2016 ODD Spring Camporee Guide


2016 ODD Spring Camporee Guide
Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District 2016 Spring Camporee
Which Patrol is Smarter, Stronger, and Faster?
Camp William B. Snyder, 6100 Antioch Road, Haymarket, VA 20169
April 1-3, 2016
This year's Old Dominion District Spring Camporee will challenge our scouts on those skills that
take them on the Path to Eagle. Patrols will compete in a number of events that will involve
mental and physical fitness. While patrols are competing against each other, they will also be
competing against a Patrol of Scoutmasters to see who is Smarter, Stronger and Faster. So
bring your scout spirit!
This guide is for the Boy Scout (Troop, Team, Crew, Ship) program. If there is a WebBear-ree
program, there will be a separate document for that event. At this time, no one has stepped
forward to run the WebBear-ree Program.
Register by MARCH 19, 2016 to ensure you have a camping spot. The cost is $20.00 per Scout
or Adult. This includes the camping, program supplies, council fees and a patch for each
Check-in begins at 5:00 pm on Friday evening for all program levels. Events will be conducted
on Saturday morning and afternoon.
On Sunday morning Boy Scouts and V3 will conduct a service project for Camp Snyder.
Important Information:
April 1-3, 2016
Camp Snyder, 6100 Antioch Road, Haymarket, VA 20169
How Much:
$20 per person for weekend.
Register by:
March 19, 2016
Registration Link: https://scoutingevent.com/?odd16spring
Health Forms: Everyone that attends the camporee must have Parts A and B of the Annual BSA
Health and Medical Record http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/healthandsafety/ahmr.aspx. All injuries
requiring more than a Band-Aid must be reported to the First Aid Station.
Activity Consent Form: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-673.pdf
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Register on-line
Registration is available on-line at: https://scoutingevent.com/?odd16spring If you have any
challenges with the link, please contact Steve Scherr at [email protected]. This
registration information will be used to establish program plans and to assign campsite
locations. You can pay all your fees online. Any remaining fees will be collected during the
Friday night check-in period.
● Cost is $20 per person.
● Scoutmasters competing in the patrol competition attend for free. (Registered assistant
scoutmaster may form their own patrols, but must pay the full fee.
● Fees from the canceled Fall Camporee may be applied against your registration costs.
● Units that have a Scouter that will facilitate and be responsible for one of the 18 events that Scouter will attend for free. Event list starts on page 3.
● Scouters that sign up and assist at an event will pay a reduced fee.
You must sign up with the Camporee Director – Dennis Wokeck, [email protected]
Which Patrol is Smarter, Stronger, and Faster?
Boy Scout Program Details (Crews, Ships and Teams can participate)
Scouts will compete with their patrols during the day on Saturday. New Scout Patrols (patrols
made up of scouts who joined a Boy Scout Troop within the previous 3 months along with their
Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader) and older scout patrols will compete in the same
events but will be scored separately. All patrols should consist of at least 4 scouts but no more
than 8 scouts.
Each patrol will determine stations they will participate in and then move to the next station.
Every competition will have a Chief who will have a score sheet with instructions on how to
award points and to keep track of each patrol’s achievements. Points will be awarded at each
competition based on how successful the patrol is at completing the event and on scout spirit
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
(such as how well the patrol works together and displaying a patrol flag and patrol cheer).
Scores will be averaged together amongst all patrol member’s results in competitions where
having a larger patrol could benefit the final outcome of the competition.
Program Details
Scout Skills:
1. Compass Pie - Patrols will have to put their navigation skills to the test. Through
teamwork they will have to accurately assemble a 32-point compass point puzzle. Score
will be based on time and accuracy.
2. Orienteering – complete the orienteering course. (1C4a)
3. Map and Compass - Orient a map. Demonstrate how a compass works. Tell the
meaning of 10 different map symbols presented. (2C3a)
4. Fire Building – Can you build and light a fire? (2C2c) Building a Fire then S’mores Cooking
and Eating
5. How High and How Wide - measure the height of a designated item and measure the
width of a designated item: (1C4a)
6. Direction Finding - long/lats. Using a GPS or GPS app on a smartphone, plan your route.
Write down the long lats for each station – starting at the main flag pole and ending
with check-in point - Headquarters.: (1C4b)
7. Knots – tie the following knots: Square Knot, Two half-hitches, taut-line hitch, sheet
bend, bowline, timber hitch, clove hitch.: (SC4a., 2C2f., 2C2g., 1C3b)
8. Scout Stave Launchers – Easier to just go to this link
https://scoutpioneering.com/2015/05/17/scout-meeting-challenge-new-marketballista/ (1C3b., 1C3c., 1C3d)
9. Catch the Snapper – round lashing and clove hitch (1C3b)
10. Personal First-Aid - Each member of the patrol carries a personal first-aid kit, tell how
each item in the kit would be used: (TF4d)
11. First Aid I (to include a stretcher relay, 2 types of carrying people, proper splints) (TF4.,
2C6., 1C7)
12. Scout Trivia (Scouting knowledge)
13. First Aid Relay II (to include identifying and properly treating 4 different scenarios)(TF4.,
2C6., 1C7)
Physical Fitness:
14. Obstacle Course – complete the obstacle course
15. Iron Man - Patrols may earn a special award for carrying 1 patrol member between ALL
events with any carry method. The carried patrol member may be alternated among
the patrol members. The carried patrol member may not be carried any higher than
waist high. Patrols must identify themselves at check-in that they are participating in
this event.
16. Physical Fitness Center: Pushups, Situps, Back-saver sit and Reach, 1-mile walk/run
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Mental Fitness:
17. Scavenger Hunt - Identify or show evidence (by taking a picture) of up to 10 kinds of wild
animals (birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, or mollusks). Bring camera and show pictures to
scorer: (2C4) and Identify or show evidence (by taking a picture) of up to 10 kinds of
native plants. Bring camera and show pictures to scorer: (1C5a)
18. Leaky Can - Patrol is judged on the amount of water in the bucket after three minutes.
Bucket is placed 20 feet away from a tub of water and each patrol will have a small can
to use to fill the bucket with. Patrol members take turns to fill the can with water, race
to the bucket to empty it, and return and give the can to the next patrol member.
Should be easy, except the can will have more than one hole in it.
19. Kim’s Game - 20-30 small objects will be placed in an area. The patrol will race out to
the observation area and will be allowed 60 seconds to study the assortment of objects.
The objects will be covered again and the patrol will have to race back to the starting
point and write down as many objects as they saw.
20. Archery
**Note – SC=Scout, TF=Tenderfoot rank, 2C=2nd Class rank, 1C=1st Class rank **
13th Edition Boy Scout Handbook
Patrol Gear List:
Each patrol should make sure to bring the following
each competition. Gear can be carried in a backpack.
✓ At least 1 filled water bottle per scout
✓ Boy Scout Handbook
✓ Patrol Flag
✓ Wear a patrol or troop shirt to show
support and unity for your patrol or
✓ Camporee Info. sheet for Patrol Leaders
(handed out in the morning on 4-2)
✓ Map of the Competitions (some copies
will be available at camp)
✓ 10 Scout Basic Essentials (13th Edition
Boy Scout Handbook, pgs 238-239)
✓ Personal First Aid Kit (13th Edition Boy
Scout Handbook, pg 108)
gear in order to successfully compete in
Patrol First Aid Kit (13th Edition Boy
Scout Handbook, pg 109)
2-3 compasses
6 Scout Staves
7+ 6′ x 1/4″ lashing ropes
GPS or GPS Phone App
Digital Camera
6 Neckerchiefs
A small tarp
Matches and tinder for a fire (no store
bought fire-starter tinder)
Athletic gear for each patrol member
(like running shoes)
A pen
Adult Leaders & Senior Scouts Needed for Boy Scout Program
Each competition will be “hosted” by an adult (Chief) participating in the Spring Camporee. The
Chief will be responsible for staffing the competition with scouters, parents, and/or senior
scouts. Every competition must have at least one adult present at all times. The district will
provide all needed materials. Units will be assigned to competitions on a first come basis.
Units which do not volunteer for a competition prior to the Camporee will likely be assigned to
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
host one at the Camporee. Questions and/or to volunteer for the Boy Scout Program, please
contact Camporee Director, Dennis Wokeck at [email protected]
Leaders Meeting
There will be a meeting for leaders (Scoutmaster or Assistant, Cub Leader, Crew Advisor, etc.)
and Senior Scouts (SPL, Crew President) from each unit on Friday evening at 8:30 PM at the
Camporee Headquarters.
Camporee Campsite Inspections
During the day on Saturday, the Old Dominion Chapter of the Order of the Arrow will be
conducting campsite inspections of the Troops, Teams, Crews, Ships, and Dens using the
inspection form included at the end of this Camporee guide. The purpose of the inspection is to
establish or remind Scouts and Scouters of a certain level of expectation for setup and
maintenance of a campsite and then to recognize those units that achieves or exceeds
Inspections will be unit based, with each patrol contributing to the unit as a whole. In other
words, a unit with three patrols that each exemplifies ideal campership will be adversely
affected by a single patrol that fails to meet the established expectations. Ribbons will be
awarded based on the campsite inspection results, with award categories: Award of Merit and
Honor, Award of Merit, and Award. Special awards may be given for the top campsites.
Religious Services
On Saturday evening, we are working to provide opportunities for the scouts to participate in
Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, LDS services and Muslim communal prayers. The locations of each
of the Services will be confirmed at the Friday evening at the Leaders meeting.
On Sunday from 9:15 to 11:00 we are planning on conducting a service project for Camp
Snyder. The primary project will be to place the summer camp tents on the platforms.
Additional projects may be identified and the details and equipment requirements will be
provided as the camporee date approaches.
Units will attend the closing ceremony in work clothes, and then depart for service project
assigned areas. When the service project is complete units may go home. The service project
hours should be reported in each unit’s part of BSA Journey to Excellence Program. It is listed
as requirement #8 for troops, and requirement #7 for crews, teams and ships: The projects and
hours are entered on the Journey to Excellence website:
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
The campfire will provide an opportunity for units to lead songs, skits, cheers and similar
entertainment. What is appreciated are quick (one to maximum of two minutes), fast action,
and humorous, Scout-spirit skits. Enclosed is a form to register skits for the campfire, the form
may be turned in at registration or at the HQ tent any time before 3:30 PM on Saturday. Skits
will be auditioned between 10 AM and 3:30 PM on Saturday to determine timing and order of
performance (contact and location to be provided at the leaders meeting). Patrols or units
presenting skits at the audition may be awarded bonus points in the competition (even if they
are not used for the campfire). Units may offer more than one skit; the number of skits
scheduled for performance at the campfire will be determined by programmatic and timing
considerations. At the end of the campfire the Order of the Arrow will conduct the Call Out
Ceremony, recognizing those scouts recently elected into the the Order of the Arrow and
eligible to attend their Ordeal.
Order of the Arrow
Trading Post The Order of the Arrow, Old Dominion Chapter, will host a Trading Post on
Saturday. Soda, candy and other snacks will be available for purchase. This will also be the
focal point for OA activities during the camporee. All OA members are encouraged to bring
their sashes and stop by the trading post/exhibit during the weekend.
OA Cracker Barrel All Chapter Members are invited to a special, OA-only Cracker Barrel
Fellowship Gathering immediately after the Leader’s Meeting Friday Night at Camp
Headquarters. Soda and snacks will be provided by the chapter youth leadership.
OA Ceremony Team The OA Chapter Ceremony Team will be opening and closing the campfire.
Any chapter members who would like to participate as a member of the Ceremony Team this
weekend, stop by the cracker barrel or trading post and see the Chapter Chief.
Brotherhood Conversion Opportunity Youth and adult Ordeal members who completed their
ordeal before June 2, 2015 are encouraged to seal their membership in the order as a
brotherhood member. A signup form is included at the end of this package. It should be turned
in at registration Friday night or at the OA Trading Post. Candidates must then participate in the
Brotherhood walk Saturday afternoon which will take approximately 30-45 minutes.
Candidates should meet at the OA Trading Post at 4:45 PM. The induction ceremony will then
take place Saturday evening after the campfire program. There is no cost for the Brotherhood
Commissioner Service
In addition to helping with parking and assisting units in getting to their campsites Friday
evening, commissioners will be available at all times during the Camporee to assist Scouts and
Scouters whenever necessary. Commissioners may be found at Camporee Headquarters in the
vicinity of the registration table or just look for the friendly individuals wearing purple
neckerchiefs throughout the activity areas.
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
First Aid
The First Aid Station will be set up near the Headquarters area and will be marked with a
prominent sign. All injuries, even minor ones treated in the campsite, must be brought to the
First Aid station personnel for treatment and/or recording.
In the event that fire or ambulance services are needed, send a runner to the Camporee
Headquarters or First Aid Station, so that an emergency call can be placed and the Camporee
Director can be notified. If the emergency call is placed from a cellular phone within your area,
you still must send a runner to the Camporee Headquarters to notify the Camporee Director of
the emergency and to arrange for the emergency equipment to be directed to the correct
Camporee Rules - Conduct by All Attending the Camporee
The Scout Law is the Law of the Camp at all times. A scout is: Trustworthy – Loyal – Helpful –
Friendly – Courteous – Kind – Obedient – Cheerful – Thrifty – Brave – Clean – Reverent. We
expect all scouts to follow the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, Motto, and Outdoor Code.
Proper Uniform
Scout shirt and Scout pants or Scout shorts with proper socks should be worn for the Religious
Services on Saturday evening and to the campfire. Venturing Crews and Sea Scout Ships wear
unit-designated uniforms. Scout shorts and Scout T-shirts are acceptable during the Saturday
program. No military garb or fatigues, including camouflage, should be worn.
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Other Information That Everyone Wants to Know
Directions to Camp Snyder
From the Capital Beltway or the Fairfax County Parkway, take Interstate 66 west to exit #40
(Route 15). Travel south on Route 15 to the second traffic light (about ¼ mile) and turn right
onto Route 55 (John Marshall Hwy). Travel west about 1 mile to Antioch Road. Turn right onto
Antioch Road and follow sign to Camp Snyder. As you arrive at Camp Snyder, turn left into the
large parking lot.
Parking and Traffic Control
Units are encouraged to carpool as much as possible. All vehicles will need to be parked in the
main parking lot and Scouts should expect to hike to their campsites. Units may be allowed to
take one vehicle with unit gear to the campsite area for immediate offload and then back to the
parking lot NOT in the campsite. Exception may be made for trailers to be left near the
campsite (but off the road) over the weekend.
Campsite Assignment
A Camporee map, and any other relevant Camporee information will be emailed to units the
weekend before the Camporee. If you don’t receive one, park in the lot and stop at the
CAMPOREE HEADQUARTERS (across from the Dining Hall). You will need to get your site
assignment and a map before you enter the camping area.
Checking-in and Paying Fees
After arrival, as the unit is setting up camp, one leader must go to the Camporee Headquarters
to complete registration by turning in a completed registration form and paying all remaining
required fees. To assist the staff, please pay with checks or money orders. These should be
made payable to "NCAC BSA." A single check per unit is the preferred method of payment.
Early Departure
If your unit must leave on Saturday evening, please check with the Service Project Coordinator
Friday evening to potentially arrange for a service project your unit can do Saturday afternoon.
You may pick up your patches and ribbons after you have vacated your campsite. Units leaving
Sunday will receive their patches when checking out.
Check-Out Procedures
Each unit will receive a checkout and program evaluation form at registration (see appendix). A
troop leader, preferably with input from the SPL, will complete the evaluation portion of this
form. Additional copies will be available from the Camporee HQ or from the Commissioner
Parental Authorization
In case of serious injury or illness requiring emergency medical services or hospital treatment, a
health history record and permission form signed by a parent or guardian is required. This form
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
must be accessible to the unit adult leader/leaders at all times. If a Scout is brought to the First
Aid Station for any type of treatment, his parental authorization form should be available for
review by the Camporee staff. Units must have the Health Forms and Activity Consent Forms
for each scout.
Availability of Water
Water will be available at the campsites and many of the program areas. Canteens should be
carried during the program on Saturday. Proper hydration is key to keeping our Scouts healthy.
To avoid the serious consequences of dehydration, ensure everyone regularly consumes water,
especially as they travel to and from program areas and while in the areas. Washing of dishes
at the central water location is prohibited.
Units should plan for a Friday evening meal (or eat before you arrive), Saturday Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Breakfast. It is recommended that lunch be portable or quickly
prepared as it maybe some distance from the program activity to your campsite. Boy Scout
Troops are encouraged to host Webelos Dens for meals – or Saturday dessert.
Ground Fires
Open flame fires will be permitted provided weather conditions at the time of the Camporee
permit. If fires are permitted, they must be in established fire pits. Fires must not be left
unattended and must be extinguished before retiring for the night. All campfires will must be
completely extinguished Sunday morning.
TITO – Trash in, Trash out
Every unit should be prepared to take any trash home with them that they bring. Bring a supply
of plastic trash bags to securely bag your own trash. DO NOT leave trash in your campsite.
Please keep the campground clean and do not leave bags of garbage unattended; wild animals
and birds love unattended garbage.
Quiet Hours
All units will be subject to quiet hours and lights out from 11:00 PM to 6:30 AM. Leaders in
each troop are responsible for enforcing quiet hours and lights out. Scouts returning after the
evening program should return quietly in respect for those who are sleeping.
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Camporee Contacts
For general questions contact the Camporee Director. Otherwise, see below for the right
contact person for specific questions.
Camporee and Boy Scout Program Director
Dennis Wokeck, 703.357.6056, [email protected]
Venture/Varsity/Ship Program Director
Adair Petty, [email protected]
Service Project Coordinator
Jerry Prentice, [email protected]
Logistics and Facilities,
Registration & Administration
Steve Scherr,[email protected]
Health and Safety
Steve Richardson, [email protected]
Commissioner Staff
Mike Nepi, 571.255.9771 (c)
OA Program Support
Scott Staron, [email protected]
Activities and Civic Services
Monica Lynch, [email protected]
Vice Chair for Program
Tony Tersine, [email protected]
District Chair
Dean Stinson, [email protected]
District Executive
Justin Mawdsley, [email protected]
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Camporee Schedule
Troop / Team / Crew / Ship / Webelos Den
Friday, April 1, 2016
10:00 AM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:30 PM
10:30 PM
4:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:15 PM
Physical Arrangements by Staff
Arrival/Campsite Set-up
Registration at Headquarters
Leaders Meeting (SM, SPL; Coach, CPT; Advisor, Pres; Staff) at HQ
Cracker Barrel for all OA members - WEAR YOUR SASH
Taps (Lights Out, Quiet)
Saturday, April 2, 2016
6:00 AM
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:15 PM
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
6:25 PM
7:00 PM
Breakfast / Cleanup in Campsites
Opening Ceremony – Parade Field (Dining Hall)
Program Activities
Special Rededication Ceremony - TBD
Program Activities
Brotherhood Walk (meet at OA Trading Post)
Dinner in Campsites
8:30 AM
8:50 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:15 PM
6:45 PM
7:00 PM Muslim Communal Prayers occurring at Troop 860 campsite. Sunset ~6:25 pm.
8:00 PM Religious Services – tentative locations
Catholic – Chapel | Protestant – Campfire | Jewish – Nature Pavilion
| LDS – Troop Site 1511
8:00 PM
10:30 PM
9:00 PM Units meet at Campfire Circle
OA Call-Out Ceremony
Brotherhood Ceremony – immediately following Campfire
Taps (Lights Out, Quiet)
Sunday, April 3, 2016
7:00 AM
7:15 AM
8:45 AM
9:15 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
Breakfast in Campsites, strike camp & pack all gear
Closing Ceremony – Parade Field
Service Project
Pick up patches/Head Home
Everyone must be out of campsites; Staff departs
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Old Dominion District
2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Camp Snyder Map
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Unit Campsite Inspection Report
Troop/Team/Crew/Ship #_______
Youth members of the Old Dominion District Chapter will conduct a campsite inspection sometime on
Saturday for each unit. Each campsite will be judged to the following criteria:
Following Directions
Are all motor vehicles moved to the parking lot?
Are scouts out doing activities?
[20 pts]
[5 pts]
Is the Unit Flag displayed?
[5 pts]
Is the American Flag properly displayed?
[5 pts]
Is the State Flag displayed?
[5 pts]
Does Unit have a First Aid kit visible and available for use?
[10 pts]
Are tents pitched orderly, by patrol, and ready for rain?
[10 pts]
Is personal gear clean and properly stored?
[10 pts]
Is patrol/unit gear centrally located and properly secured when not in use?
[5 pts]
Is the unit site neat and orderly and free from litter?
[10 pts]
Are dining flies properly pitched?
[5 pts]
Does the unit have a Fireman Chart?
[5 pts]
Is firepit area ground clear? Safe distance from tents? Adequate fire buckets ready
and nearby?
[5 pts]
Wash stand
[10 pts]
Dry food properly stored?
[10 pts]
Perishable food properly stored (ice is needed) ?
[10 pts]
Is cooking gear properly stored and cleaned when not in use (equipment inside patrol
box may be checked for cleanliness)?
[10 pts]
Are menus posted?
[5 pts]
Are duty rosters posted?
[10 pts]
Scoutcraft projects visible – pioneering (weather rock, table, washstand)
[10 pts]
[25 pts]
Is there a unit sign?
[5 pts]
Campsite “Hospitality” Offered?
[5 pts]
Total Points
[Max of 200 pts prior bonus]
Additional comments, if any, on back of form.
OA Members conducting the Inspection (printed name and signature):
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Campfire Skit Registration Form
Unit Type and No.: ______________________________________________________
Unit Leader Name: _____________________________________________________
Patrol/ Den Name/Number: ______________________________________________
Patrol Leader Name (Youth): _____________________________________________
Audition time slot: ______________________________________________________
Actors Names: _________________________________________________________
Skit title: ______________________________________________________________
Skit length: ____________________________________________________________
Skit synopsis __________________________________________________________
The rest of this form will be filled in at auditions (Leaders, please leave it blank).
Audition comments:
Selected for Campfire: ___ YES ___ NO (reason; _____________________________)
Campfire Time Slot Assigned:
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Amangamek-Wipit Lodge #470
Brotherhood Application
Spring 2016 Camporee
The following Ordeal member of the Order of the Arrow attests and certifies that he/she has:
Been an active member of the OA for a period of at least 10 months from the date of their Ordeal;
Been active in supporting Scouting, their Unit, Chapter or Lodge;
Paid their Lodge dues; and
Now wishes to seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow through the Brotherhood, thereby
further dedicating themselves to a life of true Cheerful Service.
Please print legibly:
Last Name
First name
Home Phone
Troop Number
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Ordeal Date & Location (e.g., Fall 06, Camp Moss Hollow)
Email Address
NO COST: TOTALLY FREE to include Brotherhood sash
Eligible Ordeal Members interested in taking the Brotherhood at the Spring Camporee should
fill out this form and bring it to the Camporee. Please turn it in at the Registration Desk on
Friday Night. Check out Camporee Schedule for time and place of the Brotherhood Walk and
Ceremony on Saturday.
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
Old Dominion District 2016 Spring Camporee
Evaluation Form
Troop/Team/Crew/Ship/Pack #_______
(one per unit)
To be completed by Unit Leaders (youth and adult)
Form completed by: __________________________________
Scouting Position: ____________________________________
Please evaluate the following aspects of the Camporee and activities on a scale of 1
(very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied) by circling the number.
If you have no opinion or the question is not applicable, circle N/A.
1. Pre-Camporee Information (Informative, Useful, Timely)?
Low to High
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
2. Registration/Check-in (Easy, Timely, Helpful)?
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Friday Evening Leaders Meeting (Informative)?
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4. Program Offerings (Good Variety and Selection)?
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
5. Camporee Activities (Challenging, Enjoyable)?
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
6. Location
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
7. Facilities
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
8. Overall Satisfaction with 2014 Spring Camporee?
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
10. What kind of program or events would your Troop find most useful and enjoyable at
future Camporees? Respond to this question and provide supporting comments.
Thank you for coming!
Campsite Checkout
Turn in at ODD Camporee Headquarters
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2016 Spring Camporee – Camp Snyder
Old Dominion District
To be completed by Unit Leader
Please complete this form and bring it along with your site markers to the checkout point at Headquarters prior to leaving.
Unit Number __________ Site Number_______
1. Has all Unit and personal property been removed?
2. Has all trash been disposed of properly?
3. Has the campsite and surrounding area been cleared of all paper and other scraps?
4. If fires were permitted, are they completely out and all trace of them removed?
5. Does the campsite and surrounding area demonstrate the principles of LNT camping?
We can answer yes to all of the above questions.
Unit Leader's Signature __________________________________________
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