York Health Foundation Report


York Health Foundation Report
A proud heritage. A promising future.
A decade of caring for the community.
A proud heritage
A promising future
Our Mission
The York Health Foundation is a community-based notfor-profit organization dedicated to improving the health
of the local community by generating charitable support
for the York-based entities of WellSpan Health including,
York Hospital, York Cancer Center, VNA Home Care,
WellSpan Medical Group, and programs for the uninsured.
A decade of caring for the community
Be proud of what you’ve
helped accomplish.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the York Health
Foundation. And thanks to donors like you, we’ve already
accomplished so much. With your contributions, we’ve helped
countless families, created world-class healthcare resources and
made our community a healthier place to live, work and play.
The upcoming pages provide just a snapshot of our initiatives,
which we hope to grow year after year, creating a brighter
tomorrow for generations to come. Together, we’re building a strong
tradition, while realizing an even more promising future ahead.
A proud heritage
A promising future
A decade of caring for the community
A Letter from the Chairman
During the past decade, the power of philanthropy at the York
Health Foundation has touched nearly every corner of our
community. From funding the HealthConnect van to reaching
out to children and families who have no regular family doctor
to caring for the tiniest patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit at York Hospital, to providing subsidized prescriptions at
the Healthy Community Pharmacy, WellSpan’s philanthropic
organization has spent 10 years building a healthier York County.
“Our donors have been making a difference for a decade.”
In this report, we recognize the Foundation’s top accomplishments over the last
10 years. The report profiles some special volunteers who were an integral part of
the creation of the York Health Foundation; our largest fundraising project, which is
enhancing the education of hundreds of physicians and attracting the best and brightest
to York Hospital; and, a patient who has depended on the financial support of the
Cancer Patient Help Fund as a lifeline, one of 400 patients and families the Fund
assists each year.
The York Health Foundation could not accomplish these tasks without the thousands
of donors who support it every year, the hundreds of volunteers who provide their time
and talents, and our past and present board members. Your generosity is helping patients
receive excellent care when they need it, and helping the entire community become
healthier. For that, we thank you. Please look at page 37 to see the group of special
donors who have supported the York Health Foundation each of our 10 years. We
thank these and all of our donors, who have made tremendous progress possible over
the past decade.
I have been fortunate to be involved with the Foundation and WellSpan for more than
20 years and I’ve seen our accomplishments help the community. Many challenges face
healthcare ahead, as more patients depend on WellSpan for their care. I’m confident
that together, we will continue to meet the needs of the community. The York Health
Foundation will be there to help our family, friends and neighbors, and to make our
community a healthier place to work, live, and play for many years to come.
Leslie W. Brant
Chairman, Board of Directors
York Health Foundation
A proud heritage
A promising future
A decade of caring for the community
A heritage of hope, compassion
and commitment.
“I’m not sure how I would have managed without it.”
That’s how Utrena Woodard describes the Cancer Patient Help Fund at WellSpan’s York Cancer Center. In
existence since 1995 from gifts from the Women’s Giving Circle and York Hospital Auxiliary, and supported by
the York Health Foundation, the help fund serves as a financial lifeline for patients who are undergoing cancer
“Whenever I had a need,
they were there for me.
I could say thank you a
million times and it wouldn’t
be enough.” – Utrena Woodard
“The help fund took a huge burden off of me and my family by helping us pay our bills while I was going through
cancer treatments,” says Woodard, a York resident who has battled breast cancer three times.
Through the fund, qualified patients can receive assistance with their mortgage or rent, utilities, food or
transportation expenses, medicine and co-pays. The fund receives no government, state or agency support. Rather,
it is entirely supported through annual fundraising events held by the York Health Foundation as well as donations
from former patients, family members, local businesses, churches, civic groups and the community at large.
“People often don’t appreciate the impact that cancer can have on a household income,” explains Peggy Tilton,
financial coordinator at the York Cancer Center. “It’s very hard to focus on healing when you’re worrying about
how to make ends meet.”
In Woodard’s case, she was diagnosed with stage-four breast cancer at the age of 26. Over the next nine years, the
cancer reoccurred three times. Each time the help fund was there for her.
“When I was first diagnosed, my car broke down and money from the help fund paid to have it fixed,” says
Woodard. “The car was my lifeline…how I got to my doctors’ appointments.”
Individuals do not need to have a referral to apply for assistance from the help fund. However, patients need to
complete a financial form to see if they qualify for assistance.
“This program is for any community member who has cancer and qualifies for the help,” says Tilton.
Since its inception, the Cancer Patient Help Fund has provided more than $2.6 million to more than 2,000
patients and their families. Approximately 26 new families request assistance every month. As the need increases,
the York Health Foundation is committed to continuing its support of the fund and, more importantly, the
patients it serves.
Tilton appreciates the critical role played by the York Health Foundation in support of the fund and emphasizes
that no gift is too small.
“Some people may refrain from giving because they are afraid that what they can afford isn’t enough,” says Tilton.
“But even the smallest amount can help make a difference.”
For Woodard, the fund was there when she needed it most.
“There are no words to express my gratitude for the support I received,” she says.
“Whenever I had a need, they were there for me. I could say thank you a million times and it wouldn’t be enough.”
“When I was asked to be a part of
the Foundation it was an easy thing
to say yes to.” – Barbara Linder
In just a decade of existence, the Foundation has
raised more than $27 million. Funds donated
by individuals and organizations alike have
supported a host of local healthcare initiatives,
including the York Hospital Community Health
Center, the HealthConnect mobile healthcare
program, and the Hoodner Dental Center to
name just a few. Thanks to the Foundation,
thousands of underserved patients have access
to quality health and dental care they otherwise
might not receive.
“From the beginning, the Foundation’s
mission was to improve the health
of the community...” – Dick Pugh
“One thing about the Foundation is that it
supports very tangible, very visible projects…
things that directly improve people’s health,”
says Barbara Linder, past president of the York
Hospital Auxiliary and one of the Foundation’s
first board members.
Promising to fund the best
resources and services possible.
It only took a few minutes and a few spreadsheets
to convince Dick Pugh that a great need was
largely going unmet.
services that could exist if the fundraising support
was there. I was convinced that the time was right
to create a mechanism to garner that support.”
“I was invited to a meeting with WellSpan’s
chief financial officer in 2001 and he laid out
the system’s financial statements as well as the
amount of uncompensated care York Hospital was
providing to the community – it was significant,”
says Pugh, the now-retired CEO and chairman of
Drovers Bank (now Fulton Bank).
At WellSpan’s request, Pugh agreed to form a
committee of community leaders and physicians.
It was from that small committee that the York
Health Foundation was born. Pugh would be its
first chairman.
“It was immediately clear there was a need for
increased philanthropic support for the great
programs and services provided by WellSpan in the
York community – services that already existed and
A proud heritage
“From the beginning, the Foundation’s mission
was to improve the health of the community by
supporting WellSpan’s York-based entities,” says
Pugh, who served as board chairman until 2006
and remains active with the foundation. “It’s a
mission from which we have never strayed.”
A promising future
“When I was asked to be a part of the Foundation
it was an easy thing to say yes to,” remembers
Linder, who is still active with the Foundation
as a current member and chair of the donor
relations committee. “Everyone involved with the
Foundation is working toward the same purpose.
As a group, we keep improving every year.”
Both Linder and Pugh comment on the “spirit”
that surrounds the Foundation.
“Everyone here is very conscious of doing what’s
right…they’re very committed to making sure
that the kind of support the community needs is
available today and in the future,” says Pugh. “It’s
an honor to be a part of it.”
A decade of caring for the community
A proud heritage
A promising future
A decade of caring for the community
Other Important Initiatives
Caring Donors Prove the Power
of Philanthropy
To see the power of philanthropy, look no further than the gleaming, new Medical Education Pavilion
on the York Hospital campus. In 2007, the York Health Foundation launched a fundraising campaign
for the Pavilion. Local physicians and community members immediately rallied to support the project,
recognizing the important role medical education plays in the region.
“The hospital needed help from the community and
local physicians to bring this project to fruition,” says
John McConville, M.D., who served as co-chair of
the York Health Foundation’s Medical Education
special gifts initiative, along with George Hodges.
One of the campaign’s early supporters was Art
Glatfelter, founder and chairman of Glatfelter
Insurance Group, who made a $1 million
testamentary pledge. The pledge was in the form
of a challenge grant, meaning it was contingent on
York physicians collectively donating $1 million. The
physicians gave generously, surpassing the challenge
and raising $1.2 million. In addition, many individual
donors in the community stepped forward to help.
During the fundraising campaign, the York Health
Foundation emphasized the important role that
medical education plays and the impact it has on the
region. Currently, more than 120 residents receive
their training in eight different programs at York
Hospital, ranging from internal medicine to dentistry
to emergency medicine. The Pavilion helps attract –
and keep – these physicians in York, which benefits
area patients and their families.
According to McConville, the retired chair of
medicine at York Hospital, projects such as
the Pavilion wouldn’t be possible without the
philanthropic support of donors.
John McConville, M.D.
Thanks to the generosity of the community, the York Health Foundation
has been able to support many important projects and initiatives over the
past 10 years. Some of the most notable include:
“York Hospital has long been one of
the leading community hospitals in
the nation when it comes to medical
education,” he says. “The purpose
behind this building was to maintain
that leadership position and continue
to attract the best and brightest young
medical professionals to York, all
while keeping the current staff well
educated and trained.
“It was critical for the Foundation
to articulate to doctors and the
community why we needed this
building and the direct impact it
would have on our region,” he adds,
“and I think we succeeded.”
Opened in 2010, the $7.2 million
Pavilion is an important tool for
training the healthcare providers of
today and tomorrow. The Pavilion
is just one of the many projects
and services supported by the York
Health Foundation. The Foundation
leadership is thankful for the many
donors and volunteers who made its
fundraising efforts a success.
Community Health Projects
• The HealthConnect Van, which travels throughout York and Adams
counties to provide basic medical care to children and families has
had more than 13,600 patient visits since it started in 1999
• The Healthy York Network, which opened in 2003 and served 2,600
patients in its first year and more than 6,000 patients in 2010
• The Healthy Community Pharmacy, which has provided more than
271,250 subsidized prescriptions since it opened in 2004
• The Hoodner Dental Center, which has had nearly 30,000 patient
visits since it opened in 2005
• Renovations of the York Hospital Community Health Center in
2009, which expanded its capacity to see an additional 1,500
patients over two years
Advancing Clinical Care
• The Kinsley Medical Simulation Center, which supports medical
education in the community by providing simulated patient care
experiences to physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals
• WellSpan Medical Group’s enhanced implementation of electronic
health records, which allows providers throughout the system to
share information
• The Medical Education Pavilion at York Hospital, which allows for
local and regional medical education programming and meetings
• The Visiting Nurses Association’s purchase of telehealth monitors,
important pieces of equipment that permit patients to stay in the
comfort of their own homes, while nurses can monitor their vital
• The Atrium Café, which was funded by the York Hospital Auxiliary
• The children’s area at York Hospital, which was funded by a
planned gift
• The York/Adams community becomes one of only 17 in the country
to participate in the Aligning Forces for Quality initiative, which
aims to improve care for those with chronic conditions
• The York Hospital Commons and Meditation Garden, which is a
quiet place for patients and their families to talk and reflect
A proud heritage
A promising future
A decade of caring for the community
Community Programs that Fit
Your Priorities
Our caring donors have unique reasons for getting involved with philanthropy in
the community through the York Health Foundation. The different ways you can
contribute and join your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to provide the
highest level of healthcare for our community include:
Kids First Campaign
A grass-roots community campaign organized to help provide support to uninsured
and underinsured children through programs like the HealthConnect van, Bentzel and
Hoodner Dental Centers, York Hospital Community Health Center and the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at York Hospital.
Lectureships are an educational opportunity for current physicians, residents, and
community members to learn about specific advances in healthcare, and to bring
national, regional, and statewide experts to York.
Employee and Physician Giving Campaigns
The generous support the Foundation receives from our colleagues at WellSpan shows
that employees and physicians are both giving and caring to our community.
Memorial and Honor Gifts
Tributes to loved ones are a significant way that donors connect with our programs. The proceeds
received from these gifts help our organization continue to provide excellent care.
Special Events
• Double Creek Tour and Run
• WellSpan Golf Tournament
• VNA Toast from our Town
• VNA Tree of Light
• VNA Evening of Monopoly
• Cancer Center Bike Hike
• York Hospital Auxiliary Book Nook Bonanza
• WellSpan Charity Ride
• Kids First Miniature Golf Tournament
York Hospital Auxiliary
The York Hospital Auxiliary is a volunteer organization that provides a vital link between York
Hospital and the York community. The York Hospital Auxiliary is a dedicated community
volunteer organization which supports the York Hospital and the people it serves by advocating
for improved community health through innovative programs, preventative education,
community partnerships, and fundraising.
A proud heritage
A promising future
A decade of caring for the community
We extend our sincere appreciation for the following gifts received from the date of our last Annual
Report, July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in listing all
contributions of $100 or more. If you are aware of any error or omission, please call the York Health
Foundation at 717-851-3595.
12th Ward Independent
Democratic Club
AAFP Foundation
William and Elizabeth Abel
Carolyn L. Adams
W. Craig and Theresa Adams
Brian and Jeanne Addison
Adept Results
Aesthetic Dental Arts PC
Ronald Afflebach
Bonita L. Albright
Deana W. Albright
John W. Albright
Aldersgate U.M. Church
Caron E. Aldinger
Charlotte D. Aldinger
John and Sandra Aldinger
Natasha Alford-Becker
Elizabeth Alger
Charles and Sharyne Allen
James and Kathleen Allen
Jane and Richard Allen
Karen A. Allen
Kathleen Allen and David Staub
Beth Ann Allison
James Almoney Family
Mary Kay Alpaugh
Alpha Advanced Ct, LLC
Ms. Ruth N. Althouse
John and Maybelle Altland
Timothy Altland
Pradeep Alur, M.D.
Kimberly and Eric Alvarez
Carol Alwine
Kristin Alwine
Richard and Madlyn Alwine
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #543
American Trauma Society
Edward and Judith Ammidown
Karen Amspacher
Abbey and Jim Anderson
Carl and Elsie Anderson
D. Reed and Connie Anderson
Evelyn M. Anderson
Harold and Nancy Anderson
Janice Anderson
Ross and Diane Anderson
Peter and Sandra Andrews
Thomas Andrews
Debra A. Angelastro
Angels Giving To Those In Need, Inc.
Donald and Deborah Angstadt
Henry* and Ann Anstadt
Anstadt Employees
Timothy and Joan Anstine
Bernard and Nancy Anthony
AORN of Central PA #3908
Roger and Brenda Apple
Elda and Albert Aquila
Jim and Nina Argento
Anna L. Arnold
Ms. Yesika Arocho
Cyrus and Lori Arthur
Leslie Artz
Steven Artz and Stephanie Steckel
James and Debbie Arvin
Lance Arvin
Aseracare Hospice Foundation
Chris and Mimi Ashbaugh
Ralph and Jean Ashton
Mrs. Gloria L. Aughenbaugh
Thomas and Elizabeth Aulbach
Glenn and Luann Aument
We’re Proud of Your Commitment
Braden and Shirley Ausherman
Ausherman & Dehoff Families
Frances A. Auspitz
Phil and Linda Avillo
Michael and Barbara Axelsson
Katie Axline
Mary L. Ayers
B&J Concessions (Bury Burgers)
David S. Baboian
Mary Anne Bacas
BAE Shop Floor Employees
BAE Systems Accounting Dept.
BAE Systems Bldg. #43 Employees
Earl and Glenda Baer
Earl S. Baer, Jr. & Glenda Baer
Martha Baer
Norma Jene Bailey
Tara Bailey
Paul and Carol Bain
Bruce and Janet Bainbridge
Albert J. Bair
Carolyn Baker
Don and Rebecca Baker
Herbert J. Baker
Bala Management Associates, Inc.
Stacy M. Balderston
James Baldwin
Judy K. Ball
M. Cathleen Ballerstein
Jennifer Bamford, M.D.
Bank of New York Mellon Corp
G. Stephen Bankert
William and Nancy Banta
Rob Barb
Robert and Dorothy Barbour
Diane L. Bartkowski
Debbra and John Bartman
Matthew V. Barto
Dr. Thomas Bauer and Mrs. Paula Bauer
Tom and Pat Bauer
Keith Baughman
Tina Bayerl
BDP International Employees
Helenmarie Beard
Jeffrey and Patricia Beaverson
James E. Beck
Harry and Judith Becker
Todd and Theresa Becker
Vicki Becker
Elaine S. Beecher
Suzanne Beichner
Gail M. Bell
Joyce Bell
Richard and Janis Bell
Madhu Belur, M.D.
Bence Family
Nancy E. Bender
Janet K. Benfer Trust
Edward H. Benovy
James and Dorothy Bensel
Gregory and Nancy Bentley
Lester and Kathryn Bentz
Maryellen Bentz
James and Judi Bergdoll
Robert and Katherine Berkebile
Mike and Donna Berkheimer
Luther Berkheiser
Belinda J. Bernadzikowski
Lea Ann Bernhard
Monica Bernhard
Dr. Earl L. Bernstine & Mrs. Marge Bernstine
David and Joy Best
Best Dressed Associates
Bethany U.M. Church/Four Fold Friends Class
Bethel United Methodist Church
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Mary E. Beumer
Poonam and Anita Bhalla
Gretchen and Frederick Bierman
Jolleen and Jeffrey Biesecker
Bike & Trike for Trauma
Leah and Michael Birch
Gloria Bishop*
Jason Bittle
Sonia Bittle
Albert W. Bitzer
Joan Bitzer
Wilson and Clotilde Bixler
Craig Black
Kurt and Angela Blake
Albert Blakey and Eleni Pournaras
Blakey Fund of York County
Community Foundation
Jean M. Blanchard
Bernhart N. Blatner
Kay Ella Bleecher, MSN, CRNP, CEN, PHRN
Jessica Bless
Norman and Ruth Blevins
Ronald and Christine Blevins
Sam and Ruth Blevins
Charlene Block
Eleanor Blom
Kathy and Charles Blouse
Dorothy M. Bloxom
Matt and Lisa Blyth
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Bobin
Maurice and Mary Bobst
Ernst and Maria Boetzelen
Robin and James Bohanan
Robert and Mary Bohn
Albert Boll and Sons
Jill G. Bollinger
Marlin R. Bollinger
Mardella K. Bolton
Robert and Catherine Bommer
The Bon Ton Stores Foundation
Francis and Kathy Bonadio
Jarred and Katherine Bonaparte
Carmen Bones
Donald and Irene Bonsell
James D. Book
Donald J. Booker
Brenda Books
Estate of Jean T. Boomhower
Robert and Kay Borden
Borough of Glen Rock
Dr. Donald Bortner and Mrs. Anne Bortner
Hazel M. Bortner
Paul and Ruth Bortner
Harry R. Bottomley, Jr.
Sandra M. Bouras
Michael and Alice Marie Boustead
Terry and Kathy Bowers
Lisa A. Bowman
Michael and Leslie Bowman
R.E. Bowman
Richard and Wendy Bowman
Scott and Mary Ellen Bowman
Thomas and Susan Bowman
Cynthia H. Bowser
Cindy and Billy Boyd
Paul and Mary Price Boyd
Bob and Barbara Boyer
Dr. James Boyle and Mrs. Jane Boyle
Melvin and Tara Boyles
Robert and Grace Boyles
Clair Bradley
Francis J. Braithwaite Trust
Marilyn Brandon
Rodney and Kimberly Brandstedter
Robert and Geneva Brandt
Steve Bratton
Susan H. Bream
Karl and Angela Breeden
Kimberly A. Breighner
Barbara J. Brenneman
Dale and Colleen Brenneman
Gary Brenneman
Wallace and Doris Brenneman
Michael Brezler
Barry and April Bricker
Dr. Thomas Bride and Mrs. Linda Bride
Edward and Jacquelyn Briercheck
Myrtle Briggs
Robert and Joyce Briggs
Michael and Deborah Brillhart
William and Lucille Broadbent
Rebecca Brodbeck
Brogue Lioness Club
Jack and Rose Brommer
Brothers and Sisters of Esther Gibbs
Andy and Letha Brough
Betty J. Brown
Brenda A. Brown
Christi and R. Joshua Brown
Janice A. Brown
Kelly and Sandra Brown
Kim Brown
Robert and Rachel Brown
Sandy Brown
Stanley and Nona Brown
Germaine A. Browne
Joan Brownell
John Brozoskie
Mary and William Bruaw
Jacob and Dorcas Brubaker
Peter and Margaret Brubaker
Chuck and Carolyn Bruce
The Bruce R. and Madelyn G.
Snyder Foundation
Edward E. Bubb
Jane E. Bubb
Wendy M. Buchart
Buckingham Mountain Foundation
Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation
Warren C. Bulette, Jr.
Warren C. and Katherine K. Bulette Fund of the York County
Community Foundation
Amanda Bumsted
Robert and Judy Burchett
Nancy S. Burger
Florence F. Burke
Kathleen A. Burke
Margaret Burke
Ruth Ann and Palmer Burke
William and Judy Burke
Hannah Burkhardt
Brian and Angela Burney
Doug and Margaret Burns
Tamara K. Burns
Charles and Susan Burnside
Howard L. Burtnett, C.R.N.A.
Robert M. Burton
William and Patricia Buser
Business Women United
Bernice Butcher
J. Donald and Marla Butcher
Stanley R. Butcher
Diane M. Butler
Leon I. Butler
Francine and Ivan Butler Fund of York County Community Foundation
Dr. Todd Butz and Barbara Butz
Jeffrey and Elaine Byers
Carolyn and Durwood Bynum
Tracy L. Cadawas
Frederick and Aralene Callahan
Mrs. Frances W. Callahan
Harold Campbell
Herman and Sandra Campbell
James and Carolyn Campbell
William K. & Evelyn O. Campbell Memorial Fund
Canadochly Lutheran Church
Cancer Care Associates of York
Thomas Capello
Pauline S. Caraker
Jack and Nanette Cardello
Cardiovascular Services
Christian N. Carlisle, D.D.S.
Guy and Angela Carlton
Rebekah L. Carmel
John and Jean Carotenuti
Gordon and Cathy Carpenter
Carpenters Workshop Fellowship
Mark and Christy Carr
William and Ann Carter
Allen and Cheryl Cartwright
Paul and Marsha Carupella
Catherine M. Case
Jerry L. Caslow
Dean and Priscilla Cass
Janet B. Cassimatis
Ernest Castelli
Drs. Barbara Caton and Dominic Glorioso
Elizabeth E. and Thomas Caton
Julia M. Cauler
Sandra L. Cawley
Celano and Kramer Attorneys
Margaret E. Chamberlin
Mary J. Chambers
Charlotte Running Company, Inc.
Mauro and Betty Chiaverini
D.W. and M.N. Childs
Tina M. Chivers
Chreston K. Briggs Trust
Christ United Methodist Church
Michael and Katie Christopher
Julie and M. Steven Chronister
Gary Church
Kathleen Ciccone
John Cieslewicz
Ann and Joseph Clark
J. Patrick and Linda Clark
J. Peter and Loann Clark
James and Kathleen Clark
James Clark
Joseph and Ann Clark
Ellen Clemmer
Robert and Nancy Clouser
Vicki and Frederick Cluck
Robin P. Coble & Deborah A. Coble
Mr. Kevin Cockroft & Mrs. Marilou Espiritu-Cockroft
Codorus Social Club
Anthony and Susan Coggeshall
Nena Grace Cole Bequest
John Coleman
Lisa Collier
Eileen E. Colligan
Andre and Judith Collins
Francis J. Collins Funeral Home
Dr. Carl and Michelle Colombo
Kathleen M. Compa
Lucian and Kim Contino
Barry and Luann Cook
Ray and Elva Cooley
Donald and Charlotte Cooper
Glenn and Dorothy Cooper
Helen Copeland
Dawn M. Copp
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Marion
Thomas and Deborah Corse
Katherine G. Costello
Lori L. Coulson
Susan S. Coventry’s Business
Reporting Team
Norma J. Cover
Co-Workers at the Bureau of
Disability Determination
Co-Workers of Barrett Skandera
Co-Workers of Lori Clark
Marilyn E. Cox
James and Gloria Craft
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Anne Marie Craig
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Lonnie and Donna Craley
Joyce E. Cramer
Miner A. Crary
Daniel and Mary Crerand
Kim Crim
Gerald Criswell Family
CRNA’s at Apple Hill
Richard B. Crombie
Elizabeth Crone
Stephanie and Terry Crone
Sylvia R. Crone
Dr. Arthur Crovatto and Mrs. Janet Crovatto
James and Robin Crowley
Bradley and Martha Culbertson
Connie C. Cummings
Aaron S. Cunningham
Herbert C. Cunningham
Lee and Amelita Cunningham
Scott and Linda Cunningham
Ted and Ethel Cunningham
Gerald and Jeanne Curtis
Mr. Dean Custer and Mr. Jose
Antonio Ruiz
Robert and Ann Custer
Dallastown Area Basketball
Dallastown Area High School Girls Basketball Team
Dallastown Middle School String Ensemble
Marie E. Dalusma
Allan and Nancy Dameshek
Margaret L. Damms
Brenda Daniels
Tammy Daniluck
Frederick and Mary Jo Dannels
Dr. J. Joseph Danyo and
Mrs. Lynne Danyo
Carolyn S. Darr
Krista and Michael Darr
Jill E. Daugherty
Ovide Daugherty
David and Linda Davidson
Charles and Astrid Davis
Laura Davis
Lisa Day
Violet E. Deamer
Walt and Jane Deamer
Robert and Patricia Dean
Donald and Cheryl Deardorff
“We believe that some blessings in life are
meant not for us, but for sharing with
others. The York Health Foundation helps
to share those blessings with others in our
community and we are thankful to do so.”
– Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Vickie Fazio
Dr. Eric Cutti and Karen Cutti
D.F. Stauffer Biscuit Company
Joe and Lisa Dalessandro
Conrad and Janet D’Alessandro
Rosemarie Decker
Dees Fluid Power
Kay Deffinbaugh
Barry and Jane Dehoff
Shane and Christina Dehoff
Janice M. Dehoff & Family
Corwell and Barbara Deisinger
Doris N. Deisinger
Carol and Jack Deitz
Thea M. Delaney
Susan K. Deliaval
Clarence and Brenda Dell
Lisa Deller
Susan Deller
Angela Dellinger
Timothy and Kathy Dellinger
Peggy A. Delo
Dr. Andrew Delp and
Mrs. Deborah Delp
Robert and Mildred Delp
Del-Phia Athletic Association
Mary T. D’Emilio, M.D.
David E. Dennis
David and Linda Dennish
Debra Dennison
Dentsply Inc. Foundation
Department of History at
Virginia Tech
Department of Neurosurgery
Drs. Joseph and Kate DePasquale
Eugene DePasquale
Gene* and Kathleen A. DePorter
Angelo and Emma Deprato
Robert and Marion Deprez
Patricia A. Derr
Michelle DeStefano
Gerald and Iris Detter
Philip and Jill Dettinger
Deutsche Bank Americas
Lisa R. Dewees, C.R.N.P.
John H.* and Marjorie Dexheimer
Richard and Doris Diamond
Albert and Helen Diehl
Annabel Diehl
Keith K. Diehl
Charles and Alma Diehl Family Fund of York County Community Foundation
Estate of Mary L. Diehl
Mary C. Dierdorff
Carol A. Dietz
Frances Dietz
Kathy S. Dietz
Michael E. Diller, Psy.D.
Thomas G. DiPasquale, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. DiPietro
District Lodge 98 IAM & AW
Dennis and Kathleen Dobbie
The Dolla Family
MaryJane L. Donecker
Sharon Donley
Dr. Mark and Rebecca Doran
Marjorie E. Doran
Matthew and Jennifer Doran
Patrick* and Barbara Doran
Sharon D. Dorbert
Carol and Ron Dougal
Anne and Vincent Dougherty
C. Clark and Ruth Dougherty
Emery and Janet Dougherty
Stephen and Teresa Douglas
Joseph J. Dowd
John and Kathleen Downs
Ms. Patricia A. Downs
DPR Construction, Inc.
Eugene and Anna Draganosky
Frances Drago and Walton Davis
Roy and Joyce Drawbaugh
William and Gloria Dressel
Susan Druck
Edward and Marlene Dubbs
Jim and Rebbeca Duff
Thelma Duffy
Catherine Dunbar
Rheda and Richard Duncan
Patti Dunkerley
Cyril C. Dunmire, Jr.
Shirley A. Dwyer
Penny and Douglas Dzubinski
E.P. Henry
East Berlin Rutter’s Staff
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Duane and Antoinette Eaton
Gladys Eberly Estate
Christine Ebert
Echo Knoll Farm
Dr. Christopher and Lisa
Lance M. Echternach
Margaret K. Eck
Arthur and Rachel Eckenrode
Allen W. Eckert
Dr. Daniel Eckert and
Mrs. Jennifer Eckert
Joseph and Deborah Edgar
Brenda D. Edie
David and Paula Edris
Barbara C. Edsall
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Judith
Christine R. Ehehalt
Kathryn M. Ehrhart
Myra R. Eichner
Barry and Cindy Einsig
Cheryl and Gregory Eisenhart
Philip and Nancy Eisenhart
Susan Eisenhart
William S. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.
Lucy Forry Eisenhart Memorial Fund of the York County
Community Foundation
Catharine M. Eisenhour Estate
Peter Eisert
Dr. David and Lynne Eitel
Daniel P. Elby
Charlotte R. & Kermit H. Elfner Trust
Robert Elkin
Brigette Elliott
Craig D. Ellis
Dr. Craig W. and Mrs. Donna Ellis
Michael and Melissa Ellis
Ellis Wildlife Control
Steph Emenheiser
George H. Emig, Jr.
Julie A. Emig
Employees of Klinge Corporation
Employees of Patient Accounts YH Billing Dept.
Employees of the Department of Banking
Employees of Transfusion Services at York Hospital
Cliff and Yvette Engle
Pamela S. Ensminger
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Jeffrey L. Erdly
Erda & Robert Erdos Fund of York County Community
Kathryn Erdos Estate
Ervin Spangler Trust
Sandra Erwine
Clara E. Escuder-Thomas, M.D.
Allen and Sally Estep
Robert and Kathy Estep
Stephanie Etter
Charles D. Evans
Debra Evans
Mark and Donna Evans
Mary P. Evans Trust
Lawrence and Susan Eveler
Randy and Kimberly Eveler
Tammy Everhart
William H. Everhart
Jeanette S. Everhart Trust
Christianne Eyler
John C. Eyster
Martin and Phyllis Eyster
Charles G. Eyster Fund of York County Community
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Howard and Anna Faircloth
Faith United Church of Christ
Deborah Fake
Family First Health
The Family Health Council of Central PA
The Family of Leeo Shatley
Karen Fanus
Janey Farish
E. Thomas Faulkner
FC York
Danielle Feil
Feldmann Family Fund of the York County Community
Nathan Feldman Bequest
Amanda Felty
Lynne Fennell
Donna M. Feole
Ferguson School Faculty
Dean and Barbara Ferree
Larry and Kay Ferree
Michael and Kathryn Ferree
Ferree Family
Jill R. Fetter
Lynn Fetterolf
Carol I. Fetters
Fidelty Charitable Gift Fund
Randy and Christina Fidler
Dr. L. Peter Fielding and Jennifer Fielding
Sally Fierro
Gary S. Figdore
Meg K. Figdore, M.D.
David J. Fillman
Dr. David and Mrs. Barbara Fink
Robert and Cindy Fink
Dale and Lisa Finkenbiner
Glenn Finkenbiner
Lynn A. Firestone
First Energy Foundation
First Baptist Church
Valerie Fischer and Kenny Allen
Carla and George Fishel
Elizabeth and Robert Fisher
Josephine M. Fisher
Lisa Fisher
Clark E. Fisher Memorial
Sandra L. Fissel
Elizabeth Fitz
Douglas and Pamela Fitzgerald
David and Betty Fitzkee
Fitzkee Candy Employees
Thomas and Joyce Fitzpatrick
Samuel and Erma Flaharty
Jenna Flanagan & Family
Dean and Jennie Flay
Jonathan and Darcy Fleenor
Gary C. Fleming
Larry and Judith Flemmens
Dennis Flickinger
Dale Flinchbaugh
James and Wendy Flinchbaugh
Joseph H. Flinchbaugh*
Karen and Kent Flinchbaugh
Ritchie and Sonia Flinchbaugh
Brian K. Flowers, M.D.
William Fluhrer Trust
Christine S. Foore
Debra L. Forbes
Robert and Sally Forbes
Dr. Otto and Mrs. Lesesne
Quinton Ford
James M. Forjan
Christine Forry
James and Betty Forry
Wilmer and Anita Forry
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Fortier
Susan Fortier
S. Walter and Patricia Foulkrod
Four Fold Friends Sunday School Class
Frederick Fox
Michael and Sheryl Lee Fox
Susan Frable
Marilyn Fragale
Flora Fragassi
Jessie M. Fraser
Fraternal Order of Eagles 2226
Christopher and Beverly Frederick
Robert and Charlene Freed
Sue A. Freeman
Donald and Anna Mae Freeze
Benjamin D. Freiler
Beth Fretz
Andrew W. Frey, Sr.
Brian and Seanna Frey
David D. Frey
Julia A. Frey
M. Catherine Frey
Philip and Diane Frey
Purdon W. Frey*
Sandra P. Frey
William and Carla Frey
Wilmer and Irene Fridinger
Friedensaal Lutheran Church
Friends & Co-Workers at Perform Group
Friends at Athletic Lettering, Inc.
Friends of Kathy O’Connor
Friends of Robert E. King
Friends of William Vest
Mary Froelich Unitrust
Dean and Maureen Fromm
Andrea Frost
Karen Fry
Natalie G. Fuhrman, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Fuligni
Andrew Full
Jack and Joyce Fuls
Joan and Tim Fulton
Lisa A. Fulton
Doris E. Gable
Lois P. Gable
Edward and Jean Gabsewics
Amy R. Gallagher
Ted and Linda Gallagher
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Marilyn J. Gallo
John Gantz
Richard Garbrick
Donald and Sharon Gardner
Eve E. Gardner
James and Sharon Gardner
Judy A. Gardner
Edgar I. Garrett Fund of York County Community
Michael and Charlotte Garst
Thomas and Candra Garver
Garver Family
John and Patricia Garvin
Barbara J. Garzon
Diane Gaspari
Eleanor Gauker
Donald E. Gauntner
Employees of GEA
John and Joyce Gearhart
Karl Geiger, D.D.S.
Kathy A. Geiple
Franklyn and Carol Geist
Carol Gembe
Geneva Trout Trust
Jeannette Gentile
Robert L. Gentry*
Kevin Geppi
Joseph and Suzanne Geubtner
Jack and Angie Giambalvo
Dr. Leon Gibble and Joan Gibble
John and Kate Gibbs
Mrs. E. Mareece Gibbs
Thomas and Anita Gibbs
Varlen and Phyllis Gibbs
Wilberetta P. Gibbs
William and Carolyn Gierasch
Michael F. Gierlach
Stanley F. Gierlach
Terry C. Giffel
Gary and Karen Gilbert
Gary and Karyl Lee Gilbert
Robert and Erika Gilbert
William and Mary Ann Gilgore
Shirley L. Gillespie
Gary and Rozalia Gillette
Eleanor and Daniel Gingerich
Gerald and Kay Gingerich
Jerry L. Gingerich
Daryl and Jane Girton
David and Julie Givens
Anna M. Gladfelter, Jason, Adam and Grandchildren
Bernice E. Gladfelter
Harry P. Gladfelter
Michelle L. Gladfelter
Virginia and William Glasgow
Glatfelter Insurance Group Safety Committee
Mellie I. Glatfelter Trust
L. Romaine Glatfelter Trust
Dr. Dominic Glorioso and Barbara Caton
Diane Glotfelty
Dr. Jacinto Gochoco and
Mrs. Cynthia Gochoco
James E. Godfrey
Susan and Larry Godfrey
Thomas Godwin
Mark A. Goedecker, M.D.
Donald and Deborah Gogniat
Robert and Brenda Gohn
Dr. O. David and Mrs. Barbara Gold
Brian N. Goldsworthy
Earl R. Good
Ellen Good
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Pamela and John Goodling
William and Joanne Goodling
William and Toby Ann Goodling
Debra Goodling-Kime
Trudy and Douglas Goodman
Mr. Nate Gordon and Dr. Becky Gordon
Thomas Gormley and Mary
Gotham Internal Medicine Staff
Gary and Donna Gotwalt
John and Susan Gouge
Governor’s Office of Health Care Reform
Grace United Methodist Church
Grace United Methodist Women
Pete Gracey
Kirsten T. Graham
The Graham Foundation
Gramps Memorial Run
Grantley Plant
Kathryn and Jeff Grasso
Margaret A. Graybeal
Andrew and Patricia Grazioli
James O. Green
Richard and Joyce Green
Green Acres Society
James and Mary Ellen Greene
Greene Construction Company
David and Lisa Greener
Greenmount United Methodist Women
Greenray Industries Employees
Jeffrey and Selesta Greiman
Jean A. Gresick-Schugsta
Robert E. Gress
Gary Griest
Rees and Susan Griffiths
Susan Grimek
Ms. Joann Groark and Ms. Patricia Sommers
Charles and Arlene Groff
Judy L. Groff
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Tracy and Michael Groft
Barbara & Joe Gross, Tiki & Bob Denges, Suzette & Ron Pletcher, Alice & Laurie Main
Chris Gross
Randall A. Gross
Dr. L. George Grossi and
Mrs. Sandra Grossi
Erma C. Grothe
Gwen Grothouse
Gladys Grove
Jennifer Grove
Kent and Nancy Grove
Nicole Grove
Susan M. Grove
Emory E. Grove Trust
Grumbacher Family Foundation
The Grumbacher Family Fund #2
Matthew and Ann Gruner
Michael and Betty Guidara
Gulf Coast Pelicans
Jessica Gulnac
Nicholas Gurreri
Daniel T. Guthrie
Edward and Betty Guyer
George and Bobbi Guyer
Kathryn A. Hackett
Matthew and Jessica Haddad
Paul and Susan Haddaway
Louise C. Haga
Dr. Mark C. Hagan
Jeffrey and Clare Hagerman
Steve and Lisa Hake
Susan Hake
Bonnie Haldren
J.C. and Carole Hale
Thomas and Joan Ann Hallyburton
Mark Hamberger
Margaret and Philip Hamme
Robert and Joanne Hammen
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Hankle
Connie Hannigan
Harlan and Sara Hannigan
Hanover Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
Lory E. Hare
Harley-Davidson Community Services
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Harmony Sunday School Class
Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Heather Harner
William and Betty Harper
Amanda J. Harrington
Harrisburg Area Community
Betsy Harrison
Steve Harrison
Sue E. Harry
James and Sharon Hartenstein
August and Rose Hartinger
Diane L. Hartman
Mark and Patricia Hartman
Thomas Harvey
Joseph F. Hasenfuss
Esther W. Hash
Erin M. Haslup
Susan F. Haslup
Dr. David and Mrs. Pam Hasson
George and Elizabeth Hatchard
Michael Haun
Roger and Donna Haun
Dr. David and Mrs. Brenda Hawk
Hawk Gunning Club
William and Carol Hawthorne
Margaret M. Hayes
Frank Hazlehurst
Healing Happens, Inc.
Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Judy Heaps
David and Jennifer Heckler
James R. Hedges
Kathleen M. Heicher
Robert Heidelbaugh
Ron and Juanita Heilman
Robert S. Heindel
William and Janis Heindel
Gail Heintzelman
Jack E. Heisey
Charles J. Helb Trust
Louis J. Helfrich, Jr.
Hellam VFW Dart Leaque/Kreutz Creek Valley VFW
James M. Henderson, Jr.
Rob and Cathy Hendrix
Larry Henne
Bret and Karen Henry
Dr. Mark Henry and Ms. Barbara Knaub
Linda L. Henry
Robert and Deborah Henry
Stephen and Lora Henry
Tracy and John Henry
Henry and Carol Herman
Craig and Linda Herrold
Warren C. Herrold, M.D.
Jacob and Ruth Hershey
Wendell and Laura Hershey
James and Susan Hershner
Charles E. Hess
Darlene Hess
James D. Hess
Betty V. Hesse
Donald A. Hester
Richard, Norma, John, Kim, Katie & Kay Huebner
Ronald and Barbara Heuston
Michael L. Hevner
Dr. Andrew Hickey and
Mrs. Linda Hickey
Rosa and Guy Hickey
Kenneth and Jeanne Hickman
Misty S. Hicks
Christine Higgins
Highmark Foundation
Dean and Ruth Hildebrand
Deanna Hildebrand
LuAnn M. Hildebrand
Merry Hildebrand
Nancy Hildebrand
Ronald Hill and Marty Graybill
Barry and Susan Hillegas
Pamela E. Himes
Trevor and Megan Hoffman
Sterling and Mary Jane Hoffmaster
William F. Hoffmeyer, Esq.
Dr. Douglas and Cecilia Hofmann
Mr. Robert Hogan
Robert Hohman
Bryan and Judith Hoke
James and Terri Hoke
Donna Holland
Merle and Anna Jane Holland
Joseph and Cheryl Holliday
Philip A. & Elizabeth J. Hoover Fund of York County
Community Foundation
Philip A. Hoover M.D. Fund of York County Community Foundation
Donald E. Hopple, Sr.
Deanna M. Horn
Russell and Lilli Horn
Russell Horn and Rosalind Kunkel
Russell & Eleanor Horn
“The work of the York Health Foundation in promoting philanthropy for the
York-based entities of WellSpan Health helps to make possible millions of
dollars in charitable care for those in need, special programs like the Cancer
Patient Help Fund which would not otherwise exist, and needed capital
improvements like the new medical education facility at York Hospital. The
Foundation has a profoundly positive effect on patients and their families,
as well as on the provider community. By working together through the
Foundation, all those who support WellSpan’s charitable efforts achieve a
common result for the community that is far greater than the sum of its parts.”
Gladys C. Hirschman
Marc and Elizabeth Hirsh
Jerone and Rebecca Hively
Purdon Frey Hobbs
Kevin and Brenda Hodge
George and Martha Hodges
Doris Hoff
Carolyn Hoffman
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Diane
Fae Hoffman
Garth and Carolyn Hoffman
James and Kay Hoffman
Kenneth and Fae Hoffman
Mike and Peggy Hoffman
Ross Hoffman
Richard and Janet Hollinger
Gerald D. Holloway
William and Emily Anne Holly
Kenneth and Patricia Holtzapple
Rosemary H. Holtzinger
Dr. Garry Holtzman and
Mrs. Maureen Holtzman
Homestead Furnishings & Gifts
Barbara M. Hoopes
Dean S. Hoover, M.D.
Kathleen Hoover
Kenneth and Barbara Hoover
Benjamin A. Hoover, MD, Fund of York County Community Foundation
Hoover Design and Manufacturing Company LLC
– Jeff Lobach
Katie Horne
Donald R. Horst
Tanya and Donald Hoskins
Michael and Lori Hostetter
David and Marie Houck
Philip L. Houck
Marlin and Roberta Householder
Diane Howard
Delphine G. Howes
Matthew R. Howie, M.D.
Susan Hoyt
Roy and Anna Hubbard
Jacquelin D. Huber
Janice and Stephen Hufnagle
Karen Hughes
Norma and Charles Hull
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Louise and George Hummel
Mildred W. Hunt
Sarah L. Hunt, C.R.N.P.
Thomas M. Hunter Landscaping, Inc.
Pauline and Lee Huntsman
Melody L. Hursh
Charles Husen, M.D.
Larry and Joy Hykes
Dr. J.M. Hyson Memorial Court
Dr. Paul Iannini and Mrs. Ellen
IATTI- Southeast Chapter
IBEW Local Union No. 229
Tim Ihrig
Stanley and Helen Ilyes
Elizabeth M. Imboden, M.D. & Thomas J. Sarosky
Indian Rock Elementary 4th Grade Class
Indian Rock Elementary Casual Day Committee
Blanche G. Innerst
Carol Innerst
Randall Inskip
Clifford and Rebecca Irey
Frederick and Dian Irvin
Dr. Henry and Mrs. Lorene Irving
Eric Isaminger
Peter Ivers
Juliane Jablonski
Jay and Jo Ann Jackson
Robert and Yvonne Jackson
Diane Jacobs
Lois and Donald Jacobs
Lori Jacobs
Karen Jacobson
Paula A. Jacobus, M.D.
Jacobus Lions Club, Inc.
John and Stacey Jacoby
Elizabeth and Ron Jaworski
Walter and Teresa Jeffers
Robert Jensen and Carol McFate
Fengjun Jiang, M.D.
Joey’s Brigade
Shreve Johnessee, D.D.S., P.C.
Johns Hopkins Hospital/Medical Nursing Administration
Dr. Eric and Mrs. Joan Johnsen
Deborah J. Johnson
Dorene Johnson
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Francesca Johnson
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary Johnson
Dr. George Johnson and Mrs. Mary Johnson
Mary Jo Johnson, M.D.
Mary L. Aikins Johnson
Rebecca Johnson and Donna Evans
Thelma B. Johnson
Hazel D. Johnson Family
Kenneth and Barbara Johnston
Susan K. Joines
David and Angela Jones
Janet H. Jones
Jo Ann Jones
Karen Jones
Kathleen Jones
Philip and Paula Jones
Bertha M. Noss Joseph Trust
Kari A. Juliano
Kathryn K. Julius Estate
Junior League of York, Inc.
Robert and Linda Justice
Lynne Kaltreider
Glenda Kane
Dr. Annie Kannarkatt and Thomas Kannarkatt
Jackie Kapp
Donna Karambelas
Stephen and Joan Karsay
Arthur and Linda Kaser
Diane M. Kasha
Joyce Kasunich, D.D.S.
Katherine Gordon, Martha
Vondrak & Judith Schuler
J. Robert and Carolanne
Lawrence P. Kauffman
Chuck Kean
Vicki E. Kearns
Don E. Keasey
Juanita Keech
Beverly Keefer
Dean E. Keener
Dr. Diane S. Keeney
Sam Keeney
John and Kim Keesee
John and J. Mary Keffer
Deborah Kehres
Paul and Nancy Keiser
George W. Kelbaugh
James L. Kell, Sr.
Mae V. Keller
Marguerite, Mike and Casey Keller
Michelle E. Keller
Monica Keller
Thomas and Lynn Keller
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Charles J. Kelly, III
R. Clifford and Margaret Kelsey
Kenneth and Betty Kemper
Philip and Lucille Kemper
Denise M. Kenna, M.D.
Lucia and Stewart Kennedy
Drs. Fred Kephart and Cynthia Patterson
Alan C. Kerchner
Gordon and Mary Kerlin
Joseph H. Kershner
Rebecca Kessler
Mary L. Kettl
Kibler Family
Brenda D. Kiger
Wendy Kilstein
James and Pamela Kimber
Jean M. Kinard
Lester and Leona Kinard
Kinard-Huson Families
Brian and Tina King
Joseph J. King
Margaret and Max King
Michael and Lisa Higgins King
James L. Kingman
Kinsley Foundation
Dr. James and Mrs. Carol Kirby
Max L. Kirk*
Jeffrey and Mary Ann Kiser
Kiwanis Club of York
Dr. Ronald and Linda Klimes
David and Carole Kline
Mary Jane Kline
Melissa M. Kline
Barry and Carol Klinedinst
Carol Klinedinst
Ruth L. Klinedinst
Gary G. Klinefelter Family
Earl* and E. June Klineyoung
Mr. Lester W. Kling
Richard and Gail Kling
Susan Klokis
Knaper Family
Jennifer and David Knapp
Randolph H. Knarr
Paul and Elizabeth Knaub
Oliver and Eleanor Knight
Burton and Norma Kniseley
Glen and Sandra Knisely
Daniel and Janet Knoll
Ronald and Susan Knopp
Melinda L. Knouse
Phyllis Knouse
Joyce M. Knox
Nancy Koch
Jeffrey and Judy Kochenour
Lucy Kocher
Lois J. Kohler
Ruth Kohler
William and Helen Kohler
Randal and Janice Koller
Terry and Bridget Koller
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Charles and Annabelle Konkolics
Heather Koons
Patricia D. Koons
Thomas D. Koons
Harold L. Koontz
R. Elizabeth Koontz
Terry Koontz
Emil and Kathleen Korczynski
David and Robin Kornbau
Franklin and Rebecca Kottcamp
Jeffrey R. Kozlosky
Sherry A. Kraft
Kralltown Elementary School
David A. Kramer, M.D.
Carl and Deborah Krause
Noel Kraut
Robert K. Kraut
Daniel Kravitz
Joseph and Mary Krebs
Norma J. Krebs
Elmer H. Kreider
Kenneth Kreidler
The Kreiner Family
Robert* and Lillian* Krell
Cathy H. Krepps
Judith Krieger
George B. Krone
Brenda L. Krout
Gregory and Constance Krout
Kenneth and Bonna Krout
Robert and Karen Krout
Maryann and Dennis Krynock
Barbara and Keith Kuhlengel
Robin Kuhn
Miodrag D. Kukrika, M.D.
Kathleen and Michael Kupchinsky
Wanda Kurtz
Drs. George and Lois Kushner
Ladies Auxiliary - V,F.W. Post 5265
Ladies Auxiliary WY Memorial VFW
Ladies Sunshine Group
Jeffrey and Stephanie Laird
Lake View Yacht Club
Lisha Lambert
Travis Lambert
Debbie Euler LaNasa
John J. Landes Trust
Dr. William and Odessa Landis
Earl and Joan Landis
Edgar R. Landis, Jr.
Ida Landis
Michael and Wendy Landis
Robert C Landis, M.D. & Jane Landis
B. Landis Plumbing & Heating
Theresa and Todd Langeheine
Dorothy Lanius
Mark and Melissa Lanoue
Phyllis J. Lanoue
Linda and Gailyn Larsen
Thelma G. Latterner
Doris and Darryl Lau
Dr. Stanley and Mrs. Danette Laucks
Joan Lauer
Daniel G. Laux, D.M.D. & Shelli V. Laux
Danielle Lavetan
Theresa and Robert Law
Dennis and Charlotte Lawyer
Dorcas M. Leaman Breast Cancer Foundation
Robert and Kathleen Leary
Dorna M. Lease
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Lebanon Mutual Foundation
Stanley and Ann Leber
Dr. Stanton and Mrs. Jane
Gerald and Brenda Lecompte
Carol G. Levinbook
Charles B. Levine, M.D.
Susan Donnelly Levine Melanoma Awareness Fund of York County Community
Ms. Lynne Little
Dorothy Livaditis
Jennifer Livengood
Living Word Community Church
Susan Campbell Lloyd and Melvin Campbell
“Since being directly involved with WellSpan in the delivery of
healthcare, I have been very impressed with the long-term, ongoing
commitment to the community. It is inspirational to see the
dedication of the WellSpan staff, and continuing that dedication by
outreach to the community through the York Health Foundation in
so many needed areas. I wanted to be part of those important efforts
by being a donor.”
– Marian Damewood, M.D.
Michael Lecompte
James and Julie Leedy
Charles and Ann Lehman
Clifford Lehman
Licia M. Lehman
Harry J. Lehr
Jack Lehr
Rodger and Susan Lehr
John C. Leib
Christine Leiphart
Leonard and Susan Leiphart
Mark K. Leiphart
Mary C. Leiphart Estate
Matthew C. Leisure
Norma Jean LeiVan Estate
Barbara E. Lenhart
Thomas Leonardi
Kenneth and Susan Lepera
Kim and Sara Leppo
Dean and Jean Lerew
Katherine Lesko
Stephen Leskouec
Deborah Lewers
Eileen M. Lewis
Estate of Elizabeth M. Libhart
Fredrick M. Liddell
James and Darla Liddle
Susan E. Liebegott
Judith and Donald Lieberknecht
David and Kathleen Light
John and Edna Lightner
Robin Lightner
Dr. Andre Lijoi and Laurie Lijoi
Limerick Generating Station
Welding Team
Joel and Tina Linburg
Kevin and Janine Linden
Wanda M. Linebaugh
Tori Lingg
Terry L. Linsey
Lions Club of Mount Rose
Lions Club of Spring Grove
Stephen and Mary E. Lippy
Mr. William E. Little &
Ms. Laura J. Weyant
Scott and Joan Lobach
Ignatius Lobianco
Local 229 IBEW
James W. Lockard, M.D.
David and Teresa Logan
Carolyn Lohss
David and Alice Lomax
Jorene Long
Michael E. Longenberger
Joseph Longo
Steven and Dixie Loser
Amber Losing
Frederick and Bonnie Loucks
Edna Loucks Trust
Vincent and Shirley Loughran
Love Family
William and Anne Lowe
R. Scott Lucas
Joan and James Luce
Gaye Ludwig
Curtis and Antoinette Lufft
Wilbert Lundgren
Delores Lundy
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
Dana L. Lutz
Paul and Mary Lutz
Wendell and Donna Lutz
Mary Jane Lynch
Lynch Family
Donald and Carol Lyons
M.S. Grumbacher Foundation
Bruce A. MacDonald
Katherine MacDonald
Dr. Howard MacDougall and
Mrs. Dorothy MacDougall
Dr. Robert MacDougall and
Kathleen MacDougall
Larry Macek
Bev Mackereth Golf Tournament
Dean and Lynette Mackley
Deborah Magee and Gloriane
Edward Magee
Bonnie and Robert Mahan
Glenn and Christine Main
Carl and Maryann Maiwald
John and Betty Malenke
Sarah Malloy
John and Norma Malsky
Richard E. Mangold
Alvin and Ursula White
Nancy K. Mann
Dr. John and Mrs. Rene Manzella
Joseph P. Manzella
Ms. Teri Manzi
Clarence “Bud” J. March
Michele L. Marchese
Robert and Betty Marcini
Bernadette Marcovitch
Wayne and Sharyn Marier
Joe and Melissa Marino
Joseph and Marguerite Marino
Marino Family Foundation
Blaine and Angela Markel
Charles and Peggy Markel
Gregory A. & Jody L. Markel
Jamie M. Markel
Wade and Karen Markel
Marketing Department at Subaru
Clair and Carlene Markey
Darryl and Linda Markey
Grace M. Markey
Charles and Barbara Markle
Lavere and Rosaleen Markle
William E. Markle
Jennifer L. Markley
Gregory L. Marrocco, M.D.
Sharon and J. D. Martell
Arianne Martin
Charles and Susan Martin
Dr. Rick and Mrs. Carolyn Martin
Greg and Lynne Martin
Mary “Dolly” Martin
Richard E. and Susan Martin
Richard E. Martin
Susan E. Martin, CNM
Edgar P. Martz
Gary and Holly Martz
Annette Masenheimer
Ronald L. Mason, Sr.
Michael D. Mataka, III
Marion C. Matesevac
Benson and Smitha Mathew
Matoaca Volunteer Fire
Fred May
Carol L. Mazzitelli
Arthur and Muriel McAlister
Robert J. McAllister
Nancy McBain
Gary B. McBrien
Jennifer W. McCabe, M.D.
Eugene W. McCarthy
LeRoy and Janet McCarthy
Stuart and Brenda McCleaf
Beth McCleary
Candice and J. Daniel McClellan
James and Charmaine McClellan
Sarah and Victor McCloskey
Kenneth and Vicki McClure
D. James* and Janet McCormack
Delma J. McCoury
Joey and Lori McCoy
Vicki J. McCoy
Judith A. McCulloh
Krista McCullough
Norma McCullough
Robert and Jeanne McCune
Jeffrey A. McCurdy
Tammy McDermott
Mr. Leonard McDonald and
Ms. Constance Owens
Merle and Jeanne McElwain
Robert and Diane McElwain
Eugene T. McElwee, Jr., DO
Dan and Michele McFarland
Dr. Patrick and Karen McGannon
Gilbert and Joan McGlaughlin
James and Rose McGuire
Patty McGuire
David C. McIntosh
Eugene and Patricia McKay
Dr. Mark McKeague and Eileen McKeague
Beth McKinnnon
James McKinsey
George and Elaine McLaughlin
Joy A. McMaster
Edward A. McMerty, III
Debra McNamara
Mary C. McNaney
John Carl McRoberts
Norma McWilliams
Kenneth and Ruth Mead
Sharon K. Mead
Marie and Denise Meade
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Meadowbrook Coomons Planned Community, Inc.
Alan and Joella Meckley
Daniel and Eleanor Meckley
David G. Meckley
Medical Group Contact Center
Medical Group Leadership Team
Jin Jou Meighen
B. Joan Meisenhelder
Thomas and Karen Meister
Samuel and Susan Meldrum
Donald and Diane Meluzio
Joel and Lara Menchey
Marvin Mernick
Steven and Cynthia Merrick
James and Patricia Merrill
Messiah United Methodist Church Class 3
The Messick Family
Kim A. Metzger
John and Ramona Meyerhoff
Mike Meyls
Elizabeth and Leonard Mialki
Scott and Angel Michael
Nancy R. Miklaucic
Beverly Ann Miller
Carl and Dorothy Miller
Caroleen K. Miller
Charles and Judith Miller
Charles and Ruth Miller*
Courtney Miller
David Miller
Dr. Edmund Miller and Esther Miller
Dr. Jay and Mrs. Nancy Miller
George and Karen Miller
John and Tammy Miller
Joseph Miller
Larry and Sally Miller
Lawrence and Melanie Miller
Leo and Caroleen Miller
Lucille M. Miller
Mary E. Miller
Pearl E. Miller
Raymond and Martha Miller
Ronald and Barbara Miller
Scott J. Miller
Terri and Brian Miller
Edwill B. & Rachel H. Miller Trust
Edwill B. Miller Trust
George A. Miller Estate
Rachel Heckert Miller Trust
Michele Morgan Mills
James and Petra Minkin
Terry C. Mirachi
George and Henrietta Mitch
Bonnie S. Mitzel
Lorie C. Mitzel
Glen D. Moffett, Esq.
Robert and Jadwiga Moffett
Joseph and Kathy Mokris
Francis and Jo Anne Monaco
Monday’s Paint Class
Dr. John and Mrs. Kathryn Monk
Melissa and Reed Mook
Christi Moon
Gloria K. Mooneyham
Dianne Moore
Joan Moore
Lisa Moore
Michael and Kathleen Moore
Michael and Laura Moore
Virginia Moore
Ross B. Moquin, M.D.
Ronald Morehead
Mary Jane Morelli
Barbara and James Morgan
Jean E. Morgan*
Robert and Margaret Morgan
Connie Morningstar
William and Nancy Morris
Bill and Phyllis Mosebrook
Crystal L. Moser
Moss Roses Chapter of P. Buckley Moss Society
Dr. Kevin Mosser and
Mrs. Carolyn Mosser
John and Sharon Mosser
Leo J. Motter, M.D.
Susanne M. Motter
Motter Foundation Fund of York County Community
Mary F. Moul
Kim E. Moyer
Alma Moyers
Mr. Jeffrey A. Young and
Dr. Ebondo Mpinga-Young
Elizabeth Mulewich
Timothy Mulroy
Joan and Keith Mummert
Joyce and H. Jay Mummert
Michael and Jane Mummert
Paul and Judy Mummert
Sandra Munchel
Arthur and Joan Murphy
Daniel and A. Virginia Murphy
James P. Murphy, Jr., D.D.S.
James and Joanne Murr
Thomas Murray and Susan
Frank and Patricia Mussano
Martin L. Musselman
Jeanne E. Musser
Dr. Steven Mussey
Carolyn R. Myers
Charles and Yvonne Myers
Charlotte M. Myers
Christine and Terry Myers
Cleathon and Nancy Myers
David and Mary Myers
John H. Myers, II
John Myers
Krisitn A. Myers
Laura and Will Myers
Lona Myers
Lou Rene Myers
Lynn and Steph Myers
Marianne G. Myers*
Ms. Lynette Myers
Nicholas and Theresa Myers
Ralph and Emily Myers
Robert G. Myers
Robert L. Myers
Russell A. Myers
Staci Myers
Stephen and Kathleen Myers
Wilson H. Myers Estate
Dr. Dean and Mrs. Carol
Judith A. Nagy, C.R.N.P.
John Nash
National Apple Harvest Festival
Charles and Lois Naylor
Irvin S. Naylor
Mark Neal
Dr. and Mrs. Travis R. Neely
Edward A. Nelson, M.D.
Joe and Beth Nelson
Susan Nelson
Charlene Ness
John and Elizabeth Ness
Network For Good
New Freedom Church of the Brethren
New Freedom Lioness Club
Paul and Dot Newcomer
Tammy Newcomer
Cris and Cheryl Newman
Cyndi Newman
Doug and Nancy Newman
Lorene E. Newman
Craig and Linda Newton
Mack and Betty Newton
Barry and Nancy Newton
Dr. William and Mrs. Kathy
Steven R. Nickol
NICU Staff
Wendy Nightingale
Albert and Sue Noggle
Barbara Ail Noll
Chad A. Noll
James Noll
Northeastern School District
Kelli A. Norman
Cathy Norris
Tom and Joan Norris
North Shore - Long Island Jewish Health System
Thomas N. Note
Nuclear Medicine Department
Rick and Cheryl Nusbaum
Walter and Joan Nusbaum
Mary A. Obelenus
Charles and Tanya O’Brien
Daniel S. O’Brien, D.D.S.
Jackie L. O’Brien
Douglas A. Ockrymiek, D.O.
Office Depot Foundation
William Ogle
Ohev Sholom Sisterhood
Jay O’Keefe
Olde Toll Gate Merchants
John and Letitia “Tish” Olsen
Robert and Kathi O’Neil
Order of Eastern Star
Order of Eastern Star No. 169 York Chapter
Order of the Eastern Star #360
Lisa D. Oriolo
Martha and Fred Orner
Christine Orris
William R. Orris, Sr.
Toby Ortmyer
Kathi Orwig
Colleen M. Osmolinski*
Roy Smith and Kelly Osmolinski-
James and Dale Ostrom
Creston and Joyce Ottemiller
Robert and Jean Owen
Robert M. Owen
Dr. David & Cynthia Owens
Nancy M. Owens
Larry and Debi Oxenberg
PA Dept Community & Economic Development
Sedney E. Pabon
William Pacacha
Mark and Sheila Painter
Aristides and Susan Paiva
Kathleen R. Palmer
Russell R. Pancoast
Dr. Kirk Pandelidis and
Mrs. Angela Pandelidis
Employees of ParenteBeard LLC
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth
The Parker Family
Dante and Brenda Parrini
Partners in Family Health
James Partridge
Patillo Family & Friends
Michael J. Patrick, Sr., CLU, CHFC
William A. Patterson
Dean and Joann Paules
Steven R. Pearce, M.D.
Stephen and Frances Peck
Jack Peeling
Peggy’s Promise
Howard and Judy Peifer
Penn Oaks Bunco Group
Penn State Hershey Medical
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Pennsylvania State Education
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Pennsylvania Emergency
Management Agency
Pennyslvania State Management
Mirta Perez
Robert R. Perritt
Harry and Ruth Perry
Mary Perry
James and Vanessa Peters
Ronald and Susan Peters
Marie Petro
Dr. Brian Pettiford and
Mrs. Patricia Pettiford
Darwin and Phyllis Pfeiffer
John E. Pfeiffer
David and Kelly Pflaum
Jarrett and Sandra Pflaum
Sarah Pfleiger
Jerry Phelps
Petra and Lawrence Phelps
Philip & Anne Glatfelter III Family Foundation
Phillips Family Foundation
Phineas Davis Elementary School Social Committee
Physician Billing Service
PIAA District III
Pilot Club of York
Eduardo and Ursula Pinto
Sharon A. Pitzer
Jeanne B. Place
Dr. David and Mrs. Jean Plessett
Mrs. Suzanne Plitt
Richard and Donna Plymire
Herbert Poe, Sr.
Herbert W. Poe, Jr.
Donald and Louise Poet
Kenneth E. Poet
Patrice Poet
Brian M. Pollak, M.D.
Leo and Rosemary Polons
Doris Pope-Banks
Ken A. Potter, Jr.
Charles R. Powers, Sr.
Myong S. Powers
Cindy L. Pressel
Prestige Motorcars of York, Inc.
Susan R. Prevas
Kristina L. Pribish
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Prince
Prince Athletic Association
Ronald and Alice Provard
Pearl Prowell Trust of York County Community Foundation
Renee Pruner
George and Angela Pufko
Dorothy Pugh
Robert A. Pumphrey Funeral Home
Quarter Century Club/Voith Hydro
Dr. Seth Quartey and Grace
William Quigley
Quinn Family Foundation
Denise Raab
James E. Rabine
James E. Rabine, II
Pauline and Kenneth Raffensberger
Sara and Steven Raffensberger
Drs. Jeffrey and Minh Ragland
Ragland Oral Surgery Associates, LLC
J.P. and D.J. Rahart
Rainbow Chapter #517 Order of The Eastern Star
Rainbow Temple #167, Pythian Sisters
Sheri Rakvin
Ralphstock, Inc.
Dr. Ann Ramage and Richard Berkoski
Maurice P. Ranc
Michael and Joan Ranney
Dexter and Annella Rasmussen
Irene M. Rauhauser
Ravens Roost #41, Inc.
LaVerne A. Raymond
Robert and Shawna Raymond
Reach Out And Read National Center
JoAnn and George Ream
Julie Ream
Gregory and Tina Reaver
Joanne C. Rector
Red Hat Group
Red Lion Area Women’s Club
Red Lion Area Senior H.S. Varsity Club
Dixie Reed
Lynn M. Reed
James and Barbara Reese
Kathy Reever
Doris and Carroll Rehmeyer
Herbert M. Rehmeyer Trust
Wayne and Susan Reich
Alan and Cheryl Reigart
Dr. Charles Reilly and Mrs. Beth Reilly
Gerald and Dorothy Reimold
Leonard and Myrna Rein
Beverley A. Reindollar
Dr. Leon and Mrs. Iris Reinstein
Maryllyn and Robert Reisinger
Lois V. Renaut Estate
Charles and Karen Renn
Megan K. and Jenna Resser
W. Scott Rhinehart
Kelly Rhoads
Dorothy A. Rice
John* and Mary Lou Richard
Jack* and Emma Richens
Jeffrey and Cheryl Riebling
Arlene Riedel
Bradley and Deborah Rinehart
Roberta Rishel Family
Marvin and Frances Risius
Lynn Ritter
Erin Rivenbark
rL Solutions
Stacey G. Robert, M.D.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Peggy A. Roberts
Nancy J. Robertson
Bertram and Dorothy Robinson
Drs. Leslie Robinson and Lynn Jensen
Palmer and Nancy Robinson
Bonnie Rocap
John Rochon
Annette K. Roderick
Clinton and Edna Roderick
Juliann Roderick
Courtney and Jeffrey Rodgers
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Ruthann Rogers
Philip Rohrbach
Cathy D. Rohrbaugh
Clyde D. Rohrbaugh
Kristy Rohrbaugh
Robin K. Rohrbaugh
Roy and Eva Rohrbaugh
Peter and Carol Ronky
Carol and Robert Ronngren
Rooster Social Club
Joel and Ann Ropp
Arla Roseberry
Ronald C.* and Nancy C.
Joel Rosenblatt
Joan M. Roser
David and Constance Rosewicz
Barbara A. Rosher
Rotary Club of York
Rotary Club of York-North
Dr. Edward and Terry Roth
Constance M. Rothwell
John A. Rotz
Rough and Tumble Engineers
Historical Association
John Rouhani
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
Karen F. Roundtree
Richard and Connie Rountry
Julianne Rowe
Elaine Royhan Estate
Lewis C. Rudacille
James and Jean Rudisill
Robert and Tina Rudisill
Yvonne Rudy
George B. Rudy Trust
Glenn and Sandra Rumsey
Jolene E. Runge
Tony Ruppert and Jennifer Engler
Jeffrey and Laurel Rupprecht
Kimberly Russell
Michael L. Russell
Patricia and Thomas Russell
Walter and Betty Russell
Dr. Michael Russo and Barbara Harned
Robert Russo, D.D.S.
Debbie L. Rutter
Marjorie and Leo Rutter
Rutter’s Dairy Employees
Margaret T. Ryan
S. Ira McDowell Foundation
Jacqueline Sablich
Safe Kids Worldwide
Jennifer Sager
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
John and Lori Salerno
Caryn, Bob and Matt Sallade
Dr. Arnold Salotto and Kathy
Matthew Salsbury
Peter G. Samios
Denise Sanchez
Donald G. Sanders
Randy and Connie Sanders
Thomas W. Sanders*
Lynn E. Sanderson
Robert and Gayle Sandmeyer
Dr. Jack and Judge Penny Sanstead
Barbara Santiago
Sarah A. K. Hoober Trust
Thomas and Diane Sargeant
Ryan and Joan Sattler
Lou and Darlene Sauer
Heather M. Saullo
Mark Saunders
John Sauter
Mark and Susan Savage
Richard and Carol Savage
Lamin Sawaneh
Robin and Rick Saxon
Anna L. Saylor
Tamara L. Scanlon
Keith and Joan Schade
Carolyn and Charles Schaefer
Tom and Rosa Schaffstall
Virginia E. Schaszberger
Catherine Schiefer
Eugene and Anna Schildknecht
Sylvia M. Schimmel
Catherine Schleeter Estate
Melissa Schlenker
Donald Schlogl
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Peggy Schmidt
Mark and Ruby Schmidt
John Schmidt Foundation
John and Donna Schmitt
Mrs. Arlene T. Schmitt
Linda C. Schneider
Christianne A. Schoedel, M.D. & John Segal
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Betty Jane Schonauer
Kristina Schraudner
Deron and Lisa Schriver
Douglas A. Schriver
Roma J. Schriver
Cindy Schroeder
Gary and Andrea Schroeder
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Raymond and Staci Schroeder
Richard and Cindy Schroeder
Donna L. Schrum
Howard and Beverly Schuder
Eugene and Ann Schultz
Paul and Janice Schultz
Suzanne Schultz
Kathy and Dick Schwab
Beth A. Schwartz, R.N.
Kathryn B. Schwartz
Barbara A. Seiple
David and Shirley Seitz
Donna G. Senft
Robert and Delia Senft
Betty M. Shaffer
Douglas and Donna Shaffer
Kathryn Shaffer
Keith and Cathy Shaffer
Kevin and Susan Shaffer
Matthew Shaffer
Debra Sheffer
James and Sandra Sheffer
Kathy Sheffer
Beverly Sheldon
Karen R. Shellenberger
Robert and Joanne Shelley
Kathy S. Shelly, R.N.
Todd and Sharon Shenberger
David and Linda Shenk
Stephen L. Shepherd
“I have given through the years to sponsor several of your wonderful
events such as Double Creek because the events themselves are fun
and bring our community together, but most importantly, because of
the programs the funds will help sponsor. I have always been touched
by the different health care needs the Foundation is always trying to
meet in our community, and feel it is important to try and help in
whatever way we can. I will admit that I have a special place in my
heart to help our children. I had worked for many years as a pediatric
oncology nurse so I know the importance of being able to offer
programs to help our children and their families.”
Rhonda Schwartz
Jeanne T. Schwartzer
Dr. Paul Schwartzkopf and Lori Schwartzkopf
Peter Schwarz
Philip and Dorothy Schweitzer
Nick and Kay Sciortino
William and Sue Scott
Oscar and Patricia Seager
Penny Sebright
Donald and Angela Sechrist
Goldie D. Sechrist Estate
Secret Sister Group
Jordan Sedgwick
John and Suzanne Seebald
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Anne Seibert
William and Martha Shaffer
Drs. Amit and Shefali Shah
Daniel A. Shalkey, D.D.S. & Marie P. Shalkey
Dr. Kevin Shanaghan and
Ms. Marie Warner
Brian Shank
Robert and Charlene Shank
Margaret Shanower
Bernice E. Sharp-Gladfelter
Peg Shaulis
Max M. Shaull, Jr.
Dorothea M. Shaw
Patricia Shaw
Dr. James and Mrs. Laura Sheaffer
Linda S. and P. David Sheaffer
Pat Shearer
– Kathy Turkewitz
Linda and John Sherman
Cindy Shi, M.D.
Christine S. Shilke
Shiloh American Legion 791
Shiloh U.C.C. Early Learning
Ronald and Arlene Shindler
Raymond and Martha Shirey
Thomas and Candance Shirley
Gordon and Dianna Shive
Russell L. Shive Estate
Brad and Jennifer Shockey
Diane Shoff
Andrew Shorb, M.D.
Basil and Constance Shorb
John J. Shorb, Esq.
Gary and Patricia Shouck
Dennis and Deborah Shue
Gene and Norma Jean Shue
Peggy Shuff
Robert and Connie Shuler
Albert J. Shultz
Amy Shultz
Deron and Stevie Shultz
Suzanne M. Shultz
James and Sandra Shupp
Scott and Christine Sides
James and Joy Sigler
Ralph and Brenda Silks
Kenneth and Delores Sills
Norman Silverdale
Marvin and Beatrice Simkins
Geraldine J. Simmons
Mark Simmons
Richard and Barbara Sindicich
The Jeffrey D. Sindicich
Gladys Sipe
Robert J. Sipe, Jr.
Thomas and Rita Sipe
Dwight R. Sipes
Barry and Catherine Sitler
Barry and Daune Sitler
Thomas F. Skehan
Mary S. Skold
Cindy K. Slagel
Ervin L. Slagle Estate
Laverna E. Slagle Trust
Bruce and Loretta Slaybaugh
Loretta M. Slaybaugh
Barbara Sleeger
Thomas and Cathy Sliwoski
Luanne and Richard Slusser
Amy L. Smith
Betty L. Smith
C.L. Smith
Charles and Susan Smith
Cora A. Smith
David and Vivian Smith
Doris L. Smith Family
Faye Smith
Jeffrey M. Smith
JoAnn D. Smith
Kevin and Anne Smith
Larry and Sheryl Smith
Lori Smith
Margie E. Smith
Paul and Margie Smith
Ray and Stephanie Smith
Sandy L. Smith
Sherril Smith and Mary Ellen Sipe
Stephen and Crystal Smith
Steven B. Smith
William H. Smith, III
Phyllis M. Smith Estate
Shirlee J. Smolin
Dr. James Smolko and Helen Smolko
Pauline Snell
Susan M. Snell
Karen Snider
W. Alan and Amy Snook
Alan and Patricia Snyder
Charles and Judith Snyder
Harold L. Snyder
Jeffrey and Lisa Snyder
Kathleen and Harold Snyder
Margaret A. Snyder
Sherry H. Snyder
Steven and Luann Snyder
Terry and Erika Snyder
William and Carol Snyder
James and Constance Solich
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Solomon
Something to Kroh About
John and Linda Sommer
Matthew Sommer and Becky Sanstead
Joan E. Sorokin
David W. Sosnowski
South Central Preferred
South York Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Southeastern Adams Volunteer Emergency Services
Southern Middle School/National Junior Honor Society
Jimmie and Nancy Spagnola
Nick and Esther Spagnola
Earl W. Spahr Estate
Diana M. Spangler
Gerald F. Spangler
Kerry Spangler
Robert Spangler
Barry and Ann Sparks
Georgia G. Sparler
Louise Sparrow
Gerry Spear
Drs. Laura and Paul Spears
David N. Speranza, M.D.
Glenn and Martha Spillman
John and Linda Spillman
Cami and Bruce Spiridonoff
Juanine Sprague & Kenneth B. Ledwich
Eugenie Sprenkle
Ronnell and Gaye Sprenkle
Spring Grove Women’s Club
Christina Springer
Springettsbury Lioness Club
Springettsbury Sertoma Club
St. James Lutheran Church Women
Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Deborah
St. John
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Roger E. Stabley
Chris and MaryEllen Stahl
Richard and Elizabeth Stahl
Donn and Patricia Stahlman
Erich and Lisa Ann Stahlman
Shirley Stake
C. James and Linda Staley
Debra M. Stambaugh
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Stamp Group at the Brethren Home
Richard and Ila Faye Stare
Joseph E. Stark
Daniel and Kathryn Stasko
Ryan Stasko Memorial Golf
State Farm Companies Foundation
Emma M. Statella
Statod Enterprises, Inc.
Michael and Mary Staub
Charles and Lois Stauffer
Craig Stauffer
David and Joan Stauffer
Joseph and Julie Stauffer
S. Walter Stauffer Fund of York County Community
Michael and Cheryl Steeg
Steel Curtain Partners, Inc.
Donald L. Steely
Robert and Alexis Stegemann
Barbara L. Steiber
Deborah Steiber
John and Anna Steigelman
Dr. Jonathan Stein and Christine Stein
Betsy and Tad Stein-Hoffmaster
May Steinman
Wayne Steinour
Tim and Heather Stem
April Stephens
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Laura Sterling
Leroy and Kimberly Sterner
Nathan Sterner
Cathy B. Stetler
Doris E. Stevens
Gary and Heather Stewart
Helen V. Stewart
Robert and Christina Stewart
Robert and Norma Stewart
Robert H. Stewart, Jr.
Steven and Janice Stewart
Terrence S. Stewart
The Stewart Foundation
Stewartstown Lions Club
Joseph and Rosemarie Stike
Cheryl Stillman
Jean and Charles Stine
Ann Stipe
Robert Stitt
Elizabeth and Thomas Stone
Joan and John Stoner
Kathy and David Stoner
Andrea Stonesifer
Stony Brook Family Practice
Charles and Jacqueline Stouch
Keith and Catherine Stouch
Amy A. Stough
Clyde and Agnes Stough
Lisa A. Stough
Stephanie L. Stough
James and Kathy Stover
Tina and Gregg Stover
Wendy Stover
Carol J. Stowell
Marty L. Strasbaugh
Kathie Straubel
Edwin I. Strayer
Martha C. Streett
Cherylyn and Kenneth
Elaine and Byron Strickler
Mr. Gregory L. Strickler & Ms. Marguerite Meisenhelder
Kathleen M. Strine
Lisa Strine
Mary D. Strine
Michael and Laura Strine
Patrick and Karen Strine
Diane and Joseph Strobeck
Robert and Cindy Strobeck
Dr. Melvin Strockbine and
Mrs. Florence Strockbine
James and Wanda Stroud
Bradford and Susan Stump
Joseph and Dana Stump
Robert and Helen Stump
Wanda E. Stump-Bupp
Fred and Linda Sturgill
James* and Pearl Sturgis
Mark and Grace Sullivan
Dwight and Lois Summers
Hannah M. Summers
Harry E. Summers
Jackie and Michael Summers
Paul R. Summers
Thomas and Jane Summers
Rodger and Beverly Sunday
Patricia and Howard Supplee
Support Staff of Dover Area School District
Janet Surges
Judith E. Swank
James and Barbara Sweitzer
Gary and Beth Swenson
Joseph V. Sykes
Dr. Amir Tabatabai and Mrs. Janice Liao
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Judith Taddonio
John and Barbara Tanger
K. Andrew Tarburton
Gail and Joe Tardio
Martha C. Tassia
Vincent J. Tassone, Jr.
Catherine Taylor
Evelyn C. Taylor
Margaret M. Taylor-Brown, C.R.N.P.
Tee To Green Grounds
Margaret Testa
James and Joyce Thacker
Theos Foundation
Theos Outreach Ministry
Thirteenth Ward Political Club, Inc.
Brian S. Thomas, D.M.D.
Catherine V. Thomas
Chester and Kathy Thomas
Linda S. Thomas
Mr. Greg Thomas and Dr. Elise Thomas
Steven and Amanda Thomas
Beth C. Thomason
Edwin and Kim Thompson
Joni Thompson
Mary Jane Thompson
Norma and Vincent Thompson
Thomas and Linda Thompson
Todd and Diane Thompson
Christina Thornton
George and Dianne Thornton
John Thornton
Michael and Judy Thornton
Virginia W. Thornton
William and Lisa Thornton
Nancy F. Tileston
Sueanne and Glenn Tilley
William A. Timberlake, II
Virginia Timmins
Carl and Judith Tipping
Mark and Hayley Titi
Kendra Todd
Michael S. Todd
Joseph B. Topley
Jon and Linda Topper
Lori Topper
Larissa Tosch
Steven and Deborah Tracy
TransLab Services at York Hospital
Timothy and Joyce Trautman
Bobby and Karen Traynham
Philip and Mary Treffinger
Howard and Rose Marie Treser
Ben Tresselt
Bobbie K. Trimmer
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity United Church of Christ
Trinity United Methodist Church
The Ruth Trinley Family
Bonnie S. Triplett
Edna Trite
John and Barbara Trone
Rev. and Mrs. Ted L. Trout-Landen
Jacqueline and Neil Tucker
Jane A. Tucker
Paul and Patricia Turek
Dr. David Turkewitz and Kathy Turkewitz
Terry and Cynthia Turney
Nevin and Dawn Tyson
Stephanie Tyson
Carol S. Uhlik
Melanie Ulrich Thorne
Wayne and Karen Umland
Julie L. Unger
United Way of Adams County
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of Franklin County
United Way of Southeastern PA
United Way of York County
Sara Ural
Carol A. Urey
Joann L. Urey
Lewis and Julia Urey
UTA Karate West York, LLC
V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Post 5265
Dr. Razvan and Mrs. Mary Vaida
Albert and Joanne Vanroden
Charlotte D. Varner
Martha Vasquez
Laura Vengoechea
Mary Ellen Venus Estate
Harriet R. Venus Estate
William Vest*
Vigilant Social Club
Viking Athletic Association
Emory and Melissa Vincent
Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services
C. and Brenda Vizzi
Mrs. Patti Vodila
Voith Siemens Quarter Century Club
Volunteers at St. John’s RC Church
Volunteers of Strand Capitol PAC
Barbara A. Voorstead
Charles A. Vuono, Jr.
Michael and Leanne Wadsworth
Byron S. Waggoner
Genevieve V. Wagman
John and Jane Wagman
Richard and Carol Wagman Family
Fund of York County Community Foundation
Edward & Sally Wagman Family Fund of York County Community Foundation
Wagman Corporate Community Fund
Bruce L. Wagner
Edward and Diane Wagner
Jack and Anne Wagner
Nancy K. Wagner
Robert L. Wagner
Scott and Silvia Wagner
Molly and Matthew Walbrown
Dr. Jeffry and Mrs. Barbara
Judy and George Waldner
Barry and Carol Walker
Charles B. Walker
Margaret E. Walker
Penny Walker
Terry and Melinda Walker
Wal-Mart Foundation
David A. Walsh
Jonathan Walsh
Jennifer Waltemyer
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Judith Waltman-Baccon
Robert W. Walton
Laura Wand
Jennie J. Wantz
Compton Ward
John and Patricia Warehime
Dale E. Warfel
Averett Warmus Durkee
Andrea Warner
Cleaston F. Warner*
Donald* and Ruth Warner
Floyd and Anne Warner
Marie J. Warner, D.O.
Maureen Warner
Phyllis A. Warner
Ruth B. Warner
Samuel and Penny Warner
Robert and Lou Ann Wasik
Water/Wastewater Design
Ernie and Ivy Waters
Walter and Patricia Watert
Helen M. Watkins
Martha Watkins
Robert and Roselynn Watkins
Christopher and Sindy Watson
David and Deborah Watson
Dr. Michael & Amy Watson
Geoff and Claire Watson
Jerry and Donna Watson
David and Jane Weaver
Weaver Family Reunion
Ms. Edwina O. Weber
Paul Weber
Sue Weber
Jennifer Weese
Dennis and Jean Weidler
Shirley and Duane Weigel
James C. Weigle
Welcome Wagon Club of Greater York Alumnae
Welfare Club of Acco
Wellesley Hills Junior Womens Club, Inc.
Daphne Wells
WellSpan Access Call Center
Wellspan Finance Division
WellSpan Health
WellSpan Lung, Sleep & Critical Care
WellSpan Patient Administrative Services
WellSpan Revenue Management
WellSpan Case Management
WellSpan Insurance Specialty Center
R. Philip Welsh
Galen and Joan Wentz
Rodney and Nancy Wentz
Rodney and Sharon Wentz
David and Susan Werner
Peter H. Werner
Dr. D. Michael and Mrs. Molly Wertz
Howard and Donna Wetzel
Robert and Bonnie Wetzel
Meg Wheeler
Michael and Julie Wheeler
Julia Wheeling
Barbara S. White
Darthy M. White
Patrick and Barbara White
J. Randy Whiteford
Joan and Scott Whiteford
Patricia M. Whitehurst
Laurie Whitekettle
Anna L. Whiteley
Metza and John Whiteley
Jean N. Whittles
Shepard C. Wilbar
Nancy and Lynn Wildblood
John Wilhelm
Margaret R. Will
Bruce and Sharon Williams
Gary and Brenda Williams
Joseph S. Williams
Lewis E. Williams
M. Chris and Jean Williams
Melody Williams
Roberta Williams
Reda Willis
Dennis and Karen Willman
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Sandra Wilson
Lorraine Wilson
Steven and Mildred Wilson
Thomas and Shelley Wilson
Rick and Teresa Winand
Liz Winders
Windsor Township & Sewer
S. N. Winemiller
Diana and David Winter
Cheryl A. Wintermyer
Paul A. Winters
Yvonne L. Winters
David E. Wise
Frederick and Julie Wise
Georgiana Wise
Mark and Brenda Wiseman
James and Judith Wisman
John and Charlotte Wisotzkey
Chester W. Witczak
Robert E. Witman
Robert J. Witman & Family
Sue Witman Family
Gregory and Mary Ann Witmer
Saundra Witmer
Coni L. Wolf
Diane and Timothy Wolf
George and Rachel Wolf
Jeanette A. Wolf
Patsy E. Wolf
Randall Wolf
Renay Wolf
William and Cornelia Wolf
JoAnne and Alan Wolfgang
Millard and Sherry Wolfgang
Women’s Conference
Dr. Mariano Woo & Mrs. Karen J. Woo
Charles and Trudy Wood
Kenneth and Carolyn Wood
Maggie E. Wood
Sherrie L. Woods
Tara Woofter
Workfirst Staff
Fern A. Workinger
Stephanie and Dennis Workinger
Jack W. Wozny Estate
John A. Wright, M.D.
Linda J. Wright
Timothy S. Wright, D.D.S.
James and Daune Wynn
Randall and Beth Wynn
David F. Wyrwas
Linda Yakacki
Edward D. Yates
Mrs. Jean G. Yates
Philip and Natalie Yates
Albert Yee and Hiroko Yee
Crystal C. Yinger
Ms. Kimberly Yinger and Diane Senft
Nancy C. Yinger*
Sandra Yingling
Sarah Yoder and B. Emmerich
Shirley B. Yoder
William C. Yohe, M.D.
William and Kimberly York
York Area Regional Police
Department Men and Women
York County 4-H Beef Club
York County Shrine Club
York County Solid Waste &
Refuse Authority
York Symphony Association
York Chapter 169 Order of The Eastern Star
York Area Council of the Blind
York Auto Group
York Branch AAUW
York Cancer Center Staff
York Country Day School
York County Community
York County Medical Foundation, Inc.
York County Harley Davidson Owners Association
York Eagle Riders
York Haven Elementary School Teachers and Staff
York Hospital
York Hospital Administration
York Hospital Auxiliary
York Hospital Billing Department
York Hospital Billing Department Cancer Survivors
York Hospital IV Team
York Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association
York Hospital Surgical Service Line
York White Rose MOTTC
Staff and Faculty of Yorktowne Business Institute
D. Louise Young
Ervan and Jane Young
Jane E. Young
Jean D. Young
Nancy J. Young
Young Women’s Club of York
Sonia Zambito
Katherine A. Zang
Francis and Pam Zeak
Anne and David Zeigler
John C. Zeigler
Marianne R. Zeigler
Susan M. Zeigler
Richard Zendarski
Zephyr Aluminum LLC
Mark and Anne Zerbe
Dennis and Martha Ziegler
Marianne Ziegler
Fred and Ruth Ziffer
John D. and Kathryn W.
Zimmerman Fund
Chuck Zink
Ms. Jennifer L. Zinn
Zion Lutheran Church
Bonnie L. Zirkle
Joseph and Jamie Zirkle
Christy A. Zortman
Harry and Charla Zumbrun
Henry and Marissa Zumbrun
Jamie Zwally & Kevin Eby
Cherie Zydel
“It is a privilege for us to be able to give
back to our community through the Kids
First Campaign. Without these fundraising
efforts, many local children would go
without access to quality health care.”
– Matt and Jennifer Doran
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
10 Consecutive Year Donors
This elite group of donors has generously given in each of the 10 years the York Health Foundation has
been in existence. This group’s support has helped patients receive quality, coordinated healthcare in the
York community for a decade. On behalf of the York Health Foundation and WellSpan Health, thank you
for your loyalty to our mission.
Adhesives Research, Inc.
Advanced Industrial Services, Inc.
Kathleen Allen and David Staub
Anstadt Printing
Louis and Josephine Appell
Braden and Shirley Ausherman
Richard L. Ayers
Martha Baer
Robert and Grace Baker
Banyan Consulting LLC
Barley Snyder LLC
Bruce Bartels and Romana Li
Barton Associates, Inc.
Helen L. Behler
Ronald and Tracy Benenson
Janet K. Benfer Trust
Timothy and Kathryn Bentzel
Bernhart N. Blatner
Jessica Bless
Leslie and Cynthia Brant
Dale and Colleen Brenneman
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Edward and Jacquelyn Briercheck
Chreston K. Briggs Trust
Jane E. Bubb
Dr. Vincent Butera and Mrs. Kathy Butera
Mrs. Frances W. Callahan
William K. & Evelyn O. Campbell Memorial Fund
Charles and Joyce Campisi
Cancer Care Associates of York
Janet B. Cassimatis
Christ United Methodist Church
City Floors, Inc.
Lori and Paul Clark
James and Karen Cochran
Allan and Nancy Dameshek
Stephen and Holly Danley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Dolores J. DeLeon
Patricia A. Derr
Paul and June Dettinger
Jane Dietz
Dennis and Kathleen Dobbie
C. Herbert and Marlasee Douts
Rodney and Marie Drawbaugh
Roy and Joyce Drawbaugh
E. K. McConkey & Co., Inc.
Myra R. Eichner
William S. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.
Charlotte R. & Kermit H. Elfner Trust
George H. Emig, Jr.*
Allen and Sally Estep
Mary P. Evans Trust
Farmers Fire Insurance Company
John and Ginger Finlayson
Dean and Jennie Flay
James and Wendy Flinchbaugh
William Fluhrer Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Fortier
Charles R. Frey
Fulton Bank-Drovers Division
Charlotte M. Gallatin
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Garber
Geneva Trout Trust
George B. Rudy Trust
Gettle Incorporated
Dr. Leon Gibble and Joan Gibble
Thomas and Anita Gibbs
Varlen and Phyllis Gibbs
Art and Susan Glatfelter
Ruth R. Glatfelter
Glatfelter Insurance Group
L. Romaine Glatfelter Trust
Mellie I. Glatfelter Trust
Pauline C. Grove
Edward and Betty Guyer
Valerie S. Hardy-Sprenkle
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Joseph F. Hasenfuss
Charles J. Helb Trust
Dale and Mary Ellen Hershey
Dean and Ruth Hildebrand
Sarah A. K. Hoober Trust
Dean S. Hoover, M.D.
Russell Horn and Rosalind Kunkel
Blanche G. Innerst
Robert and Cindy Innerst
Jacobus Lions Club, Inc.
Mary L. Aikins Johnson
Bertha M. Noss Joseph Trust
Brenda D. Kiger
Mr. Lester W. Kling
James and Brenda Knaub
Thomas D. Koons
Elaine A. Krout
Miodrag D. Kukrika, M.D.
John and Thelma Kunkle
Jack LaFleur
Theresa and Todd Langeheine
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Laucks
Dr. Stanton and Mrs. Jane Lebouitz
Harry J. Lehr
Carl and Ruth Lentz
Barbara C. Linder
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Jeff and Cindy Lobach
M.S. Grumbacher Foundation
Carl and Maryann Maiwald
Clarence “Bud” J. March
Robert and Betty Marcini
Sarah and Victor McCloskey
John and Therese McConville
Carol A. McDaniel
Merle and Jeanne McElwain
Robert and Diane McElwain
Patty McGuire
Kenneth and Ruth Mead
Miriam C. Melhorn
Dr. Edmund Miller and Esther Miller
Gerald and Catherine Miller
Mary E. Miller
Nadine C. Miller
Pearl E. Miller
Edwill B. & Rachel H. Miller Trust
Rachel Heckert Miller Trust
Jean E. Morgan*
Bill and Phyllis Mosebrook
John and Sharon Mosser
Dr. Kevin Mosser and Mrs. Carolyn Mosser
Gertrude C. Motter
Russell A. Myers
Robert and Lynn Newcomer
Cris and Cheryl Newman
Nancy and Barry Newton
Michael and Debra O’Connor
Creston and Joyce Ottemiller
Robert and Jean Owen
Gary and Jane Peeling
Jack Peeling
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Richard and Donna Plymire
Prince Athletic Association
A. Richard & Karen L. Pugh
James E. Rabine
Dr. Ann Ramage and Richard Berkoski
Red House Communications
Rick’s Lawn Care
Clinton and Edna Roderick
Kathy J. Rohrbaugh
Raymond and Debby Rosen
Mark and Maria Royce
Yvonne Rudy
S. Ira McDowell Foundation
Safe Kids Worldwide
Gerald L. Savitz
Sylvia M. Schimmel
Dr. and Mrs. Steven K. Schirk
Mark and Ruby Schmidt
Ruth M. Schrom
William and Sue Scott
Jo Ann and Jay Seidenstricker
Betty J. Shields
Shipley Energy Company
Sharon and Kenneth Simpson
Mary S. Skold
Linda A. Smeltzer
Larry and Sheryl Smith
Lois E. Smith
James and Joanne Smoker
Jeffrey and Lisa Snyder
Ervin Spangler Trust
Barry and Ann Sparks
John and Linda Spillman
Springettsbury Lioness Club
Richard and Ila Faye Stare
Charles and Lois Stauffer
Cathy B. Stetler
Stevens & Lee
Robert and Norma Stewart
Keith and Catherine Stouch
James and Barbara Sweitzer
Thirteenth Ward Political Club, Inc.
Beth C. Thomason
Wendy and Kip Trout
Jacqueline and Neil Tucker
Turner Construction Company
Charlotte D. Varner
Ms. Edwina O. Weber
White Rose Interiors
Metza Y. Whiteley
Dr. Ray and Margy Wilson
Wire-Mesh Products Inc.
Dr. Kenneth and Francine
William and Cornelia Wolf
Worden & Shewell
York Hospital Auxiliary
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report
1880 Society
The 1880 Society, named in honor of the year of York Hospital’s founding, is a special annual giving
program. Friends of York Hospital, VNA Home Care, WellSpan Medical Group and the York Cancer
Center give $10,000 or more, payable over a 10-year period. These gifts can be designated to a specific
department or program or be unrestricted to ensure continued excellent care throughout the healthcare
system. The reputation of WellSpan Health would make its founders very proud. While today’s
healthcare system faces many challenges, 1880 Society members ensure that quality care is provided
to the York community.
Sandra L. Abnett
Dr. James and Mrs. Linda
Louis and Josephine Appell
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Arbittier
Richard L. Ayers
George Baker
Dr. R. Hal Baker and Mrs. Jill Baker
Heather and Mike Barley
Bruce Bartels and Romana Li
Bob and Louise Batory
Larry D. Baucum
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus E. Beekey, Jr.
Ronald and Tracy Benenson
Timothy and Kathryn Bentzel
Ronald F. Bernardi
Albert and Judith Blakey
Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Bledsoe
Dr. John Blotzer and Mrs. Gabija Blotzer
Drs. Jaylaine and Michael Bohrn
Nina and Michael Born
Marsha D. Bornt, M.D.
Pamela and Charles Bostic
Eamonn and Susan Boyle
Leslie and Cynthia Brant
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
W. Dale* and Nancy Brougher
Richard H. Brown
Dr. Bruce Bushwick and Ms. Lise Levin
Dr. Vincent Butera and Mrs. Kathy Butera
Drs. Ivan Butler and Francine Camitta Butler
Tony and Stef Campisi
Dr. John and Mrs. Catherine Carson
Dr. John Castronuovo and
Mrs. Malin Castronuovo
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Chodroff
Dr. Keith and Jennifer Clancy
Paul and Lori Clark
James and Karen Cochran
Joe and Kris Crosswhite
Douglas and Monica Dallmeyer
Drs. Richard and Marian
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Gregory L. Davis and Abby Davis, M.D.
Anthony DeFelice
Donald and Jane Dellinger
Burnell M.* and Ann C. Diehl
David and Julia Dill
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Dowd, Jr., D.O.
Rodney and Marie Drawbaugh
Chloé R. Eichelberger
Drs. John and Mary Jo Eline
Robert and Erda Erdos
Dr. and Mrs. Danilo U. Escaro
Margaret “Peggy” Davis Evans*
William M. Eyster, II
Robert S. Fawcett, M.D. & Christy Fawcett
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Fazio
John and Ginger Finlayson
Dr. Frederick Flaccavento and
Ms. Donna Sylvester
Dr. Otto and Mrs. Lesesne
Dr. Neal Friedman and Mrs. Diane Friedman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Garber
Keith and Laurie Gee
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Dr. Detlef and Mrs. Joanne
In Memory of Thom R. Gilbert
William J. Gillespie
Art and Susan Glatfelter
Dr. Michael & Barbara Goodstein
Fred Graves
Scott and Lisa Grob
Gregory Gurican
Lee and Connie Gutshall
James and Amy Haber
Valerie S. Hardy-Sprenkle
Dr. Peter M. and Mrs. Rhada J. Hartmann
The Heilman Family
Douglas and Holly Heishman
Ronald E. Hempling, M.D.
John and Jan Herrold
Clement T. Ho, M.D.
George and Martha Hodges
Russ and Julie Hopple
Roseann Huddleston
George W. Hummel Fund of York
County Community Foundation
Robert V. Iosue, Ph.D. & Teena Iosue
Dr. David B. and Mrs. Victoria Jones
James Juliana
Drs. Andrew and Diane Kepner
William and Kim Kerlin
Kinsley Foundation
Debra D. Kleyhauer
Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kline
Eric and Ann Kunkel
Dr. George and Jackie Lapes
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Laucks
Ms. Megan Lecas
Doug and Theresa Lehigh
Richard M.* and Barbara C. Linder
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Sara K. Little
Jeff and Cindy Lobach
Deborah K. Lookingbill*
Jason S. Lowe, C.R.N.A.
John and Dawn Lutz
Dr. C. Edwin Martin and
Mrs. Arlene Martin
Dr. John and Patricia Matthews
John and Therese McConville
Drs. Kevin J. and Nancy McCullum
Thomas R. McGann, M.D. &
Kathleen McGann
Michael and Stephanie McKoin
Susan and William McQuade
Dr. Allen & Wanda Miller
Fred L.* and Gertrude C. Motter
Dr. Kevin R. Muzzio and
Dr. Suzette J. Song
Robert L. Myers, III
Amy L. Nelson, Esq.
Robert and Lynn Newcomer
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
Keith Noll
Michael and Debra O’Connor
Dr. Craig S. Pate and Lisa W. Pate
Dr. Marc and Mrs. Patricia Pollack
Ms. Tracy H. Powell
A. Richard & Karen L. Pugh
Raymond and Debby Rosen
Mark and Maria Royce
Drs. Dan Sotirescu and So Hyang Park
Dr. James and Mrs. Cushla Srour
David and Mary Stewart
Debra and Stephen Stock
Clyde Strang and Christine
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sykes
Mary and David Thomas
“My wife Katie and I have lived in York
all of our lives and have worked for York
Hospital for many years which gives us a
unique perspective as both a member of the
community and employee. The Employee
Giving Campaign allows us the opportunity
to support many worthy causes which have
a direct impact on our patients and their
families and often times would not be possible
without the generosity of our fellow employees. Furthermore, it is an
opportunity for us to give back to the community and York Hospital for
the impact they have had on our lives over the years.”
– Tim and Katie Bentzel
Harry and Peggy Rubin
Ruth B. Rubinow
Dr. Arnold Salotto and Kathy
Evelyn M. Samuelsohn*
Gerald L. and Cassandra E.* Savitz
Dr. and Mrs. Steven K. Schirk
John and Susan Schmidt
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Beverly Schryver
Thomas R. & Barbara L. Scott
Richard and Marna Seim
William and Michelle Shipley
Lyle and Anne Siddoway
Steve and Jami Simon
William and Judy Simpson
Dr. Richard Sloan and Alice Sloan
Dr. Mark Smith and Mary Smith
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Ann Sopchak
Dr. Paul Tolerico and Mrs. Leslie
Bonita and Keith Trapnell
Wendy and Kip Trout
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Unwin
Dale and Wendy Voorheis
Dan and Trudy Waltersdorff
Gregory W. Weigle
Dr. Earl Wenner and Dr. Karen Wenner
Jonathan P. Whitney, M.D. and Angela Dohrman
Dr. Ray and Margy Wilson
Dr. Joel and Mrs. Lisa Winer
Susanlee Wisotzkey
Dr. Kenneth and Francine
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Zeleznock
Gary B. Zimberg, M.D.
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Corporate Partners
The York Health Foundation gratefully acknowledges the individuals, corporations and
foundations listed who have given so generously in order to help the York Hospital, York Cancer
Center, WellSpan Medical Group and VNA Home Care achieve their mission. Their support has
enabled our staff and volunteers to continue to provide excellent patient care. It also provides for
indigent care, education, and technology that are part of the trusted healthcare we provide throughout
south central Pennsylvania.
AAA Southern Pennsylvania
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Vascular
Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Adhesives Research, Inc.
Alexander Building Construction, LLC
AllScripts Healthcare Solutions
Anixter Inc.
Anstadt Printing
Apple Hill Surgical Associates
Apple Hill Surgical Center
Apple Outdoor Advertising, Inc.
Artistic Foods Catering
BAE Systems
Bank of New York
Banyan Consulting LLC
Barley Snyder LLC
Barton Associates, Inc.
Bazaar, Inc.
Beech Tree Podiatry, PC
Bortner Bros, Inc.
Boston Scientific
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
C.S. Davidson Inc.
Capital Blue Cross
Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy
Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
Cerner Corporation
Cleveland Brothers
Colony Papers, Inc.
Consolidated Scrap Resources, Inc.
CORE Design Group
CSC (Computer Sciences
CSD People Architecture
Cumulus Media
Dallastown Medical Associates
Delta Dental of Pennsylvania
E. K. McConkey & Co., Inc.
Eastern Air Balance
Eclipsys Corporation
Enterprise Car Sales
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
Ettline Foods Corporation
Express Scripts
First Capital Federal Credit Union
Fulton Bank-Drovers Division
Gdovin Personnel, Inc.
Gen On Energy Hunterstown
Genentech, Inc.
Gettle Incorporated
Gilbane Building Company
Glatfelter Insurance Group
Great West Life & Annuity
Insurance Co.
Hanover Foods Corporation
Hanover Hospital
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Heffner Funeral Homes &
Crematory, Inc.
Heidler Roofing Services, Inc.
Heim Co., Edwin L.
Heritage Valley Federal Credit Union
Highmark Blue Shield
HKS Architects
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
We extend our sincere appreciation for the following gifts received from July 1, 2008 to December 31,
2010. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in listing all contributions of $100 or more. If you
are aware of any error or omission, please call the York Health Foundation at 717-851-3595.
IBM Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Innovative Healthware Services
Intelliprint Solutions, Inc.
Katherman, Briggs & Greenberg LLP
Keystruct Construction Inc.
Kinard Trucking, Inc.
Kinsley Construction, Inc.
Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.
LSC Design, Inc.
M&T Bank
Masonry Preservation Services, Inc.
Medtronic (Cardiovascular)
Members 1st Federal Credit Union
Miller Plant Farm, Inc.
Miltex, Inc.
Minnich’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Morefield Communications
National Retirement Partners (NRP)
NEC Display Solutions
NetComm Solutions Inc.
New Standard Corporation
Orthopaedic & Spine Specialists
Pace Resources Inc.
ParenteBeard LLC
Patton Veterinary
Penn Waste
PeoplesBank, A Codorus Valley Co.
Pepsi Beverages Company
Pharmaceutical Strategies Group LP
Phillips Group
Prospect Hill Cemetery
Red House Communications
Regents’ Glen Country Club
Rick’s Lawn Care
ROCK Commercial Real Estate, LLC
Rutter’s Farm Stores (CHR Corp.)
Sage Technology Solutions, Inc.
Sharon Regional Physician Services
Shawn Baylor Painting
Shipley Energy Company
Shumaker Williams, P.C.
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
St. Jude Medical
Stevens & Lee
Stock and Leader, Attorneys at Law
Strategic Retirement Group
Subaru of America Foundation, Inc.
Susquehanna Bank
Susquehanna Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
TD Wealth Management
TEKSystems, Inc.
Teva Neuroscience Inc.
The Stewart Companies
TRO Jung/Brannen
Turkey Hill Dairy
Turner Construction Company
Weis Markets, Inc.
White Rose Interiors
Wolfgang Candy
Worden & Shewell
York Barbell Co., Inc.
York Newspaper Company
York Revolution
York Traditions Bank
York Water Company
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
Samuel Small Society Members
In 1880, a man named Samuel Small had a vision of providing compassionate, quality healthcare services for
the York community. His vision and philanthropic spirit initiated the forming of York Hospital. If not for his
effort and foresight, the organization of WellSpan Health, dedicated to bring clinical excellence and care to its
communities and recognized as a leader in health care, might not exist today.
The members of the Samuel Small Society share that spirit and vision in wanting to ensure quality healthcare is
available to all in our community for generations to come. By providing for the future health care needs, they
have included the York Health Foundation in their financial or estate plans.
Leno C. Allenbrand Estate
Alfred and Janice Ambrose
Harry B. Anstine Estate
Clyde E. Arvin Estate
J. Herbert Beard*
Janet K. Benfer Trust
Kenneth L. Benfer Estate
Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Bledsoe
Ruth T. Boring Estate
Michael and Alice Marie Boustead
Kenneth Bowman Estate
Lavern H. Brenneman*
Thomas and Nancy Brenner
Chreston K. Briggs Trust
Richard H. Brown
Florence G. Burk Estate
William K. & Evelyn O. Campbell Memorial Fund
Tony and Stef Campisi
David W. Cerasa*
Gail K. Cunningham Trust
Edward L. Daisey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davis
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Patricia Davis
Ella Mae Dellinger*
Estate of Millard G. Diehl
Estate of Mary L. Diehl
Burnell M.* and Ann C. Diehl
Kenneth and Charlotte Dittenhafer
Alton W. Dubs*
S. James Dunn, D.D.S. Estate
Chloé R. Eichelberger
William S. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.
Hazel L. Eisenhart*
Charlotte R. & Kermit H. Elfner Trust
Helen M. Emig*
Kathryn Erdos Estate
Robert and Erda Erdos
Mary P. Evans Trust
Charles G. Eyster Fund of YCCF
Frances E. Feiser*
George W. Fishel Estate
Harry H. Fisher Bequest
Dr. Lawrence C. Fisher* and
Mrs. M. Louise C. Fisher*
Gary C. and Gloria* Fleming
William Fluhrer Trust
Robert and Charlene Freed
Mary* and Henry Freed*
Mary Froelich Unitrust
Rodger K. Furse Trust
Walter W. Furse
Virginia C. Gall*
W. Donald Geiser Estate
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Anna Amelia Gillespie Trust
Cassandra Glatfelter Bequest
W. L. Glatfelter Trust
Mellie I. Glatfelter Trust
L. Romaine Glatfelter Trust
Art and Susan Glatfelter
Philip Glatfelter, III*
Russel* and Eleanor Gohn*
Hattie Good*
Charles* and Esther Goodling*
Brian and Donna Gragnolati
David Greisler
Emory E. Grove Trust
Bruce Grove*
Margaret Hafey*
Samuel Harbold*
Valerie S. Hardy-Sprenkle
Donna M. Healey
Malinda Heindel Trust
Charles J. Helb Trust
Walter H. Hespenheide Estate
Mildred B. Hibner Estate
Sarah A. K. Hoober Trust
Philip A. & Elizabeth J. Hoover Fund of YCCF
Dean S. Hoover, M.D.
Mildred I. Horn Estate
Raymond A. Hummer Estate
Fred Ilges*
Robert V. Iosue, Ph.D. and Teena Iosue
Bertha M. Noss Joseph Trust
John L. Kable Estate
Charles Kerr*
H. Roebling Knoch Estate
Sanford & Kathryn Kranich
Charitable Trust
John J. Landes Trust
Benjamin Lavetan Trust
Estate of Elizabeth M. Libhart
Richard M.* and Barbara C. Linder
Marian S. Link Estate
Jonathan and Andrea Liss
Sara K. Little
Helen Long Estate
Edna Loucks Trust
Dorothy L. Paules
Pearl Prowell Trust of YCCF
A. Richard & Karen L. Pugh
Lois V. Renaut Estate
William A. Resh Estate
Vincent Risley Trust
Kathryn S. Rohrbaugh Estate
Raymond and Debby Rosen
Joseph* and Elizabeth Rosenmiller*
George B. Rudy Trust
Esther T. Rutter Estate
Dr. Melvin Strockbine and
Mrs. Florence Strockbine
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Katherine Stupak
Joseph V. and Louise* Sykes
George A. Thoman Estate
Warren G. Thomas*
Rose K. Thomas
Edwin H. Torrey Estate
James N. Trattner Bequest
Geneva Trout Trust
“York Hospital has a rich tradition of excellence in medical
education. The York Health Foundation, through its
philanthropic efforts, has made it possible for York Hospital
to develop a state-of-the-art simulation center which will
have a major impact on competency-based training and
improved patient safety. I am proud to be part of such an
outstanding health system which impacts so many members
of our community in such a positive way.”
– Dr. Richard Sloan
Patty McGuire
David C. McIntosh
Paula M. Miller Estate
Edwill B. & Rachel H. Miller Trust
Edwill B. Miller Trust
Rachel Heckert Miller Trust
R. Ruth Morris Bequest
Marianna K. Moyer Estate
Mildred T. Mummert Trust
Lou Rene Myers
G. Bradford Myers, M.D.*
Dr. Jay and Carol Nicholson
Keith Noll
John W. Noss Trust
Michael J. Patrick, Sr., CLU, CHFC and Ruth S. Patrick*
Gerald V. and Martha Patrick*
Evelyn M. Samuelsohn*
Marvin G. Sedam*
Newton & Hellen Shaw Trust
Stanford C.* and Reta Shearer*
William and Judy Simpson
Dr. Richard Sloan and Alice Sloan
Josephine L. Smith Trust
Andrew P. Smith
Fairy M. Smyser Estate
Ruby F. Snyder Estate
Miriam Spahr Estate
Earl W. Spahr Estate
Ervin Spangler Trust
Richard and Ila Faye Stare
S. Walter Stauffer Fund of YCCF
Donald B. Strawbridge Estate
Charles Van Buskirk Estate
Mary Ellen Venus Estate
Harriet R. Venus Estate
Margaret V. Vickers Estate
T. Howard Walker Estate
William G. Weiler Estate
Helen Wells-Hallock Estate
George Whiteley*
Harry M. Wildblood, M.D.*
Jack W. Wozny Estate
Esther T. Yeagley Estate
William H. Young Trust
Robert* and Verna Young*
Bonita E. Zeigler Estate
Ida E. Zinn Estate
Frank C. Zirnkilton Estate
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report
Anna Huber Legacy Society
York Health Foundation Board of Directors
Anna Huber Legacy Society was created to recognize individuals who have provided for the future of the
VNA through their financial or estate plan. The Society is named in honor of the founder of VNA Home
Care, Anna M. L. Huber. Ms. Huber, born in 1874, began a long and dedicated campaign to improve
York’s community health care for all its residents. In 1908, the first visiting nurse began practicing in
York. Anna Huber became the VNA’s first president and served in that role for 48 years.
Estate of Jean T. Boomhower
Leslie and Cynthia Brant
Nena Grace Cole Bequest
Estate of Mary L. Diehl
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Cindy Douglass
Gladys Eberly Estate
Catharine M. Eisenhour Estate
Gary C. Fleming
Mary Froelich Unitrust
Edgar I. Garrett Estate
Baron and Lydia Gemmer
Helen H. Hobaugh Estate
Kathryn K. Julius Estate
Norma Jean LeiVan Estate
Dean Little
George A. Miller Estate
Wilson H. Myers Estate
Marion R. Nisbet Estate
Elaine Royhan Estate
Catherine Schleeter Estate
Goldie D. Sechrist Estate
Laverna E. Slagle Trust
Ervin L. Slagle Estate
Phyllis M. Smith Estate
Leslie W. Brant, Chairman
Gary Stewart, Jr., Vice Chairman
John McConville, M.D.,
Richard Brown
Francine Camitta Butler, M.D.
Matthew Doran
John Eyster
Vickie Fazio
Robert V. Iosue, Ph.D.
Barbara Linder
John Lutz
Cathy Norris
Judy Simpson
Richard Sloan, M.D.
Jacquelyn I. Summers
Laura Wand
York Health Foundation Past Board Members
Vincent Butera, M.D.
Anthony P. Campisi
David W. Cerasa*
Joe Crosswhite
Edward L. Daisey
Monica Dallmeyer
Robert M. Davis, M.D.
George W. Hodges
Anne W. Kinsley
Carol Leas
Jonathan Liss, M.D.
Jeff D. Lobach, Esq.
Robert P. Newcomer
A. Richard Pugh
Carolyn S. Schaefer
William J. Scott, III
William S. Shipley, III
Louise S. Sykes*
Dan Waltersdorff
York Health Foundation 10th Anniversary Donor Report | Gifts from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
912 S. George Street, York, PA 17403
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