DGD Gazette - Desert Gold Diggers
DGD Gazette - Desert Gold Diggers
DGD Gazette APRIL 2012 Official Publication of Desert Gold Diggers, Volume 39 Issue 4 Attendance APRIL 2012 MAY 2012 MEMBERS—180 MEMBERS-117 GUESTS—25 GUESTS-6 APRIL DGD WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME ALL OF OUR NEW MEMBERS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY JIM MARKOVICH The Membership Meeting is the LEE & BRANWYN WALKER FIRST Tuesday evening of every RICHARD & NORA RHUDE month at 7:00 p.m. It is held at the V.F.W. Post # 10188, which is STEPHEN GRAHAM located at 345 E. Roger Road, JOHN & GLORIA CLARK Tucson, AZ 85705. DAN RAHME The Business Meeting is the THIRD Tuesday of every month at PAUL & SHARON MULLENIX 7:00 p.m.. It is held at the DenJOHN RAMIREZ ny’s Restaurant, which is located BRIAN & ANNE KUNARD at 3655 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson, AZ. Any DGD Member is ARTHUR & MARY RAMIREZ invited to attend. MICHAEL & MARY PLISCH The Outings are on the FIRST PHIL & ERIKA STUMPF weekend following the membership meeting. They begin at 7:00 HELEN PLANT a.m. during the summer months GERALD & LISA HESTERBERG (April—October) and 8:00 a.m. BRIAN JACKSON during the winter months (November—March). They also MICHAEL BERTOLDO alternate between Saturdays LARRY & SARAH SMITH and Sundays—every other month. For exact dates and CHARLES MITCHELL times as well as the location of MICHAEL MUELLIG the outing, please see below or JOHN HEAPHY & ROBIN WESTENHISER check out the web at www.desert-gold-diggers.org BRYAN GARRISON & VALORIE HUDSON under Club Claims FRED S & JUANITA RAMIREZ KEVIN & KELLY KROGH FRANK & MARSHA CARISTI JIM MARKOVICH SCOTT & JAMIE BURGIN VICKI FUHRMANN GEORGE LUSINSKI JOHN P McQUISTON KEN FRITZ RICHARD J JUBELL LARRY A JUBELL JOHN & JACKIE PLEDL Make sure you find these new folks and give them a DGD Welcome!! Desert Gold Diggers, Inc., is a Non profit Arizona Corporation, exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue code. www.desert-gold-diggers.org Dues are $30.00/year/family when the Gazette is sent via e-mail and $35.00/year/family if the Gazette is sent via regular mail. Dues should be paid within 30 days of your anniversary month of joining Desert Gold Diggers. Check your mailing label for the date, or e-mail [email protected] and request your due date. 1 Printed by: BUSY BEE PRINTERS , GREEN VALLEY AZ 520-625-9696 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 The President’s Corner I would like to welcome all of our new members to the Desert Gold Diggers. Watch for those pesky snakes too!!, with this heat they are starting to come out. Bee’s are also pesky little critters, watch out for swarms around bushes and trees. Welcome to all the new and old officers and board members. If anyone has questions or needs help, feel free to e-mail me @ [email protected] Remember it's summer time, take lots of water, let someone know when you will be back and where you are going, and always take someone with you. Michael Mike Boggs—DGD President Also a quick note, if you have any questions regarding membership please contact Maria Hansen @ [email protected] NOW—at the DGD Club Store…. All the maps on DVD!!! For the small price of $5.00—you can take home a DVD that contains the color topo maps, GPS coordinates, directions to the claims and other useful information. You can print out what you need, when you need it!! We also have more laminated maps back in stock—$2.50 for each map or the complete set of 8 for just $16.00. These have the color maps on one side and the GPS, directions, etc. on the other and are 3 holed punched ready to put into a binder. Remember to check the date on your membership card—or you can e-mail Maria at [email protected] for your membership expiration date. Dues can be mailed to Maria Hansen 14967 S. Theodore Roosevelt Way, Sahuarita, AZ 85629-8995 IF YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR EMAIL PLEASE CONTACT MARIA HANSEN MEMBERSHIP/GAZETTE DIRECTOR You can also pay your dues at any membership meeting. Dues are $30.00/year/family for the e-Gazette or $35.00/year/family to have the Gazette mailed to your home. 2 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD Business Board Minutes Due to a change in board policies, the business board meeting minutes will be published the month following the initial meeting. March 20, 2012 Randy Cook, Board Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. He asked for changes to the nights’ agenda and the following were added to New Business: 1)Bill Eisley wanted to address Carter Theones’ recent email; 2)Lonny Ripplinger wanted to take the floor to ask some questions; 3) Wally wanted to review the previous results of discussions regarding sanctions on those who quit positions mid-term-no action to be taken on this item. Bill Eisley made a motion to accept the changes to the nights’ agenda. The motion was seconded by Howard Cooper and the motion was passed as proposed. Linda Reuter, Interim Club Secretary, read the February 21, 2012 Business Meeting minutes. Two items were amended to reflect that Randy Cook was not present and Mark Hinkle was the acting Chairman of the Board for the night. Bill Eisley made a motion that the Desert Gold Diggers Business Meeting Minutes for February 21, 2012 be amended to reflect the changes discussed then be accepted as amended. The motion was seconded by Maria Hansen and the motion was passed as proposed. Gazette Report: Laurie Cook, Gazette Editor, having previously handed out preview copies of the March 2012 Gazette (copy attached), opened the discussion. It was decided to change the Ballot Names, on page 19, to a List of Candidate Names. It was at this time that Maria Hansen handed out samples of what the Election Ballot would look like (copy attached), and Mark Hinkle informed everyone that he would not be present at the next meeting for the Elections. It was noted there would be only one vote per membership number. Laurie also noted that there were still a number of people who still had not submitted their articles to her for inclusion. James Smith made a motion that the March 2012 copy of the DGD Gazette be accepted, pending noted change and remaining incoming articles. The motion was seconded by Bob Melzer and the motion was passed as proposed Webmaster’s Report: Mark Hinkle, Webmaster, indicated there was nothing new to report with regard to the website. Membership Report: Maria Hansen read the names of the 21 new membership applications. There were 12 from Tucson, 2 from Sahuarita, AZ and 1 each from Arivaca, Chandler, Green Valley, Phoenix, San Manuel and Vail, AZ, and Saskatchewan, Canada. Bob Melzer made a motion that all 21 new applications be accepted. The motion was seconded by James Smith and the motion was passed as proposed. (The list of names of new applicants is attached.) Expenses: Randy Cook requested that everybody please turn in all their club-related expenses and mileage to Bill Eisley for reimbursement. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Eisley, Club Treasurer, reported there was $15,161.70 currently in the Club’s bank account, with more to deposit. The Club was $967.05 in the black for the month. Gold Master’s Report: Lou Bolino, Club Gold Master, reported that the Club had a total of $14,309 as a dollar-amount in gold, or 267.67 grams. Lou also gave a per-gram breakdown for each of the different nugget-size categories, plus what was added, by weight per category, from recent purchases. For general reference, he gave a size breakdown for these categories as the following: Small Nugget (Hat, Shirt, Badge size) 0.03gm Regular Nugget (Normal Raffle size) 0.05-0.07 gm Large Nugget (Special Raffle size) 0.08 and larger He indicated the Club gave out 28 nuggets of varying sizes during the month, either at outings or for the Club raffles and prizes. Lou also said the Club is still, for the time being, buying back nuggets that members have won in the past at the current Spot Price. However, he did say that the Club would only buy back in quantities of 0.3 grams and over. Lou indicated that the Club had enough inventory at the moment to last approximately six months. He said that since there would be no more Road Cleanups, that would save about 40 nuggets a year. (Continued on page 4) 3 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 Continued from page 3)Feb Business Meeting Minutes ( It was at this point that Lou addressed what he felt was his justification for the Gold Master being a paid po- sition, such as is shown somewhat in the detailed report above. Social Director’s Report: Carla Eisley, Social Director, reported there were 154 members at the March General Membership meeting with 24 additional Guests. Providing the refreshments has become much more than just serving up a little cake. Carla suggested that the position of providing the refreshments for the General Membership Meetings be incorporated under the Social Director’s umbrella. Wally Sobel proposed that the Social Director be in charge of making the coffee and providing the snacks and refreshments at the Monthly General Membership Meetings, in addition to the other regular duties. The motion was seconded by Bill Eisley and the motion was passed as proposed. Regarding a budget for the upcoming Spring Picnic, Carla asked if there even was a budget for things like burgers, hot dogs, condiments, napkins, utensils, and such. It was noted that there had never been a specific dollar-amount budgeted, and that perhaps one should be discussed at a future date. She also noted that she was gathering items for raffle prizes such as nuggets, Store items, items from Wes Morey, possible ASARCO mine tours, kids things. She requested 15 nuggets to raffle. She said there would be games for adults and kids. Outings Report: Dean Queen, Outings Director, reported that about 60 people showed up at the last outing to the Empire Ranch. He said it was a good outing, with a lot of food and everyone seemed to have a good time. He did note that one nugget (actually, a 50-cent piece) was not found. However, several coins from previous outings were found, but he had to tell the finders that those coins needed to be combined with TWO MORE to make three-previous-outing-finds to qualify for a nugget. Dean noted that the leftover supplies from the picnic were back in the shed. Claim Director’s Report: Fred Schuster said he has the Claims files and has been going over them. He noted that the BLM State Office handles the paperwork, not geologists. He then read a notice regarding Small Mine Exemptions. Fred indicated he will be updating the names on the claims for accuracy, as some of the names are members that are no longer active. He asked Maria Hansen for a list of current members and their contact information, which she will provide him. Fred discussed with Mark Hinkle, Webmaster, the possibility of making a link on the Club Website to another site that could host a Bulletin Board for members to discuss whatever issues they choose. Fred has checked into this host site and these Bulletin Boards are available at no charge to the users. This Bulletin Board site would be completely separate from the Club site, thereby posing no security hazards and avoiding problems with spammers to the DGD site. Mark said he would check into it more and would get with Fred for more information. One guest in attendance (a newly signed up Club member) asked Fred if any members have had any issues with personnel on Forest Service Land. Fred and several others answered with their personal experiences and provided the guest with suggestions as to how to proceed should such an occasion arise. Claim Steward Report: No Claim Steward Report. Historian’s Report: Ernie Beason, Club Historian, stated there was nothing new to report. Old Business: Unacceptable Behavior: Mark Hinkle, as Club President, addressed the issue of Lou Bolino’s behavior at the Club Christmas Party in December 2011 and subsequent outburst at the Business Meeting on January 17, 2012. Mark indicated he has talked with Lou and others regarding the incidents and had come to his conclusions. He stated that threatening others was unacceptable behavior. He proceeded to read from Chapter 15 of Roberts Rules, regarding Censure. Mark’s recommended action for these circumstances was CENSURE and REMOVAL from office. After some discussion, Linda Reuter proposed Lou Bolino be CENSURED, but REMAIN in office. The Censure to include no repeat of the unacceptable behavior. The motion was seconded by Bob Melzer and the motion was passed as proposed. (See amendment (Continued on page 5) Check out the web site at www.desert-gold-diggers.org and find out what you need to do to keep our prospecting opportunities from being taken away! 4 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 to motion below) Mark Hinkle then addressed the issue of Laurie and Randy Cook’s threatening response to Lou Bolino’s initial threatening behavior. Mark’s recommended action for these circumstances was CENSURE but to REMAIN in office. Again, after some discussion, Linda Reuter proposed Laurie and Randy Cook be CENSURED, but REMAIN office. The Censure would be for a time limit of 12 months. This motion also included an amendment to apply the same time limit to Lou Bolino’s Censure. The motion was seconded by Dean Queen and the motion was passed as proposed. By-law Amendment: Wally Sobel took the floor to talk about the discussion of Politics and Religion at Club functions. It has been generally understood that these topics are not discussed, nor tolerated by the Club’s guest speakers, at Club functions. Wally proposed that an amendment be placed in the DGD By-laws stating that the topics of Politics and Religion are NOT to be discussed at any DGD Club functions. The motion was seconded by Lou Bolino. The motion was not passed as proposed. New Business: Guest Question Lonny Ripplinger asked why the Gazette was not getting emailed out every month. He suggested that if it was because it was getting too big, that maybe it should be cut down in size. Laurie Cook apologized for all the recent delays, and explained that parental visits, health problems and other such issues have prevented her from devoting the necessary time and concentration she once did to the Gazette. Randy Cook indicated that, even though he helps her, it is still time consuming to prepare all the envelopes with the address and other mailing labels to mail them (over 200 Gazettes are mailed via the USPS each month). Maria Hansen pointed out that currently there are 625 active, paid-up members. Maria indicated she could handle the mailing out part if someone else would prepare the Gazette. After a bit more discussion, Laurie will remain for now. Carter Theones Email Randy Cook read the email Carter Theones sent out to Officers, Board Members and unknown other recipients' (copy attached). Mark Hinkle read his response as Club President to this email (copy attached). Wally Sobel felt this was a direct assault on the Board Members and that it was slanderous. He thought that perhaps Carter maybe could be called out in the General Meeting. Other Board Members also indicated they, too, felt insulted by Carter’s insinuations. They indicated that if Carter were that unhappy with the way things were being run, he should come to the Board Meetings and discuss them. Dean Queen made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Bob Melzer and the motion was passed as proposed. The Desert Gold Diggers March 20, 2012 Business Meeting was adjourned at 9:09 pm. Wear your badge, a DGD hat AND a DGD Shirt and you will get THREE (3) FREE chances to win!!!!!! Pick up your tickets at the raffle ticket table!!!! Remember—we respectfully ask that you purchase the hat and shirt from the DGD club store, not just the patches and sew them on your own hats and shirts.! Reporting Your Finds Everybody is excited when they find something!! We want you to tell us your success story so that we can share in your excitement. Here’s how you do it: Find the Weigh Master—Allan Fertig who is located at a table to left of the room. Present him with a DRY find (gold) that was found in ARIZONA during the past 30 days Tell him if your find was done with a metal detector or by panning, dry washing or sluicing. Allen will weigh the finds and report them—with the one who finds the most getting the gold nugget that month. 5 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD “MASH” REPORT Sam & Debbie AngellDebbie has MS and is now in hospice. Our prayers are with each & every person & their families. May you find comfort in His grace & strength in His Word. Our deepest condolences to the Thomas fami Jerry Ray’s sister—who has pancreatic cancer. ly, A long time member Don Thomas passed away on April 22nd. Services will be May 10th If you know of other club members that should be on the MASH report or if you know of anyone that has passed away—please call our Co-Public Relations Directors, Karen King Smith 520-790-5785 or Judy Paris 520-744-1036 Please note—If you have any questions regarding membership/Gazette, please contact Maria Hansen @ [email protected]. If you receive your gazette via USPS and do not have a email on file, please see Maria at the meeting or contact her via email. We would like to have an email address if possible for all members. (YES some people do not have email, that is OK) The reason for requesting an email address is to send out important information via email regarding claims, membership dues etc. If you do not have email we will still contact you via USPS. DGD Membership Meeting Minutes Standing in for President, Mark Hinkle was Bill Eisley. Bill started the meeting with the pledge of allegiance at 7:05 pm. He then asked for birthdays and anniversaries for the month. There were several birthdays ranging from 53-71 years of age, we had one anniversary of 35 years. Congratulations to all. Bill then asked for the mash report, we have 2 people on the report, Marilyn Muraco, and Gloria Chelsey, our prayers go out to both ladies for a speedy recovery. Dean Queen introduced the new outings directors and they let everyone know that the outing would be Saturday at Placer Pond at 7 am. Bill then said we would take a break while the ballots for the election were counted. Carla Eisley had brought refreshments and everyone enjoyed the fresh fruits and other treats. With the results in, Bill announced the new officers: Mike Boggs then took over the meeting and called for a special board meeting, it was brought before the board to banned Wally Sobel from the board, vote was taken and approved. Lou Bolino was also banned from the board due to abusive language and asked to leave the meeting. This was while he was on suspension for abusive language and outburst which had been discussed at the previous board meeting. The meeting ended at 8:45 pm with Mike thanking everyone for attending. 6 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 SOCIAL DIRECTORS REPORT by KATHEY MURPHY DESERT GOLD DIGGERS UP COMING CALENDER OF EVENTS A cold, wet windy start to the picnic with a turnout of approx. 50-60 people. Good times were had by all that attended. I would like to thank everyone who came, and special thanks to those who helped set up and tear down; Mike Boggs, Bill Ward, Bryon Hackett, Donna Hackett, David Salars and Alvin Mathis. A huge thanks to our cooks, Robert Snow, Donna Hackett and David Salars without you we would have had a hungry bunch. We were able to raffle off quite a few goodies, thanks to all the donations from John Snow, Robert Snow, Helen Wrubel, Fry’s, Peter Pipers, Bedroxx, American Antique Mall, Maria Hansen (Asarco) Howard Cooper, Mike Boggs, Bill Ward and Donna Hackett. Sun Mo 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Tu 1 8 15 22 29 1st place Men’s panning: Bryon Hackett 16.19 seconds 1st place Women’s panning: Kathey Murphy 27.84 seconds Children’s Panning: Donovan 1 min 21 sec Jaden 1 min 23 sec Alyssa 1 min 28 sec Fri 4 11 18 25 Sat 5 12 19 26 May 2012 Tuesday, 1st —Membership Meeting—7 pm Sunday—6th—Steven Shadow Outing—7 AM meeting time Tuesday, 15th -Business Meeting-7 pm If I have left anyone out please inform me. We had a wonderful turn out for the games. Our winners included May 2012 Wed Thur 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 Sun Mo Tu 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 June 2012 Wed Thur 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Fri 1 8 15 22 29 Sat 2 9 16 23 30 June 2012 Tuesday, 5th—Membership Meeting-7 pm Saturday—9th—Outing—Can U Dig It—7AM meeting time Tuesday, 19th –Business Meeting @7 pm Frisbee Toss: Howard Cooper & Bill Ward Sun 1 8 15 22 29 Mo 2 9 16 23 30 Tu 3 10 17 24 31 July 2012 Wed Thur 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 Fri 6 13 20 27 Sat 7 14 21 28 July 2012 Tuesday, 3rd—Membership Meeting-7 pm Sunday—8th—TBA -7 AM meeting time Tuesday, 17th -Business Meeting-7 pm ** Reminder ** Steak Fry October 13, 2012 7 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD Membership Meeting Minutes May 1, 2012 Meeting was brought to order by Pres. Mike Boggs, with the pledge of allegiance. Mike then spoke about the death of long time member ,Don Thomas. Mike stated that the services for Don would be May 10 th at San Xavier church at 10 am. He then asked for new members and guest, several from Wisconsin, Florida, Alaska and the Tucson area. Birthdays for the month of May, we had several people ranging in age from 6- 82 years old. Happy Birthday to all. Anniversaries from 41- 46 years. Congratulations. Mash report was to include : Paul Johnson, whom is having back surgery. Bill Ward gave the outings director report and stated that approximately 35 people attended Coin shoot was a success and a good time had by all. Next outing will be at Steven's Shadow at 7 am. We ended up having Mike Conway and some of his staff at the meeting to do some video taping and talk to some of the members about prospecting in Arizona. Mike is from the Arizona Geological Survey, they are doing articles about Arizona and next month articles are on Sports and Recreation in Arizona. Hopefully this will be on their website. Our speaker for the month was Dwight and Christy Schannep from the American Antique Mall. Christy told a great story about her and her father and prospecting in Alaska. Rather than try and repeat everything she said ,I have the story and any one wanting a copy, will be able to get it at the next meeting. I will bring copies of the article to hand out. Thank you so much Christy for such an interesting talk on prospecting in Alaska. Ticket sales George Boback Kathey Murphy Social Director Our Guest Speakers Dwight & Christy Judy Paris Schannep Co-Public Relations 8 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD CLUB OFFICERS 2012-2013 Office Name Phone Mike Boggs 520-444-1081 [email protected] Bill Ward 520-624-7725 [email protected] Club Secretary Donna Hackett 520-889-0065 [email protected] Club Treasurer Bud Little 520-399-1050 [email protected] Co-Outings Director Jason Lewis 520-820-5406 [email protected] Co-Outings Director Mark Sullivan 520-272-1973 [email protected] Social Director Kathy Murphy 541-325-9720 [email protected] Claims Director Fred Schuster 520-204-6818 [email protected] Karen King-Smith 520-790-5785 [email protected] Judy Paris 520-744-1036 [email protected] Weigh Master Allan Fertig 520-297-5671 [email protected] Web Master Mark Hinkle 520-546-7053 [email protected] Gold Master Mark Paris 520-744-1036 [email protected] Club President Club Vice President E-Mail Chief Claims Steward Co-Public Relation Directors Gazette Editor Maria Hansen [email protected] Membership Director Maria Hansen [email protected] Helen Wruble or John Snow DGD Club Store Club Historian Bryon Hackett 520-889-0065 [email protected] Fred Schuster 520-850-4284 [email protected] DGD Board Members Board Chairman—Dean Queen Richard Busser—1yr 520-293-7269 Bill Ward-2yr 520-624-7725 Beverly Holmquist— 1yr 863-701-6025 Alan Fertig-2yr 520-297-5671 James(Smitty) Smith – 1yr 520-790-5785 John Snow-2yr 520-888-7354 Karen King-Smith-1yr 520-790-5785 Dean Queen-3yr 520-745-1866 Bob Golder-1yr 520-861-3735 John Christensen-3yr 520-498-2178 George Bobak-2yr 9Bob Melzer-2yr 520-891-4600 Howard Cooper-3yr 520-887-5788 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 520-327-0997 APRIL’S OUTING DIRECTORS REPORT The Outing was held at Placer pond on Saturday April 7th @ 7am. Bill Ward Vice President did a wonderful job coving for the new outing directors. We had a total of 35 people including our Secretary Donna and Bryon Hackett, Social director Kathy Murphy and Board Members Richard Busser and Alan Fertig. We had a nice group right before the Easter Holiday. We did a 20 coin metal detector hunt, everyone had a great time. Good news placer pond has been drained and the fence taken down now we have easy access to the entire claim. THANK YOU BILL WARD FOR A GREAT JOB Remember to have your badge—your Plan of Operations—and your membership card with you when you are on the claims. Take plenty of water—and drink at least 8 oz every hour—if you wait until you feel thirsty, then you are already dehydrated! Thanks for helping keep the claims clean and filling in the holes that you see. 10 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 MAY’S OUTING DIRECTORS REPORT May's outing was great. Steven's Shadow #1 Mike Boggs and Bill Ward were a great help. Mark and I would like to tell you all who came, thank you for making our first outing go smoothly. We had 28 people show up with 4 guests. All the coins were found with the coins going to the following: Gail Thompson, Mark Colbeck, Eric Colbeck, Scott Posvistak Mike Palmer, (2) Dean Queen. Congratulations! After the nugget shoot, we had members setting up dry washers. From what I heard, gold was found. Look forward to seeing you all out next month on Can You Dig It in Arivaca JUNE OUTING Can u dig it claim is located in Arivaca AZ, You can take I-19 south to Arivaca road, Take exit 48 for Arivaca Rd, Turn right onto W Arivaca Rd 0.1 mi, Take the 1st right onto W Arivaca Rd/I-19 Frontage Rd 0.1 mi, Take the 1st left onto W Arivaca Rd to mile post 5.5 (look for the sign) 11 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD Winners April —Congrats to all! The following folks won nuggets at the MAY meeting. Come and join us at the next meeting and you, too, could be a winner!! Come early and get your tickets— Special Raffle ($2.00) - Nuggets ($1.00/buy 20 and you get an extra ticket for the 20:1 Nugget drawing for ‘free’) and just wear your hat, shirt and badge and get 3 FREE chances!!!! When the raffle is over—DON’T throw out those tickets! Sign the back of the tickets and put them in the HANG OVER Nugget Jar! (located at the front of the room) Once a quarter we award 3 more nuggets drawn just from that Jar. So—you get anLucky Badge John Inman Steve Rice Sly (Sylvia Gould) Luck y Hat Lucky Shirt John Foster Marion Vittevoe Bob Delfs CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! NUGGETS 20:1 Nugget Howard Cooper (2) Cal Monroe Nash Lopez Fred Schuster Eric Colbeck JR Smith Elizabeth Adkins(2) Jim Winter Frank Mastrilli Bill Eisley Jim gould Jerry Guillin Gwen Bean Phil Erika Harold Don (3) Fred Schuster Finds—Digging—Dry/Wet Washing Gwen Bean14.4 gm Don’t forget to report all your finds and turn in any coins that you found at the Outing . See Allen Fertig at the Weigh Master Table to the left of the room. Remember that your “Finds” MUST be from Arizona - DRY — and See the Club Store to get COLOR, laminated, full size maps, with driving directions and GPS coordinates for all the claims!!! $2.50 each or $16.00 for the set of 8. If you prefer, grab the DVD and print 12 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 DGD Winners May—Congrats to all! The following folks won nuggets at the MAY meeting. Come and join us at the next meeting and you, too, could be a winner!! Come early and get your tickets— Special Raffle ($2.00) - Nuggets ($1.00/buy 20 and you get an extra ticket for the 20:1 Nugget drawing for ‘free’) and just wear your hat, shirt and badge and get 3 FREE chances!!!! When the raffle is over—DON’T throw out those tickets! Sign the back of the tickets and put them in the HANG OVER Nugget Jar! (located at the front of the room) Once a quarter we award 3 more nuggets drawn just from that Jar. So—you get anLucky Badge Scott Posvistak Sly Gould Ken Arnold Luck y Hat John Snow Don Haney Ron imes NUGGETS 20:1 Nugget Bob Golder Louis Gasca Leo Gutierrez Russ Howell Mark Sullivan Lucky Shirt Ken Arnold Russ Howell (2) Frank Caristi (2) Harold Don Eric Colbeck Kurt Kreutz Bob Delfs Jim Gould Scott Posvistak Mickey Cooper Mark Sullivan CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! Finds—Digging—Dry/Wet Washing Gwen Bean14.4 gm Don’t forget to report all your finds and turn in any coins that you found at the Outing . See Allen Fertig at the Weigh Master Table to the left of the room. Remember that your “Finds” MUST be from Arizona - DRY — and See the Club Store to get COLOR, laminated, full size maps, with driving directions and GPS coordinates for all the claims!!! $2.50 each or $16.00 for the set of 8. If you prefer, grab the DVD and print 13 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 Free ‘FOR SALE OR WANTED’ ads are on a one month basis and are for DGD members only. Deadline for the ads is the 15th of the month. If the space is limited, we must limit each ad to 1/8th of a page (business card size). Please send your carefully Looking for just the right gift for the gold digger in your life?? Not sure what to get them?? The DGD Club Store has gift certificates for purchase at our club store. Give the gift of a DGD Certificate and let your loved ones pick out just exactly what they are looking for. See Helen Wruble at the DGD Club Store to buy your cer- WANTED: Lightly used and fair priced: Used Gold Bug II Metal Detector, Dry washer "blower or puffer type" Pin-pointer detector type tool I am also interested in; For Sale Golf Cart Like-New 2006 Club Car All Extras, New Batteries, 30 MPH Clear Title, Street Legal Was $10,000,.Asking $2,900 Roger Timm 326-8801 METAL DETECTOR FOR SALE MINE LAB X-TERRA 305 USED TWICE RETAILS $495.00 ASKING $275.00 MARIA HANSEN—520-955-2643 14 Other Used prospecting equipment, Maps and Books on Placer mining and treasure hunting in the Southwest. Please contact Kurt at (520) 405-2332 There is always a place to help out at the club! We need folks to show up early to help set up and make coffee—as well as stay after the meeting and make sure all is put away. This is YOUR club—step up and help out!! DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 To advertise your business here, simply go to the website and download the application for advertisers. Mail it to the address listed on the application and enclose your business card. Present your membership card and receive an additional discount on all rentals, purchases and service. Two locations to serve you, E 22nd and WE NOW HAVE WINDOW/BUMPER STICKERS NEW!!! - Garrett Gold Pan Kit *14” Prospector Pan *10” Backpacker Pan * Classifier * Gold Guzzler Bottle * 2 Gold Vials * Tweezers *How to Find Gold field guide by Charles Garrett and Roy Lagal. Pick yours up here at the DGD Club Store, or visit Morey Detector Sales. 15 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012 SEND ME SOME PICTURES FROM OUR OUTINGS OR WHEN YOUR OUT AT SOME OF OUR CLAIMS PROSPECTING PLEASE EMAIL TO- [email protected] 16 DGD Gazette—MAY 2012