Interview - Maurice Fernandez
Interview - Maurice Fernandez
An Interview with Maurice Fernandez Maurice Fernandez is a well-known astrologer, teacher and writer who travels the globe lecturing, organizing conferences and seeing clients. Originally born in Burundi and speaking French as his first language, he moved to Tel Aviv, Israel when he was 13, ultimately learning Hebrew and opening to his astrological potential when really quite young. I had met Maurice on several occasions at conferences and was fascinated by the original material of his lectures, a unique approach to evolutionary astrology that he calls “Astrology of the Evolution of Consciousness.” I was delighted to be able to interview him by telephone. KT: So how did you get started in astrology? MF: Well, I was always very interested in astrology as a child. I used to read the popular books that were available for the mainstream. I was living in Africa at the time, where I was born. My mom had these books called, “Your child is [this sign]” or that sign, and as I was reading through the definitions of Scorpio, I realized that this book was seeing me, understanding me, better than my parents and everyone else. When I was around my nodal return, age 18 or 19, my friend suggested that we take a class in astrology. This came out of the blue because even though we talked about our interest in it, I never really thought it was an option to study it, so I was excited about doing that. This class drew me into astrology very ferociously. I later took another class which was more growth oriented and provided a spiritual perspective through astrology. These studies 26 - ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August, 2014 healed my own identity crises and existential confusion. Eventually, people who found out I was studying astrology asked for readings, and there it was, I was now doing readings. KT: How old were you then? MF: I was about 21. At the time, I was living in Israel and there was a lady who asked me to teach her astrology. I was really not prepared for that, so I gave her references to established teachers in the area, but her situation was unique; she was the wife of the Air France airline company manager and only spoke French. In Israel there was no astrology teacher who could teach in French. I was the only one. I couldn’t argue with that and I took the challenge and started teaching. Then her friend heard that she was taking classes, and also joined. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was both counseling and teaching astrology. KT: So a very natural progression… MF: It was a very natural progression and when I look back, I can say that it definitely “called” me. I had a few spiritual realizations that made it very clear that this was not just a job; this was a calling. KT: I see. Did you ever study anything else? Did you ever have any other sidelines? MF: Well, I was, at the time, studying sound engineering, and I was involved in music projects, production. I knew I would not have a 9 to 5 job. Additionally, I also had the intention to study psychology academically. KT: I was wondering about that because your approach seems very psychological and spiritual. MF: Yes, so I did try to study psychology. At the time, I was studying astrology in the United States because I traveled to come to conferences here and learn from my teacher at the time. It was a natural thing to include psychology, but every time I tried to enroll at the university, things would come up and divert my plans. On the other hand, everything about my astrology studies unfolded very smoothly. As astrology took over my life and my practice expanded, I just realized I didn’t need to study psychology. I absorbed the psychology through the study of astrology. And somehow, it worked. KT: Yes —for sure. When did you start writing books? MF: It was also quite an interesting process. I will tell you one thing: I have natally Saturn in Gemini and it opposes my Mercury in Scorpio, and I was always very self-conscious about my intellectual capacity. I never saw myself teaching, or writing, especially because I moved to different countries and learned different languages, I never had mastery of any language, and so I did not have confidence to express myself in any language. This is why the thought of teaching and writing was initially foreign to me. The way the writing process began was when I was preparing for teaching a workshop on Neptune. I usually don’t write or read notes when I teach or when I present a talk. I am usually more of a spontaneous speaker and I know what I want to say. But for some reason, I started to write some notes for this particular workshop. As I started to write things down, I was suddenly flushed with completely new insights and perspectives. It turned into some form of automatic writing where many ideas came through, and I came to understand the process of Neptune in a way that I myself had no initial idea about. I was basically writing things that I didn’t know. I then presented these ideas at the workshop and it was very inspiring. I made extensive research to validate this information, assessing the accuracy of the insights through countless charts, and it worked very profoundly. I realized that this was very valuable material for a book. But as I was explaining, my grasp of the language was not so good, and yet at the same time, the content was compelling. I was writing in English because most of my studies were in English, and this is also where the greater audience is — English speaking rather than Hebrew speaking. It took me about three years to write the content and put the manuscript together, and I decided to move to the United States to publish it. That’s how it started. It was not an planned process practically, but it was a very powerful process, an inspired process, as far as the concept and the material. KT: Had you seen yourself as a channel before that? Were you aware of psychic abilities or any sense of this capacity to download information? MF: I knew of the phenomenon and I had great respect for teachers who were sharing their own mystical experiences, whether it was in astrology or other fields, but I never thought that I would experience that; it came as a complete surprise. There is a bit more to this story… this whole “download,” happened in the summer of 2000, and a few years before that, I started practicing Kundalini yoga, which had a very deep spiritual effect on me. It opened channels in very palpable ways and prepared me for these greater realizations. I experienced at the time a very powerful awakening that led to out of body experiences, and that, I believe, was what opened many channels for me astrologically. This is why today when I teach astrology, I encourage students to develop a spiritual practice because it is my understanding that this knowledge is sacred. It’s affecting us on so many levels and we shouldn’t address it only mentally, you know. Our body must be a proper vessel. As we are interpreting cosmic messages, and translating star knowledge into practical ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August 2014- 27 information for people, we need to take this service seriously and be sure that we are healthy conduits. We need to be emotionally grounded, physically in tune, and mentally open – to me the yoga practice was essential to my understanding of Astrology—the two were connected. KT: I can see that. It makes a lot of sense that the spiritual practice had opened you up in that way. I also agree that when an astrologer develops a spiritual practice it really allows the astrology to deepen to its full potential. MF: Yes. It took about four years to complete the book and I published it in 2004 when I moved to the States. Now I am actually rewriting a second edition to the book because, as I said, originally my language skills weren’t very polished and I had little experience in the publishing process. I’m now re-editing everything and adding new material that came after the book was released. I think I’m going to have the finished product maybe later this year or early 2015. I can say that the original vision is actually coming to completion now. KT: That will be something to look forward to. What else have you written, and are you working on any other books? MF: Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness, Volume 1 is a book I wrote about the fundamentals of astrology but from an evolutionary perspective. It contains full chapters on the Sun and the Moon in each house and sign, and a thorough description of the evolutionary levels of consciousness. So it’s a book that I really love because everyone can 28 - ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August, 2014 find something in it, whether people are absolute beginners or they are more advanced and want to deepen their understanding of the Sun and Moon placements. There are three other books that I contributed chapters to, along with other astrologers. One is called Insights into Evolutionary Astrology, where I wrote a chapter on Relationships, then Astrology: The New Generation, which was compiled by Frank Clifford. The chapter I contributed is “An Astrological and Spiritual Perspective on Mental Health.” The other book is called Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, which was compiled by Armand Diaz, Eric Meyers, and Andrew Smith. This is a book that is more specifically about the transpersonal approach to astrology where I wrote a chapter on “The Death Chart.” I realized that the death chart was as revealing as the information of the birth chart when it comes to describing where the soul is at in its evolutionary process. In a way, the death chart is a new birth chart. I have about ten more books in my mind to write, but it takes time for me to write as I travel a lot to teach and sustain my practice. When I travel it’s just too difficult for me to write, so it takes me a lot of time. KT: Yes, I find it challenging to find time to write also with all the other demands. What is your formula? Do you have a time of day? Do you put aside a block of time? What do you do? MF: There are certain hours, usually evenings, where I do that. Every book is a little different. For example, right now, writing the new edition of the Neptune book takes me so much time… so much more than I would ever expect because every time I go through the book and rewrite certain chapters, new information comes in and I’m constantly rewriting. I want to allow this flow, to be organic, because it’s very relevant; the content is valuable. On the other hand, the chapters that I submitted for these other books came forward more quickly and were much easier for me to write. I think every book has its own rhythm and its own hours, and I try to go with that. KT: Yes, I’ve noticed that in general, working with Neptune, teaching about Neptune, or being in a lecture about Neptune, that the Neptunian energy tends to take over and one does go into altered states. It’s not as easy to stay centered and focused. MF: If I look back, I think this is true because that’s what has been happening. However, my intention with this book, both in the first edition and the rewrite, is to actually try to be accessible and bring these very abstract Neptunian concepts into words that are tangible so that people can really understand and put them to practical use. Many people found even the first book to be useful this way, even though the content is spiritual or existential. KT: Yes… And so how did you come into evolutionary astrology? Did you always have some level of the evolutionary perspective or was there a switch for you from more traditional or psychological astrology? MF: This was the type of astrology that really drew me in and provided the answers and the growth that I was seeking for myself. That’s what resonated. That’s what really captivated me from the first. It had a profound effect on me, my soul. KT: How do you feel about the fact that some astrologers seem to be against evolutionary astrology? arguments against it. Some people are just not appreciating any form of modern astrology because, following the whole return to the traditional foundation and the ancestral heritage of astrology, there is a tendency to see modern expressions of astrology as lacking foundation, too fanciful and “new agey,” and without enough discipline. Other critics argue against analyzing reincarnation in astrology. A strong argument against it is that you can’t prove reincarnation, so it should not be used. KT: I’m referring more to the argument about reincarnation. You pretty much work with the theme of reincarnation in all of your teaching and in all of your readings, correct? MF: Yes, correct. Even though the most important thing is to understand that while I consider reincarnation and I do incorporate that in my analysis, the purpose is to better understand ourselves in the present and to lead better lives now. When I address reincarnation, it is because I believe that if we speak of foundation, our lives and our evolution didn’t start when we were babies. There are many clues to all kinds of occurrences, symptoms, and behavioral patterns that are established in us that cannot necessarily be traced back to childhood. I will tell you honestly, the idea of reincarnation always made sense to me. I see the astrology chart reflecting where we left off, I don’t think we were born on a random moment and “happened to be” Libras or Scorpios… there is an evolutionary reason why we were born at a particular time, with a particular chart—this chart captures where our soul is at and what the evolutionary intentions are for this life. If we understand the idea of the evolution of the soul, it must come with the concept of reincarnation. However, while reincarnation may make sense, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it can be used astrologically. In other words, some people may not dispute the idea of reincarnation, but they may argue the fact that astrology can be used for that. MF: Well, first of all, you have to tell me who you are referring to because there are different ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August 2014- 29 To me, it always seemed obvious that the chart reflects where the soul left off and its next course of development. In a way, the chart embodies the past, the present, and the future. But it is another challenge to prove it. As I pursued my practice from this perspective, there were two important stages in my development that confirmed this path is valid. The first one was that I could, for example, speak to someone about experiences of persecution or violation, and yet, they would share that their earlier life experience was not necessarily traumatic, that they did not experience abuse and nobody persecuted them, per se—notwithstanding, they had all the behavioral symptoms of someone who did go through these trauma, and basically suffered from obvious post traumatic stress. So while they did not go through the experience in their current life, they behaved as if they did. KT: Yes, I’ve seen that too. MF: This was my first understanding that there is more to our life experience than our early formative years in this life. I can also share my own experience from this perspective; past life imprinting is not necessarily about trauma, but also about gifts that we have. I described earlier how astrology came so powerfully and organically to me. I will tell you honestly, learning astrology was more about remembering it. It was so natural. I just had to read the thing once and it was already in me. I didn’t need to practice extensively, and I matured very quickly, and as I said, at age 21 I was already doing readings and teaching, which 30 - ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August, 2014 didn’t make any sense if I looked at it from my current ego’s perspective—it is clear to me that my involvement with astrology goes beyond this current life experience. People were coming for readings and were very moved by what I was saying because I was understanding the symbols in ways that, to me, went beyond my personal short life experience. I was tapping into an older memory of my understanding of astrology. This can also apply to people who have compelling capacities in music or in other fields. Reincarnation is an important factor to consider because if we want to get to the root cause of certain issues, we will be limited if we relied on psychological assessment only and did not consider the spiritual aspect of the soul evolutionary process. The next stepping stone in my work with reincarnation was the unique and rare opportunity to work with the charts of reincarnated souls, where we had the chart of the person in their past life, and the chart of the person in their current life, and could actually see how these charts were describing the progression from one life to another with incredible precision. The people involved in this research did not know astrology, so they could not make any of this up. Looking at the chart was so revealing and it provided tangible confirmation that not only reincarnation was happening, but that astrology was a valid tool to analyze this process. In fact, I’m going to talk about this in my presentation at the upcoming ISAR conference in Phoenix. KT: Ah, that will be great … really interesting. KT: What is the difference between your emerging view of evolutionary astrology and that of the Jeff Green school? MF: Jeffrey Green was my main teacher and offered an amazing body of knowledge to our times. Through the teachings, he helped me basically remember who I truly am. However, the moment I started to organically develop my own perspective, and particularly when I published my book on Neptune, I lost his respect and was pushed aside because he apparently did not resonate with this new development. Today, the Evolutionary Astrology community is very fragmented because of this type of approach. In itself, Evolutionary Astrology (EA) is a universal paradigm, and it doesn’t belong to any person, though some people were obviously important channels of dissemination, whether this was Jeffrey Green, Steven Forrest, myself, and others who are also developing it in different ways. (ed. note: Ray Merriman first wrote of his concept of Evolutionary Astrology in his book in the 70s; the term can have various meanings) I can say that the ideas are the same through all the different streams, but the techniques and applications are a bit different. In a few words, the foundation principle of EA is the premise that the chart reflects the evolutionary journey and the intentions of the soul, that we can trace its process from past lives into current circumstances through the chart symbolism, and that a person has the free-will to evolve through the dynamics of the chart—in other words, the chart is neutral, neither good or bad, but how we use the energies of the chart will determine positive or negative consequences. From this perspective, it is not only important to identify traits and challenges in the chart, but to trace the reasons “why” things have manifested a particular way. So if we see in a chart, for example, that someone’s mother was too controlling or that a person has a potential to be a good lawyer, we want to identify why these circumstances and potentials are in place, what is the purpose for that from an evolutionary point of view. Getting to the “why” empowers us to elevate our consciousness and make the necessary changes to align our ego with our soul’s intention. As far as the application and techniques go—very simplistically put—Jeffrey Green’s perspective considers Pluto and the Nodes as the essential markers in the chart, while I see the whole chart representing the soul, and all the transpersonal planets as forces of evolution: Uranus through the higher mind, Pluto through the emotional body, and Neptune through the spirit. I put a lot of emphasis on the Neptune paradigm because I see it representing the most fundamental force of life, breathing in and out, and the root reason for every “yes” or “no” in our lives. If we look at the 12th house – which I see as the natural house associated with Neptune, in its placement in the zodiac, it represents the cosmic womb, before we are birthed into the first house, and it is the last house of wheel where we complete a cycle. The evolutionary paradigm is truly powerful and compelling, but I hope that as a community, we will also evolve, and not just speak about it. KT: Thank you for bringing clarity. I too wish we will evolve into acceptance of the various astrological schools, including the variations within EA. And so, tell us a little bit about the flavor of the training program that you have developed for astrologers. ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August 2014- 31 MF: Yes, this is, I would say, one of the most important aspects of my work. I think that today more than ever, the world needs astrology, and astrology needs astrologers. We need to invest in astrology and empower it. The task to train people who will practice responsibly and reveal the great gift of perspective that astrology can provide to the public is something I take very seriously. It is an important calling for me. Santa Fe, or Colorado. We stay together on the same property, so there is also a community dynamic where we cook together, share meals and personal stories. We study in class from about 9:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon. After that we have outings, meditate, or we just connect with nature, depending on what seems appropriate. This is the format for the “on location” segments of the course. My approach to teaching is holistic. I want to inspire students not only to assimilate material mentally, but also to understand that becoming an astrologer is a spiritual and sacred practice. I do see ourselves as modern priests, and I think that practicing astrology is not only a service, but also a lifestyle. I don’t personally impose anything on students, but the Complete Course that I teach incorporates, for example, studying in nature and looking at the stars—being out and having a direct experience connecting the earth and the sky. This is combined with academic content and pertinent knowledge. The other part of the course consists of material that students receive through DVDs and study from home, after which, they submit assignments that I review to assess where they are in understanding the material, ensuring everything is integrated. So there is a more experiential part of the course and a correspondence part where people just study in the comfort of their own home and schedule. KT: That sounds rich and deep. KT: Do you teach Kundalini yoga to your astrology students as part of the training? MF: In this line of thought, I also organize spiritual journeys to different places in the world — sacred spots where we study astrology, immerse ourselves in nature, and spend adventures together – I see these journeys as pilgrimages and spiritual initiations. For example, we went a few times to Africa, to Israel, and to Arctic Norway. I put great emphasis on a connection with nature and with animal consciousness as I think this reflects the path of being heart-centered; to approach life from more of an animistic point of view where we consider nature and animals as fully conscious. I often time our journeys with astrological alignments and we conduct ceremonies where we incorporate the energies of particular transits, especially when there are important alignments. MF: Well, I will tell you a little bit of the routine. We wake up at 4:30 in the morning and we practice yoga. It is optional to the students, this is not a condition to graduate, but most of them choose to do it. We greet the sunrise through devotional yoga practice for an hour and a half in a natural setting. I usually choose locations that are conducive to this kind of work, whether it’s places like Sedona, Hawaii, For example, recently, I organized a spiritual retreat in Hawaii during the week of the Cardinal Cross. The first part of it was about understanding the energies, what this cross was about, and how it affects us personally and collectively. Following that, we connected shamanically to the elements of the Cardinal Cross: We went to the lava fields where the energy of destruction and rebirth is so strong, to I see it important that astrologers are heartcentered; astrology is the integration of earth and sky, and where do you connect earth and sky? It is in the heart, that’s where the integration is. KT: Yes, definitely. MF: So compassion is, to me, part of the astrology training. I’m not teaching people compassion, but I am inspiring them to approach life in such a way. To care for and love all living beings. 32 - ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August, 2014 embody the Plutonian elements. We had meditations and deep release work in caves (effectively called the “Vagina cave”). Then, we invoked and communicated with ancestors during the Jupiter in Cancer phase, and worked on our family tree, our biological ancestry and our spiritual ancestry. For the Uranian part, we climbed the mountains: we went to the top of the highest peak, where we set intentions for our future and sent blessings for the planet. So, that’s an example of the more Shamanic and holistic approach to the journeys—I try to bring it to a direct experience. KT: And I take it your work with the white lions is part of this journeying? MF: Yes. It’s very interesting. I told you that I started to involve myself seriously in astrology when I had my nodal return at age 18, and I came across the white lions with my second nodal return, around age 36. Interestingly, my nodes are in Leo and Aquarius, and so the lion (Leo) and the human mind (Aquarius) manifested, very graphically during these nodal times. The work with the white lion is part of this holistic approach, and again, this is something that I discovered quite unexpectedly. I was always interested in animal consciousness, but when I first met the white lions on a trip to South Africa, I had no idea what was about to unfold. It was another one of those spiritual awakenings where there was some form of transmission—this mythical animal, straight out of a fairy tale, gazes into my eyes, and I find myself flushed with divine love—it was quite extraordinary. After the fact, I read the story of Linda Tucker, who is the person involved in their conservation. She was speaking of spiritual meaning of the return of the white lions, and the fact that they’re returning now after not being on the planet for centuries. The first photograph of the white lion was in 1975. There is something very fascinating, spiritually speaking, about them. African elders have mentioned white lions in their oral legends for centuries, but nobody actually knew that they were physically possible. But the important part of it, if we speak of the astrological association, is that the African Shaman who spoke of the white lions talked about the fact that these were star beings and that they incarnated from particular planetary systems. It sounds interesting, but of course it’s a legend. However, since I had the opportunity to work very closely with Linda Tucker, and had birth dates of the lions. To my amazement, the three generations of lions, had their nodes all aligned with those constellations, pretty much to the exact degree, There is no doubt in my mind that they possess a higher consciousness and that their manifestation has greater meaning. You see it in the chart, and you feel it in their presence. KT: That’s amazing. MF: Yes, it makes you wonder when you see that. It tells you how much we don’t know. It’s so revealing. KT: I also want to ask about your River of Stars conference in Hawaii. I imagine that this conference also carries the spiritual and compassionate theme that you bring to your work since you organize it. Is there anything else you would say might be different about a ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August 2014- 33 The second River of Stars conference is going to be in March 2015 on the Big Island. KT: Wonderful! I heard great things about the first one, for sure. And OPA — you’re now the president of OPA. I had noticed you taking a fairly strong role in OPA even before you became president. Do you imagine there will be any more changes? River of Stars conference compared to other astrological conferences? MF: It is as you say—I did not decide to organize an astrology conference because there aren’t enough events as it is, but because I wanted to bring something a bit different to the experience of learning astrology. This conference is about connecting the earth with the sky in every way—we will combine the study of sacred sciences and honor the sacredness of the island, and the Hawaiian spirit of aloha—the location of the conference is close to where the lava flows into the ocean to create the newest earth on the planet—the energy is extraordinary! The River of Stars brings a set of excellent speakers. The program includes conference style presentations, yoga practice, music of the spheres, and artistic experience of astrology— we activate the right and left hemispheres of the brain. You know it is obviously more expensive to fly to Hawaii for a conference, but looking back at the first conference (back in 2011), it was an incredibly powerful learning experience. I really enjoy many conferences and often get myself involved in their organization, but I feel that we miss something when we spend three or four days inside a hotel, and don’t see the sun. 34 - ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August, 2014 MF: Thank you. OPA is another one of these unexpected developments in my life. I was always shying away from organizations because my comfort zone is doing things on my own, so joining an organization and having to deal with the politics was not on my priority list. However, the great thing about OPA was its smaller size and very unique programs; it just needed an infusion of creative juice. To my appreciation, the board was very open-minded and very receptive to new ideas, so I felt very drawn to invest myself—in everything I do, I tend to have a dedicated approach. What compels me about OPA is that it offers unique programs and brings astrologers together through what we call “peer group work,” where professional astrologers can actually sit together, learn about each other’s practice, and read each other’s chart. I think that’s missing in the field of astrology and I’m very enthusiastic about bringing this concept forward even more and establishing this platform where astrologers from different streams meet each other, and interact beyond competition—We all are well-meaning people and we obviously are very passionate about our own body of knowledge. So we should listen to each other and honor our differences, instead of projecting our prejudices on one another. These programs are designed for that. The other thing I want to develop with OPA is a program that would help aspiring astrologers launch their practice—this is still in preliminary developmental stages, but very exciting. We would help new astrologers by providing them with tools, resources, ideas, and training on how to actually set their practice up and provides them with options to create a successful career. So, as you can see, there’s a lot of creative juice… KT: …which you have! I mean, I’m looking at your chart’s packed fifth house. It seems like the music world lost you, but astrology got all that creative energy in the form of your writing and your teaching and working with these organizations. MF: Thank you. - KT: And thank you so much for doing this interview with me. MF: The River Stars of ASTROLOGY CONFERENCE HAWAII 2015 MARCH 12-16 Touch the Stars, Remember the Truth! Join this Epic Event! 1st Class Faculty Includes Wonderful, much gratitude Kay. Websites: Maurice.Fernandez.Cosmic Upcoming events: The River of Stars Astrology Conference in Hawaii (March 2015) Kay Taylor is a heart-centered astrologer integrating clairvoyance, psychosynthesis, yoga and healing arts. For over 30 years she has offered private sessions, retreats and workshops, and now is also an ISAR Consulting Skills Trainer, professional lecturer and writer for San Francisco Bay Area (510) 601-6507. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// Rick Levine Kari Noren Hoshal Margaret Gray Maurice Fernandez Cutting-Edge Presentations Hawaii Immersion Past Life Regression Margaret Gray Natal & Pre-Natal Eclipses Gali Livneh Painting Your Horoscope Kaypacha The Great Pluto Cycles Maurice Fernandez Peering into the Mind of God Rick Levine AND MUCH MORE! Plus PRE-CONFERENCE Hawaiian Immersion EARTH POST-CONFERENCE Star Knowledge HEAVEN Explore the FULL Program at Registration & Questions [email protected] PHONE 808-747-2955 Sign Up Early! Best Price plus Best Choice of Accommodations Follow the stars to the magical land of Aloha! ISAR International Astrologer, Vol 43 no 2, August 2014- 35
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