STATE OF VERMONT SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL REGULAllON BOARD OF ARCHITECTS IJ~RE: ])IAVJD E. SELLERS LicenseNo. 003-0000623 ) ) DocketNo: ARO3-0704 ) STIPULAllON AND CONSENT ORDER NOW COMES the State ofVemlont through StateProsecuting Attorney RobertlH. B,ackusand the Respondent, in person, and through attorney Richard Rubin, and e~ter into the following Stipulation and ConsentOrder. Board Authority 1. The Board of Architects ("Board") has jurisdiction to investigate and adjudicate c'Dmplaintsof unprofessional conduct against architects pursuant to 3 V.S.A. §§12Qand 129a~26 V.S.A. §164~the Administrative Rules of the Board of Architects~ and the Rules of the Office of Professional Regulation. Facts 2. Respondent, David E. Sellers,is licensedasan Architect underlicensenumber0030000623,issuedby the Stateof Vermont. This licensewas originally issuedon or about :t'rovember15, 1981and is currentlysetto expire on January31, 2007. Respondent's Vermontlicenselapsedfrom December31, 1989until it was reinstatedby the Boatd on or aboutFebruary16,2005. 3. At all times relevant, Respondentwas owner of "Sellers & Company" located iJ VIImen, Vermont. I 4. In Decemberof 2003, structural and design plans for a project entitled "The L04ge at Lincoln (the "plans") were were submitted to thesubmitted, Vermont and Department ofBruce Labor t d lJldustryPeak" for review. These plans prepared, sealed by Johnson, a Vermont licensed architect employed by Jung Brannen Associates, Inc., of E:oston,Massachusetts. 5. The plans identified Jung Brannen Associates as Architect of Record, Bast & R0od A..rchitectsas Associate Architect, and Sellers & Company as Design Architect. I Charges I By negligently allowing the filing of plans in which Respondent's [Inn was identified by the tenn "Architect" whenRespondentwas not properly licetsed in the StateofVennont, Respondent hasviolated 3 V.S.A. § 129a(b)(2). 1 Understandings fi. Respondentunderstandsthat the Board must review and acceptthe terms ofthd ConsentOrder. If the Board rejects any portion, the entire Stipulation and Consent Order shall be null and void and shall not be admissible at any hearing or other proceeding for any purpose. }'o Respondenthas read and reviewed this entire document and agreesthat it contains the entire agreementbetween the parties. 8. Respondentvoluntarily enters this agreementafter the opportunity to consult with 1~galcounsel and is not being coerced by anyone into signing this Stipulation and I ConsentOrder. 9. Respondentvoluntarily waives his right to a contested hearing before the Board and any right to appeal from the order below. 10. Respondent agreesthatthe Board may enterthe Order setforth below. ORDER Baseduponthe stipulationabove,it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows: A. Respondenthasviolated3 V.S.A. §129a(b)(2) B. The Respondentis requiredto payan ADMINIST~ T~~ PEN~L T1fY.<>F $500.00(FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS), to be paId wIthin a penod0 s~ (60) daysfrom the dateof entryof this order. c. Pursuant constitute to 3 V.S.A. unprofessional §129(a)(3) the Board finds that the above does conduct. no ! D. This Stipulation and Consent Order is a matter of public record and may be reported to other licensing authorities as provided in 3 V.S.A. §129(a). I E. A violation of this Ordercanbe a basisfor disciplinaryaction. F. This Stipulation and Consent Order will remain part of Respondent's licensing file and may be used for purposes of determining sanctions in anY future disciplinary matter. Robert H. State Prosecuting Attorney 2 Dated: Respondent Approved asto form: ~~~~~~~' By:~ ~ Klchard ubo Attorney for Respondent APPROVEDAND SO ORDERED: VERMONT BOARD OFARCffiTEqTS Dated: By: Dateof entry ' (..! , (...,.t;J-q .t;J-1 L 0(,1 - r£~:fdi ~~ Chairperson V I 0 3 STATE OF VERMONT SECRETARY OF STATE OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD OF ARCHITECTS IN RE: ) ) I»AVIDE. SELLERS l,icense No. 0O3-0aOO623 Docket No: ARO3-0704 ) SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES ~ NOW COMESthe Stateof Vermontandmakesthe following Chargesagainstthe R.espondent, David E. Sellers: Board Authority 1. The Board of Architects ("Board") has jurisdiction to investigate and adjudicate complaints of unprofessional conduct against architects pursuant to 3 V.S.A. §§129 and 1:l9a; 26 V.S.A. §164; the Administrative Rules of the Board of Architects; and the Rules of the Office of Professional Regulation. Facts 2. Respondent,David E. Sellers, is licensed as an Architect under license number 0030000623, issued by the State of Vermont. This license was originally issued on or fibout November 15, 1981 and is currently set to expire on January 31, 2007. Respondent's Vermont license lapsed from December 31, 1989 until it ~~,I::~instated by the Board on or about February 16, 2005. 3. At all times relevant, Respondentwas owner of "Sellers & Company" located iU W'arren, Vermont. I 4. In December of2003, structural and design plans for a project entitled "The Lodge at Lincoln Peak" (the "Plans") were submitted to the Vermont Department Labor and Industry for review. STATEOF VERMONT Prosecuting Attorney Office of ProfessionalRegulation 9 Baldwin Street Montpelier, VT 05609-1107 5. Respondentdid not seal the Plans, however, all pages of the Plans were stamped with some form of the Respondent's firm name. Of the two-hundred twenty-four (224) page Plans, Respondentsname appeared as follows: Forty (40) pages were stamped as "Sellers & Co. Architects"; one-hundred forty-nine (149) pages were stamped as "Sellers & Company, Design Architect"; thirty (30) pageswere stamped as "Sellers & Co. AJ"chitects,Design Architect"; and five (5) pageswere stamped simply as "Sellers & Company." 1 Charges (). For eachpage of the Plans that Respondentstamped in such a way as to lead people to believe he was a validly licensed architect, Respondent has committed unprofessional c:onductin violation of: i. 26 V.S.A. § l22(a)(1) (No personshall: practice or attempt to practice I architecture or hold himself or herself out as being able to do so in this state without first having obtained the license required by this chapter); I I ii. 26 V.S.A. § 122(a)(2) (Use in connection with the person's name any letters, words, title or insignia indicating or implying that the person is an architect unless the person is licensed in accordancewith this chapter); iii. 3 V.S.A. § 129a(a)(3)(failing to comply with provisionsof federalor state statutesor rules governingthe practiceof the profession);and iv. 3 V.S.A. § 129a(b)(2) (failure to practice competently by reasonof any cause on a single occasion or on multiple occasions may constitute unprofessional conduct. Failure to practice competently includes failure to conform to the essential standardsof acceptableand prevailing practice). Relief Requested VYHEREFORE, the license of David E. Sellers should be revoked, suspended, re:primanded,conditioned or otherwise disciplined. tA '--I~ StateProsecutingAttorney aT.sellers.sac STATEOF VERMONT t Prosecuti~g Attorney Office of ProfessionalRegulation 9 Baldwin Street Montpelier, VT 05609-1107 2006. 2