Sacred Heart - Catholic Printery
Sacred Heart - Catholic Printery
Mailing Address: PO Box 3805, Lacey WA 98509-3805 Street Address: 812 Bowker St SE, Lacey WA 98503-1210 Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 Month of the Rosary & Parish Office Hours: 8 AM - Noon & 1 PM - 4 PM (Monday-Friday) 11 AM - Noon Sunday Phone: (360) 491-0890/FAX: (360) 456-1028 Email Address: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Pastor: Rev. Timothy Ilgen Pastoral Care: Deacon Terry Barber - Ext. 113 Funeral Planning: Deacon Rey Ronquillo 791-9116 (cell) PA for Admin: Ferrell Gilson - Ext. 105 SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS: Anointing of the Sick: 9 AM Mass on the 1st Saturday of the month Mass of Christian Burial: Funerals weekdays at 9 AM Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday at 3 PM and by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday after Mass until 3:45 PM and every Friday after Mass until 4:30 PM Saturday. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Infant Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage: Lilia Bahena - Ext 103 First Communion: Linda Cooper - Ext 108 Adult/Youth RCIA: Martha Arenas - Ext 104 STAFF: Preschool: Amber Sensano Ext 111 Music & Liturgy: Margaret Smith - Ext 109 Bookkeeper: Linda Little - Ext 107 Facilities: Caroline Huber - Ext 102 Jr/Sr High Ministry: Katy Baker - Ext 117 Page 2 Parish Mission Statement: Sacred Heart is a Roman Catholic community called to be Christ for one another through prayer and sacraments, formation, outreach and stewardship. MASS SCHEDULE: Daily Mass: Mon., Wed. thru Sat. - 9 AM Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sunday Mass: 8 AM, 10 AM, Noon, 5 PM Spanish Mass: 2 PM Korean Mass: 10 AM (Fabian Hall) Holy Days: Check Bulletin Parish Registration Information: Sacred Heart is eager to welcome you to our faith community! The parish office is open every Sunday from 11 AM to Noon. If you prefer to register online, you can do so by going to our website or by taking a registration card located in the Narthex. Holy Family School: A private Catholic school serving preschool through 8th grade. Phone: 491-7060 Children are important members of Sacred Heart! Children are welcome to stay with their families during Mass and/or attend one of our Sunday programs during the 10, 12, and 2:00 Masses. Little Saints is our “Pray-care” for infants through 5 years old. They hear & discuss Bible stories, make new friends, enjoy a snack, and much more. The program is in Room 4 of the Office Building. Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Children age 4 and up are dismissed during the first part of Mass to hear & discuss the readings at their level. They return to their family at the offertory for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. No registration is required. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 3 October 23rd, 2016 Good Day, Good People, Do you ever suffer from envy? Last year Fr. Tim wrote about his pilgrimage to holy shrines in Europe. Well, that was the root of my envy! Late last winter a Franciscan sister told me about an upcoming pilgrimage to Assisi. After discussing this with my wife, Pat, we decided to go. We coupled a trip to visit her cousins in The Netherlands and friends in Germany with this opportunity. So last month we were blessed to have been in Europe. The greeting at the beginning of this column was given to people St. Francis of Assisi met during the day. He recognized the goodness in people during a time when only sinfulness and faults were emphasized. This greeting startled people because they were unable to see God’s goodness in themselves. His way of identifying all of creation as good began a cultural shift in the Church. Our 10 day pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy, the birth place of both Francis and Clare is so very hard to describe. I've said to people who have asked me how the trip was and I tell them, "It's was just too much for words!" But I will give it a try. Assisi is about two hours northeast of Rome. It sits on a hill that overlooks the Umbrian valley. It was in this town that the Franciscan Order had it's start. During his lifetime three branches of the Order began: the friars (priests/brothers), the Poor Clares (sisters led by St. Clare), and the Secular Franciscan Order (lay people). In the short span of less that 40 years, the number of friars grew to over 50,000 in Europe! Some of the earliest churches in the Americas were begun under the leadership of Franciscan priests. California has a string of missions that were started by St. Junipero Serra, a Franciscan missionary friar. The picture attached to this column is the Basilica of St. Francis. Considering the humility of this saint, it seems quite contradictory. The inside is adorned with many beautiful panels that decorate the high ceilings. The crypt of St. Francis is in the lower level. It stands about 10 feet over the altar which is located in front of it. Our pilgrimage group was very blessed to have been scheduled for Mass at his tomb. This was quite an emotional moment for our Secular Franciscan group! To celebrate holy Mass beneath this giant of a saint was something none of us will ever forget. Over the ten days, we were able to make many side trips to see other locations that are important to Franciscans: the Porziuncula (the church where Francis heard the voice of Jesus from the San Damiano cross, “Go rebuild my church which you can see is falling down.”); Greccio where he was inspired to re-enact the birth of Jesus in an outdoor manger scene; a torch light re-enactment St. Clare’s leaving her house in the middle of the night through the streets of Assisi; and a visit to beautiful LaVerna where he received the stigmata, the wounds of Christ. There was a lot more as each day presented something beautiful about the lives of Francesco and Chiara. And can you believe we had the most incredible weather? Brother Sun brought temperatures of 75-90 degrees every day except our final day. What a blessing to be outdoors so much! By the way, if Fr. Tim asks you, tell him that I no longer suffer from envy but am over the top with joy! Love, peace and joy in Christ, Deacon Terry & Page 4 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Reading October Eph 4:32-5:8 Gospel Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday Reading October Eph 5:21-33 24th 25th October 9:00am Funeral Mass for 26th Reading Gospel Thursday Eph 6:1-9 Lk 13:22-30 October 27th Reading Gospel Friday Reading Gospel Eph 6:10-20 Lk 13:31-35 October Eph 2:19-22 Lk 6:12-16 28th October 29th Reading Gospel Sunday Phil 1:18b-26 Lk 14:1, 7-11 October 30th Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel Wis 11:22–12:2 2 Thes 1:11-2:2 Lk 19:1-10 9:00am Wednesday 9:00am Thursday Friday 9:00am Saturday $ 13,759.00 $ 2,850.00 $ 2,060.00 $ 18,669.00 Priest Pension $ 4,442.00 NO MASS October 26th The Baker Family October 27th The Chamorro Community October 28th † John Oliver † Johann Rost † Taleo Sitama October 29th Bonifacio Samson David Samson 5:00pm † Rosita San Augustin † Charles Spinola Frank & Helena James Sunday 8:00am What we do with what we have is our response to God’s love. Envelope Collection: Loose Collection: Online Collection: Total: 25th 9:00am WEEKLY COLLECTION RECAP October 16, 2016 October † Gus Moskal † Deyanira Benitez Herrera 9:00am We have been given much. Stewardship is managing all of God’s gifts – time, talent and treasure. 24th † Gary Elliott Tuesday Gospel Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday October Saturday Monday 10:00am October 30th Donna Brown All souls in purgatory Dyann Seidi Clem Brasket Sara Work † Bob Quesnel 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm People of Sacred Heart The Choir † Susan Mirkovich † Bob Quesnel † Barbara Quesnel *DUE TO A FUNERAL OR MEMORIAL MASS, INTENTIONS OF THE MASS WILL BE RESCHEDULED TO THE FOLLOWING WEEKDAY MASS. FR. TIM Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 5 October 23rd, 2016 WEEKLY CALENDAR th Monday, October 24 9:00AM - Mass - Church 9:30AM - Divine Mercy Prayer Group - Church 1:30PM - St. Jude’s Guild - S3 6:30PM - Adult Enrichment - Consoling the Heart of Jesus - HH Upstairs - RM 5 Adult Faith Formation - Catching Fire HH Upstairs - RM 1 & 2 Healing Prayer Ministry - Church Tuesday, October 25th 10:00AM - St. Brigid’s Guild - HH- RM 2 & 3 6:00PM -Stephen Ministry Training Class HH Upstairs - RM 1 & 2 Blanket Ministry - HH 6:30PM - Music Ministry - S2 Returning Catholics - HH Upstairs - RM 7 Wednesday, October 26th 9:00AM - Mass - Church 9:30AM - Heart to Heart - HH upstairs - RM 1 & 2 10:00AM - St. Margaret’s Guild - HH - RM 2 & 3 4:30PM - Elementary Faith Formation - HH 5:30PM - Angel Choir - S2 6:30PM - Elementary Faith Formation - HH 7:00PM - Stephen Ministry - HH Upstairs - RM 6 Thursday, October 27th 9:00AM - Mass - Church Adoration following Mass until 4PM 6:00PM - Rosary Prayer Group - Adoration Chapel Elementary Faith Formation - HH 7:00PM - Hispanic Prayer Group - Fabian Hall ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK! We appreciate the support of the fine members of the business community whose ads appear on the back of the bulletin. With their generosity we are able to have a weekly bulletin at no cost to us. This week we would like to thank: Cut Rate Auto Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Both the first reading and today’s psalm say clearly that the Lord hears the cry of the poor. Have I been given the gifts — of time or money or abilities — to be the means by which God answers their need? Friday, October 28th 9:00AM - Mass - Church 9:45AM - 30 Hour Eucharistic Adoration begins St. Frances Chapel Saturday, October 29th 9:00AM - Mass - Church 3:00PM - Reconciliation - Church 4:30PM - 30 Hour Eucharistic Adoration ends 5:00PM - Mass - Church 6:00PM - Family Fun Carnival - HH Sunday, October 30th 8:00AM - Mass - Church 9:00AM - Adult RCIA Pre-Catechumens HH Upstairs - RM 4 Youth RCIA Pre-Catechumens HH Upstairs - RM 5 9:45AM - RCIA Catechumens - HH Upstairs RM 1 & 2 10:00AM - Mass - Church Little Saints - S4 Children’s Liturgy Of the Word - S2 Korean Mass - Fabian Hall 11:00AM - Youth RCIA - HH Upstairs - RM 5 - 9 12:00PM - Mass - Church 1:00PM - Spanish RCIA - HH Upstairs - RM 7 2:00PM - Spanish Mass - Church Adult Confirmation - HH Upstairs - RM 5 5:00PM - Mass - Church 6:15PM - Sr. High Confirmation - Hallen Hall Toenail Care: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. In Hallen Hall room 5 upstairs. 8:00AM - 11:30PM. RSVP by calling Theresa at 491-8917 or the parish office. “Ways to Stay in Your Own Home Longer” November 9th, 2016 1:00PM - 2:00PM Hallen Hall Rooms 1 & 2 upstairs Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 6 FAITH FORMATION/SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sacred Heart Preschool Pre-K & 3-4 yr. olds Our 3 year old class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:0011:30. We also have a pre-kinder class that is offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Space is available in every class at this time. Register now for the time that suits your child the best. If you would like more information about our program, please contact Amber Sensano at the Parish Office, 360-491-0890. Sacramental Preparation Contact Lilia Bahena 360-491-0890 ext 103 [email protected] SENIOR HIGH CONFIRMATION CLASS: Come to our Confirmation class on October 30th from 6:15 PM to 8:00 PM at Hallen Hall. We will be learning about the Creed. ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS: All classes will be held in Room 5 upstairs in Hallen Hall from 2:00PM to 4:00PM. Our next Confirmation class is on October 30th. INFANT BAPTISM: Please pre-register at least three weeks before our monthly Baptism class for infants through 6 years of age. Our next baptism class will be on November 7th. MARRIAGE: : If you are planning a wedding, please contact us at least 6 months prior to your anticipated wedding date. We offer Marriage Preparation classes three times per year. Please contact Lilia at 491-0890 ext 1003 First Communion & Faith Formation (Pre K - 5th) Linda Cooper at 491-0890 ext 108 [email protected] The Pharisee & the Tax Collector – “O God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” October 26/27 – Elementary Faith Formation Sessions November 2 – Wednesday Faith Formation November 9/10 - Elementary Faith Formation Sessions November 16 - Wednesday Faith Formation November 17 – Beyond Baptism, 6-7:30 Hallen Hall November 21 – Family Advent Night, 6-7:30 Hallen Hall JR High/SR High Youth Ministry Katy Baker 360-491-0890 Ext: 117 Email: [email protected] JH (6th-8th grade): October 25th, Blanket Ministry Bring a snack to share 6:00pm - 7:30pm. SH (9th-12th grade): Class tonight October 23rd. Theme is finger food. Bring enough to share with at 8 others. Next class November 13th, Theme is Pasta please bring enough to share with 8 others. Family Fun Carnival: We will need everyone's help setting up on October 28th at 5pm. The carnival is on October 29th. All JH/SH teens need to be at Hallen Hall by 5:15pm (wear costume). Everyone is expected to help clean-up after the event so we can be done by 9:00pm. This counts as community service. Fall Retreat Mercy Reigns: Permission forms have been mailed out. Retreat will take place on November 18th - 20th. Cost is $40.00. Some scholarships are available; please call Mrs. Baird for further information. All permission forms must be returned NLT Sunday, November 6th. Remember to include your T-shirt size! While this retreat is not mandatory, you are highly encouraged to attend. It is a part of your faith formation. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 7 October 23rd, 2016 QUINCEAÑERA: Contact Lilia Bahena at 491-0890 ext 103 or [email protected] Quinceañera classes are held three times a year. You must register at least 6 months prior to the event and provide a copy of Baptism and First Communion certificate at the time of registration for the classes and scheduling of the event. The next classes begin on January 10th from 5:00PM -6:30 PM at Hallen Hall and it ends on January 31st. RCIA & Adult Faith Formation contact Martha Arenas at 491-0890 x104 [email protected] Exciting upcoming opportunities for Adult Faith Formation: October 25th (last chance to join): “Returning Catholics,” For those who have been away from the Church. Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM November 9th: “Alpha,” the basics of faith Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30PM November 16: “Un Rápido Recorrido por la Biblia” Miércoles de 6:30 a 8:00 PM Also, we urgently need Sponsors and Teachers for Adult RCIA! También se necesitan Padrinos y Catequistas para RCIA! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the journey through which adults are gently introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. Children who were not baptized as infants too, are initiated through an adapted process of this rite. The RCIA is also the venue for people that were baptized young, but did not receive any further formation, to re-encounter their faith. Please call for an appointment. Upcoming Dates: October 23rd: Sponsor and parent meeting from11:00AM to noon. October 29th: Rehearsal For the Rites of Welcome and Acceptance at 1:30PM October 30: Rite of Welcome at the 10:00AM Mass and Rite of Acceptance at the Noon Mass. HAPPENINGS AROUND OUR PARISH National Make a Difference Day was October 22 this year. What are you doing to make a difference? Join the Sacred Heart Blanket Ministry in Hallen Hall on Tuesday, October 25, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Families and all parishioners are invited to help make blankets for those in need in our own community. Donated fabric is matched, cut, tied, and stitched to make small blankets perfect for children and elderly. No sewing experience required; parents are asked to attend with their children younger than sixth grade. Please bring a snack to share and prepare to make a difference! Needed: Childcare Assistants. Do you like interacting with kids? Are you 16 or older? Our Childcare Program has an urgent need for assistants for Sunday Masses and weekday events, particularly Wednesday mornings. This is a paid position. If you have any questions, come and visit us between Masses! The Childcare Room is in the Parish Office building, next to the preschool. To apply, contact Ferrell Gilson at 491-0890 ext 105. St. Brigid’s Guild is having a bake sale after all Masses on October 23rd, to benefit pregnant women and infants. Please come. We will be having our regular monthly meeting Tuesday, October 25th at 10:00AM in Hallen Hall. All are welcome to come. For more information please call Judy Cook at 360-412-4114. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 8 Halloween Family Fun Carnival! October 29th, 6PM - 8PM Junior / Senior High Fund-raiser! Come trick or treat with us and have a safe and fun time. Lots of games for all the kids and everyone wins something. Fill your bags with candy. Games include: Cupcake Walk, Balloon Dart Throw, Ping-Pong Toss, Dice Game, Fishing Pond, Golfing, etc. Wear your costumes. The entire family is invited! Tickets for games will be sold at the carnival. Cost of tickets is 10 cents each. There will also be hotdogs, chili dogs, nachos, pop and water for sale. Sacred Heart Parishioners It's time again to start collecting donations of candy for the Family Fun Carnival. Place the candy in bucket in the Narthex. Thanks in advance for your donations to this event. Providence SoundHomeCare & Hospice Navigating Grief in the Holidays: The holiday season can be especially challenging and emotional for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The Navigating Grief Holidays workshop is designed to help people understand and cope with their grief during this time. Please join us for an event of inspiration and hope on Thursday, November 10, 6PM-8PM at 3432 South Bay Rd. NE. There is no charge to attend but please register by calling (360) 493-4684. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 9 October 23rd, 2016 Catholic brothers and sisters, come back home! Rediscover your spirituality. If you are lost, have been turned off, or turned away, you have found a home here… Maybe you (or someone you know) have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time, but now you feel a longing in your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. Listen to that feeling. It’s our Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home. We hope you accept this as your invitation to rediscover the truth, wonder and mystery of the Catholic faith. As your brothers and sisters in our worldwide Catholic family, we want you back. We’ve missed you, and our Church is not the same without you. Regardless of the reasons you left, you are always welcome home and there are ways to return to the practice of the sacraments and the fullness of relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church he founded. We are Catholic. Welcome home! During Advent 2016, we will host a series of meetings focused entirely on you and your questions, your concerns, your pain, and your doubts. Please contact Martha for the details via email to [email protected], or via phone @ 360-491-0890 x104. WELCOME BACK! Stewardship Monthly Service Focus On a weekly basis, we are promoting an awareness of Stewardship in the bulletin for the parishioners. We hope you have noticed these short references to Stewardship as a Way of Life for all of us. We are spotlighting a specific parish and community ministry that needs your help. During October, we will be supporting a Literacy Project. We are looking for new and gently-used children’s’ books. These will be distributed through our Food Pantry. When families come in to our food Pantry, it’s a perfect opportunity for children to select books of their own to take home. The Tuesday Small Christian Community is sponsoring this project which will be displayed in the Narthex. These opportunities are wonderful ways to involve all our families in sharing our abundance with others. Please take time and go through the children’s’ books that you have at home and bring them in to share with the children in our community. Pride. Humility. The Gospel story of the proud Pharisee and the humble tax collector (Lk 18:9-14) contrasts not only humanity in general but also each one of us as well. There burns within us a need to judge others. And in this judging we always come out looking better than the one we’ve judged. It is in the struggle to build a life of humility that we are facing our internal dialogue of creating justice. There is no justice as long as judging others as less than we consider ourselves. This kind of judging creates an Us-Them mentality. Those we judge to be Them are on the outside while we remain comfortably inside. The ministry of Jesus constantly challenges these kind of boundaries. He demonstrated that the Kingdom of God is inclusionary. No one is to be left out. Jesus challenges us to drop the illusions we have about being superior or better than others. We are called to stand with those whom we judge...whom we consider our personal lepers. In humility, where are we being called to lower our judgmental barriers? “O God, be merciful to me a sinner” (Lk 18:13). Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 10 International Food Tasting A truly wonderful International Food Tasting took place on Sunday afternoon and it was a great success. It was exciting to see parishioners stopping at the tables and chatting for awhile as they received their “international” taste. There was such a variety of foods. The preparation was the work of many hands. We did notice that some parishioners came after the Noon Mass and stayed until after the 2 PM Mass. They were just enjoying the opportunity to visit with other parishioners. Our appreciation goes to Angel Vano, our Coordinator and all of the parishioners who made this a truly inspiring event - Chamorro Community, Korean Community, Vietnamese Community, Filipino Community, Hispanic Community, Samoan Community, Holy Name, Knights of Columbus, German Guild, St. Margaret’s, St. Brigid’s, St. Jude’s, St. Joseph’s. Thank you to Caroline, Ron and Phil. Congratulations to all the door prize winners. Thank you to all who made this International Food Tasting so special and delicious. ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, November 12th 9am - Mass 10am - Hallen Hall /Refreshments Presentation “The Year of Mercy” Commissioning Break into ministry groups following presentation. OUTSIDE GROUPS & EVENTS Saint Michael Parish is looking to hire a Steward for Children Ministries. This is a part-time position that develops, implements and directs Faith Formation programs for Children's Ministries. This position will require a successful background check according to our Save Environment policies. To receive a Job Description and application, please email: [email protected]. Join the JPll Advancement Team! Pope John Paul ll High school is seeking a communications professional to plan and carry out recruitment and public relations strategies. The successful candidate will become part of a small, highly-motivated team, committed to Catholic education and focused on increasing the high school’s enrollment and profile in the community. Applicants can find a full position description at Holy Family School Would your child benefit from a small class size? Schedule a tour. Visit our website at All are welcome. Enter to learn, go forth to serve. Sacred Heart Parishioner discount: $1,000. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 11 October 23rd, 2016 SACRED HEART OUTREACH Financial Assistance 11 am - 12:30 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Based on available funds) Food Pantry 1 pm - 2:45 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday Thurston County Satellite Food Bank 10 am - 12:30 pm on 2nd Saturday of the month Food Pantry We are in need of canned soup, corn, green beans, tomatoes, cereal, Top Ramen, Hamburger Helper, shampoo, conditioner, razors, body wash, paper towels, toilet paper, bleach, & house hold cleaning supplies. Sacred Heart Clothing Bank Hours: Wednesday and Friday 1pm - 2:45pm With winter coming we are need of winter clothes, gloves, hats for adults, teens and children. Also in need of backpacks, kitchen items. No large furniture please. Thank you for your support. For more information contact at Jimmy at 360-359-5383 or Joyce 360-951-6274. Lord God, through the prayers of Mary, our Mother, bring your healing presence to all who are sick, injured or troubled, especially: Carmen Rios, Peter Brobst, Donald Guy, Jr, Jackie Garrard, Margaret Bryant, Ed Davis Our loving God, rich in mercy, has opened wide the gates of paradise, offering rest & lasting joy: Kathie Kelly, Antonio Leon Guerrero, Stephen E Bowdish, Willis J Bailey, Fr. Richard Parle, Daniel Hoeschen, Ann Wilson, Anthony Swatsky, Barbara Bueschel, Wendy Jones, Paul Bourgault, Carole Robbins, John Oliver, Marjorie Kerber Cafe • Store • Afternoon Tea • Parties • Gifts 360-515-0560 | 9408 Martin Way E. Ste #3 Olympia, WA 98516 CatholicMatch Washington Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device By request from our patients, PPO for Assurant, WDS Delta, Cigna, Concordia & MetLife 130 Marvin Rd SE (El doctor habla Español) Covered by most Insurances ~ Medicare Approved (253) 229-6354 Home Care From housework to personal care – a few hours a day to 24 hour care Free Assessment: 1-877-870-1582 Gracias por anunciarse en nuestro boletin. Por favor apoye a quienes se anuncian siempre que sea possible. ch090 Parishioners Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call Michelle Have your doctor order from Pacific Medical 1-800-726-9180 Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt oop SE 98503 53 Poplar Storage (360) 413-7525 Jeff Kopp, AAMS® Jeff Kopp, AAMS® Financial Advisor Financial Advisor . 3231 Willamette NESte SteF F 3231 Willamette Dr.DrNE Lacey, 98516 Lacey, WAWA 98516 360-438-6637 360-438-6637 GIBSON CUSTOM MEATS 7912 Martin Way E, Lacey Building Real Relationships Through Real Estate Wednesday: Senior Discount Day! C- 360-951-1360 O-360-209-7127 [email protected] 360-489-0129 Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Kathy Cross, CRS, GRI, CDPE 4532 Intelco Loop SE Over 15 years of Experience Lacey, WA 98503 New Construction and Remodels Retirement 4532 Intelco Loop SE 360-528-3253 360-878-2906 Give us a call for Lacey, WA 98503 your FREE Estimate~ Retirement 344-J Cleveland Ave. • Olympia 360-943-6600 • New Patients Welcome • ZITTEL’S MARINA, INC. MOORAGE • BOAt REntAl • lAUnCH Bottom Painting • Haul-outs • Dry storagE 360- 459-1950 Johnson Point 360-528-3253 We also install all types of Tile Insured - Bonded - Licensed YOBAND*87INL Don Garcia’s MEXICAN RESTAURANT Sunday Buffet Brunch All You Can Eat 9:00am to 3:00pm Specialist in Heating & Air Conditioning Furnaces • Gas Fireplaces Heat Pumps • Generators Tankless Water Heaters Boilers • Air Conditioning Install • Repair • Free Estimates 5730 Ruddell Rd, Ste. B in Lacey 4532 Intelco Loop SE 360-915-9409 4532 Intelco Loop SE 360-209-3754 Lacey, WA 98503 Monday Night Buffet Lacey, WA 98503 All You Can Eat (360) 943-0964 Retirement Senior Living LICENSED • INSURED • BONDED Retirement 4:00pm to 9:00pm 360-528-3253 Beautiful New Floors & Garage Doors Weddings With Joy Family Practice 5 locations to serve you! 5602 Ruddell Rd SE LACEY • TUMWATER Lacey, WA 98503 Lacey 360-438-0394 *Now Accepting Medical New Patients* Clinic SHELTON • ELMA ABERDEEN 360.456.7600 and 360.786.1900 We’ve Got Your Part! 360-528-3253 Bridal Gowns, Special Occasion and Affordable Tuexdo Rentals 3003 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia We Bring the Showroom to YOU! Name Brands - Contemporary Styles 360-943-9860 JMBingham Enterprises, LLC 253-279-7710 Residential and Commercial 805 Sleater Kinney SE 306-491-6720 FREE in-home/office Consultation Ask about NEXT DAY installations and 12 months/0% financing! New PatieNts & RefeRRals welcome! 360.357.8075 1105 4th Avenue E, Suite A, Olympia, WA 98506 • Home Delivery of Propane & Heating Oil • Propane Tank Sales & Leasing • 24/7 Emergency Since 1925 Buy a dozen donuts and get 1/2 dozen FREE • Top Tier Quality Gasolines • Premium Quality Diesel Fuels 360-943-1133 • Ethanol-Free Gas Available • 24/7 Access with this coupon! 416 State Ave. NE • Olympia WA 98501 Mike Tassin LMFT, LMHC Marriage, Individual and Family Therapy U.S. Army Veteran and Parishioner NEW PATIENTS AND REFERRALS WELCOME 360 342 7187 | $5 off any service for Parishioners with this coupon! 1107 College St SE, Ste B2 Lacey 360-515-5087 Olympia Podiatry Clinic Donald G. Hovancsek DPM Physician & Surgeon of Foot & Ankle 943-9600 2828 Martin Way • Olympia Parishioner Teaching the next generation of Dentists at U.W. Parishioners get a free initial exam and four x-rays 943-4420 General Dentistry For Advertising Call Michelle Jacobs 253-229-6354. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 090 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Michelle Jacobs 800-867-0660 53 Andrew J. Kapust DDS, PS Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry ©CPI oop SE 98503 Pacific What’s to Keep a important level head in an& Lilly U-Haul (360) 352-4391 You? #whatsyourstory up-and-down market.