Aumento de 10,5% da receita Bruta no 3T08
Aumento de 10,5% da receita Bruta no 3T08
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Growth of profit of 9.4% in 2Q14 with 18.2% of net margin Sobral, July 24, 2014 – GRENDENE (BM&FBovespa: New Market - GRND3) discloses the results for 2Q14 and 1H14. The information is presented on a consolidated basis under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Highlights of the results for 2Q14 and 1H14 Main financial and economic indicators BM&FBOVESPA ticker: GRND3 Number of shares: Common: 300,720,000 Price (6/30/2014): R$ 13.81 per share Market value: R$ 4.2 billion US$ 1.9 billion Brazilian conference call 7/25/2014 at 10:30 a.m. Connect: - Brazil: +11-3193-1001 or +11-2820-4001 International conference call 7/25/2014 at 10:30 a.m. (Simultaneous translation) R$ million Gross revenue Domestic market Exports Net revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Operating expenses Ebit Ebitda Net finance result Profit Earnings per share (R$) Volume (million pairs) Domestic market Exports Average price (R$) Domestic market Exports Margins % Gross Ebit Ebitda Net 2Q13 504.7 404.3 100.4 401.1 (230.6) 170.5 (114.9) 55.5 64.4 19.1 66.2 0.22 40.6 31.0 9.6 12.42 13.05 10.40 2Q13 42.5% 13.8% 16.1% 16.5% 2Q14 488.7 385.8 102.9 397.0 (237.1) 159.9 (121.1) 38.9 50.6 33.5 72.4 0.24 36.8 27.7 9.1 13.27 13.94 11.25 2Q14 Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 (3.2%) (4.6%) 2.4% (1.0%) 2.8% (6.2%) 5.3% (30.0%) (21.4%) 76.0% 9.4% 9.5% (9.4%) (10.7%) (5.4%) 6.8% 6.8% 8.2% Variation % (p.p.) 40.3% 9.8% 12.7% 18.2% (2.2) (4.0) (3.4) 1.7 1H13 1,108.3 879.5 228.8 886.9 (496.6) 390.3 (245.1) 145.2 162.5 46.3 168.5 0.56 93.2 68.5 24.7 11.89 12.84 9.25 1H13 44.0% 16.4% 18.3% 19.0% Variation % 1H14/1H13 1,104.2 (0.4%) 833.5 (5.2%) 270.7 18.3% 890.8 0.4% (522.1) 5.1% 368.7 (5.5%) (257.4) 5.0% 111.3 (23.4%) 133.6 (17.7%) 61.9 33.6% 168.9 0.2% 0.56 0.4% 83.5 (10.4%) 58.6 (14.4%) 24.9 0.8% 13.22 11.2% 14.22 10.7% 10.86 17.4% 1H14 1H14 41.4% 12.5% 15.0% 19.0% Variation % (p.p.) (2.6) (3.9) (3.3) - Highlights of 2Q14 vs. 2Q13 Connect: - USA and other countries: +1-786-924-6977 Decrease of 1% in net revenue. Contacts: Francisco Schmitt Investor Relations Officer [email protected] Increase of the net margin and decrease of the gross, EBIT and EBITDA margins. Telephone: +55-54-2109-9022 Fax: +55-54-2109-9991 Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 EBIT of R$ 38.9 million, 30.0% lower. Profit of R$ 72.4 million, increase of 9.4%. Distribution of dividends – R$ 29.9 million, 28% lower than in 2Q13 (R$ 41.5 million), shares traded ex-dividend as from August 1, 2014. Leadership in footwear exports – Grendene maintains the leading position in Brazilian footwear exports – 33.2% of Brazilian footwear exported in 2Q14 (36.4% in 2Q13). Page 1 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Management Discussion and Analysis Gross Revenue, Net Revenue and Volumes The economic indicators already disclosed have confirmed the impairment of the business activities in Brazil in 2014. The industrial production decreased in March and April in most categories. The data also shows unequivocal impairment of sales in retail. In accordance with “Strategy Report” of BBI Equity Research (June 30, 2014), retail sales did not show a reduction in two months consecutive since November 2008, in the culmination of the global crisis. The labor market is not exciting either. The creation of workstations in May, in accordance with data of the CAGED was the worst result for the month in 22 years and the industry is decreasing the number of workers after exhausting all alternatives: blanket vacations, paid leaves etc. The trust indicators do not show expectations of improvement and the National Federation for the Distribution of Automotive Vehicles (Fenabrave) disclosed a decrease of 17.2% in the licensing of vehicles in June of this year in comparison with June 2013, which gives an idea of the harm made in the retail in this period due to the number of holidays and days not worked. In this scenario, we faced a rough challenge in the domestic market, which was partially offset with exports. Gross revenue in the domestic market in 1H14 decreased 5.2% and increased 18.3% in the exports, which resulted in a decrease of 0.4% in the total gross revenue of 1H14 vs. 1H13. Due to the environment and the fact that we have a high comparison basis (growth of gross revenue of 29.8% in 1H12 and 22.0% in 1H13 compared, respectively, to previous years), we consider this decrease insignificant. The Gross Revenue obtained in 2Q14 of R$ 488.7 million, comprising R$ 385.8 million in the domestic market and R$ 102.9 million in the international market was obtained with the sale of 27.7 million pairs in the domestic market (decrease of 10.7% versus 2Q13) and 9.1 millions of exported pairs (decrease of 5.4% versus 2Q13) and prices of R$ 13.94 in the domestic market (growth of 6.8%) and R$ 11.25 in the exported pairs (growth of 8.2%) respectively, always compared to the same period of the previous year. In total, we have a decrease of 9.4% in the number of pairs and a growth of 6.8% in the prices. However, despite all the efforts to manage the trade-off between prices and volumes, the impacts on the increase of costs occurred in 2H13 have not yet been offset and the net revenue decreased 1.0% and the Cost of Sales (COGS) increased 2.8% in 2Q14, decreasing the gross margin in 2.2 p.p. from 42.5% in 2Q13 to 40.3% in 2Q14. Due to the decrease of revenues, increase of salaries (the minimum wage grew 6.8% in January) and expenses in units which are not yet operational (Subsidiary A3NP in the sector of furniture and Grendene U.K. – Galeria Melissa in London), the operating expenses as increased from 28.7% of Net Revenue in 2Q13 to 30.5% of Net Revenue in 2Q14, resulting in the decrease of EBIT of R$ 55.5 million in 2Q13 to R$ 38.9 million in 2Q14 (30% of decrease) and margin decrease of 4.0 p.p. (from 13.8% in 2Q13 to 9.8% in 2Q14). However, the increase of the market interest rate provided greater financial gains and the change in the Dividends Policy provided lower taxation, which resulted in Profit 9.4% higher in 2Q14, even with all of the difficulties and the high comparison basis already mentioned (growth of Profit of 61.4% in 2Q12 and more 11.2% in 2Q13). On the other hand, the government was sensitized by the economic downturn and announced the maintenance of the payroll charges relief, making it permanent, which benefits companies such as Grendene, which a great employer. Currently, 56 different sectors are benefited by this measure, which, until then, would last up to the end of 2014. The payroll charges relief of the companies was first adopted in December 2011 with the purpose to reduce the Companies' labor costs and stimulate the economy, and in accordance with the original measure, it would be terminated in December 2014. Also as a way to stimulate exporting companies, the government announced the return of the Special System for Refund of Tax Amounts to Exporting Companies (Reintegra), which will be permanent with variable rates from 0.3% to 3%. Reintegra is a Government program which returns to the companies which export manufactured items a percentage of the revenue with international sales and offset them with direct taxes (up to the end of 2013, Grendene had a rate of 3% in Reintegra). As expected in the last quarter, the year had a difficult start with the downturn of the economy and an increased comparison basis with 1H13, period in which EBIT grew 65.5% and the Profit grew 19.1% when compared respectively with 1H12. In fact, the demand in the domestic market did not present growth, and the retail had few working days (in 2Q14). Our higher costs not yet fully transferred to the prices were added to these difficulties. Nevertheless, we finished 1H14 with gross revenue and profit in line with last year and falls of 2.6 p.p. in gross margin and 23.4% in Ebit. COGS in 1H14 exceeded the amount of 1H13 in 5.1%, despite the decrease in the total number of pairs sold of 10.4%, which may be explained by the increase in the COGS per pair from R$ 5.33 in 1H13 to R$ 6.25 in 1H14, an increase of 17.3%. The various increases in raw material in 2H13 contributed to the growth of the unit cost the same way as in 1Q14, as well as the fact that we were unable to adjust the costs at the same speed of the Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 2 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) decrease of demand. On the other hand, part of the decrease in the volumes may be attributed to the recomposition of prices. Considering the market environment, or results were good. As mentioned at the beginning of the year, repeating the results of 2013 would be a challenge, which we were able to overcome in 1H14. This does not mean we are satisfied. We will not measure efforts to once again have the higher margins previously achieved. The foundations which have guaranteed market share gains with good returns continue in place: the production in scale of attractive products with high perceived value, strong brands and accessible prices produced at costs which ensure profitability and distributed in and efficient manner. Between the external factors which affect the results, we highlight the low dynamism in the economy, the persistent inflation and the uncertainties existing in an election year. With these results, the generation of cash from operations in 1H14 was R$ 402.2 million, 7.6% higher in the same period of the previous year, in which R$ 152.8 million were used for the payment of dividends. In 1H14 the foreign exchange effect was positive by R$ 31.1 million, whereas the gross export revenue increased 4.7% before considering the exchange effect and 18.3% after considering this effect vs. 1H13. We still believe that, in this year, the domestic market must grow little and the foreign market must continue contributing for the improvement of the margins. In 2014, based on the first half, even with some growth in the foreign market, the total volumes must decrease.The margins in 1H14 were worse than the same period of 2013, which should be repeated in 2H14. For the whole year, the possible decrease of the margins will depend of the volumes in a market with weak demand and increase in prices. History shows that Grendene reacts quickly to the changes of market and we are mobilized to adjust the portfolio and costs to the economic situation which was worse than initially expected for 1H14. Confirming our statements made in prior years, we will keep our focus on strengthening our brands, achieving operational excellence, consolidating the relationship with sales channels, and improving market share. Changes in gross sales revenue from domestic market and exports, due to volume, mix and average prices (126.7) 80.6 1.8 9.0 1,073.1 31.1 1,104.2 R$ million 1,108.3 Gross Volume Average Volume Average Gross Exchange Gross revenue - Impact - DM price and impact - FM price and revenue impact - FM revenue 1H13 mix impact mix impact - without 1H14 DM FM exchange impact Comparison of performance with targets: Although we disclose the comparative amounts for each period for the purposes of follow-up of amounts realized, we emphasize that the goals are established for full periods (full year). Performance – Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), in the second halves, from 2008 to 2014: R$ million Gross revenue Y-o-Y variation Profit Y-o-Y variation 2Q08 286.9 R$ million Advertising expenses Participation % - Net operating revenue 2Q08 19.8 9.1% 42.4 2Q09 371.7 29.6% 57.3 35.2% 2Q10 391.0 5.2% 38.0 (33.7%) 2Q11 307.2 (21.4%) 36.9 (3.1%) 2Q12 412.6 34.3% 59.5 61.4% 2Q13 504.7 22.3% 66.2 11.2% 2Q14 488.7 (3.2%) 72.4 9.4% CAGR 9.3% 2Q09 19.8 6.7% 2Q10 19.9 6.5% 2Q11 20.0 8.2% 2Q12 28.5 8.6% 2Q13 26.7 6.6% 2Q14 26.2 6.6% CAGR 4.7% 9.3% We noticed that the Gross revenue in 2Q14 was the second best over the last 7 second quarters, lower than the revenue of 2Q13, only. Profit was the higher obtained over the last 7 second quarters. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 3 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Performance – Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), in the first halves, from 2008 to 2014: R$ million Gross revenue Y-o-Y variation Profit Y-o-Y variation 1H08 618.2 R$ million Advertising expenses Participation % - Net operating revenue 1H08 37.2 7.7% 83.4 1H09 743.2 20.2% 121.6 20.3% 1H10 847.6 14.1% 84.9 (30.1%) 1H11 699.3 (17.5%) 100.4 18.2% 1H12 908.1 29.8% 141.5 41.0% 1H13 1,108.3 22.0% 168.5 19.1% 1H14 1,104.1 (0.4%) 168.9 0.2% CAGR 10.1% 1H09 38.5 6.4% 1H10 38.3 5.6% 1H11 38.7 6.9% 1H12 58.4 8.0% 1H13 59.5 6.7% 1H14 52.5 5.9% CAGR 5.9% 12.5% When the first haves are analyzed, the aforementioned observation is also valid, that is, the gross revenue in 1H14 was the second best over the last 7 first halves, lower than the revenue of 1H13, only. Profit was the higher obtained over the last 7 second halves. These observations are clearer in the charts below: Gross sales revenue R$ million Growth at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 8% and 12%. 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.000 900 800 700 600 500 1.220 1.108 743 692 577 618 1H08 1H09 Guidance 8% a.a. 1.104 973 1.090 869 779 668 1H07 848 776 721 699 1H10 1H11 908 841 1H12 Guidance 12% a.a. 981 908 1H13 1H14 Realized Profit Growth at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 12% and 15%. 193 200 R$ million 180 146 160 142 140 122 120 100 81 83 80 93 1H07 1H08 1H09 Guidance 12% a.a. 147 110 117 105 169 165 127 96 60 Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 169 168 131 100 85 1H10 1H11 Guidance 15% a.a. 1H12 1H13 1H14 Realized Page 4 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) The resilience in the results obtained confirm our expectations and reinforce our confidence in Grendene’s business model, which encourages us to maintain the projection of our long-term targets for the period from 2008 through 2015, as follows: Targets maintained for the period 2008-2015: Gross revenue growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 8% and 12%. Profit growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 12% and 15%. In this period Grendene aims at keeping advertising expenses at an average of 8% to 10% of net revenue. We understand that during this period some years may result in higher growth rate and others with a lower growth rate, but on average we intend to achieve these targets. Reasons for maintaining the announced targets: The market outlook in Brazil and abroad is still challenging, as expected and, in our opinion, it must not improve in the short term. In the domestic market, after the soccer world cup, the election uncertainties remain. In the foreign market, the recovery of the main markets has not yet been strong. 2Q14 was not surprising to us. The difficulties faced were the expected ones and the adjustments in this environment keep on. Nevertheless, the results continue with positive trends and are within the expected range, in comparison with the last 5 years (2008-2013) and also the last 7 first halves (1H08-1H14). This trend analysis in a longer term evidences the high comparison basis which constitutes 1H13, which makes 1H14 seem worse than it really is in a long-term context. Every year our results have been better than the previous years. Sometimes a little better and others, much better. In average, when the longer period is considered, we are able to maintain ourselves reasonably within the projected range even facing many unexpected difficulties. In 1H14, it was not different. For this year, we do not expect volume growth, but we still expect some growth in revenue and profit. When the whole year is analyzed, it will be a challenge to maintain the last year margins, because we began the year with the highest costs of 2H13 and with prices not fully aligned yet. We also must adjust our costs structure to the volumes really demanded in this environment. However, we are confident. In turbulent times, or growth always came and one of our characteristics is the agility of adaptation. We believe in the potential of this market and, accordingly, we invest in the expansion of the capacity to serve it. Domestically, we will keep our focus on strengthening our brands, achieving operational excellence and gaining market share and mainly on recovering margins. Based on the performance presented, we believe we will achieve the goals proposed for the period 2008-2015. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 5 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 2Q14 Highlights: Melissa keeps being revolutionary. It gains space in the portfolio of Grendene and its relevance in sales grows at the same time its concept is firmed in the international market. Facade of Galeria Melissa in São Paulo Internal environment In June the collection of miniatures of Melissa most iconic and best sold pieces, named Miniatures Design Collection was launched, with the object to associate art, design, fashion and architecture. In its first edition, it pays homage to the designers and architects (and long-time collaborators): Campana Brothers, Karim Rashid, Zaha Hadid and Gaetano Pesce, turning models of the brand into decorative and collectible objects which fit in the palm of our hands. Miniatures Design Collection Rider Meets Ausländer - Coachella 2014 - Rider in a partnership with the Ausländer brand was one of the sponsors of the Pool Party that happened during the first weekend of the Coachella, in Palm Springs, California, USA. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, or simply Coachella, is an annual three-day music and art event, organized by Goldenvoice, a subsidiary of AEG Live. Cartago – Actor Malvino Salvador was the celebrity chosen to represent the brand in the campaign of Father's day. Casa Ipanema has been a highlight in the opinion maker media, for housing the main fashion, art, music and welfare news. Besides gathering the launches of Ipanema Sandals, the place has been a collaborative space, with exposures, courses, workshops and performances, always in synergy with the brand's philosophy to encourage the constant search for the new. CompulsArt Exposure Kátia Wille Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Mana Bernardes Ocupation Page 6 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) In the women's line, actresses Juliana Paiva, Flávia Alessandra and Hanna Romanazzi were present in the brands merchandising actions. Juliana Paiva Flávia Alessandra Hanna Romanazzi Grendene presented the Spring-Summer collection in the 46th edition of the International Shoes and Accessories Fashion Event (Francal) from July 15 to 18, 2014, at Parque do Anhembi - São Paulo In a space with more than 600 square meters, it launched more than 60 models of the lines Ipanema, Grendha, Zaxy, Grendene Kids, Rider, Cartago, Guga, Mormai and Bad Boy. The participation of Grendene in fashion events is in line with its strategy to strengthen its brands both in the domestic and international markets, besides giving feedback to customers concerning the acceptance of the models and the idea of the behavior of the market for future businesses. Since its launch on April 7, 2014, the furniture brand “TOG” has been received with interest and attention by both the Brazilian and international presses. Vehicles such as Casa Vogue, Revista Casa e Jardim, Folha de São Paulo and Estado de São Paulo in Brazil, and of the United Kingdom, Architectural Digest of Spain, Liberation Next and of France, La Repubblica, and Corriere Della Sera of Italy, among others, highlight the simple yet innovative concept of the brand to make design accessible and with the possibility of customization. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Designers team: Sebastian Bergne, Dai Sugasawa, Kim Colin & Sam Hecht, Nicola Rapetti, Ambroise Maggiar, Jonathan Bui Quang Da and Philippe Starck. Page 7 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Products launches Awards: Grendene was recognized as the Best Company in the Textile Sector in Brazil in 2013 in the 41st edition of "Melhores e Maiores 2014 da Exame", being the 4th Brazilian Company in General Liquidity and 22nd better dividend payer. Clube Melissa, the franchise network of Grendene, establishes itself as a sales channel. Clube Melissa, the official network of Melissa brand stores, achieved the Seal of Excellence in Franchising (SEF), in the Senior category. The award is granted by the Ethics Commission of the Brazilian Association of Franchising (ABF) and happens once a year, to recognize the work of the franchiser, through analysis of the franchisees. Clube Melissa (Melissa Club): 129 stores at the end of the month of June/2014. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 The certification confirmed the excellence of the work developed at the Melissa brand stores, throughout Brazil. Page 8 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Analysis of the operations for 2Q14 and 1H14 Gross revenue High comparison basis of the 1H13 in conjunction with the slowdown of consumption in the domestic market resulted in gross revenue in line with the previous year. The increase of the average prices was only enough to offset the decrease of 10.4% in the volume of pairs. The decrease of 9.7 million pairs in 1H14 compared to 1H13 must be considered in conjunction with the increase of 19.6 million pairs obtained in 1H13 (26.7% of growth) against 1H12 for a clearer view of the market share progress in the various lines of shoes in which Grendene operates. Total (DM + FM) Total gross revenue (R$ thousands) Volume (thousands of pairs) Average price (R$) 2Q13 2Q14 504,714 40,648 12.42 488,745 36,829 13.27 Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 (3.2%) (9.4%) 6.8% 1H13 1H14 1,108,285 93,208 11.89 1,104,161 83,544 13.22 504.7 488.7 40.6 36.8 2Q13 2Q14 2Q13 2Q14 Gross sales revenue (R$ MM) Variation % 1H14/1H13 (0.4%) (10.4%) 11.2% Volume (MM of pairs) 12.42 13.27 2Q13 2Q14 Average price (R$) Share in gross revenue 2Q13 19.9% Share in gross revenue 2Q14 21.1% 78.9% 80.1% Domestic market Exports Domestic market Share in sales volume 2Q13 23.8% Share in sales volume 2Q14 24.8% 75.2% 76.2% Domestic market Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Exports Exports Domestic market Exports Page 9 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 1,108.3 1,104.2 93.2 83.5 1H13 1H14 1H13 1H14 Gross sales revenue (R$ MM) Volume (MM of pairs) 11.89 13.22 1H13 1H14 Average price (R$) Share in gross revenue 1H14 Share in gross revenue 1H13 20.6% 24.5% 75.5% 79.4% Domestic market Exports Domestic market Share in sales volume 1H13 Exports Share in sales volume 1H14 26.5% 29.8% 70.2% 73.5% Domestic market Exports Domestic market Exports Domestic market (DM): The volume decrease in 1H14 occurred in the domestic market. We notice, however, that in the domestic market we had the strongest growth in the previous year: growth of 32,9% in the volume of pairs in the comparison 1H13 x 1H12 – increase of 17 million pairs, establishing a high basis of comparison for 2014. Domestic market Total gross revenue (R$ thousands) Volume (thousands of pairs) Average price (R$) Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 2Q13 404,256 30,986 13.05 2Q14 385,843 27,685 13.94 Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 (4.6%) (10.7%) 6.8% 1H13 879,524 68,483 12.84 1H14 833,483 58,620 14.22 Variation % 1H14/1H13 (5.2%) (14.4%) 10.7% Page 10 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Changes in gross sales revenue from domestic market and exports, due to volume, mix and average price ( 43.1) R$ million 404.3 Gross revenue - 2Q13 Volume impact - DM 31.0 27.7 2Q13 2Q14 24.6 385.8 Average price and mix impact - DM Gross revenue - 2Q14 13.05 13.94 2Q13 2Q14 Volume DM (MM of pairs) Average price DM (R$) Changes in gross sales revenue from domestic market and exports, due to volume, mix and average price (126.7) R$ million 879.5 Gross revenue - 1H13 Volume impact - DM 68.5 58.6 1H13 1H14 80.6 833.5 Average price and mix impact - DM Gross revenue - 1H14 12.84 14.22 1H13 1H14 Volume DM (MM of pairs) Average price DM (R$) Foreign market (FM): Growth in foreign market was favored by the more favorable exchange rate. In 2Q14, the exports revenue in U.S. dollars decreased 4.9%, but in Brazilian Reais, it grew 2.4% in comparison with 2Q13. Foreign market Total gross revenue (R$ thousands) Total gross revenue (US$ thousands) Volume (thousands of pairs) Average price (R$) Average price (US$) Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 2Q13 100,458 48,530 9,662 10.40 5.02 2Q14 102,902 46,150 9,144 11.25 5.05 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 2.4% (4.9%) (5.4%) 8.2% 0.6% 1H13 228,761 112,531 24,725 9.25 4.55 1H14 270,678 117,847 24,924 10.86 4.73 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 18.3% 4.7% 0.8% 17.4% 4.0% Page 11 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) R$ million Changes in gross sales revenue from export, due to volume, mix and average price 0.5 100.4 (5.4) Gross revenue - 2Q13 Volume impact - FM 102.9 7.4 95.6 Average price Gross revenue Exchange and mix without exchange impact - FM impact - FM impact Gross revenue - 2Q14 US$ million Changes in gross sales revenue from export, due to volume, mix and average price 48.5 (2.6) 0.2 46.1 Gross revenue - 2Q13 Volume impact - FM Average price and mix impact - FM Gross revenue - 2Q14 9.7 9.1 10.40 11.25 2Q13 2Q14 2Q13 2Q14 FM Volume (MM of pairs) Average price-FM (R$) R$ million Changes in gross sales revenue from export, due to volume, mix and average price 228.8 1.8 Gross revenue - 1H13 Volume impact - FM 9.0 239.6 Average price Gross revenue and mix without impact - FM exchange impact - 1H13 31.1 270.7 Exchange impact - FM Gross revenue - 1H14 Changes in gross sales revenue from export, due to volume, mix and average price 0.9 4.4 117,8 Gross revenue - 1H13 Impact volume - FM Average price and mix impact - FM Gross revenue - 1H14 US$ million 112.5 Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 12 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 24.7 24.9 9.25 1H13 1H14 1H13 Volume FM (MM of pairs) 10.86 1H14 Average Price - FM (R$) According to data from Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX)/Brazilian Footwear Industry Association (ABICALÇADOS), Brazilian footwear exports in 1H14 vs. 1H13 decreased 2.6% in U.S. dollar and 8.2% in the average price in U.S. dollars, while increasing 6.2% in the volume of pairs sold. In 1H14, Grendene grew in the exports revenues 18.3% in reais and 4.7% in US$, 0.8% in volumes, and the average prices grew 17.4% in reais and 4.0% in US dollars. Grendene’s share in the Brazilian footwear exports, when comparing 1H14 vs.1H13 decreased 39.1% in volumes of pairs (41.2% in 1H13) and increased to 22.6% in export revenue in dollars (21.0% in 1H13) , maintaining the leading position in Brazilian footwear exports for the 12th consecutive year. Net sales revenue: R$ thousand 2Q13 2Q14 Gross revenue DM Gross revenue FM Total gross revenue Returns and taxes on sales Discounts granted to customers Sales deductions Net sales revenue 404,256 100,458 504,714 (77,636) (25,965) (103,601) 401,113 385,843 102,902 488,745 (73,064) (18,661) (91,725) 397,020 Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 (4.6%) 2.4% (3.2%) (5.9%) (28.1%) (11.5%) (1.0%) 1H13 1H14 879,524 228,761 1,108,285 (166,065) (55,300) (221,365) 886,920 833,483 270,678 1,104,161 (167,718) (45,635) (213,353) 890,808 401.1 397.0 886.9 890.8 2Q13 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Net sales revenue (R$ MM) Variation % 1H14/1H13 (5.2%) 18.3% (0.4%) 1.0% (17.5%) (3.6%) 0.4% Net sales revenue (R$ MM) Cost of goods sold (COGS): As in 1Q14, even with the decrease in the volumes sold of 9.4% in 2Q14, COGS grew 2.8% and in this quarter Net revenue decreased 1%. COGS per pair grew 13.6%, an amount higher than the growth of the price per pair of 6.8%. The higher cost is due to two factors: the increase of various raw materials in the second half of 2013 and the decrease of the volumes higher than expected, which led us to an insufficient adjustment in costs to the level of production effectively occurred. In the second quarter of each year, there is always an impact resulting from the increase in labor costs due to the collective bargaining agreement in the municipality of Sobral, where most of our employees are located. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 13 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) In 1H14, the raw material costs presented, in total, a slight increase of 0,1% and labor costs increased 11.7%. When converted to amounts per pair, the variations are even higher, reflecting the decrease of volumes. R$ thousand 2Q13 Cost of sales Cost of sales per pair (R$) 2Q14 230,644 5.67 237,074 6.44 Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 2.8% 13.6% 1H13 1H14 496,579 5.33 522,075 6.25 ( 21.7) 28.1 237.1 COGS - 2Q13 Impact - Volume of pairs Unit cost increase COGS - 2Q14 R$ million 230.6 Variation % 1H14/1H13 5.1% 17.3% 5.67 6.44 2Q13 2Q14 COGS per pair (R$) (51.5) 77.0 522.1 COGS- 1H13 Impact - Volume of pairs Increase of unit cost COGS - 1H14 R$ million 496.6 5.33 6.25 1H13 1H14 COGS per pair - R$ Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 14 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) The chart below shows the changes in market prices in dollar terms (according to ICIS-LOR), converted into Brazilian reais, of Grendene's main raw materials, and the changes in Grendene's average cost per pair, showing the behavior by pair for each quarter of 2013 and 2014. Thousands of pairs 3Q13 4Q13 54,118 68,869 2Q13 40,648 5,5 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 5.86 5.67 1Q14 46,715 6.44 6.10 5.52 5.06 2Q14 36,829 7,00 5,60 4,20 2,80 R$ / per pair 1,40 Plastifying oils / metric ton. (FOB) - R$ PVC resin / metric ton. (CFR) - R$ Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-14 Feb-14 Jan-14 Dec-13 Nov-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Jun-13 May-13 Apr-13 Mar-13 Feb-13 0,00 Jan-13 R$ thousand / Metric ton. 1Q13 52,560 COGS / per pair - R$ Source: ICIS-LOR petrochemicals prices and Company’s quarterly data Gross profit: Gross profit decreased approximately R$ 11 million in each quarter of this year, resulting in a total decrease of R$ 21.6 million in 1H14 vs. 1H13. In the first quarter, the gross margin decreased 3.0 p.p. and in the second quarter 2.2 p.p. In total, 1H14 had a decrease of gross margin of 2.6 p.p. vs. 1H13. R$ thousand 2Q13 Gross profit % of net revenue 2Q14 170,469 42.5% 159,946 40.3% Variation % 2Q14/2Q13 (6.2%) (2.2 p.p.) 34.7% 39.0% 67.8 84.9 111.4 91.8 85.5 2Q07 2Q08 2Q09 2Q10 2Q11 37.8% 30.0% 35.0% Gross profit (R$ MM) 1H13 1H14 390,341 44.0% 41.8% 368,733 41.4% 42.5% 40.3% 170.5 159.9 2Q13 2Q14 138.3 2Q12 Variation % 1H14/1H13 (5.5%) (2.6 p.p.) Gross margin (%) Despite the difficulties, when we analyze the progress of gross margin over the 8 last second quarters, we notice that in the last three years, we have been in another level with gross margin equal to or higher than 40%. 35.7% 35.1% 37.7% 162.6 169.8 226.3 206.8 204.9 1H07 1H08 1H09 1H10 1H11 30.4% Gross profit (R$ MM) Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 36.6% 42.2% 44.0% 41.4% 390.3 368.7 1H13 1H14 306.7 1H12 Gross margin (%) Page 15 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Selling expenses: The selling expenses did not reflect the decrease of the revenue basically due to the commercial expenses incurred in the new subsidiary A3NP, which started the commercial effort in April and in Grendene U.K. where it is in the process of implementation of a new Galeria Melissa. R$ thousand 2Q13 Selling expenses % of net revenue Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 5.7% 101,856 1.7 p.p. 25.7% 2Q14 96,403 24.0% 1H13 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 1.8% 213,570 0.3 p.p. 24.0% 1H14 209,861 23.7% 24.0% 25.7% 23.7% 24.0% 96.4 101.9 209.9 213.6 2Q13 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Sales expenses (R$ MM) Sales expenses (R$ MM) % of net revenue % of net revenue Advertising expenses: Advertising expenses (included in selling expenses) remain in line with the Company’s strategy. R$ thousand 2Q13 Advertising expenses % of net revenue Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 (1.9%) 26,152 6.6% 2Q14 26,663 6.6% 1H13 59,549 6.7% Variation - % 1H14/1H13 (11.8%) 52,502 (0.8 p.p.) 5.9% 1H14 6.6% 6.6% 6.7% 26.7 26.2 59.5 52.5 2Q13 2Q14 1H13 1H14 5.9% Advertising (R$ MM) Advertising (R$ MM) % of net revenue % of net revenue General and administrative expenses (G&A): The increase of the general and administrative expenses also reflects, besides the increases of salaries, the expenses made in pre-operating units. R$ thousand G&A expenses % of net revenue Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 2Q13 19,406 4.8% 2Q14 21,269 5.4% Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 9.6% 0.6 p.p. 1H13 37,424 4.2% 1H14 41,482 4.7% Variation - % 1H14/1H13 10.8% 0.5 p.p. Page 16 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 4.7% 4.2% 4.8% 5.4% 19.4 21.3 41.5 37.4 2Q13 2Q14 General and administrative expenses (R$ MM) 1H13 1H14 General and administrative expenses (R$ MM) % of net revenue % of net revenue Ebit and Ebitda: Ebit: Ebit – earnings before interest and taxes – operating profit before finance result. The Company considers that, as it has a large cash balance, which generates significant interest income, the profit from its operating activity is best represented by Ebit. The expressive increase of 72.3% in the Ebit of 2Q13 vs. 2Q12 establishes a high comparison basis for 2Q14. 13.8% 16.1% 9.8% 12.7% 55,5 64,4 38,9 2Q13 EBIT (R$ MM) 2Q14 50,6 2Q13 EBIT margin (%) 2Q14 EBITDA (R$ MM) EBITDA margin (%) 18.3% 16.4% 15.0% 12.5% 145,2 1H13 EBIT (R$ MM) Reconciliation of EBIT/EBITDA*(R$ thousand) Profit for the period: Non-controlling interests Taxes on profit Finance result, net EBIT Depreciation and amortization EBITDA EBIT margin EBITDA margin 162,5 133,6 111,3 1H14 1H13 EBIT margin (%) EBITDA (R$ MM) 66,184 (182) 8,585 (19,055) 55,532 8,864 64,396 72,413 (2,041) 2,036 (33,531) 38,877 11,722 50,599 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 9.4% 1,021.4% (76.3%) 76.0% (30.0%) 32.2% (21.4%) 13.8% 16.1% 9.8% 12.7% (4.0 p.p.) (3.4 p.p.) 2Q13 1H14 2Q14 EBITDA margin (%) 168,532 (287) 23,297 (46,299) 145,243 17,208 162,451 168,946 (3,569) 7,797 (61,862) 111,312 22,304 133,616 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 0.2% 1,143.6% (66.5%) 33.6% (23.4%) 29.6% (17.7%) 16.4% 18.3% 12.5% 15.0% (3.9 p.p.) (3.3 p.p.) 1H13 1H14 * In accordance with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) Instruction 527 of October 4, 2012. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 17 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Ebitda: Ebitda - Profit before net finance result, income tax and social contribution on income, depreciation and amortization. Ebitda is not a measure used in accounting practices adopted in Brazil. It does not represent cash flow for the periods presented and should not be construed as an alternative to profit as an indicator of operational performance or as an alternative to cash flow as an indicator of liquidity. Ebitda does not have a standardized definition, and the Company's computation of Ebitda may not be comparable with the adjusted Ebitda of other companies. The Company understands that certain investors and financial analysts use Ebitda as an indicator of operational performance of a company and/or of its cash flow. Grendene’s business is low-capital-intensive, with depreciation at around 2% of net revenue (1.9% in 1H13 and 2.5% in 1H14). Therefore, we understand that the analysis of Ebit is more pertinent for the operational Company's management. Net finance result: The net finance result in 2Q14 and 1H14 compared with the same period of 2013 is shown in the table below: R$ thousand 2Q13 Interest received from customers 2Q14 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 1H13 1H14 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 24.6% 937 837 (10.7%) 3,028 6.0% 9,293 8,398 (9.6%) 25,271 19.6% 39,988 47,470 18.7% 366 456 2,857 Gain on foreign exchange hedge BM&FBovespa Income from financial investments 21,133 Foreign exchange gains 13,199 2,944 (77.7%) 17,748 14,187 (20.1%) 7,704 10,056 30.5% 16,169 21,435 32.6% 387 45,646 3,058 44,813 690.2% 1,225 85,360 3,813 96,140 211.3% Adjustment to present value Other finance income Finance income R$ thousand 2Q13 2Q14 (1.8%) Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 1H13 1H14 12.6% Variation - % 1H14/1H13 Expenses of foreign exchange hedge (95.5%) (15,460) (2,523) (83.7%) 42.8% (7,300) (10,016) 37.2% (57.2%) (13,797) (18,989) 37.6% (2,750) (34,278) 9.8% (57.6%) (2,504) (39,061) (12.2%) 76.0% 46,299 61,862 33.6% (12,314) (552) Financing expenses (3,745) (5,349) Foreign exchange losses (9,342) (3,998) (1,190) (26,591) (1,383) (11,282) 16.2% 19,055 33,531 BM&FBOVESPA Other finance costs Finance costs Net finance result (R$ thousand) Note that as from January 1, 2009, discounts for prompt payment granted to customers have been recognized as a deduction from gross sales revenue (see the item "net sales revenue"). Profit: Profit in 1H14 in line with 1H13, notwithstanding the increased adverse situations of this year, proves the resilience of our operation. After decreasing in 1Q14, we recovered in 2Q14 with growth of 9.4% vs. 2Q13. R$ thousand Profit Net margin, % Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 2Q13 66,184 16.5% Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 9.4% 72,413 1.7 p.p. 18.2% 2Q14 1H13 168,532 19.0% Variation - % 1H14/1H13 0.2% 168,946 19.0% 1H14 Page 18 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 18.2% 16.5% 19.0% 19.0% 66.2 72.4 168.5 168.9 2Q13 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Profit (R$ MM) Net margin (%) Profit Net margin Investments (property, plant and equipment and intangible assets): Investments in 1H14 were focused on the maintenance of industrial buildings and facilities, replacement of fixed assets and purchase of new equipment for modernization of the plant and greater production efficiency and investment in A3NP. R$ thousand 2Q13 Investments Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 (36.1%) 27,092 2Q14 42,415 1H13 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 20.0% 65,741 1H14 54,769 Cash generation: Cash generation and net cash: Grendene has a healthy financial situation. Net cash (considering cash and cash equivalents and short-term and long-term financial investments less short and long term loans and financing) at 6/30/2014 totaled R$ 841.8 million, an increase of 36.6% in relation to the R$ 616.2 million at 12/31/2013 and less 5.2% in relation to the same period of 2013. The proportion of net revenue accumulated in 12 months and maintained in cash and cash equivalents and financial investments decreased from 48.1% in 1H13 to 42.8% in 1H14. The cash generated in the operating activities, of R$ 402.2 million was designed for the payment of investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of R$ 65.7 million; financial investments of R$ 171.1 million, in the net decrease of debts with financial institutions of R$ 23.2 million, in the net purchase of shares for the maintenance in treasury of R$ 1.4 million and in the payment of dividends of R$ 152.8 million. The decrease of R$ 12.0 million of the amount maintained in current account and financial investments of very short term completes the amount of the appropriation of cash described above. The complete cash flow analysis is detailed in appendix IV. The progress of cash and cash equivalents, short and long term financial investments, borrowings (current and long terms) and net cash is shown in the chart below: R$ million 1.600 1,600 1,200 1.200 990.4 983.6 867.4 800 800 400 400 917.7 888.4 740.5 1,045.8 938.5 876.4 841.8 734.0 616.3 -0 (400) (72.8) (95.2) (126.9) (117.7) (169.4) (96.7) 3/31/13 6/30/13 9/30/13 12/31/13 3/31/14 6/30/14 Cash and cash equivalents and financial investments (ST and LT) Borrowings (ST and LT) Net cash Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 19 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Structure of Assets, Liabilities and value indicators Assets June 30, 2013 December 31, 2013 15.0% June 30, 2014 17.9% 19.3% 50.4% 35.2% 44.1% 34.6% 36.6% 46.9% Cash and cash equivalents and financial investments (ST and LT) Working capital (without Cash and cash equivalents and financial investments (ST and LT) Non-current assets Liabilities: Current + Non-current June 30, 2013 4.3% December 31, 2013 5.0% 7.6% 4.1% 7.8% 87.3% 88.0% June 30, 2014 7.1% 88.8% Liabilities – Financial Liabilities – Operational Consolidated equity Value indicators 13.81 9.59 6.89 3.12 4.26 Cash and cash Net working capital equivalents and per share* financial investments (ST and LT) per share* 1.44 Book value per share* Profit per share** Share price* Share price* / profit per share** * June 30, 2014 ** Profit in the last 12 months Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 20 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Dividends: In 1H14, Grendene prepays dividends of R$ 71.9 million, 31.9% lower than the dividend distributed in 1H13 (R$ 105.6 million) in accordance with the new policy of dividends adopted in February 2014. In accordance with the Company's bylaws, the minimum mandatory dividend is computed based on 25% of the net profit for the year, after transfers to reserves as required by law. Based on the balance at 6/30/2014, maintaining the policy of quarterly advance payment of dividends and in accordance with the new policy disclosed on 2/13/2014, the Company prepays the second installment of interim dividends subject to ratification of the Annual General Meeting that will approve the accounts for 2014, in the amount of R$ 29.9 million, as from August 13, 2014, totaling in the half a prepayment of R$ 71.9 million. The holders of record of common shares GRND3 on July 31, 2014 (cut-off date) will be entitled to such dividends. Therefore, Grendene's shares (GRND3) will be traded ex-dividend as from August 1, 2014 on the BM&FBovespa. Basis for distribution of dividends for 1H14 Parent Company Information – GRENDENE R$ 168,946,124.23 (93,230,664.80) (3,785,772.97) 71,929,686.46 (42,063,777.28) (29,865,909.18) 300,320,000 0.23951014405 Profit for the period: Tax incentives – Parent company Transfer to legal reserve Dividend calculation basis referring to 1H14 1 Dividend proposed referring to 1Q14 1 Dividend proposed referring to 2Q14 2 Number of common shares Dividend per share in 1H14 1 Dividends approved “ad referendum” of the shareholders Annual General Meeting that will examine the balance sheets and the financial statements for 2014. 2 Less 400,000 shares held in treasury. Resolutions Date of approval Ex-dividend date Payment beginning date Total amount of dividend R$ Dividend per share R$ 1st advance payment 4/24/2014 4/30/2014 5/14/2014 42,063,777.28 0.14006319020 2nd advance payment 7/24/2014 8/1/2014 8/13/2014 29,865,909.18 0.09944695385 R$ 0.3380 R$ 0.3510 R$ 0.2395 R$ 0.1150 74.5% 74.7% % R$ per share R$ 0.2390 64.8% 43.6% 41.5% 2.7% 5.3% 7.2% 3.5% 3.2% 1H10 1H11 1H12 1H13 1H14 Dividend per share Payout (*) Dividend yield (**) (*) Payout: Dividend divided by profit after transfer to legal reserves (**) Dividend yield: Dividend per share in the period divided by the weighted average price of the share, annualized. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 21 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Corporate events: 4/24/2014 – Notice to stockholders: As from 5/14/2014, the Company started the first advance payment of dividends, relating to 2014, in the amount of R$ 42,063,777.28 corresponding to R$ 0.1400631902 per common share. The shares were traded ex-dividend beginning on 4/30/2014. 7/24/2014 – Board of Directors’ Meeting The members of the Board of Directors approved the financial information relating to the second quarter and first half of 2014; the second advance payment of interim dividends in the amount of R$ 29,865,909.18 corresponding to R$ 0.09944695385 per common share, based on the results obtained up to 6/30/2014, which are subject to ratification at the Annual General Meeting that will examine the balance sheet accounts and the financial statements for 2014 and the amendment to the Policy of Disclosure of relevant acts and/or facts (CVM Instruction 547/14). Capital Markets: In 1H14, the share of Grendene (GRND3) devalued 21.0% considering the reinvestment of the dividends and in the same period IBOVESPA index valued 3.2%. The daily average financial volume was R$ 6.3 million in 1H14 (R$ 10.1 million in 1H13). The amount of businesses, number of shares negotiated, financial volume and the daily averages are presented in the following table: Average amount of shares Price R$ Trading Number of Number of Period sessions businesses shares Average volume R$ Volume R$ Weighted average Closing Per business Daily Per business Daily 1H13 122 199,318 60,980,700 1,238,362,808.00 20.31 20.26 306 499,842 6,213.00 10,150,514.82 1H14 121 183,877 51,485,800 14.93 13.81 280 425,502 4,180.86 6,353,420.18 768,763,842.00 The chart below shows the evolution of Grendene's common shares compared to the IBOVESPA Index, considering the base 100 equal to December 31, 2013, and the daily financial volume. 50 125 40 100 30 75 20 50 10 25 12/31/13 1/31/14 2/28/14 Daily financial volume - R$ 3/31/14 4/30/14 GRND3 - with reinvest. dividends 5/31/14 Basis 100 = 12/31/13 Financial volume - R$ million Daily financial volume and GRND3 x IBOVESPA 0 6/30/14 Ibovespa Information contained in this release includes assumptions about the future and reflects the Officers’ current perception and perspectives on the outlook for the business, based on the evolution of the macroeconomic environment, industry conditions, the Company’s performance and financial results. Any changes in such expectations and factors may mean that the actual results could be significantly different from the current expectations, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 22 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Appendix I – Gross revenue, volume, average price and analysis by market Gross sales (R$ thousand) 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 Domestic market 377,782 322,941 528,725 615,954 475,268 404,256 595,605 671,789 447,640 385,843 (4.6%) 879,524 833,483 (5.2%) Exports 117,661 89,697 84,290 187,400 128,303 100,458 143,395 192,289 167,776 102,902 2.4% 228,761 270,678 18.3% 66,558 45,686 41,548 91,039 64,289 48,530 62,664 84,467 70,971 46,150 (4.9%) 112,531 117,847 4.7% Total 495,443 412,638 613,015 803,354 603,571 504,714 739,000 864,078 615,416 488,745 (3.2%) 1,108,285 1,104,161 (0.4%) Volume (thousands of pairs) 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Exports - US$ Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 1H13 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 1H14 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 Domestic market 26,510 25,009 38,702 49,500 37,497 30,986 43,188 53,996 30,935 27,685 (10.7%) 68,483 58,620 Exports 14,244 7,796 8,796 14,510 15,063 9,662 10,930 14,873 15,780 9,144 (5.4%) 24,725 24,924 0.8% Total 40,754 32,805 47,498 64,010 52,560 40,648 54,118 68,869 46,715 36,829 (9.4%) 93,208 83,544 (10.4%) Average price (R$) Domestic market 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 1H13 (14.4%) Variation - % 1H14/1H13 1H14 14.25 12.91 13.66 12.44 12.67 13.05 13.79 12.44 14.47 13.94 6.8% 12.84 14.22 10.7% Exports 8.26 11.51 9.58 12.92 8.52 10.40 13.12 12.93 10.63 11.25 8.2% 9.25 10.86 17.4% Exports (US$) 4.67 5.86 4.72 6.28 4.27 5.02 5.73 5.68 4.50 5.05 0.6% 4.55 4.73 4.0% 12.16 12.58 12.91 12.55 11.48 12.42 13.66 12.55 13.17 13.27 6.8% 11.89 13.22 11.2% Total U.S. dollar 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 Variation - % 2Q14/2Q13 1H13 1H14 Variation - % 1H14/1H13 Final U.S. Dollar 1.8221 2.0213 2.0306 2.0435 2.0138 2.2156 2.2300 2.3426 2.2630 2.2025 (0.6%) 2.2156 2.2025 (0.6%) Average U.S. Dollar 1.7678 1.9633 2.0287 2.0585 1.9957 2.0700 2.2883 2.2765 2.3640 2.2297 7.7% 2.0329 2.2969 13.0% Analysis by market Gross sales 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Domestic market 76.3% 78.3% 86.2% 76.7% 78.7% 80.1% 80.6% 77.7% 72.7% 78.9% 79.4% 75.5% Exports 23.7% 21.7% 13.8% 23.3% 21.3% 19.9% 19.4% 22.3% 27.3% 21.1% 20.6% 24.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Analysis by market Sales volume % 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 1H13 1H14 Domestic market 65.0% 76.2% 81.5% 77.3% 71.3% 76.2% 79.8% 78.4% 66.2% 75.2% 73.5% 70.2% Exports 35.0% 23.8% 18.5% 22.7% 28.7% 23.8% 20.2% 21.6% 33.8% 24.8% 26.5% 29.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 23 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Appendix II - Consolidated Balance Sheet under IFRS (all amounts in thousands of reais) Assets Current Cash and cash equivalents Financial investments Securities at fair value through profit or loss Held-to-maturity investments Trade receivables Inventories Tax credits Income tax and social contribution recoverable Securities receivable Costs and prepaid expenses Other receivables Non-current Held-to-maturity investments Judicial deposits Tax credits Securities receivable Deferred income tax and social contribution Prepaid expenses Investments Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Current Borrowings Trade payables Contractual obligations – Licensing Commissions payable Taxes and contributions Income tax and social contribution payable Salaries and social security charges payable Provision for labor risks Other payables Non-current Borrowings Provision for labor risks Consolidated equity Controlling interests Share capital Carrying value adjustments Capital reserves Revenue reserves Treasury shares Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total liabilities and equity Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 12/31/2013 1,694,062 39,360 392,665 119,548 273,117 900,048 205,724 22,031 1,704 69,819 1,210 61,501 675,280 301,940 2,454 563 288 15,656 3,568 877 315,087 34,847 2,369,342 12/31/2013 285,066 101,909 39,792 16,862 39,078 12,683 4,272 63,756 1,838 4,876 16,316 15,827 489 2,067,960 2,060,734 1,231,302 (4,470) 5,078 839,294 (10,470) 7,226 2,369,342 % of total 71.5% 1.7% 16.6% 5.0% 11.5% 38.0% 8.7% 0.9% 0.1% 2.9% 0.1% 2.6% 28.5% 12.7% 0.1% 0.7% 0.2% 13.3% 1.5% 100.0% % of total 12.0% 4.3% 1.7% 0.7% 1.6% 0.5% 0.2% 2.7% 0.1% 0.2% 0.7% 0.7% 87.3% 87.0% 52.0% (0.2%) 0.2% 35.4% (0.4%) 0.3% 100.0% 6/30/2014 1,498,484 27,320 474,656 296,664 177,992 550,886 255,923 26,623 3,873 91,442 14,142 53,619 848,042 436,504 1,907 560 125 13,280 3,476 877 344,272 47,041 2,346,526 6/30/2014 216,393 50,689 40,392 11,880 25,038 12,437 2,130 65,980 1,878 5,969 46,296 46,011 285 2,083,837 2,071,172 1,231,302 (10,584) 4,096 823,887 (7,395) 29,866 12,665 2,346,526 % of total 63.9% 1.2% 20.2% 12.6% 7.6% 23.5% 10.9% 1.1% 0.2% 3.9% 0.6% 2.3% 36.1% 18.6% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1% 14.7% 2.0% 100.0% % of total 9.2% 2.2% 1.7% 0.5% 1.1% 0.5% 0.1% 2.8% 0.1% 0.3% 2.0% 2.0% 88.8% 88.3% 52.5% (0.5%) 0.2% 35.1% (0.3%) 1.3% 0.5% 100.0% 2013 over 2014 88.5% 69.4% 120.9% 248.2% 65.2% 61.2% 124.4% 120.8% 227.3% 131.0% 1.168.8% 87.2% 125.6% 144.6% 77.7% 99.5% 43.4% 84.8% 97.4% 109.3% 135.0% 100.0% 2013 over 2014 75.9% 49.7% 101.5% 70.5% 64.1% 98.1% 49.9% 103.5% 102.2% 122.4% 283.7% 290.7% 58.3% 100.8% 100.5% 100.0% 236.8% 80.7% 98.2% 70.6% 175.3% 100.0% Page 24 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Appendix III - Consolidated Statement of Income (all amounts in thousands of reais) R$ thousand 2Q13 Domestic market Exports Gross sales and services revenue Sales returns and taxes on sales Discounts granted to customers Sales deductions Net sales revenue Cost of goods sold Gross profit Operating income (expenses) Selling expenses General and administrative expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses Operating profit before finance result and taxes (EBIT) Finance income Finance costs Finance result Profit before taxation Income tax and social contribution: Current Deferred Non-controlling interests Profit for the period: Depreciation and amortization EBITDA 404,256 100,458 504,714 (77,636) (25,965) (103,601) 401,113 (230,644) 170,469 (114,937) (96,403) (19,406) 2,631 (1,759) 55,532 45,646 (26,591) 19,055 74,587 100.8% 25.0% 125.8% (19.4%) (6.5%) (25.8%) 100.0% (57.5%) 42.5% (28.7%) (24.0%) (4.8%) 0.7% (0.4%) 13.8% 11.4% (6.6%) 4.8% 18.6% 385,843 102,902 488,745 (73,064) (18,661) (91,725) 397,020 (237,074) 159,946 (121,069) (101,856) (21,269) 2,859 (803) 38,877 44,813 (11,282) 33,531 72,408 97.2% 25.9% 123.1% (18.4%) (4.7%) (23.1%) 100.0% (59.7%) 40.3% (30.5%) (25.7%) (5.4%) 0.7% (0.2%) 9.8% 11.3% (2.8%) 8.4% 18.2% Variation - % % 2Q14/2Q13 (4.6%) 2.4% (3.2%) (5.9%) (28.1%) (11.5%) (1.0%) 2.8% (6.2%) 5.3% 5.7% 9.6% 8.7% (54.3%) (30.0%) (1.8%) (57.6%) 76.0% (2.9%) (3,810) (4,775) 182 66,184 8,864 64,396 (0.9%) (1.2%) 16.5 % 2.2% 16.1 % (3,505) 1,469 2,041 72,413 11,722 50,599 (0.9%) 0.4% 0.5% 18.2% 3.0% 12.7% (8.0%) (130.8%) 9.4% 32.2% (21.4%) R$ thousand 1H13 Domestic market Exports Gross sales and services revenue Sales returns and taxes on sales Discounts granted to customers Sales deductions Net sales revenue Cost of goods sold Gross profit Operating income (expenses) Selling expenses General and administrative expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses Operating profit before finance result and taxes (EBIT) Finance costs Finance income Finance result Profit before taxation Income tax and social contribution: Current Deferred Non-controlling interests Profit for the period: Depreciation and amortization EBITDA 879,524 228,761 1,108,285 (166,065) (55,300) (221,365) 886,920 (496,579) 390,341 (245,098) (209,861) (37,424) 5,241 (3,054) Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 145,243 (39,061) 85,360 46,299 191,542 (15,294) (8,003) 287 168,532 17,208 162,451 % of total % of total 99.2% 25.8% 125.0% (18.7%) (6.2%) (25.0%) 100.0% (56.0%) 44.0% (27.6%) (23.7%) (4.2%) 0.6% (0.3%) 16.4% (4.4%) 9.6% 2Q14 1H14 833,483 270,678 1,104,161 (167,718) (45,635) (213,353) 890,808 (522,075) 368,733 (257,421) (213,570) (41,482) 4,077 (6,446) 5.2% 21.6% 111,312 (34,278) 96,140 61,862 173,174 (1.7%) (0.9%) 19.0% 1.9% 18.3% (9,567) 1,770 3,569 168,946 22,304 133,616 % of total 93.6% 30.4% 124.0% (18.8%) (5.1%) (24.0%) 100.0% (58.6%) 41.4% (28.9%) (24.0%) (4.7%) 0.5% (0.7%) 12.5% (3.8%) 10.8% Variation - % 1H14/1H13 (5.2%) 18.3% (0.4%) 1.0% (17.5%) (3.6%) 0.4% 5.1% (5.5%) 5.0% 1.8% 10.8% (22.2%) 111.1% (23.4%) (12.2%) 12.6% 6.9% 19.4% 33.6% (9.6%) (1.1%) 0.2% 0.4% 19.0% 2.5% 15.0% (37.4%) (122.1%) 0.2% 29.6% (17.7%) % of total Page 25 of 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Appendix IV - Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (all amounts in thousands of reais) Statement of cash flows Cash flows from operating activities Profit for the period: Non-controlling interests Adjustments to reconcile profit to cash from operating activities: Carrying value adjustments Depreciation and amortization Deferred income tax and social contribution Gain on sale and write-off of property, plant and equipment Gain on sale and write-off of intangible assets Stock option or subscription plan Provision for impairment of trade receivables Provision for discount on prompt payments Provision for obsolete inventories Provision for labor risks Interest expenses on borrowings Interest income on financial investments Foreign exchange variations, net Changes in assets and liabilities: Trade receivables Inventories Other receivables Trade payables Salaries and social security charges payable Taxes and contributions Income tax and social contribution payable Other payables Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: In property, plant and equipment In intangible assets Financial investments Redemption of financial investments Interest received Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: New borrowings Repayments of borrowings Interest paid Dividends paid Purchase of treasury shares Sale of treasury shares through exercise of purchase options Net cash used in financing activities Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 6/30/2013 6/30/2014 168,532 1,986 168,946 5,439 1,251 17,208 7,857 2,676 76 2,182 (15,651) (10,056) 594 (129) 4,228 (38,024) 4,788 147,518 (6,114) 22,304 2,376 922 735 1,719 (344) (19,752) 3,197 (164) 7,685 (45,439) (5,093) 136,417 289,507 (62,091) 30,913 (17,398) 11,751 (3,474) (9,166) (13,834) 369,258 (53,396) (32,629) 600 2,224 (246) (2,142) (17,929) 373,726 402,157 (48,406) (7,619) (904,843) 815,565 34,121 (111,182) (49,143) (16,596) (1,494,825) 1,269,058 54,651 (236,855) 323,343 (371,899) (3,998) (169,306) (47,281) 22,799 192,762 (204,182) (11,809) (152,729) (5,499) 4,115 (246,342) (177,342) 16,202 (12,040) 14,489 30,691 16,202 39,360 27,320 (12,040) Changes in cash and cash equivalents: At the beginning of the period At the end of the period Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Result of 2Q14 and 1H14 Page 26 of 26