Kiepenkerl Flowerbulbs – Novelties 2016
Kiepenkerl Flowerbulbs – Novelties 2016
Kiepenkerl Flowerbulbs – Novelties 2016 Garden and Landscape Design / Commercial Gardening 551652 Powder Puff 551790 hirtifolium va. Album 552653 imperialis Argenteovariegata 551171 Ostara 552561 imperialis Orange Beauty 555189 aucheri Aqua Magic Art. No. Min. Sales Original Size Unit Sales Unit Allium 551652 551171 25 25 10 25 Usage 10/12 12+ Powder Puff Ostara lilac-violet, large flowered violet-red, large flowered 50 40 5-6 5-6 4, 5 4, 5, 10 white, large flowered 120 4 4, 5 orange-red, brown-red stem 90 90 4-5 4-5 2, 4, 5, 9 2, 4, 5, 9 15 3-4 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 Ornamental Onion Fritillaria 552561 552653 Description Ornamental Onion 10 10 Allium 551790 Species/Variety 16/18 hirtifolium var. Album Crown Imperial 25 25 555189 100 250 Use 1 = Roof greening; 2 = Cemetaries, grave plantings; 3 = Golf courses; 4 = Home gardens, parks; 5 = Industrial and company greening; 6 = Planters and containers; 7 = Recultivation; 8 = Roadside greenery; 9 = Naturalisation; 10 = Pots; 11 = Cutting; 12 = Pot, container; 13 = Horticulture and landscaping Muscari 20/+ 20/+ imperialis Orange Beauty 10 10 imperialis Argenteovariegata orange, green leaves with white edge Grape Hyacinth 7/8 aucheri Aqua Magic water-blue Bruno Nebelung GmbH · Tel.: +49 (0) 25 82 / 670 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0) 25 82 / 670 - 270 529770 polychroma 526810 Queensland 525550 Inferno 520272 Flair Fringed 526760 Sensual Touch 520860 Aquilla 520681 Tricolette 518560 Snow Crystal 520871 Belicia Art. No. Min. Sales Original Size Unit Sales Unit Tulipa 529770 250 50 50 250 250 50 250 5/+ polychroma white, yellow base, multiflowered 10 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 11/12 11/12 red, yellow fringed edge yellow-green with pink-red flame, multiflowered 45 45 4 4 2, 4, 6, 10 4 Inferno dark red, multiflowered 40 5 3, 4, 5 Sensual Touch orange-red with yellow touch, double white, double dark pink-red, white edge, double 35 30 30 5 5 5 2, 4 2, 4 2, 4 yellow with narrow red edge, multiflowered creamy with narrow lilac-red edge, multiflowered 35 35 3-4 3-4 4 4 Flair Fringed Tricolette Simple, Late Tulips Tulipa 526760 518560 526810 Usage Simple, Early Tulips Tulipa 525550 Description Wild Tulips 50 Tulipa 520272 520681 Species/Variety 11/12 Fringed Tulips 50 50 50 250 250 250 Tulipa 11/12 11/12 11/12 Snow Crystal Queensland Double, Early Tulips 250 250 11/12 11/12 Aquilla 520860 520871 50 50 Use 1 = Roof greening; 2 = Cemetaries, grave plantings; 3 = Golf courses; 4 = Home gardens, parks; 5 = Industrial and company greening; 6 = Planters and containers; 7 = Recultivation; 8 = Roadside greenery; 9 = Naturalisation; 10 = Pots; 11 = Cutting; 12 = Pot, container; 13 = Horticulture and landscaping Belicia [email protected] · [email protected] Novelties 550670 Dorothy 550060 Grand Maitre 550680 Goldilocks 523210 Purple Bouquette 529152 Marie Jose 523381 Pretty Princess 550790 Romance 527261 Flower Power 761490 communis ssp. byzantinus Art. No. Min. Sales Original Size Unit Sales Unit Tulipa 529152 250 50 250 50 50 250 250 100 100 100 250 250 250 Marie Jose yellow, spotted leaves 35 4-5 2, 3, 4, 6 11/12 Flower Power orange-red with green blotches 45 5 4 11/12 11/12 violet, multiflowered blue-pink, lilac flamed, white leaf egdes 45 35 4 4 2, 4, 6, 10 2, 4, 6, 10 light yellow, purple stripes dark yellow, purple-brown base lemon yellow, blue-grey outside 8 8 8 2-3 2-3 2-3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 lavender-blue 10 3-4 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 violet-red, graceful blossoms 50 5-6 Purple Bouquette Pretty Princess Spring Flowering Wild Crocus Crocus 550060 11/12 Triumph Tulips Crocus 550670 550680 550790 Usage Parrot Tulips Tulipa 523210 523381 Description Greigii Tulips 50 Tulipa 527261 Species/Variety 5/7 5/7 5/7 chrysanthus Dorothy chrysanthus Goldilocks chrysanthus Romance Large-flowered Crocus 100 250 Gladiolus 9/10; 8/9 Grand Maitre Gladioluses 250 6/+ communis ssp. byzantinus 791490 100 Use 1 = Roof greening; 2 = Cemetaries, grave plantings; 3 = Golf courses; 4 = Home gardens, parks; 5 = Industrial and company greening; 6 = Planters and containers; 7 = Recultivation; 8 = Roadside greenery; 9 = Naturalisation; 10 = Pots; 11 = Cutting; 12 = Pot, container; 13 = Horticulture and landscaping 4, 5 554710 Natascha 532932 cycl. Rapture 531238 British Gamble 554680 J.S. Dijt 533550 Tromp. Narz. Toto 533501 Alaska 532932 Téte Bouclé 533700 Laurens Koster Show Planting from the Company Bruno Nebelung BV at the Keukenhof Min. Sales Original Size Unit Sales Unit 250 250 50 50 250 250 50 250 50 250 reticulata Natascha white with yellow blotch reticulata J.S. Dijt purple-red with yellow blotch 10 15 2-3 2-3 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 12/14 12/+ yellow, double yellow, strongly folded outer tepals 15 25 3-4 3-4 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Tromp. Narz. Toto white rim; light yellow trumpet, which changes to white, multiflowered 20 3-4 2, 4, 6, 9 Laurens Koster white, small yellow cup 40 4-5 3, 4, 5 British Gamble white rim, large pink trumpet white 40 35 4 4 2, 4, 6 2, 4, 6 cycl. Téte Bouclé cycl. Rapture Botanical Daffodils Narcissus 533700 5/6 6/+ Botanical Daffodils Narcissus 533550 Usage Iris - Small Flowers 100 100 Narcissus 532932 533012 Description 10/+ Tazetta Daffodils Narcissus 14/16 Trumpet Daffodils 531238 533501 50 50 250 250 12/14 10/+ Use 1 = Roof greening; 2 = Cemetaries, grave plantings; 3 = Golf courses; 4 = Home gardens, parks; 5 = Industrial and company greening; 6 = Planters and containers; 7 = Recultivation; 8 = Roadside greenery; 9 = Naturalisation; 10 = Pots; 11 = Cutting; 12 = Pot, container; 13 = Horticulture and landscaping Alaska Bruno Nebelung GmbH · Freckenhorster Str. 32 · 48351 Everswinkel Art.-Nr. 999571 Iris 554710 554680 Species/Variety © Bruno Nebelung GmbH 2016 Art. No.