Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan
t I 2 4 H 6 q E c. J J IJJ DF#IER STEIN KAHAN BROWNEWOODSGEORGELLP MichaelJ. Plonsker(SBN 101235) mBlon$her@dreicrt! ein,com LauraE.Kennedy(SBN256418) [email protected] The WaterGarden 162026th Sneet 6th Floor,North Tower SantaMonica,CA 90404 Telephonc:3 10,t28.9050 3 I 0.828,9101 Facsimile: Attorneysfor Third Party LINDSAY LOHAN I SUPERIOR COURTOFTHESTATEOFCALIFORNIA t0 FORTHECOTINTY OFLOSANGELES lt (J lz qJ s.(5 *ra t3 ' )*o o t4 vs. E> l5 2i t6 Itl r, r F> Eg Hd FILEr) couRr LOSANGELBSSUFEI t7 SAMANTHA RONSON,an individual, Plaintiff. MARTIN GARBUS,sn individual; DAVIS & GILBERT,LLP, aNewYork limited liability partnership;BINGI{AM McCUTCHENLLP, a Massachusetts limitedliability parrrership;andDOESI through20, inelusive, t8 Defendauts. l9 20 7.1 1Z 23 ?fl cAsE NO. BC 390043 lTheHon. KennethR- Freendn, Dept. 641 NOTICE OF MOTION ANI} MOTION FOR A PROTECTIVE ORDER PROHIBITING THE VIDEOTAPING OF THE DEPOSITION OF LINDSAY LOHAN, SECURINGTHE CONFIDENTIALITY OT' TIIE I}EPOSITION, AND INSTITUTING PROCEI}URESTIIAT THE PARTIES MUST FOLLOW [Appendixof Norr-CaliforniaAuthorities; ProporedProtectiveOrder; Declnrationif JanntMuro; and Declarationof Michnel Plonskerflled eorrcurrentlyherewithJ HearingDate: November6, 2008 Time: 8:30a.m. Department: 64 DateAction Filed: May 1,2008 r--} Trial Date: Mav rtr \-: F: r[:i fi F 'aJ i..t :> r ;a .r ; Et :)i +l Fr fi', - :Tfr Tr _- -q 'q: rTl *t fF n. .a .|f i"J 3..J ';r . s -. ltr Fa ; il Fr f,').!{ i*, -$ -i J ! i2 (!:r :+ t. r- t:?7 r-:t t,,: ,{) b ;ii !i! :i:i Er clsa 'l! ft -{ ;U ^r:L '-' T.1 e: JtF1i:ll t7 '-^ .. 77 $ r,t t 28 NOTICE OF MOTION AND IVIOTIONFOR A PROTECTIVE ORDER F fl ' -.' : ;1/- I I TO ALL FARTIES AND THEIR ATTORI{EYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thaton November6, 2008at 8:30a.rn.,or assoonthereafter J 64 of theabove+ntitledcourt,beforethe Honorable a$this casemay beheardin Department KenncthR. Freemanof the SuperiorCourtof the Countyof Los Angeles,locatedat 1l 1 North 5 Hill Street,Los Angeles,California90012,third partyLindsayLohan('Ms. Lohan'), having 6 caseby Martin GarbusandDavis beenservedwith a Noticeof Depositionin theabove-captioned '1 & Gitbert,LLP f'the GarbusDefendants'),shall,andherebydoes,movefor a ProtectiveOrder I prohibitirrgthe videotapingof Ms, Lohan'sdepositionandfor a ProtectiveOrder,securingthe I thatthepartiesmust andinstitutingprocedures confidentialityof thedopositionvideotapes, IO oJ ll follow, TheMotion is madepursuantto CalifomiaCodeof Civil ProcedureSections2017.020, la IL on thegroundsthat (a)if madepublic,thedepositionof Ms. and2025.420(b) 2025.4?0(a) 13 embaffhssrncnt, oppression, undueburden,and Lohanwill causeher unwarranted aruroyance, i)1H l4 and(b) therequircmentin Defendant's dapositionnoticethatMs, Loharr'sdepositionbe expenstr; Ea l5 embarrassment, undueburden,and videotaped annoyance, causesunwarranted oppression, il+ l6 cxpeDse, -fr qo l7 Theprotectiveorderrequested is asfollows: l8 (l) Only the parties,counsel,andthe cowt reportershallbe presentatthe deposition; 19 (?) The partiesshallexchange listsof contactinformationfor all attendees oneweekprior ta M zlB f; 6 Fl r,l tr! € Eq E o ?0 to thedeposition; 11 (3) The depositionshallbeheldat Ms. Lohan'scounsel'soffices; 22 (4) The location,date,time.andexistenceof thc depositionshallbe confidential; 23 (5) The depositiontranscriptandthedetailsof thetestimonycontainedthereinshallbe 2d confidential; rb (6) The hanscriptshallonly be submittedto this Courtunderseal; # (4 Ms. Lohsn'scounselshallnraintaintheoriginalcopyof thetranscriptandtheparties' 27 counselshalleachroceivoa certifiedcopywith no othercopiesto anyotherpersonexceptfor 28 expertwitnesseswho first signan AgroementTo Be BoundBy ProtectiveOrder; NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR A PROTESTIVE ORDER I L (8) Any partywho wishesto ptovidea copyof the transcriptto anyotherindividualmust first file a noticedmotionfor determinntion wlth this Court; 3 (9) All testimonytakenat thedepositionshallorrlybe usedfor the instantcase;and 4 (10) Defendants shallnot havetheright to videoupeor audiotapeMs. Lohan'sdeposition, Ms. Lohan'scounselmetandconfenedwith counselfor Defendants Martin Garbusand 6 I I 9 l0 3u d, *A IA l't 4+ t5 _trt Uf 2E EP ffC I This Motion is baseduponthisNotice,the attachedMemorandumof Pointsand Authorities,the Declarationof JenniMuro in supportthereof,the Declarationof MichaelJ. 13 {, H 5cE wereunableto renchan agreement andthis Motion fOllowed. asmaybe presented by Ms. Lohanat or beforethehearingon this Motion. (.)TL s; regardingthe groundsfor theMotionbetweenAugustl, 2008andAugust6, 2008. Theparties files andtecordsherein,e{d suchadditionatargumed Plonskerin supportthereof,thepleadings, rll zll Davis & Gilbert, LLP, GeorgeLirrdahl,by telephoneandby exohaugeof correspondence DATED;October8,2008 DRE WOODSGEORCE LLP By 16 II l8 l9 20 2l zz 23 44 ,ii ft$ tl ft 2? ?8 NOTICE OT'MOTION AND MOTION FOR A PROTECTTYEORT}ER 1 4 4 a J r. rrlTRoDucrrqN This Motion seeksanorderproteutingthirdpartysu,bpoenaed-deponent LindsayLohan 4 ("Ms. Lohan"), fln intemationally-lcnown celebrity,ftom the videotapingof her upcoming a depositionandinstitutingothcrprocedures thatthepartiesmustfollow to ensurethe 6 confidentialityof thedepositiontcstiruonyandtranscript.Ms. lnhan doesnot objectto being 7 dcposcd.This Motion is broughton thegroundsthatvideotapingMs. Lohan'sdepositionwitl I undulyembarrass,oppressandburdenher becauseof the privatesubjectmatterof theexpected 9 testimonyandthe virtual certaintythat,unlessacsessis significantlylimited,thetranscriptarrd l0 3 tl J videotapeof the depositionwill be illegallyexploitedby themedia. Ms. Lohanrequested thatDefendaflts Martin GarbusandDavis & Gilbert,lf.e 1"the Sn GarbusDefendants") agreeto a stipulatedprotectiveorderpmvidingthat: The substance of the =li 1 3 depositionandthe depositiontranscriptbekeptconfidential;the depositionnot be videoteped;ttre 4; ( rA r't {; r X :IU E* Fl r,rr tr? depositionbe heldat Ms. Lohan'scounsel'sLosAngelesorNew York office; therebeonly a 1 5 specifiednumberof copiesof thedepositlontranscript(onefor eachpartyandonefor the Court); 3E 16 anyquotationsor teferenceto thedepositiontransuiptbe filed under$eal;thedeposition EE A 17 testimonybe usedonly with re$pectto theinstantproceeding; Ms. Lohan'$coun$elreceivea list 1g of thc individualsattendingthe depositiononeweekirr advance;the court repofieragr€csto the I9 termsof thestipulatedprotectiveorder;andno oneotherthflnthe relevantpartiesbc notified z0 whenandwherethe depositionwill tal<eplace.(PlonskerDecl,tf 8, Exh.B)- Ms. Lohanalso 2L that the GarbusDefendants requested considerlimiting the scopeof Ms- Lohan'sdeposition- a 22 requestthatthe GarbusDefendants ignored.(Id. at{ 9, Exh.B). sJv i6 l) TheGarbusDeferrdants fail to articulatea singlereasonfor refusingto complywith Ms. Lohan'sgoodfaith attemptto resolvethismatterby stipulation-Rather,the GnrbusDefendants ?T. r(lr +i 4tr1{ to Ms. Lohan'sreasonable requests merelyresponded for confidentialityprotectionsby flatly f # rejectingall of Ms. Lohan'ssuggested termsfor a proposcdprotestiveorder- Indeed,theonly 21 providedfor their outrightrefusalto evenconsiderMs, Lohan's the OarbusDefendants rea$orls 28 NOTICS OF MOTION AND IIIOTION FOR A PROTECTIYE ORDER I proposedterms werethat, in their belief, the Court would '*neverorder" suchterms,'*and/or[the 2 terms]arEumecessaryandunasceptable."(Id. at tl 10,Exh. C). The GarbusDefendants'solemotivationin reflrsingto grantMs. Lohan'sreasonable J requeststo ensurethe confidentialityof her depositiontcstimonyaild transuipt is their stated J J lrt d -t|0t + ;a < ;i 115 =* 5 inteutionthatthey believethat by threateningto takeandvideotapeMs. Lohan'sdeposition,Ms. 6 Lohanwill encourageher friend,Plaintiff Samantha Ronson('Ronson'), to drop her case.(ld. at 7 Exh. Il). Thesclitigationtacticsareinappropriate.For thesereasorrs, M$. Lohanrnovesfor a I protcctiveorderprohibitingthevideotapiugof herdepositionandinstitutingotherprocedures that 9 thepartiesmustfollow to prot$ctthe confidentialityof live testimonyandthe deposition l0 hanscript. ll il. l2 :> ;to =d Hl A A This caseis, in essence, a malpracticecasebroughtby Ronsonagainsther former l3 attorneys,DefendantsMartin Oarbus(andhis firm Davis& Gilbert,LLP) and localcounsel, l4 BinghamMcCutchen,LLP, The undedyiugcasefrornwhich Ms. Ronson'srnalpractice 15 allegationsarisewas a defarnationactionbroughtby Ms. Ron$onagainstwell-knovmbloggerand l6 self-proclaimedcelebritygossipMario Lavandaria(doingbusinessasPerezHilton), aswell as 11 SunsetPhotoandNews,LLC ("SunsetNews")(ownerof CelebrityBabylonwebsite)arrdJill r8 Ishkanian("Ms. Ishkanian")(editor-in-chiefof CelebrityBabylon). Ms. Ronson'sdefarnation r9 z0 claimsin that actionrelatedto a seriesof postingsMr, Lavandatia,Ms. Ishkanian,and$unset 21 involvingMs, Lohanon May 26,?:0Q7.Ms. Ronsonwasin the carwith Ms. Lohanwhenthe ?2 accidentoccurred.The allegedlydefatnatorystaternents included,amongotherthings,$tatements 23 by Mr. Lavanderiathat: (a) Ronsonhasbeen'toxic'oto Lohan;(b) "[a]ccordingto new repdrts, w Ronsonhasbeensellirtgout Lohanto thepaparazzi";(c) Ronson"allegcdlyentercdinto an f:i with Lindsay,evencreating agreetnent with a photoagencyto tip themoff to herwhereabouts ilJ ,,r =z EA.C.E tr", Ncws authoredandpublishcdon their websitesin earlyJune2007conceminga caraccident 'I .: t6 photo-opsfor them";(d) "the cocainethatwasfoundin Lohan'scar after her crashrnayhave 27 beenRONSON's!";and (e) "[w]ith ftiendslike SamanthaRonson,Lindsaydoesn'tneedany 28 werebasedonallegedlydefamatorystafsmsnts enemies."Many of Mr. Lavanderia'sstatements NOTICEOF MOTIONAND MOTION F'ORA PROTECTIVEORDER I in anarticleon the CelebrityBabylonwebsitearticlethat leviedsimilsraccusstions againstMs, L Ronson. l to represent Ms. Ronsonretainedthe GarbusDefendants her in hcr defamationaction 4 againstMt. Lavandaria.$hewss alsorepreserrted by local Califomiacounscl,Bingham ) McCutchen,LLP. Basedon thc ailegeddefrciencies of theirrepresentfltion of Ms. Ronsonin her 6 defamationactiorragainstMr. Lavandaria,l\4s.Ronsonfrled this actionfor malpracticeagainst 7 theGarbusDefendants LLF onJuly 15,200S(Case.No. BC 390043). andBinghamMcCutchen, I Ms. LohanandMs, Ronsonhavebeenacquainted for severalyearsandarefriends. I Despitehertmgentialrelationshipto the instantcase,Ms. Lohanwasthe first witnessthatthe l0 in this case.The CarbusDefendants GarbusDefendants subpoenaed havealreadyexpressed their J lr ll intentto questionMs. Lohanaboutthedetailsof thedrugsallegedlyfoundin thecarsndof her o 1 2 allegedromanticrelationshipwith Ronson.(Id. at lf 4)- This line of questioningis sopatently o d o +0 l3 andshouldnot be permitted.AlthoughMs. Lohanis willing to inelevantandinappropriate IH v5 l4 discussthe factsof the case,it is not appropriate to permitherto be embanassed or harassed or to E} l5 havethe depositionrecordedby videotape,whereit will most+€rtainlybe Icskedto the medis 2F r6 andthepublicat large. H co o l7 ; -qt Fl ct EE Ms. Lohanopposesthevideotapingof ber deposition.Ms, Lohanis a world renowned t8 movie$tar,televisionactress,musicartist,andmodel. Shehasappeared in manymovies t9 including"I Know Who Killed Me," "GeorgiaRule,"'TustMy Luck," "A PrairieHome 20 "MeanCirls', "FrcakyFriday",and"The PatentTrap",and Companiour""HerbicFuily Loaded"o 2l telwision shows,includingthepopulartelevisionseries"Ugly Betty," "SaturdayNight Live," 22 "E! TrueHollywood$tory," andmultipletalk show tncluding"The View", "Entertainment 21 Tonight,""Late Night with ConanO'BrierL""Late Showwith DavidLeneman,""Ellen: The M EllenDe0eneresShof', "The TonightShowwithJayLeno,""Today",and"The EarlyShow." 'lii tp (Declarationof JenniMrlo fl 3) Ms. Lohanis alsoa highly acclaimedmusicartistwho release da l' l to platinumalbum,(Muro Decl.{ ai. Ms, tohart is alsoa modelandhaspreviouslyendotsed 27 severalcompanies includingMiuMiu andProActiv.(^[d,at tlf5]. Curreutly,Ms. Lohanendorges 28 theItalianclothingaompanyFomarina,aswell astheclothingoompany6126(of whichsheis a NOTICE OF MOTION AND IT{OTIONFOR A PROTECTTVEORDER I founderanddesignetl.(ld. at tl 5), Ms, Lohenhasalsoappeared on thc coverof $everalfashion 2 magazines includingMuie Claire,BszaarandElle.(/d. at { 5). 3 4 lawsuit,themediahassoughtto obtflin andpublishconlidentialinformation,photographs,and 5 vidco rccordingsat everystageof this liligation. (Id. at 1l9, Extrs.B andC. ) To satisfythe 6 public'svoyerristicdemandfor informationaboutMs. Lohan,themediagocsto staEgering, often 7 criminellengthsto obtainphotographs of Ms. Lohan- andsuoceeds, in partby luring potential I sourcesof illicit materialwith largesumsof money.Indeed,themediaevenvideotaped Ms, 9 Lohanbeingservedwith the depositionsubpoena at issuein this Motion,andcirculatedthe l0 J iJ I! In light of Ms, Lohan'sincrediblyvisiblecelebritystatus,sincethe initiationof this videotapeon TMZ andotherintemetgossipwcbsites,(Id. at{|l 9-I l, Exhs.B andC). II Thereareno soctrritymeasures sufficientto ensurethatthevideotapesof Ms. Lohan's lz depositionwill notbe madepublic, Immediatelyuponreceiptof the GarbusDefendarts' z-d TJ theGarbusDefendants DepositionNotice,Ms. Lohan'scoufl$€laontacted rcgardingMs. l,ohart's $; ; 6^ v5 t4 andproposingthetermsof a StipulatedProtective objectionsto havingher depositionvideotaped, =7 15 Orderto protecthds-Lohan'sconfidentialityandprivacythroughoutthis litigation.(Plonsker 3E i.O l6 in goodfaith to negotiatewith theGarbus Decl.t[3, Exh. B) Ms. Lohan'scsunselattempted ts 91 g. t7 Defendantsconcerningthetermsof the $tipulatedProtectiveOrder,but their efforts were I8 TheGarbusDefendartsfailedto articulateevena singlereasonjustifuingthe urrsuucessful. l9 videotaping,andfailed to presentany alternatevetsionsof the StipulatedProtectiveOrder.(Id. al 20 Ms, Lohan's stonewalled fl 10,Exh. C). Rather,the GarbusDefendanls'counselsimultaneously 2I efforts at an out-of court compromisetc speedup the deposition,anddemandedthatthe zz depositionbe helda$soonaspossible.Indeed,the GarbusDefendants'counselevensuggested g, Itt lr: =d 21 thatMs. l,ohanconvincoRonsonto dismissthis case,in orderto avoidher (Ms. Lohan's) M deposition.( Exh.B). Theparties'informaleffortsto resolvethis matterhavebeen L. i 1.5 unavailing,forcing Ms. Lohanto bringthis Motion. (/d. fltfl l3). fd t/l 27 tl/ 2g ul NOTICE OF ITIOTIONAND MOTION FOR A PROTECTIVE ORDER I m. ,) MAY FE TSSUEqUEONA SITOWTNG OF "cOO_pCAUSE: 3 "For goodcauseshown,"theCout maymakeanyorder'Justicerequiresto protectany... 4 deponentfrom unwarranted annoyafise, embaffflssmerlt or oppression, or undueburdenand \ expense."Cal. CodeCiv. Proc,$ 2025.420(b).Sucha protectiveordermaydircctthatl'the 6 depositionbe takenonly on specifiedtermsandconditions,"andthat "the testimonyberecorded I in a mannerdifferentfrorn thatspecifiedin thedepositionnotice." Cal, CodeCiv, Proc.$ I 2025.420(b)(5)and (bXB). It may alsoditect that *the depositionbe takenat a placeotherthan I that specifiedin thedepositionnotise". Cal.CodeCiv. Proc.$ 2025.420(b)(+).Thediscovery l0 rule$"give thetrial courtwide discretionin makingsuchordersss maybe necessary to protsct 1 u J thepartiesfrom abuseor misuseof theirdeposition."Mgskowitzv, SuperiorCourt.137Cal. Irl (.?t,/ E A pp.3d313,316(1982), o ztB 13 tR !d E t4 copyof Ms. Lohan'sProposedProtectiveOrderis filed concurrenflyherewith. EF 15 w. s; Id ru 2g This Motion setsfotth goodcausofot the Courtto issrrrthe requestcdPrshctive Odcr. A VIDEOIAPINGOFMS, "Goop qAUsE',ExIsTsHEREBEC4:U.S4,IHE 16 LOITAN' $ .DEPOSITIONWILL EMBARRAqF, OPPRESS.ANp UN.qULy Ll BURDEN MS. LO.ETAN 18 Depositions "arenot publiccomponents of a civit trial[;1.".in general,theyareconducted 14 V HtE H ca l9 in privateasa matterof modempractice."Seattle.IimesC,.o. v. Rhinehag,467U.S.20, 33 20 (1984). In this case,however,the GarbusDsfendants wouldforceMs. Lohanto endurenotjust a 2l privatedeposition,but possiblysn unchecked mediaevent. Becausethe videotapewill be 2?. covetedby themedia"because somemediawill stopat nothinglo stealandexploitthevideotape, 23 Ms. Lohanwili be embsrrasscd, burdenedanddamagedthercby,good andbecause oppressedo a$ causeexiststo protectMs- Lohanfrom thevideotapingof herdeposition. rtt r| TheLos AngelesSuperiorCourthasrccentlyprohibitedthe videotapingof a celebrity r8 deposition,dueto theextremelikelihoodthatthetapewill be "leaked,"resultingin undue 27 embanassmentto thecelebntydeponent.For example,on October27,2006,theLos Angeles 2E SuperiorCourtruledthatEritrey Spears'depositionin her oustodydisputewith Kevin Federline NOTICEOF MOTIOHA,NDMOTIONFORA PROTECTIVEORDER i shouldnot bevideotaped, reasoningthatgivenMs. Spears'oelebritystaus,thepotentialleakof 2 sucha videoto the internetwouldcauseher'hrudueembarrassment." (PlonskerDecl,fl lZ, Exh. J E)' Indecd,in otherCiruuits,where"thsreexistedthepossibilitythat thetaposwouldbeabused" 4 thecourtdsniedtheplaintiffs requestto recordthedeponent'stestimony.See,e.g.,lnf I Union. 5 UAW v. J{pt'l Capcusof Laboj Commiltees, s25F.Zd323,324(2"dcir. lg?5) (denying 6 plaintiffs requestto audiorrcordthedefendant's deposition). T[e Vi$gotaneWould E.eof,Extraordinrry MediEInterest. I A. 8 of Ms, Lohan'sdepositionwouldbe of extraordinaryinterestto print, Videotapes v andintemetmediafor two rea$oils.First,themediaandpublicclamorfor anything broadcast, t0 sunoundingMs. Lohan,andcelebdtiesin general,is enormous.Ms. Lohan'srepresentatives t1 receivedaily inquiriesfrom mediaaroundtheworld requestinginformationaboutMs. Lohan's 1'' personalandprofessional life. (Muro 6), Mediarequestsfor detailsaboutthis lawsuit t3 from Ms. l,ohan havegoneunanswered becauseMs. Lohanbelievesthis caseshouldbetried in a l4 courtof larv,andnot in a televisionstudioor on anintemet"gos$ip"blog. (/d. at J[9). As 15 discussed above,themediahasalreadyrecordedandreleaseda videotapeof Ms. Lohanbeing 3F Eq l6 servedwith the depositionsubpoena at issuoin this Motion (/d. at fl I l, Exh. C). Thereis no Hm t7 reasonto assumethat a videotapeof Ms. Lohan'sdepositionwouldbe of anylessinterestto the l8 media. A. J -l rt - trl * qr: 40 {E v5 4E F qr -g l9 andinformationaboutMs. Lohanis seemingly Second,the marketfor illicit photographs 20 insatiable.Ouesimplyneedsto "google"Ms. Lohan'snameor funeinto TMZ!, E! News,or nl just how marketable Tonightto understand photographs Entertainment andinformationaboutMs. 22 of Ms. Lohan'depositiontestimonyin whichshe Lohanare. (/d. atll 8). Thus,videotapes 23 will beuniquelyvaluableto tabloid respondsto the GarbusDefendants'publicaccusations 43 ,i,, andinternetblogs. televisionshows,print publications, LI fr,6 [i B, 27 thirstfor informationaboutMs. Lohanasdescribed To satisfuthepublic'sunquenohable 28 ebove,themediawill go to greatandoftenillegallengthsto obtainprivateinformationaboutMs. The UnrearoneblvHitrlr.Iri4Flihoodof the Videof.qpl:'sTheft and Exnloitrfio.! and Eludlntome. is Undulv Oppre.ssive NOTICE OFMOTION ANI} MOTION F(}R A PROTECTIVE ORDER I Lohan. (Muro Decl.,tl 12). Tabloidstyletelevisionshowsandpublicationslure sourcesby 2. payingtensof thousandsof dollarsfor stolenphotogaphs,recordingsof privercconvcrsatiorls, 5 J andconfidentialmedical,relationship, andcareerinformation.Moreover,it is well reportedthat 4 tabtoidsregularlyobtainprivatcinformationby bribingOovemmentofficials,inducing 5 employees of celebririesto divulgettreiremployer$'confidences andto stealtheiremployers' 6 personalitemsandcoufideiltialdocuments, buyingillegally.obtained medicalrecords, a I wiretappingtelephones, stealingU.S.rnail,andall too frequently,buyingstolenvideotape.Once I suchrnaterialis obtained,the rnediaFxploitsit to thefullcstextenrprofitable. 9 In addition,with thelaunchof internetwebsitessuchasTMZ, El Online,PerezHilton, 1 0 Dlisted,Egotastic,xlTonline,Thesuperficial,Daily Mail, YouTube,My$pace,andFacebook, J J evenamateurcomputerusersareableto post,access, andmodify stolenor illicit videoon the ll Un internet,WhenCalifornia'sCivil DiscoveryAct wasamended to perrnitthevideotapingof M _ r.4 :;o t1 deposilions, theplethoraof intemetvehiclesthat,allow thoposting,shnring,acccssing, and +a fR s6 1 4 modifyingof audioandvideocontentsimplydid notexist,or at leastwereonly knownlo a small, =F 15 computersawy minority. If Ms- Lohan'sdepositionis allouredto be vidcotaped,thereis a real 16 andsubstantial risk thatthe contentsof thevideonpe(aswell asspliced,modified,spoofed,aircd .trJ p1 F=' 2 E ;iO n Htr o andre-airedversionsof it) mayappearon thcsewebsites,for accessby thepublic at large. This l8 possibilitypose$a substantialrisk of unfairprejudiceto Ms. Lohffn,andbiasof thepubtic,rhat t9 couldbeeasilyprevenledby a ProtectiveOrderprohibitingthevideotapingof Ms. Lohan's 20 deposition.In orderto preservetheintegrityof thejudicial process,andMs. Lohan'sprivacy,it 2l is imperativethat this CourtissuesuchanOrder. 22 practicessf clandestine Giventhesewell-estahlished information-gathering, the ,1 videotapes from Ms. Lohan'sdepositioncouldreadilybe stolen,by anynumberof means,andby ?A t[:r anyone- personuelat eithercouflse|slaw firm, office buildingpersonnel,videotapecompany {5 personnel, ot virtually anyoneelsewith intentionalor accidentalknowledgeofthe videotape's I lt tl ffi existence.If the videompes werelodgedwith thecourtat anypoint,theycouldeasilybestolen. 27 canbe "stolen"by way of duplication-Nobodyeverknowsthe losshas Moreovor,the videotap€s 28 explodeontothomedi4 becauso ocourreduntil thevideotapes the originalsarestill on hand. NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR A PROTECTIVE ORITER C. I ,} Embarr$+Ms. Lohe& Thereleaseandexploitationof thedepositionvideotapes would unjusti{iablyinvadeMs. J 4 Lohan'sprivacy,andas a result,is brudensome andoppressive.As a recentcourtnoted,prior to orderingthatspecifrcproceduretbe institutedto protectthe confidentialityofa celebrity 6 deposition: 7 "The judicial branchof government,irrsofaras it dearswith civil s cases,iEa systenfor theresolutionof whatusuflllyareprivate 9 disputes.while manymembersof the public havean intrrest in l0 everyimaginabledetailsaboutthelife of a rock star,virtually all 1 Il haveaninterestin enswingthateveryonein our societyhave !ll { rlL. aecess to a fair andimpartialjudicial systemwithout havingto pay J o zH {; :E Fi { ;i v5 =7 iu :rr 2E ilq pn -F o ' 13 too high a priceof adrnission rn theformof thesurrenderof ri r't personalpnvacy. Thus,courtmustbevigilantto enEurethattheir 15 prose$ses 8renot usedimproperlyfor purposesunrelatedto their 16 role." ra rr PaiqlsyParkEFterprisg$. Inc. v. ttptqwnProductiqlrs,d/b/a uprou4, 54 F. supp.zd 347,?49 t8 (S.D.N.Y.1999)(ganting a protectiveorderapplyingstriotlimits on videotapingwherethe t9 plaintiff objectedto thevideotapingbut shouldhaveexpectedto be deposedbecause he initiated 2Q theaction0n the specificcaute$of action).Evenbeyondtheburdensinherentin exploitation, 2l however,is the concernthatthevideotapefootagewill be editedor distortedto caus€specific na Lt- harmto Ms' Lohan. (Muro Decl.ll l3). "Soundbytes" oreditedsegment$ fiom a videotapecould 23 be usedout of contextto distortMs. Lohan'swords,andto "color" thepublicperceptionof (and a.*,, asa result,the success o{) Ms. Lohan'stelevision,theakical,rnusical,andmodelingpro1ects. +L 4l v. ,1.,! THE4URpENq.ON MS.LOHAITOurlryEIcHANy BE_!ryFrT TOTrilE il' 1 M GARBUSDEFENDANTS .t4 To establish"goodcause"generallyrequircsa showingthatthe burdensassociated with LI 28 the discoveryrnethodoutweighthe benefitsto be receivedthereby. CaI. Code Ctv.Proc. NOTTCEOFMOTION AND MOTION FOR A PROTECTTVE()RDER I ,} $2017.020(a)-In a goodfaith effort to weightheburdenon Ms. Lohanagainstthe bencfrtthe GarbusDefendantsexpectto rcceiveftom the videotaping,Ms. Lohan's coun$elToquested that 3 theOaftus Dcfendants'oounsel articulatethepurposeof their demandfor videotaping.(Plonsker 4 Decl. ll 3, Exb. B). The OarbusDeferdants'$ounselfailed to atticulatetrvenonereason,t/d. at 1l ) 10,Exh.C). 6 J tll Thereareno legilimatereasonsfor videotryingMs. Lohan'sdeposirionwhich would 1 I outweighthe significantburdenandrisk to Ms, Lohandiscussed herein, It thusappearsthatthe I purpo$eof the videotaprngis a hollow anernptto capitalizeon the media'saggressive prusuitof 9 infotmationaboutthis casc,andto usethis leverageto harassandpressweMs. Lohaninto l0 convincingMs, Ronsonto dismissthis case.This abusiveobjectiveis onefrom urhichtheCourt u should,in its discrttion,protecta deponent.Mo*owitz v. $uperiqlFourt(1982)137Cal.App. l2 3d313,316. t3 vI. d. _t ! o +o +4 gBpERMAy BEI.$suFp-I_HAr A pROT.ECrrvE rHE SECURES 4^H 14 C0NFTpENTIALITv!4 THEDEPO$ITION IIID.EOTAIESANp INSTTTUTES =F l5 EBqcEpUEFSrHAr rHq PARTTES ivrusTFottqw 3 E ilq 16 If thi$ Coutt is not inclinetlto grantthird partysubpoenaed-deponent LindsayLohan's v5 14)r,r F; ilH d^ t7 reque$tfor a protectiveorderprohibitingthe videotapingof her deposition,Ms. Lohan l8 respectfullyrequeststhatth6 Courtgraflta protectiveordersecuringthe confidentialityof the t9 depositionvideotapesandinstitutingprocedures thatthepaftiesmustfollow. As discussed 20 to protecta deponentfrom unwarranted abov6,whereit is necessaxy annoyflnce, embanassmen! 2L only on the courtmay Eranta protectiveoder "[tJhatthedepositionbe traken or oppression, 27 certainspecifiedtermsandconditions"Cal. CodcCiv. Pro. $2025.42(b)(5) and"[t]hat the 23 testimortybe recordedin a rnannerdifferentfrom that specifiedin the depositionnotice." Cal, u CodeCiv. Pro. $2025.42(bX8).In this case,Ms. Loharrwill submita ProposedProtecliveOrder t:i' &t with her proposedsafeguards. rs ill 27 lrl rf 'l 28 NOTICE OF MOTION AND T{OTION FOR A PROTECTIVE OR.DER I vil, z 3 As discussed above,Cal.Code.Civ. Proc.$ 2025.420(b)(4) allowsrhata protectiveorder 4 maybe grantedto requiretlat'1he depositionbe takenat a placeorherthanthat specifiedin the 5 depositionnotice." Evenfor depositiortof non-celebrities, counselshouldagreeon thelocation 6 for the depositionthatis convenicntto ttrepartiesandaccommodates the numberof individuatsto 1 be present.CEB "Civil DiscoveryPraotice"$ 5.24. Wherecelebritiesor publicofficialsare I involved,however,additionalconcernsregardingthe safety,security,andprivacy of the deponenr I apply,andshouldinfluencethepanies'selectionof anappropriate depositionlocation, l0 CL J .l lrl Wherethe noticingpartyhasselectedaninappropriate depositionlocation,the}aw 1l permitsa courtto exercisereasonable controloverits process,suchasthe imuanceof anorder o o Z:B t2 ohangingthe locationof deposition.PalomarRefining-Cpmp. v. Prentice.57 Cal.App.2d g54, t3 95?(1943)' Where,ashue, thercis insatiablemediaintcrestin the subjecrmattErof the IH sE E} l4 deposition,andthe noticingparryhasdemonskated a penohantfor invplvingthemediain every l5 aspectof litigation,it is well within thesourtosdiscretionto issuean orderensuringthatthe ;F l6 depositionlocationis onewherethedeponent's privacywill be protected.As discussed above, lrl m d- t7 everymemberof societyhasaninterestin ensuringthatall membersof society"haveaccessto a t8 fait andimpmtialjuditial systernwithout havingto pay too high a price of admissionin the form t9 of thezunenderof personalprivacy." PaisleyPark,54 F. Supp.2d at 349. t; l4 sr rz EP 20 2l Here,Ms- Lohanrequests theCourtto orderthatherdepositionbe heldin hercounsel's LosAngelesor New York office,astheselocationswill haveprotectiorrs in placeto secureher 2?. privacyandsafety. 2\ ill ffi i ll * 't1 f6 ut ltl 27 ul z8 ill NOTICE QF M(}TION AND MOTION FOR A PROTECTIVE OEDER V[I. ", e J CONCLUSION Fortheforegoing reafton$, Ms.Lohanrcspectfully reque$ts thatthisCourtissuethe requested ProtcctiveOrder. 4 \ J DATED:October 8,?008 WOODSGEOROE LLP 6 7 I Ai6il+;f"{it'iia'f*v LTNDSAY LOHAN 9 l0 3u J Ev o zl X +; tF 13 14 r6 =E 15 ?E t6 '.rl "r F; EA ;E Ho tt l8 r9 70 21 22 23 a* tL'i /- E5 !b 27 28 NOTICE OF'MCYTIONAND MOTION F'ORA FROTECTIVE ORDER