Camping Goals - Young Life New York City


Camping Goals - Young Life New York City
young life presents:
November 2012
Gotham City Region Times: Camping Report
Why Camp?
Kids consistently tell us that Young Life camp is the best week of their life. That’s a rousing (and unsolicited)
endorsement! But how else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged in the midst of
mind-boggling fun and where you experience and listen to what we believe is the greatest love story ever told.
When kids can escape the routine of day to day life that requires a rigid exterior of defensive walls and
experience life within the context of a supporting and loving community, real and everlasting change takes
place. When they go home, generational change takes place, that is the power of our camping experiences.
Young Life camping involves high adventure, lots of fun, great food and excellent speakers who understand
and respect high school and middle school kids.
At Young Life's camps in North America, kids are treated to resort-quality facilities for which Young Life has
become known. As Young Life's worldwide outreach continues to grow, our camping program is expanding as
well, with Young Life-owned or leased camps in a number of international locations. Regardless of the
facility, the experience is the same — kids getting away from the pressures of everyday life, having fun with
friends and their Young Life leaders, and hearing the message of God's love in terms they can understand.
And Young Life camping is open to kids who often are overlooked: those from economically depressed
communities, kids with disabilities and teenage mothers.
Each year, more than 100,000 kids around the world spend a week or a weekend at Young Life camp, having
an experience that many describe as the best of their lives.
We were able to meet our Summer 2012 Goal of 300+ kids attending a summer camp experience. After reaching
this goal, we are more than doubling our expectations for next summer due to our recent expansion, which will
soon grow into all five of the boroughs of New York City.
Camping Goals
“Camp is an equal opportunity life changer. It teaches kids how to be active participants, ask questions, ask
for help, and try new things. They leave understanding that it’s okay to feel a little uncomfortable
sometimes, because that’s generally what happens when you’re getting ready to learn something new.”
Based upon the transformative value of camping, our regional camping goals are:
• 1000 kids to camp (weekend and summer)
• 350 campers to weekends (Wyldlife/Young Life)
• 650 campers to summer (Basketball/Capernaum/Young Lives/Young Life/Wyldlife)
• 40 kids to work crew or summer staff (weekend and summer)
We will utilize Young Life Expeditions to create opportunities to serve outside the city and also partnering
with YLE to host an Expedition in the city this fall. We hope to help facilitate a great opportunity to connect
them with kids we want to serve and allow them to experience the uniqueness of ministry within NYC. The
projected NYC Expedition date is October 6-14. Giving
Big Apple
Gotham City Region
to the
five boroughs… five seeds.
The 5 Boroughs
of New York City
contain over 1.15
million teens.
Many of these young
people have never been
outside of their normal
Lake Champion, 2 hours north of NYC,
is making strategic shifts in their
facilities to increase the number of
teens that can attend a week of camp.
Gramercy Park, NY - Johnny attended Lake Champion for the second time
this summer. Last summer was the first time he heard the Gospel. Coming
from a Buddhist background, Johnny discussed and wrestled with whether
to follow Christ all year. He committed that he would not follow Christ
until he knew for certain He was the way. Johnny also committed that
“when” he came to Christ, he would follow with his whole heart for his
whole life.
After many discussions with his leaders and through listening to the
messages shared, Johnny decided to take a leap of faith on August 23rd!
We were ecstatic to see him stand up and share that he is now “a son of
God!” He was digging into his new Bible on the bus ride home!
Red Hook, NY - After the first night of camp, Pablo said, “I just came here
to have fun, but now I’m pretty sure there is a different purpose.”
Throughout the week, Pablo began to open up about his life, how he
usually cannot attend school because he has to watch his younger siblings
while his mother works. Before the week was over, Pablo had not only
given his life to the Lord, but was sharing his new found faith and joy with
Hell’s Kitchen, NY - Taylor is seventeen and lives in the projects in Red
Hook. After years of declining invitations to Young Life camp, Taylor
finally decided to attend her first camp trip to Lake Champion in August.
Taylor, in her own words, is a “tough girl who was always ready to fight.”
Subsequently, she has been in trouble both at school and on the streets.
She spent four months in jail last year.
At camp, as Taylor was engaging in the speaker’s talks and opening up
during cabin time, God began to change her perception of herself from a
“tough girl” to an “influential leader.” Taylor felt God’s love and presence
during the week and made a decision to follow Christ! As God continues to
work in Taylor’s heart, there is no question that He will use her to
influence kids and spread Christ’s love in her neighborhood.
Central Harlem, NY - Jose lives in a shelter in Harlem – the same shelter as
Key-Jonta, who went to Young Life basketball camp and introduced Jose to
Young Life and then to Lake Champion.
At camp, Jose began a relationship with Jesus. He said he was never
happier than when he was at camp. In fact, he wanted to stay at camp and
live there full-time. All he could talk about was how much he realized God
loved him.
Brooklyn, NY - I met a kid named Shakai Drigo in the spring of 2005. He
was a small but shy kid who loved the game of basketball. We got
connected at an after-school Bible club. It was student led and they were
looking for larger leadership and organization.
The core of our relationship began on the basketball court at James
Madison High School in Brooklyn. He was a point guard, and I was the old
man. He was looking for a win, and I was looking to coach. Shakai went to
Young Life’s Basketball Camp. It was here that he gave his life to Jesus.
Shakai left and went away to college. During his time away he stayed in
close contact. He attended leadership weekend at Saranac. For him this was a weekend getaway, for me it
was vision for the future. I had approached Shakai on several occasions to get him involved. In the
beginning Shakai was absolutely convinced that he could never pull it off; he didn’t have what it took to
become a leader. I never gave up on him.
Shakai graduated from the University of Albany. He graduated with a degree in journalism but felt called
to something greater. Shakai and I began a dialogue about what it would look like for him to become an
intern with Young Life. He was a leader during our Young Life Basketball Camp. Shakai was a leader on
the same trip which exposed him to Young Life and created the foundation for a deeper faith.