- REINÆRDT Deuren bv
- REINÆRDT Deuren bv
own engineering department custom made distribution surface finish THE ENTRANCE TO UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES Doors solutions export production possibilities- Residential construction 46 dB glass frames testing panels handle profile utility glazed screens doors veneer fireresistant models locks paumelles installa- tion bullet resistant hinges WK2 soundresistant measuring 60 minutes timber flat doors glas FSC cut out 90 minutes cubicles burglar resistant green doors 50dB radiation resistant 120 minutes 32 dB assembly frame smoke resistant moisture resistant coating flush 30 minutes PEFC in-house doors concepts THE ENTRANCE TO UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES Utiliteit (standaarddeuren) Brandwerende deuren Rookwerende deuren With a production capacity of approximately half a milion doors and frames on a yearly base, REINÆRDT Deuren bv is one of the larger door manufacturers in Europe. REINÆRDT has developed itself into a specialist in design, production, delivery and installation of tailor-made door sets and frames for a range of utility-, combination-, and residential projects over the past 25 yeras. With high quality and certified doors (fire-, sound-, and burglar resistant) and frames in over 10,000 different types, REINAERDT offers its contractors the to unlimited possibilities. Geluidwerende deuren Inbraakwerende deuren Inpandige woningtoegangs deuren entrance REINÆRDT is able to offer solutions where others fail thanks to its own engineering department and flexible production possibilities. Services offered can be divided into three concepts: concept 1: delivery of door sets concept 2: delivery and assembly of door sets Kogelwerende deuren Stralingwerende deuren Vochtwerende deuren Glazenpuien concept 3: delivery of doors with frames including hinges and locks. 70% of total production is sold in the Dutch utility-, combi-, and residential market while the remaining 30% is intended for export. REINÆRDT exports, apart from Germany, also to countries such as Russia, Hungary, Poland, Qatar and North Africa. REINÆRDT is NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and KOMO certified and its ventures are focused on sustainability. REINÆRDT is also FSC and PEFC certified. Sanitaire wanden Kozijnen Woningbouw deuren CERTIFIED DOOR SETS In addition to execution, material and colour REINÆRDT offers unlimited possibilities when it comes to functionality. REINÆRDT has an Groene deuren extensive range of fire resistant- (30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes), sound resistant(32-50 dB) and burglar resistant doors (WK2 and WK3). All products are extensively tested according to the latest (European, BS and GOST) norms. FIRE RESISTANT DOORS REINÆRDT delivers fire resistant doors for steel as well as timber frames that are, according to the latest standards, 30 and 60 minutes fire re- sistant. 90 and 120 minute resistant doors are also available as complete elements. Additionally, REINÆRDT has the following fire resistant doors, compliant with EN 1634-1, in its portfolio: Fire resistant doors with a glass opening Fire resistant doors with sound resistant and/or burglar resistant features Fire resistant door sets containing either one active and one passive door, or two active doors Fire resistant glazed screens, with or without fire resistant doors With our 30, 60, 90 and 120 minute solutions we offer Fire resistant door sets will distinguish themselves from regular doors only when there is a fire. At first glance there is no difference with a regular door meaning that the resistant door can be placed wherever one desires. Most top coatings are available and there is also an option to work with glass elements. These options are available for both doors and glazed screens. The contractor or architect can choose from a range of possibilities. each architect the widest possibilities for almost every application Fire-, and smoke resistance are in our neighbouring countries two aspects that are tested seperately. This will undoubtedly also count for the Netherlands in the near future . SMOKE RESISTANT doors Smoke development caused by fire is a greater threat than the actual flames. Disorientation caused by the smoke increases the time it takes to escape the burning building. REINÆRDT has therefore tested a large quantity of doors seperately on fire resistance and smoke resistance according to the new European norm: EN 1634-3. This enables REINÆRDT to deliver products with the correct certification. SOUND RESISTANT doors When isolating sound it often happens that the wrong aspect are compared. REINÆRDT therefore defines isolation in three different values: 1. Rw value = sound isolation of the door set in fully sealed situation 2. Rw, p value = sound isolation of the door set in suspended situation, tested in a laboratory 3. Rw, r value = sound isolation of the door set in suspended situation on site Additionally, we reduce the sound by working with multiple layering. Multiple sealing (in between door and frame) also contributes to the best possible results. A combination of sound-, and fire resistance (60 minutes) can be manufactured where up to 46 dB Rw, r is possible. BURGLAR RESISTANT DOORS REINÆRDT has burglar resistant doors that comply with the resistance class WK2 and WK3 NEN-EN 1627. In short, the element in resistance class WK2 is resistant against pressure for 3 minutes and WK3 is resistant up to 5 minutes. The focus is not only on the door itself but on the entire door set including hinges, locks and other related hardware. Different types of hinges and locks, door types and REINÆRDT assembly frames, timber or steel, belong to the possibilites. RADIATION-, MOISTURE-, BULLET RESISTANT DOORS, in-door home acces, cubicles and glazed screens. REINÆRDT has the most complete package with regards to ‘utility’ doors. Those doors are often also available in a sliding model. Our sound resistant sliding door, indoor entrance, burglar-, fire-, or sound resistant doors and fire resistant glazed walls are available in extreme measurements and are exceptional in the Netherlands. We even dare to state that we can deliver doors that meet all quality checks. We are more than happy to welcome you at our office and start working on the development process for the manufacturing of your tailor-made door sets. DOORS FOR HEALTHCARE Hospital-, or health care door sets have heavier regulations than regular utility doors. Impact resistance is an important factor. The use of hospital beds and wheelchairs impose enormous pressure on the sides of the doors. REINÆRDT has therefore created a number of solutions. The edges of the doors can be provided with hard wood exposed lippings, PVA plastic, Enitor or PU. Those options will be glued to the sides of the doors. PU, however, can be casted all around the door. Polyurethane (PU) is a polymer that is composed of two components and will be transformed into a solid door edge. The top layer of the door will therefore be seamlessly integrated in the door edge. Bacteria will get no chance to spread and infect the inside of the door panel. The ideal thickness for cohesion and strength is 5 millimeter. Doors originating from REINÆRDT will therefore be 5 mm. PU can be produced in every colour desired. WHY PU? • • • • • • PU is a massive, shockproof, hygienic and moisture resistant door edge. Resistant against a high number of chemicals. Resistant against most dissolvents. PU does not melt in case of fire but will carbonate just like wood. Fire resistant at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. PU does not blaze and causes limited smoke development during fire. COMBI PROJECTS REINÆRDT is the perfect partner for combi projects (both utility and residential contruction). During our consultation we will take into consideration both disciplines and turn it into one complete project. We will become your go-to contact for the entire project. FRAMES REINÆRDT also manufactures frames. For the German market we produce the so called ‘zwargen’ (wooden dry wall frames, adjustable +18 mm). These frames are made of wooden material (chipboard of HDF) and generally get the same finish as the door. The doors and frames can be covered with a hard plastic, veneer coating, paint or just primed to receive final paint on site. REINÆRDT has selected a fitting combination of door sets for residential projects. One can also go for the steel-frame alternatives. Steel frames are available in many variants and can be easily installed without any specialised tools. We can also offer you several variants of the timber frames. Utility construction has greater diversity than residential constriction. Utility construction generally has a separate supplier for the doors and one for the frames. REINÆRDT considers this to be a complete package and therefore prefers to deliver the frames together with the doors so that they are the best possible fit. When installing fire-, smoke-, and sound resistant elements it is not enough to “just” install the certified components without looking at the functionalities. Because REINÆRDT offers steel as well as timber frames it is therefore sufficient to provide us with the measurements of the structural openings. We will install the elements in the final stage of the construction process. Before placing an order for door sets it is recommended to communicate about the type of door frames because once a frame is installed the only option is to modify the door, which can severely decrease the functionality of the door itself. A special frame is required when using sliding doors. Installation of such a frame is much earlier in the process than when installing a regular frame. RESIDENTIAL DOORS REINÆRDT has a huge array of products available for housing-, and apartment construction. The basic finished painted door ‘white fox’ is a commonly used door in the Netherlands and Germany. For customers who want a modern door that fits their interior, we have developed the ‘ CITY collection’. A set of 7 doors that can be delivered in flush or rebated version. The doors can be ordered with different types of glass or panel filling. The doors are available in the colours RAL 9010 and 1013. Other colours are possible on request. White Fox THE “CITY COLLECTION” contains the following models: Amsterdam Barcelona Antwerp St. Petersburg London Miami New York CONCEPTS Concept 3 REINÆRDT offers you as a contractor a range of possibilities for filling the ‘hole in the wall’. We have distinctive disciplines that, in combination with specialists, will help you make your decision or take over a part of your responsibility. We refer to those disciplines as concepts Concept 1 We will only deliver the desired doors. You provide us with the correct information of the doors and we will produce, with all functionalities and guaranties, our REINÆRDT quality. The doors will be delivered on the date agreed upon after which you will take care of the further processing of the doors such as installation. In addition to the delivery of doorsets we will take responsibility of the hardware, the complete installation process and any advisory role required. Optional are the steel or wooden frames. This is part of our ‘REINÆRDT Project Solutions (RPS). Before we start producing, our specialists will have an extensive interview with you about the functionality of each door. The right door type and functions will be determined after a set of interviews. The focus is on the current norms regarding to fire- and smoke resistance and emergency- and panic doors. We will also look at possible electric facilities regarding the functionality of the doors such as locks, solenoids or entrance control systems. In concept 3 we will finalize the doors ‘digitally’ meaning that the measurements of the frame will be saved on the computer. The hinges and strike plates will be attached so that only the paintwork has to be completed by you. You will receive the doors with its hinges on the day of installation resulting in a decrease in excessive waste material on the construction site. Experienced specialists will install the doors and make sure they function as a REINÆRDT door is supposed to. The ‘hole in the wall” has been filled with a doorset that complies with the required functionality. Concept 2 In addition to the delivery of doors we will also take care of the installation and hanging process of the doors. Based on the provided specifications we will start producing the REINÆRDT quality doors. The date and location of the installation is to be discussed with our installation service. It is your responsibility to inform us about the location of the doors and make sure that all required hardware is available at the date of installation. We can also offer you an aftersales service contract to relieve you of any distress. This after sales contract means periodic checks of the doors, frames, hinges and functioning of the material. Fire resistant doors will be tested on its fire strips being in excellent condition, closing of the door and functioning of the major hardwares installed. HARDWARE Hardware engineering & supply means more than just de- livering the lock, handle or split hinge that belong to the door. Through years of experience and expertise of our specialists, REINÆRDT has chosen products from an ‘A-brand’ manufacturer. REINÆRDT can advice you on the correct application of the door and ensures you with the highest quality. Excessive material and failure costs will become obsolete due to the simultaneous delivery of material and will result in excellent functioning doors. REFERENCES Headquarters HEMA/VNU Amsterdam Studenten housing Delft Residential tower Strijkijzer The Hague Airporthotel Düsseldorf Music producers centre Muzyq Hyatt Hotel, Dushanbe in Tajikistan Saxion University Enschede Convention Centre Doha Qatar Isala clinics Zwolle Casimir Roermond Headquarters KPMG in Amstelveen Faculty beta sciences Utrecht City hall, busstation en city archives in Zaanstad TNT Hoofddorp Airport Shermentevo 3 Moskou Riverside towers hotel Moskou Multifunctional ‘Complex Stadion Kwartier’ in Eindhoven Housing Lelystad These references, even though a minor part of our previous deliveries worldwide, show what our company is capable of. More examples can be found on our website www. reinaerdt.nl SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP It is our task to be a healthy company that adds value to economical, social, and ecological fields. We have a continuing vision on the effects on the environment with every new development. It is our aim and duty to think before we act for many generations to follow. We consider the consequences on the environment every time when we choose wood and other raw materials, during production and during the after sales contract. We have recently integrated alternatives for wood in our development plans because of the decreased negative influence on the environment. Bamboo is an example of a great alternative for wood. REINÆRDT therefore delivers doors made of wood originating from sustainably controlled forests and is developing more norms and door concepts that can be constructed from sustainable wood. There are currently two important worldwide certificates that guarantee sustainable wood, namely FSC and PEFC. REINÆRDT can contribute to the realisation of buildings supporting the above-mentioned certification with its products and services. That is why we participate in the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC). In addition to the aforementioned subjects, REINÆRDT also pays great attention to its carbon footprint and is continuously developing methods to decrease its footprint by improving production processes, and training and challenging its To emphasise the importance of sustainable factors we have developed our own ‘green’ logo. employees. PEFC/30-31-301 REINÆRDT is a FSC/PEFC certified firm and has developed 30 and 60-minute fire resistant doors with top coating options of white varnish, plastic or veneer. Sound resistant doors (27, 38, 40 dB) can also be constructed from PEFC materials. REINÆRDT DEUREN BV STANDS FOR: LARGE SOLUTIONS MARKETLEADER SUSTAINABILITY With more than half a million doors and frames on a yearly base, it is one of the larger door manufacturers. A flat organization structure with a no- nonsense mentality. in the Netherlands as a result of the largest assortment of utility- and residential door sets. With our own engineering department, interrelated with flexible production capacities, all under own control, we are specialised in complex tasks and are we always able to deliver tailor-made products. Relieve the customer of any distress and taking responsibility for the ‘solution to the hole in the wall’. Meaning that we can advise on the right products, deliver the products, installation and the maintenance contract. In addition to meeting the well-known quality demands and certifications we have developed our own green logo to emphasise that we take responsibility in sustainable entrepreneurship and production. EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS COMBI PROJECTS TEST REPORTS INNOVATIVE Sound resistant doors up to 50 dB, fire resistant doors of 90 and even 120 minutes, glazed screens of 30, 60 and 90 minutes fire resistant up to a height of 5 meters no matter the width, and sliding doors of 42 dB sound resistance. We are in possession of fire-, smoke-, sound-, burglar-, and fire-arm resistant reports as well as environment reports provided by accredited testing institutions. Combination projects in one complete assignment. Meeting with several parties is now obsolete. With a combination project there is only one contact person who will execute your entire project. From A-Z New ideas, products, services and processes are a great match to thinking along with the consumer. THE ENTRANCE TO UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES own engineering department custom made distribution surface finish solutions export production possibilities- Residential construction 46 dB glass frames testing panels handle profile utility glazed screens doors veneer fireresistant models locks paumelles installa- tion bullet resistant hinges WK2 soundresistant measuring 60 minutes timber flat doors glas FSC cut out 90 minutes cubicles burglar resistant green doors 50dB radiation resistant 120 minutes 32 dB assembly frame smoke resistant moisture resistant THE ENTRANCE TO UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES REINÆRDT Deuren bv Nijverheidsstraat 1 7482 GZ Haaksbergen The Netherlands coating flush Tel: +31 53 57 357 35 E: [email protected] 30 minutes PEFC www.reinaerdt.nl in-house doors concepts