Sikaran Taliba Issue Vol2 No8
Sikaran Taliba Issue Vol2 No8
Volume 2 2013 Number 8 Sikaran Taliba Supremo Meliton C. Geronimo Editor Emeritus Emmanuel Querubin Editor in Chief Elpidio Seletaria Managing Editor Sikaran Second Annual Gathering and Workshop Contents Sikaran Second Annual Gathering and Workshop United States of America Executive Council Friday, June 21, 2013 Friday, June 28, 2013 Saturday, June 29, 2013 Sunday, June 30, 2013 Photo Gallery Comments From The Desk of the Editor-At-Large By: Louelle Lledo, Jr. and Andy Sanano, Jr. 2 3 3 7 14 18 21 23 Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr. Editor-at-large ERP Art Editor Contributing Editors Louelle Lledo, Jr. Andy Sanano, Jr. Photo Editors Rommel Guiveses Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. Gloria Querubin Ron Parente Editorial Office P.O.Box 6332 Alameda, CA. 94501 [email protected] Sikaran Taliba© is published by the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines. It is the only internet magazine dedicated to the Sikaran practitioners around the world. The ideas and opinions in the articles and manuscripts are those of the author / contributor and not necessarily the views of the publisher or the editors. The Sikaran Taliba is not a forum for grievance. The management reserves the right to edit contributed materials for derogatory remarks and disparaging comments. All materials are the exclusive property of the author and cannot be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the author. Neither the world Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines nor the management of Sikaran Taliba assumes any responsibility in the misuse or abuse of all techniques in this newspaper. On June 29-30, members and prospective members of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines gathered at Mount Laurel in New Jersey for the Second Annual Sikaran Gathering and Workshop in the United States. Louelle Lledo, New Jersey State Director and Andy Sanano Florida State Director hosted the event. The second gathering is sponsored by the United States of America Executive Council, headed by Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr., Chief Executive Officer and WSBP International Vice-President, and Jaime Geronimo, Executive VicePresident and Chief Instructor and Examiner. The USA Executive Council is made up of Henry Bio, USA Regional Chapter Director; Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. International Coordinator; Danilo Chu, Sr., California State Director; Ricardo Fornillos, Illinois State Director; Andy Sanano, Jr., Florida State Director; Louelle Lledo,Jr., New Jersey State Director; Rommel Guiveses, New York Interim State Director; Moreno Villanueva, Northern California Director, Romeo Lladone, Central California Director and Emmanuel Querubin, Executive Technical Assistant to Grandmaster Meliton C. Geronimo. In October last year, the First Gathering was held in Fresno, California, hosted by Mantas Romeo Lladone, of the Central California Chapter, with the assistance of Mantas Moreno Villanueva, of the Northern California Chapter. During this gathering, it was decided to hold the Second Annual Gathering in the East Coast. USA Regional Director Henry Bio even volunteered to fly to New Jersey and Florida to make preparations. This however, was not necessary thanks to the advances in communication via the internet. Tentatively scheduled in July 2013, the date was moved 3 weeks earlier to accommodate more people. Finally, Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, were marked as the Second Annual Sikaran Gathering and Workshop. Although chapters from other countries were invited, they decided that it might be too costly to come to this gathering and again go to Canada next year for the 4th World Sikaran Tournament. Invited to grace the gathering were Steven Dowd, publisher of the FMA Informative of Arizona and Michael Querubin, publisher of FMA Pulse of Chicago. However, due to prior family commitments Steven Dowd was not able to attend. However, the publishers of FMAPulse, Michael Querubin, his wife Jennifer, and Jessie Santiago took the time to drive from Chicago to New Jersey to honor the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines gathering and workshop. Mga kamaganak: From FMA Pulse, Michael Querubin extreme left and his wife Jennifer at extreme right. Between them are Emmanuel Querubin and his wife Gloria Friday, June 21, 2013 United States of America Executive Council Jaime C. Geronimo WSBP Executive Vice President Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr. WSBP International Vice President Henry L. Bio USA Regional Director Danilo Chu, Sr. CA. State Director Louelle Lledo, Jr. NJ. State Director Andy Sanano, Jr. FL. State Director Ricardo Fornillos IL. State Director Rommel Guiveses NY. State Director Moreno Villanueva Northern CA. Director Romeo Lladone Central CA. Director Emmanuel Querubin Executive Technical Assistant to Grandmaster Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. International Coordinator At 9:00 in the morning of Friday, June 21, 2013, a Delta Airline Flight from Manila brought Master Jaime Geronimo, 9th Degree Red and White Belt, Executive Vice-President and Chief Instructor and Examiner of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines (WSBP) to San Francisco International Airport. He was met by Elpidio Seletaria, Jr., International Coordinator of the WSBP. It was Seletaria, an 8th Degree Black Belt based in Hercules, California who assisted Master Jaime Geronimo in securing a non-immigrant visa from the US Embassy in the Philippines. With Seletaria at the SF International Airport was Joanna Marie Geronimo, 21-year old daughter of Jaime Geronimo. Showing no signs of jet lag, Master Jaime Geronimo, and Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, met up with Mantas Emmanuel Querubin and his wife Gloria for lunch at a Chinese Buffet in the City of Alameda. After having been on his feet for almost 48 hours without sleep, finally Master Jaime Geronimo went home with Mantas Emmanuel Querubin for a much-needed rest. When news of the arrival of Master Jaime Geronimo broke From Manila, to San Francisco, to Philadelphia, and then on to New Jersey......... out his relatives called non-stop inviting to take him to all the regular tourist spots, such as Disneyland, Yosemite, and even Las Vegas. He declined, however, due to the gathering and said he will have more time when he comes back from New Jersey. Invitations also came from Canada, all wanting Master Jaime Geronimo to come. Master Jaime Geronimo, 9th Degree Red and White Belt WSBP Executive Vice-President and Chief Instructor and Exam- iner took time off from his busy schedule in the Philippines to attend the gathering and welcome the new members from North and South Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Alabama, Arkansas, Nebraska, Florida and New Jersey. He also wanted to sit in the Black Belt Board of Examiners and witness for himself how far Sikaran has progressed in the United States. Mantas Ernesto Millanes, NCR Regional Director of the Philippines, cancelled out due to health concerns. California Council members were able to come. Danilo Chu, Sr., California State Director, Moreno Villanueva, Northern California, and Romeo Lladone, Central California Directors were not able to attend due to work schedule. At the last minute Regional Chapter Director Henry Bio of the USA Region, informed the organizers of the event that he will not be able to attend. However, his son “Indian” Bio, 3rd Degree Black Belt in SIKARAN, represented him. Ricardo Fornillos, Illinois State Director, was not able to se- Friday - June 28, 2013 The Contingent from California arrived in Mount Laurel, New Jersey on Friday, June 28, 2013, by way of Philadelphia. Master Jaime Geronimo, who arrived from the Philippines a week earlier, came with the California contingent. However, not all 2 3 Martial Arts schools affiliated with Andy Sanano’s martial arts association, from other parts of the United States came to take the Black Belt Examination and be regular members of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines. At Philadelphia Airport, Master Jimmy Geronimo, with Emmanuel Querubin and Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. cure a flight from the Philippines, due to the heavy passenger traffic caused by Independence Day on July 4. Rommel Guiveses, New York State Interim Director took the train from Brooklyn, New York to New Jersey with his 13-year old son King Alexander, who is also a Sikaran practitioner. Non-Sikaran Filipino Martial Arts practitioners from New York and Maryland, likewise attended, to support the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines’ Second Annual Gathering. Students and other martial artists from various schools were also on hand to witness the workshop. To help defray expenses, non-Sikaran members volunteered their donation. Assistant Regional Chapter Director Datuk Mohammad Tom Hussein Sulit from Canada came for the gathering and workshop. He assisted and helped in When the shuttle bus from the Philadelphia Airport arrived in New Jersey, a welcoming party composed of Mantas Tom Sulit, and Mantas Andy Sanano, greeted Master Jimmy Geronimo and Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. 4 Mantas Tom Sulit, Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, Jr., Master Jimmy Geronimo, and Mantas Rommel Guiveses every way he possibly can, notwithstanding his doctor’s order against any physical activity due to his very recent heart surgery. Regional Director Dante Alambra, who initially sent his intention to attend, cancelled out at the last minute. Lito Jacla and Paul Villamor, prospective Provincial Directors for Ontario and Manitoba, respectively, were also unable to attend. Vic Ferrer of Saskatchewan also was not able to come. Waiting inside the Hotel Lobby were Mantas Rommel Guiveses, with Richard Lundy of Nebraska to his right and Dennis Feller from South Dakota and FMAPulse Publisher Michael Querubin From: Nebraska - Richard Lundy of the Seventh Direction School South Dakota - Ben Geary of SD Martial Arts School Bruce Feller of SD Martial Arts School Florida - Lee Fjelstad of Sanano Martial Arts School - Greg Gonzales of Sanano Martial Arts School - Abel E. Colon of Tallahassee Martial Arts School Utah - Bruce Kulpaca of Utah Martial Arts School - Andrew Muxen of Utah Martial Arts School New Jersey, members of Amara Arkanis International - Ron Parente - Christian Herrera - David McMillan - Jon Magpantay - Linda Roach Zikdokan Amara Arkanis Sikaran and Associated Martial Arts - Kristine Lledo Velasquez - Kathlou Lledo Jackson, New Jersey- Pinoy Dragon Martial Arts - Marlon Hudak The sisters Kristine and Kahtlou, daughters of Louelle Lledo have to leave for the Philippines so they submitted a DVD performing the requirements of the examination from which they will be graded. Christian Herrera, a Security Consultant, was likewise called to duty on the day of the examination and submitted a DVD from which he will be graded. From left: Andrew Muxen, Abel Colon, Dennis Feller, Greg Gonzales, Andy Sanano, Jr., Lee Fjelstad, Richard Lundy, Bruce Kulpaca, and Ben Geary 5 Saturday, June 29, 2013 At around seven in the morning, workshop participants who were billeted at the Econo Lodge gathered for continental breakfast in the lobby. Those who just met for the first time exchange pleasantries, while the others who knew each other renewed old acquaintance. At around ten in the morning, they all motored to the Traditional Wing Chun Training Academy, the venue of the Second Annual SIKARAN Gathering, which was gracefully offered by Keith Mazza, Director, and Master Teacher. Gathered in the Training Academy were participants and From left: Jon Magpantay, David McMillan, Louelle Lledo, Jr., Linda Roach, Marlon Hudak and Ron Parente, all from, New Jersey Several members of the Mataw-Guro Association Filipino Martial Arts Education from other parts of the East Coast came to attend. Front row, from left: Emmanuel Querubin, Richard Lundy, Tom Sulit, Any Sanano, Master Jimmy Geronimo. Back row, from left: Greg Gonzales, Bruce Kulpaca, Elpidio Seletaria, Jr., Lee Fjelstad, and Rommel Guiveses martial arts, who came from other parts of New Jersey and the surrounding areas of Philadelphia, New York and as far as Maryland and Virginia. The Founding Directors of the Swordstick Society were special guests during the gathering. They are Sifu Master Jimmy rubbing elbows with the new Dr. Chris Viggiano of the SIKARAN members Shen Wu Dao Healing and Martial Arts, Sifu Dr. John Hsi Lee of the White Crane guests. There were Sikaran PractiKung Fu Studio of New Jersey, tioners and practitioners of other Ed Brown with Grandmaster Meliton Geronimo, during the latter’s 86th birthday celebration 6 and Executive Director of the United Martial Arts Fellowship of the East Coast, Sifu Andy Capuccio of the EverSpring Healing and Martial Arts, and Sifu Keith Mazza of the Traditional Wing Chun Kung-fu. Other special guests who came from Connecticut were Ed Brown and his wife Lilia Brown. Ed Brown is the founder of ChairoKan Bushi Shindo, and close associate of Grandmaster Meliton Geronimo and an avid supporter of Sikaran. Ed Brown being greeted by Master Jimmy Geronimo 7 Sifu Keith Mazza of Traditional Wing Chun Kung-Fu with Louelle Lledo. Picture in frame shows Grandmaster William Cheung of Wing Chun Kung-Fu with his number one student Keith Mazza Mantas Louelle Lledo, exchanging pleasantries with the FMA Pulse publishers, Jessie Santiago, Jennifer, and Michael Querubin Marc and Maia Casibang, formerly from South Dakota and presently from Maryland drove to New Jersey when they learned that their team from Rapid City, South Dakota would be in town to take the black belt examination There were more guests than anticipated resulting in the organizers running out of SWORDSTICK SOCIETY the printed program. Prior to the start of the From left: Dr John Hsi Lee, White Crane Kung Fu and Executive Director program, lunch was served in order not to of the United Martial Arts Fellowship of the East Coast; Dr. Andy Cappu- be disturbed by growling stomachs during cio, EverSpring Healing and Martial Arts; Dr. Chris Viggiano, Shen Wu the workshop. Flora Lledo, wife of Louelle Dao Healing and Martial Arts Lledo cooked pancit, lumpiang shanghai, Food was prepared by Flora Lledo, and another Filipino dish. Marlon Hudak also Marlon Hudak, and Linda Roach. brought some goodies and so with Linda Mantas Andy Sanano made the food Roach. arrangement Nick and Rick Larson also came to cheer their former team from South Dakota. They are now residents of Woodbine, New Jersey When everybody were already in place, the ceremonies started with the National Anthem They all want to join the World SIKARAN Brotherhood of the Philippines-USA of the United States, followed by the Bayang Magiliw of the of the Philippines. Last, but not least was the Sikaran Hymn. The invocation led by Dr. Chris Viggiano was next, followed by Master Jaime Geronimo, who recited the Filipino version of the Dr. Chris Viggiano, extreme right, leading the invocation. From Panata Ng SIKARAN. left: Mantas Rommel Guiveses, Mantas Louelle Lledo, and Elpidio Mantas Andy Sanano 8 Seletaria, Master of Ceremonies and World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines International Coordinator introduced the guests, examinees, and the officials of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines. This was followed by short welcome remarks from Master Jaime Geronimo, Executive Vice-President, New Jersey State Director Louelle Lledo, and Florida State Director Andy Sanano. Michael Querubin of FMAPulse was next followed by Swordstick Society Directors Chris Viggiano, Dr. John Hsi Lee, Dr. Andy Cappucio, and Sifu Keith Mazza. 9 Prayers composed by Dr. Chris Viggiano, for the Second SIKARAN Gathering and Workshop, held in New Jersey on June 29-30, 2013 10 11 “Indian” Bio, who represented his father USA Regional Director Henry Bio, delivers welcome address Demonstrations by officials of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines followed. Rommel Guiveses Louelle Lledo, Jr. Andy Sanano, Jr. Officials of the World SIKARAN Brotherhood of the Philippines After all the welcome answer to further elaborate on esting questions raised, although remarks and speeches, the floor what makes Sikaran different yet not covered in the workshop, was turned over to Emmanuel similar to other unarmed fighting but needed to be answered. The Querubin to start the workshop. arts of Asia. answers satisfied the inquisitive He started by passing the work There were several interminds of the attendees. shop material to the officers and the examinees. Querubin started the workshop by explaining the Sikaran standing salutation. He then proceeded with the program, going over the history of Sikaran, the techniques of Sikaran and other pertinent information about Sikaran. It was followed by WSBP officials line up for the workshop. From left: Mantas Louelle Lledo, Mantas Andy Sanano, Master Jimmy Geronimo, Mantas Tom Sulit, and Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, Jr. discussion, questions, and 12 Examinees stand at attention during the workshop as they watched the demonstrations At 8 p.m., the workshop was adjourned. Some in the group headed back to the hotel, while some had dinner in a nearby restaurant. Discussions continued at both the restaurant and the hotel. The publishers of the FMA Pulse interviewed Master Jaime Geronimo and Mantas Tom Sulit, Rommel Guiveses and some of the examinees. Mantas Rommel Guiveses stresses a point during the workshop 13 Sunday, June 30, 2013 At exactly nine in the morning, the examinees were lined up on one end of the gym and the examiners situated in different four sides of the test area. The examiners were made up of Master Jaime Geronimo, Mantas Louelle Lledo, Mantas Andy Sanano, and Mantas Emmanuel Querubin, who conducted the examination, and Mantas Rommel Guiveses who was on the floor to demonstrate the techniques. The examination consists of three divisions: Batayang Pamamaraan (Basic Techniques), Balangkas (Formal Pattern), and Labanan (Sparring). Querubin, explained the Batayang Pamamaraan (Basic Techniques) which will be based on drills derived from the Batayang Blangkas (Fundamental Pattern). The drill consists of openhand parries, hand techniques, and kicks. The examinees will be graded in hand techniques’ focus and balance; the leg techniques’ focus and balance; and the transition from one maneuver to the other. Each category will be scored with a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of 20 points. Next test classification is the Balangkas (Formal Pattern). The examinees were given the choice of performing the balangkas of their choice, either Balangkas ng Sikaran or Balangkas na Banyaga (Foreign Patterns). Balangkas na Banyaga may be balangkas from different Japanese, Korean, or Chinese Schools. Each examinee will be required to perform 3 basic and 3 advance balangkas. They will graded on: focus, timing, rhythm, 14 balance, and sequence. Each category will be scored with a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of 20 points. The last classification is the Labanan (Sparring) which is divided into Palitan (Semi-free Style Sparring), and Sabakan (Free-style Aprring). Palitan will be graded on: offensive techniques, defensive techniques, counter-offensive techniques, spirit (aggressiveness), and sportsmanship. Each category will be scored with a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of 20 points. . Palitan is a more effective gauge of skill. The attacker (examiner) will attack full speed and power with the intention of really hitting the defender (examinee). However, the attacker will clearly announce the technique he will deliver and the target. Both the attacker and defender will be moving trying to look for an opening. The defender is free to use any maneuver as defensive action. His counter-attack, however must be controlled and not actually hit the attacker. The attacker will try to “kill” the defender with a kick followed by a hand technique. A fighter always fall back to his level of training, and this is the best method of determining that. In real-life situations, an attacker in the street will attack randomly and not try to engage another person in the street in free-style sparring. This is the reason this is included in the black belt examination. The next phase in the Labanan (Sparring) is the Sabakan (Free-style Sparring). During the sparring session, the use of head and chest protection is required in the full-contact bouts. The examinees were given the choice to select their three sparring partners from the assembled high-ranking grade Sikaranistas. The fight will be three minute bouts simulating real fight and not tournament-style fighting. However, hitting the eyes, or the groin will not be allowed. Likewise grappling and joint reversals or submission techniques will not be allowed. This examination will be a pass or fail system. Greg Gonzales from Florida Lee Fjelstad from Florida Richard Lundy of Nebraska receives his Black Belt Certificate Bruce Kulpaca from Utah Greg Gonzales of Florida receives his Black Belt Certificate Marlon Hudak of Jackson, New Jersey Abel Colon of Tallahassee, Florida stands in attention as he is awarded his Black Belt Richard Lundy from Nebraska Lee Fjelstad of Florida receives his Black Belt Certificate Andrew Muxen of South Dakota is congratulated by Master Jimmy Geronimo as he receives his Black Belt Certificate 15 Ben Geary of Rapid City, South Dakota receives his Black Belt Certificate World Sikaran Brotherhood of The Philippines New Members From The United States of America Bruce Kulpaca of Utah receives his Black Belt Certificate Dennis Feller of South Dakota receives his Black Belt Certificate Ron Parente of New Jersey receives his Black Belt from his teacher The only female examinee, Linda Roach, receives her Black Belt from her teacher Mantas Louelle Lledo, Jr. David McMillan receives his Black Belt from his teacher Left: Jon Magpantay receiving his Black Belt from his teacher 16 Marlon Hudak receives his Black Belt Certificate New Black Belts from New Jersey: From left; Jonathan Magpantay, David McMillan, Mantas Louelle Lledo, Jr., Linda Roach, Marlon Hudak, and Ron Parente 17 An impromptu birthday greeting was announced when somebody advised the emcee and the hosts of the event that it is the birthday of Emmanuel Querubin. Mantas Andy Sanano (back partially turned) and Mantas Louelle Lledo presents cake to Mantas Emmanuel Querubin as Master Jimmy Geronimo (partially covered) leads the singing of happy birthday Photo Gallery of The Second Annual Sikaran Gathering and Workshop Who is better looking the person with grey hair or the person without hair? Sifu Dr. John Lee of White Crane Kung Fu, presenting Martial Arts Knife to Master Jimmy Geronimo and Mantas Emmanuel Querubin 18 19 Comments “If Time is a Commodity Then This Last Weekend Was a Treasure” By: Lee Fjelstad, Tampa, Florida Mantas Querubin,; Mantas Andy Sanano and his “revolving “ Balangkas 20 My gratitude for your presence, your words of instruction, your kindness, and of course your sense of humor during the Gathering. I hope to soon meet you again. I have been contacted by many of Sanano Marital Arts students regarding how much they appreciated the great support we all received over the weekend. I wish to also extend to you my sincerest thanks to Rommel Guiveses for his individual attention to me when I asked a question and a demonstration of how he executed his biyakid kick. My additional thanks to Master Jimmy Geronimo for his kind words of support, Mantas Tom Sulit, Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, for their words of praise, (deserved or not) and to Mantas Louelle Lledo for treating me as if I had been studying with him these years and not Mantas Andy Sanano. I am humbled by the experience. This last weekend at the 2nd Annual World SIKARAN Gathering was a profoundly positive experience and my first meeting with those who had reached the rank of Mantas with the specific exception of my own teacher, Mantas Sanano, with whom I have had a friendship of over thirty-five years. I had come to believe Mantas Andy Sanano was unique in the mastery of his martial career, having achieved rank, respect, and honors while not losing himself and his out-going personality. Mantas Sanano has always gathered about him great people, himself possessing the admirable skill of maintaining and culturing students as friends who will still pay proper respect during training sessions. I have always considered his friendship and his council to be valued beyond words and again, believed it to be unique. I have had the privilege of meeting many fine martial artists while traveling my own path and have sat both witness and participant to many high-ranking masters as they held testing. This particular event however will stand out in my memory with a different perspective. Often in formal testing where those who have achieved the upper tiers of their art are detached and stoic as befits their position while they judge the skills of those who are testing. This last weekend I witnessed something truly unparalleled in my experience as I watched and heard so many words of encouragement and support from every Mantas to every prospective Bantas. Criticism was precise and on target, regarding corrections needed to improve our skills, yet the words were spoken with a confident tone and followed with a smile meant to encourage and inspire, not weigh disapproval. I watched support among the Bantas as they helped each other, regardless of school with encouraging comments between them. I watched as every Mantas spoke to us all with kindness, guiding us toward achievement without a trace of ego or self-importance. I believe I can speak for most, if not all the Bantas during the weekend that we were treated with such respect that it far exceeded our expectations. Any question asked on technique, Balangkas, or history of SIKARAN was taken not only seriously, but those asked felt more than obligation to help us; they were interested in us as individuals. When the Mantas saw a participant struggle with doubt they broke the tension with humor or with a nod designed to lift our spirits. I witnessed participants that had not specifically come for rank but to show support for their individual teachers. I watched and felt the hearts of each person whose sole desire was to never make our teachers look bad. Perhaps I previously believed this type of connection and bond was only between a student and teacher but found it extended to the senior ranks and on all levels. I witnessed great talent spread amongst SIKARAN teachers believing we are all family, regardless of race or nation, united in what is truly a brotherhood (with sisters) and with something we can believe in – a brotherhood of men and women united by a purpose where those with the heart to train are welcome. I felt refreshed that the thing I saw and treasured 21 most when I first entered the martial arts and had lost had now been returned to me. If time is a commodity, then the capital spent on us was invaluable. If time is a commodity then this last weekend was a treasure. By Lee Fjelstad, newly minted Bantas and member of Sanano Martial Arts Tampa, Florida school. Greetings SIKARAN Leaders! Master Jimmy, Mantas Emmy, Mantas Lou, Mantas Elpidio, Mantas Rommel, Mantas Tom, I wish to thank each and every one of you for your important contributions to our SIKARAN Gathering in New Jersey. I was honored and humbled to be part of the family of leadership with you all. My students spoke well of each of you and the part that you contributed to our event. Your leadership, teaching, and the down-to-Earth and warm way in which you coordinated the activities made the event a success beyond our expectations. I cannot say enough to express my !Salamat po! I want to present some observations from my attendance and participation at our grand event. It was great to see and visit with our many great friends in the Brotherhood. Some of us are well acquainted and others have become new friends among us. The warmth and mutual respect among all of us was excellent and made the Gathering great. It was an honor to sit among the elders of the Brotherhood. Some are my teachers and others are SIKARAN students side-by-side with me. It was especially rewarding to see my own Sanano Martial Arts System students attend and participate in good numbers. I am proud to see my students do so well. All of the students did well and provided respect and honor to all of the Mantas, the Master and to the Grand Master. The Grand Master was ill and unable to attend. I pray that our efforts honored him. Our students were tested and provided with new teachings in the Way of SIKARAN. Students were awarded Black Belt Certificates, Certificates of appreciation and membership as well as SIKARAN uniform patches they were also provided with books and a DVD as a means for further learning. These students are becoming the third generation of the SIKARAN Lineage. They will carry on the legacy and the teachings of our ancient SIKARAN tradition, which has been revitalized by the Grand Master, the Master, and the Mantas before them. This second Gathering has demonstrated the beauty of our traditional art, which we are all blessed to be a part. I wish to thank the WSBP leadership, our host school, and those who provided great meals. Thank you to the students; the 3rd Generation. Maraming Salamat Po Mantas Andy Sanano, Florida State Director Thank you for coming to New Jersey it was an honor to finally meet you! I heard rumors about you and it got the best of me. Thank you so much for everything. Now I know why I have the best Teacher. To be certain about your ability you need to perform in front of perfectionists. I have met my challenge. Thank you for helping me channel my concentration and focus. I will forever hold a higher respect for you and Mantas Louelle Lledo. MARAMING SALAMAT PO!! MARLON HUDAK The Seventh Direction School of Martial Arts At the WSB 2nd Annual Gathering The World SIKARAN Brotherhood of the Philippines held their second Annual Gathering and Workshop on June 29 and 30, 2013. The event was held at the Wing Chun Kung Fu Studio in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. I was honored and humbled to represent my school, The Seventh Direction School of Martial Arts from the Omaha Indian Reservation, at the event. The excitement of the event was highlighted with the presence of most of the key members of the SIKARAN Lineage. We all missed the presence of the SIKARAN Mantas Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr. We were informed that the Grand Master Meliton C. Geronimo, Sr. was rushed in the hospital in the Philippines in serious medical condition. We were relieved to hear that his condition is improving. The Gathering was led by Master Jaime Geronimo, the Executive Vice President, Chief Instructor, and Chief Examiner of the WSB. He wears the 9th Degree Red & White Belt. With Master Geronimo was Mantas Emmanuel Querubin, Executive Technical Assistant to the Grand Master, also wearing the 9th Degree Red & White Belt. Mantas Querubin provided detailed and important teaching to us as well as administering testing. Alongside was Mantas Andy Sanano, State Director for Florida and Mantas Louelle Lledo, State Director for New Jersey; both wearing the 9th Degree Red & White Belt. Each of these Mantas provided important and valuable teaching for us. Also central to the activities of the Gathering were Mantas Elpidio Seletaria, the International Coordinator, 8th Degree Black Belt, Mantas Tom Sulit, Assistant Regional Director for Canada, and Mantas Rommel Guiveses, the Interim State Director for New York, 6th Degree Black Belt. All of us who participated in the activities and the Black Belt Examinations were blessed and honored to be among such a powerful presence of the SIKARAN Lineage. Another factor, which made the Gathering a great event, was all of the students who participated. Many of us were already acquainted. Others became new friends. The positive and respectful atmosphere among us and from the leaders made it very clear why this is called the “Brotherhood.” Although the testing was serious and at times difficult, we all came through with help of the Master and the Mantas. Of course, we were sustained by the generous and delicious meals (on site) provided by Flora Lledo, Marlon Hudak, John Lee and Linda from our host school. As I returned to the Reservation and to my students, I have already begun to present SIKARAN instruction in my small school. My students responded well and with enthusiasm to SIKARAN teachings. I also appreciate the published materials, which are essential for my further SIKARAN studies. The detailed SIKARAN history presented by Mantas Querubin at the Gathering and in his writings is highly valuable. I enjoy and appreciate these very much. Salamat to the Master, all the Mantas, especially my teacher Mantas Andy Sanano, the host school and to those who fed us so well! And thank you to all the students who are now our brothers and sister. Richard C. Lundy Ronald J. Parente: Yes, Thank you so much Maestro! I never enjoyed a workshop or belt test so much! I learned a great deal and thanks to you, the standard by which I hold myself accountable elevated to a new level. Salamat Po and God bless! 22 23 From The Desk of the Editor-At-Large Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr. 9th Degree Red and White Belt WSBP Vice-President for International Affairs He is the son of Grandmaster Meliton C. Geronimo and the third generation heir to the Geronimo Sikaran lineage. He came from the line of Sikaran haris. His Grandfather, Cipriano Geronimo was the last Hari of Baras, Rizal. His Great-grandfather Bonifacio Geronimo, was the last Hari ng mga Hari. Grandmaster Meliton Geronimo has issued a Legal Declaration, naming his son Administrative Head of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines, when he steps down as President. 24 Announcing the Appointments of Two European Regional Chapter Directors Regional Director Arnold Turla Sikaran Regional Chapter of Ireland Mount Charles, County of Donegal Republic of Ireland Regional Director Armie Esparcia Delos Santos Sikaran Regional Chapter of Italy Milan, Italy Sikaran Golden Jubilee Independence Day 2013 On November 6. 2016, The World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines will celebrate its golden anniversary. It was on November 6, 1966 when the Asian Karate Association, composed of Japan, Korea, China and the Phillipines recognized Sikaran as a distinct unarmed fighting art of Filipino origin and named Meliton Geronimo as Grandmaster with the rank of 10th Degree Red Belt. This jubilee will be marked by festivities worthy of this grand event. The First Sikaran Hall of Fame will be held in conjunction with the Golden Anniversary. In 1966, the original plan was to invite the Grandmasters who were invovled in the recognition of Sikaran as a distinct fighting art from the Philippines on its 50th Anniversary. But this will not be so. Grandmasters from Japan, Kyojiro Furusawa and Koichi Kondo have passed away. Grandmasters Dr. Kwai Byeung Yun of Ji Do Kwan Kong Soo Doo, and Hwang Kee of Moo Doo Kwan Tang Soo Doo of Korea have likewise passed away. With the dissolution of the Asian Karate Association in 1970, we have lost contact with Chinese Grandmaster Chua Tiong Ki, but there were uncomfirmed reports that he to passed away. Only Grandmaster Meliton Geronimo is still alive, albeit at 86th years old, he is suffering from the ill effects of several bouts with stroke. From the early beginnings of Sikaran in the Philippines, it has now spread its wings in the four corners of the world. The golden jubilee is still 3 years away but preparations are now being taken to insure that it will be the greatest event in Sikaran until Novermber 6, 2066, when Sikaran celebrates its centennial or diamond anniversary. On June 12, 2016 the, the 115th anniversary of th Philippine Independence was celebrated. In Baras, Rizal, the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines joined the celebration in the municipality with Sikaran demonstrations. Officials of the WSBP The hope of Sikaran in the 21st century 25 Hot Off The Press Sikaran Teacher’s Training Academy Book One Sikaran demonstration in front of the Town Plaza Young Sikaranistas listening to the words of wisdom from Grandmaster Meliton Geronimo, flanked by Master Jaime Geronimo to his right and Mantas Meliton Geronimo, Jr. to his left Sikaran Academy Book Two Coming Soon 26 27 RELEASED IN 2011…. Sikaran Instructional Video Volume 1 Written, Produced and Directed by: Elpidio Seletaria jr. 7th Degree Black Belt (#1487) Hercules, California, USA Coming Soon…!!! Sikaran Instructional Video Volume 2 (Advanced Sikaran with Defensive Tactics, etc…) To Order Contact: ELPIDIO SELETARIA - [email protected] For the Order Form - Click Here 28 29 Arnis de Mano Teacher’s Training Handbook Series By Two Sikaran Mantas Subscribe To FMA Informative - Its Is Free Louelle Lledo, Jr. (Reg. 326) And Andy Sanano, Jr. (Reg. 844) FMAdigest (2004 - 2010) Issues available with permission from Steven K. Dowd Owner and Publisher on the FMA Informative website To Order Contact: Louelle Lledo, Jr. - [email protected] Andy Sanano, Jr. - [email protected] 30 31 SIKARAN Builds Fitness Fitness Builds Confidence Confidence Builds Productivity Productivity Builds A Better Citizen A Better Citizen Builds A Better Country A Better Country Builds A Better and Peaceful World Sikaran Builds A Fit, Confident, Productive and Better Citizen Who Builds A Better Country and A More Peaceful World© SIKARAN WORDS OF WISDOM “If You Want Anything Done Right Do It Yourself”
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