1996 Beaver Marquis Brochure - Motorhomes,Country Motors
1996 Beaver Marquis Brochure - Motorhomes,Country Motors
~J The Crown Jewel ofJ'ldoPorcoaches'1, . . . experience the art of classic inotor coaching. Marquis was composed and orchestrated by motorcoach artisans. . . a symphony ofpeifection that remains the incomparable luxury standard in America. Marquis. An old tradition. A new lifestyle. For J\larquis owners, classic motorcoaching is an enduring love affair. .. the pure enjoyment of a timeless elegance, M:e wine, that only gets better with age. Experiencing Marquis is lilze owning your own piece of fine art. The attention to every detail is remarbble. The ultra-hid1 doss european-finisl1 woodwork is mast~rf1:lly crafted ... pure art in itself. The hand-sculptured , inlaid carpeting is unique in design and concept. Step inside. Fountainhead'" countertops are abundant, with a recessed rangetop and a hand-crafted and emblemed sinlz cover, all finished to a degree of quality found only in the finest homes. The dinette features Beaver's famous solid hardwood table, handrubbed and finished in triple-lacquer. And such elegant cabinets! Your choices reflect vour fine taste ... exotic walnut, cherrv or oalz,· all finished in j\larquis' trademark . two-tone raised-panel design of accented wood grains ... a special signature of quality. But Harquis' defining elegance is in the luxurv of the entire coach ... frorn the 12" tile lloors to the custom et died shower glass. l1ltra-Leather seating is available th:oughout, including vour choic~ of a love seat or ~ J-lounge~ .Ultra-Leather pilot and passenger :;;eats are :0tandard, of course, and the steering wheel i:0 covered in a soft, contrasting leathe;. A convenient electronic monitor pro~des quick and complete information on all power systems on the coach and chassis. ~larquis' tasteful 'soft wall' interior motif features sculptured carpeting to the wainscot, with color-coordinated \\'allpapers and window valances. Unique furniture featuring custom embroidered desisns and matching footrests highlight the b>i~g area. There is ~also reside~tial style ducted air conditioning ... features you'd only expect from a master coach builder like Beaver. Six luxury models to choose from: •36Y Topaz •38Y Einerald •40;J Ru-by •40;J Diainond •40;J Sapphire •40;J Garnet Kitchen Features ?vlicrowaw/Convection Oven Recessed 2-burner Coobtop w/Cover -Some floorplans Fountainhead"' Countertops Fountainhead"' Double Sin!< w/Cover Fantastic r." \'ent Fan w/Remote Switch 12" Partial Tile Floor Side by Side Refrigerator w/Ice J\laher Driving Comforts Ultra-Leather 6-\\,.,.ay Power Cab Seats Rear View ?vlonitor Tilt & Telescoping Steering Wheel Electronic Ensine Readout Panel Chrome Heated "Remote Side Mirrors Custom Dash Panel Power Passenger Footrest Entertainment Features Front 20" Remote Control Color TV Delco A_\l/F?vl Cassette Stereo Svstem Compact Disc Changer . Video Cassette Recorder Two T elepl10ne Jacb Amplified TV Antenna Bedroom. Comforts 20" Remote Control Color TY Nishtstands w/Shirt Closets " Dav/,'\isht Shades Ducted Roof )Jr" w/Wall Thermostat Queen Size Wall< Around Bed Fire Resistant Safe Telephone Jacl, Power Systems 2000 \\,.,.att Inverter One J 2\'olt SD Chassis Batten' Dual Solar Panel w/Resulator. Six 6\'olt Coach Batteries 75 Amp Converter Dual Solar Panel Charging System Exterior Features Painted Graphics w/Clear Coat Finish Spacious pass-thru Cargo Bays with Electric Locl<s Insulated Aluminum Bav Doors Trailer Hitcli & Con~ector F resb \\7 ater Tanb Heated & Enclosed Holdins Tanb Heated f! Enclosed Patio f! \\rrindow Awninss Automotive Undercoati~g Dual Air Horns Rollout Carso Storase T rav Quicl<-Con~ect Air Fittin~ Chassis {! Mechanical Ridewell 4-bag rear Air Suspension w/ Gillig Proprietary 2-bag front (300) Ridewel! 4-bag front (365) Computerized Air/Hydraulic Leveling Dual Air Brahe System w/Slach Adjust Heavy Duty Transmission Cooler TRW Ross Power Steerins Electronic Tbrottle Contr~l Radial Tires Electronic Cruise Control Allison ATEC Ranse Selector Cold 'VCeatLer Ensi~e Preheat Rocbwe!l Front Rear Axle f:: Bath Amenities Fountainhead"' Countertops Recessed fountainhead"' Sin!< Fiberdass Tub/Shower w/Enclosure Rem"ote Fantastic Ventilator Fan Insulated S1'1vli;:;ht W a:iher/Drver Co~1bination L2" Tile Floor Luxurv Con1forts His;h-Gloss Ha:.dwood Cabinets with " Exotic Wood Panels Large Thermopane \\77indows 11 O\'olt Residential Lighting Sculptured Carpet Desisner Interior Soft Wall Interior Ultra-Leather Recliner Optional Equipment Available on 300 f! 365 Models: Cuffed Fabric Sofa w/Ottoman or Fabric Sofa Bed Full Width Rear ?vlud Flap (Std.365) Stainless Steel Trim Pachage (Std.365) Power Cord on Power Reel (Std.365) 12" Dia;:<onal Tile 100 Lb. Freezer o~ Basement Roll-out Ultra-Leather Sofa Bed Ultra-Leather Love Seat Ultra-Leather J.·Lounge Budd\·seat \\./Po\\•er Footrest . RV Kins Bed Factor;: Delivery ---------~--~--~--~-··-··- ····~·~~--------------------- -:1 ·I ··,c- ,.;o ... ·,:.·,_:~·:~:~~-,;,,: · -:·,~r;. ·S." .} _- _··:_.-.:;,~'.~~· Specification Guide for 300 and 365 Series JYiarquis li'tliiillll!l , ~·.·=~ . .. ,.,~,_.;,,,,, ___ ~- IB'11JI ~~- 11>1 '"""~r::"'*"'~·0--tr • · Marquis features the most advanced elec" .· tronics package available in the industry. . .- - ·~7i;~(;~:f. Available with either a Caterpillar 300 HP<~;:;'f; .or 365 HP engine, the M~rquis is truly a ;S{'!J~'.; technological manrel. .A new digital data , lin1 ~Hows the sophisticated electronics in i' . the engine and transmission to corrimuni- ;; ' cat; iJ1Sta~tlywith the~driver. · . Th~ Int.elliDdve;Md:~h12arddisplay. pr;- ~\rides.}nst~nl:feedbo{ck - allowing you fo • .•. Iri'&i;iit()r irnpbrtant engin·e functions 'Yhile . ybi{~i:ive. Fuel ec~non;.y, hip information · a.ii~. di~gnostic data are all. at your finger:'. . . tips,· digitally displayeJ with unprec~de~ted ··<lc~iif~ci ~nd speed. > ~.- .. ,., -..' ,. '.·_ -.-. -' "" ·- ' - - . ·-: -- . ki~foinked withthecCat.el1gine, th~ ·· IntelliDrive 7,,; systefu. goes; fa:~ beyond •.. ply giV:i~g you inforn:lation. The engine and h~nsmiSsion comniunicafo with each otherconstantly while you. drive, . s'.oilly making any necessary adjustments •operating parameters, for maximum ; and fuel efficiency. . ... Settings Scan . ~BEAVER ~ i!WTOR COJlCHES Trip Dispiay ' - ·~ . Browse . ~ I I P'l ,,~-.., ":;..'«>~ ~ _, 300 SERIES 365 SERIES Chassis Custom Gillig Chassis En dine Caterpillar 3126 Turbocharged Computerized Electronic Diesel w/PacBrake Horsepower 300HP @ 2,200 RP.M Torque 860 ft-lbs @ 1,±00 RP.M Cl1assis Gillig Chassis En,;:'ine Caterpillar 3176 Turbocharged Computerized Electronic Diesel w/Jacobs Bralze Horsepower 365HP@ 1,600 RP,\1 Torque 1,350 ft-lbs @ 1,200 RP,\l T ransn1ission Allison HD-J.060 6-speed World G\'\\'R: 36,220 lbs. GCWR: -±1,220 lbs. Front Axle: 13,220 lbs. I<ear Axle: 23,000 lbs. Wheelbase 228" - 252" - 270" length 36'-5" - 38'-5" - 40'-3" Approx. Curb Weight 28,0()0 lbs-28,SOO lbs-29,500 lbs Exterior Height:ll'-11" Frcsl1 Water 100 Gallons Holcling T anlzs 50 gal. blacl< -_ 50 gal. gra:· \'('ater Heater ,\qua Hot Fuel: ISO gallons LP l~as: 50 -gallons Generator i.S Onan Diesel Transn1ission . ' -~~~~ Allison ,\lD3060 6-speed World G\'\X"R: 31,720 lbs. GCWR: 36,720 lbs. Front Axle: 13,220 lbs. Rear Axle: 18,:500 lbs. Wheelbase 228" - 252" - 270" lendth 36' -5" - 38' _5 . --rn· -3" Approx. Curb Weight 26,500 lbs-27,500 lbs-28,000 lbs Exterior Height: ll'-11" Fresh Water 100 Gallons Holcling T anlzs 50 gal. black-_ 50 gal. gray Water Heater 10 gallons Fuel: lSO gallons LP Gas: 50- gallons Generator 7.5 Onan Diesel Furnace '\C ebasto .Air Conclitioners Dual 13,SOO BTU Ctto'lom J.:urnace Aqua Hot Air Conditioners Dual 13,SOCJ ETC Received: 8/25/97 21 :23; 541 Sent by: JetFax M5 995 1183 ->BEAVER MOTOR COACHES; 541 995 1183; 08/26/97 ~ Specification Guide Marquis300 Chassis i ! Custom Gilli<> Chassis Cateruillar 3126 Turbocharo-ed Comnuterized Electronic Diesel En!!ine 300HP (a) 2.?00 rnrn 860 lb-ft fa; l 440 N"lm En!>ine Hnrsenower Torflue Transmission GVWR Allison MD3060 6-S,..,,.,,d World Transmission 31.720 lbs. 36 720 lbs. Rochvell 13.220 lbs. Rockwell 18.500 lbs. ~t;WR Front Axle Rear Axle Wheelbase Floornlans Available 228" Tooaz F:xterior Len~h 36' 5" 28.000 lbs. I Curb Weioht { A---·n:) I E:derior Reij>"ht Fresh Water Holdln2 Tanks i Page 8 9:17AM;Jetlax #458;Page 9/10 252" 270'' Emera'.d Sarmhlre. Gamet. Diamond. Rubv. Ona! 40"3', 38'5" 28.500 lb~. 29.500 lbs. 11' l l" 100 Gallons 50 Gallons mack. 50 Gallons Grav I LP Gas 50 Gallons I WaterH~ter l 0 Gallons !50 Ga!lons Onan Diesel Web:asto Dual 13.500 BTU Fuel Generator Furn:1u·e Air Conditioners K;tchen Fe~tures Microi,.vave'Con vection Oven R;cessed Two B1.1mer Cooktop w/Cover Fountainhead® Countertops Fountainhead® Double Sink w/Covr!r Fantastic Ventilator Fan w/Remote Switch 12" Partial Tile floor Side by Sid<;. Refrigerator wl!ce Maker Driving Comforts Ultra L~ather 6-Way Power Cab Seats Rear View Monitor Tilt & Telescoping Steering Wheel Electronic Engine Readout Panel Chrome Heated Remote-Control Side Mirrors Custom Dash Panel Power Passenger Footrest Power Systems Bath Amenities 2000 Wa::t Inverter fountainhead® Countertops Recessed Fountair1~ead® Si~k One 12Volt 8D Chassis Battery Dual 75W Solar Panels w/Regulat;:ir Six 6Volt Coach Batter[es 75amp Converter Solar Panel Charging System Fiberglass TubiShcwer w/Enclosure Fantastic Ventilator Fan R~mote Insulated Skylight Washer/Dryer Combination 12" Tile Floor Exterior Features Painted Graphics w/Clear Coat Finish Spacious Pass~Through Cargo Bays Insulated Alumtnum Bay DoorS Trailer Hitch & Connector Fresh Water Tank Enclosed & Heated Holding Tanks Enclosed & Heated Patio & Window A \'>1nings Automotive Undercoating Dual Alr Homs Luxury Comforts High Gloss Hardwood Cabinets with Exotic Wood Panels Large Windows l JOVolt Residential Lighting Sculptured Carpeting Designer Inter:iorS Soft Wall Interiors Ultra Leather Rediner Dual Pane Windows Entertainment Features Rollout CargQ Storage Tray front 20" Remote Control Color TV Delco A..\ii/FM Cassette Stereo System Quick Coonect Alr fitdng Marquis Utility Compartment Option.al Equipment Chassis & Mechanical Ridewe!l Four Air Bag Rear Suspension Dual Air Brake System wt Auto Slack Adjusters Computeriied Air/Hydraulic Leve:ing System Curved Fabric Sofa w/Or-.oman fabric Sofa Bed full Width Rear Mud Flap Stainlt:Ss Stet:I Trim Package Power Cord On P1.>wer Reel Compact Disc Changer Video Cassette Recorder Two Telephone Jacks Amplified TV Ant.enna Bedroom Comforts Hr.:jlvy Duey Tran$JiliSSion Cooler 12" Diago~ Tik 20'"' Remote Control Color TV ~ightstands w/Shlrt Closets TRW Ross Power Steerine Electronic Throttle Contrcl Day/Night Shades Ducted Roof Air w/\Vall Thermostat Radial Tires Electronic Cruise Contro! Queen Size Walk Around Fire Rc:8i~ta.nt Safe Allison ATEC Range Selecror Engine Preheat For Cold Weather Startir:g front· Gillig Proprietary· 2bag lOOlb Freezei- On Roll·OUt U!tra Leather Sofa Bed Ulua Leather Love: ~at Ultra Leather J-Lounge Buddyseat w/Power Footrest RV King Bed Telephone Jack Bee factory Delivery 2110196 Due To Collst<llll Produc:t bnprQvcments, All Prki::i & Specific:itions Are Sulbject Ta Ch;inge wlout Notite or Obligation.
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