Corporate Outline
Corporate Outline
For New Technology Network R F or Ne w Te ch no lo g yN e t wo r k NTN Corporation Headquarter 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone : +81-6-6443-5001 URL Sales Office Automotive Business HQ. UTSUNOMIYA AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE TOKAI AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE KITA-KANTO AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE OSAKA AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE KANTO AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE HIROSHIMA AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE Utsunomiya TD Bldg. 4F, 1-1-11 Babadori, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-0026 Phone: +81-28-333-9016 Fax : +81-28-333-9020 OkabaOhta Bldg. 3F, 1220-1 Iida-cho, Ohta-shi, Gumma 373-0851 Phone: +81-0276-30-0115 Fax : +81-0276-45-0062 TaiyoseimeiShinagawa Bldg. 15F, 2-16-2 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Phone: +81-3-6713-3605 Fax : +81-3-6713-3685 Karitsu Bldg. 6F, 1-4-4 Mikawaanjo-cho, Anjo-shi, Aichi 446-0056 Phone: +81-566-72-2030 Fax : +81-566-72-2420 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6449-6711 Fax : +81-6-6443-1578 Abas Hiroshima 7F, 1-2-19, Matoba-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 732-0824 Phone: +81-82-568-5912 Fax : +81-82-568-5913 HAMAMATSU AUTOMOTIVE SALES OFFICE Hamamatsu Daiichiseimei Nittsu Bldg. 7F, 110-5 Itaya-machi, naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka 430-0928 Phone: +81-53-454-2586 Fax : +81-53-454-2589 Industrial Business HQ. HOKKAIDO SATELLITE OFFICE NAGOYA SALES OFFICE IBARAKI SALES BRANCH OSAKA SALES OFFICE TOKYO SALES OFFICE KOBE SALES BRANCH NISHI-KANTO SALES OFFICE HIROSHIMA SALES OFFICE NUMAZU SALES BRANCH KYUSHU SALES OFFICE 2-2-37 Kikusuikujo, Shiraishi-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 003-0809 Phone: +81-11-822-8788 Fax : +81-11-822-8835 M . Y Bldg. 6F, 1-15-11 Sakura-machi, Tsuchiura-shi, Ibaraki 300-0037 Phone: +81-29-823-3528 Fax : +81-29-824-7633 TaiyoseimeiShinagawa Bldg. 15F, 2-16-2 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Phone: +81-3-6713-3606 Fax : +81-3-6713-3681 Central Bldg. 2F, 3-14-7 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-0239 Phone: +81-427-57-1011 Fax : +81-427-58-2150 Nissei Star Bldg. 3F 3-8-23 Otemachi Numazu-shi, Shizuoka 410-0801 Phone: +81-55-962-7573 Fax : +81-55-951-6427 NagoyanishikiFrontTower Bldg. 11F, 2-3-4 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 460-0003 Phone: +81-52-222-3301 Fax : +81-52-222-3341 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6449-6712 Fax : +81-6-6448-7296 Asahi Seimei Akashi Bldg. 6F, 2-2-20 Honmachi, Akashi-shi, Hyogo 673-0892 Phone: +81-78-917-1201 Fax : +81-78-917-1205 Abas Hiroshima 7F, 1-2-19, Matoba-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 732-0824 Phone: +81-82-568-1470 Fax : +81-82-568-5913 Kounan asetto Bldg.7F, 1-1-7 Komemachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka 802-0003 Phone: +81-93-513-3167 Fax : +81-93-513-3190 Aftermarket Business HQ. EAST JAPAN SALES OFFICE CENTRAL JAPAN SALES OFFICE HOKKAIDO SATELLITE OFFICE WEST JAPAN SALES OFFICE TOHOKU SALES BRANCH HOKURIKU SALES BRANCH UTSUNOMIYA SALES BRANCH HIROSHIMA SALES BRANCH SAGAMIHARA SALES BRANCH MIZUSHIMA SALES BRANCH KOUFU SALES BRANCH KYUSHU SALES BRANCH TaiyoseimeiShinagawa Bldg. 15F, 2-16-2 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Phone: +81-3-6713-3620 Fax : +81-3-6713-3682 2-2-37 Kikusuikujo, Shiraishi-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 003-0809 Phone: +81-11-822-8788 Fax : +81-11-822-8835 Taiyo Seimei Sendaieki-kita Bldg.7F, 1-12-30 Honcho ,Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 980-0014 Phone: +81-22-262-6201 Fax : +81-22-262-6205 Utsunomiya TD Bldg. 4F, 1-1-11 Babadori, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-0026 Phone: +81-28-333-9025 Fax : +81-28-333-9020 Central Bldg. 2F, 3-14-7 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-0239 Phone: +81-42-757-1011 Fax : +81-42-758-2150 Sun Line Kofu Bldg. 3F, 7-5-17 Kokubo, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0043 Phone: +81-55-232-2301 Fax : +81-55-232-2252 NagoyanishikiFrontTower Bldg. 11F, 2-3-4 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 460-0003 Phone: +81-52-222-3301 Fax : +81-52-222-3341 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6449-6715 Fax : +81-6-6448-7296 Kanazawa Daini Bldg. 4F 1-1-35, Hirooka, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 920-0031 Phone: +81-76-263-8673 Fax : +81-76-263-8628 Abas Hiroshima 7F, 1-2-19, Matoba-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 732-0824 Phone: +81-82-568-1472 Fax : +81-82-568-5913 Sumitomo Seimei Kurashiki Bldg. 3F, 2-4-6 Showa, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama 710-0057 Phone: +81-86-425-6311 Fax : +81-86-425-6322 Kounan asetto Bldg.7F, 1-1-7 Komemachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka 802-0003 Phone: +81-93-513-3188 Fax : +81-93-513-3190 Related Group Companies NTN BEARING SERVICE CORPORATION 3-1-13 Shiba-kouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Phone: +81-3-5776-6001 Fax : +81-3-5776-6002 HIKARI SEIKI INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 8 Higashikata, Sanmaiden-cho, Tenri-shi, Nara 632-0046 Phone: +81-743-66-0285 Fax : +81-743-67-1512 Manufacturing Automotive Business HQ. OKAYAMA WORKS 500-1 Hatakeda, Bizen-shi, Okayama 705-8510 Phone: +81-869-66-6701 Fax : +81-869-66-8101 Automotive Business HQ., EV Module Business HQ. IWATA WORKS 1578 Higashikaizuka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 438-8510 Phone: +81-538-37-8000 Fax : +81-538-37-8009 Industrial Business HQ. NAGANO WORKS 14017-11 Nakaminowa, Minowa-machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano 399-4601 Phone: +81-265-79-8888 Fax : +81-265-79-8881 KUWANA WORKS 2454 Tsuchijima, Higashikata, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-8678 Phone: +81-594-24-1812 Fax : +81-594-24-1873 Related Group Companies NTN KAMIINA CORP. HIKARI SEIKI INDUSTRY CO., LTD. NTN ENGINEERING PLASTICS CORP. NTN KINAN CORP. NTN ADVANCED MATERIALS CORPORATION NTN HAKUI CORP. KANIE WORKS NTN HOUDATSU SHIMIZU CORP. KAMEYAMA WORKS NTN NOTO CORP. NTN MIKUMO COMPANY LTD. NTN SHIKA CORP. NTN MIE CORP. NTN CASTING CORP. NTN FUKUROI CORP. NTN BIZEN CORP. NTN OMAEZAKI CORP. Bantan Plant NTN TADO CORP. NTN AKAIWA CORP. 522-2 Nakazone, Minowa-machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano 399-4605 Phone: +81-265-79-7877 Fax : +81-265-79-7366 970 Ano, Toin-cho, Inabe-gun, Mie 511-0243 Phone: +81-594-76-7221 Fax : +81-594-76-7244 101 Katsutaba, Kanieshinden, Kanie-cho, Ama-gun, Aichi 497-8541 Phone: +81-567-95-3913 Fax : +81-567-95-6160 101 Katsutaba, Kanieshinden, Kanie-cho, Ama-gun, Aichi 497-8541 Phone: +81-567-95-3913 Fax : +81-567-95-6160 2067-1 Nobono-cho , Kameyama City, Mie 519-0212 Phone: +81-595-85-0211 Fax : +81-595-85-0213 750-1 Onoe-cho, Matusaka-shi, Mie 515-2109 Phone: +81-598-56-3311 Fax : +81-598-56-7151 3601-25 Mizono, Tado-cho, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-0118 Phone: +81-594-48-6711 Fax : +81-594-48-7130 1959 Midori, fukuroi-shi, Shizuoka 437-0005 Phone: +81-538-30-1800 Fax : +81-538-30-1814 4681-3 Sakura, Omaezaki-shi, Shizuoka 437-1604 Phone: +81-537-86-2480 Fax : +81-537-86-2227 1077 Yui, Tado-cho, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-0101 Phone: +81-594-48-2383 Fax : +81-594-48-2796 8 Higashikata, Sanmaiden-cho, Tenri-shi, Nara 632-0046 Phone: +81-743-66-0285 Fax : +81-743-67-1512 2504-1 Ikuma, Kamitonda-chou, Nishimuro-gun, Wakayama 649-2103 Phone: +81-739-47-1801 Fax : +81-739-47-1829 32 Mitsuyamachi, hakui-shi, ishikawa 925-0024 Phone: +81-767-22-8910 Fax : +81-767-22-5689 1-1 Futakuchi, Houdatsushimizu-cho, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa 919-1421 Phone: +81-767-22-5111 Fax : +81-767-22-5330 38 Wakabadai, Shika-machi, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa 925-0375 Phone: +81-767-38-8020 Fax : +81-767-38-8022 5-58-2 Horimatsu, Shika-machi, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa 925-0157 Phone: +81-767-38-8110 Fax : +81-767-38-1666 475-1 Nadabun-cho, Izumo-shi, Shimane 691-0003 Phone: +81-853-63-3108 Fax : +81-853-63-3463 2139-2 Yamaguchi, Akaiwa-shi, Okayama 701-2225 Phone: +81-86-957-3101 Fax : +81-86-957-3102 15 Konae, Kurodasyo-cho, Nishiwaki-shi, Hyogo 679-0301 Phone: +81-795-28-3211 Fax : +81-795-28-4467 100-43 Tsurui, Akaiwa-shi, Okayama 709-0718 Phone: +81-86-995-9541 Fax : +81-86-995-9542 NTN KONGO CORP. 1-3-13 Kidonishi-machi, Kawachinagano-shi, Osaka 586-0009 Phone: +81-721-53-1317 Fax : +81-721-54-6981 Research and Development Center INDUSTRIAL TECHNICAL CENTER NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT R&D CENTER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY R&D CENTER PRODUCTION ENGINEERING R&D CENTER NTN R&D CENTER CVJ•AXLE UNIT TECHNICAL CENTER 3066 Oyumida, Higashikata, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-8678 5-105 Hidamarinooka, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-0867 1578 Higashikaizuka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 438-8510 1578 Higashikaizuka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 438-8510 1578 Higashikaizuka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 438-8510 1578 Higashikaizuka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 438-8510 others HEADQUARTER NTN CORP. 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6443-5001 Related Group Companies NTN Technical Service Corp. NTN LOGISTICS CO.,LTD. Precision Equipment Division East Japan Sale Section Central Japan Sale Section 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6449-5463 Fax : +81-6-6443-1576 TaiyoseimeiShinagawa Bldg. 15F, 2-16-2 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Phone: +81-3-6713-3652 Fax : +81-3-6713-3687 1092-1 Maeda, Higashiyuriage, Kuwana-shi, Mie 511-0806 Phone: +81-594-24-3516 Fax : +81-594-24-3546 NagoyanishikiFrontTower Bldg. 11F, 2-3-4 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 460-0003 Phone: +81-52-222-3291 Fax : +81-52-222-3341 West Japan Sale Section 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0003 Phone: +81-6-6449-6716 Fax : +81-6-6443-1576 Sales Office SNR ROLAMENTOS DO BRASIL LTDA. America Head Office NTN BEARING CORP.OF AMERICA Head Office Stuttgart Branch Plieninger Str. 63B, 70794 Filderstadt F. R. Germany Av. das Industrias, 380 - Parque Industrial - CEP Phone : +49-711-123901-0 83.820-332 - Fazenda Rio Grande - PR - BRAZIL Phone : +55-41-3-627-80-00 NTN BEARINGS(UK)LTD. 1600 E. Bishop Court, P.O. Box 7604,Mount Prospect, IL 60056-7604, U.S.A. Phone NTN de Mexico, S.A. : +1-847-298-7500 Wellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Mexico Head Office Central Sales Office Phone : +44-1543-445000 Emilio Cardenas No.158 Apdo.124, C.P.54030, 2413 North Main Street, East Peoria, Illinois 61611, Tlalnepantla, México, Mexico U.S.A. Phone Phone Staffordshire, WS13 8RZ, UK NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE : +52-55-5390-1133 : +1-309-699-8600 Z.A. des Tremelieres Communaute Urbaine du Mans 72704 Allonnes Cedex, France Guadalajara Branch NTN Automotive Center Phone 39255 W. 12 Mile Road,Farmington Hills, MI 48331- Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 2975, U.S.A. Phone Phone : +33-2-43-83-9000 Calle 22 No.2465, Zona Industrial, C.P.44940, NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS : +52-33-3145-1448 : +1-248-324-4700 Paris Branch Monterrey Branch Seohan-NTN Driveshaft USA CORP. 6, rue Auguste Comte, BP 49, 92174 Vanves Av. Ruiz Cortines No.1336 Ote, Col. La Purisima, Cedex, France 264 Teague Court, Auburn, AL 36832, U.S.A. C.P.67120, Cd. Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Phone Phone Phone : +1-334-321-3200 : +33-1-40-93-66-00 : +52-818-334-9931 Lyon Branch ASAHI FORGE OF AMERICA CORP. Mexicali Branch 51, rue des Docks, 69009 Lyon, France 5030 Corporate Way Richmond, Kentucky 40475, Blvd. Benito Juarez No.3293 Esq. Ayuntamiento, U.S.A. C.P.21360, Mexicali, BCN, Mexico Phone : +1-859-626-4100 Phone Phone : +33-4-78-66-68-00 : +52-686-563-3632 Cran Gevrier Branch 6, route de la Salle, 74960 Cran Gevrier, France NTN BEARING CORP.OF CANADA LTD. SNR ARGENTINA Head Office Phone : +33-4-50-65-93-00 Buenos Aires 305 Courtneypark Drive West, Mississauga, Viamonte 1145-Piso 11-1053 Buenos Aires, Ontario, L5W 1Y4, Canada Argentina 4, rue de la Sablière, BP30338, 67507 Haguenau Phone Phone Cedex, France : +1-905-564-2700 : +54-11-4-372-1272 Haguenau Branch Phone Edmonton Branch 4608-97th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5N9, Argonay Branch NTN Wälzlager(Europa) G.m.b.H. Canada Phone Europe and Africa : +1-780-435-6200 : +33-3-88-53-22-22 114, Rte de Champ Farçon, 74370 Argonay, France Phone : +33-4-50-65-94-00 Head Office Max-Planck-Str. 23, 40699 Erkrath, F.R.Germany Toronto Branch Phone NTN-SNR IBÉRICA SA : +49-211-2508-0 305 Courtneypark Drive West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5W 1Y4, Canada Phone Calle Barberán n˚6, 28035 Madrid, Spain : +1-905-564-2700 Stuttgart Branch Phone : +34-916-71-89-13 Plieninger Str. 63B, 70794 Filderstadt F.R.Germany Phone : +49-711-123901-0 NTN-SNR ITALIA S.P.A. Montreal Branch 4973 Levy Street, St-Laurent, Quebec, H4R 2N9, Phone NTN Antriebstechnik GmbH Canada : +1-514-333-8054 Head Office Buschstuckenstrasse 6, D-39638 Gardelegen, Via Riccardo Lombardi, 19/4, 20153 Milan, Italy F.R.Germany Phone Phone : +39-02-47-99-86-1 : +49-3907-777-0 NTN-SUDAMERICANA,S.A. World Trade Center Panama Calle 53 Este, Bologna Office SNR WÄLZLAGER GMBH Urbanizacion Marbella Piso NO.16,Oficina 1601 Apartado Postal 832-0487, Panamá, Panamá Phone Via Maestri del Lavoro 3/A 40138 Bologna, Italy Phone : +39-051-47-53-51-74 Head Office Max-Planck-Str. 23, 40699 Erkrath, F. R. Germany : +507-269-4777 Phone : +49-211-2508-0 NTN-SNR POLSKA Sp. z o. o. Al. Stanow Zjednoczonych 61A 04-028 Warsaw, NTN do Brasil Ltda. Bielefeld Branch Friedrich-Hagemann-Strabe 66, 33719 Bielefeld, F. Av. Moema, 94-9˚ Andar-conj, 92a94 CEP 04077- R. Germany 020-Indianopolis-Sao Paulo-SP, -Brasil Phone Phone : +55-11-5051-0600 : +49-521-9-24-00-0 Poland Phone : +48-22-516-20-60 NTN-SNR RULMENTI S.R.L. Head Office Zona Industriala-Vest, 6 Strada Salzburg, 24 00 TAIWAY Industry CO.,LTD. Johor Bahru Branch Tampoi, 81200 Johor Bahru, Malaysia No.14, Kwang Fu Road, Hukou 303, Hsianchu, Phone Taiwan,R.O.C : +60-7-2364929 SIBIU, Romania Phone 51 Jalan, Sri Bahagia 5, Taman Sri Bahagia, Phone : +886-3-598-3601 : +40-269-20-35-00 PT. NTN BEARING INDONESIA Ruko Mal Bekasi Fajar Blok C-21 Dan C-22, NTN-SNR MAROC Route côtière 111, Quartier industriel, Polygone 1, Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 17520 18 Worth Street Chullora NSW 2190, SYDNEY Phone AUSTRALIA : +62-21-89983827 Casablanca, Morocco Phone NTN-CBC Australia Pty Ltd Kawasan Industri MM2100,Gandamekar Cikarang Phone : +61-2-99479200 : +212-522-66-76-80 NTN BEARING INDIA PRIVATE LTD. UNIDRIVE PTY LTD. Head Office LCC NTN-SNR Rus SPIC Annexe Building, 2nd Floor No.86, Mount 125167, Moscow, ul. Victorenko 5, bld 1, Business Road, Guindy Chennai 600032, India 45-49 McNaughton Road, Clayton Victoria 3168, center "Victory Plaza" Russia Phone Australia P.O.Box 146, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Phone : +91-44-33707700 : +7-499-963-00-01 Australia Phone : +61-3-9542-4100 Delhi Branch Asia and Oceania 819,8th Floor, International Trade Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 1100019, India NTN BEARING-SINGAPORE (PTE)LTD. Phone : +91-11-40520407 China NTN (CHINA) Investment Corp. Head Office No.9 Clementi Loop Singapore 129812 Phone : +65-64698066 Mumbai Branch Shanghai Head Office Sales Department Unit No 1104, DLH Park SV Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai 400064, India Phone : +91-22-28768501 NTN BEARING-THAILAND CO.,LTD. No.6 building No.1666 Nanle Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Songjiang, Shanghai 201611, China Phone : +86-21-5774-5500 Head Office 29th Floor Panjathani Tower, 127/34 Nonsee Road, NTN NEI Manufacturing India Private LTD. Chongnonsee, Yannawa, BANGKOK 10120, Plot No. 131, Sector-7, HSIIDC Growth Centre, Thailand Bawal Distt. Rewari, Haryana-123501, India Phone Phone : +66-2-681-0401 Khon Kaen Branch : +91-1284-264191 Phone Philippine Representative Office : +66-43-222237 Haad Yai Branch Unit 2808, Fortune Financial Center, No.5 Dongsanhuan Zhong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China Phone : +86-10-6568-3069 NTN BEARING-SINGAPORE (PTE)LTD. 189/191 Ruenrom Road, Mueang, Khon Kaen 400003. Beijing Branch Unit 1002 Philippine Axa Life Centre Condominium Guangzhou Branch Room 3606, Onelink Center, No.230-232 Tianhe Corporation Sen. Gil Puyat Ave Corner Tindalo Road,Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510620, China Street Makati City, Philippines Phone Phone : +86-20-3877-2943 : +63-2-759-4407 156/101-102 Moo 1, Lopburi Ramesuan Road, Klong Hae, Had Yai, Songkhla 90110 Phone : +66-74-292651 Chiangmai Branch Nanjing Branch D1D2, Nanjing Centre, No.1 Zhongshan South Rd, Vietnam Representative Office 17th floor Viet Tower 1Thai Ha St. Dong Da Dist, Qinhuai District, Nanjing 210005, China Hanoi, Viet Nam Phone Phone : +86-25-8477-5355 : +84-4-37347660 208 Moo 4, Wong wan rob klang, Nong Hoi, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 Phone : +66-53-142571 Chongqing Branch NTN KOREA CO.,LTD. Room 15-6, Carnival mansion, No.9 guanyingqiao Street, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 400020, China Head Office 10th Fl., 124, Sejong-Daero, Jung-Gu, Seoul, NTN BEARING-MALAYSIA SDN.BHD. 04520, Korea Head Office Phone Shenyang Branch Room 2606, China Resources Building, No.286 Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Phone : +60-3-55696088 : +86-23-6796-0812 : +82-2-720-3666 No.2, Jalan Arkitek U 1/22, Section U1, Hicom Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Phone Qingnian Road, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Busan Branch Rm.707, 775 Beon-Gil, Jungang-Daero, China Busanjin-Gu, Busan, 47251, Korea Phone Phone : +86-24-3137-9186 : +82-51-811-1351 Butterworth Branch NTN CHINA LTD. 4700, Jalan Permatang Pauh, 13400 Butterworth, Malaysia Phone Seohan-NTN Bearing CO.,LTD. : +60-4-3328312 Ipoh Branch Hong Kong Office 173-49,Yongmyeonggongdan-Gil, Geoncheon-Eup, Room 2003-05, Park-In Commercial Centre, No.56 Gyeongju-Si, Gyeongsangbuk-Do, 780-903 Korea Dundas Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone Phone : +82-54-750-8000 : +852-2385-5097 65, Medan Kidd, Kinta Mansion, 30200 Ipoh, Malaysia Phone : +60-5-2547743 TUNG PEI INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Head Office Kuantan Branch 10th Floor No.142, Chung Hsiao E. Rd., Sec. 4, B-72, Ground Floor, Jalan Beserah 25300 Kuantan, Taipei, Taiwan,R.O.C Malaysia Phone Phone : +60-9-5141132 : +886-2-27417321 Shanghai NTN Corp. No.1666, Nanle Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Songjiang, Shanghai 201611, China Phone : +86-21-5774-8666 Guangzhou NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. Economic and Technological Development Zone, 8251 South International Drive, Columbus, IN Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510530, China 47201,U.S.A. Phone Phone : +86-20-8226-6458 SNR WÄLZLAGER GMBH NTN DRIVESHAFT,INC. No.11 Jun Da Road, East District of Guangzhou Bielefeld Plant Friedrich-Hagemann-Strabe 66, 33719 Bielefeld, F. : +1-812-342-7000 R. Germany Phone NTK PRECISION AXLE CORP. NTN-RAB (Changzhou) Corp. No.200 Chuangxin Road (Electronic Industrial 741 South County Rd 200 West, Frankfort IN Park), Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 213031, 46041, U.S.A. China Phone Phone : +49-521-9-24-00-0 NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE Z.A. des Tremelieres Communaute Urbaine du : +1-765-656-1000 Mans 72704 Allonnes Cedex, France : +86-519-8302-8880 Phone : +33-2-43-83-9000 NTA PRECISION AXLE CORP. Shanghai Tung Pei Enterprise Co., Ltd. No.1555 Rongle Road.(E), Songjiang Industrial 795 Kimberly Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois U.S.A Phone : +1-630-690-6300 Route de Paris, 02650 Crézancy, France Zone, Shanghai 201613, China Phone NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE CRÉZANCY Phone : +33-3-23-71-50-00 : +86-21-57744698 Seohan-NTN Driveshaft USA CORP. 264 Teague Court, Auburn, AL 36832, U.S.A. NTN-LYC (Luoyang) Bearing Corp. Phone Annecy Plant No.1 Zhangheng Road, Luoyang Technology Park Luoyang, Henan Province 471023, China Phone : +86-379-6498-4299 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS : +1-334-321-3200 1, rue des Usines, BP 2017, 74010 Annecy Cedex, ASAHI FORGE OF AMERICA CORP. 5030 Corporate Way Richmond, Kentucky 40475, France Phone : +33-4-50-65-30-00 U.S.A. Phone : +1-859-626-4100 Beijing NTN-Seohan Driveshaft Co., Ltd. Argonay Plant No.3 Zhengfu Road, Opto-Mechatronics Industrial Park, Beijing 101111, China Phone 114, Rte de Champ Farçon, 74370 Argonay, France NTN BEARING CORP.OF CANADA LTD. Phone : +33-4-50-65-94-00 : +86-10-6950-7324 NTN Bearing Manufacturing of Canada 6740 Kitimat Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N NTN-DONGPAI (Shanghai) Bearing Sales Corp. 470 WenShui Road Zhabei District,Shanghai Seynod Plant 1M6, Canada Chemin de la Vallee, 74600 Seynod, France Phone Phone : +1-905-826-5500 : +33-4-50-65-91-00 200072,CHINA Phone : +86-21-3330-3821 NTN MANUFACTURING DE MEXICO,S.A.DE C.V. Xiangyang NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. Route de Frangy, 74960 Meythet, France Logistica Automotoriz (PILA), C.P.20340, Phone No.36 Shenzhen Ave. Shenzen Industrial Park, Hi- Aguascalientes, AGS., Mexico tech Development Zone, Xiangyang, Hubei 441000, Phone : +33-4-50-65-95-00 : +52-449-922-6200 SNR CEVENNES China Phone Meythet Plant Circuito Progreso No.120, Parque Industrial de : +86-710-2828836 NTN Driveshaft do Brasil Ales Plant Estrada Municipal, 400 Bairro Jardim Santo Afonso, Production Plant 2, vieille route de Salindres, 30340 Saint Privat des CEP 07215-040, Guarulhos-Sao Paulo, Brasil Vieux, France Phone Phone : +55-11-2085-5000 : +33-4-66-54-67-00 America AMERICAN NTN BEARING MFG.CORP. SNR ROLAMENTOS DO BRASIL LTDA. Elgin Plant 1500 Holmes Road, Elgin, lL 60123, U.S.A. Phone ICSA INDUSTRIA CUSCINETTI S.P.A. : +1-847-741-4545 Curitiba Plant Av. das Industrias, 380 - Parque Industrial - CEP ICSA Plant Via Giotto, 4, 10080 San Benigno Cavanese, 83.820-332 - Fazenda Rio Grande - PR - BRAZIL Torino, Italy Phone Phone : +55-41-3-627-80-00 : +39-011-982-48-11 Schiller Park Plant 9515 Winona Avenue, Schiller Park, lL 60176, U.S.A. Phone : +1-847-671-5450 Europe and Africa NTN Kugellagerfabrik (Deutschland) G.m.b.H. NTN Strasse 1-3, 40822 Mettmann, F.R. Germany NTN-BOWER CORP. Phone : +49-2104-1409-0 NTN-SNR RULMENTI S.R.L. Sibiu Plant Zona Industriala-Vest, 6 Strada Salzburg, 24 00 SIBIU, Romania Phone : +40-269-20-35-00 Macomb Plant 711 North Bower Road, Macomb, IL 61455-2511 U.S.A. Phone NTN Antriebstechnik GmbH Buschstuckenstrasse 6, D-39638 Gardelegen, : +1-309-833-4541 F.R.Germany Phone : +49-3907-777-0 Asia and Oceania NTN MANUFACTURING (THAILAND)CO.,LTD. Eastern Seaboard Automotive Products Plant Hamilton Plant 111/2 Moo 4, Tambol Pluakdaeng, Amphur 2086 Military Street South, Hamilton, AL 35570, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21140, Thailand U.S.A. Phone Phone : +1-205-921-2173 : +66-38-955-185 Eastern Seaboard Composite Material products Plant NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE Nanjing NTN Corp. 64/89 Moo 4, Tambol Pluakdaeng, Amphur No1.Yangjiabian Road, Nanjing Economic and Pluakdaeng,Rayong, 21140,Thailand Technological Development Zone Nanjing, Jiangsu Z.A. des Tremelieres Communaute Urbaine du Phone 210033, China Mans 72704 Allonnes Cedex, France : +66-38-955-935 Phone : +86-25-85285000 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS Pinthong Automotive Products Plant 789/172 Moo1 Tambon Nongkham Amphur Research and Development Dept. Guangzhou NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Engineering Dept. Sriracha Chonburi 20230,Thailand No.11 Jun Da Road, East District of Guangzhou 1, rue des Usines, BP 2017, 74010 Annecy Cedex, Phone Economic and Technological Development Zone, France : +66-38-348-572 Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510530, China Phone : +86-20-8226-6458 NTPT CO.,LTD. Technologies & Innovation Dept. 789/171 Moo1 Tambon Nongkham Amphur Sriracha Chonburi 20230,Thailand Phone 1, rue des Usines, BP 2017, 74010 Annecy Cedex, NTN-RAB (Changzhou) Corp. France No.200 Chuangxin Road (Electronic Industrial : +66-38-348-580 Park), Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 213031, China Phone : +86-519-8302-8880 China NTN NEI Manufacturing India Private LTD. NTN China Technical Center Bawal Plant Plot No. 131, Sector-7, HSIIDC Growth Centre, Shanghai Tung Pei Enterprise Co., Ltd. Bawal Distt. Rewari, Haryana-123501, India Shanghai Plant Phone : +91-1284-264191 NTN China Technical Center No.1555 Rongle Road.(E), Songjiang Industrial No.6 building No.1666 Nanle Road, Songjiang Zone, Shanghai 201613, China Industrial Zone,Songjiang,Shanghai 201611,China Phone : +86-21-57744698 Chennai Plant Plot P48/1,8th Avenue,DTA,Mahindra World City,Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram NTN-LYC (Luoyang) Bearing Corp. District,Tamilnadu-603 204, India Phone : +91-44-3748-3600 No.1 Zhangheng Road, Luoyang Technology Park Luoyang, Henan Province 471023, China Phone No.3 Zhengfu Road, Opto-Mechatronics Industrial Phone Park, Beijing 101111, China Phone 550-0003 Phone : 06-6443-5001 : +86-10-6950-7324 America TUNG PEI INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 1-3-17 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Beijing NTN-Seohan Driveshaft Co., Ltd. Gyeongju-Si, Gyeongsangbuk-Do, 780-903 Korea Taoyuan Plant NTN CORP. HEADQUARTER : +82-54-750-8000 Asia and Oceania : +86-379-6498-4299 Seohan-NTN Bearing CO.,LTD. 173-49,Yongmyeonggongdan-Gil, Geoncheon-Eup, others Xiangyang NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. NTN USA CORP. No.36 Shenzhen Ave. Shenzhen Industrial Park, Hi- 600 Sec. 1, Chieh-Shou Road, Pa-te City, Taoyuan tech Development Zone, Xiangyang, Hubei 441000, 1600 E. Bishop Court, P.O. Box 7604,Mount Hsien, Taiwan,R.O.C China Prospect, IL 60056-7604, U.S.A. Phone Phone : +886-3-361-3151 : +86-710-2828836 Phone OKITA TAICANG PRESS WORKS CO.,LTD Chungli Plant 7 Sung-Chiang N. Road, Chung-Li Ind. Zone, 88 Zheng He Lu Taicang Jiangsu 215400, China : +886-3-452-6801 SNR Bearings (Zhuhai Free Trade Zone) Co. Ltd. TAIWAY Industry CO.,LTD. No.14, Kwang Fu Road, Hukou 303, Hsianchu, France Phone Phone : +86-756-868-6671 Research and Development Center 45-49 McNaughton Road, Clayton Victoria 3168, America NTN BEARING CORP.OF AMERICA Australia P.O.Box 146, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia Phone : +61-3-9542-4100 Industrial Engineering Dept 1600 E. Bishop Court, P.O. Box 7604,Mount Prospect, IL 60056-7604, U.S.A. China Shanghai NTN Corp. No.1666, Nanle Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, � NTN Automotive Center � 39255 W. 12 Mile Road,Farmington Hills, MI 48331� 2975, U.S.A. Songjiang, Shanghai 201611, China Phone 1, rue des Usines, BP 2017, 74010 Annecy Cedex, Zhuhai, China : +886-3-598-3601 UNIDRIVE PTY LTD. Head Office 1, Tianke Road Zhuhai - Free Trade Zone, 519030 Taiwan,R.O.C Phone Europe and Africa NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS Chung-Li City, Taiwan,R.O.C Phone : +1-847-298-7500 : +86-21-5774-8666 Europe and Africa NTN Waelzlager(Europa) G.m.b.H. Engineering Dept. Max-Planck-Str. 23, 40699 Erkrath, F.R.Germany : +33-4-50-65-30-00 Corporate name NTN Corporation Trademark Representative President Hiroshi Ohkubo Number of employees 5,154 (consolidated:24,109) * as of March 2016 Date founded March 1918 Fiscal term March 31 Capital 54.3 billion yen Description of Business Head Office 1-3-17, Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Production and sales of mechanical parts and epuipment, such as bearings, drive shafts, and precision equipment 550-0003 Sales Highlights Non-Consolidated Financial Results (Net sales, Operating income) Consolidated Financial Results (Net sales, Operating income) 7,170 ome Net sales ) (consolidated Operating inc 7,019 ome 6,390 Net sales dated) (Non-consoli Operating inc llion yen) llion yen) (Unit: 100 mi llion yen) (Unit: 100 mi 5,396 5,435 (Unit: 100 mi llion yen) (Unit: 100 mi 478 439 5,000 5,000 400 4,000 400 4,000 330 300 3,000 3,392 3,184 3,355 3,380 3,214 300 3,000 200 200 207 2,000 155 2,000 100 73 1,000 91 0 FY2011 100 1,000 0 FY2012 127 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 0 -100 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 -100 Net Sales by Region (consolidated) Sales by Business Segment (consolidated) Aftermarket Application 15.9% Industrial machinery 14.5% 0 34 ▲16 Europe 23.6% Total: 717.0 billion yen Automotive 69.6% Total: 717.0 billion yen Asia 20.3% Japan 26.4% Americas 29.6% (FY 2015) (FY 2015) 1918 Began research and manufacture of ball bearings at Nishizono Ironworks. (Uchibori, Kuwana-cho, Kuwana-gun, Mie Pref.) 1923 Nishizono Ironworks and Tomoe Trading Co. (Nishi-ku, Osaka) began joint manufacture and sale of bearings under the brand name NTN. 1974 Established NTN BEARING THAILAND CO., LTD. in Thailand. 1975 Established NTN Elgin Corp. in U.S.A. (merged with AMERICAN NTN BEARING MANUFACTURING CORP. in 1985) Established NTN SUDAMERICANA, S.A. in Panama. 1934 Reorganized into a stock company with capital of 3,000,000 yen. 1976 Established NTN Sales Co., Ltd. (Later company name changed to NTN Sales Co., Ltd. and merged with NTN Corp. in 2000). Established NTN De Mexico S.A. in Mexico. 1937 Named the Toyo Bearing Mfg. Co., Ltd. Increased capital to 10,000,000 yen. Company stock traded publicly. 1982 Constructed constant velocity joint plant in Toyo Bearing Okayama Co., Ltd. Licensed constant velocity joint technology to Hyundai Motors. (South Korea) 1938 Established Showa Bearing Mfg. Co., Ltd. (the previous Takarazuka Works) in Muko-gun, Hyogo Pref. (Later, merged and company name changed to Mukogawa Works in 1939) (Later, company name changed to Takarazuka Works in 1962) 1984 Established Toyo Bearing Nagano Co., Ltd. (the present Nagano Works, merged with NTN Corp. in 1989) 1927 NTN Mfg. Co., Ltd. established with capital of 50,000 yen. 1939 Constructed Kuwana Plant. (the present Kuwana Works) 1985 Licensed bearing production technology to National Engineering Industries Ltd. (India) Established NTN-BOWER CORP., a joint venture with Federal Mogul Corp.. (U.S.A.) (Became a consolidated subsidiary to NTN Corp. in 1987) 1943 Commenced production of steel balls at Kuwana Plant. 1954 Awarded the Deming Prize for statistical quality control for the first time in the Japanese machinery industry. 1960 Established Toyo Bearing Iwata Co., Ltd. (the present Iwata Works) and began mass production of ball bearings. (merged with NTN Corp. in 1983). 1961 Acquired Kongo Bearing Co., Ltd. (the present NTN Kongo Corp.). Established NTN Wälzlager (Europa) G.m.b.H. in Germany. 1962 Constructed needle bearing plant at Toyo Bearing Iwata Co., Ltd. Established Toyo Bearing Machine Tool Laboratory Co., Ltd. (the present Production Engineering R&D Center). 1986 Constructed Japan's first plant dedicated to aerospace bearings, In Kuwana Works. Cumulative total of all constant velocity joints produced reaches 100 million. 1988 Established NTN Technical Center (U.S.A), Inc. (Transferred functions to NTN Automotive Center at NTN BEARING CORP. OF AMERICA in 2002) 1989 Constructed Iwata Engineering Center. Established NTN DRIVESHAFT INC. in the U.S.A. Changed company name to NTN Corporation. 1990 NTN USA CORP. established as headquarters in the U.S.A. Constructed Kuwana Engineering Center. 1994 Obtained ISO9002 certification (Kuwana Works). 1963 Established NTN BEARING CORP. OF AMERICA. Entered into a technical tie-up with Hardy Spicer Co., Ltd. in the U.K. and began production of constant velocity joints. 1964 Established NTN Sidag S.A. in France. (the present NTN France S. A.) in a Joint venture with INA-Sidag. (Became a consolidated subsidiary to NTN Toyo Bearing Co., Ltd. in 1973) Established NTN Bearing-Birfied Ltd. (the present NTN Bearings (UK) Ltd.) in a joint venture with Birfeld. (Became a consolidated subsidiary to NTN Toyo Bearing Co., Ltd. in 1988) 1965 Entered a business tie-up with Dixon Corp. of the U.S.A. and established Toyo Bearing Rulon Co., Ltd. (the present NTN Engineer Plastic Corp.) through merger (Renamed as NTN Engineer Plastic Corp. and became a consolidated subsidiary to NTN Corp. in 1991). 1966 Established Toyo Bearing Powder Metal Co., Ltd. (the present NTN Powder Metal Corp.) 1968 Established NTN BEARING CORP. OF CANADA LTD. 1971 Established AMERICAN NTN BEARING MFG. CORP. in the U.S.A. Established NTN Trading-Hong Kong Ltd. (the present NTN China Ltd.) in Hong Kong. Established NTN Bearing-Singapore (PTE) Ltd. in Singapore. Established Toyo Bearing Okayama Co.,Ltd. (the present Okayama Works, merged with NTN Corp. in 1983) Established NTN Kugellagerfabrik (Deutschland) G.m.b.H. in Germany. 1972 Renamed as NTN Toyo Bearing Co., Ltd. Established NTN Toyo Bearing Product Development Institute. 1973 Established NTN Bearing-Cae Mfg. (Canada) Ltd. (merged with NTN BEARING CORP. OF CANADA LTD. in 1981). Constructed constant velocity joint plant at Toyo Bearing Iwata Co., Ltd. Established NTN BEARING MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. in Malaysia. 1996 Bought the ball bearing division of American firm Federal Mogul Corp. (U.S.A), NTNBCA established. 1997 Nagano Works and related engineering departments obtained ISO9001/QS-9000 certification for their quality systems. Cumulative total of all constant velocity joints produced reaches 200 million. Established NTN do Brasil Ltda. in Brasil. 1998 Established NTN MANUFACTURING (THAILAND) CO., LTD. for the manufacture of bearings and constant velocity joints. Iwata area NTN enterprises obtained ISO14001 certification. Established NTN TRANSMISSION EUROPE for CVJ production through a joint Corp. with Renault of France. 1999 All plants and R&D Centers in Japan obtained ISO14001 certification by a multi-site qualification procedure. 2002 In a joint venture, established Shanghai NTN Corp. in China for the manufacture of CVJ casset and other products. In a joint venture with Nidec Corp. of Japan, established NTN-NIDEC (Zhejiang) Corp. in China for the manufacture of FDB units. In a joint venture with Taiwan Yulong Group Corp., established Guangzhou NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. in Guang Zhou, China for the manufacture of constant velocity joints. 2003 Cumulative total of all constant velocity joints produced reaches 300 million. Established NTK PRECISION AXLE CORP., a manufacturing company for heat treatment and turning in the U.S.A.. Established Beijing NTN-Seohan Driveshaft Co., Ltd, a joint venture with Korea Flange Co., Ltd. in China for constant velocity joint production. Established ASAHI FORGE OF AMERICA CORP., a manufacturing company for forging processing in the U.S.A.. 2004 NTN mie Corp. established as a model factory for domestic bearing production. In a joint venture, established Shangzhou NTN-Guangyang Corp. in China for the manufacture of bearings. The Iwata Works, Kuwana Works, Okayama Works and Nagano Works acquire ISO9001 and ISO/TS16949 certification. 2005 Established NTN (China) Investment Corp. as a holdings management company in China. Established NTN's General Research & Development Center in Iwata. In a joint venture with Nidec Corp. of Japan, established NTN-NIDEC (THAILAND) CO., LTD. in Thailand for the manufacture of FDB units. Established NTN NEI Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. in India for the manufacture of constant velocity joints. Established NTN Kamiina Corp. for the manufacture of bearing rollers. 2006 Invested in IFA-Antriebstechnik GmbH as a manufacturer of constant velocity joints in the German IFA Group. Established NTN Fukuroi Corp. as a manufacturing company of constant velocity joints. 2007 In a joint venture with Korea Flange Co., Ltd. KOFCO Group, esrablished Seohan-NTN Driveshaft USA CORP. in the U.S.A for the manufacture and sales of constant velocity joints. Established NTN hakui Corp. in Ishikawa for turning large bearings. Invested in SNR ROULEMENTS as a subsidiary to RENAULT. (Became a consolidated subsidiary to NTN Corp. in 2008) Established Nanjing Puzhen NTN Railway Bearing Co., Ltd. for the production of railway bearings in China jointly with Nanjing Puzhen Rolling Stock Works. 2008 Established NTN HOUDATSUSHIMIZU CORP. as a manufacturing and sales company of extra-large bearings in Ishikawa. Established NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE CRÉZANCY by NTN TRANSMISSIONS EUROPE, a manufacturing subsidiary purchasing Crézancy plant of SETFORGE Group, a forging manufacturer in Frence. Esrablished NTN AKAIWA CORP. as a manufacturing and sales company of tapered roller bearings in Okayama. 2009 Established NTN's Elemental Technology R&D Center in kuwana. Established NTN SHIKA Corp., a forging company for large-sized bearings, in Ishikawa. 2010 Established Seohan-NTN Bearing Co., LTD., the manufacture and sales for large-sized wind turbines, jointly with Seohan in Korea. Established NTN do Brasil Produçâo de Semi-Eixos Ltda. for the manufacture and sales of constant velocity joints in Brazil. The NTA PRECISION AXLE CORP. was established in the U.S. as a manufacturer and sales company for forging, turning and heat treatment of parts. The NTN Noto Corporation was established in Ishikawa prefecture as a manufacturer and sales company of bearings for industrial machinery. 2011 The sales company PT.NTN BEARING INDONESIA was established in Indonesia. The NTN-LYC (Luoyang) Bearing Corporation was established in China in a joint venture with the Luoyang LYC Bearing Co., Ltd. as a manufacturer and sales company of hub bearings and needle bearings. Construction of the NTN China Technical Center in China was completed. NIPPON KAGAKU YAKIN CO., LTD. became a subsidiary of NTN Corporation. Established NANJING NTN CORPORATION in China for the production of industrial machinery bearings. The sales company NTN-Dongpai (Shanghai) Bearing Sales Co., Ltd. was established in China. The sales company NTN BEARING INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established in India. 2012 NTPT Company Limited was established in Thailand in a joint venture with Takao Kogyo as a manufacture and sales of forging and turning parts. 2013 Established NTN LOGISTICS CO., LTD. as a logistics subsidiary in Kuwana. Established NTN MANUFACTURING DE MEXICO, S.A.DE C.V. in Mexico for the manufacture and sales of hub bearings and constant velocity joints. 2014 Established Xiangyang NTN-Yulon Drivetrain Co., Ltd. in China for the manufacture and sales of constant velocity joints. 2015 Established NTN DRIVESHAFT ANDERSON, INC. in the U.S.A. as a center for the manufacture of drive shafts for automotive use. The company name was changed to NTN Advanced Materials Corporation following the merger of NTN Powder Metal Corporation and Nippon Kagaku Yakin CO., LTD. For New Technology Network R Using recycled paper to preserve our environment. ZE32.16.08.06
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