range of emission control technologies. The Sonata, Focus and A3 were equipped with wall-guided gasoline direct injection engines. The vehicles were selected to represent the latest in powertrain and emissions controls technology, and were tested as a surrogate for EPA Tier 3 vehicles which are not yet commercially available. New catalytic convertors and sensors were procured and aged on an engine stand to the equivalent of 120,000 to 150,000 miles. The aged catalysts and sensors were then installed on six vehicles for emissions testing. FTP75 emissions tests were performed. Raw gaseous emissions were measured to quantify catalyst efficiency, and bag dilute emissions were collected to determine accurate mass emissions for analysis. Particulate matter, soot mass, particle number, and particle size distribution measurements were also made. Page 1 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY The vehicles responded quite differently to changing sulfur content. Emissions trends, catalyst temperature data, catalyst warm-up information and particulate comparisons are made in the report. Five of the six vehicles tested using 10 ppm sulfur fuel had emissions under the proposed EPA Tier 3 Bin 30 FTP75 standard of 0.03 g/mile for NMOG+NOx. This study aimed to provide independent and objective test results to the API for use in the EPA Tier 3 rule making process. The following conclusions were reached: Gaseous exhaust emissions were higher for the vehicles conditioned and tested using 80 ppm sulfur fuel, relative to baseline tests run using 10 ppm fuel. Mean emissions increased for vehicles run on the 80 ppm fuel as follows, with greater than 95% confidence: o Fleet average NMOG increased by 20% (0.002 g/mile change) o Fleet average NOx increased by 58% (0.006 g/mile change) o Fleet average CO increased by 31% (0.078 g/mile change) o Vehicle API02 (Civic) CO emissions increased by 54% (0.083 g/mile change) o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) NOx emissions increased by 74% (0.004 g/mile change), noting that mean emissions of 0.009 g/mile remained well under the SULEV-II standard For the fleet of six vehicles, average soot and PN emissions were not statistically different for 80 ppm fuel compared to 10 ppm fuel results. Only vehicle API03 (Sonata), the highest PM emitter in the study, had higher soot and PN emissions using 80 ppm fuel: o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) soot emissions increased by 11% (0.41 mg/mile change) o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) PN emissions increased by 17% (9.6x1011 #/mile change) For each vehicle tested on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, the NMOG, NOx, CO, Soot and PN emissions were found to be reversible following exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. There was greater than 95% confidence that the differences in the mean emissions values measured before and after the high sulfur fuel exposure were not statistically different. For the fleet of six vehicles combined, the NMOG, NOx, CO, Soot and PN emissions were found to be reversible following exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. Vehicles equipped with GDI engines had about five to seven times higher soot mass and particle number emissions on average compared to the SFI-equipped vehicles. Vehicles equipped with GDI engines had very high variability in soot and PN emissions. The vehicle emissions variability was shown to be far larger than the fuel sulfur effect under study. 2.0 Introduction On March 29, 2013 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposed rule for Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards [Ref. 1]. The proposed NMOG+NOx tailpipe standards for light-duty vehicles represent approximately an 80% reduction from today’s fleet average. A 70% reduction in particulate matter (PM) standards is also proposed. Many of the proposed Tier 3 standards are harmonized with California LEV III standards. Page 2 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY EPA is also proposing that federal gasoline contain no more than 10 ppm of sulfur on an annual average basis by 2017. There are several proposals with regards to the fuel sulfur cap, including either to maintain the current 80 ppm refinery gate and 95 ppm downstream caps or to lower them to 50 and 65 ppm, respectively. Currently, federal regulations limit the sulfur content of gasoline to a 30 ppm annual average and a maximum cap of 80 ppm. Sulfur is known to poison precious metal based three-way catalyst exhaust emission control systems. A number of studies were conducted by industry and government agencies in the US, Europe and Japan in the late 1980s and during the 1990s to evaluate the sensitivity of gasoline vehicle exhaust emissions to changes in fuel sulfur content as well as the reversibility of the sulfur poisoning effect. In 1991 the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program demonstrated the sulfur poisoning effect was reversible [Ref. 2]. That is, following exposure to high sulfur gasoline the catalyst performance recovered when switching back to lower sulfur gasoline. In the European EPEFE program [Ref. 3], researchers tested fuels containing 18 and 382 ppm sulfur, and reported that benefits of lower sulfur fuel were strongly dependent on the precious metal formulation used for the catalyst coatings. The Coordinating Research Council evaluated the effect of driving cycle on catalyst reversibility using fuels with 30 and 630 ppm sulfur [Ref. 4]. The study included a comprehensive statistical analysis that concluded the poisoning effect was completely or partially reversible. Consequently, the impact of gasoline sulfur on vehicle technologies ranging from Tier 0 to ULEV is relatively well understood. In contrast, there is a lack of test data on the sensitivity of very low emitting vehicles (e.g., SULEV-II, PZEV, and Tier 2-Bin 2) to gasoline sulfur, and the reversibility of those effects. One study, conducted by Umicore Autocat USA [Ref. 5], measured the impact of test fuels containing 3 ppm and 33 ppm sulfur on NOx emissions from only one vehicle - a 2009 model year PZEV Malibu. Results were only reported for the underbody catalyst. In addition to measuring sulfur sensitivity, the authors also found that use of a high exhaust flow/high engine load driving cycle such as the US06 reversed the sulfur poisoning associated with operation on 33 ppm sulfur fuel. Previous research has shown that both sulfur sensitivity and sulfur reversibility are influenced by a number of vehicle operating characteristics (e.g., air/fuel ratio control, catalyst temperatures) and emission control system design, configuration and catalyst formulation. In contrast, the emissions of late model vehicles to low sulfur levels is not well understood for very low sulfur fuels, and especially for vehicles aged to full useful life. Further research is needed to evaluate late model vehicle emissions using the low levels of fuel sulfur proposed in the EPA Tier 3 rule. This present study has tested six late model vehicles to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel were reversible, after the vehicle was refueled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. The reversibility test sequence included four baseline tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, three high sulfur fuel exposure tests using 80 ppm fuel, and three tests after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel. The base fuel was a California LEVIII certification gasoline containing 10%vol ethanol. The 80 ppm fuel was produced by doping the base fuel with a mixture of sulfur compounds. New catalytic convertors and sensors were procured and aged on an engine stand to the equivalent of 120,000 to 150,000 miles, using an aging fuel with a sulfur range of 18.5 to 43 ppm. The aged catalysts and sensors were then installed on six vehicles for emissions testing. FTP75 emissions tests were performed. The results from this sulfur reversibility study are discussed in this report. Page 3 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 3.0 Test Plan for the Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study The reversibility of fuel sulfur effects on vehicle exhaust emissions was studied using a protocol similar to previous research [Ref. 4, 5]. The dynamometer test sequence was designed to allow comparison of results with the 2009 Malibu PZEV tested using “Test Combination Two” from [Ref. 5]. New catalytic convertors and sensors were procured and aged on an engine stand to the equivalent of 120,000 to 150,000 miles (Section 6.1). The aged catalysts and sensors were then installed on the late model vehicles for testing. Each vehicle was then tested using a base fuel with 10 ppm sulfur concentration, exposed to 80ppm fuel and tested, and then retested on 10ppm fuel. The fuels and vehicles are described in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. The objective of the experiment was to determine if the vehicle exhaust emissions from tests run using 10 ppm sulfur gasoline were statistically different following the exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. The test sequence run for each vehicle is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Test Sequence for Each Vehicle in the Sulfur Sensitivity Study Description Procedure Catalyst Sulfur Purge, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel Double Drain and 70% Refill EPEFE + 2 LA4 Sulfur Purge and Conditioning Cycles 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 2 LA4 + 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test Double Drain and 100% Refill 300 Miles on Dynamometer, Standard Road Cycle 70% Refill 2 LA4 + 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test Double Drain and 70% Refill 2 LA4 + 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test 1 US06 Preparation Cycle 12 to 24 Hour Soak FTP75 Emissions Test Baseline Emissions, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel Exposure to 80ppm Sulfur Fuel Establish Degree of Reversibility, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel Miles Cumulative Miles for Segment 42.2 11.1 22.9 11.1 8.0 11.1 8.0 11.1 125.4 300.0 22.9 11.1 8.0 11.1 8.0 11.1 372.1 22.9 11.1 8.0 11.1 8.0 11.1 72.1 Page 4 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY The test sequence began with an EPEFE cycle consisting of ten WOT events to elevate exhaust and catalyst temperatures for sulfur purge. Previous studies have shown the EPEFE cycle is an effective means for catalyst sulfur purge. The EPEFE + 2 LA4 cycles served to condition all vehicles uniformly using 10 ppm low sulfur, prior to the baseline emissions tests. The purpose of the four baseline tests was to establish vehicle exhaust emissions using the 10 ppm low sulfur fuel, following the catalyst sulfur purge and prior to the 80 ppm sulfur fuel exposure. The baseline emissions were the basis for comparison, used to quantify fuel sulfur sensitivity and reversibility effects for the tests that followed. A US06 prep cycle was performed in lieu of an LA4 prep cycle, prior to each soak period and FTP75 emissions test. The LA4 and FTP75 cycles used for emissions certification purposes reach a top vehicle speed of only 56.7 mph, and exhaust temperatures are low in comparison to other chassis dynamometer cycles. Therefore, repeated dynamometer testing using the LA4 and FTP75 cycles was not necessarily representative of real-world driving. The US06 cycle was developed to address the shortcomings with the FTP75 test cycle, to better represent higher speed and higher acceleration driving behavior. Data from the US Federal Highway Administration show that nearly 46% of the average daily vehicle miles of travel at posted speeds of 60 mph or higher occurs on urban roads [Ref. 6]. To better represent real-world driving behavior, the reversibility test sequence used in this study included alternating US06 and FTP75 cycles, to encompass both higher speed and lower speed vehicle operation. Following the change to 80ppm fuel, each vehicle was conditioned on the chassis dynamometer for 300 miles using the EPA Standard Road Cycle. Three emissions tests were then run to determine the sensitivity of vehicle exhaust emissions to catalyst poisoning that occurred during exposure to the 80 ppm sulfur fuel. The vehicle fuel tank was then drained and refilled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel and triplicate emissions tests were run. These final tests were performed to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by 80ppm sulfur fuel exposure were reversible. That is, the exhaust emissions were compared with the baseline emissions, to determine if there were any statistical differences in results before and after the 80ppm fuel exposure. Special care was taken to ensure fuel purges were complete and the vehicle was conditioned on each fuel before emissions testing began. The start of the sequence included a double drain and fuel fill, followed by an EPEFE sulfur purge cycle and two LA4 cycles. The EPEFE cycle consisted of a series of ten WOT accelerations that significantly elevated the exhaust temperatures to promote sulfur purge from the catalyst [Ref. 7]. The subsequent LA4 cycles served as a prep cycle for conditioning the vehicle prior to emissions testing. Fuel drains were performed at the fuel rail to ensure a complete drain. The test fuel and sulfur content were carefully controlled for the experiment. Fuel sulfur concentration was held within a ±2ppm tolerance for all test fuels (Section 4). Some other inputs that effected emissions responses are included below, with control measures noted in parentheses: Vehicle model Engine out emissions (consistent fuel conditioning and prep cycle used) Catalyst conversion efficiency (consistent fuel conditioning and prep cycle used) Driver (same driver used for nearly all tests, no driver violations accepted) Lab-to-lab variability (same chassis dyno emission lab used for all tests) Page 5 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Day-to-day lab variation, drift (calibration procedures and data quality control) The primary responses of interest for the reversibility analysis included FTP75 weighted NMOG, NOx, CO, MPG, soot mass, and Particle Number (PN). All gaseous emissions were measured from CVS sample bags, and particulate measured from a full dilution tunnel. NMOG emissions were estimated from NMHC measurements, per Section 6.2. Many other measurements were made for each phase of the FTP75 emissions test, and are cited in the results section and Appendix of the report. 4.0 Fuel Specification and Preparation The base fuel for the study was California LEV III certification gasoline [Ref. 8]. This specification has 8 to 11 ppm sulfur, and nominal ethanol content of 10%vol. The certification fuel has a regular and premium octane specification. The antiknock index, (R+M)/2, is 87 to 88.4 for regular unleaded and 91 minimum for premium unleaded. Five of the six vehicles in the study were approved by the manufacturers for operation on regular octane fuels (Section 5). One vehicle had a turbocharged engine and was selected to increase the diversity of powertrain technology to be tested. The turbocharged engine required premium octane fuel. Therefore, regular and premium octane base fuels were procured for the study. At the start of the project, the California LEVIII certification fuel was not commercially available. The base fuels were therefore made-to-order fuel batches formulated specifically for this project. The base fuels were ordered with 10 ppm sulfur content and a TOP TIER detergent additive. The base fuel properties are compared with the California LEVIII specification in Table 2. Fuel property results are provided for regular and premium octane base fuels. Data from the certificate of analysis (Haltermann) and from an independent laboratory (SGS-OGC) are presented. Most fuel property results were within the specification, but a few properties were at or just over limit. A mixture of sulfur compounds was added to the base fuels to prepare the test fuels with 80 ppm sulfur concentration. The sulfur mixture consisted of 4 wt% dimethyldisulfide, 23 wt% thiophene, and 73 wt% benzothiophene, representing the types and distribution of sulfur compounds present naturally in gasoline [Ref. 9]. Four test fuels were prepared for the project, with identifying names per Table 3. The test fuels were dispensed into drums. Because fuel sulfur was a critical control parameter in the study, the fuel sulfur content in the drummed fuel was monitored. Samples were drawn from multiple drums and sent for analysis (Appendix 11.1). The test fuels all had sulfur concentration within ±2ppm of the nominal value, and well within the ±3ppm tolerance set for the study. The certificate of analysis for each fuel is provided in Appendix 11.2. Page 6 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 2. Base Fuel Properties and Comparison with California LEV III Certification Fuel Standard Fuel Name ---> Laboratory ---> Distillation IBP 10% 50% 90% EP Sulfur RVP Ethanol Lead Unwashed Gum Content Solvent Washed Gum Content Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM Method D86 D5453 D5191 D4815 D3237 D381 D381 D130 D4814 Silver Strip Corrosion Annex A1 Oxidation Stability D525 Density @ 60F D4052 Carbon D5291 Hydrogen D5291 Oxygen D4815 Aromatics D1319 Saturates D1319 Olefins D1319 Multi-substituted Alkyl Aromatic HC D5769 RON D2699 MON D2700 D2699 Antiknock Index (R+M)/2 /D2700 D2699 Sensitivity /D2700 Auto Vapor/Liquid Ratio D5188 Net Heating Value D240 Phosphorous D3231 Benzene D5580 MTBE D4815 Units REGULAR OCTANE CALEV3_10 CALEV3_10 Haltermann SGS-OGC PREMIUM OCTANE PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_10 Haltermann SGS-OGC F F F F F ppm psi %vol g/gal mg/100ml mg/100ml Rating 107 137 214 316 352 9 7.2 9.8 None 8.4 <0.5 1a 109.9 138.6 212.4 314.2 345.9 9 7.35 9.64 <0.01 16.5 <0.5 1a 109 136 212 316 357 9 7.2 10.2 None 19.5 <0.5 1a 108.9 138.2 208 314.1 349.5 9 7.25 10.08 <0.01 15.5 <0.5 1a Rating min g/cm3 %mass %mass %mass %vol %vol %vol %vol Rating Rating NA 1000+ 0.7496 82.88 13.65 3.6 20.9 NA 1000+ 0.7465 82.39 13.82 3.76 21.9 4.9 14 92.3 83.4 0 >240 0.7493 82.2 13.4 3.52 22.7 61.5 6.2 NA 92.4 84 4.4 13 97.8 88 0 >240 0.7464 81.9 13.6 3.7 21.1 62.4 6.5 NA 98.2 87.8 Rating 87.85 88.2 92.9 93 Rating Rating BTU/lb g/gal %vol %vol 8.9 NA 18027 None 0.6 None NA 137 NA NA NA NA 9.8 NA 18118 None 0.7 None NA 137 NA NA NA NA CA LEVIII Specification 130-150 205-215 310-320 390 max 8-11 6.9-7.2 9.8-10.2 0.1 max 3 max 1 1000 min 3.3-3.7 19.5-22.5 4-6 13-15 87-88.4 (reg), 91 min (prem) 7.5 min 0.005 max 0.6-0.8 0.05 max Table 3. Test Fuel Names and Descriptions Fuel Name CALEV3_10 CALEV3_80 PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_80 Description Regular Octane Base Fuel, California LEV III Specification, 10ppm Sulfur Regular Octane Base Fuel doped to 80ppm Sulfur Premium Octane Base Fuel, California LEV III Specification, 10ppm Sulfur Premium Octane Base Fuel doped to 80ppm Sulfur Page 7 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 5.0 Vehicle Model Selection and Description This study differs from previous programs in that the focus is to test the latest technology vehicles on very low sulfur gasoline. API specified the six vehicle models for testing were to have the following emissions certifications: One SULEV-II / PZEV vehicle, specifically the 2009 Chevrolet Malibu equipped with a 2.4L engine to allow comparison with testing performed at Umicore Autocat [Ref. 5] Four vehicles certified to meet either the Federal Tier 2, Bin 2 exhaust emission standards or the California SULEV-II / PZEV exhaust emissions standards One vehicle to represent a typical in-use Federal Tier 2 Bin 5 model The vehicles were selected to represent the latest in powertrain and emissions controls technology, and were tested as a surrogate for EPA Tier 3 vehicles which are not yet commercially available. The preference was to select late model vehicles to represent a range of exhaust emission control system design configurations available on high selling models. The vehicles were to have accumulated between 5,000 to 10,000 miles of customer driving before testing. An exception was made for the 2009 Malibu, where a mileage between 10,000 and 20,000 miles was sought because all candidate vehicles were approximately three years of age at the time of recruitment. Candidate vehicles were identified by searching for models meeting these emissions standards using the US EPA 2012 emissions database [Ref. 10]. From this search, all candidate vehicles certified to the SULEV-II / PZEV emissions standard were equipped with four cylinder engines. In 2010, EPA and NHTSA introduced a final rule to jointly regulate greenhouse gas emissions and corporate average fuel economy. In response to increasing fuel economy requirements, there have been many new vehicle models introduced with gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines in the United States. Because movement to more fuel efficient GDI engine technology is expected to continue in the US, it was important to represent GDI technology in the study. The vehicle models selected for the study are listed in Table 4 and shown in Figure 1. Five of the six vehicle models were certified to the California SULEV-II / PZEV emissions standards. Several of the vehicle models had the engine and evaporative family certified to both California and Federal emissions standards (Table 4). PZEV certification was verified from the vehicle emissions label. Three vehicle models were equipped with sequential multiport fuel injection (SFI) engines, and three with GDI engines. All vehicles in the study had stoichiometric combustion following warm-up, and employed three way catalyst technology. All vehicles except the Audi A3 were approved for operation on regular unleaded gasoline. For the turbocharged Audi A3, the manufacturer recommended premium unleaded fuel. The Audi A3 was selected because there was high interest to include a turbocharged GDI in the study to expand the diversity of powertrain technology to be tested. Turbocharging and the effect of higher exhaust flow rates on catalyst performance were of interest. The inclusion of this model also meant that premium test fuels needed to be included in the study. The Toyota Camry was chosen to represent Tier 2 Bin 5 vehicle technology, in part because it was available with a V6 engine and added further diversity to the powertrain technology to be tested. The Page 8 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Honda Civic EX was one of only two non-hybrid vehicle models certified to federal Tier 2 Bin 2 in 2012, according to the EPA database available at that time. Table 4. Vehicle Models and Emissions Certification Label Information Control Model Number Year Make Model Engine Family Code Evaporative Emissions Family Code API01 2009 Chevrolet Malibu 9GMXV02.4026 9GMXR0123702 API02 2012 Honda Civic EX CHNXV01.8VC2 CHNXR0111VZA API03 2012 Hyundai Sonata CHYXV02.4YPC CHYXR0155PPX API04 2012 Ford Focus CFMXV02.0VZ2 CFMXR0110GBX API05 2012 Audi A3 CADXV02.03PA CADXR0110237 API06 2012 Toyota Camry CTYXV03.5BEC CTYXR0115A12 Engine 2.4L SFI 1.8L SFI 2.4L GDI 2.0L GDI 2.0L Turbo GDI 3.5L V6 SFI Automatic Transmission No. Gears 6 5 Emissions Certification Standard California LEV-II SULEV and Federal Tier 2 Bin 5 California LEV-II SULEV and Federal Tier 2 Bin 2 6 6 6 California LEV-II SULEV California LEV-II SULEV and Federal Tier 2 Bin 3 California LEV-II SULEV and Federal Tier 2 Bin 3 6 Federal Tier 2 Bin 5 Figure 1. Vehicles Selected for the Gasoline Sulfur Effects Study The following inspections and checks were made for each vehicle before committing to its procurement: Odometer between 5,000 and 10,000 miles (2009 Malibu between 10,000 and 20,000 miles) Confirm vehicle never in accident and clean CarFax history Confirm no active or pending MILs/DTCs Vehicle in I/M readiness state Inspect tires, belts and hoses Inspect for any obvious vehicle modifications or tampering Inspect exhaust system and perform leak check Page 9 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Inspect evaporative emissions system, perform pressure decay check Perform road load derivation, and a preliminary cold start FTP75 emissions cycle using the vehicle’s street fuel to assess emissions The five vehicles meeting SULEV-II standards were recruited from California and transported to SGS-ETC by car carrier for testing. The vehicle ID numbers, starting mileage, emissions control technology from the certification label, and catalyst arrangement are shown in Table 5. All vehicles except the Honda Civic EX employed a close coupled catalyst and underbody catalyst combination. Table 5. Vehicle ID Number, Emissions Control Equipment and Catalyst Summary Control Model Make and Number Year Model Chevrolet API01 2009 Malibu Honda API02 2012 Civic EX Hyundai API03 2012 Sonata Ford API04 2012 Focus Audi API05 2012 A3 Toyota API06 2012 Camry Vehicle ID No. (VIN) Odometer (miles) Engine Equipment on Emissions Label Catalyst Arrangement 1G1ZH57B79F186689 10981 2.4L I4 SFI, HO2S, TWC, AIR One close coupled, one underbody 2HGFB2F90CH529133 5823 1.8L I4 TWC, AF SENSOR, HO2S, EGR, SFI One close coupled 5NPEB4AC3CH365795 6845 2.4L I4 DFI, HO2S(2), WU-TWC, TWC One close coupled, one underbody 1FAHP3F28CL155154 5000 2.0L I4 TWC, H2OS, DGI, HAFS One close coupled, one underbody WAUKFAFM8CA000802 9028 2.0L I4 Turbo DFI,TWC(2),HO2S(3),Air, CAC, TC, DOR One close coupled, one underbody 4T1BK1FK5CU514551 5057 3.5L V6 SFI, 2A/FS, 2WU-TWC, 2HO2S, TWC Two close coupled, one underbody The powertrain and emissions control technology is summarized below for each vehicle. Emissions control equipment was determined from the vehicle emissions labels, from CARB Executive Orders for emissions certifications, and from information published by the manufacturer. The number of substrates, substrate size, cell geometry and material could only be determined by cutting the catalyst cans open and was not completed at the time of this report. API01 2009 Chevrolet Malibu 2.4L “LE5” I-4 engine Power: 169hp@6400rpm, Torque: 160lb-ft@4500rpm Sequential Multi-Port Fuel Injection Compression ratio = 10.4:1 16 valve, DOHC variable valve timing Air injection/rich operation for fast catalyst light-off [Ref. 5] Heated oxygen sensor Three way catalysts: one close coupled catalyst, one underbody catalyst API02 2012 Honda Civic EX 1.8L “i-VTEC” I-4 engine Power: 140hp@6500rpm, Torque: 128lb-ft@4300rpm Sequential Multi-Port Fuel Injection Compression ratio = 10.6:1 16 valve, SOHC variable valve timing Exhaust Gas Recirculation Heated air-fuel ratio sensor Page 10 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Heated oxygen sensor Three way catalyst: one close coupled catalyst API03 2012 Hyundai Sonata 2.4L “Theta” I-4 engine Power: 200hp@6300rpm, Torque: 186lb-ft@4250rpm Gasoline Direct Injection, wall guided type Compression ratio = 11.3:1 16 valve, DOHC variable valve timing Late injection for fast catalyst light off Two heated oxygen sensors Three way catalysts: one close coupled catalyst, one underbody catalyst API04 2012 Ford Focus 2.0L “Ti-VCT” I-4 engine Power: 160hp@6500rpm, Torque: 146lb-ft@4450rpm Gasoline Direct Injection, wall guided type Compression ratio = 12.0:1 16 valve, DOHC variable valve timing Peak injection pressure of 2150 psi Heated air-fuel ratio sensor Heated oxygen sensor Three way catalysts: one close coupled catalyst, one underbody catalyst API05 2012 Audi A3 2.0L “FSI” I-4 engine Power: 200hp@5100rpm, Torque: 207lb-ft@1800-5000rpm Gasoline Direct Injection, wall guided type Turbocharged and intercooled Compression ratio = 9.6:1 16 valve, DOHC variable valve timing Stratified lean operation on start and air injection for NMOG reduction [Ref. 11] Three heated oxygen sensors Three way catalysts: one close coupled catalyst, one underbody catalyst Direct ozone reduction, or DOR, pertains to vehicle radiator coatings and not the powertrain API06 2012 Toyota Camry 3.5L “VVT-i” V-6 engine Power: 268hp@6200rpm, Torque: 248lb-ft@4700rpm Sequential Multi-Port Fuel Injection 24 valve, DOHC variable valve timing Two heated air-fuel ratio sensors Two heated oxygen sensors Three way catalysts: two close coupled catalysts, one underbody catalyst Page 11 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 6.0 Preparation for Testing 6.1 Catalyst and Sensor Aging New catalytic convertors and exhaust system sensors were procured for all vehicles and aged on an engine test stand to the equivalent of 120,000 to 150,000 miles. All exhaust parts used for aging were stock and procured from authorized dealerships. Johnson Matthey Testing (JMT) in Taylor, Michigan provided the test protocol and performed the catalyst and sensor aging. The engine test stand utilized an 8.1L Chevrolet V8 Engine with exhaust manifolds joined to a custom quad leg exhaust system (Figure 2). The engine exhaust was split into four legs to allow the aging of catalysts from multiple vehicles simultaneously. Exhaust sample feeds, thermocouples and flow controllers were instrumented into this system in their respective positions to support the precise control of the aging cycle. API03 Close Coupled Cat Exhaust Flow API03 Underbody Cat Vehicle Sensors API04 Close Coupled Cat API04 Underbody Cat Figure 2. Catalyst Aging on JMT Engine Stand: V-8 Engine (Top), Multi-leg Exhaust System (Bottom) Page 12 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY The catalysts from all six vehicles were aged in two dynamometer runs. Where possible, manufacturer hardware including interconnecting pipes, flex pieces and flanges were used in the test set-up. The characteristic length between the close coupled catalyst and underbody catalyst was maintained. The catalyst arrangement for each dynamometer run is summarized in Table 6. Exhaust system sensors were included in the aging process. Since the sensors had wires and plastic connectors in close proximity to the exhaust pipe, tube assemblies were designed to cool the sensors with shop air to avoid melting during this high temperature test (visible in Figure 2). Table 6. Catalyst Arrangement for Engine Stand Aging Runs Exhaust Leg 1 2 3 4 Engine Stand Aging Run #1 Engine Stand Aging Run #2 API01 Close Coupled Cat, API01 Underbody Cat API02 Close Coupled Cat API06 Left Bank Close Coupled Cat, API06 Underbody Cat API06 Right Bank Close Coupled Cat API03 Close Coupled Cat, API03 Underbody Cat API04 Close Coupled Cat, API04 Underbody Cat API05 Close Coupled Cat, API05 Underbody Cat None Protocols to accelerate the aging of automotive catalysts on the engine test stand have been in use for many years and have evolved over time [Ref. 12,13,14]. The Rapid Aging Test, or RAT-A, utilizes a multimode sequence to produce elevated exhaust temperatures to thermally age the catalyst. Manufacturers have developed proprietary catalyst aging tests based on RAT-A to correlate the test results with real-world experience. For this study, it was not feasible to use proprietary aging cycles for each of the vehicle systems. The CARB-modified RAT-A cycle was chosen as a contemporary method for aging all vehicle systems in this study [Ref. 14]. The aging cycle parameters used were: CARB Modified RAT-A: Four-Mode Aging Mode 1 = 40 seconds engine out condition @ stoichiometric fuel-air ratio Inlet temperature @ 825°C (± 20°C) 80 scfm exhaust flow per converter Mode 2 = 6 seconds @ fuel-rich operation 3.0% CO (± 0.3%). Mode 3 = 10 seconds @ fuel-rich operation (same as Mode 2) with secondary air injection 3.0% O2 (± 0.3%). Mode 4 = 4 seconds engine out condition @ stoichiometric fuel-air ratio Secondary air injection operation (same as Mode 3) 225 hours cycle time, equivalent to 120,000 to 150,000 miles The exhaust system included laboratory sensors for controlling the engine test stand. Typical exhaust system instrumentation is shown in Figure 3. Note that K-type thermocouples (designated as “TC”) were inserted radially through the can, one inch from the front face and rear face of the substrate per standard industry practice. An alcohol-free gasoline with 91 antiknock index was used for the catalyst aging tests. Several batches of fuel were used during the aging period, and fuel properties for each batch are summarized in Appendix 11.3. Aging fuel sulfur content varied from 18.5 to 43 ppm. Page 13 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 3. Typical Exhaust System Instrumentation for Catalyst Aging Test Precise control of air fuel ratio and secondary air injection is critical to ensure proper catalyst aging. Exposure to excessive exhaust temperatures may potentially cause non-reversible thermal deactivation of the catalyst coating, and such damage would not be representative of real world use. A complete record of the air-fuel ratio (AFR), catalyst inlet and bed temperatures was recorded to allow analysis of the thermal exposure. Histogram data are presented for API01 Malibu in Figures 4 and 5. Exhaust and catalyst temperature histogram data are provided for all vehicles in the Appendix 11.4. 18.0 17.8 17.6 17.4 17.2 17.0 16.8 16.6 16.4 16.2 16.0 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.0 14.8 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.2 13.0 12.8 12.6 12.4 12.2 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 12.0 Hours at AFR Distinct air-fuel ratios for each of the four modes of the CARB modified RAT-A cycle are apparent in the AFR histogram (Figure 4). The data confirm the exhaust inlet temperature was held to 825°C for a majority of the test cycle, as expected since Mode 1 is longest in duration (Figure 5, top). Temperature was hottest near the front face of the close coupled catalyst, due to an exothermic reaction of the exhaust gas. A peak temperature measurement of 1015°C was reached during the aging cycle. AFR Figure 4. Air-Fuel Ratio Histogram for Vehicle API01 over the 225 hour Aging Run Page 14 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 CCC Front Bed 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 UBC Front Bed 760 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CCC Inlet 750 Hours at Temperature API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Temperature (°C) Figure 5. Exhaust Inlet, Close Coupled Catalyst and Underbody Catalyst Temperature Histograms for Vehicle API01 over the 225 hour Aging Run Median and peak catalyst exposure temperatures are summarized in Table 7. Vehicle API03 and API05 (Sonata and A3, respectively) had the highest exposure temperatures. Vehicle API02 (Civic) had significantly lower exothermic reaction at the CCC front bed location. The close coupled catalyst temperature results for vehicle API06 (Camry) pertain to the left bank of the V6 engine. Page 15 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 7. Median and Peak Catalyst Exposure Temperatures over Aging Period (225 hours) Vehicle API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 6.2 Make Malibu Civic Sonata Focus A3 Camry Close Coupled Catalyst Underbody Catalyst Front Bed Temperature (°C) Front Bed Temperature (°C) Median Peak Median Peak Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 859 1015 791 850 853 955 NA NA 891 1035 809 895 868 1025 809 895 891 1015 823 895 865 1005 788 870 Chassis Dynamometer Lab and Emissions Measurement Emissions tests were performed in certification-compliant emissions laboratories at SGS Environmental Testing Corporation in Aurora, Colorado (Figure 6). All tests were run on Site 2, featuring a Burke Porter 48” roll dynamometer in a temperature and humidity controlled environment. The laboratory has a constant volume sampling system (CVS), raw modal and dilute bag gas sampling and analysis. The emission sampling arrangement is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6. API02 Civic in SGS-ETC Site 2 Chassis Dynamometer Emissions Lab Page 16 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Raw Tailpipe Raw Intermediate Raw Engine Out Under Body Cat Close Coupled Cat MSS 1st Dil Bags CVS Tunnel 2nd Dil EEPS CPC PM2.5µm cyclone (heated) PM Filter (heated) Figure 7. Emissions Sampling Arrangement Vehicle API06 was equipped with a V6 engine. The continuous raw stream exhaust samples were drawn from both banks at the engine-out and intermediate locations. The raw stream emissions presented in this report therefore represent the combined emissions from both banks of the engine. The following equipment was used to ensure accurate measurement of the very low emission concentrations expected from these vehicles: Bag samples were simultaneously collected from the diluted vehicle exhaust and from the ambient, to ensure quantification of the background, and accurate calculation of cycle average exhaust mass emissions. Bag gas analysis included measurement of CO, CO2, NOx, total HC, and CH4. NMHC was equal to the FID total hydrocarbons minus the response factor-corrected methane. Methane measurement was by gas chromatograph FID. Continuous raw tailpipe emissions were measured to provide information on the time to catalyst light-off, and also to provide redundant information for bag-to-modal mass comparisons. This bag-to-modal mass correlation served as a quality check for each test. Continuous engine-out raw emissions were measured to provide information on catalyst conversion efficiency. The test site used three raw sample streams to determine catalyst conversion efficiency for close coupled and underbody catalysts. Page 17 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Low range analyzers and low concentration span gas bottles were used to ensure appropriate analyzer response and resolution, per normal operating practice. Fuel consumption was calculated using the carbon balance method, accounting for actual mass % of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the fuel. Fuel economy was calculated using the “uncorrected method”. The corrected calculation for MPG, per 40CFR600.113-08(h)(1), was not applicable for oxygenated fuels used in the study. Speciation of the exhaust gas for NMOG determination was beyond the scope of this study. mass emissions were estimated using a formula from an experimental correlation [Ref. 15]: NMOG NMOGEST = (%EtOH * 0.0071 + 1.0302) * NMHC where %EtOH was vol% ethanol in fuel. NMOG results presented in this report were estimated using this formula. For gasoline containing 10%vol ethanol, NMOGEST = 1.1012 * NMHC. The effect of sulfur on particulate matter and particle number emissions was of interest, especially with the inclusion of GDI-equipped vehicles in the study. The entire exhaust volume was diluted in a full dilution tunnel (Figure 7) for the purposes of particulate matter measurement. The primary mass measurement for the study was made using an AVL483 photo acoustic microsoot sensor (MSS). This instrument sampled from the CVS tunnel to minimize thermophoretic deposition losses. The instrument only measures the soot fraction (elemental carbon fraction) of the total particulate matter. The instrument is very sensitive, with a measurement resolution of ≤ 0.01 mg/m3. Particulate matter (PM) samples were taken on Teflo 47mm filter media using a 40CFR Part 1065 compliant particulate matter sampler. Filters were processed in a temperature and humidity controlled clean room equipped with electrostatic charge neutralizers and a Mettler Toledo UMX2 microbalance. PM filter loading was commonly under 20µg for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the FTP75 cycle, and not as repeatable as the microsoot sensor instrument. PM measurements were made primarily to estimate of the elemental carbon fraction of the total particulate matter. Particle Number (PN) measurements were made using equipment compliant to the Euro 6 PMP GPRE specification. Diluted exhaust samples were extracted from the CVS and coarse particles removed with a cyclone. The sample was further diluted using a Matter Engineering rotating disk diluter, and then passed through a thermodenuder (300°C evaporation tube) to remove nuclei mode volatile and sulfate aerosols. Second stage dilution was used to prevent re-condensation. Particle number measurement was made using a TSI Model 3790 Condensation Particle Counter (CPC). The CPC has a 23nm D50 cutoff. Only accumulation mode solid particles were counted. Particle size distribution (PSD) was measured with a TSI Model 3090 Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) spectrometer. The data was used primarily to verify the removal of nuclei mode particles. The EEPS performs particle size classification based on differential electrical mobility classification. Charging of the aerosol is accomplished through two unipolar diffusion chargers. The charged particles are collected on electrically isolated electrodes located at the outer wall, and the PN concentration is determined by measuring the electrical current collected. An inversion algorithm is used to de-convolute the data, converting currents from the electrometers into 32 channels of output. This process allows the maximum resolution of the instrument to be represented by output channels that are equally spaced on a log scale between 5.6 nm and 560 nm. PN data was collected at a sampling rate of 1 Hz over the entire Page 18 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY test cycle. The EEPS sampled from the same evaporation tube and diluter system used for the CPC. The EEPS also produced total particle number counts, but the data is less reliable than the CPC in part due to electrometer noise at low particle concentrations. Statement on Testing at High Altitude SGS Environmental Testing Corporation is located in Aurora, Colorado, at 5440 feet elevation above sea level. SGS-ETC performs emissions certification tests for vehicle and engine manufacturers, at local altitude and at other altitudes by employing altitude simulation equipment. For this present study, the data analysis is focused on making relative comparison of vehicle emissions when tested on fuels having different sulfur content. The relative trends from this study are expected to be representative of results obtained at lower altitudes. Modern vehicles employ speed-density or MAF-based engine control systems that have compensation for barometric pressure. Under closed loop operation, fuel-air stoichiometry is controlled ensuring exhaust and catalyst temperatures are comparable at different altitudes. Under hard acceleration open loop operation, vehicles employ long term fuel trim (LTFT) adaptation for fuel enrichment and catalyst thermal protection. Because of these control strategies, exhaust and catalyst temperatures are comparable at different altitudes. This point is illustrated by comparing the catalyst bed temperatures for the 2009 Malibu. The same vehicle model was tested at SGS-ETC (5440 feet) and in Auburn Hills, Michigan (960 feet) [Ref. 5]. Close coupled catalyst front bed temperatures were in general agreement for the FTP75 and more aggressive US06 driving cycles (Figures 8 and 9, respectively). Exact thermocouple placement was not assured for this comparison. Figure 8. Catalyst Bed Temperatures for 2009 Malibu at 5440 feet and 960 feet Elevation – FTP75 Page 19 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 9. Catalyst Bed Temperatures for 2009 Malibu at 5440 feet and 960 feet Elevation – US06 6.3 Vehicle Preparation and As-Received Exhaust Emissions Road load derivations were performed on the Burke Porter dynamometer per SAE J2264. The equivalent test weights and road load coefficients used for the study are provided in Appendix 11.5. The oil and oil filter were changed on each vehicle prior to the start of testing. Motor oils meeting manufacturer recommended specifications were used (Appendix 11.6). The study required using the same brand of motor oil for all vehicles. Since some oil viscosities were only available in a synthetic formulation, Mobil 1 synthetic oil was used. Some of the motor oils were very light viscosity and had the potential to impact hydrocarbon emissions measurement. To condition the oil following the oil change, each vehicle was run for at least two consecutive Standard Road Cycles. The vehicles were tested in the as-received condition, to establish emissions for the factory original catalysts at low miles. The starting vehicle mileage is provided in Table 5. Federal certification gasoline (40CFR86.113-04) was used for these as-received emissions tests only, because the California LEV III fuel was not available at the time of testing. The test sequence was: Drain and 40% refill Four LA4 prep cycles Drain and 40% refill 12 to 24 hour soak FTP75 3-bag emissions test, bag only As-received vehicle emissions results are shown in Table 8. The vehicle emissions were compared to the most stringent standard that applied for that vehicle model (California SULEV-II, except for API06 certified to Federal Tier 2 Bin 5). This comparison was made to verify the selected vehicles were representative of properly operating vehicles in the fleet. NOx, CO and NMOG emissions were all below Page 20 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY the applicable emissions standard. NMOG emissions were very near to the standard for vehicles certified to SULEV-II. This trend may partly be explained because the “as-received” emissions tests performed differed from the certification procedure: Federal Tier 2 certification gasoline was used, rather than oxygenated California Phase 2 fuel. Oxygenated gasoline has been shown to lower NMHC and CO for some late model vehicles [Ref. 16, 17] No canister load was performed NMOG emissions were estimated from NMHC, per Section 6.2 NMHC and estimated NMOG emissions were very close in value and appear indistinguishable in Table 8 because Federal Tier 2 certification gasoline contains no oxygenate. Table 8. As-Received Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, FTP75, Federal Certification Gasoline NOx API01 - 2009 Malibu SULEV II Standard @ 150k miles API02- 2012 Civic SULEV II Standard @ 150k miles API03 - 2012 Sonata SULEV II Standard @ 150k miles API04 - 2012 Focus SULEV II Standard @ 150k miles API05 - 2012 A3 SULEV II Standard @ 150k miles API06 - 2012 Camry T2 B5 Standard @ 50k miles 0.008 0.020 0.006 0.020 0.007 0.020 0.009 0.020 0.011 0.020 0.021 0.050 FTP75 Weighted Bag Emissions (g/mile) CH4 CO HC NMHC Est NMOG 0.678 1.000 0.141 1.000 0.206 1.000 0.037 1.000 0.318 1.000 0.093 3.400 0.012 -0.010 -0.008 -0.008 -0.012 -0.012 -- 0.004 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 -0.005 -0.002 -- 0.009 -0.008 -0.007 -0.007 -0.008 -0.010 -- 0.009 0.010 0.008 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.008 0.010 0.010 0.075 MPG 24.32 -34.52 -26.64 -31.62 -27.51 -25.6 -- The factory original exhaust system was then removed for each vehicle and replaced with the catalyst and sensor components that were aged on the engine stand (Section 6.1). Additional instrumentation was added to measure exhaust gas temperatures, and to allow for raw exhaust gas sample extraction for emissions measurement. Typical instrumentation used for the vehicle test is shown in Figure 10. Figure 10. Typical Exhaust System Instrumentation for Vehicle Emissions Tests Page 21 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.0 Sulfur Reversibility Study – Individual Vehicle Test Results Exhaust emissions and fuel economy results are shown for individual vehicles in Figures 11 to 16. These charts display the results weighted over the three phases for the FTP75 emissions test cycle. Gaseous emissions were determined from bag analysis. Soot and particle number emissions were measured by drawing continuous samples from the primary dilution tunnel. There were ten data points for each reversibility sequence run: four baseline tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, three tests using 80 ppm fuel, and three tests after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel (Section 3). These ten test results are shown sequentially in the Figures 11 to 16, from left to right. For each of these three segments of data, the mean value is shown as a horizontal line. The vertical scales for these charts were chosen to magnify the results to identify small changes in emissions, in favor over keeping the scales the same for all vehicles. In this section, observations are made regarding emissions trends before, during and after the 80 ppm fuel exposure. Owing to the considerable variability within each group of data, some of the observed trends discussed in this section may not be statistically significant. A statistical analysis of the reversibility effects was performed using the FTP75 weighted data in Section 8, to draw conclusions about individual vehicles and the test fleet of six vehicles. Gaseous mass emissions were also determined using continuous raw exhaust stream measurements taken at the engine-out, between catalyst, and tailpipe locations. This data was used to quantify the conversion efficiencies of the close coupled and underbody catalysts. The raw exhaust emissions and catalyst efficiency data were of secondary interest for this study, but the interested reader may gain some important insights regarding catalyst light-off, catalyst system behavior, and sources of emissions variability (Sections 7.7 and 7.8, Appendix 11.7 and 11.8). A representative report of soot, particle number and particle size distribution is provided for each of the vehicles run on 10 ppm and 80 ppm sulfur fuels in Appendix 11.9. The same color contour scale was used for all color contour plots presented, to allow visual comparison. There is currently no certification standard for automotive particle number emissions in the United States. The Euro 6 PN standard of 6.0x1011 #/km (9.7x1011 #/mile), which begins for some GDI vehicle weight classes in September 2014, provides some perspective on future PN emissions levels. It is noted that Euro 6 PN standard applies to the NEDC cycle. Therefore a strict comparison of these results to the Euro 6 standard is not appropriate because the NEDC is a geometric based cycle with fewer transient maneuvers than the FTP75. Page 22 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.1 API01 2009 Chevrolet Malibu Emissions results for the 2009 Malibu fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 11. NMOG and NOx emissions appeared to increase with each subsequent emissions test run on 80ppm sulfur fuel. For the third test run on 80ppm fuel, NMOG and NOx emissions exceeded the SULEV-II emissions standards of 0.01 and 0.02 g/mile, respectively. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NMOG emissions were just below the baseline mean value indicating the sulfur effects on NMOG were reversible. NOx emissions dropped more gradually during the subsequent recovery tests performed following the switch to 10 ppm fuel, with the final test result having NOx emissions below the baseline NOx levels. NOx emissions more than doubled when this vehicle was run on 80 ppm fuel, relative to the baseline. NOx emissions from this vehicle responded to fuel sulfur changes differently than other vehicles in the study. There was no observed change in mean CO emissions during and after 80 ppm sulfur fuel exposure. Soot mass and PN emissions showed increases during and after the 80 ppm fuel exposure, but the emissions were at very low levels for this SFI-equipped vehicle. The variability of the soot and PN data was considered in Section 8 to conclude that the differences in the means before and after 80ppm fuel exposure were not statistically significant. The first baseline test point showed higher CO and soot emissions than all other tests. The test met quality assurance criteria and the result remained in the dataset for statistical analysis. No soot measurement was available for the third test using 80 ppm sulfur fuel due to instrument malfunction. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 56% for the reversibility sequence performed. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 1.1 mg/mile (corresponding to the first baseline test in Figure 11), far below the 10 mg/mile emissions standard. The 2009 Malibu was chosen for this study to allow a comparison with previous published results [Ref. 5]. A comparison of the catalyst conversion efficiency, raw tailpipe emissions, and discussion is provided in Section 7.9. Page 23 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API01 NMOG grams/mile 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 NOx grams/mile 0.02 0.01 0 CO grams/mile 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 26 25.5 25 24.5 24 Soot mg/mile 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Particle Number #/mile 1.5E+12 1.0E+12 5.0E+11 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 11. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API01 Malibu Page 24 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.2 API02 2012 Honda Civic EX Emissions results for the 2012 Civic fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 12. All weighted NMOG emission results exceeded the SULEV-II emissions standard of 0.01 g/mile for the vehicle equipped with the aged catalyst, using both 10 ppm and 80 ppm sulfur fuels. NMOG emissions for some tests approached 0.02 g/mile, nearly double the standard. NOx and CO emissions were under the SULEV-II standards. The mean NMOG, CO and NOx emissions all increased for 80 ppm fuel tests, compared to the baseline emissions performed using 10 ppm fuel. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NMOG, NOx and CO emissions were just below the baseline mean value indicating the sulfur effects on emissions were reversible. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 1.3 mg/mile, far below the 10 mg/mile emissions standard. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 45% for the reversibility sequence performed. Soot mass and PN emissions were at very low levels for this SFI-equipped vehicle. There were only very slight changes to mean soot and PN emissions during and after 80 ppm sulfur fuel exposure. Page 25 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API02 grams/mile 0.025 NMOG 0.02 0.015 0.01 NOx grams/mile 0.02 0.01 grams/mile 0 0.3 CO 0.2 0.1 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 35 34.5 34 33.5 33 Soot mg/mile 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Particle Number #/mile 1.5E+12 1.0E+12 5.0E+11 0.0E+00 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 12. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API02 Civic Page 26 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.3 API03 2012 Hyundai Sonata Emissions results for the 2012 Sonata fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 13. Most weighted NMOG emission results exceeded the SULEV-II emissions standard of 0.01 g/mile, when the vehicle was run on 10 ppm and 80 ppm fuels using the aged catalyst. NMOG emissions appeared to increase with each subsequent emissions test run on 80ppm sulfur fuel, peaking at 0.020 g/mile for the third test. The NMOG emissions had high “within group” variability, meaning the variability was quite large for consecutive tests performed on the same fuel. The variability in NMOG emissions is attributed to catalyst performance. Engine-out emissions were relatively constant for consecutive tests by comparison (Appendix 11.8), and had a considerably lower coefficient of variation than post-catalyst emissions as further discussed in Section 7.8. The variation in catalyst performance does not appear due to thermal differences, since engine exhaust and catalyst temperature profiles were very repeatable for the tests run (Appendix 11.7). All NOx and CO emissions results were well under the SULEV-II standards. Combined NMOG+NOx emissions were under the proposed Tier 3 Bin 30 standard of 0.03 g/mile for both 10ppm and 80ppm sulfur fuels. The mean NMOG, CO and NOx emissions all increased for 80 ppm fuel tests, compared to the baseline emissions performed using 10 ppm fuel. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NMOG, NOx and CO emissions decreased relative to the 80 ppm fuel results, but remained slightly higher than the baseline results run with 10 ppm fuel. The variability of the data has a bearing on determining if the mean values before and after 80 ppm fuel exposure are statistically equivalent, and is discussed in Section 8. Vehicle API03 was equipped with a GDI engine. This vehicle produced the highest PM, soot and particle number emissions compared to other vehicles in the study. Nevertheless, PM emissions were below SULEV-II mass standards. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 6.3 mg/mile, below the 10 mg/mile emissions standard. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 71% for the reversibility sequence performed. Soot and particle number emissions were highest during the first hill in Phase 1 of the FTP75, but emissions were also evident during transient maneuvers even after the catalyst warm-up (Appendix 11.9). This vehicle’s PM, soot and PN emissions were all found to be sensitive to 80 ppm fuel. Mean soot and PN emissions increased by 11% and 17% respectively when using 80 ppm fuel, relative to the baseline results. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean soot and PN emissions were just below the baseline mean value indicating the sulfur effects on emissions were reversible. Page 27 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API03 0.025 NMOG grams/mile 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 NOx grams/mile 0.015 0.01 0.005 grams/mile 0 0.3 CO 0.2 0.1 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 28 27.5 27 26.5 mg/mile 26 4.5 Soot 4.0 3.5 3.0 Particle Number #/mile 7.0E+12 6.0E+12 5.0E+12 4.0E+12 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 13. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API03 Sonata Page 28 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.4 API04 2012 Ford Focus Emissions results for the 2012 Focus fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 14. There are two complete reversibility test sequences shown on each chart. The left set designated as the “Initial Sequence” is discussed first. Initial Sequence NMOG and CO emissions were found to be sensitive to the 80 ppm fuel. When run on 80 ppm fuel, the vehicle produced mean NMOG and CO emissions that were 16% and 77% higher, respectively, compared to results using the 10 ppm baseline fuel. The coefficient of variation for NMOG and CO emissions were quite large compared to engine-out emissions, and compared to tailpipe emissions from other vehicles in the study (Section 7.8). This emissions variability was isolated to the catalyst performance, as it occurred despite the relatively constant engine-out emissions (Appendix 11.8), and comparable catalyst temperature profiles for the tests run (Appendix 11.7). The vehicle’s mean NMOG and CO emissions both showed good reversibility when the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, following the 80 ppm fuel exposure. For the Initial Sequence, mean NOx emissions did not change appreciably during or after the 80 ppm fuel exposure. This vehicle was equipped with a GDI engine. PM, soot and PN emissions were higher than those measured from the SFI-equipped vehicles in the study as expected. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 2.6 mg/mile, well below the 10 mg/mile PM emissions standard. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 62% for the reversibility sequence performed. Soot and particle number emissions peaked in Phase 1 of the FTP75, but emission peaks were also evident during accelerations even after the catalyst warm-up (Appendix 11.9). The mean values for soot and PN emissions increased during testing with 80 ppm sulfur fuel, and remained at that elevated level following the switchback to 10 ppm fuel. After deeper examination of the data, this behavior was not believed to be a fuel sulfur effect but rather was due to poor repeatability in this vehicle’s soot and PN emissions (Section 8.2). Repeat Sequence The entire reversibility test sequence was repeated for vehicle API04, in order to further investigate the sensitivity and reversibility of soot and PN emissions to fuel sulfur. The dataset located at right in Figure 14 is designated the “Repeat Sequence” and further discussed here. Upon retest, very different observations were made regarding the sensitivity of vehicle soot and PN emissions to fuel sulfur. In the retest, there was no statistical difference in the means at the baseline, 80 ppm fuel exposure, and 10 ppm fuel recovery segments of the test sequence. The variation of the soot and PN data is further discussed in Section 8.2. NMOG emissions were just over the SULEV-II standards for two of the emissions tests, whereas NOx and CO emissions were well within the standards. Combined NMOG+NOx emissions were under the proposed Tier 3 Bin 30 standard of 0.03 g/mile for both 10ppm and 80ppm sulfur fuels. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NMOG, NOx and CO emissions were just below the baseline mean values indicating the sulfur effects on emissions were reversible. Regarding the statistical analysis of gaseous emissions, the conclusions drawn from the Initial Sequence and Repeat Sequence were identical (Section 8.2). Page 29 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API04 0.015 NMOG grams/mile Initial Sequence 0.01 grams/mile 0.005 0.015 NOx 0.01 0.005 0 CO grams/mile 0.3 0.2 0.1 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 33.5 33 32.5 32 mg/mile 31.5 1.5 Soot 1 0.5 0 4.0E+12 #/mile Repeat Sequence Particle Number 3.0E+12 2.0E+12 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 14. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API04 Focus Page 30 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.5 API05 2012 Audi A3 Emissions results for the 2012 Audi A3 fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 15. NMOG emission results were near or just above the SULEV-II emissions standard of 0.01 g/mile for the vehicle equipped with the aged catalyst, using both 10 ppm and 80 ppm sulfur fuels. NOx emissions from a single test (the third test run on 80 ppm fuel) were over the emissions standard of 0.02 g/mile. All other NOx and CO emissions results were within the SULEV-II standards. This vehicle was equipped with a turbocharged GDI engine. NMOG, CO, Soot and PN emissions were not sensitive to the change to 80 ppm sulfur fuel, so reversibility of vehicle emissions was not relevant for those species. NOx emissions increased significantly for a single test run on 80 ppm fuel. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NOx emissions were the same as the baseline mean values indicating the sulfur effects on NOx emissions were reversible. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 2.8 mg/mile, well below the 10 mg/mile emissions standard. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 59% for the reversibility sequence performed. Page 31 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API05 grams/mile 0.015 NMOG 0.01 grams/mile 0.005 0.04 NOx 0.03 0.02 0.01 grams/mile 0 0.8 CO 0.6 0.4 0.2 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 28 27.5 27 26.5 mg/mile 26 1.5 Soot 1 0.5 #/mile 5.0E+12 0 Particle Number 4.0E+12 3.0E+12 2.0E+12 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 15. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API05 A3 Page 32 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.6 API06 2012 Toyota Camry Emissions results for the 2012 Camry fitted with aged catalysts and sensors are shown in Figure 12. NMOG, NOx and CO emissions were far under the Federal Tier 2 Bin 5 standards that apply to this vehicle, for all fuels tested. The Camry emissions test results were more repeatable than other vehicles in the study. NMOG, NOx and CO emissions test results peaked for the first emissions test performed following 300 miles of conditioning on the chassis dynamometer using 80 ppm fuel. The US06 cycle run between emissions tests appeared to effectively reduce the sulfur effects on gaseous emissions for subsequent tests using 80 ppm fuel. The emissions from this vehicle therefore appeared to have some sensitivity to the 80ppm fuel, but it is postulated that the effects may not be as apparent for aggressive driving applications. Following the change back to 10 ppm sulfur fuel, mean NMOG, NOx and CO emissions were at or just below the baseline mean value indicating the sulfur effects on emissions were reversible. The highest PM measurement for the vehicle was 0.6 mg/mile, far below the 10 mg/mile emissions standard. The soot fraction of total PM was estimated to be 33% for the reversibility sequence performed. This SFI-equipped vehicle has the lowest PM, soot and PN emissions of all vehicles in the study. The change to mean soot and PN emissions was negligible during and after 80 ppm sulfur fuel exposure. Page 33 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API06 NMOG grams/mile 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 NOx grams/mile 0.03 0.02 0.01 grams/mile 0 0.8 CO 0.6 0.4 0.2 Miles per Gallon 0 Fuel Economy 27.5 27 26.5 26 25.5 Soot mg/mile 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Particle Number #/mile 1.5E+12 1.0E+12 5.0E+11 0.0E+00 Test Sequence 10ppm Baseline 80ppm 10ppm Reversibility Average Figure 16. Sulfur Reversibility Test Results, API06 Camry Page 34 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.7 Comparison of Vehicle Exhaust Temperatures and Emissions A key aspect of the study was to ensure a proper sulfur purge occurred to condition the catalysts at the start of the reversibility test sequence. The EPEFE cycle [Ref. 7] was used to accomplish the catalyst sulfur purge. The EPEFE cycle included a series of ten wide open throttle accelerations to increase catalyst operating temperature. During WOT acceleration, most vehicles use open loop fueling control to command rich combustion for catalyst thermal protection. A segment of the EPEFE cycle shown in Figure 17 illustrates the fuel enrichment, exhaust gas temperature and catalyst front bed temperature during the WOT event. Figure 17. Segment of the EPEFE Cycle Used for Catalyst Sulfur Purge Typical peak operating temperatures for the WOT event are compared for the vehicles in Table 9. The exhaust gas temperature exceeded the criteria of 700°C for all vehicles without resorting to artificial means such as increasing the dyno roll load. The temperatures for vehicle API01 were substantially hotter than the other vehicles. For vehicle API06, the close coupled catalyst temperatures in the following tables correspond to the left bank of the V6 engine. Table 9. Typical Exhaust Gas and Catalyst Bed Temperatures for EPEFE Cycle WOT Events Typical WOT Conditions CC Catalyst Inlet Temp (°C) CC Catalyst Front Bed Temp (°C) UB Catalyst Front Bed Temp (°C) Lambda API01 854 888 771 0.76 API02 788 838 -0.87 API03 782 843 766 0.77 API04 788 838 777 0.83 API05 754 810 760 0.82 API06 777 849 721 0.88 Criteria >700 < 1.0 The reversibility test sequence used in this study included alternating US06 and FTP75 cycles, to encompass both higher speed and lower speed vehicle operation (Section 3). The US06 cycle has higher exhaust temperatures than the FTP75, and therefore may play a role in reversing the catalyst sulfur poisoning effect depending on the vehicle technology. A comparison of US06 and FTP75 median and Page 35 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY peak catalyst temperatures is provided in Table 10. This table illustrates a balance in vehicle operation over the reversibility test sequence. For about 75% of the time the vehicle was operated on the longer duration FTP75 cycle with speed averaging 21.2 mph. For the remaining 25% of time, the vehicle was operated over the US06 cycle averaging 48.4 mph, and the median CCC front bed temperature increased by about 140 to 180°C relative to the FTP75 depending on the vehicle technology. Table 10. Median and Peak Catalyst Temperatures for the US06 and FTP75 Cycles, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel US06 Cycle, Median and Peak Temperatures (US06 Duration=596 seconds, Average Speed=48.4 mph) Engine Out Temperature (°C) Vehicle API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Model Malibu Civic Sonata Focus A3 Camry Close Coupled Catalyst Underbody Catalyst Front Bed Temperature (°C) Front Bed Temperature (°C) Median Peak Median Peak Median Peak Test ID Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 2110425 724 846 809 944 695 795 2109139 603 757 735 859 --2110626 695 839 804 932 697 806 2110386 650 903 804 906 716 809 2110205 598 714 700 791 649 743 2110109 603 699 721 847 556 633 FTP75 Cycle, Median and Peak Temperatures (FTP75 Duration=1877 seconds, Average Speed=21.2 mph) Engine Out Temperature (°C) Vehicle API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Model Malibu Civic Sonata Focus A3 Camry Close Coupled Catalyst Underbody Catalyst Front Bed Temperature (°C) Front Bed Temperature (°C) Median Peak Median Peak Median Peak Test ID Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature 2110445 569 713 654 845 506 610 2109547 456 632 565 744 --2110637 556 702 651 834 513 627 2110397 469 601 621 752 492 610 2110229 463 558 552 711 496 570 2109627 457 587 579 726 378 456 A comparison of catalyst warm-up temperatures and catalyst light off is shown for the first phase of the FTP75 test in Figure 18. Vehicle API03 had the fastest warm-up of engine-out exhaust gas. The manufacturer claims to use a late fuel injection strategy to promote fast catalyst light off and this does appear to be the case as tailpipe NOx emissions were very low for this vehicle in comparison to other vehicles (Figure 18, bottom). Vehicle API01 had the fastest warm-up of the catalyst front bed temperature. This vehicle was equipped with secondary air injection and employed rich operation at startup to promote fast catalyst light-off [Ref. 5]. Catalyst warm-up and tailpipe NOx emissions are shown for individual vehicles in Appendix 11.7. Representative data is shown for a baseline test on 10 ppm fuel, for an 80 ppm fuel test, and for a reversibility test returning to 10 ppm fuel. The catalyst temperatures were very repeatable for FTP75 tests regardless of fuel, suggesting that the differences in NOx emissions were not due to differences in substrate warm-up during testing. Page 36 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 1000 Temperature (°C) 800 Engine Out Temp 600 400 200 API01 API02 API03 API05 API06 Bank 1 API06 Bank 2 API04 0 1000 CC Catalyst Bed Temp Temperature (°C) 800 600 400 200 API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Bank 1 API06 Bank 2 0 1000 Temperature (°C) UB Catalyst Bed Temp 800 600 API01 API03 API05 API06 API04 400 200 0 800 Tailpipe NOx Concentration Tailpipe NOx (ppm) 700 600 500 400 300 200 API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 100 0 0 20 40 60 Test Time (sec) 80 100 120 Figure 18. Catalyst Warm-Up and NOx Light Off Comparison, 10ppm Sulfur Fuel Page 37 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Soot emissions are compared for the six vehicles tested using 10 ppm and 80ppm fuels in Figure 19. The soot concentrations were from measurements taken in the CVS dilution tunnel, with the same CVS flow used for all tests. Therefore, soot concentrations also represents continuous soot mass emissions, but are not to be compared with raw stream concentrations. All of the GDI-equipped vehicles emitted soot during the start-up and before the vehicle was shifted into drive (between 0 and 20 seconds). All vehicles produced measurable soot during the first acceleration. Vehicle API03 produced by far the highest soot emissions. Soot emissions decreased substantially upon vehicle warm-up. Only vehicle API03 was conclusively found to have higher mean soot and particle number emissions on 80 ppm fuel compared to 10 ppm fuel. Vehicles equipped with GDI engines had about five to seven times higher soot mass and particle number emissions on average compared to the SFI-equipped vehicles. A strong correlation existed between soot mass and PN emissions, as expected since both methods measured elemental carbon and excluded volatile organic and sulfate aerosols. Representative PN emissions and size distributions are reported for 10 ppm and 80 ppm fuels in Appendix 11.9. It is noted the same color contour scale was used for all color contour plots presented. Figure 19. Soot Emissions Comparison in CVS Diluted Exhaust Stream, 10 and 80 ppm Sulfur Fuels Page 38 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 7.8 Raw Emissions and Catalyst Efficiency Data Raw exhaust stream measurements were taken at the engine-out, between catalyst, and tailpipe locations. This data was used to quantify the conversion efficiencies of the close coupled and underbody catalysts (Appendix 11.8). The raw exhaust emissions and catalyst efficiency data are of secondary interest for this study, but some observations regarding catalyst system behavior and sources of emissions variability are discussed in this section. Conversion efficiency of hydrocarbon emissions was greater than 98% across the close coupled catalyst for all vehicles in the study. For all vehicles except API05, all of the hydrocarbon conversion occurred across the close coupled catalyst which is engineered for fast light-off, whereas comparatively little hydrocarbon conversion occurred across the underbody catalyst. Vehicle API05 was the only vehicle to have HC conversion across the underbody catalyst (Figure 20). The bars in the chart represent triplicate test results for the three segments of the reversibility test sequence: baseline tests using 10 ppm sulfur fuel, using 80 ppm fuel, and tests following the switch back to 10 ppm fuel. Figure 20. Conversion of Hydrocarbons Across Close Coupled and Underbody Catalysts, Vehicle API05 The performance of close coupled catalysts and underbody catalysts varied substantially for different vehicles, reflecting the diversity of the vehicle technology chosen for study. Vehicle API03 had very repeatable engine-out emissions for the reversibility sequence, using both 10 ppm and 80 ppm fuels. The performance of the close coupled catalyst was found to be affected by the 80 ppm fuel and had lower NOx conversion efficiency (Figure 21, upper right). The NOx concentration entering the underbody catalyst was therefore higher for the 80 ppm fuel tests. But in contrast, the underbody catalyst NOx conversion efficiency was better for the tests with 80 ppm sulfur fuel. Underbody catalyst conversion efficiency improved for tests with higher inlet NOx concentrations (Figure 21, lower). Vehicle API03 appeared to have interdependency between the exhaust feed gas concentration and conversion efficiency, noting that catalyst temperatures were about the same for the tests (Appendix Page 39 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.7). API04 exhibited similar behavior for some tests. These examples reinforce the importance of testing the complete vehicle system to evaluate sulfur reversibility effects, because misleading conclusions could be drawn from individual component results. Figure 21. NOx Conversion Across Close Coupled and Underbody Catalysts, Vehicle API03 Some of the vehicles had quite substantial variations in gaseous emissions from bag analysis, as noted in Sections 7.1 to 7.6. There are many possible contributors to these variations, but principle contributors may be driver variation, measurement error at low emissions levels, engine variation and catalyst performance variation. A quality plan was implemented to control test-related variations: for instance, all tests were performed in the same chassis dynamometer laboratory and the same driver was used for all except two of the tests. Moreover, all tests presented in this report met quality control criteria for driver violations. There was evidence the variations seen in the emissions data were due to the vehicle itself, since procedural controls and quality checks were used to minimize laboratory sources of variation. The raw emissions dataset was used to further explore the source of vehicle emissions variation. Mean values and standard deviations for engine-out, intermediate, and tailpipe emissions were tabulated for tests using 10 ppm sulfur fuel (7 total tests per vehicle). The coefficient of variation (COV=standard deviation/mean) were compared at these three locations in Table 11. The COVs for NOx, CO and HC were considerably smaller at the engine-out location for every vehicle in the study, relative to postcatalyst locations. This finding indicated the engine-out emissions were more repeatable (also shown in Appendix 11.8), suggesting the vehicle was being driven consistently on the dyno from test-to-test. Exhaust and catalyst temperatures, which are known to effect catalyst performance, were also very repeatable from test-to-test (Appendix 11.7). COVs were 3 to 17 times higher at the tailpipe location Page 40 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY compared to engine-out, indicating the catalyst system was a large source of variability in the emissions data. Apparently, small variations in catalyst input parameters produced a large variation in tailpipe emissions results. The tailpipe emissions COVs for vehicles API01 and API03 were large in comparison to vehicles API05 and API06, suggesting the variability was a function of vehicle technology and was not dominated by measurement error. Table 11. Coefficient of Variation for Raw Exhaust Emissions, FTP75, 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel Vehicle ID NOx Emissions API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 CO Emissions API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 HC Emissions API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 7.9 Mean 3.38 2.73 2.55 2.38 2.58 2.89 Mean 10.83 6.11 11.79 11.19 10.85 11.91 Mean 1.19 1.51 1.74 2.03 1.71 1.94 Engine-Out Stdev 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.04 Stdev 0.31 0.08 0.24 0.38 0.24 0.18 Stdev 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.04 COV 0.040 0.033 0.024 0.033 0.010 0.014 COV 0.028 0.013 0.020 0.034 0.022 0.015 COV 0.027 0.023 0.033 0.041 0.023 0.021 Mean 0.055 -0.016 0.022 0.087 0.026 Mean 0.871 -0.695 0.357 3.054 0.426 Mean 0.010 -0.010 0.010 0.017 0.019 Intermediate Stdev 0.006 -0.004 0.005 0.019 0.003 Stdev 0.236 -0.054 0.032 0.239 0.050 Stdev 0.002 -0.003 0.002 0.020 0.001 COV 0.112 -0.264 0.248 0.217 0.119 COV 0.271 -0.078 0.089 0.078 0.117 COV 0.221 -0.298 0.225 0.018 0.079 Mean 0.0071 0.0074 0.0059 0.0065 0.0139 0.0213 Mean 0.3974 0.1255 0.1589 0.1137 0.4076 0.2838 Mean 0.0119 0.0190 0.0150 0.0104 0.0151 0.0267 Tailpipe Stdev 0.0025 0.0011 0.0007 0.0009 0.0019 0.0023 Stdev 0.1953 0.0248 0.0320 0.0179 0.0336 0.0305 Stdev 0.0011 0.0032 0.0043 0.0014 0.0014 0.0016 COV 0.353 0.143 0.121 0.138 0.140 0.110 COV 0.491 0.198 0.201 0.157 0.082 0.107 COV 0.095 0.169 0.287 0.137 0.095 0.059 Comparison of API01 Malibu NOx Results with the Umicore Study The 2009 Malibu SULEV-II PZEV was chosen for study in order to compare data with published results from Umicore [Ref. 5]. The Umicore study reported NOx emissions results for the underbody catalyst only. The studies used the same specification vehicle, both equipped with dynamometer-aged aftertreatment systems. A comparison of catalyst aging and test fuels is shown in Table 12. The Umicore study used 33 and 3 ppm sulfur fuels, whereas the present study used 80 ppm and 10 ppm sulfur fuels to explore sulfur reversibility. Raw emissions measurements were made to determine catalyst conversion efficiency. Page 41 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 12. 2009 Malibu SULEV-II PZEV Fuel Sulfur Studies – Catalyst Aging and Test Fuels Umicore Study API Sulfur Effects Reversibility Study Close Coupled Catalyst Aging Catalyst aged on dyno to 150,000 mile equivalent 4-mode aging cycle for 150 hours Peak bed temperature = 1030°C Catalyst aged on dyno to 120,000 to 150,000 mile equivalent 4-mode aging cycle for 150 hours Peak bed temperature = 1015°C Underbody Catalyst Aging CC and UB catalysts aged for different durations 4-mode aging cycle for 100 hours Peak bed temperature = 980°C CC and UB catalyst aged in same set-up 4-mode aging cycle for 150 hours Peak bed temperature = 850°C Aging Fuel Not specified Alcohol-free gasoline with 91 antiknock index Fuel sulfur content = 18.5 to 43 ppm CARB Phase II Certification Gasoline Emissions Test Fuel 11% vol MTBE nominal High Sulfur Fuel sulfur content = 33 ppm California LEV III Certification Gasoline 10% vol ethanol nominal Fuel sulfur content = 80 ppm (by doping base fuel) EEE-Lube Certification Gasoline Emissions Test Fuel Alcohol free Low Sulfur Fuel sulfur content = 3 ppm California LEV III Certification Gasoline 10% vol Ethanol nominal Fuel sulfur content = 10 ppm There were some differences in the test protocol that may be identified through the review of Section 3 and [Ref. 5]. In both studies, triplicate FTP75 emissions tests were performed using a “high sulfur” fuel, and then triplicate tests were repeated following switchover to a “low sulfur” fuel. The NOx results from the studies are compared in Figure 22, with Umicore results on top and results from the present study on bottom. Figure 22. 2009 Malibu NOx Emissions – Comparison between Umicore and API Fuel Sulfur Studies The NOx emissions upstream of the underbody catalyst ranged from 25 to 48 mg/mile for the Umicore tests, and 46 to 63 mg/mile for the present study. The close coupled and underbody catalyst temperatures were comparable between the labs for the FTP75 emissions test and also for the US06 prep cycle that was run between emissions tests (Figures 8,9). The US06 cycle was not run between emissions tests when the 3 ppm fuel was run at Umicore (Figure 22b). Page 42 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY The Umicore results show lower catalyst conversion efficiency and higher tailpipe NOx emissions for both 33 ppm and 3 ppm sulfur fuels, compared to 10 ppm fuel results from the present study. Baseline NOx emissions (Figure 22c), and stabilized results from tests run after the 80 ppm fuel exposure (Figure 22d) were below the stabilized NOx emissions measured at Umicore using 3 ppm fuel (Figure 22b). Tests were run to investigate the sensitivity of the underbody catalyst to fuel sulfur ranging from 10 to 30 ppm. Stabilized emissions results, run in a randomized order, are shown in Figure 23. The comparison of NOx using 30 ppm fuel (Figure 23) to the stabilized NOx results using 33 ppm fuel from Umicore (Figure 22a Test 3) is favorable. Figure 23. Sensitivity of API01 Underbody Catalyst NOx Conversion to Fuel Sulfur The lowest underbody catalyst conversion efficiency was 73% from the present study, and occurred for the first test run using 80 ppm fuel (Appendix 11.8). By contrast, NOx conversion efficiency ranged from 42 to 56% for four of the six Umicore tests run using 33 and 3 ppm sulfur fuels (Figure 22). The “unstabilized” NOx emissions of 26 mg/mile (Figure 22a, Test 1) were considerably higher than NOx emissions measured using 80 ppm fuel in the present study. The reason for these discrepancies may be related to procedural differences leading up to the emissions tests, fuel differences, or catalyst aging differences noted in Table 12. 7.10 Reversibility Data Tables The emissions and fuel economy data from the sulfur reversibility study are provided in Tables 13 to 16. The gaseous emissions were from bag analysis, and all results are weighted emissions over the FTP75 cycle. This dataset was used for the statistical analysis in Section 8.0. Page 43 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 13. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API01 and API02 WTD Bag CH4 GPM WTD Bag NMHC GPM WTD Bag NMOG GPM WTD Bag NOx GPM WTD Bag NMOG +NOx GPM WTD Bag CO GPM WTD Bag CO2 GPM WTD Bag ECON MPG WTD MSS Soot (mg/mi) WTD CPC Particle Number (#/mi) Test Number Odometer Driver Step Test Start Date Control Number Fuel WTD Bag THC GPM Test 0 1/28/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0138 0.0059 0.0082 0.0090 0.0067 0.0157 0.8893 346.84 24.67 0.595 1.26E+12 2109151 11601 JREED Test 1 1/29/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0106 0.0035 0.0072 0.0080 0.0104 0.0183 0.3036 344.03 24.93 0.324 8.53E+11 2109166 11621 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 1/30/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0116 0.0038 0.0080 0.0088 0.0084 0.0172 0.3399 343.98 24.93 0.333 1.02E+12 2109191 11640 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 1/31/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0109 0.0033 0.0078 0.0086 0.0064 0.0149 0.2390 347.86 24.67 0.263 8.79E+11 2109222 11659 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/4/2013 API01 CALEV3_80 0.0124 0.0047 0.0080 0.0088 0.0141 0.0229 0.5103 341.30 25.11 0.445 1.43E+12 2109276 12017 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/5/2013 API01 CALEV3_80 0.0120 0.0042 0.0080 0.0089 0.0153 0.0241 0.3088 344.43 24.90 0.391 1.18E+12 2109309 12036 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/6/2013 API01 CALEV3_80 0.0148 0.0047 0.0104 0.0114 0.0210 0.0324 0.4717 343.21 24.97 -- 1.12E+12 2109340 12046 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/12/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0115 0.0043 0.0073 0.0081 0.0135 0.0216 0.4598 344.96 24.85 0.405 1.20E+12 2109445 12133 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/13/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0105 0.0038 0.0069 0.0076 0.0081 0.0156 0.3275 348.87 24.59 0.519 1.23E+12 2109474 12152 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/14/2013 API01 CALEV3_10 0.0117 0.0042 0.0077 0.0085 0.0058 0.0142 0.4064 348.56 24.60 0.530 1.24E+12 2109509 12172 MWEDDINGTON Test 0 1/28/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0175 0.0030 0.0147 0.0161 0.0104 0.0265 0.1599 248.62 34.51 0.268 4.76E+11 2109134 6461 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 1/29/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0148 0.0034 0.0117 0.0129 0.0083 0.0212 0.1380 249.10 34.45 0.299 6.36E+11 2109162 6480 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 1/30/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0208 0.0033 0.0177 0.0195 0.0075 0.0270 0.1961 250.68 34.22 0.276 7.80E+11 2109187 6499 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 1/31/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0146 0.0030 0.0117 0.0129 0.0068 0.0197 0.1126 252.62 33.98 0.237 6.97E+11 2109229 6518 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/4/2013 API02 CALEV3_80 0.0212 0.0044 0.0170 0.0187 0.0095 0.0282 0.1929 248.44 34.53 0.372 5.87E+11 2109290 6870 JREED Test 2 2/5/2013 API02 CALEV3_80 0.0193 0.0044 0.0151 0.0166 0.0166 0.0332 0.2618 250.74 34.19 0.192 5.37E+11 2109312 6889 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/6/2013 API02 CALEV3_80 0.0186 0.0042 0.0146 0.0160 0.0121 0.0281 0.2488 248.54 34.50 0.300 7.75E+11 2109346 6908 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/12/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0117 0.0024 0.0098 0.0108 0.0075 0.0183 0.1285 252.57 33.98 0.251 6.66E+11 2109443 6965 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/13/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0134 0.0024 0.0112 0.0123 0.0099 0.0222 0.1432 249.15 34.44 0.280 6.68E+11 2109470 6984 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/18/2013 API02 CALEV3_10 0.0166 0.0034 0.0137 0.0150 0.0058 0.0209 0.1149 254.24 33.76 0.191 5.91E+11 2109547 7022 MWEDDINGTON Page 44 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 14. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API03 WTD Bag CH4 GPM WTD Bag NMHC GPM WTD Bag NMOG GPM WTD Bag NOx GPM WTD Bag NMOG +NOx GPM WTD Bag CO GPM WTD Bag CO2 GPM WTD Bag ECON MPG WTD MSS Soot (mg/mi) WTD CPC Particle Number (#/mi) Test Number Odometer Driver Step Test Start Date Control Number Fuel WTD Bag THC GPM Test 0 2/5/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0129 0.0024 0.0106 0.0117 0.0052 0.0169 0.2019 311.30 27.56 3.725 5.74E+12 2109305 7639 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/6/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0135 0.0023 0.0114 0.0126 0.0053 0.0179 0.2046 317.07 27.06 3.613 5.57E+12 2109350 7658 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/7/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0090 0.0015 0.0075 0.0083 0.0052 0.0135 0.1537 316.07 27.16 3.471 5.64E+12 2109383 7677 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/8/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0096 0.0027 0.0072 0.0079 0.0048 0.0127 0.1867 311.18 27.58 3.798 5.76E+12 2109397 7695 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/13/2013 API03 CALEV3_80 0.0120 0.0025 0.0096 0.0106 0.0074 0.0180 0.2143 314.69 27.27 4.051 6.60E+12 2109479 8059 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/14/2013 API03 CALEV3_80 0.0154 0.0032 0.0124 0.0136 0.0095 0.0232 0.2705 313.31 27.38 4.066 6.57E+12 2109500 8078 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/15/2013 API03 CALEV3_80 0.0208 0.0027 0.0183 0.0201 0.0097 0.0298 0.2083 318.04 26.97 4.086 6.73E+12 2109528 8097 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/19/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0180 0.0044 0.0146 0.0161 0.0066 0.0227 0.2654 323.05 26.55 3.602 5.76E+12 2109560 8131 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/20/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0103 0.0019 0.0086 0.0094 0.0065 0.0160 0.1468 318.53 26.95 -- -- 2109578 8150 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/21/2013 API03 CALEV3_10 0.0145 0.0024 0.0122 0.0135 0.0056 0.0191 0.1925 324.37 26.46 3.385 5.59E+12 2109601 8169 MWEDDINGTON Page 45 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 15. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API04 Step Test Start Date Control Number Fuel WTD Bag THC GPM WTD Bag CH4 GPM WTD Bag NMHC GPM WTD Bag NMOG GPM WTD Bag NOx GPM WTD Bag NMOG +NOx GPM WTD Bag CO GPM WTD Bag CO2 GPM WTD Bag ECON MPG WTD MSS Soot (mg/mi) WTD CPC Particle Number (#/mi) Test Number Odometer Driver API04 Initial Sequence Test 0 2/5/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0105 0.0048 0.0065 0.0072 0.0054 0.0126 0.1430 260.24 32.98 0.796 2.58E+12 2109301 5920 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/6/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0128 0.0033 0.0097 0.0107 0.0038 0.0144 0.1822 261.68 32.79 0.723 2.49E+12 2109347 5939 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/7/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0089 0.0032 0.0062 0.0068 0.0057 0.0125 0.1462 263.43 32.58 0.743 2.51E+12 2109378 5959 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/8/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0108 0.0028 0.0082 0.0091 0.0042 0.0133 0.2359 261.46 32.81 0.831 2.61E+12 2109396 5978 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/13/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0116 0.0042 0.0076 0.0084 0.0051 0.0135 0.2770 269.64 31.80 1.200 3.46E+12 2109481 6349 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/14/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0143 0.0041 0.0104 0.0114 0.0060 0.0175 0.3353 267.44 32.05 1.112 3.28E+12 2109504 6368 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/15/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0120 0.0036 0.0086 0.0095 0.0059 0.0154 0.3288 266.71 32.14 1.062 2.49E+12 2109527 6388 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/21/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0107 0.0022 0.0087 0.0095 0.0059 0.0154 0.1699 269.07 31.89 -- 3.30E+12 2109594 6461 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/22/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0091 0.0027 0.0067 0.0073 0.0056 0.0129 0.1450 266.82 32.17 1.010 3.09E+12 2109617 6480 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/23/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0079 0.0024 0.0056 0.0062 0.0045 0.0107 0.1608 267.77 32.05 1.053 3.14E+12 2109628 6498 MWEDDINGTON API04 Repeat Sequence Test 0 5/8/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0107 0.0017 0.0091 0.0100 0.0057 0.0157 0.1453 257.81 33.29 0.690 2.29E+12 2110584 7168 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 5/9/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0092 0.0019 0.0074 0.0082 0.0076 0.0158 0.1192 261.53 32.82 0.783 2.46E+12 2110603 7187 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 5/13/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0084 0.0026 0.0059 0.0065 0.0059 0.0124 0.1228 264.28 32.48 0.887 2.85E+12 2110638 7245 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 5/14/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0083 0.0026 0.0059 0.0065 0.0068 0.0133 0.1583 265.36 32.34 0.959 2.84E+12 2110647 7265 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 5/16/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0146 0.0045 0.0103 0.0113 0.0075 0.0189 0.2105 261.32 32.83 0.783 2.84E+12 2110675 7615 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 5/17/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0100 0.0040 0.0062 0.0068 0.0080 0.0148 0.2937 265.49 32.30 0.913 2.74E+12 2110681 7634 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 5/18/2013 API04 CALEV3_80 0.0096 0.0033 0.0065 0.0071 0.0121 0.0192 0.1932 259.57 33.05 0.877 2.80E+12 2110686 7653 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 5/21/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0079 0.0021 0.0059 0.0065 0.0081 0.0147 0.1065 263.14 32.62 0.834 2.85E+12 2110696 7688 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 5/22/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0090 0.0029 0.0062 0.0069 0.0060 0.0128 0.1585 264.78 32.41 0.952 3.03E+12 2110706 7707 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 5/23/2013 API04 CALEV3_10 0.0072 0.0023 0.0050 0.0055 0.0055 0.0110 0.1359 262.81 32.66 0.802 2.64E+12 2110714 7727 MWEDDINGTON Page 46 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 16. Fuel Sulfur Reversibility Study Dataset for Analysis, API05 and API06 WTD Bag CH4 GPM WTD Bag NMHC GPM WTD Bag NMOG GPM WTD Bag NOx GPM WTD Bag NMOG +NOx GPM WTD Bag CO GPM WTD Bag CO2 GPM WTD Bag ECON MPG WTD MSS Soot (mg/mi) WTD CPC Particle Number (#/mi) Test Number Odometer Driver Step Test Start Date Control Number Fuel WTD Bag THC GPM Test 0 3/21/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0151 0.0051 0.0102 0.0113 0.0126 0.0239 0.4261 312.62 27.21 1.137 3.73E+12 2110059 9803 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 3/26/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0185 0.0076 0.0113 0.0125 0.0178 0.0303 0.4636 311.75 27.28 1.404 4.46E+12 2110094 9864 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 3/27/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0150 0.0069 0.0085 0.0093 0.0137 0.0230 0.4684 313.03 27.17 1.277 4.34E+12 2110113 9885 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 3/28/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0146 0.0064 0.0086 0.0094 0.0115 0.0209 0.5052 314.29 27.05 1.009 4.11E+12 2110135 9903 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 4/1/2013 API05 PRLEV3_80 0.0160 0.0067 0.0096 0.0106 0.0158 0.0265 0.5282 310.53 27.37 1.306 4.24E+12 2110152 10251 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 4/2/2013 API05 PRLEV3_80 0.0172 0.0080 0.0097 0.0106 0.0166 0.0272 0.5556 307.45 27.64 1.057 3.56E+12 2110167 10271 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 4/3/2013 API05 PRLEV3_80 0.0151 0.0069 0.0085 0.0094 0.0393 0.0487 0.4402 312.44 27.22 0.920 3.32E+12 2110181 10290 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 4/4/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0155 0.0055 0.0103 0.0113 0.0147 0.0260 0.4753 313.30 27.14 0.785 2.98E+12 2110203 10324 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 4/5/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0173 0.0073 0.0104 0.0115 0.0169 0.0283 0.4556 310.19 27.41 0.807 3.02E+12 2110219 10343 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 4/6/2013 API05 PRLEV3_10 0.0144 0.0066 0.0082 0.0091 0.0102 0.0192 0.5537 306.94 27.69 0.774 2.80E+12 2110229 10363 MWEDDINGTON Test 0 2/12/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0200 0.0036 0.0169 0.0186 0.0204 0.0390 0.3224 327.92 26.15 0.142 3.19E+11 2109448 5505 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/13/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0198 0.0043 0.0161 0.0177 0.0279 0.0456 0.2907 326.22 26.29 0.120 2.55E+11 2109476 5524 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/14/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0182 0.0043 0.0141 0.0155 0.0243 0.0398 0.3006 322.71 26.58 0.153 3.46E+11 2109497 5543 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/15/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0184 0.0052 0.0142 0.0156 0.0205 0.0361 0.3297 324.11 26.46 0.071 2.47E+11 2109524 5562 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/18/2013 API06 CALEV3_80 0.0416 0.0087 0.0346 0.0381 0.0284 0.0665 0.6708 319.02 26.83 0.265 2.80E+11 2109543 5908 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/19/2013 API06 CALEV3_80 0.0226 0.0058 0.0173 0.0191 0.0227 0.0418 0.3310 327.05 26.22 0.079 2.33E+11 2109556 5927 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/20/2013 API06 CALEV3_80 0.0212 0.0053 0.0167 0.0184 0.0248 0.0432 0.3342 327.20 26.21 0.157 3.04E+11 2109574 5946 MWEDDINGTON Test 1 2/21/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0179 0.0048 0.0143 0.0158 0.0231 0.0389 0.2261 326.56 26.27 0.129 3.30E+11 2109597 5980 MWEDDINGTON Test 2 2/22/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0186 0.0042 0.0149 0.0164 0.0225 0.0389 0.2880 326.22 26.29 0.133 3.15E+11 2109614 5999 MWEDDINGTON Test 3 2/23/2013 API06 CALEV3_10 0.0184 0.0046 0.0150 0.0165 0.0238 0.0402 0.3165 325.02 26.39 0.107 2.52E+11 2109627 6018 MWEDDINGTON Page 47 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 8.0 Sulfur Reversibility Study Results - Statistical Analysis 8.1 Statistical Analysis Approach A statistical analysis was performed to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel were reversible, after the vehicle was refueled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. Independent variables included the vehicle model and state. The state is defined as tests performed either before or after the 80 ppm sulfur fuel exposure. The analysis approach allowed conclusions to be drawn for individual vehicles, and for the combined test fleet of six vehicles. Dependent variables (or responses) included NMOG, NOx, CO, soot and PN. Weighted certification-quality bag emissions were the measure of most importance, and used for the statistical analysis due to the implication of fuel sulfur content on proposed EPA Tier 3 regulatory requirements. There were nominally ten data points for each reversibility sequence run: four baseline tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, three tests using 80 ppm fuel, and three tests after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel (Section 3 and 7). Mean emissions were calculated for the baseline tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, ̅ . Mean emissions were also calculated for the reversibility tests run after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel, ̅ . Confidence intervals were estimated for the difference of the means, ̅ ̅ . If the confidence interval for the difference in mean emissions included zero, then mean emissions before and after exposure to the 80 ppm fuel were not statistically different and the hypothesis that the sulfur effects on emissions were irreversible would be rejected. The statistical analysis followed the approach used for a previous CRC sulfur effects reversibility study [Ref. 4]. This analysis approach has also been documented and applied for small sample sizes in the medical field [Ref. 18]. The equations from the latter reference were used to independently confirm the correct application of the analysis method to the present study. To assess the validity of common statistics assumptions, the data was checked for normality using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. There was no basis to reject normality for HC, CH4 and CO emissions. However, normality was rejected for NOx, soot and PN emissions (p-value≤0.05, Figure 24). When the sample size is small as in this study, the mean and standard deviations may be skewed by extreme data values present in non-normal distributions. Consistent with previously published vehicle exhaust emissions studies, natural log transformed emissions more closely adhered to normality assumptions and were used for the statistical analysis. Natural log transformations were performed for all dependent variables (or responses) of interest, including NMOG, NOx, CO, soot and PN. For the following equations, the symbol and subscript designates natural log transformed values, and the symbol and subscript represents values in the raw system of measure. In this context, the values of correspond to bag emissions expressed in measured units and are not to be confused with raw exhaust stream measurements. The index corresponds to the baseline emissions data, and corresponds to the reversibility emissions data using 10 ppm fuel, taken after the exposure to 80 ppm fuel. Subsequently, the index is referred to as the state. Page 48 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 24. Data Distributions for NOx and Soot Emissions From the measured emissions data designated Eq. 1 Using this natural log transformed data, the transformed mean ̅ and transformed standard deviation were calculated for each vehicle. In the raw system, the mean and standard deviation were determined as Eq. 2 ( ) ( ) Eq. 3 √( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) The difference in the means between the two states was Eq. 4 The standard error used for confidence interval calculation around was Eq. 5 ( ) √ ( ) ( ) where from Taylor series approximation and the number of samples for the state, , Page 49 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Eq. 6 ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) The 95% confidence intervals were then calculated for each vehicle using the Student-t distribution. Degrees of freedom were estimated using the Satterthwaite formula. Eq. 7 ( ) The data for all six vehicles were pooled together in order to make conclusions about reversibility for the test fleet. The approach for pooling the data was also taken from [Ref. 18]. The pooled standard deviation in the log transformed system was calculated by Eq. 8 ( √ ) ( ) ( ) where the index represented the number of groups being pooled, or for the number of vehicles times two states being pooled. The pooled mean for each state, ̅ , was calculated by averaging ̅ from the six vehicles. The standard error used for pooled calculations was Eq. 9 ( ) √ ( ) ( ( ̅ ) ( ̅ ) ( ( ̅ ( ) ( ̅ ) )) ) The pooled values for ̅ , , and ( ) were then inputs for equations 2, 3, 4 and 7 to determine the difference of means and confidence intervals for the fleet of vehicles tested. Confidence intervals pertaining to the fleet difference of means were much narrower due to the better estimates of pooled standard errors, and because of the greatly increased degrees of freedom for the t statistics. One key difference between the present study and the CRC reversibility study [Ref. 4] was the number of tests used for comparing reversibility. In the CRC study, eight tests were run before and six tests were run after the high sulfur fuel exposure. In contrast, four tests were run before and three tests were run after the 80 ppm fuel exposure in the present study. Therefore, the criteria for reversibility may be considered more stringent for the present study because only half the time was allowed for emissions stabilization. Page 50 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 8.2 Statistical Analysis Results and Discussion The reversibility of the sulfur effects was evaluated by comparing emissions before and after the exposure to 80 ppm fuel. Tests before and after the exposure were run using 10 ppm sulfur fuel. The mean emissions after the exposure were subtracted from the mean baseline emissions before the exposure and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the difference of the means per Section 8.1. The difference in the means is shown in Figure 25. A negative mean difference result indicated the mean emissions were higher after the 80 ppm fuel exposure. If the confidence interval included zero, then mean emissions before and after exposure to the 80 ppm fuel were not statistically different and the hypothesis that the sulfur effects on emissions were irreversible would be rejected. If the hypothesis was rejected, the emissions were considered to be reversible. NMOG, NOx, and CO were reversible for all vehicles in the study following the 80 ppm fuel exposure. Some of the confidence intervals were quite large for individual vehicle, reflecting the variation in emissions from Figures 11-16. Confidence intervals for fleet means were much narrower due to the better estimates of pooled standard errors, and because of the greatly increased degrees of freedom for the t statistics. Soot and PN emissions were reversible for the fleet, and also for five of the six vehicles. Soot and PN emissions were not reversible for the initial sequence tests for vehicle API04, as the mean was negative and the confidence interval did not include zero (Figure 25). The data from Figure 14 illustrate higher soot and PN emissions following the 80 ppm fuel exposure (Figure 14 “Initial Sequence”). The soot and PN emissions results were further explored for vehicle API04. The soot and particle number measurements are completely independent of each other (Section 6.2). Soot and PN results for all FTP75 emissions tests performed for vehicle API04 are shown on Figure 26. A strong linear correlation existed between soot mass and PN emissions, as expected since both instruments measured elemental carbon and excluded volatile organic and sulfate aerosols. The strong soot and PN correlation (R2≥0.9) confirmed there were no measurement anomalies. The soot emissions varied widely for this GDI-equipped vehicle, ranging from 0.69 to 1.69 mg/mile over the FTP75 for 10 ppm sulfur fuel. This large range in soot emissions eclipsed the soot emissions for tests run using 80 ppm fuel, which ranged from 0.78 to 1.2 mg/mile. The test-to-test variability of the soot and PN emissions from vehicle API04 by far eclipsed the fuel sulfur effect, and indicated that the irreversibility of soot and PN emissions due to fuel sulfur (as shown in Figure 25) was a false conclusion. Putting this finding into perspective, the total PM for API04 is about 1.5/0.62 soot fraction = 2.4 mg/mile compared to a 10 mg/mile Tier 2 (and SULEV-II) standard. This finding is foreshadowing the difficulty of certifying a GDI-equipped vehicle to an EPA Tier 3/ California LEVIII PN standard of 1 to 3 mg/mile. In order to further determine if the irreversibility of soot and PN emissions for vehicle API04 was caused by fuel sulfur, the reversibility test sequence was repeated. This dataset is referred to as the “Repeat Sequence” throughout the report. The Repeat Sequence test results for Soot and PN were substantially different than the Initial Sequence results (Figure 14), again suggesting the test-to-test variability is high for vehicle API04. The data from the Repeat Sequence was used for all subsequent statistical analysis presented in this section. The difference in mean emissions and confidence intervals are provided in Figure 27. Using the Repeat Sequence results, the hypothesis that soot and PN emissions were irreversible for vehicle API04 was rejected. Page 51 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 25. Difference in Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals for 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel Before – After High Sulfur Fuel Exposure, API04 Initial Sequence Data Page 52 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 26. Soot and PN Correlation for Vehicle API04, 10 ppm and 80 ppm Fuels For individual vehicles and the vehicle fleet, NMOG, NOx, CO, Soot and PN emissions were found to be reversible following exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel (Figure 27). Note that some of the vehicle mean difference values were positive and negative, indicating that both small emissions increases and decreases were measured after the exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. Vehicle API05 showed a soot and PN emissions decrease after 80 ppm fuel exposure and the confidence interval did not include zero indicating the difference was statistically significant. This result is likely due to the test-to-test variability in vehicle emissions and not a fuel sulfur effect, as was concluded for vehicle API04 above. The mean values, 95% confidence intervals, standard deviation and coefficient of variation are tabulated for each state, each vehicle and for the fleet of six vehicles in Table 17. Using the same methodology described in Section 8.1, vehicle emissions using the 80 ppm fuel were compared to the mean baseline emissions using 10 ppm sulfur fuel to quantify the sensitivity to sulfur. Fleet average gaseous emissions increased when the vehicles were conditioned and tested using the 80 ppm sulfur fuel relative to the baseline tests. Fleet NMOG emissions increased by 20% (0.002 g/mile change), NOx increased by 58% (0.006 g/mile change), and CO increased by 31% (0.078 g/mile change) for 80 ppm sulfur fuel, relative to the baseline emissions using 10 ppm fuel with greater than 95% confidence. Fleet soot and PN emissions were not statistically different for 80 ppm fuel, compared to 10 ppm fuel. Mean emissions increases for the 80 ppm fuel were conclusive for the fleet due to narrow confidence intervals resulting from pooled variances and greater degrees of freedom (Section 8.1). With a few exceptions, emissions increases for the 80 ppm fuel were not statistically conclusive for individual vehicles due to much wider confidence intervals. Four conclusions were reached with regards to individual vehicles with greater than 95% confidence: Vehicle API02 (Civic) CO emissions increased by 54% (0.083 g/mile change) when run on 80 ppm sulfur fuel compared to baseline emissions. Vehicle API03 (Sonata) NOx emissions increased by 74% (0.004 g/mile change) when run on 80 ppm sulfur fuel, compared to baseline emissions. Nevertheless, mean emissions of 0.009 g/mile remained well under the SULEV-II standard of 0.02 g/mile when fueled with 80 ppm fuel. Vehicle API03 (Sonata) soot emissions increased by 11% (0.41 mg/mile change) when run on 80 ppm sulfur fuel compared to baseline emissions. Vehicle API03 (Sonata) PN emissions increased by 17% (9.6x1011 #/mile change) when run on 80 ppm sulfur fuel compared to baseline emissions. Page 53 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Figure 27. Difference in Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals for 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel Before – After High Sulfur Fuel Exposure, API04 Repeat Sequence Data Page 54 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Table 17. Mean Emissions and 95% Confidence Intervals from Statistical Analysis Baseline Tests, 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel Mean NMOG (g/mile) API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Fleet (Pooled) NOx (g/mile) API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Fleet (Pooled) CO (g/mile) API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Fleet (Pooled) Soot (mg/mile) API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Fleet (Pooled) PN (#xE12/mile) API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Fleet (Pooled) High Sulfur Exposure, 80 ppm Sulfur Fuel 95% CI Stdev COV Mean Reversibility Tests, 10 ppm Sulfur Fuel 95% CI Stdev COV Mean 95% CI Stdev COV 0.0086 0.0154 0.0102 0.0078 0.0107 0.0169 0.0111 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0007 0.0049 0.0039 0.0027 0.0024 0.0024 0.0008 0.0005 0.0031 0.0024 0.0017 0.0015 0.0015 0.0019 0.054 0.200 0.239 0.213 0.143 0.091 0.170 0.0097 0.0171 0.0150 0.0085 0.0102 0.0258 0.0133 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0036 0.0034 0.0124 0.0061 0.0019 0.0274 0.0017 0.0014 0.0014 0.0050 0.0024 0.0008 0.0111 0.0034 0.148 0.080 0.333 0.286 0.074 0.429 0.258 0.0080 0.0128 0.0132 0.0063 0.0106 0.0162 0.0107 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0012 0.0054 0.0090 0.0019 0.0035 0.0009 0.0008 0.0005 0.0022 0.0036 0.0007 0.0014 0.0004 0.0016 0.058 0.169 0.276 0.118 0.133 0.023 0.152 0.0080 0.0083 0.0051 0.0065 0.0140 0.0233 0.0095 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0029 0.0024 0.0004 0.0013 0.0042 0.0056 0.0007 0.0018 0.0015 0.0002 0.0008 0.0026 0.0035 0.0016 0.228 0.185 0.046 0.129 0.189 0.151 0.165 0.0169 0.0129 0.0089 0.0093 0.0248 0.0254 0.0150 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0090 0.0091 0.0033 0.0061 0.0336 0.0071 0.0022 0.0036 0.0037 0.0013 0.0025 0.0136 0.0029 0.0044 0.214 0.284 0.149 0.264 0.548 0.113 0.291 0.0094 0.0078 0.0063 0.0066 0.0141 0.0231 0.0100 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0104 0.0052 0.0014 0.0034 0.0093 0.0015 0.0013 0.0042 0.0021 0.0006 0.0014 0.0037 0.0006 0.0025 0.449 0.270 0.089 0.206 0.265 0.027 0.253 0.455 0.153 0.187 0.137 0.466 0.311 0.252 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.451 0.058 0.039 0.030 0.052 0.029 0.029 0.286 0.036 0.025 0.019 0.033 0.018 0.069 0.629 0.238 0.132 0.136 0.070 0.059 0.273 0.436 0.236 0.232 0.234 0.509 0.456 0.330 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.298 0.096 0.083 0.130 0.156 0.477 0.040 0.120 0.039 0.033 0.053 0.063 0.193 0.081 0.275 0.165 0.144 0.224 0.123 0.422 0.245 0.400 0.129 0.205 0.135 0.496 0.278 0.241 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.172 0.035 0.154 0.068 0.127 0.121 0.023 0.069 0.014 0.062 0.027 0.051 0.049 0.046 0.173 0.110 0.303 0.203 0.103 0.175 0.189 0.38 0.27 3.65 0.83 1.21 0.12 0.60 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.22 0.04 0.23 0.19 0.28 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.03 0.14 0.12 0.17 0.04 0.13 0.360 0.097 0.039 0.145 0.144 0.357 0.224 0.42 0.29 4.07 0.86 1.10 0.18 0.66 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.10 0.25 0.04 0.17 0.49 0.29 0.10 0.04 0.10 0.02 0.07 0.20 0.12 0.20 0.093 0.346 0.004 0.080 0.178 0.671 0.304 0.49 0.24 3.49 0.86 0.79 0.12 0.57 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.18 0.12 0.38 0.19 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.15 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.151 0.199 0.044 0.090 0.021 0.116 0.120 1.01 0.65 5.68 2.61 4.16 0.29 1.51 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.29 0.22 0.14 0.46 0.52 0.08 0.09 0.18 0.14 0.09 0.29 0.33 0.05 0.22 0.179 0.214 0.016 0.110 0.079 0.168 0.144 1.25 0.64 6.63 2.79 3.72 0.27 1.57 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.40 0.31 0.20 0.12 1.18 0.09 0.10 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.05 0.47 0.04 0.19 0.129 0.193 0.012 0.017 0.127 0.138 0.122 1.22 0.64 5.68 2.84 2.93 0.30 1.50 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.06 0.11 0.30 0.50 0.30 0.11 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.12 0.20 0.12 0.04 0.11 0.019 0.069 0.021 0.070 0.041 0.144 0.074 Page 55 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 9.0 Summary and Conclusions Six late model vehicles were tested to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel were reversible, after the vehicle was refueled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. The reversibility test sequence included four baseline tests run on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, three high sulfur fuel exposure tests using 80 ppm fuel, and three tests after the vehicle was switched back to 10 ppm fuel. Gaseous exhaust emissions were higher for the vehicles conditioned and tested using 80 ppm sulfur fuel, relative to baseline tests run using 10 ppm fuel. Mean emissions increased for vehicles run on the 80 ppm fuel as follows, with greater than 95% confidence: o Fleet average NMOG increased by 20% (0.002 g/mile change) o Fleet average NOx increased by 58% (0.006 g/mile change) o Fleet average CO increased by 31% (0.078 g/mile change) o Vehicle API02 (Civic) CO emissions increased by 54% (0.083 g/mile change) o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) NOx emissions increased by 74% (0.004 g/mile change), noting that mean emissions of 0.009 g/mile remained well under the SULEV-II standard For the test fleet of six vehicles, average soot and PN emissions were not statistically different for 80 ppm fuel compared to 10 ppm fuel results. Only vehicle API03 (Sonata), the highest PM emitter in the study, had higher soot and PN emissions using 80 ppm fuel: o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) soot emissions increased by 11% (0.41 mg/mile change) o Vehicle API03 (Sonata) PN emissions increased by 17% (9.6x1011 #/mile change) A statistical analysis was performed to determine if the exhaust emissions effects caused by exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel were reversible, after the vehicle was refueled with 10 ppm sulfur fuel. For each vehicle tested on 10 ppm sulfur fuel, the NMOG, NOx, CO, Soot and PN emissions were found to be reversible following exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. There was greater than 95% confidence that the differences in the mean emissions values measured before and after the high sulfur fuel exposure were not statistically different. For the fleet of six vehicles combined, the NMOG, NOx, CO, Soot and PN emissions were found to be reversible following exposure to 80 ppm sulfur fuel. Vehicles equipped with GDI engines had about five to seven times higher soot mass and particle number emissions on average compared to the SFI-equipped vehicles. Vehicles equipped with GDI engines had very high variability in soot and PN emissions. The vehicle emissions variability was shown to be far larger than the fuel sulfur effect under study. Page 56 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 10.0 References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “EPA Proposes Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards”, Office of Transportation and Air Quality EPA-420-F-13-016, March 2013. 2. Benson, J., Burns, V., Koehl, W., Gorse, R., Painter, L., Hochhauser, A., Reuter, R., "Effects of Gasoline Sulfur Level on Mass Exhaust Emissions - Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program," SAE Technical Paper 912323, 1991. 3. Petit, A., Jeffrey, J., Palmer, F., and Steinbrink, R., "European Programme on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies (EPEFE) - Emissions from Gasoline Sulphur Study," SAE Technical Paper 961071, 1996. 4. Schleyer, C., Eng, K., Gorse, R., Gunst, R., Eckstrom, J., Freel, J., Natarajan, M., Schlenker, A., “Reversibility of Sulfur Effects on Emissions of California Low Emission Vehicles”, SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-1544, 1999. 5. Ball, D., Clark, D., Moser, D., “Effects of Fuel Sulfur on FTP NOx Emissions from a PZEV 4 Cylinder Application”, SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0300, April 2011. 6. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, “Posted Speed Limits by Functional System”, Highway Information Quarterly Newsletter, April 2002, 7. Dudek, W., “CRC Project No. E-87-1 Mid-Level Ethanol Blends Catalyst Durability Study Screening”, Transportation Research Center Inc., June 2009. 8. California Air Resources Board, “California 2015 and subsequent model criteria pollutant exhaust emission standards and test procedures and 2017 and subsequent model greenhouse gas exhaust emissions standards and test procedures for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles,” pp. II-3 – II-4. 9. Koehl, W., Benson, J., Burns, V., Gorse, R. et al., "Effects of Gasoline Sulfur Level on Exhaust Mass and Speciated Emissions: The Question of Linearity - Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Program," SAE Technical Paper 932727, 1993. 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Annual Certification Test Results & Database, 11. Kubsh, J., “Advanced Emission Control Systems for Gasoline and Diesel Engines”, SAE OBD Symposium, August 2010. 12. Sims, G., Johri, S., “Catalyst Performance Study Using Taguchi Methods”, SAE Technical Paper 881589, 1988. Page 57 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 13. Burkholder, S., Cooper, B., “Effect of Aging and Testing Conditions on Catalyst Performance”, SAE Technical Paper 911734, 1991. 14. California Air Resources Board, “California Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Catalytic Convertors”, October 2007. 15. Sluder, S., West, B., “NMOG Emissions Characterizations and Estimation for Vehicles Using Ethanol-Blended Fuels”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL/TM-2011/461, October 2011. 16. West, B., Sluder, S., Knoll, K., Orban, J., Feng, J., “Intermediate Ethanol Blends Catalyst Durability Program”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL/TM-2011/234, February 2012. 17. Vertin, K., Glinsky, G., Reek, A., “Comparative Emissions Testing of Vehicles Aged on E0, E15 and E20 Fuels”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Subcontractor Report NREL/SR-5400-55778, August 2012. 18. Higgins, J., White, I., Anzures-Cabrera, J., “Meta-analysis of Skewed Data: Combining Results Reported on Log-Transformed or Raw Scales”, Stat Med. 2008 December 20; 27(29): 6072–6092. Page 58 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.0 Appendices 11.1 Fuel Sulfur Monitoring Results for Emissions Test Fuels REGULAR OCTANE Fuel Name Lab Sample Collection Date CALEV3_10 CALEV3_10 CALEV3_10 CALEV3_80 CALEV3_80 CALEV3_80 CALEV3_80 Haltermann SGS-OGC SGS-OGC Haltermann SGS-OGC SGS-OGC SGS-OGC Batch Tote (Avg 5 drums) Drum Tote Drum 1 Drum 2 Drum 3 11/7/2012 12/19/2012 1/31/2013 11/15/2012 12/19/2012 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 ASTM D5453 Sulfur (ppm) 9 9 8.3 79 81 82 80 Target Sulfur (ppm) Sulfur Difference (ppm) 10 10 10 80 80 80 80 -1.0 -1.0 -1.7 -1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 Target Sulfur (ppm) Sulfur Difference (ppm) 10 10 10 80 80 -1.0 -1.0 -1.5 -1.6 -1.2 PREMIUM OCTANE Fuel Name Lab Sample Collection Date PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_10 PRLEV3_80 PRLEV3_80 Haltermann SGS-OGC SGS-OGC SGS-OGC SGS-OGC Batch Drum 1 Drum 2 Drum 1, Sample 1 Drum 1, Sample 2 10/23/2012 12/19/2012 1/31/2013 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 ASTM D5453 Sulfur (ppm) 9 9 8.5 78.4 78.8 Page 59 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.2 Certificate of Analysis for Emissions Test Fuels Fuel ID: CALEV3_10 Page 60 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Fuel ID: CALEV3_80 Page 61 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Fuel ID: PRLEV3_10 Page 62 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 63 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 64 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 65 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 66 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 67 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 68 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 69 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 70 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 71 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 72 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 73 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 74 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Page 75 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.3 Catalyst Aging Test Fuel Properties Fuel Name ---> ASTM Method Units Laboratory ---> Distillation D86 IBP F 10% F 50% F 90% F EP F Sulfur D5453 ppm RVP D5191 psi Lead D3237 g/gal Specific Gravity D4052 Carbon D5291 %mass Hydrogen D5291 %mass Oxygen, by calculation D4815 %mass Aromatics D1319 %vol Saturates D1319 %vol Olefins D1319 %vol Phosphorous D3231 g/gal Aging Fuel 8/6/2012 Paragon Aging Fuel 9/17/2012 Paragon Aging Fuel 10/5/2012 Paragon 97.4 141.8 230.7 330.2 402.6 18.5 6.6 <0.001 0.737 85.85 14.15 0 21.7 76.6 1.7 <0.0002 99.7 143.9 229.8 318.6 401.3 43.0 6.7 <0.001 0.7297 85.6 14.4 0 16.7 80.4 2.9 <0.0002 81.3 103.1 229 338.1 408.4 30.4 12.53 <0.001 0.7366 86.28 13.72 0 25.6 66.9 7.5 <0.0002 Aging Fuel 10/11/2012 Paragon Aging Fuel 10/18/2012 Paragon 34.4 31.4 0.7356 0.7361 Page 76 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 CCC Front Bed 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 UBC Front Bed 760 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CCC Inlet 750 Hours at Temperature 11.4 Exhaust and Catalyst Temperature Histograms for Aging Test Temperature (°C) API01 Malibu Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Page 77 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 100 90 CCC Inlet 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 90 CCC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 0 760 10 750 Hours at Temperature 100 0 Temperature (°C) API02 Civic Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Page 78 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 100 90 CCC Inlet 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 0 CCC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 UBC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 0 760 10 750 Hours at Temperature 90 Temperature (°C) API03 Sonata Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Page 79 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 100 90 CCC Inlet 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 0 Hours at Temperature 90 CCC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 UBC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 760 0 750 10 Temperature (°C) API04 Focus Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Job 6525 Page 80 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 100 90 CCC Inlet 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 90 CCC Front Bed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 0 90 80 UBC Front Bed 70 60 50 40 30 20 1050 1040 1030 1020 1010 990 1000 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 0 760 10 750 Hours at Temperature 10 100 0 Temperature (°C) API05 A3 Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Page 81 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY API06 Camry Catalyst Thermal Exposure During Aging Test Page 82 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.5 Dynamometer Equivalent Test Weights and Road Load Coefficients Vehicle API01 API02 API03 API04 API05 API06 Model Malibu Civic Sonata Focus A3 Camry ETW (lb) 3875 3125 3500 3250 3750 3750 Target Coefficients 2 A (lb) B (lb/mph) C (lb/mph ) 35.30 0.3548 0.01960 22.65 0.2074 0.01629 29.45 0.5673 0.01010 31.88 0.2815 0.01943 32.00 0.2700 0.02000 29.52 0.1087 0.01925 Dyno Set Coefficients 2 A (lb) B (lb/mph) C (lb/mph ) 18.41 9.16 8.20 12.38 13.09 14.10 0.0604 0.1326 0.2605 0.2474 0.2284 -0.0855 0.02085 0.01589 0.01249 0.01898 0.01893 0.02015 11.6 Manufacturer Recommended Motor Oils Vehicle Viscosity Comment 2009 Chevrolet Malibu 5W-30 Synthetic oil required, to meet GM6094 spec 2012 Honda Civic EX 0W-20 This viscosity only available as a synthetic oil 2012 Hyundai Sonata 5W-20 Synthetic or conventional oil 2012 Ford Focus 5W-20 Synthetic oil required 2012 Audi A3 5W-40 Only synthetic oils currently meet VW 502 00 spec 2012 Toyota Camry 0W-20 This viscosity only available as a synthetic oil Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil was used for all test vehicles Page 83 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.7 Catalyst Warm-Up and NOx Light-Off for Each Vehicle, Reversibility Sequence, FTP75 Vehicle API01 - Malibu Page 84 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API02 - Civic Page 85 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API03 - Sonata Page 86 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API04 – Focus – Repeat Sequence Page 87 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API05 – A3 Page 88 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API06 – Camry Page 89 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.8 Raw Exhaust Emissions and Catalyst Conversion Efficiency Page 90 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API01 - Malibu ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 91 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API02 - Civic ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 92 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API03 - Sonata ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 93 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API04 – Focus – Initial Sequence ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 94 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API04 – Focus – Repeat Sequence ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 95 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API05 – A3 ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 96 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Vehicle API06 - Camry ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Baseline) ■ 80ppm Sulfur Fuel ■ 10ppm Sulfur Fuel (Reversibility) Page 97 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY 11.9 Soot, Particle Number and Size Distribution Reports Page 98 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109191 CarID: API01 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 1/30/2013 11:38 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Results Summary Phase II 2.18E+10 4.59E+11 0.034 3.85 6.20 8.40E+10 1.77E+12 0.13 - Phase III Weighted 1.13E+11 1.02E+12 5.44E+11 1.54E+12 0.057 0.333 3.59 5.77 4.07E+11 1.95E+12 0.21 - Phase I Phase II Phase III CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 1.30E+04 5.32E+01 5.70E+02 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 6.58E+06 2.68E+04 2.87E+05 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 70.09 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 5.99 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 344.92 344.84 344.58 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.27 154.27 154.31 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 300.00 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 1.6E+12 CPC_PN (#) 60 1.2E+12 Speed (mph) 50 1E+12 40 8E+11 30 6E+11 20 4E+11 10 2E+11 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 35000 3.5 70 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 3 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 60 Speed (mph) 2.5 50 2 40 1.5 30 1 20 0.5 10 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 30000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 70 EEPS_PN (#) 1.4E+12 Speed (mph) Phase I 4.67E+12 5.55E+12 1.442 3.61 5.82 1.69E+13 2.01E+13 5.21 50.84 Particle Number CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109191 CarID: API01 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 1/30/2013 11:38 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Page 99 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109309 CarID: API01 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/5/2013 10:14 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Results Summary Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 1.49E+04 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 7.51E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.10 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 347.12 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.22 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 1.47E+02 7.42E+04 70.10 6.00 5.04E+02 347.13 1.00 154.22 300.00 Phase III 6.49E+02 3.27E+05 70.10 5.99 5.04E+02 346.84 1.00 154.25 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 1.8E+12 6E+11 10 2E+11 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 10000 20 4E+11 3.5 15000 30 8E+11 40000 20000 40 1E+12 4 25000 50 Speed (mph) 1.2E+12 Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate 30000 CPC_PN (#) 1.4E+12 45000 35000 60 EEPS_PN (#) 1.6E+12 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 50 Speed (mph) 3 40 2.5 2 30 1.5 20 1 10 0.5 5000 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) Phase III Weighted 1.67E+11 1.18E+12 3.35E+11 1.60E+12 0.099 0.391 3.60 5.79 5.99E+11 1.21E+12 0.36 - Speed (mph) Phase II 3.67E+10 3.59E+11 0.072 3.88 6.25 1.43E+11 1.39E+12 0.28 - Particle Number Phase I 5.39E+12 6.38E+12 1.574 3.61 5.80 1.94E+13 2.30E+13 5.67 52.34 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109309 CarID: API01 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/5/2013 10:14 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Page 100 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109229 CarID: API02 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 1/31/2013 12:25 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Results Summary Phase II 3.43E+10 4.10E+11 0.036 3.86 6.21 1.32E+11 1.58E+12 0.14 - Phase III Weighted 6.22E+10 6.97E+11 6.28E+11 1.16E+12 0.029 0.237 3.59 5.78 2.24E+11 2.26E+12 0.10 - Phase I Phase II Phase III CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 7.71E+03 2.93E+01 6.55E+01 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 3.89E+06 1.48E+04 3.30E+04 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.10 70.10 70.10 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 5.99 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 347.99 348.30 347.81 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.12 154.13 154.18 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 300.00 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 9E+11 7E+11 CPC_PN (#) 60 Speed (mph) 50 6E+11 5E+11 40 4E+11 30 3E+11 20 2E+11 10 1E+11 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 25000 3 70 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 15000 10000 5000 0 2.5 60 Speed (mph) 50 2 40 1.5 30 1 20 0.5 10 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 20000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 70 EEPS_PN (#) 8E+11 Speed (mph) Phase I 3.18E+12 3.71E+12 1.010 3.62 5.82 1.15E+13 1.34E+13 3.66 55.36 Particle Number CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109229 CarID: API02 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 1/31/2013 12:25 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Page 101 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109346 CarID: API02 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/6/2013 9:09 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 9.79E+10 7.75E+11 5.60E+11 1.59E+12 0.036 0.300 3.59 5.79 3.52E+11 2.01E+12 0.13 - Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 6.55E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 3.30E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 345.40 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.31 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 1.41E+03 7.13E+05 70.09 5.99 5.04E+02 345.76 1.00 154.29 300.00 Phase III 8.76E+02 4.42E+05 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 345.37 1.00 154.31 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 9E+11 CPC_PN (#) 7E+11 50 Speed (mph) 6E+11 40 5E+11 30 4E+11 3E+11 20 2E+11 10 1E+11 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 20000 3.5 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 3 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 50 Speed (mph) 2.5 40 2 30 1.5 20 1 10 0.5 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 18000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 60 EEPS_PN (#) 8E+11 Speed (mph) Phase II 1.12E+11 9.54E+11 0.052 3.87 6.23 4.32E+11 3.69E+12 0.20 - Particle Number Phase I 3.33E+12 4.52E+12 1.266 3.61 5.81 1.20E+13 1.63E+13 4.57 54.90 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109346 CarID: API02 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/6/2013 9:09 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Page 102 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109383 CarID: API03 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/7/2013 13:20 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 1.24E+12 5.64E+12 5.84E+11 6.00E+12 0.423 3.471 3.58 5.76 4.42E+12 2.09E+12 1.51 - Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 1.36E+04 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 6.88E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 348.37 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.13 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 2.00E+03 1.01E+06 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 348.62 1.00 154.14 300.00 Phase III 8.01E+02 4.03E+05 70.09 5.99 5.04E+02 348.03 1.00 154.15 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 2.5E+12 CPC_PN (#) 2E+12 50 Speed (mph) 40 1.5E+12 30 1E+12 20 5E+11 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 70000 12 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 10 50 Speed (mph) 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 60000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 60 EEPS_PN (#) Speed (mph) Phase II 2.97E+12 2.20E+12 1.369 3.87 6.23 1.15E+13 8.50E+12 5.30 - Particle Number Phase I 1.81E+13 2.27E+13 12.770 3.60 5.79 6.52E+13 8.17E+13 45.93 70.94 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109383 CarID: API03 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/7/2013 13:20 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Page 103 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109500 CarID: API03 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/14/2013 8:31 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 1.92E+12 6.57E+12 1.63E+12 7.49E+12 0.738 4.066 3.60 5.79 6.89E+12 5.85E+12 2.65 - Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 1.46E+04 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 7.34E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 346.99 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.04 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 2.12E+03 1.07E+06 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 346.71 1.00 154.06 300.00 Phase III 1.14E+03 5.74E+05 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 346.68 1.00 154.08 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 2.5E+12 CPC_PN (#) 2E+12 50 Speed (mph) 40 1.5E+12 30 1E+12 20 5E+11 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 70000 12 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 10 50 Speed (mph) 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 60000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 60 EEPS_PN (#) Speed (mph) Phase II 4.02E+12 3.49E+12 1.973 3.91 6.30 1.57E+13 1.37E+13 7.72 - Particle Number Phase I 1.91E+13 2.53E+13 13.731 3.62 5.83 6.92E+13 9.15E+13 49.71 72.11 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109500 CarID: API03 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/14/2013 8:31 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Page 104 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110638 CarID: API04 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 5/13/2013 12:34 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 2.42E+12 2.85E+12 2.31E+12 3.07E+12 0.660 0.887 3.60 5.79 8.72E+12 8.32E+12 2.38 - Phase I Phase II Phase III CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 4.64E+03 1.03E+03 2.25E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 2.34E+06 5.21E+05 1.14E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 70.09 70.10 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 5.99 5.99 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 347.51 347.46 347.11 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.12 154.13 154.16 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 300.00 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 5E+11 4E+11 3.5E+11 2E+11 30 20 1E+11 5E+10 10 0 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 300 400 500 70 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 60 Speed (mph) 0.7 50 0.6 0.5 40 0.4 30 0.3 20 0.2 0.1 0 0 Particle Diameter (nm) 200 Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 2000 100 100 Time (s) 12000 10 0 0 0.8 4000 50 1.5E+11 0.9 6000 60 Speed (mph) 40 Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate 8000 CPC_PN (#) 3E+11 2.5E+11 14000 10000 70 EEPS_PN (#) 4.5E+11 Speed (mph) Phase II 1.51E+12 1.69E+12 0.435 3.85 6.20 5.80E+12 6.52E+12 1.67 - Speed (mph) Phase I 6.79E+12 7.51E+12 2.317 3.58 5.76 2.43E+13 2.69E+13 8.29 44.91 Particle Number CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110638 CarID: API04 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 5/13/2013 12:34 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Page 105 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110675 CarID: API04 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 5/16/2013 11:59 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Results Summary Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 5.41E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 2.73E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 344.11 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.12 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 7.96E+02 4.01E+05 70.09 5.99 5.04E+02 344.11 1.00 154.14 300.00 Phase III 1.98E+03 9.97E+05 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 343.76 1.00 154.15 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 6E+11 4E+11 40 3E+11 30 2E+11 20 1E+11 10 0 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 200 300 400 500 Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 12000 2000 100 Time (s) 1.6 4000 0 0 1.8 6000 50 Speed (mph) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate 8000 CPC_PN (#) 5E+11 14000 10000 60 EEPS_PN (#) 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 50 Speed (mph) 1.4 1.2 40 1 30 0.8 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) Phase III Weighted 2.36E+12 2.84E+12 3.54E+12 6.06E+12 0.568 0.783 3.56 5.73 8.40E+12 1.26E+13 2.02 - Speed (mph) Phase II 1.55E+12 5.41E+12 0.407 3.79 6.11 5.89E+12 2.05E+13 1.54 - Particle Number Phase I 6.63E+12 1.10E+13 1.995 3.58 5.76 2.37E+13 3.93E+13 7.14 51.15 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110675 CarID: API04 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 5/16/2013 11:59 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Page 106 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110113 CarID: API05 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 3/27/2013 7:27 Fuel: PRLEV3_10 Results Summary Phase II 2.85E+12 5.07E+12 0.702 3.86 6.21 1.10E+13 1.96E+13 2.71 - Phase III Weighted 5.20E+12 4.34E+12 5.91E+12 6.30E+12 2.026 1.277 3.59 5.78 1.87E+13 2.12E+13 7.28 - Phase I Phase II Phase III CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 8.55E+03 3.69E+03 8.21E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 4.34E+06 1.86E+06 4.14E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 70.09 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 5.99 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 346.92 346.91 346.70 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.14 154.11 154.16 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 300.00 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 1.2E+12 1E+12 CPC_PN (#) 60 Speed (mph) 50 8E+11 40 6E+11 30 4E+11 20 2E+11 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 30000 3 70 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2.5 60 Speed (mph) 50 2 40 1.5 30 1 20 0.5 10 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 25000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 70 EEPS_PN (#) Speed (mph) Phase I 6.90E+12 9.92E+12 1.720 3.59 5.78 2.48E+13 3.56E+13 6.18 52.05 Particle Number CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110113 CarID: API05 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 3/27/2013 7:27 Fuel: PRLEV3_10 Page 107 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110152 CarID: API05 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 4/1/2013 12:59 Fuel: PRLEV3_80 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 4.16E+12 4.24E+12 4.83E+12 5.11E+12 1.469 1.306 3.58 5.76 1.49E+13 1.73E+13 5.26 - Phase I Phase II Phase III CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 1.64E+04 2.81E+03 5.02E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 8.29E+06 1.42E+06 2.53E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 70.09 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 5.99 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 346.92 347.18 346.63 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.13 154.13 154.18 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 300.00 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 2.5E+12 2E+12 1E+12 30 20 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 10000 400 500 Time (s) Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 20000 50 40 5 4.5 30000 60 Speed (mph) 1.5E+12 Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate 40000 CPC_PN (#) 5E+11 60000 50000 70 EEPS_PN (#) 70 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 60 Speed (mph) 4 3.5 50 3 2.5 40 2 30 1.5 20 1 10 0.5 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) Phase II 2.51E+12 2.76E+12 0.623 3.86 6.21 9.68E+12 1.07E+13 2.40 - Speed (mph) Phase I 8.70E+12 1.14E+13 2.798 3.59 5.77 3.12E+13 4.08E+13 10.04 56.13 Particle Number CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2110152 CarID: API05 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 4/1/2013 12:59 Fuel: PRLEV3_80 Page 108 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109476 CarID: API06 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/13/2013 9:54 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 5.40E+10 2.55E+11 2.29E+11 7.04E+11 0.063 0.120 3.58 5.77 1.93E+11 8.19E+11 0.23 - Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 3.24E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 1.63E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 5.99 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 344.85 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.06 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 2.01E+01 1.01E+04 70.09 5.99 5.04E+02 345.07 1.00 154.03 300.00 Phase III 2.47E+02 1.25E+05 70.09 5.99 5.04E+02 345.23 1.00 154.09 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 3.5E+11 CPC_PN (#) 50 Speed (mph) 2.5E+11 40 2E+11 30 1.5E+11 20 1E+11 10 5E+10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 10000 0.35 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 0.3 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 50 Speed (mph) 0.25 40 0.2 30 0.15 20 0.1 10 0.05 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 9000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 60 EEPS_PN (#) 3E+11 Speed (mph) Phase II 4.43E+10 6.97E+11 0.096 3.84 6.17 1.70E+11 2.67E+12 0.37 - Particle Number Phase I 1.04E+12 1.35E+12 0.255 3.60 5.79 3.76E+12 4.86E+12 0.92 37.06 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109476 CarID: API06 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/13/2013 9:54 Fuel: CALEV3_10 Page 109 API 2012-106409 FUEL SULFUR REVERSIBILITY STUDY Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109556 CarID: API06 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/19/2013 8:07 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Results Summary Phase III Weighted 6.17E+10 2.33E+11 2.56E+11 7.39E+11 0.038 0.079 3.60 5.79 2.22E+11 9.19E+11 0.14 - Phase I CPC Max Raw Particle Concentration (#/cc) 2.57E+03 CPC Max Corrected Particle concentration (#/cc) 1.30E+06 TSI First Stage Dilution Factor Avg 70.09 TSI Second Stage Dilution Factor Avg 6.00 TSI Correction Factor Avg 5.04E+02 CVS Flow Avg (scfm) 349.13 MSS Dilution Ratio Avg 1.00 Temp of Rotating Disk Diluter Avg (deg C) 154.14 Temp of Evaporator Tube Avg (deg C) 300.00 Phase II 1.62E+01 8.15E+03 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 349.23 1.00 154.10 300.00 Phase III 6.02E+02 3.04E+05 70.09 6.00 5.04E+02 348.93 1.00 154.13 300.00 Instantaneous Particle Number over FTP75 Phase I 3E+11 CPC_PN (#) 2.5E+11 50 Speed (mph) 2E+11 40 1.5E+11 30 1E+11 20 5E+10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Size Distribution at Peak Emission Rate Soot Concentration over FTP75 Phase I 7000 0.35 60 MSS_CC (mg/m3) 0.3 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 50 Speed (mph) 0.25 40 0.2 30 0.15 20 0.1 10 0.05 0 0 10 100 Particle Diameter (nm) Speed (mph) 6000 Soot Concentration (mg/m3) Raw Concentration [dN/dlogDp, #/cc] 60 EEPS_PN (#) Speed (mph) Phase II 1.63E+10 5.84E+11 0.047 3.87 6.24 6.32E+10 2.26E+12 0.18 - Particle Number Phase I 1.00E+12 1.77E+12 0.211 3.60 5.79 3.60E+12 6.36E+12 0.76 43.99 CPC Particle Number (#/mi) EEPS Particle Number (#/mi) MSS Soot Mass (mg/mi) Distance (mi) Distance (km) CPC Particle Number (#) EEPS Particle Number (#) MSS Soot Mass (mg) Median Particle Dia at Peak Emission (nm) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Particle Number and Particle Size Distribution Report - FTP75 Drive Cycle TestID: 2109556 CarID: API06 Driver: MWEDDINGTON Date: 2/19/2013 8:07 Fuel: CALEV3_80 Page 110