Water recreation leaflet
Water recreation leaflet
B. CANOE CLUBS B1 B2 Haarlem Canoe Club Noord-Schalkwijkerweg 99 hkvhaarlem.nl C. ROWING AND SAILING CLUBS Canoe Club Trekvogels Spaarndamseweg 25 kv-trekvogels.nl KINDERHUISSINGEL T +31 (0)23 - 533 08 01 [email protected] T +31 (0)23 - 537 64 30 [email protected] C2 Haarlem Student Rowing Club Amphitrite Noord-Schalkwijkerweg 101 amphitrite.nl [email protected] C3 Haarlem Sailing Club Lagedijk 7a (Spaarndam) T +31 (0)23 - 533 55 15 haarlemsezeilvereniging.nl [email protected] D21 Restaurant ‘t Stille Water Oostkolk 19 stillewater.nl T +31 (0)23 - 537 13 94 [email protected] C4 D22 Café De Toerist Spaarndammerdijk 98 cafedetoerist.nl T +31 (0)23 - 537 60 00 [email protected] DISCOVER HAARLEM FROM THE WATER D. Haarlem Yachting Club Mooie Nelweg 101 haarlemschejachtclub.nl T +31 (0)23 - 537 94 08 [email protected] WATERSIDE CAFES AND RESTAURANTS SPAARNE T +31 (0)23 - 540 54 00 [email protected] D2 City beach De Oerkap Harmenjansweg 95 oerkap.nl T +31 (0)6 - 460 365 59 [email protected] ON AND ALONG THE WATER A. MARINAS AND SHIPYARDS A1 Shipyard De Rietpol Rietpol 1 (Spaarndam) T +31 (0)23 - 537 14 70 rietpol.nl [email protected] A2 Shipyard Kuijkhoven Maus Gatsonidesweg 1 T +31 (0)23 - 558 17 07 Importer of BetaMarine boat engines kuijkhoven.com betamarine.nl [email protected] A3 Haarlem Shipyard P.H. van Opzeeland Zuid Schalkwijkerweg 39 T +31 (0)23 - 533 85 17 [email protected] A4 Klomp Boat Supplies Zuid Schalkwijkerweg 33 klompscheepstechniek.nl A5 Tiekstra Boat Electronics Tingietersweg 72 tiekstra-scheepselektra.nl T +31 (0)23 - 533 85 24 [email protected] T +31 (0)23 - 540 17 97 [email protected] A6 Renautic Shipyard Lagedijk 1 (Haarlemmerliede) T +31 (0)6 - 534 492 24 T +31 (0)23 - 531 07 90 renautic.com [email protected] A7 Smallships Maintenance and Repairs Mobile service for pleasure crafts. Vondelweg 936 T +31 (0)6 - 113 019 76 smallships.nu [email protected] A8 H.J. van der Neut Yacht and Ship Panelling Maintenance, repairs, new constructions and installation. Tappersweg 65 T +31 (0)6 - 546 232 37 T +31 (0)23 - 574 92 57 northbeachjachten.nl [email protected] T +31 (0)23 - 844 75 93 [email protected] D4 Club Spaarne Koudenhorn (next to the Catharijnebrug bridge) T +31 (0)6 - 230 953 35 clubspaarne.com [email protected] D5 Bar Biarritz Bakenessergracht 109 barbiarritz.nl T +31 (0)23 - 202 40 73 [email protected] D6 Coffee bar & Lunch room Teylertje Spaarne 4 T +31 (0)23 - 532 38 59 teylertje.nl [email protected] D7 Tavern De Waag Damstraat 29 tavernedewaag.nl D8 Gusto 32 Spaarne 32 gusto32.nl D9 Brasserie Nobel T IP! Spaarne 36 brasserienobel.nl D10Spaarne66 Spaarne 66 spaarne66.nl T +31 (0)23 - 531 16 40 [email protected] T 023 532 00 94 [email protected] T +31 (0)23 - 532 70 34 [email protected] T +31 (0)23 - 551 38 00 [email protected] D11 Eatery In den Swarten Hondt Spaarne 37 T +31 (0)23 - 540 03 23 swartenhondt.nl [email protected] D12 Vis en Ko T IP! Spaarne 96 T +31 (0)23 - 512 79 90 visenko.nl [email protected] D13 Ristorante La Cucina di Georgia Spaarne 104 T +31 (0)23 - 751 03 32 / +31 (0)6 - 14 55 60 72 lacucinadigeorgia.nl [email protected] D14 Bar Wolkers Gedempte Oude Gracht - corner Spaarne Facebook.com/Bar-Wolkers T +31 (0)23 - 534 75 24 D15 Wijn en Ko Turfmarkt 20 T +31 (0)23 - 737 02 40 wijnenko.nl [email protected] SCHOTERSINGEL D16 Het Dolhuys T IP! Schotersingel 2 hetdolhuys.nl HAARLEMMERLIEDE D23 Café-pavilion and marina Bij Van Assema TIP! Penningsveer 5 T +31 (0)23 - 531 09 71 bijvanassema.nl [email protected] MOLENPLAS D1 Restaurant ChocOase Max Euweplein 1 chocoase.nl D3 Restaurant Zuidam T IP! Scheepmakersdijk 2A restaurantzuidam.nl We hope you’ll enjoy your time in Haarlem. D18 Café Het Wapen van Bloemendaal Zijlvest 1a T +31 (0)23 - 844 82 77 hetwapenvanbloemendaal.nl [email protected] D19 Café Terras Fort Zuid Boezemkade 11 T +31 (0)6 - 247 012 03 / +31 (0)6 - 506 203 58 fort-zuid.nl [email protected] D20 Café Spaarndam Westkolk 10 T +31 (0)23 - 537 18 65 cafespaarndam.nl [email protected] C5 Yachting Club Watervrienden Waarderweg 132 T +31 (0)23 - 531 38 61 jachtverenigingwatervrienden.nl This brochure offers information on sailing routes, harbour facilities, attractions, addresses for boat hire and boat tours, cafes and restaurants. You’ll also find tips on how to sail safely. T +31 (0)23 - 531 02 62 [email protected] SPAARNDAM C1 Royal Rowing and Sailing Club Het Spaarne Marisplein 5 (Heemstede) T +31 (0)23 - 528 56 75 hetspaarne.nl [email protected] Discover Haarlem while you’re on the water! Enjoy the beautiful canals, set a course for Spaarndam, Mooie Nel and Molenplas lake or moor your boat at one of the waterside cafes or restaurants. D17 Café De Witte Zwaan Kinderhuisvest 53 cafedewittezwaan-haarlem.nl T +31 (0)23 - 541 06 70 [email protected] D24 Restaurant - party centre ‘De Molenplas’ Waertmolenpad 1 T +31 (0)23 - 535 77 60 molenplas.nl [email protected] Swimming area and beach. CRUQUIUS D25 Tearoom Cruquius Cruquiusdijk 32 theehuiscruquius.nl T +31 (0)23 - 528 69 46 [email protected] E8 Greenjoy Electric Sloops Leidsevaart in front of Municipal Theatre T 085 - 401 95 55 greenjoy.nl [email protected] Rental of spacious electric sloops. Explore Haarlem in a sustainable manner while enjoying a snack or drink. No boating license required, very easy to navigate. Visit the website for special offers and reservations. HARBOUR INFORMATION AND NOTIFICATION OF PASSAGE Haarlem Harbour Office Spaarndamseweg 1 T +31 (0)23 - 531 09 04 haarlem.nl/havendienst [email protected] Marine VHF radio channel: 18 E9 Boat Rental Haarlem No visiting address T +31 (0)6 - 423 375 98 bootverhuurhaarlem.nl [email protected] Rent a sloop, motor boat, electric or rubber boat and explore Haarlem on the water. You can embark at the Leidsevaart canal or Spaarne river; no boating license required. For more information on mooring locations and harbour facilities, amongst other things. Open on working days from 08.30 to 16.30 (Fridays until 16.00). Information on bridges via the Harbour Office at T +31 (0)23 - 532 29 39. E10 MobyDick Boat Rental Penningsveer 8ws (Haarlemmerliede) T +31 (0)6 - 242 069 13 mobydickbootverhuur.nl Rental of various types of polyester boats. Ice cream and cool drinks are also for sale. E11 ‘De Waaghals’ Tavern De Waag Damstraat 29 T +31 (0)23 - 531 16 40 / +31 (0)6 - 109 093 88 tavernedewaag.nl [email protected] Boat tours through Haarlem’s historic heart. Also bespoke tours for businesses or families. E12 ‘De Lindeboot’ Eatery ‘In den Swarten Hondt’ Spaarne 37 T +31 (0)23 - 540 03 23 swartenhondt.nl [email protected] Sail on the Lindeboot and enjoy a picnic on board or a lunch or dinner at ‘In den Swarten Hondt’ (8-16 people). E13 Tapas sloop ‘El Gordo’ Tapas bar El Pincho Riviervischmarkt 17-19 T +31 (0)23 - 553 02 88 elpincho.nl [email protected] Enjoy delicious tapas during a boat tour on the converted lifeboat ‘El Gordo’. Wine, beer or soda are served on board as well. Also suited for large groups. E14 Spaarneboot TIP! De Laars 14 (Spaarndam) T +31 (0)23 - 545 00 04 Dynamique Water Sports Centre (see F1) T +31 (0)6 - 229 477 95 watersportcentrumdynamique.org [email protected] For boat tours (up to about 45 p.) and sloop rental (12 p. per sloop). In combination with catering and activities at own location. E15 Boat Rental Bij van Assema TIP! Penningsveer 5 T +31 (0)23 - 531 09 71 bijvanassema.nl [email protected] The ideal six-person motor boats to experience the famed tour of Haarlem. Very well suited for families with children. No boating license or experience needed, you’ll receive instructions before departure. E. BOAT HIRE AND BOAT TOURS F.MISCELLANEOUS E1 Haarlem Canal Tours TIP! Spaarne (in front of house No. 17) haarlemcanaltours.com [email protected] Boat tours in an open sloop, private boat trips & corporate events. Online reservations at www.haarlemcanaltours.com recommended. F1 Water Sports Centre Dynamique TI P ! De Laars 14 (Spaarndam) T +31 (0)23 - 545 00 04 T +31 (0)6 - 229 477 95 watersportcentrumdynamique.org [email protected] For rentals and lessons in sailing, windsurfing and canoeing. You’re welcome every weekend at our beautiful location along Mooie Nel. E2 Post Verkade Cruises Spaarne 11A T +31 (0)23 - 535 77 23 postverkadegroep.nl [email protected] Boat tours, Tour of Haarlem, High Tea cruise, Romantic Candlelight cruise, Cocktail Boat, Museum Boat, Barbecue Boat and Tapas Boat. E3 De Waterkoets TIP! Nieuwe Gracht (at No. 80) T +31 (0)23 - 525 98 22 T +31 (0)6 - 127 868 03 dewaterkoets.nl [email protected] Nostalgic saloon boat for groups of up to 12 people. Nostalgic barge for groups of 10-40 people. For private and corporate boat tours, drinks, high tea, lunch, dinner etc. E4 Boat tours VarenRondHaarlem.nl TIP! No visiting address T +31 (0)6 - 204 559 60 varenrondhaarlem.nl [email protected] Sailing with a 24-feet aluminium sloop with captain. Recreational or parties & celebrations. Groups of up to 12 people. E5 Club Spaarne (formerly RENTaRIB) TIP! Koudenhorn (opposite No. 58) T +31 (0)6 - 230 953 35 clubspaarne.com [email protected] Rent a Zodiac rubber boat with Yamaha outboard motor this summer to enjoy a fun day out on the Haarlem waters without the need for a boating license. E6 Step & Ko TIP! Outdoor Sports Centre De Watergeus T +31 (0)23 - 529 95 15 Genieweg 36 (Velsen-Zuid) T +31 (0)6 - 25 29 21 25 stepenko.nl [email protected] Explore Haarlem in a kayak or Canadian canoe. Packages include a drink and a bite to eat, as well as an instructor who tells you all about the city’s history. Starting location: Museum Het Dolhuys, Schotersingel 2 (3 min. from Haarlem train station). You’re also welcome at our outdoor sports centre with waterside terrace. We organize various (water) activities and rent canoes, water bikes, 17-person canoes and sit-on-top kayaks. E7 Energy Ship Berezina Spaarne 17A berezina.nl Boat tours, guided tours and more. T +31 (0)6 - 532 798 28 [email protected] F2 Fishing Club Haarlem Botterboulevard 62 hvhaarlem.nl T +31 (0)23 - 538 93 54 [email protected] F3 Water Sports Specialty Store van der Noord Spaarne 60 T +31 (0)23 - 532 11 04 vandernoord.nl [email protected] At your service for over 75 years. For great advice and top brands such as Imhoff, Helly Hansen, Kjelvik, Talamex, Dubarry and many more. F4 Sailmaker Stroobach Oudeweg 101 T +31 (0)23 - 532 95 17 stroobach.nl [email protected] (Emergency) Repairs, 20-ton boat lift, boat pillows, boat covers, tarps, ropes, stainless steel hardware, stainless steel cables, fenders, maintenance products & cleaning. Accessible over water from the river Spaarne via the Industriehaven opposite the Harbour Office. Also open on Saturdays. F5eSails Oudeweg 101 esails.nl [email protected] The water sports webshop with the lowest prices! The opportunity to collect your purchases directly in the store (see F4). Also open on Saturdays. Colophon Production and editing: Haarlem Marketing in collaboration with the Harbour Office Haarlem and Municipality of Haarlem Graphic design: Studio Naskin - naskin.nl VVV Haarlem is a part of Haarlem Marketing (information subject to change, February 2015) Follow us on: /Haarlemmarketing @CMHaarlem Complaints regarding the harbour and facilities can be submitted via haarlem.nl or T +31 (0)23 - 531 40 23. TOURIST INFORMATION VVV Haarlem Grote Markt 2 haarlem.nl T +31 (0)23 - 531 73 25 [email protected] From 1 October to 1 April Mon: 13.00 - 17.30 Tue-Fri: 09.30 - 17.30 Sat: 10.00 - 17.00 F or more information visit haarlem.nl or download the Haarlem City Guide App on your smartphone (available for Android and Iphone). Follow us on: /Haarlemmarketing Water: Free supply. Only meant for filling a water tank and/or jerrycan. Check out the map for the mooring locations where you can get water. Electricity: Free based on availability. Using a (low noise) generator is not permitted. Check out the map for the mooring locations where you can get electricity. Showers: Shower tokens can be purchased at the Haarlem Harbour Office and cost e 1.00 per piece. Use of warm water costs e 0.50 per 8 minutes (coin machine in shower). BOATING TIPS o you want to know more about the city? Stop by at VVV Haarlem for D tourist information including the Haarlem Guide, various walking brochures, shopping routes, maps and tips on hotels, bars, restaurants or a fun night out. At VVV Haarlem you can buy last minute theatre tickets as well. You can also join one of our city guides on a walk. Opening hours: From 1 April to 1 October Mon-Fri: 09.30 - 17.30 Sat: 09.30 - 17.00 Sun: 12.00 - 16.00 Waste: Haarlem uses a system of sorted waste collecting, which for now is free of charge. See the map for the collection points. At the Harbour Office you’ll find an Environmental Service Point for unloading waste water (free) and bilge water (e 3.50); only for pleasure crafts. @CMHaarlem • Always follow the instructions of the bridge and lock masters. • Listen to the marine VHF radio broadcasts. • Adapt your speed and don’t sail unnecessarily fast or slow. • Observe the speed limit on the smaller waterways. •Never stop directly after passing through a bridge, to allow the boats behind you to swiftly pass through as well; avoid creating a traffic jam. •Stay together if you’re in a convoy of boats that have their masts up. It is useless to sail away from the other boats, because the next bridge master will wait for them. It is inconvenient if one boat is left behind. •Closely monitor the shipping news. On page 721 of the Dutch teletext service you’ll find information on stoppages and delays. The shipping news can also be found online. •Familiarize yourself with the waterways and use the right navigation maps. Make sure that you are well prepared for your trip. •Be sure to know the exact height of your boat. Lower your masts, antennas and cover (if applicable) whenever possible. By doing so you help to avoid unnecessary bridge openings and traffic jams on the road. •Use the booklets with bottleneck information (‘Knooppuntenboekjes’) and the brochure ‘Safe boating!’ whenever possible; they can be viewed and downloaded at varendoejesamen.nl (Source: Varen doe je samen - Staande Mast Route 2013) GENERAL INFORMATION USEFUL ADRESSES Speed limit: 6 kilometres per hour. Emergency number112 Marine VHF radio channel: VHF 18: A few guidelines for using the VHF radio telephone: • Call in using ‘Havendienst Haarlem’. •Mention your name and the location of your boat, for instance the number of the bridge where you are waiting. •Clearly indicate in what direction you want to go and if the bridge needs to be opened. If you are part of a convoy (consisting of several boats) there is no need for everyone to call in. • Continue to listen to the VHF radio broadcasts. • A swift passage is important. Police Haarlem rescue brigade T +31 (0)6 - 177 575 60 (emergency) haarlemse-reddingsbrigade.nl T +31 (0)6 - 288 471 31 (press) [email protected] Convoy sailing: We do our best to guide you through the city or to a mooring location as fast as possible. However, some delays should be expected due to convoy creation and opposing traffic. Shipping in Haarlem is coordinated by the shipping master at bridge 2. The shipping master can be reached via marine VHF channel 18. Promptly follow his or her directions. Central doctor’s service T +31 (0)900 - 15 15 doktersdienst.info Rates for recreational boating: It is possible to pay by debit card at the payment machines located at the Haarlem Harbour Office, the Melkbrug and Gravestenenbrug bridges. Cash payment is possible only at the Haarlem Harbour Office. The office is open Mon through Thu from 08.30 - 16.30 and Fri from 08.30 - 16.00. You can also conveniently pay digitally via Parkline. For more information and rates visit www.haarlem.nl/tarieven-pleziervaart. Opening hours bridges for recreational boating: Monday through Friday:Bridge 2 Waarderbrug: 06.00 - 21.00. Leave the city until 22.00 by arrangement. Bridge 9 Schouwbroekerbrug: 08.40 - 16.00 and 17.40 - 21.00. Leave the city until 22.00 by arrangement. All other bridges: 09.00 - 16.00 and 18.00 - 21.00. Leave the city until 22.00 by arrangement. Saturday: All bridges: 09.00 - 17.00 Leave the city until 18.00 by arrangement. Sundays and public holidays: All bridges: 09.00 - 21.00* * The first convoy starts at 09.00 and is southbound. Subsequently, boats are taken back into the inner city in the northern direction. Further convoys sail based on demand. The last convoys start at 19.45 at bridge 1 (southbound) and at bridge 9 (northbound). For more information visit www.haarlem.nl/doorvaarthoogten-bruggen or contact the Harbour Office at T +31 (0)23 - 532 29 39. Can also be contacted via VHF 18. T +31 (0)900 - 88 44 politie.nl Fire brigade T +31 (0)23 - 515 95 00 brandweer.nl/kennemerland Emergency unit Kennemer Gasthuis Noord, Vondelweg 999 Emergency unit Kennemer Gasthuis Zuid, Boerhaavelaan 22 (office hours) T +31 (0)23 - 545 38 80 (after office hours) T +31 (0)23 - 545 32 00 Animal ambulance T +31 (0)23 - 533 43 23 dierenambulance-haarlem.nl Marine VHF radio channel Haarlem Information on Spaarndam lock VHF 18 T +31 (0)23 - 537 21 29 Information on bridges via Harbour OfficeT +31 (0)23 - 532 29 39 haarlem.nl/havendienst Emergency repair of landings, quays, T +31 (0)23 - 531 09 04 water supplies and otherhaarlem.nl/havendienst facilities via Harbour Office Information on swimming water quality T +31 (0)800 - 998 67 34 (free) zwemwater.nl / vaarweginformatie.nl Teletext: page 725 Directorate-General for Public Works T +31 (0)800 - 80 02 and Water Managementrijkswaterstaat.nl Information on waterwaysvaarweginformatie.nl Navigation rules, safety and communication on the water varendoejesamen.nl Waternetwaternet.nl Locks: Spaarndam lock, 110 x 11.40 metres, Can be contacted via VHF 18. Rate for recreational boating e 3.50. (2015) Opening hours: Summer: Mon to Fri 05.30 - 21.30, Sat 08.30 - 20.30; Sun and public holidays 08.30 - 20.30. More information at T +31 (0)23 - 537 21 29. Province of North Hollandnoord-holland.nl Staande Mastroute (Mast-Up Route): This sailing route enables ships to cross a large part of the country while keeping their masts up (max. 30 metres in height). The mid-section of the route connects the IJ lake in Amsterdam with the Volkerak Locks near Willemstad. Haarlem is part of the westerly route, which connects the North Sea Canal with the Kagerplassen lakes and Oude Wetering. For more information visit www.rijkswaterstaat.nl Royal Netherlands Yachting Unionwatersportverbond.nl Province of South Hollandzuid-holland.nl ANWB water sportsanwbwatersport.nl Hiswahiswa.nl Sail Amsterdam 2015sail.nl Municipality of Haarlem haarlem.nl HAARLEM CENTRE g rsingel Kloppe Kennemer p SPAARNDAM lein 1.70 m Bu rgw al e arn Spa Bui ten rde r Noo Windmill De Veer weg ee Hendrik Fig 9 BILGE AND WASTE WATER INTAKE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Melkbrug 7 8 WATER SUPPLY1 5 6 7 Langebrug 8 9 6 7 8 PAYMENT LOCATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Schouwbroekerbrug TOILET AND SHOWER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CASH MACHINE DOG OFF-LEASH AREA ne ar a Sp re n Bu ve st ite nl ie de t He e La ng an al d nd gl igla ili Heil Groo H t e Klein ard aat eg e Ho utw Scha Pri ns lkwij Be rnh kerstr e Ho Klein laa n utw eg tplein f Dree ne t Windmill De Eenhoorn Windmill De Vijfhuizer Europaweg 9 N201 Meerwijkplas A4 haarlem.nl/havendienst ten Spaarne LAUNDERETTE N201 N208 A3 E8 D24 Bui C1 haarlem.nl Zuider SUPERMARKET Spaarnespoorbrug n n 5 ortselaa aa 4 POLICE Zandvo kl 3 Buitenrustbrug 9 N201 nc POWER SUPPLY 1 2 an lla hil urc Ch 9 9 FERRY g VIJFHUIZEN Gravenstenenbrug 6 7 8 eg g pawe Euro 5 Westelijke Randwe ra 4 9 rF 3 TRAILER RAMP aw sa RECYCLING CONTAINER FOR GLASS 1 2 ro p C2 Cé 8 Heemsteedse Dreef 7 8 QUAY FOR CHARTER PASSENGERS N205 Eu eg 6 Catharijnebrug 5 6 7 8 Spanjaardslaan 4 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE aan n aar Ringv 3 Prinsenbrug 4 5 laa ar Spa 9 3 ger Klein 8 2 4 bur Schipholweg laan 7 7 B1 tein 6 RECYCLING CONTAINER FOR PAPER 1 3 t ves per l Kam rsinge e p Kam perl Fon 5 g Waarderbrug 3 4 nwe 2 N208 9 N200 e Vaart Amsterdams Wag e 8 ev a 7 Le ids 6 2 ht ten Herenw 2 Rus Kam Dreef n art 1 5 weg RECYCLING CONTAINER FOR PLASTIC 4 Here n 1 Schoterbrug 2 3 weg FIXED CONTAINER, REST WASTE 1 vaart Hou Van Ed eg w en W ag jeslaa Leid se ROLL CONTAINER ac ark Schout Gr rap Pijlslaan e Molenplas Windmill De Hommel Bicycle bridge varendoejesamen.nl A200 D 5 6 rgw rt aa t ev traa Wil enstraat art va dse Lei dweg Westelijke Ran Leidsevaart ud Gasthuissingel Flo PETROL STATIONS: Q8 MARTIN SCHILDER, Leidsevaart 10 HENDRIKS BENZINE-OLIE BANDENSERVICE, Friese Varkenmarkt 6 BP BENZINESTATION HET SPAARNE, Spaarndamseweg 302 TEXACO BV, Lange Herenvest 34 OLIEBOOT HOOIMARKT, Hooimarkt 27 O e er k on Bu pt e am ve st am sin ge l Ra Jansstraa m helm Le inas de Spaarne Hou ids Ge 4 t LEGEND: Grote Markt O eg t CENTRE Ra F5 we ude aw raa rach ht F4 3 Windmill De Adriaan sseg lst rac oim Ho at eg Brouwersvaart g ewe Oud g sstra lw de Binnenlie n Pe cur rne Zij D23 E15 er sve g nin E10 Obs aa A6 t ark Parklaan Parklaan Nieuwe Gracht an Zomervaart 1.85 m Sp eg ula 7 Garenkokerskade Zijlw iljori 1.84 m ssa 2.00 m 2.20 m eg lyw s Til e Cla 1.74 m rkt erg 1 ijk Vondelweg g twe traa eg lwerk We st terw g Staten Bo Parking garage Houtplein ATTRACTIONS: 1 TRAIN STATION 2 CITY HALL 3 GROTE OR ST. BAVOKERK (Church) 4 ARCHIVES OF NORTH HOLLAND 5 DE WAAG (Weigh House) 6 CATHEDRAL OF ST. BAVO 7 AMSTERDAMSE POORT (City Gate) 8 NIEUWE KERK (Church) 9 FRANS HALS MUSEUM 10 ABC CENTRE FOR ARCHITECTURE AND HISTORIC MUSEUM HAARLEM 11 HOOFDWACHT (Civic Guard Headquarters) 12 TEYLERS MUSEUM 13 MUNICIPAL THEATRE OF HAARLEM 14 TONEELSCHUUR/FILMSCHUUR (Theatre/Cinema) 15 DE HALLEN HAARLEM AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM 16 PHILHARMONIE (Concert Hall) 17 MUSEUM HET DOLHUYS 18 STATUE OF LAURENS JANZ. COSTER 19 PATRONAAT (Rock and Pop Concerts) 20 BAKENESSERKERK (Church) HOFJES (Almshouses) Kloppersingel we N208 01 02 03 04 05 Scho Schotersingel ck Spaarndamsew eg ro n Schoterweg st er sp Zij A MARINAS AND SHIPYARDS B CANOE CLUBS C ROWING AND SAILING CLUBS D WATERSIDE CAFES AND RESTAURANTS E BOAT HIRE AND BOAT TOURS FMISCELLANEOUS QUAY FOR TRANSIENT VESSELS QUAY FOR CHARTER PASSENGERS SHOPPING AREA SWIMMING AREA 0.00 m BRIDGE HEIGHT (CENTRE AREA) [may vary due to varying water level] VVV HAARLEM HAARLEM HARBOUR OFFICE F2 eg and w Ve r Na Jansstr aat e Ho Rijkss Jans weg ve ine utstr aat Groo t Heil iglan d ligla nd Hei Klei n n en tra a t Ho uts tra at t tra a ch els ou eH Gr ot nalaa ma 2 era Parking garage de Kamp est perv Kam l 2.15 m singe r Kampersingel Kampe Industrieweg 3 Cam in Tu rf D15 laan ene tple Kle t raa tst Fra nk es at tra ers Gi nas traa t ams e Ra e An Lan g Lan g ver La ng eH Barteljorisstraat Na ss Gasthuisstraat t traa cht Raa mg ra emp te Ged iast raa t Wil Sop h Sc ha g t rt Zijl ves va a se Le id helm inas traa t ad e jek rt Or an va a se Le id Kle C3 eg D14 laan Parking garage Cronjé D11 1.47 m A8 nw rt 8 Julia D12 ver 4 1.30 m E12 Kle Navigation route Haarlem - North Sea Canal A5 g va a Haarlem, Schiphol, Amsterdam S E2 D13 cht e 7 E14 F1 we se E7 A9 rn paa 5 E1 Mooie Nel Waarderpolder D5 Mooie Nel er ard Wa Gasthuisvest Gasthuissingel Gasthuissingel D7 1 Spaarndam Lock S C5 A2 eg 10 6 2.10 m D6 Spaarndam Schoterbrug bridge Haarlem 3.45 m D10 2.00 m 12 F2 IJ Spaarne rn paa Windmill De Slokop B2 idsw 9 E11 D9 F3 g 5 D8 Bridge National Road A9 rhe Le id Parking garage de Appelaar gan Gra o No C4 fma de 16 3 15 en uit rB rde Spaarnwoude o A. H Ou est C Bak at te env E5 l N208 e ntor Cana A1 D19 e Nijv 2.30 m ersstra mp 4 h Sea D22 D21 Waarderweg de Pap e t Ge Ane H Haarlem Noord 20 rach Gr ts ou 14 E13 rne aa Tempe li t raa 22 2.35 m naal Zijka Kolksluis Spaarndam Lock Windmill De Adriaan D3 D4 Sp Tempeliersstraat t R msi Raaaamves nge ms inge t l l aa 8 Raa ote t raat rach Doelst Spekstraat t Botermarkt 18 Grote Markt t de G 2.15 m 1.57 m raat nestraa e Ou 13 t emp 6 oetest Jacobij Spa 1.70 m 11 2 Ged 2.14 m raat raat 2.10 m E8 Zijlst Drossest Parking garage Raaks 4 D2 2.10 m 2.06 m Nort Buitenhuizerbrug bridge jk aat Raaks Barrev Ridderstraat r est ed Sm 1.85 m cht A9 Velserbroek IJdi str ersvaart 5 Nieuwe Gra N202 3.45 m 4.45 m rkt N208 arne rn Zijl Brouw 2.15 m IJmuiden, Velsen, Beverwijk, Alkmaar D1 3 ima Hoo o enh 19 Parklaan d Kou D18 2.16 m 2 g cht sser ene rgra t sse ach Bak ene ergr Bak eness Bak D17 2.10 m 1 straat au laa n eg cht Nassau Parklaan E3 Nieuwe Gra Kin der Kin der Zijlw 2.75 m Parklaan D20 Haarlem Harbour Office B naal Zijka hu iss ing el hu isv est 2.15 m Kruiswe g 2.12 m 1.76 m rk Bart ark Parklaan Kruisstra at 1.76 m de we Parking garage Stationsplein Klein kersk a Jan Gijzenkade Bol Stationsplein Kena up nkoo sen Kin Kin derh u de rhu issin ge isv l est Kenaustraat l is singe Gare de Kin r hu 1.63 m Prin 1 jke R Rozenstraat We steli 1.00 m ed S PENNINGSVEER olwerk taten B HAARLEMMERLIEDE HALFWEG we 1.10 m A7 N208 1.90 m ZIJKANAAL C / NOORDZEEKANAAL IJMUIDEN / AMSTERDAM D16 17 E6 Lag nck S Kuppersweg pro sin ter o ch 1.70 m tweg traa Rijkss Ver s VELSERBROEK l ge D25 HEEMSTEDE CRUQUIUS
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