Mission participants at Ramat HaNegev.


Mission participants at Ramat HaNegev.
Mosaic Israel
at Ramat
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Mosaic Israel
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jewish federation
Officers and Executive
Celia Norian, President
Sondi Green & Libby Hoffman,
Vice Presidents, Campaign
Vernon Kozlen, Treasurer
Bernard Reiter, Secretary
Lainie Weil,
President, Women’s Philanthropy
Allan Lehmann & Phil Glass, Allocations
Nancy Ditlove, Major Gifts
Roberta Nyman,
Immediate Past President
Howard Levy, Immediate Past President
Joseph Bernstein
Sandra Borns
Elliott Cohen
Ellen Glass
James Graff-Radford
Fran Kaufman
Marvin Lewis
Jason Novack
Allan Nyman
Dr. Paul Ross
Stephanie Ross
Elisa Schwartz
Sandy Seplow
Amy Stone
Bruce Landgarten,
Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents
Vol. 39 • No. 1
2, 3, 6, 8, 18
Women's Philanthropy
Young Adults (j-Connect)
Jewish Family Service
Simchas & Classifieds
Tolerance Education Center
I have always admired the early
American pioneers. What courage
it took for them to pack their
belongings into a covered wagon
and head west to areas unknown to
find their dreams and start a new life.
They forged ahead and conquered
the new lands overcoming obstacles
that I can only imagine.
During our recent mission to Israel,
we met true Israeli pioneers of today
and we, the Jewish Federation of the
Desert, are partners in that dream.
The Negev makes up 60% of
the land of Israel but has only 8% of
the population. David Ben-Gurion,
Israel’s first prime minister, believed
that the Negev was the true test of
the State of Israel, in which creativity,
daring and decisiveness would find
For several years now, our
community has focused its efforts
in the Ramat Negev Region. It is
30% of the entire Negev, with a
total population of 5,500. Our
newest partnership has been in the
community of Merchav Am, which
was founded in 2001. It lies about
40 KM south of Be’er Sheva, in the
middle of nothing. This community
started with a seed group of about
6 couples. Today it has grown to 40
families with about 100 children.
The nearest grocery store and
schools are 20 minutes away. None
of the conveniences that we take for
granted are in any close proximity.
Their neighbors become their
Two years ago, our Federation
made an allocation to help build
a Community Center in Merchav
Am. The families needed a place
to gather; someplace that would
become the “center of their lives”
in this lonely land.
On May 3rd the 16 participants
2 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
of our community’s Mosaic 2013
Mission were honored to participate
in the dedication of this Community
Center. The entire community came.
We met these pioneers who have
established their lives in the Negev.
They were so happy to meet us and
thanked us profusely for making this
center possible. They now have a
facility that has room for community
events, education and celebrations.
These young families are truly
pioneers of today. They have
uprooted their lives as they knew
One young woman came to me
after the dedication ceremony and
thanked me for helping to put this
building in the community where
she will move in a few months. She
was not even living there at the time,
but was excited and grateful that her
family will have this Community
Center and “had to come” to thank
Merchav Am is just our latest
project. In 2008 we built a Day
Care Center in Givot Bar that now
has an enrollment of 85 children.
Standing (left to right) Roni Flamer (OR Movement), Janet Reiter, Bernard Reiter, Federation
CEO Bruce Landgarten, Stephanie Ross, Roberta Nyman, Allan Nyman, Celia Norian,
Shmulik Rifman(Ramat Ha-Negev Mayor), Barbara Platt, Steven Mark, Bobbie Rosenberg,
Vera Mark, Norm Lewis, Shelly Rosenberg and Ofir Fischer (OR Movement).
Seated in front: Carol Moses, Paul Ross and Leslie Roth.
it, and have put their energies,
hopes and dreams into tomorrow.
We are part of that dream! We met
some of these young families. One
couple told us that they were living
in an apartment in Jerusalem and
they were the youngest people in
the building. They wanted to start a
family and wished that their children
could grow up in a place that was
open and less stressful than the big
city. They wanted their family to be
surrounded with others sharing the
same convictions. So they left their
lives in Jerusalem, including their
parents, and moved south. They
have a new life here. It’s not easy,
but they are helping to fulfill Ben
Gurion’s dream of building the
Also in 2008, we helped to refurbish
a building in the old city of Be’er
Sheva that now houses the offices
and information center for those
who are interested in moving to the
Negev. We have also contributed
to the future Community Center/
Synagogue in Eliav, a community of
70 families.
Actually visiting the communities
where our monies have made
profound differences is an exciting
and moving experience. I hope I have
conveyed some of this excitement
and have given you a feeling of being
part of this effort. As contributors
to our Federation campaign, you
have become partners in settling the
Negev … and making Ben-Gurion’s
dream a reality.
From the CEO
Feeling Exhilarated … and Safe … in Israel
Jewish Federation Chief
Executive Officer
In May, sixteen Jewish community
members participated in our 2013
Mosaic Israel Mission and saw
firsthand how their annual giving
impacts the lives of Israelis. Thanks
particularly to Allan Nyman, Roberta
Nyman and Celia Norian, we were
able to bring our community mission
to fruition after a long hiatus. This
trip provided our attendees with
opportunities to connect with Israel’s
diverse landscape, culture and
It was so interesting that despite
Israel facing threats on its borders
daily, a fanatical Iran not too far away
that wants to destroy it, and world
bodies, such as the United Nations,
that continue to defame the Jewish
state, tourism to Israel is growing.
It's a remarkable phenomenon
— almost like defying gravity! We
saw for ourselves this tourism trend.
There is something about Israel and its
magic and magnetism, that continues
to defy the odds. Israel’s tourism is
breaking records, with international
travel at an all-time high.
We were in Israel days before its 65th
anniversary on May 14. Travelers
were flocking to Israel to celebrate,
in spite of fears about safety ignited
by the Arab Spring and the ongoing
political conflicts that overwhelm the
region. Tourism in 2012 was record
breaking: the nation saw the arrival of
3.5 million travelers, a 5% increase
compared to 2011.
Throughout our 8 day-long stay,
I realized there is no place in the
world quite like it. The rich, distinctive
culture percolates to every corner of
this country, and the longing to return
is, just as expected, magnetic. Israel
is an unparalleled, matchless and
entirely transcendent experience.
People who visit Israel typically
have a great time and say how safe
they feel during their trip, that the
country is nothing like the “war zone”
too often depicted in the media.
Now is a great time to visit Israel.....
now and in the future. It never gets
old for me.
Whether you are here for the summer or
other home community, please think of our
beautiful Tribute Wall when there is a special
occasion to commemorate or memorialize.
This is a special place to honor those who have
touched your lives. Making a charitable gift
in their honor, and by adding plaques in their
names on this Tribute Wall, you will perpetuate
their good name and support the life affirming
efforts of our Jewish Federation.
For more information about ordering a
Tribute Wall Plaque, please contact Bruce
Landgarten, Jewish Federation CEO, at bruce.
[email protected] or 760-324-4737.
PACIFIC PREMIER BANK presentation of $5000 check to the Jewish Federation Campaign.
(left to right) Jim Trew, Jewish Federation CFO, Bank officers Kathi Hallock, Ed Wilcox, and Brian
J. Johnston; and Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation CEO.
High Holiday Services with Rabbi
Faith Tessler are being offered to
Jewish residents of Desert Hot
Springs and the High Desert at
Mission Lakes Country Club in
Desert Hot Springs. Contact Evie
Rubenstein at the Jewish Federation,
760-324-4737 for a schedule of
services and to obtain tickets.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 3
Women's Philanthropy
alon Ben david returns to desert for december 9 education day
Alon Ben David, Israel Channel 10 News’ Senior Defense Analyst and Correspondent,
will return to the Coachella Valley on December 9, 2013, as keynote speaker for
Education Day.
Ben David’s impressive analysis of the complexities and critical crossroads facing Israel,
presented at Women’s Philanthropy’s INSIGHTS event in March, gave attendees a clear,
concise understanding and appreciation of the dynamic between Israel and her neighbors.
That afternoon he predicted “The next six months will be crucial,” adding “I would love
to return to give you an update about the escalating threats and provocations Israel and
the Middle East will be facing at that time.” In the words of Women’s Philanthropy
Education Vice President Judy Cohn, “That was an offer we could not refuse.”
Education Day will be held at the UCR Palm Desert Campus Auditorium (Frank Sinatra Drive and Cook
Street) on Monday, December 9, 2013 at 10:00 am. A breakfast will
be served, followed by Ben David’s presentation and a chance to ask
Mark your calendars now for this very special opportunity to once
again hear Alon Ben David. Men are welcome and encouraged to
attend. For further information, please call Barbara Ben-David, Director
of Women’s Philanthropy at 760-324-4737. Reservations for Education
Day are required and space is limited.
for more information contact women’s Philanthropy director Barbara Ben-david
at 760-324-4737 or [email protected].
A Publication of the
Jewish Federation of the Desert
VOL. 39, no. 1
Bruce Landgarten,
Chief Executive Officer
Miriam h. Bent, Editor
Bailey & Co., layout & Design
jCn sTaTeMenT
The Jewish Community News seeks
to provide news and feature material
of special interest to its readership,
and to create a heightened sense
of Jewish identity through the
dissemination of information about
people, events and issues at home
and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve
as a forum for the exchange of
ideas and opinions in the Jewish
The JCN is published monthly,
ten months a year by the Jewish
Federation of the Desert,
69-710 Highway 111,
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270,
760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154.
arTiCLes & adVerTisinG,
Miriam h. Bent, Editor
760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085,
[email protected]
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goods or services advertised in its
pages and makes no representation
as to the kashrut of food products
and services in such advertising.
The publisher shall not be liable
for damages if, for any reason
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advertisement or for any error in
an advertisement. Acceptance of
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The JCN is not responsible if ads
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advertiser will indemnify, hold
harmless and defend the JCN from all
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and consumers for any reason based
on ads carried in the JCN.
ron dermer Confirmed as israel’s next ambassador to U.s.
The Times of Israel
U.S.-born Ron Dermer, 42, a key
adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, will take over the critical
post of Israel’s Ambassador to the
United States from another U.S.born political appointee, Michael
Oren, who has held the job for the
past four years. In expressing his
congratulations, Michael Oren stated
“As Ron’s close friend and long-time
colleague, I know that he’s uniquely
qualified and is deeply committed to
the historic U.S.-Israel alliance.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
noted, “Ron Dermer has all the
qualities necessary to successfully fill
this important post. I have known him
for many years and I know that Ron
will faithfully represent the state of
Israel in the capital of our greatest ally
— the USA. On behalf of the citizens
of Israel, I wish him great success.”
Dermer, who immigrated to Israel
from Florida in 1998, has served
under Netanyahu since 2009 as
senior adviser in the Prime Minister’s
Bureau, where he acted as liaison to
the White House. From 2005 to 2008,
he served as economic affairs minister
to the Israeli Embassy in Washington,
a position which required him to give
up his U.S. citizenship.
Dermer is a graduate of the Wharton
School of Business at the University
of Pennsylvania and holds a master’s
degree in philosophy, politics and
economics from Oxford. In 1995,
while still a student at Oxford, he
helped manage Natan Sharansky’s
Yisrael b’Aliyah party’s Knesset
campaign. He later became an adviser
to Sharansky and co-wrote Sharansky’s
bestselling foreign-policy treatise, “The
Case for Democracy,” before moving
on to work for Netanyahu.
“Ron reminds us what Israel is all
about,” Sharansky told The Times of
Israel. “He came as a new immigrant,
a young man … Now he’s going
back to the United States as Israel’s
ambassador. Ron has an extremely
deep sense of the foundation of
the connection between Israel and
America, our mutual values. He
wrote about it, he studied it, he lives
it… Ron will be extremely important
to Washington and the White House
because they know he’s very close to
the prime minister, that speaking to
him is like speaking to Netanyahu;
that’s a very rare thing,” he added.
A Tablet magazine feature last year
said Dermer “has done more to shape
Israel’s relationship with the United
States, its Arab neighbors, and the
Palestinians over the past few years
than any man aside from the prime
minister himself.”
Dermer’s father, lawyer Jay Dermer,
served in the 1960s as the mayor of
Miami Beach, Florida; and Dermer’s
brother, David Dermer, later also served
as Miami Beach mayor. Dermer’s
mother was born in Mandatory
Palestine and later emigrated with her
family to the United States.
Married with five children, Dermer
is an engaging and effective advocate
for Netanyahu’s worldview, one insider
said. The pro-Israel American-Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) also
welcomed Dermer’s appointment.
“Mr. Dermer has a deep understanding
of the critical value of the US-Israel
relationship and the importance of
further strengthening the alliance
between these two democratic allies,”
the group said in a statement. “We also
express our gratitude to Ambassador
Oren for his service over the past
four years as he worked tirelessly and
effectively to bolster the bond between
the United States and Israel.”
Where the heart of the Jewish community comes alive.
Welcome to Temple Sinai, the desert’s place to worship, connect, study and celebrate. Meet our
dynamic new spiritual leader, Rabbi Glenn Ettman, at the forefront of temple life. And join us for
High Holy Days services when Rabbi and Cantorial Soloist Randy Tichauer, the Temple Sinai
Choir and accompaniment offer a profound way to begin your new year.
To learn more, you’re invited to our Open House Sunday, August 18, 10:30 am at the temple.
Our gathering with babkas and bagels is a great way to meet warm, friendly families and find out
how easy it is to become a member. This year, the High Holy Days are sooner than you think. We’ll
observe Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday, September 4 and Thursday, September 5, and Kol Nidre
on Friday, September 13 and Yom Kippur services Saturday, September 14. For tickets, contact
our office today. Because the community where Judaism comes alive has a place for you.
For tickets, contact Jennifer or Toni at 760.568.9699.
For membership information, Bud Booke, membership chairman, at 760.360.1533.
Break the Fast with a Dairy Buffet
immediately after Ne’ilah service
September 14. By reservation.
73-251 Hovley Lane West
Palm Desert, CA 92260
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 5
Memories from our Mosaic israel Mission
The Jewish Federation of the Desert’s
2013 “Mosaic Israel Mission", chaired
by Allan Nyman, a past Federation
President and longtime liaison of
our Federation to projects in Israel’s
Negev, included Jewish Federation
President Celia Norian, Federation
CEO Bruce landgarten, Norm lewis,
Vera and Steven Mark, Carol Moses,
Roberta Nyman, Barbara Platt, Janet
and Bernard Reiter, Bobbie and Shelly
Rosenberg, Stephanie and Dr. Paul
Ross, and Leslie Roth.
From the dedication of the Cultural
Center in Merchav Am to visiting the
Golan Heights to ascending Masada
and descending to the Mediterranean
in Jaffa, the eight days in Israel were
awe inspiring, emotional and exciting
Without question, a highlight
was the dedication of the cultural
community center in Merchav Am,
described in Federation President Celia
Norian’s article on page 2. As these
photos show, it was a day of rejoicing
and celebration. Allan Nyman affixed
the mezuzah on the entrance to the
building. Parents and children danced
and presented red roses. Pictured
below the dedication signage are (left
to right) OR Movement’s Roni Flamer,
Federation CEO Bruce landgarten,
Allan Nyman, Ramat Ha-Negev
6 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
Director of Tourism Raz Arbel, Celia
Norian and OR Movement’s Ofir
Fischer. The family with the father
holding his child on his shoulders was
one of the pioneering families referred
to in the page 2 article.
Another special experience was
going to Masada. Pictured: Our tour
guide Michal, leslie Roth, Vera Mark,
Paul Ross, Roberta Nyman and Carol
Moses. The photo of our briefing on
the Golan Heights includes (back
row) Carol Moses, Bruce landgarten,
Janet Reiter (front) Barbara Platt, Celia
Norian, Allan and Roberta Nyman,
Bobbie Rosenberg and Bernard
Reiter. A somber moment was laying
a wreath on the graves of David and
Paula Ben-Gurion. Pictured are Carol
Moses, Vera Mark and Norm Lewis.
Other photos include Celia Norian
and Roberta Nyman playing with
children at the Givot Bar Community
Center (the lady in red is staff).
Winemaking is growing in the Negev
and we visited Carmey Avdat. Pictured
are Bobbie and Shelly Rosenberg and
Barbara Platt.
Photos can only give a “taste” of
an experience. We encourage you,
“Visit Israel.” It’s an experience of a
ZOA Urges State Dept: Stop Referring to Eastern Jerusalem As
"Palestinian Territories"
On July 16 the Zionist Organization
of America (ZOA) wrote to the
State Department urging them to
stop referring to eastern Jerusalem
as "Palestinian Territories." Eastern
Jerusalem is actually the eastern half
of the city of Jerusalem, including the
ancient Jewish section populated by
over 200,000 Jews, the Temple Mount
and the Western Wall, Judaism's
holiest sites. The ZOA has described
this usage as factually and legally
inaccurate, politically biased and
prejudicial to the prospect of genuine
peace negotiations.
In its press release on July 10,
the State Department's Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs
announced several new projects
pairing U.S. cultural institutions
with foreign ones, including the
pairing of the Minnesota Historical
Society with the Palestinian Heritage
Museum, located in the eastern half
of Israel's capital, Jerusalem. The
State Department press release stated
that the program, 'Design Diaries
International,' paired the Minnesota
Historical Society with the "Palestinian
Heritage Museum, East Jerusalem,
Palestinian Territories"
ZOA National President Morton A.
Klein said, "The designation of eastern
Jerusalem as 'Palestinian territories,'
is factually and legally inaccurate,
politically biased and prejudicial
to the prospect of genuine peace
negotiations, should these occur one
day. There is no Palestinian sovereign
controlling eastern Jerusalem, only a
Palestinian Authority (PA) controlling
half of Judea and Samaria (Gaza is
controlled by the terrorist group
"While many states have
recognized the legal fiction of a
'state of Palestine,' there is no such
state, let alone one that actually holds
sovereign power in eastern Jerusalem.
In particular, the United States does
not recognize such a state and voted
accordingly when the admission of
'Palestine' as a non-member state
of the United Nations was voted
upon last November in the United
Nations General Assembly. Moreover,
the PA is a signatory to the Oslo
Agreements in which it committed
itself to not altering the political status
of the disputed territories, except by a
negotiated settlement with Israel. We
must understand that Jordan illegally
annexed eastern Jerusalem in 1948,
and only one country recognized it.
Even the Arab states rejected it.
"How ironic that the U.S.
government, which criticizes Jews
living in or building homes in eastern
Jerusalem or in Judea and Samaria
because doing so supposedly alters
the political status of the territories,
actually baldly and falsely declares
that eastern Jerusalem is part of
'Palestinian territories.'
"The State Department's erroneous
public statement about eastern
Jerusalem also shows a lack of
respect for its ally, the democratically
elected government of Israel. In 1980,
the Israeli Knesset passed a law
affirming that a united Jerusalem is
Israel's capital. Significantly, the law
also affirmed the freedom of religion
for all religious faiths in Jerusalem,
a freedom that was denied when
Jordan occupied eastern Jerusalem.
Jordan desecrated Jewish holy places
when it illegally occupied eastern
Jerusalem. Jordan also destroyed fiftyeight synagogues and 38,000 Jewish
cemetery headstones.
"Indeed, eastern Jerusalem was
seemingly unimportant to Jordan
because it failed to provide even
the most basic municipal services
there. Eastern Jerusalem's residents
lacked electricity, plumbing, health
care services and even a steady
water supply. "It was Israel that
began providing those badly needed
municipal services to eastern
Jerusalem, including to Arab homes
and businesses. Arab residents are
given the choice of becoming citizens
of Israel.
"Jerusalem has been the capital
of the Jewish people twice in history
in the two Jewish commonwealths.
It has never been the capital of any
other state or people. It is mentioned
almost six hundred times in the
Hebrew Bible, but not even once in
the Muslim Quran. It has been the
focal point of Jewish prayers and
longing, well symbolized in the line
of the Psalmist -- 'If I forget thee, o
Jerusalem, may my right hand forget
her cunning' -- and the eastern half
of the city contains the holiest Jewish
sites. Indeed, Jerusalem is one of the
four Jewish holy cities. In contrast,
Muslims face Mecca, not Jerusalem
in prayer and the city possesses only
some sites holy to Christianity and
Islam, but is not a holy city to these
The Palestinian Arab residents
of eastern Jerusalem receive social
welfare benefits from Israel, not from
the Palestinian Authority, They also
have been offered Israeli citizenship.
Surely, the Palestinian Authority does
not control eastern Jerusalem with
its hundreds of thousands of Jews
and other Israeli citizens. In fact, the
Palestinian Authority has repeatedly
proclaimed that they won't allow any
Israelis to live under their rule.
"The State Department therefore has
erred grievously in describing eastern
Jerusalem as 'Palestinian territories.'
"This is not even a matter of the State
Department regarding (wrongly)
eastern Jerusalem as 'occupied
territory' (as eastern Jerusalem did not
form part of the sovereign territory of
another country prior to Israeli taking
control of it in 1967). Here, the State
Department has gone further, asserting
that eastern Jerusalem belongs to an
entity called 'Palestinian territories.'
"The U.S. position has been
that these territories are subject to
negotiation. If that is so, it should not
be pre-judging the issue and claiming
that it belongs to one or another party.
The Obama Administration should
therefore publicly repudiate the
designation of eastern Jerusalem as
being located in 'Palestinian territories'
and correct all US governmental
statements, including this recent press
release, that falsely and wrongly states
that eastern Jerusalem is part of the
'Palestinian territories.'"
Last chance to order
greetings for the
High Holidays.
See back page.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 7
Jewish Federation Annual Meeting Elects Officers/Board for 2013-2014 Year
The Jewish Federation’s Annual
Meeting was held May 8, 2013, at
which time Celia Norian was reelected
for a second term as President. Elected
Vice Presidents/Campaign were Sondi
Green and Libby Hoffman. Vernon
Kozlen was elected Treasurer and
Bernard Reiter Secretary. Immediate
Past Presidents are Roberta Nyman and
Howard Levy.
Elected for a second three year term
were Sondi Green and Amy Stone.
Elected for a third three year term was
Vernon Kozlen and Dr. Paul Ross.
Leaving the Board were Joel Cohen,
Cora Ginsberg and Fran Kaufman.
Keynote speaker was Beth Mann,
Associate Vice President, Jewish
Federations of North America,
introduced by Lainie Weil, President,
Women’s Philanthropy.
Below: Outgoing Board Member
Joel Cohen presented a gift from
Howard Levy.
Above: Lainie Weil, Women’s Philanthropy President;
Bruce Landgarten, Jewish Federation CEO; Beth Mann,
Associate VP, JFNA; and Celia Norian, Federation
Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatment Reduces Bone Healing Time By 75 Percent
Researchers at Hadassah Hospital’s
Department of Orthopedics have
found conclusive evidence that using
stem cells to treat severe fractures can
speed up the healing process. The
clinical trials that were conducted
found that the new treatment
shortened the recovery process that
normally takes six to 12 months down
to two to three months.
“A process that began 15 years
ago eventually led to this clinical
trial at Hadassah, the first of its kind
in Israel,” said Professor Iri Liebergall,
Head of Orthopedics, who led the
research. The trial, which began four
years ago, included 24 patients with
severe pelvic fractures – fractures that
tend to heal very slowly if at all.
The study introduced an innovative
treatment that was based on
re-injecting stem cells, taken from the
patient’s pelvic area, into the fracture
site. The cells that are used are called
8 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
Mesenchymal stem cells: they are
stromal cells, those that make up the
connective tissue of organs, which
have the ability to differentiate into
a number of cell types. In this case,
the researchers took advantage of the
cells’ ability to become cells that are
responsible for bone formation, called
After the injection procedure,
patients regained functionality
and returned to their everyday life
significantly faster than those who had
not undergone it. “This research is a
medical breakthrough. Publication of
this study and its findings will most
likely change the current accepted
principles of treating complicated
fractures. Now we face the challenge
of understanding this healing
mechanism and how it works,”
Professor Liebergall explained.
norwegian neo-nazi arrested in
france on suspicion of Preparing
attack hate
The French Interior Ministry
announced that French Police have
arrested Norwegian neo-Nazi Kristian
Vikernes and his French wife, Marie
Cachet, on suspicion of preparing "a
large-scale act of terrorism". Vikernes
made no secret of his sympathies for
right-wing extremist Anders Behring
Breivik, who in July 2011 committed
a terrorist attack in Oslo and then
shot dead dozens of participants in a
summer camp for Social Democratic
Vikernes, who is now 40, was
sentenced to 21 years in prison in
his youth for murdering a friend by
stabbing him 20 times with a knife.
He was released after 16 years in
prison and began living in France in
2010. Cachet, who is 25, has already
had three children with Vikernes and
is now expecting a fourth. She has
applied for a gun permit and has
recently purchased several firearms.
Police have long been disturbed by
the anti-Jewish, seditious, xenophobic
texts that Vikernes has published
online. During a recent search of
his home in the village of Salon-LaTour they found five rifles. "Vikernes
represents a potential threat to society.
He had the ability to prepare a largescale act of terrorism," the French
Interior Ministry's statement said.
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Last chance to order greetings for the
High Holidays. See back page.
To apply for emergency
from the
call the jewish federation
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 9
“standwithUs” Pro-israel Campaign in san francisco
by Rina Tzvi, Arutz Sheva
Pro-Israel advocacy and
education group StandWithUs
launched an advertising campaign
on San Francisco’s Muni bus system
to counter the latest round of antiIsrael ads.
“Anti-Israel groups attempt to
misinform the public in order to
undermine American support for
Israel. Their ads typically demonize
Israel and blame it for the lack
of peace. They ignore context
including the continued deadly
actions and ideology of Palestinian
terrorist groups like Hamas,” Roz
Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs,
said in a statement reported by
the JNS news service. According
to StandWithUs, the ads highlight
“Israel’s diversity, religious freedoms
and the benefits of the continuing
Israel-U.S. relationship.”
The group has countered
numerous anti-Israel ads over the
past several years in cities across
North America. “StandWithUs
has countered every anti-Israel
ad placed in San Francisco and
beyond, and will continue to do
so. We cannot let hostile messages,
with their deceptive, velvet-gloved
rhetoric, influence unsuspecting
commuters who may not know
the facts,” said Dr. Mike Harris of
StandWithUs and the San Francisco
Voice for Israel group, according
to JNS.
“jewish Voice for Peace” seeks to split jews on israel
NGO Monitor
On July 8th NGO Monitor released
a detailed report of the goals, tactics,
and opaque financing of Jewish Voice
for Peace (JVP), a U.S.-based advocacy
organization dedicated to driving "a
wedge" within the Jewish community
to create the impression that the Jewish
community is polarized over Israel.
"Since American Jews are important
supporters of Israel, JVP's attempt to
divide the Jewish community is aimed
at undermining U.S. support for Israel,"
Yitzhak Santis, NGO Monitor's Chief
Programs Officer and the report's
author, warned. "JVP also works to
weaken this support in U.S. mainline
churches and on American campuses.
Our researchers discovered that this
summer, Jewish Voice for Peace is
joining the American Friends Service
Four members of Jewish National Fund’s Palm Springs and Desert
Region Board participated in the July 2013 JNF International Israel
Mission, where they dedicated the children’s playground at Givot Bar,
underwritten by funds raised at the JNF 2010 and 2011 love of Israel
Dinners. Pictured (left to right) JNF National Planned Giving Officer
Matt Bernstein, PS Board Members Elaine land Dexter, Debbie OrgenGarrett, Jim levitas and Evelyn Binsky; JNF CEO Russell Robinson and
OR Movement’s Roni Flamer.
10 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
Committee to train student activists
at a Boycotts/Divestment/Sanctions
(BDS) boot camp."
JVP's strategy, as stated by executive
director Rebecca Vilkomerson and
others, is in line with the 2001 Durban
NGO Forum strategy of political war
against Israel. "JVP's tactics," said
Santis, "include boycotts, divestment
and sanctions (BDS), a sustained
campaign of demonization against
Israel, and support for a Palestinian
claim to a 'right of return’.”
The NGO Monitor report shows that
JVP views itself as the "Jewish wing" of
the Palestinian solidarity movement.
As such, JVP consistently partners
with anti-Israel groups in the U.S. and
abroad, including Electronic Intifada,
American Muslims for Palestine,
Adalah-NY, Code Pink, Sabeel,
International Solidarity Movement,
and the U.S. Campaign to End the
Israeli Occupation (of which JVP is an
official member). JVP members also
sailed in the 2011 Gaza flotilla.
"JVP's funding sources are far from
transparent, and its website carries
no information on its donors," Santis
emphasized, "Yet, we discovered
that a number of foundations that
contribute to JVP also contribute
to other groups active in the BDS
delegitimization campaign. Most of
JVP's funding sources remain hidden,
leaving the question, who is funding
this group?"
The report shows that JVP's last
annual report was in 2005 and its
budget in 2011 was $876,529.
Syrian Doctor Asks Israel to Save Man’s Life
By Viva Sarah Press, Israel 21c
Israeli doctors at Ziv hospital
in Safed were surprised to find a
handwritten note in Arabic, addressed
to them, attached to the clothing of a
badly wounded Syrian man brought
to Israel for lifesaving treatment. The
polite letter opened with “Hello
distinguished surgeon” and went on
to detail previous medical care the
patient had received in Syria days
earlier. The unnamed Syrian physician
understood that he could not provide
the required treatment and asked his
Israeli counterparts to save the life of
the 28-year-old patient.
The patient suffered from gunshot
wounds to his chest and torso and
shrapnel damage to his diaphragm
and liver, according to a report by
Channel 10. He arrived in Israel in
critical condition and after surgery
was upgraded to stable condition.
The Syrian doctor explained in
his letter what treatment the man had
already received and thanked the
Israelis in advance, saying he knew
they would do everything possible to
save the life of the young man.
Dr. Amiram Hadari, director of
the trauma unit at Ziv hospital,
commended the Syrian physician on
his initial treatment, saying “it seems
that the [Syrian] operation saved
his life.” Although Syria is officially
considered an enemy state, Israel
allows Syrians in need of critical care
to cross the border for “humanitarian
reasons.” To date, some 20 Syrians have
received treatment at Ziv hospital, the
nearest major Israeli medical center to
the Syrian border.
Despite Court Order, No Plan to Punish Sabbath Violation
in Tel Aviv
by Maayana Miskin, Arutz Sheva
A court may have ordered the
city of Tel Aviv to enforce the law on
Sabbath store openings, but Mayor
Ron Huldai is planning a solution that
will maintain the status quo. Huldai
spoke with city council members on
in early July regarding the court order
and plans for the future. The city will
abide by the order, he said, but added,
“We will use our judgment and use
enforcement in cases where there is
some disturbance to public order.”
Ultimately, he continued, “our plan is
to find the right way to entrench as law
the balance we have here – a reality
which the overwhelming majority of
city residents are fine with.”
The High Court ordered the Tel
Aviv municipality to take steps to
enforce the law requiring store inside
cities to close on the Sabbath. Justice
Elyakim Rubenstein referred to the
city’s current methods of enforcement
as a “bluff” that did not uphold the
law in practice. While Tel Aviv may
have an image as the “city that doesn’t
stop,” he said, Tel Aviv is not in a
different country, and must balance
Jewish tradition with democracy like
the rest of the country.
Small business owners had
complained that the city’s current
indifference to the law leaves them
unable to compete with larger stores,
which can afford to risk the fines that
occasionally result from ignoring the
Last year the Tel Aviv City Council
approved public transportation on
the Sabbath. It also created a plan
to close streets in the city center on
the Sabbath.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 11
Local Temples
August Shabbat Schedule
BeTh shaLOM
(Member, United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism)
Ken Hailpern, Spiritual leader
79-733 Country Club Drive
Bermuda Dunes
[email protected]
heBreO de MeXiCaLi
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Contact: Ron Cohen
760-960-3392 Us
(686) 216-7152 Mexico
ChaBad Of PaLM sPrinGs
& deserT COMMUniTies
Rabbi Yonason Denebeim
425 Ortega, Palm Springs
ChaBad Of PaLM deserT
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
Rabbi Mendy Friedman
760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158
ChaBad Of ranChO MiraGe
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
Rabbi Shimon Posner
72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage
Beth shalom
Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm.
Oneg follows.
Saturdays: Services 9:30 am,
followed by kiddush.
Morning minyan October-May.
Call 760-200-3636 for Shavuot
Service schedule
Chabad of Palm springs
Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes
after candle lighting time.
Saturday services: Morning 9:30 am; Women’s Torah
Discussion, led by Sussie
Denebeim during Kiddush at
noon. Evening: same as
evening before.
Call 760-325-0774 for Shavuot
service schedule.
Chabad of rancho Mirage
Friday Shabbat services: 7:50 pm
Mincha followed by Kabbalat
Shabbat: Shabbat morning: 10:00
am followed by sit down Kiddush.
Children’s Program/Service 11:15
am. Daily minyan: Shacharit
services Monday-Friday 7:00 am;
Sundays 8:00 am
desert hot springs jewish
Services resume with the High
Holidays. See ad page 8.
har-el Congregation
Member, Union for Reform Judaism.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service Friday,
August 16. see ad page 9 for
more information.
shalom Bayit (Banning)
Havdallah the first Saturday of
each month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat
Services the third Friday of the
month at 7:30 pm. Both held 1320
West Williams Street, Banning.
Temple isaiah
Friday Shabbat services 7:30 pm,
followed by an Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday mornings: Services 10:00
am. Kiddush following.
Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays
and Thursdays.
Saturday, August 31: Chocolate and
Champagne Reception at
7 pm, followed by S’lichot Service
at 8 pm. See ad page 4 for more
Temple sinai
Friday services: Summer
schedule – services at 6:00 pm.
Saturday: 9:00 am: Bagels, lox and
Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat
Centro Cultural hebreo
de Mexicali
Weekly Shabbat Services Friday
at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner.
Saturday immediately before sunset:
COnGreGaTiOn shaLOM BaYiT
Spiritual leader/Cantorial Soloist:
Cathy Gordon
1320 Williams Ave., Banning
Contact 951-769-3678/769-7514
August Community Calendar
10:00 am and 1:30 pm The
Tolerance Education Center offers
free movies every Wednesday. Call
760-328-8252 for schedule.
TeMPLe isaiah
3:30-5:00 pm Jewish Family Service
jewish Bereavement Group.
Meets weekly at the JFS Palm
Springs Office, 801 East Tahquitz
Canyon. Free to local community
and reservations not required.
(Member, Union for Reform Judaism)
Rabbi Richard Zionts
Har-El Cultural Center
47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert
Rabbi Sally Olins
332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs
TeMPLe sinai
Rabbi Glenn Ettman
73-251 Hovley lane West, Palm Desert
A project of Chabad of Palm Springs &
Desert Communities
(Community Outreach)
Rabbi Yankel Kreiman
Monday, august 5, 12, 19, 26
7:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage
Men’s Torah Class with Rabbi
Benny lew. For more information
and to confirm summer dates,
call 760-636-2897 or email
[email protected]
12 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
Tuesdays, august 6 & 20
noon. Jewish Family Service
“Lunch in and Out Program.”
Semi- monthly activity program
for homebound seniors at the
Joslyn Center, Palm Desert.
Transportation is provided and
participants take part in activities
and lunch. Some restrictions
apply. To register and obtain
further information contact lisa
Schmid. 760-325-4088, ext. 104.
wednesday, august 14
Har-El Galen Summer Bonus
Course “Historic Reform
Synagogues.” 3:00 pm DVD; 4:00
pm lecture. No fee. Registration
required. Call 760-779-1691.
See ad page 9 for details.
Monday, august 12
2:00 pm Café europa - Program
for Holocaust Survivors, held at
the Tolerance Education Center,
coordinated by Jewish Family
Service. Transportation available. For
more information call Julie Hirsh, JFS
at 760-325-4088, ext. 109.
wednesday, august 28
3:00-4:30 pm Har-El Galen
Trimester Course “Enjoying Bible
as literature: Genesis.”
See ad page 11 for details.
sunday, august 18
10:30 am Temple Sinai Open
house with babkas and bagels.
See ad page 5 for details.
say Goodbye to surgical stitches and staples
By Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel 21c
If a new Israeli product from IonMed
gets market approval, surgeons will
have a revolutionary tool in their
hands for scar-free incision closure.
Women giving birth by Caesarean
section could be the first to benefit
from a revolutionary Israeli invention
for closing surgical incisions without
stitches or staples. The technique also
promises to leave patients less prone
to infection and scarring. BioWeld1,
a unique trademarked product from
Israeli startup IonMed, welds surgical
incisions using cold plasma.
Plasma is a gas in which a certain
proportion of the particles are ionized.
It has been shown to offer manifold
benefits including tissue welding,
control of bleeding, enhancement
of tissue repair, disinfection and
destruction of cancer cells. However,
plasma has enjoyed a limited role in
surgery due to the high temperatures it
creates and resulting harmful effects on
body tissue. IonMed’s scientists found
a way to make use of cold plasma as
the power behind the BioWeld1. The
procedure takes a few minutes, seals
the area completely, leaves minimal
scarring or painful stitches, and does
not require complex training.
“No one has done this before —
and more than that, the platform of
cold plasma is a technology that is not
available in medicine yet,” says Ronen
lam, IonMed’s co-founder and vice
president for business development.
“We will probably be the first,” he
told ISRAEl21c.
The company anticipates receiving
the CE mark of approval in Europe
by the end of the year. After closing
its next financial round, IonMed
would then look into beginning trials
in Europe and in the United States
toward getting approval of the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and launching its next cold plasmabased product.
BioWeld1 is the brainchild of
Ronen’s brother, Amnon, who led
development projects at Tower
Semiconductor in northern Israel
and at Intel’s Israeli research center.
Prior to that, he’d been a medic in
the military. His familiarity with cold
plasma from Tower – where it was
used for etching semiconductors
— gave him the idea of welding
together his two areas of expertise.
Amnon Lam saw the potential of
cold plasma in healthcare, and toyed
with applications in cosmetics, dental
and skincare. “At the end of the day,
he found wound closure the most
attractive one,” says his brother. That
was about three years ago.
“Tissue reconnection has been
done for thousands of years with
sutures, and in recent years with
staples and glues,” says lam. “It is time
for something new in this traditional
market, and that’s why we decided
to start here.”
With half a million dollars in seed
money from the Israeli Office of the
Chief Scientist, IonMed joined the
Trendlines incubator in northern
Israel and developed the concept
to the point where it closed a $3
million financing round in 2011. The
company now employs six people
in its office in Yokne’am Ilit. Lam
explains that many companies have
been bringing advanced surgical
staples and adhesives to the market.
“But our cold plasma technology
is unique because of its impact on
tissues and the wide spectrum of
applications it can address, so there
is a lot of interest from big players,”
he says.
The BioWeld1 generator delivers
the cold plasma through a variety
of disposable tips. The skin closure
procedure is performed using a cold
plasma jet to apply a trademarked
biological film called Chitoplast
to weld the tissue together. Other
applications in development do not
require Chitoplast and rely solely on
the tissue effects of the plasma jet.
The company’s three clinical
trials, which have so far focused
on closure of Caesarean section
incisions, showed BioWeld1 to be
excellent for sealing the incision
and promoting healing and tissue
disinfection, Lam reports. It also has
potential for reducing hospitalization
and operating room usage. “We are
focusing on the Cesarean section first,
because we found it will be the easiest
path to market due to the importance
of achieving a superior cosmetic result
while reducing time in the operating
room,” says Lam.
“We are in the midst of strategic
discussions right now in order to
chart our next application. Areas
under consideration include external
closure in plastic surgery, treatment of
chronic wounds as well as internal
applications in abdominal, thoracic
and colorectal surgery.”
IonMed gathered an advisory
board with leading obstetriciangynecologists and surgeons in
Germany, Brazil and Italy. Four OB/
GYNs in Europe are poised to launch
the product later this year, pending CE
approval. “All of them have tested
our equipment in trials,” lam stresses.
Investors are now being sought for
a Series B funding round, says lam.
“We will be carrying out additional
trials in the near future to expand
the use of cold plasma to go deep
on external closure while promoting
additional applications.”
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 13
Prince Charles warns of Growing anti-semitism in Britain
Prince Charles warned of a growing
rise in anti-Semitism in Britain as
high-profile leaders from within and
beyond the British Jewish community
gathered to pay tribute to outgoing
Chief Rabbi lord Jonathan Sacks at
a dinner in his honor in late June.
Renowned academic, author and
inter-faith worker
lord Sacks is due
to leave office in
September after 22
years in his role as
Chief Rabbi of the
The second in
line to the throne led a sea of praise
of Sacks’ work in office, commenting
especially on “that all-important
principle of which this country has
long been an exponent – the principle
of tolerance”, which he said had been
a common theme throughout his
tenure as Chief Rabbi. "I sometimes
fear not enough recognition is given
to the role of the faith communities in
the life of our country in promoting
such a critical principle, and I join
with you, in mounting anxiety, at the
apparent rise in anti-Semitism, along
with other poisonous and debilitating
forms of intolerance,” he added.
new data shows 99% drop in illegal entry
by Maayana Miskin, Arutz Sheva
Illegal entry to Israel from Egypt
is a mere fraction of what it was
just last year, new data from the
Immigration and Population Authority
has revealed.
While 9,570 citizens of various
African countries entered Israel
illegally in the first half of 2012,
only 34 did the same in the first six
months of 2013 – a decrease of over
99 percent.
Multiple developments have been
credited for the dramatic change.
One is the new security fence which
covers the 230 kilometers (144 miles)
of border between Israel and Egypt.
Another is a law which went into
effect in June 2012 under which
illegal entrants to Israel who do not
have refugee status are arrested.
The Israel Defense Force (IDF)
has also bolstered its presence on the
southern border in response to political
instability in Egypt and increasing
terror in the Sinai Peninsula, providing
another obstacle to would-be illegal
Prime Minister Binyamin
Netanyahu reacted to the extreme
decrease. “This is a result of the
comprehensive work we’ve done to
deal with the phenomenon of illegal
entry,” he said. “After stopping the
phenomenon with the help of the
fence we built along the border, we
are now working to return the illegal
entrants currently located here to their
home countries,” he added.
'shylock' Crossword Puzzle 'Perpetrates Classic
by Rina Tzvi, Arutz Sheva
The editors of Tribune Media
Services have been called on to
apologize for a clue in a crossword
puzzle that used the clue “Shylock,
e.g.” to elicit a three-letter response,
with the correct answer being “Jew.”
The crossword puzzle, which was
syndicated, appeared in several
newspapers across the country.
“Shylock” is a reference to the
grotesque stereotyped fictional Jewish
character from Shakespeare’s play,
“The Merchant of Venice.”
“Perhaps the puzzle authors were
unaware of the use of Shakespeare’s
Shylock character throughout the years
as a vehicle for anti-Semitism,” wrote
ADL National Director Abraham
Foxman in a letter to Tribune Media
Services. “Selecting Shylock to elicit
the answer ‘Jew’ demonstrates cultural
ignorance and an extreme lack of
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14 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
sensitivity. Even if done inadvertently,
such a linkage perpetuates classic
anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews as
evil and money-hungry,” Foxman
ADl urged Tribune Media Services
to print an apology and refrain from
using clues that reinforce negative
stereotypes about Jews or other
groups in the future.
jewish family service
of the desert
“Count on us… for life”
801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202
Palm Springs, CA 92262
(760) 325-4088
PrOGraMs & serViCes
The Tolerance Education
Center is open all
for further information about these services and
COUnseLinG & faMiLY sUPPOrT:
Experienced therapists help individuals,
couples, and families address life's
Call for information on
events, exhibits and free
weekly movies shown
Wednesdays at 10:00 am
and 1:30 pm
sOLUTiOns fOr seniOrs: Serves older
adults to maintain independence and help
them enjoy a higher quality of life. Please
call the office for information.
jfs eXPress seniOr ride PrOGraM -If
you know someone homebound and needing
transportation to a medical or important
appointment, please have them contact JFS
Express for assistance.
jewish BereaVeMenT GrOUP: Free to
the local community. This group meets every
Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office,
3.30-5.00 p.m. No registration necessary.
Chabad hebrew school
A project of Chabad of
Palm Springs & Desert Communities
Director: Sussie Denebeim
73550 S. Rosa Way,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
friendLY VisiTOrs: For seniors who are
isolated and would like companionship,
a JFS volunteer can bring care and
friendship. Friendly Visitors can also provide
companionship and celebration during
the Shabbat observation. Call for more
jfs sPeaKers BUreaU: Is your organization
looking for an interesting program to share
with members? JFS can present a program on
critical social and mental health issues.
Temple isaiah
Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins
332 West Alejo Road
Palm Springs, CA 92262
760-325-2281, ext. 203
jfs VOLUnTeers weLCOMe: Rewarding
Volunteer Opportunities; Interested in
expanding your life by volunteering? JFS has
volunteer openings and is now accepting
applications for the following positions: lunch
In & Out Driver, lunch In & Out Program
Volunteer, Friendly Visitors, JFS Express Driver.
Contact Julie Hirsh, extension 109.
Temple sinai
Director: Miri Ketayi
73-251 Hovley lane West,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
CafÉ eUrOPa GrOUP: Programming for
holocaust survivors. Monday August 12,
2013 at the Tolerance Education Center 2:00
pm. Transportation available, please call Julie
Hirsh for more information 760-325-4088
X 109.
Temple sinai Tikvah Pre-school
Director: Debbie Midcalf
24 mos - Pre-K
73-251 Hovley lane West,
Palm Desert, CA 92260
The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center Park
at San Pablo Avenue & Fred Waring Drive.
residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial,
a place of remembrance and monument of hope.
LUnCh in & OUT PrOGraM: Bi- monthly
activity program for homebound seniors.
Next Sessions Tuesday, August 6 & Tuesday
August 20, 2013 at the Joslyn Center, Palm
Desert. Transportation is provided and
participants take part in activities and lunch.
Some restrictions apply. To register and obtain
further information contact lisa Schmid 760779-9400. X 205.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 15
Tribute Card Donations
Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.
Honorarium Tributes –
In Appreciation For:
• Merle Arenson, Thank you from Edith Familian,
Rosemary Hertz and Pat Levy.
• Kathi Balaban, Happy birthday and thank you
from Ruth Beschloss, Rosemary Hertz, Pat
Levy and Joyce Meitus.
• Muriel Becker, Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Phyllis Eisenberg.
All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for
Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund,
which provides direct monetary intervention for needy
Jews living in the Coachella Valley.
• Toni Garmisa, Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Ellen Bakst,
Harriet Bernstein, Diane Gershowitz,
Darlene Gilford, Cora Ginsberg, Ellen Glass,
Margot Halperin, Rosemary Hertz, Pat Levy,
Cydney Osterman, Barbara Platt, Rella
Rifkin, Ginger Smerling and Ruthie Tivol.
• Larry Gilford, Happy 90th birthday, from
Philip and Ellen Glass.
• Jimmy Kaplan, Happy birthday, from
Cora and Ted Ginsberg.
• Shari Kaufman, , Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Ellen Bakst,
Harriet Bernstein, Diane Gershowitz,
Darlene Gilford, Cora Ginsberg, Ellen Glass,
Margot Halperin, Rosemary Hertz, Pat Levy,
Cydney Osterman, Barbara Platt, Rella
Rifkin, Ginger Smerling and Ruthie Tivol.
• Gary and Myrna Bell, Thank you for a fabulous
evening from Sanford and Rosemary Hertz,
Howard and Pat Levy, Harold and Mimi Paley.
• Renee Glickman, In honor of your “STAR”
from Phyllis Eisenberg.
• Sally and Mort Kirshner, Thank you for a
beautiful party and happy 55th anniversary,
from Judy and Mel Hecktman, Sanford and
Rosemary Hertz, Howard and Pat Levy,
Barbara Platt and Susan Sunkin.
• Corinne Bronfeld, Happy birthday wishes from
Sylvia Cristall.
• Harriet and Marvin Goldberg, Happy 60th
anniversary, from Penni and Art Perrault and
Adeline Matzkin.
• Pearle and Mark Levey, Thank you for a
lovely evening, from Sanford and
Rosemary Hertz.
• Muriel Goldberg, , Thank you for a
wonderful afternoon, from Ellen Bakst,
Harriet Bernstein, Diane Gershowitz,
Darlene Gilford, Cora Ginsberg, Ellen Glass,
Margot Halperin, Rosemary Hertz, Pat Levy,
Cydney Osterman, Barbara Platt, Rella
Rifkin, Ginger Smerling and Ruthie Tivol.
• Joni and Don Maltzman, Thank you for
including us in Donny’s big birthday, from
Howard and Pat Levy.
• Connie and Ricki Butwinick, Thank you for a
fabulous evening from Sanford and Rosemary
Hertz, Howard and Pat Levy, Harold and
Mimi Paley.
• Joni Cohen, Congratulations on your new
home, from Loreen and Herb Jacobson.
• Lois and Tom Davidson, Thank you for a lovely
evening, from Sanford and Rosemary Hertz.
• Nancy Ditlove, Happy birthday from Shelli
Goodman, Libby Hoffman, Lois Johnson,
Cecille Silverman, Elaine and Richard Snow.
• Jane Effress, Thank you for a lovely evening,
from Carol Horwich Luber.
• Phyllis Eisenberg, Thank you for a terrific
afternoon of friendship and yogurt, from
Barbara Platt.
• Morris Glesby, Sending you birthday wishes,
from Cora and Ted Ginsberg.
• Jim Greenbaum, Happy birthday. Here’s to
you and the next 10 years, from Cora and
Ted Ginsberg.
• Jerry Gruenberg, Happy big birthday, f
rom Rosee and Sandy Hertz, Irwin and
Arlene Volk.
• Rosemary Hertz, In honor of your birthday,
from Kathi Balaban and Ruth Beschloss.
• Rosemary Hertz, In honor of you for
Mother’s Day, from Eryn Kalish.
• Don Maltzman, Congratulations on your
special birthday, from Ellen Bakst,
Judy and Mel Hecktman, Sanford and
Rosemary Hertz.
• Greg Meidel, Best wishes for a wonderful
birthday, from Ted and Cora Ginsberg.
• Eunice Meister, , Thank you for a
wonderful afternoon, from Ellen Bakst,
Harriet Bernstein, Diane Gershowitz,
Darlene Gilford, Cora Ginsberg, Ellen Glass,
Margot Halperin, Rosemary Hertz, Pat Levy,
Cydney Osterman, Barbara Platt, Rella
Rifkin, Ginger Smerling and Ruthie Tivol.
• Marcia Milkis, Thank you for a very special
afternoon, from Ruthie Tivol.
• Mark and Carol Epstein, Thank you for a
fabulous evening from Jeff and Suzanne Feder,
Sanford and Rosemary Hertz, Howard and
Pat Levy, Harold and Mimi Paley.
• Jeanne and David Himy, Thank you for a
great evening, from Phil and Ellen Glass,
Howard and Pat Levy.
• Arnold and Edith Familian, Thank you for a
lovely evening, from Phil and Ellen Glass.
• Pat and Gordon Hubbard, Thank you for a
wonderful and delicious evening, from
Judith and Elliott Cohen.
• Jean Mintz, Happy special birthday, from
Loreen and Herb Jacobson.
• Arthur and Deborah Jacobson, Thank you
very much, from Lainie and Tom Weil.
• Jeff and Linda Noddle, Thank you for a
fabulous evening from Jeff and Suzanne
• Helene Galen, Happy special birthday, from
Loreen and Herb Jacobson.
16 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
• Marnie Miller and Joe Noren, Thank you for
a wonderful evening, from Judy and Marty
Cohn, Barbara Platt and Norm Lewis.
Tribute Card Donations Continued
Feder, Sanford and Rosemary Hertz, Howard
and Pat Levy, Harold and Mimi Paley.
• Larry and Annette Novack, Thank you for a
lovely evening, from Howard and Pat Levy.
• Myrna Odwak, In honor of a lovely
luncheon, from Rosemary Hertz.
• Myrna Odwak, Happy, healthy special
birthday, from Susan Sunkin.
• Cydney Osterman, Best wishes on your
special birthday, from Ted and
Cora Ginsberg, Margot and Jerry Halperin,
Sanford and Rosemary Hertz, Loreen and
Herb Jacobson, Howard and Pat Levy,
Joyce and Jim Meitus, Barbara Platt, Gail and
Bob Scadron.
• Dottie Palay, Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Phyllis Eisenberg.
• Harold Paley, Happy 85th birthday, from
Philip and Ellen Glass.
• Bernard and Janet Reiter, Thank you for
a memorable evening, from Paul and
Stephanie Ross.
• Elayne Rice, Happy birthday to a most
treasured friend, from Barbara Fuller.
• Nora Spak, , Thank you for a wonderful
afternoon, from Ellen Bakst,
Harriet Bernstein, Diane Gershowitz,
Darlene Gilford, Cora Ginsberg, Ellen Glass,
Margot Halperin, Rosemary Hertz, Pat Levy,
Cydney Osterman, Barbara Platt, Rella
Rifkin, Ginger Smerling and Ruthie Tivol.
• Maurine Stein, Congratulations on your
90th birthday, from Ruth Beschloss,
Bobby and Toni Garmisa, Rosee and Sandy
Hertz, Frances Horwich, Carol Lewis, Carol
Horwich Luber and Lila Rauch.
• Bobbie Stern, Thank you for such a lovely
evening, from Judy and Mel Hecktman,
Sanford and Rosemary Hertz, Howard and
Pat Levy.
• Jerry and Helen Stern, In honor of your
65th wedding anniversary, from Jerry and
Betty Abeles.
• Lainie Weil, Congratulations for your second
year as President of Women’s Philanthropy,
from Judith and Elliott Cohen.
Refuah Shleimah –
Get Well Wishes To:
• Judy Cohn, Get well wishes from
Phyllis Eisenberg.
• Sherry Schor, All good wishes for a very
happy birthday, from Margot and Jerry
• Neil Feinberg, Wishing you a speedy
recovery, from Rosee and Sandy Hertz.
• Barbara Schrayer, All good wishes for a
happy special birthday, from Margot and
Jerry Halperin, Sanford and Rosemary Hertz.
• Melinda Goodman, Wishing you continued
progress and good health ahead, from
Barbara Platt.
• Trudy and Eddie Schwartz, Thank you for
a lovely bridge evening, from Sanford and
Rosemary Hertz.
• Dick Leshgold, Wishing you a speedy
recovery, from Rosee and Sandy Hertz.
• Trudy Schwartz, In honor of your birthday,
from Kathi Balaban and Ruth Beschloss.
• Joan and Dick Sharfstein, In honor of a
lovely dinner, from Sanford and Rosemary
• Evey and David Simon, In honor of your
50th wedding anniversary, from Babe and
Marv Conney.
• Bill Osterman, Hoping for a wonderful
recovery, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg,
Rosee and Sandy Hertz and Barbara Platt.
Annette Shapiro, Best wishes for a speedy
recovery, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg, and
Barbara Platt.
• Ms. Bobby Singer, Get well soon, from
Bruce Pringle.
• Harold Tivol, Wishing you a speedy recovery,
from Buddy and Libby Hoffman.
Memoriam Tributes –
Condolences Sent To:
• Elaine Blitz and Family, Our deepest
sympathy on the passing of Sidney, from
Buddy and Libby Hoffman.
• Nancy Cohen, In memory of our beloved
cousin Seymour Cohen, from Myra and
Hilly Spira.
• Mrs. Garger, Our most sincere condolences,
from Dr. Mark and Fran Kaufman.
• Maddie Gordon, In memory of Gene, from
Sanford and Rosemary Hertz.
• Earl Greif, With deepest sympathy on the
death of your lovely wife Shirley, from
Idamay Landau, Rick and Marcia Stein.
• Burt Kaplan, With deepest sympathy on
the death of your lovely wife Shirley, from
Idamay Landau, Rick and Marcia Stein.
• Marilyn Karish, In memory of your husband
Harry, from Eileen Miller and Robert Trainoff.
• Paula Kozlen, In memory of your beloved
mother, from Dr. Mark and Fran Kaufman,
Allan and Roberta Nyman.
• Mendy and Lana Landa, In memory of
your beloved brother, from Harold and
Mimi Paley.
• Cookie Miller, In loving memory of your
beloved husband, Mike, from Bobby and
Toni Garmisa, Rosee and Sandy Hertz,
Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Vern and Paula
Kozlen, Dr. Mark and Fran Kaufman,
Allan and Roberta Nyman.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, In memory of
Mike Miller, from Rosee and Sandy Hertz.
• Jean Mintz, In memory of your husband,
from Phyllis Eisenberg.
• Martha Rosenberg, In memory of a most
beloved man, Dr. Milton Rosenberg, from
Barbara Fuller.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 17
France: Twitter Hands Over ID Info on Anti-Jewish Postings
by Arutz Sheva Staff
On July 12th Twitter said it had
handed over data to French authorities
to help identify the authors of antiSemitic tweets, following a complaint
from a Jewish students' group. A French
court in January ordered the company
to provide the data after legal action
by France's Union of Jewish Students
(UEJF). President Francois Hollande
had also called on Twitter to comply
with the court order.
Twitter said in a statement that
it had given information to judicial
authorities "enabling the identification
of some authors" of anti-Semitic
tweets. It said the move "puts an end to
the dispute" with the UEJF and that the
two parties had "agreed to continue to
work actively together in order to fight
racism and anti-Semitism,” adding that
the two sides would also cooperate on
"measures to improve the accessibility
of the procedure for notifications of
illicit tweets."
The UEJF launched a civil suit against
Twitter in March claiming 38.5 million
euros ($50 million) in damages over
the global networking site's failure
to respond to the French court order.
The group said it would hand over
any damages won in court to the
Shoah Memorial fund. The union
has been pressing Twitter to exercise
tighter control following a deluge
of anti-Semitic messages last year
posted under the hashtag #unbonjuif
(#agoodjew). Twitter later removed
some of the offending tweets.
The dispute has been seen as a test
case pitting the right to free expression
on the Internet against laws banning
hate speech.
In October, Twitter suspended
the account of a neo-Nazi group in
Germany following a request from
the government in Berlin. That was
the first time that the U.S. firm had
applied a policy known as “countrywithheld content,” which allows it to
block an account at the request of state
urban waste water and industrial
pollution,” the EU said when the
project was announced in 2011. Israeli
green technology is a centerpiece of
the project, with Israeli researchers
providing numerous systems to
remove pollution from the shores
of Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, and
northern African countries.
Perhaps even more important is
the fact that Israel is a major funder
of the project, allocating 600 million
euros to the project over the next
seven years. Sources in the Foreign
Ministry said that the EU's new policy
may put the whole project in jeopardy,
since at least some of the technologies
Israel is contributing to the project
were developed by companies and
academic institutions located in
Judea and Samaria and in areas of
Jerusalem liberated in the Six Day
War. Considering the financial crisis
in many Mediterranean countries,
Israel's funding for the project may
be a major issue for the continuity of
the project.
According to the new EU rules,
Israel will have to pledge not to supply
any of that technology to the project
– removing a good chunk of the
technology contributions Israel was
slated to make.
Speaking on July 17th, Economics
Minister Naftali Bennett said that he
would personally ensure that Israeli
businesses affected by the policy were
not hurt. “We, too, can impose our
own rules on the EU. For example
we have something to say about EU
projects in the Palestinian Authority,”
Bennett told reporters. “Sanctions
like this could mean the end of such
projects,” as Israel must approve such
EU's Yesha Sanctions Could Boomerang
by David Lev. Arutz Sheva
The European Union is not the
only one that can impose sanctions
and boycotts, Israeli officials said July
18th. A report in Maariv said that if the
EU insists on boycotting Israelis and
Jews living and doing business in the
lands liberated in the 1967 Six Day
War, Israel could boycott some major
European Union projects that features
Israel as a central partner.
Among them is an 80 billion euro
project to clean up the Mediterranean
by 2020. Horizon 2020 “aims to
de-pollute the Mediterranean by the
year 2020 by tackling the sources
of pollution that account for around
80% of the overall pollution of the
Mediterranean Sea: municipal waste,
18 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
Egypt “Squandered €1 Billion in EU Aid”
Financial Times
European auditors determined that
Egypt squandered €1 billion in EU aid
over the last seven years. According to
the Financial Times, the findings are
damning for both the Mubarak and
Morsi regimes.
The European court of auditors
found that the new Egyptian
government that swept to power in
the wake of popular uprisings in 2011
had – if anything – demonstrated even
less interest than its predecessor in
EU-sponsored programs to foster
civil society and protect the rights
of women and minorities. It also
warned that Brussels was unable to
track about 60 percent of the aid
money after it was transferred to
Egyptian government coffers, raising
concerns about widespread fraud and
“They do not fulfill the conditions
at all – and nevertheless, the money
is given,” said Karel Pinxten, the court
of auditors official who oversaw
the review, and is urging the EU to
overhaul the policy.
The report suggests that the EU
continues to fumble a decades-old
effort to craft an effective policy to
improve governance and generate
economic growth in a vital region
on its southern doorstep. The most
recent incarnation of the bloc’s
so-called “neighborhood policy” was
unveiled in 2004 with the philosophy
that Brussels would give more aid
money to governments that delivered
on reform and withhold it from those
that did not.
The initiative gained greater urgency
after the wave of popular uprisings
that rocked North Africa and the
Middle East two years ago, turning
out authoritarian governments and
opening the way for a new approach
by the EU. As the largest country in
the Arab world and one of the EU’s
biggest recipients of foreign aid, Egypt
has been a particular priority. The EU
has allocated about €1bn to Cairo
between 2007 and 2013 – the period
covered by the audit. Yet the court
of auditors found that the European
Commission, the EU’s executive
arm, and the European external
action service, its diplomatic service,
“have not been able to manage EU
support to improve governance in
Egypt effectively,” according to a copy
obtained by the Financial Times.
“The commission took quite a few
initiatives. But taking initiatives is one
thing – getting results is something
else,” Mr. Pinxten said. He also noted
the resistance to programs to stamp
out corruption and protect human
rights shown by Hosni Mubarak, the
long-time Egyptian ruler, as well as
the former Islamist government led by
Mohamed Morsi. “It’s quite clear under
the period of Mubarak but also under
Morsi, from the Egyptian side, there
was not a high degree of willingness
to go along with the commission. And
that’s an understatement.”
A formal reply by the commission
generally accepted the report’s findings
but said it did not “take sufficiently
into consideration the local political
context” and argued more time was
needed to see results. Nonetheless, it
acknowledged “an increased aversion
towards civil society and human rights
more broadly” in Egypt since the 2011
The report is likely to spur a fresh
debate about the merits of EU foreign
aid – particularly at a time of budget
cuts in Europe. Guy Verhofstadt, the
leader of the Liberal Democrats in
the European parliament, said the
report showed the EU human rights
policy to be “a joke” and demanded
that the bloc be more forceful about
suspending aid.
Israel Leads the World in Blindness Prevention
Israel 21c
A new study published in the
American Journal of Ophthalmology
shows that rates of preventable
blindness in Israel have been cut by
more than half over the last decade,
from 33.8 cases of blindness per
100,000 residents in 1999 to 14.8
in 2010.
Israel’s success in preventing
and treating all four main causes of
avoidable blindness — age-related
deterioration, glaucoma, diabetes and
cataract — is unmatched anywhere
else in the world, says the study’s
lead author, Dr. Michael Belkin of the
Goldschleger Eye Research Institute at
Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty
of Medicine and Sheba Medical
Other countries could see similar
results by emulating Israel’s approach,
suggests Belkin, one of the foremost
ophthalmology researchers in
Israel. The secret of Israel’s success?
Developing innovative methods of
prevention and treatment and making
them available universally through the
national medical system. Communitybased programs, such as dedicated
diabetes clinics, promote early
prevention and timely treatment for
diabetes-related complications that
can lead to blindness. Diabetes clinics
in Israel pay for themselves in about
two years’, he says, factoring in their
impact on preventing greater health
concerns. It is much more expensive
to treat blindness as it develops rather
than preventing it from the start, Belkin
points out.
According to the World Health
Organization, blindness remains
a severe health concern even in
industrialized countries, yet 80
percent of blindness is preventable
or treatable. The surprising results of
the study were revealed when Belkin
was researching a broader topic. “I
was trying to show that over the last
100 years there was no change in the
rate of blindness from glaucoma in the
world, which is probably true in many
places,” Belkin told ISRAEL21c.
But when he and fellow researchers
Alon Skaat, Angela Chetrit and Ofra
Kalter-Leibovici looked specifically
at Israeli statistics over the last 12
years, they discovered that although
rates of untreatable genetic causes
of blindness remained steady over
that time period, rates of preventable
blindness were reduced by more than
56%. This was not true of any other
country. There is nothing anywhere
else remotely like we have here in
Israel,” he said. In fact, in the same
issue of the American Journal of
Ophthalmology was a report from
Denmark — which also has socialized
medicine and high standards of care –
showing a decline only in age-related
macular degeneration.
Belkin speculates that one of the key
differences could be that Israelis tend
to adhere to recommended treatment
regimens more closely than patients
in other countries. This phenomenon
has been shown in relation to other
diseases but hasn’t yet been proven
in ophthalmology. The doctor notes
that policy also plays a role. Since
the 1990s, Israeli patients have been
able to choose their doctors privately
for cataract surgery. This practically
eliminates wait times for surgery and
prevents the condition from growing
worse over the long term.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 19
We Can Secure the Future
by Planting the Seeds Today
So that the Jewish Federation
will always be there.
Even when the world changes.
We have always been there. For many years the Jewish
Federation has helped disadvantaged Jews in our desert
community and around the world, rescued Jews at risk and
supported the State of Israel.
We have always been there, but the world is changing.
Political upheaval dislocated entire Jewish populations.
Socioeconomic trends destabilize Jewish families.
The world is changing, but the future is in our hands.
Each generation of desert Jews has planted the seeds to
sustain the next. By building the endowment of the
Jewish Federation, today’s Jews can help ensure that
the Jewish Federation will always be there, even when
the world changes.
To learn more about Legacy Giving,
please call Bruce Landgarten,
Chief Executive Officer,
69-710 Highway 111,
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
20 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
The Strength of a People.
The Power of Community.
idf deploys iron dome to defend eilat
by David Lev, Arutz Sheva
After Israel gave its consent mid-July
to allow Egyptian military forces into
Sinai in order to pursue Islamists, the
IDF has placed an Iron Dome battery
near Eilat. last weekend, several
rockets were reportedly fired at Israel's
southernmost city as Islamist groups,
fleeing Egyptian troops, took refuge in
remote areas of the Sinai near Israel's
border, and took the opportunity to
attack Israeli targets.
With the summer tourist season in
full swing and Eilat hotels and resorts
packed to capacity, the last thing the
army and government needed was a
panicky run for the exits if Sinai terror
groups decided to attack again – hence
the placement of the Iron Dome system,
which has been proven to intercept the
type of short-range Kassam rockets and
missiles that Sinai terrorists have fired
at Israel.
With the full entry of the Egyptian
army into Sinai, Israeli officials believe
that the Islamist groups will vent their
anger against Israel for assenting to
the Egyptian deployment by attacking
Eilat. Under the Camp David Accords,
both Israel and the U.S. must agree to
the deployment of military troops in
Sinai, which is supposed to remain a
demilitarized zone.
Egypt has already sent several
brigades of troops into Sinai, but
military officials say much more force
is needed, as the soldiers are facing
heavily armed terror groups affiliated
with Al Qaeda. Riots have broken out
several times in recent weeks in the
central Sinai town of El Arish, with
Islamists facing off against Egyptian
security officers, with members of
the Muslim Brotherhood and other
groups fleeing Cairo Shalom
and Alexandria
in recent days as theThe
in Jewish Living
down on their movements, in the wake
of the deposing of former President
Mohammed Morsi.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 21
saying that she and Shaun Casey
are “over the moon in love,” having
tied the knot on April 28, 2013. The
Cora and Ted Ginsberg are ceremony was followed by “an
kvelling over the accomplishments enchanting reception at the home
of Florence Miller and Sid Bogin”
... Gladys Becker proudly emailed
that her granddaughter Lauren
Kessler graduated Phi Beta Kappa
from the University of California
Berkeley this Spring and plans to go
to law school ... Nita Wiesenthal’s
granddaughter Lauren Blumenfeld
made her
Robert Scherl with parents David and
Wendy Scherl debut on the
B r o a dway
of grandson Robert Scherl, son of stage in a
David and Wendy Ginsberg Scherl p l ay “ Th e
of Ridgefield, Connecticut. He is Assembled
currently in Israel competing on the P a r t i e s ”
16-member U.S. baseball team at s t a r r i n g
the 2013 Maccabiah Games. He Judith Light
has also committed to play baseball and Jessica
at The University of Chicago in H e c h t .
Illinois, where he will be enrolling She plays Nita Wiesenthal and Lauren
this Fall as an incoming freshman J u d i t h ’ s
student. On being recruited by d a u g h t e r i n a p l ay a b o u t a
UChicago, Robert says, “It is a dysfunctional Jewish family from
dream come true for any student Long Island, NY. Nita saw the play
athlete: an opportunity to receive this summer and is kvelling “with
a world class education at an pride and happiness” ... Mazel tov to
amazing institution while playing Sophia Midgin, daughter of Toby and
the game that I love.”... Received Phillip Midgin and granddaughter
a happy email from Mary Coco of Beverly Bell, on being called
The Jewish Community News
welcomes letters to the editor.
Publication will be based on
appropriateness of material and
available space, at the discretion
of the editorial staff. We reserve
the right to edit submissions.
Submit letters of 250 words
or less by e-mail to:
[email protected], or
mail to the Jewish Federation,
69-710 Hwy. 111,
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270,
attn: Editor, JCN.
22 • JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773 • www.jfedps.org
to the Torah at Sinai Temple in
Los Angeles on May 4. Relatives
came from England, Canada and
around the U.S. to share the simcha
... Mazel tov to Charles Edward
Levine and Rebecca Ida Rothschild
wh o w e r e
M a y 1 8 th
on St. John,
U.S. Virgin
Charles is
the son of
Mary Levine
Charles and Rebecca
and the
late Jerrold
L ev i n e a nd s t ep s on o f A l a n
Goldstein. Becca’s parents are
Larry and Denise Rothschild of
Newton, Massachusetts ... Mazel
tov to Cathy and Larry Pitts on the
birth of their
Zoey Rose
o n Ju l y 1 0 t h ,
born to Sarah
(Pitts) and Ari
Finkelstein in
New Jersey ...
Linda Zweig
to Linda Zweig
on her appointment as Executive
Director of Desert Village Incentive’s
“Neighbor4Neighbor” program at
Sun City, an “aging in place” program
offering support services to seniors
so that they can continue to live in
their homes. The program currently
has 800 enrolled, assisted by some
250 volunteers ... Roberta and
Allan Nyman have had an exciting
couple months of family simchas.
Granddaughter Sydney Victoria
Nyman, daughter of Elizabeth Genel
and Mark Nyman was called to the
Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Temple
Isaiah in LaFayette, California;
granddaughter Megan Kurtz,
daughter of Steven and Dr. Leslie
Kurtz, graduated from Calabasas
High School as a CFS Gold Seal
Bearer and was awarded a Golden
State Seal Merit Diploma. She will
be attending University of Southern
California/Annenberg School of
Communication; granddaughter
Ashley Kurtz daughter of Steven and
Dr. Leslie Kurtz has been admitted
to California Lutheran University
as a communication major where
she has been awarded an academic
scholarship; and grandson Matthew
Nyman, son of Michael and Elizabeth
Nyman, graduated from Brentwood
Middle School to Brentwood High
School. Share your Simchas with us.
Contact Miriam Bent at mhbentjcn@
earthlink.net or call 760-323-0255.
Candle Lighting Times
Friday, August 2
Friday, August 9
Friday, August 16
Friday, August 23
Friday, August 30
Shabbat Re’eh
Shabbat Shoftim
Shabbat Ki Tetze
Shabbat Ki Tavo
Shabbat Nitzavim Ya’Yelech
7:03 pm
6:56 pm
6:49 pm
6:41 pm
6:32 pm
We Mourn the Passing of...
Sidney Blitz, Dr. Marvin Brooks, Leonard Burkin, Louis J.
(Bud) Chariton, Lita Ruth Don, Dr. Harry Garber, Bonnie
S. Gelfman, Barbara Hailperin, Geraldine “Gerry” Kaufman, Alyce
Klein, Morris Lechtick, Sam Lewis, Millie Mantell, Susan Marchand,
Catherine McKee, Sheila Pakula, Lea Robbins, Mark Rosenbaum and
Anita Golden Schertzer. Our deepest sympathies to their families and
friends. May their memories endure for a blessing.
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minimum 760-902-3490.
Laugh out Loud
Stories in the news that bring a smile!
Nothing is more annoying in Americanization of Israel commerce than
retailers who advertise sweaters on sale for 49.95 NIS or chicken breasts
reduced to 19.99 NIS a kilo. It’s not just that the come-on is an ‘optical
illusion.’ Israel simply doesn’t have cents since the agura, a feather-light tin
coin with scalloped edges - the Israeli equivalent of the penny - was phased
out in 1991 when minting the coins far exceeded its monetary value. As a
result, Israel still has 100 agurot to every shekel, but no coinage of less than 10
agurot (the 5 agurot coin was phased out in 2008), so, everyone, in essence,
gets short-changed at the cash register.
Citizen Moshe Sho’el is taking the bull by the horns, demanding the Supreme
Court sit as a High Court of Justice (BAGATZ) and order the government to
forbid merchandisers to advertise prices in coinage that doesn’t exist in the
vaults of the Bank of Israel. In his brief, Sho’el charges that he bought cottage
cheese advertised at 5.77 NIS, paid with a ten shekel note and received 4.20
NIS in change – off by 3 agurot.
Now it’s up the High Court of Justice to decide if the Talmudic adage din
pruta k’din me’ah – in loose translation “deal with a penny as you would
with a fortune,” still holds.
Israeli youngsters under 15 are not as laid-back as they appear. They’re
overwhelmingly celibate, says a WHO survey. Israel placed 32nd out of 35
nations polled in the number of young teens having sex (18 percent, down
from 28 percent in a 1998 poll) – just above the Ukraine, Poland, and Slovakia
and well short of Greenland (49.8 percent) and Denmark (37.7 percent).
It’s not solely ‘safe sex’ education in Israeli schools, that has elevated fear
of AIDS, that is responsible for the significant decline; experts in the field say
the dread of a potential partner posting a revealing photo on Facebook is the
primary driving force deflating libidos.
While normally one blesses a person on his birthday saying “ad 120”
(‘until 120’), the Israeli government has its own yardstick. In a rather strange
paid public announcement that appeared in the papers of late – alongside
the ones for public tenders, homes sold at auction, lost checkbooks, and the
like, the Government of Israel informed all persons over 110 years of age that
they would be wiped off the Population Registry and presumed dead if they
didn’t show some sign of life by letting authorities know within two weeks that
they hadn’t kicked the bucket yet. According to population registry statistics,
there are 757 citizens over 110 years of age still on the books.
Rishon le-Zion found a truly unique vehicle to promote adoption of new
words coined by the Hebrew Language Academy to replace English words
that have infiltrated Hebrew speech and writing for lack of a Hebrew term
such as “talkback” (now say t’guvit) and “blackout” (cheeshachon). City
elders hung giant signs with the new words on the sides of their municipal
garbage trucks.
JCN • August 2013 • Av-Elul 5773• www.jfedps.org • 23
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