Piano Night at the Lake


Piano Night at the Lake
Piano Night at the Lake
This was the second year for a special fundraiser at Swan Lake
Christian Camp. Piano Night II was limited to 124 guests, down
from 158 last year due entirely to sheetrock which has been installed blocking off some of the space from adjoining rooms.
Even with the Friday snowstorm which dumped nearly a foot of
snow, 116 guests were able to attend. Pianists included Pauline
Buller from Hutchinson, KS, Austin Unruh currently from Freeman, SD, Ken Mannes of Freeman and Carol Flower from Sioux
Falls, SD. Sisters Yolanda and Lennea Clark from Beresford, SD
also played a violin and cello duet. The evening included a five
course meal served by Mary Anderson. Al Rasmussen donated a
hog to be auctioned. Also the Stitch N’ Rippers, a quilting club
from Springfield, SD, donated a lap quilt which was auctioned. A
free-will donation was received. Over $22,000 was raised for the
retreat center. Most importantly, plenty of visiting was done
around the tables in the great room of the new center.
Jerry shared how the project is progressing with no debt. He also
shared a couple of stories of contractors who graciously donated
their labor. In all, everyone enjoyed a very pleasant evening
while helping raise money for a project that will enhance ministry
at the camp for a very long time. Jerry estimates that another
$180,000 is needed to complete the project.
Retreat Center by Jerry
The Retreat Center being built at Swan Lake
Christian Camp will meet the needs of adults who
use the camp. Outside of three summer months,
nearly all of our guest groups are adults or families.
Many of these older adults would find it difficult to
use the 130 bunk beds that work so well for youth
camping groups. The vision behind the Retreat
Center is to provide a space where adults can encounter Jesus Christ in the same manner that so
many kids do each summer.
Work continues on the retreat center nearly
every day. The drywall is nearing completion. The
Great Room dropped ceiling and painting has been
completed. We are excited to continue painting
walls and finishing rooms. The amazing part is that
there is still no debt. Just over $400,000 has been
spent on this project to date. The original estimate
from Schelling Construction was $1,000,000 with
no volunteer help. Expenses for plumbing fixtures,
lights, finish work, flooring and furnishings remain
and are estimated at $200,000. Additionally,
$80,000 will purchase the elevator. The savings are
due to volunteers and donated materials.
In God’s economy, this project is nearly insignificant. In terms of the number of lives that will be
impacted here, this project is hugely significant.
Please consider a financial gift to help us complete
this project. Rental requests are already being
made for space for next summer. To accommodate this timeline, we need your help.
Wish List
$300 dollars to go towards a Gaga ball
Ping pong balls
Stamps (for sending out letters campers
wrote to themselves)
100 new chairs for the chapel (about
$20 a chair)
Ion Block Rocker portable PA system
$99 on ebay
God Is Light
“Reflections” from Program Director Blaze Kilian
Recently, I have been leading a couples bible
study class at church. I have enjoyed and been chal
lenged by this class. We have just started discussing 1st John and I was
struck by 1st John 1:5 “This is the message we have heard from him and pro
claim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” At first, I
quickly glanced over this verse without much thought. But, soon I reread the
verse and discovered the phrase “God is light.”
God is light seems at first glance a simple phrase, but has a deeper
meaning. What does light do? It penetrates, exposes and reveals the hidden
things. Light also provides comfort, joy and life. God provides comfort, joy
and life. He penetrates, exposes and reveals the hidden things in us. Even
from the beginning of the bible, God has used light in amazing ways. God
spoke and there was light. God manifests himself in a burning bush to
Moses. He leads Israel through the desert by a pillar of fire to give them light
in the night. God reveals himself in the form of light many different times
and his word is light onto our feet.
Young Adult Retreat . . . . . Dec. 18-20, 2015
What does this mean to me? God changed me here at SLCC. He
5th/6th Grade Winter Retreat . . Jan. 22-24 penetrated my calloused heart and exposed my sinfulness. He gave me a
Junior High Winter Retreat . . . . . . Feb. 5-7 new life for which I can not thank him enough. My hope and prayer is that I
Senior High Winter Retreat . . . . Feb. 19-21 can be used by God to demonstrate that He is light. God has used camp in
amazing ways in my life. I know that God will continue to use camp for his
3rd Grade Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-15
purposes making a path in the darkness for the lost. God is light and let his
Cottontail Day Camp (Ages 5 & 6). . June 16 light shine.
Chipmunk Day camp (Ages 7 & 8). . June 17
2016 Schedule
5th Grade Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19-24
4th Grade Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 5-8
6th Grade Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 10-15
Senior High Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 24-29
Junior High Camp . . . . . . . . . . July 31-Aug. 5
Mission Statement
Staff from the Past
Name some of your favorite memories from SLCC?
Pam and Brent Abrahams with their
three children
Staff: 1998
Hometown: Goessel, KS
Pam and Brent live near Goessel, KS with
During the summer I was on staff, I made many new
friends and many memories. At the beginning of the
summer, it was still pretty cold, but we really wanted to
go swimming, so we went to the lake and then warmed
up by the fireplace. We went as a staff and cleaned up
after the Spencer tornado. Later that summer, we went
to pick strawberries at the Ortmans. I remember dressing up in a clown costume that two of us could fit into
for crazy singing. One morning during special ed camp, I
was informed that I was leading a monster cookie session that day. This was decided when I wasn't around and no one had informed
me, but it went well anyway. When my parents were camp directors, we got out
a big kettle to make popcorn (and other things) over a campfire. I just had to
drag it out one time while I was on staff to make popcorn.
What did you learn from your time at SLCC?
At Swan Lake, I was sometimes asked to do things that took me out of my comfort zone. Swan Lake was a safe place with
supportive people to encourage me, so it was easier to try new things. Today there are still times when I feel called to
something that is uncomfortable, but I know that God will help me to do what God calls me to do.
Surplus Items
SLCC has accumulated a number of items that need to find new
homes. If you are interested in any of the items listed below,
please contact the camp office for more information.
Boat lift— suitable for Sunbird or similar fishing boats. $500
16.9 x 38 Tire chains for tractor $75 obo
Vintage Craftsman table saw
Swan Lake Christian Camp last updated its sailboats in 1998 when the Zion Church at Bridgewater’s vacation bible
school helped purchase two used Sunfish sailboats. Those boats have been used a lot and were showing signs of age.
The board of directors approved the purchase of a new Hobie Bravo for approximately $3600. Jerry stumbled across
an off season deal for a bit less. On the last day of that deal, Jerry was ready to place the order but decided to check
out Craigslist one more time. The Minneapolis YMCA was holding a two day sale of donated items and had a used
boat for $1500. We were able to contact an aunt of Blaze’s who went after work to look at the boat. She called Blaze
and handed the phone to the YMCA volunteer and we purchased the boat. That volunteer agreed to store the boat
until someone from camp could haul it back. Incidentally, this boat included a nearly new trailer. Blaze and Davee
went to Minneapolis to see a new niece and brought back the boat.
We recognize God’s blessing in the timing and the people of this transaction. It is just a boat, but perhaps lives will be
changed through conversations that happen on this boat. Our hope would be to add one more Bravo and retire the
Sunfish boats.